All Episodes

October 20, 2023 • 36 mins

Ben Maller talks about the Diamondbacks winning Game 3 against the Phillies and what the lesson to learn from this win is, if Arizona is back on the map in the NLCS, Maller to the Third Degree, and more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello and welcome. It's our dum two talking bess ball
from the Valley of the Sun, the National League Championship Series,
Philly and Arizona. What is the lesson from the Diamondbacks
winning game number three? Also, who gets the blame bell
for the fighting pills on that lousy performance? And is

Arizona now officially back in the NLCS? Are they back
on the map? Do we have a series all of
those topics of conversation covered right now here? It is
our number two crashing back down to Earth at least
for a day. It's only one day. Welcome in the

beginning of another hour of the Ben Malor Show. We
are in the air everywhere a consortium as we play
the grand Chess board of life, coast to coast, border
the butter and beyond on the vast and blaringly powerful
microphones of FSR am MO nating live from the nest

as we hang out with the night owls. As long
as they don't go to the dreaded day shift, then
you have to listen to the podcast. We are broadcasting
live from the tyraq dot com studios. Tyrack dot com
will help you get there in unmatched selection, fast, free
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our lead this hour talking baseball. Yeah, so we'll get
back to the football later. As Jacksonville wins the Thursday
night game. They blew a big lead and then needed
a late touchdown, but they win the game over the
New Orleans football team and are lead. We're gonna start
headline out of the Valley of the Sun, game number

Game number three, Game number three, the NLCS the Phillies
bringing that fire wacken. They're like a fire breathing dragon
right now. The Phillies into Arizona up to zero and
they are absolutely roasting their opponents. Now. I don't know
if you saw this game or not. You might have
missed it. It was a nail bier, the rare nail bier.
We haven't gotten a lot of these in the baseball playoffs.

And it was decided late as Katel Marte put an
exclamation point on a three hit afternoon with a walk
off single in the ninth Where have you gone, Luis Gonzales?
Our hearts miss you. The diamondback slithering past the Phillies
two to one on a Thursday, Mattine, if you're in

Arizona and so they closed the gap. It's two to one,
now two to one, the fighting phil still in the league.
Bryce Harper had put the Phillies ahead on the most
exciting play in baseball in the seventh Thinny. If you're watching,
you were watching the game, you know what I mean here.
Nothing more exciting than a wild pitch scoring a run.
But that's what somebody named Ryan Thompson did. He threw

a wild pitch and Bryce Harper scored. So on the
verge of falling behind three love in the best of
seven NLCS, Arizona got it done. They got her done.
So let us discuss the question what is the lesson
from the Diamondbacks victory in Game three of the NLCS.

My thoughts, I've got sand Castle, red Robin, and body, inc.
And we will combine all of these things together and
we are going to make cold pizza. The only food
that I enjoy as a leftover is cold pizza. That's
about it. I'm not a big leftover guy, but when
it comes to pizza, I will consume leftover pizza. Not

that you care about that, but I just wanted to
pass that on in case, in case we ever hang
out so a Arizona, I get all the marketing and
all that. Hey, they're a scrappy team. I saw it
firsthand against the Dodger. But that's an offensive term. It's
like people get upset when I call Brock Purty a
system quarterback. When you say someone's a scrappy team, that's

also what of saying they're not very talented, they're not
very good. They're a scrappy team. And if you look
at the comps, the Diamondbacks are one of the five
worst teams ever to get to a league championship series.
So they do blow but here they are. And but
there's a much deeper meaning to what happened in Game three.
And I would like everyone in the class now to

put their tablets down, put their phones down. Here's the lesson.
Momentum is bull junk. Now, let me put my lawyer
hat on, as Klay Travis used to say when he
worked here, let me put my lawyer hat on and
make the case. So the reigning National League champion Fighting
Phils had opened the postseason seven and one outscored the

Diamondbacks fifteen to three, over the first two games at
Citizens Bank Park, they hit six home runs in those games.
Arizona had been held scoreless for seventeen innings until the
seventh of Game three. It looked like they were playing
different sports. It's like watching an NBA game and a

WNBA games. They say it's basketball, but it ain't the same.
So Philadelphia had all of the in air quotes momentum
until they did. Did Bryce Harper forget to pack momentum
in his carry on luggage? This is empirical data or

data that your mo fantasy is a fairy tale. Momentum
only exists after the fact. That's the only ecosystem momentum existent.
It is a con being it way of saying, I
can't really explain what just happened, so I'll say it
was momentum. And under the microscope of cross examination, momentum

is like a sand castle. It looks really good until
the tide rises and the water comes up on the
beach and wipes away the sand castle. And conveniently, this
is my biggest, my biggest pet peep about the momentum people.
The cult of momentum is that when the thing that

was supposed to happen, didn't happen. They don't say that.
They just ignore the momentum thing, right, you know, they
just ignore it. Right. It's like, well, we momentum, momentum, momentum, momentum, momentum. No,
Philadelphia had been the much better team, right, they were
playing with swagger and rasmutasm all that they didn't have momentum,

just like Arizona doesn't have momentum right now, Just like
the Texas Range in the American League they had all
the momentum too. They were up to nothing over Houston.
Why would they give back the momentum they owned the momentum?
How do you buy momentum? What does momentum look like?
What does it feel like? How much does momentum? Way
tell me? The defense rests no further questions, your honor.

But the monologue continues. Headline continues to be Arizona who
gets the blame bell, not the shame bell, the blame
bell for Philadelphia. The big burly fighting Phills lineup went limp,
don't worry, we sell a pill that will make you better.

But it's like, here's the way I look at the
Phillies here in this game. It's like going to Red
Robin and Kyle Schwarber and his buddies there were enjoying
the bottomless fries, and then the waiter says, well, we've
got a problem. The deep friar broke and well, no,
I want the bottomless fries, like the all you can

eat fright. Well, no, we don't have that anymore. And
you got a scratch and claw and you might have
to eat a baked potato or something like that. So
they went from Brash to Paullyanna at the plate a
bunch of wallflowers, and I will be Benny Brightside for
a minute. Arizona's got a rookie who you know is
really out there because he's got one of the craziest

spelled names. Brandon Fought is his name. Although it looks
like fat pfaa dt, that is boy, that's a tough name.
You imagine a little Brandon Fought in elementary school having
to write his name down and all that. That's I mean,
I feel bad for that. You know, you got a
tough name. And that's his surname. That's not his first
time obviously his surname. But Brandon Fought, who we all fought,

was no good he had pitched a good game against
the Dodgers, but I dismissed this because I think it
was just the Dodgers being lazy, you know. And there
are a bunch of stiffs in the playoffs most years anyway.
But Brandon Fought went out against that juggernaut Fhiladelphia team.
He pitches five and two thirds scoreless innings, and I
did not have that on my Bengo card. Did not.

And too often what we see in the playoffs in
postseason baseball is the analytical driven teams. It's quiet quitting.
That's the norm. Arizona a Zona should have left Brandon
Fought in the game longer. I saw the fans were booing,
they were upset they when they took him out. But
it's a lot of it in modern baseball. It's just

do the bare minim. Don't don't give me one hundred
pitches two times through the lineup, can't go a third time. Boogieyman,
boogeyman if you go third time through the lineup, all
that nonsense. But Brandon Fought, his performance was a throwback
in what the postseason is supposed to be, what it
used to be, or you out perform expectations that you

do go the extra mile. A guy that's supposed to
be a nobody became a somebody at least for a day.
So good job by him, Good job by Brandon Fought.
Now does that mean anything going forward? No, but on
that day he was really good. Now the last word here,
with the outcome of Game three of the National League

Championship Series, has the Arizona baseball team officially moved back in?
And now? Are they back on the NLCS map? Survey
says that would be a misnomer. That would be a misnomer. Now, technically,
if you want to go on a technicality, yeah, the
Diamondbacks are are gene autry, like back in the saddle. Again,

common sense, though, common sense which is not very common.
This victory is kind of like body ink. It's not
a permanent tattoo. It's a henda tattoo. It's a temporary
tattoo that it only guarantees that you are not going
to be swept. It does not guarantee anything more than that.

There is no such thing as momentum. So it's not
like Arazon, all of us they have all them up
on them. No, there's no such thing as that the
problem for the Diamondbacks, and I don't see a way
to get past this. There is no margin for air.
Arizona has to win every one of their games at home,
and even if they win every one of those games

in downtown Phoenix, even if they should win all of
those games, they would still have to win a game
in the city of brotherly Love. And that's a long shot.
Not impossible, not impossible, but it's a long shot. I
wouldn't hold my breath right. So you're still walking on
eggshells here if you're you Arizona. But again, I give

the Diamondbacks a tip of the microphone for not throwing
in the sponge and giving up and going to Nashville
the Bowl like my Dodgers. And Game four is later today.
Game four is later today, just after eight o'clock Eastern
and just after five there in the Valley of the Sun.
And the matchup not a good matchup, not sexy matchup.

Somebody named Christopher Sanchez who's an average roster bullpen spam guy,
and Joe Mantiply will pitch for Arizona. But it's a
bullpen game for Arizona, which when I was a kid,
we called that a spring training game, and you did
that so your star pitcher would go like an inning
and then go golfing by the third inning. But now

it's become the norm, the bullpen game. It's become allowed
right in polite society, and the people have been convinced
that that's the way to go. And yeah, all right,
it is the Ben Mahlor Show. We are so happy
that you have chosen to listen to us, and please,
please don't go to the day shift like the Boston Burper.

We had the Boston Burper call last hour, one of
the great characters on the show and I think one
of the all time great nicknames that we've come up
with for somebody that calls late night radio the Boston
Burper and he's leaving the show to the dreaded day shift.
So that's a bummer. I forgot to tell the Boston
Burper part of the rule. If you leave to the
day shift, you have to not only listen to the

podcast and subscribe and download the Ben Malors Show podcast
and the Fifth Hour podcast and if abill watch the
TV show during football season Benny Versus the Penny. But
in addition to that, you have to convince some other
loser to listen to the show live. So those are
a lot of steps. Otherwise you're not allowed to go
to the day shift. You're not allowed to go to
the day shift. If you don't do those things. I'm

gonna miss that guy. I am. Hey, we are in
the final stretch, now stretch they come to get tickets
to horse racing's biggest moment of the year. That's awesome.
This is a great event. The world's best are headed
to Santa Ana for the Breeders' Cup World Championships on
November third and fourth. The countdown begins. Now, get tickets

today before they're gone at Breeders Cup dot com. And
if you've never seen the Breeders Cup, if you if
you're not a horse racing person, it is awesome because
there's no load management. There's no load management. You've got
the richest of the rich, Robert Barons of business mixed

with the great unwashed. What a wonderful scene. That is,
What a wonderful scene. We'll take your call. Speakeasy rules
are in effect. That means if you know the number,
call in, scream, shout, yell all that. If not, sit back,
relax and joy. No need to bother calling in. We've
got you covered. On that next hour, we have Big
Ben's lame jokes of the week. You can send a

message in right now if you want via X at
Ben Matther. We read a lot of comments on the air,
and we might read yours. No guarantee, but follow me
on there. That will increase your chances if you follow
me on X before they start charging and I exit
stage left, but I'm on there for now. Just don't
be off your rock. That's the way it is. Joining

the book club. Joining the book club. It is it true.
A headline NFL star is on the trading block developing
dot dot dot. We'll get to that. We'll do it next.

Speaker 2 (15:14):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Maler
Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 3 (15:23):
Join the curious world of the Ben Malor Show online.
It is pain free and easy to do. Just follow
your host on X or Twitter or whatever you want
to call it. He's at Ben Mallor and you can
tweet at and follow our executive producer. He is manning
the phones, but he's more than just a call screener.
He's the liar, liar and the menace of the Fox

Sports Radio Network. It's the Koop de Loup Justin Cooper
and he's at u H Bronco fan.

Speaker 4 (15:51):
Who the heck is Justin Cooper a.

Speaker 3 (15:53):
Bronco fan and he's got the coop scoop on entertainment.
In the final hour of the show, let you know
what you need to watch and check out this weekend
on the Boom to It and maybe even the Big
Screen NL live from the tirerac dot Com Fox Sports
Radio Studios. It's Ben Mallor.

Speaker 1 (16:10):
I know something to watch on TV this weekend. I
don't know what else is on TV. I know is
one one good thing on TV this weekend?

Speaker 5 (16:15):
That's it?

Speaker 3 (16:17):
What would that be?

Speaker 1 (16:18):
I don't know. I forget the name of it. But
saving regional cable Television EDDY that show right there. People
say cable televisions in trouble. I say, no, no, it's
doing very well. We did a Mallard monologue here ranting
about the Phillies and the Arizona Diamondbacks. Yes, Maximo writes it.

He says, one piece of metal on the Malard monologue,
was that the most pathetic reaction to a walkoff win
we've ever seen. Uh, it was up there. I'm from
San Diego, but like Arizona, all the transplants make it
an awful sports town ship the Snakes to Portlandia or Smashville. Yeah,

I saw the story, and I don't know how many
people actually did this. It might have only been one
or two people, but there were some Philly blogs that
were claiming the Philadelphia diabolical fan like our buddy Fats
in Philadelphia were buying diamondback tickets for Game three because

you could get them for fifteen dollars or so on
the secondary market. Now keep in mind these people were
not from Arizona. They were not getting on a plane
to go to Arizona. The story goes as Paul Harvey
would say the rest of the story, they were just
buying the tickets to keep Arizona fans out. So there

were even though they weren't using the ticket as a
tribute to the fight and Phils. Yeah, were that great?
That's fine. That might have been one person that did that,
maybe there were two people that did that, but the
story made the rounds. Mister Luciano writes in from La
La Land, although his hart is in San Francisco. He
says nine out of nine or nine point nine out

of ten. Rather Mala monologue, it's going to be the
Phillies versus the Rangers in the World series. From your
Lips to God's Ears, I agree. Fields of Green writes
in a plus malamanologue. I know we don't do shout outs,
but it is Friday. My friend Cal in Minnesota, who
is a dedicated p one, is retiring today. He knows

the rules. You will find his replacement to the overnight
show man. We're losing a lot of people. I'll tell
you what, if all you guys leave, I'll stop doing
the show. How about that, I'll just go get some
daytime show somewhere. Iulf I get a daytime show somewhere.
If everyone leaves and there's no one listening, I'll just
take off. I'll get one of those daytime shows. A
Reek in Minnesota writes, and he says three things. You know,
I think everything you say is spot on. Well that

you should have stopped right there. That's a perfect comment,
a Reek on X that you know, I think everything
you say is spot on. Then he says a butt
and you know what butt means when you put a
butt in a sentence, it means everything before that is
a lie. So you said, areek, you know, I think
everything you say is spot on, but you tossed a
butt in there, which means you just lied about saying

that everything I say is spot on. Anyway, he says
you're confusing, or he says you're the only person. You're
the only person I've heard say momentum is not real,
So I am confused. Yeah, well, the reason for that
is there's a lot of laziness in sports media. There's
a lot of duplication, a lot of reproductions, repeat showings.

It's like the line we use a lot on this
show is the man that shot liberty balance. When the
legend becomes the fact that go with the legend, and
the legend is momentum, momentum, momentum, it's an easy way
for dumb people to explain what happened, and nobody wants
to give any more thought to it, so they just
a lot of this stuff is hard to explain, it
makes no sense, and so you just say momentum, and

it's a catch all, right, momentum, how about them? By
about Yeah, why did the Phillies lose the game. They
lost the momentum. Okay, Arizona's got momentum. There you go.
I'm an idiot, I'm a meathead. My name is Ben Mallor.
I'm a meathead. Yeah, what else do we have? A
second point? Second point? Ariek says how many horses will
die at the Breeders' cup. That's not funny, Areek, that's

not funny, all right, I dare you. And he also
says I'm going to the day shift. In here another one.
I'm going to the day shift in twenty twenty four,
giving up fourteen thousand dollars. He said he's giving up
fourteen grand a year. But he says he wants to

sleep at night. You know, sleeping at night is overrated.
You know when you'll sleep at night when you drop dead,
you'll sleep at night. You'll sleep during the day. But
while you're alive, live your life. Live your life, and Areek,
I promise you. I've talked to some of these dudes
that go to the day shift, and almost universally, the
guys that worked the dreaded day shift, the number one
complaint is they have a boss breathing down their neck

when they work as reddit day shift that they don't
have to deal with when they work when we work
in the overnight. Alf the Alien opiner writes in from Springfield,
mass He says, Ben, I mentioned the Fox Sports Radio
Summer of Tires sweepstakes check, a Fox Sports Radio check,
and I even dropped your name. I am not saying

that there's a lot of pressure going into Benny Versus
the Penny tonight, but I am down over eight hundred
large if you catch my drift.

Speaker 6 (21:29):
Oh yeah.

Speaker 1 (21:30):
So he went to tire raq dot com and he
went to pick up his tires, and I see the
sign right there, please wait for your vehicle or please
wait in your vehicle rather tire Iraq. There's the iconic,
that bright red, beautiful tire rack logo. I put that
right up there with the Yankee logo, the Dodger logo.
You think of the great logos Dallas Cowboys star. The

tire Raq logo is in that same genre. It is
a logo. So Al, thank you for supporting our sponsors.
We appreciate that. Maybe I'll have to return the favor
on Benny Versus the Penny.

Speaker 2 (22:04):
I don't know, Man, be sure to catch live editions
of The Ben Meller Show weekdays at two am Eastern
eleven pm Pacific.

Speaker 1 (22:13):
Hi, this is Jay Glazer.

Speaker 6 (22:14):
And you may know me for the world of football
or fighting, or even shows like HBO's Ballers or you
don't know is for my entire life, I have lived
in something I refer to as the gray depression anxiety.
So now I'm coming out with a new podcast, Unbreakable,
a mental health podcast with Jay Glaser, where each week,
while we talk about mental health, I hope to describe it,

give it words. Listen to Unbreakable with Jay Glazer on
the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (22:44):
Let's go to the phones. Jesse is hanging out in
the Belly of the Beast, just down the road, a
few miles from where the Texas Rangers play their games
in the Dallas area. What's going on, Jesse? Welcome to
Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 7 (22:57):
Hey Ben, A couple platitudes for long time, first time.
I just want to let you know I really appreciate
everything you do. You're awesome. I love your takes. A
lot of the times I didn't want to.

Speaker 1 (23:11):
Start Wait, wait, wait, did you say a butt? There
was there a butt.

Speaker 4 (23:14):
Did you say, but there's no butt?

Speaker 1 (23:15):
No, but okay, don't know, leave butt out?

Speaker 7 (23:18):
Okay, all right, no butt, but I did Wait I
just said it. My bad. Yeah, I did want to
bring up you were talking about momentum. I don't believe
this is my own personal take from game to game
that there's not really a momentum factor. However, in game

kind of a different story. And I only say that because,
like with Justin Verlander, like if he comes out there,
he's very intimidating, but if you can make some contact
off of him early, you start to get that that
momentum going where you're like, Okay, this guy's not unbeatable.
But it doesn't transfer game to game.

Speaker 8 (23:58):
So that's why.

Speaker 1 (24:00):
So how do you how do you explain like the
alcis the greatest comeback the Red Sox against the Yankees?
What were they down and was a game game five
or six? They were down by I remember they were
down by a bunch of runs and they came back.
So how do you explain that that was in the
game they had a Yankee said all the momentum in
the game. How do you explain that?

Speaker 7 (24:19):
Well, I mean, that's that is also true. It's not
to say that momentum doesn't swing.

Speaker 1 (24:24):
And how much? How much does momentum cost?

Speaker 7 (24:28):
Well, and that's it's intangible. It's not something that, Yeah,
it's not How.

Speaker 1 (24:33):
Do you how do you know? How do you know when?
Because I want to know, you can teach me. How
do how do how do you know momentum is going
to show up?

Speaker 7 (24:42):
You don't you.

Speaker 1 (24:45):
Know? How do you how do you know when you're
going to lose your momentum?

Speaker 7 (24:48):
Uh? And and you also you have no control. It's
not something you necessarily have control over. It's more of
a feeling of whenever, Okay, this guy isn't dominant, we
can do something against him, or you know, our defense
is killing it. It's that kind of thing.

Speaker 1 (25:07):
All right. Well, I obviously I'm on the other side
of the Aisle Jesse. But you liked the show and
that's great. And trust me, many more people agree with you,
a lot of people. Every time I talk about this,
and I talk about it randomly, usually in the playoffs,
when I talk about momentum, and people will send me
nasty messages. So you're going to be happy.

Speaker 7 (25:28):
To know no nasty messages, sir. But hey, I greatly
appreciate you and everything you do.

Speaker 1 (25:34):
All right, man, all right, thank you Jesse. All Right,
there you go, great Jesse, first time a long time.
Let's go to coach Mack. Now, if you were listening
to a previous episode of the show, you know that
Coach Mack called in and dazzled us. We had no
idea that he had moved to a town in Montana

and he is now a coach at a high school
in sweet Grass County, Montana. Hello, Coach Mac.

Speaker 4 (26:05):
So I got a couple of things on my mind,
but I'm going to keep it short. I was gonna
go over the garvy thing and talk about maybe is
l a more Dodger blue or Democrat blue? Anyway? Yeah,

and that's why I moved out. I got you, sorry, Cooper.
So another thing was, is this whole analytics thing and
and everybody's you know, it's it's a great system. It

gets them into the playoffs, but then once you get
into the seven game series, all of a sudden people
go through slumps and it starts to get ugly.

Speaker 1 (27:02):
Yeah. Well, the people and I've talked to some of
these people that actually know I don't know that I
would call them friends, but people who work in the
analytical world, and they have an excuse for why it
doesn't work in the playoffs, and it's the law of
small numbers. It is the small sample size that there's
squiggly lines, that you don't get those things even out

over the course of a season. Which maybe that's true,
It certainly sounds logical. But wouldn't that tell you that
what you're doing to get to the playoffs doesn't work
in the playoffs? No, no, no, I thought, But what
I'm saying, what you what you do if you're all right,

So in the regular season, you use the analytics, right,
a certain number of pitches, you platoons that kind of crap,
and then in the playoffs, because it's laws small numbers,
it's a small sample size, it doesn't work. And the
goal is to win championships. Wouldn't that tell you that

what you're doing is a bit of a fallacy, that
it's not.

Speaker 4 (28:12):
Yeah, you gotta up, you gotta steal back, you gotta
hit and run, you gotta you gotta find ways to
produce runs. You can't just put in pictures or.

Speaker 1 (28:23):
The thing that really drives me nuts, coach is not
leaving pictures in longer and not not challenging people to
be competitive, to battle through a little bit of fatigue.
The first sign of fatigue, they take the picture out.
We're good, get out, You're done?

Speaker 6 (28:43):
Are we?

Speaker 4 (28:44):
Are we talking about a specific person from Los Angeles.

Speaker 1 (28:49):
I don't know what you're talking about, but I really
liked him in that spot.

Speaker 4 (28:52):
I really liked it.

Speaker 1 (28:56):
I liked him in that spot.

Speaker 4 (28:57):
I really did.

Speaker 1 (28:58):
He lives in San Diego, who probably a Pacific beach
this year. This weekend, maybe you'll go down to Cornado
eat a fish taco. I don't know. He's yeah, I
gotta go, but think all right, all right, Coach Mac
hanging out Big Sky Country in Montana. Let's go to
blind Emmett, the Seahawks fan. Hello, blind Emmett.

Speaker 7 (29:20):
What's going on?

Speaker 8 (29:21):
Big Ben? How you doing?

Speaker 1 (29:23):
If I was any better, I'd be a Hawk. But
not Geno Smith, because he quietly has stunk for the
last three games for your Seattle Seahawks, very quietly.

Speaker 8 (29:33):
I mean it's funny you say this because like the
Giants like that that that game is just supposed to
be a bleak show, like it's the New York Giants,
but like the Bengals is the one that I was
more scared of for the first six weeks than your
Rams or you know, any other really team we played,
just to the fact that, like, yeah, they've been stinking
out loud this year. I get that, but I still

can't trust our defense man. It's terrible.

Speaker 7 (29:56):
I can't trust it.

Speaker 1 (29:57):
Yeah, yeah, that's that's a tough thing to This weekend,
Seattle is a pretty big favorite at home against the
bad Cardinals team, So we'll see what happens.

Speaker 8 (30:06):
I would and I tell my friends this all the time.
The thing is with the Seahawks is we like win
games that like we shouldn't win, like we're the dogs
in but when we're favored and we're at home, especially
against the division team, and the.

Speaker 1 (30:23):
Part of the that's part of the bible of betting,
Benny's Bible of betting divisional game. If you get a
touchdown or more, you should take the points. But you
didn't call about that, blind what's on your agender? He
let me guess you want to ask Iowa Sam a question?
You love Iowa Sam.

Speaker 2 (30:37):
Hey, buddy, Dam's great?

Speaker 4 (30:38):
What up Sam?

Speaker 8 (30:40):
I don't have anything for him right now?

Speaker 4 (30:42):

Speaker 5 (30:42):
You got no content for on Twitter later, I'm sure
just to say hello, yeah, problem, you still doing your
podcast blind?

Speaker 1 (30:50):
Damn it.

Speaker 8 (30:51):
It's funny you say that. You know it's been I
haven't done it a couple of months. But tomorrow at
two pm I tweeted this out last hour it will
be going live Touch Sports YouTube, So if you want
to check that out over why Oh yeah, Well, what
happened one of my biggest bloopers when I did my

podcast And I didn't know this because I got walked
out of my Zoom account from high school, which I
was using to record and I had I had Iowo,
Isaac Lohan Kron in with me and we get to
forty minutes and it just cuts off the interviews.

Speaker 1 (31:27):
Oh yeah, because you got to pay shout out.

Speaker 8 (31:29):
Shout out IOWO for being cool about it. Great dude,
he was like, yeah, you got you gotta get that.
I'm like, you know, screw it. I'm just going to
upgrade my whole set up here. And I went over
to three labs and I think it's better because I
don't get much the interaction, but when I do, people
are active.

Speaker 7 (31:45):
So schools Isaac Low and Kron Yeah, yep exactly.

Speaker 1 (31:49):
He's done more Charger postgame shows trying to defend Brandon
Staley than anyone I know.

Speaker 5 (31:55):
I mean, I consider that a total steal to have
forty minutes with Isaac Lowan kron that and he's very busy,
hard to track down, amazing.

Speaker 1 (32:03):
He is, I love is a mystery man. And did
you know that I went to the same high school
as I Loo? How about that? Me and I He.

Speaker 8 (32:13):
Was in the press box with you when he like
first started. Do you tell me that I remember all that?

Speaker 7 (32:17):

Speaker 1 (32:17):
Yeah, yeah, he was. He's a little younger than I am,
but we went to the same high school and so
it was very nice anyway, all right, emmit, good luck
with the show. I gotta go.

Speaker 2 (32:26):
All right.

Speaker 1 (32:26):
You know you're you're a fellow broadcaster, so you understand
hard clock.

Speaker 8 (32:31):

Speaker 1 (32:31):
By the way, the rumorbouns around sick Quon Barkley the
Giants his name hot and heavy. Before the trade deadline,
which is coming up on Halloween, A couple of running
backs Derek Henry's name has been floated out as possibly
too from Tennessee, so we'll see. Usually this is just
clickbait and none of the big names get traded, but
maybe it'll be different this time. We've got Mallard of

the third degree. Here's the instant trivia. Blank leads the
NFL with the most false start penalties this season. Snap penalty,
false start penalty. That's the insta trivia. The answer. We'll
get to it. We'll do it next.

Speaker 2 (33:06):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 3 (33:18):
You can listen to the Ben Malor Show how you want,
when you want. With podcasting, some p ones find themselves
binge listening to classic episodes. Others like to space things out.
Either way. By subscribing to the free Ben Malor Show
and Fifth Hour with Ben Mallor podcast, you help this
overnight dinghy, stay afloats, and annoy the executive kingpins who
don't understand why. You listen at OL live from the

tyrac dot com Fox Sports Radio Studios. It's Ben Maller.

Speaker 1 (33:47):
And here it is quickly the insta trivia. Blank leads
the NFL with the most false start penalties here in
twenty twenty three, heading into Week seven. That is the question.
This is the most maddening penalty as a football fan.
You can't even stay set and you're a pre snap
false start penalty. Cowboy Killer says it has to be
Mayor Parker the snow Dog that that's his answer. Farmer

John from Ferdcat somebody on the Falcons guessed by Robbie
the Mariner fan Matt though Warrior Raider fan cheated, he
got it right. Bad job by him. Tony Manderish from
Pauli d Ron Jeremy from the Main Trucker. Robin Corvallis says,
mel Tillis is the answer. Jack Blood young a young Blood.
Guess by Sean in Phoenix. Eddie, do you have an answer, Eddie?

Speaker 3 (34:31):
I do. It's former Detroit Lions offensive lineman Stoker McDougall.

Speaker 1 (34:37):
No, it is number seventy nine, number seventy, number seventy
nine for the Carolina Panthers. Ecombe Ekwanu win by. Well,
that's a big name, eacam Ekwanu.

Speaker 3 (34:50):
Not as good as Stocker McDougall, but it's pretty good.

Speaker 1 (34:53):
It's Mallard. How about that?

Speaker 2 (34:55):
To the third degree, this is one big gets quilled
all right.

Speaker 5 (35:01):
Cool Dan Campbell was asked if Jared Goff is playing
at an MVP level, and he said, I don't know
what MVP is or isn't these days, but I know this,
he's playing at a very high level. It's kind of
a non answer, Ben, But is GoF playing at an
MVP level?

Speaker 1 (35:17):
No, and Day Campbell knows he has no chance to
win the MVP. Let's not get carried away here. Golf
is a second tier quarterback. He's played very well, but
the MVP, it's one down the stretch, like the final
six or seven games of the year. We're not there yet,
and every other quarterback would have to get some kind
of illness for Jared Goff to win. So no next.

Speaker 5 (35:39):
Adam Silver said in an interview on Wednesday that the
NBA All Star Game is likely to return to an
East versus West format. With this, the NBA is obviously
admitting that the All Star Game is broken and are
making moves to fix it. But is it fixable?

Speaker 1 (35:53):
I love that Adam Silver was like the cool dad
who let the guys do whatever they wanted, right, he
let them load management All Star games. Now he's trying
to fix everything. No, the toothpaste is out of the Tube.
I like East versus West, but the players have stopped
trying the All Star Game. It's over next.

Speaker 5 (36:09):
With the NBA season right around the corner, DraftKings has
released their odds for sixth Man of the Year and
Manuel Quickly and Malcolm Brogden have the best odds at
plus eight hundred, while Chris paul sits at plus two thousand.
New to the six man rule, who would you put
your money on?

Speaker 3 (36:24):

Speaker 1 (36:24):
Two words Norman Powell of the Clippers. Coop Norman, you
fail thistion? That is a Winnys Norman Powell. It's hip.
The clip
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Ben Maller

Ben Maller

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