All Episodes

February 26, 2021 38 mins

Ben Maller discusses reports that Deshaun Watson has met with his new head coach and reiterated his desire to be traded, Maller to the Third Degree, and much more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello and welcome. It's our number two, our number two
of the Ben Mallory Radio Show podcast only here and
this hour another quarterback in the crosshairs. Deshaun Watson, not
exchanging pleasantries with the new Texans head coach, continues to
plant stories through his representation about wanting to get out

of a Texans uniform. We discuss what the Texans should
do and ultimately what's going to happen to Deshaun Watson
here in our number two exchanging pleasantries unless you're not welcome.
In the beginning of another hour of the Ben Mathers Show.

We are in the air everywhere as we round Robin
coast to coast, border to border and beyond on the
vast and powerful microphones of fs are emanating live from
deep inside the Magic Radio Box. Are late. This hour

comes from the Department of Disgruntled Quarterbacks. You visit that department.
It's not about Russell Wilson. We talked about that in
the previous hour. The Sourpuss of Seattle, russ ain't cooking
right now. Check your scorecard. We are now going to
go to the area of Disgruntled Quarterbacks where a certain

QB from Houston resides if you check your scoreboard there
or scorecard stepping into the batter's box. DeShawn Watson, Deshaun Watson,
have you heard the lightest It is conceivable that you
ignore these quarterback related stories that maybe you missed it.
Maybe you missed it. So we have learned that Deshaun

Watson at a meeting recently with the new field general
of the Texas David Culling, who David Culley is the
man's name, and to be kind, it did not go well,
at least my definition the well. Now we are told
by those that claim to be on the inside that
Deshaun Watson informed the new coach in Houston that he

has no intention of ever suiting up for the team again.
He continues, Watson to sulk over the way he has
been treated by the Texans, way they've run that franchise. Now,
for what it's worth, Cully has told members of the
media that he expects Watson to be on the team

in twenty twenty one. Of course, I don't think Cully
even has a key to get into the building. At
this point, we are hearing the Texans have told teams,
if you believe the reporting, that they are not no
way going to trade their disgruntled quarterback. So let's discuss
the question what happens next in the Adventures of Deshaun

Watson and the Texas as he tries to get his
way out of Houston. So I've got my observations here.
You've got Pigley Wigley stage right, and my grain headaches,
my grain headaches, and we will lock all of this
together now, Number We would be surprised behind these microphones

if much changes on this story anytime soon. This particular
chapter and Adventures of Deshaun Watson another one of those
stories that sounds to me like it was put out
there by the Texans or by Watson against the Texans,
rather to say, hey, listen, I met with the coach

and I told the guy I don't want to play
there now. This is a hurry up and wait situation
that the Texans, if they're wise about this, are going
to slow walking. We continue to give that advice. My
counsel is to let Deshaun Watson continue to power, sulk
and wine and we're in the offseas. Nothing has to

happen right now, turn this into a boondoggle. Deshaun Watson
signed a four year contract for one hundred and fifty
six million dollars. He signed that contract when the stumble
bum Bill O'Brien was running the show. Now, I will
argue that Bill O'Brien, the way he coached the Texans

would struggle to get hired in a management position running
a Piggly Wiggly after his tenure with the Texans. He
just to prove that. He currently in the Nick Saban
Coaching Rehabilitation Clinic. It's located in Tuscalusive. If you're a
celebrity and you have a problem, you go to Malibu.

But if you're a coach and you've got a problem,
you go to Tuscalosa. And Nick's got his own I
think is it a five step or is it a
twelve step? I'm not sure about. But the point is this,
Deshaun Watson new exactly what he was signing up for,
and there's some in the media that are making it

seem like he was blindsided and this completely came out
of nowhere and it popped up like an illusion, like
a mirage. I'm gonna reject that. Watson. By the way,
the story is being tossed out. It seems unreasonable would
be the word that would be used here too, to
not at least give the new executives and coaches a

good faith opportunity. Now he allegedly wanted to be accommodated
by hand picking the general manager. That's asinine. That's an
NBA move. Know your sport, that's what they do in
the NBA. They don't do that in football. Now. It's
a battle of egos. All these things are always a
battle of egos. The move here, the chess move here,

is to call the bluff of Deshaun Watson. See if
he skips team activity. These are training camp. Yeah, just
get the temperature in the room there. If you read
the fine print, the Texans can find Deshaun Watson ninety
five thousand, over ninety five thousand dollars a day for

missing mini camp. And they can find him fifty thousand
dollars a day for each day of training camp he miss.
Plus But wait, there's more. One week salary, which for
me and for you, one week's salary is a fair amount.
For Deshaun Watson, you've won the lottery. Every week six
hundred twenty thousand dollars is a week salary for Deshaun Watson.

That's for each preseason game that he misses. Now, So
the Texans, if they if they go down this road
and show a little backborne bone and see what happens
after this, See if the evolution of Deshaun Watson takes
place and he's like, well, you know, maybe I should
give these guys a chance and see what you know,
it's not that bad here. I'll give it a chance.
Just give me my money back. Now. The second thing,

this old fashioned cat in Mount House game is open ended.
I have the same vibe from Houston that I have
about Seattle. As Albert Einstein famously said, time is an illusion. Right.
The next act in this particular Melo drama will be
what I call the useful idiots, which is already happening

right now in the media, who are going to enter
stage right, bring it. They drive a clown car. They're
useful idiots in the media. Now, the Texans have their
own puppets, So this is not I'm not saying this
is all Deshaun Watson. The Texans have their own surrogates
in the media that will pass along the message they want.

And Deshaun Watson, He's got certain scribes via his agents
that will work his mouthpieces to explain what's going on there,
and each group will be planting stories. It's already happened.
Why in an effort to curry public favor this happens
all the time. To use character assassination against the other side,
make them like your mortal enemy, your classic sports disinformation

campaign and m jock sniffers will paint Deshaun Watson as
some kind of victim. As we've laid out, he is not.
He is not. We are not sympathetic to Watson now.
We're also not feeling anything for the Texas. We don't
feel any kind of empathy for the Houston Texans here.
They have been guilty of mouthfeasance, but they were guilty

of mouthfeasance before Deshaun Watson took over. And there are
systemic issues I would say, not only for the Texas,
but also with Watson. I'm sick and tired about hearing
how he's the archangel of the NFL and he thinks
he's better than he is. My final point here, so
I give out more advice. That's what we do here.
We give out advice, my advice to teams that are

considering making a run at Deshaun Watson is to read
the warning label right, buyer, beware, we have seen several
i'minous signs of pending my grain headaches around this quarterback
for reference, Deshaun Wasson. How tough is this guy? He

could not handle criticism from yours truly right? He blocked
me years ago on social media for comments made on
this radio show. By by the way, now that's that's
his prerogative and all that stuff. He can do that.
I'm pretty sure that the way that he did it
though embarrassing, like the way because he attempted to search

his name, Like, you know, we're a celebrity and you're
searching your name out on social I know that's kind
of cool. Maybe when you first become famous, Google used
to google your name. Now you'll search on Instagram or whatever.
But what are you doing? Right? And he got all
upset because of a social media clip from the show
we're talking about that there were some other things involved
in that, but uh, and then he dared called me

a clown and that, by the way, clowns are protected.
You don't mess with clowns because clowns you mess with clowns.
You get Ronald McDonald, you get Bozo the clown, Crusty
the clown, even Pennywise, the dancing clown. They're all gonna
be afty. Right, So how good is DeShawn Watson? I

have him in the overated category empty stats aside. The
Texans quarterback is defining moment as a postseason player was
a hand delivered victory when Houston was getting their bell
rong and Watson was playing a miserable game, and then
Josh Allen's like, no, no, I'm gonna give you a

playoff wins, so I'm gonna give you a play His
resume also includes Deshaun Watson blowing a twenty four point
lead in a postseason game at Arrowhead Stadium and people say, oh,
it's not Watson's fault. Watson played one good quarter of football,
I'll give him that, and then he tapped the snooze

alarm as the Chiefs and then ambush the Texans in
that playoff game a couple of years back, and one
of the more embarrassing losses. It would have been the
most embarrassing of all time if Warren Moon hadn't had
his own defining moment as a Houston quarterback back in
the day against Buffalo. But listen up, the Texans are
going to suck. They are going to blow this season
whether or not Deshaun Watson plays or not. So from

that standpoint, you gotta know when to pick your battles,
when to take the stand there. See how far into
the nuclear shelter, the nuclear fallout shelter Deshaun Watson wants
to take this right now, all that being said, if
Watson and the people around him have picked up enough
saved enough money, and they're willing to go down this

road there and they have the underground shelter and they've
got the survival rations and the survival biscuits and all that,
eventually Watson will end up getting traded. As much as
I would like to see the Texans be the tough
guys here, and I think we'll do this for a
while and hope that Watson has a change of heart. Generally,

it's like if you're a gardener, like the tallest blade
of grass is the first to get cut. That's that's
how this this works. And this is the reality situation. Now,
you'd like to say that this is gonna be the
one where the Texans say no, We're not gonna be
like that, and we have nothing to lose because whether
Watson plays or not, we're a four or five win team.
So who cares? All Right, Here's the Ben Maller Show.

Ben Maller Show. If you want to be a part,
we'll take your calls and there's a line open for
you at eight seven, seven ninety nine on Fox eight
seven seven nine nine six sixty three six nine. And
someone in the NFL leak classified information on the situationan

in the Bayou with the Saints and Drew Brees and
who would be replacing Drew Brees. We'll get to that story,
and we'll also update the voting for the Benny Awards
coming up on the beginning of next week. We'll get
to all that, and we will do it. Nags, Pie
Blair sucks, and the Fox Sports Radio knows it. Be

sure to catch live editions of The Ben Maller Show
weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific on Fox
Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app. Hey what's up, everybody,
It's me three time pro bowler LeVar Arrington, and I
couldn't be more excited to announce a new podcast called
Up on Game. What is up on Game? You asked,
along with my fellow pro bowler t J. Hudshman's Otta

and Super Bowl champion. Yep, that's right, Plexico Birds. You
can only name a show with that type of talent
on it. Up on Game We're going to be sharing
our real life experiences loaded with teachable moments. Listen to
Up on Game with me LeVar Arrington, t J Hudschman,
Zatta and Plexico Birds on the iHeartRadio app, podcasts, or

wherever you get your podcast from. Listen Up Malbourn Moisture.
The Ben Malbourn Show is the show of the people.
Buy the people for the people. Join the movement and
follow your host on Twitter. He's at Ben Maller and
you can tweet at and follow the man who is
answering all of your calls getting you on the air.

He is the liar, liar and the menace of the
Fox Sports Radio Network. It's the Coop de Loop Justin
Cooper and he's at you, h bronco Fan, and we
got Coop Scoop on Entertainment coming up in the final
hour and Alive from the Farmer's Insurance. Fox sports radio studios.
It's Ben Maller. Well, it's not right, Eddy, but there

are some that have tried to mess with the integrity
of the Benny's. It's not right. This is our my
pillow guy. Here. This John what's he's known as John
the Cheeni Democrat. He says he has a video up
on social media here and he claims that he has

rigged the vote. He says, he claims he has rigged
the vote here for the Bennies, which are Sunday night
into Monday in the overnight. We will honor mediocrity in
marginal overnight sports talk radio. So this this guy, uh
apparently started a bunch of email accounts just so we

could vote a ton of times, like how how many
votes did? He said? Fifty or something like that right
in the video. I believe Cooper Loop was keeping an
eye on this because he's I mean, the video only
shows him logging into a couple of different accounts in voting,
but when he when he switches over, you can see
a whole number of different accounts. I didn't I didn't

count them all, but it's a it's a lot kind
of loser. Has said a million emails like that. I mean,
my god, what's going on with you? No? Listen hey,
by the way I look at it, if you've got
no life and you want to start seven thousand email
accounts to vote and stuff to knock yourself out, knock
yourself out. If that's how you want to spend your

time stuff in the ballot box, then go for it.
We have done all we are willing to do to
try and keep this as fair as possible. Exactly what
are we gonna bring Congress in and have an investigation? Here?
My god? Anyway to update the voting and we've had
more votes than ever. I guess it's just that guy
and some other people's stuff in the ballot, but we've
we've actually had a new record this year for votes,

which is great. And we still have a couple of
days left to vote, so it's still time to get
the votes in. And the amazing thing with a new
record of votes, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds
of people voted, And with a new record, it's still
many of the categories are still within like twenty thirty
forty votes. It's crazy, it's crazy. For example, best show Marketing,

Best show Marketing number one and number two are separated
by sixteen votes. Sixteen votes is the difference the point
of demarcation there, Lame Joke Writer of the Year, we
actually have a new leader in that Oh no, we
don't have a new we have a new second place.
We have a new second place in that category. As Yeah,

we do have a new leader. I check that out.
A hold on a second, we have a we have
an update here, and that is separated by a total
of also sixteen votes. Sixteen votes in Lame joke writer.
Lame jokes are coming up later, so you want to
pay attention to who wrote the funniest jokes and then
you can if you haven't voted yet, you can vote
for that person. Female Caller of the Year also very

Oh my god, Female call the Year. I'm not coopa,
Am I wrong this? I'm looking at the vote totals here.
One vote, one vote between first and second place. Sweet
baby Jesus, one vote between third and first. Oh that's true.

You're These are some very powerful women in the Mallew militia,
and they are neck and neck, and we're not revealing
who it is because we don't want to. We don't
want to spoil a surprise for the weekend. But and
for that matter, there's only twenty four votes separation between
fourth place and first place. Wow, your vote matters, America

does beyond much more than any other election. Uh. Some
of the other categories, I mean, there's some that are
you say, are kind of like wide open here. But
if there's a big last second bullrush to the to
the ballot box, eddie, we could see, we could see
a changer. There's there's definitely there's one category here that's

it's a it's a rat kill. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that
is Well, there's a couple that are pretty lop sided.
I'm not I'm not gonna lie. I'm not mentioning those percent.
But the one is one category. I guess we screwed
up because one caller one categories over fifty percent, over
fifty percent of the vote, all for one, one particular person.

So I have my suspicions on what that is. Well,
I'm not gonna tell you, but I'm just saying I
think I think I know which one it is. I
think I know which one would be an overwhelming choice.
Do we need to have a recount? Is this thing
gonna be too close? We're gonna have to go that way.
Too much work. Where the where the battleground stays? Do
we know what? We need? That guy they brought in

on Sunday Football to break it down for us. Oh yeah,
that nerd they've brought in there. Yeah, yeah, there you go.
But you really have to appeal the swing voters, Eddies,
what you have to do. You have to appeal the
swing voters and some so some categories it's a landslide election.
In other categories it's it's right there, so neck connect.
Thank you all who have voted. If you haven't voted yet,
you still want to vote, you have time, but not

much time because it'll be here before you know it.
You can neither vote today, on Friday or any point
on Saturday, and then we'll cut it off at some
time on Sunday, the voting will cut off. But the
link is on my Twitter page, my profile page there
on Twitter, right near the top there, it's pinned to
the top. And then on Facebook, it's a couple of
posts down, but you can find it pretty simple there

on the Facebook page, which is Ben Maller's show Ben
Maller on Twitter. And then if you're not on any
of those platforms because you've either been I got an
email from a guy who's like, Hey, I love the
show Man, but I've been banned from Twitter, so can
you can you hook me back up? Yeah? Yeah, yeah,
he says. Besides Instagram, he says, I guess he's been

supermanently suspended. So I don't know what he did. But
he's in Illinois, and I give him. I told him
not that I should recommend us Eddie, but there are
ways you can get other you know, way you can
get back on Twitter. I mean people, some of our
guys have been banned seven times and they keep going back.
There's a certain guy in Boston who I will not name, Eddie,
who might or might not have a a dog who

keeps he's been banned a zillion times on Twitter. I
forgot the new dog's name, Darnett. Do you remember Dylan
d Dylan. Good job, Bob Dylan, Bob Dyl. I'll never
forget it now now you forever and ever, Dylan Dylan. Dealon.
All right, let's go to the phone. Do you have
your tuxedo, by the way, Eddy for the vote? Do
you have your tuxedo picked out? Yeah? I just I
just picked it up from the dry cleaners. Yeah, but

we should all have bow ties. Oh that's right, you're
gonna find my boat tie. Yeah, remember, Eddie? Yeah? Is
that Sports Plus? Yeah? Sports Plus looked us up with
both ties? Well how how how lame am I gonna
look with the boat though? Lame as everything else? Yeah,
I'm stylish now, Eddie, I'm stylish. I've seen thee Yeah. Yeah,

Solid Solo is an ugly radio person with four eyes
can possibly be all right eight seven seven ninety nine
on Fox eight seven seven ninety nine six six three
six nine if you would like to be part of
a said show. We got a ton of Tiger Woods
jokes and weed Man and Tiger And then there's like
three main topics of the joke writing staff, the unpaid,

underappreciated joke writing staff of the show. It's it's Lizzo
guys like writing Lizzo jokes. Then Tiger because of the accident,
but we're allowed to do that because he survived. And
then weed Man, who every week. I am amazed that
we still have weed Man jokes. That seems somewhat original.

I feel like we've used all the poor jokes, all
the homeless jokes, all the vagrant jokes and yet you
continue to surprise me week after weeks. So a little
rumor coming out of the Bayou here. It comes from
the mouth of defensive end Cameron Jordan. Cameron Jordan, who
revealed revealed on a podcast here. He revealed on a

podcast he said that Sean Payton told the Saints that
the players that blank is going to replace Drew brees Is.
According to Cameron Jordan on a podcast said this recently
and somebody just heard it and passed it on. Cameron
Jordan said, you got your idea on who the blankets
said that Jamis Winston will replace Drew brees m things

that make you go hmm, that that would make sense
if you're the Saints, you'd rather have him than the
gadget quarterback Taysom Hill. Be sure to catch live editions
of The Ben Maller Show weekdays at two am Eastern
eleven pm Pacific. Now, Ben, what would it take for
me to mention a gymnastics story? The answer something horrible.

John Geert was the US Women's Olympic gymnastics coach. Former. Yeah,
he was the head coach when we had the games
in London where the US women won the all around
team gold. Gabby Douglas, you might remember, won the all
around gold. Alie from UCLA, the one that was I
think she's from US, right, I honestly don't know remember

the name. Just go with she won gold as well. Anyway.
John Gettart was indicted on Thursday with twenty four felony charges,
twenty counts of human trafficking and forced labor, one count
of first degree sexual assault, one count of second degree
sexual assault, racketeering, and lying to a police officer. He

did not take the news. Well, yeah, he killed himself.
Oh my god, really, yes, sixty three years old. They
found him at a highway rest stop in Michigan. Wow. Yeah,
that's a terrible story. It is a terrible story. Yes,
I wasn't expecting that ending. I know, I know, I don't.
I don't keep up on the gymnastics. I understand, I understand. Yeah. Wow,

that's Uh. You see that on those the TV shows
sometimes they said this happens. This isn't that. Why what
was that show that we used to love that they
got rid of it because that happened. Uh, catch a predator,
remember that To Catch a Predator with Chris Hansen. Yeah,
didn't that show end because somebody committed, you know, took

themselves out on that show because of that show. I
honestly I don't. I don't know, but that wouldn't surprise
me if somebody did in fact do that. But uh, hey,
I'm in the shower, have some cookies. Yeah, that's the
that's the line from is that right? Yeah? Yeah, yeah,
because they the guys would come in there and then
there'd be a big and they looked like really delicious

chocolate chip cookies, and then yes, I did, and then
uh and then they'd have the camera, and then the
person that was you know, the police officer, you know
that was pretending to be the underage person would be
in the back st go have some cookies. I'm in
the back and uh yeah. They would sit down and
have cookies, and then this guy would come out with

a camera. Yeah, Chris Hanson would come out and say, yeah,
I'm not the police, they're outside. But yeah, who that's
a random show that used to be on back in
me anyway. All right, Uh let's see here, who do
we have any meany miney moll. Let's take a phone call.
Let's say hello to beer drinking. Brian who is in

Consa City. Hello, dear John, Well, go on man now
bear Jerny Bryan and half point. You guys are in
the mecca of the Ben Mallard chicken fingers. Have you
guys partaked? Have you gone over to Liberty, Missouri and
had the Ben Mallard chicken fingers? Actually, we're up there.

We weren't listing to show. I was too busy working
there on and I was overnight working, So yeah, I
wouldn't listen to you at that time, so I didn't
know about But you still can't. No, no, you're still there.
You can take your John Deer, You and a half
pint can jump on the John Deer and go over

there and have It's called the place called the Landing
and they have the Mallard chicken fingers on the menu
right there. Okay, Well, here's the situation with the John
Deer tuation. Oh, she got pulled over the other day
and they for her her driving in town. An wait
a minute, so law enforcement fin after all these years,

the local police side that you guys are a nuisance
and you're no longer allowed to drive your training. What
are you gonna do now? You're gonna get her a
bicycle or something. I don't know because I have to
go to get blood work in the morning and she
can't drag me now, so you know, wait wait, wait,
this affecting you guys obviously don't have a car and

you have to have a car, but I gotta get it,
uh re expected and everything. Yeah, okay, so yeah's a word.
Oh I think she wants to say something here. Oho, man,
give a ride on my John Dude? No stop that,
Roberto d Hello, man, did you get a ticket? Half point?

Did you get a ticket? I think? No? Date? Okay,
well so you so did you get pulled over by
like a police officer on a horse or a police
officer in a police car? Police car? Well, not pulled over?
What happened? Oh I'm on my way back from court,

and he's so much run my job town no more
as my personal vehicles. I've always I understand guitar coop.
I said that the John Dear was her personal vehicle
and she's not allowed to drive it in town anymore.
And then I think she said, now you're learning how

to play guitar? Is that? Yeah? Yeah? Yeah? Oh? Is
he gonna? Is he gonna give you a lullaby. There
a little tune for you. Half Pines learning how to
play the guitar. Not Brian, Oh I thought he was.
I thought he was the one with a guitar. Okay,
So she's okay, can you can you write a song

for the show? Well, I'm in the vision right on
that one, that one I missed completely. Okay, Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, boy,
that would be great. Well, we have the Talent Show.
It's a new year. We're gonna have the Talent Show again,
and I'm not sure when that's gonna be. But if

you guys want to start preparing a song for the
Talent Show, but you'd really give J. Scoop and some
of the other legends a run for their money. Here,
Oh well, you want to go by that one? That's
not my good idea? Okay, I think she said that
sounds like a good here there is? All right. Okay,

So you guys are gonna write a song now for
the show, and we'd like if I could make a request.
I think it would be fun if Half Pint you
could do a duet. But if half Pint's the lead
on that, the vocal lead on that, that would be good.
I agree we will, uh going on? Yeah? In my head,
it's you playing the guitar and she's singing, and then

you can come in on a couple of lyrics throughout
the song. But it's mostly gonna be Half Pint singing. Okay, yes, absolutely,
be like that dude, whatever that you got playing all
the time. Oh, I'm crazy something like that. Sure, something
like that. Now, How concerned are you now? Now, beer
drinking Brian? How concerned are you? Because you you are

up for Rookie Caller of the Year. Oh, she's still
talking and uh, and Half Pint is up for female
caller of the year. You guys are up for a
couple of the year. You're in many categories here. How
are you confident or are you concerned that you're not
gonna win anything here? I just love the Madam militia
and I believe they'll do the right thing. Oh, do

the right thing? All right? What'd she say? I love
the guitar there? Okay, all right, I gotta go, thank you.

Can you imagine being their neighbor? Can you imagine living
next to beer drinking Brian and a half plan? How
much fun would that be? My god? I mean, I mean,
why is he going to get the blood work done? Right?
I mean, it's not like he's stopping to drink. What
was the point, dude? Yeah right, you gonna be gonna

what do you think the blood alcohol content on what's
the fol Well, the blood report came back and it
read Budweisers whatever. I don't know why why that would be.
But I can understand why people think that these are
not you know that these are written no little people,
not real people, because it's so crazy, it's so crazy.

But we're not that talented. We're not that original. We
can't we're not that creative. Yeah, we can't come up
with no that. Yeah, there's two things here. Number one,
we're not that creative. We're not Phil Henry. That was
Phil Henry who was a radio legend, Phil Henry, and
he did that and he still does that somewhere on
a podcast or something where he creates these voices. Number Two,

we have no budget. Um, so like some morning shows,
I'll have paid voice actors call up and do characters.
We have no budget here. Um. We couldn't afford that,
trust me, we could not afford that. So yeah, I've
been fighting this battle. Eddihim my entire time here that
people think they thought Genie and Medford wasn't really thought
Pete and Pittsburgh was fake. Uh. People said, Lancel the

bus driver, that's a character. H that guy real talk
that used to call the show that he was a character. Well,
their characters are right, but they're they're not fictional characters. No, No,
these are people that love the show found ways to
be part of the show and be part of our
little families. All right, we will press us on next hour.
We've got lamb jokes straight ahead. This hour it's Mallard

of the third degree. Here's the instat trivia. You might
have heard the other day that Devin Booker of the
Phoenix Suns was named an injury replacement for the All
Star Game. Blank is the only player in All Star
Game history in the NBA to have been an injury
replacement and gone on to win the MVP in the

All Star Game. Again. Blank is the only player in
NBA history to win All Star Game MVP honors after
being an injury replacement. That is the instat trivia. The
answer next. Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk
lineup in the nation. Catch all of our shows at

Foxsports Radio dot com and within the iHeartRadio app search
FSR to listen live. Most are unable to lend an
ear to the Ben Mahler Show all night long, but
with podcasting you can get caught up on unique show
moments you may have missed. The Ben Mallor Show podcast
is available on my Heart and wherever you get your podcast.
It's a piece of cache and upsets the corporate guys

and iw LIE from the Farmers Insurance Fox Sports Radio Studios.
It's Ben Maller time. Now for the instad trivia and
then we will get to after that Mallard of the
third degree saw made possible by Farmer's Insurance called one
A and eight Farmers. You can save a whole lot
of something on otto in Insurance. And here it is Blank,

the only player in the NBA to win All Star
Game MVP honors after being named that All Star Game
as an injury replacement. That is the question, what is
the answer, And Sam Booie was guessed by Oscar that's
his answer. Paul Bearer from rob in Vegas, Serrunus marshallonas

from Malibu, Rubin Uber eats Driver Extraordinary Uncle dynamite from Travis.
That's his answer. Steve Novak tossed out by Chris in
de Moine. He was a gutter snake eyes from Alfhi
Alien Opiner just Josh and Cincinnati's going with Manu Ginobli
is his answer. Kermit Washington from Ribman a Reek's going

with Glenn Rice ac Green from Double O Mexican And
Fats from Philly's going with Mushmouth from Fat Albert the
obvious answer Lyndon Baines Johnson from David in Seattle. Who
knows where all the good restaurants are? Do you have
an answer? Please hurry up there, Eddie, please yes, Former
tree Blazer Sensation quintel Woods. Oh wow, there's a blast

in the past. No, that's unfortunately incorrect, Eddie. The correct answer.
Tom Chambers Tom Chambers nineteen eighty seven. He replaced Ralph
Sampson played for Seattle that season and he was the
MVP of the All Star Game. Time. Now for Mallard
to the third degree, here we go, how about that

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That's right, you guessed it. Third degree man possible by
Farmers Insurance. Call Farmers today for a quote Cupolo. So
this Friday, disappointing nearly first half of the season for
the Celtics, the owner Wick Gruzbeck says that Brad Stevens

and Danny Ames are in no danger of losing their
jobs should they be. Well, I'm gonna talk more about
the Celtic cling there. But the Celtics first of all,
are on a long list of teams that have obviously underachieved.
Only a few teams in the East even have a
winning record. Right, It's it's a nuclear disaster the Eastern
Conference at this point. Now. Secondly, if the Celtics don't

go turbo time down the stretch here in the second half,
then I believe heads are going to roll. You can
expect someone to walk the plank. Now, that could be
a trade of Jalen Brown or Tatum. I'm I'm gonna
go with Danny Ainge and I don't think Brad Stevens
is gonna lose his job. But I think Ainge really
has screwed up with this roster. The jigsaw puzzle pieces

just don't fit together. Next now, John Lynch told the
media this week that he has quote no doubt that
Jimmy g will be the forty nine ers starting quarterback
in twenty twenty one. Do you believe him? Well, we
touched on this the other day. I'm gonna reject this
the forty nine ers. I always believe your actions are
more important than your words. Right. We know that last
year the Niners tried to get Tom Brady, they didn't

get him. We know this year the Niners tried to
get Matthew Stafford. They didn't get him. So if you
try to get quarterbacks the last two years, what kind
of vote of confidence is that for Jimmy Garoppolo. I
still say Garoppolo is playing somewhere else next season. Next So,
a few weeks ago you talked about Blake Griffin being
sat until a trade partner has found Well, it seems
the Pistons are having trouble finding that trade partner now,

Ben it seems like he'll be heading to the open market,
just like DeMarcus Cousins. Who would you rather have his option?
None of the above possible, It's not possible. Okay, I'm
gonna go with the Blake effect. I'll go with Blake
Griffin between these two. It's not that hard. Blake Griffin
has been stuck in purgatory in the Motor City. And yeah,
his performance has been marginal, it's been inferior. But I'm

not going to completely write him off. Right because you
put him in a better environment with better players around him,
I could see a path to a resurrection. Not that
I would bet on it. But DeMarcus Cousins got the
double whammy right. He's always getting hurt, he's got the
reputation that precedes him of being a problem child, and
all that he's ruffled feathers. He didn't even make it

halfway through his first season in Houston. What could have
been so bad? All right? There? It is Mallard of
the third degree? How did we doubt you pass? Addition,
that's a winter at the Buzzer.
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