Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio Radio.
Speaker 2 (00:04):
We spent weeks yelling and screaming about whether or not
it would be Dion, what superstar would come out of
nowhere and suddenly become the Dallas Cowboys head coach. And
if you were listening to smart people, smart people, over
and over and over again, we're telling you it wasn't
gonna be Belichick. It wasn't going to be Dion. It
wasn't going to be a big name, It wasn't going
to be something wild, it wasn't going to be something random.
It would be a coach that Jerry Jones was comfortable with.
And what happened yesterday, late last night, the Cowboys hire
Brian Schottenheimer as a first time head coach to take
over the biggest brand in all of sports. So Cowboys fans,
you got to figure out how you feel and how
you feel absolutely quickly, because your new coach is not
the splash so many people wanted. It's the fellas. Fox
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be I Jason Fitz Anthony Gargano will be with us
in just a second. Cowboys fans, let me start here,
because everybody wants to make a big, sweeping generalization after
a head coach is hired. We've got a lot of
head coaching hires to get into. Everybody wants to sit
here and say, this guy's abummed, this higher stinks. I've
done the research. I've gone back and looked multiple times.
If you look over the course of the years, the
amount of times that ESPN, CBS, Fox, we all just
sit back and we rank the head coaching hires afterwards,
the amount of times we get it drastically wrong is
pretty stunning because the reality of it is, trying to
find your coach is a lot like trying to find
your quarterback to roll of the dice. Sometimes you're gonna
get it right. Sometimes you're not gonna get it right,
and you're gonna have to go back to the well
over and over and over until you do that. Being said,
there's one organization that doesn't get a lot of credit
for being patient, said Dallas Cowboys. Cowboys and are still
judged by who Jerry was in the nineties. I think
we all deserve a little bit of credit. My hair
is different than it was in the nineties, thank god.
My personality is different than it was in the nineties.
Thank God. Maybe I shouldn't be judged by who I
was in the nineties, I hope, because man, I'm a
much different individual now. Jerry Jones is also a much
different individual today than he was in the nineties. So
we got to stop asking ourselves who is Jerry ben
And the old adage action speaks louder than words. For
just a moment, I think we should all maybe press
pause on everything Jerry says and instead just look at
the actions of Jerry Jones. Who is Jerry? What is
he like? Out of a coach? Well, we know a
couple of things. We know Jerry is actually wildly patient.
He lets coaches play out their contract more often than not.
He's gonna let this thing run the gambit. That's what
he does. Okay. He's also a coach that loves familiar
an owner that loves familiarity. He wants to bring in
coaches that he understands. He knows how they tick, he
knows what what makes them go. He wants to have
some level of understanding of who that individual is, and
when they're in the room, he wants to build a
bond with them. He did that with Jason Garrett, and
I hear all the people saying, oh, this could just
turn out to me Jason Garrett two point Oh, Brian Schottenheimer,
we don't know anything. Well, what Jerry knows is being
in the building with him. He thinks he's got it.
And it is one of those weird things to try
and defind. Right, if we're being honest for a second,
what does it mean, y'all? No, I came from a
music background. You used to frustrate me so much in
the music business when somebody would say, well, that guy's
got it, and I'm like, okay, but they can't sing.
Doesn't matter. They've got it. There's something about him. Happens
all the time, happens in every business, every company. There
are certain people that rise fast because they've got it.
Jerry is buying that Schottenheimer has it any better. Because
if we're being honest, if we want to look back now,
if it's okay now to look at Mike McCarthy through
maybe a more clear Lens. I will remind you that
Mike McCarthy as we sit right now, has about the
same winning percentage that Andy Reid did when he left
the Philadelphia Eagles, a decision that now we look back
away say, huh, I mean sure worked out for both sides,
I guess, but Eagles did let a great coach go, right,
I mean it is possible that the Cowboys let a
great coach go. I know nobody wants to call him
great because he only has one super Bowl, which is
the most belittling thing that we do to coach eyes
only he only won one with Aaron Rodgers. Okay, well,
how many did Aaron Rodgers win with anybody else? Part
of this is so maddening because we want a media
see as fans and this is the hardest part. And
I deal with this all the time as a Raiders fan. Right,
y'all know, my favorite team stinks, So my favorite team
stinks more often than not. And every time a new
regime comes in the problem is fans aren't new. We've
lived through the sea a suck for a generation. So
we come in with this baggage great another coach. I
can already feel Cowboys fans so this guy's a bomb.
What's he gonna do to do more? Because the only
thing that seems to be an acceptable result is winning
the Super Bowl. I know that's what we all want.
That's all what we all expect to some weird level.
So we turn around and immediately, if you're a Cowboys fan,
you immediately will well, I've already gone through this and
this and this. I've lived through Jerry doing this and
this and this. None of that matters Brian Schottenheimer in
this regime. The answer when you hire a coach is
man who knows. But the reality of it is you
have to allow each of those coaches to have a
completely fresh start. Think about that. As a Raiders fan,
I saw the news yesterday. I reacted to the news
yesterday Pete Carroll was hired as the new head coach
of my beloved Raiders, and I hear all these people saying, ah,
but he's so old. I will remind you gently that
the last two people we elected to sit in the
Oval office and run the free world or older than
Pete Carroll. I think if you can run the entire
free world at that age, you can probably run a
football team, all right. So the age portion of it.
Are we gonna do in six years? Who cares?
Speaker 3 (06:03):
Figure it out?
Speaker 2 (06:04):
Six years? What are you gonna do in three years?
I don't know. Figure it out. The Raiders have had
fifteen coaches in the last thirty one years, so if
Beete Carroll makes it three years, that's better than average.
What are you doing? The problem is we bring decades
of fandom into every one of these hires, and the
reality of it is the people that are hired can't
carry that package. It's tough enough already to be a
first time head coaching for Brian Schottenheimer. It's tough enough
already to be a first time head coach for the
Dallas Cowboys. You bring all of that together, right, and
then on top of that, you want him to be
sitting here holding the burden that you feel as a
fan that you haven't gotten to see it a Super
Bowl since whatever, the early nineties. That's not his problem.
If you're a Raiders fan, you're sitting here saying, oh,
you had another head coach and all of this turtle
turnover it's constant and we always are rebuilding. That's not
Beete Carroll's problem, right, All these guys can do when
they step into these head coaching roles is worry about
right now, how to try and fix this thing, which
sometimes means fix is an interesting word for being honest,
step backs. Fix. What does fix mean for the Raiders?
It means just become competent. Just try and become a
competent football team. That's Pete Carroll's objective. They'll stand up
at the podium and talk about super Bowls, but you know,
when you are constantly a double digit lost team, you
ain't worried about the super Bowl. You're worried about how
you raise the floor. So Pete Carroll has to worry
about raising the floor of an organization. That's his job
as a head coach. Brian Schottenheimer, I think has an
even more difficult job. We talk about culture and what
that means for a team that raises the floor. How
do you teach somebody to win?
Speaker 3 (07:44):
Speaker 2 (07:45):
What do you do when you step into a job
where winning twelve games three years in a row isn't enough?
So now your expectation isn't just raised the floor. Your
expectation is to just absolutely an iholate the ceiling. Your
expectation if you're the Dallas Cowboys head coach is absolutely
it's super Bowl or nothing. So what you have now
is a first time head coach stepping in that we
don't really know what kind of head coach he's going
to be stepping into the expectation, not like many teams
where hey, get us to the playoffs, man, get us
to the playoffs and we'll figure it out from there. Now,
Schottenheimer's only objective is going to be winning super Bowls,
and there's not a person in the damn free world
that knows if he could do that. Anthony Gargano, good morning,
my friend. Oh my philosophically, how.
Speaker 3 (08:33):
Are you ya listening to fantastic? My apologies?
Speaker 4 (08:37):
Man, this has been a whirlwind week here in the
NFC championship land.
Speaker 2 (08:43):
I can't imagine. I can't imagine, Like, is there something
there's a game going on? I did there's a game
this weekend? Value for you?
Speaker 3 (08:49):
Well, there is a game, Yes, it is a game.
Speaker 2 (08:53):
What's that feeling?
Speaker 4 (08:56):
It's been wild, man, all kinds of pepp rallies and
it's fun. There's there's a great energy across the city,
like these runs are are blasts.
Speaker 3 (09:07):
People just they they love it. It's so much fun.
Speaker 4 (09:11):
So everybody's excited and fired up and they can't wait
for it. It's it's, it's, it's good stuff. So do
you like Pete Carroll?
Speaker 2 (09:22):
Look, I, as I said just before you connected, like
I keep hearing about his age, to which I remind
people that the last two people elected to run the
Free World or older than Pete Carroll. So like, if
you can run a point, you can probably run a
football team. I'm just that that's number one. Uh And
and if you don't believe that, then you might want
to think about how you vote next time. And in
that process, I would also say that Pete Carroll's job
is to figure out how to make an organization competent.
I believe the Raiders needed an adult in the room
that can come in and say, now, guys, this is
how you do it. Like this isn't Gruden coming in
and coming off of TV. This isn't Josh McDaniel's coming
in trying to tell the world he's changed. This isn't
an interim head coach coming in like this. This isn't
a first time guy. This is somebody that all he's
ever done is win, right, and maybe he didn't win
eighty seven Super Bowls, but my god, he won one
and had the chance to win two, and he won
a lot of games for Seattle. He's won more games
in his eighteen year NFL career than the Raiders did
during that same time span. So I just I think
you needed in an adult in a room that could
come in and say, hey, we're going to steady the
ship and we're going to raise the floor of the organization.
And if in three years he's done coaching, for four
years he's done coaching, they can worry about the succession plan.
But what I know is that whatever version of the
Raiders he walks away from will be better than the
Raiders are today because he was in it. So yeah,
I think it's a good hire for all of those reasons.
I just think sometimes organizations are so bad that it
makes it almost impossible for a young, first time head
coach to come in and have success. So I think
if the Raiders want that eventually, they needed somebody that
could come in and actually teach the organization how to
run a true football organization.
Speaker 4 (11:10):
Yeah, I agree, I I completely agree. I think I
think he's gonna do well. I think he's he's a
good choice. I mean, selflessly, I was rooting for Steve
Spagnolo and uh oh, so was I having no Spags.
Speaker 3 (11:27):
You know, he's a.
Speaker 4 (11:28):
Dear friend, and I just I don't understand what that
guy had. Why that guy just doesn't give a job.
And I love Pete Carroll and I think the same thing.
But Spags would be the adult in the room too,
I get it. Uh Pete has been a more successful
head coach and Spags has been a coordinator.
Speaker 3 (11:47):
So I mean, I guess that's what it is.
Speaker 2 (11:49):
I honestly think the high raing cycle is what screws Spags,
like honestly, because you know, you started to hear some
rumblings of you know, was Pete talking to the Cowboys?
All these I don't think we're true, but I think
you were getting pressure from Pete's camp to to say, hey,
we've got options. And so all these teams that are
looking at somebody that's coaching in the Super Bowl have
to understand that if they don't get their man, if
they can't sell their guy on coming, then all of
a sudden, you're so far behind the hiring cycle and
you don't have a backup plan. So I think teams
just get nervous, is they get towards you know, sure,
you wait a few more days and see if maybe
the Chiefs lose this weekend, and maybe you would have
had a faster level of access to them. But man,
if you got to wait all the way through the
super Bowl to make your head coaching higher, boy, that
would make me super nervous. That what if we talk
to Spags and it's just not a good fit. He
doesn't like us or we don't like him, and all
these things, like I think sometimes that is what That's
part of the reason that I truly believe the NFL
should pause the entire head coaching cycle of hiring until
after the Super Bowl. They shouldn't allow anybody to hire anybody, Yeah,
until after the super Bowl is done.
Speaker 3 (12:54):
It's weird for a league that is so right on
everything it does.
Speaker 4 (12:58):
Like, let's face it, they get it right, all right,
like these other leagues do, not NBA, but they get
it right. And that's an obvious one for me. I
And even forget like a Spag situation, but just from like,
you don't want the well during the playoffs. You just
want the focus to be on the playoffs and then
it adds the intrigue of hey, guys like, what about
the coaches? Like, so then everybody turns the page together
to the following season.
Speaker 2 (13:38):
I love that And frankly, the way I would do
it is I wouldn't allow interviews to take place until
the day after the super Bowl, correct, And I would
do like they do a free agency. There'd be a
higher there'd be a first date available for coaches to
be hired, and it might be a week after the
super Bowl, so that I have a full week of
time to interview everybody, and you know, full week of
every TV show in the country sitting there just obsessing
over who's going to be coaching where, you know, like
that that, I think that's a win for the popularity
of the whole process too. So yeah, and for guys
like Spags, you know, you're you're almost stuck. Like I
wonder if for a coach that loves to coach, I
just wonder if he's gonna have to stop coaching to
get the chance to be a head coach simply so
he can get into the hiring cycle like that, And
that's that's stupid, that's a failed process. So it is
I totally agree with you.
Speaker 4 (14:30):
On that and listen, as you know, I mean, he's
a he's a great dude. I talked to him about
it and he's he's like, listen, I catch up the guy.
Speaker 3 (14:38):
If it happens, it happens.
Speaker 4 (14:39):
If not, because I I'm not, I'm not concerned about it.
You know, you know, deep down you won't always want
your chance to be the guy. And I know that
Saint Louis still sticks in his crawl that. You know,
it was not the perfect situation there. He did not
get a a long lease. They had one foot out
the door. You know, he was about to turn them around.
I mean they had no talent, I mean none whatsoever.
And then in the second year they're fighting for a playoff.
He loses Sam Bravs quarterback and lost both his corners
as well. The third year and so it's a bad
year and he's still trying to rebuild the thing.
Speaker 3 (15:24):
And then they fire him, and.
Speaker 4 (15:26):
You could see like he was vindicated in that they
didn't have success at all until they moved to Los Angeles,
So you know, I mean that speaks for it. Fisher
went in whoever went in after him and didn't do anything.
Speaker 3 (15:40):
So yeah, I'm with you. I you know it would.
Speaker 4 (15:46):
It would also add another level of intrigue for the
off season, right, Like, so you have Combine draft, so
you basically go to coach Combine, push the Combine back
a week, like you there's no reason why you you
have to do your stuck in April for the draft,
you know.
Speaker 2 (16:11):
Like yeah, push the entire calendar back, push the push
the Combine back, push the and frankly, players would like
all of that pushback too, so you know, play push
the push the draft back. I'm all in for that. Yes.
Speaker 4 (16:24):
In college, you know, because of all the stuff that
has to happened with college and the portal and everything else,
Like they have to get their off season calendar right
college football and the NFL. I mean, you know you're
gonna add a week, right, so you might as well
figure it all out. You know that that week will
probably happen what two years when you when they add
the next the the eighteenth game.
Speaker 2 (16:48):
Oh yeah, yeah, that happened a couple of years. Yeah. So,
And I mean didn't we see that. The college football
calendar also already needs to be tweaked. I mean, the
fact is the lack of interest in the national championship
game means that if you're college football, you need to
step back and say, Okay, when do we have to
start the season to end the season at the right way.
So we could see both of these sports trying to
drastically change their calendar, you know, particularly the addition of
eighteen games makes it an important part for the NFL.
But they're they're eventually going to add more playoff teams
in college football. I would think in twenty twenty six
when they have the opportunity, I think they're going to expand.
And then then they're gonna have to step back and say, Okay,
do they need to start college football in August just
to be done in time for you know, January first?
And that's that that's a real Let me ask you
to figure out.
Speaker 3 (17:38):
Yeah, let me ask you.
Speaker 2 (17:40):
Do you so you believe?
Speaker 4 (17:43):
What do you believe from that title game? What do
you take? Because I don't want to be too rash
off of it. I was dispported at the ratings. I
don't know why, but what so your belief is it's
just too long.
Speaker 2 (17:58):
I don't think you can give pete with the NFL
playoffs at that point like that, that weekend of the
NFL playoffs, where we have you know, in that that
particular weekend where you have eight your final eight, you
have all day Saturday, all day Sunday of NFL playoff
football makes a late Monday night kickoff for a national
championship game just fall incredibly flat. It's just, you know,
I think I think you'd be way better.
Speaker 3 (18:22):
I love I loved it.
Speaker 4 (18:25):
I loved it the whole I was called the Holy Quad.
Speaker 3 (18:30):
I loved it.
Speaker 2 (18:33):
Why honestly, Like I get because I love college I
love covering college football more than I love cover in
the NFL. Like it's my favorite sport to cover because
I don't care who wins it loses. Uh, the NFL
is my, you know, my favorite sport, but college football
is my favorite to cover. I felt by halftime a
Monday night like football fatigue, being on the East Coast
being late news man. All right, you know, all right,
we got one half left, let's go. And I just
so to me when I started reading afterwards, people that
were trying to figure out why the ratings were down, saying, hey,
you know, it has a hard time competing with the
amount of attention. It just made sense to me because
I sort of felt it, you know, so maybe that's
just me, did you.
Speaker 3 (19:16):
F f Yeah, I.
Speaker 2 (19:20):
Know, I know I had a little football fatigue, gonna
I'm not gonna lie, not gonna lie. First time I
wasn't at the national championship game in my career, so
maybe that was part of it. But you know, I
think they do a great job with that game and
with the way they present that game, and I thought,
you know, especially when you have those two brands in
it too, I just really expected it to capture and
the Monday did.
Speaker 3 (19:42):
I mean, I was shocked, FITZI, I was shocked.
Speaker 4 (19:47):
The game was a great game, Like for listen, I
thought that thing was Ohio State route right and Notre
Dame play is ass off. Notre Day played so well,
Oh my god, give them so much credit. They came
back to drive Olive States is elite, right, like completely elite. Well,
their weapons that have everything, and the way the Irish played,
I just give them the kids so much credit.
Speaker 3 (20:19):
And Freeman, I don't know, I enjoyed it so much.
I was so.
Speaker 4 (20:23):
Surprised at the at the I was shocked at the ratings,
and I guess even more shocked. I thought it where
it married the NFL. That's what I loved about it.
Speaker 2 (20:37):
Yeah, I unfortunately, I think I think the your football
diehard passion is part of what I love about you.
I don't know that it came across that way from most.
Speaker 3 (20:48):
All right, hold of thought.
Speaker 4 (20:50):
And then I want you to I'm a I got
a hard head, all right, So I want you to.
I want you to go deeper into me because I'm
not getting it. All right, you got you, We're you
gonna go deeper in it. We got lots to get to,
all right. We got a ton of stuff. We gotta
go through. These games. I mean both these games are incredible, alright,
the epic battle of Buffalo and Kansas City and uh
fascinating storyline with Washington is and then of course the
the nemesis of the country, the E A G.
Speaker 3 (21:26):
L E s Ers. Wow, this is great.
Speaker 4 (21:29):
Stuff, fellas Jason Fitz Anthony Gargano right here on Fox
Sports Radio.
Speaker 5 (21:37):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app search FSR to
listen live.
Speaker 4 (21:50):
Let me hear you all say, Hey, oh, welcome to Hidelphia.
That's our Mayor Parker. She's actually a wonderful woman. Uh.
You know, we had a mayor once when they were
imploding Veteran Stadium and Mayor Street and he, uh, they
were doing the countdown fitci.
Speaker 3 (22:23):
He flubbed the countdown.
Speaker 2 (22:24):
Amazing five two three fire. That is incredible. And there's
nothing to do about these these sorts of mistakes. You
just got to own them. You gotta step out and
be like, yep, can't spell, can't count, that's it?
Speaker 3 (22:44):
Yeah, yeah, oh my god. Yeah. Uh that's my town.
I love it, so proud of it.
Speaker 4 (22:52):
We'll get into all the playoff games, or both of
the playoff games as we're down to the final three games,
Championship Weekend and the Super Bowl, so we'll get into that.
We'll get into the coaching situation. But I got a
hard head. I loved the championship game. I loved the playoffs.
I mean, even with the wards of the seatings, I
know the seatings are off, I don't know. I mean,
I can't explain to you how much I just enjoyed
it all the entire time, and the game itself again
from that opening drive, which was an epic, epic drive, fitsie.
I mean Notre Dame comes down and the only thing
they can do, which is long sustained drive to keep
the Ohio State offense off the field.
Speaker 3 (23:42):
They do it right.
Speaker 4 (23:44):
Riley Leonard carries the ball six times, right, I mean
he's he's getting banged around, but he's getting a few yards,
you know, matriculating down the field. And then Ohio State
shows it's it's just superpower it is and Will Howard
was phenomenal. He played a just flawless game. And when
you thought it was a blowout, I think that is
what hurt it. I think the fact in Ohio State
owned that second quarter and they come back and it
looked like a mismatch.
Speaker 3 (24:20):
I think a lot of people gave up at halftime.
Speaker 2 (24:25):
I just I agree with part of that, But I
will say that I just think a lot of people
expected the blowout and weren't in so I did. I
think it was four radio interviews that day on Monday,
and all four of them asked me some variation of
the same question, why isn't there more hype for this game?
And I just I think part of what we have
to realize when I say, like football fatigue comes in
one of the things is that when you have a
massive weekend of NFL playoff games, and it was massive
last weekend, especially knowing that we were going to get
Lamar taken on Josh Allen. We all knew that was
going to get a ton of hype. There were sexy
storylines to a bunch of these games, right, So through
the course of think about what Wednesday, Thursday, Friday was
leading up to that, Like if you were watching Sports
Talk TV, if you were sitting there in the airport
and you had, you know, whatever channel on you're watching,
how many people were talking about the National Championship Game
or where they're just constantly talking about the NFL matchups
over the course of Saturday and Sunday. So like, you
lose some of the hype build up, you lose some
of the drama build up, you lose the great movie
trailer that you know, makes everybody want to go see
the movie. And then every time somebody did talk about
the game, you saw picks on the game it was
Ohio State's gonna win big, Ohio State's gonna win big,
and it went all the way across the board. It's
just I think a lot of the casuals just sort
of became resigned to the fact that, yeah, there's a
National championship game, but these NFL playoff games are way better.
I'm more excited about that. I've heard more about that.
There's more stories than these like that stuff. I think
matters in the way the bricks staff.
Speaker 4 (26:00):
Now, I listen, everything you say is is spot on.
And I couple that with because I also do believe
that the people quit on a game. Yeah, and I
think you're right. I think people look at the match
up my way. Yeah, nobody's beating Ohio State. I'm with you.
I do. And again you're also have I think there's
something about I don't know, maybe he's a SCC. Is
it the you know, the Alabama thing?
Speaker 3 (26:37):
Is it LSU? I mean, you know, go or even Georgia.
Speaker 4 (26:41):
Is it that football in the South that that carries
it a little bit? Maybe I don't know, but I
think you're right. I think the timing of it, I don't.
I guess I just love the idea that they played,
you know, playoff games. You know eight that eight games
the first weekend in five games I'm counting the college
football and the lead in how did the ratings do.
I I'm not one about ratings because sometimes I feel
like the ratings aren't real. I don't explain because I
think there are reasons for it.
Speaker 2 (27:25):
That's fair.
Speaker 4 (27:26):
I think you can make it dance. I don't think
it's an accurate depiction. But how did the ratings for
the semifinals do the Thursday Friday?
Speaker 2 (27:38):
They were down compared to what anyone expected, So it
felt like interest wane over the course of the college
football playoff, not grow.
Speaker 4 (27:46):
Which is odd, right because that happened before the NFL playoffs?
Speaker 2 (27:51):
Speaker 3 (27:52):
Right, Like that was Thursday Friday.
Speaker 2 (27:56):
And I hated the fact that they put those games
on Thursday Friday, but you know that. And then again,
I mean, I I'll admit my own hypocrisy. I sit
there and say, my god, how could you put those
games on Thursday Friday? And then I laugh because I'm like,
I don't know. I mean, Thursday night TV on NBC
for a generation was the best night you could possibly
be on TV. People will watch TV if there's something
to watch, right, so.
Speaker 3 (28:17):
Watch do you watch trash Thursday? Might NFL game?
Speaker 2 (28:21):
Yeah? Dream? Yeah? No, you're right, So I'll admit my
own hypocrisy with that because my first mindset as well,
it's a Thursday night. That's a tough that's a tough ask.
But no, it's not like you know people, people will
absolutely watch that on a Thursday night. So yeah, I
don't know why. I don't know why they just as
the rounds went on, people seem to care a little less.
You know, which, if your college football is you made
a ton of money off this, there's nothing that changes
that you made money off the college football playoff. There
is going to I think you're gonna have to look
around and make sure that none of these trends are
actually concerning for the future. Though I do think that's fair.
Speaker 4 (28:59):
Well, what do you think do you think the public?
Because I could tell you you both you and I are.
It's funny because we're very very similar. We love college
football and we both live in towns that don't.
Speaker 2 (29:14):
Yeah, and to that end, I think, in my mind,
December feels like such a college football month. If I
was the bizarre of college football, which by the way,
is a job I'm willing to take in CAA call
me anytime. I'll be at Roger Goodelf. I'll be your
action forty million dollars, you know. But one of the
things I would do, and everybody will yell about the
academic schedule, we'll figure it out. One thing that I
would do is move the entire start of the season
back to like early mid August. I mean, honestly, if
we're if we're looking at it, and I if we're
going to continue to expand the college football playoffs, I'd
also have no problem getting rid of a game in
the regular season, get rid of a cupcake for everybody.
Whatever it takes to make sure that we start the
playoffs on December first. So we start the playoffs right
away in December, and then every weekend in December you
get a playoff game and you get a championship game
on January first. I think that would make the most sense.
I would start the season with the Army names.
Speaker 3 (30:07):
I mean, you can't have January one. One game on
the January first.
Speaker 2 (30:11):
Yeah, yeah, you just you just no.
Speaker 3 (30:13):
I hate it. I hate it.
Speaker 2 (30:14):
Tzar you want to you want to marry?
Speaker 3 (30:16):
I hate it. I hate it.
Speaker 2 (30:18):
Yeah, Well, January first, Like we do this, we get
two games January first. Is that enough or I don't know. No,
Anthony wants four he wants four games.
Speaker 3 (30:29):
I do.
Speaker 4 (30:30):
I I want January first, like I'm used to a
lot of games like, yeah, I I don't like I'm sorry, Czar.
I love August. I love taking advantage of August. So
I think I think August also having that month to
yourself A people are dying for football. Yep, b it
would you would shine the line like you we were
joking about week zero right like, and there's like trash
games on. I would definitely. I love the August idea.
I just don't like it wrapped up by Jagged first.
I mean, why can't you just wrap it up? The
NFL playoffs don't be giving told the middle of January anyway,
Like January Eightwall was in eighth, ninth, tenth.
Speaker 2 (31:24):
I think it's yeah, well and once they expand to
eighteen games, like, well, that changed. I think. I don't know,
You're I appreciate your purest view of January first is
a day for college football. I appreciate that. I think
that's as a glorious thing about you. I'm just taking
it away, you know, I appreciate it. I respect that
that I'm taking it. You know, It's like this is
where change, you know, what change sometimes hurts, brother, and
and you know, if that's what we have to do
to make the rest of it, you know. And also
by moving Army Navy into the first weekend of the season,
you don't have to worry about stepping on Army Navy.
Uh and you know you could you could then you
could start rolling right away. You know, if you think
about Rivalry week is always right around Thanksgiving, and then
you have conference championship games, which I would frankly get
rid of. So I would get rid of conference championship games.
Is I'm workshopping this in my head. No conference championship games.
I would make a rivalry weekend the last weekend of
the season, and I would start the playoff runt.
Speaker 4 (32:26):
Yeah, oh, I got either a Tzarrere.
Speaker 2 (32:32):
Look, you can't be bizarre and always be popular to everybody.
Speaker 4 (32:35):
Let me make you argue. Let me make the argument
a little bit here on the other side. I'm going
to give you the dates. And it's important to note
that the NFL will add one more date, all right,
So keeping that in mind, because there's no reason to
be like college football and does now and it's to
something only to know that you're gonna change it to
you years later, which I hate. All right, So if
we get back, we'll do it. Fellas Hagen FITZI cause
Fox Sports Radio, Uh, Fellas from the tairaq dot com studios,
Jason Fitz, Anthony Gargana.
Speaker 3 (33:17):
Coming up.
Speaker 4 (33:18):
We're gonna be heavy into both these games. We'll go
heavy into the coaches thing, you know, all NFL. But
we're just on the subject of college football after National
Championship game and kind of figure it out with Fitzi's
the news are college football, so we're trying to figure out.
I'm trying to convince him not to do two things
to rash all right. Off of the ratings. Freaking hate
the ratings, man, hate this stuff. Uh believe I think
they're bogus. I don't put believe in. I don't believe
in the science. And the only the only numbers I
believe in are the is the digital numbers, because that's
got you can see people. I don't I still I
think it's I think it's it's I don't believe in Neilsen.
Speaker 3 (34:16):
I love you, Nielsen, I don't believe in you. Uh.
Speaker 4 (34:19):
January eleventh was the date of the wild card weekend
that will get pushed.
Speaker 3 (34:28):
The NFL's go to eighteen games.
Speaker 4 (34:31):
So let's just take this year that will get pushed
to January eighteenth. So when that gets pushed, you're free
and clear. You have to just be done by the
week before or that week.
Speaker 3 (34:49):
You're good.
Speaker 2 (34:52):
Well, now I'm as bizarre. There are certain things that
I can't change. I can't change the fact that the
NFL or the college football playoff is going to sixteen teams.
All right, So we're gonna have four playoff weekends. So
if I want to end the weekend of the eleventh,
and I want to have four playoff weekends, I'm still
gonna have to start by what December. If I'm looking
this year, I would have started on December twentieth. It
would be the latest I could start one.
Speaker 3 (35:20):
Two, which is kind of what you did.
Speaker 2 (35:22):
Which which kind of what it did. They gave They
gave ten days before the championship game, right, they want
to give a little bit more time.
Speaker 4 (35:28):
That was too long, the ten days too Like it's
gotta be a week you can't have, Like the ten
days is too long. You can't do two weeks with
the super Bowl. It's just not there. You gotta just
do the we gotta get they were out of rhythm.
They were short week long week. You gotta be in
better rhythm. There, we agree on that, Czar.
Speaker 2 (35:50):
Yeah, I agree. I agree on that. I'm a little
concerned that I'm still taking on the NFL on Saturdays,
you know, because the NFL does the Saturday Sunday game thing.
So I am a little concerned that even the last
few weeks of the season, when the NFL goes to
two days a week, they still kick my butt this
year in the playoffs with their regular season games on Saturday.
So I'm a little concerned with that. But is this
are and but as a kind of listenings are I
could hear you on having the championship game done by
let's say the eleventh right, That gets me before the
last week of the NFL season, So I'm out of
the way of the last week of the NFL season.
So then all I'm doing is starting the week.
Speaker 4 (36:27):
I mean, I'll be honest with you, I hate the
last week in the NFL seasons.
Speaker 3 (36:31):
Like to me, it's it stakes.
Speaker 4 (36:34):
This year was okay a little better because there was
there was the game this Sunday night game the Minnesota
Detroit game. Yeah, but but but every other game sucked.
It's always a per game on Saturday. Saturday sucked.
Speaker 2 (36:50):
Yeah, but they're giving themselves the best chance to make
sure that they always have meaningful games by having division games.
And I don't want to have to take on meaningful
football games, right, Like, so you know, I I I
still try and get done before if I get done
by the eleventh, you know, and I need four weekends
to do that, I've already moved as bizarre army.
Speaker 4 (37:08):
Well what about the what about a Friday night? Do
you not like a Do you prefer a Monday night
or a Friday night?
Speaker 2 (37:15):
It's only going to be Saturdays. I'm only putting champ
I'm putting everything on Saturdays. That's Saturdays are for college football,
not Mondays. Right, Friday nights are not for college football.
Speaker 4 (37:24):
Second, the only thing, but hang on zar one second,
there is no football on Monday night after the final
weekend of the season. There's no Monday night football, So
why not the last Monday have that as the championship game?
Speaker 3 (37:46):
Like you end the seed the NFL season ends.
Speaker 4 (37:51):
Right, pick the date, and then that Monday night of
the NFL season of the last game of the regular
season is the championship.
Speaker 2 (37:59):
The only thing that like for me, having a weeknight
championship late kickoff on the East Coast is just never
the right thing for the growth. Like Super Bowl Sunday
is a standalone day of glory and greatness, I want
the same for my championship game. I want to stand
alone Saturday. I want I want. I want Championship Saturday
where everybody wakes up and you know you're not sitting
there saying wow, Game day is on it three in
the afternoon on a Monday. What do we do now?
I want to rely on habitual viewers. So you're used
to watching college football every Saturday. I'm gonna give you
the most important college football game in the world on Saturday, right,
So I'm gonna give you a full day of college
football lead up forward on Saturday. Like I'm gonna make
it a big, huge day of you do nothing but
pay attention to how many wings you're gonna eat and
how much you can party while you watch the college
football National Championship. The only thing is that, in my
proposal that I'm now really on board with, I don't
care about January first. I'm gonna be honest for the
College Footall playoff. I don't care about the first January.
Give me you put other Bowl games there, Okay, put
the rest of the group of six k like, put
other games there. I don't care. I'm keeping it on Saturdays,
and I'm making sure that everything happens around Saturdays. M
that's not gonna get me elected. That part I don't.
I don't know. I get it.
Speaker 4 (39:16):
Part of it you'll hate because part of me goes, well,
you know what, what if I Matt tried to marry
it even more and now I'm not even gonna bring
it up.
Speaker 3 (39:29):
I was trying to figure out.
Speaker 4 (39:30):
I was trying to figure out a way to make
Super Bowl weekend or the week around the Championship.
Speaker 2 (39:36):
Is like centsual Saturday.
Speaker 4 (39:38):
Right way, We're up against it, Fellas, hang it out,
Fox Sports Radios to Fox Sports Radio Radio. Well, good morning,
good morning, good morning, good morning, happy happy Fox Football
Saturday Championship Edition, Fellas. Jason Fitz, Anthony Garganta broadcasting live
for the tire dot Com Studios.
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An unmett selection fans, free shipping, free road hazard production
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way tire buying should be. All right, we're going to
get into the championship games beginning in just a moment.
We'll dive into the all of a sudden, the hated
Chiefs versus the Darling Bills, and I'm I get it,
and I do love the Bills. I love the story
of the Bills. I love their fans, I love Alan
I do. I think they're fun. Chiefs are special. They're
a dynasty, so everybodys sick of a dynasty. And then
on the other side, Eagles and commanders.
Speaker 3 (40:52):
It's just wild.
Speaker 4 (40:54):
It's such an interesting I still can't believe Washington is here.
I can't believe it. Daiels is amazing. We have to
tackle both those games. We'll get into deeply, but just
to put a bow because if you just joined us,
we Fitzi's to get just the new guy named the
news are of college football. So we're we're just trying
to tweak things a little bit, trying to talk things
through as to why it felt like the championship game
wasn't done and can I just say, was it just
a mismatch? Like are we gonna throw the baby out
with the bathwater because we flubbed seeds.
Speaker 3 (41:34):
First of all, the.
Speaker 4 (41:35):
Seeds were all stupid the way the way they did
the seeds were stupid. Like everybody agrees that has to change.
And as much as Notre Dame's historic program going into
the game, there was a lack of Notre Dame belief love.
Like the matchup itself, nobody likes Ohio State except the
Ohio I mean you saw the should kind of go eh, right,
there's some kind of weird Ohio State hate, I think,
and I don't know that the people believe that the
Notre Dame would give it a game. The game starts
off with a Notre Dame drive, epic drive Ohio State
bag bag bag, and I think people gave up. So
are we throwing listens? Are Are we throwing the baby
out with the bath water? No?
Speaker 2 (42:27):
But I do think that you make a valid point
that you know, one thing we could all have right
now is a little bit of patience, right, Like I
do believe that there's an element of calm down, especially
like look at some of the narratives of the secs.
You know, not going to compete anymore, blah blah Blah's like,
we got one year, one year into this tank thing.
I don't think you should make any sweeping changes one
year into something. But I do think that it's concerning
that it didn't can It didn't hold people's attention the
way I think it should have, especially with those two brands.
I mean, if Ohio State Notre Dame blowout or not
can't hold your attention, what happens when that championship game inevitably,
you know, is Arizona State versus you know, somebody else, Like,
I mean, you're talking about two of the biggest brands
in all of college football, two ratings monsters. So I
think that's part of why it is concerning. But I'm
with you. I would have no problem saying hey, especially
because they can't technically change the college football playoff until
twenty twenty six anyway, So the best thing they can
do now is just run it back, tell everybody to
calm down, and then start to figure it out from there.
Speaker 4 (43:31):
Well, and the other aspect is the one thing I
do believe, and this goes is a truism for every sport.
You gotta know your lane, all right. I know, growth
is important but you can't grow it overnight.
Speaker 3 (43:49):
And the other thing. The truth of the matter.
Speaker 4 (43:51):
Is America loves is obsessed with one league.
Speaker 3 (43:59):
It's the NFL.
Speaker 4 (44:01):
So the quicker you realize that, a you shouldn't cross
the NFL, which means you shouldn't play against them, right
like Christmas Day, you're in the NBA. You gotta run
your games. I get it, But you gotta be happy
when with your little sliver of the pie. Like at
some point you gotta go, all right, I'll take my
I'll take my little sliver of the pie and be
happy because, uh, last time I checked, the NBA is
still signing ridiculous television deals. So who's crying for the
NBA even though the league is unwatchable? Part of it
is who cares? If the goal is it's you know,
to solvency? Like then who cares?
Speaker 3 (44:51):
Right? Like you know whatever?
Speaker 4 (44:53):
With college football, Like, you're not going to have NFL numbers,
that's just what it is now you compare it to
the past. Go on, it's lower, all right, Just don't
freak out. I love your idea of August. I think
there's avoid in August. August sucks for sports because I
love baseball. But let's be real, all we're talking about
is training camp the entire month. If you actually had
games being played, I think it's great. I think they
have the intention all themselves. So I love the idea
of that. So if you want to start in August
and and it you know, second week of January, let's go.
Speaker 2 (45:35):
No, I'm in. I'm in for that. Like, I think
that makes a lot of sense. And also when you
mentioned the context, I do think it's important to remember
that love it or hate it, right or wrong, no
matter what college football was thinking this year, they did
decide to put their championship game on the same day
as of the inauguration and Mlkday, So like that that
could all contribute to some of the ratings conversations.
Speaker 4 (45:55):
That's better, I mean, I mean you think something's going on, right,
I mean the whole the news.
Speaker 3 (46:04):
You're not capturing any of the news one thing.
Speaker 4 (46:07):
And I know this is never gonna work, but I
did think, is there any way you could foresee anything
of like the ultimate gluttony of a college football championship
on Saturday and a Super Bowl on Sunday, or the
college football Championship the week before the Super Bowl in
the down week.
Speaker 3 (46:31):
Could you imagine that?
Speaker 4 (46:33):
I mean, malthik, it works out with the way it goes,
but it would be ridiculous, wasn't it?
Speaker 3 (46:39):
Speaker 2 (46:39):
One hundred percent. I do like I kind of like
your idea of a championship weekend where you're just like,
you know what, We're gonna put the college football championship
game the day before the Super Bowl. Like yes, I'm
sure some people are already screaming that, you know that
that screws up their their party plans. But no, I'd
be all in for that. I think that's that's kind
of a creative idea. So you know, I I like
that a lot.
Speaker 3 (47:01):
Yeah, it's interesting.
Speaker 4 (47:02):
All right, let's get to the NFL and let's get
to these this weekend. First, let's start in the NFC.
So let's start with Washington, who pulls off the dramatic
upset in Detroit. First of all, I just need your
kind of overview of the gate of Tomorrow and that
kind of how you see the game.
Speaker 2 (47:29):
I mean, so I'm a big fan of why is
this going to be different? That's the question I asked
when teams have played, especially if they played recently, and
the one thing about it is to me that that
is glaring in the game coming up tomorrow, is that
one hundred and forty six and one hundred and fifty
that was the rushing yards respectively in each of these
games for Saque And that's not going to change. Washington
can be run on. And I just I know that
we everybody loves Jaden Daniels. Who doesn't love Jayden Daniels.
It's fun to watch, its special to watch. I did
not think that Washington would be Detroit. I didn't think
Detroit would melt down the way they did. I was
wrong about all of that. But today's a new day.
And if I have to make my decision on who's
going to win this football game, to me comes down
to which team do I trust more to be able
to run the football, and that's Philadelphia. So I think
the Eagles win this because their issues with the passing
attack are not going to be on full display in
this game. They shouldn't be. This is going to be
another feedsake on the ball until Washington finds a way
to slow you down. And I know five passing touchdowns
we've all heard that, but man, it is rare to me,
even more rare than a rookie throwing for five touchdowns.
Is a game that you win when you turn over
the turn the ball over as much as Washington did
in that game against Philly. I think that was a
bit of an aberration. I think Philly wins this game.
They're headed to the super Bowl.
Speaker 4 (48:48):
Yeah, I kind of I kind of agree. I think
it could be a close game. Yeah, you know, you
could totally say it being tight, being you know, a sweat.
But ultimately your point about Saquon is, I mean, he
has more home runs than Aaron Judge in the playoffs.
I mean it's ridiculous, Like that's good. I mean, my god,
what you saw in the snow and he knew it before,
so before the play he looks it hurts and he
says something that hurts, like this is it? Like we
got this? They got a smile, and lo, behold, he
busted it.
Speaker 2 (49:32):
Why. The wildest part to me is that every single
time he touches the ball, like on the long run,
you're reference and the jump cut that he made on
that run just to get to the outside edge was incredible.
And just when you think you're in the right spot
and you have everything going the way that it needs
to go. You think everything's good, all of a sudden
you realize it's not good.
Speaker 3 (49:56):
Speaker 2 (49:57):
It's just it is INCREDI to see the way that
he finds runs where there's nothing there to run for.
I just I don't know when we've ever seen anything
like it, and it to me, it feels like we're
witnessing one of the greatest running back seasons we've ever seen.
And if you can't stop the run, you're gonna get
embarrassed against Philadelphia because it's just I know, we're infatuated
with talking about the drama with the passing game. It's
just that's just not how they're going to have to
win this football game. It maybe it comes back to
bite him in the asse at some point, but not
in this game.
Speaker 3 (50:28):
Dude. Yeah, I kind of feel the same way.
Speaker 4 (50:31):
I Mean, the only thing that could derail the Eagles
is if Hurts tweaks the knee. It's it's, you know,
it bites at him. He can't move. Like from everything
I hear, I hear more that's more of a spray
in the MCL that it's probably between grade one and
grade two. He wears the brace, which stabilizes it and he's.
Speaker 3 (50:57):
He's okay, like he can move.
Speaker 4 (50:59):
You know, he's not going to be tremendously hampered except
if it starts to bite at him and nag at him,
which as low as possible with that injury. But the
only way to me that the Eagles don't move the
ball is if they're that he can't move, because then
it's legitimate. I mean, you saw what happened with Hurts
in the run game last week. First drive of the game,
he goes forty four yards, Like, you need that threat
and he needs to be able to move to even
throw the ball down the field.
Speaker 2 (51:34):
I agree with that, But what's your level of concern
that that's going to be an issue? Like you know
what I mean? I mean, I understand that obviously he's
saying it's progressing, and we don't have all the information
that we get into it. I just, man, I don't
are we getting any indication that that's going to be a.
Speaker 4 (51:50):
Great I mean, they're not worried. I can tell you
that they're not worried. You know, they're it's a mild concern.
So I have a mid concerned about it. Then I
have a mild concerned and from everything I'm I'm talking
to people, it's you know, they're not overly panicked by it, so.
Speaker 2 (52:12):
Not to me is that to me says everything when
you're going to the NFC Championship game, if you're not
overly panicked, then you're.
Speaker 4 (52:18):
Good, and then Mitchell is healthy. That was one I
was very concerned with, was quinnyon Mitchell. Who is the
Eagles rookie corner, Who's who's a great player?
Speaker 3 (52:33):
Right? And in fact, the first game of the year.
Speaker 4 (52:37):
Between the two, between the two, he skunked Terry McLarin
to the point where they had to move Terry McLaurin
to the other side. He's always on the left side.
They moved to the right side for his only catch,
and then in the second game they attacked him more
and he had some success. And if fairness, Daniels was
healthy in the second game. The first game between the two,
daniels knee was was tweaked and he couldn't move.
Speaker 3 (53:10):
That a little bit, so there was a bit of that.
Speaker 4 (53:12):
Of course, Hurtz gets hurt injured in that second game,
has to leave at the end of the first quarter.
Picket finishes, Saquon goes crazy for the first quarter and
then Washington has a little bit of success. I mean,
I love the story of Washington. I think they're terrific.
I mean I love the kid. I mean, we talk
about it right like I love Daniels. I think Daniels
is the truth and it is a great player. It's
going to be a great player for a decade. I
just don't think they have enough. I don't.
Speaker 3 (53:52):
I don't.
Speaker 4 (53:53):
And really upfront, like their weapons are fine, but up front,
they got no Sam Cosmy. Who's their best guard, who's
their best offensive player?
Speaker 3 (54:04):
Speaker 4 (54:05):
Uh, you gotta deal with the with Jalen Carter and
the Eagles, the middle of that line, which is nasty,
the interior part of that Eagles defensive line led by
Jalen Carter, who single handling beat the Rams last week. Yeah, uh,
I don't know how you deal with that. And defensively,
that D line is not great like the Eagles saw
the Rams D line last week. That's a that's a
nasty front with gired Verse right and that whole crew, Like,
that's a nasty, nasty front. Washington doesn't have the teeth
that the Rams do. And the Eagles offensive line is
is elite.
Speaker 2 (54:47):
Yeah, I mean that's how how often do we do
we sit here when we're breaking down these games and
make it super simple, like which team can establish running better,
which team team can control the line of scrimmage? Now,
I mean Detroit's offensive line should have been absolutely elite
in their matchup too. And Detroit, I mean, Detroit's melted down.
There's no two ways about it. Detroit melted down to
that game. And that's kudos to Washington for keeping the
pressure on them and making that happen. Like I think, sometimes,
you know, we get into a situation where we don't
necessarily always give the right credit to the team that wins.
I want to give all the credit here in the world. Also,
it's equally true that Detroit melted down. I just Philadelphia
is not built offensively to be as willing nilly with
the football as the Lions can be. And you know,
we're in that football game, so I don't think they'll
put the ball at risk. And I think, you know, frankly,
they'll just make sure that Saquan's hammering at home. So
you know, I get a little concerned with the knee
injury and what that means for your brotherly shoved because certainly.
I think when you have a when you're playing a
four down team and you have the opportunity to be
a four down team, you have to sort of have
some concept to that. But I just I there there
are fun ways to put together a Washington win. It's
just not something that I would if I had to
bet my house on, I wouldn't. I wouldn't bet my
house on any of them.
Speaker 4 (56:07):
Well, I figure you're spot on for a couple of things. One,
I mean you kind of go back to the Eagles
don't turn the ball over. They just don't, and that
was why the lost the game. That's why the Lion's lost.
I mean, the Lions melted down in every possible way,
down to Ben Johnson, who I thought Paddick. I thought
his play calling was a paddock play calling. He got
away from Gibbs. Gibbs rather the ball thirteen times, right,
I mean he was having success thirteen for over one hundred.
I know, I talked about golf last week and I
said it, and somebody one of the guys reached out
was like, dude, you can't go all in on golf,
And he was right, Like golf turned to golf had
a miserable day.
Speaker 3 (56:57):
Speaker 4 (56:57):
But I'm just saying, even though you're down to ten points,
still mixing a couple more carriers. And I'm not saying
you go away from Gibs completely, who was averaging almost
ten yards of pop. And then the other thing is
why are you from with Jamison Williams. Why are you
doing that gadget play on a comeback trail?
Speaker 2 (57:13):
Yeah? I think that's at midfield first down, like Jamison,
there's so much play on that play. I didn't love
the play call. But also Jamison's gotta be smarter with
the football, like you just can't. He's a receiver eve it. Yeah, yeah,
but you know, I.
Speaker 4 (57:27):
Mean, why what you get when you when you put
when you expect him to make that make a read like.
Speaker 3 (57:35):
That, that's fair.
Speaker 2 (57:37):
It's just man, you just you can't. You just can't
do that. Jamison Williams had to know in that situation
that like, hey, nothing's there, just throw the damn ball
away or take the sack, like take the take the loss.
Speaker 4 (57:48):
I mean again, that's why I that's a lot asking
a receiver to do to make that read.
Speaker 3 (57:54):
I don't think it's fair. I don't that's right all right.
Speaker 4 (57:58):
We gotta take quick too, will I'm right back and
dive into There's only one scenario that I can see.
Speaker 3 (58:05):
I'll throw it at you. Uh for Washington, I'll throw
it at you.
Speaker 4 (58:09):
See what you think, Fellas hanging out right here Fox
Sports Radio.
Speaker 5 (58:14):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to listen.
Speaker 4 (58:25):
Live fellas Jason Fitzanthony Gargano fromtheti iraq dot com studios.
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I see Washington like shock in the world. Besides, so
like a hurtz injury, like the knee is tweaked.
Speaker 3 (59:09):
And he's not right.
Speaker 4 (59:10):
Would be if they control the ball like they give
control the ball against Tampa, where they had an eleven
minute time of possession advantage where they just win first down, right,
you get six, five, six, seven a pop on the
first down and are able to control the football and
that's where dan Quinn goes four downs, and that's where
it's almost like those that Notre Dame drive that we
saw at the top. And then the one thing that
the Eagles have not faced is they haven't been down
two scores in the second half, like we haven't seen
them have to come back and use their past game
and stress out Hurts as the thrower and all that stuff.
Speaker 3 (59:57):
We haven't seen that piece of it. So that to
me is.
Speaker 4 (01:00:00):
The only the only recipe where if I look at
a game script, the only game script where washing it
can win.
Speaker 2 (01:00:06):
Yeah, and that feels like a difficult game script against
this particular defensive line. To me, I'm buying a little
what you're selling. Is there any you know because you
look at time of possession, by the way, because your
point on long drives is an important one. A time
of possession was something that they absolutely dominated against Tampa Bay,
but also they one time of possession against the Lions too,
which is you know, just a reminder that they they
managed to take advantage of that. Again, five turnovers for
Detroit is just suffocating. I just I can't. I can't
wrap my head around how you turn the ball over
five times in that game. You can't win obviously, right,
you can't and everything. But the funny thing is, even
in the fourth quarter, there were still moments where you're like,
you know what, Detroit's gonna try and figure out a
way to make this a game and they couldn't. Right, So,
even with five turnovers, I hear you on that, I
think Jayden's also got to play, you know perfectly. There's
gonna have to be a couple of those you know,
moon ball sort of big bombs in there that they're
gonna have to be able to. They're gonna have to
be able to get some big chunk plays to sort
of take the crowd out of this game too. It's
just again, I don't want to sound like Debbie Downer
because I was last week and they beat the Lions.
So you know what, do we know? Like I tell
everybody all the time, if we can predict all these
games accurately, we'd live on a small island somewhere. We
wouldn't be working, right, We would just we would live
off for gambling earnings. Uh, I'm buying what you're selling
that they'd have to do that. I just don't know
that they can control the drive length the way that
they're gonna need to in order to keep Philly off
the field. And also I think that they're gonna have
to get Saquan is gonna have to make a mistake somewhere.
And that's just how often we see there's gonna have
to be a key turnover, like there's gonna have to
be a key fumble, Like there's gonna have to be
a key drop somewhere. And I've been saying all year,
I think Saquan's the actual NFL MVP this year. It's
not it's not Lamar, it's not Josh, It's Saquon. And
I think he's gonna play like it in this game.
So he's gonna go for a Bucks seventy five, And
in the process of going for a buck seventy five,
the Eagles are going to just grind down Washington over
the course of four quarters. It'll be a close game
for the first half, and in the second half, I
think it gets comfortable enough that Philadelphia wins by him
went by, you know, seven or ten, and it was
a tight game. But it wasn't a It wasn't a
white knuckle game. If that makes sense.
Speaker 3 (01:02:27):
Yeah, that makes perfect sense.
Speaker 4 (01:02:29):
I mean last week wasn't like a white knuckle game
for the Eagles.
Speaker 3 (01:02:34):
Even though it.
Speaker 4 (01:02:35):
Looked like the game is over. When Saquon hits that
one home run on the long run to go up thirteen,
that game was a sweat. It hurts takes the safety
and he shows you on that play he's not imperiling
the football. He'd rather give up the two than the six. Yes,
he's not going to do it, and the safety happens.
It's now fifteen to fourteen or seventeen. It was sixteen fifteen,
it was whoever, it was the weird number because of
the missed extra points.
Speaker 3 (01:03:10):
Eagles are up one.
Speaker 4 (01:03:13):
Now the Rams are driving if you if you remember,
they get to midfield, they have a second and two.
Kyron Williams on the run and Jalen Carter playing punch
out punches the ball from Kyron Williams. Jayleencard I love
that get he's my favorite. He punches the ball out.
Eagles get it, they take it back. It sets up
a field goal, and that set up they got one
I'm called the seven say Kwan run, another miss, extra point,
they're up thirteen, and then the Rams go down and
score using the hurry up, which I think they probably
should have used earlier, but whatever, and then it sets
up for the final drive and Carter's the hero again.
Speaker 3 (01:03:56):
But all that said, that was a white knuckle game.
It really was.
Speaker 4 (01:04:01):
It felt like the Rams a couple of times, especially
before the Saquon run, like that was anybody's game.
Speaker 3 (01:04:07):
This one, I don't know.
Speaker 4 (01:04:08):
I think it's close, but I'm with you, like I
don't know how you stop Barkley.
Speaker 3 (01:04:14):
I think the.
Speaker 4 (01:04:16):
Eagles O line is not just like good, it's elite.
I mean it's epic. Having Beckton in the run game
on the right side. I mean, go back and look,
because when you stack the box it actually makes it
more difficult to stop the big runs. He's had those
big runs because once you get through the first level,
nobody's touching it.
Speaker 2 (01:04:40):
Yeah, he's made so many people miss right at the
point of contact. It's been silly.
Speaker 4 (01:04:44):
And the hole the holes a bit like dirt, Like
that line is unbelievable.
Speaker 2 (01:04:50):
And that's the part that you know I continually look
at what was the final I pulled it up here.
Jimir gives fourteen carries for one hundred and five yards.
I just I think the biggest failing in the Lions
game plan is that once the game started to get
out of hand, they panicked a little bit and they
gave up on explosive plays that were there to be
had in the running game. I just I think Washington's
run defense is going to be something that they'll addressed
to the course of the offseason. And you know, let's
be real, I think Washington would admit. I know people
there have admitted that they're ahead of the head of
schedule for where they thought. But this is a team that,
you know, frankly, at times throughout the course of the
playoffs has struggled to run the football. They didn't run
the football well at all against Tampa Bay, right, and
they averaged. They gave up four yards carry to Tampa Bay,
to Buckie Irvings. So like, this isn't just the Lions
conversation here, Like that there's the Commander's weakness happens to
align with the Eagle strength in this matchup. The Eagles
got to fix some level of balance in my mind
before they get to the Super Bowl, if they're going
to take on you know, a team that you know,
a team like the Chiefs, because I don't think you
can be one to mentioned and beat a team like
the Chiefs, but I think you can be one dimensional
offensively and beat the Commanders. Sorry, Washington fans, I feel
dirty saying that I would love for Washington no offense
cousin the story of Washington going here would be fun.
It would be fun, dude.
Speaker 3 (01:06:15):
I agree.
Speaker 2 (01:06:16):
We never see Washington Dan snyders out and immediately they
get to the super Bowl, like that would be so awesome.
I just I just can't. I can't piece it.
Speaker 3 (01:06:25):
I hear you can, I can.
Speaker 4 (01:06:26):
I just tell you that, Uh, that would be a
nightmare in Philadelphia to have Josh Harris hold up the
trophy at Lincoln Financial Field.
Speaker 2 (01:06:40):
Oh yeah, I didn't even think about that.
Speaker 4 (01:06:42):
Would be a nightmare. First of all, we're we're pissed
off at the Sixers, right, and everybody feels like he
abandoned the Sixers for the Commanders.
Speaker 3 (01:06:56):
Which listen, I get it right, it's the NF. Well, so.
Speaker 4 (01:07:02):
We thought we were pissed off that he that Josh
had the Devils and this and the Sixers, right like,
he buys the Sixers, then he bought the Devils. They
were like, wait a second, the Devils are the Flyers'
biggest rival, and now you're buying the Commanders, an NFC
East team.
Speaker 3 (01:07:24):
Right like the I mean, are you kidding me? Now?
For I don't blame them.
Speaker 4 (01:07:30):
You know, that's their sports and entertainment business, and if
you could buy teams, that's what you do, right So
I'm not blaming Josh Harrison a little bit, But don't
expect the Philopian fans to embrace that, right Like that's
a nightmare having Josh Hairis hold up the trophy at
Lincoln Financial Field.
Speaker 2 (01:07:52):
Yeah, I can't. I can't imagine that layer of it,
another complication, like on top of losing to a division
rival on your own field, like that feels like an
epic meltdown sort of moment, especially for a team that
nobody thought was going to be here right now too,
So you know it's yeah, when you lay it out
that way, that breaks my heart for Philadelphia fans. It's
it's unfortunate because you know, Jayden Daniels has managed almost
single handedly to do the impossible, which is to make
Washington a likable franchise and make people talk only we've
I've said this team before, but like, when's the last
time we went to a whole season and only talked
about Washington as a football team, right, So you know,
to have Washington become so respectable so quickly, and yeah,
I can't imagine, it's just fuel to the fire for
what what Eagles fans are going to be feeling here.
And I can't imagine, especially if this is not a
particularly well coached game for anywhere, any reason, It's only
going to start the yet never ending yelling about sirianni Ago,
which is exhausting. So this is sort of lose lose
for Philadelphia like that Philly's The only way that Philly
isn't absolutely apoplectic is if they had to the Super Bowl.
Speaker 4 (01:09:01):
Right, there is no there's no council, like there is
a six point favorite. Six point favorite like in a
championship game. That's a healthy favorite. Right, Yeah, at Hulls,
you can't lose the game.
Speaker 3 (01:09:21):
I'm sorry, Like, you can't lose this game. I don't,
I don't. You know.
Speaker 4 (01:09:28):
This reminds me, and believe me, the only the Bills
have had more vikis too, But the Eagles have been
in oh god, five six seven NFC Championship games since
two thousand and two one. So in O one they
lost to the Rams. That was the greatest show with turf,
which was a good loss. Oh two, they're a favorite again.
It's Tampa and Tampa had never won an under like
forty degree weather and last game of Veteran Stadium they
beat the Eagles. That was like the most devastating loss
in phil love in sports history. The follow year they
lose to Carolina and Jake Glom fourteen to three. Oh.
Then they beat Atlanta on the way to the super
Bowl in Jacksonville. Then they lose to Arizona in eight
It was the all Pennsylvania super Bowl. Supposed to be
Steelers Eagles, it was Steelers Cardinals. Then they beat Minnesota
in seventeen where it was that was Vikings get out
to seventh off the lead, and then there's the pick six,
which was a huge thing. They go on the trounsrom
Minnesota to win on the way to win their first
Super Bowl. Twenty two is when Perdy gets hurt. They
beat the Niners and then fast forward to today. So
this is what they did in championship games. They're two
and four.
Speaker 2 (01:11:14):
The hard part about that. I was talking to my
buddy last night that's a Lions fan, and he was
talking about, actually, I'm sorry. He was talking about lamenting
the loss and how it feels like the windows closed
because the coaching staff is being poached and all these things.
And I told him at the time, I said, I
remember when the Raiders lost the Super Bowl. I remember
because that had been so many years in a row
where they had a weird loss in the playoffs, saying
to a buddy, man, I'd rather not even make the
playoffs and go through this heartbreak. It just sucks too much.
And then I went through double digit losses for over
ten straight years, and I was like, Nope, never mind,
I'll take the playoffs. But I think what we can
all acknowledge when it all settles down is that both
sides hurt. It's incredibly just heartbreaking as a fan when
your team's not even competitive or complaiment competent, But it's
also incredibly heartbreaking as a family. Your team's always on
the doorstep and never quite gets there.
Speaker 4 (01:12:06):
Like so, yeah, that's a different type of torture, different
type of torture. I mean the Vikings fans, the Bills fans,
Like nobody's had it harder than those two fan bases,
Like you know, Cleveland's had a different type of you know,
having to deal with you and Raider Nation. My heart
goes out to you because you tasted great success during periods,
but it was so long ago. And not being relevant,
being awful, being downright stank sucks. That sucks because you
don't get any enjoyment from the season.
Speaker 3 (01:12:45):
At least if you're Buffalo.
Speaker 4 (01:12:47):
You know you have a great team, a great player,
You got big games during the course of the season.
You know, I think it's worse to be awful, to
be irrelevant. I think it's a worse lot lately.
Speaker 3 (01:13:05):
Yeah, I do.
Speaker 4 (01:13:06):
All right, fellas, you gotta take quick t O'll come
right back. Jason Fitz Anthony Gargano, Fox Sports Radio, Welcome back,
fellas from the tire Rack dot Com Studios. Jason Fitz,
Anthony Gargano. Don't forget podcast comes up soon as we
go off the air. It'll be posted, all right, So
make sure you search Fox Sports Radio Radio wherever you
get your Popcort packt excuse me, I can talk podcasts
and uh, the minute the show's over will be up there,
so check it out. Be sure to follow, rate and
review the podcast. Uh FITZI, I'm donna get to the
story because we'll get to Bill's chiefs coming up in
the moment.
Speaker 3 (01:13:52):
But dude, the Daniels Jadon Daniels.
Speaker 4 (01:13:56):
The greatest attribute he has a quarterback besides his ridiculous
accuracy because he's a mousehole thrower, is his calmness in
the pocket.
Speaker 3 (01:14:09):
So he is.
Speaker 4 (01:14:11):
Unfhased at pressure. He reads processes so quickly, you know, crass.
When people talk about him as a mobile quarterback, that's the.
Speaker 3 (01:14:28):
Least of his gifts.
Speaker 4 (01:14:31):
He's a great quarterback, Like, make no mistake, this kid's
the truth. He will be a great player for ten years. Right,
He's the next great one. He's got every attribute. The
only thing that would scare me about him is he's
so slight. But other than that, he reads, he knows
what he's looking at. He's unfhased by pressure, he's unphased
by moment.
Speaker 3 (01:14:57):
He's as clutch as you can get to.
Speaker 4 (01:14:59):
He's played it all the bit games of college, so
he's he's a great player, and the fact that he's
mobile is just the cherry on the top. But I
read about his training and how he uses VR at
training as a training tool. Every morning he wakes up
and he puts the VR level at like superhuman like,
it's not even for humans to process, so it comes
at him so fast that he's got to make the
right decision.
Speaker 3 (01:15:32):
He's training his brain to think quickly.
Speaker 2 (01:15:35):
FITSI yeah, I think it's pretty incredible. Like the article
mentioned that the game speed is about one point seven times,
and we always talk about how the NFL is faster, Well,
it's not if you're spending all of your training time
virtual Like he's wearing a virtual reality headset that's putting
him in the stadium so he can see where the
clock is, he can get a sense for the feel
of the entire stadium, what it's going to be like
for him, and then he's running through his processing at
almost double the usual time for playback. And as a result,
that means, as he pointed out, there loading in defenses
that are similar to the looks he's actually going to get,
so he's having to dissect things quicker through the training process,
which then means when he gets into the game, the
game is actually slower than the virtual reality game he's
been playing. And this is just part of the new technology.
They pointed out that once he started using this at LSU,
the numbers went through the roof and it's continued in
the NFL. And it makes total sense, brother, because I
keep thinking about how the most important thing that a
quarterback has to figure out what to do is is
processing what they're seeing and figuring out what the defense
has given him and all these pre snap post snap things. Well,
if you're spending your entire week with a headset on
running at twice as fast as it's going to be
in the actual game, you have to be more prepared.
I am genuinely curious how many quarterbacks we're going to
find out this offseason are now implementing this training strategy,
because it's certainly working for Jade.
Speaker 4 (01:16:59):
Well, it's funny because last night, Uh, so we have
a basketball I have two boys, fifteen and eleven, and
so my eleven year old Massimo as we I coached
his sixth grade team. So we had a game last
night which we won, which I was excited.
Speaker 3 (01:17:15):
Because we won five in a row.
Speaker 2 (01:17:17):
Speaker 3 (01:17:17):
So thank you the boys.
Speaker 4 (01:17:20):
They got pressed and we broke the press beautifully. I'm
so proud of them. All Right, we got a lot
of transition easy buckets, and we wanted we played a
good team and we rolled them by twenty five, so
I was I was happy. So we come home and
I'm like, all right, dude, VR time and I got
Massi working because he's a quarterback, and I got him
working on VR.
Speaker 3 (01:17:44):
I figured, let's go, man, let's let's trade.
Speaker 4 (01:17:47):
And they also have Win Reality, which does baseball, so
he plays baseball too, so you could you know, you
could face the.
Speaker 3 (01:17:56):
Ninety mile an hour pitcher.
Speaker 4 (01:17:58):
Now, how great is that to be able to train
your mind a quarterback or as a hitter.
Speaker 2 (01:18:04):
That's that's amazing. That's amazing. And by the way, the
real lesson we've learned is, never never pressed the fighting Garganos.
She will lose. That's just that's just we should get
that on shirts. Never pressed the fighting Gargano, she will lose.
But this virtual reality thing, it's gonna change the next
generation man, like masmos it is. That age is gonna
be totally different when they get to that spot.
Speaker 4 (01:18:24):
Yeah, I told them, dude, every morning we're gonna wake
up six o'clock. We're gonna do it anyway. We're in
the Fels Radio Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 1 (01:18:32):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio Radio.
Speaker 4 (01:18:35):
Good morning, good morning, good morning, Happy Happy Championships Saturday Fellas, Jason.
Speaker 3 (01:18:44):
Fitz, Anthony Gargano, comany a lot from the.
Speaker 4 (01:18:46):
Tire rat dot com studios Tyra dot com. We'll help
you get there on Matt Selection Fans, free shipping, free
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We love to hang around here every Saturday chopping up
with you guys.
Speaker 3 (01:19:09):
It's one of our favorite things we do. All right, Well,
the crowd jewel.
Speaker 4 (01:19:14):
The weekend is the next iteration of Bills and Chiefs,
and there are there is so much to unpack with
this match up. It's it's ridiculous from you know, the
subplots of.
Speaker 3 (01:19:29):
The quarterbacks, the.
Speaker 4 (01:19:32):
Chiefs fatigue, the Chief's greatness, the Bills trying to get
over the hump, the Bill's storylines from the past right
like you know, still chasing it, Bill's mafia. It's it's
such a great and I don't it's such a great
matchup and quite frankly, I don't know who to pick.
Speaker 2 (01:19:57):
So as we break into this matchup, can I the
world angry for a minute? I'm just gonna I'm just
gonna throw something out that people are not gonna agree with,
and they're gonna yell and scream at me, but it
needs to be said because there's actual facts. There is
no Chiefs bias with officiating, and the numbers don't bear
it out. So as we go into the game, the
first thing I want to do is take off the
plate any concept that the league is promoting the Chiefs
and the couple of numbers everybody needs to know. During
Patrick Mahomes' career the Chiefs in games he started in
his career, the Chiefs have the fourth worst differential in
yards in penalty yards compared to their opponents fourth worst.
They actually they get more penalties than their opponents to
and it is the fourth most in the entire league.
And if your answer to that is, well, it's just
the big plays the count. During the entire career of
Patrick Mahomes as a starter, eighty four times the Kansas
City Chiefs have had a third or fourth down turn
into a first down due to penalty eighty four times.
That number feels really staggering. Eighty four times they've had
a third or fourth convert to a first down due
to penalty. Unfortunately for the narrative, Chiefs opponents in those
same games have had one hundred and four conversions. So
there's absolutely no data that shows that the league supports
Kansas City, that Kansas City has an advantage. In fact,
that data looks like Kansas City is one of the
worst teams in all of this. So I just want
to end Chiefs fatigue is the reason we're trying to find,
Like our favorite teams, for the most part, commit a
stupid penalty and all of a sudden, we lose football games.
So we get angry at the Chiefs committing stupid penalties
and winning football games. We get angry at Patrick Mahomes
finding a way to win and getting some calls. But
that's the new NFL. Everybody gets calls throughout the course
of the game. It's just more glaring when all we
do is watch my homes all the time. So I
just want to remind people that there's no refereeing bias.
You're right, and I'm sitting here with the I'm wearing
a Raiders shirt, Raider shorts, Raiders sweats, with the Riders
helmet right next to me. If anybody in the world's
gonna screen bias, it should be I'm pretty sure my
underwear has Raiders on it somewhere. If anybody screams bias,
it's me. It just y'all, it doesn't exist. The numbers
don't show it. It isn't there, So quit the narrative
and just start to appreciate that you're watching a great
football team.
Speaker 4 (01:22:14):
No, dude, you're spotle on correct. You are you're you're
you're you're right. I mean the numbers bear it out.
It's exactly what it is. Everybody just looked at someday.
It's amazing how last weekend a crystallized with those two plays,
the whole thing.
Speaker 3 (01:22:33):
Speaker 4 (01:22:33):
Just it was like that's it or done all of
a sudden, it in one with one flag, right or
two flags.
Speaker 3 (01:22:44):
The Halls went from beloved to reviled.
Speaker 2 (01:22:49):
And like, the weird part about that is like like
Brady got calls all the time. Hell, you can make
an argument that in the most famous shot of Michael
Jordan's career, he pushed off, like, superstars get called. What
the hell do we want? Quarterbacks get calls in this league.
Superstars get calls if you if you even so much
as burp towards a quarterback when you're trying to hit them,
you're gonna get a call. Like that's just that's the
way it goes. Like I understand people freaking out, but
like I have some understanding here that this happens all
the time, like all the time. And yes, this is
when somebody inevitably is gonna tweet me and say, well,
they didn't give Lamar the call on this. Okay, y'all
want to sit here and pick out individual instances where
refs could have called something or didn't call something. Man,
that's just that's small that that happens. Refs make mistakes.
Refs are human. Ref's miscalls reVC people flop. That's why
flopping exists, because you're trying to get the ref to
make a mistake. So you know, like it's just, oh,
this is exhausting, man, it's exhausting. Dude.
Speaker 3 (01:23:48):
I feel you, man, I do I feel you.
Speaker 4 (01:23:50):
I was laughing because I sent FITZI like all people
val use AI for to create great photos.
Speaker 3 (01:24:02):
Right, the memes.
Speaker 2 (01:24:03):
I love this part of AI. It's my favorite part
of me AI.
Speaker 4 (01:24:06):
Right, it's like, uh, crock, uh make me put make
me a picture of Patrick Mahomes having beers with officials. Uh,
you know, so my body was doing that to me constantly.
So I had a bunch of them pictures that were set,
so I sent them over to fits you while he
was going on his rant his Uh the chiefs are right.
Speaker 2 (01:24:32):
Yeah, they're good. Those are those are good. Those are good, dude,
they're good pictures as well played. And I I it's
you know, sometimes I think it's just easier to convince
yourself that there's a bias than there it is to actually,
you know, turn around and just say, oh, they're better.
Like that's the funny part. Like it is easier to say, oh,
there's a bias than just to be like, you know what,
Patrick Mahomes, he's the best player in the world right
now by far.
Speaker 3 (01:24:57):
Yeah, I dude, you're you're you're you're right. Man. Everything
you say is you're right, you know, I mean it is.
Speaker 4 (01:25:07):
And they're they're just so buttoned up, they're so well coached,
I mean, you know, all right, So let's let's dive
into the into the matchup. So let's look at at
Buffalo for a second, because truthfully, I think this thing
is as close and obviously to two point games, so
two point line. So everybody agrees it's it's really hard
to figure this out.
Speaker 3 (01:25:35):
The only thing is forget all that.
Speaker 4 (01:25:39):
What you talked about the officials is I don't know
how Kansas City has shown you all year long that
they figure out a way to win.
Speaker 3 (01:25:49):
So how does that change?
Speaker 2 (01:25:52):
Yeah? Well, and uh, Anthony argtam. What is if I
walked into a bar and I said shots, what's the
one shot that I would try and get you that
you would say no to? That you would absolutely pass on.
You will not try that, You will not drink this shot.
What is the one liquor that I cannot get you
to have a shot of?
Speaker 3 (01:26:09):
Speaker 4 (01:26:10):
Well, I have a anti Voka thing, okay. But also,
like you know, any of those rumpelments, I won't do
in sam Buca or at is that, I won't do
that either.
Speaker 3 (01:26:24):
I'll do to kill all day long.
Speaker 2 (01:26:27):
I love, I love, I'm all in on Sambuca and Rumbel,
Mitz and Jaeger like the child that I am, but yeah,
I can't do it the next time. The next time, anybody,
not that you've done this, but anybody, the next time,
anybody wants to tell me that Travis Kelce is shot.
Before you make that take, you should have to take
a shot of your least favorite liquor just to think
about what you're about to say. Because this is the
second year in a row where like people all year, oh,
I don't know, Travis Kelce looks old, he looks tired,
he looks washed, he's not doing anything. Then what do
we get in the playoff game? Travis kelcey like four
hundred and seventy two catches for eighty three and twenty
two yards all in one game, which would be a record.
But I look at this, and the funny thing is
every year people are like, oh, the Chiefs don't have
any offense. Kelsey shot, He's not gonna be able to
do it. Then we get to the playoffs when he
actually has to give a dam and all of a sudden,
you know, you look at what happens in the playoffs,
his numbers go skyrocketting up like before we pronounced him dead.
Next year we should all have to take a shot
of our least favorite liquor to think about what we're
about to say and then decide if we still want
to give the take. And just Kelsey is dynamic and
was last week and and still has everything left in
the tank that it needs to to be a dynamic
part of this football game. So somebody explained to me
how you're gonna beat Kansas City in a close game.
Somebody explained to me how you're gonna throttle down Mahomes
in a close game. Somebody explained to me how you're
gonna put up points against that defense in a close game.
And then somebody explained to me how you're gonna prevent
Travis Kelce from getting three or four of those Oh
my god, how the heck did he do that again?
Catches throughout the course of the game, don't. I don't
see how that happens. And that's why Kansas City's gonna win,
even though I think Buffalo's a better football team.
Speaker 4 (01:28:09):
Yeah, yeah, now here's how I if I make the
case for Kansas City.
Speaker 3 (01:28:16):
I'll make the case for Buffalo in a minute.
Speaker 4 (01:28:17):
But if I make the case for Kansas City, I
say they fixed their line issues right, like putting Tuney
out has really kind of fixed that their line issues
were tough. Bill's defense is great, is good. It's not
like this avalanche of defense, right, So, I know you
got von Miller. I know you can pressure the quarterback.
They're good tackling defense. Sean McK deffot's a great defensive coach.
But like they they I don't think they completely exploit
the Casey offensive line. And again there I like their
skill guys because I like the fact that you have
Worthy and Hollywood Brown now and Hopkins and Kelsey and
both backs. Uh, you know, I think that they're offensively
in a good place. Probably they're among the best place
they've been all season. And then defensively they're good. Like
I don't know that you're gonna be able to go
nuts like Cook is gonna go nuts, like you're gonna
need Josh Allen to be outrageous. And again, the Buffalo
receivers are just okay.
Speaker 2 (01:29:39):
I think the other part of this is that what
four times, maybe five times in this game, Patrick Mahomes
is gonna roll out and he's gonna have to make
a play to save a drive, and he's gonna do it.
That's really like he's just he's gonna do it. And
whether that's a stupid four yard run when you think
everybody's covered and it shouldn't be there, or whether that's
a stupid four yard pass when you're finally stopping him
from getting out of the pocket and you find some
way to get to I mean, just the throw last
week where he's being dragged down and he is as
vertical or as horizontal as as Superman and he just
throws a perfect pass to Travis Kelcey in the end zone.
Is the difference in this game. It's just it's what
he's capable of doing time and time again to find
the open guy when a play is about to go.
And we talked earlier about one of the beautiful things
for Jade Daniels is that the game, the game has
slowed down for him already, but his process never speeds up.
Like when the pocket's collapsing around him, he doesn't speed up.
That's mahomes to a t like it just doesn't feel
like anything impacts the way he's going about making the play.
And that's that's gonna happen four or five times in
this game. It's gonna extend four or five drives and
it's the reason that the Chiefs are gonna win and
everybody's gonna be frustrated.
Speaker 4 (01:30:51):
Yeah, I'm with you. I mean, look, kidsas City. The
Bills won on it was November seventeenth. It was a
great matchup. The Bills win. It's thirty twenty one. In
the game, Josh Allen was Superman right. He rushed twelve
times for fifty five yards. They helped Cook nine for
twenty that game. And I don't think Cook's gonna have
a good game on Sunday either. I think it's gonna
be Josh Allen having to do everything again. I mean,
in that game, they got five catches from Curtis Samuel
and four from Dawson knox Man.
Speaker 2 (01:31:34):
That's that's it's wild when you when you think about
it that way and you think about that game. Mahomes
had a couple of picks in that game, like, yeah,
they got the thirty to twenty one win, but really
felt like everything had to sort of break their way
to do that. And that game was in Buffalo, if
I if I really.
Speaker 3 (01:31:54):
It was yeah, yeah, I mean it was in Buffalo.
Speaker 4 (01:31:57):
They held the ball for ten more minutes, close to
ten more minutes. You mentioned the two turnovers by Mahomes
and remember that's when they that's when they were having
major O line issues.
Speaker 3 (01:32:12):
Kansas City, yep.
Speaker 2 (01:32:15):
God, and you I I want something new. We all
want something new. Like I get that if you're not
a Kansas City fan, it's certainly become easy to turn
around and look, if you're the Bills, you want to
talk about an organization that deserves it. You want to
talk about Josh Allen, Like, yeah, I mean there are
so many And last year at this time, I was screaming,
if not now, then when if you can't beat the
Chiefs at home, when are you're going to ever get
it done? And now here we city a year later
and we're you know, rinsing this running back. It's rinse
and repeat the same thing all over again. And it's
it's just this is the wild context that we all
need to remember when we talk about legacy at all
of these things that are overblown, like there are just
there are moments that we have to remember that great
players don't always reach the pinnacle of their sport if
they are simply facing the greatest of all time at
the same time. And I know that, you know many
people don't want to crown my Home is that yet?
But I think by the end of it he will be.
And this suddenly becomes the era of Patrick Ewing and
Charles Barklay. This is You've got Michael Jordan over here
just going over and over and over again, and what
you've got is Ewing and Barkley sitting there with Lamar
and Josh Allen trying to get their shot, trying to
get their way, trying to get their opportunity. But man,
they're just they're stuck in the same conference at the
same time. With as I say every single week on
this show, I think, what's going to turn out to
be the greatest quarterback of all time? What's gonna end
up being the greatest coach of all time? And it's
currently at the very least the best defensive coordinator in
the NFL and an all time defensive coordinator in the
eyes of many, like beating that Colly, Like I would
love to say the Bills win. I would also love
to be grown up enough to step back and just appreciate,
like if we see the Chiefs on a three peat,
my god, J'll tell your grand kids about this team.
So like that That's what we should be focused on,
not whether or not we don't like to call them mahomes.
We should be focused on the greatness of what Kansas
City has built. I mean, I don't I've never seen
a team that would fifteen regular season wins be trashed
the way the Chiefs are trashed, and it just makes
no sense.
Speaker 4 (01:34:26):
Nah, I figured your spot on, man, I do. I
think it's what listen, I was funny I was talking to.
There was a Eagle's former president, guy named Joe Banner
who spent a while in the league. He he's with
Jeffrey Lourie in the nineties and then up until twenty twelve.
Speaker 3 (01:34:48):
Thirteen. He hired Andy Reid.
Speaker 4 (01:34:52):
He hired Sean McDermott, was instrumental and making Sean McDermott
the defensive coordinator. After Jim Johnson pass away, he hired
Howie Roseman. In fact, he told me a great story
about Howie Roseman. He said that when Howie was at
University of Florida, he wanted to be a GM so
bad he wanted to be in the league. He used
to write like three, four or five letters a week
all across the NFL. So Joe and Mike Tannenbaum from
the Jets would talk about Howie and they used to
joke about him like this, not this kid writing us
letters like, you know, the whole thing. So one day
Mike Tannebom tells Joe hey Man, well, I'm want to
have lunch with that kid, Howie, and he goes, all right,
well make sure you're do it in a public place, right,
So Anton the lunch, Tannebom goes, Yo, you should talk
to him. He goes, I don't have anything, but you
might like him and he could fit you guys. So
sure enough, Joe has it opening and hires Howie Roseman
and then his story is wild, but he hired McDermott,
he hired Andy Reid, right, and so we get into
this whole conversation about you know, Bill's chiefs, and he's like,
I gotta tell you, I love both these guys so much.
He said, I'll take Sean only because and he's been
there so many times and Spags because he up hired
Spag like Spags and Andy were close. So he's like,
I'm just gonna go Sean because of the storyline, and
you know, I was thinking about it, like the same way.
How in the world, How in the world can you
be anti Andy Reid? Like people rip why his bum
you know, bubb larushki right, like when you when you
look back and when Andy Reid's done, He's been the
best coach in the NFL. I mean him in Belichick dude, Like,
you know, he has all kinds of wins. He's a
great dude, right his fact you know, you look at
you know what he does and how he treats his players.
His players love him. He's a great coach. All he
does is win.
Speaker 2 (01:37:22):
Totally agree, totally. It's what makes it maddening. As a
Raiders fan, I sit here and look at it, and
I'm like, golly. Even as a Raiders fan, I sit
here and say, man, I can't do anything but respect.
Speaker 3 (01:37:32):
It, I know.
Speaker 4 (01:37:34):
And on the other side, McDermott's the same guy. He's
a great coach, you know, great another great dude, a
great dude. And what's not to love about Allen Right, Like,
I mean that AFC Championship game is is every bit.
It reminds you. It's it's Patriots and Colts all over again. Right,
It's Brady Manning. It's pretty cool. Yeah, fellas right here
Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 5 (01:38:01):
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Speaker 4 (01:38:12):
Live fellas from the Higher Ratlam dot com studios.
Speaker 2 (01:38:21):
Uh Anthony Gargano, can I can I take us off
course for a second response to something that we were
tweeted that I think is interesting? Quarterback hits in roughing
the penalty roughing penalties, And Chris tweeted us and I
appreciate that, listing Patrick Mahomes with one hundred and nine
hits and seven roughing penalties, and then listed several other
notable quarterbacks, not the least of which Tom Brady two
roughing penalties on forty three hits, and using this I
think is proof that see there are because the next
highest of any of the quarterbacks on the list, Josh Allen,
had two roughing penalties. Patrick Mahomes has seven. Okay, so
a couple of things here. Number one, let's not forget
that all it took was somebody hitting Tom Brady low
and they changed the entire rule in the NFL, like
they changed how you can attack the quarterback simply to
make sure that Tom Brady, the immobile guy, never got
hit below the knee again. Right, Like, so you want
to talk about like bigger than a roughing penalty, that's
a league coming in and changing the rule to protect
a quarterback is the ultimate. But the other side of this,
like this is what fans look at as a roughing
penalty must mean something. But what we don't have there
is context. The reason the numbers that gave out earlier
mattered is it was the same officiating crew in the
same game. So every crew calls things differently. So when
I say that the Chiefs have the fourth worst differential
in penalties and that they've had twenty more automatic first
downs given to their opponents than they have gotten over
the course of Mahomes's career, the reason that those matter
is they have the full context of who was calling
the game. Some crews call things tight, some cruise call
things loose. So having the actual the Chiefs and their
opponent in this game, who had more penalty yards, the
chief and their opponents in this game, who got more
automatic first downs, those numbers across the board. When you're
talking one officiating crew in one game, opponent versus Chiefs
show that there is no actual advantage to the Chiefs.
So taking an arbitrary stat like roughing penalties to Patrick Mahomes,
I mean, we have no idea. We'd have to go
back and look at all hundred and nine hits, how
many of them should have been roughing, how many of
them shouldn't have been roughing? Like the amount of analysis
that that's just a data point. It's much more complete
as a data point to look at the full spectrum
of one game opponent and Chiefs, same crew. How is
the game called? And those numbers show that there's no
advantage Kansas City. That's me beat a Statnard.
Speaker 4 (01:40:48):
Yeah, listen, yeah, I thought you answered that very well
because Chris did bring up, you know, a good point,
and it was a good counter by it.
Speaker 3 (01:40:57):
I mean, look, I mean I think you watch it.
Speaker 4 (01:41:01):
And I'm not a conspiracy theorist, so either I am
a lemming, right, I'm gullible, but I just don't believe
in conspiracy theorists. I don't believe that the league wants
Patrick Holmes. I don't think the league cares. If the
league cared orchestrated the Lions would be playing. There would
be a There would be a game in Detroit tomorrow,
not Philadelphia.
Speaker 3 (01:41:29):
I mean the league.
Speaker 2 (01:41:30):
If the league cared, would they let a team like
the Giants be bad and the Jets in a huge
TV market like this is where I'm the anti conspiracy
theorist in ninety nine percent of the world. And I've
told you this before, but you know, I grew up
in Vegas as a kid, and both of my parents
were worked at casinos. My parents both at management level
jobs and casinos for many years. And it was funny
when we moved out of Vegas and everybody kept saying, oh,
casinos are rigged. My mom, who's a very blunt woman.
To this day, my mom will quickly said the same
thing to friends and family and anybody that would ever
say that. Her answer was always, it doesn't need to
be rigged. They rely on the stupidity of the people
that walk in the doors. And that is true. The
lack of self control to Cambler's creates the advantage for
the casinos above and beyond. They vantage they already having
some of the games. They don't need to rig anything.
They don't need a ball and a roulette wheel that
is suddenly rigged, and the regulations and casinos are so
wildly stringent that even if they tried, like whatever they
did in the fifties is not what they do now.
So I grew up with a very good, comprehensive understanding
of that, and I think at that every time somebody
comes around and says, well, the NFL's rigged. If you
believe the NFL is rigged, stop watching it or stop
complaining about it. If you believe the NFL is truly
the WWE, they treat it like the WWE. Just sit
back and watch your storylines. But the other part of
it is, guess what. The league doesn't have to do
that because, unlike every other sport, matter who plays in
the super Bowl, the world's gonna watch it like it's
it's going to be a massive win, no matter who plays.
And I constantly remind fans of this too when it
comes to any of these sporting events that they believe
the ESPN's rigged or ABC's rigged or Foxes rigged. Inventory
for ad sales is where the money is made. That
inventory is sold so far in advance, Yeah, so far
in advance. Like the NFL doesn't care who's in the
super Bowl because they've already made every dollar they're going
to make off the Super Bowl. It's already done.
Speaker 4 (01:43:31):
So like, yeah, they were going to give backs, there's
no bonuses.
Speaker 3 (01:43:35):
The money's the money. That's it. That's what it comes
down to. And they're selling out you know, years in advance.
Speaker 2 (01:43:42):
Oh god, yeah, Like I mean we used to when
I was traveling with Game Day they would sit at
the beginning of the year and be like, entire ad
inventory is sold. Guess what that means that it doesn't
matter who wins a single college football game the amount
of money, like ratings don't Actually, it's like the music business.
A lot of people don't realize this, but in the
music business, I can speak to this from my experience.
You are not paid by how many people are in
the crowd. You're paid an upfront fee to play a show. Right, So,
if you are the band Perry when I was with
the band Perry, and you're playing an arena, the promoter
is the one that Live Nation in that situation books
you and Live Nation pays you an upfront fee. That's
what you're getting for playing that night. Doesn't matter if
there's ten people in the room, doesn't matter. If there's
one hundred thousand people in the room, you got your
upfront fee. Live Nation is the one that then turns around,
sets the pricing and makes their money wherever they're going
to make their money. So if you think like a musician,
like if you go to a see a show and
none of the tickets are sold and you think, oh man,
this artist is really struggling, Nope, artists still got their money.
And TV's the same way. If nobody watches this weekend's
football games, the networks that broadcast them will still get
their money because the ad revenue has already made. And
that's the conspiracy theory killer that nobody wants to acknowledge
in these products.
Speaker 3 (01:44:58):
Speaker 4 (01:44:59):
In fairness, if an act doesn't sell out, it hurts
their future and momentum, that sort of thing.
Speaker 2 (01:45:07):
Sure, but in real relationship too, like if we we
did a tour in Canada that didn't sell well, and
frankly we had to we turned around and chose to
do some givebacks to some of those promoters because we
wanted to make sure that we kept those promoters happy
so that later in our career we could continue to play.
Like that's certainly smart, Yes, there are long term ramifications
to those sorts of things. But I mean, my god,
like the NFL is not sitting here right now saying uh.
Speaker 4 (01:45:37):
Hm exactly, and the other thing, and even you know,
we talk about college football being down and you know
whatever these past ratings, it's still when you compare it
to everything else, it's still a monster.
Speaker 3 (01:45:53):
Like it's still big, right, Like did number?
Speaker 4 (01:45:56):
Like television, if you look at at show, you're just
not getting that kind of the viewership for your regular
TV show. Sports sports is a huge deal when it
comes to television. I mean, look, did you see the
thing the top one hundred shows, they're all they're almost
all football, like eighty five NFL and like ten college.
Speaker 2 (01:46:24):
That's where, you know, because you have to watch it
live because it is still one of the few things.
Sports are still one of the few things in the
world that create water cooler conversation. Everybody has to flock
to it. Everybody has to watch it. You can't DVR
and watch it a week later. You know, you're not.
You're not sitting there skipping through the ads like because
because people still watch these things live. That's part of
why everyone's always going to flock to it. It's part
of why they make great money. It's part of why
the ad revenue is just it's it's ridiculous, it's gross
how much they make on some of these sporting events.
And that's why you know constantly, yeah, even if you're
college basketball, like over the course of this weekend, college
basketball is not gonna be in the top one hundred badcast,
but they still sell out that inventory because at the
end of the day, advertisers know that if you you know,
if you're buying an ad spot on below Deck on Bravo,
somebody can just fast forward through it. Nobody's fast forward
and through you know, the Yukon game tonight.
Speaker 4 (01:47:19):
Dude, speaking of college basketball. We got to turn the
page and I'm looking forward to it. But this is
the first Saturday without football, and I'm deprosed.
Speaker 2 (01:47:32):
That is that is wow that you know now that
you've said, And it's funny because in my home studio,
I've got the TV on and like everything I I
it doesn't it doesn't compute that there's no football because
Sports Center right now is showing Jaden Daniels and they're
talking about football. So in my mind, I'm still in
that process where it's like, oh yeah, after the show,
you know there'll be there'll be football games on today.
Speaker 4 (01:47:59):
You're right, the first Saturday since August there's no games.
Oh man, And it sucks Like I'm clean today too.
I got, you know, I played last night. We had
our basketball last night. I got baseball tomorrow morning. So
I'm clean today. I actually am clean all day. Wow,
I got, you know, I got no football. I mean,
I'll watch college ball, but I have to. I didn't
even look at the schedule, but there's no there's no football.
It's killing me, Like I'm already thinking about because I
look at me, like when we go to break, I'll go,
all right, let me plan out, like who's on today?
Blah blah, you know, just kind of yeah, you have
your personal things to do, and I got, you know,
things I could do. But I love Mike, you know,
Mike Saturday to unwine and give me like a couple
of good games to dive into.
Speaker 3 (01:49:02):
And there's no games none. See.
Speaker 2 (01:49:05):
We spent this time this morning talking about how we're
going to fix the calendar for college football in the NFL.
Maybe what we need to do is fix the youth
sports calendar so that you're clear more during the season,
and then you can ramp up after football, so.
Speaker 4 (01:49:20):
To killers because you know, my kids play football now.
High school is different because like Anthony, it's Fridays, right,
so you know you're usually good.
Speaker 3 (01:49:30):
But like the youth football is all day.
Speaker 4 (01:49:32):
It's Saturday or even sometimes even's Sunday, and so we
got we always have a lot and then then they're
playing fall and but the other one he plays fall baseball.
So that's all these tournaments. You know, it's like forty
eight degrees. And you know, you got the greatest month October,
all this stuff going on and I'm at a I'm
at a youth game.
Speaker 2 (01:49:58):
Yeah, that that we're gonna have to work on. You
know what, maybe I'll become the bizarre of youth sports.
At the same time. I like that college football. I
like that all that way, you know, like the trickle
down impact on this. We can we can move all
the calendars around because my god, like it's not going
to get any easier for you. You still got a solid
seven years eight years of this.
Speaker 3 (01:50:18):
I hope I enjoy every second of it. So I
don't want to.
Speaker 2 (01:50:21):
That's amazing.
Speaker 3 (01:50:22):
What games are you?
Speaker 4 (01:50:23):
I'm going to I'm going to read you real quick
and then we'll get back to the championship games. But
are you interested, Like, give me a scale one to ten?
All right, tell me if there's any eight, nine or tens.
Mississippi State, South Carolina, Michigan State, Rutgers.
Speaker 2 (01:50:45):
Okay, Michigan State Rutgers a little interesting to me because
Sparti's way better this year than anybody. Like they started off.
People thought they were going to be pretty good maybe,
but then they suddenly fell off the ranks. They've been
on a heater, like Michigan State is quietly there's sixteen
and two, Like, yeah, Michigan State team is you know,
not for nothing. I'm always I'm always interested to see
what is tho's capable of putting together. And that Rutgers
game is at the garden, so I've got you know,
I like that, like garden college basketball in the middle
of the day. Yeah, give it to me.
Speaker 4 (01:51:17):
Okay, all right, well you know what, let me take
it quick TL We'll come right back through the exercise,
get back to the championship games next hour. Brain to
go over from a betting standpoint lots to get to
fellas hanging out right here Fox Sports Radio Fellas.
Speaker 3 (01:51:33):
From the ti Raq dot Com studios.
Speaker 4 (01:51:35):
Jason Fitz, Anton Argato, Dude, okay, I answer a question
about the Cowboys real quick.
Speaker 3 (01:51:40):
I know we get to the college basketball think that's
some fun.
Speaker 4 (01:51:43):
But because I was listening to Rob Parker, they did
a promo and I love Rob, go back there forever
with Rob, and he was playing the Cowboy fans like like,
I hate blaming fans because you have no control over
who's going to be the coach. You just have no control.
You can tell what you want, well, you know you're
not gonna go to games or all that stuff. That's
not why Daniel Studder sold the team and the whole
thing changed. I don't think the fans have any power
in that sense, right, you know, very rare cases, but
it is Brian Schottenheimer going to turn this thing around
for them.
Speaker 2 (01:52:26):
The hard part, no, I mean the hard part here
is that and this is where we started this morning,
Like I think this was really predictable. Now, this is
why if we go back to letting go of McCarthy,
we got to look at who Jerry Jones is. I
don't think the fans had anything to do with this,
and I think anytime we blame the fans for their
team's failures, that's misplaced. And it's just Jerry Jones isn't
listening to anybody but Jerry Jones. Maybe Steven Jones's kid,
But who is Jerry right? Like Jerry as a general rule,
And I'll go back to joey Epstein that I work
with Yahoo. She covered the Cowboys for years before she
came to work for Yahoo. And Sharen Williams, who works
for Pro Football Talk, she covered the Cowboys for you
know forever, and the two of the smartest Cowboys people
that I know, and both of them almost immediately when
the Mike McCarthy firing without both of them made two
things about it. The clear Jerry Jones as a philosophy,
does not believe in paying buyouts for coaches. He doesn't
believe that an owner should ever have to do that.
So that ruled out Dion and Belichick in any of
those conversations because philosophically, he's never done it, never does it.
Then the other thing they both pointed out is he
likes people he's comfortable with that he's had in the building,
and that's why both of them from day one have
said it was either going to be Kellen Moore or
Brian Schottenheimer. And on our Yahoo show over a week ago,
Jory laid out the case for both of them. And look,
I think what this comes down to is that Jerry
likes people he's comfortable with. And you know, even in
the decision to make a change, it wasn't making a
change to make some spectacle change into some superstar. It's
he's making a change and he wants to bring in
somebody else he's comfortable with it. It's just this, just
this reeks of who Jerry Jones actually is. I think
we should have seen it coming. And if I'm a
Cowboys fan, I mean I don't, man, none of us know.
Like there's just no there's no proof, there's no data,
there's no anything that will back up whether or not
this is going to be awesome or not. But what
you know is if Brian Schottenheimer comes in, Shottenheimer comes
in and wins twelve games a year but not a
super Bowl, then it will all have been a failure.
Like that's that's the mark. You fire coaches that don't
win super Bowls but win twelve games a year most years.
So I mean it feels like an impossible, untenable situation.
Speaker 3 (01:54:43):
Yeah, I hear you.
Speaker 4 (01:54:46):
I think the way the way you spell it out
is spot on. I mean it's really great, it's it's
makes a lot of sense. I don't get the whole
believe in buyouts, Like that's the most ridiculous thing in
the world.
Speaker 3 (01:55:05):
Ruia, what is the steward the best guy for your
like they guy?
Speaker 4 (01:55:09):
Like, whether you think that Dion would be a good
NFL coach or not, it's undeniable that he comes here
with a big presence, which I think they need, right, Belichick.
Speaker 3 (01:55:25):
See whatever you want, Like, you've.
Speaker 4 (01:55:27):
Got guys that have an idea. I mean, I don't
understand it. I don't get it. Brian Schineibert, like, all right,
is he better than Spagging?
Speaker 3 (01:55:38):
Who is he better to Spags?
Speaker 2 (01:55:41):
No? No, no proof that he is. And I think
your point too. Let's also quickly remind everybody there's no
salary cap for coaches. So according to the Google machine,
Jerry Jones is worth seventeen point three billion dollars, So
he could there if he loved any coach, if he
loved Belichick, he could go in and be like, you know, what,
I'll give you fifty million dollars a year. You could
do that in a heartbeat and there'd be absolutely no
recourse to that. He could say, I'll pay your buyout
and I'll give you fifty million bucks. Like there's you know,
if you wanted Ben Johnson, Like we saw this with
Liam Cohen, where you know Liam Cohen, the offensive coordinator
for Tampa Bay turned down the Jags job. The Jags
then dysfunctionally fire their GM, which they should have done
in the first place, and then seod Conon turns around
and makes him a Ben Johnson type offer, which according
to reports, is in the range of thirteen point five
million dollars. Okay, well, Shod's worth thirteen point five billion dollars.
So like that's a cup of coffee to most of us,
Like it's nothing, right, So yeah, like it's stupid to
me for an NFL owner, like they if they want
to coach, go get that coach. Don't let anybody else
out hire you go offer them a blank check, spend
all your money. It's the one variable you can control,
and there's no cost recourse.
Speaker 4 (01:56:53):
And here's the other thing it tells you, Like the
league has shown you the way to success. You need
a good coach. Look what Harball did with the Chargers
right away, right, Look what he did. He's got to
more a path now, Yep, like it's a coaches league.
These these odors, I just don't understand them. And by
the way, I got a weird suspicion that Ben Johnson
will be a disaster at Chicago. O. I gotta hear
why fellas Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 1 (01:57:36):
Foports Radio Radio.
Speaker 4 (01:57:38):
Well, good morning, good morning, happy happy Fox Football weekend.
Speaker 3 (01:57:45):
It's a championship Saturday.
Speaker 4 (01:57:48):
Jason Fitz Anthony Gargana broadcasting a lot from the tyrack
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Speaker 3 (01:58:20):
You'll see this one posted right after.
Speaker 4 (01:58:22):
We get off the air, all right, uh, before we
get into uh the two games, and then a little
bit later on the brain will join us to go
through the weekend as the games as from a betting standpoint.
Speaker 3 (01:58:36):
Speaker 4 (01:58:39):
The coaching situation just to put a bow on that
we had to discuss at the end. And I don't
understand that proven entities coaches that know how to win. Hey, look,
maybe Ben Johnson turns out to be a great the
next great head coach. But I've seen these cock coordinators
physical whether it was McDaniel's dable, these guys fizzle, And
I don't know is Ben Johnson any different. I think
he's a great coordinator. I don't know what kind of
coach he's going to be. Hey, coach, leader of men.
A lot of people tell you don't have that personality,
but you're real quick. Jim Harball did, and the Bears
had Jim Harball and they didn't hire him. And to
this day I just go, that was the dumbest mistake
that Chicago made.
Speaker 2 (01:59:37):
And I don't know how you if you're Chicago, how
do you? How do you write the ship? And to me,
I think the only thing you can do when you
are in dysfunction, is we've said before, is get rid
of everybody. And so Chicago's just done the opposite of
what they did last year. Last year they kept ebra Flus,
which I thought was a terrible idea. Now they get
rid of Eberflus, but keep a front office that you know,
now Ben Johnson's coming in with he must be comfortable
with him, I guess. But it just it feels this
feels weird. It feels a little weird to me and
Caleb Williams, who I love. I think Caleb has the
chance to be a real star in this league. But
Caleb is, you know, sort of an improvisational quarterback. And
there's a little element to me of, you know, Ben
Johnson likes guys that get the ball out on time
and execute exactly his vision. So it's just there are
enough weird things in this combination. I don't necessarily understand
why this was the one that made Ben Johnson leap.
I can't make a ton of sense out of not
leaping last year for Washington but now leaping this year
for the Bears. Like there's the Washington job. Last year
obviously had a clear path to a quarterback and an
organizational structure that felt like it was going to give
him more opportunity to cement his own legacy. So yeah,
I think it's a little weird. I think it's it's
a weird choice.
Speaker 4 (02:00:55):
Yeah, I mean, it just it just cracks me up, because, look,
he may turn out to be a great head coach,
but a guy like Harball, you knew he won like
he's all just winning. Wherever he goes, he wins, Like
I don't know that. Why these owners they all want
to be geniuses and higher the next great one. When
guys are sitting there, I mean all you go to
the point of the fact that Belichick didn't get a
real offer is ridiculous. It's ridiculous. I mean the guy,
why are you not even believe he's old or you know,
you gotta change the building or that blah blah blah
blah blah.
Speaker 3 (02:01:37):
You're gonna tell me that all of a sudden he
can't coach. I don't believe it.
Speaker 2 (02:01:41):
And the hard part about all of this is, like
we said, I think repeatedly, it just bears repeating. Here
is you know, at some point, when you look at
the coaches that have come in and managed to turn
some things around, like Harball, Sean Payton. They've never been back,
they've never had failure, and so there is some element
to me of you know, the devil, you know, and
guys that have been in the league and have done
the dang thing. Like I do think that that matters.
And you know, again, I'll go back to just the
amount of questioning we have for coaches when they're hired.
And you know, I'm looking back here at a ranking
from twenty nineteen of the best and worst coaching hires, right,
and Matt Lafleur was listed as the worst of the
coaching hires in that high recycle in this article, and
of all of the coaches that were hired that year,
he's the only one that still has his job. So
I know, Zach Taylor, Zach Taylor was second to last,
and Zach Taylor still has his job. None of the
rest of them still have their job. I've got an
article here from twenty twenty ranking the best and worst
coaching hires. Mike McCarthy was ranked number one in twenty twenty.
The lowest on several of these was Kevin Stefanski. The
only one out of that group that still has their job.
And I just I say that to remind everybody that,
like we've accepted that drafting a quarterback is an absolute
crap shoot, we should accept that hiring coach is an
absolute crap shoot too. And if I'm gonna shoot craps,
I like to be like, I'd much rather do that
with Belichick than somebody. I don't know that that's just
being honest, Like, I'd much rather if you're gonna roll
the dice, boy, it's it's home run or complete rebuild
every single time.
Speaker 3 (02:03:25):
Yeah, I you know, I hear.
Speaker 4 (02:03:28):
You know what cracks me up is so I've been
doing a lot of you know, this week, I do
all the radio hits like you did, and you know,
the whole nine because of the Eagles being in the
championship game and everybody like either hates Sirianty or it's like,
well if the Syria isn't win, is he fired still?
Speaker 3 (02:03:51):
And I'm going no, listen, was it a real uh?
Was he on the.
Speaker 4 (02:03:59):
Hot seat after the collapse last year? Yes, but let's
not get it twisted. He took over a team that
was horrible, right gets him to the playoffs.
Speaker 3 (02:04:12):
It was a team that was done.
Speaker 4 (02:04:13):
They were in the depths of it gets them to
the playoffs. The following year gets into the Super Bowl,
loses both as coordinators. Right is ten and one before
they go off the rails, and then they're two and two.
They have a week five bye. They go, all right,
who are we? What's our identity? And you can say
whatever you want. He's got Vic Fangio, who's a veteran
defensive coordinator who was very good. He's got Jeff Statlin,
who might be the you know, the greatest o line
coach ever. Right, He's got like really good staff. But
he goes, we're a downhill run team, so let's run
the ball, go Barkley, and yeah, Howie Roseman is a
great GM. But you still got to coach the team.
And yeah, Daego won his epic run. And so why
if day Samow losal something, you gonna you're gonna fire him.
That's swept third and the guy gets no love for
Coach of the Year or anything like that. It only
is is, I don't know how many games over five
hundred the guy is.
Speaker 3 (02:05:25):
His record is ridiculous.
Speaker 2 (02:05:29):
It's the bar is so wildly different for every organization
and what equals success and the way we look at
success is such an interesting part of this, you know,
like I just because your your point. You know, if
Sirianna hit the open market today, how many teams in
any given hiing cycle will be like, well, I'll take him,
Like this guy's had a ton of success, you know.
I think what's hard is that, like we were talking
about earlier, failure is so difficult at different spectrum. So
what is viewed as successful for the Eagles or the
Cowboys is not is in a total different spectrum than
what is viewed as successful for the Browns or the
Raiders or you know, a team like that. But then
the problem is if you're the Cowboys, Like how often
have we all said change for the sake of change
isn't always good change. If you're the Cowboys right now,
what absolute metric do you have, Like, what proof do
you have in any way, shape or form that you
have actually upgraded at the head coaching position. The answer
to that is none. You got a gut feeling from Jerry, Like,
so a team that won twelve games three years in
a row but didn't go to the playoffs this year
and fell short of Super Bowl expectations, So a coach
that again, I'll remind everyone that currently the winning percentage
for Mike McCarthy is almost identical to what the winning
percentage was for Andy Reid in Philadelphia, Right, So that coach,
you let go for a guy that has never been
a head coach, that is a career assistant, because that's
the person that you trust is absolutely going to be
able to win you a Super Bowl. Like there are
very few teams in all of sports that truly are
championship or bust. Most are competitive or bust. If you're
telling me that you're relying on championship or bust and
you didn't even talk to Bill, that doesn't make a
lot of sense to me.
Speaker 3 (02:07:26):
Honestly, No, no, it doesn't. All right, let's switz gears
a little bit.
Speaker 4 (02:07:31):
Look at tomorrow and the games, and speaking of the
Cowboys and the Giants who did it? Uh oh, I
don't even understand what they're doing in their frontal office,
And what a joke that is. Those two teams are
gonna have to look at the Eagles in Washington for
a long long time. So the NFC Championship Game is
a battle of the NFC East what's the view of
this around the country, because something tells me there's not
a lot of sex appeal. The Eagles are a hated team, uh,
Like they hate Sirianne, they hate the way they play
the other The other thing I get all the time
is they hurt, stinks, they can't pass the ball. They're
an ugly team, Like they're the ugly ducking great team.
And I don't know what you tell me because I'm
in the belly of the beast in Philadelphia, So you
tell me what the outside view of the Eagles and
the Eagles Washington Championship game is.
Speaker 2 (02:08:34):
No, I think you're right. The outside view is suddenly
because and this is where we got to be better about,
Like what is what sucks? Because like the concept that
Jalen hurts sucks? Really Okay, go watch Aidan O'Connell because
that's what I watched all year. Like I think we
need to have a different word, Like we need to
have a word for this guy isn't necessarily my homes
but he's also still very good. Like we need to
have a a word that encapsulates every quarterback that's between
the fifth best and fifteenth best quarterback in the league,
you know, and the guy that you know absolutely can
win you a bunch of games, but also is going
to have moments that maybe they want back. Like that's
the human element of quarterbacks, because I think the perception
is Jalen Hurt sucks. The Brown is uninvested at this
point and not happy, and as a result, their passing
game is broken and they're going to have to just
hope that Saquon can bail them out and their defense
can keep them in this. And I think the hard
part about that is it's all said from a negative.
I instead would look at it and say, Okay, I
look at a team that has an incredibly strong defensive
line that can beat you a lot of different ways,
with the back end of a secondary that we've talked
about a lot has youth that has just absolutely stepped up,
by the way, with an offense that has one of
the better offensive lines in the league, and a running
attack that could beat you from five yards out or
from fifty yards out, which is there's a rarity in this.
And they have some of the most talented wide receivers
in the league that when they need to throw the ball,
there's still a threat there. So like that's how I
think Philadelphia wins this game. I think they clearly win
this game. I just don't think. I think what we've
done is we've taken the fact that they haven't always
made it look easy, and we've turned that into a
narrative that they suck and because the Washington commanders have
made it look easy at times, that must mean they're
great and they're gonna win this game.
Speaker 4 (02:10:26):
Yeah, I hear you, man, I it's funny, like, how
do you rank the teams the fan bases?
Speaker 2 (02:10:35):
Speaker 4 (02:10:36):
Like, oh, so, first of all, Washington doesn't really exist right,
Like it's a it was a whoe begone franchise that
was dormant for years.
Speaker 3 (02:10:49):
So just put them to the side, because you know
it used to be.
Speaker 2 (02:10:53):
The best man that that that Washington, that Washington fang.
Speaker 3 (02:10:58):
You know, it was great stuff. I'll never no more.
Speaker 2 (02:11:01):
Yeah, no, no, one hundred percent. They're they're not in
this gosh. So if we're rating them on their passion,
that I would put Buffalo first, I would put Philly second,
and I would put Kansas City third. If we're rating
them on their passion, If we're rating them on their behavior, uh,
you know that's that's a total different Like Philly fans
are sort of infamous for Philly fans, right, so like,
in my mind, Philly and and this is totally unfair,
but in my mind I would if we're rating them
on their their niceness, I would actually take Kansas City one,
Buffalo no, Buffalo one, Kansas City two, and Philly three.
Speaker 3 (02:11:43):
Well, Buffalo also does the thing that Bill's Mafia does.
Speaker 2 (02:11:46):
Charity stuff, you know, like, yes, yeah, they're the only
fan base that you're scared of during the game and
then you want to hug them after the game, like
they have intimidation, like they jump through flow tables. Yes,
but they'll also they'll also get to a charity to
make you feel better about something.
Speaker 4 (02:12:02):
I was joking around that the if it's Eagles Bills,
it's Bill's Mafia versus the real Bafia.
Speaker 2 (02:12:11):
Oh, that's amazing that that is absolutely like. And the
funny thing is, I feel like when you ask what
the country's shooting for, I can only speak for what
I hear, but I think most of the country from
what I hear, is rooting for Washington versus Buffalo a
Super Bowl rematch. I think from way back in the day,
I think we're a hell of a lot more likely
to get a more recent Super Bowl rematch. You know,
I just think it just feels like it just I
don't know, man, I want to find a way for
an interesting result. But also you just at some point
the body of work is the body of work, and
who's hot now is part of it. But the look
at the body of work for the entire season, and
the Chiefs don't make stupid mistakes to lose games. Every
single team that won in the last round of the
playoffs was outgained by their opponent, every single on them.
So what does that tell us. It tells us that
the trend right now is not yardage. The trend is
smart situational football. Right You cannot turn the football over,
you can't make a big mistake. And who do I
trust to make less mistakes? Well, I mean, I don't
remember the last time I sat there and thought, Wow,
the Chiefs really lost that game, Like they really blew
it themselves. They got in their own the Chiefs stepped
on their own, you know what. Like that, it just
doesn't get set. So for me, I have a hard
time finding that. Although the Bills have been very clean
with the football too, it's still that's who Kansas City is.
And then on the other side, I got a Washington
team that's playing ahead of their ahead of the sticks,
with a young quarterback that's absolutely dynamic and electric to watch.
But I mean, I don't I trust Philly to make
less mistakes, less turnovers and that it's that simple. So
that's how I get to the Philly Kansas City super Bowl.
Speaker 3 (02:13:52):
Yeah, and I get I see the same thing.
Speaker 4 (02:13:55):
I because again I think the Bill I think Bills
Chiefs obviously Josh Allen is unbelievable, and you know, I
mean that team is well coached, they're they're they're a
really good team. I think the issue that the Bills
are gonna have is they're not gonna be able to
run the ball, not with Cook. Yeah, and if they
can't run the ball, I mean again, he's gonna have
to be super human. And I know Spags very well.
He's a great coach man. He knows how to devise thing,
he knows how to devise a game big a game plan.
And on the other side, they just don't lose stuff,
Like they don't lose these games. And there's something to
be said about that, like they don't lose like Bubla's
gonna have to come in and play a great, turnover free,
perfect game to beat them in Kansas City. I think
it's close and they can do it, but man, you
gotta be perfect, like you can't. You gotta set You
can't settle for threes. You gotta get sevens like that's
because you're just like they just know how to win.
It's they could win in any style, in any manner.
They they may clutch plays, they're the ault. They know
how to win. I mean, they're the Patriots again.
Speaker 3 (02:15:27):
This is a that's what dynasties do, right.
Speaker 2 (02:15:30):
This is where to you know, we talk about pressure
and who feels the pressure and playing tight and everything.
I do believe that when you have been there a
bunch of times, like sometimes I think we focus so
much about who has you know, who feels the pressure most.
I think that if you're Kansas City right now, there's
an absence of pressure that you feel because you've been
here so many times, because you've seen so many different scenarios,
because you've won so many games this year in weird
ways where you start to look at it and say, hey, man,
it's just one of those years, like late in the game,
close game, I think it's fair to say most humans
have adrenaline impression that they feel. I just don't know
that that really exists for the Chiefs because they've been
through so many of these types of runs. That's the
advantage that Dynasty start to have, is that when you've
experienced these things so many times, Like the first time
I ever did a radio show, I got nervous, Right,
the first time I ever played a concert, I got nervous.
The one hundredth time I ever did a TV show,
I wasn't nervous anymore, right, Like, I just think when
you are in your seventh straight AFC Championship game, there's
just nothing that's going to invase you when you've won
games the way they've won this year. So I don't
think it's necessarily that Buffalo can't handle the pressure. I
think it's that there's an absence of pressure felt by
Kansas City that makes a huge.
Speaker 4 (02:16:45):
Difference in posements. Great great point, great great great point.
And on the flip side, the only the puncher's chance
to give Washington is that, like they don't know what's
the NFC Championship game, yep, Right, like, that's very real.
Speaker 3 (02:17:02):
And John, and here's the thing, Jayden Daniels.
Speaker 4 (02:17:08):
Has been in Monster games like he's playing Saturdays sec football,
like he's unfazed by it. He's just going out and balling.
So there is there's something to be said. And and
to me, that whole game now, I think the Eagles
win it. And it's not a Homer pick. I think
the Eagles win. I think it's an obvious thing where
they're the tested, battle tested there, they also know how
to win. The only thing that gives me concern is
if Washington jumps out and and has the lead like
they did against Detroit.
Speaker 3 (02:17:48):
Now, Detroit turned the ball over. The Eagles don't do that.
Speaker 4 (02:17:52):
But if there's something that they maybe Eagles come out
slow or whatever, if Washington has a like it did
at halftime. We've never seen the Eagles trail from behind
by two scorers. It's on Carny. I gonna go back
and actually look at it all. But from memory, I
don't think after the week five bye, they've trailed Fitsy
by two scorers.
Speaker 2 (02:18:19):
In the second hact. And that's crazy. That is that's
a wild piece of information. And you, yeah, one hundred
percent That's interesting to me because you certainly don't want
to have to be coming back multiple scores against an
offense that has a dynamic quarterback. That's really interesting. But also,
if you trust Philly, like they have the weird they're
the one team with the running attack that I don't
think slows the game down. I just that's the other
part of it, is that they because their running attack
is so lethal from sixty seventy eighty yards. I'm not
being flipping about his ability there. I just feel like
they're not out many teams that can't throw the ball
effectively or out quickly, I don't think that would be
the case for Philly. But we'll see.
Speaker 4 (02:19:00):
That's the big test, all right, let's say quick to you,
we'll come back to brain, will join us. We'll kind
of analyze it from a betting standpoint. Where the Fellas
Jason Fitz Anthony Gargano every week hanging out on Fox
Sports Radio.
Speaker 5 (02:19:15):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to listen.
Speaker 4 (02:19:26):
Live Fellas Jason Fitz, Anthony Gargano comedy alive from the
tairaq dot com studios. Now, my man, great sportsman takes
a look at all the games from a betting standpoint.
He's a pro. He's the brain. Brad Feinberg, Good morning.
Speaker 6 (02:19:49):
Brain, Good morning, my friend.
Speaker 3 (02:19:52):
How are you good? Buddy? Good Hey?
Speaker 4 (02:19:54):
I just want to throw I do want to throw
this at you too. So what we're talking about the
Eagles not being uh not trailing. So I just went
through it real quick. It's pretty astounding. Since the Week
five by they have only trailed in the fourth quarter twice.
They trailed ten to six against Washington the first time
they went out to beat them, and then sixteen to
fourteen against Carolina, and then in the last game, Washington
won on the last drive of the season, right, so
at the last drive of the game. So entering the
fourth quarter, they've trailed only twice since the Week five by,
look and real quick. In the entire season, they have
been behind two scores in the fourth quarter only once.
That was against Tampa when they had no Aj Brown
though Devonte.
Speaker 6 (02:20:56):
Smith, I actually thought they were trailing against Ravens and
the fourth quarter, but I guess I misremembering. I thought
they were down at the beginning and then they killed
them in the fourth quarter. But maybe they were up
by one or up by two or something like that.
Speaker 4 (02:21:07):
But yeah, they were down nine to h at the
end of the first quarter. It game back in the
second and then made it ninety seven and then then
took the lead.
Speaker 6 (02:21:17):
Well, look, obviously, Anthony, this team has been has had
an incredible year, and it's one of the reasons that
sakwon Barkley has as many yards as we have. Is
the reason you just said, right when you're not trailing,
you know, it's easier to get more carries to the
guy who's been your best player. And the Eagles have
just had one of those years where they've been incredible
all season. I mean, it's been a magical year for them,
and they've been really again, it's been an incredible year
for them. So yet, to me, that's been one of
the reasons that Barkley we've seen such success in in
it kind of goes hand hand. They've been leading these games,
so it's been made it easier to give the ball
to Barkley when you've been winning every one of these games,
you know, and ever since that Tampa game, Anthony, to me,
this team has absolutely been just a totally different team.
I don't all the Georgia players seem to look that
they have in the team. Seen their season turned around
seemingly after that Campa Bay game and their defense went
from playing horribly to being the best in the NFL
from that day.
Speaker 2 (02:22:20):
So, I mean, we're trying to figure out the path
to a Washington win here because I think both of
us are taking Philly from from your standpoint, what do
you like in this game?
Speaker 6 (02:22:31):
Well, I did not bet the game itself. Okay, I
did not bet the game itself. Look the line sitting
between six and six and a half, and again, I
do think Eagles will win the game. I absolutely do.
Now with throwd off the point of view, that's I
do think having quinne on Mitchell is a nassive thing.
He completely shut down McLaurin the first time these guys played.
Mccardin had more successful second year. But I also watched
Tore the Falcon shut McLaren down in that game, and
he's another good quarterback. So I think that there's a
chance that McLaren doesn't have the same kind of success
he's kind of throughout the season. Now they have to
go against the top quarterback. I do lean under I
think it's going to be a lower scoring game. I
don't think it's going to be I don't think Washington's
gonna have anywhere near the kind of success guys they
had against Detroit, anywhere near that kind of success. I
think it's gonna be a lower scoring game. Then the
question is Jalen Hurts himself, right, is he going to
be able to have any mobility?
Speaker 3 (02:23:34):
Speaker 6 (02:23:35):
And as I said, Dance Nanny and I he may
think this is an overstatement, but if Jadler Hurts doesn't
have mobility, if he had let's say Tom Brady's mobility
or Peyton Manning's mobility, I personally don't think he's a
starting caliber NFL quarterback all over the long haul. That's
just my opinion. It doesn't mean I'm right. So I
do think if he is not able to use his legs,
which is a huge part of this game, that's it.
That's the path of Washington to win. That's the path
right there in my opinion.
Speaker 4 (02:24:05):
Yeah, I listen, you know, I feel you on it.
The only thing that gives me pause is Daniels. Daniels, Listen,
I think they're gonna win too, Like you know that.
I mean, I just look at it now, Daniels, like
I was talking about earlier, I go the only way
the two things. One Daniels, I love that. I think
he is a he just there's no bigness to it.
The game's slow, he's never overwhelmed. And if they can
methodically drive the field, win first downs. And I'm the
only thing that I'd be curious is if they're up
two scores in the second half, what does Calvin Moore
do offensively?
Speaker 6 (02:24:52):
You're saying it's washingtonself.
Speaker 3 (02:24:55):
Yeah, I will look.
Speaker 6 (02:24:56):
I think Sophia is one of those human I think
they probably I don't think they would go panic and
start passing because I don't. I think they would still
try to use Barkley because when they love the stay qualch.
Speaker 3 (02:25:06):
You would say, but they haven't done. We haven't. We
haven't seen that.
Speaker 6 (02:25:09):
They have like they haven't had to.
Speaker 3 (02:25:11):
They haven't. That was the point of the statum brought up. Yeah, yeah, I.
Speaker 6 (02:25:14):
Mean it's yeah, obviously Philadelphia's trailing. That's going to be
a huge negative. Men, But I will suggest proper wise, guys,
do you thinks I do like in this game and again,
I do think Philaelphia is going to win the game,
but I think under I had been one thing in
the game. I like the under more than I like
the Eagles to win. But I do think Eagles win
with the spread. If I had to play aside, I
lean Washington again, not vetting it, but slight lean Washington.
But I do think Eagles win the game. But I
do like the under. But I do think that DeVonta
Swift I met over forty six and a half yards
receiving h until I see Aja Brown uh. And I
think ag Brown could go over to and receiving, but
until I see him fully healthy. I think DeVonta Smith
right now maybe the top guy on their team. Uh.
And I don't like Washington's defense. I really don't. I
think Washington's defense is woblow average. I like his old
Brian Robbinson. They made his rushing total thirty five and
a half. I would have made it more than mid forties.
I think that's the close to ten yards too late.
I think that was too low. And I those were two,
you know, two props in that game that I think
have some uh have some legs, all right, So.
Speaker 2 (02:26:20):
Take me to the AFC Championship game where now I'm
just trying to figure out what to do with the
Chiefs team that never loses. We talk about this all
the time, you know, so replacing logic here just looking
at the numbers, like what do you like in this game?
Speaker 6 (02:26:34):
You know it's interesting. I mean no one and I
mean no one his fans packs where I did. He
just bet against the Chiefs more than me these last
since they got rid of Tyreek Hill. Now I've won
a lot of these bets in terms of they haven't covered.
But I've also gone against them with the moneymunt of bunch,
but I've never won. So as you said, death taxes,
the Chiefs don't lose. Uh. And here you have a
game at home, right at home, laying you know, to
one and a half points against the Buffalo team. And
I'm gonna be honest, Look, they never ever and I
had them last week in a teaser, but they really
to me, Baltimore. It has to be kicking themselves. Think
Baltimore was the best team in the playoffs. They played
back picked the bad time to see that has three turnovers.
The Buffalo and all nineteen in this year has not
lost the turn over battle once. That's what's made them
so tough. Because I watched Buffalo. Allen's magnificent. I think
he's arguably the best player in the world. But their
defense to me, is average. They have a good running back,
the average receivers. To me, it's just it's kind of
again John Alway when was on some of those Denver teams.
It's the one man I think carrying the team against
the team that's the healthiest, maybe been all season, all
their weapons in place at home, and they always find
a way to win. I think Baltimore would have beaten
Kansas City. It would have actually been a large bet
for me this game. Right here, I get again. I
made the line two and a half, Guys, I made
the line two and a half. I actually did that
Kansas City in the open lane one. I think Kansasity
gets it done again, and I think we're gonna get
a rematch of the Eagles Chiefs Super Bowl for them,
I guess it was two.
Speaker 3 (02:28:11):
Years two years ago.
Speaker 6 (02:28:13):
I just think Kansas City until I see otherwise at home,
how can I I don't know how you can say them.
I just I don't. I can't do it.
Speaker 4 (02:28:23):
Funny, we had to how about it fits you. We
had the same kind of reaction yep, which is like,
how do you You can't go against them?
Speaker 6 (02:28:30):
I can't, right, Like they just know how to fight.
Speaker 3 (02:28:35):
Yeah, they tell me.
Speaker 4 (02:28:37):
Here's the thing. I like, Cook, how's you going to run?
The first game against Kansas City had eighteen yards?
Speaker 6 (02:28:44):
Yeah, well I will say this, and well I will
I will say this. This is one thing actually will say,
and which is hope from the buffalo side of your
betting buffalo. All year long the Ravens. The only game
out of the Ravens season one game all year did
they look below average against the run Against the Eagles,
Saquon just torched them, especially in the fourth quarter. No
other running back to average three and a half yards
to carry against them. Okay in that game. Now again
they played from the league, which helped, but they ran
the ball effectively against the Ravens team that was number one.
I think the Chiefs are right up there too, but
the Ravens were number one, and Cook the average three
point seven yards to carry. But it was a solid
three point seven if that makes sense, Like he was,
it was an effective three point seven. So I mean, look,
if they can run the ball. I mean that is
a huge thing for them. I don't think they're going
to be able to actually agree with you, Anthony, that
they did have more success than I was expecting against
the Baltimore team that's been equally a stout against the
rawness Kansas City has, so I mean that would be
the hope for them. I will say a couple of
props in this game that I think were have some
value in my opinion, Anthony, Look Travis Cuff. He's gone
onder virtually every game all season in both yards and
catch it, and they went over last week. I think
we're getting now again. You may say it's the playoff
Travis Kuff, it's a totally different thing. That's possible. The
first time they played, they had two catches for four
yards against this team. I've been under six and a
half catches. I've been under seventy and a half yards.
I'm willing to say that I don't think Travis Calcy
is the same player we've seen in the past ten years.
I actually think he's definitely tape art off and I
understand the playoff factor, but I still took his unders.
Ken Coleman averaged thirty seven and a half yards a
game this year, if they meet, is over under eighteen
and a half if he had a bad last two games,
But he's still getting the same snap count. And in
the game where I actually think they may be trailing
here per guy who's gone over virtually every game over
eighteen and a half, I keep average doubling that. I
think the Bills are gonna have to pass the ball
a little bit more here. I like his over quite
a bit. Hollywood Brown, I think over runner was thirty
five and half. I think that was too low as well.
The game. I think that Buffalo is susceptible against the
past guys, and I think that their receivers can have
a little bit of a better game than people think.
Josh Allen's rushing yard to meet forty eight and a half.
Last one he averaged thirty one. I get in the playoffs,
she raised these quarterbacks. They seem to run a little
bit more. But I think forty eight a little bit
too aggressive of bomb raising it from thirty one to
forty eight. I took Josh Allen's under forty eight and
a half rushing all right.
Speaker 3 (02:31:15):
Man, that's good stuff.
Speaker 4 (02:31:17):
Hey, real quick, anythink college basketball today because he's the
first non football Saturday.
Speaker 6 (02:31:24):
Yeah, it is the first non football Saturday's from Anthony.
I got a little bit of a late start today
and I was working on my NBA and I was
going to do the college next. I hadn't even finished
my NBA. I had not had a chance to totally
analyze the college one game. I did bet last night
on the opening line which Shuston is playing Kansas, and
I know Houston and me is a team where they
have gotten their schedule at the beginning of the year
that he played a lot out of, in my opinion,
decent teams and they didn't play nearly as well. Then
the schedule lightened up and Houston is one of those
teams they punished bad teams. Kansas is not a bad team.
I took Kansas minus one at home. I think Kansas
is actually I have powered slightly better than Houston. Kansas
always plays well at home. I think that line's too light.
That's one game I played out duper dive a little
bit later, but then I saw that don't think LA
last night. Kansas did jump out to me. I think
I have the better team at and Houston mean totally
prove they can beat better competition. This has been this
way for Sampson for a little bit when they played
the better competition for something. Because I don't really have
usually great offense, they seem to struggle. So I like
Kansas as him all right.
Speaker 4 (02:32:45):
Well maybe well we'll tweet something that a little bit
later on Gray, Great stuff, buddy, as always, Good luck tomorrow, man.
Speaker 6 (02:32:54):
I appreciate you guys. Good look to everyone out there.
And Anthony again for when the maybe I'll told you're
gonna have to tweet uh for sweet symphony, right.
Speaker 3 (02:33:02):
I know that's it.
Speaker 4 (02:33:04):
That's it, man and the and the football man. We're
all crying. Three of us are in tears, three big
babies with Pete Carroll.
Speaker 2 (02:33:12):
I forgot the as heck yeah, come on, culture changers,
culture in here.
Speaker 3 (02:33:18):
I love it.
Speaker 4 (02:33:19):
Raiders on the way back, Uh, great stuff, Braid where
the Fellas. We'll come back at just a moment. Wrap
it up Fellas on Fox. There you go, Fitcy you
so baby.
Speaker 2 (02:33:32):
You know what, This HiT's even harder because like it's
the end of Saturday football. You know, I'm sitting here
watching college game day start with a little bit of
college basketball action, and I'm realizing that, like the gears
are shifting, you know, Tennessee Auburn tonight, Like that's, uh,
that's gonna be the focus. And I don't know, Like
my head's just not in that space. Brother, my head's
not ready for it.
Speaker 3 (02:33:54):
Speaker 4 (02:33:54):
I I me either, Dude, I hear you. I feel
the same way. Like I love college ball. I love
basketball or the whole thing, you know, baseball. But man,
I'm not ready to say goodbye all right, Like I'm
not ready to leave for you know, for the summer,
right like, oh my god, no Saturday football.
Speaker 3 (02:34:13):
Man, that's good. It's not the same.
Speaker 4 (02:34:19):
Like I love basketball, I do, and I love that,
you know, the tournament is a zone animal. And I love,
you know, a good college game. Get a couple of
good college Saturday. But just like the epic natural football,
the three three and a half hour game, I mean,
it's a great story like leading into that Sunday nighter
or a Saturday, Oh.
Speaker 3 (02:34:44):
My god, Saturday college has ace A or Big ten
or whatever the big game is.
Speaker 2 (02:34:51):
And Herbie.
Speaker 3 (02:34:54):
Wanna miss it, Dude, I gotta gonna miss it, can't
gonna lie.
Speaker 2 (02:34:58):
It also just became I'm so eye opening when you
think about the fact that we won't have a Saturday
football game that counts, like that is truly meaningful to
any standing for what nine months?
Speaker 3 (02:35:12):
Yeah, that's too long.
Speaker 2 (02:35:14):
Like that's why, like you could do the hibbity dimity
today and you kidd be coming out about the same
time that college football comes back, Like that's just kind
of weird to me.
Speaker 4 (02:35:23):
Well, you're you're right, because baseball is five months, right,
You're done in October. You're starting up in the end
of March. You basically go five five months. Yeah, basketball,
I mean, what is basketball? It's nothing, right, it's July, August, September.
You got three months. They think hockey, hockey, same way, right,
like only football, Like, are you kidding me? We gotta
go February, March, April, man, you July August, right, you
gotta go thro all those months to get it. That's
why I love you as bizarre college football. To bring
it back full circle and to start in August with
the frank Start in August. Let's go, I don't care
about the heat.
Speaker 2 (02:36:21):
Make make the Army Navy game the opening Saturday of August,
and just then start start the season. Just go from there,
go all out That would be absolutely incredible.
Speaker 4 (02:36:34):
Right because you then could still you're gonna add another
tier of playoffs. So by adding another tier of playoffs,
you know you'll have the ample time to spread it around.
You could be done right, like by January eighth, ninth,
whenever you want to. Yeah, you're done, and you started
off and there's nothing going on in August, you could
own that month.
Speaker 3 (02:36:59):
Speaker 2 (02:37:00):
Yeah, I mean preseason football would no longer even nobody
would even be thinking about it.
Speaker 4 (02:37:05):
You know, like that never gonna get rid of preseason
football anyway. You know that the NFL's get rid of
that when they get rid of it, when they add
the eighteenth game. I mean they'll do control scrimmages. In fact,
the NFL would love for college football to play this way.
Then they have to put those games on.
Speaker 2 (02:37:21):
Yeah, look, college football called me for a fraction of
what Roger Goodell makes. I will be your czarre. I
will fix all of these issues one at a time.
Although Anthony won't like to fix of New Year's Day.
Speaker 4 (02:37:32):
Yeah, that's all right, we'll fink. I'll lobby you, uh
fellas say, go birds, enjoy the weekend.
Speaker 3 (02:37:38):