All Episodes

May 11, 2024 160 mins

On a new episode of The Fellas with Arnie Spanier and Kevin Figgers (in for Gargano and Fitz), the fellas open the show going over some of the biggest NBA playoff storylines coming out of another wild night of matchups! Who are the best remaining the teams? How about the worst? Does Ant deserve all of the praise he's received in recent weeks? Can the Knicks overcome their injuries? Plus, reacting to reports that Netflix is closing in on securing Christmas NFL games and prepping you for this week's schedule reveal! All that and more on a brand new episode of The Fellas!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio Radio.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
All right, everybody, good morning, good morning, Good morning, Arnie Spaniard,
k Fig. We're in for the guys tonight, for the
fellas Anthony Gargano and Jason Fitz. Did I say tonight?
I guess I meant this morning overnight. Who knows what
time it is. Appreciate you tuning on in on this.

Speaker 3 (00:23):
We're gonna call it a Saturday morning, k Fig, because
that's what it is, Saturday morning, five o'clock a m.

Speaker 2 (00:29):
On the East coast. Hope everybody's well, Good morning, k Fig.
And congratulations. I hear you're a brand new father, so
congratulations to that. Thank you, Thank you, Arnie, much appreciate you.

Speaker 4 (00:41):
Know what, It's still not nighttime over here as far
as I'm concerned. On the West Coast, it's still dark outside,
so we can call it Friday night.

Speaker 2 (00:46):
Why not.

Speaker 4 (00:47):
But thank you and for all the well wishes, especially
from all of our listeners on X as well and
from yourself and all the people are part of the
Fox Sports Radio family.

Speaker 2 (00:55):
I greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

Speaker 3 (00:57):
Now you your child is now two weeks old. Yes,
you had a boy. So funny because I just happened
to see an article yesterday which I just sent you
about the top baby names of the year. Your what
you named your son is number three on the list
for guys ryes.

Speaker 4 (01:14):
My son's name is Oliver, and that apparently is the
third most popular boy's name of twenty twenty four.

Speaker 3 (01:19):
Which is amazing because I never look Oliver is a
beautiful name.

Speaker 2 (01:23):
Never would have thought it would have.

Speaker 3 (01:25):
Made the top ten list on any year, yet alone
this year, as it all of a sudden.

Speaker 2 (01:31):
How did it become so popular? It just popped up?
And by the way, do you like.

Speaker 3 (01:34):
That your son's name is on the top ten list,
which you preferred not be on the top ten list?

Speaker 2 (01:39):
I prefer it not to be. Like.

Speaker 4 (01:40):
The big reason why it was one of our options
for our sun is because it's it's common, but uncommon
enough that you would assume that there wouldn't be a
lot of people naming their son Oliver, especially these days.
It's more of an old school name, but it's not
so unique as if you know, it's something that was
made up out of thin air. In his hard to pronounce,
so kind of thought you'd be somewhere in the middle

with it. So it's like, yeah, Oliver is a it's
a cool name. It's a different name, but it's also
not super uncommon. But apparently it's just as common as
anything nowadays. Yeahcording to this list.

Speaker 3 (02:10):
Now, I heard a rumor I really probably shouldn't bring
it up, and I heard it anyway, that Oliver is
a lot, a lot close to my first name, Arnie,
that you named it after me.

Speaker 2 (02:21):
Is that true? And you just kind of change it
to Oliver.

Speaker 4 (02:23):
We can't keep any secrets away from you, Arnie, absolutely
right after uncle Arnie.

Speaker 2 (02:28):
That's exactly where it came from.

Speaker 3 (02:31):
Let me tell you that my parents were old school,
so they had old school names.

Speaker 2 (02:35):
My dad's name was Seymour. All right, how many kids
do you say, hey, this is my friend Seymour. I mean,
come on now, and have you ever.

Speaker 3 (02:44):
Seen a kid that's under twenty years old that's that's
named Seymour. We call them sy but and my mom's
name was Olegras so that wow. Yeah, yeah, not yeah,
really old school back then.

Speaker 2 (02:54):
Congrat that.

Speaker 3 (02:55):
By the way, if you want to get ahold of
us on Twitter, it's real simple, reach me at Stinking
Genius one.

Speaker 2 (03:02):
He's at kfig K figg and.

Speaker 3 (03:05):
The number one and during the course of the show,
you know, since K fig is a brand new father,
if you've had any advice for him on being a father,
just going pass it along on Twitter.

Speaker 2 (03:16):
And I'm gonna started off K Fig.

Speaker 3 (03:17):
I'm gonna start before we start getting into sports and
stuff like that advice that was given to me that
turned out to be fantastic. Did I pass along to
all new fathers out there? If you have to change
a diaper, you wait ten to fifteen minutes. That way,
if somebody comes over to the house, they go, oh,
let me change a diper. I never have to do it,

you know what I mean, but that they think it's
funny for just one time, so they end up changing
the diaper and you just kind of watch and kick
back and do nothing. So it's called a ten to
fifteen minute rule when it comes to changing the diaper.

Speaker 2 (03:51):
How do you like that? I like that.

Speaker 4 (03:52):
I don't know how well in a work an application,
because just in the short experience I've had with my
mother and my in laws, you know, as soon as
they smell something or something happens, you're like, well, it's
yours now. It's one of those see, grandparents only want
to be around for the fun stuff, right.

Speaker 2 (04:04):
That's what it is.

Speaker 4 (04:06):
Once certain sounds start coming out of certain orifices, it's like,
oh no, it's not my grandson is your son?

Speaker 2 (04:11):
You handle it.

Speaker 3 (04:11):
Now, be honest. I know they're not listening. And I'm
sure you love your in laws. Do you kind of
wish they would just go and leave you guys alone now?

Speaker 2 (04:19):
Or what I mean?

Speaker 3 (04:19):
It's like, come on, all right, we got this. You
can't be with us for twenty one years. Now, let's
let us raise our kid, you know.

Speaker 2 (04:27):

Speaker 4 (04:27):
To be honest with you, not at all. I love
my in laws. They're the best. My parents and her
parents get a long phenomenally. They're they're excellent, and they're
Linda helping hand, they're cooking us food, they're coming by,
they're helping out, they're helping change diapers and feed them.
So I have no complaints whatsoever. Come as often as
you want, We'll use the help. I love my mother
in law when she gives us money. So I'll tell

you this.

Speaker 2 (04:48):
I'll give you one good, serious piece of advice and
it's probably not gonna sound you know, anything crazy.

Speaker 3 (04:56):
Monday morning. You can never start too early Monday morning.
Go into your local bank and start the college fund,
because it's gonna cost you a gazillion dollars by the
time he's eighteen years old. And whatever it is, twenty dollars,
fifty dollars, one hundred dollars, doesn't make a difference. Just
start and because you don't get taxed on that money,
it's it's tax free income. Put it in there and

start saving now.

Speaker 4 (05:19):
My friend Arnie, the day we got his social Security number,
that is the first thing that I did.

Speaker 2 (05:24):
There, you got very first thing that I did. Trust me.

Speaker 3 (05:27):
Yeah, well, good for you. Congratulations. Any advice for k
Fig just send it on over to Twitter. You can
reach a m a Kfig one. You know how to
get a hold of me at Stinking Genius one. By
the way, we're.

Speaker 2 (05:38):
Broadcasting live from the tireck dot Com studios tyrec dot com.
We'll help you get there and unmatched selection, fast free shipping,
free road hazard protection in over ten thousand recommended installers.

Speaker 3 (05:48):
Tyreck dot com. The way tire buying should be so
much to get to? And where else do we going
to start? My New York Nicks?

Speaker 2 (05:56):
Oh yeah, uh?

Speaker 3 (05:57):
They who's one eleven one oh six. They drop Game three.
It's now two games to one in favor of the Knicks.
You know, before the game even started, I said, well,
this is going to be a blowout. I pretty much
gave it. I thought the best play in the world
was taking the Pacers minus seven and a half. I
thought they were just gonna run away with this. I
wasn't even sure that Jalen Brunson was going to play

up till what a couple of hours before game time,
and then you saw that he wasn't right. He missed
his first three shots. They had to take him out
of the game. There's no og Annobi, so that killed them.
The injuries were just piling up. But yet the Knicks
were able to stay in the game k fig And
as it was going along, they had a nine point
lead in.

Speaker 2 (06:36):
The fourth quarter. I'm saying, can we steal this one?
We steal this one. We could sit everybody for Game four,
we'd be up three games to nothing. No such luck.

Speaker 3 (06:46):
The Pacers hit some big, big shots. What was it,
knee Brandt to won that hit the Yeah hard?

Speaker 2 (06:55):
Yeah them hard. I'm sorry.

Speaker 4 (06:56):
It's probably a little demoralizing. It's kind of a little
bit of a defeative. You're Indiana knowing as banged up
as the Knicks war that they were basically in that
game until your point, leading by double figures, are close
to it a nine point lead in the fourth quarter
when Brunson was banged up. Ojiannaoby didn't play, and now
I don't he might not play a couple of nights
from now.

Speaker 2 (07:13):
That might still be up in the air as well.

Speaker 4 (07:15):
It says that the Knicks, even on their worst night,
are still neck and neck with Indiana. I think that's
probably I know it's Look, it's a playoff loss, and
nobody ever wants to lose a playoff game. But if
you're in New York, you're probably encouraged that you can
be have those many injuries and play that poorly and
still be in that game.

Speaker 2 (07:31):
Yeah, I'm encouraged. But then it's it really good to
happen again.

Speaker 3 (07:34):
I mean, how many times are you going to get
Burks to come off the bench right and score fourteen.

Speaker 2 (07:38):
Points when he never plays right. I'm saying about who
is this guy?

Speaker 3 (07:41):
He's been in the league fourteen years and you always
have to won that, you know, all of you.

Speaker 2 (07:46):
I'm looking at the Nick's bench. After Burks has scored fourteen,
I go, who else could we bring in that's gonna
give us like ten to fourteen? Why are these guys
on the team if you can't play him during an emergency?
Why are they making one, two, three, four five million
dollars a year if you can't bring them in for
an emergency.

Speaker 3 (08:03):
This is an emergency. There's a lot of injuries out there.
Why can't these guys play?

Speaker 4 (08:07):
You know well, I mean there's obviously holes in the
games of these players. The deeper and deeper you going
to your bench, and you trust your starters a lot more.
You have a day off in between the majority of
these games, sometimes even two or three days off, so
you want to have your better, your best players play
the most amount of minutes whenever you can. I don't
want shake Milton out there deciding whether or not I
win a playoff series. I understand your logic, and it

does make sense to a degree, right, But I'd much
rather run you know, precious that you out there or
Josh Hart out there for forty plus minutes than throw
in somebody else which had the amends out there.

Speaker 3 (08:38):
Ye had Burke's out there I mean, Burks had fourteen points.

Speaker 2 (08:42):
They win this game.

Speaker 3 (08:43):
I wouldn't even vote for for MVP of the game,
even though Dante had thirty five points. But those fourteen
points were you moongous for the Knicks sit there and
then he missed a couple of shots. They took them
out of the game in the fourth quarter. Yeah, I
felt the Pacers got the calls, but I'm not gonna
complain about it.

Speaker 2 (09:00):
One call here, one call there. I thought that Dante
de Vincenzo lay up that was blocked the goltend.

Speaker 3 (09:08):
Yeah, it's been a gold ten, but there was so
many calls like that k Fig during the not only
during the game, but during the fourth quarter. I just
can't go back and just nitpick on on the whole thing.
It does kind of suck, though, that Carlisle was complaining
so much. Obviously what in their favor, but what in
their favoritees. They're playing at home, and that's what happens
when you play at home, you get the calls.

Speaker 2 (09:28):

Speaker 4 (09:29):
Well, the encouraging thing is it didn't go so far
because what most people thought what happened is, well, Carlisle's
gonna go on this giant rant in the post game
after Game two, and there's gonna be a three to
one free throw disparency in Game three in favor.

Speaker 2 (09:40):
Of Indiana, and that wasn't the case.

Speaker 4 (09:41):
I think Indiana might have taken two more or three
more free thoms. The Knicks actually shot more a couple okay,
so the Knicks had a couple more. So there really
wasn't a disparity there. And see your point. The controversial
calls quote unquote, we're kind of bang bang plays that
could have gone either way. So I think it's actually
encouraging that the NBA didn't over the officials, didn't overcret
this situation and just react to what Carlisle said in

favor Indiana and giving them all of these calls, because
I think, just based on the history of the NBA,
that's usually how these situations work themselves out.

Speaker 3 (10:10):
You know, k Fake, I've been doing sports radio for
over twenty five years, and I'm sure it's happened, but
I can't remember if it has the last time we
had a playoff series where they go had Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday.
Usually you get like during one of those parts, like
a three day rest or something, and then we could play.

Speaker 2 (10:30):
Look at this, man, they're playing two games and like
a week and a half. No such luck for the
New York Knicks.

Speaker 3 (10:36):
Now they had to play what four games in a
matter of one week, or actually less than a week. Boy,
they certainly could have used a little bit of rest,
But no such luck from the NBA.

Speaker 2 (10:46):
Yeah, they're in the grinder.

Speaker 4 (10:47):
And I think that's the opposite of what happened with
Denver in Minnesota, who I think they had three days off.

Speaker 2 (10:51):
Yeah, between Game two and Friday night.

Speaker 4 (10:53):
You know, that's just how the schedule works itself out,
the NBA trying to have a game at least one
game on the schedule every single night. Some teams are
gonna get, you know, the favorable matchups. I think the
Knicks and Pacers was a game two, was a standalone game,
didn't even have a doubleheader that particular night. So some
teams get the short end of the stick. And if
you're a team like New York, who, to your point,
don't have the deepest bench, their margin for error is

actually pretty darn thin all things considered. Like, I mean,
if they know they have their big guys, you know,
if Josh Hart are some of those guys you know,
end up getting injured. You know it's gonna be tough
sledding for them.

Speaker 2 (11:26):
It already is. They're a tough, grinded out type of team.

Speaker 4 (11:29):
And if something happens to Jalen Brunson, know he has
the ankle, he has the banged up hand. I mean,
I hate to say it to you, Arnie, but I
feel like they're they're already kind of playing on borrow
time because I just don't think that it's sustainable for
them to play the way that they're playing and make
a deep run.

Speaker 2 (11:42):
I just don't know, And you may be right.

Speaker 3 (11:44):
They have to steal one game, they have to take
the next game, go up three games to one, and
final way because Boston's not looking like anything great out there,
especially after they lost by twenty four points in a
home Let me ask you this though, in this series
between the Knicks and the Pacers, do you feel like
the refereezer letting them both get away with too much?
Is too much pushing, shoving, physical play. Because I'll let
you give them a compliment.

Speaker 2 (12:05):
I like this.

Speaker 3 (12:05):
I don't like to when they call everything and you
know we're going to the line thirty plus times for
each team, and guys are in foul trouble. And you
got to see a guy because he's got three fouls
in the first half and then he picks up another
foul to start the second off right away and he's
got four and that that cuts like eight to.

Speaker 2 (12:22):
Ten minutes off his play. Let them play a little bit.

Speaker 3 (12:26):
Yeah, it's getting physical, but they're letting it go on
both sides. Sure there's a bad call here and there,
but I think I like them that they're letting get
a little physical out there.

Speaker 4 (12:34):
Yeah, you know the ODP part about it, Arnie, And
I don't know what the exact stats are as far
as foul calls and free throw numbers, but just the
entire postseason as a whole, don't you get a feel
that the referees are letting guys play a lot more?

Speaker 2 (12:46):
Rulers are really physical.

Speaker 4 (12:47):
Just keeping a close eye on that Clipper Dallas series,
a couple of those games were super physical. There are
a lot of plays fouls that would have been called foul,
you know, touch fouls or even more physical files during
the regular season, and they swallow their whistles and I
don't necessarily mind it. They'm not going to allow guys
to go close line each other like they did back
in the in the eighties and the seventies, but loll
a little bit of a handshake here and there, allow

guys to to elbow each other a little bit. Let
the players decided. I don't necessarily mind it as long
as it's consistent. That's what players always asked for, And
in my opinion, watching these playoffs, I feel like the
referees across the board have been fairly consistent and we're
pretty much swallowing the whistles for the most part, and
I think it's It hasn't caused a terrible product. We're
not seeing seventy nine to seventy eight past final basketball games.

But I do think there's more of a flow and
a rhythm to it because we're not having so many
stoppages with so many foul shots.

Speaker 2 (13:36):
Does that come from did that start before the playoffs?
From the NBA office, like from Adam Silver's desk, to
that special memo come out to the referees that today
we gotta let them play a little bit. We can't
be calling fouls, let them, let them get a little physical,
let them play a little bit.

Speaker 4 (13:51):
Or I there was a stat that I saw like
the last third of the season, and I don't know,
I'm gonna fudge the numbers a little bit here, but
something to the effect of free throw. It's tempts across
the board, and the NBA were down by like one
and a half per game or something, which in amalgam
for the entire season with all these different teams, one
and a half free throws is a big deal. So
maybe there was some mandate after the All Star breaks

this out or open things up a little bit and
let the players play. And I call so many fouls
because I know that's a big point of contention for
a lot of players and fans.

Speaker 2 (14:21):
It's just hard to get into a rhythm.

Speaker 4 (14:22):
And you have certain teams like the Lakers who are
hunting for fouls left and right with a lot of
ad and they're falling all over the floor and trying
to shoot thirty five free throws a game. I don't
but grudge them. It's part of the strategy and if
it works, then do it. But the referees not bailing
them out and allowing the players to play a little bit.
So it seems to have rolled over from post All
Star break into the postseason and personally, I'm all forward,

I love it, you know what.

Speaker 2 (14:44):
I it's starting to bother me and actually jiggling.

Speaker 3 (14:47):
Brunson does this a lot where if you're bringing the
ball up court and somebody touches you, you jerk your
body back, or you jerk your head back like you've
been hit with a two by four with a haberd.

Speaker 2 (14:57):
You're like, oh, what you've done to me? I can't,
I can't go on, And then if you don't get
the call, you just speed. I hate when they do
the jerk your body back, you know what I mean?

Speaker 4 (15:07):
Yeah, that's the old Chris Paul did that for a
million years as a Cliplers. James Harden did that for
many years. Yes, and a lot of those guys are
not getting those Luka Danjik now he complains on every call.
I've never seen a player complain as much as Luka
Donchi's complains. If somebody looks at him wrong, he looks
at the referee, he thinks he was fouled. But they're
not bailing guys out anymore on those sorts of calls,
which I greatly appreciate, but it becomes frustrating if the

NBA kind of tried to flex their muscle the last
year and said, we're gonna start calling technical fouls on
guys who do it. They haven't done it yet, and
I think that to a certain degree it could be
hard to legislate, but I certainly wouldn't necessarily mind if
they tried to find some way to punitively, you know,
punish these guys for trying to bait fast.

Speaker 2 (15:43):
Oh yeah, I don't know that you.

Speaker 4 (15:46):
Can't do it, but I'm just saying I wish there
was a way you could to just legislate that part
out of the game, because that's part of that's part
of the NBA that I don't like. That's the international
soccer mentality that has permeated into the NBA that I'm
not a fan of.

Speaker 2 (15:57):
You know, obviously I'm enjoying the nixt Pacer series, but
I'm getting a little tired of the whole Reggie Miller and.

Speaker 3 (16:03):
My nineteen eighties. I know it's been a long time
since they met, but enough is enough. We get the point.
We know what happened back then. I look, I know
it was a good thing for the Pacers, but you
can't keep drudging that up and then when Brunston went
out of Willis Reid.

Speaker 2 (16:17):
I mean, ninety percent.

Speaker 3 (16:18):
Of the people watching the game don't even know who
Will's reed was or what you're talking about, except for
old people like me. So I don't know, does that
go everybody over everybody's head or are you okay with stories?

Speaker 4 (16:28):
Like Yeah, I'm okay. I understand why they do it,
so it's a certain degree, I'm okay with it. Look,
this is this is a renaissance Ofness Knicks basketball. You
know this how bad that franchise has been for so long,
you know, coming back from all these these down years
over the last really what fifteen twenty.

Speaker 2 (16:43):
Whatever are been longer?

Speaker 4 (16:44):
Yeah, you know, I mean this is the James Dolan
Redemption Tour in general, between what the Knicks and the
Rangers are doing. I mean, my god, New York is
I mean, the MSG's the roof is going to blow
off of that place. But I understand why they try
to reach back to some of the glory days of
the rivalry between the Nicks and Pacers, because they had
some really good series back in the day, and neither
team has really been ultra relevant really for a long

period of time, So This is no different than what
most networks try to do. But to your point, most
people who are watching this, they have no recollection of
Will Let's read I wasn't even born when that happened.

Speaker 2 (17:14):
I'm old, so I totally get it. I totally get it.

Speaker 3 (17:17):
All right, We're off and running. He's Kevin figures. I'm
already Spaniel.

Speaker 2 (17:22):
We're in for the guys, the fellas, Anthony Gargano and
Jason Fitz will come back. We got a couple of
other series to get to. We'll start talking about that.
That's next right here on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 5 (17:34):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 2 (17:47):
Hey, I'm Doug Gottlieb. The podcast is called All Ball.

Speaker 6 (17:51):
We usually talk all basketball all the time, but it's
more about the stories about what made these people love
their sport and all the interesting interactions along the way.
We talked to coaches, we talked to players, We tell
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Speaker 2 (18:04):
You download it, you listen to it. I think you
like it.

Speaker 6 (18:08):
Listen to All Ball with Doug Gottlieb on the iHeartRadio app,
Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 2 (18:17):
All right, good morning everybody. Arnie Spanier and Kevin Figures.
We're sitting in for the Fellas, Anthony Gargano and Jason
fitz live at the ti iraq dot com studios. You
want to get a hold of us, real.

Speaker 3 (18:28):
Simple, stinking genius one also at KFIG one, k FI
gig and the Number one. Jack says, congratulations on the
birth of young mister Oliver. Driving a truck from Spokane
to Hood River, Oregon and back.

Speaker 2 (18:43):
YouTube. Guys are great together. Just want to let you
know how much I'm en joining the show. Great job.
Thank you Jack out there.

Speaker 3 (18:49):
If you didn't hear Kfig A brand new father of
a two week old. And what's the been the biggest
challenge so far? Kfig? In the two weeks or has
everything gone swimmingly?

Speaker 2 (19:00):
Everything's gone mostly swimmingly.

Speaker 4 (19:01):
I don't The lack of sleep is certainly not the greatest,
but you know, the wife and I have tried to
work out a little bit of a system and working
shifts to a certain degree the best we can. And
that's also when things go according to plan, which of
course they don't.

Speaker 2 (19:12):
Always happen.

Speaker 4 (19:13):
Sometimes he decides he naps when he wants to nap,
and you can have this all schedule.

Speaker 2 (19:17):
Whether we're supposed to sleep for this.

Speaker 4 (19:18):
Amount of time and that amount of time, it very
much varies on a night to night and sometimes nap
to nap basis. So that's been a bit of an
interesting adjustment.

Speaker 2 (19:27):
Yeah, well, if I were you, I would make the
wife get up because you gotta work.

Speaker 3 (19:32):
My friend, you work all kinds of hours. You never
get any sleep.

Speaker 4 (19:35):
You know this is true. This is true. We just
add him to another list of the full time jobs.
But it's all good. It's all love. I love and
appreciate every second.

Speaker 2 (19:43):
That's really absolute. Absolutely, you'll have a blast.

Speaker 3 (19:46):
The Nuggets over the Minnesota Timberwolves one seventeen ninety.

Speaker 2 (19:49):
Didn't see this coming.

Speaker 3 (19:51):
After Minnesota took the first two games in this series,
they go back home and they play flat like that.
You know, here's a chance to go up three games nothing,
pretty much knock out the defending champs and they just
get boat raced in this game.

Speaker 2 (20:05):
Anthony Edwards just said he was just flat, didn't come
out with a lot of intensity. This was I never
really thought that that you know Minnesota was gonna win
this game.

Speaker 3 (20:15):
After I saw the first quarter, I'm like, they just
don't have it tonight. Now that obviously they could turn
it around, but they didn't look like the Minnesota team
the first two games.

Speaker 2 (20:24):
That's for sure.

Speaker 3 (20:25):
We've got a series now if Denver could take game
number four, but Minnesota had a chance to knock him out.
Everybody jumping on that Minnesota bandwagon? Are boss is a
Minnesota fan? Mister Scott Sapiro, Absolutely, Well, that's why I
asked him for a raise this week. I make more
than Colin Coward now. So he's in such a great mood.

Speaker 2 (20:43):
He's just raisers for everybody, you know, vacations for everybody.
So if you ever wanted a raise, now's a good
time to ask Vig. But yeah, Minnesota had a chance
to end Denver. Now we're I think it's gonna be
a series of list. Minnesota comes out strong in game
and goes up three games to one.

Speaker 4 (21:01):
Yeah, I don't understand how they can come out as
flat as they did, knowing that they still had so
much to play for. Now, is that complacency you talk about?
They're a young team that doesn't have a lot of experience.
Maybe they just I don't know, if they just assumed
Denver was gonna roll over. If hey, we're coming back home,
we'll just ride them a minimum of the crowd, then
they'll just will suffocate them.

Speaker 2 (21:17):
It doesn't work that way.

Speaker 4 (21:18):
They are defending champions for a reason, and Denver is
not necessarily looked dominant at all by any stretch. I
think they were down by double digits in every single
game against the Lakers in that first round series and
they ended up coming back and winning most of them,
obviously winning in five games. So it's certainly a different
type of Denver team, but they still have that championship pedigree.
And you're Minnesota. You're a young, upstart squad. You can't

afford to lay down and give games away because if
Denver all they need is a game happened like last
night for Jamal Murray, who I've been struggling to find
his confidence, and all of a sudden, they end up
turning this thing around. So you don't want to end
up playing with this situation. You want to make sure
you go back and win Game four and take a
three games to one league, because if this thing gets
tied up too too. I'm not big on guarantees, aren't you,
But I'll almost Charles Barkley Gearan damnt that Denver's coming

back and winning this series.

Speaker 2 (22:04):
And you may be right on that.

Speaker 3 (22:05):
You know, first of all, you'll catch and Murray didn't
have big games. I mean they had twenty four great
plus minus ratio, y'll kitch plus thirty.

Speaker 2 (22:12):
They were refleshing.

Speaker 3 (22:13):
Yeah, yeah, I mean but usually when you know, if
you would have told me Denver won by what was it,
twenty seven or something, I would say, oh, yo, kich
was not forty points or Murray must have gone off
for forty points.

Speaker 2 (22:24):
Not the case at all.

Speaker 3 (22:25):
They did have good shooting percentages, but it was really
a team efforts.

Speaker 2 (22:29):
Every starter was in double digits.

Speaker 3 (22:31):
They played a great game, and let's be honest, Minnesota
did not shoot the ball well at all.

Speaker 2 (22:35):
That's what it was.

Speaker 4 (22:36):
It was defensively, you know, they locked in defensively, Denver
din the Minnesota couldn't make a shot and they were
shot thirty percent from three and forty three percent from
the field in totality. And the big thing for me
was rebound because remember Gobert was out in Game two
for the birth of his child, and they got dominated
on the boards. Denver did despite the fact that Gobert
wasn't in the lineup. So now you introduce him back in,
you thought the advantage is going to clearly swing into

the favor of Minnesota yet again, and it didn't happen.
Go Bear in Town's combined for nine rebounds. That's unheard of,
that should never happen in any situation. Go Bear's averaging
ten twelve rebounds a night, every single night during the
regular season.

Speaker 2 (23:10):
That was the most glaring thing for me.

Speaker 4 (23:12):
Minnesota has been one of the best defensive teams in
the NBA all season long, again especially after the All
Star Break, and Denver shot fifty three percent from the
field in this game. They just Minnesota, for whatever reason,
just didn't have the answers. I do think there was
a situation where Jamal Murray was a little bit more aggressive,
a little bit more assertive, wasn't as passive as he
was the first couple of games and really took it
to him and Michael Porter Junior played better. But the

biggest thing for me is that Minnesota, to your point,
couldn't make shots. A big part of that is that
Denver ratcheted up their defensive intensity a lot.

Speaker 2 (23:41):
Anthony Edwards, how great is he? I mean, is he
up gonna be up there with like the Kevin Durantz,
the Lebrons when his career's done, the people like that.
Are we making too much of him right now? He's
got a long way to go. He still has the
ways to go, but you've seen flashes of it.

Speaker 4 (23:57):
Like up until Friday night, his numbers were ridiculous, like
the advanced stats. You know, he's made the majority of
the shots he's made have been contested mid range twos,
which is like one of the most inefficient shots to take,
but he was making him with high regularity. He's a
great athlete. He's improving as an outside shooter. This guy's limb,
what is he twenty two or something like that? Like,
he still has plenty of of of leg room in

front of him. So I don't think it's hyperbaly to
say that this guy is gonna be one of the
next great players in the in the future of the sport.
He's already shown such great glimpses and such great growth
are ready just a couple of years into his career.
So I'm buying. I'm drinking the kool aid. I'm buying
itt to Anthony Edwards, I am.

Speaker 3 (24:34):
By the way, get your hands on the dump button
in case I'm not allowed to say this because the
boss may fire me for this. But I've already ordered
my Anthony Edwards New York Nick store.

Speaker 2 (24:43):
You go say that, Can I get fired just like
you ordered your lebron James Kad Knicks jersey. Yeah, we
run them all down, the Lyssia Shack Jersey. I'll tell you,
I love that. Those people up in Minnesota go, don't
you dare, don't you there say something like that. The
Boston's probably calling on the back line and going take

that out of the podcast. Yeah, but you know what,
I'll say this too, and Scott's not listening. I agree
with you.

Speaker 4 (25:10):
So it might not be the Knicks, but it could
be the Lakers. It could be another big market franchise.
We know how these things work. You know. The people
like Kevin Garnett, who they basically had to kick out
of Minnesota to send to Boston are really few and
far between. Most of the guys who have star power
like that. You know exactly how this story generally ends.
He's Kevin Figures. I'm already span you.

Speaker 3 (25:31):
You could reach us at Stinking Genius one, also at
k fike k FIGG and the Number one. We got
other series to get a hold of, and what's going
on with the Boston Celtics. All that coming up next,
But first let's see what's trending from last night, a
whole bunch of stuff. Let's check in with k fig
what's going on?

Speaker 2 (25:50):
K fig? Yeah, already.

Speaker 4 (25:51):
We were just talking about Friday night in the NBA,
the doubleheader and the matchup in the Western Conference where
Nicola Jokicic was one assist shy of a triple double
as Minnesota dropped that game to Denver one, seventeen to ninety.
I mentioned Rudy Gobert back in the lineup, but the
Wolves were out rebounded forty to thirty two on the glass.
In the East, Tyres Halliburton scored thirty five points Andrew

Nimhart the go ahead three pointer in the final seconds
for Indiana. They pick up a one eleven to one
zero six victory over the Knicks New York series lead.

Speaker 2 (26:20):
There is now two games to one.

Speaker 4 (26:21):
In Major League Baseball, the Padre snapped the Dodgers seven
game win streak a two to one victory there a
walk off Arbri single by new Padre Luisa Rise. The
Royals beat the Angels two to one for their third
straight win. Home runs for Matt Olsen and Ronald Decunya
Junior as Atlanta defeated the Mets four to two. In
the NHL, the Panthers defeated the Bruins six to two,
taking a two to one series lead. Edmondson a forty

three overtime victory over Vancouver to tie their series at
a game apiece, and e golf Xanders Schoffley a four
stroke lead over Jason Day and Roy McElroy through two
rounds at the Wells Fargo Championship.

Speaker 2 (26:53):
Back to the Fellas, all right, there you go, Kate Fagan,
Arnie Spaniard, We're in for the Fellas this morning, Anthony Gargano,
Jason Fitz They've got the day off. Lots going on
with them, that's for sure. If you want to be
part of the show.

Speaker 3 (27:05):
Like I said at Stinking Genius one, at KFIG one,
we get we always get a lot of tweets, so
I'll try to keep up with them as we go
through the Boston Celtics. You mentioned this earlier that what
during the course of the last what thirty games? I
believe it was, that they're fifteen and fifteen in the playoffs, right,
that doesn't sound like a super team to me. Remember

we were talking about this was a super team. Jalen
Brown said he won to win what five or six championships,
which was what about five or six years?

Speaker 2 (27:35):
It was what Taylor Rooks? I remember that. That's right, Yeah,
that's not gonna quite work out. He's still working on
number one. What is going on with the Boston Celtics?
Did we overrate them? They were the number one seed?
Are things going to be fine? They lost one game
to Miami. Maybe they're just going to end up losing
one game to Cleveland. They've got the easiest road to
the Eastern Conference Finals. I don't think it gets any

easier than what they've had so far. So are the
Boston Celtics in trouble or was it just a little
hiccup in one game against Cleveland?

Speaker 4 (28:05):
I still choose to believe that it's a hiccup against Cleveland.
You know, Donovan Mitchell ended up going crazy, especially in
that second half, as he can do. He's a phenomenal player.
Great players can have those sort of performances. One thing
I will say about Boston and why they've had so
many shortcomings in the postseason these last few years, it's
really just how they're built. They live and die by
the three pointer, and if their defense has just a

little bit of slippage and they're not making their outside shots,
they're liable to lose, and lose badly. This has happened
multiple times over those series against Miami where they got
out physical they weren't able to make their shots. A
couple of series, the Bubble Series and last season like
these have happened multiple times against Boston. They just don't
there's a missing link in them as far as being
able to attack the paint.

Speaker 2 (28:49):
A certain level of physicality.

Speaker 4 (28:50):
Doesn't mean they can't win, doesn't mean they can't make
it to the NBA Finals, but that's sort of just
the issue. The chink in their armor is the fact
that if they are not making their three point shots,
they are not an effective offensive basketball team, and it
puts a lot of burden on their defense to be
able to overcome their offensive shortcomings. When that doesn't happen
and oftentimes when they lose, it looks like you did

the other night where the other team goes off offensively
because they have one of those Knights and Boston shoots
twenty percent from three.

Speaker 2 (29:17):
Who would you rather have on your team? If I
give you a choice, Jason Tatum, Brown, Jalen Brown or Brunson?
Who would you have?

Speaker 3 (29:27):
I know I want, but I don't even think. I
don't even think it's much of a choice.

Speaker 5 (29:31):
Is it.

Speaker 4 (29:32):
I mean, look, I think Jason Tatum is the best
player of the three, but he's not consistent.

Speaker 2 (29:37):
There's a certain I work with.

Speaker 4 (29:39):
Rodney p and he says, you gotta have a guy
that has a little bit of a dog in him,
And for some reason, I don't necessarily feel that Jason
Tatum has that in him. I almost feel like Jaylen
Brown has more of that in him than Jason Tatum does,
and even Jalen Brunson does as well. But I still
think Tatum, individually, from a talent standpoint, is the better
individual player before I grind it out being a leader
in the post season, a guy that I want to

ride with, I feel like i'd probably go with, probably
go with Jason Jaylen Brown. One and Brunson two and
probably with Tatum three. Right as that sounds, I know,
I get it.

Speaker 2 (30:12):
I get it, especially with a guy in Jalen Brown
that has no left hand whatsoever.

Speaker 3 (30:16):
Yeah, and everybody knows it too. You can just force
him to the left. He's been trying to work on that,
but he just has no left hand he can dribble with.
He's had some duds, for sure, There's no question to
buy it. He has some flalls in his game.

Speaker 4 (30:27):
But there's there's an element of toughness in grit that
I love and respect about him that I do think
there's a little bit lacking there with Jason Tatum.

Speaker 3 (30:34):
With the series going to Cleveland, you think Boston gets
back on track, takes the next two, goes up three
to one, or they could have trouble with Cleveland somehow
drop a game and all of a sudden there is
two to two, or god forbid, maybe even down three
one as they head back to Boston.

Speaker 4 (30:48):
Well, I think it depends on the health of Jared Allen,
to be honest with you, because I think he makes
a big difference in that series, rebounding, blocking shots, playing
defense for them, and they haven't had him and we're
still able to steal that game. So if he's able
to come back in Game three or even game four,
I think he makes a big difference. That'd being said,
I think Boston is a better team, but through the
course of a seven game series, they'll end up winning it.

But if if Jared Allen comes back healthy and as
an effective player for Cleveland, it would not surprise me
at all if Cleveland finds a way to push this
to seven games. And if that happens, they've already won
in Boston, so why can't they do it again?

Speaker 3 (31:22):
You know everybody is rooting for and what I mean
by everybody, I also mean the NBA ABC exactly for
the Celtics and for the Knicks. Matter of fact, the
ABC came out and said that if all the series
goes seven games, which I'm talking about the Knicks and
the Pacers, Cleveland, Boston, Minnesota and Denver, if they go

seven games, that they're picking the Knicks and the Pacers
to air for a game seven.

Speaker 2 (31:50):
Oh, they've already called it, all right. I thought I
read that yesterday that they've already called it. If those
three games go to to a game seven, I think
they're all in the same day. I'm not so sure
I would make that call right now. But I'm not
so sure that maybe Minnesota in Denver and.

Speaker 4 (32:09):
Denver would be a great Game seven to put out there. Well,
but you also know how these things work, aren't you.
It's all about market power, So you want New York.

Speaker 2 (32:16):
New York could be playing.

Speaker 4 (32:17):
You know, it could be the Knicks versus Saint John's
or the Knicks versus whoever. They want the Knicks, they
want that New York television market. It could be a
dud of a game, but they want to have because
they know all eyeballs are going to be Look at
all the star power that I was at MSG these
first couple of games. You know they want to make
sure for a Game seven at Madison Square Garden. You
absolutely want to put that on the biggest stage, which

is a Sunday afternoon on ABC. So I won't begrudge
them that, even though I think, let's say Denver Minnesota
will probably be a much better matchup and a more
entertaining game. I do think it makes all the sense
in the world from the TV executives to put that
Knicks Pacer Game seven in primetime.

Speaker 3 (32:52):
Absolutely you want to go ahead and get a hold
of us at Stinking Genius one.

Speaker 2 (32:56):
He's at k FIG one. We'll come back. There is
one mother series going on, and k FIG wants to
know you think the NBA is a little worried that
the foreign players are starting to take over the NBA.
We're gonna get all that coming up next right here
on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (33:12):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio Radio.

Speaker 2 (33:16):
All right, good morning everybody. Arnie Spanier and ka Fig.

Speaker 3 (33:20):
We're in for the fellas, Jason Fitz and Anthony Gargano.
Welcome back live at the Tireck dot Com Studios. Our
one just flying on.

Speaker 2 (33:29):
Buy one of the series that we didn't have a
chance to get to the thunder in the Dallas Mavericks,
of course. Okay, see, I believe they were the number
one seed. I think we absolutely are. Yes, unbelievable, the.

Speaker 3 (33:41):
Lack of attention. They're getting their series tied at one
game a piece. They'll play later today three point thirty
Eastern Time, one and one. That series tied up against
the Mavericks.

Speaker 2 (33:50):
That's a good one.

Speaker 3 (33:51):
Also, wouldn't be surprised if that would end up going
seven games. Dallas two and a half point favorite at
home in this game.

Speaker 2 (33:57):
Yeah, no doubt about it.

Speaker 4 (33:58):
And the fact that Luca don finally has a running
made in Kyrie Irving that can help pick up some
of the slack. And the big issue with Oklahoma City
is whether or not they're too young. They just don't
have a lot of playoff experience. They clearly have the talent,
but whether or not they have that experience. And Dallas
has had their ups and downs throughout the postseason the
last couple of years.

Speaker 2 (34:15):
They're more battle tested.

Speaker 4 (34:16):
But I don't I wouldn't discount Oklahoma City just from
a matchup standpoint, because I do think they match up
pretty well of Dallas. It's just a matter of whether
or not they can hold their own the attrition of
a seven game series playing against too skillful probably two
of the most skilled ball handlers and scorers in the
NBA in.

Speaker 2 (34:31):
Luca Nachik and Kyrie Irving.

Speaker 4 (34:32):
That's why this is although it's sort of understated and underplayed,
it's probably the most intriguing series for me of the
series left is this one.

Speaker 2 (34:40):
Who is your MVP?

Speaker 3 (34:42):
By the way, was it Sga for Oklahoma City or
was it Jokic for Denver or somebody else.

Speaker 4 (34:49):
And this is probably because of you know, fatigue when
it comes to Jokic, and I certainly believe that he
deserves MVP. I have no issues with it, not like
Shaq does and telling him to his face that he
shouldn't have won it. I would have given it to
shake Yodas Alexander to put up the number of the
efficiency that he had this season, The consistency he played
in almost every game was extremely durable for a young

team that doesn't have a lot of experience, for them
to be able to secure the one seed, and for
him to put up the sort of numbers that he
put up as a guard, I thought was extremely impressive.
So if I had a vote, it would have gone
to Shade Yodas Alexander. I certainly don't have an issue
with Jokic getting the award. I'm surprised that Jokic wanted
in such a large landslide the way that he did.

Speaker 2 (35:28):
Do you think it?

Speaker 3 (35:29):
You brought this up about our pregame meeting when we
were talking about stuff that we wanted to go through today,
that the NBA might be worried that foreign players are
starting to dominate the NBA.

Speaker 4 (35:38):
Yeah, because you think a lot of look, generally speaking,
fans want it's easier to relate to people that you know,
look like you sound like you don't have, you know,
heavy accents and all that. And that's not to sound,
you know, isolationist or anything. I think it's just a
matter of fact. And you look at the NBA. If
you talk about faces of the NBA moving forward, you
know who do we have at this point in time.
It's Jokic, It's Embeid. Yeah, now Edwards is domestic, he's

from Georgia. I think that's great, but he's probably like
the only one as far as I'm not talking about
Steph for Lebron, those guys are on the back nine.

Speaker 2 (36:09):
They're on their way out.

Speaker 4 (36:11):
But shake Yodas Alexander's Canadian like embiatus from Cameroon, Luka, Doncik, Jokic,
most of the best players in the NBA at this
point in time, guys you would consider to be the
quote unquote face of the league are guys who are
farm born. And I just wonder if that's gonna have
some sort of long long standing effect on the NBA
as far as ratings are, as far as popularity, especially

when it comes to crossing over. Like Arnie, you and I.
We work in this industry. We love the sport, we're
gonna watch regardless, But you know, the moms who sit
at home, the people that they're trying to appeal to
with these national ABC games, it's easier to appeal to
Steph Curry than it is to someone whose name you
can't pronounce, like Giannakunpo.

Speaker 3 (36:47):
You know what I mean, right, You know, if you
would have told me ten or twenty years ago, would
it be a factor, I would say, you know, maybe,
I would say, you know, a lot of people don't
know a lot of the foreigner guys coming in nowadays, though,
I don't think it makes a difference at all. I mean,
Joel Embiid, we don't bring up that he's not American.
We don't bring that up with Janni's also, and a

lot of people of him. So I don't think it
has the same effect, or I don't think it's as
big of a problem as it would have been like
ten or twenty years ago. You know.

Speaker 4 (37:16):
Yeah, and look, and it's more of an international sport nowadays.
And look, I think even international soccer are certainly permeated
into the United States, where there's so many kids, especially
gen Z, who are big fans of international soccer. You know,
teams and players who they've never seen and probably never
some of them will never see in person. So there's
a globalization of sport that I do think aids in

that to a certain degree. But I do think there's
a certain element, especially just I'll just speak from where
I came from growing up in the inner city of
Los Angeles. You know, you related to people like Tracy
McGrady or Vince Carter, people that look like you, sounded
like you, people you aspire to play like.

Speaker 2 (37:53):
And it's just a little bit different.

Speaker 4 (37:55):
I'm not saying it's necessarily right or wrong that these
guys are now the faces of the league, a lot
of the foreign players, but it just hits a little
bit differently when it's not someone that you can necessarily
personally relate to.

Speaker 2 (38:05):
You Look, I know you and I are not Shaquille O'Neal.
We've not waited in the far from it.

Speaker 3 (38:10):
We're not NBA All Stars, we're not MVPs or anything
like that. But if I told you coming up next hour,
Yokic is.

Speaker 2 (38:17):
Going to join the show and we're gonna interview him.

Speaker 3 (38:19):
Would any question, whether it's the first question, middle question,
or last question, would you ever say to him, you know,
I don't think you deserve the MVP, but I mean
I understand that shack being shocked, But was that a
was that a good question?

Speaker 2 (38:31):
Was that or was that fine to bring up?

Speaker 3 (38:34):
Could you imagine if a regular media can you imagine
if I would have said that, yeah, I don't think
you deserved it, but you know, congratulations.

Speaker 2 (38:40):
I don't think he would have been so joking joking
about it.

Speaker 4 (38:43):
You'd be at the top of the headlines of awful
announcing there are Andy, I'll tell you exactly what happened. Yeah,
Shaq gets away with it because he's shacked, but that's
really distasteful to do on that point in time.

Speaker 2 (38:52):
Have your opinion. Once yo Kicch is off, just say,
you know what, I didn't.

Speaker 4 (38:56):
Want to disrespect the guy in front of his face,
but personally I would have given it to Shay, But
no disrespect to Yokich. He's a great player x y Z.
But I'm not gonna sit there and tell him, Yeah,
you know what, I don't think you should have won it.
I would have given it to Shay. You're a great player,
but you didn't deserve it this year. I just don't
think it's everybody attacks.

Speaker 2 (39:10):
Him say well, yeah, had him one, you should desid
something that.

Speaker 4 (39:12):
It's just not necessary though people are gonna say what
they want to say regardless. People are going to criticize
Shack like we are now, and people want to criticize
Shack if you would have said it after the fact,
that before the fact, that not in front of his face.
I just think at that point in time, you're interviewing
him because he won the MVP Award, give him his flowers.
That's not the right time to tell him that he
doesn't deserve to get it. Give him his flowers, talk
about that, and then debate afterwards or before he comes

on about that. I just don't think it's a time
and play situation. And I just don't think that was
necessary at the time.

Speaker 3 (39:38):
Now, if you want to be honest, and I'm not
just talking about Jokicic, but I could you know anybody
you're talking to instead of an individual award. Can you
imagine if Shaq said, you know, you were crying about
that foul but it wasn't a foul.

Speaker 2 (39:50):
I don't know what you were crying about. You got
a good block on you that I would like to hear, you.

Speaker 1 (39:54):
Know what I mean.

Speaker 2 (39:55):
See that's more legitimate. I'm with you on that.

Speaker 4 (39:57):
Yeah, like break out the old telestrator was like, now
if you see look like look to me that it
was a clear, clear as day, not a foul. What
do you say, Nicole, I'm watching the same tape as you.
I'm fine with that. That's perfectly fine, right.

Speaker 3 (40:07):
I want to go through later out of the show,
and I know we're short on time about the refs
and the challenges. I don't know what you want to
challenge anymore. I'm like, oh, for a hundred when I'm saying, oh,
that will be overturned, that won't be overturned. But I
know this hour one in the books just cruised on by.
You want to be part of the show, real simple,
stinking genius one. You could reach Kevin Figures at kfig one.

So make sure you use Twitter. That's the best way
to reach us. So we do check it out.

Speaker 2 (40:33):
A lot, getting a lot on Twitter already this early morning.
We'll come back.

Speaker 3 (40:37):
I want to get into pat bevery a little bit
we'll reset the Nicks and the Pacers all next here
on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (40:45):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio Radio.

Speaker 2 (40:49):
All right, everybody, good morning, good morning, Good morning, Arnie
Span your k fake Kevin Figures. We're in for the Fellas,
Anthony Gargano and Jason Fits on this Saturday morning. I
think we could call it Saturday Morning.

Speaker 3 (41:01):
And if you want to get ahold of us, Twitter
is the best way at stinking genius one at kfig
one again. Congratulations that Kevin Figures had a baby two
weeks well, his wife had the baby. I just assume
he's from there for the ride two weeks ago.

Speaker 2 (41:20):
Named Oliver. It's a boy at Oliver happened to be
the third most popular name on the new Baby's list,
So you had no idea that Oliver was going to
make the top ten.

Speaker 4 (41:30):
No, why you think the top ten list is Kevin, Steven, Eric, Jonathan, Joe.

Speaker 2 (41:37):
You know none of those names made the list. None
of those names made the list. So you think you're
zigging and everybody else's nagging like you can't win. But
it's all good.

Speaker 3 (41:47):
I told you my parents had all school names. My
dad's name was Seymour. I remember my friend's parents name.
One was named Felix.

Speaker 2 (41:57):
Nice. Yes, so they you don't do you that many?

Speaker 5 (42:00):

Speaker 3 (42:01):
Dis how many you have a kid that's like ten
years old? This is my friend Felix like Filks the Cat.
I don't think I've heard that name in a long
long time. There, Kvig, you know.

Speaker 2 (42:09):
I remember correctly. I feel like my wife was a teacher.

Speaker 4 (42:12):
I believe she had a student named Olga Olga Wow.

Speaker 2 (42:16):
Wow a throwback? Yeah, talk about real thing? Like, by
the way, what is the if you If you haven't
done this yet, that's fine, you could tell us what
is the first thing you bought or was given? And
what I mean by that is in like a sports
onesie or a sports outfit. Have you bought a sports
outfit for your son yet?

Speaker 5 (42:34):

Speaker 4 (42:35):
Absolutely so I have not so, but a lot of gifts.
So my wife and her family are a huge Dodger fans.
So there's a Dodger onesie.

Speaker 2 (42:41):
Oh there you go. Are you a Dodger fan? Yeah?
So I grew up an Angel fan.

Speaker 4 (42:45):
But oh, considering all things have been going the last decade,
I'm really questioning my decision when it comes to that. Okay,
So and then also we know I'm a big Raider fan,
so so a friend of mine also brought me about
a Raider T shirt. So I'm not your fan. Raider
fan is kind of one of the same. To be
honest with you, there's really little difference.

Speaker 2 (43:03):
It's all the same. No no fans. But you you
know Chris Plank, he's a Raider fan. He is my God.
Do you want your son to grow up a loser
like all the other Raider fans out there? Come on,
shouldn't you make him? I don't know a cowboy fan
like everybody.

Speaker 4 (43:18):
Else because they've won eleft on a lot of running
recent years.

Speaker 2 (43:22):
Absolutely, I say Patriots, but Brady's out of the team. No, please,
absolutely not. No. What about the Rams or something like that?

Speaker 4 (43:31):
Does he He'll grow up in southern California, so I will,
though I will do my best to push the Raider
influence on him if he decides to be a Rams fan.

Speaker 2 (43:40):
Haven't forbid a Charger fan. Fine, I'll let him do it.

Speaker 4 (43:43):
He'll carve out his own, but I'm certainly gonna do
a heavy Raider push, to say the least.

Speaker 3 (43:48):
But you want him to be a fan of the teams,
that you root for, right, so you take of the
games and have a good time and all that stuff.

Speaker 2 (43:54):
Right, train them in the way he should go and
the way he should get train washing him now, right,
the way he should go was silver and black. That's
the way I look at it. So I love it.

Speaker 3 (44:02):
Now, he's got to be a Laker fan right on
thousand percent, Yes, no doubt. No Clippers. You can't have
no Clippers, no outside team. That that's a mandate, that's
an order. He has to be a Laker fan.

Speaker 2 (44:13):
What happens if he's a Clipper fan, then you guys
are gonna be putting heads. His mom is gonna have
to mediate at that point.

Speaker 4 (44:19):
His mom, who's not a big NBA fan, she'll have
to be a play peacekeeper at that point.

Speaker 3 (44:22):
So you got these sports Onesie's going on, and uh,
I'm sure a lot more coming your ways.

Speaker 2 (44:28):
Oh yeah, what about college? You do U, C, L,
a USC anything like that.

Speaker 4 (44:32):
I grew up an SC fan. I'm fairly indifferent at
this point in time. So wherever he wants to go,
you know, it's fine for but however he wants to
swing it. You know, college, especially college football is such
a national sport. At this point in time, the regional
feel with all these conferences becoming super conferences and by coastal,
doesn't necessarily matter anymore.

Speaker 2 (44:49):
You know what, if Chris Plank.

Speaker 4 (44:50):
Wants to send him a sooner onesie, we'll put We'll
put him in and why.

Speaker 2 (44:53):
Not, who cares? Yeah, I'll get it. I'm gonna send
you in Arizona. Once there you go? Do it? Get
everybody all over the now? Is that?

Speaker 5 (45:01):

Speaker 2 (45:01):
Save yourself on some calls. That's exactly.

Speaker 3 (45:04):
By the way, those onesies they last about I don't know,
three hours, so your kid out grows it that that's
about it, right.

Speaker 4 (45:12):
Yeah, that's why a lot of people say, so I
got you a three month shirt, a six month shirt.
That's once It was like, yeah, all right, it makes
sense to me because these things last about a week.

Speaker 3 (45:20):
I was gonna say, I got you a noon shirt,
a three o'clock shirt, a six o'clock shirt, because your
kids grow it all over the By the way, do you.

Speaker 4 (45:26):
Have a dog, you have a We don't have a dog.
We planned, we plan to get one, but we do
not have one currently.

Speaker 5 (45:30):

Speaker 3 (45:30):
All right, so congratulations the k FIG. If you have
any advice, for him now that he's a father. You
can reach us on Twitter.

Speaker 2 (45:38):
Getting a lot of tweets this morning, it's stinking Genius
one and k fig k F I GG and the
number one.

Speaker 3 (45:45):
I'm gonna reset with the Knicks and the Pacers in
a minute, but I do want to ask you about
Pat Beverly.

Speaker 2 (45:49):
I was actually shocked, and.

Speaker 3 (45:51):
I know this happened earlier in the week, that he
only got four games. I thought he was going to
get a quarter of the season.

Speaker 2 (45:59):
I was way off on that.

Speaker 3 (46:01):
I heard people talking heads on TV saying that they
thought he was gonna get half the season out there,
and I started to actually believe that. I'm thinking that
maybe he should have gotten either zero games or a
quarter of the season. Now he said that something was
said to him. I don't know if he's just making
that up. He didn't give any inside of what was said.

I don't think it was the word that everybody you know,
we've heard before, right, because he didn't react that way.
I gotta tell you, I really wish if an athlete
just did something wrong to say, you know what I
reacted wrong. I don't know was something said. I didn't
hear anything on the you know on the mic, we

didn't hear anything there because if something was said, then
he shouldn't be given any games.

Speaker 2 (46:49):
He was all in his right to do that. But
there was a lot of people around. So yeah, but
if somebody said something, somebody would have said, I would
have backpaded up.

Speaker 4 (46:57):
Oh I heard it too, and I would have been
pissed off as well. No one else said that. And
you just can't, you know, any post malice at the
palace world. You can't have a situation where a player
is throwing a ball at a fan in the stands.
Too many negative things can happen. Too many negative things
can happen as an outcome of a situation like that.

Speaker 2 (47:14):
I'm with you. I'm surprised he didn't get at least
twenty games, at least one.

Speaker 3 (47:18):
Now, he threw the ball two different people, right, So
did they both say that. I don't know that whatever
what was said, And by the way, I noticed he
didn't go out and elaborate more than what was said.
Because if you're going to say something that perhaps isn't true,
you're opening yourself up to a big lawsuit. Yep, Because
I don't think it's that hard to get the you know,

Mike's all over the place down there, you would have
to have one of I didn't hear any of his
teammates even backing them up and say yeah, I heard
that too.

Speaker 2 (47:47):
It was completely inappropriate. They shouldn't have said that.

Speaker 4 (47:49):
Yeah, you have tons of witnesses who can cooberate and
say what was or wasn't said at the time too,
So if you want to sit there and make something up,
that wouldn't be the best mode of action for you.
And by the way, Pat unfort fortunately it's not his
fault as Look, somebody certainly could have said something inflammatory
and he even as a professional athlete, he shouldn't react
that way. But there's certain things that are said that
have a certain emotional and visceral reaction.

Speaker 2 (48:11):
He shouldn't do it, but you would understand if he
did it.

Speaker 4 (48:13):
The problem with Pat is not that he's had run
ins with fans in the past, but he's seen as
a bit of a hothead, a guy that will pop
off here and there, who's really emotional and is liable
to go off at any moment in any situation. So
he kind of doesn't have a benefit of the doubt
in situations like that. Where someone could have just said
something like like Russell Westbrook. He goes off on people

calling him Westbrook, and he starts pointing out fans and yelling,
yelling stuff. Would you rather someone not make a playoff
words on your name? Sure, but they can also call
you so many other worst things in Westbrick, you know
what I mean for you to get pissed off about.
So I just wonder if Pat Beverly kind of loses
a little bit of whatever goodwill you would have just
based on his reputation when it comes to that too.

Speaker 2 (48:54):

Speaker 3 (48:54):
I think sometimes players are a little bit sensitive. I
remember I was at a Sun's game. It was a
pre season game. Okay, we're talking preseason. We're not talking
real game, we're talking preseason practice.

Speaker 2 (49:07):
So we're talking preseason.

Speaker 3 (49:08):
And I was sitting court side, like the really expensive
seats because it's preseason. I could you know, I would
never get those type of seeds during the regular season,
So I was actually like in the Jack Nicholson type seats,
you know what I'm talking about.

Speaker 2 (49:21):
And I was with a friend of mine. I even
tell you that, you remember, you know who Steve Levy is.

Speaker 3 (49:25):
For me, as we're at the game. I thought, I'm
going to show off a little bit.

Speaker 2 (49:30):
And I remember we're talking preseason and I tell Barkley,
I go, why don't you play some defense for once
in your life?

Speaker 4 (49:36):
Way you were heckling Charles Barkley the Son's game and.

Speaker 3 (49:40):
A preseason game, right, And you know one thing I
didn't really notice about seats like that they hear you
loud and clear, right, but they're like a few steps away.

Speaker 2 (49:49):
Barkley turns around to me and says, why don't you
go blank yourself? And I'm like, whoa about?

Speaker 5 (49:57):

Speaker 3 (49:58):
Why the attitude so much from when like a Pat
Beverly or like a Jamal Murray?

Speaker 2 (50:05):
Did you see? Were you surprised that Jamal Murray only
got a fine? Fine? I was? I was, really honestly.

Speaker 4 (50:12):
I was kind of more surprised by that because you
could have injured somebody by doing something like that. Your
CASEP is the one that almost slipped on that. You
almost injured your own teammate. That could have been a
things out there right heating just a heating pad, I
think two heating pads, but at least one right on
the court as play was going on. I was so
agreeious I'm surprised he didn't get suspended for at least

a game for that.

Speaker 2 (50:34):
That fan.

Speaker 3 (50:35):
If I'm a fan and I threw a heating patter
or any if I threw like a soda out there,
I get banned.

Speaker 2 (50:39):
For probably for life. Yeah, from all NBA games, probably
for doing something like that. Absolutely. My question to you is,
we saw what Murray?

Speaker 3 (50:48):
Did You saw Pat Beverly after the incident.

Speaker 2 (50:53):
With the postgame interview when he gave the reporter a
bunch of grief out there.

Speaker 3 (50:58):
A couple of weeks ago, I don't know, three four
weeks of everything blends now, remember Lebron and Anthony Davis
when they lost the game, they gave like a one
word answer, dropped the mic, and they left.

Speaker 4 (51:08):
Yea, Anthony Davis right after Jamal mur We hit that
game win er. I think it was in game twour
or game three.

Speaker 2 (51:13):
Why the attitude? Why not? Seriously, I'm getting tired of
athletes attitude. You know.

Speaker 3 (51:18):
I listened to Josh Hart yesterday and he could have
easily just said the reps were against us, goodbye, and
I'm gonna drop the mic, I'm gonna walk off. But
he gave real answers heartfelt answers. I mean, maybe he
complained a little bit, but it wasn't like here.

Speaker 2 (51:35):
I'm just gonna say, uh, they stole it from us.
I'm dropping the mic. I'm gonna walk off. I'm getting
a little sick and tired of the attitude. Do you
have any basketball questions? Murray said, Well, we want to
know what you did. We want to know why you
do it out there. You know, accept responsibility and tell
us what the heck happened. Don't give us the attitude.
Don't give the reporters the attitude when you did something wrong. Kfig.

If you said something wrong like, uh, the Nicks one yesterday,
I said, no, the Pacers one. You're gonna give me
at it. We're gonna attack you, but you were wrong. No, Dot,
don't give me your attitude because you did something wrong.
That's I'm getting a little fed up.

Speaker 4 (52:13):
At that to be yes, just say you know what,
I appreciate the question. I messed up. I had an
error in judgment. I'm sorry for what I did. I'd
like to be able to move on from this. I've
paid my fine, restitution, whatever you want to call it.
Let's move on and talk about tomorrow. Night's game.

Speaker 2 (52:27):
I got a respectful way that to answer it exactly.
There was nothing and nobody will be grudge you that.
We get it.

Speaker 4 (52:31):
We don't necessarily want to have to harp on it.
But don't just sit there and be belligerent about the
entire thing. That's what turns people off.

Speaker 3 (52:37):
And then Pat Beveriy, do you subscribe to my podcast?
I give her credit for saying no. She could have
lied and said yes, and I don't think he would
have realized. It wasn't like he was going to look
it up, and that was just a poor choice of
things to do. There was no reason to take it there.
But obviously he was upset about what happened at the
end of the game.

Speaker 2 (52:55):
Yeah, what was said, he didn't say.

Speaker 3 (52:58):
He didn't bring up but from what we heard, it
was what three to two one cancun right is right?

Speaker 4 (53:03):
If that's and if that's what we heard, which is
a you know, a call back to something that Nick
Van Nexwell said when he was with the Lakers years ago.

Speaker 2 (53:09):
Right at the end of it forever, Yeah, when they
were on the.

Speaker 4 (53:11):
Verge of getting swept out of the postseason, and he
said that at the end of team huddle.

Speaker 2 (53:15):
It's like they're gonna let that get to you. You're
that sensitive. Yeah, that's ridiculous. It it makes you wonder.
And it's not to only those four players too.

Speaker 3 (53:25):
You see it with a lot of players when you
know they get frustrated and they just walk out and
we have what was it like a ten or fifteen.

Speaker 2 (53:32):
Minute rule where we have the cool down rule.

Speaker 3 (53:34):
The cool down period. So I just think it's a
bad look for them, you know what I mean?

Speaker 4 (53:39):
One thing I'll say sometimes and I understand players will
get frustrated by the line of questioning or the way
that questions are asked. Like Anthony Davis is a perfect
example that when he slammed the mic down when he
was asked about Jamal Murray hitting that game winner.

Speaker 2 (53:51):
In his face.

Speaker 4 (53:52):
The question was something to the effect of, so, what
did you see there with Jamal Murray when he hit
that shot? And now, if you're Anthony Davis and you're
in front of the guy and you you contest it
and he hits a shot in front of you, what
are you supposed to say?

Speaker 2 (54:05):
He rose up, he hit the shot.

Speaker 3 (54:06):
Well, no, you could say, so he made a good shot.
I was in I was there defensively.

Speaker 2 (54:10):
I thought I did everything can and I gotta give
him credit for you're eating a big shot.

Speaker 4 (54:14):
You can say something. You're right, there's a respectful way
to be able to answer that question. You're one hundred
percent right, Army.

Speaker 2 (54:19):
I'm with you.

Speaker 4 (54:20):
But even after the cool down period, in an emotional
situation where you had a twenty point lead, you wanted
to try to get a stop there and hopefully go
to overtime and get a victory, and you lose it
in a pretty devastating way in your mind as an athlete.
In Anthony Davis's mind, I have to sit here. I
don't want to sit here and have to answer these questions.
And you sit here and ask me what I probably
think is a pretty stupid, stupidly worded question, is probably

what he thinks in his mind. How do you expect
me to answer that? What do you think I saw?
I saw a guy hit a fade away in my
face to win the game.

Speaker 2 (54:50):
So it has to be asked, though, right, you cannot
not ask that question.

Speaker 4 (54:54):
You're right, and maybe and maybe there's a different way
to ask it. I don't know, but just the yeah,
what did you see there?

Speaker 1 (54:59):

Speaker 4 (54:59):
Jamalmar he hit that shot. I saw him fade away
and hit a shot, and I fell into the Denver bench.
That's what happened.

Speaker 3 (55:05):
That's that's what probably bothered him the most. He had
to sit there on the on the bench while they celebrated.

Speaker 2 (55:10):
Front of him.

Speaker 4 (55:11):
You know what I mean that maybe asked this, how
was it? How did it feel? The crash into the
Denver bench as they're all celebrating around. That's the question
I would have asked.

Speaker 3 (55:19):
You know, you could have said, just take us through
the last play. That seems to be like the common question.
Take us through the last play and and how how
he got open to take the last shot or something
like that.

Speaker 2 (55:30):
Yeah, well, I mean defensive strategy.

Speaker 4 (55:32):
Did you think of fouling because they had a foul
to give at that point in time before he shot something.

Speaker 2 (55:35):
But I'm going to give you a question here, why
should they be mad quote unquote Lebron James. It's just
a basketball game, right, and now what he just said
a couple of weeks ago or whatever it was, it's
just the basketball, isn't that what he said there?

Speaker 4 (55:47):
Yeah, that's what fans want to hear. Absolutely, just a
basketball game. That I paid thousands of dollars to go
see Sure, So why.

Speaker 2 (55:53):
Should they get mad if it's just a basketball game?
You know, it's no big deal. Yeah, Well I don't know.

Speaker 4 (55:58):
I don't you should get mad because you should get Yeah,
because it means you have a pride and you care.
I appreciate Anthony Davis being frustrated in a situation like that.

Speaker 2 (56:05):
Yeah, I just get tired of the whole attitude. And again,
like I said, if it's not Shamal Murray or Lebron
or Anthony Davis or Pat Beverly or whoever, it seems
like they like to take it out on the media,
which is, by the way, you know, an arm for
the fans. You're kind of taking it out on the
fans when you do something like that. Right, We're just
we as the media, just conduits to the fans.

Speaker 4 (56:27):
We're asking the questions that we believe the fans want
to get answered, you know, so just you know, look,
you know how this goes. It's in your contracts. You're
getting paid all this money. You play a game. We
understand it's emotional.

Speaker 2 (56:37):
You want to win.

Speaker 4 (56:38):
No one, no one says that you're just out there
playing just to collect collect checks or anything.

Speaker 2 (56:42):
But at the end of the day, you win or lose.

Speaker 4 (56:44):
It's your job to sit there in front of a
podium answer the questions, and you can answer them respectfully.
I don't think that's too much too much to ask.

Speaker 2 (56:51):
No, not at all.

Speaker 3 (56:52):
You want to get in be part of the show,
real simple on Twitter the best way to reach us.
I'm at Stinking Genius one. He's at Kfake, kf IgG.

Speaker 2 (57:01):
And the Number one. We'll come back. I want to
get a little bit into ratings.

Speaker 3 (57:06):
K Fig has a fury on Donnie and small market rating,
so we'll touch on that a little bit and kind
of reset what's going on between the Knicks and the.

Speaker 2 (57:13):
Pacers all that. Coming up next, we're sitting in for
the Fellas Anthony Gargano and Jason Fitz right here on
Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 3 (57:22):
All right, good morning, everybody, Arnie Spaniard and k Fig,
Kevin figures in for the Fellas Anthony Gargano and Jason
fits on this Saturday morning, eleventh day of May. You
want to be part of the show, real simple at
Stinking Genius one, at k FIG one, Like Sean says,
where was the promotion for this? I missed one hour
and twenty minutes of the goat of sports talk. Yeah,

we put it. I put it out on Twitter. Or
is it filling in for the guys this morning?

Speaker 2 (57:49):
Though? Who who's up at that hour? You know what
I mean? K Fig.

Speaker 3 (57:53):
By the way, did you work last night and not
go to sleep and come in this morning?

Speaker 2 (57:56):
Is that? Is that your hours of what's wrong with you?

Speaker 4 (57:59):
I worked in the afternoon at our local affiliate A
and five seventy LA Sports, went home, took a little
bit of a cat nap and then got up and
came over to the Fox Sports radio studios around well,
when I say ten thirty years so Pacific time at night,
and I'm rolling right through into the early morning hours
here with you, Arnie.

Speaker 2 (58:14):
So yeah, that's tough, man, that's tough getting a little
two three hour nap and try to move on. But
you're your pro. That's what you do.

Speaker 4 (58:22):
Well, It's part of the routine, especially now with the
little one. That's basically how it works. You get get
naps in wherever you can. A full night of sleep
is probably not in the works for the next few months.
So I'm on well seasoned four. Let's put it that way.

Speaker 2 (58:33):
Yeah, exactly, you might as well get used to that.

Speaker 3 (58:36):
I was going to bring up the ratings because I
know a lot of people don't care. The NBA would
love to see the Knicks and the Celtics in the
Eastern Conference Finals, no doubt about that.

Speaker 2 (58:46):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (58:46):
Other than the Knicks and maybe Denver, I don't think
there's one that's really going to jump out the page
and be a ratings grab or even if it is
the Celtics. I just think it will be normal to
good and I don't think it's going to go through
the roof. Though I know our listeners really don't care
about the ratings a lot of I'm wondering if the
NBA is going to start trending down.

Speaker 2 (59:07):
If it's good for the NBA.

Speaker 3 (59:09):
I don't know if there's so much small market teams,
but the OKCS, the Minnesotas of the world, you know,
Indiana Pacers. Is that good for the NBA that we
start trending to teams like that, You know.

Speaker 4 (59:21):
I think it's good for the NBA in general if
you're just a general, you know, fan of the sport,
because I like having a little bit of a diversity
and not necessarily seeing the Lakers, the Celtics, just the
regular rotation of teams who are always there and getting
some new blood. I like seeing Oklahoma City in Minnesota
breakthrough a little bit and a non Lebron James Cleveland
team with a young, good, young core breaking through and

playing well. Yeah, from a TV rating standpoint, talking about
transcending the everyday fan really outside of the Knicks and
maybe a little bit of the Celtics, Yeah, there really
isn't a lot of crossover appeal because the problem is
you don't have any next level superstars on any of
these other rosters. Like Luka Donca is a great player,
how well known is the outside of NBA circles though

he doesn't transcend the sport. Steph Curry, Lebron James, those
guys transcended the sport where people's grandmothers knew who they were.
People's grandmothers don't know Jason Tatum, they don't know Luka
doncic Orshei Yo, just Alexander. Maybe you'll know Anthony Edwards
four years from now, but right now you don't. But
you know the New York Nick franchise, Oh no, there's
no superstar player and we love Jalen Brunson, but he's

not a transcended player from a you know, personality global global.

Speaker 2 (01:00:27):
Reach standpoint either.

Speaker 4 (01:00:28):
So if you don't have a global reach player, you
at least want a global reach franchise, and the Knicks
would satisfy that at least.

Speaker 2 (01:00:35):

Speaker 3 (01:00:35):
I didn't ask you before the show. I'm like, okay,
you want to talk about this, We'll just get to
it now. I'll just react off your take.

Speaker 2 (01:00:41):
But you were talking about the ratings and the rogue
official back in the day of what Tim Donahey, is
that what you were doing?

Speaker 4 (01:00:49):
Yeah, So I just found it interesting. So we hear
Tim Donnie, the disgraced official who was gambling on games,
some that he bet on, some that he he didn't,
and but one of his claims when he was in
the midst of being taken down was talking about a
lot of shadiness that goes on in the NBA, specifically
with officiating and specifically with officials and how they basically
have mandates from the league to try to manipulate series

and games to favor a extending series regardless of it
was playing and b favoring teams from big markets, and
you know, one of the seminole games that stands out.
And by the way he says, Dick Bavetta, who people
will remember, was a long time official All Star Weekend,
he raced Charles Barkley and they kissed each other mid court.
Dick Pavetta was kind of seen as what Tim Downey

he called. I don't know if the fixer is the name.
He had a specific name for it, and I don't
remember what it is. If there was a game that
the NBA wanted to swing in a particular way, Dick
Pavetta was a guy they assigned to it, whether it
was a Game six and he wanted to assure there
was a Game seven, or there was a major matchup
of including a big market team that they wanted to
extend to make sure that that big market team stayed
in it. I'm not saying that shadiness still goes on

or any of that. It's a different regime. David Stern
is not there anymore. We now have Adam Silver. But
when when Rick Carlisle goes out and says like small
market teams need to get our, you know, our fair
share of calls and all that, maybe he's just pandering.

Speaker 2 (01:02:09):
Maybe he's just talking.

Speaker 4 (01:02:10):
But I'm not gonna sit here and act like that
hasn't been a thing in the past that certainly was
not discussed.

Speaker 2 (01:02:17):
Who was it?

Speaker 3 (01:02:17):
Was it Joey Crawford that was the referee every time
the Pacers law the Spurs lost.

Speaker 2 (01:02:23):
Is that what it was? They were like, well, oh,
in eighteen or something. I don't know. It wouldn't surprise me.
I know Joey Crawford had issues with Tim Duncan.

Speaker 3 (01:02:28):
Yes, and there he to Tim Duncan out of a
gate for staring at him.

Speaker 4 (01:02:32):
Yeah, he cursed at him and say he challenge him
to a fight, Tim Ducky can put you in his pocket,
like what's wrong with you? You know? And it's and
Scott Foster, who by the way, was kind of right
in the thick of the Tim Dominie situation. Those guys
exchange multiple phone calls before and after games that donnae
he bet on, but Scott Foster, Chris Paul's record against
and Scott Foster games are something like totally atrocious, and

Scott is aware of it and make Chris aware of
it during a game in the Bubble in twenty twenty
at a certain point. So there are still some shady
things that get a lot of conspiracy theorists going, but
just based from a business standpoint, it is certainly what
makes sense. It will behoove the NBA to try their
best to make sure that's, say, a New York Nick
franchise stays in the postseason as long as they possibly can.

Now whether or not they're telling officials explicitly, I need
you to make sure that the Knicks win this game,
versus if it's a fifty to fifty ball, maybe give
it to Brunton or Ananobia, don't give it to Halliburton.
Maybe that's happening, maybe it's not. I'm just saying it's
something that has been floated out there throughout the years
in the wake of the Tim donnee situation.

Speaker 3 (01:03:35):
You know a story that you may not know about,
some shady stuff going on. Matter of fact, I'm going
to tell you about it when we get back, because
I think this was actually admitted by David Stern, the
old commissioner, a long walng time ago after the Donahue
situation came out. So I'm going to tell you about

this story. I'm pretty sure it's true. If it's not true,
i'm sure we'll hear from the NBA but through by
the way, shortly after the show, our podcast will be
going up. If you missed any of today's show, be
sure to check out the podcast. Just search Fox Sports
Radio wherever you get your podcasts. Be sure to follow,
rate and review the podcast. Remember to rate me higher

than everybody else. I just want you to do that again.
Just search Fox Sports Radio wherever you get your podcasts.
You'll see this show posted right after we get off
the air. If our producers do it, who knows.

Speaker 2 (01:04:26):
I mean, sometimes they're lazy and they want to go
out and party and stuff like that, but we'll try
to get that up. Well, come back, I'm gonna give
you that story. You're really gonna want to hear this story.

Speaker 3 (01:04:34):
It's a pretty good inside gambling type official story. So well,
I not coming up next, but first, let's see what's
trending from last night.

Speaker 2 (01:04:42):
We check in with k Fig. What's going on? K Fig?

Speaker 5 (01:04:45):
All right?

Speaker 4 (01:04:45):
Well, as trending is, we had two NBA playoff games
on Friday night, and both teams that won staved off
a potential three nothing series deficit. So in the Western
Conference Denver all over Minnesota one seventeen to ninety. You
had twenty four points, fourteen boards, and nine assists from Nicola,
okch Nuggets holding the Tea Wolves to just forty three
percent shooting on the night. So Minnesota's lead is now
two games to one. In the Eastern Conference, Andrew Nimar

hitting a deep three pointer with sixteen seconds remaining, giving
Indiana a one eleven to one zero six victory over
the Knicks. They were short handed without olg Nnobi in
the lineup. New York's lead is two to one in
that series. In the NHL, Edmonton beat Vancouver and over
Time four to three, tying their series at a game apiece,
Panthers dominating the Brewin six to two to take a
two to one series lead.

Speaker 2 (01:05:28):

Speaker 4 (01:05:29):
In Major League Baseball, the Padres walked off the Dodgers
two to one, Luisa rise with the RBI single there.
In the ninth Dylan Moore three hits and five RBI
for Seattle in a eight to one victory over Oakland Rangers.
Worrez seven to zero for the Philadelphia Phillies. They hammered
the Marlins eight to two.

Speaker 3 (01:05:45):
Back to the Fellas all right, thanks lot k Fig,
Arnie Spanier Kevin Figures on this Saturday Morning Rent for
the fellas Anthony Gargano and Jason Fitch. You want to
be part of the show, real simple apps stink at
Genius one, at k fig one. I think you're gonna
like this story.

Speaker 2 (01:06:00):
When Tim Donahey got caught and there was a press
conference from the NBA. I believe it was David Stern
at the time. I'm pretty sure it was.

Speaker 5 (01:06:07):
It was.

Speaker 3 (01:06:09):
Yes, somebody asked him and I don't know the exact question,
but paraphrasing something like that, has this ever happened before
with an official? And David Stern quickly said no, well,
you know, we had that one incident and just brushed
it off and nobody really asked him anything about it.
I believe the one situation he's talking about is with

a clockkeeper.

Speaker 2 (01:06:34):
I believe up.

Speaker 3 (01:06:35):
I don't even want to tell you the team because
I don't want to if I got the team wrong.
I don't want the long time clockkeeper something to get
in trouble. Vegas caught this, by the way.

Speaker 2 (01:06:45):
There was a team that the games kept going over
and over and over betting the over right really and
they couldn't figure it out, so Vegas kept bumping up
the line and the games would still go over and
over and over. And you know, Vegas is not stupid.
So they watched the games and they found something out.

They found out that the clock keeper of this NBA
team would start when the ball was inbounded. He would
start the clock one to two seconds late every time,
so he would you would actually drag the game out
by a couple of minutes, by like three minutes, you
know what I mean. Sure if you and nobody's paying attention,

if you're shaving off a second here the ball's inbound.
You know, sometimes the players don't even touch the.

Speaker 3 (01:07:33):
Ball, they want to roll up, they touch it, you
go one, two boom, Then you hit the thing. Believe me,
nobody's watching, and you could really extend the game, I
don't know, three minutes, four minutes, something like that.

Speaker 2 (01:07:46):
It's pretty significant enough to make the games go over.

Speaker 3 (01:07:49):
They caught him, really obviously fired him. But he was
the rogue clockkeeper for a team in the NBA. That
goes to what you were saying that maybe some craziness
or you know, some insight stuff goes on. That was
one of them that you really don't know much about
the back of the story. I don't know the guy's
name or anything like this, but Vegas caught them and

they found out what was going on, and they put
an end to that real quick, because that's the best way.

Speaker 5 (01:08:17):
You know.

Speaker 3 (01:08:17):
People always say, well, you can't fix games because the players,
you know, they make so much money.

Speaker 2 (01:08:23):
Why would they want to fix a game.

Speaker 3 (01:08:25):
Well, here's a way of a clock keeper getting way
to fix a game like that.

Speaker 2 (01:08:28):
I'm surprised that doesn't happen more, you know.

Speaker 4 (01:08:30):
I agree, well, and an easy way, and Tom dan
Donnie explained this like a way to fix it. To
fix a game is usually not about who wins and loses,
but it's about the point spread. The team is up
by eight and the spread is six and a half
and there's two minutes to go. You know, something that
you can pass off as maybe it was a foul,
maybe it was in three minutes ago, is absolutely a foul.
Now put somebody on the line, right, you know. I mean,

there's it's very easy to be able to manipulate a
line in a game, very easy from an officiating standpoint.

Speaker 3 (01:08:56):
Absolutely, so I thought that was kind of interesting.

Speaker 2 (01:09:00):
I don't think it really goes on much now.

Speaker 4 (01:09:02):
To be honest, there's so many checks and balances, replay review,
although they finally want to screw that up a lot too.

Speaker 2 (01:09:08):
Even with replay, the reps do a bad job.

Speaker 3 (01:09:10):
I mean, here you got Carlisles saying you missed like
fifty calls in the first two games. The Knicks could
probably come up with fifty also, and then of course
when you see the last two minute report, it's like, oh,
we screwed up these five things or something to that effect.
Is it just tough to referee the NBA or do
they screw up? I know when Major League Baseball put

it out about the umpires, they say they make like
one hundred mistakes a game or something crazy.

Speaker 2 (01:09:36):
Though, seriously, something crazy like that. Or are just officials
just really bad at their job or what I mean?

Speaker 4 (01:09:42):
Well, officiating any professional sport is tough because so many
things are happening at a trillion miles an hour, and
you almost have but there's.

Speaker 3 (01:09:49):
Like there's like what seven or eight NFL officials out there.
You got three NBA officials. I mean, you got people
helping you though.

Speaker 4 (01:09:56):
And also arenie everybody every official is assigned a certa
part of the court or the field that they're watching.
So I feel like your eyes are dart and left
and right all over the place to figure out what
you're looking at. You have one specific a referee looking
to see look at the offensive line or what's in front?

Speaker 2 (01:10:10):
Is there a hole?

Speaker 4 (01:10:10):
Is there a rough and the passer is there? And
it's amazing how often they miss these calls. Hey, look,
it happens. They're human, I get it. The issue that
I and I think of us that most of us
have is the fact that you look at something on
replay review and you say, how did you miss that?
How do you how do you spend five minutes of
our time looking at this and still make the wrong call.
That doesn't make any sense, And that's what frustrates people.

Speaker 3 (01:10:30):
Do you think they're doing a good job on the replay?
I'm talking about it in the NBA now, I'm shocked.
Even when it went for my Nicks, I'm shocked because
they said no foul here, or I'm like, wow, we
mugged the guy, yeah, and they they're overturning it. I'm
I don't even understand now, what's an overturn? What's not
an overturn? I'm I'm scared every time they go to

the review on that. It's crazy NBA. I don't think
they're doing a good job with it. Yeah, and I
don't know how you police it more.

Speaker 4 (01:10:58):
And by the way, so I think the NBA, they
all have these replace centers, like the days of you know,
they put the headsets on, they look at the screens.
But nowadays, I know the NHL has a replace center,
the NFL has a replay center now, so they have
people who are assigned in a room in New York
or wherever else to sit and walk through and look
at these tapes with these guys. And they still that's
supposed to end up helping the situation.

Speaker 2 (01:11:19):
But I don't know. It might be too many voices.

Speaker 4 (01:11:21):
I'm not exactly sure what it is, but there's too
many occasions to your point, where we see something we
think the call is clearly obvious, and yet they come
back out a replay review and they say that it's not.
And the worst thing is, Arnie, when they come back
in the too many report that you reference and contradict
what they said happened in the replay.

Speaker 2 (01:11:38):
Do you think there's too much crying in the NBA?
I mean, look, we see people complain about lack of
sometimes a flag being called in the NFL, and you know,
I just don't see an NFL lineman getting in the
lineman's face every time going He's holding me, he's holding me.
He's only you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (01:11:56):
Maybe they say something, but not to the point like
the NBA players were. They're just chewing out the reps
for like a minute or two. The coaches, I mean,
Steve Kerr once said I would never talk to anybody
the way I talked to an NBA rep out there.
I mean, these coaches, they just breat the NBA reps.

Speaker 2 (01:12:15):
It's crazy.

Speaker 4 (01:12:16):
And see, and that's where the human element of being
an official, where some guys wear on you and why
And that's my be And by the way, it's not right.
I'm not saying this is why Chris Paul's numbers against
Scott Foster are so bad? Or why do you mentioned
you know who was with sim Duncan and Joey Crawford.

Speaker 2 (01:12:32):
You know, sim Duncan never said anything to anybody.

Speaker 4 (01:12:33):
So I don't know what the situation was there, but
you can see potentially where certain officials are just like
you know what, not now, don Nelson leave me alone
or not?

Speaker 2 (01:12:41):

Speaker 4 (01:12:41):
Whoever leave me, I don't want to hear it tonight.
And if you hear, they start chomping at you, maybe
there's a fifty to fifty call that you say, you know.

Speaker 2 (01:12:47):
What, bleep this guy.

Speaker 4 (01:12:48):
I'm going against you just because I don't like you,
or just because you said something.

Speaker 2 (01:12:52):
To me earlier. Shouldn't be that way. But when you
have a human element involved, those sort of things end
up happening. And so you're right.

Speaker 4 (01:12:58):
I do think the NBA plays and coaches end up
hurting themselves. So that's why Rick Carlisle I applaud him
for saying there was twenty six miss calls in game
one and we didn't say anything right, But you undid
all that goodwill by calling them out after Game two?

Speaker 2 (01:13:11):
So what good did it really do you? Now, Look,
it's none of my business what you make at Fox
Sports Radio, but I'm going to assume you don't.

Speaker 3 (01:13:19):
Make a half a million dollars a year that would
be accurate. I'm just gonna go out of there, so
I can't confirm that. So would you prefer or would
you like to be an NBA ref?

Speaker 2 (01:13:29):
Make yourself.

Speaker 3 (01:13:29):
Don't they make what about four to five hundred thousand
dollars a year? They get the fly first class. You're
working what two games a week?

Speaker 2 (01:13:38):
I don't think you're working more than that. He might
wait three games a week something maybe three week And
is that a bad life? Is that a bad life?
For what? And playoff money's bonus money? By the way,
would you like to be an NBA rep for what? No?
I don't want the headache.

Speaker 4 (01:13:51):
I don't like they say, Yeah, money can buy happiness
to a certain degree, but that's not a job that
I would enjoy.

Speaker 2 (01:13:57):
I would not enjoy being an NBA official, and the
money would not make me happy. I'm sorry. You know.
I used to be friendly with Ed Hockeley.

Speaker 3 (01:14:03):
You know Ed Hockey, Yeah, in the NFL, and I
had it, actually had him on the air once and
I said, let me ask you a question.

Speaker 2 (01:14:09):
I was just having fun with him. I go, what's
a makeup call?

Speaker 5 (01:14:12):

Speaker 2 (01:14:12):
I don't know what that is? What's a makeup call?
And he starts laughing. Here's I want you to know something,
ar He goes, if I screwed up and made a
mistake in front of millions of people, do you think
the very next play, I want to screw up again,
just to make it even you think.

Speaker 3 (01:14:26):
I want to screw up back to back plays now,
I mean, really think about that for a second.

Speaker 2 (01:14:30):
I go, you do have a point there, you know, well.

Speaker 4 (01:14:33):
And also consider like players we talk about all twenty
two and coaches film and players get evaluated and the
tape don't lie. Like the referees have that too. They
have officials, they have reviews. Yeah, watch the officials and
the ralls, the calls that they make and all of that.
And so if you make a bad call and double
down and make another bad call, that goes against you,
and that's one or two fewer playoff games that you work,

and that might end up costing you a super Bowl
two or three years down the line.

Speaker 2 (01:15:00):
On Twitter, by the.

Speaker 3 (01:15:00):
Way, Tony says Spaniards more overhyped another performing than the Celtics.

Speaker 2 (01:15:05):
I'm gonna hit the like button on that one. We're
gonna come back. I want to get to the Lakers
a little bit. Who's their new coach and who their
new player is. We'll get to all that coming up next.

Speaker 3 (01:15:14):
Sitting in for the Fellas right here on Fox Sports
All Radio, All.

Speaker 2 (01:15:19):
Right, Good morning everybody. Arnie Spanier and k Fake Kevin Figures.

Speaker 3 (01:15:23):
We're in for the fellas Anthony Gargano and Jason Fits
on this Saturday morning show. Just flying on by. We're
almost at halftime. Power Hours coming up next. I want
to get into the Lakers a little bit. The Lakers,
I guess sham Sharani, I get that right.

Speaker 2 (01:15:39):
I was mispronounced his name. Alan says that the Lakers
are going to draft Browny in the second round. First
of all, we both know that he shouldn't be drafted
in the NBA. They're doing it because of Lebron too.
They shouldn't draft him at all. He should just sign
as a free agent. That way, the Lakers get an
extra pick in the second round. But he's doing it

because he wants that ego.

Speaker 3 (01:16:02):
He wants to say I was drafted by the Lakers,
not signed as a free agent. Look, I don't like
the way this whole thing is working out. I don't
think he can help the Lakers. I think he's a
good player, but I don't think he's NBA ready. I
don't know if he'll ever be NBA ready. This is
a narrative by Lebron just wanting to play with his son.
Lebron probably only has about three years left in the NBA.

That's why he's pushing this. I just don't like the
way this whole thing's going down, you know.

Speaker 2 (01:16:27):
Oh, it's ridiculous.

Speaker 4 (01:16:28):
And the fact that a proud franchise, a historic franchise
like the Lakers, would have to stoop to doing something
like this just to appease Lebron James so he doesn't
leave is pretty ridiculous.

Speaker 2 (01:16:39):
A lot of scouts say.

Speaker 4 (01:16:40):
That LEBRONI can probably be a very solid NBA player,
a rotational player if he was a college guy. He's
a freshman. He was a true freshman that had a
heart attack and almost died. So rockets, you know, so
I give the kid credit. Like from a talent standpoint,
they think he has the skill level defensively, he can
be a three and D sort of player, but he
needs to hone his skin and probably stay in college

for two more years, let alone come out after his
freshman season talking about being a first round pick or
to your point, even a second round pick is absurd.

Speaker 2 (01:17:08):
And the fact that the Lakers will be.

Speaker 4 (01:17:10):
Willing to I don't want to say throw it away,
but essentially give away a second round pick on a
guy that doesn't deserve to be taken. There is completely
and utterly ridiculous to kout out to someone to it
to a forty year old who, granted is still playing phenomenal,
He's a great player, he's still one of the top
three players in the entire NBA. But you can't bend
over backwards as a franchise for this guy and draft
his son just to make sure that he stays.

Speaker 2 (01:17:31):
If that's the case, if he says it's.

Speaker 4 (01:17:32):
Either Brownie and me or I gotta or have to
walk away, then I say by and say we're just
gonna build with Anthony Davis and find somebody else.

Speaker 2 (01:17:38):
To bring in with you.

Speaker 3 (01:17:39):
I'm not so sure to let Lebron walk away, considering
I'm not sure what Anthony Davis is going to do
or when he's going to cry and demand a trade
because he doesn't have Lebron anymore.

Speaker 4 (01:17:48):
You know what, I might welcome that. If he wants
to demand a trade, cool, then where's your where's yours?
Such a where's your franchise going to be?

Speaker 1 (01:17:54):

Speaker 2 (01:17:55):

Speaker 5 (01:17:55):

Speaker 4 (01:17:55):
Your rebuilt, You get rid of a forty year old
and you get rid of a guy in Anthony Davis
who who doesn't more than forty eight games a season
with the exception of this past year, and you're trying
to build around somebody that's actually gonna play.

Speaker 2 (01:18:05):
How about you?

Speaker 3 (01:18:06):
Do you like the rumors about JJ Reddick being the
next head coach? And before you answer that, if you
say no, it better be more than just busy wears
his hat back.

Speaker 2 (01:18:15):
What ridiculously? Well, you know, I hear Colin.

Speaker 3 (01:18:20):
Say that, I know he's got something to it, but
I don't think, well, I don't think I'm gonna, you know,
not hire a guy because he wears his hat back.

Speaker 2 (01:18:27):
No, it's it's totally ridiculous.

Speaker 4 (01:18:29):
Now my issue with JJ Redick is, hey, look, this
is kind of just where the NBA has been the
last few years. So many guys getting opportunities to be
head coaches with no experience. I mean, I don't think
Jason Kidd was an assistant before he got his first
rade coaching job. I think it was with the Nets
at the time. So this this happens for whatever reason.
So for a guy that comes straight out of the
broadcast booth to be a head coach is certainly not unprecedent.

Steve Kerr was never an assistant. He was a front
office guy, became a head coach with Golden State. So
I can't sit here look listening to JJ Redick. He
certainly obviously knows the game. He's a smart guy, but
being able to manage personalities the x'es and o's, especially
big personalities like Lebron and Anthony Davis. Seeing all the
coaches the Lakers have run through, I think they've had

six head coaches in thirteen years, which is insane. That's
not something that a proud franchise generally does.

Speaker 2 (01:19:15):
So you said the x's and o's, Let's be honest,
I mean, how many times is the coach calling out
plays during the course of a game. You just need
the balance egos, That's what it's all because very I
mean what they calling it, maybe the start after a
timeout or something, but there's no way Lebron's coming down
to the court. You're going RD play three. Lebron rud
play three. Well.

Speaker 4 (01:19:35):
I think one of the bigger issues that Darvin Ham
had this year when it came to certain matchups defensive strategies,
offensive strategies. It's been written about by Shams and Sam
Maymi and a bunch of others. Darbnham had one strategy.
They broke the huddle and Lebron was like, Okay, we're
not doing that. We're gonna do this.

Speaker 2 (01:19:51):
So that's what.

Speaker 4 (01:19:52):
There was a game against the Clippers or the Cliff
Lakers were down. Darbnham had a defensive strategy that Lebron said, well,
this doesn't make any sense.

Speaker 2 (01:19:58):
Lebron on the fly changed it.

Speaker 4 (01:19:59):
The Lakers came back and won the game, and that
was kind of like the beginning of the end of
Darvenham losing the locker room.

Speaker 2 (01:20:04):
So there is some of that stuff does matter. It
will probably be a good coach, I would think so
if he wants to be sure. But Magic wasn't a
great coach Larry Burdett worked out for.

Speaker 4 (01:20:15):
But yeah, the most great players are not Yeah, to
your point, most great players are not. So, but I
would like to Lebron certainly has the brain to the
intellect for it, whether maybe not the chatients the patients
for it, which is usually the downfall of the great
players when it comes to coaching.

Speaker 2 (01:20:28):
You know, I'm not really sure. Two hours are in
the books where at halftime will come back, resetcond more
into the Knicks Pacers series. It is the.

Speaker 3 (01:20:36):
Power Hour of the show. All that coming up next
here on Fox Sports or Radio.

Speaker 1 (01:20:42):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (01:20:45):
All right, everybody, good morning, it is the Power Hour
of the show. Arnie Span your k fake Kevin Figures.

Speaker 3 (01:20:52):
We're in for the fellas, Anthony Gargano and Jason Fitz.
By the way, we're broadcasting live from the tireck dot
Com studios.

Speaker 2 (01:21:00):
Tirec dot com will help.

Speaker 3 (01:21:01):
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Speaker 2 (01:21:09):
Tire rack dot com. The way tire buying should be.
Matter of fact, I gotta call tirec dot com. You
know I got a new jeep. What are those Sahara wranglers? Oh?

Speaker 3 (01:21:18):
I gotta get those big old gnarly tires. You know
what I'm talking about? And you know I gotta get
those winter tires pretty soon. And gotta worry about the
snow up here in Vermont.

Speaker 4 (01:21:27):
Letok at you hire rolling over there? So Scotchipero did
give you that raise?

Speaker 2 (01:21:30):
All right? Nice?

Speaker 1 (01:21:31):
I like it.

Speaker 3 (01:21:32):
Hey, our boss is the biggest Minnesota fan I'm talking
Minnesota everything. Yes, Twins, Vite wild Tea, Wolves, everything. So
now that Minnesota's had a little bit of success, I
encourage everybody at Fox Sports Radio to ask for a raise.
I now make more than Colin Coward just doing weekends
because he's in a good mood, so he raises for

everybody out there.

Speaker 2 (01:21:53):
Absolutely, he's like money bags from Monopoly, making it rain.
You know what's funny, you mentioned that I just saw
a video yesterday about the guy that fixed the McDonald's
lottery game. You know, Oh yeah, that whole documentary. Yeah.
Crazy is that he won, like he got twenty four
million dollars or something. That's insane.

Speaker 3 (01:22:12):
I don't think I could ever apply be sweating too much.
I don't think I can enjoy the money knowing that
they were gonna coming after me, you know what I mean.

Speaker 4 (01:22:18):
Pretty elaborate scandal too, So it was absolutely rimillions, I
believe is the name of the documentary.

Speaker 2 (01:22:24):
I don't know if it's on Hulu, it's one of
the streaming services.

Speaker 3 (01:22:26):
Wow, I mean it always you know there's a guy
that has figured out like lottery percentages right and plays him.
I think up here in the East coast and has
won the lottery a bunch of times.

Speaker 2 (01:22:38):
So that's wild.

Speaker 4 (01:22:39):
Yeah, for something that's supposed to be completely random, that
you can find a way to toil it.

Speaker 3 (01:22:44):
Yeah, it's incredible, absolutely crazy. By the way, k FIG
and new father congratulations. Okay, baby boy two weeks old
by the name of Oliver. So if you have any
fatherly advice for k FIG, we would certainly appreciate it.
Stinking genius one and at k FIG one, are you
gonna get a lot of advice from your in laws

and people that have kids already or not?

Speaker 2 (01:23:06):

Speaker 1 (01:23:07):

Speaker 2 (01:23:08):
Yeah, and I accept it.

Speaker 4 (01:23:09):
And look, I have two young nieces who are two
and one, so I've had a little bit of experience,
you know, delving into two children and what it takes
to a certain degree. Certainly not on the twenty four
to seven tip like I'm on now, but yeah, and
I welcome Indy and all advice because look, this is
my first child. I'm not gonna say, ther necklick, I've
had this all figured out. I certainly do not.

Speaker 2 (01:23:27):
So nobody has it all figured out, let me tell
you that, right, So by all means, send it my way.

Speaker 3 (01:23:32):
Yeah, send it again to stinking genius one or at
K fig one. I already gave Kfig my advice, which
is the fifteen minute rule. When you have to change
a diaper, wait fifteen minutes in case somebody comes by
the house and they'll go, oh, how cute. Can I
change the diaper for you? Because you know they just
do it once they think it's funny. So you know,

hopefully somebody comes by the house in fifteen minutes, otherwise
you got to change it.

Speaker 2 (01:23:56):
Have you been changing a lout of diapers? Or I've
changed so many diapers?

Speaker 4 (01:24:00):
Best is when you're in the middle of changing a diaper,
one of them is off, you're getting ready to put.

Speaker 2 (01:24:03):
On the new one, and then you know, here comes
there comes more. So, do you have a diaper genie?
Is that that they still have that? Or it's not
quite the diaper genie, but it's it's similar to it.

Speaker 3 (01:24:12):
Yes, okay, so you get rid of the dirty diapers
in there so it doesn't stink up the place, right.

Speaker 4 (01:24:16):
Yes, absolutely, that was a great invention. I'm sorry I
didn't invent it myself.

Speaker 2 (01:24:20):
Oh could you imagine thigs have changed? Yeah? Since I
was a dad, no doubt about that.

Speaker 3 (01:24:24):
All right, so you can get in had Stinking Genius
one at k FIG one and we'll take your advice
throughout the course of the show. Show just flying on by.
We started with the Knicks and the Pacers. All right,
Knicks up two games to one, very easily could have
been three nothing. The Knicks played their hearts out. Jalen
Brunchon had to miss a little bit of the game.

You saw that he was taken out of the game
when he missed his first three shots. His right ankle
tweaked a little bit there. He still hit some pretty
big shots, but let's be honest, he wasn't nearly the
Jalen Brunchman we've seen so far in the playoffs. Hit
that big three pointer that tied it up, right, and
then who with the big three pointer? For was a
nim hard nim hard Yeah, but even buried it from

it seemed like half court, to be honest.

Speaker 2 (01:25:09):
It was. It was a desperation like that. Yeah, yes,
he stroked it.

Speaker 4 (01:25:11):
It wasn't like he threw with one hand, like overhead
or anything, but but it was it was up against
the shot clock. That's a shot you won him taking
that shot, you know, nine times out of ten, He's
probably not gonna make it.

Speaker 2 (01:25:21):
He just happened to make it at that time.

Speaker 4 (01:25:22):
But Jalen Brunson, dealing with the ankle, as you mentioned,
had a hand issue in the previous game.

Speaker 2 (01:25:27):
This guy's just getting way too beat up. And this
is something people.

Speaker 4 (01:25:30):
Talk about when you have a guard dominated team trying
to make a playoff run. When one player as the
shoulder so much of the burden and that player is
a guy in the back court, it's just really really
difficult to make a deep run and make it to
the finals with the conference finals, and if you do,
that guy's going to end up bringing out of gas.

Speaker 2 (01:25:47):
It's just it's just too much for him. He doesn't
have legit number two.

Speaker 4 (01:25:50):
This is where not having Lennonobi and more specifically, not
having Julius Randall, someone that can take the offensive burden
off of him, is really just going to end up
catching up with him.

Speaker 3 (01:25:59):
I think you know, I should you know the answer
to this? With all these injuries, can the Knicks signed
players still or no?

Speaker 2 (01:26:04):
You just gotta go with I don't believe you can
not to set their playoff roster before the playoffs begin, right,
But maybe what happens if like five guys you know,
get hurt, You're just gonna play with like five six
guys or something or what. I don't know.

Speaker 4 (01:26:17):
Yeah, if you're an entire roster you only have four
healthy players, that you just do the old Urber Kentucky
played a basketball game a couple of years ago and
they only had fron I think of they play against
Arkansas or something, and I think Arkansas had four guys
and they almost they hung in there for like the
last five minutes of a half because they only had
like four players. They basically played five on four for
the last five and a half minutes of a game.

Speaker 3 (01:26:35):
What could is the players that are eleven, twelve, thirteen,
fourteen to fifteen on the bench. I mean if if
you can't even put them in in The Knicks actually
played Burke and Sims a little bit, but I mean,
why are you paying them two and three and four
million dollars. I'm not saying play them over Brunson or
you know, Josh Hard or anything, but obviously you were desperate.

Speaker 2 (01:26:55):
You had like a million injuries.

Speaker 3 (01:26:57):
We're talking two three, four minutes of action, five minutes
of action. I mean, what are you paying them all
those millions of dollars before. If you can't even put
him in.

Speaker 4 (01:27:05):
The game, well, you know you know this, aren't he
Though two or three minutes a stretch of a playoff
game can be enough to win or lose a game
for you.

Speaker 2 (01:27:12):
Right, But you don't have a choice though, I mean, well,
brinds of that to go out his leg hurt. Well,
you can do.

Speaker 4 (01:27:18):
Your choice is I'm playing Josh hard and Evencenzo forty
four and forty three minutes, or I'm playing those guys
thirty four and thirty three minutes and I'm playing you know, Jeffries,
you know that additional ten, or instead of playing Sims four,
I'm playing him twelve. Right, Well, those additional eight minutes
that you gave to Sims, you might be a minus.
He was a minus one and the plus minus in
the four minutes he did play.

Speaker 2 (01:27:38):
That's fine, I'm okay with that.

Speaker 3 (01:27:39):
I mean, you're not gonna have plus for everybody, but
you gotta give your starters arrest a little bit. Heart
came out for the first time for about what five
six minutes of a game?

Speaker 4 (01:27:47):
Right, Look, these guys are only human, but you know
you're not playing any back to backs. You do have
days off, you're not traveling again. This is the playoffs.
You know what this situation is. You're gonna ask a
lot of your starters, especially considering your shorthand with the
regular rotation guys who are not able to play. So
it's easy for me to say because I'm not out
there playing every single night, but this is the time

to kind of suck it up. It's the playoffs. Man,
go out there and play forty plus minutes a night.
You're the guy, right, We're coming on.

Speaker 2 (01:28:13):
You are the referees as bad as all the crying's
going on with Carlile and Tips.

Speaker 3 (01:28:20):
Tips isn't really crying, but you know, sending fifty missed
calls to the league office or is not just trying
to get one up on the knicks and hoping the
calls go in your favorite as you're going at home.

Speaker 2 (01:28:32):
That's what it is.

Speaker 4 (01:28:33):
And this is something and we talked about Tim Donnee
a little bit last hour. This is something that he
talked about that regardless of if it good calls or
bad calls, this is just something that routinely happens with
the NBA. If a team gets it perceives, even if
it's true or not that they had a lot of
calls go against them. They'll cut up some tape and
send it to the league office, and if the league
office season it has some merit to it, they'll talk

to the referees before the game and say, hey, maybe
you'll let this go a little bit in your last game,
keep an eye on it if we can kind of
tamper it down coming up in the next game. So
sometimes not because it's intentional on the referees part, but
they'll notice something that maybe went in in the favor
of one team too much in a previous game, and
they'll tamper it down in the next So sometimes there's
a little bit of an overcorrection that does happen. Now,

I didn't notice any of that in Friday night's game.
There wasn't a big discrepancy from free throws foul calls.
There was a couple of bang bang plays that kind
of went gone either way.

Speaker 2 (01:29:24):
Did Josh Hart when he went in for the lamp
you calls but that was so close. Look, I'm a
Knicks fan, I'm okay with that. There not calling a
goal tend on that, which they did, But I mean,
you just got to move on. I'm not crying about
it like the Pacer fans are. No, it's not.

Speaker 1 (01:29:40):

Speaker 4 (01:29:40):
It's not as if the referees went and over corrected
so much that Indiana got the benefit of a lot
more calls in this game than they did in the
first couple of.

Speaker 2 (01:29:47):
Games of the series. Do you think that there's too
much crying in the series or or that's just the
way it's supposed to be. That's just kind of how
it goes.

Speaker 4 (01:29:56):
Look, I will say legitimately, coming out of game one,
I do think would have had a legitimate gripe one
a couple of those calls in Game one for sure,
and they chose not to. And I think Rick Carlile
probably felt, well, if we don't complain, maybe they'll give
us credit because they know when they're hard of hearts,
they missed a couple, so maybe they'll give us some
credit moving forward. And then when I guess it didn't
correct itself the way that he thought it would in

game two, he felt the need to have to come
out and say something.

Speaker 2 (01:30:20):
So I don't know if it's too much crying.

Speaker 4 (01:30:22):
Look, this isn't Mark Cuban coming out publicly calling out officials,
calling people crookeds, and calling out the commissioner and all that.
It wasn't that bad, right, So I think what Carlisle
did as a certain level of gamesmanship. And also I
do think it's warranted to a certain degree because they
were a couple of calls, specifically in Game one, that
certainly should have gone to the pacers favor.

Speaker 3 (01:30:41):
All right, you want to get in real simple. You
can reach me at Stinking Genius one. You could reach
Kevin Figures at kfig one. So Twitter is the best
way to go ahead and get ahold of us.

Speaker 2 (01:30:52):
We'll take a look at Saturday's, today's game and tomorrow's
game in the NBA that's coming up a little bit
later on. I do want to get to some NFL though.
NFL they say Netflix is going to get to what
the two Christmas games?

Speaker 5 (01:31:05):

Speaker 1 (01:31:05):

Speaker 2 (01:31:06):
How many channels do we have to have?

Speaker 4 (01:31:08):
So we got so we have the networks, your Fox,
your CBS, you'r NBC, you have Amazon Prime, Uh, you
have Netflix?

Speaker 2 (01:31:15):
Is there?

Speaker 4 (01:31:16):
Apple is there? I don't know if Apple has a
game yet. Uh Peacock does at Peacock had games last year.
I don't know if they have a game this year
or not, but Peacock certainly has been in the mix
and the NFL network, the NFL networks, sure, right, So
I mean, how many is that ninety?

Speaker 2 (01:31:31):
I think I feel like I'm missing a channel.

Speaker 3 (01:31:33):
I'm getting I'm getting all paddick that before the start
of the season. I even know if I had, you know,
the red zone channel, I'm not getting. This is my job,
and I get confused on what channels I have and
and what I don't have. Is it too much here
or this is just the new wave of the NFL.

Speaker 2 (01:31:47):
I think both things are true. Is it too much
one thousand percent?

Speaker 4 (01:31:51):
And but the league also knows one there's new revenue
streams that they are always going to take advantage of those.
And two they know how popular the NFL is and
for as much as people want to complain about it,
they're going to seek it out. I remember we got
this discussion with Bernie Frado last this past postseason with
the Chiefs Dolphins game was a Peacock exclusive, and people
are like, I'm not going to sign up for Peacock,
and I'm and I'm sure a lot of people didn't,

but you know what a lot of people did, and
Peacock got exactly what they wanted because I think of
the people that signed up for Peacock, I think the
week proceeding that game, like seventy percent of the people
that signed up stayed for at least a month afterwards,
which is exactly what their intention was. Wow, So they
got with the Peacock got what they wanted, and the
NFL got what they wanted out of it. So we

can kick, screaming complain and we're warranted to do it
because it frustrates me too, But ultimately, the NFL knows.

Speaker 2 (01:32:40):
You want to watch.

Speaker 4 (01:32:41):
You're gonna go out of your way to watch, regardless
of where we put the game. So you might kick
and scream, but you're gonna give us money as you
do it.

Speaker 3 (01:32:47):
Well, football is a TV experience anyway, right, Yeah, Fewer
and fewer. I mean the games are still somewhat sold out.

Speaker 2 (01:32:53):
But with the great TVs that we all have and
all that stuff out there, people just want to sit
at home and while and save some money.

Speaker 4 (01:33:01):
Yeah, and the NFL knows that that's all. It's it's
a made for TV sport. At this point in time.
There are certain people who want to buy their season seats,
and I'm hell, we're talking about that game last year
in Kansas City where people got frostbite.

Speaker 2 (01:33:12):
I think somebody has to get something happy to know
you're right by the way, is it oversaturated with sometimes
we have Saturday games in the late Sunday games, and
the Monday games and the Thursday games, and the now
where we have two on Christmas? Obviously we have the
three on Thanksgiving? Is it three on thanks has three
on Thanksgiving? Now? Okay? So? Oh is it too much now?
Or is the way we like it?

Speaker 4 (01:33:33):
So this is a debate I've been having with Anthony
Gargano here in this time slot for the last few years.
Because Anthony wants an NFL game every single night of
the week and every single window of time, there's never
enough NFL. Like what I say is, I do think
there is something to be said for oversaturation. I do
think this is kind of It's great the advent of
satellite and streaming the fact that you can watch any NHL,

MLB or NBA game every single night. If it's not
on a network, you can seek it out through all
these alps. But also there's a specialness that's lost because
I remember back in the day looking forward to seeing
the Heat and the Bulls play on the NBA on NBC,
because that was one of only eight times I'd see
Michael Jordan play outside of the postseason. They were events.

It's not an event to see Naicola Yokich or Lebron
James play anymore because those guys are Their games are
available on a night in, night out basis. And one
thing that was special about the NFL. You had a
cluster of games that happened all at once, and then
a handful two or three your Sunday night, your Monday
night at the end of the season, when college football
was over, you had one or two on a Saturday.
But now to your point, Arnie, you got Monday sometimes

two on Monday.

Speaker 2 (01:34:41):
You got a few.

Speaker 4 (01:34:41):
On Sunday, you got a few on Saturday. Christmas is
on a Wednesday. This year you're gonna have to you
got Black Friday. I mean, it's all over the place.
I think this is too much.

Speaker 2 (01:34:51):
This is how old I am.

Speaker 3 (01:34:52):
When I was younger, I used to run out to
get the TV guy just to see which games nice
they were carry And then when I was in college
in Tucson, they would have you vote on which games
you wanted them to show.

Speaker 2 (01:35:07):
I'm sure they would. I'm sure they would fix the
votes and carry the Cowboys anyway. But I mean that
was big in the time.

Speaker 3 (01:35:13):
Oh my goodness, we got as you get to pick
a game nowadays, Like you said, you could watch any
game you've got there. I can't watch a game anyway.
I can't watch one game. I have to watch it
with the red zone chat.

Speaker 2 (01:35:24):
Oh, you're a red zone guy. Okay, I'm a red
zone guy.

Speaker 3 (01:35:27):
Have to because I can't just watch one game and
not pay attention to the other four or five or
six of them. I need to see the scoring plays
at least of the other games. So I got to
watch you the red zone Chattow you're not a red zone.

Speaker 2 (01:35:39):
Guy or what.

Speaker 4 (01:35:39):
No, it's too much happening at once for me. I'll
like to be able to hone in. I like watching
the game mix. So I'll put up three or four
games that want and have my eyes dart between those
two and try to have some simblance of being able
to know what's going on in those cluster of games
and just knowing if there is a game that I
want to see that I'm not watching live. I have
the NFL game Pass. I can go back and have
the condensed game that they take all the commercials, all

the replays, all that stuff out, and you can pretty
much watch any game in about thirty five minutes or
less and see all of the key plays. So I'll
just go back and watch it there. But I'm a
full game guy. I'm not a highlight guy, and there's nothing.

Speaker 2 (01:36:12):
Wrong with it. Everybody's different.

Speaker 4 (01:36:14):
At the red zone, I feel like I like to
see how, you know, the Eagles have had a twelve
play drive and got to the red zone and Jalen
Hurts scored on a fifteen yard scramble. I don't want
to just see the fifteen yard scramble that's all we scored.
I want to see how they got there and why
they got there, right, But you.

Speaker 2 (01:36:27):
Can't, and then you're going to be shut out of
all the other games though, you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah,
that's right.

Speaker 4 (01:36:33):
And especially it's live, so you're not gonna you can't
see everything. Even in the midst of having the red zone,
you're not going to be able to see everything. So
I just try to parcel out as many games as
I can individually to be able to watch live knowing
that there's going to be a couple left to go
back and try to watch on tape.

Speaker 2 (01:36:47):
Now, that might be more difficult to do when I
have a baby screaming in the background, So we might have.

Speaker 4 (01:36:51):
To change that strategy a little bit moving forward. But
that's certainly how I've consumed it these last few years.

Speaker 3 (01:36:56):
All right, he's Kevin Figures, I'm Alnie Spaniard. We're in
for the guess who's going to be on the Manning
cast coming up this season.

Speaker 2 (01:37:04):
We'll get to that a little bit. We'll start looking
at Saturdays and Sunday's NBA playoff games, and we'll get
you ready for what's going on that. That's all coming
up next. We're in for the Fellas right here on
Fox Sports A Radio.

Speaker 3 (01:37:18):
All right, good morning everybody, Arnie Spaniard, Kevin Figures, We're
in for the Fellas, Anthony Gargano and Jason fitz live
right here on Fox Sports Radio on this Saturday morning.
You want to be part of the show, real simple,
I'm in stinking genius one. You could reach Kevin Figures
at kfig one, K FIGG and the Number one Bill

Belichick will be joining Manning, Peyton Manning Or and Eli
on the Manning Cast for was It Monday Night Football?
They'll join them for the first quarter of every game?
Do you watch the Manning Cast?

Speaker 2 (01:37:53):
First thing? And if you don't, was is Bill Belichick
going to be on enough to make you want to
watch it?

Speaker 4 (01:38:00):
I don't watch it routine, Lee, I've seen it a
few times. It's entertaining for what it is. But I
guess similar to me being a guy that wants to
like watch games and not the red zone, I'm someone
who wants to kind of focus on the game itself
and not ancillary thing surrounding it. Now, there's good perspective
like that. You know, Peyton and Eli, they break down
plays and see what's happening, snap to snap to a
certain degree, it's an informal discussion around the game that's happening.

But a lot of times I just want to watch
the game. I don't need the extra stuff.

Speaker 2 (01:38:25):
I'm with you, I want to watch a game. I
don't need somebody.

Speaker 3 (01:38:28):
It's like me being at home and somebody just constantly
talking tests when I want to watch a game, and
I'm not even talking about asking questions or something.

Speaker 2 (01:38:36):
Just oh, this was this, this was that. I just
want to watch the game.

Speaker 3 (01:38:40):
Now, if there's a controversial play, maybe I'll put on
the Maning Cast, see what they've got to say about
it and how they break it on. Now, Belichick isn't
going to make me tune in, though. How do you
think he's going to be on the Maning Cast? Is
he going to be honest? Is he gonna have that
permanent scour on his face? And by the way, who
has a worse facial expression? Him or Thibodeau for the

New York Oh god, I mean never smiles it all,
never never. He could win a lotter, he could win
like one hundred million dollars. I don't think he's going
to crack a smile. I think he's actually worse than Belichick,
to be honest.

Speaker 2 (01:39:13):

Speaker 4 (01:39:13):
Well, and one thing you hear about Bill Belichick from
people that kind of know him, oh great sense of humor. Yeah,
that this whole thing, his whole stick is just that
a stick, a persona of having no personality and being dry.

Speaker 2 (01:39:25):
He kind of showed a little bit of personality. I
don't know if you saw the roast of Tom Brady
or at least I saw the clips of it. I
saw his face a little bit.

Speaker 4 (01:39:32):
Yeah, yeah, so he you can tell that he has
a little bit of a personality in there to a
certain degree, and it can let it out when he
wants to. So I do think being in the many
cast will loosen up a little bit. I am interested
in his insights. Obviously, he's clearly intelligent and well learned
and learn it in the game of a football. I
don't know if you remember a few years ago a
reporter asked about special teams about how come you don't

have you couldn't have like a backup tight end or
a backup center, be a long snapper as opposed to
just having one dedicated long snapper on a roster. And
Bill Belichick gave like a four minute answer about the
history of the long snapper and roster sizes and why
it's important and specializing. And it was incredible, and I
had helped my attention, to be honest with you, it
was really interesting. So the guy obviously knows has a

wealth of knowledge so on certain plays, certain situations. He's
known as one of the great strategists of you know,
the NFL history. And if I know he's gonna be
on there on a particular night. Yeah, I might tune
in to see what his insights are.

Speaker 3 (01:40:28):
Do we know the truth or should I say the
whole truth about Belichick Craft Brady?

Speaker 2 (01:40:37):
You know, how much do they like or dislike him?

Speaker 3 (01:40:40):
I mean, I thought that Brady and Belichick privately kind
of despise each other. But did I saw Tom get
mad at the roast if you made a Belichick joke
or joke?

Speaker 2 (01:40:53):
Yeah, yeah, it was a Craft joke.

Speaker 3 (01:40:55):
I'm wondering if we know the whole scenes behind the
story there, you know what I mean?

Speaker 4 (01:40:59):
Yeah, I think, Well, look, I think one thing we
do know is that Robert Craft and Tom Brady were tight.
They had a phenomenal relationship. Now where Belichick in Craft
and Belichick and Brady as at a certain point it
probably went from admiration to just respect to maybe a
little bit of disdain to where it was just untenable
at that point in time. One thing that isn't fair,
I think is this, and I haven't seen a lot

of it. I've seen one episode, to be honest, of
this Patriot documentary that has kind of turned into a
bit of a Bill Belichick's smear campaign, you know, where
they're basically popping up everything. Some players are pumping up
ownership and Belichick is sort of just there for the ride,
and you see her. A lot of players, Matthew Slater,
Julian Edelman, a bunch of others come out publicly and say,
I don't think coach is being painted in the right

light in this situation. So that's clearly whoever produced it,
and I think the Patriots might have produced it. I'm
not exactly sure who's coming.

Speaker 2 (01:41:47):
He's not his own fault, though, is that attitude?

Speaker 4 (01:41:50):
And maybe I don't know, he's a little prickly, Maybe
he got maybe got a little bit too big for
his britches. He had all the success, and he thought
he was bigger than the organization.

Speaker 3 (01:41:58):
Kind of like the Cowboys and Jimmy Johnson and Jerry
Jones are that old thing, you know?

Speaker 4 (01:42:02):
Yeah, possibly, And you're the only people who know that
really are Robert Kraft and Bill Belichick and maybe a
couple of other people inside that building. I don't know
if we're ever going to know the full truth as
to exactly what happened, you know, in the in the
walls of that place.

Speaker 2 (01:42:15):
Did did Robert Craft. Really tell Arthur Blank that you
can't trust Bill Belichick. Yeah, that's hard, you know.

Speaker 3 (01:42:23):
By the way, In case you don't know this, Arthur
Blank and Robert Craft forget about being friendly.

Speaker 2 (01:42:30):
They're like brother They're super tight. They're like blood brothers.

Speaker 3 (01:42:32):
I want you to know that, so very close with
the same philanthropy projects and stuff like that. They are
super super tight, like like blood brothers.

Speaker 2 (01:42:42):
To be honest with you. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (01:42:43):
So the interesting thing is, I think I do think
how you say things in wording does matter. So when
you say you can't trust him, that makes me ask
what did Bill Belichick do to lose the trust of
Robert Kraft? Because there's one thing to say, this guy
is an a hole, he's difficult to work with, He's
gonna make your life a live in hell.

Speaker 2 (01:43:01):
You don't want that headache.

Speaker 4 (01:43:03):
To say that you can't trust him, basically say that
he stabbed me in the back. He did something you know, unsightly.
I would like to know exactly what that was, right,
We'll never find out what it is. But it's like,
how do you go You can say a guy's difficult
to work with, but to say that you can't trust him,
he's a liar, he's a back.

Speaker 3 (01:43:21):
Doesn't have anything to do with what happened in the
Super Bowl by not playing Malcolm Butler Malcolm Butler, Or
does it have something to do in the draft where
you know, Kraft said you're gonna draft this guy and
he said, no, I took somebody else. I don't think
we'll ever find that out until later on, you know.

Speaker 2 (01:43:35):
Yeah, I'm not sure.

Speaker 4 (01:43:36):
And maybe maybe a Craft or maybe Bill Belichick at
a certain point writes a book or doesn't tell all
and has that situation. And but look if your Craft
and I look, Robert Craft has done a great job.
They've you know, had a run of success save with
him as the owner. But if with all due respect
to him, I think I'd rather have Bill Belichick running
my draft than Robert Craft.

Speaker 2 (01:43:54):
Well, Belichick doesn't have a great no record no draft either,
right about that business? True, have a great track record
of doing that. But he's also he's a he's a
football guy. He's not a real estate guy like Robert
Kraft is. This is no disrespect to Robert Craft. He's
but a great legacy.

Speaker 4 (01:44:09):
But the Patriots were successful because they hire Bill Belichick
to do the job. He did the job successfully for
the most part throughout his twenty plus years there. So
if indeed Robert Kraft came in one day and says,
you know what, I want to draft this guy, you
know you end up getting Johnny Manziel. In situations like that,
when ownership starts coming in, you get RG three, who

granted was great before he got hurt. When ownership starts
coming in and dictating to the to the football people
what decisions they want they need to make, nine times
out of ten it doesn't end up working out well.
And ultimately it's not the owner that ends up paying
for it. It's the coach who didn't want the player
to begin with. All right, he's Kevin Viggers. I'm Onny
Spaniard k Fike. Have you ever seen the movie The
Jerk with Steve Martin?

Speaker 2 (01:44:50):
I have not, no, and I love Steve.

Speaker 3 (01:44:51):
I've not seen see And what's an old school and
so way before your time? There's one scene, you know,
and he's just acting a little goofy where the phone
book came out, you know, the young pages.

Speaker 2 (01:45:03):
Yes, and he picks up he goes the new phone
books here, the new phone books here.

Speaker 3 (01:45:07):
I can't believe it. He's all excited. The NFL schedules here,
the NFL schedules. There is that a big thing. We'll
get into that. I'm trying, working with me, work with me.
We'll get to that cover up next. First though, let's
see what's trending, what happened last night. We check it
with our buddy k Fig. Let's going on k Fig?

Speaker 2 (01:45:24):
All right, Well, we'll starting with the NBA.

Speaker 4 (01:45:25):
We had a couple of playoff games on Friday night,
the Nuggets picking up their first victory in their series
against Minnesota, one seventeen to ninety. The final score twenty
four points each for Jamal Murray and Nicola Jokich. The
Joker one assists shy of a triple double. In the
Eastern Conference, Tyre's Halliburton scored thirty five points to lead
Indiana to a one eleven to one oh six victory
over the Knicks. New York series now two games to one,

and on the ice, Evan Buchhard scored the game winning
goal in overtime, leading the Oilers over the Canucks. That
series is now tied at one game apiece. Florida hammer
Boston six to two for a two to one series
lead there and Major League Baseball. The Padre snapped the
Dodgers seven game win streak with a two to one
victory as I walk off RBI single from newest Padre
Luisa Rise, home runs fro Ronald the Counia Junior and

Matt Olsen has Atlanta defeat at the Mets four to two.
You also out there, Red snapping an eight game losing
streak with a four to two victory over the Giants,
and golf Xanders Shaffley a four stroke lead over Jason
Day and Roy McElroy through the first couple of rounds
at the Wells Farco Fargo Championship.

Speaker 2 (01:46:27):
All right, back to the fellas, all right, thanks a lot,
k fig Arnie Spaniard, Kevin Figures. We're in for the guys.

Speaker 3 (01:46:32):
We're in for the fellas, Anthony Gargano and of course
his partner Jason Fitz right here on Fox Sports Radio.
You want to be part of the show, real simple,
ad stinking genius one. You can reach figure Ki at
k fig fi gg and the number one.

Speaker 2 (01:46:48):
So we'll get this.

Speaker 3 (01:46:49):
I have not done a good job keeping up on
the tweets, getting a lot of them, so we'll do that.
I said, the NFL schedules being released, what this Wednesday?

Speaker 2 (01:46:57):
I think it's what.

Speaker 3 (01:46:57):
It is, Yes, this week, this Wednesday, we know who's playing,
we just don't know when they're playing. I like to
be the cool guy and say it's not that big
of a deal, but it is.

Speaker 2 (01:47:07):
I still enjoy when it comes out.

Speaker 3 (01:47:10):
You look at your team and see where they play
and where they get the bye week, and you know
how many games do they have on the road early
compared to late. How many Monday night games, Sunday night
games do they play on Christmas? Do they play on Thanksgiving?
I mean, all that stuff is important, especially to the fans.

Speaker 2 (01:47:27):
So that's coming out. It is kind of a big
deal when it comes out, is it not?

Speaker 4 (01:47:30):
Or Oh, it's a huge deal and it's a May
for TV event at this point in time, which every
NFL event is at this point. It just doesn't really
move the needle a lot for me. I'll check in
on my team after it's released. I'll look at the
schedule to see how it lines up. If it works
out with the schedule, maybe I can go to a
game or two or whatnot. But I don't know if
I want to sit there for three and a half
hours to watch them reveal the schedule week by week

and say, all right, in week fourteen, the Jaguars are
facing the Titans in Saskatchewan, and I'm like, all right,
but you're.

Speaker 2 (01:47:58):
A Raider fan. You want to know who the Raiders
play all sixteen games, generally speaking, guys, And by the way,
I know who they're playing. To your point, I know
when and where.

Speaker 4 (01:48:06):
So there are some primetime games, which, by the way,
I think by like week five now, I think they
play like they move the flex up every single year
at this point in time, so I don't even know
if it even matters.

Speaker 2 (01:48:15):
So who even knows.

Speaker 4 (01:48:16):
You know, if they're playing on Monday night, it might
be Monday now, you know, and by week three it
might be moved to Sunday to Sunday afternoon. So I
understand the popularity of it, and I'm not poop pooing
any of it.

Speaker 2 (01:48:26):
For the most part.

Speaker 4 (01:48:26):
It just doesn't move the needle for me to have
to sit there and watch an entire special dedicated to
the schedule. It's one of those that, you know what,
I can sit it out, I can have dinner with
the family I can come back and look at the
results after the fact and see exactly where things line up.

Speaker 2 (01:48:40):
I guess it's kind of like the draft.

Speaker 3 (01:48:41):
I mean, you don't really have to watch all those
three days of the draft where you can just figure
out and you know, read the bottom scroll to see
who they they took out there. Though I know a
lot of people and my partner on so the night,
Chris Plank, there's like a holiday for him. When a
schedule he's He's just like a the Raiders play and
when they playing, what days are they playing?

Speaker 2 (01:49:03):
What's what's the windows? Saw are they in? It's a
big deal to somebody like him.

Speaker 4 (01:49:07):
Y'all get it like the NFL drafts to a certain degree,
You're right, you can definitely skip a lot of the
pomping circumstance that comes with that and look at the results.
But a lot of times I do like listening to
the analysis. I like seeing that the first round, uh,
seeing some of the interviews, the background stories, seeing how
wrong most of the projections are for people, so I
can reference back to it. When John Gruden says Johnny
Manziel is gonna be a Hall of Famer, and I

was like, well, that worked out well, you know, so
stuff like that.

Speaker 2 (01:49:32):
I think Bayless said that Johnny Manziel was going to
be bigger in Cleveland than Lebron, Right, Yeah, you know
that sweet resurfaced this past week. I saw that. That's right.
I love that one old the old takes exposed, you
know what I mean? Oh, I love that. I think
that's just fantastic. I think that's hysterical when you when
something like that go ahead.

Speaker 4 (01:49:52):
Yeah, but I just don't I don't begrudge anybody that
wants to geek out on the NFL at The NFL
has done a phenomenal job of marketing this. They know
that the comm where guys are jumping and running in
their underwear for five hours straight, that makes money. People
watch it monopolize every single thing that you possibly can.
I totally understand it. I know how popular it is.
It's just not something that's going to necessarily be appointment

viewing from me. Do you go to games? Do you
go to NFL games or No? I typically don't because
I'm usually working working now.

Speaker 2 (01:50:20):
With the National Radio. We not going for sure. Yeah,
a lot of times I'm working games for National Radio.

Speaker 4 (01:50:24):
So if I have a potential bye week or something off,
or if it's a you know, the Raiders obviously come
to so far every single year to play the Chargers.
So if it happens to be a Monday night or
a game where I'm not working a national game, I'll
try to get out to a game here and there.
But I'd say about ninety percent of the time I'm
not really able to attend NFL games because I'm working them.

Speaker 2 (01:50:42):
Now, we have not had a practice yet, but we've
already had two starters name They say Aid and O'Connell
will be the starter for at least the first pass
right right right for the first practice, and that's fair enough.
I'm okay with that. Caleb Williams named the starter in Chicago,
the question starter, Yes, you have a problem with that.
I think he should be named the starters.

Speaker 4 (01:51:04):
I don't have a problem whether I think it's odd
and maybe it's refreshing to a certain degree, ary because
usually you know how this goes. Yeah, well, you know
we're gonna get him in camp. We're gonna see what
he does, right right, this is what Washington's doing. Washington
came out and said that Jade Daniels is gonna play
when he's ready to play, and versus Chicago's saying like,
oh no, Caleb is the first overall pick, We're gonna
play him.

Speaker 2 (01:51:23):
He's gonna be the starter from day one, and he
should though though there's no ps about it, we know
that he's going to be the starter, and I mean
all the hype about him being the next superstar and
transitional type player there, why even mess around with it?
Let everybody know what the Bears fans know, he's our
starter and we're in for new area here in Chicago.

Speaker 4 (01:51:42):
I guess my concern would be, what if you know
and camp he does struggle or doesn't look good, and
maybe you say he isn't ready? Are you throwing him
into the fire and he ends up being Bryce Young? Now,
I don't think he'll be that bad. Ah, I don't think,
and I don't think that's Bryce Young's fault. I don't
think he was set up to fail. He didn't have
much to work with. So I'm not saying Caleb is
gonna be but as opposed to letting him go out there,

even if it's a faux competition, just so you don't
just say all right, coming in from day one before
you even take a mini camp snap. Yeah, you're gonna
go ahead and be the starting quarterback. It'say, you know what,
we want you to be the starter. We're rooting for
you. You're gonna come in, You're gonna compete. You can't see
me doing air quotes. Compete with Tyson Badget and Brett
Rippon and whoever the rookie guy is. Have you guys
get a bunch of snaps and will determine who's who's

who and where's where, play a couple of preseason games,
and ultimately we'll let the chips fall where they may.
But the idea, I know a lot of players nowadays
in the NFL can come in and be productive from
day one, but that's not everybody, and it depends on
the situation, right, And I just want to make sure
that he's not set up to fail and loses his confidence.
It ends up being a giant back for him. The

Bears were seven to ten last year. Correct they were
a solid roster.

Speaker 2 (01:52:48):
They added with DeAndre Swift yep Keenan Allen drafted a
duns Ye who I love, by the way, I absolutely
just love that guy. Got Jared Everett, another good side
end to go with the one.

Speaker 3 (01:52:58):
They are absolutely with Cole Kamet, who a very good
tight end, by the way, a great tight end. Shouldn't
they be better than seven to ten this year, especially because,
let's be honest, green Bay is average to good geting
a new quarterback, so they should be able to compete
maybe with Detroit for that division.

Speaker 2 (01:53:18):
I think green Bay is probably gonna be better.

Speaker 4 (01:53:20):
You're assuming that that Caleb Love is going to take
another step forward and be better than he was last year.
So green Bay should from a progression standpoint, be at
least as good as they were last year. If not
Jordan Jordan Love, excuse me for Arizona. Yeah, Caleb Love,
you'll go better than one for twenty two from the
field they probably would have gone be for in the
tournament this year.

Speaker 2 (01:53:41):
Sorry, but you know it's true. That's okay. I'm sure
you get a mix. But h Jordan Love is gonna
take that next step.

Speaker 4 (01:53:47):
So I do think it potentially could be a three
team race in the NFC nor if things fall in
place for the Bears.

Speaker 2 (01:53:53):
It's just it just could.

Speaker 4 (01:53:54):
Be too much too soon to just anoint the guy
from day one before you even see him take a
snap in camp.

Speaker 3 (01:54:00):
Yeah, we're gonna come back. We'll have the k FIG
news stories that we have not got to yet. That's
coming up next. Arnie Spaniard, Kevin Figures. We're in for
the fellas.

Speaker 2 (01:54:11):
Right here on Sports All Radio. All right, good morning everybody,
Arnie Spaniard, Kevin Figures, in for the fellas, Anthony Gargano
and Jason Fitz on this Saturday morning. Before we do
anything else, let's go to the k FIG news stories
we have not gotten to yet today. What's going on
out there? K FIG?

Speaker 4 (01:54:28):
Well, we know that Kaitlin Clark has taken women's basketball
by storm. She was a phenomenal in the NCAA tournament
and all season a long became the all time leaguing
scorer in NCAA Division One history men or women playing
for the University of Iowa. And she's said to make
her WNBA debut next week on the Four Letter Network.
And they're basically rolling out what they're saying is WNBA

Finals level coverage, dedicating multiple networks, multiple camera angles. I mean,
they're gonna have all sorts of coverage for the Caitlin
Clark phenomena. Are you caught up in the Caitlin Clark fever. Yeah, well,
I'll tell you where I am on this. I was.
I saw that she played her opening game yesterday, as
I would it was, yeah, for a preseason game a
couple of nights ago. Yes, we've got thirteen thousand fans

to show up, by the way, for the prey two games.

Speaker 3 (01:55:11):
She's played a preseason game and one regular season game. Correct,
And I didn't have the game on.

Speaker 2 (01:55:17):
I didn't know where I could find it, so I
actually got my phone and looked up the score to
see how many points she had in the opener. I
think she had twelve points, four out of twelve shooting
or something.

Speaker 4 (01:55:27):
Do you believe that there were both preseason games? There
were both preseason game regular season game starts.

Speaker 2 (01:55:31):
On the fourteen. I think it was against Landa or something. Yea.
That she just played two preseason games career. Now, I
would never know any I would not know any of
the teams. I would have said, I don't know who
they played Atlanta whoever, I have no idea.

Speaker 3 (01:55:43):
I didn't know their preseason games. But because it's Caitlin Clark,
I wanted to see what she was doing. I wanted
to see how many points she's scoring. I wanted to
see if it was easier or harder than when she
was at Iowa. I guess you could say I have
Caitlin Clark fever because I want to see what's going on.

Speaker 4 (01:55:57):
You know, Yeah, there's a level of injury, and I
believe that the other night she was like four to
twelve from the field, hit a couple of threes, so
not necessarily super efficient, but she's still trying to get
her get her feet wet at Lena level.

Speaker 2 (01:56:09):
What do you think about Doyle getting Guys suspended for
two weeks ago covering Greg.

Speaker 4 (01:56:12):
Greg's been around for too long. He knows that that's inappropriate.
I mean, that's it was necessary. It was fine. I
think I think it was warranted. If you talked to
Greg offline, it's like, yeah, I was trying to make
a joke and it probably it was really stupid. I
shouldn't have done that, right, So I have no problem
with it. He knows that was ridiculous. Greg's been around
for too long.

Speaker 2 (01:56:30):
I agree. Look, I don't know if it came from
Caitlyn Clark. I think she just kind of went along
with it, but she played it over the top. She
played it all pretty well, but he knew he was
wrong with that absolutely. Now, so you've heard Arnie.

Speaker 4 (01:56:42):
You know, if a tree falls in the forest and
nobody's around, does it really make a sound?

Speaker 2 (01:56:46):

Speaker 4 (01:56:46):
So if a Marlin's fan is protesting in the parking lot,
does anybody actually hear it or pay attention?

Speaker 2 (01:56:51):
Only if they're going to the game. And who's going
to the game exactly.

Speaker 4 (01:56:54):
So all ten of the Marlins fans that they actually
have apparently boycott at their game against the Phillies on
Friday night because they were upset. They said there were
a soul of bill of goods from Marlin's ownership who
say that they want to put a competitive team on
the field. They have not been very competitive this year
after making the playoffs last season, and they traded away
their best player, Luisa Rise, to the San Diego Padres,

who had a walk off hit against the Dodgers on
Friday night.

Speaker 2 (01:57:17):
So a lot of people, a lot of people, they said.
They said it was a crowd of about ten.

Speaker 3 (01:57:23):
Or Tampa, which is the worst franchise out there. And
and too, you know what that means, don't you?

Speaker 2 (01:57:29):
What's that?

Speaker 3 (01:57:30):
I think I'm guessing that I'll be really close to
some Major League baseball less than about forty five minutes.

Speaker 2 (01:57:37):
From my house. Now, oh, there you gocause you're thinking,
what is he talking about.

Speaker 3 (01:57:43):
I live in Burlington, Vermont right Montreal is lessed an
hour from Oh oh, I totally, totally we're going to
get back. I don't know if they're going to call
it the Expos or whatever.

Speaker 2 (01:57:53):
But they should and someone ends up moving back moving
to Montreal, they should be the Expos. Yeah, there's no.

Speaker 3 (01:57:59):
I think if the next major League Baseball city will
be Montreal, they want another Canadian team.

Speaker 2 (01:58:06):
So you're not thinking Nashville or Toronto. That'sural. I think
we'll get one too. But I think there's a good
chance at Montree.

Speaker 3 (01:58:13):
I could be wrong, but we'll see what happens at Plus,
it's on the East coast, and think of many how
many seats tickets? So if the Yankee fans came up
to the games, of Ships fans came up to the games,
the rivalry with Toronto, I think they get sel a
lot of tickets there.

Speaker 2 (01:58:26):
I agree.

Speaker 4 (01:58:27):
One thing I'll say about Tampa I will not say
that ownership doesn't try to win. I mean, they're for
the front office that they've hired. Even since Andrew Freeman
has left, they've been competitive more and more often than
they haven't been. But the fan base if it's because
of where they're located in Saint Petersburg, and I don't
know the fulls the logistics of how hard it is
to get there, why fans don't show up.

Speaker 2 (01:58:46):
They at least try to put a winning product out there.

Speaker 4 (01:58:49):
But everything about Jeffrey Laurier and that Marlin situation to
the new stadium they bought when the city was the
city and the citizens or Soda BILLI goods about that,
to not putting a competitive team on the field, I
certainly understand for the two fans that they do have
out there, why the upset at the way things have gone.
And also in the one NBA note, Adrian Wargenowski did
report that Mike Budenhozer working to finalize a five year

contract with the Phoenix Suns, who of course fired for
Vogel after one season.

Speaker 2 (01:59:16):
Right, one year the best job to have. I wish
I had a five year contract. Yeah, okay, get fired
after one year. I love something.

Speaker 4 (01:59:23):
If Frank Vogel or Jimbo Fisher by all means you
want to pay me that millions to sit at home,
I'll take it.

Speaker 2 (01:59:28):
You know what's funny is that you bring that up.
We're going to get to this next hour because I
was going to bring up Frank Vogel and him getting
fired after one year? How long should you have your
job in the NBA, the NFL, Major League Baseball? And
why do these guys get fired after one year?

Speaker 3 (01:59:46):
Is it because they do such terrible jobs or get
fired in mid season like Milwaukee's coach who was like
thirty and thirty and thirteen Adrian Griffin was, And is
it because of the fans or the owners or the
players that get the coaches fired.

Speaker 2 (02:00:00):
Yeah, it could be a combination of all of them.

Speaker 4 (02:00:03):
But I do think specifically in the NBA, and we
can get deeper into it, the NBA is a players league,
and the players have more sway in the league than
any other league professional sport. So I think oftentimes if
a player wants a coach gone, that coach is gonna
be gone. And that's usually how it works. Three hours
are in the books.

Speaker 3 (02:00:21):
The bonus hour is coming up next to this show
is just flying on by Bonus Hour more NBA. Next
here on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (02:00:31):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio Radio.

Speaker 2 (02:00:34):
All right, good morning everybody, Arnie Spaniard, Kevin Figures. Right
here on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 3 (02:00:40):
We're in for the fallas Anthony Gargano and Jason fitz As.
We're broadcasting live from the tyreck dot Com studios.

Speaker 2 (02:00:46):
Tyreck dot Com. Well, if you get their unmatched election
fast re shipping free road has a protection in over
ten thousand recommended installars tyrec dot com. The way tire
buying should be coming up later on this hour. You'll
have our picks.

Speaker 3 (02:01:01):
For the games for today and tomorrow and will some
of it for the rest of the series. So Kate
Fig and I will give our picks that's coming up
a little bit later on, especially for the Knicks game
game number four Monster game there, so we'll see who
we're picking out there. If you want to join us,
real simple, I'm mistaking genius one.

Speaker 2 (02:01:19):
He's at Kfig one.

Speaker 3 (02:01:20):
K Fig the brand new father of a two week
old by the name of Oliver. I sent you over
the baby names Oliver number three on the baby list
for new names for the year, which I had I
would not and by the way, you see what number
one was for the girls Olivia Olivia.

Speaker 2 (02:01:38):
Yeah, so that seems to be the hot names. I
can't believe it, Kath, I.

Speaker 4 (02:01:42):
Guess so we caught ourselves trying to be a little
bit different, and I guess we just we just meld
it in with everybody else.

Speaker 2 (02:01:47):
Now, you said you're a Laker fan and a Raider fan.
Correct that. I'm sorry to break this to you. That's
not true. What do you mean, that's not true. You're
not a fan anyman less, You're not a fan unless
you do one of those three things. What's that? Do
you have a Raider or Laker tattoo? I do not
have any tattoos. Okay, have you.

Speaker 3 (02:02:09):
Named your first born after a Laker player or Raider player?

Speaker 2 (02:02:14):
Not that I can think of.

Speaker 4 (02:02:15):
No, I don't know if you not do that, A
like Oliver Miller may have played for the Lakers, not
necessarily the Lakers Miller.

Speaker 2 (02:02:25):
I'll just say, I can't name one person that played
sports with the name Oliver.

Speaker 4 (02:02:29):
I'll tell you right now. He's eating like Oliver Miller.
The way this kid's drinking.

Speaker 2 (02:02:33):
My god, I was thinking to myself. So you see,
I named my son Shay for Shay Stadium. But I'm
a hard Met fan.

Speaker 3 (02:02:40):
If it was a girl, we were gonna name her Madison, Okay,
Madison Square Garden. No, no, you didn't think of that,
like Mookie Figures or anything like that. I know if
you're a Med fan or Lebron figures that that didn't
never ring to it or what?

Speaker 4 (02:02:57):
Yeah, no rich Figures for Rich Gannon or ten figures
Tim Brown.

Speaker 2 (02:03:01):
You know, no, didn't really cross my mind.

Speaker 3 (02:03:04):
The uh, the wife wouldn't tolerate something.

Speaker 2 (02:03:07):
Probably not Probably wasn't gonna probably wasn't gonna fly.

Speaker 4 (02:03:10):
I love my teams to death, but I don't know
if enough to name my child after one of them.

Speaker 2 (02:03:15):
You I don't know if you ever heard of the
comic strip Tank McNamara, it's so familiar. Well, he's a
he was a sports writer back in the day.

Speaker 3 (02:03:23):
And in the comic strip it says, I know this
sports talk show host who named his son Shaeffer say
Stadium that which was the comic about me and my son.
And he goes, that's a nice name because he's a fan.
And the wife says, I'm not naming my daughter with
numbers in it. I think he won the name old

Candlestick Park. I forgot what they changed the name to
or something like that, and she goes, I refused to
do that.

Speaker 2 (02:03:51):
I called up the artist.

Speaker 3 (02:03:52):
They sent me the original sketch of it and they
signed it for me. But it was very cool. You know,
a lot of people end up doing that. Either it's
either their.

Speaker 2 (02:04:01):
Kids or their dogs. They name after their favorite team.
You know that.

Speaker 4 (02:04:05):
You know, the dogs, the pet mind the pets, that's
that's fine.

Speaker 2 (02:04:09):
The children is a little bit different.

Speaker 3 (02:04:12):
I know, uh, you know you you could name them
after cities, you could name them after your favorite player.

Speaker 2 (02:04:18):
I've seen it get out of hand though. You know that,
don't you. Oh, I'm sure, yeah, it's it's really got it.
So no, Oliver Miller on your part. So are you
a real fan of the Raiders or the Lakers if
you didn't name your kid Lebron or Anthony Davis or
anything like that.

Speaker 4 (02:04:33):
Come on, I'm a I'm a I'm a real fan
of the team who has a little bit of healthy detachment,
Let's put it that way when it comes to acts
real life, and that can impact my child versus my
actual fandom.

Speaker 3 (02:04:45):
How many listeners do you think are listening right now
that name their kid after their favorite sports players?

Speaker 2 (02:04:52):
Many? How many think name their kid Kobe? Oh there's
a lot about that.

Speaker 4 (02:04:56):
If there's a lot about that, I know a few
Kobe's who are who are of the age range.

Speaker 2 (02:05:00):
I know for sure that they were named after Oh
absolutely one.

Speaker 4 (02:05:03):
One of my colleagues, former Petrosen Money, a host here
on Fox Sports Radio, still does a local show on
AM five to seventy. His daughter's name is Peyton. He
was a Bears fan named after Walter Payton.

Speaker 2 (02:05:13):
Who is this? Who's this Matt money Smith?

Speaker 5 (02:05:15):

Speaker 3 (02:05:15):
Matt money Smith for yeah, of course? Yeah, wow, So
I see, I did not know that. I'm sure there's
a lot. And by the way, if you did name
your son or daughter after your favorite athlete, you could
go ahead get us a hold on Twitter.

Speaker 2 (02:05:26):
I'm kind of curious that.

Speaker 3 (02:05:27):
Oh sure, at Steak and Genius one and that kfig one,
that never came into your mind to to do something
like that, right.

Speaker 2 (02:05:35):
Never once?

Speaker 4 (02:05:35):
And even like my like my favorite players, like I
love Marcus Allen and Marcus is a normal enough name,
like he could be Marcus Figures and that would be fine,
you know, Marcus Allen was my favorite Raider player, so
that could have worked, but it really just wasn't an option.

Speaker 2 (02:05:49):
It wasn't something that we doesn't necessarily discussed. I got
a quick I got a quick Marcus Allen story, if
you okay please. I a friend of mine when we
were just you know, like about twenty two to twenty
three years old, came into town. We're driving around.

Speaker 3 (02:06:02):
I had a cheap no doors, no top, and we're
driving around and who do we pull up next to.
It's Marcus Allen, right nice, and he's with a bunch
of people, and we actually lived on the same part
of town.

Speaker 2 (02:06:15):
So I'm following him. I'm following him.

Speaker 3 (02:06:18):
I'm following him, and I'm sure he's starting to think,
here's a black cheap no doors, no top, you know,
why is he following me? We get to Westwood, you know,
I'm sure people don't know the geography, and he takes
off through a.

Speaker 2 (02:06:32):
Red light to get away from us. Wow, And my
friend turns to me, he goes, you don't think it's
because he thought we were following him.

Speaker 5 (02:06:38):
I go, I don't know.

Speaker 2 (02:06:39):
You know what's funny is I know where he lives?

Speaker 3 (02:06:40):
Why don't we drive by a street and see what happens.
So we drive by a street and who's out in
the middle of right in front of his house.

Speaker 2 (02:06:47):
It's Marcus Allen screaming.

Speaker 1 (02:06:49):
Why are you following me?

Speaker 2 (02:06:52):
And my friend goes, keep going, keep going. He's gonna
kick her ass. Keep going. If I was stopped, he
was going to punch me in the face. So I
want you to know that i'd be dead by now.

Speaker 4 (02:07:02):
Arnie the stalker Spaniard look at you. Yeah, doesn't Marcus
know who you are? You're a higher loan.

Speaker 2 (02:07:07):
You went to high school with Genie Bus. Yes, I mean,
come on now, I told that story. I went to
high school with Genie Buss.

Speaker 3 (02:07:12):
If I just would have been you know, I could
have went up to Genie. I was a good looking guy, right,
said Jeanie. Let's go to Westwood. There's a new movie
in town. We'll go to the Taco Bell afterwards, which
was pretty big back in Westwood back in the day.
I'm sure and she would have fell in love with me,
and I would have gotten married to her, and I'd be.

Speaker 2 (02:07:29):
Part owner of the of the Lakers.

Speaker 4 (02:07:30):
You would be part owner of the Lakers, as opposed
to former Fox Sports radio host j Moore.

Speaker 2 (02:07:34):
Right, you know what's funny, maybe Ja Mary's Genie. I
could have married Jenny the sister exactly.

Speaker 3 (02:07:40):
She was only a year older, I think than me,
but I didn't know her drop as well as I
know Geenie.

Speaker 2 (02:07:44):
You drop the ball there, Arnie. I do have a
Genie bus story though. Oh I want to hear this place. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (02:07:49):
I mean it's not a big story or anything like that,
but I was my coach, actually played for John and Wooden,
so that that's why we had people like Steve cr
who could shoot. And one of our other players was
the shooting coach in the NBA, Chip England.

Speaker 2 (02:08:04):
He's a assistant coach right now.

Speaker 3 (02:08:06):
But I was with the coach and Genie comes walking by,
and the coach goes, hey, Genie, did your dad buy
the Indiana Pacers yet? And I'm listening to all this
was just the three of us there, and she goes, no, No,
he's saving his money for the Lakers.

Speaker 2 (02:08:21):
And that's what I go. I go, who's your dad, Genie,
that's gonna buy the Lakers? Stop it?

Speaker 3 (02:08:28):
And nobody said a word to me. I had no
idea that that was actually true. He was gonna buy
the Indiana Pacers, but instead wanted to buy the Lakers.
He made a bit on the Lakers, and from what
I hear, and I don't know if this part is
completely true, they voted him down. Oh really, They said
we can't trust his finances. And guess who stepped up

and said, I'll tell you what, if he misses any
payroll or a check or something, I got you covered.

Speaker 4 (02:08:58):
I think I know who this is. I'll let you
say Old Sterling. That's absolutely true.

Speaker 2 (02:09:02):
Yeah, he owned all of Wilster Boulevard with a lot
of real estate. Absolutely so they said, well, Donald, if
you're gonna go ahead and vouch for him, that's good
enough for us. And you know, with all the money
that he had, they said sure, because.

Speaker 4 (02:09:16):
I remember at the time Jerry Buzz had to buy not
only the Lakers, but he has form and the Kings,
the la Kas to Jack Jack.

Speaker 3 (02:09:23):
Kincook right right, who were U Stone Washington football team?

Speaker 2 (02:09:26):
Sure did so. Yeah, that's how that all played out.
By the way, on Twitter, uh Paul panducees Pan duels,
I think I said that right, says My sixteen year
old son's name is Jackie Mays. Well that that that's
a pretty good one, Jackie Robinson and Mart to argue
with either of those, you know, Wow, that's so you

got the first name and the middle name in there.
You gotta love.

Speaker 3 (02:09:51):
You gotta love a wife that says, sure, let's go
ahead and do that. I gotta hit the heart button
on that one, don't I.

Speaker 2 (02:09:57):
Yeah, my goodness, man.

Speaker 4 (02:09:58):
Dann, that's a little but again, that's you talk about
two with all the time greats. That's hard to argue with.
What suppose your name?

Speaker 3 (02:10:04):
You name your kid Kobe Michael Jordan's whatever.

Speaker 2 (02:10:10):
Or or something.

Speaker 4 (02:10:12):
You know, there's a couple of quills rolling around. Yes,
Shaquille Griffin, you got another one I named that's true.

Speaker 3 (02:10:19):
I named my son Colt after the Indianapolis Colts.

Speaker 2 (02:10:23):
Really so not after Colt McCoy. I was gonna say
Colt McCoy. There is. But that's the only cult, the
late Colt Brenan. That's true. That's true too. But some
cults flying around there.

Speaker 3 (02:10:33):
Yeah, well, that's like naming your kid Dolphin though, right,
or Dolphin cowboy or yeah, there's there was.

Speaker 2 (02:10:40):
You know.

Speaker 3 (02:10:41):
I have a friend who named their daughter Landry for
Tom Landry. Okay, yeah, so you know you get you
see it every once in a while if you have
named your uh son or daughter after your favorite athlete.
Let us know, I stick of genius what I k
figured because I'm giving Kate Figure a little bit of
grief for naming his son Oliver instead of aiming it up.

Speaker 2 (02:11:00):
Because you're a Laker fan Lebron I think, I mean,
what about bronnyyb it for the fruit absolutely Ronnie figures.
Come on, it's one thing if there's like if it's like.

Speaker 4 (02:11:11):
A somewhat you know, universal name, like if you want
if you wanted to name your kid after Jerry Jones,
Jerry all right or Hyman Troy. But like if you
ever wanted to name your kid after pop Eye Jones,
it'd be different. They're like, there's pop Eye figures over here.
You know what, Buck O'Neill, Yeah, here's a Buck Anderson
over there.

Speaker 2 (02:11:28):
You know me.

Speaker 3 (02:11:28):
I suppose you're the big so you're the biggest diehard
Laker fan ever and the biggest Lebron fan ever, and
you named your son Lebron, and then Lebron left.

Speaker 2 (02:11:37):
The Lakers and you hated it. Would you have to
change your son's name.

Speaker 4 (02:11:40):
Or what Yeah, we got we gotta you gotta redo
the go back and do the birth certificate over again
and chang and change it all.

Speaker 2 (02:11:46):
I can't do that, he scored. Scored me, well, I got.

Speaker 4 (02:11:50):
You can imagine if I was a Raider fan back,
you know, in the in the eighties early nineties, and
Marcus Allen had his falling out with Al Davis and
which the Kansas City Chiefs at the.

Speaker 2 (02:11:57):
Time, if my kid was named Marcus, I'd be like,
I can't. I can't have my kid while rolling around
with the Kansas City Chiefs name this ridiculous, is sacrilege.
It would have to change. No, you're right, it would
have to change.

Speaker 3 (02:12:09):
Regis and stinking genius one At KFIG one last night,
my New York Knicks had a nine point lead in
the fourth quarter. They ended up losing it. I'm like,
I'm saying to myself, Oh, we need to make a run.
Maybe make this fifteen sixteen and we're going to steal
Game three. They couldn't do it.

Speaker 2 (02:12:25):
Give the Pacers credit for bouncing on back and taking
the game. Og missing him really hurt. Ye.

Speaker 3 (02:12:31):
The Knicks did the best they really could before the game.
I even suggested maybe if Brunson was questionable, maybe sitting
him down and kind of quote unquote punting on the
game and just.

Speaker 2 (02:12:43):
Letting everybody rest.

Speaker 3 (02:12:45):
I don't know what's going to happen in game four,
and how healthy Brontston is. You could tell he's only
about seventy five percent.

Speaker 2 (02:12:51):
He didn't look great, and he still had to what twenty.

Speaker 4 (02:12:54):
Five, yeah, twenty six, twenty six, but it was only
ten to twenty six from the field, so he was
he was, you know, gutting too that gutting it out.

Speaker 2 (02:13:00):
He was, Yeah, it was tough.

Speaker 3 (02:13:02):
It's physical out there, but it's physical on both ways.
You know, Halliburton twisted his ankle. It's getting injuries on
both ways. Should the reps call it closer or now
it's too little, too late.

Speaker 2 (02:13:14):
And you got to continue the way it is right now.
I just think you've got to be consistent.

Speaker 4 (02:13:17):
You've been They've been consistent this entire postseason calling it
not really calling it tight. I think calling it pretty
loose and letting teams play a little bit and having
it be a little more physical than we're traditionally used
to in today's NBA. And I think it's It's made
for a pretty solid entertaining product across the board for
the majority of the playoffs. So I don't I don't
mind them, you know, letting the guys play and having
the having the play be a little bit more physical.

Speaker 2 (02:13:38):
What's going to end up happening is, you know, for.

Speaker 4 (02:13:40):
A team that's that's guard dominant, like the Knicks, and
your best players, you know, are your brunt sends, your hearts,
your devincenzos, and specifically Brunson, who everything runs through him.
The more and more you have to run through him,
the more and more physical they play with him, and
he gets banged up, you know, it's going to be
diminishing returns. And those ten for the ten for twenty
six tonight might turn into nine for twenty nine a

couple of nights from now, and could turn into seven
for thirty two the night after that. And I can
just see him getting banged up and running out of gas.
Which to your point, now now that you already know
the end results, and they ended up losing a close
game on Friday night, yeah you almost say, well, yeah,
they probably should have sad him just punted on tonight.
You can still have the next game coming up with
a chance to go up three games to one. Even

if you would have said that to me going into
the game, I probably would have said it, you know what,
It's not something I'm opposed to.

Speaker 3 (02:14:27):
You know, in a way I could see that where
people say, well, you lost one eleven, one oh six.
So if you knew that Hindsight's twenty twenty, would you've
arrested Jayalen Brunson. My answer still would have been no, Yeah,
because I think it gave not that the Knicks needed
any confidence, but if they were going to lose the
game by thirty, then yes, I would say yes, And
he probably wouldn't have played the second half. The fact

that he kept it so close I think gets in
the Pacers head a little bit that they were down
by nine in the fourth quarter and saying, no matter
who's out there for the New York Dicks, we got
to be careful.

Speaker 2 (02:14:57):
You don't go out to a certain degree.

Speaker 4 (02:14:58):
There's also and as well as the even Chinz was
played and he's really stepped up since Julius Randall went down.

Speaker 2 (02:15:02):
Phenomenal. Yeah, the nomenal there is an.

Speaker 4 (02:15:04):
Element of I dare to have Dante Devincenzo will drop
thirty five on me again. It's almost like there was
a wasted effort on his part. You're not gonna get
that sort of effort from Devincenzo again.

Speaker 2 (02:15:13):
They won't need that effort. You won't have to that.

Speaker 4 (02:15:15):
Yeah, you would hope not, assuming Jalen Brunson bounces back
and is healthy again, and this isn't the start of
a regression.

Speaker 2 (02:15:21):
That's the only issue. You know, we can play must
banged up. We could plain if we drag out the games.

Speaker 3 (02:15:26):
And now I'm complaining because they're moving too fast Monday, Wednesday,
Friday Sunday because the New York Nicks so don't have
enough time to rest, you know.

Speaker 4 (02:15:32):
Yeah, yeah, it was really working at a disadvantage for
them that they're playing on this every other night schedule,
whereas you look at the teams in the West that
have two and three nights off in between games.

Speaker 2 (02:15:42):
It's it's crushing me. It's hurting the New York Knicks.
And now the fact that Boston lost that it's one
game at piece. I was afraid that Boston was.

Speaker 3 (02:15:48):
Going to sweep Cleveland and they're gonna be sitting around
getting healthy, waiting for the winner of the Pacers Knicks. Now,
I feel the Cleveland Boston series gonna go at least
six games. I don't confidence in Boston that they're gonna
go ahead and win three games in a row, even
though they did it against Miami. Miami had some major
injuries there. Yeah, I think this one's gonna go at
least six games in this year.

Speaker 2 (02:16:10):
I agree with you.

Speaker 4 (02:16:10):
The fact that I already penciled the Cavs in for
at least one home victory somewhere, whether it was Get
three or Game four, and the fact that they stole
Game two and dominated pretty much from the start of
the second half through rush all the way through to
the fourth quarter, but again without one of their best
players and one of their defensive calls in Jared Allen.
If he's able to come back, that makes a big
difference for them, you know. I mean, Evan Mobley has

some confidence playing well, and obviously Donovan Mitchell balled out.
I mean, I can easily see this going six And
the way that Boston has petered out in the playoffs
the last couple of years is great. As a regular
season as they had. Do you really have full on
confidence to like one hundred percent. Stampa, say Boston's going
to the NBA Finals and they're winning a championship. I
don't feel confident in saying that.

Speaker 3 (02:16:50):
No, And in the NFL, you could see a team
being a one seed to two seed, maybe having some
bad luck and eliminated because it's.

Speaker 2 (02:16:57):
Just one game.

Speaker 3 (02:16:58):
Right In the NBA, rarely does a one seed draw
up empty year in and year out. It's not like
this is the Atlanta Braves winning divisions out here. The
Celtics were the number one seed, easily, the number one
seed in the Eastern Conference, in the easiest conference. They
should not be struggling. A matter of fact, I'd be
surprised where they would end up in the West and

where would they come out.

Speaker 2 (02:17:21):
They might even be eliminated in the first round, but
they should not be struggling.

Speaker 3 (02:17:27):
Like they are over the last couple of years where
you mentioned they were fifteen to fifteen in the playoffs,
considering they've been like a number one or a number
two seed most of those years.

Speaker 2 (02:17:36):
In the games they've lost at home, I mean all
games seven at home to Miami last year. I mean
that that shouldn't happen. Who it is happening way too
often these last few years for Boston. So you want
they're not going to blow it up. I'm not suggesting
that they do.

Speaker 4 (02:17:48):
But at a certain point, you're at what year four
or five of this particular core together, At what point
in time do you say, maybe this ain't working. We
got to shake things up. Despite the fact that you
want sixty eight games. You're a great regular season team,
but you can end up falling short and the principal
figures change, whether it's Miami, it's gonna end up being
a different team this year, if they don't end up
making it, you have just our question and whether or

not what we're doing is the right recipe.

Speaker 2 (02:18:11):
All right, by the.

Speaker 3 (02:18:12):
Way, shortly after the show, our podcast will be going up.
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me so I could yell at our producers for not
doing anything, We're gonna come back. We'll go through some
of the other series out there. Who's going to coach
the Lakers? The Suns fire their coach will get to
all that coming up next right here on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (02:18:50):
All right, good morning, everybody on a span. You're Kevin Figures.

Speaker 3 (02:18:53):
We're in for the fellas, Anthony Gargano and Jason fitz
on this Saturday morning right here on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (02:19:00):
You want to be part of the show.

Speaker 3 (02:19:00):
Real simple at Stink and genius one at k fig One.
By the way, we were talking about naming your newborn
after your favorite athlete Chippers. Bo sends this in Chripper
Joe's name is child Shay since he owned the New
York Mets.

Speaker 2 (02:19:16):
That's spectacular. I double checked that. I looked that up
and that is true. That's excellent. That is true. That's
exactly what he did.

Speaker 3 (02:19:25):
So yes, three kids named one Schaeff for Shay stated.

Speaker 2 (02:19:29):
Because he wrecked the New York Mets. I named my
kid Shaef.

Speaker 4 (02:19:32):
Chipper was kind of a silent assassin when he played,
but he's very outspoken now that he's retired. And that's
that's that's amazing. Do you know Chipper's real first name?

Speaker 2 (02:19:40):
I used to I don't know now what is because
the met fans used to chant it, what was it? Larry?
I think I think, yeah, Larry.

Speaker 3 (02:19:46):
I think they used to go Larry, Larry Frank Vogel,
we know his name. He was fired after one year.
I let me ask you this. Coaches that get fired
after one year or a half a year and they
signed what two three, five year or five year five.

Speaker 2 (02:20:02):
Five year contract?

Speaker 3 (02:20:03):
I believe hundreds of millions of dollars. He's gonna get
replaced by Budenholzer if I even said that, right, who
was head coach of Milwaukee and he was fired.

Speaker 2 (02:20:11):
I think two years after winning a championship for Milwaukee.

Speaker 3 (02:20:14):
I think Milwaukee's paying like three coaches, and other than that,
they probably fired Doc Rivers if they didn't want to
pay a fourth coach out there. How long should a
coach be given in the NBA, in baseball, in the
NFL even or can you fire a coach after one
year if you know that it's not going to work?

Speaker 2 (02:20:34):
Do you give him more than a year. It's kind
of like a girlfriend going, well, I'm not going to
break up with him until after Valentine's Day, so I
get the president or something like that. I don't know
that is one year?

Speaker 3 (02:20:43):
Okay, shouldn't they at least be given two or three
years of a of a five year contract. Let's see
what they can do. Or or no, if you know
it's not gonna work, just cut your losses.

Speaker 2 (02:20:52):
And give rid of him right away.

Speaker 4 (02:20:53):
Every situation is unique, but in a general rule, I
like to give someone at least three years to kind
of get their program in place their collegers.

Speaker 2 (02:21:02):
In college, we used to say four years because that's.

Speaker 4 (02:21:04):
Recruiting run class right, right, But now look, sometimes things
are just completely and totally toxic and is just untenable
and there's no way you can keep a guy. Those
situations do end up happening, but not to the volume
of how often this sort of thing happens. I feel
like every maybe once every two or three years, we
see somebody who gets the act after one season.

Speaker 3 (02:21:23):
Right or after they've been named coach of the How
many coaches of the year have been fired one or
two years later?

Speaker 2 (02:21:28):

Speaker 4 (02:21:29):
It just impatience by ownership or the fan base get
you know, falls out of favor.

Speaker 2 (02:21:34):
I met Frank Vogel is a good example.

Speaker 4 (02:21:36):
You know, won a championship quote unquote Bubble Championship, if
you want to label at that. Whatever with the Lakers,
you know, come back that next year they get bounced
in the first round because they have injuries. Come back
the next year they trade for westbrook Everybody knew that
that was a bad trade. And it didn't matter who
the coach was, it was gonna work. It wasn't gonna work.

Speaker 2 (02:21:51):
How many coaches of Lebron had over the cost so many,
so many, And Frank Vogel basically was the one that
got the acts. He had to fall on the sword.

Speaker 4 (02:22:00):
They couldn't fire Lebron, they couldn't fire a d and
at that point in time, because Westbrooks still had two
years left on his deal, they couldn't trade him again.
So basically, Frank Vogel was the one that had to
end up getting fired for it. Now because the Phoenix
Suns had all these shortcomings. They bring on all these
stars and none of these guys can stay healthy. What
did they play twenty something games together?

Speaker 2 (02:22:16):
Even that? So is that Frank Vogel's fault? No, No,
not at all. Maybe they just didn't like him, or
I don't think it was the fans that say we
got to get him out of here.

Speaker 4 (02:22:24):
I didn't get that vibe. No, not at all. It's
just that we have these star players. We made it
into the playoffs. All three of the guys were healthy
at the time we made it in. And because these
are all phenomenal scores, a couple of guys maybe going
to the Hall of Fame, you should be able to
out talent teams and be able to win, even though
we know that's just not how this works.

Speaker 2 (02:22:43):
It's not how it goes all the time.

Speaker 3 (02:22:45):
People want to win, and they want to win right away.
I think in the NBA you could probably win faster
than you can in the NFL. But I would love
somebody to do the research on how many coaches have
been fired and how much money they're still getting paid
from their previous owner, you know what I mean, because
it's got to be way up there.

Speaker 2 (02:23:02):
I mean, it's getting it's getting ridiculous.

Speaker 3 (02:23:04):
D It's like the NBA, we know there's gonna be
what two, three, four, five firings at the end of every.

Speaker 2 (02:23:09):
Year, right Well.

Speaker 4 (02:23:09):
The big issue in the NBA too, is like if
you're a coach and there's a team, I say, the
Lakers are a great example of this. You have two
superstars once, you know, one guy with Lebron James, who
wields you know, such high authority. You know, you know
exactly what the expectation is. If we're not making it
to the NBA Finals or winning a championship, I'm on
the hot seat immediately. They went to the conference finals

last year, the Lakers did against Denver, maybe back to
the first round this year, and and Darbnham got fired
after two seasons.

Speaker 2 (02:23:36):
No, no offense. But does it really make a difference,
Frank Vogel, Tyron Lou You know, so just a lot
of these guys that I've worked with Lebron and got
fired or had a team and got fired. Is one
coach really that Doc Rivers is one coach so much
better than the other? Or cause, like I said, it's
not like you know Doc Rivers or you know, uh,

they're yelling out plays saying, okay, Darvin Ham showing Lebron
run play three, run play three. It's not happy.

Speaker 3 (02:24:06):
Maybe they're running something after a time out, but that's
not really going on there.

Speaker 2 (02:24:10):
You know, yeah, it's really a play.

Speaker 4 (02:24:12):
How much of the players in the locker room respect
you know what you have to say what's your relationship
and keeping the locker room together and really honestly just
playcating the egos of your star players.

Speaker 2 (02:24:21):
I think that's part of the reason.

Speaker 4 (02:24:22):
Remember before the Bucks won the championship, Budenhozer was on
the hot seat that year and they said if he
didn't make a deep run into the postseason, he was
probably gonna get fired.

Speaker 2 (02:24:30):
They won the.

Speaker 4 (02:24:31):
Championship, so that staved off his firing for about two
more seasons. But apparently he had a riff with Giannis,
and Giannis didn't like him. This is all reportedly. I
don't know if it's true or not right, and that's
a big reason why he got the acts despite the
fact that he won a championship. You have to be
able to play nice with superstars and quite honest, Like,
if I'm a head coach, I'd rather go to a rebuild.
I'd rather be in Orlando like Mosley. I'd rather be

like Diagno out in Oklahoma City. I'll just be a
young coach. I know the expectations are low. Let's get
some some high draft picks and hopefully I can coach
these guys up and then I can earn my medal
as opposed to, you know, signing on with the team
white the Lakers, or like Indiana, or excuse me, like
Milwaukee who have established star players Boston knowing that if
things go sideways, I'm gonna be the guy that's gonna

get blamed for it. It's not gonna be the star player.
That's That's just how it works in the NBA.

Speaker 2 (02:25:18):
All right, We got our picks on the series for
the games today and tomorrow. We'll get to that.

Speaker 3 (02:25:23):
On how they're going to play out and what's going
on with this Shack Shannon sharpfeud.

Speaker 2 (02:25:27):
I'm gonna have Kate Fig explain not to be all that.
Coming up next first though, we get a final check
of what's happening out there and what's trending with Kate Fig.
What's going on k Fig? All right?

Speaker 4 (02:25:36):
Well, speaking of the NBA, the home team still searching
for a victory in the two Wolves Nuggets playoff series,
Denver picking up the one to seventeen to ninety win
on Friday night, cutting Minnesota's series lead to two games
to one. Nicola Jokic and Jamal Murray with twenty four
points each for Denver. Anthony Edward did score nineteen points
for Minnesota, but committed five turnovers. Indiana overcame a nine

point fourth quarter deficit to feat the Nicks one eleven
to one oh six. Tyre's Halliburton a game high thirty
five points and Andrew Nimhart with the goal ahead three
points are lates. New York's lead in the series is
now two games to one. In the NHL, Edmonton defeated
Vancouver in overtime four to three, tying that series at
a game apiece. Florida has a two to one series
lead over Boston after picking up a six to two

victory in Beantown.

Speaker 2 (02:26:19):
And baseball, the San.

Speaker 4 (02:26:20):
Diego Padres got a walk off RBI single from Luisa
Ries in a two to one victory over the Dodgers.
Three hits for Willia Damas as the Brewers hammert the Cardinals.
Colorado beat Texas four to two. You had victories for Phillies, Yankees,
and the Atlanta Braves. Back to the Fellas, all right,
thanks a lot, Kevin Figures, Arnie Spanier. We're in for
the Fellas, Anthony Gargano and Jason fitz right here on

Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (02:26:42):
You want to be part of the show.

Speaker 3 (02:26:43):
Real simple at stinking Genius one at k FIG one.
So we'll check Twitter a little bit later on what
the heck's going on with this Shaquille O'Neal Shaddon Sharp
a feud. What's happening? There been trying to keep up.
It's get pretty bad, you.

Speaker 4 (02:26:59):
Know, so from what I under So we talked a
little earlier in the show about Shaq, you know, telling
Nicola Jokic during his interview after accepting the MVP award
it should have gone to shake yelage as Alexander, you
shouldn't have won the MVP. So Shannon Sharp comes out
and says, well, Shaq, I think is just jealous of
guys winning multiple MVP awards because he never really did that.
He won some finals MVPs, but he only won one

during the regular season, and it was because he didn't
work hard and he was really lazy. It was our
old friend and colleague Dave Smith. It was his own narrative.
There are anywhere Shack was always fat and out of shape, etc.
So that's basically what Shannon Sharp said. So then Shaq
claps back and says, like, you can't speak on me
because you're not even one of the top ten players
at your position.

Speaker 2 (02:27:39):
Which by the way, is not true.

Speaker 4 (02:27:40):
I think in any list of the top tight ends
in NFL history, Shannon Sharp is probably somewhere in the
top ten, but that's neither here nor there. So that
was Shaq's retort. He is, like, you're jealous of me.
I was a great player.

Speaker 5 (02:27:50):
You're not.

Speaker 4 (02:27:51):
You can't speak on me because you weren't the same
caliber player that I was. Shannon Sharp was like, I
was a low draft pick. I'll busted my ass to
be one of the best players at my position for
as long as I was. If you worked half as
hard as me, and I'm paraphrasing basically at this point,
if you worked half as hard as me, you would
have been considered one of the all time greats in
the history of the sport, not just an all time
great big man. But it's well document that you didn't

work hard. So then Shack will release some sort of
dis track on Instagram, and that's kind of like where
it sits at the moment, so that that's kind of
what it is.

Speaker 3 (02:28:19):
I hate when they say you weren't as good as
I was, so you can't talk about me. Can you
imagine if you know, because every athlete says something about politics.
Can you imagine if I said, well, what big Ivy
League school, how many countries have you run? Well, you
can't speak about politics. How about if they need to
have surgery and they visited three doctors and each say

one says you need surgery, one doesn't.

Speaker 2 (02:28:43):
Well, how are you going to decide you're not a doctor? Right?
What did you go to medical school?

Speaker 3 (02:28:48):
Well, you learn the most you can and you come
up with an informed decision out there. I hate when
they say, well, you're not one of the top ten,
so you can't talk, but only nine people in you
can talk about Shaquille O'Neil. Yeah, top ten in their position,
I think that I don't have to, like they said,
I don't have to be an apple to know what
one tastes like.

Speaker 2 (02:29:05):
You correct.

Speaker 4 (02:29:06):
It's one of the laziest arguments, and usually when you
don't have a good response, that's what you say. It's
when the when Shaq and Charles Barkley have debates on
the set and Shaq resorts to, well, how many championships
have you won?

Speaker 2 (02:29:17):
Right? What does that matter in the court? It doesn't
mean anything.

Speaker 4 (02:29:20):
That's because that the only retort that you have is
the fact that you won titles and he didn't. And
if you get into a debate with Kenny, you say, look,
how many All Star games did you make? Are you
in the Hall of Fame because Kenny won championships? He
can't use that, but he can say that Kenny was
a role player, not a star. So it's just look,
I love Shaq, good guy. Look at Robert or Robert
Ory has what how many championships?

Speaker 2 (02:29:39):
I got seven? I think it is, you know, so,
but you just move in there.

Speaker 4 (02:29:43):
When you don't have a good comeback, you resort to, well,
my resume is better than yours, so I can speak
as an authority and you can't. And that's just a
lazy argument and it's not a real argument. It's really
Patty on shack spots to do that.

Speaker 2 (02:29:55):
Speaking about the MVP though, first of all, I'm okay
with Yo chatting it. I think he deserve to get it.
But what a game by Denver, Yeah, putting down, you know,
putting him down like that. They went ahead, and you know,
Minnesota learned their lesson beat up two nothing.

Speaker 3 (02:30:11):
All they had to do was win that game. They'd
be up three to nothing and they pretty much have
this series done.

Speaker 2 (02:30:15):
You know.

Speaker 4 (02:30:15):
Yeah, you can't come out lack a day's ago and
give playoff games away. That's something that as a young
team they're gonna have to learn because they look they
came out with all the confidence. We went into the altitude,
you know, beat them in game one, mopped the floor
with them in game two, so clearly they're gonna lay down.
We have the home crowd behind us. This should be easy,
you know, light work for us, and that wasn't the
case off jump and they just on.

Speaker 2 (02:30:36):
Once they got punched in the mouth, they weren't able
to recover.

Speaker 4 (02:30:38):
Minnesota has been one of the more physical teams in
the NBA all season long, and they got out physical
on their own home floor.

Speaker 2 (02:30:44):
The fact that.

Speaker 4 (02:30:45):
Rudy Gobert had four rebounds when he's one of the
best rebounders in the entire NBA is glaring.

Speaker 2 (02:30:50):
It really is.

Speaker 4 (02:30:51):
Between him and Karl and Anthony Towns had nine rebounds
combined together on Friday night.

Speaker 2 (02:30:55):
That speaks volumes. So have we pumped the brakes so
a little bit on Minnesota or there still as good
as is advertised out there because of what's going on.

Speaker 4 (02:31:03):
I think they're as good as advertised because we've seen
what they can do when they're at their best. So
but I will say this, and it's I know it's
still early in the series. We're going into Game four
to say that it's a quote unquote must win, But
I really do think that this a must win for
Minnesota because if Denver goes in, it takes both of
these games and gets their confidence back. The confidence all
of a sudden is shaken for a Minnesota team that

doesn't have a whole lot of playoff experience versus a
Denver team that's been here and done that before. So
I really do think that Minnesota has to win this
game coming up in a couple of nights, or this
is gonna be a swing back into Denver's favor.

Speaker 2 (02:31:36):
They're gonna end up winning this thing in six.

Speaker 3 (02:31:38):
Who is a who has to win their game? Lack
of better English have a must win their game? More
Indiana to make it to to Denver, to make it
to too because I mean, let's let's be honest, they
really got to go ahead and that or Boston to
win at Cleveland to make it two to one. Who

needs the victory more.

Speaker 4 (02:32:04):
I think, I honestly think that that's a tough one
is it's not easy. It's not easy. There's a we
I know it sounds weird. I still feel that Minnesota
needs to win that game. I think Minnesota has to
go up three to one because if they go to
to there's no way. I don't think there's any way
they're gonna win back in Denver. I don't think so either.
I think I think Denver's done losing at home to
this team. So they goes back to game fin Denver
goes up three to two, and now Pacers lose.

Speaker 2 (02:32:25):
They're done. Though I believe they're done. There is possibly
most like the problem is.

Speaker 4 (02:32:29):
And I like the Knicks, and I love how gritty
and how they're playing again with the attrition, with the
injuries they've had, they're not gonna get healthier. The way
that Indiana can score. I know New York's defense is phenomenal,
but Indiana can go off for one thirty and they
haven't had one of those nights yet where everything is
just working for them. I think you have to account
for that for at least one game at some point
in this series. I'm just being honest with you, Arnie right,

I'm just being honest. You know, I don't want to
I'm not trying to burst your bubble here. I want
to see the Knicks maker run. I love their team,
I love their grit. I love to see a team
like that make a deep run of the postseason. But
I'm just keeping it real. So even if the New York,
if the Knicks win the next game, I don't know
if it's necessarily a must win for Indiana because I
do think there are certain advantages that they do have
from an offensive standpoint, and they can score some points.

I don't think if they go down three to one,
I still think it's possible that they can force a
game seven. I think it's more likely that they can
do that than the Minnesota. So I got in.

Speaker 3 (02:33:24):
Trouble before the start of the series. I was on
with Plank and he's like, Okay, how do you see
the series? I go, you know, the Knicks should win
this one pretty easily. I go, let's face it, what
do the Pacers really have Caitlin Clark and who else?

Speaker 2 (02:33:39):
I mean, let's you gonna do that?

Speaker 3 (02:33:43):
I go, And then I go, all right, let's pick
the game between the Knicks and the fever, I mean
the Pacers.

Speaker 2 (02:33:48):
Wow. So wow, Well now that's two games to one now,
especially with the injuries that the that the Knicks are having.

Speaker 4 (02:33:56):
Right, absolutely like that that's a factor. You can't act
like it's not a factor. That's the big thing. If
all things were equal, then I probably wouldn't be that
concerned about the Knicks, because I do think styles make fights,
and I do think when they have it working defensively,
they have the elixa to be able to slow Indiana down.
The problem is there's just too many guys who are
getting banged up, and the guys who are already hurt
and out is putting more of a burden on the

players like Josh Hard and de Vincenzo, you know, and
to have to play more minutes and that's just gonna
wear them down even more. For a young Indiana team
that can get up and down and play and likes
to run that that's only gonna the longer this series goes,
it's only gonna play into Indiana's favor I think, all right, we.

Speaker 2 (02:34:32):
Got one segment to go, that's our picks segment, will
tell you who we like for the games today and tomorrow.
That's coming up next, Arnie Spaniard, Kevin Figures. We're in
for the fellas, Anthony Gargano and Jason Fitz right here
on Fox Sports Radio. By the way, thanks to Anthony
Gargano with Jason Fitz for letting me fill in this morning.

I'm sure they will be back next Saturday. Thanks to
Ian Mark and of course Kate Fig for keeping me
the company on this Saturday morning. By the way, double
duty for me.

Speaker 3 (02:35:03):
I'm back tonight with Jason Martin eight p to eleven
p Pacific. That's eleven P to two AY Eastern. Jason Martin,
Aaron Torres with the night off, so they know as
soon as the nick sluse, they immediately scheduled me for
a lot more shifts so I could just suffer in
front of everybody's They know.

Speaker 4 (02:35:24):
You have a lot more time on your hands now, Yes, exactly, exactly,
All right, let's get to some predictions.

Speaker 3 (02:35:28):
Let's start with the games today, three point thirty eastern.
The thunder are in Dallas. That series tied at one
game apiece. How do you see that one coming out?

Speaker 2 (02:35:38):

Speaker 4 (02:35:38):
I like Dallas again, you know now? Granted, Tim Hardaway
Junior went off and had the game of his life.
But Luca and Kyrie Irving, I think are just kind
of a buzz stall and I do think that Oklahoma
City matches up with them fairly decently. But I do
think the experience is gonna end up winning out in
this series with Dallas. So I'm gonna take the Mavericks
in this one to go up to one.

Speaker 3 (02:35:56):
Dallas only a two and a half point favorite to
like them. I think that's a small no disrespect to
Oklahoma City. Dallas at home, like you said, more of
a veteran team. I think it could be somewhat of
a close game, but maybe Dallas pulls away late like
Dallas in that game and the Celtics and the Cavaliers
tied it one game a piece. This game in Cleveland,
you know, I asked you who has a must win situation?

Speaker 2 (02:36:19):
We didn't bring up the Celtics. This is a pretty
big game. They can't go down two to one.

Speaker 3 (02:36:23):
Doesn't mean they won't win the series, but man, they
don't want to go down two to one with a
Game four in Cleveland, with the possibility of down three
to one.

Speaker 2 (02:36:31):
How do you see this game?

Speaker 4 (02:36:32):
They don't want to go down two to one, but
I still think they can afford to go down to
to one, and I still think they're a better team
and can come back from that and still win the series.
So I actually think coming off of that victory in
Boston the other night, Cleveland is riding someone in them
coming back home with the crowd behind him. I think
Cleveland wins this game, and Cleveland does go up to one,
but I still think Boston ends up winning the series.

Speaker 2 (02:36:52):
I'm with you. First of all, I love Cleveland plus
seven and a half. That's what Oh yeah, absolutely, that's
what the line is.

Speaker 3 (02:36:58):
I would probably take him on the money line also,
But I think Cleveland wins this game, goes up two
to one, and then it gets a really hot undo
the collar for the Boston Celtics. You know, the fans
are gonna be screaming bloody murder if they fall down
two games to one, especially being a number one seat.
So we'll see how that plays out. Sunday, three point
thirty Eastern. The Knicks and the Pacers. You know, I'm

going with my Knicks. I'm hoping they can pull this
one out. We'll see how healthy Jalen Brunson.

Speaker 4 (02:37:24):
Is Yeah, and whether or not og Ananobi is back
in the lineup, he's not gonna be back because we
know for a fact that he's not playing. No, it's
not a fact, but I mean it's more likely than
not he's out. Woad said, is Yeah, it's more likely
that he's out for this game. Yeah, that's a big
loss for them, and again places a huge, a huge
burden on their starters to have to play a lot
more minutes. But considering how well they played on Friday night,

I think the Knicks have a shot. I'm gonna pick
the Knicks to go out to take that game and
go up three to one. I am, I would love it.
And then of course that gives them a little bit
of breathing room. If the Knicks lose and it's two
to two and they've got some injuries, they still have
two of the three back in Madison Square Garden though,
But that's still tough sledding. You know, they're a team
that doesn't have a lot of quality depth to begin with.
Against a team like Indiana that can score points, that's

that's tough sled And I don't think it's not a
must win for New York to go up three to one,
but it will behoove them greatly to get to get
an extra cushion before going back home for Game five.

Speaker 3 (02:38:15):
I asked you had to must win. You told me
the Minnesota Timberwolves, and I do. There are two they're
a two and a half point favorite, but they're up
two games to one. They're playing at home in game
number four, and you think it's a must win situation
though for Minnesota.

Speaker 4 (02:38:28):
Yeah, momentum is just so fickle. And when it comes
to a veteran team like Denver that's been there before,
you give them a sliver of confidence and they come
back and get a victory, win two games in Minnesota's
home floor, going back to Mile High after what happened
to them. Wow, Yeah, you don't want to face that
if you're the Timberwolves. The Timberwolves have to win this
game on Sunday and to go back to Denver. I'm
already giving Denver that victory back in Game five. Regardless

of what the circumstance is. Minnesota needs to win the
rest of their home games in this series, and it should.

Speaker 3 (02:38:55):
Be a great atmosphere though the fans should be able
to carry them. I can't believe they would come out
flat with the lack of playoff.

Speaker 2 (02:39:02):
Games that they've had up there in Minnesota.

Speaker 4 (02:39:04):
I mean, they did it on Friday, but now they
have to even have extra more fire under them because
you already know exactly how Denver plays and how they
gave it to you on your home floor on Friday night.
So they've already seen it, they've already experienced it. You
can't come out flat again. I can't believe they did
it to begin with. Now there's no excuse for it.

Speaker 2 (02:39:21):
Is that the best series out of the four?

Speaker 4 (02:39:23):
Is it? Thenk the Knicks of the Pacers. No, I
think that best series is Minnesota and Denver. There's a
star power attached to it as well. I think there's
intriguing matchups across the board with the front line of
Denver versus the front line of Minnesota. Anthony Edwards is
one of the rising stars in the league. So I
even just even stylistically speaking and from a star power standpoint,
I think Minnesota Denver is the biggest series or the

most entertaining series.

Speaker 3 (02:39:46):
Well, I'm getting it to the NBA Playoffs. I'm hoping
the Knicks somehow pull it out again.

Speaker 2 (02:39:51):
Thanks to all the crew out there, Ian, Mark k Fike,
thanks to Gergano and Fitz. Coming up next, it's going
to be Brian no, Rich hon Berger and Jared Smith.
You want to stick around for them. Love listening to
their show about the whole gambling aspects. They'll go over all.

Speaker 3 (02:40:05):
The NBA games, who they like against the spread, and
obviously take a look at some of the prop bets
out there.

Speaker 2 (02:40:12):
Once again, I'm doing double duty.

Speaker 3 (02:40:13):
You listen to me tonight in for Aaron Torres, I'm
going on with Jason Martin eight P.

Speaker 2 (02:40:18):
Two eleven p Pacific. See you later right here on
Fox Sports Radio.

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