All Episodes

July 23, 2024 • 40 mins

Big Ben talks about Aaron Rodgers blaming the drama over his absence on 'deceiving' language, the Lakers forcing out a podcaster for what they said about the team's coaching search, Maller to the Third Degree, Maller's Mountain of Money: Cat Stevens Edition, and more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to the best of the Ben Mahler
Show podcast. Be sure to catch us live every weeknight
from two to six Eastern eleven pm to three am
Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and to find your local
station for the Benmalers Show at Foxsports Radio dot com.
You can find it there or stream us live every
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Speaker 2 (00:24):
This is the best of the Ben Maler Show on
Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:33):
It is all a misunderstanding. It's all a misunderstanding. Welcome
in the beginning of another night of the Benmahler Show.
As we count down to the Malor Palooza coming up
this weekend. We are in the air everywhere companions, as

we are all warm and cozy, coast to coast, border
to border and beyond on the vast enormously powerful microphones
of fs are emmating live from the level as we
level up to face better competition. We're broadcasting live from
the tyrect dot Com studios. Tararact dot com will help

you get there and unmatched selection, fast free shipping, free
road hazard protection, and over ten thousand recommended installers. Tyrect
dot com the way tirebine should be Peribuino. I think
he sent ten thousand complaints. Was apparently an issue with
the podcast over on Spotify, which we I have nothing

to do with that. I don't know what's going on
over there. I have no control over that. But many
of you complained. Thank you. It's good that you can plain.
That means somebody's actually listening to the podcast, which we like.
Actually a lot of you are so thank you. I
appreciate your complaints, and heads will roll. We'll get to
the bottom that, no question. All right, So our lead
this hour, though we're gonna start out tonight in the

Big Apple. We gotta get all of our monologues about
Aaron Rodgers actually Jersey, but we got to get all
of our monologues in about Aaron Rodgers because he get
hurt again. At some point old players do, they get hurt.
So it's unlikely that Aaron Rodgers will be making it
through the season. You'd got to think he's gonna make
it more than four plays like you did last year.

But if you haven't heard the latest on this, Aaron
Rodgers gave a State of the Jets address of sorts,
and he covered a lot of ground. Now we'll go
through it throughout the hour. But for our purposes, we're
gonna whittle this down to the jargon. All the jargon,
we're gonna get get through good stuff. Here, we get
to the good stuff. So Aaron Rodgers, he talked about

all of the outrage from his unexcused absence from mandatory jets,
mini camp rogers, blaming the outrage and the media blowback
and all that. He said he used the deceiving language. Well,
rather than me tell you what he said, let's go
to Aaron Rodgers himself. This was on a believe a
barstool pot cast. I think this was. Anyway, here's Aaron Rodgers.

Speaker 3 (03:02):
The thing that I think people don't understand is that
when when I was in the NFC North and playing
for that team years ago, there used to be a
real thing called mini camp where it was you had
one of them. Usually sometimes it's right up for the draft,
but either way, it was five practices and three days Friday, Saday, Sunday.
So two practices on Friday, two on Saturday, one on Sunday.

Speaker 1 (03:24):
Now it's not mini camp.

Speaker 3 (03:26):
They can arbitrarily put a tag on whatever week of
OTA's they want. See, this is the mini camp week,
which makes it somehow more mandatory than the other weeks.
But it was an OTA schedule. That's how it's You
know how words can be a little deceiving from time
to time. You can make a story of the fact
that I missed a mini camp when it was really

two OTA days, right, interest I came to the first ten.

Speaker 1 (03:49):
Yeah. See, it's all a misunderstated. It's all deception. It's
the deep state of the NFL trying to screw Aaron Rodgers,
not anyone else in the Jets, not anywhere else in
the entire NFL, the big footy, if you will, big
football not. It's Aaron Rodgers. Deceiving language, is what he said,
and so little deceive. So let us discuss the question

Aaron Rodgers blaming the kerfluffle it took place on this
show and others his absence from the Jets Mini camp.
He said the drama was because of deception, deceiving language.
What does that mean for the common man? What does
that mean? So I've got tender greens, cosplay and junk mail,

and we will combine all of these things together and
we're going to make a pastrami sandwich, which I've not had.
So I'm doing this intermittent fasting thing. So I've got
that going on, but I've also cut back some of
the other stuff I normally eat. I'm going I'm going big,
going big here, but i really would like a pastrami sandwich.
I'm just saying so. Anyway, as far as the air,

Aaron Rodgers' story, Aaron Rodgers, you heard the sound again,
he blaming, blaming the Jets' absence, the drama around that
because of deceiving language. According to Aaron Rodgers, so it's
all a misunderstand nothing to see here, move along, blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. But when
in reality, what Aaron Rodgers was doing with all that

mumbo jumbo is he took a part time job at
tender Greens. He was serving up a salad, a word salad,
and just throw a bunch of words together and watch
you McCall it and a thing majig and teta. Just
like that. People say, wow. Aaron Rodgers said, well, you
got a certain percentage I've known doing this job over

the years. You have a certain percentage of fanboys right
to genu flect to do the Hawk Tour for the
star athletes, so he can say whatever they want. They
defend the athlete. Then you got other people that don't
care because who cares. They get their own lives to live.
And then you've got people that despise the athlete that
can't stand. So there's three possibilities here. But as a

certain percentage that just worship star athletes and think Aaron
Rodgers is God's gift to football in the world and
all that stuff, and so whatever he says is fine.
But to me, I say, stop right stop. It's very straightforward.
The Jets are the team that pays the contract. Now,
Rogers is rich, he doesn't need a job, but he

does have one, and so the Jets, as I understand.
Maybe I'm wrong, but the Jets are the boss and
they determine and Rogers's own words, they determined this was
a mandatory mini camp, and since they own the company,
they can do that. They set the rules, part of
the cartel and the employee. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe it's changed.
I'm old. I guess that the employee follows the rules

and they don't want to follow the rules, then they
get in trouble. Maybe they lose their job, things like that.
But ultimately this is all a ruse, right, It's all
smoke screen, because Aaron Rodgers really is just upset with
Robert sala when he talks about deceiving, which he's really
talking about the head coach of the Jets. There was
a double secret handshake that was done between the brass

of the Jets and Aaron Rodgers. Everything was signed on
and the teas were crossed, the eyes were dotted that
Rogers would be allowed to go off and look at
the pyramids in Egypt and you know, drink ayahuasca and
have a grand old time. And that would be that,
and the Jets would play along, they'd play nice. And
then Robert Salas screwed that up. He didn't genuineflect. Instead,

he used the term that triggered a pandemonium in NFL circles. Metaphorically,
of course, he used the word unexcused, and that that
just blew a gasket for Aaron Rodgers. All right, Now,
turning the page, we go to Cincinnati, where the chili
is supposedly really good. Although justin and Cincinnati, we said,

this guy, just Josh, who was an active member of
the MALA Milosia. They were like, Eh, that's not that good.
I don't know about some of the other boys in Cincinnati,
but they're known for their skyline Chile and the local delicacy. Well,
the Bengals owner Mike Brown, who's eaten a lot of
that over the years, much of it. Mike Brown said
this week that he is willing to bend over backwards

to sign Jamar Chase, who's looking for the mega mega
mega millions payday. So is that what it's going to take.
Is the owner of the Bengals going to have to
bend over backwards? So I looked it up. Mike Brown
is eighty eight years young. He would need to do somersaults,

what else? Cartwheels, balance beam, all of that in order
to get this deal done. That's not going to happen.
So instead we've activated the Mala think Tank. And the
way the Malthed think tank works we give free advice,
unsolicited advice, under the cover of darkness while most sleep.
We give out the wisdom of the gods is what

we do here. So the Malard think Tank, which is
never wrong right, use the flowery language of love, which
is cash cold cash right, and the Bengals. You gotta
to be the man. You gotta pay the man to
have the man. You gotta pay the man. So do
some cosplay. Mike Brown at age eighty eight justices up.
It's Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid there, and because

Jamar is chasing the train heist and I can't think
in the Old West of American history a better robber
of trains than Butch Cassidy. So just call Butch Cassidy right.
He wants to be roommates from what I understand, from
what I've read, Jamar Chase would like to be roommates
with Devonte Adams, Justin Jefferson and aman Ross, Saint Brown,
the High Rent District, the Penthouse on the Upper east Side, period.

Stop all right now, last part of this last word.
We go to the Sunshine State of Florida. Got an
email from a fan of the show that lives in
the Tampa era who said that I do not talk
about the Bucks anymore since air, since Tom Brady, rather
since Tom Brady left, that I have been lacking in

Bucks content. I said, I think about it. I do
like the Bucks logo, you know, Buckobruce, big fan of
that logo with the originally the old school the creamsicle logo,
which I'm going to add that to my hat rotation.
The I'm not a Bucks fan, but I like the logo.
I got that old Robin Hood logo from back then.

Speaker 4 (10:30):

Speaker 1 (10:30):
All right, so the guy's complaining whatever, why not, I'm
bouncing around. I saw this story and I thought, well,
it is about the Bucks, so I'll get this guy'll
get off my ass. So why not? So the Bucks,
who are a middling team at this point, as the
team that's gonna either be in that seven to ten
win area right around there, give or take. And so
they did give us an amusing story that is where

Tampa quarterback Baker Mayfield has announced, very proudly, He's announced
to the me there that he is in better shape
than he's been in a long time. So how does
that sit with you? Baker Mayfield braggadocious about the shape
of his body. So I have this in the junk

mail category or go the spam folders that spam. It's
one of these fillers stories this time of the year,
because when you're a beat writer, you got to fill
out a story every single day. A couple times a day.
I got to make sure the website's full of content
and all that stuff. It takes up bandwidth. It's the
kind of story that takes up bandwidth. It is also,

and I know this from being in this chair behind
this very powerful microphone over the years here at Fox,
that it is a standard ritual associated with NFL Camp,
this period of time between now and we get through
the exhibition games, which starts soon. It's actually one of

my favorites. That happens in every sport, mostly in baseball
and football, but it happens in basketball and hockey as well.
It's a right of passage.

Speaker 4 (12:09):
I know what is.

Speaker 1 (12:11):
It's the annual parade. It's like a conga line of
players who proclaim that they are completely certain, without a
sliver of doubt, and they want the world to hear
They want you to hear this, They want me to
his every man won't a child to hear this, That
they are in the greatest shape or the best shape.
They usually say the best shape of their life. In

Baker Mayfield, it's the latest one to do. It's not
the only one. I just used him as an example
because I just saw that headline. I find it amusing
because on one hand, it is your job. You're literally
selling your body, right, that's what you're doing. Your body
is the device you're selling. That's what it is. And
if you're not good athletically, you can't sell your body anymore.

You got it something else. On the other hand, though,
when you think about this scientifically, players having done this enough,
the players are like Yo yo's. They go back and forth,
up and down between they bulk up. They want to
add some strength, right, so they balk up a little bit.
They want that durability. They slim down because they want flexibility,

and they're worried about being faster, and they want conditioning
and blah blah blah. And he go that back and
until they have a good year, and then they settle
it on that and then they have a bad year,
and then they change it up again. It's a never
ending cycle, kind of like this show.

Speaker 2 (13:28):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Meller
Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 5 (13:37):
Hey, we're Cavino and Rich Fox Sports Radio every day
five to seven pm Eastern. But here's the thing. We
never have enough time to get to everything we want
to get to.

Speaker 6 (13:46):
And that's why we have a brand new podcast called
over Promised. You see, we're having so much fun in
our two hour show. We never get to everything, honestly
because this guy the over promising things we never have
time for.

Speaker 5 (13:58):
Yeah, you blobber list Well, you know what it's called
over promise. You should be good at it because you've
been over promising women for years.

Speaker 6 (14:04):
Well, it's a Covino and Rich after show and we
want you to be a part of it. We're gonna
be talking sports, of course, but we're also gonna talk
life and relationships. And if Rich and I are arguing
about something or we didn't have enough time, it will
continue on our after show called over Promised.

Speaker 5 (14:18):
Well, if you don't get enough Covino and Rich, make
sure you check out over Promised and also Uncensored by
the way, so maybe we'll go at it even a
little harder. It's gonna be the best after show podcast
of all time.

Speaker 1 (14:28):
There you go, over Promising.

Speaker 6 (14:30):
Remember you could see it on YouTube, but definitely join us.
Listen Over Promised with Cavino and Rich on the iHeartRadio app,
Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. A team
that hired a podcast as their coach has fired someone
over a podcast. You can't make this stuff up. Welme.

Speaker 1 (14:51):
In the beginning of another hour of the Ben Mathers Show,
we are in the air. Every comrades as we work
like a dream, coast to coast, border, the border, and beyond.
On the vast and tremendously powerful microphones of fs are

ammating live from the circle. We are in the winners Circle,
broadcasting live from the tyrack dot com studios. Tyract dot
com will help you get there and unmatched selection, fast,
free shipping, free road hazard protection, and over ten thousand
recommended installers. Tyrat dot com the way tire buying should be. Now,

Big Lou, he's not a ten thousand, He's only on
number two. And Big Lou sent me a story. The
Raiders are having training camp at selln Califul. I read
knew about this. I know some people over there in Raiderland,
but the Raiders are holding their training camp in Coasta
Mesa in southern California. Now, if they opened that up
to the public, there would be like one hundred thousand

Raider fans that would show up, right, maybe I'm ex
as reading a little bit. Maybe it's actually like three
hundred thousand, I don't know, but they're not allowed to
do it. The Rams and Chargers. I'm not sure which one.
Maybe it was the Charge of Me, it was both,
but they blocked the Raiders from allowing fans to come
to training camp. Big Lou sent me that story and
I was aware of it. And the cowboys are allowed
to do it because they their grandfather named We're not

going to talk about that though. Our lead this hour
is from pro Bouncy. But why would you talk about
pro fancy bull It's it's July. What's wrong? When you
are a come down? I go where the stories are
the most interesting, and there's there's an interesting one out
of Lakerland. It involves the micro managing of the Purple
and Gold franchise. Now I don't if you saw this

or not. Maybe it didn't. It was something that came
across my radar. Wasn't high on my radar at first,
but then I started digging into a little bit. I said,
that's a pretty good story. That's a pretty good story,
and I'm interested in it. And the whole point of
doing the show is to talk about things I'm interested in. Otherwise,
what's the point. So I'll I'll give you the the

bullets if you will on this. I'm not gonna give
you the whole thing. But a fledgling podcaster, not JJ Reddick,
who they hires their coach, but a fledgling podcaster who
also had a job with the Lakers. He was at
a job, some like nothing job with the Lakers. He's
leaving the team because of a dispute about the way

he described the team's pursuit of a Yukon coach Dan Hurley,
one of the more ridiculous stories of the NBA off season.
And we are told that the Laker pr hacks presented
this guy named Pete does a podcast with an ultimatum.
They said, hey, Pete, listen to us. You either have

to choose to continue the podcast or you have to
leave the organization. Surprised they didn't offer him a job
on the Lakers coaching staff, he chose to leave. He
said no, no, na na, hey, good bye, out of here.
So let us discuss how do you react. Give me
your reaction to the Lakers forcing Pete the podcaster out

of his job with the team. Over his coverage of
the coaching search in Lakerland. So I've got the board game,
AMC and shock Jock, and we will combine all of
these things together and we are going to make a
pharmaceutical commercial, which I think is like the number one.

Advertisers like pharmaceutical commercials. When you watch Big Pharma, they're
all the other us Anyway.

Speaker 7 (18:33):
Number one, my reaction to the Lakers forcing out Pete
the podcast or giving him an ultimatum between doing the
podcast and then working for the Lakers, it is alarming.

Speaker 1 (18:46):
That is the word I'm gonna use it. It is alarming.
And here's why. Like, now you can say, hey, you're
just a Laker hater and all that stuff. You know
what you're talking about. But what triggered the Laker communication
staff to issue the ultimatum? What do you think it was?
All right? So I did a little digging, and I
didn't have to dig that deep. None of these stories

are that deep. We're talking about sports. So I looked around,
I kicked over some dirt, and I came up with
this that the Lakers have turned into word federalies. They're
the word police, is what they are. And is it true?
The decision to issue a My Way or the Highway

to podcast Pete resulted from his reference to the team's
pursuit of Dan Hurley. As a he used the s
word saga. Saga. Oh my god, hide the women, and
Chundey said saga. He said, saga. The Lakers said, you

can't do that anymore. That's too hurtful. Saga. Ah, man,
you talk about playing a board game trivial pursuit. Really,
that's what you're upset about now. I looked up the
definition the Merriam Webster Dictionary. The definition of saga a
dramatic and often complicated story or series of events, like

trying to hire a guy who does not want to
leave the East Coast and has a better job at
Connecticut in terms of wins and losses than coaching the Lakers.
I like, seriously lighting up Francis is the old movie
line from years ago. I would go now, page two.
We head now to the boob tube, not as cool

as radio, but pays much better. So we're hearing that
the NBA, the NBA who has been given paperwork from
Turner Sports saying they are going to match the offer.
But we are told that the NBA is going to
reject TNT's offer to match the Amazon portion of the

TV deal. So what happens next. It's only a report
of this part of the story. We're turning the pages
as we go here, but we're in this chapter and
at this point, the reporting behind a paywallt the Old
Gray Lady, is that the NBA is going to block
the attempt by TNT to keep Amazon out of the

basketball television deal. So what happens next? So you turn
to AMC, better call Saul, right, This becomes a legal drama.
It becomes a legal drama. And without reading the contract,
we're not privy to that. So we have to react
based on what we assume is in there. And so

the way the story looks, based on my years of
legal experience, I've been practicing law here on the radio,
and I did stay at a holiday and express not
that long ago. But based on all that, TNT has
a very winnable case. And here's why, Turner, if the
contract reads the way it's been described, a turner has
a contract actual right to match the offer, which we're

told they are doing. They're matching the offer. It sounds
like the NBA would rather take out a machete and
swashbuckle their way into bed with Amazon. They want to
hang out in the Amazon. And what's gonna end up happening?
Who always wins these stories? Does TNT win? Does the
NBA win? No, the lawyers win billable hours, billable hours.

They're gonna haggle over words in the contract contract law.
Was it a breach of contract by TNT. Did they
not get the counter offer in soon enough? Was it
a breach of contract by the NBA? Inquiring minds would
like to know. So a little birdie, little birdie, little
tweety bird informs me that the NBA is looking at

a compromise. They would like to do a little side hustle,
if you will. And so they're like, well, we've already
got all the TV stuff figured out. NBC is going
to be on board and they're gonna be part of this,
and ESPN sty'll gonna be there. So they got those
two and then they had Amazon, so they got three
national broadcast partners. So the business part of this is

interesting in me. So they know there's gonna be a lawsuit,
most likely from TNT if they reject the tn T
offer to match. So there's some noise going around. They're
going to create a separate, separate package just for TNT,
so Charles Barkley can continue with Ernie Johnson unless he retires,

and Kenny Smith and Shack and continue that show. What
they should do the NBA is just have them do
the show. And who care, nobody watches the games. Regular
season basketball is often unwatchable. Just just have them do
the show and put it on NBC or whatever. Charles
won't go there and Ernie Johnson won't go there. Okay,

but tn T does not that they don't really have anything.
There's nothing there to me other than the sports. When
I mean, that's what I am at. I mean, there's
some great shows on there I don't know about. But
there's also a conspiracy theory that TNT doesn't actually want
to pay, they don't want to actually spend the money,
and that they're just doing this knowing that the NBA

doesn't really want to be in business with them anymore,
and that they'll take a check, there'll be one of
those giant oversized cartoon checks like Alf the Alien Opiner Rights,
and then that they'll just go away and they'll take
the money and say, oh we tried, you know, and
then they'll make Adam Silver the bad guy and he'll
have you know, egg on his face. All right, now,
I'll stay tuned on that final point. We head now

to Perry, where the Olympics are getting started this week.
The Olympics actually start on Wednesday. The opening ceremonies aren't
n till Friday, but there are some events on Wednesday
and Thursday of this week. And we learned that Lebron
James talked about this little bit last hour, but we'll
get into it now. Lebron James will be the Team
USA flag bearer where the Paris Olympics opening ceremonies coming

up on front. So how does this one strike you?
Of all the athletes, all the American athletes, they chose
Lebron James. So we'll get all the nonsense out of
the way. It's obviously symbolic, right, goes without saying we
all know that we're all grown ups here. It's symbolic.
And I'm just not an opening night person. I'd like
to get myself worked up into a tizzy over this story,

but I'm not at that point. I'm not Some people
are into it. I'm not so much I'm pomping circumstance.
It's a big parade. I'm not a big parade guy.
I feel like I've been to enough parades. I don't
need parades. I'm fine with that. It's not really my appetite.
Now that said, right, it does make sense for a
couple of reasons, and having the wisdom of the stars

and the moon and the afterglow of the full moon.
I can tell you exactly how Lebron James was handpicked
to provide the American flag. Now we're not sure whether
it's gonna kneel or not while he's walking around, just
drop and take a knee when they play the anthem.
You know, that might be it. But here's the thing.

There are alternative motives at play, right there are There
are ulterior motives and whatnot. Here. Lebron is a firebrand.
He is he's polarizing. Based on when I bring his
name up, there's always a reaction from the whack of
doodles and the knuckleheads and all that. So if you're
the US Olympic Committee, you're banking on what we like

to call in radio the Stern effect that Lebron's got.
The Stern effect that it's named after an old shock jock,
Howard Stern, before he went woke. We all mourned the
loss of Howard Stern, that he went to the dark side.
But anyway, at one point he was the most listened
to man in radio ever. Loved him and all that

stuff and whatever. But the line, and it does apply
to Lebron, right, patriotic Americans that hate Lebron James will
actually watch the opening ceremonies in Paris of the Olympics
on the water there. They will watch more than the
people that don't really like Lebron, or they don't that

love Lebron. All right, So the people that hate Lebron
are gonna watch longer than the people that like Lebron,
just to make sure they don't miss any opportunity where
Lebron does take a knee or maybe does like a
salute to China or something like that, and that would
upset a lot of people. And so there you go.
And now, based on the feedback that we've gotten already,
and I didn't even this story came out early in

the morning, I was sleeping and my inbox was filled up.
Do you sue, Lebron, Did you see that Oh my god. Okay,
it seems that you have not many of you have
not forgotten the things that Lebron has done and the past,
and we cannot dismiss the other part of this is
you cannot dismiss the sugar daddy element, and that's big

sneaker Nike, which is essentially bankroll. And this is the
Olympics are a Nike production. Who are we kidding here? Nike, Nike, Nike, Nike, Nike.
Is there a bigger star playing a sport right now
in America? I'm sure there's some soccer players, but I'm
talking about America. Then Lebron James. So the people at

the Olympics are like, hey, Nike's paying the bills. They're
the sugar daddy, and we've got to make sure the
sugar daddy's happy, and so whatever the sugar daddy wants
will help him out, We'll take care of. So they
want Lebron, they got Lebron.

Speaker 2 (28:22):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Meller
Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific. It's Mallard.

Speaker 1 (28:30):
How about that?

Speaker 2 (28:31):
To the third degree, this is one bigvent gets great.

Speaker 1 (28:36):
Joe Maher played with the Twins from twenty oh four
to twenty eighteen, and somehow they put him in the
Hall of Fame when he shouldn't be. All right, well, cool,
what do we have here? Cool.

Speaker 8 (28:43):
Speaking to reporters over the weekend, John Harbass said that
the vision that he has with Lamar Jackson is Jackson
being recognized as the greatest quarterback to play in the
history of the game. Ben, what do you think Jackson's
actual ceiling is on the all time quarterback list?

Speaker 1 (28:58):
Well, the ceiling is the Krypton and that's the problem here,
and that the greatest stat of all about Lamar Jackson,
the frailties of Lamar Jackson is six six six, the
sign of the devil, which also is the number of
playoff touchdowns, the number of playoff interceptions, and the number
of playoff fumbles. Lamar Jackson has had six, six and six,

And at this point his ceiling is Dan Marino, good
regular season guy, not a great playoff player.

Speaker 8 (29:24):
Next, last week, you said that Tiger Woods wasn't hurting
his legacy with all these recent poor performances. Well, some
are saying that Sean Payton could start to ruin his
legacy with more bad seasons in Denver, Ben, is that true?

Speaker 1 (29:37):
No, because they don't have a quarterback and they'll say, well, yeah,
as long as he had Drew Brees, he was fine
and all that, and then you have to deal with that.
But now you can't compare Sean Payton to Tiger Woods, Like,
there's a billion coaches better than Sean Payton in the NFL.
He's won a super Bowl, but there's a lot of
guys that won a Super Bowl. I had been playing
the super Bowl since the sixties. But no, it's it's

an apples in orange. Just compare because Tiger is at
the very top. Next.

Speaker 8 (30:02):
Pirates have been one of the hottest teams in baseball
over the past couple of weeks, and it looks like
they may have positioned themselves to be buyers at the deadline. Ben,
do you think the Pirates are capable of making a
Diamondbacks like run.

Speaker 1 (30:13):
Yes, but they're not gonna do any there. Their owners
a cheap ass. They're not gonna spend any money. The
Pirates have no offense. They're in the bottom tier in
every key offensive category. But if you get in the playoffs,
they have Paul Skeins, they have his hot girlfriend. You
know they could, They could win some games with him
on the mound. He win two games in US every series.

But they're not gonna spend money in ad players. They
do need offense if they do that. Yeah, how do
we do co? He passes a vision. That's where I
won the game.

Speaker 2 (30:46):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 1 (31:00):
Nowhere we go.

Speaker 2 (31:03):
Do you have what it takes to get to the top?
Probably not play the game?

Speaker 1 (31:08):
We walk him in. The hostess with the most is
we're gonna hang out with this guy. You'll meet him
if you go to the Malord meet and read in
Vegas coming up August third, and he put this thing
together for us. Our buddy Slug in Vegas. Hello Slug,
what's up?

Speaker 4 (31:22):
But I just want to stay rested, Ben Herzker, I
went to the.

Speaker 1 (31:26):
Get kid from Mouth.

Speaker 4 (31:27):
I went to high school with him. He was a
nice guy to him.

Speaker 1 (31:33):
Jeez, all right, Eddie brought that up the other day, right,
it was yesterday, yesterday, Yeah, yesterday, Bot. Yeah you didn't
say the name though. You didn't say that. I did not.
You said the kid from Heuth, the kid from Mouth
ben aka Benjamin and Gregory.

Speaker 5 (31:46):
It was his stage name.

Speaker 1 (31:48):
He was a nice kid. He's a nice guy, all right. Well,
resting a young guy. You're your aised right young guy? Yeah, okay,
you're older. I got it, all right, slug, you're gonna
play the game. Hold on a set, by the way,
So who do you want to partner up with? You
got me Ben, you got Eddie or Coop. If you
want to really test yourself, go with Loraina.

Speaker 4 (32:07):
I'm gonna spin the wheel.

Speaker 2 (32:08):
Go with the rena.

Speaker 1 (32:09):
Oh, don't do that.

Speaker 2 (32:11):
You don't.

Speaker 1 (32:11):
You don't want to do that. I'll go with that,
all right, very good. Hold on a second. We have
a Donut Kelly is gonna play our game from Nashville.
Hello Donut Kelly.

Speaker 2 (32:25):

Speaker 1 (32:25):
Then hello, Hello, welcome Donut Kelly. Who do you? Who
do you want to partner up with and play the game?

Speaker 8 (32:32):

Speaker 1 (32:32):
I'll you really had no you had no good options.
I'm guaranteeing right now, I will guarantee that I'm winning
this game? Or what thousand or what? What's some on?
What do you want?

Speaker 4 (32:46):
I'll do anything you tell me you're the working to
guarantee big.

Speaker 1 (32:48):
Mouth everything but anything you name it right now, what
do you want me to do? I guaranteeing I'm winning
this game. He's already stalling and trying to cheat. I'm
not trying to cheat at all. All right, slug, which Kenny?
We have the what are the categories? Cause why don't
we start with the categories?

Speaker 9 (33:01):

Speaker 8 (33:01):
This is the Cat Stevens edition of Malor's Amunt of Money.
He turned seventy six years old earlier this week. The
categories are father and son, miles to nowhere, oh, very young,
and don't be shy?

Speaker 1 (33:16):
Slug Yep, we have to punch him up first. Hold on, yeah,
all right, slug, Well, what do you want?

Speaker 4 (33:24):

Speaker 1 (33:24):
Two, three or all right? And Kelly, I'm gonna.

Speaker 2 (33:29):
Go with don't be shy?

Speaker 1 (33:32):
All right, that's a bad choice. You're going to lose.
I like you, but you're going to lose. I just
know what they said. All right, hold on and slug
you hold on there, and we're gonna have Mallard's amount
of money in this entirety. We'll get to that. We'll
do it next.

Speaker 2 (33:47):
Be sure to catch live editions of the Ben Malors
Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific.

Speaker 1 (33:55):
And right back in the game we go. We have
Slug in Vegas who's partnering up with me e Ben?
And Kelly in Nashville? Who is with Eddie Slug? You
ready to go here? Slug?

Speaker 2 (34:07):
Yeah, buddy, it was good to see.

Speaker 1 (34:08):
Uh, when you're gonna.

Speaker 4 (34:10):
Come into the restaurant, we don't have time for this.

Speaker 1 (34:14):
Let's get up. I mean, we're gonna win anyway. But
I was there a few weeks ago, he said about me.
But I tried to go. You were not working today.
I was there anyway, Here we go. Uh. These athletes
all have a father that also was a pro athlete.
Forty five seconds on the clock, Kelly, we're on the air.
Are you there, Slug?

Speaker 2 (34:33):
I'm sorry, Yeah, I'll.

Speaker 1 (34:34):
Put her on hole. She's gonna be talk on hold
on sec Here Here we go. Uh. Peyton's brother for
the Giants. What's his last name? Yes, slugger for the Giants.
I did a lot of steroids, leeds, baseball and home runs. Yes, Uh,
a center for the Chicago Bulls. His dad was Yannick,
a tennis player. He said, why would anyone go to

Cleveland on vacation. Jeez, I know, but I can't take it.
All right. Philippe's son, the manager's son. He was an automo.
Yeah you got that. Not not a let's see here,
not a not a King cecil Son baseball player, yes, center,

not ar Vetus, his son for the Sacramento Kings. I
went out of order. There was Joe Kim Noah, you
did not get It's a bad job by you and
Demontes Sabona. But you did get the eighty point in
the sixty point and the ten point and the twenty player.
So one hundred and seventy points. That's a good score.

That's a good score. We'll take you. Yeah, exactly, let's go.
Let's go, Kelly, go cheerful all right, thanks Forlorna, Thank you,
No need to cheer for Don't be shy? Was that
what you say? That's correct, Kelly, you have don't be shy. Uh.

Speaker 8 (35:51):
These athletes would all be considered introverts.

Speaker 1 (35:54):
Easy forty seconds, easy carry.

Speaker 10 (35:57):
In beast mode for running back to the Seahawks. Mar
Celtics legend hit from French lick right, yes, Hall of
Fame picture of the big Unit. Yeah, the n c
A logo, the NBA logo. He just passed away. This
holy former Big League picture had the same name as

a country music legend uh at the Roasters restaurants.

Speaker 2 (36:25):
Oh god, it is.

Speaker 4 (36:26):
Not God Surly major league slugger. His real name was Joey.

Speaker 10 (36:30):
He tried to run over kids in his car on
Halloween for the Indians.

Speaker 1 (36:34):
I can't say that offensive.

Speaker 4 (36:36):
Last name would be Ring the Ring, the that's offensive.

Speaker 1 (36:43):
I count that. I count that. No, it does not count.
And not get it in before the buzzer. No, yeah,
I know that was such an easy category.

Speaker 4 (36:51):
It's also, you know, disconcerting with Ben's talking while trying. Yeah,
it's very excuse.

Speaker 1 (37:00):
You know you did she say Albert? She didn't say
she because whatever she said got in before the buzzer
was done. I didn't hear it. So she said Albert.
That's the point that Albert she did not.

Speaker 4 (37:13):
Honest, she's not right.

Speaker 1 (37:17):
That's two hundred points for.

Speaker 2 (37:18):
You know that.

Speaker 1 (37:22):
I'm talking about the television, all right, It doesn't you
say after the buzzer buzzer? Did not hear her voice
after the buzzer?

Speaker 8 (37:33):
Of course you are, and we'll we'll play it back
and then you'll be.

Speaker 1 (37:37):
Wrong and you'll still still.

Speaker 2 (37:41):

Speaker 8 (37:41):
Anyway, since you are, you are now trailing, play it back.
We'll play it back. I'm recording right now. We have
to wait till after the break.

Speaker 1 (37:48):
See what you're doing. Slug. They're screwing us over and
he's playing.

Speaker 8 (37:52):
Was slug and Ben you are back up? Do you
want miles to nowhere or oh very young?

Speaker 2 (38:00):
Oh of course you.

Speaker 1 (38:01):
Would pick that. That's the heart of the two categories, right.

Speaker 4 (38:03):
Oh, he doesn't like a challenge. These athletes were all
were really good at this.

Speaker 1 (38:07):
They were All.

Speaker 8 (38:08):
Stars or Pro Bowlers their rookie season. Forty five seconds begin.

Speaker 1 (38:11):
All right, big fundamental for the Spurs. Yes, Karl Malone's
teammate with the Jazz all those years. What are you doing?
You're doing the right category job. I'm sorry, I polish,
I guess. I gotta keep I gotta keep going. Then
quarterback for the quarterbacks, the Wow, what super Bowl quarterback?

You're talking over me?

Speaker 4 (38:35):
Just a guy?

Speaker 1 (38:40):
Podre, mister Podre, no protext double prossias is less. Game
is over the nineteen secretest categories. That's why you can't here,
because he knows the category was literally that of the
district the.

Speaker 9 (39:01):
Game that was a mile, he said, he is about
the category that being the harder one, and that does
and does the other category.

Speaker 1 (39:10):
My god, to lose, what an old time load for you.
You're s smock like.

Speaker 4 (39:15):
You just said the category.

Speaker 10 (39:18):
You said the category, and so you picked the clegory
where definite.

Speaker 1 (39:23):
Any anything by default. But you.

Speaker 9 (39:26):
Probably would have won. And he was the worst of
cheating the streets by that way. For me, You're right,
it was for me just I just was you fomfited?
He said, you cheated, you fed, you did the wrong category.

Speaker 1 (39:41):
I was actually winning. I was winning at the time
that you realized what a catal you are. You need
him played. I talked to.

Speaker 9 (39:47):
You, job Kelly, you go, you gotta golden ticket.

Speaker 1 (39:51):
Has you picked the tllhood doughnuts? You get?

Speaker 4 (40:00):
It's getting golden days, Go get gold.

Speaker 1 (40:03):
I mean again, this is you know what, this is subordination.
But you're in any angels of the boarding are crowded,
you're holessibly justified. You're doing the rest. Got yourself and
a turn this bike off.

Speaker 8 (40:17):
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