All Episodes

May 28, 2022 42 mins

LaVar Arrington, TJ Houshmandzadeh, and Plaxico Burress discuss Colin Kaepernick's comeback attempt and debate his intentions. Jon Gruden may bring some wild information about the NFL to light. Is LeSean McCoy right about why Eric Bieniemy is not getting a head coaching job? Plus, the guys say good riddance to the Pro Bowl!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Our two is coming at you.
Kylin Kaepernick, we'll talk about him very soon. Uh he
had to try out. The Raiders brought him in, but
we'll discuss that. No deal seems imminent. John Gruden, he
won that early early legal battle. That is not getting
thrown out. It is not going anywhere. Lashn McCoy had
some interesting words about Eric b enemy. Andy Reid defended

the enemy. We'll get to that as well. Travis Kelsey,
he had some interesting comments and I didn't pay off
the tease on on the Pro Bowl. But that shouldn't
be too long of a conversation as that has not
been that big of a deal in recent history. So hey,
make sure you stay tuned in Up on Game. It's
coming at you live right now. You want NFL experience this,

it's the show for you. This it's up on Game
with Labarreri, tent t J, Who Spinzanna and Plaxico Burres.
Did you hear that? LaVar Arrington, t J. Houd Smenzana,
Plexico Burs. It's a show with three of the best
to ever do it on and off the field. And

now here's Pro Bowlers. LaVar Arington, t J. Houshminsanna and
super Bowled, Chiffy and Plaxico Burress. Alright, alright, hour too,
we're here. Make sure you check up, check out up
one gag. You could do that on Fox Sports Radio

dot com. You can do it on the I Heart
Radio app sometimes even on Sirius XM eight three. Check
us out, you know what I mean. You could also
get us at Twitter, on La bar Arrington, at Push
eighty four, at Plexico burs and you can call the
Fox Sports Radio at Sports Radio. All right, let's not
waste anytime. Let's jump straight into it. The Las Vegas

Raiders they bring and Colin Kaepernick for a workout. This
is something that I believe a ton of people have
been hoping for, have been waiting for, man praying for.
Should I say, I mean, I don't want to overstated
or understated, but he's finally got an opportunity to work out,

and that was with the Las Vegas Raiders. Now, if
you know about who he is and his his history,
he played at UH at Nevada. Correct, he played at
Nevada UH. He's familiar with the terrain, he's familiar with
that area of the world, and he was brought in.
There's no there was no deal um that was done.

And the coach came out, you know, McDaniel came out
and said, there's no reason for there to be any
alarm or debate about UH car being the head coach
or excuse me, the starting quarterback for for the team. Uh.
They have Jared stiddlem as as a backup that they
brought in. If you know who Stiddhlem is, he was
in UH in New England with UH coach McDaniel when

he was there. Uh, guys, what's your take on this?
Is this more of a when I said publicity stunt
earlier with the donation with Deshaun Watson? Is this more
of a publicity stunt? We do know that there have
been some accusations that have been floating around about the
Las Vegas Raiders will get to John gruten Um shortly

as well. But do you think that this was more
of an act of kind of creating a bond or
connection or something that felt good with the vastly large
community that has the ability to cancel or make a
company connected to Colin Kaepernick And you just don't know

what's going on. Uh, you really don't. When when you
look at it, Capp has been out in the NFL
for five years, six isn't it six six without a workout,
and so to get a workout now you're just like,

why now it Physically, yeah, he's gonna be in great shape.
He could always throw the ball. But when you get
in practice and better yet in the game, your eyes,
they they're not up to speed with the game of football.
It will take some time. But you just don't know
why he was giving the workout. Um, hopefully he gets

an opportunity, because he'll look back on this and say, man,
I could have been X, Y and Z had I
been given another opportunity. I hope he gets one, just
so he can prove himself right or say, Okay, yeah,
I feel like I can play, but I just really
can't get it done. I don't know the team that
will go out on a limb and sign him because

of the backlash they may take. You just don't know
what's gonna happen. But it's good he got the workout.
Really get more or let's see, man. Listen. I've been
on this show several times and said to y'all and
everybody out there listening to that that calling Kaptain Nick
days in the NFL was over, nobody whatever signed him,
and you know, it says a mixed message to me,

and and it's kind of slapping the face all at
the same time. If he's able to play football right now,
and he hasn't played since two thousand and sixteen, then
why are the Raiders giving him a chance opportunity to
come back and play now? Why now? If he's still

if he's still gifted to play six years removed from
the game, then why then then why are the Raiders
giving him opportunity now? Maybe because Josh Josh uh Daniels
is the head coach of the Raiders and now he's
made now he's able to make those decisions. But it

just says to me that his decision is that his decision,
so he's the head coach. See. To me, I feel
like this could be a publicity stunt. Again. I mean,
if we if we check out and read up on
some of the things that are taking place there, this
could be considered to be a publicity stunt. I don't
know that it's all the way football related, and I'm

not saying that. I think it's like the NFL, the
Raiders and this whole ordeal saying, you know what, we
got this wrong. We got it wrong, but we're trying
to make it right. Give him an opportunity to say that.
You know, NFL team didn't give him another chance, but

why did you bring him to the workout and you
don't sign him. I just don't understand how this whole
thing happened. Is a slap in the face to me,
But to him, he's gonna jump. He's gonna jump. It is,
but he's gonna jump up every opportunity that he gets

to say that you know what I took us stands.
I kneel for what I believe then and you know
it's it's worked for me, but it has it. It's
a slap in the face. But the NFL is like,
you know what, we got it wrong. Let's give him
another chance. See I I look at it from this
and this has consistently been my perspective. If it's not Kaepernick,

no one cares because if you really think about it,
this is not unique. It's like, oh, Kaepernick gotta a workout,
you know with this team like here, it is, well,
I gotta I gotta give you guys some breaking news.
Quarterbacks workout. Players work out all the time. They're brought

in all the time they come in. It used to
be what Mondays are Tuesdays, right, it used to be
Mondays or Tuesdays. All the free agents that the team
we're looking at, they bring them in, they take them
out on the field, they work them out. Every once
in a while they might sign a guy, but more
often than not. I remember being in Washington, I just
got used to being in the locker room and seeing

guys coming. That was the first time I ever saw
the rocket blew me away. I'm like, dang, there's the rocket.
The rocket like Bishamail just walked into the locker room,
like there he is right there like that, um, and
I'm like, man, what's going on? Man? He's like just
getting this workout in, right. It's it's it's different. It's
different when it's because because of the the level of

exposure and what he represents and and the fact that
it's been so long. It's why now. I mean, they
did the same exact thing with with Tim Tebow, right,
Like the coverage of it they did not the coverage
of it was wasn't Tim Tebow, wasn't the type of
player that Colin Kaepernick is. I mean, that's another debate altogether.

I'm not I'm not going to debate who's good or
who's better. Who is I'm talking about the coverage of
it when when he was working out with Jacksonville and
how it was being speculated. There are always players trying
to make it onto a roster because some of them
are big names. Go ahead, I'm here. I'm here for

not playing football. I think there's a straight up answer
would be nobody wants to deal with all of the
baggage that would have came with signing him when he
was still a signable player. Now today, I don't I
have no idea what what what what that that baggage
come from? Uh, it'll never be enough. There will never be.

He will never be. It will be too much confusion
that baggage would be from him his protest and how
that UH divided like pretty much an entire country in
some cases, especially people within the sporting world. But I
think that the support that Kaepernick gets if you brought
him onto the team, now it's like that's not enough

that he's on the team. He should be competing for
a starting job. Then it's not enough that he should
be competing for a starting job. If he doesn't get
the starting job, then it's because something conspiracy driven. And
then if he gets the starting job, if he doesn't,
if he doesn't perform, well, there's going to be a
conspiracy theory connected to that. There is nothing that won't

be conspiracy theory driven. There's not many teams that Kaepernick
will start on, right, there's not one team. There's not
one team. There's there's not one team. Like like if
we shoot straight from the hit, we both play, we
all all three of us playing. There's not one team
that he's good enough to start for two days. No, no, absolutely,

not not this year, not not never, not never. No,
it won't take time. It's it's done. It's done to
be to be six years removed from the league, six
years removed. And and keep in mind, it's not like
he's like he was the most elite player when he
was when he was leaving the game, he was he

could be. I mean, yeah, that was two years before
he left the game, right, what year? Two years. I'm
not saying he's trash. I'm just I'm not. I'm really not.
Don't try to hype it. I'm not acting like he's trash.
I'm just saying that I don't know that he was
an elite level player when he left the game. Would
you'll say he was an elite level player? He was

never a pro bowler. He I mean, look at him
and then his accomplishments. He was a good player. He
was a good enough player to start in the NFL
correct at at the point time he left. But but
he went from being a starting quarterback to taking a
stance to not be not even. He was a backup.

He was a backup when he started protesting. Like that
should be made, that should be clear. He was a
backup when he started protesting. He was not a starter.
I'm not trying to be a hater. I'm just giving
y'all fat oh. I know that's well documented that he was.
And he wasn't pitched because he was protesting. He was

pitched because they didn't think that they could get it
done with him as the starter. They was trash though, Okay,
he was part of that all I know. Here's all
I'm gonna say. Here's what I'm gonna say. Right, here's
what I'm saying. Was there a moment in time where hey,
you remember who the Niners coach was, right, I don't care.

I don't reminder, I don't even remember. I don't even
I want to say, hardball ship Kelly. Here's the thing,
Chip Kelly, exactly. He's trash. He's some trash outside of
Philly with some trashy look. But but I don't I

don't care like the team with some trash. So here's
the thing. If he could have been a starter somewhere else,
that moment in time came and went. That that moment
in time came and went. But one year, two, three, four,
maybe five, but six think that he can get himself

back and playing condition saying that What we're saying, what
we're saying is that you'll say what y'all saying. If
he's still get it enough to play the position, being
six years and moved for the game, then why why
hasn't he been playing? That's what we're saying. Well, but
we're not. I'm not debating that. I'm saying I'm saying this,

it will take time. I don't believe any team that
signs him if they do, what do you mean take time?
That's what I'm saying. How much times, got six times
six years time. I'm talking about time of being in
the NFL practice. Uh, the speed of the game. How
you gotta speed your mind up to move quickly get

rid of the ball process information that's going to take time.
He has not seen it. You cannot think he can
do it at this point in his career, at this
point in his age and where he's age. Said it,
I don't believe he can. Is that what you're saying.
Say what you're saying. Is that what you're saying six

years out, it's virtually impossible for a quarterback to pick that.
I just don't now he should be a backup to
be a starter in the league. I don't think he
can be in starter in league. He's been out of
the game way too long in his mind. As soon
as to get on that practice we ain't even talking
the game. Soon as to get on that practice field
and it ain't full team seven on seven, he's gonna

be like, oh oh, where I go with the ball, Like,
I mean, just not used to it. We gotta get
out of here. I mean, I hate that these segment man.
I agreed six years later, like if you're the same quarterback,
better never better now than never, like a Kaepernick apologist.

All right, you know what it is. It is what
it is, you know, better now than ever. He got
his opportunity. I would love to see it happened. By
the way, it's the year of and I hope Kaepernick
gets back and he slaps some some good games together
in the pre who they slap? I hope. I hope

Kaepernick comes back and balls out in the preseason and
goes and slaps Roger Goodell in the face after the
prese Keep my name out your mouth, I said, keep
your neck, keep my name out of your mouth. Anyways. Uh,
that's just me, you know, just just just me. All right. Look,

on the other side of this break, we're gonna talk
about some Jon gruten you know they were you know,
he had some emails released. It led to his departure
of a major, major, major contract that he signed with.
By the way, the same team that we're discussing right now,
seems kind of interesting and coincidental. Um, and some of
that stuff was racially motivated. Saves a type bit coincidental.

But we'll expand on that on the other side of
this break. Uh, but first let me tell you all
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hey guys, listen, we're gonna take a quick break. As
I mentioned John Gruten, Uh, We're just gonna stay on

the Las Vegas Raiders right now, and we're just gonna
keep having this conversation. Let's teach Huchman's out of otherwise
known as pantine Man, that stretched Armstrong otherwise known as
Plexico Burst. I'm LaVar Arrington. I'm just here, you know,
to help and support. But this is up on game.
This is Fox Sports Radio. We'll be right back. That's
on my neck, I on my rats I got that drap,

I got the game up on game. That's the name
of that shot, got d J at plex and then yeah, yeah, hey,
welcome back into the show man. You know, I just
just had my little moment there. Uh, you know, I'd
like to have it here and there. You know, I
like to add live do what I do when I
do what I do when I'm doing it for radio.

You did what I'm saying. Welcome back into up on game. Uh, fellas,
we're gonna We're gonna stay with the Las Vegas Raiders.
Now burst what what is the setup of this Grouten situation?
They were trying to what the NFL was trying to
get the legal proceedings to to be you know, this

case to be dismissed. Give give us the background on
it because I'm interested because it almost is a kind
of a segue from what we were talking about. Was
this a publicity stunt that took place by bringing Kaepernick
in for a tryout? It's like, why now, why six
years later? Well, let's I mean, I'm not saying that

I'm I had my Tamfourio had on and we need
some some you know, music that goes with the conspiracy theory.
I'm just saying there's something that could possibly be here.
What we got burst, Well, yes, John Gruden has an
active lawsuit against the NFL regarding his exit from from
the league and from the Raiders. Uh. And just a
few days ago, District Judge Nancy alf denied the NFL's

motion to dismiss the case and more importantly, the NFL's
motion to compel arbitration, which basically means that if and
when Gruden's case goes to trial and goes to court,
that court will be open and all of this information
will be out in the open, and there will be
more transparency in terms of not only what happened with Gruden,
but maybe anything else that the NFL might bring to

lights in this investigation. Now that's interesting because the emails
that got him fired, there were how many, like over
like six hundred thousand emails, and you only released the
John Gruden emails. And those emails were toxic. They were misogynistic,
they were chauvinistic, they were racial. There were all kinds

of different things that explained those those emails. And if
this thing goes to trial or to court, then I
wonder do they open up that rest of those six
hundred and some thousand emails that okay? And who are
they connected to? We know Washington is connected to it,
but who else? What other what other organizations, what other

big figures, big names are connected to? And that's why
they ain't been released. They don't want you to know,
all right. But this is very very compromising here, and
the NFL is trying to suppress this case. They do
not want these They do not want these emails. We
can't go to arbitration. What they are trying to appeal

this case to get it kicked out and dismissed. Because listen,
let me tell you something. Something in those emails that
the NFL do not want to be released. And I
can't wait to see him. It's going to be real.
You can't wait to see him. I can't wait to
see him. What it's almost an impossibility that these emails
get released. They cannot be released, It don't matter. I'm

wondering how much are they going to settle for with Gruten?
And here's the thing. Is it about money for John
Gruten or is it about him trying to clear his name?
I don't see how he can clear his name. What
his emails are his email. But I'll tell you this
if I'm going down. You know that we used to
say that that say hey, hey, come on out, y'all
that got us, Come from behind the tree, come out

of it, come from back behind there. Exactly. That's exactly
what is Lauria saying. Said, why is my client the
only person to have his emails released out of who
is the whistle blow or my client right right? Who
threw this out there and releasing to the Wall Street
Journal on top of that, and was used in a

way to fire him. It was a tool to get
he was He was pushed out of his job based
upon these emails. And keep in mind he was only
in like what year three or four of a ten
year I believe contract that was over like two hundred
million dollars. It was a crazy amount of money that
that was taken off of the table based off of

what took place. All right, now, look, I want you
all to sit on this. I want you all to
sit on it for a minute. We also are going
to get to Andy Reid defending Eric b Enemy. We're
gonna touch on that. I'm hoping we can catch up
on the Travis Kelsey uh scenario. But we may not again,
we may not make it to the Pro Bowl either.
Because this is just a great conversation. But first, let's
get the ILO. Let's get our update. ILO, what's your gap?

I got a Game seven for you in the NBA's
Eastern Conference Finals thanks to Jimmy Butler of the Miami
Heat forty seven points in Game six or what eleven?
What oh? Three victory at Boston on Friday and nighty
also at nine rebounds, eight assists and four steels Game
seven of the Eastern Conference Finals on Sunday in Miami.
Multiple outlets report at the Los Angeles Lakers have hired

Darvin Ham is their new head coach. Ham spent the
last nine seasons as an assistant coach with the Milwaukee Bucks.
When the news broke of Ham's hiring, Lebron James gave
his seal of approval, tweeting quote so damn excited, followed
by a multitude of exclamation points. How many Lebron? Not three,

not four, not five, not six to seven, but eight
exclamation points at the news of Darvin Ham being hired
as the Lakers head coach. In Major League Baseball. Short
time ago, the Chicago White Sox designated veteran Picture Dallas
Kaikel for assignment. Two games going on right now, both

the openers of double headers. In Washington, the Nationals already
with an eight to four lead over the Colorado Rockies
in the bottom of the third inning, while at Fenway,
the Red Sox on top of the Orioles three to
one in the bottom of the fourth inning. And in
case you're just tuning in, also trending right now, what
happened yesterday when Cincinnati Reds outfielder Tommy fam slapped San

Francisco to outfielder Jack Peterson in the outfield during batting
practice over a disagreement about their fantasy football league. Peterson
explained the dispute after the game. This audio courtesy of
NBC Sports Bay Area. Put somebody on the in reserve

when they were listed as out and added another player.
There's a text message in the group saying that I
was cheating. I don't know. I looked up the rules
and sent a screenshot up the rules out It says
that when the players ruled out, you're allowed to put
him on the irson who was out, and he had
him on the I R and I said, you literally

have the same thing on you on your bench. He
was listens out, so it's like it feels very similar
to what I did. And that was basically all that.
There's not much more to it. I'm not sure NFL
general managers would be as verbose about the actual NFL
procedures and protocols that they have to go through it

back to you. I think that is hilarious. He was
and depth though, David, it was in depth analysis on
why he ended up slapping that man in his face.
I wonder if his fingers were together, if they were
spread out, and he like let the air get through
his fingers, why he was the bigger man and no retaliation, Yeah,

of course there wasn't. And plust, I mean, he felt
like he was right, like you did the same thing,
and that's why I'm slapping you, uh speaking of being right,
and that's why I'm slapping you, uh again. All right,
let's let's let's move on. Let's I mean, unless y'all
wanted to continue on with with with groutend, did y'all
want to continue on with that? Is there more meat
on the but I mean there is a lot of

meat on the bone for this one, but I mean,
we'll revisit it. Let's go, let's go to Andy Reid.
All right, let's let's go to Andy Reid. Lashawn McCoy
had some some statements about UM, about Eric b Enemy
and and why he believes he he didn't make it
to UM hasn't made it to being a a pro

head coach just yet. It was very interesting. Came from
I m Athlete podcast. Take a listen to this and
the reason why I finished because me and Accreder didn't.
We had a difference about different things, right, And I'm
gonna say this, it's the reason why every year they
keep hyping him up to get a coaching job, a
head coach or office cordinat job for a little where else,

and you don't get one because he's talking. And then
because some players, right, he talks on a certain way
and some players would take it, I want to take
it like whoa you know? And that's some questions I
would ask. Everybody's accountable. That's why it's not because he's
a black coach. That's not the reason. Three is that
because he won't get into that. But that's the reason

why that every year he hYP hm up to get
a job and then when the time comes, nobody hides
because they know what type of coach he really is.
So you're saying, why you stopped playing in Kansas? Yeah,
come on, players, they knew what it was. That's that's
deep because he actually won I believe his only super
Bowl with Eric b Enemy and the Kansas City Chiefs,

but no, no shady one with Tampa Bay. He did
get one with Tampa, but he was on the roster. Uh.
Let's uh, let's uh. Let's listen to what Andy Reid
had to say, uh, in response to what Sadie McCoy
had to say, I shady And sometimes it's hard on
a veteran player that maybe they're their level, performance level

isn't what it used to be, and it's hard to
take sometimes. But he's gonna push you and try to
maximize what you've got. Um that's one of his strengths.
He's gonna come in and shoot you straight. Sometimes you
want to hear it, sometimes you don't. You know, I'm
a big Leshon fan in my eyes. He's a future
Hall of Fame running back if you look at statistically,
was tremendous. So but he wasn't the youngest pup you

know in the kennel here, man, he was on backside,
and sometimes that's hard to take. Man, can you even
get away with saying youngest pup in the kennel? These days,
we didn't get so sensitive with how we handled McCoy
was old as hell in football and running back and
running back age. He was older than dirt, like like
Jesus Sandals old by the time he got the Kansas

City and was playing for him. Now, do you not?
I always say I have always been a side with
the player type of deal. I always have. But come on,
shady like for real though, like you could talk to
to this guy as certain type of way, but you can't.
I'm not taking it or this is why he's not.
There are a lot of coaches, like if you understand

football culture, like I have been out of football for
a while, so I don't know how coaches these days
talked to two players, but I know a lot of
the coaches that are coaching now we're still coaches when
when we were playing. And if we're talking about the
way coaches talk to the players, come on, shady like,
come on, man, don't don't do that, because let me
tell you something. Coaches have been known, especially UH known

ones to talk crazy bad two players in certain situations. Now,
not condoning one over the other, but how much validity
do you guys put in that. That's why, uh, more
so than the racial aspect of it. It's it's the
way he handles things, or it's the way he talks
and or whatever is the reason on why he hasn't

been elevated to head coach. There's some truth to it. Now,
what I will say is Lea Shaw McCoy when you
state that the enemy is part of the reason you
didn't play, so there's some bitterness because of that, And
so I can't really look at your statement and say, ah,

because he's better, he's kind of piste off that be
enemy he perceived is the reason he didn't play. But
what's Lashaw McCoy is saying, it has some legs to it.
And the reason that has legs to it is you
look at Doug Peterson, you look at Matt Naggy. They
were in a position that Eric beenemy is in and

Eric Benim is still in that position. There's some validity
to that. Lasha McCoy play for him. He knows what
beenemy is doing that is not quote unquote head coach material.
But I can't take everything saying it face value because
I know he's angry. He's somewhat bitter about how his
time in Kansas City went. But everybody else is saying

what Lashawn McCoy is saying. When I say everybody else,
the people that make decisions, because that's why he's still
the coordinator to Kansas City Chiefs, it has to be
some truth behind the man. We can sit here and
talk about it and say things about why Eric Bitney,
why Eric Bnomy is not a head coach, but I
have to I have agree with t J Man that

has to be some a littlebity behind it because just
just look where he's at. He's supposed to be a
head coach on one of these teams and he's not.
So I don't think that Lashawn McCoy is bitter. Look,
father time takes place in every athlete's career until you
get to the point to where you know that you're

not that player anymore. And DeShawn McCoy knew that going
to Kansas City that his role would be limited because
big because of the offense in his age but at
the same time, he would win the World championship. So
I don't think that he is better. I think that
he's being honest. I think he got I get I
take issue with bitter when guys are players are called bitter,

because I've always been called a bitter player, So I
take issue with I don't think he's I hope, I
hope that's not what it is. I just hope that
he's just given his perspective on it versus it being
based off of him having an ax to grind with
with with Eric b enemy because I mean, he he
was older when he was on the team. And listen
what Koy said. It doesn't help. It does not help,

and and it actually takes it out of the realm
of the inclusion conversation. And I and I brought this
point up before or during the week. It's like, if
you have a black player that comes out and says
it ain't it ain't a racial thing with this dude.
It's more about who he is and how he handles
things as a dude. That's the reason why he's not

that that puts a different context on the approach to
you know, this civil suit with Floraz and you know,
the the whole conversation of inclusion. It just it puts
a different spin on it because Eric b Enemy has
been made the poster, the poster person of not getting
a job because well you're black. Hey, when you have

one of your former players come out and say what
Lashaw McCoy just said, and he's credible. Lashawn McCoy is
is an intelligent man. He's not He's not one of
these dudes that he don't know. He doesn't know what
he's speaking on. You know exactly what he's saying. The
way he talks to people, that's what he was saying.
You know, the way Eric Viennimy talks to me, Like

Eric Bevinimy. I guess he's lucky he in Kansas City.
They got some good dudes. And Eric, cause you talked
to the wrong guy, that might be your last conversation
you had with that player. I think it's what what
what Lashawn just said. He's telling us that, you know what,
Eric berg Benni is not qualified enough the coach. That's

what he's telling us. But they've been telling us that
the decision makers have been telling us that have they
not who the owners and the general managers that do
the hiring. But they're but but has been based around
the color of his skin, not the merit of what
he brings to the table as as a coach. And
I feel like this, I feel like this kind of

puts a tremendous spin on on it in context. I mean,
but that's just me. But listen, we're gonna come back.
We're gonna finish up this show. Um. We had we
had a few things we didn't get to. But let's
touch on the Pro Bowl. When we get back the
Pro Bowl. Um is okay, Well, then we'll have that conversation. UM.
And when we come back the Pro Bowl. Uh, you're

listening to up on game? Um. And and before we
go to a break, by the way, I mean, I've
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After this break, we're gonna come back and we're gonna

debate very quickly what's going on with the Pro Bowl? Hey?
It's Ben, host of the Fifth Hour with Ben Mallory
along with my trustee sidekick David Gascon would mean a
lot to have you join us on our weekly auditory journey.
You're asking, what in God's name is the Fifth Hour,
I'll tell you it's a spin off of the Ben
Maller short cold hit overnights on fs ARE. Why should

you listen? Picture if you will the world will? We
chat with captains of industry in media, sports and more
every week Explorer some amazing facts about human nature and more.
Listen to the Fifth Hour with Ben Mallory on the
I Heart Radio app, Apple Podcast or wherever you get
your podcast. Hey hey, hey hey, yeah, alright, so listen.

If you missed anything, make sure you go check out
the podcast Up on Game if you if you miss
anything of the other shows that are up on Game On,
Up on Game Presents, make sure you check out Up
on Game Presents as well. Great a lot of great
content there as well. We talked about the Sam Watson,
we talked about uh lamar Are Jackson, We talked about
the NBA Championship, the playoffs. We talked about Kaepernick, we

talked about Gruden, and we talked about Eric b Enemy.
So you know, if you missed any of those things,
make sure you check it out. We're gonna finish off
with this fellas. I know we can start with t
J on this one because it's a short conversation for
excuse me, with Plexico because it's a short conversation for
him on this one. I'm sure, uh he has real
strong feelings and about this, but uh, it'd be interesting

because t J, you you've attended, uh you know, you've
been to this Pro Bowl thing? What what? What is
yall's opinion on what the Pro Bowl has become in
comparison to what it was Because I don't know that
anyone could ever say that the Pro Bowl was this
awesome spectacle of of the year. Uh, And I mean

I thought it was something that you wanted to get to.
It was connected to Hawaii, um, the pageantry and and
and the tradition of what what comes with being able
to make it across the wall here. But as of late,
it just seems as though, um, the league is trying
to figure out what's the best way to present it,
and it doesn't seem like there's there has been a

solution to it. Man the Pro Bowl. Yeah, well there
you go, telling how you really feel though, And TJ
A plex I number one. The fact that you never
made a Pro Bowl. And I ain't just saying this
because we're on the show together. That's some straight bss

for certain. And nowadays the Pro Bowl, there ain't even
a Pro Bowl, bro, like you get like six seven,
eight alternates going because nobody want to go. Now, that's
how I mean. There was always alternates that we're going.
And that's why sometimes people don't understand that lingo. I
just understand when somebody says an eight time Pro bowler,
twin time Pro bowler and they've been an alternate like nineteen.

It's the thing, if you are not voted in as
a Pro bowler, it should not count. You may get
to go to Whole or wherever they do with that.
Now you may get the uh, the pay that comes
with it. But as far as going on your ledger
of saying you're a Pro Bowl, that should not be
the case because you've got so many guys that pull
out of the Pro Bowl because they don't want to

play in the Pro Bowl in Arizona, wherever, the Super
Bowl maybe or Orlando. They don't want to go, so
guys pull out. But the fact that Plexico Birds never
made a Pro Bowl it really. I never knew that
until we started doing this show. I just assumed it
kind of diminished. Dude, I wasn't all pro more than

I was a pro bowler. How that happened? Right? Then?
They like you more than they like me. I mean
that is there's something to it. A lot of to
a Pro Bowl for things outside of playing on Sundays.
You people didn't know they didn't like you. Black ain't

even really talk trash like that. People like plax Man
for some reason. I don't know. I had a homeboy
on another team called me, well, you know how you
do the pro bo vote, and he was like, Bro,
nobody on our team want to vote for you. They
say you talked too much. I was like, wow, like
true story. Literally called me and told me this. I'm like, oh, well,

they were taken from me what I earned, man, and
you earned it. And it was done purposely because you know,
you make the Pro Bowl, you make more money. Yeah,
that is a fact. They don't have an All American game.
They do have it in your incentives if you make
the Pro Bowl that they were stealing from absolutely in
my contract and everything. I mean, should it just be

a distinction, just like all pro anymore. Just just you're
all pro, your your pro bowler, and you don't play
the game. I mean, do you do it that way?
I have no idea pro bowling kids. Yeah, I could
dig it. I can dig it. Well, I'm a three
time pro bowler, pro pro, prove it bowler, you know,
I prove it bowl. Yeah, I'm gonna take that. I'm

gonna take my three. Um, you have been put up
on game everyone. We hope you enjoyed the show. We
appreciate the support that you guys bring to the show
each and every weekend. Uh from me, you know, LaVar Arrington,
t J. Hushman's out of Plexico Burds. We appreciate you
all sticking in. Uh. We got Ryan Hollins and Mark
Willard coming in next. Stay tuned Fox Sports Radio

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