All Episodes

May 18, 2024 160 mins

On a new episode of The Fellas with Anthony Gargano and Jason Fitz, the fellas open the show going over some of the biggest NBA playoff storylines coming out of another wild night of matchups! They also go in depth on the NFL schedule, identifying some of their favorite (and least favorite) matchups by franchise. Horse-racing expert Dick Jerardi joins the show to recap the Kentucky Derby as well as preview the Preakness Stakes. The guys also discuss MLB rookie sensation Paul Skenes and the impressive start to his career. Plus, the Big Brain Brad joins later to share his favorite bets from across the world of sports.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio Radio.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning,
good morning, good morning, buddy, happy happy Fox Sports Saturday.
That's right, the Fellas and yes, we are the Fellas
and we're all back together. Jason Fitz, Kevin Figure Daddy

and uh of course I'm Cosy Anthony Argana. We are
broadcasting live from the tirect dot Com studios.

Speaker 3 (00:33):
Tyreck dot com.

Speaker 2 (00:35):
We'll help you get there fast uh un match selection, fast,
free shipping, free road has a protection over ten thousand
recommending install is tire rack dot Com. The way tire
buying should be. FITZI, good morning.

Speaker 1 (00:49):
How are you feels? It feels good to be bad?

Speaker 4 (00:51):
You know what?

Speaker 1 (00:52):
It feels like. I missed you too, buddy.

Speaker 5 (00:54):
It feels like one of those like you know, the
guys get to I feel like we're living an episode
of Family Guy right. Like everybody's been at the Klan
the last couple of weeks. I haven't been there. Now
I finally walk in, I kick open the door. Feels good.
I am ready. I am feeling amped. Although I'm you know,
a little life update. You know, my body's a temple.
I'm this, I'm on this fancy diet now and there's
absolutely no like I can't drink anything other than water.

Speaker 1 (01:18):
I haven't for days.

Speaker 5 (01:19):
So this is a first for me getting up this
early and just coming in and charging, you know, with
nothing but my seltzer water here.

Speaker 1 (01:26):
Got no no no.

Speaker 5 (01:27):
Artificial anything, no coffee, no caffeine, this thing. Yeah like
this Like look, man, I got like I'm it's trying
to get my summer body on. Decided I wanted ABS
this year, so you know, I like hired a guy
in Nashville that does great work and so like I've
got this app that tells me like when to eat
and what to eat, so I can only like, there's

nothing but water in my body. So we're gonna see
how much of the energy has been natural and how
much of it has been the you know gallon of
iced coffee every day in the you know, thirty two
sugar free monsters.

Speaker 1 (02:02):
So you know, here we go, here we go.

Speaker 3 (02:04):
Yeah, I think you are listen.

Speaker 2 (02:08):
I think you're all natural dude. Nobody's juicing there, all right,
You're all natural energy.

Speaker 3 (02:14):
Probably you're a juice day bundle of energy.

Speaker 5 (02:17):
You know, I'm gonna be honest with you speaking to juiceing,
like we're taking us off the rails right away. I
really thought like that would be the easier way, like
you would think the way that we talk about things
that I like, because you know, look, I just want
apps I got Like I'm a little guy anyway. I
just wanted to cut off my body fat, get it
down to like you know, I want to get my
body fat out of like seven eight percent.

Speaker 1 (02:37):
That's my goal through all this. I'm gonna be an athlete.

Speaker 5 (02:40):
I would have thought I could have just like said
the word hgh and somebody would have found it for me,
Like I'd be all in, I'm not gonna have kids.
I don't care about that portion you my no, no
is not working right, Like, I don't care about any
of that. I just wanted quick results. But it turns
out like I have to actually go to the gym
more and like lift and do all the right things.
So I'm not like a little disappointed in that cousin.
Like I would have thought I could have just said

the word ABS to the gods and somebody would have
given me something I could have just stuck in my butt.

Speaker 2 (03:05):
Yeah no, I hear you, brother, I got you. There's
there's stuff like that. I'm actually doing something similar, so
we'll we'll discuss. But speaking of kids, you get it, Fitzy,
first time you get to talk to this man, Oh, Dad, Figgy,

how's the baby?

Speaker 6 (03:29):
Baby is amazing? Uh, you know, I will say he's
asleep right now, but he might not be, so who
knows at this point in time. Probably not, yeah, the
most likely not at this point in time. But uh,
he's doing well. He's doing extremely well. Thank you guys
for love and support. Appreciate all of you guys here
and of course across the Fox Sports Radio network. It's
been it's been a whirlwind over the last couple of weeks,
but I'm enjoying every second of it.

Speaker 3 (03:50):
I really am.

Speaker 2 (03:51):
Nah man, God bless you brother. I'm so happy for you.
You're gonna be an amazing father. There's nothing like it, right,
like when you look into that baby's face, Like when
the first time when you and they give you the
baby to hold and you're in the room and you
see little Oliver, like, are you just it's You're just in.

Speaker 6 (04:11):
Love right immediately instantaneously You're overcome with emotion and you
I really can't even describe it, and put it into words,
it was.

Speaker 2 (04:21):
I'll never forget hold of the babies, hold of my boys,
and just like you just it's something up you know,
just that overwhelms you with.

Speaker 6 (04:29):
Yeah, conditional love and even with that, and obviously it's
my first, but even in having multiples like you do,
I'm sure it's a feeling that doesn't get old. It's
it's a new experience which with each and every.

Speaker 2 (04:38):
One of them, you know, Yeah, the capacity, like there's
a capacity like you think you can never love something,
you know, as much as you love the first baby,
and then the second baby comes along and you realize
that you have a capacity for that. It's beautiful, it's
you know, it's it's amazing.

Speaker 3 (04:57):
So I'm just thrilled that you are experiencing this.

Speaker 2 (05:01):
And you know, I mean there's nothing better than Hi
where he's sleeping on your chest and the new baby.

Speaker 6 (05:08):
Smells like you know, it's amazing.

Speaker 2 (05:11):
It really is incredible, right, Like they they have this
smell to them that you know, you're just from a
human being standpoint, you're just attracted like.

Speaker 6 (05:22):
All the positive you know, endorphins going whatever you want
to call it.

Speaker 2 (05:26):
Yeah, it's beautiful, man, it's you know. It's it's like
the gift from God, like you, well.

Speaker 5 (05:31):
Are you getting any sleep yet? Or like, how's that
going to work for you?

Speaker 6 (05:34):
Absolutely not. I can't even spell. I can't spell. Well,
Fitzus is working off of no caffeine? Did I hear that? Correct?

Speaker 3 (05:44):
This morning?

Speaker 6 (05:45):
When you usually you're like nine red bulls in by Now,
that's that's incredible.

Speaker 3 (05:49):
You don't sell any different.

Speaker 6 (05:50):
He doesn't. That's that's very impressive.

Speaker 1 (05:54):
You know.

Speaker 5 (05:54):
But look, I'm gonna channel all that caffeine and just
send it your way. That's what I should have, trust me,
taking like the month's supply and send it over to
the figgy household just to try and push through through.

Speaker 6 (06:04):
Just injected straight into my veins. Fits. That's that's what
I'll say at this point. I'll gladly take every ounce
of it.

Speaker 3 (06:10):
Yeah, you'll be fine, I'm sure I will.

Speaker 2 (06:12):
Yeah, you're listen, you just you just know you're in
it now like you're in the fight.

Speaker 6 (06:18):
Oh yeah, right, you know what I mean. In despite
and all of that, I'm a joy in every second
of it. I really and I both are.

Speaker 3 (06:25):

Speaker 2 (06:25):
No, it's listen, it's meant to that, like you know,
listen this sleep and all the stuff people complain about,
Like that's just life.

Speaker 3 (06:32):
Man, Yeah you're good.

Speaker 1 (06:33):
Oh yeah, no, I.

Speaker 5 (06:34):
Mean, like I just always it's such an amazing process.
So many of my friends have kids. One of my
friends said years ago, he's like, man, the toughest thing
in the first couple of years is you're actively trying
to keep something alive that doesn't want to help you.
It just like it doesn't want any part of it.
Like it's funny how you just the concept of trying
to the concept of the first time, like a kid

finds their thumb. Like I like, we all take these
things for granted, but it's like you've just discovered that
you have a thumb. Like there's so much joy in
the first few years that you know that the sleep
you can sleep. You know when when when they're all grown,
you know you have plenty of time to get to sleep.
But right now, this is such a special moment. You'll
remember this forever, and you know it's nice. A piece

of unsolicited advice that I got from my buddy that
he did that was really successful. He actually started a
private Instagram for his kid because he thought that was
a way for the family to keep pictures and so
like to this day when I talked to him, it
says one of the best things he did, Like it's
a private Instagram. It's not for anybody else, but that way,
like he his wife and like their very close immediate

family see all of the pictures all of the time,
and they're all somewhere where they can be accessed.

Speaker 6 (07:40):
Sook, that's a great idea as I supposed to having
to send text messages and pictures to like eighteen different people.
That's a really that's a really efficient way to do.

Speaker 3 (07:50):
They're cataloged.

Speaker 6 (07:51):
Yeah, yeah, you got a place to store them. Now,
that's fine, excellent.

Speaker 3 (07:54):
I love that.

Speaker 1 (07:55):
Look at that.

Speaker 5 (07:56):
Look at that the non dad coming in with some
dad advice.

Speaker 1 (07:59):
Whoa, I'm Almo.

Speaker 3 (08:00):
Are you giving me strong dude?

Speaker 6 (08:02):
Yeah, that's strong advice.

Speaker 3 (08:04):
So what's this dot?

Speaker 2 (08:06):

Speaker 3 (08:06):
So what are you doing?

Speaker 4 (08:06):

Speaker 3 (08:07):
Like, what do you what's your diet?

Speaker 5 (08:09):
So here's the thing, Like not that America cares about this,
but like, you know, I've been doing the orange theory
thing and like I you know, I got to a
spot where I'm in a really good place. But I
realized that like lately, my my weight was actually in
my body fat. We're both going up even though I
was doing everything the right way. So I have a
couple of buddies that you know, like superstar bodies, and

they've got a great trainer that you know, I know,
And so I reached out to him and he's like, ah,
your cortisol levels are probably high from all of the
like massive amount of like high speed cardio you're doing,
blah blah blah. So I did all this blood work
and like then he got all the blood work back
and he's like, yeah, Okay, these are all the things
that are out of whack. So now I have an
app that tells me like literally, I eat like the
same thing at the same times every day, and it's

it's wild, like it's you know, I'm not gonna say
that I'm eating glorious, Like it's egg whites, and then
this weird like cream of rice porridge before I work out,
in this cream of rice porridge after I work out,
and then like chicken, like a measured amount of chicken
for lunch and a measured amount of chicken for dinner
with like asparagus. Basically like I'm eating very like it's
all super clean. But the hardest part for me, and

this is what's wild, is like he said, you know,
you got to get rid of everything other than water
for the next probably three months, like we're gonna recalibrate
your body.

Speaker 1 (09:21):
So I was like, okay, no worries.

Speaker 5 (09:22):
I gave up all the water. And the funny thing
is at a massive headache. And everybody said caffeine headache.
But I've never had that before, so I well, yeah,
but here's the great I was like, so I have
this headache, and he said, well, go have an iced
coffee today, see if it helps.

Speaker 1 (09:37):
It did not. I had a black iced coffee. Didn't help.
So the next day I called him.

Speaker 5 (09:41):
I'm like, didn't help, and he said, okay, just take
a packet of Splendor and like just put that on
your tongue.

Speaker 1 (09:47):
So I did, and like almost immediately, seriously, all headache
went away.

Speaker 5 (09:51):
He's like, okay, so you're having a super los fake
sugar withdrawal. And that turned out to be absolutely true.
The caffeine, the lack of caffeine didn't bother me. But
I drink so much sugar free energy drinks and I
put like, you know, sugar free vanilla, and.

Speaker 1 (10:03):
My coffee and I drink diet coke like I drink
all of that stuff.

Speaker 3 (10:06):
Oh, you were having to withdrawal from that stuff.

Speaker 1 (10:09):
Like the fake sugar, which I didn't even know.

Speaker 5 (10:11):
That was so like the first three four days of
no fake sugar, like it was brutal. So I had
to start taking like a certain number of grams of
the fake sugar, just put them on my tongue at
different times just to stop the headache. It was the
wildest thing ever. But now now there's no headache and
I just drink water all It's boring, but you know,
I drink water all day.

Speaker 1 (10:31):
That's what I do.

Speaker 6 (10:32):
Yeah, that's great, man, that's awesome.

Speaker 2 (10:35):
Well God bless that listen, that piece of it is fantastic.

Speaker 5 (10:40):
Well, he also gave me like these massive like you know, look, cousin,
I'm a small guy, Like I'm a little I'm kind.

Speaker 1 (10:46):
Of scrawly, you know, I know that.

Speaker 5 (10:47):
So like he took away all my cardio, and now
I have to go to the gym and lift heavy things,
which is just a much different. If I lift heavy things,
my arms wear out. But I still feel like I
have all this pent up energy because I'm used to
like sprinting at the end of workouts, so right, I
called him and I'm like, can I still go run
or can I do hot yogurt or something. He's like nope,
He's like, You're just gonna have to figure out what
to do with all that energy.

Speaker 1 (11:08):
So that's where I am right now.

Speaker 3 (11:10):
You know, I'm just, man, you are you just you
know what Figgie Oliver's like is going to be like
Fitzy in two years. I can only imagine. It's funny.
I'm like the opposite.

Speaker 2 (11:30):
So I uh so, I'm back at the gym too,
like I've been going. But the only thing I like
to do is I like to lift weights, right, So
it's the only thing makes me feel strong, you know,
I feel good, right, And the trainer's like, naw, man,
you gotta you gotta step up your cardio.

Speaker 6 (11:48):
That's so funny. And I'll probably meet both of you
in the middle a little bit. Like I enjoy the
clifting weights. I hate doing cardio, but I know I
need to do it, so I do it a few
days a week. I could probably do a little bit
more of it here there, but probably I probably have
a pretty decent balance between the two.

Speaker 5 (12:03):
Yeah, Currently, in a few months, I'll get to add
the cardio back, but in a different like I'm gonna
have to be a little bit more measured with how
how hard I run and how often I run and
things like that, because like orange theory is so much sprints,
you know, and that's whole thing is like, but yeah,
first we have to take a couple of months and
recalibrate my body.

Speaker 1 (12:22):
To learn how to use itself as fuel. The courts
while I do this, so we'll see, like you know.

Speaker 2 (12:29):
The science behind that. Like what's great that you're doing
this is that it's funny. I was doing the same
thing just from a friend of mine does athletes and
football players and and so I was like, let me
do it for a story, right, so like it's part
of this piece I'm doing, and you know, it's it's

amazing the science that's available today. Like you know, when
we were killed, I was a kid, right, Like you
had to like they were, you know, shotting the beer
after a game, right, they were smoking cigarettes between you know, pitches,
right like between innies.

Speaker 6 (13:09):
Leland was doing in the dug out the whole game.

Speaker 2 (13:11):
Yeah, but you know they're walking out and they're walking
out you know, inside the dugout, grabbing the smoke and then.

Speaker 3 (13:17):
You know, drinking it.

Speaker 2 (13:18):
You know, you're you're drinking a beer like that was true,
Like they would have a beer, you know, the seventh
Inning like whatever, just to cold beer, just to like
it was water.

Speaker 3 (13:27):
Like That's that's what you're talking about.

Speaker 2 (13:30):
In the in this eighties seventies, like those those eras
you know Barkley used to do. He's talk about all
the time, like, you know, first thing afterwards they would
have if you walk back in the locker room and
he'd see, you know, Moses having a smoke, like, you know,
let me think about that.

Speaker 5 (13:46):
That's it's crazy that we've gone from that too. You know,
the amount of money athletes now put into having cryo
chambers in their houses and things. You know, it's like
it's everything is about an investment in your or yourself
because of the business part of it. And you know,
a friend of mine said a few years ago or
a few months ago, said, any year that you decide

you're gonna, you know, dedicate yourself to health, that's a
good year. And I have to remember that sometimes because
like the other part of it is, you know, it's
not like it's inexpensive to do some of this stuff
and I'm cheap, you know. So there's a process of
you're like, man, do I really need all these supplements?
Do I really need Like I got to make my
own workout, drink out of all of these different things,
Like there's got to be a cheaper way. But then
you're like, h some you know, sometimes you give what

you pay for. And at the other side of it
is I'm saving money on you know, not going out
on a Friday night and getting vodka, soda and cheese fries.

Speaker 1 (14:35):
So you know, like that's just the flip side of it.

Speaker 5 (14:38):
And you know, for me, I, like I said, one
of my buddies particularly went from no offensive he's listening
a little pudgy to suddenly like yoked in a matter
of four months just by living, like doing exactly what
he was told when he was told.

Speaker 1 (14:51):
So I've seen the results.

Speaker 5 (14:52):
I'm like, uh, yeah, you know, I don't know my
football season, I kind of want to have like two apps,
Like I don't need a full rack of apps yet,
like just I want one app to introduce another ab
into the neighborhood. And then I figure like they're all
like at that point want to move in so like,
if I could just get two abs by football season,
I'll feel like it was weird.

Speaker 1 (15:08):

Speaker 3 (15:08):
No, listen, I think it's great for you man, good
God blessed.

Speaker 6 (15:11):
And you definitely can do it. We are long ways
away from football season, as Anthony knows, and I'm sure
it was dreading so oh my god, plenty of time here.

Speaker 2 (15:19):
All week long, like it was a great tease, Like
I love the schedule.

Speaker 6 (15:23):
Oh, I'm sure you do.

Speaker 3 (15:25):
You know that. I mean, yeah, dude, it's coming to Fruition.

Speaker 2 (15:28):
Everything we talked about all those years, the gar Gato
plants coming to Fruition.

Speaker 6 (15:33):
Yes, an NFL game every single night of the week.

Speaker 3 (15:37):
It is.

Speaker 2 (15:38):
It's the greatest thick in the world. Christmas Day on
a Wednesday. You remember us talking about this, like what
what are they going to do, like if they do.

Speaker 3 (15:49):
Christmas this year?

Speaker 2 (15:50):
Like they're just putting it down like there's no It's Wednesday,
the only day of the week that football, like you
think couldn't be played, and they gotta figure it out
a way.

Speaker 6 (16:02):
I mean, they literally took their giant foot and just
stamped it on the neck of the NBA is what
they did, more so than they have in the past
couple of years on Wednesday.

Speaker 5 (16:10):
Man, this is the debate they keep having with people,
like when they're like, oh, it's too much, or the
the NFL doesn't need to do anything until we stop
watching the NFL should just keep doing all of this
over and over and over again, because at the end
of the day, like, you know what I'm gonna watch
on Christmas Day, I'm gonna watch the NFL games, right, Like,
I think a lot of people are getting there, especially
in a world where we have devalued the NBA to

it doesn't matter unless you win a championship.

Speaker 1 (16:36):
If that's the way you're always gonna.

Speaker 5 (16:38):
Cover everything with the NBA, then at some point, what
you're really telling people is that the regular season doesn't matter.

Speaker 1 (16:43):
So why does a Christmas.

Speaker 5 (16:44):
Day game resonate to anybody other than the tradition of
it's the start of the NBA season, And frankly, at
this point, I think the playoffs so the start of
the NBA season for most fans. So like, look, you
got a choice between a meaningful NFL game or an
NBA game that will be forgettable by the time you
actually get to meaningful basketball, like the NFL is gonna win. Heck,
the NFL didn't even get out of the way of

the College Football Playoff, the first expanded college football playoffs,
and the NFL said yes on that Saturday, we would
also like to play games.

Speaker 1 (17:12):
They don't care about anybody else because they don't have to.

Speaker 3 (17:15):

Speaker 2 (17:16):
Now, well, when the top ninety whatever it was, ninety
one of the top one hundred television programs are NFL games. Yeah,
and the rest are college football. Wherever it was one,
there's one soccer and the rest college football. I mean,
it's it's uncanny, Like the numbers are ridiculous, right, the

ratings are ridiculous. It's sensatiable what we love about football.
We we got to get started. We got lots to do.
We're just do thanks for indulging our says. We get reacquainted.
This is the first time got how long has it been,
Fitsy since two weeks?

Speaker 5 (17:52):
I missed two weeks, so that means it's been three
weeks because I've been out two weeks. So this is
what happens when the fellas are together.

Speaker 2 (17:58):
For come, Yes, Figgie's been at the last couple of
weeks with the baby.

Speaker 3 (18:03):
So you know, we it's great like we miss yourthing.

Speaker 2 (18:07):
So that's a good thing, and we appreciate you indulging us,
allowing us to get reconnected. We'll get to NFL, We'll
get to all the playoffs. We'll get to Scottie Scheffler's
brief state in college. How about that. That's bizarre, man,

that's completely bizarre. Oh my god, we'll get to it all.
We're the Felas. You're just getting started on a Fox
Sports Saturday.

Speaker 7 (18:43):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 8 (18:55):
Hey, it's Ben, host of The Fifth Hour with Ben
Maller with mean a lot to have you joined on
our weekly auditory journey. You're asking what in God's name
is the Fifth Hour. I'll tell you it's a spin
off of it. Ben Mather Show, a Colt hit overnights
on FSR.

Speaker 1 (19:09):
Why should you listen?

Speaker 8 (19:11):
Picture if you will, a world where we chat with
captains of industry in media, sports, and more.

Speaker 6 (19:15):
Every week explore some amazing facts about human nature and more.

Speaker 8 (19:19):
Listen to the Fifth Hour with Ben Mather on the
iHeartRadio app, Apple podcast or wherever you get your podcast.

Speaker 2 (19:25):
Well, look at money Marco and a little rush. How
about that? Fellas from the tai iraq dot com studios.

Speaker 3 (19:39):
As we hang out.

Speaker 2 (19:40):
Jayson fits on Anthony Gargano, Kevin figures, Hey, don't forget.
It's the Preakness today, and Thoroughbred Racing is a new
independent regulator.

Speaker 3 (19:52):
HEISA, that's right, is implementing.

Speaker 2 (19:55):
Comprehensive reforms, and the sport is combining hands on care
with cutting edge technology to help its athletes safe. Right,
help keep the athlete safe. To learn learn more, visited
Safety runs First dot com. That Safety runs First dot com.

Speaker 3 (20:13):
Preakd this today. It will be bad weather.

Speaker 2 (20:16):
We'll have our man Dick Girardi, our horse racing expert
today and about he's coming up top of the four
o'clock in the seven o'clock eastern, So Dick will give
us some ways to bet the Preakness if you want
to chime in there. The big story though, yesterday, obviously,

was the whole Scottie Scheffler's situation, which you know he
talked about chaos and it was definitely chaos.

Speaker 3 (20:43):
I mean, god, it was horrible what happened.

Speaker 2 (20:47):
Pedestrian loses their life and it's just an awful situation.
So there's this backup, got to get into the course
and uh, you know, he there's a complete misunderstanding. It's
it's raining out, there's jackets. You know, he doesn't know
if it's a cop, security guard. He's just trying to
get around traffic to get to play. And then you know,

all hell breaks loose. Cop attaches himself to the car
and it's just like mayhem and everything's escalated, and there's
Scottie Scheffler, you know, going off to college.

Speaker 3 (21:26):
How about that FITZI.

Speaker 5 (21:28):
I mean, this is the first and foremost the tragedy
is the most important thing that's happened here. But then
the next portion of it is in that moment we
have to remember that everybody's sort of elevated, right like
stress is elevated for the people involved. There's sort of
this moment too where I know I've heard several people say, well,

how could the cop not know who he is because
he's in a PGA vehicle and he's the number one
golfer in the world. And to that, the only thing
I would say is I remember so distinctly.

Speaker 1 (22:00):
One of my first road gigs. I was playing for
a guy named.

Speaker 5 (22:02):
Phil Vasser at the time, and Phil never wore his
like he never wore you know, pass backstage because his
name was on the arena, you know, his name was
up in lights and his face was on the truck
and we would go into different arenas and he would
get stopped. And at the time, I thought, well, that's
just because Phil's, you know, maybe not the biggest name
as we got, you know, with the Vamperium, we were

touring on huge sewers. There were times that we'd be
out with like Blake Shelton, and Blake could be walking
backstage and security would stop him and say, you know,
where's your pass? Like, the people that are working don't
necessarily it doesn't mean they're country music fans, doesn't mean
they know anything.

Speaker 1 (22:36):
They're just working that event.

Speaker 5 (22:38):
So we have to remember sometimes that in that moment,
the officer working is working at crime scene, like he's
trying to help this whole process. He may not have
any idea who Scottie Scheffler is, may have never heard
the name.

Speaker 1 (22:49):
So I think sometimes.

Speaker 5 (22:50):
Sports fans need to remember that not everybody is the
same level of sports fan, and then not everybody's the
same level of golf fin And just because somebody's around
an event doesn't even know they would know it doesn't
even mean they would know who you is, right, So
this just feels like the ultimate misunderstanding. But it's embarrassing
for everybody involved. Like I am a little surprised the
city at some point, you know, I feel like that's

where you call the mayor in the middle of the
night and say, hey, we've got an issue, and somebody's
trying to get it fixed, and it's just it seems
like the misunderstanding should have been figured out a better way.
But you know, at the end of the day, didn't
impact the Scheffler's performance, It didn't impact much.

Speaker 1 (23:27):
It's just created a wild story that was.

Speaker 3 (23:31):
It was interesting too to see.

Speaker 2 (23:33):
And again we preface the whole discussion with the tragedy
that happened, right, so you know, and you're right, fits
like when you know something like that happens, there is
it's it is it's heightened emotion and you know, things
come to play. But it always it's always a reminder
about you know, keeping your head right and keeping cool

and how just vital.

Speaker 3 (23:57):
It is, you know, to avoid any kind of chaos.

Speaker 2 (24:00):
But yeah, like you know the way ESPN covered Did
you see some of the coverage from ESPN.

Speaker 5 (24:08):
Oh yeah, yeah, Jeff Darlington did a great job by
the way of Captain video in the moment and being able.

Speaker 3 (24:13):
To break it. He was behind him.

Speaker 6 (24:14):
It was wild, like you know, crazy, it's like wait
seconds kind of Scheffler's being arrested like.

Speaker 5 (24:21):
It was.

Speaker 6 (24:22):
You know, it's the last.

Speaker 2 (24:23):
Thing you expect to hear on a Friday morning, you
know what I'm saying, figure.

Speaker 6 (24:28):
One thousand percent. I thought it was a gag headline
when I first saw it, to be honest with you.
But the fact that the guy is trying to get
to the golf course to you know, get his workout
in and something like this sens what's happening. And like
you said, it's just a it's a misunderstanding. Although I
will say how you can misinterpret someone telling you to
stop versus someone telling you no go drive in this way,
it's a little bit different, difficult to decipher. And it's

easy for me to say this from you know, five
thousand miles away. I'm not one hundred percent sure of
what it looked like. But usually if there's a blockade
in front of you and there really clearly is no
way to go when people are holding up sign, generally speaking,
that's a sign for you to not pull to the
side of the media and start driving ahead.

Speaker 1 (25:05):
No, one hundred percent.

Speaker 5 (25:06):
But I've also like, so I remember one year when
I was out with Game Day at the time that
we were trying to get into I think it was
in Nebraska or one of those like where the line
is just atrocious, and as you start pulling up and
everybody's telling you you can't go here. You know, in
that situation, you're like, no, no, no, we know exactly
where we can go. We know exactly how we can

go there. I've seen the people driving those cars before
and been in those cars before, where like all of
a sudden you're pulling over and you're like, no, no, no, no,
this is where like I know you're telling me I
can't go here, I can't go here.

Speaker 1 (25:37):
Here's where we are. You just don't realize that we
need to get right there. We're gonna do that. Like so,
there is sort of an innocent way of just presuming
that like all of this chaos if you don't know
that there's a wreck that's happened and there's a fatality,
or you don't understand that that wreck also impacts you
because you are the number one golf golfer in the world.

Speaker 5 (25:54):
Like I do think that there's a human moment again,
just from times that I've been in those cars where
you're like, no, this is just a security guard that's
telling me he can't go there because he doesn't realize
that I'm actually one of the golfers.

Speaker 6 (26:06):
Yeah, and that's a that's a phenomenal point. You're one
hundred percent right, And I guess I wish there was
video of the situation with him and the police officer,
because at what point does a police officer make contact
with his vehicle and Scotty continues to drive.

Speaker 5 (26:18):
Yeah, No, you're right about that, one hundred That is
a great point like that, that is a level of Yeah,
once the officers attached himself to the vehicle, maybe that's
the time where you just stopped like there is.

Speaker 2 (26:29):
Like, dude, you would yards right, I mean that's he
went the first down mar exactly.

Speaker 5 (26:34):
You know that's cool, bro, Now that is that is
very true. Now he's being a belligerent you know what,
Like there is no doubt about that.

Speaker 6 (26:41):
And whether that's a cop a cop or you think
it's a branded cop security matter whoever, Yeah, it doesn't
matter at that point what you think they are. This
is a person who's there to have some sort of
order and whatever authority that they're in, and you are
out outwardly and blatantly disrespecting it at that point. Yeah, well, yeah,
you're right about that.

Speaker 2 (27:00):
You can't get drag the guys on the vehicle. You
gotta stop just you know, come on, bro, that's the
only thing wild though. And then he went out and
you and your right fits. He went out and shot
a hello around.

Speaker 6 (27:14):
I'm talking about mental toughness to a certain guy's faces,
felling the charges and just goes out like nothing happened.
Is like, yep, got off to a slow start on Thursday,
coming right back on Friday, put myself back in the
mix to try to win another major this year.

Speaker 2 (27:25):
Yeah, now at some point, this is where, like you mentioned,
felling charges, this is where you gotta go all right, well,
this is just like what are we doing here? Like
we understand the situation. Everybody's heightened the motion whole thing.
He doesn't understand the situation. You know, that's where you
just gotta go all right, Well, let's not just become

a kangaroo court.

Speaker 3 (27:47):

Speaker 6 (27:48):
Well, there's two things, because one thing I'll say is
money talks. There's number one. When it comes to these
sorts of things, we know these things will typically go
for people of this sort and status, but also police
officers in situations like this, and the fraternity and the
legal system take these sorts of situations extremely seriously regardless
of who the perpetrator is. So when you if it

was another random citizen, it will still be bad. But
the fact that it was an actual police officer, I
don't know if he might get off as easy as
some people will suspect that he might be because he's
Scotty Scheffler, the face of the PGA tour.

Speaker 3 (28:22):

Speaker 2 (28:23):
Now again, just the circumstances, like sometimes in life you
had these circumstances like where you know, there's misunderstandings and
that's where the calmness and that's where like, I don't
care if it's Scotty Scheffler or Scotty nobody. You gotta
everybody's gotta go okay. Well, you know, this is what happened.

It just got out of hand. We're not talking about
you know, some you know arch criminal, right, like, you know,
let's let's just be smart about this stuff. Like I
don't I'm serious, I don't care if it's Scott Scheffler
or again, you know Scott, nobody doesn't matter. It's we
all understand the circumstances. We've all been in there.

Speaker 5 (29:08):
Yeah, I think the fine line on all of this is, well,
there really isn't a fine line, like once you go
too far and an officer is involved, like there should
be and there is going to be, I would think some.

Speaker 1 (29:21):
Level would hell to pay, right, like there has to be.

Speaker 5 (29:23):
At some point, you know, there's just there is some
I know that it's just I think he termed it
like an unfortunate miscommunication. But you are right that once
you've you know, once you're dragging a cop like unfortunate
miscommunication is much tougher to sell to everybody in that process.
And look, the world is full of people that wake
up and unfortunate circumstances change their life.

Speaker 1 (29:46):
So I'm not saying that that's going to be there,
but we.

Speaker 2 (29:48):
Should also kind of understand that right, like, yeah, we'll
understand the piece of it, that piece of the puzzle,
like the you know, I'm sure if if it was
a normal day and the cop is wearing the uniform,
he's not, you know, Scottie Scheffer's not dragging him. Now,
you shouldn't Figgy's point, You're right, Like you shouldn't do

that to you know, security guard, you know, grav a
security guard, Paul Blart, Like I get it.

Speaker 1 (30:17):
Yes, I always love that.

Speaker 5 (30:22):
Like there'd be times you're standing on stage and you're
looking out of the crowd and you look over at
the security guard that is like not in any sort
of condition to help anybody and disinterested, and the whole time,
I'm thinking that guy's getting paid to save my life today.

Speaker 2 (30:36):
You know.

Speaker 5 (30:36):
It's just I don't know, man, Like some there are
definitely some security guards you're like, okay, Like I get,
I get equal, Like I get you got your your job,
But like, I don't know that I really feel safer
with you know, Paul Blart out there than I would
with it.

Speaker 6 (30:50):
Yeah. Do you ever have like a lean nies and
type like you know, yeah.

Speaker 5 (30:56):
Oh, we we had one on the road with us
for a while, Like ahead of security on the road
with for a long time that like we come in
and then you'd see his frustration because he was one
of those people with a very special shows of skills.
And then all of a sudden he do the meeting
with the security team and he's like, yeah, where you
know what tonight? You know it's just you look around
and it's like, yeah, that guy over there is more
interested in the hot dog.

Speaker 1 (31:15):
And that's not even an exaggeration.

Speaker 5 (31:17):
I've been on stage looking over and I'll see the
security guard that's like, you know, four hundred and fifty
pounds of half awake sitting there just mouthful of hot dog,
like not paying attention to the show at all. And
I'm thinking, like what happens if somebody charges the stage
right now? Is big boy gonna like like take the
last bite of that dog? Or like what like it's
the rent a coup thing?

Speaker 3 (31:37):
Is your ass? Or the hot dog? He's going hot dog?

Speaker 1 (31:41):
Yeah, he's going hot dog. All he's looking up and
he's pointing. He's at Morbal, that's all he saying. He's
just in a old are Like that's sound all right,
he can fit for himself.

Speaker 3 (31:51):
Yeah, he's right.

Speaker 2 (31:53):
He's doing a hard theory and he's got all he's
got a couple of abs going.

Speaker 1 (31:58):
I'm lifting. Now, I'll be able to out, be able
to defend everybody. Let's go.

Speaker 6 (32:02):
I will say it's probably a pretty tough gig. Like
you can have a be in a position like that
and have no action for like seven straight months and
then all of a sudden, on a random Tuesday night,
all hell breaks loose.

Speaker 2 (32:12):
Well, you gotta be like Robert orri Man. You gotta
be like Big Shop Bob. You to be ready for
the moment.

Speaker 6 (32:16):
My gy, I love it, sit on the bench, you know,
for sixty eight games of the season, you come in
in the playoff, you know, ice cold, and just drain them.

Speaker 1 (32:24):

Speaker 5 (32:24):
All I can imagine is the hiring process for like
a random security guard and they sit across from cousin
and the person wants the job, and he just looks
up and Cousin says, I got.

Speaker 1 (32:34):
One question for you. Are you ready for the moment?
And just just judge the reaction.

Speaker 5 (32:39):
And I like, if he doesn't give you the fire
of the gods and you're like, Nope, you're not hired.

Speaker 1 (32:42):
You're not ready for the moment.

Speaker 3 (32:44):
Now you're out.

Speaker 2 (32:45):
I need a guy that can sit there, eat your
hot dogs, do whatever you want. But when the moment comes,
when that crazed fan is jumping on stage to attack, Jason.

Speaker 3 (32:59):
Fits, I need you to stop him.

Speaker 2 (33:02):
I need you to spring to action and tackle him
like you're Ray Lewis.

Speaker 6 (33:09):

Speaker 5 (33:10):
I mean, like, I just need one more bite of
this and then I'll be right up there to help guy.

Speaker 6 (33:13):
Now they'll see the real thing. If you can find
somebody that can choke slam a guy attacking the stage
while also eating a hot dog simultaneously, then you found.

Speaker 1 (33:21):
The down around somewhere.

Speaker 6 (33:23):
Now you're right, that's all the fame level right there.

Speaker 2 (33:27):
Yeah, I'm with you. All right, we're gonna take a
quick time out. We'll come right back. And uh, we
got to go over the schedule, right. We touched on
on it, but we haven't really gotten deep doubt even
deep dived into it. All right, So we got lots
of nuance with the schedule. The Fellas hang it out

right there right here on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (33:57):
Listen Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (34:01):
Fellas from the tire rec dot Com Studios. Jason fitz
Kevin figures, I'm me anthey gargat him. All right, before
we get to this schedule, because we're gonna I want
to dive deep, deep, deep into all the schedule. Let's

talk about playoffs last night. It's the nixt Pacer series.
A bizarre series, right, like the the level of like
the blowouts, like the non games.

Speaker 3 (34:37):
It's unbelievable.

Speaker 2 (34:38):
You start off like with a really great, you know,
game one, and then it's been blowout every other game.

Speaker 5 (34:45):
While yeah, I think so, and also, by the way,
it just it really bothered me going into this game.
How many people seem to say, well, the Pacers were
gonna lay down, and like, look at how happy they
were after they won in Indiana last time.

Speaker 1 (34:59):
It shows they don't have killer instinct.

Speaker 5 (35:01):
Like those sorts of takes I think are so stupid
half the time, like the Pacers are. Obviously, this whole
series has been sort of flipped on its head. I
was not surprised they won that game in Indiana. I
was surprised they won it so convincingly. But let's say this,
like I found myself. I was sitting there in the
second corner and I said to my buddy, I was like, man,
this is gonna go right down to the wire. It

did not right, Like this thing was close for a while.
It's just the Pacers before the end of the first
half were able to just really blow it open, and
once they did, there was no answer for it. The
hardest part about this is I can't get a feel
for the why. You know, Like it's easy to say, Okay,
Game seven is gonna go to the Knicks because it's
at the.

Speaker 1 (35:39):
Garden, and that makes a lot of sense.

Speaker 5 (35:41):
I think that probably is the smart logic, but like
the why of it, Like why why were the Knicks
just absolutely not capable of getting an offensive rebound when
they needed it? And in that game, like I thought,
it was pretty stunning how in control Indiana was for
about twenty minutes and then they were able to coast
from there. It was a really dominant performance. That reminds
us all we need to stop with the wild hyperbole

after every one of these games, because this series.

Speaker 3 (36:04):
Is I know, now I'm guilty.

Speaker 2 (36:07):
I'll raised my hand because like Sundays shaped up to
be pretty awesome tomorrow because you all have two game
sevens and then the other Game seven Minnesota Denver. I
raised my hand. I thought after Minnesota took the first
two in Denver, I thought it was over. I thought
that they had the formula to beat the Nuggets, not

to push them to a game seven in Denver. But
you know the way they won games one and two
where they completely just dominated them defensively, and Jamal Murray
was just not himself, and you saw how important Jamal
Murray is, right and the three games did Nuggets win.

He has really strong games, and the games they lose,
he's hard.

Speaker 5 (37:00):
I think the most surprising part, because you're right, I mean,
after two games, a lot of stories were, man, finally
somebody has figured out the Nuggets.

Speaker 1 (37:08):
Then the Nuggets figured it out right.

Speaker 5 (37:10):
But the most surprising part to me is that the
Nuggets didn't close it out last. Yame like to get
your butt kicked when you were defending champion like that,
when you're a team that has the experience that they have,
Like I really thought, you know, that was their moment
to just put an end of the series. And for
Minnesota to come back and fight back that hard, it
just deserves a lot of credit. The Timberwolves have been

great all year and I love that, like, and I know.

Speaker 3 (37:35):
I'm actually rudy for that team. I love that team.
I want.

Speaker 2 (37:39):
I love Anthy Edwards, my new favorite player in the league.
I mean, I love watching him play. Man, I just
love the kid. I'd like to make up a team, right,
So I do I like And I was never a
big cat guy. I was ever a big Karl Anthony
towns man. But I tell you I love that. I
love the squad. I just I do you know NAS

read the whole thing, their bench, which is active. But
you know, I mean the champs Championship, It's gonna be fun. Man,
it's Game seven and that Champs came back.

Speaker 5 (38:13):
I think the NBA would would I think it's better
for the NBA if the Timberwolves beat the Nuggets. I
understand the Nuggets are defending champ and I understand that
they've got the best player in the world. But like
the proofs of the putting on that like, I hate
to be the bearer of bad news. Nobody cares. Nobody
cares about the Nuggets. But the Timberwolves have sort of,
you know, taken over this love affair with with Anthony Edwards.

Rightfully so, And how do you become a superstar in
this league? You become a superstar by transcending in the playoffs. Right,
so taking down the defending champions, taking down Jokic would
be the next step in Anthony Edwards ascension. All of
that just feels like the right, that's the perfect story
for the NBA, and it gives them a chance to

have somebody that, you know, maybe a team that people
are a little more interested in like that the general
the general public does not care about the Nuggets.

Speaker 3 (39:02):
We just have to know why.

Speaker 2 (39:03):
I have a theory. My theory is everybody hates the
big man. People hate the big man. They just do
not like the big man in general. And then you
got Yo Kic, who is you know, like Drago right
who He's Larry Bird, bigger, He's a bigger Larry Bird,

the whole thing. But I just don't think people like
the big dude in general. Like there's you know, I
talked to Joe about Joel and b with this, like
there's not a lot of like they don't get love
big guys.

Speaker 5 (39:42):
No, people love like you know, electrifying. Oh my god,
I can't believe he made that jumper.

Speaker 1 (39:47):
Sort of moments. People love, you know, a lot of movement.

Speaker 5 (39:49):
People love fast paced basketball, Like all of these things.
I think you're right, Like the concept of the big
man is just it's fine.

Speaker 1 (39:57):
Like, but I just the.

Speaker 5 (39:59):
Number of times you hear people say, well, you know,
he's huge, he should be able to do that. Like,
I think we're under selling how great Jokic is in
some of that conversation.

Speaker 1 (40:07):
But yeah, I agree with you.

Speaker 6 (40:08):
Actually, fig we think, oh with you one thousand percent.
It's not the most esthetically pleasing to see a big guy,
and especially someone like Jokic, like olimbat I can appreciate more.
He has some handles, he has a little bit of
skill set to him. And not saying that Yokic isn't skilled,
but it's just kind of a lumbering look. And you
look up at the stat sheet and he has thirty
fifteen and fifteen, and you're like, how the hell did

that happen?

Speaker 2 (40:31):
Yeah, Nah, you're right, Fallas, come right back Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (40:37):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio Radio.

Speaker 2 (40:40):
Well, good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning.
Aybody so happy Happy Fox Sports Saturday to all across
the nation.

Speaker 3 (40:54):
Jason fitz Kevin Figures, I'm Anthony Gargana.

Speaker 2 (40:58):
We couldn't live from the ty rack dot Com studios.

Speaker 3 (41:01):
Ty rack dot com.

Speaker 2 (41:02):
I'm gonna help you get there on that selection fans
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thousand recommended installers, tire rack dot com the way tire
buying should be. All right, we have lots to talk about. Obviously.
Yesterday was a wild day with the Scheffler thing. PGA
Championship is underway. We're talking about the game sevens in

the NBA. We have a game six today Oka se Dallas,
which is a great series. We'll get to talking about
that a little bit. The NBA playoffs have been I
find very interesting. I'm in it every night, but yeah,
you know it's funny. I was listening to the fig
talk about baseball yesterday. How about what happened earlier in

the day at Wrigley Paul Steines, the number one prospect
of all right, makes his second start. He started last Saturday,
and he was electrified, unbelievable. Right, seven innings, no hits,

eleven strikeouts. He was at one hundred pitches and you
know the way it is today they take him out
where the no hitter he was unhittable. It comes live.
It's pretty good too.

Speaker 6 (42:24):
Yeah, and he's look, he's look, he's young, as young
as it gets, making his second start. Let him out there?
Why not let him go? I know he's throwing one
hundred and fifteen miles an hour, but he's at all
the adrenaline behind him. You mentioned playing on the big
stage against the Cubs at Wrigley. How do you not
let him go at that point?

Speaker 3 (42:42):

Speaker 6 (42:42):
I agree.

Speaker 3 (42:43):
I was having this debate right and people.

Speaker 2 (42:47):
Were no, no, no arm, arm, you got to protect
the arm.

Speaker 3 (42:53):
I'm like, you know what, just pitch.

Speaker 6 (42:55):
Skip a start if you want to have him going
six days rest or something. Yeah, no, but let him
go out there. I just don't. I Look, part of
me understands it. I get it. There's more torque than ever.
These guys are throwing harder than ever injuries, there's more
of honestly, like a more you know, win than if
for the majority of these guys because of our heart
they're throwing. I understand that. But we have a chance

to chase history, especially at this point in his career
as early as it gets.

Speaker 3 (43:20):
Yeah, go let him go. Like is it going to say?

Speaker 2 (43:25):
Like again, I don't know, and you know, but I'll
use Doc Gooden as an example, Dwight Gooden at eighteen
is nineteen eighty four, nineteen years old. Comes up on
September fourth. He threw against the Cubs. He threw a

one hitter. He struck out eleven, he walked four.

Speaker 3 (43:49):
He threw one hundred and forty two pitches. Wow. Complete game.

Speaker 1 (43:54):

Speaker 6 (43:54):
Look, I'm not saying that we should let the kid
go out and throw one hundred and fifty pitches, But
the idea that one hundred is like the magic number
and it just sounds like a nice round number that
somebody just kind of made up at a certain point.
Maybe it is, maybe it doesn't. Maybe there's deeper science
into it that I'm not sure about. But the guy
throwing a no hitter through six with one hundred pitches,
let him go out there and see if he can
throw fifteen to twenty more and see what happens. Right,

what's the harm in that?

Speaker 5 (44:18):
I am lazy and the pitch count thing is just
always going to be something that bothers me because there
is no as much as I love analytics and sports,
how do we know one hundred pitches to you is
different than one hundred pitches to me? What's that really
based on situationally, like how does the weather impact that,
how does whatever, how much somebody's sweating one day impact Like,

there's so many variables.

Speaker 1 (44:41):
Just to come in and say, well, you've hit one hundred,
got to pull them. That bothers me so much.

Speaker 2 (44:47):
It does, And you're right, one hundred pitches to you
is different than one hundred pitches with me. And I
guess they're thinking, well, all right, he's have one hundred pitches,
he's through six, he goes and throws another hitler's sinning.
Now he's at the seventh, right, like, so then we

almost have to leave him in if if he's another
any closer to a no hitter. It's almost like they
were like, let's get him out and pray for the hit.

Speaker 6 (45:19):
Right, It's almost like, well, we have a justifiable reason
to take him out. Now he's at one hundred, he's
hit the magic number. If we let him go into
the seventh and you know, he pitches eight more and
it's at one hundred and eight, and now all of
a sudden, there's another inning under his belt that the
questions are going to be, well, you let him pitch
one hundred and eight hundred and nine. Why not let
him go in there, go further if you let him
cross the one hundred pitch threshold. So maybe there was

an element of them protecting themselves there.

Speaker 5 (45:42):
I don't know, But where's the line between like a
like in general, where's the line between a special moment
and a special day?

Speaker 1 (45:51):
Yes, and the concept of longevity pature.

Speaker 5 (45:53):
It's like, there's so few special moments and special days
in May and baseball that will resonate, right you can
have one if you if you decide that you want
to put all other things aside. Like that's the hard
The hardest part for me about where baseball is when
it comes to this issue right now, is that everything's about, well,
we got to protect, protect, protect. It's like, okay, well,
by protecting, you are giving more longevity, and that's that.

I'm sure that's on the top of everybody's mind. But
at the end of the day, you are also telling
everybody that's watching right now, yeah, we're not gonna let
this special moment happen right now, We're gonna go ahead
and save that. So I don't know, Like, I just
I hate that that moment, that feel that.

Speaker 2 (46:29):
Fib dude, it's a great point you bring out it
really is because I don't want to be you know,
flippant about this, but you know, you mean, pictures have
on problems, right, so at some point they're either going
to be healthy and get through it or they're going.

Speaker 3 (46:51):
To you know, they're going to go out early.

Speaker 6 (46:53):
Yeah, and when you're throwing one hundred and three like
he is, Like again, I don't want to be negative,
and I hope, against hope this doesn't happen. The odds
are working against him that at some point in time
he's gonna have some sort of major elbow injury. Yeah,
that's just what they say that.

Speaker 2 (47:07):
It's all about the fluidity of your delivery, right too,
Like in some delivery he's not really jerk her jerky,
So that's the good thing.

Speaker 6 (47:15):
I think it's also about your delivery relative to your
body type as well, you know, because a lot of guys,
a lot of smaller guys you know, who throw hard
usually are the ones with who played the biggest victim
to this. You know, I'll see a guy up close like, yeah,
Tim Winsigam was one walker Bueller is when we're experiencing
now in Los Angeles. Not a big guy, but was
routinely throwing ninety nine one hundred, you know, and and

he's dealing with his second Tommy John. Now, you know,
these sort of things happen. And then you have big guys.
Remember Levon Hernandez back in the day. Yeah, it was
never a flamethrower, but was a big guy. Had a
lot of you know, meat behind what he did. He
throw one hundred and five, throw one hundred and ten,
come back five days later, throw the hundred. He wasn't
throwing at full intensity, but he also had a lot
of bulk behind him. He had a lot of power

in his entire body. Yeah. You just say, a lot
of thin guys who are throwing a hundred, you know,
one hundred miles an hour. There's just a lot of
wear and tear on the body, even regardless of your delivery.
It could just be a lot the human body is
not meant to do that.

Speaker 2 (48:11):
Yeah, and you know it's just weird, right, Like just
go through time like I gave you this. Dwight Gooden, Yeah, no, No,
Dwight Gooden had a great career, you know. I mean,
obviously he had the drug problem and you know, in
the middle of it and all, but you know, he
he what, he came back, He threw a no hitter
right at whoever it was in his thirties. I covered

the game like it was, you know, an incredible moment,
like you see pictures like Clemens. You know you saw
deep Clemens one. You want to talk about the HGH
or whatever. That's not protecting your attendance, you know, I
mean he was. I mean he's there, you know, to
throw a gas at at it, you know, forty years old.

I mean certain guys have it, and certain guy when
it goes, it just goes. That's kind of how I
look at it. And to Fitzi's point, which I think
is brilliant, you're robbing people of the moment which hurts
the game.

Speaker 3 (49:09):
Like let's forget pitch count.

Speaker 2 (49:10):
Let's just say the kid goes until he goes right
until he gives up a hit. If he goes yesterday
and strikes out sixteen and throws a no hitter, like
that is like baseball overtake Scottie Scheffler.

Speaker 5 (49:30):
In that story, there's also the moment of like imagine
and look, I know a lot of people don't care,
but imagine you go with your kid, you're in the park.
You're watching this, You got this moment, and now you
got to explain to the kid why, all of a sudden,
this great pitcher is being pulled out in this moment
simply because well, they need to save him for later
in his career. It's like, okay, well this might be

the one day that you're ever at the park with
your kid. Like, I just I can't imagine the same.
And I know it's a different sport too, but like,
imagine if if we just decided there was an arbitrary
count on how many passes could be attempted in a game,
and all of a sudden, well, because we don't want
my homes to throw more than this many passes this season.
I'm sorry, kids, he's gonna he's gonna leave the third

quarter of this one.

Speaker 1 (50:13):
Like it's just it just feels weird.

Speaker 5 (50:15):
It just all of it to me feels like there
is some element to your point, But you back analogy's real, man,
And the thing of it is, you're right. Injuries are
gonna happen with arms on pitchers, but also not for nothing.
The procedures to fix their arms are better than ever.

Like we see guys come back more than ever, so
there is some element of like, Okay, if you're gonna
have army shoes, you're gonna have army shoes. And by
the way, Mike get fixed, everything could be good, Like,
so why why take the chance of just losing that opportunity?
Also for the player, I mean, great, you get another
start down the road and your arm feels rested. But
if you could have had that, you know, no, no,
it would have been something you remember.

Speaker 1 (50:57):
The rest of your life.

Speaker 6 (50:57):
So yes, I don't know.

Speaker 5 (50:58):
I just think that there's got to be some perspective
to all.

Speaker 6 (51:01):
Of that, because you're reacting to the fear of what
might happen. Like to use an NBA analogy, if you're
talking about low management, like remember more Michael Jordan when
he had like there he had the broken ankle or whatever,
and they put him on a minute's limit that next
season and despite the fact that he was dominating, they
were playing game, there were competitive games down the stretch,
and they didn't play him because they said, no, we're
managing you, we don't want you to get hurt. We're
thinking about the longevity of your career. That's a little

bit more justifiable because he's actually rehabbing coming back from
an injury. I mentioned Walker Bueler a second ago, a
pitch limit for his first couple of starts. You get it. Yeah,
you want to manage him, but there's no history of
anything here. They got. This kid may end up having
a rubber arm for all we know. I'm not saying
all the numbers and the stats work against them. Maybe
they won't. Maybe he will be Clemens, who knows. Yeah,

go out there and let him try.

Speaker 3 (51:46):
Yeah, I you know, I feel the same way.

Speaker 4 (51:49):
You know.

Speaker 2 (51:49):
It's those guys are rare, right, like they inject life
into this sport.

Speaker 3 (51:56):
Now, it's funny. I don't know.

Speaker 2 (51:58):
I mean, FITZI, you're not the biggest baseball guy, Like
you're not waking up going oh by. You know, I
want to go catch a ball game, right, Like that's
not part of your day. Now, imagine if you know,
like a Paul Schemes is in town. I don't know,
I'm just making this up, right, And then you go,

I want to drive to Fenway just to go see
him because you're a sportsman, right, Like that would catch
your eye.

Speaker 1 (52:27):
One hundred percent. I can't.

Speaker 5 (52:29):
I mean I went with the buddy to Fenway last year,
and I cannot imagine for me going like you want
to get me to go to a bunch of games,
you want me to get you want to get me
to keep going back. That's the way to do it,
Like have a special moment in the park, like not
a wait, what are they doing?

Speaker 1 (52:43):
Why are they okay? Like it's just your you're a
thousand percent right.

Speaker 5 (52:47):
You want to get me to keep going, Let me
have that special moment for sure.

Speaker 2 (52:51):
And that's the one thing about baseball, See football gets
football's football.

Speaker 3 (52:56):
Though I shouldn't.

Speaker 2 (52:58):
I shouldn't compare anything to football because because they we'll
get into this coming up, because of just how they
do their schedule. It is amazing how the NFL flexes
like there was nothing bigger like the schedule coming out.
First of all, it was leaked during the day, right,

we know all the opponents, We know that the leaks
are already certain games were put out there, the international games, right,
and yet I found myself like locked into it is
this leak schedule, right, Like I couldn't wait for the
come out.

Speaker 6 (53:39):
I'm still watching it.

Speaker 2 (53:41):
It's a freaking schedule and I was caught up in it.

Speaker 1 (53:47):
I think we all were. That's the craziest thing.

Speaker 5 (53:49):
Everybody, Like, I think it's the dumbest day of the
year in sports because we all know the games, but
just we're just figuring out when they're happening. And yet
I was still sitting there watching with two TVs on
one on ESPN on NFL Network, watching every ounce of it,
trying to figure out what was happening.

Speaker 3 (54:04):
It's it's funny.

Speaker 6 (54:06):
I like this.

Speaker 3 (54:09):
I don't know. I guess it.

Speaker 2 (54:11):
To me, it's a symbol to look forward to something,
right Like we all need milestones in life, right, we
all need to get to certain points to look for
it or mile posts, right Like, I don't know, I
love it. I mean unabashedly I love it. I just

think it's you know, because I'm starting to go, wow,
I like this aspect.

Speaker 1 (54:36):
I like that.

Speaker 3 (54:36):
Okay, Well, it's Halloween.

Speaker 6 (54:38):
And all the Thanksgiving and.

Speaker 3 (54:41):
You know it's the best time of the year.

Speaker 2 (54:43):
I mean, you know, September through January, you know, up
until like the holidays is the best. My favorite time
the calendar.

Speaker 5 (54:53):
Yeah, it's funny because somebody asked me yesterday with all
this diet stuff I'm doing, They're like, why would you
do that going into summer? And I was like, because
summer's not my favorite season. Fall is like, fall is
far better than summer, There's no question about it.

Speaker 1 (55:06):
Like, if I'm going to.

Speaker 5 (55:07):
Limit everything that I'm consuming and I'm going to try
and like stay super focused, I'm gonna do that during summer,
and I will. I will then allow myself the grace
to have a little bit of an extra wiggle room
in the fall because fall is far better.

Speaker 3 (55:20):
Yeah, I agree, figure fallsman.

Speaker 6 (55:23):
Oh one hundred percent. Now, granted, the summer body is
definitely important. I think I probably have to value that
considering it the part of the country that I live
into a certain degree as well. But yes, you know,
I love fits a strategy because you're at a point
in time where you want to, you know, grind off
all of the get off all the extra weight, get
yourself a prime shape because you know, when football season
rolls around, there's going to be a weekend or five
or seven where you might let loose a little bit,

you know, and it's fine. You want to give yourself
a little you know, as you mentioned wiggle room to say,
you know what, I have myself a bad couple hours
but it's all right because I put I grind it
all those months back back in May, June, and July,
so I can let loose a little bit here in
October four a week or two, and I'll be okay.
I like the strategy.

Speaker 5 (56:01):
I do way more on camera work during fall, too,
like just to be selfish for a second, Like so yeah,
you know, during the summer, like nobody want to see
my ugly mug during the summer, but during the fall,
you can't help but see it on Yahoo. So like
it's gonna be out there everywhere, right, So like there's
just a moment of like, hey, gotta look good for
the camera to come on.

Speaker 6 (56:19):
I like your vanity, buddy, absolutely, I like your vanity.

Speaker 2 (56:24):
All right, We're gonna take a quick time out and
then I want to come back and I want to
look at the nuances.

Speaker 3 (56:31):
I want to see what you guys.

Speaker 2 (56:32):
Think about the doubleheaders. I wanted you think about, you know,
the big games of the week, looking at it all.

Speaker 3 (56:38):
So we're going to dive into the NFL schedule.

Speaker 2 (56:43):
Game bike no, no, no, hey, fig, let's do like
before you got here, FITZI, Fig, what do you say,
w's and.

Speaker 6 (56:57):
L's for all t every game there are not enough
eyes on this Planet's a roll. When Anthony would hit
me with that every year.

Speaker 2 (57:07):
Every year, that's the kind of loser of that I am.
Where the Fellas hanging out with you every week right here,
Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 3 (57:20):
Fellas, Welcome back in.

Speaker 2 (57:25):
It's the Fellas live from tyraq dot com studios.

Speaker 3 (57:31):
Hey, don't forget.

Speaker 2 (57:31):
Shortly after the show, our podcast will be going up.
So if you missed any of today's show, be sure
to check out the podcast. Just search Fox Sports Radio
wherever you get your podcasts. Be sure also to follow
rate review the podcast. Again, just search Fox Sports Radio
wherever you get your podcasts. You'll see this show posted
right after we get off the air. All right, So

a couple of things because we're going to dive into
the sketchule. So my man and I believe me, I
understand this. But my man Eddie Webster, who's a great listener,
right and we appreciate him and we love them, but
he hits me with dude, it's may. Don't worry about
the schedule. The art of looking forward to something. Isn't

that a human like? Isn't that human in the like
behavior like the like we need these things to look
forward to it. So if you love football, what's wrong
with looking forward to the schedule?

Speaker 5 (58:35):
Look, I don't even love the schedule release as a
general concept, but I still agree with you on this,
Like there is an element of man, you just start
to look and think, oh, what's it mean for this
holiday weekend? They're like, what am I going to do
around this? Like last year for me, you know, and
the Raiders were playing on Christmas Day. It was an
exciting thing, you know. So I do think that there's
some element too. It's been pointed out to me, as

cynical as I am with these schedule release there are
so many people that right now are booking their trips
with their buddies and figuring out which game they're going
to go to. So I think what you forget when
you say it's May is that there's still such a
small inventory of NFL games compared to every other sport.
Your favorite team has seventeen of them, and that's it.

So you do spend a lot of time looking forward
to those seventeen games because each of them has such
landmark importance to what your fall feels like. I mean,
even mighty Mark pointed out to me during the break
with all this diet stuff I'm doing that's going to
go into the beginning of the fall, probably through all
of it. And he's like, you're not gonna be able
to lead donuts and cake during Raiders games, Like these

are the things we think about may because fall is
such a huge part of tradition and a huge part
of life.

Speaker 1 (59:45):
So yeah, I'm all in, look forward to every.

Speaker 3 (59:47):
Occident, yes, and you know.

Speaker 2 (59:51):
Enough at Eddie, But like if you're not into the schedule,
God bless but I am right, Like we're always quick
to tell all the people why they shouldn't care about something,
like you know, like if you're in there something that
I'm not into it all right, So God, but I go,
God blessed.

Speaker 3 (01:00:11):
Enjoy yourself.

Speaker 2 (01:00:11):
If that makes you happy, then it should if you
were a sports And it goes back to loving football, right,
Like there's just something about the freaking sport, Like I
can't wait. We have mini camp, our camps for the kids.
Monday night, I went to a parents meeting for incoming freshmen.

So my Antony's going to Saint Augustine, which is a
high school in New Jersey, and so you know, if
you're gonna play football, you know, and he's had to
play football, so we we know.

Speaker 3 (01:00:49):
When the parents had a meeting with.

Speaker 2 (01:00:51):
The coaches and everything on Monday last this past Monday
night the school, I was pumped up, like, you know,
like I was fired up over that, like, let's go,
oh man.

Speaker 6 (01:01:00):
We get when he's got to start lifting.

Speaker 2 (01:01:03):
You know, in two weeks they have their off season
lifting program, they have a camp. Mini can't like, let's go, man, Like,
you know, I love that, I love we love this sport.
So it's obviously looking forward to the schedule is a
part of it.

Speaker 5 (01:01:19):
It's funny to me because what you said resonates with
me about like, hey, if you don't love it, cool,
like that's fine. Could you imagine standing in line at
the movie theater and you're like, hey, what are you
gonna go see? I'm gonna go see you know, dead
Dipole versus Wolverine. That sucks. That's terrible.

Speaker 1 (01:01:36):
You suck. Why are you gonna go see that? That's
the society we live in.

Speaker 5 (01:01:39):
There is this moment like instead of just being like cool,
enjoy the movie, like cool, you like the schedule, Enjoy
the schedule? Like this is yes, this is just at
some point, whatever sport you love, you cannot deny the
fact that the NFL has taken over the consciousness.

Speaker 1 (01:01:54):
Of the country like that. It's just part of how
we are wired.

Speaker 5 (01:01:58):
I cover a lot of college football, We talk a
lot of college football on the show, and it feels
like we're even forgetting already that this season is going
to be unprecedented in college football.

Speaker 1 (01:02:08):
Kidd forgot that, Well, we haven't.

Speaker 5 (01:02:12):
But like, as a general conversation, there's so little like, man,
we got conference realignment, we got games taking place that
you never used to see that they are all going
to be happening in a year with an expanded playoff,
like this is going to be the wildest year of
college football of all time. And again I'll mention this,
the NFL still put two games on Saturday against the
first round of the new expanded Playoff, even with their

partnership with ESPN, they still did that. Like that shows
you how much the NFL is king. They're part of
the mindset from January one to December thirty one, and
nothing changes that.

Speaker 2 (01:02:44):
Nothing nothing changes that, And it's so spot on. But
you're wow, man, you're so right like you would never
go up to someone in the movie in align to
buy tickets and say and say that, like what are
you here to say?

Speaker 3 (01:02:59):
That sucks?

Speaker 2 (01:03:00):
You sucked, right Like you would never say it to
a person, But online we have no problem doing that.

Speaker 3 (01:03:06):
Like volunteering, you're an idiot because you.

Speaker 6 (01:03:10):
Like to schedule. Now ye Eddie didn't say that, but.

Speaker 2 (01:03:13):
The fact but right away look at chastis like, now
you don't like think about the civility of like where
is it?

Speaker 3 (01:03:24):
Like you like, dude, do you mind that I like football?

Speaker 6 (01:03:28):
Is it okay?

Speaker 2 (01:03:29):
Then I indulged myself with looking forward to September?

Speaker 3 (01:03:33):
Is that all right?

Speaker 6 (01:03:34):
Does that fit your mold?

Speaker 5 (01:03:37):
I went to a sports bar right down the street
last night, and you know, since I'm not drinking, the
first I met a buddy there to watch the next camp.
And so we're sitting there and I immediately the first
thing I did when the bartender walked up is I
gave her a twenty and I said, look, I'm just
drinking soda water. I'm not eating, and I don't want
you to think that you're not going to get anything.
So if you could just keep my soda water full,

I would really appreciate it. She was super sweet. She
did a great job all night. My buddy sits down
and orders an ipa. I don't particularly like beer. I
don't drink a lot of beer, and I don't like IPAs.

Speaker 1 (01:04:09):
But that's okay.

Speaker 5 (01:04:10):
It never once would have occurred to me to look
at her and be like, why are you ordering that?
That's trash. But that's the way we treat everything on
social media. It's like, oh, I can't just let somebody
order a beer. I then have to comment on what
I think of that they need volunteering.

Speaker 3 (01:04:27):
You need the volunteer, which is a weird thing. And
I'll say like.

Speaker 2 (01:04:31):
This, like cause I think the technology, the togethern is
like we're missing the Sometimes I think we miss the
boat with social media in the sense that there's always
a negative tone to it when you know what it

could be like an incredibly unifying experience as well, like
it could be an amazing tool to lift people, like
if you look at life instead of always looking to
bring someone down or criticize somebody or being jealous or
whatever hang ups or you know, horrible beliefs you have,

you know sometimes like put that nonsense to the side
and if we're all together like the whole thing. And
I know it sounds, you know, corny, but it actually
could be an amazing tool.

Speaker 5 (01:05:30):
I tell people all the time when they hate tweet
any of my work. Imagine if you put the same
energy into supporting what you love instead of telling people
what you don't like. Like if instead of spending all
of our time and being like, I hate your show,
I hate your content, I hate your team, I hate
your music, whatever it is, if you spend that same
thirty seconds posting to somebody I love the work you do. Like,

just find what you support and love it with the
same level of you know, passion that people want.

Speaker 1 (01:06:00):
To hate everything else. The social media would be such
a different place to win.

Speaker 2 (01:06:04):
Back to Listen, I don't even mean like I mean,
I mean Eddie was benign, like even say they're bad.
It was just one of those things where it just
struck me. Is you know, if you like football, like
you're of course going to like and look forward to
this schedule like I get it's May, but you know, shoot,
it won't be right. It's looking forward to it. It's

one of those things that look forward to it. Can
I ask you a guy's a question because it's bugging me.
Now I'm going to do a little hate, just a
little bit. How in the world do the Cowboys get
that many prime time games? The last time we show
the Cowboys, they were getting boat raced by the Packers

at home in a divisional after a buye and a
division around the playoffs.

Speaker 5 (01:06:58):
Because they're still such a popular conversation, like there's still
you know, it's not about good football, and you're a
thousand percent right, one of my colleagues said Yahoo Joey
Epstein pointed out from the media call when the NFL
VP was talking about how they put the schedule together.
He said, I'm paraphrasing here, but he basically said, the

Chiefs have become as as can't miss as the Cowboys
are for us in the schedule, which is why they're
giving the Chiefs so many big windows.

Speaker 1 (01:07:30):
And she laughed about it.

Speaker 5 (01:07:31):
How is it possible that you're saying the Chiefs, who
are in the middle of a dynastic era that we
rarely see, have risen to the level of a team
that hasn't played in a Super Bowl since ninety what,
So you know, like there's a I think it's gross
at some point, but it's funny to I just I
literally laugh at the fact that the Cowboys could be

three and fourteen this year and people will still watch them.
I don't know why. I've never understood the infatuation with
the brand. I don't understand the infatuation with the team.
I don't understand why we cover them differently than we
cover other teams. Like I just I don't get it
at all, But they put them there because, man, people
will flock to watch it. I just I don't understand it.

Speaker 2 (01:08:14):
I feel you probably, I feel you, man, I get it.
You know, I get it. It's amazing. So how do
you guys feel about your Raiders? So let's go, let's
start there. How do you feel about your schedule?

Speaker 5 (01:08:31):
Figure, I don't know what you think, but I think
the schedule played out pretty nice. Like, look, we already
know who the teams are, so the question is just
when are they playing? And I looked at that schedule.
The bye week is around the middle of the season,
so that's a nice thing. Yes, there are some East
Coast starts, but we knew that that was going to
be the case anyway.

Speaker 1 (01:08:49):
Like, I felt like the schedule played out pretty fair.

Speaker 5 (01:08:52):
I've heard a lot of people complain about opening with
two straight games on the road, but one of those
games and is in LA, which is barely on the road.
You're talking about a stadium that's going to be filled
against the Chargers with a bunch of Raiders fans, and
in Week one, that's what a five hour drive like,
I barely call that a road game. So I think
the schedule looks nice. I think they did a nice
job putting it together in a fairway. Not a lot

of cold weather. The only really cold weather concern is
maybe a little bit with Cincinnati, but mostly with that
Black Friday game against the Chiefs.

Speaker 1 (01:09:21):
Like, I think it was good.

Speaker 6 (01:09:23):
Yeah, I think it stacks up in their favor again
for whatever it means, you know, looking at this far ahead,
but no crazy long road trips. You have back to
back road games, but they're split up by a bye
week between Cincinnati and Miami in weeks nine and week eleven,
and then you have Kansas City and tap A Bay
and back to back weeks and maybe they'll stay east.
I know a lot of times teams will do that
for early kicks. So we'll see how that works out.

But for the most part, it's a pretty well balanced
out schedule, so I'm not upset with it at all.
People complain about the amount of air miles that certain
teams have to fly in a particular season, and usually
it's teams from going west to east with a lot
of the early kickoffs. I believe it's whether the Raiders
have four early kicks, which on the grand scheme is
not that many. It's not that bad.

Speaker 1 (01:10:05):
By the way.

Speaker 5 (01:10:06):
I'm stealing this with my buddy Q Myers, but I
just have to say, the Raiders should be the permanent
host of the Black Friday game. They wear black uniforms
at home, they play in a black stadium. Black Friday
should be at Allegiance. It's that should be.

Speaker 6 (01:10:19):
I love that. That's a great idea.

Speaker 5 (01:10:22):
The Raiders should be the permanent Black Friday host. I
can get with that.

Speaker 4 (01:10:26):
I like that.

Speaker 3 (01:10:26):
I like that a lot.

Speaker 2 (01:10:27):
Actually, and listen, you know, and I'm impartially here.

Speaker 3 (01:10:32):
I think it's a great idea.

Speaker 2 (01:10:35):
Let me take Thanksgiving, you know, could be going Detroit,
make you know, Vegas the Detroit of Black Friday.

Speaker 1 (01:10:44):
Yeah, I'm all over this. How do you feel about
the Eagles schedule. Did it play out the way you wanted?

Speaker 2 (01:10:49):

Speaker 3 (01:10:50):
Yes and no.

Speaker 2 (01:10:51):
I you know, I listen, they gotta they finish really
well for the last five games are at home, so
they're there. They don't have any nasty stretches. Really, they
have a couple back to backs that just about everybody has.

Speaker 3 (01:11:09):
Yeah, it's I mean, it's it's good from a fan perspective.

Speaker 2 (01:11:13):
They lose a home game because of the Brazil trip,
because they're playing the Packers in Brazil.

Speaker 1 (01:11:19):
You're going you get to go to Brazil?

Speaker 4 (01:11:20):
Is that?

Speaker 1 (01:11:21):
Are we doing this thing? The Fellas live from Brazil.

Speaker 6 (01:11:23):
So I'm in talks. I'm trying to figure this out.

Speaker 2 (01:11:29):
I'm trying to figure this out, in which case I
want to make sure you get like you guys are
with me, all right, like this is this will be
a big deal that we'll go to Salt Polo.

Speaker 3 (01:11:46):
The Fellows going to sant Polo would be fantastic.

Speaker 5 (01:11:48):
Look, I don't even need to bring it back. I'll
just wear some tear away pants and some speedos and
let's go. Let's come on. Now with the short of
the speedo, the better. Like I'm just might might have
to get some like laser hair removal on my legs
so that I'm just like, I'm pristine. I'm just gonna
be silky smooth coming into that. Yeah, whoop, head to toe. Yes,
still come back, come back to the States a new man.

Jason bbl fits.

Speaker 2 (01:12:13):
Oh, that's fantastic, That's fantastic. So, by the way, speaking
of these teams, you know who got really screwed.

Speaker 6 (01:12:25):
Who's that? The Steelers?

Speaker 3 (01:12:28):
I mean, did you see.

Speaker 2 (01:12:29):
The stretch they have to play in eleven games? They
have to play the Ravens of the Chiefs, the Eagles,
and the Ravens in a span of eleven days leading
up the.

Speaker 6 (01:12:43):
Christmas well in Philadelphia and Baltimore back to back weeks
on the road. I mean, that's brutal. All coming off
of a home game against Cleveland, I mean, their division
is going to be ridiculous, be right. So you're home
against Cleveland, at Philly, at Baltimore, then Kansas City and
then then Cincinnati after that to close the season. That's
a brutal stress. That's brutal.

Speaker 1 (01:13:04):
Yeah, that is.

Speaker 5 (01:13:04):
And you said that's the stretch of three games in
eleven days or whatever like that's there are so many
teams this year. And I think Warren Sharp is the
one that pointed it out on social media that in
the last whatever five years, there have been zero teams
that have ever had to play three games in ten days,
and this year there are nine times that's happening. Like

the NFL is just pounding some of these teams three
games in ten days, three games in eleven days, Like
that's just that's unsustainable. Like we just we need to
remember that context when we're looking at teams and trying
to figure out who's good and bad. Really we need
to start factoring rest into that conversation a ton this
fall when we're analyzing.

Speaker 2 (01:13:45):
Yeah, they go to the eighteen games, Yeah, they have
to put a second buy in there.

Speaker 6 (01:13:51):
I did hear interview that Mike norf You're did earlier
this week, the guy who's in charge of all the
scheduling for the NFL and talking about, you know, teams
who have short week turnarounds and the amount you know
of travel and time and all that, and he says
they do have an analytic department in the NFL office
that tries to take these things into account and follow
and follows the numbers. If they haven't seen any discernible

effect from a performance standpoint on the short turnarounds, the
amount of games. He said, Kansas City, you know, it
was a team last season that a lot of people
complained about when it came to that nature, and obviously
they ended up winning the Super Bowl. So he said,
it is something that the league is aware of, and
they do monitor and try to avoid the most they can.
But unfortunately, sometimes, especially now with the proliferation of more

Thursday games, Christmas games, Saturday games, trying to get the
best matchups on TV involving teams like Kansas City ultimate times,
ultimately you feel the crunch and have to end up
having some teams play on us shorter turnarounds than you
would like. But so far, they say that they have
not seen a discernible effect on quality, injuries or any
of that when it comes to teams playing on a

shorter leashes than other teams.

Speaker 5 (01:14:58):
Cousin, I know we got to go to alright, I'll
tease this. There's one team that has a historic rest
disadvantage though that it is absolutely historic this season.

Speaker 2 (01:15:10):
Let's talk about it. Great tease. Fellas hanging Fox Sports
Radio Fellas Live from the tai Iraq Dot com Studios,
Jason fitz Kevin figures of Anthony Gargana.

Speaker 1 (01:15:30):

Speaker 3 (01:15:32):
Coming up at the top of the hour, Dick Girardi, our.

Speaker 2 (01:15:35):
Horse racing expert, will join us to discuss the Preakness
and how to bet the Preakness. I guess we're some
weather there too, so he'll tell you how to analyze
that that's coming up.

Speaker 3 (01:15:48):
We'll have the brain a little bit later on.

Speaker 2 (01:15:50):
It took a little sports betting, so we got you
covered in that arena on the weekend. All right, Fitzy
had a good tease, so who got it the worst?

Speaker 1 (01:16:00):

Speaker 5 (01:16:00):
So a couple of interesting nuggets from the from the
schedule release overall that are really about days of rest
and one important note. This year there are sixty six
games that will be played where one team has at
least a three day rest advantage.

Speaker 1 (01:16:15):
Think about that. Six days, six times three day.

Speaker 5 (01:16:18):
It's historic. We've never seen anything like that. But what's
really stunning is that when you start to look at
the number of games and then the cumulative rest. The
San Francisco forty nine ers will play eight games this
year where they are at a rest disadvantage where they
have had less time to prepare than their opponent eight
times this year. That to me is a stunning disadvantage.

When you start talking, like I realize that, you know,
one game one day, you know, can happen here and there.
But eight games they have overall over the course of
the season, they have what Warren Sharp called a thirty
two days of cumulative rest disadvantage to their opponents. Compare
that to New England, who will not play a single
game this year where they have a rest disadvantage that
I may think about the that's a stunning difference. Compare

that to the Ravens, who have a rest advantage at
a historic rate. So you know, it is interesting the
rest aspect. As we get late into the season. I
just wonder if we're gonna see the forty nine ers
a little bit, you know, a little bit gased at
the end of the year, and you see the Ravens
coming on at the end of the year, maybe we
need to look back at this rest advantage and say, Okay,
the way the game's played out, really maybe.

Speaker 6 (01:17:23):
Wow, that's fascinating. Eight that's a big deal.

Speaker 2 (01:17:29):
You're right, eight games, damn, because like that's like a
that's such such a big deal. When it comes to preparation,
you know, you're you're taking you out of your normal
you know week, you know, whatever normal is. Now that's
a huge thing. I didn't know that. That's great stuff.

Speaker 5 (01:17:51):
Yeah, I mean I think some of this analytics is
a little bit overwhelming, but it is clear that at
this point the league is doing whatever they can to
simply make sure that they have the best games and
the best windows.

Speaker 1 (01:18:04):
And it doesn't really matter.

Speaker 5 (01:18:05):
You know, I mentioned earlier three games in ten ten
days we haven't seen in years, and this year we're
seeing a historic number. We're seeing a historic number of
a three plus day advantage when it comes to rest.

Speaker 1 (01:18:17):
What does that tell us?

Speaker 5 (01:18:18):
That tells us the league is really worried most about
making sure that the best games go to the best windows.
And that's that's just the way the NFL is gonna work.
That's why, I mean, Netflix isn't paying all that money
to get a bad game right like they want to
a game.

Speaker 2 (01:18:30):
Did you see that at Al Michael's interview talking about
the Amazon stuff.

Speaker 1 (01:18:34):
No, it was.

Speaker 3 (01:18:35):
It was really interesting because he talked about some.

Speaker 2 (01:18:39):
Of these games and he's like, dude, He's like, you know,
I love that at this stage of his life.

Speaker 3 (01:18:44):
I mean, he's just completely forthright now.

Speaker 2 (01:18:46):
It's like sometimes it's hard to garner excitement for some
of the games that they had, and they had some
bad games, and you know you're not going to be
able to garner as much excitement. So, like, you know,
when you're signing these incredible deals to these like you
said the Netflix and you know now you're on restreaming

service Peacock this one, they're gonna want good games, good
quality games.

Speaker 5 (01:19:13):
Yeah, And I don't I don't blame them, it's just
what and this is what we want.

Speaker 1 (01:19:17):
We also don't want to see.

Speaker 5 (01:19:19):
Like, let's be honest, none of us are sitting here
clamoring to watch the Titans take on the Jags on
Christmas Day. Like that's not something everybody's excited about. The
only thing I would say to all of that is
that we just need to remember that there is consequence
to that when it comes to the way it actually
impacts the teams. The teams we want to see, you know,
it just might mean that it's making some of their
lives more difficult.

Speaker 6 (01:19:40):
Wow, that's fascinating, that's real. That's really interesting.

Speaker 2 (01:19:46):
By the way, you mean you did Niners nugget have
the interested So their win total.

Speaker 6 (01:19:54):
It's eleven and a half.

Speaker 5 (01:19:59):
That thing that's that's that's just eleven and a half.
I think the forty nine ers are a really good
football team. I think eleven and a half is just
a heavy number a lot of times when we come
into the season and I know.

Speaker 6 (01:20:13):
All the things changed throughout the year. But they don't
have the easiest schedule either, just in general looking at
the teams they have to play, in the amount of
air miles they have to travel, specifically in the middle
of their season. Well, you know, you.

Speaker 3 (01:20:23):
Go, well, they don't have time to go throw.

Speaker 2 (01:20:25):
We'll go throw at some point because it's interesting, you know,
you know some of.

Speaker 3 (01:20:30):
The win totals.

Speaker 2 (01:20:30):
Now, now that you know the schedule, you can easily
kind of you can look at this stuff, kind of
analyze it looks like and under all right, fellas right
here Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (01:20:41):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio Radio.

Speaker 2 (01:20:44):
Well, good morning, good morning a buddy habby Abby Abby
uh Fox Sports Saturday. It's seven am in the east
form in the West. As we hang out on this
Saturday morning, we come you alive from the TI Rack
Dot com Studios tyrack dot com, we'll help.

Speaker 3 (01:21:05):
You get there.

Speaker 2 (01:21:07):
Un matt selection, fast free shipping, free road Hatcher protection,
over ten thousand recommended installers, tyrack dot com.

Speaker 6 (01:21:14):
The way tire buying should be Jason fitz.

Speaker 2 (01:21:17):
Kevin Figures on Anthony Gargato And as we hang out
on this day, you know we got we're in the schedule.
We got two big game sevens tomorrow on stage right
Madison Square Garden and then defending champs so A Pacers
Knicks and t Wolves Nuggets Tomorrow'll find out today it

saf OKC can force a game seven and that series
been a lot of fun, so you know, it'd be
interesting to see kind of how it all plays out.
The West is fascinating the East. I mean, you know,
Bolston is going to beat either of these teams, so
it's going to be who plays the Celtics in the finals.

We'll get back to the NFL schedule, all kinds of
stuff with today's also Preakness Day, FITZI the running of
the Preakness.

Speaker 5 (01:22:09):
Are you, like, is cousin gonna wear like a do
we do this? Do we wear fancy outfits for that?
Like I'm hold in on the derby hats, but like it,
Like your cousin's gonna sit back, have a scar and
watch the breakness today?

Speaker 1 (01:22:19):
Is that on the docket?

Speaker 2 (01:22:21):
Well, I have a cousin is in in outside Reading,
Pennsylvania for a tournament, baseball tournament today.

Speaker 3 (01:22:32):
So it's one of those overnight deals.

Speaker 2 (01:22:35):
So we have we play five thirty and eight thirty
I think our slots are. The race will be at
seven eastern and then we have and then so we'll
we'll stay overnight out and reading.

Speaker 3 (01:22:51):
At one of these you know, homewood suites type of things.

Speaker 1 (01:22:56):
Oh, Homewood seets.

Speaker 3 (01:22:57):
These are good, and so we'll be there.

Speaker 2 (01:22:59):
We'll stay over there and uh, you know, and then
he'll have games tomorrow. So it'll be Daddy and Massimo
today today, so me, just the two of us, my
Anthony and my wife Timer will be here.

Speaker 3 (01:23:14):
So stamp two of us on the road so.

Speaker 6 (01:23:18):
He plays more games in the Phillies.

Speaker 5 (01:23:23):
Oh that's amazing that. Look, I'm not the smartest with
any of the horses. Like so I'm just the throw
spagetting against the wall to see what sticks.

Speaker 6 (01:23:32):
So you know, well, luckily, that's why I have an expert.

Speaker 1 (01:23:36):
That's why we need.

Speaker 2 (01:23:37):
Help, YEP, and I have an incredible expert. His name
is Dick Girardi. He has been covering horse racing, oh
god for I mean, I don't want to short change
him for about thirty five years. He's a basketball incredible
basketball mike, a great horse guy and a great friend.

Speaker 3 (01:23:58):
Dick Girardi joined just good morning, Dick.

Speaker 4 (01:24:02):
I think the answer might be covering it forever, Anthony,
I think that might be a long time you.

Speaker 1 (01:24:11):

Speaker 2 (01:24:12):
And you know the prenous is special because you grew
up in Baltimore, you're from that area, and then of
course you made Philadelphia home for the longest time. Uh.
And it steamed calmness for the Daily News, Uh, all
kinds of horse racing, National horse Racing.

Speaker 6 (01:24:29):
And uh and basketball outlets.

Speaker 3 (01:24:32):
So you've been doing this a minute and the Preakness.

Speaker 2 (01:24:35):
Explain the fitsy about the Preakness and what's unique about
the second leg of the Triple Crown.

Speaker 4 (01:24:43):
So yeahs, no, no hats, no like fancy dresses. This
is like jean shorts and a T shirt.

Speaker 1 (01:24:50):
It's now you speak my language. Now let's go.

Speaker 4 (01:24:55):
Yeah, totally different action than the Derby. And as Anthony said,
Fretness is my favorite of the Triple Crown races for
the simple reason that it's home. I grew up I
fifteen minutes from Pimlico, where the races today, and I
want to say, this will be like Preaknous, like forty
five give or take, and covered like more than thirty

of them for the Daily News, which offered me as
Anthony knows that one of the world's great sports papers,
which just gave me chances to go everywhere back in
the day when news papers actually had money. Times times
have changed. But yeah, look I get to go back
and have some steam crabs and crab cakes and crabs soup.

And it was a little Italy Thursday night at my
favorite spot down there, Chipperelli's with the great hell and
whose annual waitress down there. We have a whole group
that goes down. So yeah, it's fuld home week at
the Preakness, and I love it well.

Speaker 5 (01:25:55):
By the way, I went to high school in Bowie, Maryland,
So yeah, so I'm I.

Speaker 1 (01:26:01):
This is the most awkward phrase ever.

Speaker 5 (01:26:02):
I get to say, I'm PG County throw and through
because like when people say they're PG County, they don't
usually think of me. But yeah, like yeah, I'm PG
County throw and Through, so like, look, you have a
many caabcakes. So so if I'm trying to bet this
thing like what you mentioned, it's different. Can I take
anything away from the derby when I'm trying to figure
out what to bet on the breakness?

Speaker 2 (01:26:21):

Speaker 4 (01:26:22):
Well well well we'll chat about that, but first we
need to talk about Boweie. I spent many days at
Booey Racetrack, by the way, fitsy like many days. And
the shocking development is that I don't have some form
of like terminal disease because that place was bizarre.

Speaker 6 (01:26:39):

Speaker 4 (01:26:39):
It closed in nineteen eighty.

Speaker 3 (01:26:40):
Oh do tell I, like now you talk about language.

Speaker 6 (01:26:44):
I love.

Speaker 4 (01:26:47):
When the last day of it was actually the day
of live aid in Philly Anthony at JFK State. I
remember driving drive it right past it. I don't only
been at the paper for a few months, and they
gave away vials of dirt that day, which was the
perfeci metaphor for Booie. The place was just a dump,
so yeah, it's just a horrible place. But yeah, they

finally just closed it. But yeah, look, pig Kenny, I
went to school at the University of Maryland fifty so
I know all that Prince George's county. We're all good.

Speaker 1 (01:27:16):
Then there, this is amazing.

Speaker 5 (01:27:18):
We're having a little reunion here, cousin, Like you just, cousin,
you need to take the rest segment off.

Speaker 1 (01:27:22):
We're just going to sit here and talk about crap.

Speaker 4 (01:27:24):
You're gone, Anthony, I'm out.

Speaker 3 (01:27:27):
I got no problem. Listen. I would.

Speaker 2 (01:27:29):
I enjoy listening to Dick Girardi more than anything. So
I'm happy just kind of be on the sidelads.

Speaker 4 (01:27:37):
Yeah, So order the Preakness. We had twenty horses three
weeks ago or two weeks ago. This typically happens. We're
down to eight. All the wanna bees and like, you know,
I want to be in the Derby and get fancy
dresses and their horse runs fifteenth. They go, I don't
think we're going to The previous week just went not
very good. So we're down to eight. It was nine mouth.
It was going to be the favorite scratch. We have

the Derby winner, which is cool, mystic thing in probably
half the field is realistic to win Imagination for Bafford
on the outside, the stick Dan obviously, Tusk and Gold
for Chad Brown and catching Freedom, who was fourth in
the derby. Uncle Havy Anthony and I talked about him.
He's the local Philadelphia horse, Pennsylvania breade stable to parks

up in Ben Salem and Bucks County, be a rooting interest,
but he's gonna have to run the race of his
life to win. Top three would be great. But good
Field probably a little more competitive with the top of
the field than the Derby was because you just have
so much so many horses in there have no chance
and just mostly to just get in the way. But
this is this is a more true run race, and

it'll be the usual pandemonium down there in the infield
and concerts and all that stuff. But yeah, no fancy
hats not left.

Speaker 2 (01:28:49):
What about weather? How bad? Because you're talking about some
rain we have affected.

Speaker 4 (01:28:55):
Yeah, it looks like, Anthony, the rain is starting this
morning down there. I'm actually back home. I'm driving down
in a little bit and it's the last I saw
was a little less than a half an inch all day.
But I don't think we're getting a downpour. But given
what I'm saying, maybe like thirty percent mid afternoon, So

I don't know if they're going to be able to
get the track fast in time for the Preakness, which
as you said, is at seven o'clock. But it's just
going to depend on, you know, how long does it rain,
How hard is it rain? Can they do something with
the racetrack? But bad rain Derby morning in Louisville, But
because it's stopped early enough, they were able to get
the track fast by Derby time. I don't know if
that's going to happen today, just the weather. The reports

have just changed so often. But I could do without it.
But I will say this, mystic damn people, they will
not be unhappy if it's a sloppier muddy track because
he's already one big on it. So they're good on
a fast door muddy and the muddy probably takes some
other horses out of it, which probably paved the way
for the Derby winter a little better chance.

Speaker 5 (01:29:58):
I mean, you mentioned getting the track ready, What does
that entail?

Speaker 1 (01:30:01):
What is raining?

Speaker 4 (01:30:02):
Right? So what they'll do is in between races. Now
they start racing today at ten thirty, and I mean
it's it's there until like seven thirty at night. There's
actually a race after the previous So what they'll do
is they'll they'll harrow it. They have these tractors that
just try to try to get the water out of it.
They'll what's known is float it, where they'll try to
put get the water to the top, and then over time,

in between races, they'll just work on it and hope
they can get as much of the water out as possible.
But then it all depends on when the rain stops.
Because this is an outdoor sport. You can't put a
roof over racetracks just doesn't work. So it just it
all depends on how much rain and what time it stops.
But yeah, there are ways of doing this if the
weather cooperates, but if it keeps raining, there's nothing they

can do about.

Speaker 2 (01:30:49):
What did you I don't say miss about Mystic Dan,
but what was you know? How good is Mystic Dan?
And you know were you surprised at its performance in
the derby?

Speaker 4 (01:31:06):
Yeah, surprise probably isn't the right word. He was one
of the horses. If everything broke right, maybe he would
have been like maybe my sixth choice. I tell you
I was betting that day, Antony, I was playing a contest.
And it's the thing where you start with two thousand
and it needed to get to like twenty five thousand
to win. And I was trying to get to ten
thousand all day to bet eight thousand to win on Fierceness,

who was the favorite of three to one and ran horrible.
And then I was going to bet Sierra leone and
finished second, first and second and five exactly. One of
those was with Mystic Dan and I would have had
it for like two hundred, which would have got me
to twenty five thousand, but I never know. Oh wow, yeah,
I needed to get to the ten. It was like,
if you got here, you could get there. But I
just never got there to make that kind of a play.

So he was if he could run back to his
race in the Southwest Stakes at oaklahom Park, that was
going to be good enough to give him a real chance.
That was in the That was the question. Was it
just because it was the mound or did he have
that kind of race in him. Then he came back
in the Arkansas Derby and around kind of a flat third,
beaten six lengths to move again. Would have been a

favorite today if it was scratched. So saying you know
which horse is going to happen? You know what horses
were going to see today, but a horse like Mystic Dan.
And when you when you're gambling, you want to know
what horse can win if he gives the optimum performance,
and has he ever done it before? It's like sports
in that way. Has this team ever shown that they
can do it? So when you have a horse you

has shown at one point they can do it, you
have to at least consider them. And what I did
was he was kind of a backhanded play for me.
But yeah, I could have actually walked into this thing
by two noses. Yeah, it just it was one of
the thought was good, that the idea was good, And
it wasn't like I was playing Mystic Dan. I was
playing Sierra Leone. He just wanted the five horses I

used with him, And I didn't use fiarseness at all
in the exactness because I think I told you he's
either going to be first or nowhere. That's kind of
how he runs. When he runs good, he's phenomenal. No,
he was horrible in the derby. I mean, he couldn't
have been any worse.

Speaker 5 (01:33:07):
So is there a long shot you like that there's
worth a play today?

Speaker 2 (01:33:11):

Speaker 4 (01:33:12):
One of the problems with the eight horse field and
even the Derby to some extent, there's no long shots anymore.
I mean they just because of crazy horses like rich
Strike two years ago. These wind pools in the Triple
Crown races are totally inefficient. Like Uncle Heavy who was
listed at twenty to one, he's seven to one after
the early betting, I mean, I can't bet it at

seven to lot. I much thought about it at twenty,
but not at seven. That's just that you're not getting
a fair price on that. Even the one Mugatu who
had absolutely no chance is twenty to one. He should
be one hundred to one. Wow, And he's the longest
shot in the race. And I wouldn't bet him at twenty.
It's like anything else. You think the horses should be

thirty and he's sixty to one, then you might take
a shot at him, but the opposite you don't do that.
So no long shot. No long shots for me today. Unfortunately,
I'm just not sure there will be any.

Speaker 3 (01:34:06):
Is there? Like how do you attack this? You attack with?

Speaker 6 (01:34:10):
Do you do exacted trifectas?

Speaker 3 (01:34:12):
Like what's the best way.

Speaker 4 (01:34:14):
To Yeah, I don't have a tremendous feel for this race.
I think there's two possibilities. I think Imagination could get
out there and keep going for baffort the whole way,
and if he does, it'll be a great story because
his rider, Frankie Dettori, is a legendary in Europe, legendary
guy Italian rider who's won every big race there is

in Europe, and he decided to spend his final year
possibly of riding in America. And he's never won an
American Triple Crown race. He just doesn't have much chance,
so it would be cool if he could win. So
I think Imagination is dangerous if he gets to the front,
I think he will, And I think the next most
likely winner is the Derby winner, Mystic Dany loves to
ride the rail, as he did the Derby and as
he did his win in Arkansas, and he's going to

be on the rail three horses to his inside up
no speed, So Brian Ornandaz is going to get him there,
and he's going to be closer. So I think you
could do worse than Imagination and Mystic dan together. That's
like a nine to five and a five to nine.
But all the Tuscan goal is not out of the
question either. It's not. I just don't feel super confident.

But yeah, I had to make a play probably be
nine to five mm.

Speaker 6 (01:35:22):
Interesting, that's that's that's good stuff.

Speaker 2 (01:35:25):
The fifty anything else, because I want to ask, no,
think about some hoops real quick Game seven Indiana and
the Knicks kind of where you lean in and in
the Denver Minnesota.

Speaker 4 (01:35:40):
Yeah, it's it's it's bizarre, right, I mean, let's go
with the second one first. So Denver wins by thirty
or fifty and then Minnesota wins by fifty. How are
you supposed to figure this out? Right?

Speaker 2 (01:35:52):
And I thought after the first two games it was
that we were going to see the style, and it
was that the Minnesota had a recipe defensively, you know.

Speaker 4 (01:36:02):
And then they didn't for three games, right, and the
last last game they went back to the pressure and
put Denver in trouble. I was a little I didn't
understand Denver in the first round. I mean, they were
very fortunate to win that series where they need two
buzzer beers to win against like a Lakers team that
has two players as far as I can see. So

I'll lead to the home team Denver is I mean,
they're the chance till somebody beats them. But I don't
have a great deal of confidence given the up and
down nature of the series. As far as the Knicks look,
the home team is not only won every game, they
most dominated. So I'll take the Knicks in the guard.
The Pacers just look petrified when they're there. But what's

the story on Josh Hart? Is he going to be okay?
He was having issues last night? When at what stage
do the Knicks just run out of gas because they're
playing so many guys so many minutes, and it's nobody's fault.
They just all their guys are hurt. But and I
just at bottom line, I don't think an the end,
the Pacers play good enough defense. So I will take

the Knicks. But Anthony, I heard you at the top.
It doesn't bad. It's either one of them just getting
killed by the Celtics. It's irrelevant.

Speaker 6 (01:37:12):
Yeah, Boston gets a layout.

Speaker 2 (01:37:16):
Oh Boston hate them.

Speaker 4 (01:37:21):
I know you love this. I know you love the Celtics.

Speaker 3 (01:37:24):
Oh god, they're going to carise.

Speaker 4 (01:37:27):
You for years, Anthony, because there's there's two wings. Are
still only like twenty five or twenty six.

Speaker 2 (01:37:34):
They're so good, they're just such good players man Tatum Brown,
Oh god.

Speaker 6 (01:37:41):
My brother.

Speaker 2 (01:37:42):
Listen, have a safe drive down there, and uh, enjoy
your homecoming, get some enjoy your crab cakes, and have
a great time of good luck.

Speaker 4 (01:37:53):
You've got it. Thanks. Guy's always great.

Speaker 2 (01:37:55):
Talking the great Dick Girardi. He's such a character. He's
he's fantastic the crack.

Speaker 3 (01:38:03):
Go for some crab cakes.

Speaker 1 (01:38:07):
You were you were h.

Speaker 3 (01:38:09):
You were a Maryland man.

Speaker 5 (01:38:11):
I mean just for just for the last few years
high school, like you know, I was there for just
a handful of years. But yeah, little PG counting threw
it through a little. You know, I'm I'm the worst
person ever to go have crabs with out there because
I like to take my time and crack all of
it and then just stack the meat. So I might
spend like an hour making a stack of crab meat
before I actually eat any of it, because I don't

like picking as I go. I just want the whole
mountain to meat at the end. So like people get
very frustrated. I'm a mountain beat.

Speaker 3 (01:38:40):
You know what, Why am I not surprised?

Speaker 1 (01:38:45):
That's fair.

Speaker 2 (01:38:46):
I can see that I can see you doing, taking
every leg right, every claw path, you know, having your yeah,
I got it, I got it.

Speaker 3 (01:38:58):
That's my favorite.

Speaker 2 (01:38:59):
My favorite dish uh is crabs and I like to
do it in a red sauce with with over spaghetti.

Speaker 5 (01:39:09):
And now it's such, that's such the Italian thing, like
I just need to dip it in butter.

Speaker 1 (01:39:13):
Just give me crabs and butter and I'm good.

Speaker 2 (01:39:16):
You like to but yeah, or the Old Bay's good too.
Crabs and beer, baby, like that's another great you know,
see you're not a beer guy, but if you just
get it, like a classic, not an ip a, just
a classic beer and crabs, Old Bay, you know, claws,
that's a that's a party.

Speaker 5 (01:39:37):
Crab, butter and the diet coke is all I need.
Sounds so good right now.

Speaker 1 (01:39:41):
I'm hungry.

Speaker 2 (01:39:44):
All right, we're the fellas, hang it out. We probably
will go back to football coming up next.

Speaker 3 (01:39:52):
Right here? Fox Sports.

Speaker 5 (01:39:57):
H whoa.

Speaker 3 (01:40:03):

Speaker 2 (01:40:07):
Yeah you get just a picture this get.

Speaker 1 (01:40:11):
Oh there's so much wiggling going on right now, I.

Speaker 6 (01:40:14):
Can't imagine.

Speaker 2 (01:40:18):
For the fella is welcome back. Jason Fits the man
with the wiggle wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle wiggle, Uh, Kevin Figures.
I'm Anthony Gargano. As we hang out on a Fox
Sports Saturday from the tire Raq dot com studios. So

a couple of things. I want to dive back into
the NFL. So one of the things I love, and
I'm curious that you think. So, there are four Monday
night doubleheaders. My only issue with them is that they're
not staggered. They start forty five minutes, you know, before one.

I like to see both in their entirety. But you know, listen,
I get to football, I get a double Monday Night.
I love the double Monday Night FITZI.

Speaker 5 (01:41:13):
Okay, So here's my only sometimes dilemma, although I think
they did a nice job with it this year. Sometimes
the problem with the double Monday night is that it
reduces the four o'clock games that East East time.

Speaker 1 (01:41:25):
That is what I'm talking about.

Speaker 5 (01:41:26):
Like, so, the worst experience on Sundays during the fall
is if you're sitting in a packed bar. Let's say
you go to like Dave and Busters at Buffalo Wild
Wings and you're sitting there. You're watching football all day, right,
like it's the one o'clock games, it's the early games,
and the place is packed. There's this great energy and
then you know, as a Raiders fan. I'm there early
because I want to watch all these other games, and
then I can't wait for people to share my joy

during the Raiders game, and then you just watch the
whole place empty out because the four o'clock game only
has like two games, and nobody cares. They did do
a nice job, you know, like that's the only thing.
Like the selfish bummer in me. Sometimes when they've double
headed Monday Night, what they end up doing is taking
that game with the four o'clock slate.

Speaker 1 (01:42:04):
But this year they did a better job.

Speaker 5 (01:42:06):
I think they actually did a better job overall of
balance between one and four. So if I can get
two Monday Night games but still have enough games at
one and four, I'm happy.

Speaker 1 (01:42:13):
I'm good.

Speaker 6 (01:42:15):
FIG generally not a fan of the double Monday night doubleheader.

Speaker 3 (01:42:20):
I do that.

Speaker 6 (01:42:21):
I mean, look, I'll put it this way. If you're
going to stagger them, then stagger them, but don't have
them overlap. That's the big issue though, the point of
having nationally televised games is so you can have a
spotlight matchup for everybody to be able to watch. I'm
not a big fan of the fact that you're going
to start one and then start the other one at
halftime of the other, because isn't it sort of defeating
the purpose as to why you have primetime games to

begin with.

Speaker 1 (01:42:43):
It's just West coast elitist. What do you want?

Speaker 5 (01:42:46):
You want me up till three in the morning watching
the lague Monday night football game?

Speaker 6 (01:42:49):
Yeah, you know what we're doing? Fine, you call me
what's ghost leadis? That's fine. I'm not saying we have
to go back to the old opening weekend where you
had you know, seven fifteen Pacific time kickoffs. You get kickoff.

Speaker 2 (01:42:58):
I should do that. I think they did. Should do
saving in ten fifteen Eastern.

Speaker 6 (01:43:03):
Yeah, I mean, looking, everything is catered to the East
coast as it is anyway, So instead of having a
four to thirty pm kick, kick it off at three
thirty pm and then kick off of the other game
a little bit, you know, at six pm Eastern or
something and just just staggers at the very least, if
there's crossover between the end of the fourth quarter and
the start of the first quarter of the of the
two games, then fine. But I can't have one game

in the second quarter and the other games kicking off
the fourth quarter at the same time. That that's a little.

Speaker 4 (01:43:27):
Much for me.

Speaker 5 (01:43:28):
Oh, I don't know, man, Like you know, I think
I'm looking at the schedule here October twenty.

Speaker 1 (01:43:33):
First, we got the doubleheader.

Speaker 5 (01:43:35):
The nine o'clock Eastern game is Chargers at Cardinals.

Speaker 1 (01:43:39):
I just don't think.

Speaker 5 (01:43:40):
By that point, like, I don't think the Chargers are
going to be very good, and I don't think people
care about the Cardinals. So all of a sudden, like
we end up with a ten pm Eastern start.

Speaker 1 (01:43:48):
Oh no, no, I don't want that at all. And
by the way, that week would be locked in, wow,
locked in with hard.

Speaker 6 (01:43:54):
I'll take the butler bed on. The charge is not
being very good by the way, you know why.

Speaker 1 (01:44:00):
Look, I'm hammering in the under. I'm the Chargers. I
think fine.

Speaker 6 (01:44:04):
I don't even know what that's their win total? Do
we know what the win total is? Again, I'm If
I have to guess, I'd say it's probably nine nine
and a half.

Speaker 3 (01:44:13):
Old on I got it, Okay, I got it, I
got it. They got it. The old one.

Speaker 5 (01:44:21):
Hammer in the under, hammer in the under.

Speaker 1 (01:44:25):
I like that. I think that.

Speaker 5 (01:44:26):
I think the Chargers are going to be fine long term.
I think Harbor is a very good coach, and I
think they're gonna be very good long term. What happens
every time a big name coach comes in. Every single
time the big name coach, like, they come in and
then it's like, Okay, we're gonna be great, and then
a year in it's like, well, we just need to
retool the roster.

Speaker 2 (01:44:45):
So, you know, I think except you got Herbert Like
that's the difference, and you don't showing Peyton walking in
talent with them bust it up, you know, Ross, you
have talent on the on the defensive line, like there
is talent on the roster.

Speaker 6 (01:44:59):
I know they took a step back.

Speaker 1 (01:45:00):
There was talent on the roster last year too, and
they weren't good enough. There was talent. There's talent on
the rosters.

Speaker 6 (01:45:05):
Everyone coaching that could be other coach was horrendous. I
mean Harball and turns things around almost instantly from day
one everywhere that he's gone, and there wasn't a whole
lot turning around that neat that was needed for the charge. Now,
grand things fell out, the bottom fell out the end
of the year last year, but for the most part
this team has been flirting with between seven and ten
wins the last four years or so. So you're telling

me what Harball with an emphasis on the run game
along with Justin Herbert. I mean, Harball I think is
good enough for two wins just by himself.

Speaker 2 (01:45:33):
Agreed, especially after the guy the other guy was a
negative to right he louded you too games?

Speaker 5 (01:45:39):
Yeah, No, For me, part of this is who's Justin
Herbert throwing the football too?

Speaker 1 (01:45:43):
There's number one.

Speaker 5 (01:45:44):
And then even in this, you know we're gonna come
in and power the football game. Their offensive line, they're
just everybody presumes that they got the best guy impossible
in the draft, and I think it was a great
pick for them, But does that suddenly turn around their
entire offensive line and make it epic?

Speaker 1 (01:45:58):
Like I think there are more whole there.

Speaker 5 (01:46:00):
And then you look at the amount of salaries that
they had to dumb anyway, and also their defenses had
these same names year in and year out, and that
defense is still the same defense.

Speaker 1 (01:46:08):
They gave up how.

Speaker 5 (01:46:09):
Many points to the Raiders last year? Like not just
about the Raiders, I'm saying that at some point Chargers.
And then look at what happened when when Sean Payton
came to Denver it was, Oh, the Broncers are gonna
be great. When John Gruden went to the Raiders, it
was all the Raiders gonna be great when you can
go all the way back, when big name coaches go back.
When Joe Gibbs came back to Washington, it was, oh,

there's gonna be great. Like there is an adjustment I
think in the modern NFL where every time a coach
comes in they say they're gonna be great, then they
watched the team be mediocre, and then the following offseason
they cut it and it's now it's going to be
my football team. That's just the process. I think the
Chargers long term are gonna be a very good.

Speaker 3 (01:46:46):
Part of it.

Speaker 2 (01:46:46):
But I think that the only thing you're overlooking is
and it's fair when you address the roster, but I
think you're too far on the other side. Like now,
maybe it's maybe I'm I'm I over love Herbert, but
I I think I think hardball is going to put
him in his position to succeed.

Speaker 6 (01:47:06):
I agree. I mean, this is it's like, it's it's
Greg Roman, it's the it's it's the the Andrew look
at Stanford. Where as great as he was, those were
run first teams, and they took a lot of pressure
off of Luck. Now Luck had you know, his magical
moments as well. I remember a big comeback win against
USC at the Coliseum where they were down big, So
he had his moments. But they're also like to to
to Anthony's point, putting him in positions to succeed, which

I don't believe the previous coaching staff really did and
didn't he favors for him in that situation. It's also
not the strongest division. Denver's basically is clearly in the rebuilt.
The Raiders I think will be will be decent. We'll
see exactly what they turned into right now at the
women of last year in Kansas City is Kansas City,
but it's certainly not insurmountable. I don't think it's crazy
to say that the Charge is going to be in

the race for a wildcard spot right now.

Speaker 5 (01:47:51):
According to our lads, the depth chart has the starting
wide receivers Josh Palmer, Quinton Johnson, Lad McConkey.

Speaker 1 (01:48:01):
Like that, who's he throwing to?

Speaker 6 (01:48:03):
I don't know who to started running back throw to now.
I'm not comparing Russell Herberts and Tom Brady. But I'm
just saying, like you didn't have even look when it
first You're in San Francisco when he got there, and
the and the forty nine ers were also ran for
a decade, and Jim Harball turned down around instantly. He
had Alex Smith, who everybody said was a bust. Who
was he throwing to at that point in time? The
coaching mentality, uh, the thought process, I think all of

that matters. We're bringing in a new mentality and a
new coaching staff in a new front office. I think
we're under selling it a little bit.

Speaker 1 (01:48:31):
And JK.

Speaker 5 (01:48:32):
Dobbins and Gus Edwards are your two starting running backs
right now? Like, does that strike the fear of God
and anybody? I just like, look, I think they're gonna
be They're gonna be fine eventually. But you're talking about
too many roster holes. Too many roster holes. The Chiefs
will beat him twice then, even if they split with
the Broncos or Raiders, that's four losses out of the gate.

That it's four losses without even thinking. So yeah, go
through it.

Speaker 3 (01:48:56):
You have your schedule in front of you. I do
me ship here.

Speaker 9 (01:49:01):
They're opening against Vegas at home wait open against Vegas, right,
and then you're on the road back to back weeks
at Carolina, at Pittsburgh, and.

Speaker 6 (01:49:11):
Then Kansas City before you had Twitcher bye week. Those
are your first four games Raiders at home, at Carolina,
at Pittsburgh, Kansas City, going.

Speaker 3 (01:49:19):
To go to and to or or one most likely
one and three at best two and two.

Speaker 6 (01:49:24):
All right, so you come out of your buy, you
have let's say one three to go with.

Speaker 5 (01:49:28):
I had him at three and one. I think I
think they beat Pittsburgh. I think they beat the Raiders.
They beat the Raiders in so far every time, and
they beat those, they'll split with the Raiders.

Speaker 6 (01:49:36):
Carolina should be a given, so you're sire given and
their only loss being Kansas City in the first quarter
of the season.

Speaker 2 (01:49:42):
So I think that I think they're two with two,
like I was trying to give you. Yeah, because Pittsburgh
is better than the games in Pittsburgh, right, it.

Speaker 6 (01:49:52):
Is in Pittsburgh. Yes, Pittsburgh am Pacific kick or was
even splitting between Vegas and or Pittsburgh. They can lose
one of those, right, So then you're at Denver and
at Arizona the following weeks.

Speaker 3 (01:50:04):
Coming out of your by, all right, three and three.

Speaker 6 (01:50:07):
Follow that up with a home game against the Saints,
and then you're at Cleveland.

Speaker 3 (01:50:11):
Four and four.

Speaker 6 (01:50:12):
Okay, I'll give you four and four back to back
to back home games. Tennessee Cincinnati, Baltimore. Baltimore is a
Monday night.

Speaker 3 (01:50:21):
But there's three home games in a row.

Speaker 6 (01:50:23):
Three home games in a row, Tennessee, Cincinnati, Baltimore.

Speaker 3 (01:50:26):
I mean the Tennessee.

Speaker 1 (01:50:27):
They lose Cincinnati, they lose to Baltimore.

Speaker 2 (01:50:30):
Okay, let me ask you a question. You're at home
three games. It's not out of a question. They go
and cheering one for the three home.

Speaker 5 (01:50:40):
If the Bengals aren't elite this year with Joe Burrow,
then the entire thing is falling falling apart, right if
given the fact that they've kept everybody, like if they
thought they weren't in a Super Bowl window, they don't
keep t Higgins for one year rental, right, So that
that one, to me is Cincinnati is going to I
think Cincinnati is going to be one of the dominant
teams in the AFC. And even though the Ravens are

certainly dealing with their own sort of rebuild, in some ways,
the Ravens are still a better team than the Chargers
on paper today.

Speaker 6 (01:51:09):
Okay, they certainly have questions about Cincinnati's run game, but
we can get to that at a certain point later
as well. You come so you come out of that
three game stretch of home, so.

Speaker 3 (01:51:16):
Either five and six or six and five we have, Okay.

Speaker 6 (01:51:19):
Correct, Now you get to week thirteen at Atlanta at
Kansas City, back to back weeks, Kansas City Sunday night.

Speaker 3 (01:51:25):
I think that's just split.

Speaker 5 (01:51:26):
Okay, I think they lose both of them, but go ahead,
really the Falcons, Yeah, the Falcons have a company.

Speaker 2 (01:51:32):
All right, So let's let's let's split the difference there.
So if you we had them, if you were negative
on the home games one and two, then you got
to call to split, all right, So they would.

Speaker 1 (01:51:47):
Be six six and seven right now?

Speaker 6 (01:51:51):
Yeah, okay, Okay, December fifteenth at home against Tampa followed
by December twenty second at home against Denver.

Speaker 3 (01:51:58):
See, I see that's that's.

Speaker 1 (01:52:00):
A win win, that's I mean Tampa.

Speaker 5 (01:52:03):
I will give him the home win over Tampa, but
I think they end up split with Dember and I
gave them the win earlier with Denver, so I'll give
him one win, one loss.

Speaker 6 (01:52:10):
And you close the regular season at New England. So
that's gonna be a cold weather game for LA team
going out east, so that's gonna be tough. And then
you close at Las Vegas. Those are your last two games.

Speaker 1 (01:52:19):
And I'm giving them a split with the Raiders.

Speaker 5 (01:52:21):
And I gave them the first game in that so
that got them to I mean, that process got them to.

Speaker 2 (01:52:26):
So you got him at so you got him at
eight and at eight and nine.

Speaker 5 (01:52:34):
I got him at seven and ten. I was keeping
the little markers here. I got him at seven and ten.

Speaker 2 (01:52:40):
You got them at seven in ten, Wow, and they're
over on there's nine, eight and a half, eight and
a half.

Speaker 3 (01:52:47):

Speaker 6 (01:52:49):

Speaker 2 (01:52:50):
Because right now I have him, I see them like
at eight right, like order line eight right. So yeah, yeah,
it's good. It's a spot on number. I'll tell you
that much.

Speaker 6 (01:53:04):

Speaker 1 (01:53:04):
And I just understand like that.

Speaker 5 (01:53:06):
I wouldn't be surprised this year if, like I know,
we just went through the schedule game. But when it
all plays itself out in my mind, if I'm just saying,
like where are these teams? I think the Raiders are
a seven win team this year. I think the Chargers
are a six win team, and I think the Broncos
are a five win I think, yeah.

Speaker 3 (01:53:23):
Wow, that's wow.

Speaker 2 (01:53:25):
Okay, all right, all right, we gotta take a quick
we have to take a quick t o.

Speaker 3 (01:53:33):
But I love this, man, we got, I got, I
love this.

Speaker 2 (01:53:35):
I have another question when you think about do you
prefer because you guys mentioned how much you like the
or the one o'clock sports bar, there is a push
to look at these games as singular units, right and
spreading them out almost like the NCAA does with the

tournament where you have you stagger the starts, you try
to do, you try to make them singular units. Would
you guys be against that? And I'm going to dive
into that with you guys.

Speaker 3 (01:54:11):

Speaker 2 (01:54:12):
Where the fellas hanging out right here on Fox Sports Radio?

Speaker 3 (01:54:16):
All right, welcome.

Speaker 2 (01:54:17):
Back fellas from the tyraq dot com studios. Jason Fitz,
Kevin figures on, Anthony Gargano as we hang out every
week with you Saturday morning, would hang with the fellas.
So I brought this up, curious FITZI you like when
there is multiple games going on at on a Sunday

like you love those those you know six early games
and four late.

Speaker 10 (01:54:46):
Games and you know a minimum, right, there's a movement
to look at these games like you know, you got inventory, right,
and so you go, all right, I got my international,
which would be nine thirty stear at six thirty Pacific.

Speaker 2 (01:55:02):
Then the you know, the early, the the late afternoon,
and then the prime time and then that's where the
other days of the week coming to play, right, the Monday, Tuesday,
you know, the Monday, Saturday, Thursday. Maybe even ors talk
about expanding it to Tuesday. Are you against that?

Speaker 3 (01:55:23):
Do you like?

Speaker 2 (01:55:23):
Do you look at like, do you say keep as is?
Because you know we're creatures.

Speaker 1 (01:55:30):
Abbay, I hate it. I hate it so much.

Speaker 5 (01:55:33):
I can't even put into words how much I hate
the concept of taking away the most beautiful thing about
the NFL to me, which is the feeling you get
when you're sitting there on a Sunday and everybody's watching
it once when your group text is blowing up because somebody,
your Giants fan is feeling heartbreak. Your your buddy there,
but your other buddy that's over here, that's an Eagles fan,

is feeling heartbreak, and then your Raiders fan, and you're
just trying to get through it somehow, and your chiefs
fans talk contrash in the same group thread, Like I
that's the thing about Sundays that I crave. I want
to balance schedule where frankly Sundays are are split in
the one o'clock games of the four o'clock games. I
want chaos all day long. I this is not a

popular opinion. I think Sunday night football is such a
letdown because, like I've spent all day around everybody feeling
this vibe, in this energy, and then you get one
game at the end of the night that you know,
if you're a football fan, you're gonna watch it, but
you may or may not have a rooting interest in
it or a true care but you're gonna watch it.

Speaker 1 (01:56:33):
But it doesn't have the same vibe and energy.

Speaker 5 (01:56:35):
Man, in a fantasy football, gambling and group text world,
I want all my games crammed in it once.

Speaker 2 (01:56:41):
Where we're The argument is is that you know most
people you know they care about your team, so your team.

Speaker 3 (01:56:51):
Will be focused.

Speaker 2 (01:56:52):
Everybody's team will have its own slot and not be overshadowed.

Speaker 5 (01:56:58):
Yeah, but I mean, think about how many casual fans
just walk into a sports bar on a Sunday because
football is on. Are they gonna walk into that same
sports bar on a Tuesday because the Titans are playing
the Jacks. I keep pumping, you know, picking on the
Titans and the Jacks. But like, let's be real, Like
if if matters.

Speaker 2 (01:57:14):
As much as we rail against these other games, they
do numbers.

Speaker 1 (01:57:21):
Sure, and you don't make they do real like they dwarf.

Speaker 2 (01:57:25):
We talked about this with the NBA, Like you know NFL,
it was that Christmas Day games weren't great, game weren't
great like matchups, and they trounced them. I think Denver
was one of them.

Speaker 1 (01:57:39):
One hundred percent.

Speaker 5 (01:57:40):
You're right, And you know how much I always I
always bring up the TV numbers. I love everything about
the TV numbers. But in this situation, I just the
group camaraderie, Like is it gonna be the same if
you're sitting in it?

Speaker 3 (01:57:52):

Speaker 5 (01:57:52):
Part of the reason fantasy football, I think is so
huge is that you set your lineup and then everybody's.

Speaker 1 (01:57:58):
Dialed in it at the same time.

Speaker 5 (01:57:59):
Part of the in fantasy baseball doesn't resonate as much,
but you're somebody.

Speaker 2 (01:58:03):
Stretching eyeballs though and there, and if you're looking at
it from another standpo where you go, well, why am
I not? Why am I showing all these games at
the same time, And we're I'm losing eyeballs because.

Speaker 3 (01:58:18):
We already know everybody's gonna watch. So what's different.

Speaker 2 (01:58:20):
You still have the same You're still gonna have to
do the same thing, You're still gonna have the same fantasy.

Speaker 3 (01:58:25):
They're just gonna be more readily available to watch.

Speaker 5 (01:58:30):
Yeah, but I also look at all that and say, okay,
number one, if you're spreading it out throughout the course
of the week, you'll lose people's interests. Like, we live
in such an add world that I saw a clip
the other day of somebody talking about a movie that
was tuned in turned in for Netflix, and at the time,
Netflix rejected it and asked it to be re edited
it because it was too complicated for a person to

be on their phone while they're watching it. That was
a real piece of feedback, like somebody nobody's actually watching,
They're gonna be on their second screen, So this movie
is too complicated. So like for me, if I start like, yeah,
but that's that's.

Speaker 6 (01:59:05):
The Gods A good point though, But you talk about
like you know why the NBA, why Major League Baseball,
why some of these every day are multi game a
week sports have lost popularity is because it's too ubiquitous,
you know. And if you start spreading out and have
three NFL games every single night of the week, something
is going to get lost eventually. Everybody. As much as

we say we love the NFL, and all of us do,
we're not going to commit six hours a day, every
single day to watch every single NFL game. It's just
not pla.

Speaker 3 (01:59:33):
We already do it now, we don't.

Speaker 2 (01:59:35):
We don't have seven days a week, all day long
day Monday Thursday.

Speaker 5 (01:59:41):
How often are we getting standalone games between terrible teams
and that.

Speaker 3 (01:59:48):
People still watching?

Speaker 1 (01:59:49):
We all.

Speaker 6 (01:59:52):
It's not every night, it's not, and they will want it.

Speaker 3 (01:59:55):
Doesn't at a season that's in capsure.

Speaker 2 (02:00:01):
Even if you stretched it, you're still only going September
to end of February.

Speaker 1 (02:00:07):
Yeah, but if you end up getting you know, even if.

Speaker 3 (02:00:10):
You add another game, you only have eighteen games.

Speaker 5 (02:00:13):
If you end up getting the Pants Panthers on three
straight Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday nights and they're terrible, nobody's gonna
watch it eventually.

Speaker 6 (02:00:22):
Yeah, there is there are such a thing as too much,
and that right there will be too much.

Speaker 1 (02:00:29):
You gotta you gotta hide the flaws too, You gotta
hide the flaws.

Speaker 2 (02:00:34):
All right, I got another thing to throw at you too,
all right for the fellas right here, Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (02:00:43):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio Radio.

Speaker 2 (02:00:47):
Well, good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning,
good morning.

Speaker 3 (02:00:52):
Every buddy.

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Well uh a happy Fox Sports Saturday to all across
the nation. As we've reached our final hour of the program.
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Speaker 3 (02:01:17):
The way tire buying should be.

Speaker 2 (02:01:20):
Fell as Jason fitz Kevin figures on Anthony Gargano and
we come the Alive from the tire rack dot Com Studios.
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We've been all over the place. I do like, uh,
you know figures enduring his update during his trending when

he said who's.

Speaker 3 (02:02:03):
Got the best record in Major League Baseball?

Speaker 6 (02:02:06):
I forgot refreshed my memory. It was it was about,
you know, four or five minutes ago. I've already figured
a hazy dude, we're heading for a showdown.

Speaker 2 (02:02:17):
You and I see like Dodgers Phillies showdown baby, Well,
I mean for the show.

Speaker 5 (02:02:24):
We're bad for the show. Like, are we gonna have
to separate you too? Or like how does that work?

Speaker 4 (02:02:28):

Speaker 6 (02:02:28):
We used to we we always fell yeah for years.

Speaker 2 (02:02:34):
Like brothers, we're like that. We're like the brothers who
like they're like, we're like my two sons. They fight constantly.

Speaker 5 (02:02:42):
Look, I buy all of that, but also like either
of you were that used to winning world series. So like,
I just you know, I just don't know how how
how it's gonna go, you know, I mean it's just
maybe the rich and storied history of World Series Championships
hasn't gone necessarily away either, you had hoped sometimes, So
I just I'm just here to make sure that there's

there's peace and love between.

Speaker 1 (02:03:05):
You the two.

Speaker 6 (02:03:06):
First of all, that's riches fake.

Speaker 3 (02:03:07):
How about how about mister I'm jesting in my body now?

Speaker 6 (02:03:12):
Is water exactly?

Speaker 1 (02:03:13):
You know, the water makes me feisty.

Speaker 6 (02:03:15):
That's all that water exactly. Yeah. And by the way,
the Doctors have a very riches story history with the
World Series Championships. Now it may be a long, long, long,
long time ago, but it is very very rich.

Speaker 5 (02:03:28):
Okay, well, let's just talk about your lifetime likes.

Speaker 1 (02:03:31):
You now you're doing.

Speaker 6 (02:03:32):
You're bringing up stuff that's not even necessary.

Speaker 5 (02:03:34):
I mean, this is what happens to Like, that's the
number of times that Raiders fans bring up and I
am one, right, and then Raiders fans bring up the
past Super Bowls and I'm like, y'all, like I was
a child when they won the last Super Bowl. So
let's not see her and talk about the greatness of
the seventies like it really matters in twenty twenty four.

Speaker 1 (02:03:51):
It doesn't, right, Yeah, you know that's.

Speaker 5 (02:03:53):
All like it's in a textbook. Now, you read it,
you learn from it, and you move on.

Speaker 6 (02:03:56):
You know, I could talk about Marcus Sallen reversing Field
on Washington all day long.

Speaker 1 (02:04:00):
You know what.

Speaker 6 (02:04:01):
I wasn't even born yet, so it's all from all
from the archives, that's all I know it from.

Speaker 3 (02:04:06):
It's like the Cowboys. Did you see they they mocked
themselves with the flip floone, the flip phone.

Speaker 1 (02:04:12):
I didn't see that.

Speaker 6 (02:04:13):
I didn't see that either.

Speaker 3 (02:04:14):
Yeah, so they put out a thing during the schedule.

Speaker 6 (02:04:16):
Everybody had their little schedule release montages. I did not
get a chance to watch all of them.

Speaker 2 (02:04:20):
And if Cowboys had this flip floone thing get working
and it's like, yeah, flip phone, last time you guys won,
We're relevant.

Speaker 6 (02:04:30):
Wow, I would you know what that's I actually give
kudos to the Cowboys were poking fun of themselves because
usually they would not be the ones to do that.

Speaker 3 (02:04:36):
So I don't know if they meant to do that really, So.

Speaker 5 (02:04:40):
You think it was an accidental self poke?

Speaker 2 (02:04:43):
Yesoke, right, that's yeah interesting, Yeah, I think it was
a flub. No, it was like the chargers, by the way,
to charge your schedule release that was phenomenal.

Speaker 6 (02:04:55):
That one was really good.

Speaker 1 (02:04:56):
Yeah, it's always good. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (02:04:58):
They always do a absolute spectacular job, the absolutely spectacular
job with those videos.

Speaker 1 (02:05:04):
There's no doubt about that.

Speaker 2 (02:05:06):
All right, So let me ask you out because we've
been discussing this, this schedule and how the thing is presented.

Speaker 3 (02:05:14):
I find it so interesting for years. I bet Figgie's here.

Speaker 2 (02:05:17):
Now you're still gonna go against me, even though now
I've been proving correct over the years, they've implemented the
Gargato plan many times.

Speaker 3 (02:05:26):
You've seen you're a witness.

Speaker 6 (02:05:28):
Fig Well in some senses, yes.

Speaker 2 (02:05:32):
In some senses. First of all, they're gonna go to
eighteen games. I said that years ago, fifteen years ago.

Speaker 6 (02:05:38):
I don't know. I don't think I or even Lincoln
fought you on that, because you know, it's it's all
about my guys.

Speaker 2 (02:05:45):
Every week we were should or should every double hand games.

Speaker 1 (02:05:50):
Look, I'm on it, I'm in on eighteen games. I
take it to twenty. I'm good to taking its twenty.

Speaker 6 (02:05:54):
I don't care give me money, but as long as
networks are willing to give them money for more inventory,
the NFL is gonna getting it that. I've always said
that I have no problem with that whatsoever.

Speaker 5 (02:06:04):
As long as the majority of the players in the
NFL can make more money off of it, all of
the things that we spend all of this time talking
about with health and safety will never be prioritized. They're
going to prioritize paychecks. Like I I hear what. In
the minute I say twenty games, people are like, what
about health and safety? Okay, I will care as much
about health and safety as the players do if they

ever choose to actually make that the hill they will
die on in the collective bargaining agreement until the players
fight for themselves for that at a level that truly
changes health and safety. I'm not gonna worry about it,
like that's up to them to fight.

Speaker 3 (02:06:36):
For Yeah, I no, I hear you. I hear you. Now.

Speaker 6 (02:06:42):
The Garganel plan of having like multiple NFL games every
single salutary night of the week, now, granted they have
increased their inventory, but it's also specialized. Like they're not
having NFL games every single Friday. They're not having them
every single Wednesday or every Tuesday.

Speaker 3 (02:06:57):
I never said that like they do. They should do
it every day.

Speaker 2 (02:07:01):
I've said there should be specially times exactly this, but
let me let me throw this at you. All right,
what about doing away with the one pm ten a
m kickoff times and skeet and then you start you

basically you started earlier, like at noon on the east,
and you stagger the kickoff.

Speaker 6 (02:07:31):
Times, so like you still get all your games twelve
forty kick one. Yeah, kids still get.

Speaker 2 (02:07:38):
All your games, but they're not going to be played
at the same exact time, so the stagger, so they're
not all going to halftime at the same time.

Speaker 1 (02:07:50):
They're not all I don't hate this.

Speaker 3 (02:07:53):
This is I say. I thought you might like it.

Speaker 5 (02:07:57):
Now you're stretching out my seat because the thing of
it is, like I said earlier, here's what I hate.
I hate when I've been in the bar supporting all
of you guys, and then all of a sudden your
game's in and you leave me to sit at the
bar alone just to frank and misery while the works.

Speaker 6 (02:08:10):
Let me watch the Raider of Cardinal one oh five
kick that no one else cares about, yeah.

Speaker 5 (02:08:15):
One hundred per like it's it's lonely in the sports
bar in the afternoon. So I like this plan because
if we spread them all out throughout the course.

Speaker 3 (02:08:22):
Of the day.

Speaker 1 (02:08:23):
Then you don't have a good even flow throughout the course.

Speaker 3 (02:08:25):
Of the game starts.

Speaker 6 (02:08:28):
Now, maybe it won't matter. I know what the NFL
does now we talk about primetime games. They do consider
the four to twenty five kick of a particular game
every single week to be a primetime ish short of
game for one of the networks. So if you're staggering
a bunch of kicks, how do you isolate a marquee
matchup for an afternoon part of the window.

Speaker 2 (02:08:46):
Well, you're still going to have your central games, like
you're like Fox or CBS has a double header, right,
one in four to twenty five will still be one
in four to twenty five.

Speaker 6 (02:08:56):
But the other game, all the other games are floaters.

Speaker 5 (02:08:59):
Yes, yeah, And why not why not have four to
twenty five be the last kick of the whole day
window until Sunday night?

Speaker 1 (02:09:06):
You know, so like you could start.

Speaker 2 (02:09:08):
I say you start earlier, right, like you started like
a big new like we do the big New kickoff
on Fox for college football?

Speaker 3 (02:09:16):
Why not do with the NFL.

Speaker 5 (02:09:17):
Now you're gonna get You're gonna get yourself in trouble
down on the Bible belt.

Speaker 1 (02:09:20):
Let me tell you something.

Speaker 5 (02:09:21):
When I moved to Nashville, right when the Titans got there,
it was amazing because at the time you couldn't even
buy alcohol on Sundays in Tennessee. And then they were like, well, wait,
now we got a football team, so we should probably
allow that. And then, like churches had to move their
service times to get you move, you moved football back
an hour on Sundays. The entire southern part of the

country is going to have to, like you're going to
start having eight nine, ten am sermon so that people
can get into their their football early enough. Gonna have
to change some blue laws on when you can buy alcohol.
Like some You're gonna get some pushback from the Bible belt.

Speaker 6 (02:09:55):
Brother, Well you know, listen, it works on Saturdays, so yeah,
is just rolling through the night. Why not?

Speaker 3 (02:10:01):
You know.

Speaker 2 (02:10:02):
I'll be honest with you. But here's the thing. My
whole belief system is nobody's gonna like this, but football
is the new church. Like sports builds churches. And when
I say church, I don't mean worship of God, whatever
your faith is, your faith is, But what I mean
is congregation and community.

Speaker 6 (02:10:24):
I mean in any senses, it is more in the
Bible Belt, especially for college football.

Speaker 2 (02:10:28):
Well that's my point, Like, that's why the Bible Belt's
with me Bible Belt site, because all I'm trying to
do is promote community through football. It's community, it's brotherhood,
it's love of thy neighbor, right, making memories good, you know, wholesome,

eat some barbecue, you know, hang out on a Sunday
together and watch.

Speaker 5 (02:10:55):
There were there were churches when the Titans first started playing,
because again they weren't used to Sunday services. That would
just put a huge screen right behind the pastor and
as soon as he finished with the thank you, you know,
thank you, good nights, all of a sudden, the game
comes on.

Speaker 6 (02:11:13):
That's incredible. Stop something that's great, Well, stay.

Speaker 2 (02:11:18):
And hang out and watch football. It's beautiful. And I
believe sports is our savior. Like sports, like I talk
a lot about youth sports. And you know, someday when
Oliver he's playing you know, travel baseball and football and basketball,
figure you'll know this.

Speaker 3 (02:11:38):
But the idea, Fitzie, is that you know, when you.

Speaker 2 (02:11:43):
Have these families get together, like we had a tournament
last week and it was Mother's Day. Right now, you think,
oh my god, Mother's Day. Right, So these moms had
to spend their Sunday Mother's Day afternoon at a ball field.
Now they we had champagne, so they had Bellini's and

Mimosa's and they had pastries and you know, I mean
it was it was a beautiful moment. Like it was
like all these families are together, and you know, the
ladies had their thing and the pictures and flowers and
you know, and we just took it to the field
and it was a beautiful day of together this in

the community through baseball.

Speaker 3 (02:12:30):
I love that.

Speaker 1 (02:12:31):
I would not have anticipated that. In fact, I railed.

Speaker 5 (02:12:35):
I'm the one person that's yelling about the Arena Football
League put their decision to open their season during the
weekend of the draft was stupid. And then a couple
of weeks later, the Nashville Cats are like, come out
for their their second home game, come out for Mother's Day.
We're doing a two for one ticket special. I'm like,
what kids going to their moms, like, Mom, let's go
to Arena Football for.

Speaker 1 (02:12:55):
But what you're describing is a.

Speaker 5 (02:12:56):
Beautiful thing, though, Like, so what you're describing is this
like beautif sense of community.

Speaker 1 (02:13:01):
And you're not wrong by the way.

Speaker 5 (02:13:02):
Like success for particularly for football teams, brings so many
cities together. This is why high school football is such
a big deal in so many parts of the country
because the camaraderie it creates. It's why college football is
what it is like, It's why, you know, certain certain
pockets of the country you can look at certain weekends
and just eliminate your social calendar because you know that

that's what everybody is.

Speaker 1 (02:13:25):
Going to be doing. You are right that there is
a sense of community around what football brings.

Speaker 3 (02:13:30):
That is f you know, do we need to talk
about that?

Speaker 2 (02:13:34):
I mean, it's you know, it's it's a part of
bringing us all together at all. And all, let's face it, man,
we just need to be with one not to not
to preach, but we all need just to be with
each other.

Speaker 3 (02:13:47):
Like that's the biggest thing.

Speaker 6 (02:13:49):
Things are so divisive nowadays. One of the fun things
that does bring everybody together, regardless of different outlooks, is
the sports teams that.

Speaker 3 (02:13:55):
You root for more against.

Speaker 6 (02:13:57):
You know, yeah, people, people will be gavinized by the
fact that they both hate the Cowboys and they'll just
they'll just hate watch and do that. Right, there's a
lot of that going on too, I will say, and
you're probably not gonna you know, I probably don't expect this,
but your staggered schedule idea for the Sunday windows. I
don't hate it. Look at this, I don't hate it.
It would take some just thing just because I'm not

used to it. It's like lifting, like you know, it's
like fits lifting weights, you know, but you know once
you get into it a week or two, you know
you'll be looking like no time going around, you know,
stop it. You might need some enhancements.

Speaker 1 (02:14:33):
But yeah, I try.

Speaker 5 (02:14:34):
Like, look, if somebody's got enhancements, it will speed this
process up. Ship them to me, Like you just tell
me where to meet you, You tell me which mailbox
to meet you by, and like I'll just we'll do
the drop. I like, I'm all in for the enhancements,
like two weeks, two weeks and I'm gonna be yo guy.

Speaker 1 (02:14:47):
No, I think this is a good idea.

Speaker 5 (02:14:48):
And I think what we've learned is that the Fellas
should now take over for Roger Goodell as the commissioner
of the NFL.

Speaker 3 (02:14:53):
Like, give it always maturity to be the scheduled guy?

Speaker 6 (02:14:57):
Can you just give me like just zero point two
five percent of whatever he's making. I'll take that, sure.

Speaker 5 (02:15:02):
I know you mean job is to stand up in
front of the media, take all the blame and then,
you know, just deflect everything.

Speaker 1 (02:15:09):
I feel like we could do that as a family.

Speaker 5 (02:15:11):
Yes, a show structure, you know what could stand up
and be like, yep, that's on me, and then no
matter what the question is, I'll just sort of round
about chase my tail on the answer, and twenty minutes
later everybody will fall asleep like I've got this totally
figured out.

Speaker 3 (02:15:23):
Oh yeah, yes, yes.

Speaker 6 (02:15:27):
The people will ask a question three years ago, so
will there ever be a playoff game on streaming services?
And no, that's not going to happen. And then three
years later it happens, and no one asks him about it,
and he just keeps on moving. Yes enough, Well, you know,
things change, thanks commission. Next questions pretty much what it
turns into. By the way, real quick, I just want
to let everybody know.

Speaker 2 (02:15:47):
Third bed Racing, it's preaked in state today has a
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technology to help keep its athlete Safe. To learn more,
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dot com. Uh, how do we feel about the Uh,
let's look at the Black Friday three games thanksgiving the
Black Friday gate. You like the way that has come
about the second straight year of Black Friday?

Speaker 1 (02:16:28):
Oh god?

Speaker 5 (02:16:28):
Yeah, Like, I'm all in for a Black Friday game.
I think it's it's and why not. I mean I understand,
you know, maybe college football heads would say there's some
college football to be played there too, but yeah, now
give me an NFL game on Black Friday.

Speaker 1 (02:16:40):
It makes total sense.

Speaker 3 (02:16:41):
It's a big college football at night.

Speaker 2 (02:16:44):
Yeah, Like one, you have a big new kickoff and
then you have the six and seven o'clock games.

Speaker 6 (02:16:51):
Yeah, which I think was the case this past year.
I feel like in the last few seasons, you know,
the cash day of Black Friday, with college football's kind
of falling off. Yes, you know, you don't have as
many marquee matchups on that day as you used to.
So I think it's prime, prime real estate for the
NFL to move in there and have a have a
new tradition move in. I'm all for it.

Speaker 3 (02:17:08):
Yeah, Yeah, I agree.

Speaker 2 (02:17:11):
How do we feel about should let me ask you,
do you expect a triple header on Christmas or were
you fine with the double head?

Speaker 3 (02:17:19):
Like I was like looking forward to three games on Christmas.

Speaker 5 (02:17:22):
I kind of thought we were going to get three games,
and I was hopeful for that, but yeah, I'll take
two like too. So like again, I think my perspective
on Christmas is going to be different than yols is
because they got you know, I don't have kids, So
for me, there's just this moment of you know, as
somebody that doesn't have a lot of family in general,
like I just it's nice to wake up.

Speaker 1 (02:17:42):
And be like, oh right, I got football coming.

Speaker 5 (02:17:44):
I wish it would have been a third game because
it's a nice little like way to just sort of
occupy the day. But you know, I think two's fine too,
Too's fine.

Speaker 6 (02:17:52):
Yeah, I think too. I think two is enough. I
think three could be a little bit much, especially when
you're talking about people with families and people that do
multiple families sort of situation, and what else someone's family
didn't like football and you're checking the phone and it
turns into an entire thing. If there could just be
a window of time during the day where I can
just you know, isolate, do the family thing, and then
all of a sudden, all right, now we got food
and we got sports, and all that stuff is kind

of done with at that point, so that I think
two is enough.

Speaker 2 (02:18:18):
Okay, fair, fair, fair, Let's look at opening week, all right,
So Thursday Ravens, Cheap Chiefs, Great.

Speaker 1 (02:18:31):
Gaming, gonna have record ratings on that, I'm sure.

Speaker 2 (02:18:36):
And then you go Peacock on a Friday night from
Sapao Brazil, Packers and Eagles. First, how do we feel
about Brazil as the destination and the Friday game?

Speaker 3 (02:18:54):
You like the Friday game?

Speaker 5 (02:18:56):
International games suck, they take they take home games away
from as that deserve to have them where they are.
I don't care about the global growth of the game,
and I don't really care if Brazil ever gets a
football game. That being said, wouldn't mind going uh Brazil,
I mean's but like if it was my beloved Raiders
playing there on a Friday night in Brazil, I would

be pumped out, Like I don't want to lose a
home game as a fan. So I absolutely I don't
like the International series. I don't like the international game.
I don't really like a Friday night football game. On
the opening weekend either. So there's very little to like
about this.

Speaker 1 (02:19:32):
Other than the game and me and speedos.

Speaker 6 (02:19:35):
I don't that last comment nowithstanding, I don't necessarily mind
having a Friday night game to kick off the weekend.
You know, expand out opening weekend a little bit. You're
not going to do Saturday to step on college football
s toes obviously, but out of mind throwing a Friday
game in there, I fits and I are in lockstep.
When it comes to the International Games. I can do
without it. That game should be at the Link. It
should not be in South Paula, Brazil designated as a

Philadelphia Eagles home game because it's not and as short
and is the Eagles home fans.

Speaker 2 (02:20:02):
Yes, yes, yes, people here are upset about it. I'm
sure I like the international game.

Speaker 3 (02:20:11):
I'm the lone voice here. I like the International Games.

Speaker 2 (02:20:14):
I love the idea of spreading football throughout the world
like Munich.

Speaker 3 (02:20:21):
Love fact that they're playing in Munich, London, Munich.

Speaker 6 (02:20:28):
If you're gonna end up expanding the schedule, maybe you
find a way at some point to have you know,
a game in an international city every single week and
it's a neutral game for a neutral site for both
teams and figure it out that way as opposed to
taking away home games from from fans. Yeah, if you
find a way to do that and within the schedule,
then I'm all for it.

Speaker 3 (02:20:46):
I got you, I got you. I can't wait till
they play in Rome.

Speaker 1 (02:20:52):
No, no, no, I will go.

Speaker 3 (02:20:54):
That's the three of us will go to that game.

Speaker 6 (02:20:56):
Oh absolutely, all right, all.

Speaker 2 (02:20:59):
Right, we gotta take quick time, Matt. We'll come back.
The big Brain will join us to take a look
at the weekend from a betting standpoint.

Speaker 3 (02:21:06):
We'll do that. We'll go back over some of the game.
It's a lot of fun. Hang it. We're back, fellas, Fitzy,
Figgy cuz oh with you.

Speaker 6 (02:21:16):
Every weekend Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (02:21:20):
Welcome back, fellas from the tire Rack dot Com studios, Fitzy,
Figgy Cauz hanging with you every Saturday morning on Fox
Sports Radio and joining us we take a look at
sports from a betting standpoint, and we have the Brain.
Brad Feinberg, our man, the Brain, our sports betting expert.

Speaker 4 (02:21:45):
Good morning, Bradley, Good morning, my friend, Anthony.

Speaker 3 (02:21:50):
Good buddy.

Speaker 2 (02:21:51):
Uh, before we get into the basketball, we're just diving
over through the schedule, and interestingly, Fitzy on covers he
shares with us how the Niners have have a distinct
disadvantage in playing eight times playing an opponent where they

have less rest than they do thirty two days negative
total and when it comes to rest before games. So
I right away thought, well, wait a second, what's there
over on? They're eleven and a half, the schedule's tough

factor in the games?

Speaker 3 (02:22:41):
What do you do? Is that an underplay for you?

Speaker 4 (02:22:45):
Well, you know, it's interesting. I had a lean on
their under for sure, I had a lean on their under.
But what's interesting what I've done in that division. I
actually took a stab. I took the Rams plus four
p fifty and the Seattle and eight to one to
one division. I just something in my bones tells me
it's not going to be the Niners. I know that

all the reasons why it will be I get it.
But yeah, I'm not as bullish on Sana Fran as others.
And Plus, it just seems anything when you lose that
Super Bowl. I don't know why. I don't know if
it's what kind of block that it seems to be.
It seems like it's very hard to get back there
the next year to have any kind of the same success.

Usually like look at Philadelphia last year for example. I
don't think it's gonna don't. I don't love San Francisco's
outlook as much, and I haven't bet there under eleven
and a half yet, but it's certainly a strong lean
that I may get there by the time, you know,
the season kicks off.

Speaker 5 (02:23:44):
We were having it at early well, we were having
an argument earlier on the Charger, So we've got to
get your thoughts on where you are at LA. Is
that the number we pulled was eight and a half.
Do you have a leaning on the Chargers going into
the season.

Speaker 4 (02:23:56):
Well, it's interesting, Okay, a guy who I respect very much,
he likes their over professional better who I work with,
and I bet under nine and a half. It was
one like nine and a half and I took under
nine and a half. His reason that he likes over
eight and half and obviously eight and half nine mass
two completely different numbers. But was it just having Assembly's

like formula, It's like, how many times do you have
a good coach and a good quarterback and your team
as a losing record. He goes go through the history
of the Annals, you have a good coach and a
good quarterback. Very rarely do you have a losing record,
which I did. That I couldn't argue it really is true.
My problem with it is, I just don't know if
they have I think it's an you know, somewhat of

an older roster. I don't think they have many good
defensive players. I don't think they have many good offensive players.
So yeah, you're putting a lot on the fact that
he's going to change the culture, which I think horriball
will and that hurt. It's great, which I think he is.
Eight and a half would be a completely pass for me.
Nine and a half. I actually at the under because

I thought the great number was eight and a.

Speaker 6 (02:25:02):
M m hmm.

Speaker 3 (02:25:05):
That's kind of where we were, you know, it was.

Speaker 2 (02:25:08):
It was funny because we came up. When you go
through the schedule, it feels like eight or nine. I
think that number is Actually I.

Speaker 4 (02:25:18):
Thought it was accurate. Again, I'm gonna be.

Speaker 5 (02:25:23):
There's there, there's six or seven win team this year.
I'm hammering the under.

Speaker 4 (02:25:30):
You know what I would rather see you do though,
And I'll be honest, if you like their under I
have a better way to attack that because I actually
made this bet. Also right now, if you like you're under,
let's just say they go ninety eight, you lose, right,
They're like, oh sucks nothing to miss the playoffs. Okay,
it's comparable juice. And if they go ninety eight, they're

not making the playoffs in the ASC anyway. Okay, I'll
tell you that right now. To me, it's a way
of you getting nine and a half. By the way
they win ten, they may not get in, Okay, I
think ten they probably would, but nine they're not making
the playoffs. Nine and eat AFC they made in the NFC,
no way in the AFC. I would rather see you
attack it that way if everyone listens, if you like

they're under, because I think it's kind of a way
you're getting a free game that you know, a sneaking one.

Speaker 1 (02:26:19):
In that's gonna I love that.

Speaker 4 (02:26:22):
Yeah, because they go if they win eight, and you
would have won your bet anyway, there's zero chance to
get in at eight, zero right zero now, and nine.
I think the odds are still crazy against you getting
in at nine and eight in AFC. So to me,
against the way you get nine and a half.

Speaker 3 (02:26:40):
Uh, let's go to baseball real quick.

Speaker 4 (02:26:42):
And so.

Speaker 2 (02:26:45):
What was Paul Skimes strikeouts yesterday? And how they is
it one of those deals where you just go at
I'm sure they're going to write it now after yesterday's
outing interesting too, as in the side would you have
left him in?

Speaker 4 (02:27:03):
Well, it's interesting on my my anthey, one of my
onm I show yesterday, I said, and I gave up
Paul schemes over fourteen half outs, and I said today,
I go today, not next week, not next year, not
five years from now. I view him as the best
pitcher in Major League Baseball, or I go, I think
he's as good as anyone, and I go, he will

show that today. And I nothing I saw yesterday got
me off that. I think this guy has no exaggeration
like the best stuff I've seen. I think he's absolutely phenomenal.
I was surprised to them one hundred pictures his over
runner with six and a half strikeout to juice to
the under And it's interesting. I'm kicking myself because I

think he was like seven to one odds to get
like ten plus strikeout. And I got the party laid
on it because again I think this guy can get
ten against anyone, and I think he's a special generational talent.
The ball, the way his ball moves, the velocity is
until he gets hurt. I hope he doesn't get hurt.
But you know, I really hope he doesn't get hurt.

I think he's must CTV and I think this guy
is going to be again for the innings he pitches. Again,
I don't think he's gonna be able to throw consistent
six inning games, which is why you can't put him
as a true, true elite, elite guy because of that.
But for the inningcy pitches, I think will be as
unhippable as anyone we have in this baseball.

Speaker 2 (02:28:27):
Yeah, okay, we were talking about how to FITZI like
you had a great point. Why don't you say it
about it's sure for the Brad and the audience Again
about the about special moments.

Speaker 5 (02:28:38):
Yeah, I think my bee Brad is that like in
the moment of trying to hold his armor or preserve
the future, what you're doing is you're denying everybody that's
there and baseball as a whole, the opportunity for a
truly special moment that cuts through, you know, and for
a sport that is constantly trying to make sure that
people are paying attention, but also for all the people
that are in the stadium that want that memory and

that moment. Like, I just think baseball has prioritized analytics
over allowing special moments to happen, and I don't think
that that's great for the sport.

Speaker 4 (02:29:08):
Well that's a fair point, but I'm gonna say this.
He threw one hundred pitches through six innings, so you know,
I don't need my great maskills real he's at pro rates.
You know, he's throwing about, you know, sixteen over sixteen,
seventeen pitches an inning, so he's going to need one
hundred and fifty pitches to finish that game. I don't
remember the last time someone tol one hundred fo pitches.

Maybe Randy Johnson back of the day. Maybe don't know
that interesting?

Speaker 3 (02:29:33):
You know what's funny?

Speaker 2 (02:29:34):
So I brought up Doc Good in nineteen eighty four,
September seventh against Chicago. He throws a one hitter, nine innings,
eleven strikeouts, he walked four or five.

Speaker 6 (02:29:49):
And he threw one hundred and forty seven pitches.

Speaker 4 (02:29:53):
Yeah, forty sixteen to me, the counter argument to what
I just said, guys is and Anthony, I think I've
discussed this with you off air. I find it fascinating
with all like the the analytics and the and the
help people with you know, health now to make sure
people were rest management theoretically, better technology, better everything. I
found it interesting. I remember Anthony growing up with like

the open age, when they had like, you know, four
starters all pitching like three hundred innings, you know, like
and I just the Balttimore Oriels had like all their
guys go to four twenty game winners, and they all
would pitch like every fourth day, forget every fifth day.
Every fourth day Nolan Ryan was throwing three hundred and
forty innings, and I feel like the injuries were far

less back then. Again, I was a kid, I was younger,
but it didn't seem like the disabled US was in.

Speaker 2 (02:30:41):
Yeah, I had the same conversation with Charlie, Manuel, Larry Bowe,
all those old timers. They'll tell you the same thing.
You know, I think a lot of it has to
do with throwing all year round. Guys throw too much,
and I think they throw too much as kids and
then into high school.

Speaker 4 (02:30:56):
You know, well you have Anthony. Now, in my opinion,
you're also have a backlash, right even if you're you're
think your method it's like, it's tough when you think
your methodology is right to go against what the quote
unquote world says. Like let's just say it's citation about
the Paul Schemes thing. If you throw him out there
for the seventh inning, the eighth inning, when suppose he
gets to the nineteenings, like one hundred and thirty four pitches,

he gives up a hit. Keith being roasted on social media,
you know, like that, what, Oh my god, you're you're, you're,
you're you're letting this guy pitch. You know what are
you're ruining in his career and you're going to get something. God,
the bid does happen, you're out of the job number one,
and you're just going to be roasted for it, probably unfairly,
but that's just the way the society has become where

it's like and I told you so kind of thing.
I don't think it used to be like that back
in many years ago. Uh, when you know, when people
weren't getting hurt.

Speaker 5 (02:31:45):
That's truly a damned if you do and damned if
you don't scenario for all of this like I will,
I will, I will acknowledge that one.

Speaker 2 (02:31:53):
All right real quick because we got only a couple
of minutes, and so why you hit us with some uh?
We have big gain seven's tomorrow. Take a look at
some of your plays at Brad's Best bets dot com.
At Brad's Best bets dot com. Nobody doesn't like him.
He's the prop king at Brad's Best Bets on Twitter.
So h, why don't you hit us with that?

Speaker 4 (02:32:16):
Yeah? Three year listen, it's fun of usual. I come
with you, props. I'm gonna give more my bet. I
happen to like it a lot. It's one of my
favorite bets in a long time. In terms of a
straight game. I really like Dallas. I'd like Dallas a lot.
I think they're better than OKC. I think I look,
I always say, would you read to be consistent? Would
you rather be right?

Speaker 3 (02:32:36):

Speaker 4 (02:32:36):
Shooture on OKC? Fifty to one to win the West,
one hundred and one to win the title. Been rooting
for this team all year about that? It's not you know,
watching these five games, I feel pretty confident Dallas is
the better team. I think OKC is a legit player. Short.
I think Dallas is a better team today. In twenty
twenty four, twenty twenty five, maybe a different story. I

bet one of my biggest straight that's of the year.
I bet Dallas Minstra. I say they not only win
this game, I think they win it by margin. I
think they win the game by fifteen plus. I don't
think it's going to be close. We will see, like
Dallas a lot. Look the other two games, Anthony, the
Pacers nix thing. I look, I'll bull disclosure, Anthony. I
bet the Nicks yesterday getting six and a half points.

I've let myself dot the Knicks twice in my entire life.
Last I took him twice against the Pacers, getting six
and a half points. They're losed by a zillion both times.
This team, to me, I look, I can't save them
because at home, I know the crowd is just going
to be insane. I don't know if Josh Hart, if
you heard Anthony Stosh Hart can be playing.

Speaker 3 (02:33:38):
I believe so.

Speaker 4 (02:33:39):
But you know, okay, because he left injured. He left
injured in game in games today, that's what, Yeah, that's
when they really throw off the rail.

Speaker 2 (02:33:47):
What he goes out again and they need him to
for that's how I got killed on the boards.

Speaker 4 (02:33:51):
Indeed, yeah, look, I have no interest in maying that
game Denver Minnesota. Look, I got to give you a
Minnesota a lot of credit. I wrote them all after
game five. I'm like, okay, look, missus Denver figured this out.
They clearly didn't. Look, it's a tough game. I mean again,
one way I can lean lean would be taking the
five points, but not a game I'm personally betting, and

I'll give you a couple of crops and you're up
against it. SGA under one and a half blocks have
this last game doing it again fifty eight and seventeen
during the year to the under, even with the extra
Mens's getting. Nancy should not be I'm only wearing like
a dollar thirty. This should be closer road minus two
hundred bet and Luis Castillo Seattle Maners is gone over
five mares strikeouts eight year, row twenty four and nine.
Last year I made it six and a half. I

think that's one strikeout too low.

Speaker 6 (02:34:37):
All right, great stuff the brain.

Speaker 2 (02:34:40):
We appreciate it, buddy, Thank you what We'll come back
and wrap it up. Fellas every week right here with
you on Fox Sports Radio, Fellas.

Speaker 3 (02:34:54):
Fitzy figgycause with you.

Speaker 2 (02:35:00):
The Direct dot Com studios, all right, Uh, just to
kind of take it back full circle and uh to
go back. It was interesting with what the brain had
to say about, you know, because the analytic piece of
it of the baseball like, I.

Speaker 6 (02:35:21):
Fits you, I'm with you.

Speaker 2 (02:35:23):
I don't know what the answer is, and I get
the idea of you know, God forbid something happens, but
it's just operating in fear.

Speaker 1 (02:35:33):
You know.

Speaker 3 (02:35:34):
Sometimes it just got to pitch where the.

Speaker 5 (02:35:37):
Line if the mindset has God forbid something happens, Like,
where's the mindset on that end? Like that's just part
of being an athlete, That's part of life in sports,
Like there's always going to be the chance that, you know,
God forbid a player take a hit that they don't
need to take in an NFL game, but it happens.
Like that's just part of the risk. Like at some point,

when you've got a pitcher that's absolutely destroying it and
you've got an opportunity for this sort of incredible moment,
how do you just walk away from that because you've
hit a certain number? I just ten years ago, we
would be absolutely freaking out about that, And now it's
just part.

Speaker 2 (02:36:15):
Of the opposite because if it's right, like, even if
he does finish the game, say nothing happens, and he
finishes the game and he pitches a no hitter and
he has to throw one hundred and thirty nine pitches, right,
which is excessive, especially for a young pitcher, but has
to throw one hundred, there would be half the population

not even talking about no hitter, sixteen strikeouts. They would
be talking about how stupid the pirates were for making
him throw very nine pitches.

Speaker 3 (02:36:53):
But I mean, right, like.

Speaker 6 (02:36:56):
Is what some people would say. The analytic gurus, Yeah,
those are the ones.

Speaker 5 (02:37:01):
Yeah, but ten years ago, not even ten years ago,
six seven years ago, you pull a pitcher in that moment,
people would have been screaming, how can you pull him?

Speaker 1 (02:37:10):
How can you all let him try and go for it? Like,
what are we doing? You know that?

Speaker 3 (02:37:13):
So I'll be thinking it was all about it with
the Dodger mess.

Speaker 6 (02:37:16):
Oh yeah, I did it a couple of times in
the playoffs, yeah, regular season as well. Ross drippling early
on in his career with the Dodgers against the Giants
in San Francisco. They pulled him, I think in the
fifth or sixth when he had a perfect game going.
I believe it was, yeah, this this stuff happens, unfortunately.
And look, it's also because I guess, what with the
narrative be if he does get hurt, if it's seven

and two thirds and he makes it throw and he
messes up his elbow, you know there's going to be
a part of the crowd that says, see, this is
what happens when you push guys, you know, too far.
But I also think there's going to be someone who say, like, look,
I mean most of the time the player would have said,
you know what, I was going for history, and I'm
okay with it. Keep me in. Ninety nine point nine
percent of the players who would be out there say
I'm a competitor. I want to go out there. I

wanted to keep pitching.

Speaker 5 (02:38:00):
No no kid ever since then, says man, I hope
someday I can grow up, make it to the bigs and.

Speaker 1 (02:38:05):
Get pulled a one hundred pitches.

Speaker 6 (02:38:06):
In right and a no hitter right like terrible.

Speaker 1 (02:38:11):
It's just it's part of the mindset change.

Speaker 5 (02:38:14):
And I guess, and I'm going to be honest, I
don't know the data, but like i'd really need to
see the injury data and see why it's gone this way.
Has it truly been beneficial? Because if you're going to
simply take away basically the opportunity more often than not
to have that oh my god, I can't believe he
had a no hitter, Oh my god, he had a
perfect game, all these things that if you're going to

take that away, then you better be able to show
me very clear data that explains why you're taking that away,
because I have a hard time, Lady Justice scales getting
them to balance out in a world where you can
look at it and say, oh, well, it was worth
it because we got three more starts out of him
this year.

Speaker 1 (02:38:50):
Okay, is that was that worth it? I don't know.

Speaker 5 (02:38:54):
Was it worth not being in a history book? Maybe
it wouldn't have made it either way, But I mean,
are people really going to remember the couple extra stars
what you got because of that load management?

Speaker 1 (02:39:01):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (02:39:02):
Yeah, it's a Figgy's point. Just bump them back another day.

Speaker 6 (02:39:05):
Yeah, like that's the easy solution. Yep, you know, it's
like they have the the third part, the part about
innings limits is like I mean I can throw eight
pitches in an inning. I can throw twenty eight pitches
in exact So what difference doesn't make how many innings?
I've never understood like so and so this many innings.
It's pitches. If you want to do that, I have.
It makes more sense to go buy pitches than it
does by innings. And it's amazing, right, like you know,

bullpens and warm up pitches like you throwing, like that's
where you go time?

Speaker 3 (02:39:30):
Right? Oh, all right?

Speaker 2 (02:39:32):
What are we watching this weekend? All right, let's get
it started.

Speaker 1 (02:39:37):

Speaker 2 (02:39:37):
I want to start with you, our five producer. What
are you watching this weekend?

Speaker 6 (02:39:45):
I'm watching NBA Playoff Basketball? Which game Timberwolves Nuggets. Yeah,
that's the one I'm most excited for. Go Wolves, for real,
go away through the atwords. He's my favorite player in
the league right now. He is.

Speaker 3 (02:39:59):
He's the best. He's the best.

Speaker 2 (02:40:02):
All right, you got Wolves Nuggets? Mighty mighty Mark.

Speaker 6 (02:40:07):
I'll try and find some hockey.

Speaker 3 (02:40:09):
You're gonna go box. Look at that.

Speaker 1 (02:40:14):
Let's today.

Speaker 2 (02:40:14):
Tell baby, I like it? Mighty might you Mark? How
about it? Figuri?

Speaker 3 (02:40:22):
Where you going?

Speaker 6 (02:40:23):
I mean, you know, Game seven? In the Garden. Come on,
I gotta watch that on Sunday afternoon.

Speaker 1 (02:40:30):
Game seven Garden, best of the best thing.

Speaker 3 (02:40:32):
You fellas are out.

Speaker 1 (02:40:33):
We love you.

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