All Episodes

March 13, 2023 • 37 mins

Ben Maller talks about the NFL lacking the votes to force Dan Snyder out as owner of the Commanders, why this is such a hot button issue for the owners, Insta-Advice Line, and more Benny Awards!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello and welcome. It's our number three, hour three of
our radio program on the night the Bennies are handed out,
the greatest night in overnight sports radio. We celebrate those
that have stood out head and shoulders above the field,
the key contributors both on social media and on the

radio here on the Bennies. But an hour three, how
surprised are you that the NFL lacks the votes the
force Dan Snyder out as owner of the Washington Football team.
Why is this such a hot button issue for NFL owners?
And what ends up happening with Daniel Snyder as Commanders

owner going forward. We'll talk about that and more. It's
coming your way right now in our number three. The
Danny Boy Dilemma continues. Welcome um, in the beginning of
another hour of the Ben Mallers Show. On Benny's Night.
We are in the air everywhere under the sheets as

we go off the grid, coast to coast, border to
border and beyond on the bast and epically powerful microphones
of fs are emanating live from the talk as we
talk a mile a minute. We are broadcasting live from
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So our lead this hour, coming from the boardroom of
the NFL. We'll get back to the college basketball and
the Benny's the one hundred fifth edition of the Benny Awards.
Get back to that coming up in a little bit.

But chatter about the future of Dan Snyder continuing over
the weekend, and were you paying attention? Were you following along? Possibly? Not? So,
we have learned that the NFL does not does not
have enough votes to force Dan Snyder to sell the
team formerly known as the Redskins. The New York Post,

the bastion of journalistic integrity. The New York Post tells
us the league is lacking the seventy five percent votes
of votes needed for a hostile takeover of the commanders
that would require twenty four of the thirty two teams
to side with the removal of Dan Snyder as owner.

So let us discuss the question, how surprised are you
that the NFL appears to have lacked the voting integrity
to force Dan Snyder out as the owner of Washington.
So on the Mathers scale of surprise, one to ten
mather Scale of surprise, and ten would be pigs flying
and Eddie Garcia were on holidays. I am going to

go three. I am going to go a three. I'm
not surprised at all. I've got dust storm, haunted mansion
and twiddling, and we will lock all of these things
together and we are going to make a nice migraine
headache is what we're gonna make. I know you're excited

about that. No, they're not nice. Number one. Number one
Jim Rsey was used as a weatherbo. You might remember
a couple of months back he floated the possible removal
of Dan Snyder. We talked about it, we did a
monologue about it that raised the eyebrows, and it was

all show no go and a lot of tough talk,
meaningless rhetoric. Got some headlines. We fell for the little cheese,
the piece of cheese. We bit the cheese and then
it went away. It went away, And Jim Ersay has
his own checkered passed to worry about. Follow the dust storm.

We say, follow the dust storm. Ersay has done some
things and whatnot. But when the dust settles, nothing ends
up happening. That's just a bunch of empty bluster, is
what it is. It's a it's a brief dust storm,
but the dust winds down and behind closed doors. There's
not a ground swell of support for the forcible removal

of Dan Snyder. If there was, then we'd have a
much different conversation, right, we would have a much different conversation.
Be a different story now, page to why why is
this such a hot button issue for nfl ow. It's
kind of self explanatory. It hits close to home, right,

You're you're missing with my neighborhood, and I like my
neighborhood for better or worse. Dan Snyder is part of
the inner circle. He's inside the room. He's part of
the group, and he has been accused of running the
gauntlet of rich guy crimes, embezzling money from fellow owners,

harassing redskinned cheerleaders back in the day, allowing his buddies
to watch said cheerleaders undress, and it was open to
all that. All of that has been tossed out as
accusations on social media. Are there charges pending against Dan Snyder? No,
are there investigations against Dan Snyder. Yes, there are investigations,

but to remove Dan Snyder that if you look at
your GPS, is a bridge too far. And you know
why and I know why. The reason that is a
bridge too far is you want to avoid at all
costs the Haunted Mansion. Yeah, these rich dudes walking around,

they're holding the and a lobry if you will, and
they do not. They do not want the deep dark
secrets in the Haunted Mansion to see the light of day.
You don't want to create a precedent that leads to
the ghosts and the goblins and the poltergeist coming back
to spook you. And keep the skeletons dancing in the

Haunted Mansion, but not leaving the haunted mansion, not going
out of the closet, out of the front door. There
are plenty of shady things that the aristocrats have been
up to that run the NFL and from the patently
offensive to mild debauchery to extreme immorality. But the NBA,

in their league, they crossed out this box. They check
the box, and they crossed the thin red line with
Donald Sterling. And so now anytime an NF NBA owner
does something untaught, the ground swell is Hey, wait a minute,
you got rid of Sterling, now you got rid of

you gotta get rid of this guy. We saw it
just a few months ago. Robert Sarver, the owner of
the Sons at the time, had done some shady stuff
and there was a push to get him ejected. He
agreed to sell the team, but if he hadn't agreed
to sell the team, there would have continued to be
ratcheted up pressure to get him out as the owner.
They get another rich guy to buy the Suns, and

so life goes on in the NBA. The NFL owners
want to avoid that at all costs. Are you kidding me?
Come on, all right? Final points, So what ends up
happening with Dan Snyder as Commander's owner? Where does this go?
So the ball is in his court, and considering there's
not twenty four votes to remove him, the status quo

is the answer. If Dan Snyder was motivated to sell
his NFL team, it would have already been done by
Now aren't talking about brain surgery or this is not
open heart surgery. There are plenty of plutocrats out there
ready to pounce who have the power and the money.
The tycoons, the capitalists, the magnets of business, ready to

sign on the dotted line because it's a piece of art.
You want to be part of the fraternity. The Broncos
the last NFL team that sold that went to market.
The Broncos sold for four point six five billion with
a B and they sold to a branch or a
big branch of the Walmart family. The Washington football team

is worth considerably more than that. DC is a bigger
pond to go fishing in that Denver is a top
twenty market. Denver's the eighteenth biggest media market. The district
of Columbia is a top ten media market. It's number nine,
number nine. But when you factor in the political influence

from Capitol Hill, eat is priceless. That's absolutely now. Regardless,
Dan Snyder marches to the beat of a different drummer,
and we all know the unconventioned and so Snyder he
behaves poorly, unusually, and we'll believe the sale of the

Washington football team happens when we see a new Robber
Baron introduced as the owner, and only then will we
buy it. Danny Boy is just twiddling his thumbs. He's
driving in the slow lane. It's a casual Sunday drive.
He's lallygagging around la la la la la la la

la la la la la la la, doing his thing,
and there's no motivation if somebody offers him seven billion dollars.
Hello Jeff Bezos, the old Amazon guy, and then we've
got something all right. It is the Ben Maller Show.
If you would to comment on any of this, you
can join us here. The lines are open at eight seven,
seven ninety nine on Fox. It's a big hour ahead.

Later this hour, we have the Insta Advice line that'll
be coming up. Near the end of the hour. We
will continue with the Mallar Riddle of the Day. We'll
give out more Benny's. We have the Benny for the
best crew fill in a very important Benny Award. We'll
be giving that out coming up in a couple of minutes.
But here's the Mallar Riddle of the day, the Mallor

Riddle of the day, and here it is. The NBA
made sure to showcase that they had blank at a
recent Grizzlies game. Again, the NBA made sure to showcase
that they had blank at a recent Memphis Grizzlies game.
S happened last week. That is the Mallar Riddle of

the day. The answer, We'll get to it, and we
will do it next. Be sure to catch live editions
of The Ben Maller Show weekdays at two am Eastern
eleven pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.
Joined the curious world of the Ben Maller Show online
and is pain free and easy to do. Just follow

your host on Twitter. He's at Ben Maller and you
can tweet at and follow our executive producer. He is
manning the phones, but he is more than just the
call screener. He's the liar, liar and the menace of
the Fox Sports Radio Network. It's the Coop de Loupe
Justin Cooper, and he's at u H bronco Fan. Wow Wow,

what's that? Wow Wow? At Ali from the tire dot
Com Fox Sports Radio Studios. It's Ben Maller. We will
get back coming up in a couple of minutes to
the Benny Awards. More hard ware to be given out
time now for the Mallar Riddle of the Day. The
NBA made sure to showcase if they had blank at

a recent Grizzlies game that is the question. What is
the answer, Johnny Ray says John Morant's special friend from
the strip club. Yeah, that's quite an acrobat. Some of
the photos there that got out over the weekend. Hello,
what else do we have? Page down? Page down? Plenty

of food in case Lizzo showed up. Gotta be prepared.
Canadian whiskey from courtesy Flusher Real John the pie guy
or is our friend? Marcel likes to say something much
different there, he got it right, bad you up by him?
Who else do we have? Page down? Paige Dan, Pamela Anderson,
guests by Ozzie waz and they had idiots toting guns,

guests by Miguel on fire, Michael's going with strippers. As
his answer, Donkey Sausage says, it's gotta be cocaine and
cocaine bear. Who else do we have? Page down? Can't
read that there? Matte Warrior Ray to rays Fan says
the NBA made sure to show they had Lisa Marie

Pressley at a recent Grizzlies game last not very nice.
Fudgie in Boston says they had a Fudgi como statue.
That's that's what they had at the Grizzlies game page down,
page down. A player choking Bob Knight. Guess by Callighan
tim Elvis Pressley from our friend Kathy and Madison. Do
you have an answer, Eddie? Some country music start, some

country music start. That was incorrect, Eddie. The NBA made
sure to showcase that they had metal detectors at a
Grizzlies game, a recent Grislies game, so obvious it was hilarious.
They just randomly show this isn't you love the mind
of these geniuses that are pr people. So they randomly

just showed a Memphis Grizzlies player at a game walking
to the locker room having to walk through a metal detective.
They were just randomly popped up, just random. I'm sure
that was just a coincidence. That was not. Yeah, anyway,
let's go to the Phone's a Benny Award winner, sir
for Todd the Comedian. If you missed it earlier, Sir
for Todd the Comedian took home the Benny Award as

the top Lean joke writer of the Year. Congratulations now
to pick up his award, Sir for Todd the Comedian,
Thank you, Ben, how are you? Congratulations Todd? You earned it.
You were in studio and a great time with you
when you came and paid us a visit. There. We
met you last year, say a couple of times, and

you put a lot of jokes in. Every week you
send two or three jokes minimum, and you very rarely
miss a week. So congratulations. This was an extraordinary moment.
I'd say it's equal to the birth of my firstborn
male child. Anyone you want to thank for this, anyone
responsible for this. I would like to thank birth, our savior, you,

Ben Maller, Heavenly Father, Jesus Well, very close in the
same department. Obviously they're todd and it was close on
that one. On third, I would like to thank the
glue that holds this stitch together, mister Eddie Garcia, who
I don't know. I don't know who that is. Oh,

he's totally the best guy there. The best means as
good as all the rest. You know. My beautiful wife,
Deborah renee Bonnet. Without her, nothing could happen. Who there,
you go, very nice, she was in here, we met her.
Your wife's a wonderful woman. Yes, And then I'd like
to thank Cooper for being a good friend, because a
friend with weed is a friend. Indeed, Oh, I didn't

know you guys were bonding like that. Very nice, and
I want to thank Roberto meet Hermano mehe Cono for
a year's worth of soundbites, rimshots and laugh track. All right,
very good, congratulations sir for Todd the comedian, the winner
of the twenty twenty three Benny Award for Lame Joke writer.

Alami to Lou is online now Lou revealed earlier, Lou,
would you like to share with the class what you
revealed earlier on social media? I don't think I read
this on the air, Lou Alamie to Lou, who was
a nominee, a nominee for Rookie Caller of the Year, Ben,
I entered a darkness retreat that would make Aaron Rodgers

look like a sniveling little hoe after the Niners off
the NFC Championship game, and I emerged about two hours
ago to figure out that I was nominated for a Benny. Yeah,
so there was no campaign. You did not encourage your
even your friends to vote, your family to vote, So
you just you had no idea. You were out in

the darkness, as you said there, How shocking was it?
When you found out that you were a nominee. I
had no idea I learned. I didn't I definitely didn't
want to play for the Jets. But you know, more
more tragic is that I didn't learn that I was
nominated for a Benny. And I'll tell you what. I'll
tell you what. I feel so honored to have been nominated,
especially after my long hiatus from the show, after not

being able to show my face. After the Niners tragically
Boston the NFC Championship game. Yeah, well, people were still
thinking about you, Alamia lou It was a tough loss
for the Niners. Their quarterback got hurt and that was it.
You were not just one Ben. I gotta ask, how
was I nominated? Well, there's a there's a process that
we get into a big boardroom and we tossed names

against the wall. Whatever sticks, those are the nominees. And
so your name stuck to the wall. So that's really
what happened, Louis. We all got around, we tossed a
bunch of names out, we threw it against the wall,
and Alamia lou that name resonated with the election. It
might not be a couple of golden tickets, but I
think that works for me. Congratulations the fern Dog. I've

been nowhere near as active on social media as him,
and I think he's a very deserving winner. All right,
very nice, thank you for that. There he goes Alamie
lu a nominee, did not win, did not even know
he was nominated until after the voting was over. Tells
you how loyal he is to the show, how much
he loves the show and listens every night unless he doesn't.

That's fun. I know we all have lives here. We
can't listen to everything typing about another Benny Award? Oh man,
is this a big one? Man alive? Is this a
big Benny Award? The next category the Top Crew Filling.
The Top Crew Filling is the category the nominees are

as follows the No Show Brian no Iowa, Sam Kevin Wired,
Brian Finley, Bernie Fratto, Moncy Belatos, and Brandon Trufa. These
are all the people that fill in when Eddie's away

and they sit in for Eddie and some of the
other ones that are not here. All right, those are
the nominees and the envelope please and the winner of
the Benny for the Top crew, fill In goes to

Moncy Belano's congratulations, Mancy, you are the winner. Monsey wins
and it wasn't even close. She ran away with the
category shock this last. I don't know, it's we don't
want to file on there, but you know, I'm just

these are my teammates, these are my colleagues here. But
congratulations to Mancy. What do you think her key was? Eddy?
What do you think that led her the boys to
vote for her? I don't know what. I'm amazing talent.
What a gifted young woman she is, Moncy, she is
the big winner. Can someone do a wellness check and

fir dog do a wellness check on on Finley? Can we?
Because I think Brian knows okay, and I'm pretty sure
I was. Sam doesn't even know about this, and Bernie
doesn't really care, and Brandon's like whatever. But Brian, he
was really really motivated. So man, all right, there you go, Yes, Coop,

you wanted to add something. I mean, I was gonna
try to be nice to Brian, but then I wasn't
really close he came. It wasn't he wasn't close, but
he wasn't second. Yeah, but he was closer real close
to third, like within like a few votes a third.
And then Moncy was like secretariat at the Belmont. She dominated.

There was no one even in sight in the in
the in the shot there so, but I think everyone
that fills in on the show, all the people behind
the scenes here that on the microphones, a lot of
them when we're away, occasionally rare and appropriate for me,
every day for Eddie, and you know, of these things
pop up. So thank you all. Used to be an
award dominated by Jonas Knox. Yeah, yeah, I see Jonas

when I come in here, and he's a Jona and
it's a tough year not nominated this year, and yeah,
you know he's also upset. Danny g Radio is upset.
He said he should have been nominated because he did
fill in for you coop last year before he got promoted.
I don't that was no, that was the year before. No,
he said last year he filled in a couple of times.
That's what he told me. He got all of your

upset on the podcast over the weekend. He got all upset.
He's like, wait a minute, I did fill in in
twenty twenty two. Come on, you probably did. Because he
didn't get the promotion until that show started. Uh, Covino
and Rich started for football season, right, didn't who? I think? So?

I don't know when they make changes around here. I don't.
I'm the last to find out. But I believe Covino
enriched that show became an active weekday show. Well, he
gets plenty of promotion around here. Oh look at that
cool little person. Be sure to catch live editions of

The Ben Maller Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven
pm Pacific. Hey, I'm Doug Gottlieb. The podcast is called
All Ball. We usually talk all basketball all the time,
but it's more about the stories about what made these
people love their sport and all the interesting interactions along
the way. We talked to coaches, we talked to players,

We tell you stories. You download it, you listen to it.
I think you like it. Listen to All Ball with
Doug Gotlieb on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or ever
you get your podcast. It is The Ben Mallers Show.
As we continue on, it is the one hundred and
fifth edition of the Bennies. We'll get back to the awards.

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dot Com. The next benny we're handing out. Now, this
is a very competitive category. Nobody else in sports radio
has as many inebriated callers as we do. We own that,
not Colin Cowherd, not Jim Rome, not Dan Patrick, nobody. Well,
a lot of those shows don't take calls anyway. All right,

here we got Wasted Caller of the Year. The nominees
are Joey in Nashville, Plastered Paul in Rhode Island, the
black Irishman from Omaha, Nebraska, and Jed who fled from
the Gulf Coast to Florida. Those of the nominees the

envelope please, and the winner is plastered. Paul in Rhode
Island wins the benny. Congratulations Plastered Paul very close neck

and neck as Wasted Caller of the Year goes to
Plastered Paul and Rhode Island redbreast. Paul is some column
and he edged out by just a few votes Jed,
who fled. So that's a surprise to me who made
a late push. It was he had more of a leader. Yeah,

Paul was out in front by a good amount and
then Jed closed the gap but did not get enough
of the actory. Did not win the electoral college, so
does not win the vote. So congratulations to plastered Paul,
who's passed out in a gutter somewhere in Rhode Island,
has no idea that he's just one of Benny. Unfortunately,

that is the reality of the situation. Next up on
the Bennies, The Drop of the Year, The Drop of
the Year. The nominees please for Drop of the Years.
You know, my man Roberto in there puts all these
little dopey sound bites together from stupid things we say
on the show, callers say on the show, and then

those are little spice that you hear, a little enhancement
to the listening experience. We hope you enjoy that. So
the Drop of the Year, the nominees are Marcel in Brooklyn,
the Cooper Loop were they nominee? Wow? Wow? There's Cooper Loop.
Wow Wow. Some say bow wow. He says wow wow.

Oh look at this myself. Ben Maller nominated for Booby.
We have that right there, Booby. There you go, also nominated.
Oh look at that. I'm nominated again. Here's some kind
of reference to Lax. He blew me off at a
hotel near Lax. That is terrible. You can hear the editing.
That embarrassing. I mean it's amateur editing. And I'm nominated

a third time in this category. I can't believe it.
A third nomination. I love the Taliban in this category.
And the final nominee for Drop of the Year from
the Twin Cities, he's wrote ton and tons of fun,
hollering James, all right, those are the nominees, envelope plays.

If Ben does not win, this is a completely rigged
Eddie shut up. And the nominee for the winner, I
should say, the winner for Drop of the Year, the
benny goes to Ben Man won the Betty beat l

a X. Eddie srew me off at a hopel me
l a X. Oh my god, editing is so embarrassing.
Wayne Off, calm down, he edited on that is a
terrible uh yeah pause, well yeah, because he edited, but

he took a deep breathed was a signed to cover.
Wayne Gretzky had been mitigated. He had been traded from
he blew me off at l a X to the
Saint Louis Blues and the my my, my editor that
the PD guy at the radio station said, yeah, we
were the King's flag stations at all. No, this is

the story, Eddie. And so the guys like go out there,
and it was at an airport near Lax and get
Gretzky to call in. So I went out there. Gretski
was saying goodbye to the Kings. He was being traded
to the Saint Louis Blues, and I went up to Gretzky.
I said hello, my name is Ben Maller. I worked
from the mighty six ninety, the home of the LA Kings,

and he blew me off at a hotel near Lax.
He did not did not want to do the interview.
He's he said, no, all right, Well, I want to
thank my mom and dad. They're not with us anymore,
but thank you mom and dad. Very nice of you
to give me the powers to win these drop of
the year. I'd also like to thank Roberto and his

editing skills for making that much more offensive than it
needed to be. And really a great travesty of justice,
great travesty, thank you justice. The hollering James or Cooper
loop should have won. And how come Eddie Garcia with
all the dumb stuff Eddie says, never gets nominated for
drop of here. It's so embarrassing. There's clear bias here

by the staff, by the Ben you know, Eddie, you
or the king of the dumb whatever. And he says
something dumb. It's not really funny, it's hilarious. Let me
tell you what happens. But behind the scenes, how we
make the hot dog here? Ed he says something stupid, right,
really ridiculous. So I'm like, hey, hey, Roberto put that in.

Cooper Loo put that in. They then nodded me, yes,
it never gets put in the system. It's never a
funny funny funny No, my middle name is funny. Okay,
I know, funny, guys is funny. All right, it's ridiculous,
and you guys are depriving the show of Edny Garcia material.

That's a bad job. And he's not anything. He says
like the wrong name during an updating Ben's like put
that in. No, it's this is the man that gave
us the Canadians, meet the Canadians. This is Garcia. Oh
my god. So the listeners know and they know what's

going on here. They know we're getting screwed out of Garcia.
This guy tell you. That's a bad job by you, guys.
But I will take to Betty and so I get
two golden tickets. I voted for Booby. You voted for
the Booby one. Yeah, listen, I hollering James should have
won that, you guys. This is a guy that would

have changed his life. That would have changed his life
an amazing way. That was it was second place. Yeah
all right, so holler and James, you finished runner up
in the Benny voter. I loved the Taliban. To me,
that was that's a terrible one. That's embarrassing. It's completely
out of content. Well, was doing a news story. I

was doing a damn news story and you guys screwed
me over on that. It's a bad job by you.
Shame on all of you. Let's go to the phone, Booby.
I don't need to play that. John is in Saint Paul. Hello, John, welcome, Hey,
how you doing to that, John, Do you agree with me? Right? John?
All these Eddie drops get lost because these guys don't
put him in right. Honestly, man, I think you're just

wonting an award because it's your show. You know, that's
just the way it goes. I don't know what to
tell you. I hold on, no, no, I voted. I
would have voted for Eddie. Eddie had so many stupid
things he said last year, but none of them, not
a single one of them, made it into that category.
Can you think of everyone everything? Every time he crashed
the mic? Then I think you're just crying because you

won the shitty award? Are you can't say that? We?
Are you a dumb ass? I mean, what do you
come on? I mean, guy's on a hole for half
an hour to seconds. I mean what he's stupid? Van
the one legged man, the one legged bamer Man. Hello Van,
what's going on? Hey? Benny? Van Roe? Eddie old to

Roberto Old a bar he spoke to Coot. Guess where
I get to go in the morning, man, In a
few hours, let's see to breakfast. You get needles stuck
in my eyeballs to draw blood out of the back
of my eyes? What why? What is this for? Why

would you need to do that? I went to the optometrist.
My vision was terrible, which I already needed, and I'm diabetic,
and he says, you probably have bleeding behind your eyes,
and I can dilate it, late it, but I can't
do anything about it. So you need to go to
an optimologist, this particular one. I graduated high school, went

seven through twelfth grade two with so H and his
sons now in his practice. But going to see Ricardo
Feast get it done. I guess about eight o'clock Central time.
Did they tell you what they're going to do to
make sure that it doesn't hurt too much or did
they tell you it's going to hurt a lot? Well,
the optometrist I asked him that question. He said that

people really say it doesn't hurt that much, but it
feels you get an extreme pressure in your heart. Oh man,
this I got of a horror movie, though you got. Yeah,
the thought of it is probably gonna be worse than
the actual. But but to be fair, you're the biggest
badass I know. You had your leg bitten off and
then ate the gator that bit it off. So if

you did that, I think this is probably small potatoes.
Ah yeah, I've had broken up team million bones and
so yeah, I'm pretty tough. Well, good luck, man, and
let us know how it goes. Okay, call us up
and let us know how it calls. All right, we're
pulling for you, all right. Man. Wow, that's brutal man. Jeez. Well, see,

if you're having a bad day to day, you're not
having that happen to you today. That's not on the
list of things that are taking place. We have the
Instant Advice Line, unscreened calls for the knuckleheads who needs
our advice. We'll get to the instant of vice line
and we will do it next. Fox Sports Radio has
the best sports talk lineup in the nation. Watch all
of our shows at foxsports Radio dot com and within

the iHeartRadio app. Search f SR to listen live. If
you listen for five good minutes, you know the Ben
Maller Show is not for the squeamish or the fate
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Slash Ben Maller Show and Ali from the tirerat dot

Com Fox Sports Radio Studios. It's Ben Maller. Hey, you
sports figure guyer girl? Here will you talking to sons?
Here's some instant advice. Hold that thought. No one's paid
attention to me for ten whole seconds, and if you
don't like it, screen you and away we go. It's
the instant of Iceline unscreened radio. The safety net is

off on this historic night, the one hundred fifth edition
of the Benny Awards giving out the top awards in
overnight sports talk radio. And who needs our advice? Well,
I think all of the winners, yours truly included, that
have won Benny Awards. How to handle this new celebrity,
this new fame of being honored as a winner of

the award, the Benny Awards. And by the way, also
we had the inset of ice Line winner earlier. If
you missed it, Sean the hood Guy was the winner.
He edged out very competitive category, edged out Fudgie in
an upset. And also it was very the top three
were neck and neck angry Bill. Also, so your advice

on how to handle winning a Benny Award at eight
seven seven ninety nine on Fox the number eight seven
seven nine nine six six three six nine. Hello line one,
you're on the Airline one, go switch all right, thank you? Ah, yes, yeah,
you're next. We're giving advice on all the Benny Award winners. Hello,

you're next, sir, let's do that. What about settle back house?
I aren't in the big dance? Well, this should be
innocent and injustice by the selection committee. Line four. Hello,
line four, Fenley should have won one two. That's total
BF All right, hanging up on him? What's wrong with
that jacket? Be happy to one. Tell him to go
to bed. Tell Philly to go to bed. Hello, line six,

you're on the Airline six. Line six is not paying attention.
We'll go to line one again. Hello line one. It's
the instant advice line for the winners of the Benny Awards.
Hello Line one, Hello Ben, I didn't wait. I'm sorry
about that. So unfortunate. Hello line two, you're on the air.

We're giving advice to all the award winners of the
Benny's demand of voter recounts, voter fraud, Scott, all right,
voter fraud. Sound like an angry Tammy in Montana. Hello,
line three, you're on the airline three, Line three, Coca
and hookers. All right, sir, we I didn't ask what

you I didn't ask what you're doing? Right, is that
John Morant? I don't know. All right? Hello one four?
Line four, Hello, line four, all right, this is going
very well. Eight seven, seven ninety nine on Fox is
the number. It's unscreened radio. Hello, line six, you're on
the airline six. Party time at the waffle house. It's

on Ben Maller. That's right, absolutely, come on down al right.
Line one, Hello, I know it is. I know what
you reel. Line three, Hello, line three, Oh, alright, one
more hurry up, coop pick eight. Light six, you're on

the air Light six. Good morning time, ah, Line six
not fast enough. Great advice.
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Ben Maller

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