All Episodes

June 13, 2024 • 38 mins

Ben Maller talks about the Mavericks losing Game 3 of the NBA Finals, Luka Doncic thinking the officials are to blame for the Mavs not having a chance to win, what happened to the narrative of the Celtics having issues without Kristaps Porzingis, and much more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Here we go. Welcome, It's our n bur w. It's
a small world, after all, it's a small, small world.
It's getting much smaller for the Dallas basketball team. This
is the original Recipe podcast. God bless you for downloading this.
It means a lot. No, it does, seriously, because otherwise,
what's the point of me doing this if you're not

actually listening. It's ridiculous. And I love when I get
messages from you and you tell me, hey, I used
to work overnights back when I was in college and
now I'm all grown up and you're still doing overnights
and I listen. Thank you. You make me feel so good. Anyway,
here an hour. Everyone all about the NBA Finals, Celtics
and Mavericks. Luca Luka Doncik thinks the officials are to

blame for the Mavericks not having a chance to win.
What is your verdict on this one? Also, what happened
to the Celtics having issues without Christops Porzingis in the lineup?
The Unicorn didn't play and Boston was leading by twenty
one points in the second half. Who gets to wear
that Texas sized Ken gallon hat of shame for Dallas

we'll cover all of that and much more. Right now,
it's all warm and fuzzy. It's our number one.

Speaker 2 (01:18):
So you thought you were getting a competitive NBA finals,
ew are a loser. Well come in the beginning of
another night of the Ben Malors Show.

Speaker 1 (01:31):
We are in the air everywhere as we chisel away
and put our heads together coast, the coast, border, the
border and beyond. On the mast and unmeasurably powerful microphones
of FSR am monating live from the box, the condescending

and patriotizing chatterbox of Fox. We are broadcasting live from
the Tyraq dot com studios. Tyraq dot com will help
you get there and unmatched selection, fast free shipping, free
road hazard protection and over ten thousand recommended installers. DJ

Infamous has played about ten thousand tunes over the years.
Tire rack dot com the Way tire Buying should be.
It was billboarded as a Texas hodown or lead this
hour coming from pro Bouncy Vaul. After another brief hiatus,

the finals have resumed. Now I don't know if you're
into this or up. And the scenes shifted and they
say they whoever they are, Well, that serious doesn't start
until the road team wins. Okay, so to the heart
of Texas we go. I don't know if you were watching.
Probably not, Perhaps you were staring at grass growing out

in the distance, somewhere on a prairie. But don't worry,
we watched, so you would not after Jason Tatum didn't
do much late, but he had thirty one points. Jalen
Brown was the better of the two. We had thirty though,
so we had one less point. And the Boston Celtics,
who felt behind early by double digits, they weathered that
storm and then hold off a late push, a futile

late push by the Dallas basketball team, and now the
Celtics are on the brink of exterminating the mav Rex,
a lowly number five seed, and they are playing like
you what a joke the Mavericks have been in these
NBA Finals. So Boston one more win and they get
their eighteenth title. They went by seven, They were a
slight dog on the road Boston Celtics, and they win.

They have a three to nothing lead in the NBA Finals. Now,
Jalen Brown, not only do you have the thirty points,
he had eight rebounds, eight assists. Timing matters. His timing
was pretty good, pretty good, And so the Celtics have
now extended a franchise record for success in the playoffs,
which means something because they've had a lot of it

over the years. Ten consecutive playoff wins. Now for the
Boston Celtics, they are seven to zher on the road,
trying to match the Kobe shack Lakers back in the
day that they won all of their road games. Now
they can win the series, and they can do that
on Friday, or Dallas can win. We'll go back to Boston.
But the record for most championships, which is the Celtics

franchise record, they'll tack on another title. But the better
story is in the losing locker room, and so that
is where we go. It's all about six degrees, not
of Kevin Bacon, of Luka Doncik, who was Bacon and
not the good kind of Bacon. In this game, Luke
fouled out with over four minutes to go. In the

final game, Game three fouled out. He fouled out of
the end and then he had the gal After the game,
he implied the refereence were to blame for not allowing
the Mavericks to play physical basketball. He went on a rant,
and he tried not to get himself fine, but he
made it all about him. I've worked with people like that,

So let us discuss the question, Luca. Luca Donci thinks
that the officials are to blame for the Mavericks not
having a chance to win based on physicality. What is
your verdict on this latest decree from the headliner in Dallas.
My thoughts, I've got SpongeBob SquarePants circa show, and the

amazing Cresken, and we will combine all of these things together,
and we are going to make jumbo size cinnabuns which
Luca can eat when he's at the airport, when he's
going on vacation he can which will be in a
couple of days. So a we'll start it Luca sounding

like an unhinged whack job. In fact, just to prove
I'm not making this this little taste of what Luca
sounds like when he goes on a little rant.

Speaker 3 (06:05):
Take a listen, Luca, what did you think of the
whistles that would against you in the fourth quarter? I mean, yeah,
I don't know. We couldn't play physical, so I no,
I don't want to say nothing. But you know, six
fallow in the NBA Finals. Basically, I'm like this, come on, man,

better than that. Every time they joyed, basically call a foul.
So I tried to be better. So I gotta get better.

Speaker 1 (06:41):
You gotta get better, all right. So he threw a
well timed butt in there. And you know, from the
way we use dialogue, if you use the butt, the
word butt, everything before the word butt is a lie.
So he just said that and then after that that's
what he really meant. But Luca's got a lot of
hootsb Maybe my television's not that great. I don't know.

I'm doing the overnight shows, so I might not have
the greatest TV. But certainly looked like those were all
legitimate fouls, and it looked like he could have been
called for seven or eight other fouls throughout the game.
So he's got a lot of hoots. As my grandfather
would say, it was in the best interest of the NBA.
Maybe am I wrong on this. I think it was
in the best interest of the NBA and the media
partners of the NBA, the advertisers for Dallas to win
Game three, because then that brings a little bit of

excitement into it, and you say, you got a shot,
you got a chance. So it wasn't like there was
this grand conspiracy against Dallas. It would have benefited the sport,
the business of basketball, for the Mavericks to win. All
the juice has been emptied in this series. Now it's
all but done. Now is there a path for the

Mavericks to come back? Sure, Tatum and Brown could collide together,
get injured, and both they leave, and then then it's
a whole new deal. A strange things gonna happen, But
we both know more likely than not it's a toast.
But it's not because of that. It's just because Dallas
is not that good, right, they're not. Luka Doncik is

at this point a character from SpongeBob square Pants. When
he's on defense, he's Gary the slug. Remember those stories
about oh Luca's changed. He's no longer just a one
way player. No, he's a slug. He slows down to
a snail's pace one on defense and selectively makes any

kind of effort on defense. If you if you've noticed
this in this series, and maybe I should have noticed
it earlier. I don't know. Maybe he's just doing it now.
But it's like he's he picks his spots and he'll
play defense ten percent of the time, or he'll actually
put some effort into it. And even on the possessions
where he puts effort into it, he's always doing the

old reach around. Well not that kind of reach, but
he's doing the reach around. He's trying to draw offensive
foul and luka, you are who we thought you were
and you're a liability on defense he is, and then
he has the standard conniption fit when he doesn't get
the whistle, thus putting a larger spotlight, and a lot

of these calls were easy. You don't have to be
in the tank for the NBA to oh, that's a foul.
That's a foul. There's another foul. Booooo all right now.
Page two. One of the other storylines leading into this
game was about the unicorn. You probably think unicorns aren't
real because you're an adult, but in pro bouncy ball

there is one. He plays for Boston, at least he
occasionally plays for Boston, but the unicorn was on ice,
So what happened to the narrative? The Celtics are gonna
have issues with Chris stops Porzingis out of the lineup.
Without him and the lineup they were going to have
a lot of problems. In fact, several well known pundits
told you there was little chance the Celtics could even

compete in this series without Porzingis. So what happened is
that take was a circus show take. It was a
spinning play right, balancing hope and fear. And this was
always a contrived storyline by my fellow blowhards and gasbags.
The Celtics have been a wagon. They continue to be

a wagon, and they are playing with a fluidity whatever
term you want to hear. In all cylinders. There's confidence there.
There is no such thing as momentum. The Celtics don't
have momentum because momentum doesn't exist. They're just better. But
there is a report going around here from Wojes that
says there is real doubt about Porzingis returning to the

NBA Finals because of his leg injury. That report is
a dog whistle. He ain't playing right. Boston only needs
to win one more game. They will win that game
without Porzingis, who essentially played one game, well, he played
most of the game two. Yeah, but his impact was
in Game one and that was it, and they could

have won that without him. It's not like they needed
him to win that game. Somebody else would have made
those shots, all right, last word here. So now we
go up to ten thousand feet in the sky and
we look down and we say who gets to wear
the Texas size ten gallon hat of shame for Dallas.
So it starts with the aforementioned loo God Donchi starts

with him. He's got to be the dumbest player in
the NBA in terms of playing the game. You have
to be a statue when you're in foul trouble. What
about start players? They are not supposed to foul out
start plus, I get it, I understand, but when you
whine and bitch on every call like Luca does, you're

putting a bigger onus because these are still I think
human beings. Maybe they're in I don't know, they look human.
But when you get your fifth foul, that is a
dead give what? Dead give what? You gotta be a statue.
Don't even try, And like Luca doesn't really try. So
now he's like, well, I want to do the old
reach around, try to get a foul instead, of just
being a statue, He's the leaning Tower of Pisa. He's

leaning in. You can't do that. You got to be
the statue of liberty. Arm in the air everywhere, hold
that torch up in the air. And so that was
certainly the kill shot. Luka being an idiot and getting
making it easy for the referee to call foul on.
But Dallas was unable to keep the fire burning. They
had all the momentum, you idiots, tell me at all

the momentum in the first color up by thirteen points.
They came out like that Tasmania devil. Oh man, were
they great? Oh there's on the broadcast. They're like, oh,
if they can just stay within ten by the time
we get to the second quarter, and it was like
a one point game. And then many will say, well,

that's the supporting cast. And I heard all these great
things about the players around Luca and Kyrie. This is
the greatest backcourt of all time. But these other role
players were wonderful, and they they'd stepped up. But I'm
gonna say the quiet part out locked. You're not gonna
hear this. A lot of places. Both Luca and Uncle
Drew got together, they huddled up, they rode the vomit comet.

They went amazing Cresken as the game progressed. It's one
of these things if you just look at the box scorers, well,
you know, look at the numbers. There's solid numbers. They
are but hocus pocus, losing focus as the game went on.
They vanished for almost eleven minutes a game time. Dallas
was leading fifty nine to fifty eight early third court.

I jotted down a note there was nine to thirty
three to go in the third quarter. It has a
lot of basketball, we get it, I understand, but it's
a one point game. From that point forward. They got
outscored by twenty two points, ended up down twenty one.
How did that happen? Boston went on a thirty three
to eleven burner at that point and it spilled into

the fourth quarter. And in that stretch, Luka Doncik and
Kyrie Irvings shot a combined thirty three point three percent,
which is half the sign of the devil. They faded
like flowers, all right. And Jalen Brown, Jalen Brown, who
he's already wrapped up the MVP. Does anyone disagree that
he's the MVP? He's wrapped up the MVP on ers

on my ballot by outscoring Dallas in that stretch, the
game turning stretch, he outscored them fourteen to eleven by himself.
It was thirty three to eleven overall, but fourteen of
those points by Jalen Brown and Brown then at the
end when things got a little closer, even though you
never really believe the Mavericks could actually win, even when

they were within three points of a tie, but Jalen
Brown helped calm the waters there in the final and
a half minutes or so. It is the Ben Malor Show.
If you let to come in on any of this,
you are more than welcome. We open up the lines
here for you and you can join us speakeasy rules
or an effect, which just means I'm not giving out
the number, but you're more than welcome to call screams, shout, yell,

all that fine fine stuff. You're more than welcome to that.
Also on X at Ben Malor. At Ben Malor, things
are so bad in Dallas right now that they are
turning to dead baseball players for help. Why we'll get
to that and we will do it.

Speaker 4 (15:37):
Nack, be sure to catch live editions of The Ben
Mallor Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific
on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 5 (15:46):
Hey, we're Cavino and Rich Fox Sports Radio every day
five to seven pm Eastern.

Speaker 1 (15:51):
But here's the thing.

Speaker 5 (15:52):
We never have enough time to get to everything we
want to get to, and that's.

Speaker 6 (15:55):
Why we have a brand new podcast called over Promised.
You see, we're having so much fun in our two
hour show. We never get to everything, honestly, because this
guy is over promising things we never have time for.

Speaker 1 (16:08):
Yeah, you blubber listen Jam and me.

Speaker 5 (16:09):
Well, you know what it's called over promise. You should
be good at it because you've been over promising women
for years.

Speaker 6 (16:14):
Well, it's a Covino and Rich after show, and we
want you to be a part of it. We're gonna
be talking sports, of course, but we're also going to
talk life and relationships. And if Rich and I are
arguing about something or we didn't have enough time, it
will continue on our after show called over Promised.

Speaker 5 (16:27):
Well, if you don't get enough Covino and Rich, make
sure you check out over Promise and also Uncensored by
the way, so maybe We'll go at it even a
little harder. It's gonna be the best after show podcast
of all time.

Speaker 1 (16:38):
There you go, over promising.

Speaker 6 (16:40):
Remember you could see on YouTube, but definitely join us.
Listen to over Promised with Cavino and Rich on the
iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 7 (16:49):
The great silent majority of listeners to the Ben Malor
Show is sit on the sidelines, never having their opinions heard.
You're invited to break the glass ceiling by taking up
gigabytes with the Ben Mahlor Show. Your host on x
He's at Ben Mallor and you can post that and
follow me. Eddie Garcia, your humble sidekig, the Voice of Reason,
your news guy. You're announcer guy. I'm at Eddie on

Fox Now put my stick right in your mouth. Well,
I don't want to do that, but if I have to,
I will. Coming up in the final hour of Tonight's
Very Program, it is Puck the World, the greatest hockey
segment in the history of Fox Sports Radio. A playoff edition,
a Stanley Cup final edition.

Speaker 1 (17:27):
Yeah, Eddie's going to explain how the Oiler is going
to come back and win the next two games at home.

Speaker 7 (17:32):
No, I'm not, and I'll live from the tire rack
dot Com, Fox Sports Radio Studios. It's Ben mallor.

Speaker 1 (17:38):
Be a terrible segment. If you don't do that. I
didn't enjoy Alan. Alan sent in a comment when the
announcement came down that Porzingis it was going to be
out the Unicorn. They call him Chris Stops Porzingis. That's
his name of the nickname the Unicorn, and he said
he is the Chris Sale of the NBA, which is
which is about right? It's about right. That's not necessarily

at all. And we were hanging out all night long.
We are just beginning. I saw a comment from Andy
the comic book guy, who said that at the beginning
of the monologue there we were covered up by Vassa
and Dodger talk was poll guarding. I used the Dodger
game went long there, So okay, I mean there are

other ways on the iHeart app to hear the show.
If we're covered up, you can just go to a
different channel. Ryan in San Diego says, let me help
you out on your mouth of monologue, Luca don chick,
the Lollygag's on defense. He's Luca the lollygagger. Yeah, I
could have used the word lolligag. I have used the
word lolligag before. I'm not against the word lolligag. I
like the word lolligag. I just didn't use the word lolligag.

I can't use the same damn words every time. I
got to come up with new ways to say the
same damn thing. And so I changed it up and
I quoted SpongeBob and that was really an homage to
Ferg Dog, who's a big fan of SpongeBob and the
characters in SpongeBob Masshole. Mickey says he may have choked
in the Malt monologue or the Malard Mountain money rather,
but not like Luke in the NBA in the NBA finals. Yeah,

Luca has really really gagged here in these these games. Clearly,
DJ Infamous says, maybe Michael Finley should have let Luca
have that beer after the Western Conference finals. That's a
great point. This is the curse of the beer, the
beer gods. The beer got Big Bruski. Big Bruski is
upset with the Mavericks, and so Big Brusk's pushback and

we got Father's Day coming up here and you're depriving
a father son momot, a bonding moment over a Bruski
in the locker room. Michael Finley, shame on you, youar suck.
Bad job by you. The Burner account says, I think
when it's all said and done, this will go down
as one of the worst finals ever. What a choke

job by Luca Flopper don chick man up and plays
some d you slug? How do you really feel? On
her account, don't hold back at all. Nature Boy says,
sure sucks to be a sports fan in Big D
first deck now this hot mess. Well, don't forget the
Dallas Stars also also choked and went away against Edmonton,

My Edmonton Oilers. Might I add, we are about to
come back in the Stanley Cup. Can't can't wait for that.
Shane fer noy Wright sinces Celtics up three to zero
eight plus plus on the Mallard monologue. In unrelated news,
there was some game in the w NBA, which I'm
sure Eddie will probably talk about later. Yeah, of course,
of course he will. Shane also says he has not

been an NBA fan since the Sonics were stolen and
sold to OKC. But rest in peace. Jerry West. I'll
give some thoughts on Jerry later on. I got a
lot of time here. Late Night Drug Tester says SpongeBob's
pet Gary is a snail, not a slug. It's the
same thing you moron, Late Night Drug Tester, How damn.

They are relatives of each other, just like the cinnamon
roll and the donut are relatives of each other. And
you can go to the store, a donut shop and
buy the cinnamon roll because it's a donut. It's a
part of the donut family, and it's all inclusive. At
a donut shop, they include that. Jordan says, stop with
his stupid soundificition. Jordan says, I'm hoping, stop. I'm hoping

and praying for the Celtics to sweep The NBA has
fallen off so hard the past five years that I
like to pretend it doesn't exist anymore. Let's get back
to talking sports of the matter. Oh yeah, we got
we got competitive eating to look forward to all that.
Midnight Walker writes in from Syracuse. He says, I said
Tatum would choke in a previous tweet. Now I look

like a loser, and it doesn't taste sweet. Luca doesn't
play defense, he can't get a stop. What made me
think Dallas would come out on top? Well, you were
buying into the nonsense. And there's a lot of nonsense,
a lot of it, and they a lot of a
lot of geniuses peddling nonsense. Matthew Warrior Raider, Tom Brady,

roast fan, says ten out of ten on the Mally monologue,
the NBA badly wanted the reverse to reverse that sixth
foul on Luca, but they would have had a huge
pr mess on their hands had they reversed that call
and Luca went off and stole the game. The call
was correct, and yes, the Sea's are just better. So

so he says things are so bleak right now in
Dallas that they're quoting old, dead baseball players. And then
we'll get to that coming up in a minute. Let's say,
loo to John who is in Chico, California. What's going on? John? Welcome?

Speaker 8 (22:49):
Are you doing tonight?

Speaker 1 (22:51):
John? If I was any better, I'd be Luca, but
not Luca doncik because.

Speaker 8 (22:56):
Man, you know I tell you Ben I one thing
way back when he was drafted. I'm a Kings fan.
I are a Kings fan. I'm not as ashamed as
mid as I used to be, you know. And they
had the opportunity to draft him, and I knew who
he was, and I'm glad they didn't draft him. He's
he's been a whiner ever since, ever since. I didn't

even watch the game tonight, but I can imagine how
it went. And I'll tell you, I have no doubt
that you probably flop. But with that being said, what
are you doing standing out there? He says, Well, you
can't call that being a six fowl? You know that
late in the game, on the game three of the finals. Well,
you don't get in the way and give him the
opportunity to make that call. I mean, it's ridiculous.

Speaker 1 (23:36):
You know what I love about you, John, is you
didn't watch the game and you're still calling up to
rip him. I respect that. That's good sports radio. No, seriously,
I mean that's what we need in sports talk radio.
You didn't watch a second of this, You had other
stuff going on, and you still have enough passion to
call up and give him atomic elbow in the radio.
I love that, John, That's great. Good job by you.

Speaker 8 (23:55):
Absolutely, Ah, go away, all right.

Speaker 1 (24:01):
I didn't watch the team, but this guy's that is
that is just wonderful, just absolutely great. So Luca channeling
a Yankee legend. When asked about the Mavericks situation as
they are down three games to love and one loss

away from going to can Kun Luka Danacik said, quote,
it's not over until it's over. He quoted Yogi bearra
it's not over till it's over. We just gotta believe.
I know, we say it's first to four. We gotta
stay together. Lucas said, we lose together, we win together,
so we gotta stay together. So really, what Lucas saying

there is the team doesn't believe because they've lost the
first three games, so they don't they don't buy in.
So that's number one. Number two, they they win together,
lose together, So they're losing together and they're not staying together,
is also what he's saying. Oh, wise, they would have
won one of these games, and so therefore the Mavericks
have to fire Jason Kidd because clearly kids the problem

because the team does not believe and they have not
stayed together. Otherwise they would have won at least one
of these first three games in the NBA funds. Is
that the wrong way to dissect that quote. I don't
think it is. I think that's the proper way that
I dissected.

Speaker 4 (25:21):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Meler
Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific.

Speaker 7 (25:27):
Well, of course, yesterday, a big topic on the show
was the fact that Joey Chestnut would not be competing
in the July fourth hot dog eating Contest. But we
had big news today. It was so big that it
was a part of a group text amongst us. Joey
Chestnut will be taking on Takiro Kobayashi in a one
on one hot dog eating contest. It will be live

on Netflix. Chestnut versus Kobayashi Unfinished beef Yeah, will take
place on Labor Day.

Speaker 1 (25:59):
We do not know where it will take because I
hope it's in la I would like to go to
the event. I would like to be part of this.
I would like to witness the greatness of these two titans.
I mean, this is this is amazing stuff here. This
is a battle of superheroes, is what this is.

Speaker 7 (26:13):
Weener take all.

Speaker 1 (26:14):
I believe Superman.

Speaker 7 (26:17):
Bet you want to see these guys shove hot.

Speaker 1 (26:19):
Dogs food competition. Yeah, no, it's really good. We should
get him back in studio. Years ago, Lorraina, you were
probably like ten. We had a competitive eater, this guy,
big sexy from Denver in studio and he did a
hot dog challenge against my board op, this guy named
Jeff de Ray. I don't know whatever happened to him,
but he was a cool guy. But he and my guy, Jeff,

the board op just he ate like half a hot
dog and then was so overwhelmed he just stopped and
watched the other guy eat the dogs because it was
to you just die. He gave up, and.

Speaker 7 (26:51):
That's why he no longer works here, by the way.

Speaker 1 (26:55):
But Loreen, it was so funny. The people at Major
League Eating were so worried that reliability that they had
an ambulance. There was a literal an ambulance with and
they brought into the studio. They had like a gurney
just in case somebody choked. They were going to take
them right out into the ambulance there, and they had
two guys from the ambulance crew were in the studio

monitoring the eating contest, just for to make sure nobody choke.

Speaker 7 (27:20):
Yeah, I think that's I think they did that because
it made a good story.

Speaker 1 (27:24):
Well, either way, it was amazing out of an abundance
of caution, Eddie. Out of we learned that phrase.

Speaker 7 (27:31):
At are you somebody's choking? What are you put them
on the gurney?

Speaker 1 (27:37):
In hindsight, Eddie, it seemed like that would be rather silly.
You might want to try to get the item out
of the throat, but what do I know?

Speaker 7 (27:44):
Anyway, It's like in Slapshot when they told the ambulance
driver to turn on the siren and drive around the arena.

Speaker 1 (27:52):
Why not is the Ben Mallor Show. As we continue
on and on, Jason in Hans City says ten out
of ten on the opening of the Malar monologue on
the Overnight here, the Mavericks melted tonight in front of
my eyes. Luke and Kyrie are frauds as big time

players in the NBA Finals. I think they will win
Game four, however, says Jason, Yeah, I don't. This was
the Game seven for the Mavericks. They came out thirteen
point lead early and they're going to extend that out
to twenty twenty five points and really blow the doors
off the Celtics. And then before you know it, it was
a one point game again, and the game and then

opening up in the third quarter. I have a feeling
this thing's done. Skis on Friday night and that's it now.
I would hope that it does continue because that gives
us more content, one of the content business. And once
the finals end, then we have to pivot and talk
about Bronnie James, who averaged four point eight points per
game as a backup for a second rate usc basketball

team last year. That kid of some rich basketball players.
So I guess you have to. We're contractually Bronni James.
We're contractually obligated to talk about him, I'm told Boso
the district. Boso says, if the Celtics sweep, where will
they rank among the best teams in NBA history? They
won sixty four games, best in the league and lost

only two playoff games, including a sweep in the finals.
Bozo says, yes, I I don't think of them as
an all time great team. Do you do anyone think
of them as an all time great team? But I'm
the wrong person, ask I never, in the moment ever think, boy,
this is amazing. Even when I was watching the Michael

Jordan Chicago bulls. Dynasays like, well, they're good, but there's
some areas they're not that great. And you know, I
like picked things apart, but usually you have to win
a hater. Well, I just I like to wait let
things kind of breathe a little bit before I go
go all in. Fergduck says, I knew that SpongeBob reference
was just for me. Ben, thank you. There's no bigger

fan of SpongeBob than me. Man raging romanticist says, dearest man,
you call what Lucas said a rant, Well, we only
played part of it raging. I know that's hard for
you understand, but due to timing reasons, we only played

a little bit of what he had to say. Yes,
that's the reality of the situation. All right, let's get
back to the calls and we will say hello eenie meenie,
miney mo. Let's say hello to blind Scott, who will
be driving one of the duck boats. On's the parade? Scott?
Is it next Tuesday?

Speaker 9 (30:44):
When is it to be Monday? Probably? I was threatening
a duck boat today at a crosswalk. Actually, I hate
those things. They've killed so many people here in Boston.
One thing, one thing about the Celtics, and they're undefeated
when teams don't score one hundred points. They're twenty six
and six against the Western Conference. And let me tell
you the way the Celtics team was built. They drafted right,

they got good general managers, they got good coaching. Let
me tell you about the Lakers and Jerry West. Jerry
West is smashes smashing furniture right now. The Lakers are
a Joe franchise. They don't draft well, they don't get
anybody to come play there. They really have the only
attraction to come there is that they're in Hollywood. You
know what I mean. The Celtics had to earn this championship.

They did real basketball. General managing the West Coast doesn't
understand the basketball that goes on here in Boston. Boston
drives the whole NBA. The Sports Hub is the most
popular radio station in the United States by far. So
I think we should just go all Boston Sports for
the rest of the summer. It can drive the ratings.
We don't need any more of this West Coast lolligagg

and stuff that you're talking about. You know what I mean.
We all know doubt they were never going to be there,
you know what I mean. And one more thing too.
We were at the Celtics watch party, tied at the
guy and there was about ten thousand people that couldn't
get in there. You know what I mean. It's gonna
be huge in Boston, a mess to mat in. About
three million people will show up at the parade. You know.
The NBA is huge. Jason Tatum, he's huge. He's the

biggest NBA star of all time. He's the nicest guy.
He played for the best NBA franchise of all time.

Speaker 1 (32:19):
Nor I think you missed the spot, Scott, I think
you missed a spot. Did you miss a spot?

Speaker 3 (32:24):

Speaker 9 (32:24):
Yeah? Yeah. One more thing. Javin Brown. He goes to
all the parks in Boston and hangs out with the
young you know, the young players. I'm telling you, if
I remember that guy, Terrence Clark, he was going to
be a big NBA draft pick. You know a lot
of people are talking about him now. He's the one
that drove his car like one hundred miles into a
I think right out in front of the studio. Oh hey,
there's a blind Scott meet and Greek coming up. In Burbank, California.

That's fall right.

Speaker 1 (32:49):
Be very excited. All right, well, thank you Scott. You packed.
You're like, you're like Jed who fled. You packed a
lot of content. And really, what Scott meant to say
is this Celtic Championship was built by Danny Ainge with
a big wink in a nod to the New Jersey
slash Brooklyn Nets. Because eleven years ago, the Celtics traded

Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett, Jason Terry and DJ White and
all that to the Nets, and in return they got
a bunch of draft picks and a bunch of scrub players.
But one of the draft picks that they got was
the number would turned out to be the number three
pick in the twenty sixteen NBA draft, which was Jalen Brown.

So that pick was courtesy of the Nets, and that
became Jaylen Brown, who at this point is better than
Jason Tatum in big game Jason Tatum does not appear
to be a big game player. Is that a wrong opinion?
I don't think it is. I'm getting some angry messages
from Maverick fans. They're cowards, they're not calling in. But
they're hiding behind their smartphones, typical losers. All Right, here's

the who am I? Game? I gotta get this one
in because I won't be to do it next week.
Mavericks coach Jason Kidd became the first Hall of Fame
player to coach a team to the NBA Finals since
Me again the mav Rex Jason Kidd the first Hall
of Fame player to coach a team to the NBA
Finals since me? Who Am I The answer?

Speaker 7 (34:19):

Speaker 4 (34:19):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 7 (34:31):
The Ben Maler Show never fails to amaze with all
kinds of freaks of nature. Show your support for the
oddities of the overnight are patent and blend of eleven
herbs and audio spices like Ask Ben and Sports Jeopardy
fill up the content plate. Follow your host on Facebook,
Facebook dot com, slash Ben Maelor Show, and on Instagram
at Ben Maler on Fox and we have Asked Ben
coming up in hour three of tonight's program and I

Live from the Tirak dot com. Fox Sports Radio Studios.
It's Ben Malor.

Speaker 1 (34:57):
Make sure to send those questions in hashtag ask Ben
on x Sam. We will read some of your questions
on the air in hour three. If you miss that,
you can go back and hear the podcast. It's got
no calories. It's absolutely free. Limited commercial interruption. Here's the
who am I? Game? The mav Rex coach Jason Kidd.

I had to get the same because the series will
be over soon. So Jason Kidd the first Hall of
Fame player to coach a team to the NBA Finals
since me? Who am I? That is the question? What
is the answer? Big Lou He's on number two and
he said La King draft pick, Tom Glavin, Bill Russell
guests by Johnny Q. Thomas says he's pretty sure it's

Derek Fisher. Who else we have page down Terry in England,
says Joey Chestnuts. So Wiener collection is the answer. Jack
Nicholson from Masshole Mickey? Who else? We have? Bobby Cox
from Kyle Marcus known as da Boy Malcolm he got

it right? Bat job by him? Shane of des Moines
going with Hotel Ryan? Whatever happened to Hotel Ryan? And Duluth?
Where have you gone. Nick in Wisconsin says Doc Rivers
is the answer. Who else do we have? Super Marcus
Steve says you are a blind Scott making a Jerry
West reference the day after he died. No class is

the answer, Matt to Tom Brady roast fan got it right?
He cheated? Who else do we have? Page down? Kathy
in Madison says it is shohe O'tani's instructor that did that.
Scrooge admitted that he was completely wrong about the NBA
Finals and that I was right. Thank you, thank you, unnecessary,

but thank you. The saw Man in Mississippi says it
was the zen Master himself. Phil Jackson Abe Lincoln from
alf the Alien O Partner Boy Abe in the Modern World, Man,
he's really going for it. Who else do we have?
Page down? Chris Knobloch of the Edmonton Oilers from King Rory.
Who else? Margaret SquarePants from Ferg Dog, Good Old Fergie.

Late Night Drug Tester says you are the Olsen Twins
who are thirty eight today. Richie Adobado is a fun
name from Econ, Roseville, Minnesota. Jerry Cooney from Stevie Meatballs
in Florida. Dave the Cobra Parker from The Cowboy Killer,
who has been a guest on the Fifth Hour podcast
As we Go in the Hot Tub Time Machine Midnight

Walker says legendary Sixers and Simpers coach Jean Shoe is
the answer misplaced San Diego got a right bad job
by him. Colin Calgil from Mister Nice Guy, Bill Russell
from Andy Alino Lakes. All right, you have an answer.
Eddie is not the great Tommy Lesorda that was guessed

by Art Puffin.

Speaker 7 (37:53):
Is it pop Greg Popovich of the San Antonio Spurs.

Speaker 1 (37:57):
Well, Greg Popovich was in the Air Force Eddie before
where he became a schmuck? Uh he might have been
a schmuck in the Air Force.

Speaker 7 (38:03):
I don't know, but no.

Speaker 1 (38:03):
Not a Hall of Fame player the answer MAVs coach
Jason Kidd, the first Hall of Fame player to coach
a team to the NBA Finals since me. That would
be the Hick from French Lick And with the Indiana
Pacers back in the day, Larry Legend, Larry Berg, Larry
Berg back in two thousand too, Larry birds like like

Jay Leno wasn't the night so he saved like a
lot of his money like he didn't. He didn't spend
in excess, and good for him if that's true.
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