All Episodes

January 17, 2018 161 mins

Ben Maller talks about Trevor Ariza being the aggressor in the Rockets/Clippers scrum, the reports that Mike Tomlin is on the hot seat, the trouble with the Cavs, the Vikings chances from here on out, & more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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dot com slash Fast. The fallout from the Donnie Brook

it wasn't really a Donnie Brook. It was more of
a Hey, I don't like you let's go get them.
We're gonna go dot net. We're gonna take over that
other locker room, whether it's falloff from this, and there's
a lot, a lot of positioning, spin doctoring, if you will,
on all this. Welcome, but it's the Clipper Rocket situation
from last night. Welcome. In the beginning of another hour,

it's the Ben Maller Show. We are in the air
everywhere the vast Fox Sports Radio network, emanating live from
the Geico Fox Sports Radio studios. Fifteen minutes could save
you fifteen percent or more on your car insurance. Just
visit Geico dot com for a free rate quote. Not
a lot of juice, not a lot of buzz for

Championship weekend in the NFL. But the story that caught
my attention, it's all on my list, don't work, but
this this it wasn't a fight, but it could have
been a fight between the Clippers and Rockets. And it's
fascinating story to me that a professional athlete, a group
of professional athletes would be so upset that their manhood

was so challenged during a basketball game that they had
to storm down and try to overthrow the other team's
locker room. I just I love the story on so
many levels. We see this from time to time, where
you meet me in the tunnel, Meet me in the
tunnel should be the name of a song, meet me
in the tunnel, and it happens every so often. But

this latest one between the Clippers and the Rockets from
Monday Night, where the story is that Chris Paul, James
Harden and Trevor Ariza like a battering ram, they ran
down the hall they were they were trying to get
in the Clipper locker room through the back entrance to
the Clipper locker room, and they had a whole plan here.
They had a whole plan of invasion in the front,

in the back, the whole thing. Well, now now that
the story has gone all over the place and has
made the rounds, if you heard the latest on this,
have you been following this because I've been following it
because that I have no life, I don't and so
I've been paying attention to this kind of stuff with it.
The latest involves the story that Trevor a reason were

now led to believe, We're led to believe by media
reports that Trevor Ariza was the one that was the
hothead that he was angry and he was spitting fire.
And so the mudslinging, which is not really mudsling it's
just a campaign, an orchestrated campaign to position this as

not all that bad. They're saying that Trevor a reason
the rockets, he was the one that was responsible for
this bullrush into the Clipper locker room from the visitors
locker room at Staples Center where the rockets were hanging out.
And to add too that we are led to believe
that Chris Paul and James Harden, we're actually trying to

calm down Trevor a reason they were working as peace ambassadors.
If you believe this gibberish that is being spread, well
let's talk about it now. We're gonna hear from a
couple of people that were plausibly involved in all this.
First of all, Blake Griffin. Now Blake got into it

with Mike D'Antoni. There was an exchange of fu no
fu and D'Antoni, a very tough Italian man who was
apparently offended because he thought that that Blake Griffin had
intentionally somehow struck him and D'Antoni was very offended by that,
was very bothered by that. Here's Blake Griffin commenting on

what actually happened. What the hell happened. We were where
we were supposed to be. We're in our locker room.
Whatever happens over there, I mean, we can't control what
anybody else does. We control that he did. We were
in our locker room. Everyone's in our seats. You should
ask you, you you gotta ask them. Yeah, but your lunatics,
the rockets, the whole team should be suspended. The rockets
is what should happen here. This is a civilized world

we live in, and these uncaged hoodlums trying to cause
violence against another NBA team. Screw you, screw you. Here's
Doc Rivers. Here's the good doctor Doc Rivers there who
also this is like you can tell that the Clippers.
Somebody in the PR department said, all right, here's how

we're gonna position this. Here's what we're gonna do. H
And here are talking points and Doc Rivers continuing the trend.
I think there's a theme here. Listen. Let's put it
like this. We were all our team was in our
locker room. That's all I'll say. I'll let you do
the rest of the investigation. I will say their entire
team was not in their locker room now, and you're

gonna have to figure it out from there. But I've
led you pretty well on that one. Yeah, all right,
so this is not that complex here. Simple question, simple question.
Do you believe that James Harden and Chris Paul, the
head of the Players Union in the NBA, were actually
peacemakers trying to slow Trevor Areasa down. As our friend

Andy Furman occasionally says, I was born at night, but
I wasn't born last night. Come on, you've got to
be the biggest rube to buy this. You just have
to be the biggest rube on the planet. This is
a pathetic, a pet a pathetic attempt at damage control,
at absolutely damage control. Trevor Areaza was clearly upset, but

so was Chris Paul because he had lost the game.
I don't know what the hell was going on with
James Harden. I don't know what the heck was going on,
But you had a Reasa Harden and Gerald Green and
Chris Paul, and there were some other players involved in
this at all as well, who are trying to get
a piece of Austin Rivers and Blake Griffin, and you again,
you have to be just barely able to breathe if

you think that this was not more of an incident
where Chris Paul in particular was among the instigators in
this little situation. I mean, it's just, it's just it's
so ridiculous, this particular spin job. It's like, well, we
gotta save James Harden is the Rockets, He's they gave

him all of the southern portion of Houston. James Harden owns.
With that latest contract that he got, he's gonna be
here forever. And Chris Paul, even though he's not as
good as he used to be and he won't be
setting any records and his body's getting older and all that.
The Rockets they traded a lot of players to get

Chris Paul, so they're obviously doing a whole lot of No, no,
it's not it's not that bad. It's it's damage control.
And in this case, it is a fall guy situation,
and it's a it's a delicious story on very several
several levels. It's a delicious story. All right. It's the

Ben Mallers Show on Fox on Fox as we yap
the night Away and a lot of chatter, but not
a lot of meat on the bone for Championship weekend
in the NFL. As you're trying to find this, My
effort here is to try to find compelling, compelling angles,

And there are some, There are some, but you gotta
dig a little deeper. You gotta dig a little deeper.
For example, I was on earlier in Boston. I did
a show locally in Boston and we we featured Dion Sanders,
who was trying to hype up the game. You talk
about a tough gig. Dion works at the state run
NFL network. First of all, half the staff got laid

off for harassment or suspended or whatever. There's not many
people left over there. And those that are left, uh yeah,
that's a tough sell, right, You're a you're a carnival barker.
You're trying to sell this. It's a tough deal. And
he was selling Jacksonville because they got swag that Jacksonville's
got swag on on defense and uh, I was like, okay,

that's are you gonna watch because they have swag? Is
that gonna be a selling pointy to get you to watch?
How a lot of people will watch anyway, the championship
games in the in the NFL and all that. But
according to the to the ratings, not so much. Not
not as many as you would think we're watching. But
if if you would say swag. Speaking of swag, by

the way, this guy called up and he was very
upset because he said that was not the proper use
of the word swag. And there was a guy I hate,
like I understand the word police that call up on
radio shows. Uh, or rather go on Twitter, like on
on social media. I'll get that you misspell the word
you miss a comma or something like that. Oh no, no no,
you can't do that. There's an apostrophe there, and you didn't.

You didn't use the explanation point the right way. That's
a bad job about you. Yeah, I hate that guy,
but I don't recall that guy, that guy calling up
a radio shop, but that I got a call from
that guy and that that was annoying. So I was
a little trouble by that. And uh, And I you know,
I get, as I've always pointed out, I think I've

been pretty consistent on this. I'm perfect. I never make mistakes.
Any mistake I make is intentional. No, no, no. I
worked years ago, I worked at a NO. I worked
at Kiss AM in La and the morning guy at
Kiss FM was this guy, Rick D's a legend, Rick
ds JS sleeves. Oh come on, now, that's wrong with you,

the iconic figure late night with Rick D's man's a legend.
Very nice man. Uh. And Rick told me because he
would tape a lot of his stuff. And he told
me said, listen, you're perfect. You're you're a wonderful broadcaster.
You speak to King's English, your God's gift to broadcast.
But he said, Ben, when you when you pre record stuff,

just occasionally make a mistake. That way, the people listing,
they'll think that you're real. So I could do a
perfect show. Like I get emails from people, how you
mispronounced that word. I got a woman email said me,
my husband, we talked about you at dinner. We both
agreed you mispronounced that word. And I thought, well, I
love the fact that I'm the focus of conversation while
you have supper. I think that's wonderful you have a

have a nice meal. But I did an intentional Again,
I know how to pronounce every word. I know the
spelling on everything. It's something I choose to do. It's
a hobby I have. It's such a radio loser. No, no, No.
In fact, like when we go through our production meeting,
I'm like, well, I don't know, I don't know what
mistakes I should make intentionally here. I could do it perfect,

but so then we have to like we have to
go over the script and we have to say, all right,
well you screw this up right, you that that can
be feeble in this area of the show. We can
just be a disaster area and then get back on
track out to them, so we'll have chaos here and
then the rest of the show perfect. And that's how
we do it. So any any mistakes that take place
here are self inflicted. They're self inflicted mistakes, and the

malfunctions are intentional. That's how we do Edmund Dallas steam boat,
Oily Garcia right right over there, he's hanging out. You know.
It's it's bad enough that we have the word police
on Twitter. Did you know that they have these bots
now that will correct your errors? No? Yeah, I had one.

I had one the other day. Uh, and I had
you know, I'd use the wrong version of there or
something like that, and and I the tweak came back
like immediately, and I was like, my god, was someone
like waiting hovering over their microphone or their keyboard to immediately,
you know, wait for me to make a mistake and
then bust them off. And then I realized that I

clicked on the site and it's a it's like a
grammar bot that somehow you know, is out there looking
for errors and then they tweet you about it, to
which I responded with some colorful language, Oh you did. Yes,
you know. I don't know if the bot gets its
feelings hurt or not, but boies, it made me feel better.

What if you misspell like the effort, will it correct you? Well,
I didn't misspell it in that case there, and I
spelled that correctly. I was positive about that, but uh yeah,
it was more directed at the person who created the bot.
Uh you know, it's like, you know, I can't be
the word police twenty four seven. Yeah, so let me
create some technology that will do it for me while

I'm not around. Yeah, that's great. This is a form
of mental illness. It is ill serious. It's a form
of mental illness. I dated years ago. Not that I
dated many people, but I did this woman who was
from the East Coast, from Philadelphia, and she used to
always get so offended at nothing I did other than spelling,
Like if I misspelled something in an email or something,
oh my gosh, you would say a whole big three

paragraph thing about how I fed that up and as
hard to believe that didn't work out. Yeah, well there
were other reasons for that, but anyway, all right, it's
uh the Ben Mathers Show. If you want to be
part the number eight seven seven nine nine six sixty
three six nine eight seven seven ninety nine on Fox,
if you would like to be part of the show.
I saw this. You see this story about Lou Williams,

the new Steph Curry of the NBA. Did you see
that the Great Lou, Sweet Lou Williams, the wonderful Lou
Williams Clippers got the better of that trade with the Rockets. Clearly,
Lou Williams is this is a domination situation. You're clearly
unbiased in this epion. I am He's the feel good

story of the NBA. Everyone wants him and they can't
get him. You wish you had him, and every once
in a while this happens. This is what Lou Williams
is doing right now. He is the Kurt Warner of
the NBA. Remember Kurt Warner was the breakout star and
I was like, what is this? What's this guy Kurt
Warner with the rams? Well, what's going on right now

with Lou Williams? No one is laughing new one hold on,
Yes he was, Yes, two other women. Yes. He just
knocked down another three point Another money ball for Lou Eddie.
He just made another three point. No games going on
right now. He just hit a three point. He just
knocked one down. There's oh, there goes another one, there

goes another one, or misinformation from oops, it happened again.
It happened again. All right, It's the Ben mall Show
eight seven, seven ninety nine on Fox eight seven seven
nine nine six six three six nine and on Twitter
at Ben Maller. Later on, as we navigate through the
overnight hours here, we'll have too much or nine enough again,

Third Degree will have password the weird Game of the Stars,
will have all that as we pressed further and further
along and is it the Baker's chore or not the
Baker's choice. We'll get to that and we'll do it next.
Almost all talk shows sound the same after a while.

Think of us as a sports talk oasis from the mundane.
The Ben Maller Show Facebook page is our own unique
meeting plays with over two billion of our closest friends,
most of whom Ignora's. Please take a second to like
our page. Go to Facebook dot com slash. Ben Maller
Show now live from the Guico Fox Sports Radio Studios.
It's Ben Maller, the Baker's Choice. We'll get to that

coming up here in a moment. A lot of really
good reaction. Yesterday we talked a lot, probably more than
we should have, about our friend Genie at Medford that
passed away, and you guys were very nice and we
had a lot of nice messages on Twitter. So I
want to thank all you guys for that. One of
our favorite callers there that that that checked out here

on Monday, so I wanted to thank you guys for
your messages. Johnny Q says that Grammar Nazi should have
their semi colon's clipped. So I don't disagree with that.
I think that's absolutely absolutely correct. I think that's the
proper thing, the proper thing to do there. Absolutely let's
go to Uh, let's see here, let's say hello to

Price in northern California. Who's on Fox Sports Radio? Hello Price?
Hello big Ben? How are you? My man? If I
was any better, I would be a Giant, but not
a San Francisco Giant because they were terrible last year.
Oh but you know we had we got two u
two guys coming in, two free agents coming in. We're

gonna be good. What's your name? With the two free agents? Hey?
Ligoria and uh my man um from Fishford On. Now,
how's it your man? Does he know you? I mean,
he doesn't know me. What's his name? But what's what's
the guy's name? What's the guy? You sound like a
real Giants fan? What's the guy's name? From Pittsburgh? Right now? Ben?

I know, start make something. But I've been smoking, and
you've been smoking. What have you been? Get it right now?
What have you been smoke? What? You cheated? You you
google it? You cheated? No, I'm not googling it. You're
sure about that. I can google it? What? All right? Listen,
you sound like you're enjoying yourself. I am enjoying myself.

What's the occasion? What's the holiday? Is it your Twitter anniversary.
I had my Twitter anniversary yesterday. Drink. I'm not on Twitter, man,
You're not on Twitter. I mean I on Twitter. I'm
excuse me? I on Twitter? What I can't get your dad? Dad?
All right? So when did you start smoking and drinking today?
Or did you you just never stop from yesterday? Did you? No?

Astley No? I relaxed at night. I listened to you
at night in my garage. I call it my office,
and I listened to you every night. And I love
I love the banger with everybody. I love everybody that comes.
What do you what do you hate about the show.
There's gotta be something you hate about the show. What
do you not like about the show? Hey? Man for me? Yeah?

All right, all right, all right, two strikes in your out?
Can we leave that on the podcast? Come on, leave
that on the podcast. Help the download numbers on the podcast.
He seemed like a good guy. Let me me fake
about and he seemed legit. Guys, the guys sitting in
his garage. Guy his man cave. He's in his garage.

I have some neighbors that they're down. If you're down
the street from my house, you turn left and then
you make another left there. I'm pretty sure they've moved
their living room into the garage. No, no, because I
like they'll I'll drive by in the evening sometimes right
at sunset, and they'll have like this big sectional sofa

in their garage and they have a television and there's
like a bunch of people and like it's like a
neighboring neighborhood gathering. It's like a was it a hank
Kill or whatever from I don't think even he didn't
even have the the sectional sofa and in his garage.
I don't think he had that anyway. Uh So, thank
you Price. So the Baker's choice, that would be Baker Mayfield.

We talked about this was it last week with within
the last couple of weeks that Baker Mayfield was allegedly
threatening to go without an agent, and we discussed the
pros and cons of that, and I said, yes, you
don't need an agent. Everything's slotted. When you get drafted.
You need an agent for your second contract. You don't
need an agent for your first contract. And Baker Mayfield

clearly listened to our council. He took that under consideration
and he said go Pound Sand and he has signed
with a couple of agents from Boulder, Colorado, and he
has agreed to be become their their client. Now people
are connecting dots. I talk all the time about the

human ability to connect connect things that aren't aren't necessarily related,
and that they're in the correlation that we do with everything. Well,
Baker Mayfield, because he hired an agent who was based
in Colorado, and the fact that the Denver Broncos requested
to coach Baker Mayfield at the Senior Bowl, many of

our weed loving friends in the state of Colorado have
decided that with the number five pick in the twenty
eighteen NFL Draft, the Denver Broncos will select quarterback Baker
Mayfield of Oklahoma. Now I pray, yes, I pray that
this does not happen. I would like Baker Mayfield to

go to Buffalo. Now, Buffalo's got the twenty first and
the twenty second pick back to back stack them up
jack in the NFL Draft. I would prefer Baker Mayfield
go to Buffalo. That would be the properties. Now keep
in mind that there are some that don't believe Baker
Mayfield will even be drafted in the first round, that

all of this chatter and we're getting ahead of ourselves.
We got playoff games and all that to get through.
But that if you look at the top quarterbacks in
the draft, Bicker Mayfield's not in the top four. Some
don't even have him in the top five some of
the mock drafts. From a conversation standpoint, Mayfield is absolutely

in the top five. But he's got the same bug
a boo that some of these other quarterbacks have had
to come out that he's undersized for the textbook central
casting quarterback, and the similar questions to other mobile quarterbacks
that they say, well, what if what if he can't
run all the time? What if the team's just forced
him to stay in the pocket. Is Bicker Mayfield going

to be able to handle that because of his size deficiency,
that he's not the shortest guy on the block. But
he's not told, you know, it's the same us Russell
Russell Wilson had these kind of questions. He overcame that,
and that's part of the reason the fact Drew Brees
is undersized Russell Wilson. Because of those guys, Baker Mayfield
will likely end up being drafted much higher, much higher

than he would have been a handful of years ago
before these guys had their success, So I think that
would be that is accurate. All right, So the Ben
Mallers show on Fox a case of mixed messages. Mixed Messages.
We will get to that right now, though. Eddie Garcia
is here to give you the latest. Eddie. Well, Ben,
Let's start with the game of the Night of the

NBA where the Pelicans go into Boston and beat the
Celtics one sixteen, one thirteen and overtime, knocking off the
top team in the Eastern Conference thanks to Anthony Davis,
who had forty five points, had sixteen rebounds Boston seven
game whin he streaked snap. They dropped the thirty four
and eleven on the seasons. In top twenty five colleague
basketball battle of ranked teams, who was number fifteen North
Carolina beating twentieth rank Clemson eighty seven seventy nine. Couple

of upsets in the top twenty five Kansas State beats
fourth ranked Oklahoma eighty seven, sixty nine South Carolina and
octof number eighteen Kentucky seventy six sixty eight. Well third
ranked PERDUBI Wisconsin seventy eight to fifty. The support brought
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and Ben. Very sad news from college football. Washington State
quarterback Tyler Helinski is dead after an appearance suicide. The
twenty one year old started the team's bowl game against
Michigan State this year and was expected to be the
Cougar starting quarterback next season. Yeah, sad stuff there, indeed,
all right, So the Ben Malers Show on Fox, we
are emanating live from the Geico Fox Sports Radio studios.

Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on
your car insurance. Just visit Geico dot com for a
free rate quote. You be part of the festivities. Well,
the numbers are out for the divisional playoffs. There's mixed
mixed sig those here. A mixed message was the way
that you should phrase it. We had dramatic, dramatic endings

in three of the four divisional round playoff game. Now
the Patriots, they delimmed the Tennessee Titans. That is true
that is accurate. But in the other games, you can
make a compelling argument is Pittsburgh stormed back and Jacksonville
was successfully able to hold off Pittsburgh. In that game,

Atlanta on a fourth down play, had a shot to
stick it to the Philadelphia Eagles. They didn't, and we
know what happened in the Minnesota miracles. So all these
three or four games were wonderful, a lot of excitement,
dramatic moments. And yet the report card has come out
and the NFL ratings are down across the board. They

are down across the board. In fact, the divisional round
playoff games. Uh, it's being described as a ten year
low for the ratings. Every single game the ratings were
down from what they had been a last year. So
it's it's not getting better. This idea that well, once
the playoffs come around, people are gonna watch. Now. Part

of it is there's a couple of things here. Number one,
the fact that a certain percentage of people only watched
the high profile teams, and the Patriots have become that.
But the Eagles, while they are very popular in the
Delaware Valley outside of Philadelphia, New Jersey, if you're not
from Philadelphia, or that you're not. You know, it's not
a zillion Eagle fans. This is not a Cowboys situation.

And the Vikings again very popular in Minnesota and that
that region, but outside of that, it's not a national team.
And you know, Jacksonville's got a handful of fans within
the thirty five mile area around Jacksonville, and then a
few in London. I think they got I think I
said eight fans in London. So that's that's a layer
to it. And you've also got people to just stop
watching the NFL and they said that's you know, I'm good.

They found other stuff to do, and they haven't come back.
Whether it's because they like Colin Kaefernick or they don't
like Colin Kaefernick, they've just said that's it. I'm done,
I'm gonna go, I'm gonna do something else. I gonna
go for a walk on a Sunday afternoon. And despite that,
here's where the mixed messages come in, because you can't
debate the fact that the numbers are down, that the
numbers are down for the NFL, even in the playoffs.

But but that didn't stop everyone from lighting up here.
They're selling the rights to the Thursday Night package for
twenty eighteen and likely twenty nineteen and twenty twenty as well,
but at least this upcoming NFL season, and everybody, as
far as the broadcast networks, they're all in. They're all in, ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox,

They're all trying to get a chip a piece of
the Thursday night games. Even though the games haven't been great.
The ratings are down on that, but there's still there's
still a bidden for the Thursday night television package. So
it's like, well the range you're down. People aren't as
into it. And the NFL has has said for some
time here that there's a there's an issue of and

TV people have pointed out the oversaturation of the NFL.
There's too many games and it's too much, and that's
they're trying to use that as a fall guy for
the ratings going down. All rights Ben Mallor's show on
Fox on Fox, and we will go back to the phones.
Where shall we go? Let's say hello to Andrew, who's
in LA on Fox Sports Radio. Hello Andrew? What's up? Man?

Are you new Andrew? It says new caller, new call
you sure you're not lying now it's not nuby night,
but for him, it's nuby night. For Andrew's nuby night. See.
I liked the fact that Andrew called because a lot
of these guys only wait for nuby Night. And I
have to call today because I'm off for the next
couple of days. So it's the first time I ever

that's the show or in a long time. Where when
are you listen to your live? Usually I listen to
you on iHeart. Yeah, and I'm excited. Man's excited, lady
to hear our show. How are we doing so far?
We're about, you know, thirty five minutes or so under
the show? Does this show? Okay? So far? The show
is perfect, man. I mean, it sucks that it had
to take for you know, Genie to pass for me

to call. But I'm glad I'm breaking the ice and
you know we're here now good all right, Oh that's good.
See we're here here, we are together, Me and you
have your conversation. Mary. Wife doesn't believe that that you
that you can memorize all your nicknames, and I told her,
you know what, Ben is such a freaking genius. He'll
he'll just say I'm a capella right now, no problem. Absolutely.
What's your wife's name? By them, Michelle, I'll call her

right now. We wait, we wait, come here, wait wait
wait wait, look at this is time Andrews, the King
of the Castle. He's like, listen, you get out here.
Wait wait. You know who I am? Well I tell
you why? Yeah? We yes, Michelle, how you doing. I'm

welcome you're on the air, Michelle. It's very nice to
speak to you. I want nothing to do with this,
do it. That's all right, it's fine, it's okay. It's
upset because every morning I play you on our hard
at five in the morning. And she says, why do
you play that guy? He has that annoying voice? And
I said, look, well, I am similar to a rooster. Wow,

look at that. Look at that, Eddie. Well that's what
we like to hear. Tremendous a dedication here. Well, I
am knowing. You guys know this because you listen at
five in the morning when you have to get up
to work and all. But I'm known as the the
spin master of misinformation, the bannering broadcaster I have been.
I'm in the middle of your jackass. I am knowniced
the Beeto to bs. Some of said, Hey Ben, you're

the cremuncheon of commentary, the chasm of sarcasm, the Tzar
of Zany, the dark night a week night sports radio.
I've got to be kidding me. Genie and Medford used
to say, you're the mugul of mischief. She used to
tell me that back in the day. Betty, Betty the Brands.
I'm in the middle of run down Andrew Watt. I
got one more for you. The man with the planet.

How that the man? That's right? I'm the man. No, No,
that's an unna. I'm the King of z the sulting
of insulting, the jumping jack of wise crack, insight of overnight.
You can't you can't fade me out. The name Bob
of negativity, the Sage of outrage, the pinnacle of Seneca,

the Prince and preposters, the professor of propaganda. He has
are of hyperbole, and the mad Hatter of sports chatter.
Hey man, I love real talk. Man, I love that guy.
I love Uh what's that in Florida? Uh? Well, we man?

Who you want to you want to talk to me?
All right? I want to say this is the party
Line's big Ben's party line. Party line from yes, weed Man,
are you there? Weed Man? You have a fan? Weed Man, Dude,
I love you your wife about my wife? Now, Andrew,

he's gonna ask for money. He's gonna ask for money
in a second. If you talk to him. All right,
I'm gonna ask you for money. He's a popular now
on Facebook. Exactly you should send you money? All right? Well, Andrew,
I'm glad you you were able to listen, Like, now,
what do you do? What kind of work do you
have to get up so early? I looked for a
beer distributed right, so beer? Oh you're oh the beer man. Now,

weed Man's really into now he's really like, wait a minute,
the beer man I want to talk to. The beer
man is more important than the milkman. The beer man
is much more important. Oh, I can ask Cooper Looper question. No, Cooper,
you don't want this guy to ask you a question?
Do you you know Coop does? He's very antisocial. No,
I'm cool with that. You're okay with it? All right?
He wants to ask you a question? Well, I don't know, man,

the drop drop of the year man, when when you guys,
when you made Coop say that. What was it? What? Oh? Yeah, yeah,
we like that. I gotta go, Thank you, Thanks and Andrew.
There you go. All right, Andrew and his wife quite
the happy couple there. But that screaming his wife to
get over here. Wait wait, wait wait, she said, I

want no part in this. Yeah, And I think that
was a wonderful backhanded compliment that they listened to the
show and she hates my voice. I think that is
just an annoying voice. You said, yeah, couldn't be any
less annoying. The voice of an angel is what I
have here. Move. He didn't want to hear. He wanted
to hear Cooper loop and what he said, that's Coop

didn't say move. He said a different word, the word that.
That's exactly right. If you go to the Kentucky Derby,
you'll hear the word that moves. That's not the word
that doesn't go. Move. What's the sound the horse makes?
It's like a priest. That's what does the horse eat? Well?
Whatever the horse? What does the horse seat? You know what?
I'm there? We go, all right, there we go. We

need that in a higher rotation. We need that in
a higher rotation. All right, So the ben Maller Show
on Fox on Fox. While the NBA pick him coming
up here in a couple of minutes. Time now for
the who am I? Game? I was the first quarterback
in NFL history to throw for thirty plus touchdowns and

fewer than ten interceptions in a single season. Again, history
of the NFL. I was the first quarterback to throw
for thirty plus touchdowns and fewer than ten interceptions in
a single season. Who am I? The answer? Were your calls? Next?
On the Ben Maller Show. We specialize in sarcasm, snark,
and SATs hire, all things needed to survive these shady

late night characters. On Twitter, let your thoughts be heard
by the masses under the of the micro blogging website.
Follow Ben on Twitter. He's at Ben Maller and you
can follow and tweeted me Eddie Garcia. I'm at Eddie
on Fox and live from the Geico Fox Sports Radio Studios.
It's Ben Maller. Well, the NBA pick him coming up

in a moment, Carl says. The couch and the TV
in the garage known as who's your porch? In Indiana?
That's that's what it's known as. It's not bad so
that's not bad, absolutely not anyway. Uh, that's it's just wonderful,

just absolutely wonderful. Here's the who am I? Game? I
was the first quarterback in NFL history to throw for
thirty plus touchdowns and fewer than ten interceptions in a season.
Who am I? That is the question? What is the answer?
The Hoopster brand is going with Bart Starr. Who else
do we have? JaMarcus Russell guest by Zach will Is

going with Joe Montana. J T. O'Sullivan guest by Stephen
That is a good name. I might have another j T.
O'Sullivan reference later in the show. I called one of
this high school football game you did. Yeah, he's actually
the answer to a different, different NFL question anyway. Dan

Faust's guest by Patrick the Uber Driver do se Uh,
let's see Nate got it right? Bat by you? Brian
Sipe guest by Eke Rodney Pete thrown out by the
rib Man radio star Rodney Pete. Yes, uh sure, bow
Jack Horseman, Bow Jack Horseman guests by Attila All right,

enough of that, U. Do you have an answer? Eddie?
It's at Frank's going with John Hayman, who's not engaging
I was very disappointed. H A lot of the guys
were trying to get under John Hayman skin. And unlike,
unlike William Shatterer, who responded, everyone, John has not done that.
Oh Ben, Yes, I do have an answer to answer
your question. And the answer is Mike Piagel, the Great

Mike Pagel, Pagel the Bagel. No that is that is
in correct. It's not Damn Marino, which the happy Bong
Toger went with, or Rob went with, Mark Wilson, or
Brian or Bob Greasy from Captain Blushe the correct answer.
Donovan McNabb, check this out. That's crazy. You talk about

the transformation of the quarterback position the NFL. McNabb in
twenty oh four became the first quarterback in the history
of the NFL to have thirty or more touchdowns and
less than ten interceptions. We're now fourteen years out since
that happened. It has happened nineteen times since then, so

it had not happened before oh four, in the last decade,
a little decade and a half. Will say it's happy
nineteen times. Expediting the quarterback position, fattening up the stat
sheet on the old old quarterback position for sure, for sure.
All right, let's uh, well, let's get Wheezy Jay on

because I know he's gonna hang up. So, Wheezy Jay,
what's going on? Wheezy j an old legend? Hey Ben Miller, Hey, So,
I was just reviewing some of your old podcasts and
I stumbled upon one and it was some hick billy
from Arkansas who must be a product of incest. He
was talking trash about Murphy n burrowed in the seat.

Where am I? Oh you might have all right, you
have the You have a single worst phone I've ever
had on radio, and I've taken a lot of bad
phone calls. Wheezy, I know you're an adult now, you're
all grown up. You're no longer a kid caller. Go
out and buy a phone, man, go out and get
a better phone. You know, I'm just I'm just saying,
Wheezy j I want to hear what you have to say.

You made an like an incest joke. You know. Danny
liked that. He enjoyed that sounded so strange, the sounding
like he was on some kind of microphone. Yeah, was
he recording it? You think he might have been record Yes,
that's what it sounded like to me. Ah, so maybe
he was looking for a punchline, wheezy jen and so
he wanted to use that on like YouTube or something,

but he had his phone too close to the recording device,
so we were getting like echo and feedback. Man, wheezy,
you gotta work out the technical difficulties there. Man, I
had my own gremlins last week that I had to
deal with. You gotta you gotta figure that out, man. Anyway,
So the Ben Mallow Show and oh look what time
it is? Oh my daily fantasy fun. I had Anthony Davis.

I picked him right. I picked him yesterday Anthony, remember,
and I was watching the Celtics Pelicans game and Davis
he missed a lot of shots, but he filled up.
It's the Pelicans. They're the most fantasy basketball friendly team
in the NBA. They got two guys, DeMarcus Cousins and
Anthony Davis that are stat line stick. I will will

guarantee that. All right, Well, coop a loop, who's the
who's the guy going first? Even though I had Anthony
Davis has to be me right, and it should be
that is incorrect and actually, bet, just for the record,
you and I tied the no I Anthony David no no, no,
I had the higher scoring player. I get I get
the win because I was at last place. All right,

I'm gonna go with Russell Westboro. That's a terrible pick.
I'm gonna double playing the Lakers on Anthony Davis, Eddie,
DeMarcus Cousins, sports Hell, hurry up, Danny, g to back
to back Steph Curry and John Wall John w Wow,
that's a surprising pick for John Wall. Eddie. I will
take Hassan Whiteside Coop. I'll go with Nicola Yokich, all right,

and one more and Kevin Durant. I'll take the Greek
freak Eddie him. You did, all right, Blake Griffin, Eddie,
Danny get a little time to despair. Feeling the heat
or is he really feeling the heat in Pittsburgh? The
story of Mike Tomlin. We will discuss welcome in the

beginning of another hour. It's the Ben Maller Show. We
are in the air everywhere the vast Fox Sports Radio network,
emanating live from the Geico Fox Sports Radio studios. Fifteen
minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on your
car insurance. Just visit Geico dot com for a free

rate quote. And it is not going to be completely
smooth sailing for Mike Tomlin. This is a story that
we discussed a couple days ago. We have the follow
up to the saga of Mike Tomlin. Is he the
embattled Steeler head coach? Well, after that big face plant,

the slip on the banana peal against Jacksonville, there has
been much Internet outrage that has been directed at the
center of Mike Tomlin. There's a bull's eye right there
on Tomlin. People very upset. How dare you lose to Jacksonville?
That's worth like seven years of playoff losses when you
lose to Jacksonville. In fact, if you've not been following

this story closely, if you're not really involved in it,
you might have missed this. But the story that we've
learned of the Steelers, a group of their limited partners,
some of their bit owners, are so upset. How upset
are they? I'm glad you asked. They're so upset that
they would like Mike Tomlin removed as coach in Pittsburgh.

They want him fired, they want his head on a platter. There,
See you later, Goodbye. Get out of here. You're a
nice guy. We don't want your coach on our team.
So I wanted to talk about this now, Tomlin. And
he's chimed in on the state of the Steelers and
his situation there, and he mainly it's his relationship with

the players, and he says he is looking in, he's
looking into things here. I'm gathering information on all relationships
and things of that nature. That's what this assessment is about.
So I'm not ready to state opinions about the nature
of any of our relationships, whether I'm assessing it in
terms of what transpired or what's going to transpire moving forward.

That is a diversionary tactic, is what it is. It's like,
I don't want to talk about this now, and I'm
not gonna talk about it later. So God Pounds saying,
here's more from Tomlin here, who also again said it's
not he's not gonna talk about this stuff. He's not
He's not gonna do it. I'm not willing to talk

about anybody being in line for anything. I've yet to
visit with Richard Manning, you know. So that's where it
starts from me. Yeah, Hey, let's evade everything. You will
play a little dodgeball and tiptoe around, and yeah, that's
that's what's gonna happen. That's exactly what happened. So yeah,
he's act, he's act. Anything on the record not gonna happen.

All right, So what about Ben Roethlisberg? What about Roethlisberger here?
And Roethlisberger also deciding to sidestep questions about changes. I
don't have any control over the coaching staff who's hired
and fired. And obviously that's very certain in a few
years ago when when Pa was gone, that's up to
the coaches and in the CERDI. And that's fine, that's fine.

That's phone. His phone sounded slightly better than a call
we took last hour from Wheezy J. So just a
little bit better, a little bit better. But the Roethlisberger,
if you think he wants a bunch of people fired,
he probably does, But you think he's gonna say that,
What do you think, Ben? You want a bunch of
people fired? We've got a really good group here and

that includes coaches of players. I think we've got a
special group, special least amount of change that that's from
players to coaches to everything We don't want to have
big changes because we're right there, we're on the cusp,
and we feel that we've got some great things going
for us. Yeah, all right, nobody wants a change. And
it's certainly not a toxic situation that they have in Pittsburgh,

but starting to stack up some years here where the
team has been a dud in the postseason and that
becomes problematic, especially considering the overwhelming, overwhelming talent that Pittsburgh
has assembled on offense in particular, it is rather mortifying
to lose it home to Jacksonville. It is absolutely mortifying.

So the question, let's talk about this, the question should
Mike Tomlin be feeling some anxiety about his future in Pittsburgh? Now?
Earlier this week we approached the subject and I said
at that time that Tomlin had a five percent chance
of being removed. Time for a status update. I changed

my position. No, I am very stubbornly, very stubbornly, I
am going with the same five percent. My thoughts have
not changed. But to expand on this, you've got no muscle,
you do have collateral damage and the doomsday clock. Now,
how am I going to tie all of these things together? No, muscle,

collateral damage, and the doomsday clock. I will do that.
I will do that like a magician. Number one, We'll
start with Tomlin, Mike Tomlin. The idea that Tomlin's going
to be fired, it's not a real world idea. It's
more of an annoyance than anything else. There is little
uncertainty that Tomlin is going to be somewhere else next year.

They won't be coaching the Steelers. That'll be on the
unemployment line. This is not in doubt. Now, why is that?
The key part of this story, which is making the
rounds here about the Steelers, the very important part of
it is two words. Limited partners. These are bit owners.
These are minority owners. And you know what that means.

They have no muscle. They have no muscle. But you
cannot make you cannot make changes unless you've got a
majority stake. You can be an annoyance and you can
be a nuisance, but to actually make changes that starts
at the top. You can make waves on social media,
you can certainly do that. You can leak stuff to

certain people and get these stories to pop up on
sports blogs. But as long as Mike Tomlin has the
support of the Rooney family and his star players. That's fine.
We heard what Ben Roethlisberger said publicly. You heard what
he said. He's not gonna go on the record and
throw Mike Tomlin under the proverbial team buss, bust of

the wood chip, or any of that stuff. Mike Tomlin
also has to worry about Antonio Brown. I don't know
he has to worry about Levion Bell because Levion Bell,
even though he's a star player, he's the third part
of that tribe they have in Pittsburgh. His tenure with
the Steelers is tenuous. Levion Bell. So it's really about
Roethlisberger and Antonio Brown. Now, if one of these guys

becomes Benedict Arnold and goes Judas on Mike Tomlin, then
at that point you got to update your LinkedIn pig.
Tomlin has never had a losing season. If you love
Mike Tomling, you'll point this out. He's been there eleven years.
He's never had a losing season. The Steelers have won
at least ten games eight times in those eleven years,

and it's a pretty good regular season record. So why
would anyone be upset? I think we know the answer.
Number two, The Steelers have moved at a snail's pace.
They've had three head coaches since nineteen sixty nine. And
the times are a change right, times are a change in.
And if you look back though, the guys that coach

the Steers, when you get hired in Pittsburgh, it's like
the Supreme Court. You decide when you no longer want
to coach the Steelers, It's like you've been nominated for
a position on the Supreme Court. I mean you look
the guys they've had. Chuck Nole retired, Bill Kawer stepped away.
He was burned out. They weren't fired, they were they
were tired, right, low key, undramatic, all things we despise,

all things that are bad for business. But that's what
the Steelers have done for forever, forever. And even in
this bad blood situation where some people from the small
part of the ownership, the minority owners there, the bit
limited partners, are upset, even with that and all the
new age technology, there is little evidence that anything's gonna

change now. Despite that, there will be collateral damage. Collateral
damage meaning Todd Hayley and some of the other assistant
coaches with Pittsburgh. There will be some changes made to
try to freshen things up and give a couple of
new voices to the locker room. And you still have
the same guy on top of the totem pole, Mike Tomlin,

but the people below him will change. That'll happen. And
the last thing here now Tomlin. Well, I again will
repeat for the seven thousandth time here that Tomlin is
is safe. That does not mean that if heartbreak Hotel
visits Pittsburgh again and they do another another face plant
in the playoffs, here in the flip does the script

does not flip. If that's the case and the Steelers
are postseason failures again, well then that changes them. Because
if you if you've changed coordinators or at least one coordinator,
and you've changed positional coaches, and then the playoff comes
around and you suck again in the playoffs, you know
what you do? You move you know that doomsday clock,

You move that a little bit closer, a little bit
closer to end times for your coaching career. The countdown
to a coaching change will be on, will absolutely be on.
The Steelers have not been to the Super Bowl since
twenty ten. They've made the championship game. I believe it
was a year or two after that, and Mike tom
We mentioned this the other day, but it's worth repeating.

Mike Tomlin was five and two his first seven playoff games,
had won a Super Bowl, had won a conference championship,
and lost a Super Bowl. And since twenty eleven he's
three and five and lost. The quarterbacks like Tim Tebow
and Blake Griffin, Blake Blake portals. Blake Griffin would have
would have absolutely beat him if he had played in

the game. Now, that would have been something. If Blake
Hauld played with Chuck the Condors his go to wide receiver,
that would have been that would have been outstanding, all right.
So the Ben Mallers Show on Fox, a rib tickling
edition of The Ben Maller Show, we say hello to
Edmund Dallas, Steamboat, Garcia Steelers, and I will definitely back

you up on what you're saying about the minority owners,
the limited partners. They have no power whatsoever. It is
all about the ruinees and how they've done business for generations.
I still don't think Tomlin is in any danger right now,
but I do think he's been put on notice a
little bit here, and I do think there'll be changes
within the staff. I hope there will be, But I

have to chuckle at you know some you know always
hear these ridiculous names that come out. But they're talking
about Bill Kawer coming back as coach of the Steelers,
and I'm like, people complained, and they're talking about the
fans more about Bill Cower than you did about Mike
Tomlin when he was head coaching. Power is fed up
with Phil Simms. He wants to get away from Phil
sim Wow, who doesn't. I can certainly understand. You imagine

how annoying film must talk the entire game and the
entire day you're trying to watch football. They all sit
on the set watching football. I would go to the
green room or something. I would find my own little area.
Hell out of there, man, you got Phil and Boomer
probably talking to each other entire quarterbacks. What a pain
in the ass that must be. You probably have to
take some some ibuprofen at the end just because you
got such a big headache from these guys yapping away there. Man. Anyways,

zuh the Ben Maller Show on Fox and if you
would like to be part, you can join the conversation here.
The number is eight seven seven ninety nine on Fox
eight seven seven nine nine six six three six nine.
We're also on Twitter at Ben Maller. That's at Ben Maller.
You can be part of the festivities. Well exciting news, Eddie.

Have you seen this year the the New California Movement
here that they're trying to be well, they're trying to
break up the state of California. They would like you
know how the North South Carolina and all that in
the North South Dakota. They would like to do that
in California. Who would like to do that? Well, they
want to separate, the New California Movement, Eddie, would separate

from the coastal region of California. They want to be
state number five D one. Great, Well, we'd we'd be
we'd be part of that. Now, this doesn't make a
lot of sense, I guess, Well, San Diego would be
part of the other state. So La and San Diego
would be in different states. Okay, And it gets really
messed up in the Bay Area because you've got like

the big hub cities where like most of the people
live that would be part of Like La and San
Francisco would be in the same state. Okay, but then
like your old town, your old stomping grounds, Fresno, they
would be part of the other state. They would be
part of the old California. They call them Old California.
No New California. Well no, no, New California. Isn't New California,
just the the the coastal communities. Isn't that it? No,

that would be just That's California. So now I'm confused.
All right, So I thought I thought for this geography stuff,
so I assume that the the new California would just
be the big cities, the coastal So why would why
would the the other cities in California want to separate?
I don't I don't get it, Like, wouldn't you want something?
Don't wacco group that want to do this ridiculous? We

should get one of these people on the show. Yeah,
they say, where would we find any waccos? Uh? They say,
they claim California is governed by tyranny or tyranny, and
they the organizers are proposed a state of New California.
And they declared their independence on Mondays. Uh. We're here

talking every once in a while of Texas breaking off
and becoming its own country. Yeah, I'm all for it.
Why do we Why do we stop at fifty? I
think we should add a nice round number. No, but
I think we should add more. I always get upset,
like I think Puerto Rico should be a state? Why
not add add you know, just keep adding states? Why not?
Why stop it? It's like the NFL stopped at thirty two.

They'd love to have like fifty teams, but they stopped
at thirty two. I'm all for expansion down the states.
I see what's happening here. Think of think of the
expansion draft though, Think of the expansion you'd have, like
you'd have to poach residents from the other states, you know,
and you would I be drafted. Yes, Coop, you're reading
up on this, the new California movement here, I'm reading

through the lines, and it seems it seems that basically
the people from those counties are just tired of rural counties. Yea,
of the liberal the bleeding heart liberals on your coat
your people. Well, as someone who grew up in the
central California, it is extremely conservative there. It's not people think,

you know, California is just you know, big blue state.
And all that. The people there are nothing like the
people and let's just say the Bay Area, for example,
couldn't be more polar opposites. There's a lot of people
in the rest of the country will be all for
California becoming its own country, its own sovereign country, and
just leaving leaving the United States. And I hear that

a lot a lot of people like Texas. Texas wanted
to become its own independent thing. Right, that was for
for for decades and it still do right, the Republic
of Texas and all that. Yes, yes, it would be fun.
Imagine the battle like you'd have to. Yes, I want
to take my passport when I go to I think
it will be funny. I think it would be uh.
I think California should be a country, Texas should be

a country, Florida should be absolutely everyone should have their
own country. You know, you go you go around the
world here, Eddie, I mean, you look at a map
of Africa. There's a lot of countries there and you
can you can slice it up. Look how well that's
worked out? Very well. I don't know what you're talking about.
There's no no, no, no, everyone's getting along with each other. Pete.

It's humanity, Eddie. People get along with each other. I
think then then these sports leagues, if California broke up
into like a different country in Texas, they'd be like,
we are global. Look at all the countries we're in.
We're in the country of California, the country of Texas,
were in Canada. Look at us, right, So the Ben
Mallers Show on Fox, with that being a theme, we
will get to some political muscle. We'll get to that

political muscle and we'll do it next. The only thing
better than listening to the Ben Mallers Show live on
the radios to hear it again at your convenience on demand.
The Ben Mallor Show podcast is moving up the charts
unless it's not. Support our little radio show by subscribing
to the podcast on iTunes and giving us five stars.
It will help keep the show growing. And I live

from the guy co Fox Sports Radio Studios. It's Ben Maller.
I hear, Eddie, that are our show is is in
the head of some other radio shows. I was getting
text messages during the day that from some of my
friends in radio that we were getting me. We were
getting mentioned on a competitor in La. Yes, flattered that

the the boogie mainstream daytime talk show host. They're worried
about our show there. I'm flattered, But well, there's a
show in particular. It comes to mind. And both those
guys used to work here, and I worked with both
of them. Yes, yes, and they got the show you're
talking about. And they might have taken my producer. I
don't know. Maybe possibly one of my old producers might
be on that show. I don't know. That's a long

list of produce let's be honest, could be anyone. That's
why I said that, because it could be anyone that
somehow cross paths with me. What John writes and he says,
I'm gonna listen to you instead of George Noory, please
make it a good show. No, I'm not John. I
don't want that pressure. I don't want the pressure of
having to do a good show. It's a nightmare. I
don't need. That show's gonna suck. And so stop, valls

fan Jimmy. Now, Jimmy's doing the full Mallar Marathon. I
hope he's in good shape for that. And he says
he feels like he's in studio right there. He's doing
the full marathon. That's a lot of dedication there. That's man.
Let's go to Mark the full Name guy who is
in San Francisco. I think, are you back in You're

back in San Francisco, Mark the full Name in San Francisco.
I wanted to say that I ran into my old buddy,
maybe best friend I ever had, Erthley last night. Yeah,
and he told me that he's her on your show
last night that unfortunately our favorite UH stripper and uh

Ben Mallers show caller, Genie has passed on. Yeah, and
I tried to I didn't I try to set you
up on a date with her. I think you're one
of the guys I tried to set on a date too.
I now regret Ben Maller that I didn't make it
up to her again earlier at the end of the
last year, I would have tried to said, Ley seen her.
I had no way of knowing she was that ill,

and I really, I really do feel bad about that.
And I would be on with Ben Maller. Yes, any
time you played my laugh track that you played genies
as well. So you're demanding now there's your you two?
Are you were? I always said you would have been
the perfect couple. There would have been a match there,
but it never happened, unfortunately. But what can you do?

You know, you try? Well, yeah, well she's in the
Lord's hands now, Ben Maller, Yes, and uh, I just
want to say that. Um, I just hope that she's
at piece now. Yeah, oh yeah, your doctor sucked? You
have you have like turets or something like that? Was?

What the hell? The things? We're going fine there? Mark?
Now you Mark, you've I've never met you, but you've
been threatening. Now. You did threaten. You threatened to kill
me years ago, justifiable homicide. We banned you from the
show for a long time. Well, you know, I don't
take kindly your character assassination. Man, I never met it
as an actual threat. All right, you're saying that because

you keep talking now about coming down here and hanging
out with You've threatened. I bost had a buddy. You
wanted to come to La. We're gonna play in your studio.
We're gonna jam in your studio. You're gonna play music.
Your listeners crazy, you have the harmonica? Does you know
about the talent show later this week? We're having a

talent show and I think were we planning on expediting
that next month? Is that what we're talking about after
the super Bowl? I think they were talking about that
we're gonna have Ben Maller's Talent show first ever play
a tune a few. Yeah, well we need music for
your talent show. I would be honored, Ben Malay, Yeah,
we need that. We need some other acts other than music.

So if you want to do a card trick, you
can do that. If you have a stupid pet trick,
will be open to that. If you have like a
we used to have this auto the drinking dog back
in the old days. You can. If you've got a
dog that can drink, you can bring that in here.
Any of those kind of acts. Job, Yeah, that's that's

If we have Moxis in full drag, that would be
just amazing. Well we actually, I think it was mister
nice guy said we're gonna call the Talent Show the
Ben e Factor, after the X Factor, the Benny Factor.
You know, no, I don't know about that. You know, no, no, no,
that's a good name. I don't know about Benny. I

know you're so high on painkillers you don't even know.
You won't even remember this phone call, all right, what
it's been a pleasure that call has been another terrible
call by you. Bring the harmonica, Bring the harmonica. Yeah,
and you suck as a caller. Get out of here,
go away, go bar someone else. We will get to
some political muscle. Political muscle. We'll get to that coming up.

And also we have Mallard to the third degree right now, though,
Eddie Garcia is going to dazzle you with the latest
Eddie Well, bet let's start with the NBA Game of
the ninth though, was the Pelicans going on the road
and beating the Celtics one sixteen to one thirteen in overtime.
Another big game for Anthony Davis of New Orleans with
forty five points and sixteen rebounds. Boston seven game Winnie

streak comes to an end and they dropped to thirty
four and eleven on the season. Some college basketball, we
had a battle of ranked teams Number fifteen North Carolina
be twentieth rank Clempson eighty seven to seventy nine. A
couple upisodes in the top twenty five Kansas eight, fourth
ranked Oklahoma eighty seven to sixty nine. It was South
Carolina knocking off eighteenth rank. Kentucky seventy six sixty eight
number three Perdue was a winner over Wisconsin seventy eight

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in Ben. I hate to be the death report we
talked about the Washing State quarterback had passed away last hour.
Joejoe White has died. Hall of Famer seventy one years old,

two time NBA champion, a little before our time, but
was one of the early great players with the Boston Celtics.
Course they had a lot of them, but Joejoe White
has passed away. It's a battling cancer for a long time.
Well it's been a it's been a bad week in
that department with whatnot. All right, Anyways, the Ben mathershaw
Ar condolens is there to those remember the legend. That's

a good name, Joe Joe White, it's a good name.
Remember there was another basketball player downtown, Freddie Brown. That's
a good name. That could be the greatest nickname downtown
Freddie Brown? Did he did he shoot it a lot
from downtown? Yeah, captain obvious, Yes, of course I never
saw him play. Did you see him playing all the time?
What are you talking about? YouTube? A lot down there's

a whole downtown Freddy Brown frame club on YouTube. Yeah.
Who do you play with? The Nicks Sons? Ye, back
in the day and others. All right, it's Ben Mala show.
We're company from the Geico Fox Sports Radio studios. Fifteen
minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on your
car insurance. Just visit Geico dot com for a free
rate quote. Well, quite the story, and it involves political

muscle in Miami where Derek Jeter, who does not want
to add any good baseball players to the Marlins because
that would cost money and god knows they don't have
any of that. So Derek Jeter has taken the position
of an anti art sculpture position. Now they the old
Marlin ownership, Jeffrey Loria put this gattie over the top,

million dollar, multimillion dollars a piece of art. He called
it a sculpture in center field. Well, it's not exactly
the center field. It's in the outfield in Miami, and
it's got it's got every gaudy, annoying thing that you
would hate about this kind of art. It's got splashing fountains,
it's got dolphins moving around, it's got fake flamingos, and

of course a marlin on top. It's got all that.
It's got all that. Well, Derek Jeter is on a
mission now to have this removed, and Jeter has help
the mayor of Miami, Miami Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez is
on board. See, the Marlins need to get approval from

the politicians in order to get this removed because of
the stadium deal. The county owned stadium, and the mayor
is all four. He says he's not a fan, and
he's gonna look into it and see if anything can
be can be done with it. So what happens to it?
Like where does the art weed man? Would you like

the art structure? Weed man? Hippie? Would you put that
in your living room? Then they have a swimming pool
with hot naked chicks out there too. You don't want
to get rid of that? Well, no they don't. I
don't think they want to get rid of the beautiful women.
But I don't think they're naked either. In weed Man's head,
they're naked. Needs the next naked. Listen that sculpture out there.

It sucks. Sculpture is terrible. David Beckham might want it.
He's still trying to get a sock. David Beckam would
be eighty years old by the time that ever gets done.
You know, it's amazing. He came here announcing he was
bringing soccer five years ago and he's had seven sights
and he's never quoted on one. He needs to be

better at paying off politicians. That's how the Marlins did it.
I want to go. I want to go to hold
the Marlins games. Yeah, you should sit with the one
weed Man hipp he's a friend of the show. You
should or not. We've been Marlin's man. You and Marlin's Man.
Weed Man and Marlin's Man should be together. You know,
I want to be a car exparg why'd you blow

him up? Because it is time for the third degree?
You really, weed Man? Fix it's me. I have nothing
to do with it. Danny g hates you, weed Man.
Danny you want to block Danny G on Twitter, Danny
G despises you. He's he's your man. Hate. Hate is
a strong word, so is despise. I think those are
appropriate words. I think those are words that are needed.

Let's get to it. Here we go, it's Mallard. How
about that to the third degree. This is one big
Ben gets grilled and here we gout no more of
this nonsense. Another appetizing, delicious, delectable addition of Mallard of

the third degree. It's going to be divine. We have
the Cooper Loop, the master of ceremonies. Cool. Yesterday we
asked you who you thought Bill Belichick was going to
miss the most, his offensive coordinator and Josh McDaniels, or
his defensive coordinator in Matt Patricia. You said neither, none
of the above. I think that's a great answer, none
of the above. Yes, Ben, Well, the better question, I
believe is do you think that either of these guys,

Matt Patricia or Josh McDaniels will find success with their
respective new teams. And we're making a little bit of
an assumption here with Matt Patricia. But I mean it's
gonna happen, right, yeah, I mean it seems like it's
gonna happen. Lest everyone's completely wrong and everyone's been bamboozle here,
that's gonna happen. I actually talked about this on the
show I did earlier tonight in Boston, and to me,
this is easy. To me, this is easy. The answer

is Matt Patricia. Matt Patrick. Number one, Patricia, I'm pulling for.
He looks like a meat head. He's not a met
he's like anti meat head. He's he's got brains. He
owns an aeronautical engineering degree that would attest the fact
that he's not a dope. But he's he's been following
around Belichick for fourteen years. He worked his way up

and he didn't get the fast pass to become the
understudy to Bill Belichick. And unlike the other bozos who
are out there that have gotten the quick excent ascent
to the top, to the front of the line, Patricia,
now he's got to recreate himself. He can't be Belichick
light with the Detroit Lions. But I'm I'm relatively confident

that he'll do a pretty good job. I know that's
going outside the box because Bill belichick assistants haven't done
a great job. Number two Josh McDaniels is going to
fall on his face. He doesn't move the needle for me.
This is a guy that was benefactor. He was the
benefactor for nepotism and the fact that his dad was

a very successful high school football coach knew Nick Saban,
and Nick Saban because of that relationship, got Josh McDaniels
a job at Michigan State early on, and Josh McDaniels
rode that through networking, which all started because of his dad.
But he's been a total failure every job he's gotten
outside of the Patriots when he's had to leave home

and go somewhere else. He sucked with the Broncos. He
was not very delicious or appetizing with the Saint Louis
Rams there and so has he eaten some humble pie? Now?
Is he gonna be better? I'm not betting on him.
I'm betting on Matt Patricia and the Lions have more
of a talent surplus than the Indianapolis Colts, who are

depending on the hobbled Andrew Luck to come back next
and report today stated that former All Pro quarterback Drel
Revas that's right, he wants to play in twenty eighteen
and would like to remain with the Chiefs. Ben, what
we saw from Revas this year wasn't all that great.
Do you think that anyone would pick him up at
this point or do the Chiefs keep him for ten

million dollars? Yeah? I would think if you bring Vas
in you're worried about background radiation because this is not
a good situation. And if I am in charge in
Kansas City, I wish Revas well. I say, I liked
that whole Revus Island marketing campaign. I like the fact
that you've made a lot of money playing in the NFL,
You've been willing to change teams. I wish you well

in your future endeavors. Don't let the door hit your ass.
Get out of here. First of all, Revs was brought
in out of simple desperation. The Chiefs. Remember, they had
tried for several weeks to replace Eric Berry. They could not.
Everyone they brought in was garbage, right. It was just
a toxic situation in the defensive secondary in Kansas City.

So they went out and they did the thing that
desperate teams do. So let's bring in Revas. And it
was like a cheap band aid, and he played like
dog food. There was a total lack of effort by Revas.
It would seem on many a play. And secondly, for
several years, Revus Island back when he was with the
Jets was a must watch destination. He was a shut down,

lockdown defensive back. But that day eight. Now he's a
combo dish of diminishing skills and a lack of daisical approach.
It's it's not good. The old line about watching Mozart
without a piano is watching Reevas try to stop wide
receivers without his skills. Now, let him go, let him

move on, do something else, become a broadcaster, and do
not do not go down that road next. Now, Magic
rookie Jonathan Isaac, as an avid Christian in this weekend,
decided to preach us first ever sermon at his church.
Isaac went on to joke that none of the teammates
that he invited decided to show up. But have you
ever invited family or friends to come watch your nightly

sermons in person? Well, the show does not have a
live studio audiences, you know, Coobla, we do not do that.
This is not a late night talk show. We are
We do do a late night talk show. But we don't.
It's not like the Tonight Show or Jimmy Kimmel or
whatever other shows still on don't have people in here.
We occasionally let our friends in here. Um, but but no.

And most of the people I know, they're not like us.
They're not night people. They don't work nights. They go
to bed in a regular hour their daytime people. Now,
my wife, my wife would love to come down here
and and hang out with us one of these nights.
She's been here before, but she'd like to hang out.
And I think we should do. We should have our
if we want it once in a while, have family

night on the Ben Mall Show. We can bring bring
somebody down, how about we bring our there used to
be a guy that worked here that would bring his
pet with him. He'd bring his dog in here and
the dog would run around. There was another guy that
would bring his kids with him, and his kids would
run around. You know, are you talking in past ten?
The plausible deniability coop, that's what that's what That's what

I'm doing here. But uh, you know, it's like my
dad gives me a lecture about how he would love
to listen to my show. My old man there. Talked
to him every day, but he says it's past his
bedtime and so he cannot listen. And so well the podcast, Dad,
you can listen to the podcast. He's no idea. It's
a completely, a completely foreign thing, the whole podcast thing.

But most of my other relatives are geographically undesirable. They
live in other states and in other other parts of
different countries. I guess we break America up all right
there it is Mallard to the third Degree. How did
we do? Ben? He passed this edition? That is another win? Yeah,
another win. I have an amazing record this year. Jerk

yourself during the regular season of Mallard to the Third Degree.
Time Now for the instant trivia. It's a follow up
to a previous question. We'll expand the question. While the
Atlanta Falcons were losing in Philadelphia over the weekend, those
pesky Birds the Battle of the Birds, running back Davante

Freeman of Atlanta became the first player to record a
touchdown in each of his first five postseason games since blank.
Since blank. Now we asked you after four postseason games,
but we've updated it now and DeVante Freeman the first
player to record a touchdown in each of his first
five postseason games since blank fill in the blank. We'll

get to that, and we'll do it next. On the
Ben Maller Show. We specialize in sarcasm, snark, and satire,
all things needed to survive these shady late night characters.
On Twitter, let your thoughts be heard on the mass
under the boy, Let your thoughts be heard by the
masses under the cover of the micro blogging website. Follow
Ben on Twitter. He's at Ben Maller and you can

follow our executive producer. He's the liar liar in the
Menace of the Fox Sports Radio Network. It's the Coop
de Loop Justin Cooper and he's at you h bronco
fan move and I live from the Geico Fox Sports
Radio Studios. It's Ben Maller. Tremendous job, Eddie, very again,
great writing by you, good reading by you. I say, yeah,

especially red, solid job. No mistakes at all. That's the
way we like it. Professional broadcasting, all right. The instant trivia.
In the Falcon's loss over the weekend to the Philadelphia Eagles,
Davanteve Freeman became the first player to record a touchdown
in each of his first five postseason games since blank,

Since blank, Eke is going with Edgar and James as
his answer, Bob says, Eric Dickerson Davon. Davon's going with
oh j the Juice Simpson. Who else do we have here?
I can't read that. I can't read that one either.
Archie Griffin from Caddy Cardiac Stanley Naj Davenport from Ernie.

There's a legend. Yeah, keep him out of your closet.
Why nuts, Yes, Tim Biakabatuca from Ron and Eric. That's
a fun name, Tim Biakabatuca. Lendale White from Frank in
La ed Hawk thrown out by Taquiva Man. What say you? Eddie?
And I'm gonna go with Ahman Greenman Green all right

to find fine guests, But that's incorrect. Correct answer. The
last player prior to DeVante Freeman to score a touchdown
in his first five postseason games Larry Fitzgerald the Arizona
Cardinals back in and oh nine. That's the answer. That's

the answer. Let's say hello to Paul in four lauded.
I gotta get Paul on right away. Hello Paul, Paul.
If I was any better, I'd be an art structure,
but not the art structure of the outfield at Miami,
because the Marlins are gonna get rid of that. Like
I rid spin and what's time? Mattery and Derek Jesus

thinking it nice. Don Mattingley and Derek Jeter are thinking
about how much money they're going to make. That is
what they're thinking about. And they don't have to worry
about working overtime. They don't have to worry about postseason
baseball or whatever. The hell. Well, Laurie is Laurie's Lauria
is counting his money and he's probably gonna He's out.

He's out of the picture. He sold the team. Jeter's
the guy now right, Laurie is out, he's done, He's
out of it. And the stadium's too far away from me.
But when the hard run, you like Joe Robbie back
in the yard science every ticket start the first year.
Oh really, Yeah, I was at well, I was there
when they won the World Series in ninety seven. I

was in Miami. Yeah, Trader Jack Willis, I know Willis
wasn't on that team that Kevin Brown was. He was
the douche, was the big picture on that team. Jack,
mister Marlin was there, Gary Sheffield. Let's do Lauren Marlin talk?
Can we drop any other names? No? No, I don't

want to talk about the it's cold twintertime. Well, I
always want to talk about the Clippers. But we gotta
go all in, Paul, Who should I pick? It? All in? Paul?
Give me a team to pick? I got. I got
a full card of the NBA. I got got Charlotte
playing Washington, I got Toronto Detroy. Give me a winner.
Who you got Washington? All right, fine, there you go,

Thank you, Paul. You've got let's go all in. Here
we go, let's go. It's Ben Mahler and he's going, Oh,
I'm gonna go all in. All right? My my pick
not influenced it all by Paul and for Lauda, though.
I'm taking the Washington Wizards and my guy, the great
John wall with who cares throwing darts blindfolded Eddie. In

the NHL, we got the Bruins, host of the Canadians.
I'll take Montreal plus the goal and a half. All right,
Danny gee, Ben Washington, that's Charlotte. That is the game
of the night, unless it isn't over under two twelve
and a half I'm gonna go under, you go under,
Cooperloo who you got And I'm gonna take the New
York Knicks to cover in the two point spread. Who
are they playing? The Grizzliest, the Memphis Griz. Yeah, I

noticed that several of the games don't have point spreads.
You know why because the NBA rests half their players
and the guys in Vegas are like, we're not gonna
put a spread up because we're gonna lose a bunch
of money when these these guys, these wosses, don't play. Oh,
you want drama, much of it contrived, You go to basketball.
That's where the drama is. And on the NFL is
waiting for the hype to crank up. We'll get that

on Wednesday with news conferences for Championship weekend. But Lebron
James and the Cavaliers holding their own private State of
the Union address, which is very intriguing on many levels.
We'll discuss welcome in the beginning of another hour. It's
the Ben Maller Show. We are in the air everywhere

the vast Fox Sports Radio network, emanating live from the
Geico Fox Sports Radio studios. Fifteen minutes could say you
fifteen percent or more on your car insurance. Just visit
Geico dot com for a free rate quote. We will
be kidding around in a little bit. We'll be kidding
around here in a little bit, but Lebron James, Now,

this season it's never ends. The NBA season goes on forever.
We will be talking about the NBA a lot. We
got the Super Bowl, which I think will be slightly
more important, and then we've got NFL Draft combine activity,
the Championship of College Basketball, the NCAA tournament that'll take

over for a few weeks. So everything's kind of lined
up here. The Ducks are lined up in a room.
But at this moment that we're talking, the Cavaliers have
been They've been failures, right, they have been failures, but
they have not been failures in the department of content.
And so they've been very good in our department. Cleveland

seven games behind the Celtics for the top record in
the Eastern Conference. They're only a game ahead of the
Miami Heat. They could be the fourth. It could be
in that four five matchup. Of course, some million games
to go. But we got another chapter in the never
ending soap opera that is the NBA world. Now, if
you've not heard this, maybe you were sleeping, or you

were working, or you just weren't paying attention. In the
aftermath of what happened on Monday, that Cavaliers losing to
the Golden State Warriors and multiple we're told that multiple
Cavalier players held off the record conversations with a group
of media, a group of media. They don't want their

names on this, but at least that's what we're being fed.
And supposedly the story goes that these guys from the
Cavaliers admitted they were unhappy and that their angst, their
anxiety levels had been raised, and they were saying that
things are different now, that things are different than they
had been in recent years, and essentially that the Cavaliers

don't have the ability, they're not good enough to fix
the engine, that the spark plugs are damage and they
can't find new spark plugs, and so several prominent players
supposedly speaking on condition of silence and just they don't
want their names out there. You don't tell you, don't
tell anyone who I am. I won't tell anyone I

talk to you, And they all had loose lips. They
all had loose lips there, and they expressed doubt about
the team, and so I wanted to get into this. Now,
the Cavaliers that were pouting, they said that the team's
too old. They get a bunch of old geezers there.
That's my words, not their words. But defensively, they've got
too many problems there, that they've they've got too many specialists,

not enough stars on the team. That they've got too
many players that are repetitive, that do the same job.
And so all of this leads to the question, what's
the message. What is the message here now, Lebron James?
What was he trying to send? My viewpoint on this,
You've got ulterior motives, call the action and meet the deadbeats.

You've got all of that, and I will attempt I
will attempt to buying these things together. Now, first of all,
I am skeptical, very skeptical that this was actually a
group of prominent players. I highly doubt that this was
one hundred percent Lebron James. Now, why would I say

that the new guys on the Cavaliers aren't going to
talk about past years. I don't gonna bitch about that,
because they're the problem. They haven't been around long enough.
You think it was j R. Smith that was in
on this. Kevin Love seems like a dullard. Was it
Kevin Love doing this? Lebron James is the mouth of

the Cavaliers, good, bad or ugly. He's in the mouth.
Why why didn't Here's the thing I don't understand. Why
didn't they just go on the record. Who cares? Like,
what's the big deal? Everyone knows it's Lebron James. Anyway,
It's more likely than not that Lebron's goal is to
go strength by numbers, that there's some ulterior motives in

play by Lebron James. Now what's he getting at now?
I continue to believe that Lebron James has carte blanche.
He's got a blank check as far as what he
can do within the organizationan in Cleveland. Now he is
heading towards free agency, but he doesn't have. The one
thing Lebron does not have is that Brooklyn pick, the

lottery pick that the Cavaliers got from the Celtics in
the Isaiah Thomas trade. Yeah, so Lebron can't trade that.
And I would assume that when you go over the
salary cap threshold which the Cavaliers are doing a tap
dance on that. You have to go through ownership on
that to put more money in. But you can make trades.

But if you're gonna add new salary and you're gonna
go even further up, you have to get approval from
Dan Gilbert. So here's what I think is going on.
This is a call to get attention from Dan Gilbert,
the owner, the Quicken Loans guy, the fat head guy.
And secondly, a little Bertie tells me that Lebron James
would love to have DeAndre Jordan, would want to hang

out with DeAndre and sweet Lou Williams. Unfortunately, there's a problem,
there's a monkey retch in all this. Lebron James has
to deal with the fact the Clippers have been playing better.
Lou Williams is Steph Curry esque right now with the Clippers.
He's been brilliant and as a result, what has happened.
It's not that Lou Williams isn't available. You're not gonna

say he's not available. You're not gonna say DeAndre Jordan's
not available. But the asking price has gone off. The
Clippers now have leverage. They don't have to trade anyone.
They can say, hey, we're winning a bunch of games,
we're gonna likely be a playoff team. And if Lou
Williams has become an All Star player, that's what we
were looking for. We're looking for another all Star player
to replaced Chris Paul and if that's Lou Williams, then

so be it. We don't need to trade, and we'll
sign him to a new contract. They can make the
playoff playoffs. They can make the playoffs here and then
try to resign both those players to long term extensions
in the off season. So Lebron is saying, here's my
call to action, this is my shot across the bow.
Here's what I want, here's what I want ownership. Here's

what I need to trade the stupid Brooklyn pick. He
wants to add many more dollars, if you will, and
that lottery pick, because it's it's something where Lebron can
can fatten out the roster and make it easier on
And this is an insurance policy. And now the final
word in this it is nice of Lebron James and

publicly declare again I'm relatively confident this was all Lebron James.
There might have been other players that were aware that
Lebron was chit chatting, but Lebron was the centerpiece on
all this, right, I mean, Lebron was absolutely the centerpiece.
But here's the thing, all right, He essentially said all
of his teammates are deadbeats, the new guys they brought in.

The guy that should really be worried here is Tylu.
He can be the fall guy, the scapego they can
get rid of him, and the All Star breaks coming
up in the NBA that would be the time. And
as Lebron James turns the drama Queen Life of King James.
He has been due I believe it's seven consecutive NBA funds,

and throughout this there have been many peaks and a
lot of valleys during the regular season, and you're not
going to write the calves off. I'm not going to
write them off. Lebron has passed his prime now, he's
thirty three years old. That is a factor in all
of this, and the fact that he keeps bringing in
his buddies, but his buddies can't play. Example a d Wade,

the ghost of Dwayne Wade that is still trying to
ride Lebron's coattails there in Cleveland. All right, Just the
Ben Mallers Show on Fox on Fox as we yap
yap the night away here on Fox Sports Radio, say
hello to Edmund Dallas, Steamboat, Willie Garcia and Eddie's beloved.

NHL is getting just lam based at it. You've got
to be embarrassed by this. The NHL is a lot
of backlash towards the NHL. They were trying to be
the cool kids, and now they're getting they're getting pushedback
on it. Have no idea what you're talking about. You
didn't see the announcement for the All Star Game. No,
They announced their musical performance during the second intermission at

the NHL All Star Eamich will be in Tampa Bay
coming up here in a couple of weeks. The answer
kid Rock, Eddie. They chose Kid Rock. People very upset
by this. One's upset. But that's a lie, Eddie. There's
a lot of people upset. Kid Rock is a polarizing figure.
Your people are very upset with the NHL. Have you
have you not been on social media all day? People

were bashing the NHL all day. The NHL is trying
to defendsh so he's a lifelong hockey fan and all that.
People are pushing back because you know why, Eddie politics,
that's why, big deal. He's way better than most of
their musical actually did for the NHL. You're on the

pulse of the people, Eddie unless you no, no, but
no hockey fans care about this. Um looking at a
bunch of hockey fans that are no, no, you're not.
You're looking at people that like to you know, blowviate
on Twitter and could care less. People pointing out that
has nothing. Most hockey hockey fans aren't a country music fans.
This is bad. There's a mistakes. Do you a country

music artist? Is he? Well, they're they're pointing out that
this is a problem here. I don't know what this kid.
I don't even know what kind of music he does?
Now what is he? He's crossed over? He's he does?
What would you just how would you describe kid? Dabbles
in a little bit of everything? Yeah, I mean he's
mainly a rock artist. He's had a couple of country
quote unquote country type songs, but he's definitely not a
country artist. Yeah. Yeah, Ben on the pulse of music

as usual, Kid rocks. He's not hip anymore. He's old,
you know. And as I said, compared to what the
NHL usually gets, you know, like Googo Dolls and those
kinds of bands, this is a big, big kid for that.
But I'm into new music. I'm not in really, who's
your favorite new artist? I'm looking at like I'm looking
at the Billboard like I like that Havana song. Have

you have you heard that one? Yeah? Why is laughing? Yeah? Man,
it's a good song. Why are you laughing the Billboard charts?
Because at first he said it the wrong way, said
something wrong. Camila Cabella is at her name? Ben? Ben
knows all about new music. Just listen to it right
on the pulse. Well imagine He'll imagine dragons. I go

for that. Yeah, but why not Me and Sam Smith
hang out? Yeah? I bet you do. Sim Smith likes you. Yeah, absolutely,
Demi Lavado, Yeah, we're tight. We hang out. Which chart
are you reading down the list? I'm not reading down
any chart I'm talking about. I don't need to read
a chart. You guys just don't understand how hip I am. Yeah,

you're right. What was the number one song Eddie since you.
You're on top of music. You did no, no, Just
tell me the number one song Billboard Hot one hundred. Here,
tell me, tell me right now, the number one song.
Go ahead. I have no clue, Danny G. The number
one song on the Billboard Top one hundred, last Travis
Scott uh page down, page down. I don't see it

on you all right, Coop, you're on you're probably googling
it right now, the number one song. I honestly have
no idea, And you guys are ripping me. We didn't
claim to be on the pulse of new music like
you did, jackass. The song is called perfect. That's a
big smash. Yeah you know who? You know who? You
don't even know who performed? Or do you? Taylor Swift? See,

you don't even know Danny G. Perfect, perfect song Perfect.
It's number one on the Hot one hundred on Billboard.
That means it must be a huge smash. I little kids?
Wasn't that for little kids? It's a first name. If
I give you the first name, what's that? Can you
pronounce it? Well? I know, I find out the the
first name is Ed. That's the first name. Oh Sharon,

Oh you got it right? See I had to lead
you down that path that none of us list I do.
I'm a big fan. He's got He's got two of
the top thirteen songs. Shape of You is a good one,
you know. It's a little bit of hum, a little bit.
I don't need a hum. Which Dodgers? Which Dodger uses that?

Ed Sharon songs his walk up? Cody Bellinger? Come on,
that's an easy one. What are you talking about? It's
Cody Bellinger? Yes, yeah, you have that Havana song though.
That one's pretty good. Have you heard that? That's not
a beast now, you know? Like my wife, I say, yeah, yeah,
you're not a fan. Yeah, like the first hundred times
I heard it. Well, all this crap gets overplayed, all

all music is burned in by By the way, Benn,
it's our third baseman song. Who cares it's not baseball season. Okay,
I'll worry about that when when when spring training starts,
That's what I'm gonna worry about it. Then I'll then
I'll spend a lot of time. All right, So the
Ben Mallow Show on Fox, me and Kendrick Lamar hang
out as well. I want to point out as well,
me and Kendrick are tight absolutely correct on that, no question. Um,

let's go to the phones. Jet Fuel George is on
the Ben Mallers Show. Hello, jet Fuel, George, Ben, your
music knowledge is amazing. Thank you very well. I appreciate that.
You know, kid Rock hasn't been the same since Joe
Si died. But here's some tribute for you. Kid Rock
actually toured with Ice Que back in the nineties. That's

that's how long he's been. He's been around, and I
think that's good that the NHL is going to bring
him on because he's he's diversified, he's got some pretty
good music. Yeah, well people are people are upset with
kid Rocks, so well, yeah, I know you know what
everybody's getting up. I mean, come on, Anti Pelosi for
the President of California, Come on, Governor Moonbeam. I mean, well, now,

would you would you move back? Yeah? I know you
used to live in California, Jeff Field, George, you live
in Texas now, I believe so would you would you
come back to live in like the rural part of California,
which would be just California and then leave New California
to the other people. I do live in the rule.
I mean, I did live in the rural part of California,
northern La County up there in the desert. You know,
it's all it would build, the bombs and the plains
and yeah and kill people. But yeah, go back to

My mom's still out there. I got hants and uncles,
my sister look at this. So if we just get
rid of this, if we change the states, then he'll
come back, Jeff Field, George will return to the West coast.
They've been trying to do it for years. It doesn't matter.
But speaking of death, you know, sorry to hear about
Genie and Medford. You know, I know you don't do
shout outs on the radio, but if we could, I

have shout out to Rick in Boston and Spokane, Gary,
and yeah about Bob. You know, you live long enough
and you start losing friends, and uh, it happened. I'm aware.
I looked yesterday. I don't know if you heard the
show yesterday. We talked about it, and I was going
through like some of the old callers that we had
that had passed away, Like there's a lot of them.
It's starting to pile up here. The list list is

getting pretty long. Yeah, the list is getting. We had
Moonshine Mark. I don't know if you remember him. He
called for a while Moonshine Mark. Wheezy Jay not Weezy.
He's still alive. His phone's dead. Yeah, something happens. I
believe he's still alive. What was Money Evans? That was
a guy, Money Evans one. There's a lot of these
guys that you're talking about. I mean I didn't listen.
I could listen to you for four or five years

because I almost died myself. I got in that bad
car accident. Yeah we could add you to the list.
Yeah you could have done on that list, but you
know I bought my way back. But anyways, Uh, a
couple of things, Ben. First of all, who's going to
be better than Tomlin? You gotta think about that. I mean,
there's only two degrees of separation to coach Knox, and
I don't think the Pittsburgh Seelers should get a bit

of Tomlin. And second of all, here's something that I
had a dream about, and you know I'm I'm also
you know, in the family of nosredamis along a long
time relative on his father's side. On the father on
his father's side, I'm on the ya, I'm on the
mom said, yeah, so here's the thing. Boogie Cousins is
gonna be a Laker next year, and here's somebody something else. Finally,

I hope, I hope that happens, because that will be
and I'll tell you why. Yeah, I'm sure he's gonna
be a Laker. Yeah, Kevin Durant is tired of give
him money back for the last three years. There's no
way that Golden Staate can afford to give him the
two hundred and eight million or whatever it's gonna be
next year. You watched Kevin Durant and Boogie Cousins coming
on Lakers. Yeah. Uh, you know what I love about

your George. You've been calling me for years and your
diabolical thoughts on the Lakers have not changed. You've you've
moved from it was Russell Westbrook was going to be
a Laker for a while. You've moved on. I never said,
I never said two faces. I never think I know,
but I listen, you've gone from star artist. What about
Lebron James? Are you off the Lebron trainings? I know

he's all that's why he should be a Laker. He's perfect.
I know he is. You know, Kobe Bryant, you know,
we're just getting out of the effects of an old guy.
I gotta I gotta wish. Yeah, I gotta leave it there, Jory,
I'll call back. We'll be here all week. Try the
rosebe all right. So the Ben Maller Show on Fox,

it was a horse. Of course, we'll get to that.
We'll do it next. On The Ben Maller Show. We
specialize in sarcasm, snark, and satire, all things needed to
survive the shady late night characters. On Twitter, let your
thoughts be heard by the masses under the cover of
the micro blogging website. Follow Ben on Twitter. He's at
Ben Maller and you can tweet that and follow our
technical producer. He plays all the music and most funny

sound bites at the Ben Mallory Show. First name is
Danny's last name is still a mystery to most, but
you can follow him at danny ge Radio and at
the top year Lung Scream Where the White Women At?
And that Live from the Guy Coo Fox Sports Radio Studios.
It's Ben Maller. This is a number two songs in
America on the Billboard chart Eddie Quick, Ben, say her

name without looking at your computer screen. Say her name
without looking at you don't even know her name. Yeah,
I said her name. I'm not gonna repeat it. You're
trying to cheat off my favor is what you're trying
to do here, any screen right now already said her name.
You want it again? Yeah, she's gotta pay money for
that kind of advertising on our show here. We don't
just give that kind of promotion away. Did you understand that?

You know how it works here as a national radio show.
It's your wife's favorite song, Come on, Ben, well this
week it's her favorite songs. That's why I know it,
because she's been playing it, playing a lot. And I
think I'm not quite burned out on it, but another
couple of days I'll probably burned down on it. I
didn't ask you. I didn't ask you what I tell you. Yeah,

but you don't even know about this kid rock store.
You claim to be an inside hockey guy. That's a
big hockey story. That's a huge You got national attention
and you don't even know about You're out of you're
in there? What are you living in a shoe box
or something like that? Yes, I am living all day.
It was all over the place. Was it was your
kid rock? Backlash against the NHL because they picked it
wasn't just got more attention than the damn Winnipeg Jets.

It got more attention than Winnipeg Jets. I know that.
Let's go to Rock and Ron, who's in Spokan. Hello,
Rock and Ron? Did you fall asleep? Great call? Yeah,
it's rocking. It's been on hold for Oh. Oh he's sleeping.

I heard a little murmur. Yeah, he's sleeping. Oh man.
You know what we used to do back in the day,
our friend Genie and Medford, who we love to death.
We would play Genie and Medford sound by man, come
on in there is that? Is that? No, that's snoring.

But that's I've heard worse. We've heard worse snoring, like hollering.
James that used to call he was He was much worse.
I think he's dreaming. Is he in that zen state
of sleep? That deep sleep? Who hold on a sect there? Yeah?
All right, So we'll just leave him on because he

wanted to talk about this story involving a twenty two
year old Philadelphia Eagle fan. Do you see this? This
guy was arrested. This is a guy who punched the horse,
and he was charged with aggravated assault, trespassing, and tawning
a police animal. And he punched a police horse and

he then struck one of the mounted police officers, the
mounted smart move for his part. Yeah, apparently he had
been kicked out of the stadium because he didn't actually
have a ticket. No one either that or he was
too drunk to find the ticket. He was boozing it
up there in the stadium. Now, I've been around police

horses like I've seen them in Like, it's you're not
gonna do much. Damn. It's kind of like punching a guy.
Where's a football helmet? You know you're not You're not
gonna do a lot of damage, you know. You know
what I'm saying there. It's kind of It's one of
those things. Uh. He was released. He posted ten percent
of his five thousand dollars bail. His bigger problem is

the the animal rights people would like to see him
ban from ever going to Eagle games. Like that's going
to actually keep him out of going to to Philadelphia
Eagle games. He's got to appear in court January thirtieth
and I think he is a great representation to the
Philadelphia Eagle fan base. I think he could win Fan
of the Year. I think this guy's got a chance

to win Fan of the Year for the Philadelphia Eagles.
He's certainly in the running. So what about the fan
on the train? Oh? Yeah, that we didn't talk about that.
Did I send that to everybody or is that just
to you? I don't know. I think it was a
group group text. I haven't heard anything on that. Yeah,
there was a story over the weekend. H young couple

was leaving the Eagle game and they were celebrating, and well,
see the guy was really enjoying the celebration. He was
really getting the benefit of the celebration. They took the
train downtown. Yeah, and they had no shame in their game.
You gotta tell you perfectly honest here, I don't know

that I could do something like that. Ben. Can we
turn this snore snoring dude off yet? Yeah? I guess.
I thank you, Rock and Ron, A good job by you,
three minutes of airtime for Rock and Ron, and I
hope you you got some some life enjoyment out of
that wonderful contribution. Du Our radio show and boy, do

we thank you for that. We're gonna play too much
or not enough, and we need a game show contestant
for that. So if you want to play too much
or not enough, we'll we'll hang up on rom We'll
let him sleep. So if you want to be part
a call right now, we'll open the line up for
you eight seven, seven ninety nine on Fox eight seven
seven nine nine six six three six nine, you can

be part of the festivities I love too much or
nine enough right now. Though Eddie Garcia is here with
the latest Eddie Well Ben, let's check out some of
the basketball festivities last night in the NBA. The game
of the night was the Pelicans going into Boston and
knocking off the top team in the East, the Celtics,
one sixty to one thirteen and overtime. New Orleans is
led by Anthony Davis, who had another big game forty

five points and sixteen rebounds for Celtics. Seven game win
Street comes to an end as they dropped to thirty
four and eleven on the season. Top twenty five college basketball.
The battle of ranked teams. Number fifteen North Carolina was
a winner over twentieth rank Clempson eighty seven to seventy nine.
We didn't have a couple of upsets of ranked teams.
Kansas State beats fourth ranked Oklahoma eighty seven sixty nine,
and South Carolina knocks off eighteen for rank Kentucky seventy

six sixty eight. It was number three perdue beating Wisconsin
seventy eight to fifty. Their support is brought to you
by True Car online car shopping and be confusing, but
not anymore. With true Price from Truecar, now you know
the exact price you'll pay for your next car. Visit
Truecar and enjoy more confident car buying experience. And Ben, Yeah,
I know how much you dislike this, and I gotta say,

at least when it comes to our local downtown arena,
I gotta agree with you with this. They're putting another
statue out in front of Staples Center Mausoleum. They just
put one of Hall of Fame broadcaster Bob Miller last week,
and they just announced that the Lakers are gonna put
an Elgin Baylor statue coming up on April to six.

Eventually for those not who've never been to Los Angeles,
had never been to Arena, eventually there'll be so many statues,
no one will be able to go in that interest
exactly will literally be blocked off and people will not
be nothing against nothing. But it's Elgin Baylor, Magic Shack, Kareem,
Jerry West, Chick Kern, Kobe Bryant will have two at

some point, Luke ROBATAI, Wayne Gretzky, and then of course
the most third one, Oscar de la Hoya, one of
my man chick hes got him in there. But I
think it's great that the clip the former clip him Clippers. Well,
that Jerry West is also out there, that the Lakers
honored him the great Clipper executive. Now I think it's wondering.

Do you think Chuck the Condor will get a statue someday? Well,
he's the greatest mascot going in sports, Rookie Mascot of
the Year last year. I think when I heard of
the Elgin Baylor story, though, you know who I thought of.
I thought of our late friend Dave Stone, who used
to work here. Dave's do you remember Dave? Right? Dave,
he loved Elgin Baylor more than life itself, Dave Stone,

and he I believe, and I might be wrong on this,
but but Dave who used to work here. He was
He was a guy that like he was trying to
get Elgin a statue, like this was one of his
life goals. He didn't see it, unfortunately. But and he's
also Dave Stone was the guy that found you know
his claimed to fame, you know his claimed to fame
in radio? I don't know his claimed to day. He
was wor can get a station in the South, and

he discovered Sean Hannity. He was the one that gave
Sean Hannity his big break in radio. It's worked out
pretty well. Hannity's done. Okay, He's made a decent amount
of money, right, I would think so. Yes, Yeah, Dave
Stone was running a station and he who was the
guy that helped him out? All right, it's Ben Mallers
Shawan Fox were coming to you from the Geico Fox
Sports Radio studios. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent

or more on your car insurance. Just visit Geico dot
com for a free rate quote. Well, how about this
story from from Major League Baseball. We're gonna get too
much or not enough in a moment, but a Major
League Baseball player, an unnamed marquee major League baseball free
agent is threatening to sit out half the twenty eighteen

season if he is not given the contract he wants.
That's the story. Does anyone believe this? Does anyone believe that?
A basic and I believe I know who this is.
I think it's j D Martinez because j D Martinez
has threatened to sit out spring training if he didn't
get the contract, and he's got the Piranha agent Scott Boris,

I'm I'm connecting the little evidence I have. I believe
it's Jady Martinez. Now, spring training is gonna start in
less than a month. Pitchers and catchers are gonna start
reporting to spring training. What are the chances that, let's
just assume it's j D Martinez, he sits out until
I don't know, mid July. I think it's there's how
about zero percent zero percent chance that I ain't you

missed spring training. But by the end of April, I
believe he will be be signed. I'd be surprised if
he's not signed by the the beginning of the regular
season in baseball, which is in late March. Uh, this
will work itself out. You know, it's also gonna work
itself out yeah, you know what's gonna work. It's another
ben too much or not enough enough? Already? All right,

too much or not and off let's play the game,
right now, who's gonna play the game? Let's see here,
who do we have? Eeny meeny miny moe. Who should
I pick? Let's go to Portland and we'll say hello
to Joe. Hello, Joe, Hey, what's going on? What's going on? Joe?
What are you? What are you doing? Man? What are
you up to from work? On his way home from work? Now?

So you're on you're on the west coast Portland, the
New Portland. Yeah, boom shaka laka, right, yeah, Blazer's a
rip city. Yes, all right, very good? All right. Now,
what kind of work do you do, Joe? I'm a
rotor block operator for a steel pipe company. All right,

there's a lot of ambient noise there, Yeah, Joe, pick
up your phone, get off of a speaker phone. Okay, yeah, yeah,
I know you're driving. It's probably not allowed in the
state of Oregon, but who cares. We've got a radio
show to do. Very important that we hear every word.
All right, Well, listen, Joe, you're on your way home
from work. We would like you to pick up a
golden ticket. And the way this works on too much

or not enough? If you go five for five, I'll
give you two golden tickets. But all you have to
do is get three, right, you do that and you
will get yourself a golden ticket. Let's get started. Are
you ready? All right? Good? Here we go. We'll start
with question number one. Since the start of last season,
Russell Westbrook has had four games with ten or more

turnovers For O KC. Is that is that too much?
Or not enough? Not enough? He says, not enough? Is
he right? That is correct? Good job by you? Not enough?
Russell Westbrook leads the NBA with not one, not two,
not three, not four, not five? How about six? Six
games with ten or more turnovers? A lot of mistakes

from Russell Westbrook. Question number two for Joe in Portland,
there have been eight players to hit one hundred career
three pointers in less than one hundred games. Is that
too much or not enough? Too much? He says? Too much?
Is that right? That is correct? Right again? The man

is on fire. Lowry Marketing of the Chicago Bulls became
the fourth player to reach one hundred threes in one
hundred games or less? Question number three, there are six
players with a longer streak of twenty plus home run
seasons than Cutch Andrew McCutcheon after seven seasons. All right,

so there's six, but that's confusing. There are six players
with a longer streak of twenty plus home run seasons
than Andrew mcutche. He's at seven years, seven seasons. Is
that too much or not enough? I'm gonna go not enough,
not enough. This is to sweep the game, to get
the win. Three up, three down, Line them up, knock
him down? Is he right? Night? Right? Too much? Only

gian Carlos, Stanton, Nelson Cruz, and Jose Bautista have longer streaks,
so less less than six was the answer. We were
looking forward too much the other way. All right, so
you got that one wrong. We got two questions left.
You're not gonna sweep the game, but Joe, you still
have a very good chance of winning. We move on
to question number four. Jacksonville had five defensive touchdowns this season?

Is that too much or not enough for the Jaguars? Enough,
he's gonna go not enough? Is he right for the win?
That's so odd? Good job by you. You got it right.
The answer is not enough. Jacksonville. The Jags led the
NFL with seven defensive touchdowns and that means Joe, congratulations.

You are the proud owner of a golden ticket. There's
no monetary value, but it is the currency of the
Ben Maller Show. So you can keep that if you want,
or pass it on to somebody else. Thank you, Joe.
All right, all right, be safe going home. There is
Joe the Blazer fan in Portland's driving home. We have
tinder Rooni Tips with Danny G Radio. He's gonna be

inside the main Geico studio. It'll be on periscope. Eddie's
gonna pull out his phone. There, go on the periscope app.
You can watch the whole thing, the magic of all this.
It's Eddie on FSR. Get that periscope app ready, Tinderroni
Tips with Danny G. We'll get to that next. The
only thing better than listening to The Ben Maller Show
live on the radio is to hear it again. It's

your convenience on demand. The Ben Maller Show podcast is
moving up the charts unless it's not. Support our little
radio show by subscribing to the podcast on iTunes to
give us five stars. It will help keep the show growing.
And now live from the Geico Fox Sports Radio Studios.
It's Ben Maller and we're gonna go live on the
periscope app. Here simulcast, gonna simocast. You want to see

what we look like, look in the studio. God, who
doesn't want to do that? The hallowed hallways here at
the Geico Fox Sports Radio Studios. The Ihearted Media Building
is where we're located. All right, we're ready to do this.
Here we go. Let's do it right now. Hit that
tips a bit of a dry spell. Tinder Guru Danny

is here to help. You have a romantic query and
you are under the age of fifty and you're not freakyo,
it's Gustin Thief. Give up the call. All right, let's
do it. Here we go. Tinderni tips romance in the air.
Danny g making his way in the studio here. He's
got a list of listeners submitted questions and if you
want to watch. If you're late to the party, where

have you been? Bad job by? You go to the
periscope app. It's Eddie on FSR. Eddie on FSR, and
you can be part of the fun. Here from California,
not New California. We're in just California, not in the
new state of California, in the old state of a
wonderful that works. All right, Hello, Danny, Happy hump Day.

You got the Raider and yes, and the Laker gear.
You're representing both, so you're the old southern California. This
is dating relationship advice. Is that correct? Correct? This is
where sports meets dating. All right? And these are actual questions. Yeah,
thank you for the direct messages and the question sent

in on Twitter my handles at Danny G Radio. All right,
Jeremiah on Twitter says, I have a big crush on
a co worker. What do you think am I playing?
Am I playing with fire? Sticky situation? Uh? Okay, here's
the question, big Ben. Yeah, are you petty? I want
I want to announce right now, I have no crush
on any co workers. Okay, I want to announce that

right now. Sorry, guys, but but you do have a
crush on Sam Smith. We found out earlier in the hour.
It's my guy, um e were one on the charts.
If you're petty or you think she is, because there's
good chance that you know this hookup couldn't end and
then end badly. You need to be a very mature
person to be able to deal with it. Because when

things are going good and if you can be private
about it, then that's all right. But when it goes bad,
it could go really bad, and then you can't shake
that person because you got to see them every day,
so spread lightly. The other problem is, like in the
old days, people used to meet their significant other at work.
Other than dating apps, you'd meet them at work. That's
where you're around people. You meet somebody you know at
the bar, at work or whatever. So it's a predicament.

But yeah, I mean years if you if you're making
a ton of money and you've you've reached the top
of your career, then don't you do it and you're
wearing a blinking light on a rams hat, you know,
if you're on a starter job or attempt job, or
you can just get another job and who cares? All
right anyway? A Daryl B on Twitter system, Darrel, the
girl I've been dating for a couple of months now

has been upset with me any time that I'm on
my phone. Your thoughts, Well, it's twenty eighteen. We know
what a party looks like. Nowadays it's everybody sitting around
on couches and shares with their faces glued to their
their phones. When I when I the life, Now, when
I open a restaurant, Danny, what my my gimmick is

going to be charging stations at the tables so you
can charge your Phone's called Starbucks. No, No, that's just
screw that. Screw that. I that's what I would do.
That would be my move. So yeah, well it's you
got to pick your spots, big Ben. And I know
you've mentioned before that Missus Mallard gets on you sometimes. Yeah,
she's very upset about you interrupting what's supposed to be

family time with your cell phone in your computer. But
but I say, it's for work, okay, So that's how
you get around it. I have the perfect job. I
have to I have to watch sports for work. Yeah. Well,
the veteran move is when she pulls her phone out,
that's the time to check your phone. But when she
puts it away and she's looking at you, uh you
know that, then you got to kind of put your
phone away. Gave her the powers were that. Well, Ben,

you gonna be like our friend earlier, who's wait wait
it's pussy Willow Power is right, Okay, I see what
you did there? All right? Julian in Knowledge on Twitter says,
I have been trying to find a way to keep
my fiance from going overboard with the wedding budget. Any
any advice here, Well, I'll let you go first. You'd

been married one on the crew. Well, I would advise
to go too. I would advise going to a deserted
Hawaiian island, so destination situation, but not even at a lope.
That's what I would say. That's pretty much what I did.
But I say, courthouse, what do you do? Courthouse? Yeah?
But then if you do courthouse, you have to throw
a really good party. I got a friend of mine
who's been married longer than I have never had a wedding.

He did what, He went to the courthouse. They're legally married,
he has a child, and many people don't even know,
like in our circle, that he's actually married. About that,
she's a smart guy. Yeah, yeah, my wife wants a
wedding still, but it's like a little late. It's been
married for a while. It depends on your girls personality,
of course, But do not let her get carried away.
You gotta put your foot down and control the situation.

You should have a talk, and I think the talk
should be, Hey, we're planning on I know this is
a business relationship. We're gonna be together for a while.
And do you want to be eating the soup kitchen
down the line? Save the money now and then you'll
get it in the law. That's true. A good friend
of mine told his fiance that ten thousand you want
to spend to impress other people, we could use as

a big part of our down payment on our house. Yeah,
or buy some stock or something like Yeah. Think logically
about it and have a conversation and she'll she'll pump
her brakes a little bit forty nine or Frank, I
think that's it. On Twitter, he says, is it too
much to bring flowers on a first date? Yes, I'll
answer this, Danny, absolutely. Yeah. Most of us guys know this.

Don't make her feel uncomfortable on a first date by
bringing her things like that. Now, if you want to
do something corny like one, you know, one rose, not
even that. Well, look if he's a romantical kind of guy,
and then that might be Okay, but you're a total nerd.
If you bring a dozen flowers to a first date, yeah,
you might as well just flush the money down the toilet.

There will not be a second date. She will walk
all over you. Right, you will be a human pinata.
No band. The move is you put you replace one
of those real roses with a plastic one, and you
tell her that that represents your love. It'll never die.
Well that was my move. I go to the dollar
store and I get a plastic roy Well that's all.
This will never die. It's forever. It's forever. You gotta

have hope, you gotta have it. Wilson. Philadelphia Eagle fans,
as a home dog in the NFC Championship Game, have
latched on to the Mega stat the holy Grail of stats,
to believe that the Eagles will upset the Vikings and
go to the Super Bowl. We will discuss this interesting,

interesting belief system that's some of the Delaware Valley those
that have punched horses yet believe in Welcome in the
beginning of another hour. It's the Ben Maller Show. We
are in the air everywhere the vast Fox Sports radio network,
emanating live from the Geico Fox Sports Radio Studios. Fifteen

minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on your
car insurance. Just visit Geico dot com for a free
rate quote. Well, the Vikings are feeling pretty good. It's
been on cloud nine here after beating the Saints the
way they did with that Stefan Diggs walk off touchdown,
and the compliments have been pouring in. Right, How what

a great game? What a a tremendous moment, Bob, You know,
of course it does. Should also should also mention that
that does not happen without a with and a bowling
ball tackle attempt by Marcus Williams of the New Orleans Saints.
But nonetheless, Minnesota opened up a road favorite, three and
a half point favorite in Philly to win and go

on to Super Bowl fifty two back in their home stadium.
So what could possibly go wrong? Well, Anthony, not Anthony
and Anaheim. This is a different Anthony, Anthony who listens
in the Delaware Valley. He says he's a P one
podcast listener. He says he's got a real job, unlike
the people that call the show. But Anthony writes in
he says that this is going to be the key

to the Eagles winning and he was trying to pass
this on so I wouldn't pick the Vikings. He somehow
he thinks if I picked the Eagles, that's a good thing.
Clearly he hasn't been keeping track of Benny versus the Penny.
But anyway, now he says Anthony that this stat which
comes from Pro Football Focus, is the holy Grail of
stats and it involves case Keenum and that this is

going to be the downfall of the Vikings. Now, if
you've this has been actually going around, I've seen this.
I didn't see it first from Anthony, but since he
brought it up, I thought, well, why not, I'll go
for it. If you've not checked it out, maybe you've
missed it. It's been in some timelines here, maybe you
have not seen it. But case Keenum had a passer
rating against the Saints when pressured of five point one

was his passer rating when New Orleans was able to
get pressure. And so the belief is, well, the Saints
defense pretty good, pretty good, not great? Right, They're not
a great defensive team. They're a middle of the pack
defensive unit in New Orleans. And so Anthony says that
this is going to be the undoing of Minnesota. The

belief is that the Eagles, their defense is tops in
the NFL getting pressure, getting pressure on the quarterback. In fact,
statistically Philadelphia's defense there, they were able to get to
the quarterback more than any other team in football. So
I wanted to get into this year and engage in
some conversation. The question is, and it's it's not that

complex if you're the Vikings. If you're the Vikings, what
is your level of concern for K's keenom costing you
a trip to the super Bowl by dropping a deuce
in the Delaware Valley there and just having a stink
bomb city Instead of succeeding, he farts on the field. Now,

I don't believe that that will be the reason that
the Vikings lose. I don't my perspective on this. You've
got misleading the equalizer and Zimmerlicious, You've got that also.
Now we'll begin with the fact that this statistic, I'm
choosing to look at it as a misleading statistic. You

know how when it snows, when you're a kid and
its snows, and the first time you learn about snowflakes,
they'll say, well, like real life snowflakes, everyone's different, right,
when everyone's different, all those little snowflakes, everyone's different. Well,
the same thing goes for these these games, right. Past
results do not guarantee future outcomes, they don't. And stats

tell us what has taken place, what has happened, but
it does not tell us what's necessarily going to happen.
Case Keenom clearly was bad. He was atrocious against New
Orleans when pressure, I'm gonna fight that at all. That
is a pathetic, pathetic statistic. You were manhandled by the

Saints past defense because they won the game. So that's
all that matters, and all that it's the perfect deodorant,
The most wonderful smelling body spray is victory. Right, it's
just wonderful. But for case Keenum in a very difficult time,
and that will certainly be problematic for the Vikings if
case Keenum is similar to that. But just because he

was bad against the Saints doesn't mean that he won't
play bad in this particular game. And it's also a
leap of face to say that Philadelphia's defense is going
to end up at playing wonderful. The Vikings also have
an offensive line. They can I would assume occasionally block
that Eagle defense. And then the other part, I get

where this guy Anthony is coming from the podcast P
one podcast Anthony. I get it. I understand. If you're
an Eagle fan, you're gonna latch onto this and you're
gonna say this is otherworldly, and here it is, this
is so fantastic, so astonishing, this statistic. The Vikings might

as well not even go to Philadelphia because that Eagle
defense is like a supernova and they are just gonna
take apart the front of the Vikings offensive line to
protection and Case Keenum will be laying on his back
looking at Eagle fans punching horses. Is what's going to happen. Now,
I get it. It gives you a light at the

end the tunnel. Unfortunately, the great equalizer is Nick Foles,
because while I am not confident at all that Case
keenam is gonna be great, I don't think it'd be horrible.
I don't think it'll be great. I think it be mediocre.
Returns from Case Keena, Nick Foles is the equalizer Minnesota

should should. Based on a body of numbers, here eat
Nick Foles lunch. I would expect Foles to serve up
dog food in this particular game. And I'm not talking
about high end dog food. I'm talking about the low end,
cheap stuff. And it's the same story as last week.
You know, the Eagle fan is you know, these are

the same people that punch horses. The Eagle fan thinks
that Nick Foles was great. They think that Nick Foles
ambush the Atlanta Falcons, that he simply clawberd the Falcon defense.
They shredded up that secondary. The Eagles scored fifteen points.
They scored fifteen points. Does that sound like a barbecuing

of another team. I get that there were a lot
of completions there, but this was not a mugging situation
by Nick Foles at all. And if you want to
go by pass results and say, well, they don't always,
they don't always indicate future outcomes. But the Vikings defense
is better than Atlanta? Is that an outrageous statement? That

the Vikings defense is a better defense than the Falcons
defense and points matter more than yards. Philadelphia is again
going to have to be near perfect on defense. I'll
give him credit. They did it against Atlanta. The defense
of the Eagles was wonderful. The special teams was good
enough to win. But the parting shot on this, right,

the party shot on this, unless you believe the Vikings
are going to, you know, somehow allow every bubble screw
to go for seven or eight yards and the exotic
combo dish of underneath passes that Nick Foles can throw.
Unless you think that those are going to be big gainers,

then it's it's the dinkin dunk offense on steroids. Minnesota
will counter with a zimmerlicious defensive front the ferocious Vikings defense,
which I realized was not very ferocious in the second
half when Drew Breese with surgical precision, was able to
lead the Saints back and what seemed like a win

right until the unimaginable, the unbelievable happen. But that being said, yeah,
this is an even matchup. The Vikings actually have the
better quarterback in this particular the battle of former Ram quarterbacks,
which is quite the quite the battle there both those
guys irreplaceable for the old Saint Louis Rams and Nick

Foles actually technically was with the La Rams. They released
him at the start of any camp, which I think
was a high point of his life. I think I
don't know anyway. So the Ben Mallers Show on Fox,
we bring in Edmund Dallas, team Boat, Willie Garcia. Then
obviously yesterday we had the tribute to our friend Genie

and Medford is correct, we have the Benny's coming up
at some point soon. I think a couple of weeks
people have been asking any kind of lifetime achievement award
for Genie. Will there be a maybe a called the
Genie and Medford Caller of the Year Award renamed that.
We don't want to ruin the surprise, but there are

some things that we're working on and that'll all be
part of the Benny's bar. But Genie will be celebrated
the life of Genie and Medford will be celebrated. She
was a big part. She helped me keep this job.
I'm convinced of that because people listen to the show
a little bit longer just to hear Genie and Medford
call up. So I will certainly pay more more honor

to Genie in med for extremory. So we're going do that,
and somebody, a couple of people emailed me and said,
is there an online registry? Can we can we post
a message she touched me my life, which I was
I thought that was pretty cool. Uh, there is going
to be something, I'm told, uh and as soon as
I know, I'll tweet it out all of us. I'm
sure we'll tweet it out. If there's you know a

lot of these, uh when you know how this goes
any when somebody dies on the funeral home website, they'll
have like a place you can post something and whatnots right,
it's one of it's one of the uh, the things
with you know having social media. Yeah, yeah, exactly, exactly sure,
there's a lot of that. So well, as soon as
we get that information passed on to us, we will
pass it on to you. Do you know that Jacksonville

we pivot away from that Eddie that the Jacksonville Jaguars
are going to said an NFL draft record this year.
Did you know about that NFL draft record? I did
not know. Because of the fact that they have circumvented
the NFL, plus they've gotten to dodge their way through here,

Jacksonville is gonna set a record for the largest decline
in the NFL draft. They picked fourth in the twenty
seventeen draft. The Jags did, and at best, even if
they lose to the Patriots, they will be twenty ninth
this year. If they somehow beat the Patriots, they'll be
at twenty six spots down, and then if they win

the Super Bowl they can go even further. But it's
the largest from one year to the next decline in
NFL draft status. They went from the fourth pick to
at least at least the twenty ninth pick in the draft.
Well how about that for a fun Everyone wishes their
team would be able to do the Cleveland Browns. Do
they have a chance to break that? They do if

they they end up a hue kidding. I was gonna say,
what are you talking about? Cleveland Browns who had the
previous record? Do you know any idea? I don't. I
don't know. I do not have that. It's a good question.
I have to look that up. I'll look that up.
So now I have you you've read different liners, and
why you know how you can't do what's that line?

You can't kiss your elbow or lick your elbow? Right?
Didn't that it? Well? You wrote it? You don't remember, Well,
I didn't write it. Eddie coopro He's the producer he
wrote it. That's not my job. I'm a host of
the show. I'm a star, Eddie, I'm a rock. The
producer's job is to write line. Is my job is
to do the show. Why would somebody else? Why would
somebody else pass that onto me? I don't know. What's

such a memorable line that you wrote? You don't even remember,
but the line is, you can't lick your own elbow,
travel at lights, sneeze with your eyes open. That's or
you cannot stop a sneeze. I don't know. I heard that.
I just saw something in passing on the internet about
a guy who did that and he damaged his business.
That's what I wanted to talk about. Thirty four year

old guy in London. He attempted to snop stop a sneeze, right,
and what did he blow out? He clamped you know
how you to clamp your nose your mouth shut. Uh. Well,
it turned out, Eddie that while he was doing that,
he ruptured his throat because he tried to snop us.
He tried to stop a sneeze. That sounds really bad. Yeah, uh,

And I don't even know if garlic would be able
to fix. Yeah. I think you're screwed. I think there's
not enough garlic in in the entire garlic community to
save the thirty four year old guy. Because there was
nowhere for the pressure that builds up when you sneeze,
you're releasing pressure. There was nowhere for the pressure to go,

and so the sneeze was trapped and it it it
messed up. It just destroyed his throat. And he can
also damage your ears. You can rupture, you can have
a brain aneurysm from from this. My dad, uh, I
assume he still does has a very power, powerful and

loud sneeze. He's a big sneezer. That means is that
you've got the same. It's not as big as him,
I mean his you can hear in like you know,
the next block over. But I do have a I
would say above average sneeze. Yeah, you're pretty powerful. That's good. Congratulations.
The man claimed while this happened, Eddie that he felt

a popping sensation in his neck. That awesome about that man.
He's just trying to be trying to be a dope
and a funny guy. You know, I want to block
why why? Yeah? Why would he do that? Is he
in church? Or something. I mean, why would you do that?
So the guy we'll get to that. We'll get to that.
But so the guy he's got the popping you know
why he did it? Possibly, So this guy's got this

popping thing in the throat and he's he then feels
pain immediately, he can't swallow, He no longer speak, he
can no longer speak. Think about that. And they went
at an X ray and they revealed that the air
escaping from his windpipe was it was it gone into
the soft tissue of his neck because of the rupture.

Think about it. Because he tried to snap us. He
tried to stop a sneeze eddie. Think about that? What
a moron? Right? Yes, I would say so? All right? Anyways,
and then you got to see that was it the
ear nose throat specialist. Isn't that the doctor that takes
care of all that all? Think? So, who's the guy
that decided we're gonna call that doctor the ear nose

throat special Well, apparently they're all kind of related. There's uh,
you know, they're all everything's connect kind Yeah, yeah, the
ribs at least that's my understanding of it. Yeah, you
remember that song when you were a kid about everything? Yeah,
rib bone connected to something good, So I learned everything
that in the ABC's all right. Uh, it's the The
Ben Maller Show on Fox and No, Eddie, I do

not do not know why he did it other than
he's a dope. I'm sorry. I damn. I wish I
could pass that onto you. But he can't tell me
because he can't talk, so he's unable to. Did they say,
is this something that's treatable? Can they will heal itself?
Will it repair itself? Yeah? The good news is the
guy he spent a week in the hospital. They finally
sent him home and they believe he is. He's good.

He's gonna make a full recovery. So long no long term. Damn.
I'm guessing that will be the last sneeze he ever
holds back. That's a fair guess. Yeah. Oh, it depends
how much you have to drink. You know. You might
say I can do it this time, this time, I'll
do it. Do you ever try to do that when
you were a kid, try to stop a sneeze? No?
You never did that? No? Why would I doesn't every
kid try that at one point? I've done that before.

I did it all the time, and I would always
have like teachers and other you know, adults, be like, oh,
you shouldn't do that. Why why would you do that? Coup?
I don't I don't know. I don't know, yah know,
the mind of a child, you're like, hey, I'm gonna
you know, because somebody says you can't do it, like
you can't stop a sneeze or the other ones you
can't sneeze with your eyes open, which I've also I

could see holding back something else. Uh you know. No.
I think it was mostly like I didn't want to
have to worry about like you know, getting you know,
mucus everywhere, like on my shirt or and I was
like as a kid, I was like I didn't like
germs and being dirty, so you know, it's just easier
to hold it in. I got freaked out by one
of my teachers, and I think it was in elementary

school because she I was messing around with the sneezes
and she told me when you sneeze, your heart stops,
which I do not believe is actually true. As an adult,
I don't believe, but as a kid, I was convinced
when I was growing because my teacher told me said,
you be careful when you sneeze, because you're you literally die.
Your heart stops when you sneeze. Off, Oh my god,
I'm dead. Every time I had a sneeze, I thought
I've just died. I don't think what a horrible teacher.

I know, right. I don't think that's actually true, though.
I think that's an urban legend. I think that's a
that's a falsehood. All right. So the Ben Maller Show
on Fox, Oh my god, look at the time, eight
seven seven ninety nine on Fox eight seven seven ninety nine,
six six three six nine. We're gonna have password later
in the hour. And it's a doggie. It's a plastic doggie.
We'll get to that. We'll do it next. You can't

lick your own elbow, travel with lightspeed, or sneeze with
your eyes open. However, you have the power to increase
the audience of the Ben Maller showed, Tweet, Instagram, and
Facebook post about the show. Don't be bashful at your
friends and family know about our distinct program to help
add new listeners like yourself. Now line from the Geico
Fox Sports Radio Studios, It's Ben Maller are props allowed

now in the NFL lane. Johnson admitted that that German
shepherd mask that he wore the Eagle Lineman, that he
had it stashed. He had them stashed there on the sidelines,
and then after victory he pulled the mask. If what
if that fourth down pass has been complete, what would
have happened to that doggie mask? It would never it

would never have seen the light of day. But there's
there's been a run. There's actually a shortage in the
Delaware Valley of dog masks that to the costume shops,
the prop shops for lack of a better term that
sell these kind of things, the Halloween stores and whatnot,
they are they're out, Yeah, you can't get one. And

so how bad is it? It's so bad that the diabolical,
diabolical horse punching Eagle fans are now turning to face paint.
So since they can't get their hands on the dog mask,
there's a run on these things. They've now decided that
they would like to get their face painted so they
at least can look plausibly like a dog. And the

word is that the fans going to the game, the
ego fans are going the ones that were able to
get the doggye mask. When the Vikings take the field,
they'll be looking up at like twenty thousand German shepherds
that will be looking back at them. That would be
That would be interesting, That would be Wouldn't that be
a great photo if everyone put the German shepherd mask
on at the same time and like the entire like

left side of the stadiums German shepherds. Would that be fun?
This is like an extra kick in the balls to
Browns fans. That's a good point. Yeah, because they're the dogs,
like I don't understand. Yeah, that's the Eagles, their home dogs. Again.
I like that they're into the point spreads though I
thought gambling wasn't part of football, right Roger Goodell and

he gets on his high horse and all that. But
you apparently can't get one anywhere in the greater Philadelphia area.
They have sold out, no more left. Doggie mask demand
has increased skyrocketed. Whoopee Pie Blair has skyrocketed to the

oh no front of the line. Hello, Whoopee pie Blair.
This time of the hour. I didn't because this time
of the hour people are waking up for coffee I
don't know what you're talking about. No, you don't. Yeah, yeah,
le masks man, the mask the ego players, the one

ego player was wearing. You know what's going to happen
when they faced the Patriots to be wearing that mask?
What mask will they be wearing when they play the Patriots.
They're not gonna be wearing any mask, because that's wrong.
That's that's the wrong. An the dogs of the dogs,
because we are gonna beat the hell out of those Eagles. Baby,

we're gonna be the champs of them all. You're gonna
win the Super Bowl. Baby, You've been living in Maine
for a few months and it's now it's we look
at you. You're such a it's such a diabolic person.
Now you do realize though I know, I know you did,
But you realize that the players will be wearing masks,
face masks, they'll be wearing those. You do understand that, Yes,

they're gonna They're gonna wear the right masks. It's not
even gonna be a mask. Now, I don't have to
wear a mask. They're just we just goes. We have
the key players. We yes, you we us not we,
but we have Tom Brady. I'm aware. I've heard he
plays for the Patrick. Yeah. Yeah, how many super Bowls?
Can you name how many Super Bowls? No? I can't

count that high? My math isn't that good? Come on now,
Ben Mauer, Ben Mauer of the hours? What's going up?
But there are you? Now? You still calling all the
radio shows. You didn't call me last night in Boston?
What happened? You were sleeping? I went to sleep. I
had to get my sleep, so I woke up at
four I am to call you. Oh you woke up?
And well that's dedication. That's dedication. Hey. Anyways, Yeah, I

got to point this out. What's going on with the
La Kings? Wow, that'll be covered tomorrow and now our
number five tomorrow will cover that La King's talk. Oh
hold on, hold on, I got a hold. What's happening
with the La Kings? Ben? Why why do you egg

this guy on to call your other program too? I
don't I don't understand. It's fun. You know, he's like
a thing of silly puddy. You know you can kind
of have some phone. No, I say it was good.
I never said he was a good call. Right, he's
a young you know what he is like Dick and
Dayton calls all these shows and stuff. We love when
Dick and Dayton calls the show, it's wonderful. And uh

and I want to talk about the Browns. I want
to talk about the Bengals and all that. And they
didn't watch any of the games. Well, whoopee pie Blair
is the same thing. He didn't really watch these games,
but he calls like he's non stop calling radio shows trash.
That's those aren't my words. Those are other people's words.
It's the Ben Maller Show on Fox. We're gonna have
password the word Game of the Stars coming up here

in a little bit when you look forward to that.
Right now though, right now, Eddie Garcia is here on
Fox to give us Steve Ladies Eddie well Bell, Let's
start with the NBA Game of the Night Worthy Pelicans
go into Boston and beat the Celtics one sixteen, one
thirteen and overtime, knocking off the top team in the
Eastern Conference, thanks in large part to Anthony Davis, who
had forty five points and sixteen rebounds. Boston seven game

when he's three comes to an end. Top twenty five
College basketball. A couple of ranked teams went at it
in the ACC with number fifteen North Carolina beating number
twenty Climpse in eighty seven to seventy nine. We had
a couple of ranked teams getting knocked off as Kansas
State beating number four Oklahoma eighty seven sixty nine at
South Carolina down at number eighteen Kentucky seventy six to
sixty eight, and number three Perdue as a winner over

Wisconsin seventy eight to fifty. The support is brought to
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And then news from the NFL where Jacksonville Jaguar star
wanning back Leonard Fournette apparently was in a little bit

of a fender bender on Tuesday. Yeah, when I've been
in some car access, why doesn't that make TMZ When
I'm in a car I've been, You're not as big
a star as Leonard Fournette. First time. When I took
over the weekday over night show for the second time
after I originally got fired, originally the worst decision Fox
has ever made. They brought me back the first the
day after I was going to the gym, got in
an accent. Yeah, you've been in many No one reported it.

Though no one reported my action. You're you're not you know,
a star running back in the end. More important, Leonard
Fornett's only relevant for like sixteen weeks a year. Come on, yeh,
Ben Mallow show fifty weeks a year. We're relevant one.
Obviously he was fine. It was just a minor accident. Showed,
you know, on on social media. Him taking pictures with

fender bender. Happens all the time, truck drivers and police
and all that kind of stuff. So smiling, having a
good time. I can hear Blair right now. You'll get
another acction this weekend against the Patriots. There'll be a
fender bender there. We heard. We heard enough of him
the first time. Continue, Tim writes In how about this Eddie,
Tim writes, and he says, our daughter came home from

medical terminology class and told us that she learned that
your heart does stop when you sneeze. Oh my god,
the teacher was right. According to random listener Tim, the
teacher was right, you're a heart, Satty. We all die
when we imagine what it does when you hold back
a sneeze. I gotta tell you, though, if if that's

what death is like when you sneeze, it's not that bad.
I gotta tell you. Maybe this old death things. Not.
I think death is a little strong your I mean,
your heart can stop for a split second. So you
think the death things probably worse than that? Yeah? Probably, Yeah,
We're gonna die to find out, Eddie, It's gonna be wonderful,
all right. The Ben Mathers Show on Fox coming here

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T J and Rochester, Hello, tj oh we got Is
that a too sleeper night? That's a two sleeper night

on the Ben mather Show. Or he's just a really
heavy breather. Not I sleeping. He is in dreamland right now.
He is dreaming about an eighty degree day and just
beautiful weather everywhere. Should we should be? How long did
you have this dude on hold? Three hours? No? I
don't know how how long has you been on hold?

I haven't know. I have no idea. No, I think
I think you're actually pretty accurate. Really, No, I wouldn't
that long. I mean it's been a long time. Oh no, No,
you're right, because he wanted to talk about the kid
rock yeah thing. So don't you want to sing a
nursery rhyme to him? Eddie a rock up bye baby
in the tree top? You want to do that? No,
I certainly do not decides why would I need to?

He's already asleep. That's a good point. But you still
kind of hear stuff when you're sleeping, don't you. No,
you want to do like I think? So. Yeah, I've
had dreams before where the alarm clock is going off
and and my dream it's like a phone ringing or
something like that. You want to do like Twinkle Twinkle
Little Star. You want to do that? I do not,
but you have you have my full nurse do that.

I'm an adult. I don't do that kind of stuff.
This is I've grown up radio show. Yeah, No, Ben,
you're right. We did have a tradition where we would
play Genie drops yeah to the snore. Yeah, so we
could do a little bit of that, right, do a
little bit of our friend Jeanie the lady, my peach
cobbler lists. Come on in, man, m jab out with me.

You'd better give me that good stuff. All right? Well,
thank you, t J. Another wonderful call, and we've enjoyed
our conversation and you did a tremendous job, Angry Bill,
real quickly, we've got just a few minutes here password
the word Game of the Stars. Hello, Angry Bill, what
about a nine year old girl? I gotta tell you,

for Angry Bill, if that if that Eagle game everyone's
wearing those dog masks, that'll be like porn for Angry Bill.
He'll be very excited by that. How you doing, Bud? Hello?
I just wanted to give a little take on the
Jaguarer Patret game this weekend. What that stual is gonna happen?

There is that, mister Brady's. That's some real good And
I don't say a lot. What's the bad? What's going
on with your phone? Angry Bill? You's nothing wrong on
my phone. Every time you say something on my phone
finds out that you guys Danny Geez, is it us
or is it Angry Bill? It is not on our end,
so it has to be on my end. Okay, here
we go. I love how we still goes. We're just

telling you your phone sucks. But where you're gonna go ahead?
I say, you say your party. Tom Brady's gonna be terrible.
Is that what you're gonna say? No, you're not gonna
be terrible. But he's had some great happenings over the
last several Super Bowls and everything else. This is the
time he's gonna have the one thing go wrong. So
I'm gonna go wrong. Yeah, and pull off this up. Okay,

now you stay stay off the bourbon. Bourbon. That's not
the that's not the case. Thank you. I'm a fan
of angry Bill sometimes when he's not racist, but never
that phone. That phone was too horrible. I had to
get blown up, all right. Yeah. The Jacksonville defense that
got sliced up by Ben Roethlisberger, uh for or a

zillion points is not gonna have problems with Tom Brady.
I know it's a different game and all that, but
Jacksonville their defense the last four games. Two of those
four games they've given up over forty points. Jimmy Garoppolo,
the understudy to Tom Brady sliced up the Jacksonville defense
just a few weeks ago. But now we're supposed to
believe that Jacksonville is gonna slow down tom Brady, like

the Patriots are gonna score. The question is is Jacksonville
gonna be able to put up enough points? And is
the Patriot defense is going to implode against the front
line of jackson All right, So the Ben Maller Show
on Fox, it's called Password the word Game of the
Stars in its entirety. We're gonna play password and we

will do that, will do it next. Almost all talk
shows sound the same. After a while, I'll think of
us as a sports talk oasis from the mundane. The
Ben Mallor Show Facebook pages are own unique meeting plays
with over two billion of our closest friends, most of
him move Norris. Please take a second to like our
Facebook page. You go to Facebook dot com slash. Ben

Maller's Show now live from the Guy Coo Fox Sports
Radio Studios. It's Ben Maller and we are moments away
from Password the word Game of the Stars. Let me
check you. We are you there? Weed Man? Seezy? Did

he did he pass out? Did weed Man? Hippie fall asleep. Also,
we lost weed man. Hippy passed out. We're probably too
close from coming back from the break. Oh you think
he's doing something else and he only uh yeah, yeah. Interesting.
I was gonna give him a golden ticket because he
would have made it through the entire Mallar marathon. But
it looks like he's not there to receive the golden tickets,

so he can't get the golden ticket. He had to
be there to prove that he had made it to
the end of the Mallar marathon, because he was. He
was one of my callers in the other Boston show
last night. He messed up. Yeah, no, golden you don't
get a golden take it. You don't get a golden
take it. We should put that in his a. All right, well,

sorry weed man, you missed out. What do you give
it to? You? I was I wanted to see if
you were there. You didn't. You didn't answer. Bad job
by you. But that gives us some time now, and
you know what we're gonna do with that time. You
know what we're gonna do with password, you idiot, password
the word Game of the Stars. Here's Ben Miller. All right,

let's do it here we go, Yes, time now for
another edition of Password the Word Game of Stars, and
we look forward to dazzling you. A lot of reaction
to Whoopie Pie Blair's called, by the way earlier this hour,
some saying it's the worst call ever they've ever heard.
Robbie the Mariner fan who's listening a lot case says

that was such a bad call he might have to
write a song about Whoopie Pie Blair as well. So
a let's play the game. Who's gonna play pass word?
Who is it going to be? Who is it going
to be? Let's see, we'll look around here. We have
mister Irrigation is gonna play. Hello, mister Irrigation, Hey, good

morning being, good morning, militia. Thank you for choosing the
white honor. All right, don't make this a habit all
the time, though every once in a while, yes, oh yeah, yeah,
I didn't call you know last year. Last year was
when I played last now of course, way way back
last year, I understand, all right, And we have Joe
in the San Antonio Hello, Joe, Hello, man, has it

not been since last year? Right? What's that? Oh? Yeah,
I haven't called you? Yeah, well, your Spurs lost to
the Atlanta Hawks, so you were probably in. You were
probably good morning. Yeah, you're gonna be sorry you didn't
take Kawhi Leonard. He didn't play against Atlanta. He's gonna
play today. Yeah, he'll be hurt by halftime. Yeah, he's
a mister softie. That's what happens, all right, Toe, Well,

very good, mister irrigation. Who would you like to partner
up with? Uh, I'm gonna I'm gonna go out on
a lamb and I'm gonna choose you being Oh all right,
mister irrigation. We will play together. Joe. You're gonna lose,
but you gotta play with somebody. Who are you gonna
play without? Yeah, you can get shut out, Joe. Yeah no,

this is this is a starting to get old. But
Anye and I will beat you once again. It is incorrect.
You are going to lose, just like the Spurs are
going to lose. You will lose as well. Yeah, we'll
make a bet off here. Yeah, go go polish up
Manu Ginobli with all you guys in San Antonio love
to do so. All right, gentlemen, enough of your trash
talking to get this. Gotta get this game started. Ten

words off the board, each word worth ten points to
take a point away for every incorrect kiss. Mister irrigation,
you were on the line. First. Choose the number one
through ten. Okay, I am going to choose numbers seven. Alright,
Ben number seven, number seven. Alright, let's let's go with
m Let's see you here. Ah, yeah, I can say. Oh,

let's say here all right, headrest, headrest rest, Yeah, hello, yo,
there you go. Good job by you. We are on
the board. You can put it on the bar. Yeah.
You want to quit right now, Joe, you're gonna lose.
You're just gonna embarrass you. You you suck it, You

suck it this game. Joe, go ahead, Yeah, let's go.
We're all right, Joe one through six, eight through ten.
Pick a number number five. Alright, Eddie, number five, all right, Joe,
the past quiet. Please, the password is disrobe undress. It's

not a bad guest, but that's not the correct the
alright now, mister irrigation, he said this robe. I'm gonna
go with dance as well, naked. Oh I don't need

a how about mister irrigation, Eddie, really really interesting strip.
That's correct, mister irrigation. If you undress and dance, you're stripping,
is what you're all right? Yeah, I know you're a
man of God and you don't believe in that. But
all right, all right, mister irrigation. Back to you. One

through four, six or eight through ten, number one, number one?
All right, very good, here we go. Let's go with waltz. Bamo.
What a difficult word that was. That was hard. I
gotta tell you, Eddie, there's a lot of agony. But
I was able to pull it out because I'm good

at this genius level. Password as right, Yeah, he's losing.
He's starting to power over there. All right, Joe, Two
through four, six or eight through ten? The number three,
number three? Interesting, number three? Okay, um hm, Joe. The

password is cargo cargo baggage. No, all right, I would
like to announce I'm gonna use I'm gonna use the
Mallard maneuver. All right, I'm gonna use the Mallar maneuver. Now,

this should be good. He said, cargo. All right, here's
what I'm gonna do. Answer. What was Joe's answer? It
doesn't matter, he said, cargo all right, okay, boat ship No, No,

that's not it. That's a mala manuver. It's not ship,
it's not boat ship. It would never be boat ship.
But the hell's wrong with you? Not terrible, that's not terrible.
You said cargo and I said boat. Oh my god,

oh my god. All right, horrible. I'm even confused. Yeah,
all right, Joe, I didn't get that's not the mala manumi,
mister irrigation, you strung it off. Alright, fine, all right, Joe. Um,
I'm gonna you know, my first clue to you was cargo.

My my second clue to you will be free hh
ship got a figure ducking my guy, a bigger more on.
You know what. That's it. The game's over. If you quit,

you forfeit. I'm not no, I'm not quitting, Eddie. The
clock is quitting. I ain't quitting. I know you don't.
You are supposed to keep going here, Malla maneuver. Down
What are you talking? What are you talking about? No? Down?
What the game? It's a bad word. The word is

load load, boat load, not boat ship. Boat Load is
the way you're I'm a winner. You gotta golden ticket,
mister irrigation. Don't give some NFL player the golden ticket.
They'll please
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