All Episodes

May 10, 2024 39 mins

Bernie Fratto fills in for Ben Maller and talks about the NFL pushing for an 18-game season, Austin Rivers saying that 30 current NBA players could play in the NFL but zero could do the reverse, and much more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Well, that's right. You heard the man dependent from Malor show.
Jess Keeps are rolling right along. My name is Bernie Fraddles,
sitting in for Big Bend to Night. We are company
live from tyrack dot com studios here in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Fox Sports Radio. Tyrack dot com would helped you get
there noun matched selection, fast, free shipping, free, road hazard
protection in over ten thousand recommend an installers tyrack dot

com the way tire buying should be. You are welcome
to join the Fray eight seven seven nine nine on
Fox eight seven seven nine ninety six six three six ' nine.
As Harry Carey would say, let me hear you or
not your call. We got a lot of stuff to
get to and limited time to get to it. But

you are all welcome. You know, the NFL is always
in the news, always in the news. Just finished the draft.
You saw seven hundred and forty eight billion people and
my hometown of Detroit. It was amazing. The field's schedule
was supposed to be released today. It's not. We know

that it's not. I believe will be released next Wednesday,
May fifteenth. That's the latest. That's always kind of a
big deal. I hear the hold up was there was
a snaffo and you know, finalizing the Christmas Day triple header.
But we'll see. And oh, by the way, Roger Goodell

once an eighteen game NFL season. Now I'm gonna talk
about that. I think the fans wanted to the players.
They'll end up, they'll end up doing it. Not gonna
be tomorrow, but I'll tell you what all that is
going to entail. So that's also in the news, except
there's wait, there's more. You see. It appears that a

couple of dudes this week, JJ Watt and Austin Rivers
on a podcast had a little tet of tet back
and forth, and Austin Rivers, the son of Doc Rivers,
basically said, quote, I could take thirty players right now
in the NBA and throw them in the NFL. I'm

not gonna lie. Obviously. I never played in the NFL
to play a little minor league baseball. That's a story
for a different day. I never played football best high school.
But when I heard that, I got to tell you,
that kind of pissed me off. That really pissed me off.
And these were my thoughts. This is asinine the NBA. Yes,

it's a contact sport. The NFL is a high speed
collision sport. I believe me. Get the incredible athleticism and
grace of NBA players, the run and jump athleticism, the
hand that coordination. But to quote, drop an NBA player
into the NFL, drop them into one full contact scrimmage.

Do they show up the next day? You see? Football
is a game of attrition for six months. That's what
I'm talking about. I'm not talking about size, body types,
whether or not you can do it flag football, fine,
We're talking about the National Football League. These guys are
trained killers. And I want to bring in the crew
and talk about this because I know Eddi's a hockey expert.

It's almost like we're going to drop twenty guys into
the NHL. Hold that thoughts, go out to the phone lines.
We are joined by Poppy in San Diego. Poppy, how
are you, Bud?

Speaker 2 (03:26):
Hey, Bernie, thanks for being him. I'm so excited. Thanks
Mark Sports Radio, and thanks Ben Malachow. So I said,
I have Bernie three days in a row.

Speaker 3 (03:34):
Yeah, let's go Bernie.

Speaker 1 (03:36):
Well we got force tonight, Poppy.

Speaker 2 (03:39):
Well, you know what, I'm really excited you know, at
the midnight hour. I wanted to talk about that how
I predicted, you know, not Anthony Edwards. I'll talk a
little bit about him later, but you know about you know,
you know, suspend that he got kicked out badly, you know,
and I did predict it was going to be a
slap in the face, a little like a slapping the wrist. Hey,

a couple of days. And that's what Adam Silver does.
As you said, he's like for the players, for the owners,
and I mean, this is a bad job on the
product as a real NBA fan, is really making your
business model look good. But hey, that's the commissioner. We
have fans. We know he doesn't want to upset the
players and the owners and talking about you know, Anthony Edwards.

I really like how Minnesota Timberwolves are playing, and you
know the way that they're going, they're going to be
playing against the Nuggets. And I have a pick because
people here in the Ben Mathership want to hear my pick.

Speaker 1 (04:35):
Let's hear it for Friday night tips off Lader tonight
Minnesota travels check that Minnesota's at home. What do you got, Poppy?

Speaker 2 (04:45):
I really like the Minnesota timber Bones on the spread,
whatever the spread, We're gonna take the Minnesota Timberworks.

Speaker 4 (04:54):
And I.

Speaker 3 (04:57):
Yeah, there you go.

Speaker 2 (05:00):
Thank you, Loreda. And I really like them because they
have a great defense and they're gonna be going both
the sides. And you know what, Jokovic, I only won
the NBA Player of the Year for last year. He
should have won because the Jola Beetle. It doesn't matter.
Minnesota Timberwils worlds they got and I'm predicting them winning
the NBA Championship.

Speaker 1 (05:18):
To ber Oh well, that'd be cool. And I'm going
to get to the heartbreak Minnesota fans. And by the way,
just so folks know, the Denver Nuggets are four and
a half point underdogs. You heard it here, Poppy taking
Denver and the four and a half points as they
travel to Minnesota. I will not be involved in the game.
I've been known to throw shekels on games, but I

will not be involved in that game. But I will
say that the NBA zigzag theory might support Poppy's premise.
We shall see. So it gives you an opportunity to
watch that game for multiple reasons. Now that got to
the phones man well and Guardiana. Hey, Man, well, how
you doing, Bud? That look at you? I love it, man.

He'd be hitting the notes, hitting the notes, I love
it man. Well, I know exactly what you're doing.

Speaker 4 (06:09):
There, baby, Burn. Hey, so you caught my ear a
little earlier.

Speaker 5 (06:14):
Okay, the Malice.

Speaker 4 (06:16):
In the Palace, Yeah, I mean, hey what people don't realize, Burn,
I think you touched on it a little bit. That
Pacers team.

Speaker 5 (06:26):
Was ready to pop. Remember, yes, taking Detroit to the brink.
I remember I heard this on a podcast like a
couple of years ago. People don't realize how good ron
our Test was before the Malice in the Palace. Guy
was top three defender in.

Speaker 4 (06:44):
The league, top troup, probably five scorer, enforcer like the.

Speaker 3 (06:51):
Old days, right right?

Speaker 5 (06:52):

Speaker 4 (06:53):
I mean, am I talking out of that?

Speaker 1 (06:54):
But I was there. I covered those Pistons teams. The
Pistons had just won the championship four months before in June,
but they'd upset Indiana in the conference finals in Indiana
lost their mind. They won sixty games that year. Steven Jackson, Yeah,
they were good.

Speaker 4 (07:12):
You got what's the same Reggie on his at the
kail end?

Speaker 5 (07:16):
Right, I don't even know if did they still have.

Speaker 4 (07:18):
The brothers Davis at that point or were they gone already.
I don't remember, but I do remember they were loaded.
They they I mean, they were a team that was
on the brink and when that thing happened, it's just
like through everything, it was like an alternate universe was
created in the NBA, right, because I mean all those

they were for the year. Yeah, the Painters I think
you were saying earlier, never really recovered from that. That
was their heyday. They had that other team with Paul
George and those guys that had a lot of Shenani
nigains going on, if you know what I mean. I
know you know what I mean. And but other than that,

like the Pacer having had a look. So it's just crazy, man,
because I love going back into the history. And that
was why Kobe Bryant made the Lakers take a run
at our test because they knew, I mean, Kobe respected
that guy like so much, like just from the floor
of Wars, you know, and it's just good to hear

man like.

Speaker 3 (08:24):
Stuff like that.

Speaker 4 (08:25):
Even though it was an infamous date, it was also
something where it was just like fun to look back
because what may have been right with that Pacer squad.
If if they were able to not have that whole rocks,
that whole fiasco. But ay, Bernie Man, always good to
hear you, brother. I'm going to wait till the midnight

out and I'm gonna we got.

Speaker 1 (08:50):
A good one Friday night, my man, we got a
good one. You're gonna like it. Well, we'll talk to
you and always good catching up man, Well, good memory.
Twenty years ago that Pacers team they add Ron our Test,
Jamal tins Ley, Jermaine O'Neal. Yes, Reggie Miller was at
the end of his career, Steven Jackson, Dale Davis. That
was a sixty win team. But the Mouse the Palace

took that season right off the skids into the rails.
They've never been the same since, which is why I
took a position on the stupidity of Pat Bev because
it could have lit a fuse. You never know what
could happen. All right back to the NFL. I want
to bring in Eddie and Coop and Lorena. Look, Eddie,
when you heard just knee jerk reaction, you heard Austin

Rivers say you could just drop twenty players into the NFL,
what were your thoughts Eddie.

Speaker 6 (09:41):
That Austin Rivers is a moron.

Speaker 1 (09:44):
I love it. Don't stop there, my man, keep going.

Speaker 6 (09:50):
Well, it's just a completely different I mean, first of all,
NBA players can't even play a full season of the NBA.
I mean, that's how soft they are. And they're gonna,
you know, you're gonna play football. I mean, it's a
completely different animal. He is out of completely out of
his mind. But I would, I mean, I know he's
I don't know how old he is, been too long,

he's been out of the league. Just just go to
a practice and see if a team will let him
participate in a you know, like a preseason practice, and
see how he comes out on that. I mean, he'll
if he's if he has any intelligence, he'll uh, he'll
change his stance and offer an apology because that's just ridiculous.

Speaker 1 (10:29):
You bring up a really good point. I'll tell you why.
You remember the movie, you know, Tom Cruise, show me
the money, right. Cuba Gooding Junior Cuba Gooding was a
pretty good athlete, pretty good high school athlete from what
I understand. Now, where am I going with this? He
shut it up with the Arizona Cardinals and a scrimmage,
and he said they were going half speed and he

took a couple of hits. He goes, I can't even
imagine what it would be like to be hit hot
three words, high speed collisions on every play. That's the
reason you couldn't do it. It's a game of attrition
over six months. Like you said, just drop him into
a practice you've seen I'm sure Eddy, you've been to

I guess Chargers practices, et cetera.

Speaker 6 (11:11):
I've been to training camp.

Speaker 1 (11:12):
Yeah, yeah, so you know what it's like and you
see those high speed collisions. So when you hear a
statement that Austin Rivers made, you're right, it's moronic. But
it's primarily ignorant because I don't think he has any
idea what it really is like. Forget whether or not
you've got the body type of the athleticism. There's a
reason they're playing basketball and they're not playing football. Even

Charles Barkley said it because they're basically every week is
like getting in a car accident. Anything else, Eddie on that. Nope,
all right, that you said, enough coop your thoughts. When
you heard Austin Rivers saying that you could just simply
drop twenty NBA players into an NFL game.

Speaker 6 (11:56):
I think Eddy pretty much covered it. I agree with
everything he said.

Speaker 1 (12:01):
All right, Lorena, your thoughts.

Speaker 7 (12:02):
I just don't understand why you would want to jeopardize
your players like that. Like you said, they're two completely
different games, full body contact. There's no way, there's no way.
Eddie said they're soft. I agree, very marshmallow esque.

Speaker 1 (12:17):
Well, I will tell you between the flop rule and
between and I I I hesitate to go down that
slippery slope, but I will. You're not wrong when you
consider I mean, and I gotta tell you. James Jones,
former Detroit Lion, had just the funniest line. He goes, yeah,
you only got to play like twenty two games now

to win the MVP. They take every other night off.
They have load management. They don't play. You flop, you
fall down, you can't touch. And it's true the game
is far less physical than it was many many years ago.
The key is, though to be smirched the NFL brand
the way that Austin Rivers has. He just has no
censor feel for how brutal and how violent the NFL.

Speaker 7 (13:00):
You could do the opposite. You could take the NFL
players and put them in the NBA. But you cannot
take the NBA players and put them in their shoes.

Speaker 1 (13:07):
And you know, think about your expertise in hockey, Eddie.
What if he had said, well, hell, you could take
twenty baseball players and just put them in the NHL.
What would be your response to that.

Speaker 6 (13:19):
Well, that would be even more ridiculous, because skating is
you know, look, skating is a completely different skill set
that you don't just have. I mean, it's more likely
you could put an NBA player in an NFL game
than baseball into hockey just because of the skating aspects.

Speaker 7 (13:35):
They won't even be able to stand up.

Speaker 1 (13:37):
Bad analogy by me, but it served to point out
the ridiculousness of someone think you could just specifically be
that easy to make that transference. For me, football is
the ultimate sport in terms of physical even in high school.
The two days you're sore, you put on the helmet,

your forehead as a bruise, The straps underneath your shoulder
pads create a rash, the knee pads never seem to
fit right. For it's pain. Football is pain, man, and
you got to really be able to deal with that. Pain,
and so that's that's what they're me for a loop
along those lines, the NFL is looking for more pain.
Roger Goodell wants an eighteen game season, and uh, Eddie,

would you like to see an eighty game season?

Speaker 6 (14:26):
By the way, I mean, I'm I'm obviously a huge
football fan, so I mean more football, yes. But I
you know, we talk about players being soft, and when
NFL players say, you know, what, eighteen games may be
too much, I actually will listen to that. I think that,
you know, I don't know what the details will be

if they add a you know, some sort of an
extra bye week or something to help them out, but
that's that's a lot. Eighteen games a lot, you know.
I get that. I understand they're world compensated, and I
understand that this is a choice, you know, lifestyle choice
they make, and you know, being a pro athlete has
a lot of great things. But you know, that's that's
a lot. That's that's I don't know that we can
go more than that, but I think it's definitely gonna happen.

But I do I do listen to the players when
they when they have concerns about eighteen.

Speaker 1 (15:14):
I'm gonna address all that coming up, the ups and
downs and the pros and cons. And I agree, Eddie,
it's gonna happen, but it's not gonna happen anytime soon.
And I'll explain why Roger Goodell wants an eighteen game
NFL season. Getting there won't be easy. If you want
to weigh in eight seven seven nine a nine on Fox,
or if you just want to weigh in on anything,
or if you just want to weigh and get on
your scale. All right, Berdie Frattle cover you live from

the Las Vegas Fox Sports Radio Tarreck dot Com Studio,
sitting in for Ben Maller. Keep it locked, listen to
The Ben Mallor Show Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 8 (15:42):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Maller
Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 6 (15:52):
Hey, what's up everybody?

Speaker 9 (15:53):
It's me three time Pro Bowl of LeVar Arrington and
I couldn't be more excited to announce a podcast called
Up on Game?

Speaker 1 (16:00):
What is up on Game?

Speaker 9 (16:01):
You asked, along with my fellow Pro bowler TJ.

Speaker 1 (16:04):
Hutschman, Zada and Super Bowl Champion.

Speaker 9 (16:07):
Yep, that's right, Plexico Burris, you can only name a
show with that type of talent on it. Up on
Game We're going to be sharing our real life experiences
loaded with teachable moments. Listen to Up on Game with
me lebar Arrington, TJ. Huschman Zada and Plexico Burrs on
the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcast or wherever you get your

podcasts from.

Speaker 6 (16:33):
The Ben Maller shows a collaborative effort. You're invited to
communicate with those of us on this side of the microphones.
You can follow your host on X. In for Ben Mallard,
it's Bernie Fretto. He's at Bernie Fredo and you can
post that and follow our executive producer. He is manning
the phones, but he's more than just the call screener.
He is the liar, liar and the menace of the

Fox Sports Radio network. It's the Coop Dalup, Justin Cooper
and he's at u H Bronco fan, Wow, Wow, a
Bronco fan. And I'll live from the tyrack dot com
Fox Sports Radio Studios. In for Ben Mallard, it's Bernie Fratto,
all right.

Speaker 1 (17:08):
Thanks, Eddie Hates seven seven nine nine six six three
sixty nine, and folks would like to opine tons of
stuff to get to tonight. Let's go out to Larry
in Bradenton, Florida. Larry, welcome to the Frey tonight or
this morning. How are you?

Speaker 10 (17:25):
Good morning. You're doing a great job telling them for Ben.

Speaker 1 (17:28):

Speaker 10 (17:28):
I want to talk to you, You're welcome. I want
to talk to you about Mark Jackson. You've spoken with
about him, Yeah, all right. I believe if you remember,
the last year he coached was twenty fourteen, the Clippers
versus the Warriors, I.

Speaker 1 (17:41):
Very much remember, right before the Warriors went on there. Yeah,
but continue on them.

Speaker 10 (17:45):
Man, Okay, And what happened in that series? In Game five?
Donald Sterling, it's going to happen. And Mark Jackson told
the NBA if they didn't do something, his players would
not play that day. So the league was kind of
forced to do something. So I believe he's blacklisted. It
may be unwritten, but I believe he's blacklisted. That's why
he'll never have a coach. But they'll let him do

the TV gig to keep them quiet.

Speaker 3 (18:10):

Speaker 1 (18:10):
You know, I got to tell you, I stay in
the line, and I've talked to Mark many times at
the NBA Summer League here in Las Vegas, and he
was fired on May sixth, twenty fourteen, and the Warriors
admitted they were a better team with him, but they
needed a different coach. Listen, I think in this day
and age, if you don't have the best candidate, you
got a special place in hell. But anyway, you got

the final word, my man.

Speaker 10 (18:34):
Well, I just I think that, let's say the Warriors
weren't the best fit for him, there were other teams
and other coaches that were not as good that have
gotten jobs multiple times, that's right. And he hasn't even
got interviewed. So that's what makes me believe that they
have it on list because the NBA is the only
league where the players themselves, if they want to start
a league, could probably do it because of the amount
of money they make. And they'll not my guys on

a team. So I think they felt threatened by what
he had said that he would pull his guys because
that was the first time and only time and the
coach ever said that, and he had power to do it, and.

Speaker 1 (19:07):
That was a ruined go ahead. I do mean to
interrupt you, that's.

Speaker 10 (19:11):
All right, Uh, that's you know, when when you have
that kind of power to end the game. You know,
baseball team doesn't you know, just too many guys. Football,
you know, the sport. But basketball, they can have their
own league. If the players chose to start their own league,
it would take a lot of work and you'd have
to have a lot of cohesiveness, but they could do
it because the amount of players on a team. So
I believe that they got threatened by what he had said.

He when he said he would pull those guys, and
when that happened, I believe that that was the last.

Speaker 1 (19:38):
I'm going to look into that. I'm going to look
into that. I've got Marva Diena on Saturday. I'm gonna
look into that. Larry, thanks for checking in. Jerome and Charleston,
welcome to the Ben Malor Show. Good morning, How are
you yellow? Jerome? You're on the air, my man, How
are you Welcome to the Ben Power Show.

Speaker 3 (19:59):
Donald Filly was just this side of the Grand Dragon
of the NBA and Mark Jaxsons is black balls. Okay,
they won't come out and say, but that's exactly what happened.
And for Andy to talk about him, you know, the
NBA is sof Hey, this is not like that thug
sport hockey where they coached people will fight each ob. Okay,
hey tell Andy, you will last five minutes in the NBA.

Do you think a song?

Speaker 1 (20:23):
Neither would you?

Speaker 6 (20:24):
Neither would you?

Speaker 1 (20:25):
Yeah, how do you know? How do you know? Jerome?
You've never even met Eddie? How do you know?

Speaker 4 (20:31):

Speaker 2 (20:31):
But I old a sock.

Speaker 3 (20:33):
Yeah, you try playing and when you left up you
playing in the NBA.

Speaker 4 (20:38):
Tough guy.

Speaker 6 (20:40):
I'm playing in the NBA next week. I'm playing in
the NBA next week.

Speaker 4 (20:44):

Speaker 3 (20:44):
Yeah, you'll be You'll be wiping up the floor. Yeah,
that's how you play.

Speaker 1 (20:49):
It's a great and I'm wondering. I wonder if our
guy Jerome has maybe gotten into Grandpa's cough serup tonight.
I like Jerome. He calls my show on Saturday nights.

Speaker 6 (20:57):
Uh, nothing says, nothing says a good argument like, well
you couldn't do it. That's nothing. That's all we're talking about, dummy.

Speaker 1 (21:04):
Yeah, it's because the straw man argument, which I hate,
I think out of your point is well taken. That look,
if a guy doesn't want to play every night, if
a guy wants to take knights off, we've been down
this road. You're not the only person who said that, Eddie,
and you're not the only by the way, I got
a great tweet from this Homer nineteen sixty seven. He said,

George Kittle said, playing an NFL game is like having
fifteen hard car crashes each game. NBA players would get hambered. Dude,
there's a recent guys choose to play football. Look, man,
I'm not gonna lie. Okay, I was an okay football player.
It's better, way better baseball player playing college, and I
signed with the Reds Hell. I played football so I

could date. I still didn't date. It was brutal out there.
I mean, and I love the games, but it's a
it's a sport that's based on pain and attrition and
violence and getting hit. Every player. You're getting hit every play,
and it's out whether you get hit, it's where do
you get up? Okay? Anyway, Eddie, not you, Eddie, Just

to anybody out there, I'll tell you what we're gonna
I'll get to the I'll get to the eighteen game
NFL season a little bit later. There are three There
are three things having to do with the timing, the media,
the calendar of it. It's a real topic. But what
I think might be an even more topical topic. Right now,
we get some really spirited, spirited, spirited and anchio playoffs.
And two things happen the last two days that you

just never see. I don't want to talk to Eddie
about it.

Speaker 8 (22:29):
Be sure to catch live editions of the Ben Maller
Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific.

Speaker 6 (22:35):
And I want to remind you our friend Ben Maller
is in Charleston, South Carolina, and he wants to meet.
To remind you that the first mald Or Meet and
Greet of twenty twenty four comes up Friday, May of
the tenth, three pm to five pm at a place
called My Father's Mustache the James Island location seventeen thirty
nine May Bank Highway, Sweet Vias and Victory, Charleston two
nine four one two the zip code.

Speaker 1 (22:58):
All right, Eddie, great stuff, Get out their peachs, go
see our guy, Ben Mallers. He's the real deal. I've
known Ben for over in a decade. I love Ben,
all right, Eddie. I was really looking forward to this because, uh,
this Sancho playoffs are a little distinctive to me. Let
me start with one thing. By the way, I am guessing,
I am guessing that you weren't upset when the Vancouver

Canucks came back to beat Edmonton five to four after
Edmonton somehow dispatched your beloved Kings three years in a row.
I'm guessing you weren't upset about that.

Speaker 6 (23:31):
Uh. On the opposite of upset, Actually, I was quite joyous.

Speaker 1 (23:35):
Exactly. It's one of those deals that we just saw
the Golden Knights here. They're obviously not going to defend
their championship. Now they're done, right, Uh they lost to
Dallas and seven. And so do you say yourself, well,
now Dallas moves on to take Collin Colorado? Do I
root for Dallas to go go on? Why would I
root for them? They just knocked out our team. Is that?
Am I thinking in the right way, Eddie? Or what?

Am I?

Speaker 4 (23:56):
You know?

Speaker 6 (23:56):
Well, I mean, you know you're right. Your right way
might be different than my way. But my thinking is
I don't want the team to beat my team to
have any success.

Speaker 1 (24:05):

Speaker 6 (24:05):
I don't care if some people might think, well it
looks better if they go on and win it all
or have a great postseason run. Makes the your loss
look a little bit better. No, I want them to
get swept in four games.

Speaker 1 (24:17):
Yeah, I may have much mouthed that I'm not rooting
for Dallas at all. They I thought it would have
been an interesting story to see a team repeat. We
haven't had a team repeat in a while, and that's
what I intended to say, that I am not rooting
for Dallas anyway. As we move on, what I wanted
to talk to you about was more specific. There were

no crazy ass fights in the Vancouver game, but this
Florida Boston series is shaping up to be a doozy
And remember Eddy. In the mid to late nineties, I
covered those Avalanche Red Wing series with Mark Crawford and
Scottie Bowman, the infamous Darren McCarty Claude de Meu fight
Mark to twenty sixth nineteen ninety seven. Game two was
as violent as you'll ever see a Stanley Cup playoff game.

Two teams combined for one hundred and forty eight playoff minutes,
and this most of this happened after the game was
decided in his six to one final. PK Suban can
say there's no safe lead hockey. I don't agree with
that six months pretty safe. But you see a couple
of stars, David Passernak and Matthew could Chuck. They square off.

Now ka, Chuck's got a little bit of a fighting background.
Pastor actually had one or two fights in his career.
He was out of his element. By showing up the
way he did, it seemed to fire up the team.
Boston goes on to win. When you were observing that,
knowing it's the playoffs, said he what was going on
in your mind?

Speaker 6 (25:42):
Uh, that's It's admirable, but probably not a good idea. Yeah,
for David Pasternak, he's their best player. He's not a
fighter where Matthew could Chuck. He's a very good player,
but he's not, you know, a star. He did have
a career year last year, but he's kind of come
back to where he's a good player. But he does
that kind of thing passeronnoc doesn't and and you know,

you could get hurt and then that changes the series.
He did. Like I said, I applaud him for Pastor
doc to fight. Good for him, but it's not worth
the risk if he if he gets hurt, then they're done.
So Uh, Like I I appreciate his spirit, but he's
got to be smarter than that.

Speaker 1 (26:23):
Well said, that is really sort of the narrative. Was
it stupid or you know, was it awesome? Well, some
people it could be both. It could be both, and
I think it was yeah, because if you're if you're
the Bruins and you're looking at your guy, and what's
really interesting is Passionac skated away. He didn't have any
he didn't have any marks on his face, But I
mean could Chuck was throwing haymakers, he just didn't land

any of them. But to your point, what kind of
damage might it have done? If Passionnac goes down, they're done.
And by the way, the game was already decided, so
it just seemed like it was moot. You're not going
to stop the other team from scoring by getting it.
I think you covered some good ground there. I think
any we're heading honestly towards the Vancouver New York Rangers

final A replay of nineteen ninety four. Am I looking
too far ahead? Or do you have some thoughts on
who you think we're heading too?

Speaker 4 (27:13):
In the year?

Speaker 6 (27:14):
Well, I would not. I would not put my money
on Vancouver. They're playing their third goalie so far due
to injury. So that's a huge question mark their number
one goalie that your demco maybe comes back in the
first round, and I don't know that there's I know
that they came back and beat Edmonton. I actually think
the Oilers are going to win that series. So I

would not put my money on the Canucks.

Speaker 1 (27:38):
Yeah, you bring up you bring up a really good
point when you're done to your third goalie. But they
it's really weird how this team is sort of bandied together,
and I think to your point, Edmonton is likely to
beat them, but if somehow Vancouver gets by them, it
might be it might it might be a magical deal.

The other thing, too, is is there finally going to
be a Canadian team for once, you know, win the
Darren Stanley Cup. You haven't had that since nineteen nineteen
ninety three. But look, I think these playoffs have been
pretty exc How about the Rangers. Looking over the East,
it looks like they just look like a machine.

Speaker 6 (28:16):
Yeah, they're definitely getting it done. I mean, they haven't
lost yet, so that's pretty good. I feel for Carolina
because they're close, but they're just not, you know, getting
that timely goal and the power play has been a
huge story in this one. They're oh for fifteen and
each game has been a one goal game, so not
hard to figure out that if they could have a

little bit of success on their power play might be
a different series. But down three to nothing obviously very
difficult to come back from that.

Speaker 1 (28:44):
Yeah, absolutely right? Who did that? Like though, that team
forty six Toronto maple Leaves.

Speaker 6 (28:48):
Just oh, come on, Bernie my La Kings did?

Speaker 1 (28:50):
How can I forget it for you? All? My god?
Good night, folks, You've been a great audience.

Speaker 6 (28:54):
Tell a story EDNY twenty fourteen, first round, down three
nothing against the Sharks, win forced dra go on to
win the Cup.

Speaker 1 (29:01):
That was awesome.

Speaker 2 (29:01):
I don't know that.

Speaker 1 (29:03):
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TI you're buying should be coming up. I think Pete

Rose got this one wrong. He got this one real wrong.
And oh, by the way, Epe is going to jail,
and they're even gonna make a movie. And if you
want to see what we're talking about and you follow
all that, you're better than me. By the way, if
you want to check in in an eight seven, seven,
nine and nine on Fox eight seven seven nine nine
six six three six ' nine, you are free to apply.

And I'm Bernie Fratto. We're a Company, live from the
Las Vegas Foxsports Radio tirack dot com studios. I'm sitting
in for the great Ben Maller, who was in Charleston,
South Carolina, perhaps near Pigley Wiggly Near. You gotta go
see Ben. Eddie will be giving you the details. But
in the meantime, keep it locked right here. You're listening
to the Ben Malor Show Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 8 (30:48):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 6 (31:00):
N Maler show is archived in the audio vall for
posterity sake, giving those working the dread to day chef
a chance to consume the audio. Butf they follow us,
both the Ben Maler Show and Fifth Hour with Ben
Maller podcast are always free and fill with fun for
every man, woman and child. And I'm live from the
tirag dot com Fox Sports Radio studios. And for Ben Maller,
it's Bernie Fratto.

Speaker 1 (31:19):
All right, thanks Eddy. So Pete Rose the other day,
no sooner did he say that it's going to be
interesting to see if they prosecute EPA, because if they do,
he's going to sing like a canary, and Baseball doesn't
really want the Otani situation to spill over. It's a
thirty million dollars checked out, one hundred and thirty million

dollars deal having to do with the fact that Japanese
fans watch every move. Look, here's here's the situation. Pete
Rose didn't believe Baseball wanted to investigate any of this,
do any of this, and that because Otani is a
poster child, that they were going to do anything. Well,
here's the bottom line. Ipe is going away with my friends.

Pete Rose unfortunately got this one wrong. And I don't
think I don't think Ipe saying like a canary. He
cut a deal. He cut a deal. He has reached
a plea agreement on two federal charges. And in case
you forgot, it's been a couple of months now. He's
the longtime friende Misihara, the longtime friend of Shohio Tani,

and agreed to plead guilty to legally transferring almost seventeen
million dollars from the bank account of his good buddy.
And he'll plead guilty to one count of bank fraud,
one kunt of filing a false incomes tax return, and
the whole thing starts to basically go away. And apparently

the story gets funnier because well, maybe not fuddy, but
apparently the investigation reveal that Misahara called the bank impersonated
Otani twenty four different times. You think the bank might
have not picked up. This is a part I don't get.
This is a part that makes my teethhitch. I got
a headache thinking about this. I don't want to think
about this because we all bank somewhere, right, But you

know what the deal was, and the truth of the
matter is, it's one of those situations where we're probably
never really going to know the entire story. Pete Rose
was absolutely convinced that the baseball really didn't want to investigate.
This o'tany He's a poster child. You know what happened
with Pete Rose. He's been banned since nineteen eighty nine.

He finally admits he's wrong. So Pete lives here in Vegas.
He's eighty one years old. Now. I like Pete. He's
a lot of fun, but his legacy is secure and
now everything things come up well, Pete's all of a sudden,
the Officionado right, permanent suspension from baseball, and he now
takes responsibility. He went on a podcast is last week

with former player Brett Boone and talked about it and
basically he didn't think that it would go this far,
but he was wrong. Bottom line doesn't matter. EPA is
going away, all right, coming up top of the hour.
I've been looking forward this. We're gonna very much get
Lorraina involved. We're very much going to get the crew involved.

We touched on this about a month ago. You know,
everywhere you go they got their hand out for a tip,
and you see the machines and you see basically that
they're sort of like this guilt trip they put on you,
almost like emotional blackmail. Well, ever since we discussed this
backgrohen I did Ben show in early April, I've heard

six or eight radio shows do this with varying degrees
of how they want to tackle the subject matter. But
we all eat out, we all tip, we all are
subject to this, and now there's new information coming out. Okay,
some people will say, well, here's my rule of thumb.
If I order something standing up, I'm not tipping. But

then they put that machine in front of you and
you know my Catholic gill kicks in and I do it.
Here's the thing, though, they are now finding there have
been more than one report where some of those machines,
it'll say fifteen percent, twenty five percent, whatever, and one
of them will be called out, like the twenty percent
for instance, So it automatically asks you assumes you're going

to do twenty percent, even though you're just there to
get a cup of coffee and leave or whatever the hell.
And no one really had to wait on you or
serve you or anything. You just place the order, come
to find out. And I saw someone put this receipt
out on Twitter somewhere. He said, hell with that, I'll
tip you, but I'm not tipping you twenty percent. I'm
tipping you fifteen percent. So they lowered it. Hit the arrow.

The bill was thirteen dollars, but we went and did
the math. He actually gave a twenty five percent tip
and didn't realize until after he'd already left, so the
tip went from like four bucks to six bucks or
whatever the hell it was. And they're not wondering if
some of these machines, allegedly, of course, are scamming. Well,
here's where it gets really crazy stupid. It turns out

the whole reason we are dealing with all this michig
os and that the tipping wars have now taken on
a whole new plateau, is because it's our fault. It
turns out that there have been multiple publications, including a
magazine called Best Life, whereby experts got together and they

actually have compiled a list of six tipping mistakes we
make when we're going out to eat. What the hell?
Why don't they just pass out a rule book six
tipping mistakes. Now, it's common knowledge whenever you go out
to eat, you're basically expected to tip your server. It's

completely ingrained in the hospitality industry. Most people don't forget
to leave some sort of a tip. But even though
you have the best intentions in mind, and even though
you intend to take care of your server, we're making mistakes.
People are making mistakes, six of them that you may

not realize you're making, or maybe you do realize you're making,
but you're okay with it. And I'll share them with
you and they'll all be very relatable when I share
them with you, And I'm really I know. Lorraina was
in the industry for a long time. I have never
once worked in the front service industry, but I eat
out all the time and I do like to tip well.
So we're gonna get to the bottom of this and

have a round table discussed. We'll certainly take your calls
eight seven, seven, nine, nine, six six three sixty nine.
Also later in the show, and by the way, I
haven't forgotten about the Minnesota fans heartbreak. We're gonna get
to that. But later in the show there continues to
be five days after the fact Brady Roast fallout. I

get there with some funny lines here and there, and
I watched it. I wasn't as gaga as everybody else.
And I gotta tell you my favorite roast of all
time was justin Bieber Roast many years ago that Jeff
Ross also hosted. With all due respect to Jeff Ross,
I know you guys know who Jeff Ross is. With
all due respect, dude is a very unique looking individual.

His face looks frankly, his face looks like a block punt.
If Don Zimmer and William Hung had a baby, I
think it would be Jeff Ross. Now, he's pretty good
at this and good at what he does but the
Tom Brady roast. Not everybody liked it, including a writer
for the Washington Post who wrote a very skating turns
out Gizelle didn't like it. Turns out there was tension. Yeah,

we're gonna get to that later in the show. But
coming up the six tipping mistakes we're allegedly making. It's
our fault. Can you believe it? The tipping issue is
our fault. Kvia locked right here. This is Bernie Frattle.
You're listening to the Ben Mallor Show on Fox Sports
Radio One.
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