All Episodes

May 17, 2024 41 mins

Big Ben talks about the Timberwolves routing the Nuggets by 45 points in Game 6, reports that the NFL crafted its matchups around Taylor Swift concerts, Maller to the Third Degree, Lame Jokes of the Week, Coop's Scoop on Entertainment, and more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to the best of the Ben Maler
Show podcast. Be sure to catch us live every weeknight
from two to six Eastern eleven pm to three am
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You can find it there or stream us live every
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Speaker 2 (00:24):
This is the best of the Ben Maler Show on
Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:36):
Well, that was quite the night. Welcome in not beginning
of another night of the Benmahlor Show.

Speaker 3 (00:45):
We are in the air everywhere Companions as we tow
the Mason Dixon Line coast to coast, border to border
and beyond on the beast and.

Speaker 1 (01:01):
Sharply powerful microphones of FSR emmating live from the horn
as we lock horns with your ear drums. We are
broadcasting live from the Tirak dot com studios. Tire rac
dot com will help you get there and unmatched selection,

fast free shipping, free road hazard protection, and over ten
thousand recommended installers. My guy Femi in the Twin Cities.
He says, that's how many points the Minnesota basketball team
won by ten thousand, but they have ten thousand recommended
installers tire rac dot com, The Way Tire Buying Show

be and greetings and salutations. We are back at it
again and our lead this hour from the hoop Dojo
in the Twin Cities, there was an island game Living
the Island Life, only one game on the pro bouncy
Ball card, and oh what a game it was? Who

what stinks?

Speaker 2 (02:06):

Speaker 1 (02:06):
I don't know if you saw this or not. You
didn't miss anything, you really we say that all the time.
Tongue in cheek, We say that all the time, tongue
in cheek. Well, we watched. You wouldn't have to. There
was really nothing to watch here. There was zero zero
to watch. The Nuggets came out at an early ninety
two lead, and then after that, Nana Nana da la

la ey, good bye. Aunt Edwards coming up big. He
had twenty seven points. He pumped in the timmrles. The
Minnesota basketball team led by as many as fifty points.
I didn't play in the NBA, but I think that's
pretty good. And they ended up disemboweling the Nuggets by

forty five points, one fifteen to seventy. Your final So
if you bet on the Nuggets, you're a loser. That
game played in downtown Minneapolis there at the Target Center.
Game seven will be back in Colorado over the weekend.
Someone named Jaden McDaniels had twenty one points and being
credited for his amazing defense. Mike Conley returned he had

thirteen points, and the MVP, the Mensa Nikola Jokic, held
to twenty two points. That's not that great, all right.
The better story is in the losing locker room. So
that is where we will begin, and we'll discuss the
question who gets the shame Rocky Mountain oysters for the Nuggets.

So I've got wingspin, buttons, and goose and we will
combine all of these things together and we are going
to make a nice day off, which is what the
Denver basketball team got. This was a baffling performance by
Denby said, well, maybe they could lose, but they're not

gonna get blown out. The game will be no, no, no.
This was the kind of performance and I don't want
to exaggerate and do hyperbole. It was the kind of
an effort that makes you wonder whether the federal government's
going to investigate. It's one thing to not show up,
but to be down by fifty in a game where

you could advance to the Western Finals. What are you doing?
You're playing hooky. Denver allowed at one point a twenty
to nothing run. That was early in the game. I
think it was after that nine to two things, and
then later on in the second half a twenty four
to nothing run. Wow. Uh, at least try a little bit.
They treated it like it was the fourth game in

five nights in the middle of the season, and they
were on the road, and they were staying at a
flea ridden, flea bag hotel. Man. So we've heard a lot.
I use this line quite a bit. It's a make
or miss league, make or miss league. We hear that
a lot. Okay, Denver took eighty six shots. They missed

sixty of them, many of them wide open. Now, sometimes
it's your night, sometimes it's not your knight. But I
just it was such a Nashville glaze, I guess is
how we could describe it. That's what the Timberwolves coach
said of his team the other day. But it wasn't
because of amazing defense by Minnesota. This didn't look like that.
Unless my TV's broken, maybe it is. Actually I was

watching on my computer. But Denver suffered from team wide diarrhea.
Die die diarrhea during this game. All right now, in particular,
we asked the question who gets these shame Rocky Mountain
oysters for the nug as well? Jamal Murray, All you
can eat Rocky Mountain shame oysters man. In fact, he

also got Jamal Murray, he got one of those little
wing pins. Remember when you were a kid back in
the old days, you go on a plane, they give
you like a little wing pin. Yeah, he was flying
first class. Jamal Murray on the vomit comet Murray eighteen shots.
He missed fourteen of the eighteen, only had ten points,
and he had a team wors plus minus of minus

thirty two. He then had the hutzpah to blame his
struggles on an elbow injury, not Anthony Edwards defense or
anything else, not that he just had a bad game.
It's oh, my elbow, it's my ah, my egging outBut
it's so bad. Now we're not buying what he's cooking.

We're not. Jamal Murray was waist deep in mud, gasping
for breath. El stinko, right, and this is the same
pattern we have seen and I know I'm just screaming
into the night here, I get it. I'm howling at
the moon. The other night, Jalen Brunson, we heard his

body was falling apart. Luca Dontrich would have taken two
weeks off, he was that broken up. And now Jamal Murray.
Now we have Jamal Murray, who they've all used the
same play, the get out of jail free cart right,
good game, they're fine, bad game, and all of a

sudden we need to get a hospital gurdy out. Here
is Jamal Murray, in his own words, getting a little
annoyed with the line of questioning. Let's go to the
audio tape.

Speaker 4 (07:27):
How difficult did Anthony Edwards make it for you? When
he was checking here?

Speaker 1 (07:32):
I mean who for me?

Speaker 5 (07:35):
For me? Yeah? For you?

Speaker 1 (07:37):
I mean it was less about it was more about
my my helbow at that point. You know, every time
even some passes, you know, my arm. But he was
more offensive for him. It was in him guarding me.

Speaker 4 (07:50):
He was scoring on the other end.

Speaker 1 (07:53):
Yeah, So are they gonna have to amputate his arm?
Does anyone know that? Can we get an update on that?
Are they gonna have to cut his arm off because
the elbow's a little a little wobbly. Now for Minnesota, again,
just to clarify, I don't think it was great defense
by Anthony Edwards. I don't think it was the elbow.
I think he just played bad for Minnesota though. That

team you talk about bipolar, come out first two games gamebusters, right,
They're flying high and they're like acrobats going all over places.
And then they come back and suck for three games.
And now they come out there with a masterpiece performance.
So what happens game seven, Sunday night? Developing hot dot

dot dot. Now that game not much of a talker,
So we'll pivot away from the Minnesota Denver game and
go to Boston where the Celtics start. Jalen Brown talking
recently about the spotlight that he's in playing for the
seas back in the final four of the NBA, and
he said he is embracing being a villain. Say what

talked about getting older boyson, old man and trying to
embrace it more he said, embracing and not giving an
f I wonder what word he meant. Whether they whoever
they are, see his value or don't see it. So
Celtics star Jalen Brown embracing the villain heel role. Thumbs

up or thumbs down? Is he a compelling heel Jalen Brown,
So I'll go first, thumbs down, all right, thumbs down.
He is the Robin to Batman, which is Jason Tatum.
But if you look at the heel criteria, and I
know heels, I grew up watching professional wrestling back when
it was at its peak. Right, the heel you have

to have the ability to evoke raw emotion. It's about storytelling,
it's about charisma, it's about presence. And I look at
Jalen Brown and he does not pass the heel eyeball test.
He doesn't of evoke strong emotions from those watching the Celtics.
Even if you don't like the celt you're a fan

of the other team, which is really what you're this
is all about. You're you're a fan of the other
team and you're looking around like eh. But now the
Celtics have had some legit, big time heels, and usually
they weren't even the top one or two players on
the team. Right, if you go way back in the
you know, the forty years ago had Danny Ainge, who's

been an executive for the last twenty five years and coach,
and he was annoying. And they had a guy named
Greg Kite who was the center, who was also ridiculously annoying.
And there's not too many heels right now in the MBA.
I would say Rudy Gobert is because people really get annoyed.
They get a reaction from Rudy Gobert. But Jalen Brown,

he doesn't evoke a strong emotional reaction from those watching
the storytelling. I don't get that. He doesn't really press
people's buttons, doesn't get under people's skin. He's not an instigator.
He's a good player, but he's not someone who makes
you despise them or love to hate them, or cheer
for their downfall. That is what a heel is, right.

A heel is someone that, because of their persona and
their attitude, they are able to get you to rise
up to a level where you want to punch them
in the face because you can't stand them, and you
love to hate them and look for them to do
poorly and celebrate their downfall. Shot in Freud, all right,
last word here, we briefly go to the pro bouncy

ball draft, not because I want to talk about the
Pro bouncy Ball Draft, but because I thought this was
a good story. Bronnie James, that is the son of
Lebron I'm told he was a good basketball player years ago,
but now not so much. Anyway, Bronnie James reiterating recently
that he does not Bronnie James does not see a

scenario in which any GM would select him in the
hopes of landing his daddy. Is he right? So let
me begin by saying it is understandable that this would
be the public position of Bronnie James that he would
say this. However, to answer the question is he right,

I'm going to know on this one. Bronnie James was
born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and while
he kind of won the genetic lottery, he didn't win
the height lottery. This is the family business. Though. Based
on the measurables and the fact that he was a
backup at USC on a bad team, Bronnie James at

the Pro bouncy Ball draft is the skunk at the combine, Right,
Why would a team grab Scrownie Bronnie in the draft? Well,
the only real he's not good he's not good player.
The only reason to really do it is straight cash hoing.
And it all goes back to the goose, the golden
Lebron James is the golden goose. He poops out gold eggs,

gold eggs, and it's the trickle down effect. If you
get Bronnie, you get Lebron, and then you get more
TV games, more merchandise, sales, influence, you matter a little more.
Now this will be tested, right, would Lebron really go
to a place like Utah? The rumor of the day
was the Utah Jazz are considering drafting Bronnie James, which

I find a music but that would be the ultimate
double dog dare call your bluff Lebron scenario, And for
that part of me wants the Utah Jazz to draft
Bronnie James just to call Lebron's bluff, to see whether
or not he would actually go to Salt Lake on

a team that has no chance of being any more
than the Lakers and just losing the first round.

Speaker 2 (13:52):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Meller
Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio and iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (14:01):
Hey it's Ben, host of the Fifth Hour with Ben Maller.
Would mean a lot to have you join us on
our weekly auditory journey. You're asking, what in God's name
is the Fifth Hour? I'll tell you it's a spin
off of the Ben Mather Show, a cult hit overnights
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a world will We chat with captains of industry in media,
sports and more every week explore some amazing facts about

human nature and more. Listen to the Fifth Hour with
Ben Maller on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcast or wherever
you get your podcasts. Guilty as Sin Well come in
the beginning of another hour of the Ben Mahler Show.

Speaker 3 (14:39):
We are in the air everywhere.

Speaker 1 (14:44):
Comrades as we know sometimes the cigar is just a cigar. Coast,
the coast, border, the Order and beyond on the mast
and Spiffilly powerful microphones of FSR and my name Live
from the Weeds as we are deep into the weeds,

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free shipping, free road hazard protection, and over ten thousand
recommended installers mister nice guy says he's put ten thousand
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the years. TI rack dot com the way tire buying
should be, and I'll leave this hour from the drama
O rama. A lot of chatter that the NFL is
futzing around with the schedule and that they did it
to accommodate a certain pop diva. So I don't you

saw this or not? Maybe maybe not. It's been bouncing around.
The NFL apparently admitted that they did arrange the schedule
with Taylor Swift in mind. Someone named Mike Nor. I
knew Mike North used to work here. Morning guy, great
radio man from Chicago. Mike North is a vice president
of broadcast Planning. I don't think that's the same Mike North,

but the VP of broadcast planning. Mike North says the
NFL took Taylor Swift's blockbuster eras tour scheduling into account
to make up the twenty twenty four to twenty twenty
five schedule. They made it easier, This is the conspiracy theories.
They made it easier for Taylor Swift to watch her

guy play football in Kansas City and out in the
wild Blue Yonder. It turns out, because of the finagling
of the schedule, Taylor Swift will be able to attend
fourteen of the seventeen regular season games in the upcoming season,
fourteen of the seventeen. So let's discuss the question. The

conspiracy is the NFL crafted the matchups around Taylor Swift's
concert schedule in an effort to allow her to attend
more games? Is this real? And is it significant? So
I've got toothpaste, bubble gum and putting, and we'll combine

all of these things together and we'll give you a
giant migraine headache. Enjoy number you jumped now, let me
try that again. Number WHA. Then eh, I think we
got to get Loraina some food here. I think we

got to get her some right. Anyway, listen to answer
the question, the NFL crafting the matchup for the schedule
around Taylor swift concert schedule. Is that you agree with that?
Is that real? Is that significant? Uh? I'm going yes,
and yes, I'm going too yes. Is on that? That's
my answer, my final answer. That's it. The implication is

rather startling that the NFL hand crafted things in an
effort to accommodate a pop diva who's canoodling the chiefs
tight end. But it makes a lot of sense from
a business standpoint. It's good business. You're writing the coattails
of the Swifties and the Swifties by Jerseys too. As

Michael Jordan would say, it's not a great look in
terms of integrity and things like that. Now, how do
we know it's not a great look for the NFL
because after then the own vice president that the vice
president of the NFL gave the statement, their own guy.
The story was like a tsunami. It was everywhere I

went viral and the NFL, how did they handle this?
They circled the wagons. The NFL decided, this is not
a good look, so we need to clean this up.
There's a spill on Aisle seven. We got to clean
this up. So they reached out to a bunch of
useful idiots in the media who then blindly just repeated
whatever the NFL tells them. As the league tried to

put the toothpaste back in the two We got the toothpaste,
We've taken it out of the tube, and we're gonna
put it back in and make it seem like we're
not gonna have any toothpaste missing. Good luck unring the bell.
Methinks they're trying a bit too hard, because there was
some funny business going on. The NFL is trying to
spend as well. It's because we had scheduled dates where

stadiums were being used for Taylor Swift. But that's not
exactly what the guy said, at least that's as I understand.
That's not what he gave the meeting. It's not and
so I think there was some funny business. For example,
I'll give you an example of the conspiracy. The NFL
scheduled the Chiefs to play in Orchard Park in Buffalo

on November seventeenth. Now, why does that matter? That same
weekend Taylor Swift one hundred and eleven miles away in
all Conda in Toronto at the Rogers Center. Taylor Swift
will be performing six shows between November fourteenth and November

twenty three. You know what day she's not performing? Ding
ding ding ding ding, November seventeenth. I'm sure that's just
a quinkie dink right, Oh yeah, that's it. Yeah, yeah, No,
nothing to see here, Yeah, sure, Okay, that's the ticket,
all right. Now, Pitch two, we pay a brief visit
to the Motor City, where Jared Goff was the toast

of Motown. Jared Goff claiming that job security and a
no trade clause were the deciding factors, the biggest factors
in that massive Lions contray huge a huge gun. So
how does that strike you? So it strikes me as
a big model of eyewash or a container of apple sauce.

It's nonsense. The no trade thing doesn't matter because players
with no trade clauses still end up getting traded. So
all it does is allow you to get a little
bit of extra money. But Jared Goff is comfortable because
the Lions have hooked him up with more bubble gum.
They've said, Okay, Jared, we're gonna give you more bubble gum.

It's double mintgum, double your pleasure, double your fund. This
is the second mega contract for Jared Goff in his
NFL career, extra generational wealth for the spawns of Jared
Goff and for the golf family. And Jared Goff has
been slightly above mediocre. Sometimes he's pretty good. Typically when

he plays in big situations, he has the yips. That's
usually how it goes. But is it true that Jared
Goff by the time this contract is done in Detroit,
and there's still a chance he gets a third come.
But by the time this contract is done, when you
can bind the money he has gotten from the Rams
and the Lions, he will end up clearing four hundred

million dollars in their wrongteed money, A little over four
hundred million to be a slightly above baseline quarterback in
the NFL. Business is booming, Business is booming. We go
now final point. We go to Cleveland, where our friend
Strip Club John runs an establishment there. But Cleveland is

a slot here, so we follow up and outopsy of
an NBA elimination. The body is still not cold, the
cadavers losing to the Celtics, and Spider Mitchell. We did
a monologue about Spider yesterday. He's back at it again
and Spider has had enough. He can't take it anymore.

He cannot take any more, So Spider Mitchell is pushing
back again. Gaged reports that he was frustrated by some
of the Cavalier teammates and he's not happy in Cleveland.
On social media, he used the cap emoji. Oh M,
the cap does not get more serious than cap emou

Jake saying Spider Mitchell that he is sick of y'all.
I didn't realize he was from Texas. He's sick of y'all.
Sometimes in response to a report from a Cleveland media
outfit that said that Spider Mitchell had grown frustrated with

some of his teammates, the lack of maturity, the lack
of focus, the playoff level readiness, et cetera, et cetera,
et cetera, and they were just not willing to listen
so quickly. Donovan Mitchell saying that he's sick of fake reports,
with the camp amou Ja, with the campamou j his

frustrations with his Calves teammates. Where are you at on
this one? So I believe the chatter and not the emoji.
I do believe that. However, there is a dimension in
the twilight Zone where Donovan Mitchell realizes he's gotta stay

in Northern Ohio, so he's gotta be a good guy.
Now I still think he's gone. I don't believe he's
gonna stay, but there is a dimension. It's come to
my attention because of the way this is all set
up here that the proof ultimately is in the putting
right the balls in his court. Mitchell has a player
option which he is almost certainly going to activate get

out of his contract, but he is eligible to sign
a four year contract for two hundred and eight million
dollars in extension with the Calves starting July sixth. So
even though there has been a growing drum beat, that
is a tough decision. How much do you want to
get out of Cleveland? Do you get turned down? Now
he'll get a lot of money wherever he plays, But

do you want to turn down two hundred eight million
dollars because you don't like your teammates and you don't
like the restaurants in Cleveland and things like that. That's
a tough bridge to cross. That's not an easy bridge. Coss.

Speaker 2 (25:22):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Meller
Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacificdge Drops
of the Past.

Speaker 1 (25:29):
Smeller, how about that you ever to be heard again?
To be heard again? This is one big Ben gets grail.

Speaker 5 (25:39):
All right, Ben, last week you said that Fox won't
pass up an opportunity to have Brady call a Patriots
game in Foxborough.

Speaker 4 (25:45):
Now with the schedule released, how many do you think
he will do? And when will the first one be?

Speaker 1 (25:49):
All Right? So the Patriots have six games on Fox
and they got it. It's got to be early now.
The first one on Fox is against Seattle, but they
can't put that on. They can't make that a Brady game.
So I got Week four. That's in the Bay Area though,
but Brady's from northern California, so it could be Northern
California Brady and then the Patriots. And then week five

in Foxborough it's a Fox game Patriots and Dolphins, so
it's gonna be one of those two that will be
a Tom Brady and I think the Patriot's gonna be terrible,
so I think they'll get it at least one, probably
two in but I'd be shocked if they don't do
a Brady Fox game Week four, Week five next.

Speaker 5 (26:34):
It was announced on Tuesday that Micah Parsons was named
the president of Bleacher Report Gridiron. This makes him the
first active professional athlete to hold a leadership title at
a sports media company. Ben, do you think we'll see
more of this start to happen? In sports media now, is.

Speaker 1 (26:47):
Mikea is gonna bail out if there's a negative story
about the Cowboys? Remember when he was signed up to
be on with Skip Bayless and then Dak Prescott got
hurt and he didn't show up. I don't even know.
This is not a real job, right, This is one
of those figurehead jobs. This is a no job. I
don't believe this is going to become the new normal.
All these guys have podcasts. That's enough.

Speaker 5 (27:06):
Next, Ben, the Cubs are only a couple of games
out of the lead in the NL Central by the Brewers.

Speaker 4 (27:11):
Do you think the Cubs are a playoff team this year?

Speaker 5 (27:14):

Speaker 1 (27:14):
I don't think they're a playoff team, but someone's gonna
get into the Plus, the Brewers are are the lead
dog in that division. The division's not good. Cardinals suck
Reds aren't that good. So they have a shot, but
they shouldn't have a shot. How did we do, Lorena?

Speaker 3 (27:30):
I won?

Speaker 1 (27:32):
Thank you? I won one on one on one.

Speaker 2 (27:35):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 1 (27:46):
It's that other button over there. The jokes, We got
the jokes right there. Joke joke joke, joke joke joke
joke joke, joke joke joke jo.

Speaker 2 (27:53):
Blame week, Blame week too.

Speaker 1 (27:55):
It's Big Ben's lame joke of the week. These are
actual lame jokes from Ashal listeners. We welcome in a
man who has managed to stay out of jail for
a decent amount of time. Is this a new record,
weed man, hippie in Miami, that you've stayed out of jail?
I love you, Ben? All right? Have you figured out

your phone number? Weed Man? Yeah? I have my phone?
All right? All right, good, so Coop, we'll get your
number and then I'll put your number on your phone
on my phone until the next time you get arrested.
Then you'll change your number again. All right? Are you on?
Are you on Lincoln Road? Weed Man? Yes? I am
all right. That's your spot. You don't have a home,

but Lincoln Road is kind of like your home a
little bit, right, yes? Yes? Yeah? All right? And are
there other people like you on Lincoln Road?

Speaker 2 (28:45):

Speaker 1 (28:45):
Not really, So you have the run of the street there.
Does everyone know who you are? In that part?

Speaker 3 (28:51):
Of Miami.

Speaker 1 (28:53):
I pretty much shaded my show. Okay, all right, very good.
Well let's do some lame jokes of the What does
Lizzo like to do when she's in her car? I
don't know. She likes to do donuts, sir? For Todd
the comedian. Why was Lizzo disappointed with her first trip

to thoroughbred racing? I don't know. She thought it was
a contest to see who could eat a whole loaf
of bread the fastest, and if she was very disappointed,
that's the great joke. Rider Chip in Maine, who makes
some wonderful cookies as well, or his wife he said

he made him I think anyway? From Eke in Roseville, Minnesota,
who really wants to roast Lizzo cannibals? If you're a cannibal,
that's a great meal. All right, Uh, thank you, Eke?
What or did you hear? Did you hear? Lizzo has
been ranked the eleventh most overrated celebrity? I bet yeah,

She's ain't the number one for fattiest celebrity.

Speaker 2 (30:04):
So there is that.

Speaker 1 (30:05):
So he's got that's Noah, Noah Austin. Did you did
you hear? This is from Tony in the Bay Area.
Did you hear that Lizzo, weed Man and Poppy are
starring in a new reality show. Wow?

Speaker 2 (30:19):

Speaker 1 (30:20):
Yeah, it's called The Blob, The Blob, the Slob, and
the Knob, That's what it's called. You like that you
were called the slob? All right? Hold on a second,
weed Man, We'll have a bunch of you. We got
the weed Man Radio, a mini radio roast. Got some
great jokes about other random people on the show and whatnot.

It's Big Bend's Lame Jokes of the Week for the
rest of the hour. The comedy club is open. We
chuckle the overnight hours away and we get to it.
We'll do it next.

Speaker 2 (30:53):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Meller
Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific, And
back to Lame.

Speaker 1 (31:02):
Jokes of the Week. He's going to be top one
liners sent in by random random men, women and children,
which is pretty much all dudes and weed Man. Are
you there? Weed Man? I love you all right, weed Man,
sounding good? But you're back on the weed. Yes, you're
back on the weed all right. Why can't weed Man

hippie at four o'clock? Because time is money that's why
time is money. That's from disposable horse napkins. There would
be a laugh track if somebody was paying attention. All right,
A miniature poodle won Best in Show in New York
City this week? How about that? Wow? Yeah, Lincoln Road

voted and they considered weed Man most annoying stray. George,
I guess we lost the good soundtrack that sound by anyway,
George and Rochester, Minnesota. Why did weed Man quit playing baseball? Why?

Because he got tired of being told by your coach
to go home? Eric, Eric in Kansas. Did you hear
that Shaq is planning on making a gummy in the
shape of his head? Wow? His face?

Speaker 4 (32:23):
Yeah? The effort.

Speaker 1 (32:24):
Yeah, we man won't buy it unless it's loaded with
weed from Darryl Dunk from the Nude Beach on Lake Michigan.
I think we'll pass over that one, but thank you
for the effort. The effort was made by Dunk. What
else did you know that? Twenty twenty four the first

time weed Man was told that something about him was outstanding. No,
that's not the joke. That's not the joke. You know
what it was, weed Man? The police told you that
you had outstanding warrants is what they told me. See
that's the joke there. That's a good joke, that's sure.

For Todd the comedian well Man, we man was living
on a car tire, but someone punctured it, and so
now now he lives in a flat. Oh that isn't funny. Yeah, yeah, no,
it is. It is, Genie, it is. It lives in
a flat. That's more of a UK thing. That's Eke

in Roseville, Minnesota. Why doesn't weed man know his cell
phone number? Why? Because it isn't printed on the front
of his shirt like his inmate number was. The ship
chips in May Thank you, I appreciate that. All right,

we'll move on from the weed man jokes. What is
the only way to get Bernie Fratto to stop using
gilligan Island analogies? Have Eddie kill Gilligan's inside?

Speaker 2 (34:09):
Well do?

Speaker 1 (34:10):
All right? That's some Chip in Maine. Thank you Chip.
Why was Robert Kraft upset at Tom brady roast? Why
it rubbed him the wrong way? That is from Eric
in Kansas, hanging there, Eric, Eric back bat fighting a

good fight there, good luck, We're pulling for you, Eric,
and uh, so far, so good. That's what he tells me.
All right, did you hear that Nike just awarded Bronnie
James his own line of sneakers. Yeah, it's pretty cool.
If you wear them, all of a sudden you are
three inches shorter than your actual playing height. It's amazing.

That's George and Valdi. What do you call competitiveness between
a couple in in South Carolina? What a sibling rivalry? Wow?
Come on? Disposable horse napkins? That's not funny. What do
you call someone who is attracted to small stones? What

a pebble file?

Speaker 5 (35:16):

Speaker 2 (35:18):

Speaker 1 (35:21):
Disposable horse nappins? Coop, do you have any jokes? You
haven't done any offensive jokes in a while, that's true.
Let me let me give me all right, CoP's gonna
look we mess pulling for you? Why does keg drinking?
Why does keg drinking? Steve drink so much? Why it's
actually cheaper than sending his wife to the beauty salon.

That's from Hillbilly Mike who said that one. How is
Blair in Maine training for the upcoming Special Olympics? Wow,
he's working on his hand eye coordination in his room.
Eric in Kansas, who sent that one in What is

Robbie's version of two A Day's Robbie the Mariner Fan?
What well the number of pizzas leaders of Pepsi and
King sized candy bars he eats? That's to to Day's
Eric in Kansas sending us a bunch of these jokes.
So what is chiefs Kicker Harrison Buckner's favorite TV show?

Whis Harrison Bucker's favorite TV show? Kitchen Nightmareschen Nightmares is
the answer? Any Joe Coop anything offensive there? No?

Speaker 4 (36:40):
Uh, they're kind of weak, honestly.

Speaker 1 (36:43):
Okay, And if you want to send in defensive now,
he doesn't have anything.

Speaker 3 (36:46):
All right.

Speaker 1 (36:47):
Last one we'll get out on this. Did you hear
that Angry Bill is going to have his own TV show?

Speaker 5 (36:53):

Speaker 1 (36:54):
Yeah, it's called The Amazing Racist. Is the call into
the DA? Thank you wee man? Did you give Coop
your number so I can get your number? Did you
do that?

Speaker 2 (37:06):

Speaker 5 (37:06):

Speaker 1 (37:06):
Hold, I'll put you on hold and then we'll get thanks.
Very important I get his number because he'll probably be
arrested on Saturdays.

Speaker 2 (37:12):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Meller
Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (37:21):
Now look what time it is? Unbelievable Holly would hurry
for Hollywood? Hit that butt there. That's there's the music,
the Coop Do Loop. Get you ready for the big weekend?

Speaker 5 (37:33):
All right, man, got lots of stuff for you this week.
We're gonna start off with some entertainment news.

Speaker 1 (37:38):

Speaker 5 (37:38):
First of all, if you were a fan of the
TV show or mini series Showgun on FX, well, I've
got good news for you. They are developing two new
seasons and they're developing it with the estate of the
original author, James Clavell. So I'm not sure how that's
gonna work out, but it was a it was a

big success, so naturally they want to do more of it,
and that's what they've got going on now. Uh, moving
over to theaters, We've got a couple of things that
premiered this weekend. The first one is this new animated
series or not series movie from John Krasinski of the
Office of Fame. It's called IF or IF. It stands

for Imaginary Friend and it's about imaginary friends.

Speaker 4 (38:24):
It kind of got.

Speaker 5 (38:26):
So so reviews. But also coming out this weekend, if
it's something that would interest you. Apparently this is a
thing now, I guess so. Billie Eilish's new album is
out today. It's called hit Me Hard and Soft, and
I guess you can. Now you can go to a
movie theater and buy tickets to sit in the movie

theater and like listen to it for the first time
with other fans. I don't know, but it's a it's
a company. It's accompanied with visuals.

Speaker 4 (38:58):
I guess.

Speaker 5 (38:59):
I don't.

Speaker 1 (38:59):
I don't, I don't know.

Speaker 5 (39:00):
It's it's weird, but it's it's presented by Apple Music,
and it's at AMC theaters only, So we'll see if
that's something that.

Speaker 4 (39:09):
Catches on.

Speaker 1 (39:10):
God do that this weekend, coop. No.

Speaker 5 (39:13):
I mean, I am a big fan of Billie Eilish,
but I'm not gonna go to the movie theaters too
and sit on your sofa right right exactly. This is
a movie that came out last weekend. But since Ben
was away on assignment, I was on assignment.

Speaker 1 (39:31):
It was very important doing God's work, Barbecue.

Speaker 4 (39:33):
We did not do a kop scoop on entertainment. So
I do just why you can do it whatever. Most
of the time I do, but I.

Speaker 1 (39:40):
Don't know, you know, I'm gonna talk to Bernie.

Speaker 5 (39:43):
Don't work.

Speaker 4 (39:46):

Speaker 5 (39:47):
A Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes premiered last weekend,
and this is the latest of the series. It's kind
of a it's kind of a reset, a reboot, I guess,
not really, it's a sequel, it's all Is it a prequel?

Speaker 4 (40:02):
No, No, it's a sequel.

Speaker 5 (40:03):
So this takes place generations after Caesar's reign.

Speaker 4 (40:08):
Over the age.

Speaker 1 (40:09):
Are you gonna go see this coup? Have you seen it?

Speaker 4 (40:10):
I've already seen it.

Speaker 1 (40:11):
You've already seen.

Speaker 4 (40:12):
Yeah, it was awesome. I liked it a lot. That's
got many of them made now, is but like five
or something since the New ones?

Speaker 1 (40:19):
Yeah, eight thousand.

Speaker 4 (40:21):
I think this is the fourth one.

Speaker 5 (40:23):
Okay, yeah, because we're not going to count the Mark
Wahlberg one from like two thousand and three that were
two thousand and five or whateer. That one was terrible.
But you know the new ones that had like Andy
Serkis playing Caesar. Yeah, there were three of those, and
now this is the fourth one and it's got new characters.
Takes place afterwards, and Caesar's teachings have kind of become
like a religion. And you know people, you know the

Apes stray from the religion and misinterpret is his words.

Speaker 4 (40:48):
Yes, yes, that's stupid monkeys.

Speaker 1 (40:52):
That's monkey around it.

Speaker 5 (40:53):
That's all they do, right, But lots of callback to
the original Planet of the Apes movies from the seventies.

Speaker 1 (40:59):
And there's Ghostbuster movies out that came.

Speaker 4 (41:02):
Out a while ago. Yeah it bombed, it bombed.

Speaker 1 (41:05):
Oh good, okay, yeah good.

Speaker 4 (41:07):
I did mention this earlier in the week.

Speaker 5 (41:09):
But on television, there is a new documentary on Netflix
about Ashley Madison, the cheating website from back in the
early to mid two thousands and how that all blew
up when it got hacked, and.

Speaker 4 (41:25):
Yeah, we're gonna run low on time, so I'm gonna
cut it there. That is Koopscoop Entertainment.
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