All Episodes

August 17, 2020 41 mins

Ben Maller talks about the chances of Alex Rodriguez owning the Mets, a verbal debate between Marcel & Blair*(?), and more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello and welcome. It's our number four. You've made it
to the final hour of the podcast, and a reminder
to download We actually don't even to download anything. Just
go to the Fox Sports Radio website Fox sports Radio
dot com the Fox Sports Radio Basketball Playoff Bracket Challenge.
Would love to have a Mallard Militia person win that competition. Boy,
would that be cool. In our number four, that's where

you just have to pick the basketball games. We have
to get it in before I think it's one o'clock
PM Eastern time, ten in the West, ten am in
the West. So this hour, Alex Rodriguez A Rod reports
say he's in the pole position to buy the Mets.
I am skeptical whether or not that's true. We will
take a dive in on A Rod's chances of getting

the Mets. That and more this hour in our number four.
That could be a whole new look for mister met.
Well come in the beginning of another hour. It's the
Ben Mallers Show. We are in the air everywhere the
vast and ever growing Fox Sports Radio network, live and local.

In your ear drums as we filibuster the overnight now
early morning hours away. Glad you spend some time with us. Hello,
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sharing more too, with the Geico give Back a fifteen
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and new customers that last year full policy term visit
Geico dot com slash giveback for info and eligibility. So
we are back at it again this hour as the
NBA playoffs begin. But there's a baseball story, actually, a
couple of things in baseball cut my attention, and so
we'll start with that this hour. And as the season

continues to zoom by, and it's only sixty games and
we're already at the point now where you look around,
you look at your MLB standings and you're like, wait
a minute. Some of the teams have played twenty two games,
twenty three games. Then there's other teams like the Saint
Louis Cardinals, for example, because of their corona or my corona,

the Saint Louis Cardinals have played eight games. So you've
got a fifteen game spread roughly between the Cardinals and
some of the teams that have played the most games.
So that's all got to be sorted out. A lot
of doubleheaders, a lot of makeup games, a lot of
makeup games before the season comes to an end. But
one of the teams that is participating in this twenty

twenty season and not exactly lighting the world on fire
the New York Metropolitans. And they are nine and fourteen.
They're playing three ninety one baseball to start the season,
so five games under five hundred. Now they have popped
up on our radar because a new favorite has emerged
to purchase the beleaguered franchise in Queens. If you did

not see this, maybe you missed it. Several Major League
Baseball executives believing, of course, not putting their name on it,
but believing that Alex Rodriguez and his ownership group have
come up with the money and they are now the
clear cut favorite to buy ownership of the New York

Mets that the Willpond family is attempting to sell as
soon as possible. Now, Bob Nightingale tells us that a
rod is in the pole position to buy the Mets.
Now there is a reported August thirty first deadline to
provide the best and final bids. The bids are in

and the flag is up and then after that it's over.
So that means by the start of September, the first
week in September, we will likely know who will be
in control of the New York Metropolitan franchise. And at
this moment, as we sit here in mid August, just
a couple of weeks away from that drop dead date,

a Rod is in the lead. So let us discuss
the question buy or sell, Alex Rodriguez being in the
driver's seat to buy the Mets. Now, I am gonna
sell this. I am not gonna buy this. I'm gonna
sell this. You've got skyscrapers, quagmire, and baseball lingo, and

we will connect all of this together. Now, first of all,
so Alex Rodriguez is one of the great sleezballs in
the history of baseball, a sport that has had many
a sleez ball, and a Rod is right near the top.
He's not, maybe not quite the head of the table,
but he's close and he's got a seat. If you

look at the dirt bag list in sports over the
last twenty or thirty years, a Rod is right next
to Lance Armstrong on that list. Now, Lance Armstrong is
in a class all by himself that this loser Lance Armstrong,
but a Rod and his Shenanigans are in the conversation.
I will believe that Alex Rodriguez buys an MLB team

when I actually see A Rod introduced and he's holding
up the jersey and regaling us with stories about how
when he's growing up in Miami he loved the Mets,
then I will believe it. Countless obstacles, countless obstacles. There's
a lot of complications that he's gonna still have to overcome.
Think of it like this, In order for a Rod

to get the Mets, there are numerous skyscrapers that must
be relocated to make this happen. I'm not talking about
a house. I'm not talking about a mobile home. I'm
talking about a sixty seventy eighty story skyscraper that has
to be relocated. And listen, A Rod is rich. His

woman friend there, j Lowe, also rich, but they are
not aristocrat rich. And that's the problem, right, You can't
just outright buy the Mets. They gotta get a lot
of help, and Nightingale says have gotten that help. But
comparing them as a power couple, not quite as powerful

as Jack the judge and Leslie on this show in Bradenton, Florida.
But comparing A Rod and j Low to the world's
economic and cultural elite, they don't match up. So what
a Rod's been doing here? In addition to boring us
on television, he has been acting like a missionary, and
he has been hob nobbing with the super wealthy, the

one percenters to have them invest in his little endeavor.
And as Alex gives these sermons about why owning the
Mets would be great, it would be wonderful. He would
of course be the frontman. He would be the one
that gets to have all the fun stuff like trading
players and citing free agents and putting their name on
it and running the day to day operations. A Rod

would oversee all of that, meaning that if you are
a wealthy person and a Rod comes a knocking on
your door, that you will just be writing a check
and he will be the one that actually gets to
enjoy all the fun, the fun part of owning a
baseball team. You'd be handing your money over to a
rather shady character in a Rod. Now. Secondly, so Alex

Rodrigue is being the face of Major League baseball broadcasting.
That is a stunner. It is also an indictment of
the former players around baseball that none of these other guys,
there's such dullards, these these other former ball players, that
none of them could rise up to that level. I
remember when David Wells. They were trying to promote David

Wells because he was a goofball when he played for
the Yankees and all those other teams, and they thought
he was gonna be the next big thing. Everyone's trying
to find the Charles Barkley of their sport. Basketball's got
it obviously with Barkley, but baseball was trying to find
that guy, so they had to settle for Alex Rodriguez.
But it really is an indictment, a referendum on the
other former players that a Rod is at the point

he's at and that's one issue, But for him to
join the inner circle of baseball ownership with his past,
that would be blasphemy. A Rod served the longest suspension
in Major League Baseball history. He cost himself thirty five
million dollars in on field money tied to the Biogenesis

scandal with doctor Tony Bosh. There's a great documentary screwball
highly recommend ten star endorsement goes into some of that,
but a Rod was caught lying numerous times. He sounded
proud of himself. Remember back in spring training before the
world stopped, and he talked about his you know this
is back in spring training before the apocalypse, and he

talked about how he served the longest suspension, and he
talked about the astros and all that. Even if you
were willing to let bygones be bygones, and many people
are willing to let bygones be bygones. On the Peed scandal,
what do you do with the Komodo dragon in the room?
Alex Rodriguez sued Major League Baseball Let's go back in

the way Back Machine twenty thirteen. Seven years ago, A
Rod filed suit against Major League Baseball and then commissioner
Bud Selick, the used car salesman, in New York Supreme Court, Manhattan,
accusing bud Selick and Major League Baseball as a whole
of conducting a quote witch hunt and engaging in intentional

interference with a Rod's contracts and business relationships. Now that
Manhattan lawsuit was seeking unspecified compensatory impunitive damages for what
it was alleged happened. A Rod being the victim here
and a campaign by Major League Baseball to destroy the

reputation and career of Alex Rodriguez, of course, him lying
and being exposed as a liar as Pinocchio. He later
dropped those lawsuits, but the damage was done. Imagine, though
I have friends of mine in radio, this is how
I relate to this story. Some of my friends in
radio got screwed over, you know, years, This goes back

way back, and so they filed lawsuits against the radio company,
and the two friends I have both won settlements, but
part of that settlement meant they could not work for
that employer anymore. So a Rod sued Major Is it
different in baseball? I know they say technically you're supposed

to be on equal footing and equal standing and all
that stuff. But imagine suing an organization and then asking
to be welcomed as one of the owners, one of
the elite members of that good old boys club. That's
the quagmire that a Rod finds himself in. Seven years ago,

he was suing Baseball, and he was running around lying
to everybody, and now I want to own the team.
I want to own the Mets. And this isn't even
some small market team. We're talking about a big market,
big city team, although they're run by a bunch of
small market people Nicol and Dime people still blaming Bernie

madeoff for all their problems. All right, final fund. So
if Alex Rodriguez is not the favorite in this endeavor,
and we don't believe he is, what the heck is
going on here? So? I have a couple of theories
on this. On one hand, this report from Bob Nightingale,
a credible longtime baseball writer, came from the A Rod camp.

Now why would a Rod do that? Well? To promote
A Rod, to promote himself and his campaign to buy
the Mets and at least play the court of public opinion, right,
say a Rod? Get these stories, float these stories out
there that A Rod's in the lead, and see where
people are on this. You'd also, in theory, scare away

some of the others in high society that don't want
to get into a bidding war. Now, on the other hand,
it is more probable than not, to use baseball lingo,
that this did not come from Alex Rodriguez. But this
is actually a plant. A squeeze play to use baseball
lingo A squeeze play by Major League Baseball, And what

do I mean by that? So Major League Baseball is
attempting to squeeze the juice out of the Orange, get
some more money out of mainly Steve Cohen. Now, Steve
Cohen is the big whale in the bidding for the Mets.
He is worth fourteen point five billion dollars. He made
his fortune as a hedge fund manager, and like anybody

who's in the hedge fund business, he's got some shady
things on his resume. But for owners of baseball, the
other owners of the other baseball teams, and for the
league office, this guy, Steve Cohen is the hope Diamond.
They want him to be part of the fraternity, but
they want to squeeze as much money as they can.
And if you were to handicap this, it's a three

horse race. Steve Cohen and his fourteen point five biion
dollars he's in the league. Now the other horses in
the race. You've got a Rod and j Loo partnered up,
and then you've got Josh Harris who Josh Harris, who's
the front man for that ownership group that owns the

seventy six ers and New Jersey Devils, and so he's
also in on the bidding. But this is the halves
versus the have nots, and it's really the halves is
the guy Cohen, Steve Cohen, as we said, he's the
big ticket guy. And then you've got Harris, Josh Harris,
whose net worth is almost five billion, so that sounds

like a lot, but it's about ten billion less than
Steve Cohen. And then you've got a Rod and j
Loo who combine their net worth is estimated to be
in the neighborhood eight hundred and fifty million, not billion,
eight hundred and fifty million dollars. And so you're telling
me that, Dad, I know they've got the billionaires. I

know they got the Billionaire Boys Club on the phone,
and they're gonna bring all those people that come on down,
and A Rod is gonna league the Mets to the
World Series and all that. But you got one guy
who's got fourteen point five billion, another guy that's got
four point eight billion, and then the other group is
at eight hundred and fifty even fill the other investors out.

I just I don't think it's gonna happen. I'm not
believing the story. I don't buy it. All right, It
is the Ben Mallers Show. You want to talk about
any of that, It is all fair game at eight seven,
seven ninety nine on Fox eight seven seven nine nine
six sixty three six nine. You could join the festivities
here and be part of the show. Now, one of

the early stories in baseball is in Boston, where the
Red Sox not only are a baseball team, they have
taken the I'm at comet early in the baseball stas
And now I knew the Red Sox pitching staff was ragtag,
but I never imagine this. This is horrifically bad. And
now you've got players coming out and ranting and raving

and pointing the finger inside that clubhouse. The Red Sox
lost again on Sunday, and if you look at your
Major League Baseball standings, the Boston Red Sox have now
lost seven games in a row. They are six and sixteen.
That they have the second worst record in professional baseball.
The Pittsburgh Pirates have the worst record. But I did

the math on this, and I believe I'm correct, Although
I did use mala math. The Red Sox are on
pace to win between fourteen and thirteen games this season
based on their winning percentage, which man is but they're
saving money, man, come on, they're saving money. Oh exactly,

they gotta stay under that luxury retacks threshold. Right, That's
what That's what it was all about. That's all about that. Yeah,
did you see j D. And Martinez came out and
he called it like it is, although he danced around it,
talked about how much it sucks this season with the
Red Sox. He says, it's not fun and all that
getting your head beat in every day. I know that
the GM has like his plan, right, but if this

contains high him, bloom, you know, you know the problem though,
Roberto Dave Dombrowski, Man, that guy will win you wit
World Series, and when he leaves, he burns the empire
building down on his way out. Except the Tigers, well,
well the didn't he didn't win, but he didn't win.
But Miami, they one blew it up the whole thing. Detroit.

They got to the World Series, blow it off twice,
got to the World Series, couldn't win. They choked in
the World Series, blows up the farm system. Man, Yeah, listen,
I'm not sure. I'm not against trading the problems not minither.
I mean, you have to have both. You have to
trade when when you really you gotta pick your spots.
But he gave these big Dombrowski gave these huge contracts,

the bombs and locked in some of these guys. And
so not only do you get rid of the minor
league players, some of them that are the next way,
but you then also are tied into these albatross contracts,
which is it's two fold. But but anyway, j D. Martinez,
who's he's one of the guys that could be traded,
although that's complicated because he's got an option in his

contract and he could stay with them. Last contains a
spiral high him bloom the GM there former Tampa Bay rega.
Didn't they bring it? When you hire somebody by from
Tampa Bay, I assume you want to be cheap, right,
That's what Tampa Bay was built on, being chip. The
Dodgers have freedman. It wasn't he brought in to bring
costs down a little bit? Yeah, that luxury tax and

bring up the farm system, build up the farm system.
There you go, all right, that ends the hot baseball talk.
But J D. Martin, man, I that Red Sock team, Man,
that is brutal. They are horrific. Good thing, it's only
this year, Like, it's only a sixty game season, so
it's like, yeah, when it's one hundred and sixty games
and your baseball team is terrible, baseball really really sucks. Dude.

It's only a couple of months. But I read a
stat that the Red Soxs, what do they won four
World Series in the last twenty years. They've also finished
if they have finished in last place this year, I
believe they will also have four last place finishes. And
they the Red Sox. When I was a kid, they
never won the World Series, but they never were that bad.
They were always pretty good. Yeah, I don't remember them

being that terrible. Yeah, but the last twenty years they've
had some really terrible teams mixed in with like really
really good teams. It's odd, all right. It is the
Ben Mallers Show. As we press on, we'll take your
phone calls at eight seven, seven ninety nine on Fox
eight seven seven nine nine six six three six nine.
So it's very difficult for US fans to have our

voice heard. We saw some fans in Oakland really do
a wonderful job booing the astros. Well, a fan in
a different city has decided to take things into his
own hands. I'll tell you what that fan did to
be heard in the season without fans. We'll get to that.
We will do it next. You pay me five hundred
thousand dollars all endorse at Game Magazine. Hey, be sure

to catch live editions of The Ben Maller Show weekdays
at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific on Fox Sports
Radio and the iHeartRadio app. Mallard twenty twenty. You can
be heard in the democracy of the Ben Maller Show.
We encouraged to welcome the voice of the people that
would be you. Follow Big Ben on Twitter at Ben
Maller or our executive producer Coop de Loop Justin Cooper,

an Angel's apologist, on Twitter at uh Bronco fan. Your
woody comments may be used on the air now more
with Big Ben. I have noticed rather quiet here at
Justin Cooper Angel Fan. Tough weekend for the Halos, tough
season for the Halos. Not a lot to say there.

I have a feeling over I think I think they
should cancel the baseball season start fresh. Really, well, what
matters here is the NBA. They had it right to
do the bubble. Any other sports should just you know,
just hold off until next No, but the Angels haven't
had any coronavirus. They're good to go. Come on, Coop, please, No,
they're just thrown off by the weird You know, it's

just the season doesn't really count anyway. No, no, it does.
They'll get a trophy, a shiny trophy. The team that
wins the World Series gets a big trophy, the whole thing. Yeah,
I guarantee if the Dodgers have been swept by the Angels,
we would hear a much different Cooper Loop here. He'd
be bouncing off the walls, walking around like a peacock
and have his feathers up in the air everywhere. He

would have been so excited, and instead he's looking forward
to watching my Clippers win the NBA Championship. That will
really just be a blow. That'll be like the final
blow to Cooper Loop. I don't think you're gonna show
up when the Clippers win the championship. I think he'll
take some time off after that. I might have to
take two years off because I think that's about about

where we're gonna go. All right, let's take some phone
calls here eight seven, seven ninety nine on Fox, here's
a blast in the past, one of the great artists
of the show. We say hello to the Mad Clown
in Parts unknown. Hello, Mad Clown, it's still Mad Clown
on Fox Sports Radio. What the big Ben Mallard? First time?

Let me say something real quick? What Justin Cooper is
an Angel fan? All this time? I thought you were
a Dodger stamp bro No, No, he's misguided. Oh you're
gonna get from the Angels in the outfield? Or what
did you play that? Now? That was before my time? Oh? Okay,
all right, hey, I want to say that twenty twenty

sucks balls? Man? Can I say that in the air already?
Did I like that? You ask whether or not you
can say something after you've said it, as has a
way to do it. That's the way to do it.
Just say what you want and then ask if you're
allowed to say so. Mad Clown, you have not called
in a long time. For those that don't know, you're
from a previous generation of callers, Mad Clown, and I
actually have your artwork up here in my studio here

mac clown. He drew a little cartoon drawing of all
the callers to the show from this is probably what
is this ten years ago? Twelve years ago, something like that.
Oh my god, I have had in twenty twelve elevant
so eight years ago? Yeah, yeah, yeah, so I think
it's been even longer than that, to be honest with Yeah, yeah,
Well a boutch of Clippers, uh big done, delusional, your

delusional man, and the only way twenty twenty is gonna
make sense and they feel a lot better when the
Lakers win their twenty they're seventeen, mad clown, that's not
gonna happen. I want you to prepare yourself. It is
the year of the Apocalypse of the Los Angeles Clippers,
led by Kawhi Leonard and Paul George, are gonna win
the NBA Championship. It is pre predestined to happen. It's

gonna happen. It's all played out. I've seen the script.
Are you the only one waiting outside of the Staples
Centers for the parade? Well, we don't need a parade
because of social distancing. But my clipper, Daryl and my
guy the artist formerly known as russef. But we're all together,

big Ben. One last thing, one last thing before you
cut me out. The Dodgers are twenty seventeen champions and
the Astros the Astros. Only thing they get good was
cheat because that series would have been a sweep from
the Dodgers because ertaining, and the only way to make

it entertaining and win games against the Dodgers was to cheat.
If not, couldn't be, couldn't beat them straight. All right,
I let you go. Mac Clama, thank you. I'm glad
you're alive. The great Mad Clown, a fun caller from
back in the day. I wonder if he's still got
the art thing, because he's really good. I wonder what
he would draw. You're drinking, Brian, Hello, beer drinking? How

we would draw beer drinking? Brian Hello, beer drinking? Brian man. Hey, Well,
fights to sleep. I'm not gonna take a munch time,
but uh, I gotta She said that she listened to
you on your Fifth Hour and he said something about us,
so she says she appreciates that. Well, I'm glad that

you listened to the Fifth Hour podcast. I appreciate that
I did give a little tip of the microphone to
break out. Start that does it her or whatever? Yeah? Gascon? Yeah,
he just kind of blew it off. But I appreciate that. Now, Brian,
does it bother you that a half pine has become
a bit of a celebrity all of a sudden? Why? Yeah,

because you're giving her spots and stuff and I've been
calm for over a year and I don't. Yeah, all right,
you've been You've been upstaged by your lady friend. What's
up with that? No? Oh, go to the Vikings for

this eleventh year. That's all I got. All Right, thank you, Brian,
Go have another beer. There you go. That's tough, you
get outshine. This guy loves the show. He calls the
show all the time. Beard drinking Brian, and he gets uh,
he gets uh, you know, trumped by by his lady friend.
I have a serious question, Ben, Yes, And it's something

that beard drinking Brian said that that made me think
of this. He made some comment about Gascon blah blah blah.
So you know, you've got a whole bunch of people
on Twitter that pretend to be huge fans of of
Brian's for example. Yeah, but does anybody even pretend to
be fans of Gascon. Oh god, no, no, no, no,
not alone. Everyone hates It's not not anyone. Pretend is

not the right word. Well, it is with you, it
is true. That is not true. I would buy the facts.
I would venture to guess that at least eighty percent
of the friendly fanatics are just trying to troll Ben.
I would agree with you. They just want to bust
my balls, and they know the way to do that
is to pretend like they like you, Brian, but deep

down they don't. And you know what, you pretend like
you don't like me, but deep down you do. So
it goes right now, I don't like I don't like anyone.
You know that. I hear you are a hermit. Yeah,
so it's true, especially this year. Man, I'm boy. Am
I a hermit? Yeah? I want winners? You're a loser.
I want winners. I want people to want to win.

That's what I want. How am I I need win Well,
I want winners. I want people want to win. That's right.
Can do it? Cannot do it? No? No, no, well,
well I do know. Whenever I have a dating question,
let's go to the expert in Ben Maller. Let me

tell you something. I am successfully married. I have accomplished
that feat now for many years. All of us sudden
it's the years of piling up, but not as much
as Roberto. Roberto's got more years in than I have,
but and Eddie's I didn't. I think Eddie's got more
than me also. But still I never thought I would
get married. So there you go. If I can get married,
even you, Brian Finley, could get married. I'm curious about

what drawing was made? Was it Mad Clown? Did he
draw you? I swear that you had said that he
drew you like Leonardo DiCaprio drew Kate Winslet in The Titanic?
Was that I was gasbag man? Mad Clown drew me
as gasbag man. I had a cape, I was a superhero,
and he drew some other things. All right, anyway, we gonna, okay,
get back on track. It is the Ben Mathers Show.

Better late than never. Let's go now over to a
man who was graded four D beef that's dead, dying,
disease and disabled. Brian Finley update you on the overnight
sports news. All right, I'll do this quick first round
two of the NHL playoffs, Brayden Shen scores the game
winner in overtime on a breakaway as the Blue Sucker
punch the Canucks three two. Saint Louis trails two games

to one. Also, the Islanders laminate the Capitols to one
in overtime. New York surges to a three oz series lead.
The Stars mint the Flames five four and ot to
even their series at two. Dallas is Joe Pavelski posting
a hat trick. The Blackhawks power drill the Golden Knights
three one to victory, although Chicago trails that series three

games to one. The NBA Playoffs get into motion today
with a quadruple head or starting with the Jazz and
the Nuggets at one thirty pm Eastern time. Utah will
play without Mike Conley, who's dealing with the birth of
his child. His wife was actually dealing with it, but
I don't think he had any to do with it.
But well, he did have somebody to do with a
few months ago, but he's well. The way technology and

science is going, it won't be long until we'll have
a pregnant man, unless we won't. Didn't that already happen?
I read that on the internet a few years ago.
I think it did China. And then yeah, and then
Arnold Schwarzenegger was in a movie I think where he
was pregnant. I believe stay focused. Yeah, you're getting the straight. Yeah.
Lakers head coach Frank Vogel said, Lebron James is the

coach of the Lakers, not Frank Vogel. What's wrong with you? Yes,
the Lebron James's head coach in Frank Vogel said, Rajon
Rondo has fulfilled his quarantine and will get to rejoin
his team today. All the Vogel keeping quiet on when
the Guard will be game ready, the puppet master Lebron
James oversea. And finally the Clippers take on the Mavericks

and that two seven matchup, that one will tip off
later tonight six pm Eastern time. And I can't wait
for my Clippers and Ben's Clippers and America's team to
get all the way to that trophy. Wow, this is
the working class team and for them to get the
Holy Grail, the crowning achievement. There they have a date

with Destiny, the Clippers, so they do coop. What was that, Oh,
you're a Clipper fan. Now, oh my gosh. He literally
just came in here and said, Brian, I want to
whisper something in your ear. I'm a Clippers fan. Now, wow, yeah, good,
Welcome to the club. Well, Clippers are winning. In fact,
they're the real choice to win the championship. You look

at the actual gambling market there the Clippers, Lakers, and
Bucks just a three way tie to win the championship.
In the NBA, they're equal footing, all right, and there's
no home court advantage, so it's not like they lost anything.
It is the Benmaller Show. As we press on, as
we continue to bliviate the overnight hours away, And let
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give back for info and eligibility. Let's go to the
phones now. The man promised us a debate, so let's
say hello to Marcel, the reigning Haller of the Year

in Brooklyn. Hello Marcel, good morning, Ben Brian, we're Bertsin
and COOPI look happy Monday. So far, so good. The
Mets lost. That's what you said from the monologue about
the New York Metropolitans or the New York met Ease
traded from Queens. How about this now, Marcel, I'm gonna

pay off my teas here before I forget. So it's
very tough in the year of no fans, but in
Philadelphia to have a fan have your voice heard. But
I gotta give a credit. I thought this was originally
Fats in Philly. But Fats as much fatter than this guy.
But some Philly fan. As the New York Mets team
bus was leaving town after a sweep at the hands

of the Phillies outside Citizens Bank Park, a Phillies fan
took a broom and was sweeping the street as the
team luxury Bucks buses went back to New York. It
was beautiful, it was wonderful. I loved it. Oh that's great.
Rats to the Phillies. They beat me, lady beat. Let's

see what the Mets try to win this time for
the like my food picks. It's a new time, it's
a new day, it's a new week. So malla militia,
let's get intoet with our food picks in the morning
and then starting with your foot I were playing at Marcelle,
calm down, I'm gonna go oodles and noodles. Brian spam

bam okay at the a m spam okay, thank you.
I'm gonna say, uh French fries with catchup. That was
my oh match, the excitement, the drama bills. What about you,
Koba loo. I think Marcell had some chicken pad tie

with some crab cheese wantons. What absolutely, sir? You like?
This sounded creepy? All right, Raville answers, Marcel, please, we're
playing the Marcell food picks game. Wonderful game here, Marcell,
random guy in Brooklyn. What do you had for dinner

last night? All right, this is going to be a
very mismatch for you guys. And yes, indeat for my
food pick from last night, it will be French fries.
Play catch up? Yeah, damn, David, I was my child
last minute. I want us the news, but I was
thinking French fries in my head. I was thinking fries.
I was now Marcel, you promised the debate. Are you

ready for the debate. Yep, all right, well right now,
now you are debating Blair and May. Let's bring in
Blair and men. Blair sounds a little different. Hello Blair,
are you there? Blair? Good morning, sir, Hello Blair, Blair, Hi,
Hi Blair, Welcome. You're on the air. Blair. You're on
the air with Marcel. This is a debate. Okay, I'm

on the I'm on the air with Marcel. I don't
know marcelle I hate your guts. Hey hey, hey, hey hey, Blair,
show some respects, will you. Let's get sports radio family,
will you. Let's get the Fox Sports radio family to
a lot of respect to the Ihart family crew. All right,
Bryan first, first, first topic of the debate. Calm down,

everyone first, this is a biggest debate. We've got Marcel
and Brooklyn and Blair in Maine. Unless it's not all right, so, uh,
the first debate, you guys have to debate the Clippers
winning the NBA Championship. Go ahead, Marcel, I believe that
we're not blare shut then Marcel let him talk. Let

him talk, Blair? How dare you? Yeah? Let me thank you? Blair?
One shouldn't boy, where what the hell you want, shut
your mouth, let me speak. You check, y'all? Alright, Poulter,

I think he's been possessed by Poulter, guys. Marcel run
for the hills. I think Blair's been possessed by Poulter. Guys.
That's what's happened here. Well, I believe Blair. Let me speak.
Will you just keep your mouth shut? Why the Clippers
is America's friend NBA franchise team, Kawhi Leonard, it's the

best he will, he will bring skills you have, fuman
he himself. Let's give them. Let's get the Clippers fans
a chance, especially you Blair. You don't have a few
talking about Yeah, all right, Blair, you want to rebut
what Marcel said? Oh hell, what the hell? What the

heck is going on here? What is that? All? All right?
This is a disaster, right, thank you, Thank you by Marcel.
You win clearly, you took it seriously, and good bye
nuts you literally suck nuts. Blair's voice has changed a lot.

I don't know what happened. Man's very ad suck boy.
All right. Well, because of that, I guess we don't
have time for the game go figure, So we'll take
some more of these phone calls. That was interesting. I
like how upset Marcel got as he was trying to
get his airtime in there, and that was that was good.

All right, we'll press out. We'll take some more of
these phone calls all the way up to the top
of the hour, and while we we have some little
extra bonus time you have a bone is time. It's
all about the bone is time. Uh. There's no begging
in sports unless there is. We'll get to that and
we will do it next hippie. Be sure to catch
live editions of The Ben Maller Show weekdays at two

am Eastern eleven pm Pacific. Only a few rare birds
are able to listen to all four hours of The
Ben Maller Show live overnight, but thanks to podcasting, you
have no excuse to miss a second of our unorthodox chatter.
Subscribe to The Ben Maller Show podcast on iTunes and
give us five stars. It's quick, painless and a noise management.

Now back to Big Ben. The bigger they are, the
harder they fall. That is certainly true in baseball. The
biggest player. It looks like Paul Bunyan Aaron Judge. He
was placed on the injured list over the weekend. Also,
DJ Lemayhew, the talented hitter who's actually hitting outside Colorado,

has been very good with the Yankees since he came over.
Iron Judge is going to be considered injury prone. I'm
calling him injury prone right now. Three years three, He's
been on the injured list every year, right, Parson Jude,
he thinks he's so great. Rob's a Yankee, Pa just
that's why. Yeah, he loves the Yankees. But Aaron Judge,
the stories, he I love this. He begged not to

go on the injured list. He begged not to go
every year. Man more than once sometimes too, that is true. Yeah,
I don't get it because like baseball, you would think
the way that's you're not there's not a lot of
physical contact, any any physical contact they've gotten rid of
from the game and Buster Posey, but I no, yeah

that that that and also let's not forget the was
the shortstop's names? Yeah, Ruben Toto? Was it? Rubin Totto?
Was that who it was? I forget it was a
short shortstop for the Mets. I was at that game,
was at Dodger Stadium and Chase Utley slide. Yeah, they
got rid of that, so the two plays. Now the
only collisions you have in baseball are maybe you trip

over the first baseman maybe, and then uh, if you
come anywhere near the catcher at home plate, everyone has
a coronary or I guess you could jump into the
outfield wall and you might make contact with the outfield
wall and that would count as a collision. One of
the most exciting plays in baseball was the home The
collision at home played, and Buster Posey ruined that. Oh

it was great, the anticipation when you're oh, it was
great to watch, the when you turn the corner at
third base and you're trying to see where the float.
Will the throw make it and we'll catch, You'll be
able to hold on to the ball. And the Buster
Posey was an eighty I didn't know how to block
the play and broke his ankle and ruined the best
players in baseball. Yeah, that's one hundred percent. They protected

Buster Posey. The Buster Posey rule sucks, ruining our sport
at baseball. How dare them? All? Right, let's take some
more phone calls here. It is the Ben at Maller
Show on Fox, and let's see who do we have
any meany mighty mo. Let's go and say hello to
Christina in Spokane. Hello Christina. I um, I was just

coming to say that that was an awesome call by Felexis.
I always her calls now that yeah, yeah, come on
that one, and to say that I am a member

of the Finlay Fanatics. Lets I must hang up then,
yause that's not we can't allow that. Yes, no, calm down, jeez,
you act like you've been there before. Act like you've
been in the end zone before. Let's cowboy up on
the Ben Maller. So let's go down south of Detroit
in Windsor, Ontario, Canada, and a nice Canadian lad cowboy

John brad Okay well today former Major leaguers of Diego
Sage and the Bruce Pallar eighty three and seventy nine, respectively.
A century ago. Today was the only film will be
a fatality, as the Cleveland, Indian shortstop Break Chapman died
after the day after being hitten a hit by a
pitch from the eighties. Carl Mays's cousin Joe Maje is

the pitch for the twins Awhile back in the nineties.
I believe it was anyway, yesterday, all right, I said, Cowboys.
So you guys, he good buy. So this is about there,
you go. I mean, I wish we had more time, Cowboy,
but you're always about the clock. Got a murder, Gotta go.
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