All Episodes

May 21, 2024 38 mins

Ben Maller talks about rumors that teams are "watching" Giannis Antetokounmpo ahead of NBA free agency, reports that Cavs owner Dan Gilbert refuses to trade Donovan Mitchell to the Lakers, and much more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Here we go. Welcome to our number one of the
original Recipe podcast, up all night, slaving over the hot
microphone on this Tuesday, the twenty first day of May.
We talk some pro bouncy ball this hour. What are
the odds that Giannis Adenta Cumbo requests a job transfer

out of Milwaukee? Also the Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert supposedly
refusing to trade Donovan Mitchell to the Lakers. That's a
report bouncing around, believe it or not. And do you
have empathy for Bronnie James who talked about how difficult
it is being the son of lebron We'll talk about
all that and more right now as we're just getting started.

It's our one of the pod. And here it is
right now, here you go. We have not even gotten
to the conference finals yet and already the shopping is underway,
or so it would appear. Welcome in the beginning of

another edition of the Benvalor Show. We are in the
air everywhere, old friends. As we turn it on and
we leave it on, that would be the lights. I
feel like I'm being interrogated here. It's wild. We are
hanging out coast to coast, border to border, and beyond on.

The vast and classically powerful microphones of fs are emmating
live from the treatment as we give you the silent treatment,
unless we don't, because that's the one cardinal sin when
you do audio content, you cannot give the silent treatment.

We're broadcasting live from the Tirak dot com studios. Tyraq
dot com will help you get there, an unmatched selection, fast,
free shipping, free road hazard protection, and over ten thousand
recommended and starts. Fried Daddy, who's in Pennsylvania likes he
likes that number. Ten thousand. Tire raq dot com the

way tire buying shure be so our lead this hour
from pro Bouncy Ball. The gymnasiums were dark on Monday.
There were no games being played. See a little bit
of a pause. Things will re zoom, no playoff game
to break down? How will we go on? How will
the show survive without a playoff game to break down? Well, instead,

we pivot to the shopping, the chatter going around, and
a dateline out of Milwaukee, a story developing here. If
you're not following along, maybe you tuned out. Don't know
how you could possibly do that, But the noise that
rival teams. We're hearing that rival teams are. I love

this monitoring. I love the verberse they're monitoring Yannis. Then
to Combo and his status with the Bucks, Fear the deer,
and of course this is all about one team, not
the Lakers this time. It's about the Knickerbockers, that the
Knicks after they were exterminated like the pest that they

are from the playoffs by the Pacers. Now he's like, well,
the Knicks got to get a big star here and
they're not good enough with just Jalen Brunson. So the
media machine trying to speak it into existence that Giannis
is in play here. The Knicks are said to be
licking their chops. Man, get somebody eat there. Regardless. The

only way, the only way Milwaukee would even consider moving
the Greek freak is if he were to say, well,
I don't want to eat beer anymore. I don't like it.
I suddenly have lost my taste for cheese curds, and
I want out and no more proutine. Can't can't have it.

So let us discuss the question, what are the odds
ds that Yiannis ident to Coombo requests a trade from
the Bucks that he says I want out. So what
are the odds on that I've got wonderland, habitat for humanity,
and rks and we will combine all of these things together,

and we're gonna make a really comfortable chair, the kind
of chair that you can fall into that everyone needs
to have. That guy, whether it's a Solfa or a
big lazy type share there. We just fall back into it.
You're good to go, all right. So a to answer
the question, what are the odds that yanisident to Coombo
requests a Bucks trade, I'm gonna turn on the Mallard

sports Book, which is never wrong. The Mallard sports Book
is never wrong about these things. So the odds are
plus twenty five hundred plus twenty five hundred, which implies
a less than five percent chance, in fact, a less
than four percent chance that Jannis will say, hey, you
know what, I don't want to be here anymore. I
want out. But there is a one hundred percent chance

that this is not the last time you and I
hear about Giannis de dent to Coombo possibly leaving the
Bucks in the next couple of weeks, in the next
couple of months, I will guarantee that we will hear
this story. It'll come back around like a boomerang or
Haley's comment put on a more high, high volume, higher rotation,
if you will. So if you look at the numbers

on this at dent to Coombo, he just signed a
three year coucher for one hundred and seventy five million dollars.
That's a lot of money, I think, you know, not
for athletes, but for the rest of us. So one
hundred and seventy five million dollar extension with Milwaukee last October.
So you do the math on that. He's under contract

through the twenty twenty six twenty twenty seven season. And
I was in Milwaukee a couple years ago right after
the Bucks had won the championship, a few months after
they had won the championship, and Giannis was fond over
in Wisconsin. It was his wonderland, right, He's the boss
and all that stuff, and it's his comfort zone the franchise.

Here's the most important part of this, and the reason
I'm not really buying the honest trade rumors I know
they're going to keep popping up, is because the franchise
met his ransom. Note Yiannis had a ransom note. He
wanted them to get another star. He wasn't gonna sign
the contract. They got another star and it didn't work out.
Dame time was not ready for game time. Actually Jannis

was the one that wasn't ready. But Dame had a
couple of big moments, but that's it. Not up to
the standard. And he's also under contract for a couple
more years. And now that's say we do know in
that business, players love to frat andize, and all it
takes is a couple of people to get into the
head of Giannis and brainwash the Greek freak, right brainsh

brainwashed the Greek freak, and then all of a sudden
watch After all, we know the contracts are only a
one way street. That the player can have a three
year contractor or whatever, four year contract, it doesn't matter
whatever the time is. If they ruffle feathers aw man,
they're out. Now. If they play poorly, maybe they get traded,

but it's not a guarantee. But if they don't want
to be where they're at, if you're a headline player
in that business, then you just enter the transfer portal
and get out of here. But it's not realistic at
this moment. Now, things could change, but at this moment,
not realistic for the youngest all right now, turning the
Patriot speaking of the NBA as a whole and trades

and transactions and star players not being happy, even though
he has denied it. After the Cadavers became the cadavers
and they were kicked out of the NBA playoff party
by the Celtics, there Spider Mitchell shake up in Ohio.
Say what, well, Spider is hanging in the balance. We
are told that the Calves owner who's made a lot

of money, a lot of money with loans, Dan Gilbert.
Dan Gilbert would quote never trade Donovan Mitchell to the Lakers.
Not that he wouldn't trade Donovan Mitchell, but he's not
going to trade him to the Lakers. So that's the story.
It's a pretty meaty story, right because this has been

a rumor that's been going around for several months. So
let's discuss the Calves owner, Dan Gilbert, according to one
supposedly plugged in insider type with the Calves, Dan Gilbert
refusing to engage a dot Van Mitchell trade with the Lakers.

Believe it or not, so on this one. I am
not agnostic. I am a true believer. I am right
there with the gospel. I totally buys. The Lakers have
two strikes against them. And I've tried to explain this
to some people that are in my circle, and they
don't want to hear what is You don't know what
you're talking about. They're gonna get always get the guy.

They always get the guy, all right, So here are
the two strikes right for Spider Mitchell to end up
in LA. The strike one is Dan Gilbert does not
want to play Kate the guy that is trying to
finagle his way to LA. So that strike one Spider.
It's been pretty open around NBA circles. If I know
about it, and I'm doing the Overnight Show, I'm pretty

sure it's an open secret that Spider Mitchell wants to
play for the Lakers. So that's the first one, right,
and he's the second point. Here at Cleveland's, I think
they're trying to win, they want to actually be good,
and so they're looking for this thing called elite level players.
And if you want elite talent, Mitchell being a centerpiece

player the Lakers roster. If you break it down, piece
by piece is filled with habitat for humanity, quality talent.
It's just an not there and there's not a lot there.
Like the Calves are gonna trade one of their top players,
if not their most talented player, probably is at least
financially and they're gonna get Austin Reeves and Hatcha Murra

and guys like to add. Come on, now, the Calves
could trade Donovan Mitchell to Miami, a team he'd also
be willing to play for, and they could get back
Tyler Hero. I'm not the biggest Tyler Hero fan, but
he's better than Austin Reeves or his other stiffs that
the Lakers will be trading. All right, last word here,
Next stop, we go to Fantasyland. We are thirty six

days away from an event that you're not looking forward
to and I'm not looking forward to, but we're gonna
talk about it anyway. The Midsummer NBA Draft thirty six
days away, the college entry Draft will go on. The
most talked about player by far in the twenty twenty
four NBA Draft is Bronnie James. Bronnie James, the spawn

of lebron Now. He was interviewed recently and said that
it is tough. He used the t word tough, being
the son of Lebron in a pre draft chat with
some I don't even know who he was talking to.
I just saw the clip. Bronnie James said, it's tough.
A lot of criticism gets thrown my way. Boo hoo

hoo boooooo. So do you have any empathy? Do you
have any empathy for Bronnie James having to live his
life the son of a billionaire lebron So yeah, I'm
gonna shake my head no on this one. You can
be on the team Bronni if you want here, But
as you psychoanalyze that comment, I do have a theory

on life that everyone has a tough road dahoe in
one way or another. But some roads you think are
tough and they're not that tough. Right. Everyone thinks, wow,
I got a tough break here, tough break. There's a
lot people life like that. That's called victimhood. And people
complained about this, that and the other thing. But I
look at Bronnie James here and that I mean, that's absurd,

especially considering he's speaking at an NBA draft related workout.
Bronnie James. Here's my psychoanalysis. He's suffering from RKS. Now,
if you don't know what RKS is, bad job by you.
That's rich kids syndrome. Bronnie James. He needs medication. Here
he's overdosing on rich kid syndrome. Now, if you don't
know what that is, rich kid syndrome, it's kind of obvious.

Speaker 2 (12:31):

Speaker 1 (12:31):
They're so rich, they're so wealthy, they're so pampered, they're
so entitled that they're oblivious. They're oblivious to all that
they have. They don't understand. And here's what you need
to do. If you do the Pepsi challenge, you do
a blind taste test side by side. Here, take the
name away. What if I told you there's a six

to one backup guard who averaged less than five points
a game shot less than thirty seven one percent from
the floor for a sub five hundred college basketball team,
and that particular player is being considered for the NBA draft,
You'd say, what does he have compromising photos? That's that's

Bronnie James. He averaged four point eight points per game
on thirty six point six percent shooting on a usc
team that was three games under five hundred and the
fact that he's even in the conversation for the nbah
of the fact that his name is even to me
mentioned is it's patently absurd. It is it's all because
of the fact that and he's abtuced to this. There's

some favors being called in fatherly favors by Bronnie. I've
often pointed out my father was a ham radio operator.
If he had been a big morning guy somewhere, I
don't know that I'd be. I'd probably be doing morning somewhere.
But you know that's not the way it worked out.
Bronnie James father happens to be a big name in
the NBA, one of the biggest in this generation. And

so as a result, Bronni is getting a deep look
by the NBA people. But Lebron's fingerprints are all over
this mean his guys, Lebron's guys are feeding stories, in
my opinion, to the useful idiots in the media who
are then and many of them seemingly are on a
payroll for Lebron and they just repeat the propaganda like

the dummies that they are. It is the Ben Mahler Show.
If you'd like to comment on any of that. You
can join us here. The lines are open right now,
all lines open. You can join us here. Also speakeasy
rules in effect. They'll so figure out the number and
give us a call. Also on AX at Ben Mahlor.
That's at Ben Mahler. If you'd like to be part
on x we or your comments if they're worthy of

being read on the air. Now, most of our fellow fans.
Not you listening because you're actually much smarter than the
average bear, But so many of our fellow fans are
total morons. I have more evidence of that. We'll get
to it, and we will do it. Next.

Speaker 3 (15:05):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Maler
Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 4 (15:14):
Paulli Fusco with Tony Fusco, you know, as the host
of the number one rated Paully and Tony Fusco Show.

Speaker 1 (15:19):
We get tons and tons of fan mail every day,
piles of it.

Speaker 4 (15:23):
In fact, Tony, why don't you open up one of
those letters right now and read what's inside. Hey, listen
to this, Dear Pauli and Toni, your sports takes the
dumbest and most terribly that.

Speaker 1 (15:32):
Wait, why open this other one?

Speaker 4 (15:34):
Dear Pauli and Toni, you suck more than anyone. Wait,
try this one, Dear Paulie and Tony, you guys are
the absolute best.

Speaker 1 (15:43):
There you go, coming up with the stupidest take. Again,
We'll get it.

Speaker 4 (15:47):
Just listen to the Polly and Tony Fusco Show on
the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 5 (15:53):
Yeah, the great silent majority of listeners to the Ben
Maler Show sit on the sidelines, never having their opinions.
You're invited to break the glass ceiling by taking up
gigabytes with the Ben Mallor Show. Just follow your host
on x He's at Ben Mallor and you can post
out and follow me. Eddie Garcia, You're humble sidekick, the voice,

the reason, your news guy. You're announcer guy. I'm at
Eddie on Fox. There's an old school newspaper rapport on
the talk like this. Ah, what a wonderful impression of
the great Myron Cope, former old school Steelers broadcaster and
now lie from the Tyraq dot com Fox Sports Radio Studios.
It's Ben Mallar.

Speaker 1 (16:34):
I will prove to you that the average sports fan
is a moron. Not us, but the average sports I'll
get to that coming up in a couple of minutes.
And the King Rory writes in he says he's a
proud Bucks fan. I'm hopping mad that the evil East
Coast sports media elites are demanding Yannis wants out of Milwaukee.
News flash, Giannis loves Milwaukee. He's not going anywhere. I'll

eat my hat if Yannis wis out and demands a
trade for his contract is up, says the King. Well,
I'd like to see that. Can we do that on
the radio, where you eat your hat? That would be
a good bit. Chip in the que Yes, Chip and
the Q's right, says says a Plus Mallard monologue. If
you feel bad for Bronnie, then feel awful for me.

I was in line for the Yale Padlock fortune, but
my great grandfather passed the inheritance away long ago. Uh yeah,
that's unfortunate, Chip and the Q's But you're you're happy
doing what you do. Remember when you went to the
dreaded day shift, you tried to go to the dreaded
day shift, and you came back to the night shift.
Supermarket Steve on the dreaded Night Shift. He says, with

the new pitch clock, it's been a while since I
had to log off the Flagship Flash flag Ship Station
almost said a bad word in LA to join the
affiliates coverage on the iHeart app. Also, he says he
likes the fact. I think that's what he said. I'm
cleaning this up because a lot of it can't be

broadcast because it's Supermarket Steve. But he he enjoys the
fact that that the show is is hurting its entirety
and we're not covered up by that weasel David Vasse.
That's essentially what we're saying. And he then claimed that
Vassa threw shade at our time slot on the on

the PMS show the other day, which is h which
is unfortunate. Of course, he's so far up to Dodgers ass,
I don't know that he can see anything. So, I mean,
you know, so the way that goes, all right, we'll
go to the calls and we'll say hello to Blind
Scott who's on the North end of Boston. Hello, Blind Scott,

welcome right over. So are you still over Bova's Bakery?
Are you still over there.

Speaker 6 (18:47):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, still you've been. We've been fighting a
lot in the North End here, a going outdoor dining
in parking spaces. One guy, he got so mad about it.
He like it said of finding your guy in the
street and everything. But he was wicked bad at it.
He'd never fired a gun in his life. Been crazy
politics around here.

Speaker 3 (19:06):
But uh, well there's no.

Speaker 1 (19:08):
Room for outdoor dining really, you know with normal times,
there's no room.

Speaker 6 (19:13):
Yeah, there's no room. And they blocked the sidewalks. They
made so much money like doing it, so they just
can't like stop, like they just want to do it again.
But I wanted to talk about these Minnesota Timberwolves fans.
This fan base, he's like the biggest joke in sports.
They cheer for free chicken. I see them losing playoff
games in the free cheering for free chicken and everything.

But then I'm always out of breath now because I
was laughing so hard when you were talking about your
inner circle of friends. I mean, I know you're doing
a radio show here and it's just you, but I
was imagining you talking cheer. Inner circle of friends are
like imagining you all going to like a rock climbing
gym and trying to climb like one of those rock walls.
I was imagining, like that guy Lee Climb.

Speaker 1 (19:54):
They used to work for the show Wow leein reference
by plying Scott, that's that's all the school.

Speaker 6 (20:02):
Him radio stuff too. They try to introduce that to
blind people. That's like the fouriest thing ever. You know
what I mean?

Speaker 1 (20:09):
Well, it depends. Well, if you do Morse code, that's
a yeah. That's not a lot of fun. The more
it's pretty.

Speaker 6 (20:16):
There's there's radio wars going on in Boston now, like
the old Toucher and Rich show. The guy spinned off
to another show that he just started. It's it's so fun.

Speaker 1 (20:25):
That's good. Radio war. I love radio wars. Radio wars
are the greatest.

Speaker 3 (20:29):

Speaker 1 (20:29):
I wish we need to go to war with somebody.
We need a radio war. Who can we attack?

Speaker 3 (20:33):
Everyone else?

Speaker 1 (20:33):
Sucks? There's no one to go to war with. There's
no one. Fire shot. I did fire shot at But
wait a minute. Apparently, according to Supermarket Steve, this this
snitch that'ssay through the first shot because he ripped me.
He ripped me on on Petrol show could be the
start of a war. Radio war I'll I'll kick ass.

Speaker 6 (20:54):
Okay, we got a.

Speaker 1 (20:57):
I could take you in to fight. I could take
Fast in a fight. Well, he couldn't even handle a slide,
so I have to agree. Yeah, I'd take him to
Milwaukee and put him on the slide. He'd be done.
I'd show a photo Bernie Brewer and he'd be like,
oh my god, Bernie Brewer, Oh my god, brilliant. I'm sorry, Scott,
I was interrupting your brilliant commentary.

Speaker 6 (21:17):
Oh yeah, we got a ten year anni virtue of
the William Shatner sard.

Speaker 1 (21:20):
So is it has it been ten years?

Speaker 3 (21:23):
No? Way years?

Speaker 6 (21:25):
In the middle of June when you asked him about
the Stanley Cup, who was gonna who we liked because
he's Canadian?

Speaker 1 (21:30):
You know, I have heard he's a Canadian. And Shatner
blew a gasket and that was one of the great
moments in the history of the show. And if I
if I write my book someday, I will have to
mention in a chapter of that book. The night that
William Shatton was in a flight to Germany and was
furiously trying to block everyone and started following people that

were listening to the show was outstanding. It was just great.

Speaker 6 (21:52):
And then the same shoot almost have it with you
and Lisa Ann, but it just wasn't as popular as
didn't happen.

Speaker 1 (21:57):
Oh yeah, Lisa and the porn star. She got upset
with us because we had a teenage girl on the
show who ran out. Was it Cody Bellinger? I think
it was Cody Bellinger. Yes, she ran out to get
Cody Bellinger's autograph during a Dodger game and we had
her on the show and Lisa in the porn mack.

She got all upset, so she tried to call you.

Speaker 6 (22:21):
She tried to call you a radio hack. But you
should try to troll her and get her on your podcast.
That she'll advertise just about anything, and she might not
even remember you know what I mean.

Speaker 1 (22:29):
Well, she definitely will advertise anything. I think she's proven
that that she's definitely will advertise anything. All right, Well, listen,
we're catching up skys like the old days, Me and you.

Speaker 6 (22:37):
Hey, I got in love for you, man. I can't
wait to get some one of these greets so I
can beat on my fans. I know they're I'll looking
for Megan.

Speaker 1 (22:45):
Well, sure, you're very popular, and who knows maybe we'll
do one in Boston. Yet, I gotta go, thank you.
This is a blind skill, I know, Coop. Maybe blind
Scott will fly out to Boston or to Vegas. We'll
do the one in Vegas. No, maybe could be. Probably
not seemed very enthusiastic about that. IDEM excited at all
by that.

Speaker 5 (23:04):
That can't be ten years though, right with the Shatter thing.
I think it because because I was a part of that.
I remember I said released the Hounds. I don't think
have we been working together for that. I mean we've
been working together a long time, yea, off and on,
but in this form of doing the show.

Speaker 7 (23:20):
I think I started at Fox Sports Radio in twenty twelve,
so that was twelve years ago, and then two years
in I feel like I was probably already doing this show.

Speaker 1 (23:31):
Yeah, that's what show. We're like a time machine, Eddy,
We're going warp speed here.

Speaker 5 (23:36):
Can we slow it down somehow?

Speaker 8 (23:37):
It's crazy because I feel like I've already been here.

Speaker 1 (23:43):
She his Eddy. She shot at us out there, shame
on you. Did you eat your proper food or you
in a good mood? You seem like seems good.

Speaker 8 (23:52):
I have not eaten yet, you know.

Speaker 1 (23:54):
So look any such pornos over here.

Speaker 8 (23:57):
I had a coffee.

Speaker 1 (23:58):
You had a coffee. Congratulations, I'm caffeinited. The company provides
free copy. That's one of the perks that we get here.
Did you get some potato balls?

Speaker 3 (24:06):
I did.

Speaker 8 (24:06):
I had them for breakfast this morning.

Speaker 1 (24:08):
She didn't want you to be anywhere near that.

Speaker 8 (24:09):
They were so good. They were super fresh.

Speaker 1 (24:11):
Rat Now, Harmon brought in a bunch of food. You
didn't get any of that though, No, No, he took
it with them. Harmon took it with them. Interesting. Yeah,
all right.

Speaker 3 (24:20):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Mellor
Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific. Malor
fun fact.

Speaker 1 (24:29):
The Kansas City Royals, Lorena tells me. That's a baseball
team in the Midwest. The Kansas City Royals last season
did not win their thirtieth game until July twenty eighth,
and they have now won thirty games this season. They
just got their thirtieth win on Monday, so congratulations. Wow,

the Royals are back. The Royals are back the Kansas.
Remember that song a few years back, that Royal song
that was because it wasn't about the Royals in the UK.
It was about the Royals, the baseball team and George Brett.
The woman that sang the song was a fan of George.
But anyway, the Royals thirty wins did not get there
until July twenty eighth last year. Is that not a

fun fact? Well, it is if you're in Kansas City.
If you're not in Kansas City, who the hell cares?
But this also fun fact. We have a celebrity UK
presence here as I've gotten a message. It's seven o'clock hour,
early in the morning on a beautiful, glorious Tuesday, and
the great Bernie Fratto is listening live. He is on
a European excursion, Bernie who sits in for me from

time to time, and he did send me a photo.

Speaker 5 (25:36):
Guess where Bernie is?

Speaker 1 (25:37):
Well, well, yeah, well I think I kind of said where.
You just said Europe England? Oh he said England. I did, Yeah,
that's usually that's sad.

Speaker 8 (25:45):
That can we guess the street in England though, Lincoln
Road Ncoln Road.

Speaker 1 (25:50):
No, you send me a photo. Other guy is Bernie
sent me a photo in front of a big men
and it was it was very nice.

Speaker 8 (25:56):
Wait, he was just standing in front of you isn't
that called a self?

Speaker 1 (26:00):
Yeah? Yeah, right there very funny. Yeah, she's she's got
blonde hair, now become a blonde. But yeah, there's a
nice photo of of Bernie's holding his bag. There, he's
got his shorts on. He's looking good, lean and mean,
lean mean recognitions. He's engaged our guy, Bernie. I wonder

how long he's in London. I was told to go
and have you been to London?

Speaker 5 (26:24):

Speaker 6 (26:24):
I have?

Speaker 1 (26:25):
I've not been. Did you enjoy London? I did you did?
What do you like about London? Just you know the
history of it? Okay? But is there like it was
the food any good? I heard the food's pretty bad.
It's it's okay. It's not you know, nearly as good
as like Paris or something like that. It's it's adequate.
I don't think it was terrible. It was okay, yeah, okay.
And he's expensive, right, pretty expensive. I don't I don't

recall remember anyway, you're so rich you don't care about money.
Back then there was a little bit down. You don't
worry about finances. Yeah, you have the classic English food though.
I had the fish and chips. Yes, I had the
list Okay, had the uh you know the English breakfast,
traditional English breakfast with the beans and all that. Yeah,
I think that the traditional English breakfast. I'm like, do

you have beef Welling? Have you had beef Wellington? That's
an English ishue, I don't think. I don't think I
had that. Now, how about bangers and mash? Did you
do bangers in mash?

Speaker 8 (27:16):
That's a great English I make a great bangers in mash,
my dear, I do. Oh my gosh. I followed Gordon
Ramsay's recipe for his Lockdown Food dinners. Oh my gosh,
so fantastic.

Speaker 1 (27:28):
That's just sausage, right, bangers a side. I didn't have it.
I'm waiting for lorenas occurt. It was really good.

Speaker 8 (27:33):
Want me to bring you in some I can totally
cook it.

Speaker 1 (27:37):
Certainly, Eddie'll eat anything if it's free.

Speaker 8 (27:39):
You know, though, ben im good. You would have to
taste the bangero.

Speaker 1 (27:44):
Did you have the afternoon tea? Eddi? Did you have
your little tea cup in the afternoon?

Speaker 2 (27:47):

Speaker 1 (27:47):
Now you do that? What are some other stereotypes of
people in the UK? Do we have any other stuff people?
Or food? Well, like food people, you know, the whole
thing that tea and crumpets. Well, yeah, I just said
afternoon tea. Yeah, you didn't include the crumpets. Do they
still call the cigarettes what they used to call the
cigarettes back in the day, or they change the name
of that because it's no longer. I don't smoke, so

I don't know. I didn't ask.

Speaker 8 (28:10):
Oh, I know what you're talking about.

Speaker 1 (28:11):
Yeah, yeah, you know, I don't think they do they
still call that.

Speaker 8 (28:15):
I don't think so, really.

Speaker 1 (28:16):
I don't know. They might have no idea. Anyway, It
is the Ben Mather Show, so I will not prove
to you that the average sports fan is a moron,
an absolute moron. This comes to us from our friends
at MGM Bet. MGM, they report the most bet prospect

to be the number one number overall pick in the
twenty twenty four NBA draft this summer is Prownnie James. Now,
the Atlanta Hawks have the number one pick in the draft.
It's not a great draft according to the pun in
so those that pay way too much attention to this,
but the top picks are supposed to be their player

from there's two international players. There's actually three. Of the
top four picks are all international players.

Speaker 5 (29:05):
I saw a list of like the top ten on
one of the TVs we have here, and I did
not recognize one name, not even one.

Speaker 1 (29:12):
Yeah, like the guy from Yukon I recognize because they
were juggernaut clinging the center from you. Well, I watched
the final. I'm a John R. Wooden Award voter. Ready, Well,
thanks to me, I reminded you to vote one true.
I almost forgot one year. That's embarrassing. But yeah, they're
all like, they're all six nine seven foot you know,

Adonnis type players that are going to be drafted at
the top of the draft. And then you've got Scrownie
Ronnie as we call them, Scronnie Bronnie James, who is
six one and a half average less than five points
a game. So the odds on this, according to the
line there at MGM, most bet player Ronnie James at
plus twenty thousand plus twenty thousand most bet player to

be the first pick in the NBA did not drafted
in the first round, not one of the thirty picks,
the first overall pick. And I love the quote from MGM.
One of their senior traders who covers the gambling market
sports gambling market said quote we're not concerned with racking
up liability. There they said about Bronni and it should

be more than twenty Twenty thousand to one implies a
less than one percent half of one percent chance that
Bronnie James would be drafted number one. Now, I know
I've talked to some of these cats in the past
and they always say, hey, I can't. We can't go
higher just in case something weird happens, just in case
something not happens. We can't go higher than that. But
it should be one hundred thousand to one and just

hand the money over. Just why not have a bonfire
and just burn the money, or we can give it
to weed man, Hippie. Are you take the money?

Speaker 6 (30:49):

Speaker 1 (30:49):
Weed Man, Hippy you'd take that money in Miami? Right?

Speaker 2 (30:52):
You know what most of your people do not know.
But Barnie is six.

Speaker 1 (30:58):
One, I know, six one? Yeah? How tall? How tall
are you? Weed man?

Speaker 2 (31:03):
I'm five ten.

Speaker 1 (31:05):
You could be the number two pick if Bronnie goes
number one. If the number two pick.

Speaker 2 (31:13):
You know, but you know you're becoming bonn But Brown
is six.

Speaker 1 (31:17):
Eight yeah, and uh and built like a Greek god. Right,
he's you know, he's got the muscles everywhere.

Speaker 2 (31:26):
Six one is not the same player. What is I
I don't even understand what people people are drinking, people
are you.

Speaker 1 (31:33):
Know, I'll tell you exactly what's going on every day
for you know, ten hours a day on ESPN and Fox. Uh.
They put Bronnie James on there when they're talking about
the draft, and people are idiots like, well, he's on TV.
He's gonna be drafted number one. So Bronnie James, Stronnie Brownie.

Speaker 2 (31:46):
Dude, he's The difference between sixty one and sixth eight
is huge. I mean, wow, anyway, you're honest, go to
New York. Go to.

Speaker 1 (31:59):
You don't even don't want to go. You don't even
want to go to New York. What are you talking about?
You don't what You don't leave my You don't want
to leave Fort Lauderdale. You want that's as far as
you want to go as Fort Lauderdale, New York.

Speaker 5 (32:09):
I know.

Speaker 1 (32:09):
But you left there and you don't want to go
back to New York.

Speaker 2 (32:13):
Oh god, I know.

Speaker 1 (32:15):
It's so what if what if a listener said, hey,
weed man, I'll fly you back to New York. You know,
you stay there in New York you get back to
New York. What about that? Would you do it right now?

Speaker 2 (32:24):
I have to because I have to do with Lisa.
Who's on the phone.

Speaker 1 (32:27):
Oh hi, Lisa to sleep? What's the point of being
on the phone.

Speaker 2 (32:34):
Well, she wasn't showing to sleep when I.

Speaker 1 (32:35):
Called them, So when I start talking, when I start talking,
she falls asleep.

Speaker 2 (32:40):
I then tell me what happened with the Yankee games
because shoving in a row?

Speaker 6 (32:46):

Speaker 1 (32:46):
What a row?

Speaker 2 (32:53):
And then I find out they want.

Speaker 1 (32:55):
Yeah Clay Clay Holmes gave up a bunch of hits
the Closer. He hadn't given up any runs this year
until that game. Yeah, give up. The mayor has put
up four runs in that ninth INNY four runs.

Speaker 2 (33:06):
We had a zero E O A. Going to not.

Speaker 1 (33:10):
Anymore though, it's all over. What are you? Are you
on Lincoln Road?

Speaker 2 (33:16):
Yeah you're not.

Speaker 1 (33:18):
You're not homeless. You live on Lincoln Road. That's where
you live. You're on Lincoln Road.

Speaker 2 (33:21):
Yeah, man, I'm on cardboard boxes. I'm comfortable on between
two big garbage like, uh.

Speaker 1 (33:30):
Dumpsters, you're you're sleeping between two large dumpsters?

Speaker 2 (33:33):
Yeah? Yeah, very nice.

Speaker 6 (33:34):
They're very nice.

Speaker 2 (33:35):
They give me private ship, do.

Speaker 1 (33:36):
They smell though, isn't there a smell that comes out
of them?

Speaker 2 (33:39):
Right? This? No only boxers?

Speaker 1 (33:42):
Okay, yeah, you don't want to go with it, and
you're a restaurant, because that would be there be rats
and it would be terrible.

Speaker 2 (33:46):
Yeah yeah, yeah, but bye bye, bye bye. Somebody's been
stealing all my social Security money every month.

Speaker 1 (33:57):
I know you mentioned that we got you gotta get
a new bank account going.

Speaker 2 (34:01):
I did it today.

Speaker 1 (34:02):
Oh good, but but but but why why you?

Speaker 2 (34:06):
All they did is changed the number of my bank
account and somehow they're paid talent the money right are?
So I don't even know if what they did today
is going to stop him from doing it next month.
And I literally have twenty dollars in my pocket.

Speaker 1 (34:22):
All right, Well, keep us posted weed min and we'll
see what we can do to I'm sure we have
all right, I don't think. I mean there are.

Speaker 2 (34:29):
Listen the guy, the guy ah what from Minnesota and Anthony.

Speaker 1 (34:38):
And Edwards. Okay, all right, thank you, that's all that's
a that's a bonus take from weed man. That's a
bonus take from weed men. All right, thank you, okay,
I thank you. I got to go, all right, we
do have attorneys that listen to the show. I don't
know that they want to help out weed men, but
they usually get paid for their work time. Now for
the Who and My game? And here we go. I

am the only NBA player on a top fifteen contract
to make the conference finals this season? Again, who am
I the only NBA player on a top fifteen contract
to make the conference finals this season? Who am I?
That is the question? The answer. We'll get to it.
We'll do it next.

Speaker 3 (35:18):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot Com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 5 (35:30):
The Ben Mallor Show never fails to amaze with all
kinds of freaks of nature. Show Your support for the
oddities of the overnight are Paton and Blende lebnerbs and
audio spices like Ask Ben and Sports Jeopardy fill up
the content plate. Follow your host on Facebook, Facebook dot
com slash Ben Malor Show, and on Instagram at Benmallor
on Fox and I'll at from the Tirack dot com

Fox Sports Radio Studios, It's Ben Maallor.

Speaker 1 (35:55):
By the way, Bernie points out Eddie. He was actually
in Peie Thursday through Monday, so he's just now in London.
Our friend Bernie, what's what's next for what's his next stop?
I think he's in London for the rest of the week,
but I think he'll be back this weekend. So I
don't know. I don't know how his I'm not as
you know, I don't have his itinerary. I am as traveled.

Well he's communicating with you, Well he is, He's listening.
He doesn't like you. He texted me he hates you.
That's what he told me, unless he didn't actually tell
me any of that. I just made that all up.
Time now for the who am I? Game? I am
the only NBA player on a top fifteen contract to
make the conference finals this season. There's only one who

am I? That is the question? What is the answer?
It's made possible by Express Pros. Tired of feeling alone
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dot com. And and let's go to the Great Unwashed.
If anybody has an answer, and here we go Paige Down.
We'll skip over that one Cowboy Killer says it has
to be the Godfather Big Leaguer Danny Ains from Art
Puffin The Million Dollar Man, Ten Debiassi Legend Ted Debiassi

from Robin Vegas, Mister T who is seventy two today
according to Late Night Drug Tester Rudy go Bear was
guested by Matthew Warrior Raider Fan Hershey Hawkins from Evan
the Depressed Mariner Fan Consolidated CP, Jonathan Hart from Milkman,
Mike very Specific in Colorado, Sean Aston, Rudy from ferg Dog.

Who else do we have? Paige Down? Almost skip over
that one Dominic Canzone or dom Conzone who had a
home run at Yankee Stadium. Robbie is all excited. It's
like Mariner porn for Robbie when they beat the Yankees.
King Charles the third guest by the King Rory Master
of Disaster Apollo Creed from the Art of Sports Talk,

Slava Medvedenko from Double Ow Mexican in San Diego. Who
else do we ad? Macmood abdul Rahu from Justin and Cincinnati.
Yasser Era Fat from Cowboy Drew Biggie Small's guessed by
Sean in the Valley of the Sun, Eddie, what is
the answer, Eddie?

Speaker 5 (38:20):
I want to go with Ernest, Maurice, Keiki vandaway.

Speaker 1 (38:24):
He follows me on X the correct answer, though Eddi
Ray randomly follows me. Rudy go Bear is the correct
answer for Minnesota Templear. Templar
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