All Episodes

March 14, 2018 160 mins

Ben Maller discusses the multitudes of free agent agreements including Kirk Cousins to the Vikings, Jimmy Graham to the Packers, Sam Bradford going to the Cardinals, Teddy Bridgewater to the Jets, and much more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
In overwhelming day of names, names, names, It's like the
NFL Draft. There's so many names being tossed around, changing laundry,
going to different teams. We will discuss the big one.
The big one has landed. Welcome in the beginning of
the Ben Mallers Show. We are in the air everywhere

the vast Fox Sports Radio network, emanating live from the
Geico Fox Sports Radio studios. Fifteen minutes could save you
fifteen percent or more on your car insurance. Just visit
Geico dot com for a free rate quote. It has
been a wonderful day if you love watching names change teams.

And it started last night on the Overnight Show where
we were in here and just bludgeoning that stude John Elway,
who got the Case Keenum booby pressure. You can tell
who's in the tank with John Elway and the Broncos.
Is the media Todi's who've been slobbering all over that move.
And there are some of them you know who they are.

But that began, that began the festivities when Case Keenum
agreed to a contract to say I am going to Denver.
I am going to Denver, and that led us on
our way the free agency board has quickly cleared out.
Sam Bradford, who has pictures of Roger Goodell, is going

to the Cardinals. Not a single man, woman, or child
in the great state of Arizona is excited about that.
Ye had Josh McCown. Josh McCown is going to the
Jets again. He resigns there a one year deal. And
but wait, there's more. They brought in Teddy Bridgewater. Theyber
all those Jets fans that were like, hey, we're gonna

have the most salary cap space in the NFL. We're
gonna give sixty million dollars in one year to Kirk Cousins.
How about that got a bunch of parts, bunch of
damaged goods and washed up, never were good players. So
all of that, though, was secondary. All of that was

the backdrop to the elephant in the room. Now, the
elephant in the room was Kirk Cousins. And you know,
Kirk Cousins didn't go to the Cardinals because they got
Sam Bradford. You know, he didn't go to the Jets.
And you know, if you paid any attention at all,
that Kirk Cousins will be the greatest ice fishermen of
them all. As he is heading to the Land of
ten Thousand Lakes. The Vikings signing Cousins laid of the

Redskins to a three year contract. The report says it's
eighty four million dollars, all guaranteed, not spread out over
three years. But wait, there's more. This is a landmark
contract for the Minnesota Vike. He's a big fin deal
in the football world. It's a big deal because you're

talking about all guarantine money, which means after Kirk Cousins
signs the contract, if he trips on day one of
training camp and has that Teddy Bridgewater happened to his
leg and his leg like implodes on itself, the Vikings
are going to be paying eighty four million dollars to
Kirk Cousins to not play for them over the next

three years straight cash homie. As they say. Now, we're
told the contract will be finalized on Thursday, so they're
gonna do it on Thursday. There'll be a gallus ceremony
after that pep rally, the whole shebang. You imagine how
stressful that much must be. If I knew I was

about to sign a contract, like maybe somebody at Fox
Sports Radio. Soa let's pay mall or something other than
Taco Bell gift cards. And they said, we'll come in Friday.
We'll give you a big deal. Man, think about that.
I would wrap myself in bubble wrap. I would lay
in a bed of pillows waiting for that contract to
be signed. I would be so paranoid that something's gonna

happen and it's gonna screw it up, and I wouldn't
be able to get the contract. All right, let's discuss though.
That's the big move of Kirk Cousins going to Minnesota.
And the question, and I've already seen it from some
of the the naysays, Now, I do positive radio. I
don't do negative radio. Other shows, other shows do that.
I believe talked radios about spreading positivity and love. That's

why I'm here. I'm not here to be critical of anyone.
Let's let those other shows do that. We spread positivity
and warmth. And what I am is the guy that
gives you a hug. That's what I am. I'm the
guy when you're having a when you're having a bad day,
I give you a hug. So the question is, did
the Vikings make a mistake? Is this going to be
a case where they have buyers remorse, and the answer

is no. Right on the Mallard report card, which is
the most important report card out there, the Mallor report
card reads a plus plus plus. That's a plus plus
plus for the Minnesota Vikings. Now my thoughts on this.
You've got the market rate, calculated risk, and green with envy.

You've got all those things. Will tie them together and
here we go. Number one, the business of football is booming.
It's absolutely mean. Now. The TV ratings have gone down,
that is a fact. You can question why they've gone down.
You can't question that the ratings have gone down in television,
but clearly the revenue is still very start. I used
to work at a sports radio station years ago in

Los Angeles that had very poor ratings. They were unbelievable
in terms of revenue, though they made a ridiculous amount
of money. And oftentimes those two things aren't aren't related.
It's odd how that that all works. But the money
pie is a really large, thick pie. It's a good
looking pie. There's lots of dough in the pie. It's

just marvelous. And Kirk Cousins is going to get the
biggest slice of that pie. Now we can all agree
that Minnesota paid the market rate. They paid the ransom
for a top quarterback in the year twenty eighteen. Now,
guess guess what If the Vikings hadn't paid the man,
then it would have been the Cardinals or god forbid,

the Broncos or the Jets. He was gonna get the money,
Kirk Cousins was gonna get the money. And in reality,
the Vikings ended up winning the field. They beat the
field in this So this is something that you don't regret.
This is not a case of buyers remorse. Now, if
kirk Cousins goes out and has four games in a
row where he has just horrible performances and it's serving

up manure and fertilizer, and he gets off to a
start the first four games of the year, he's got
something like two touchdowns and twelve interceptions, that's a different conversation.
But at this moment, at this moment we're talking, this
is not the case at all that Vikings paid the
market rate. Number two Minnesota. You can say, hey, it's
a calculated risk, which I believe is the proper term.

You gotta be bold, right, you gotta be bold from
time to time to go, the Vikings had a team
that was worthy of getting to the NFC Title Game
thanks to some football and oppondence by the New Orleans
States Secondary. So this is a move that you don't
give up anything other than cash. You generate some buzz.
The Vikings are in a better spot and you've upgraded

the roster from Case Keenum. Anybody that knows anything about
football will say, well, Case Keenum, he had a career
out of body experience. Who would go back to being
a bum? And Kirk Cousins, even if he just plays
as well as he played in Washington and doesn't take
the next leap, that quantum leap in Minnesota, that's still
better than Case Keena. Keenam had a fluke season last year.

We saw him in the postseason. It was not good.
It was not good. He didn't play well in the
postseason games. This was not Nick Foles going turbotastic in
the postseason for Philadelphia. But even Nick Foles is a
guy that you don't really trust that he's going to
be all that good. The chances of case Keenham playing
well again are slim. The chances of Kirk Cousins playing

well with the Vikings are much You know, Zimmer, It's
it's guaranteed you're gonna have a top defense. He's one
of the great defensive coaches in the NFL. So since
he's arrived, the tradition has been their ferocious defense. So
Minnesota's gonna have now a top ten quarterback that should
be a pretty lethal combination for the Vikings. Now, the

last thing here the naysayers. And again I'm not that guy.
I'm I'm positive, Benny Radios what I am, happy, go lucky,
roasting marshmallows. I'm not roasting players, I'm not. But the naysayers,
the teams, and we've heard it from some of the
people that are essentially mouse mouthpieces for some of these

other teams, they're green with envy. Even if Kurt Cousins
does a face plant, which is the chances of that
are very small, it's still a wise move at the
moment we're talking right now, it's a wise move as
we speak, no revisionist history. And as I've pointed out,
it's my Taco Bell gift cards. Off bet a lot
of those. I'll be a lot of those gift cards

that this works. I'm not gonna be had eighty million
of him because I don't think I'll get to eighty million.
But Cousins was surrounded by questionable talent in Washington. He
still produced. Was he perfect? No, he was not perfect.
Were there moments where Kirk Cousins had brain farts and
you questioned his sanity? Sure, but the production was there.
He's one of five quarterbacks to have four thousand plus

passing yards each of the last three years. He now
has become the first player in NFL history to change
teams immediately after three straight four thousand yards seasons. Never
happened before. Of course, that's impossible. It could have happened
because we're in the era of the four thousand yard passer.
It's not like when they were doing the forward pass

was something that he did only on third and long.
None of those guys had a chance. They couldn't do it.
But Minnesota look at this roster and look at the
depth chart. With Adam Feeling, Stefan Diggs, Kyle Rudolph catching
the ball, Dalvin Cook in the backfield, the Vikings should
put up points consistently and Cousins gonna be thirty before
next NFL season. He is going to have to puke

all over the Twin Cities to not put up Madden
level stats. Now, is he going to be as good
as Jared Goff and the Rams? Probably not? Probably not,
But he's got to be better than the Lions and
the Bears and the Green Bay Packers and the Vikings
are the team to beat in the NFC North. And
you could tell by the moves that the Green Bay

Packers have made bringing in Moe Wilkerson to help out
on defense and having having Jimmy Graham come in that
they know they're not as good as the Minnesota Vikings.
But it's really a matchup to see who can be
in the NFC Championship game against the Rams. That's the
That's the question. Who's going to end up there and

who's going to lose in the NFC Championship game. That's
still yet to be decided. It is the The Ben
Maller Show on Fox. If you would like to join
the conversation, you can do that at eight seven, seven
ninety nine on Fox eight seven seven nine nine six
sixty three sixty nine, and also on Twitter. Think of
this show like a printable bracket, a printable marsh Madness bracket. Yeah,

it's very valuable, and then once the tournament starts, it's
not that valuable, right because the printable racket you get
rid of once you're brackets busted. But it's at Ben Maller.
That's at Ben Maller on Twitter. If you would like
to be part of the festivities, Edmund Dallas steamboat really,

Judas Garcia, No, right over there? Yeah, yes, you. You
had asked the question was this a mistake by the
Vikings signing Kirk Cousins, And I definitely agree with you.
It's certainly not a mistake, a good move. I think
a lot of people, though, are wondering does this now
make the Vikings a better team than they were a
year ago? I'm not sure that that the answer to
that question is yes. But what it does do is

give them a better chance of being the same type
of team that they were last year for the next
three years. It makes them better because Case Keenan was
gonna wet his pants next year, so you don't probably
about that, probably, but are they gonna look with Kase Keenan.
We both are in agreement that he had a career
yer last year and the chances of him doing that
again were not likely. So now you bring in a

guy who is likely to put up those similar numbers.
So the Vikings should again be a team next year
that wins eleven, twelve, thirteen games, probably if they stay healthy.
So what they've done here is they've maintained, my opinion,
what they were last year. I don't know that they've
improved it, but they should be in that conversation again
next year as one of the elite teams in the end.
So I've already gotten I checked my email earlier. I

had a little gap here between my Blizzard show and
this show, and so I've determined Blizzard show. Yes, I
did a show for the people driving snow trucks in Boston.
I did a Blizzard show like eighteen inches. Do you
get any blowback from them knowing that you're on the
West Coast And well, no, I mean the people know that.
I don't advertise if but people know that I'm you know,
I'm in a remote studio. That's where I do the

show from. So it's not like it's I don't like
hide it. People know. Blair make sure Blair called up
and he made sure that he wants to know what
it's like in La. He always brings that up. But no,
so I was anyway, I had a little gabat to
check the email and the woebegone Minnesota sports fans. Oh,
he'll turn out to be the Vikings Joe Mauer. He's
gonna he's gonna sign the contract Kirk Cousins and he'll

be mediocre. It's gonna be just like Joe Mauer's mediocre
for the Twins. Cousins gonna be mediocre for the Vikings. Well,
it's a good at it. I like that, that's a
good at it. Well, you know my kind of guy
or soda. I mean, they never won a Super Bowl.
They're they're used to the Vikings disappointing. That was Mike,
by the way. Now there's a lot of Minnesota Vikings
fans that are like that. They're they're hoping for the best,

but they're expecting the worst. Right, that's nothing the line.
Let's Minnesota sports right right pretty much? Yeah, Yeah, there's
a there's a ceiling, and the ceilings not very high.
The ceilings count. It's a low ceiling. It's it doesn't
mean code doesn't meet the city, county code. And so
that's an issue. Say, yeah, it's a bit of a problem.
Also like to announce that he the streak is over

for Doc Mike. He had bragged very braggadocious every hour
I was on the air, he was on the air,
missed the Blizzard show for Doc Mike, doc or not
Doc Mike? H what's his name? For hippie? He confused
Doc Mike and weed Man hippist. That I feel like
weed Man and doctor be happy about that, because I
think they're no, probably not. Fortunately, Doc Mike hasn't found

out about any the other activities that I do, so
he leaves me alone. He only knows about this show,
and he barely knows about that. I think he only
calls up, like he sets his alarm and he doesn't
I don't think. I think you're right. Yeah, I think
you're right. He just calls in and that's when he
hears this. Yeah, like he gets up a literally he's like,
I'll call Maller and I'll rant about something that happened
twelve years at all shotgun and yeah, I'll send him

a goat. Heead, I'll send him a poster. We'll run
for president. I'll tell him about that time I left
the goat head at Wrigley Field and almost got arrested.
The whole thing, the whole deal, all right, eight seven
seven yeah, eight seven seven ninety nine on Fox eight
seven seven nine nine six sixty three six nine if
you would like to be part of the festivities and
the the mallarm mill issue very active on Twitter well.

An NFL employee has called for players to boycott a
franchise in the NFL. We will get to that, and
we will do it next. Almost all talk shows sound
the same after a while. Think of us as a
sports talk oasis from the mundane. The Ben Maller Show
Facebook page is our own unique meeting plays with over
two billion of our closest friends, most of whom ignores.

Please take a second to like our page. Go if
Facebook dot com slash Ben Mallers Show now live from
the Geico Fox Sports Radio Studios. It's Ben Maller. So
an NFL employee is recommending that players boycott an NFL team.
We'll get to that coming up momentarily. The reviews are

in for the Mallar monalogue on the Vikings signing Kirk Cousins,
and it's overwhelmingly negative. People are very upset. They're the nid,
not everyone, though. Chris says, thank you Ben for our
nightly warm hug of positivity. Yeah, what I am the
Ben Maller Show. We are like chocolate milk. We're like

a glass of chocolate milk. That's what we are. Or
cocoa hot, coco hot cocoa on a cold night. No,
we warm your heart is what we do. We do.
Jake says, the term we're looking for is hail. High aspirations,
low expectations is the term for Minnesota sports. But wait,

there's more. Robin Minnesota says, did you really just put
a positive spin on Minnesota sports. We've been listening to
this crap all day here. Totally turned in, he says,
totally tune in to hear you shred Kirk Cousins. This
positivity is killing me. Well, he wasn't paid in Taco

Bell gift cards, Kirk Cousins, he got eighty six million
dollars of American currency. I'm a little green with envy myself.
I am the so califty nine er fans says Ben.
Please lay off weed man. Hippie stash is what he recommends,
and Today writes in to say that Kirk Cousins is
Jake Cutler. The Vikings have to pay a lot of

money to discover that they've just signed Jay Cutler to
a contract. And Eugene in Chicago pointing out that he
says the Minnesota GM not paying him to be a
five hundred quarterback. He says, Cousins better get the Vikings
to the Super Bowl. Yes. If not, he will be

publicly flogged. They will take him to Saint Paul and
they will pull his pants down and flog him. That
is what they're going to do. It's actually in the
by laws of the contracts. It's on the fine print
of the contract. Jerk yourself away, Jake says, I'm just
curious why you don't think the Vikings will be better
than the Rams. All right, I'll give you a couple
of reasons. I don't know if you can handle the reasons,

but I'll give you the reasons. Let's start. How about
we start with Marcus Peters. We'll start with that shut
down defensive back. We'll start with the keep to leave.
Those are the first two guys. The brilliant coaching of
Wade Phillips Grandpa Wade, Aaron Donald, the premier defensive lineman
in the NFL. There's there's four good reasons. Oh, I

haven't even gotten to the offensive play calling genius of
Boy Wonder Doogie Howser, coach of the Rams, Sean McVay,
the greatest play caller of them all in the NFL.
You toss in Todd Gurley. He's not playing like a Gurley. No, No,
he's all grown up now. He's a woman playing very well.
And you've got Jared goffind Court. I can go on

them on. You can ram it all day, and you
can certainly on this show ram it all night, that
is for sure. Let's go to Justin in Minnesota. Who's next?
On Fox Sports Radio? Hello? Justin? What's up? Then talk
to me. I can't believe how anyone from Minnesota would
think Keenam would be better than Cousins. I mean, we've

had so many years of mediocrity at quarterback that Cousins
almost seems like a superhero, someone that's been to come
in and save the day. It's just it just makes
you go crazy here. How many people are negative about it?
We should be used to it. Justin you live there, Yeah,
I know this. Years of mediocrity and we finally have

a chance to get a franchise quarterback, and everyone wants
everyone wants average, Kingdom average. You know, makes no sense. No, well,
this is a mental condition, and the only care for
the mental condition is for a one of the Minnesota
teams to actually win something. It's been so long, right,
I mean when the last Minnesota team to win was
what the Twins? Oh my god, that's a million years ago. Like,

if you're a young guy, you haven't seen anything. And
then also, you know everyone's talk about, well, how are
you any key players on a defense. I'm sorry, but
it's quarterbacks that'll win super Bowls. Look at look at
the last twenty years and super Bowls. It's been Brady
Manning or Roethlisberger in the super Bowl. Yeah, quarterbacks. Yeah,
if you had to pick, you're gonna pick the quarterback.

These and people bring up these aberrations like Nick Foles.
You don't bet on an aberration. You don't bet thinking
you're going to win on an aberration. And I repeat,
I was there. I was outside the Philadelphia Eagles locker
room last year when they're starting quarterback Carson Wentz got
hurt and not a single Eagle player walking out of
a locker room thought, oh, we're still gonna win the
Super Bowl with Nick bleeping Foles as our quarterback. They

none of them believe that. They realized they were all screwed. Everyone,
every one of them that saw Carson wentz get on
a golf cart and get driven up the tunnel to
the team bus thought that's it, We're done, and the
still end up winning. But that's you don't bet on
things like that, So all right, thank you. Just I
helped him that what I did right there, radiotherapy, radio therapies,

how they can poop poom me all you want. That
is a fact, Jimmy. The Valls fans has been I
don't know how you were able to make it from
Boston to la in time to do the show with
thirteen inches of snow on the ground in Boston. It's
a good job by you. Yeah. Well, Blair in Maine
knows that I use And I actually took this before

Shatner blocked me. He private messaged me and sent me
the technology. You know how they beam me up, Scottie,
beam me up, Benny is the term. And then I
got beamed up and then to the spaceship and then
they got beamed down. That's that's how it worked, Lynn says.
Even though Ben Mallory doesn't acknowledge women's sports, Minnesota does
have our links. Well, good luck, I'm getting beamed up.

I'm getting beamed up right now. Sorry, how dare you?
The cowboy Killer says the Rams must have a low ceiling. Also,
since you don't see them in the Super Bowl. Well,
that's again last year. I am projecting ahead. As you know,
I am no stre Damas. Nostre Damas does not look
in the past. I'm not distant relative. I am not
actually the real no Stredamas, but I am able to

look ahead and foreshadow events. I have a gift from
the gods that I've gotten, and that is ach. That
is ach. All right, we'll get to that NFL employee
who is calling for a boycott, a boycott of an
NFL franchise by young players. We'll get to that right now. Though.
Eddie Garcia is here and he will dazzle you unless

he does it with the latest Eddie. Well, of course,
news from the NFL and lots of quarterback news, the
biggest being in the minutest of vikings are protably going
to sign the most sought after freager quarterback available, Kirk
Cousins formerly the Washington Redskins, to a three year deal
worth eighty six million dollars, which is all guaranteed money.
As far as the other three quarterbacks on the vikings,
they've all found new homes. Case Keen and we told
you last night going to the Denver Broncos. Sam Bradford

gets a one year deal for the eight with the
Arizona Cardinals. Teddy Bridgewater a one year deal with the
New York Jets and has expected Drew Brees, quarterback in
New Orleans, gonna stay with the team. He gets a
two year, fifty million dollars deal non quarterback. NFL news
Green Bay Packers are portally signed a veteran tight end
Jimmy Grahama, releasing veteran wide receiver Jordy Nelson and wide
receiver Danny am and Dola formerly the Patriots are portally
gonna sign with the Miami Dolphins. College basketball, the NCAA

Tournament getting at away with the first two of the
playing games. Your winners were Saint Bonaventure and Radford. Saint
Bonaventure will take on six seeded Florida up next, and
Radford will facetop seeded Villanova. NBA Games of Note, the
Thunder beat the Hawks one nineteen to one oh seven.
Russell Westbrook records his one hundredth career triple double Spurs
over the Magic one O eight seventy two, The Timberwolves
top the Wizards one sixteen one eleven, Raptors over the

nete sixteen one o two, and the Cavaliers beat the
Suns one twenty nine to one oh seven. The support
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experience and ben These soap opera continues with the San
Antonio Spurs and start forward Kawhi Leonard. There was a
report Leonard would return to the team's line up this

Thursday against New Orleans. Now comes word that is not
going to happen. Apparently the Spurs who have cleared Leonard
to play, yeah, waiting on Leonard's personal doctors to clear
him to play. And I guess that can't happen. There's
another conspiracy theory, Eddie, for the San Antonio Spurs that
now that rather than just toy with Kawhi Leonard, they're
gonna shut him down, try to get in the lottery,

and then they're gonna rig it. So they get the
number one pick and the kid from Arizona Aton the
center and had draft him as the number one pick,
and then they'll have another. They went from Robinson to Duncan.
They've had a couple of years without a center. Who's
Duncan left a couple of years ago, so then they
can bring in although Duncan was more of a power forward,
but you get the big man, so they can bring
in Aton. That is quite a conspiracy theory. Good luck

with that. It's on the dark web, Eddie, Is that right? Yeah,
you're not allowed on the dark Web. I am the
company Computers will not allow us access to Oh they
will if you know the right to code detected. But
I use I found an old code from Jay Moore
and I type that in and then I go there, Yes,
it's my movie, all right, So I've Ben Mather. Shall
we come to you from the Geico Fox Sports radio studios.

Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on
your car insurance. Just visit Geico dot com for a
free rate quote. Or old Buddy Bubba, Bubba the Eagle
fans is big bend damn man. He's yelling here, so
I have to scream. Have you not learned a damn thing?
He says, Now he used damn twice in a sentence,
So that's too much use of the word, dad, Bubba continues.

Last year you picked over and over against my beloved Eagles,
and you kept being wrong, and now here they finally
sit on top of the NFL championship and you still
refuse to give them respect. Bubba, you should be listening
to the A Wreath of Franklin Over and Night show
is what you should be listening to. That's what you

ought to be listening to. If this is not where
you come for that, what do you want me to do?
Is it like a counter every hour? Or I have
to say, by the way, the Philadelphia Eagles are still
the Super Bowl champions and now you've been cursed. The
Philadelphia Eagles are now cursed with two curses, championship hangover

and bullseye on the back done and a third curse
Michael Bennett. It's over. Give it up, done, done, done done.
The hunter becomes the prey. Good luck all right. Meanwhile,
I mentioned this story several times now. A prominent NFL employee,

a person on the payroll for the National Football League
part of their PR department, is saying that quarterbacks in
the draft should avoid the Cleveland Browns. They should pull
an E Line manning if possible, and avoid playing for
the Cleveland Browns. This employee, long time PR person for

the NFL, Dion Sanders, who works for the propaganda arm
of the NFL, the state run television network. Deon Sanders said, quote,
I love what the Browns have done this offseason. And
rather than stop with that, he continued, but again, anytime
somebody says it, but usually not a good thing, the

butt in the conversation is, hey, you're great, but you're
a boob. That's usually how it goes. So Deon Sanders
began by saying, I love what the Browns have done
this offseason, blah blah blah. But if I'm a young quarterback,
Deon Sanders said, ain't no way I'm going to Cleveland.
He learned that at Florida State. Dion continues says, I

would pull an Eli Manning if possible. Think about that.
So I'm sure that the NFL will Dion Sanders right,
You can't be saying that you if I'm the owner
of the Cleveland Browns, I'm paying beyond Sanders to be
a propagandist for the NFL. He's a mouthpiece on the
state run NFL network and he's calling for teams to

or players to boycott one of the member franchises of
the Cartel of Football. How dare you, Dion Sanders? I
would want to be the quarter of it. I wouldn't
want to necessarily live in Cleveland, but I would want
to be the guy that goes there and wins. We
think about the slobbering that Cleveland Browns or Cleveland Cavs
fans have done since they won the championship a couple

of years back, and can you imagine if the Browns
were to actually win, and if you're the quarterback of
the Cleveland Browns, Wow, it would be a oh man,
it would be disgusting. It would be over the top
disgustings when it would be with the Cleveland brown fans
all right, So the phones we go and he's Mark

the full name guy. Think in Santa Barbara. Let's find
out right now, Hello, Mark the full name Guy. Hey,
Ben Mello. How come I don't get one of those
like walk on soundtracks? You know, like, oh I don't
know that comed by Van Halen. You know I ain't
talking about love. You know, I was gonna tell you
your Dodger suff but you know that's the But you

do that every other call, So why would you do that?
So hey, let's talk about Kaitlin Jerart. Nah, Now, let's
not talk about Kit's another thing you talk about every call.
I'll make a deal with you. Mark, You've got the harmonica.
If you perform a song with the harmonica, we will
put it in the system and then when you call,
it'll be the Mark the full Name guy harmonica open. Well,

you know my harmonica is missing an action right now?
Come on, you gotta get them where God you you
would lose your pants, but you keep your harmonica, you
would keep your no no, wait a man, all I
want to confess to you tonight. I actually swiped a
sleep number bed and have set it up here and

Dracula's Castle Draculus. Yeah, that's the first sleep number bed
in a shelter in the history of the sleep number beds. No, no, no,
I'm right. I'm directly up front of Castle Dracula, right
outside the doors. He's right, and just decide. Yeah, that's it.
He's inside there. It is coffin. He's still asleep dark hours.

He won't get off. You're still smoking the good stuff. Mark.
That's good. We haven't talked to you in a while,
but you still got the good stuff there. That's good.
I like that about you. You still got all right
the evil laugh. I got go he doesn't go out,
go Ben. How about some walk off music? Yeah, that's
the go away, Run Run. I picture Mark being that guy.

Did you see it was in sand I think it
was in San Francisco some He sent me the story.
There was a homeless guy who had decided to make
his home on top of like I think it was
like the DMV or something like that, and he put
a tent on top of the DMV and so they
had to like go up there with with a cherry
picker to get the guy off because it was like

in this in this weird shaped roof and it was
it was quite quite the tail. I could see. That's good.
That guy should be given a home. If you're that
creative and you you're that ballsy to put a tent
on the roof of the DMV, which I believe is
what that story. And I think that's just give that
guy a house somewhere, give him a job at Google.

That's what they audited. It certainly beats the your typical
just doing needles under the bridge. I mean, that's that's
that's a better way to go. So let's keep it
going on the phones. And he is the former caller
of the Year on the Ben Maller Show. He's in
New York City. The congregation comes together and we evangelize

with real talk. Boom boom boom boom boom by the
everyone he you o that woods the bickest gift would
be from me, and the car attached would say, so
we'll talk for that as boom boom boom ba boom

by yes, Row, I'm calling you up that. I don't
know how we men hit he does it. Man every
day he's gonna wear himself out. He's the man has
no wife. You know, I never even see what we mean.
Hit He looked like before I was on YouTube. Look
at Christ. I'm like, dude, that dude as ugly as
I man, his face looked like place. I mean, Jesus Christ,

I know life. That did he have like a wife
of friends or family? Yeah, I mean that. You know.
I love your show. I love your pockets. Even I
prioritized my life like that. It's crazy. Well, no one
should make this the number one thing in their life
that's not health. Yeah, dude, crazy. He's creepy a little
what's what's in God? I mean what? Did he probably

have a picture of you on the wall while he's
doing that dance from Science of the Lamb with makeup
on safe Well? Have you have you? Have you seen
real talk? This guy barbecueing Lynn made a shrine. He
made a shrine for me in Washington. Yeah, there's a
shrine there. Dude's very, very weird. But hey, man, I
was I was trying to say something about black Scott
the other day, and I was gonna say, because Black

Scot kick her off easy when he we ditched out
on that verbal octagon because people will saying he should
like get uh suspended from the show and it changed
his name and nothing happened, and I didn't do anything
for mine for my recompense in that verbal octagon, real talk,
let me for something. I'm gonna correct that right now.

You get a golden ticket, you get a golden ticket.
Right now, I'm gonna make that up to you get
a golden ticket. Well, well, you know, a ticket to
be good, good, But you know what what I'd rather have? Yeah,
I'll tell you want a karaoke ticket. You get a
karaoke ticket. You get it, y'all take back the golden ticket.

You got a karaoke ticket. That's what you get. Well,
bad this time. I don't want your lieutenant. I want
to tell yoke ticket and I'm want to cast it
with the big dog. Well that's it, there's fine. Well,
there's fine print on that. And you gotta read the
contract on that karaoke ticket. Real and fine, there's some
fine print on that. Way, it's agostiable. I mean, you
could talk to my agent, my representation, and we could

do it tonight, and I know you know the words. Well, no,
I can't. I can't do it right now. I'm a
trained musician. I need to practice rehearsal. There's a whole
there's a whole to do on that. All right, I
gotta go red Dog, but you get to carry on
great boom boom boom. All right, there you go. Time
now for the who am I? Game? This is a
good one. Listener sent this in from I can't say

which state because it'll give away the answer, you know,
absolutely give away the answer. All right, here it is.
Here's the always popular who am I? Game? I was
a first round pick in the nineteen ninety three NBA draft.
Despite only playing fifteen games during my pro career, I
am still getting a salary of one hundred and fifty

three thousand dollars a year. I'm getting that salary until
the year twenty twenty one. Again, I was a first
round pick in the nineteen ninety three NBA draft, and
despite only playing fifteen games during my pro career, I
am still getting a salary of one hundred and fifty
three thousand dollars all these years later, and I'm gonna
get paid for another couple of years until twenty twenty one.

Who am I? The answer? And we'll get to the
NBA pick and we'll do that. We'll do it next
on the Ben Metler Show. We specialize in sarcasm, snark,
and satire, all things needed to survive these shady late
night characters On Twitter, let your thoughts be heard by
the masses under the cover of the microball website. Follow
Ben on Twitter. He's at Ben Maller and you can
follow me Eddie Garcia. I'm at Eddie on Fox and

outlive from the Geico Fox Sports Radio studios. It's Ben Maller.
We'll get to the who am I game in a moment.
Keith Wrightson, He says, Ben, you're on drugs. How do
you know that? Keith? He says, if you think the
Rams are going to be better than the Vikings next year,
the Vikings have a better quarterback, old line receivers, tight end,

defensive line, linebackers, secondaries equal. The Rams might have a
slight edge in the backfield. All right, Keith, First of all,
you're wrong if you go by last season as your template.
The Rams had the second greatest offense in the NFL.
They were tied with the New England Patriots for second
in the NFL, and that includes when they didn't even
try the last week of the year, when they just

let the forty nine ers a win. The final week
of the Year and a Jared golf is a better
quarterback then Kirk Cousin, at least he was. Last year,
Jared Goff was the sixth best quarterback in the NFL.
He was better than Aaron Rodgers and Russell Wilson and
Ben Roethlisberg and all those guys. If you go by

the numbers. With the Redskins, Kirk Cousins was the thirteenth
ranked quarterback in the NFL. So I think you are
in drugs, key, you might want to get a test.
Who am I? Game? I was the first a first
round pick in the nineteen ninety three NBA draft despite
only playing fifteen games during my pro career. I am

still getting a salary of one hundred and fifty three
thousand dollars a year until the year twenty twenty one?
Who am I? That's the question that Robin Vegas going
with a Honky tonk man as his answer. Our buddy
the Ostrich and DC checks in with Desmond Howard, Darko
Mill Sick guests by Ron Paulie got this ride obviously cheating,

so did the Palm doesn't Chubby Cox? The guests of
Cardiac Stanley always good to bring in Kobe Bryant's family.
Mike from the LBC Cheating got this right. Also obviously,
Bobby Hurley tossed out by mister wonderful ac Earl. There's
a good name from Eke the Great ac Earl from
back in the Day. Frank Burkowski by Eric Fannis Dembo

tossed out by Stephen Frank and La goes with Lucas
Walton as the answer. Ah Pooh from the Simpsons was
guessed by the the soil cal Niner fan. Do you
have an answer, Eddie? I believe it's Nick van Exel,
the Great Nick van axwer can Cancoon is nickname? No?
The correct answer. He was drafted in the first round

by the Utah Jazz Luther Wright right every one point
a game in the NBA played fifteen. He was diagnosed
with bipolar disorder. The Jazz said we'll pay you your
salary because it felt bad for him. He actually cleaned him.

He's better than he was on drugs and he's he's
actually working at his old school in New Jersey, Seaton Hall.
All right, let's get to it here. We go to
the NBA. Well, if Coop actually put the list up
when he's supposed to we would be able to do it,
but probably not now because we have to wait. I
don't know why he always waits until the very last
seconds of ed peeve of mine. And now because we

have to wait for Cooper Loop, we will probably not
have Well, at least we got to hear the music.
That's the best part of the nays the winner coup No.
I mean, it's all right, We'll just go ahead. I
don't care. Look as many as we can't get in
and that'll be fun. Uh. First pick, I'm gonna take
Kevin Durant Coop. I will go with Janis Antenna, Kompo,

Eddie Uh, Kyrie Irving. I will go Hassan Whiteside and
Clay Thompson, Eddie Draylon Green, Coop, John Wall, Danny Nan
again hurry up, and I'll take Brandon Jenks with that
last pick, and I'm gonna win. Because over the years,
typically thirty one of the thirty two franchises in the

NFL have taken part in free agency. The one that
normally doesn't has decided to do it. This year. They've
changed their ways in the Upper Midwest. And I'm not
talking about the Vikings welcome in the beginning of another hour.
It's the Ben Maller Show. We are in the year

everywhere the vast Fox Sports Radio network, emanating live from
the Geico Fox Sports Radio studios. Fifteen minutes could save
you fifteen percent or more on your car insurance. Just
visit with Geico dot com for a free rate quote.
And to what we go here with the one and
only Green Bay Packers, who have been eyestanders, rubber neckers

when it comes to free agency, but not anymore. They
began the festivities by dumping Jordy Nelson in order to
gain some of the dreaded salary cap space, the Jerconian
salary cap. They needed to get some more money, and
then they made a splash. And if you've been out
of the loop, you haven't been paying attention. Here the

way it broke down. Jimmy Graham is taking his talents
to Green Bay, the former Seahawk. Instead of zigging, he's zagging.
And so the Packers have given Jimmy Graham a three
year contract and he will play in the land of
cheese and toilet paper. Good luck, good luck. And this

is what I want to talk to you about, because
the reaction of Aaron Rodgers of Aaron Rodgers has caught
some people some people's attention because Aaron Rodgers was caught
liking a couple of posts that celebrated Jordy Nelson and

question Graham a little bit because Graham has never played
in the Super Bowl. In fact, there was one one
tweet in particular that Rich Eisen, who works at our company,
sent out, and he mentioned that Graham has never played
in the Super Bowl while Jordy Nelson had nine catches
one hundred and forty yards, And Aaron Rodgers ended up
liking of that, and so, oh my god, Aaron Rodgers

liked the tweet that made Jimmy Graham look bad. Oh man,
we got a controversy. We got a controversy. Rodgers also
liked the tweet from a former Packer guard T J.
Lang who just pretty much slobbered all over slobbered all
over Jordy Nelson said the next team that signs him

will not regret it, well not regret it. So here's
the question, how excited should Green Bay Packer fans be.
Clearly Aaron Rodgers is not all that except about this.
He also had one of those dopey heartfelt tributes on Instagram,
like Jordy Nelson had just died. I believe Jordy Nelson
is not in a body bag. He will be okay,
he will be still playing football if he chooses to

somewhere else. But how excited should Packer fans be over
Jimmy Graham going to Wisconsin? Well, on the Mallar scale
of excitement one to ten, now, one would be Josh
McCown signing with your team to be the starting quarterback.
That would be a one. Ten would be Kirk Cousins
because he was the top free agent available. Now, normally

I would give Jimmy Graham a five. I would go
a five on this, but considering how dormant the Packers
have been in free agency, I'm gonna bump this up
on the Mallar scale of excitement to a six. I
would go five if it was any other town, but
I'm gonna go six for Green Bay because of the
lack the lack of gusto the Packers have shown in

free agency. Now, my viewpoint on this, You've got mystery
warning label and the legend, and we'll bind all this together. Now,
first of all, this is a plot twist. It's absolutely
a plot twist. It had been expected, it had been
assumed that Jimmy Graham was going to renew his vows
with the New Orleans Saints, that they had a falling out,

he got traded to the Seattle. He did his time
in the Pacific Northwest, and he was going to go
back to the Bayou and he was going to do
his thing again with Drew Brees. And then the deal
fell apart. And so now it's Jimmy Graham who's going
to play with Aaron Rodgers who clearly in the pouty
phase of losing Jordy Nelson. Aaron Rodgers in the pouty

phase phase of that. And so the real question is
what player are the Packers actually getting here? And that
is a great mystery. In Seattle, Jimmy Graham was inconsistent.
He was choppy, would be And that's being kind, that's
being kind to say that Jimmy Graham was choppy in
a Seahawks uniform, it's kind. And if you want to

be more accurate, considering the high expectations, the heightened level
of excitement when Graham came over from New Orleans, that
his time in Seattle was a failure. By the time
Jimmy Graham got done, the Seahawks had missed the playoffs.
The legion of boom got blown up. They put dynamite

in the defense. He was definitely not the same guy
in Seattle that he had been in Louisiana. It's not
up for debate. I think we can all agree on that.
And he's coming off his first double digit touchdown season
since back in twenty fourteen. That was last year, and
that's the good. However, his yards per catch average dropped

by five yards per catch. So he was a dink
and dunk specialist. And it just because you're now playing
with Aaron Rodgers does not mean that you're in utopia. Clearly,
Aaron Rodgers has his doubts, but he's in the pouty phase.
He's in the pouty phase right now now. Secondly, Jimmy
Graham is a couple of years removed from that career

altering devastation situation, that injury, that knee injury had and
the year that he came back he played pretty well.
He's at the end of his prime. He's thirty one
years old, Jimmy Graham, and so now you've got to
slap a warning label on him. You can't assume the
position that he's going to come back and be the

player he had been when he was many years younger
in New Orleans. So you got to handle with care.
He's a guy that needs a lot of time off
during the year. It happened in Seattle with Pete Carroll
where they gave him time off maintenance, right maintenance, to
maintain his damaged and beaten body. So buyer beware is

the warning label for green Bay. And you have advancing age,
a player that has lost a bit of a step here,
even though he's not completely done with his prime his
heavy lifting, his heavy lifting days were in the Saints uniform.
But overall because much because of that, he's got the
fourth most touchdowns by a tight end in NFL history.

And so you bring that in now the final word
on this. Jordy Nelson was considered expendable for the green
Bay package. He averaged nine point one yards per catch,
and that was just not good enough. He also got hurt.
Did you know that Jimmy Graham in Seattle averaged nine

point one yards per catch? He averaged the same exact
yards per catches Jordy Nelson, and yet this is being
seen as one of the great additions. But you and
I know the drill, right, when the legend becomes the fact,
you go with the legend. The man who shot Liberty
Valence taught us that the legend is that Jimmy Graham

is a better pick up, that he's going to do
more for Aaron Rodgers. And there was a whole a
tight end. He plugs that hole and he'll he'll be
on his way and he'll do amazing things. Now, the
Packers weren't just done with that. After getting rid of
Jordy Nelson bringing in Jimmy Graham, they also improved their
defense and they signed Mohammed Wilkerson, who had been with

the Jets forever and then had a temper tantrum and
a hissy fit, and and that was it. One of
the few players that Jets actually had that was good
is now going to Green Bay. And that's in part
because the Packers hired Mike pett and the old Browns
coach who had been it's all confusing, but he had
been the Jets defensive coordinator. So now Mohammed Wilkerson will

attempt to have a career enhancement, a rebirth on the map.
He'd been playing pretty well, at least that's what the
stat geeks say that Mohammed Wilkerson had been playing pretty well. However,
he's playing for the Jets. Who the hell would know?
I mean, he had actually watched the Jets to know that.
That's a that's a tough spot to be in, all right.

So the Ben Mather Show on Fox on Fox, we
have Edmund Dallas steamboat, Willie Judas Garcia who is along
for the ride there. He is right there. And I
want to point out here that Jordy Nelson later today, Eddie,
yes is he's meeting with the Raiders. He's meeting with

the Raiders. However, he really wants to play for the Patriots,
but he's for some reason meeting with the Raiders. So
I don't know what that's all about. But yeah, would
you rather have Jordy Nelson or Michael Crabtree? Are you
better off with Jordy Nelson damaged goods or inconsistent Michael Crabtree,
Because the word is that if the Raiders get Jordy Nelson,

Michael Crabtree is gone. About the same age about Crabtree
is a little younger. He's a little young I think
he's a couple of years younger. That's a that's a
tough one. I like Jordy Nelson's career better than Michael Crabtree.
I think he's a little more consistent, but fact is plus.
At one point, Jordy Nelson, fan of the show, liked

one of my tweets. Want to point that out? Oh, really,
do you remember what tweet that was? It was during
the NFL playoff. I assume it was some kind of
pro packer tweet. Although that was like a sarcastic cheap shot.
Oh there you go. That wasn't even about the packers.
A positive tweet from Ben Mallory do a lot of positivity, right.
I celebrated our friend Sid Rosenberg who got the show

in New York. I celebrated that that's the one, like
the last one A year one a year one, a
year one positive tweet. I was very happy when I've
actually done two this year because I I sent out
a series of very positive tweets. I was very happy
for our friends in Chicago that you Darvish is now
a call. I think that's great. I celebrated that No,

not at all, not at all, not at all. I
wish nothing but the greatest for you, Darvish. I hope
he wins twenty five games during the regular season. I
hope he starts every playoff game for the Cubs apps.
I think it's great. And no, seriously, I'm not. No,
I'm not having there no melt down or anything. It's wonderful. Yeah,
I don't think you think that's wonderful. Well, no, I do,

Actually I do. It's not doesn't really count, by the way,
the answer, the answer is no. For the Raiders, it's
better to keep Michael Crabtree. And I'll tell you why,
because we need Crabtree on the Raiders because the Raiders
play the Rams and we need a rematch of Crabtree
versus I keep Talip. We need another round of that.
We want to see what Tali will do. What if

Jordy Nelson started wearing a gold chain? Yeah, but would
there be bad blood with Jordy Nelson? Want to pull
it off or to Tali? Want to pull off the
gold chain? With that? I don't know. Can you guarantee that? No?
I can't. I need a guarantee. I also saw that
Trevor Simeon is being his name has been tossed out

in the trade fought. Why would anyone trade for Trevor Simeon?
He sucks? Like? What are you? What are you gonna get?
Have you seen the list of backup quarterbacks in the NFL? Yeah,
he's he's on that list and he's garbage. Why would
you bring seriously? I'm not I take him as the
backup in Pittsburgh if I had a choice. Wow, he sucks. Yeah.

Have you seen Landry Jones play? So why would you
bring somebody in who you know sucks because he's Jones?
I don't know that that's true. I do you don't
know that? No? I did you watch him play in Denver?
He was terrible. He was good enough to put up
a few nights, enough to leave the Broncos into the
top of the NFL drive. I would take him over
Landry Jones. Okay, well there, I just asked, who's who's

the backup? Right away? They don't need a backup. They've
got Jared Goff, that's all. And the Eagles didn't need
a backup, right they didn't know they didn't need a backup.
I would release Nick Foles right now. The Eagles are
getting rid of good players for a backup quarterback who,
in theory will never play, in theory, will never pree.
He just won the Zoo Bowl, Yes, and if he

plays next, if the team probably win the Super Bowl,
I would release Nick Foles right now. It's dead way.
You're paying Nick Foles more than some of your key
receivers and key defensive players. What sense does it make
to pay a backup quarterback that might the last four years?
The last four years, Nick Foles as a quarterback rating
of seventy seven, So one month Trump's four years in

the mind of where you win the Super Bowl. Yes,
So that's why Joe Flaccos sucked ever since the Ravens won.
Your mindset is why football sucks. People like you, we
don't realize Joe. We knew a backup quarterback. Joe Flacco
sucked and everyone knew it, and the Ravens, oh, he

had to sign him. He won the Super Bowl for
a month, he was amazing, and he was great for
a month. He just he was an out of body experience.
It was nirvana and they signed him. And the Ravens
have been bad on offense, ever since they signed Joe Flack.
Is signing Nick Foles going to cripple the Philadelphi Eagles.
They are getting rid of players that they could have

kept if they had just gotten rid of Nick Foles.
The reality is that no one really wants Nick Foles.
That's the ugly truth. But anyway, all right, so the
Ben Mallers Show on Fox, Let's go to the phones
at eight seven, seven ninety nine on Fox and somewhere
driving around because he drives a truck all over the
place now jet fuel. George is on Fox Sports Radio. Hey,

good morning, Mallard. Are you are you telling me that
instead of listening to you for the last quarter of
a century, I could have been listening to a rate
of Franklin Radio that night. Yes. Usually what you're saying
absolutely should have been. Yeah, I'm sure that's on some
satellite radio station no one listens to. I'm sure it's
out there. So so, man, you know, I don't know

if you know who this is, but I'm sure a
couple of your millions of listeners know. But Stephen Hockey
passed away. I can't believe you guys haven't brought that up.
All right, So all that's a whole in a sac.
All Right, you're listening to a sports talk radio show
and you're surprised that we have not referenced the passing
of Stephen Hockey. Well you know, yeah, yeah, I'm surprised.

So when you listen, when you listen to a political show, right, Andy,
some Hall of fame baseball player dies or do you
call them up and say, I'm surprised you haven't mentioned
this Hall of fame baseball player passed away. Do you
make that phone call? They would have brought it up. Yeah.
Really so when Orlando, when Orlando Cepedo was in the hospital,

did Sean Hannah? They say, by the way, Orlando Cepeda
is in the hospital, if I weren't a computer, I
would them slap you. And you know that's a good point.
But I just thought I brand it up. I wanted
to bring it up. What do you what would you
like me to do? Do a six line tribute for
Stephen Hockey? Would you like because I saw the movie
they made about and would you like me to do that?

Would that make you happy? Because I'm not doing it?
But I you know, you don't have to. Ben. I
appreciate some thoughts open listen. So anytime someone dies, we
used to have Cowboy that would call up and he
would do the death tributes. But his phone stopped working,
so he didn't call anymore. He doesn't know how to
figure out. He can't figure out to use the new phone.
Is that what's going on with the phone might be
buried under some stuff. I don't know. I don't know

who knows about Cowboy. I love the guy anyway, Ben, Okay,
So the NFL this guaranteed contract, then I can't believe
you're not making a bigger deal about First of all,
you know the NFL, it's probably in ten years, are
going to be done now with stuff like this happening.
Then they got the worst commissioner ever of any sport,
major sport that we can remember. They got controversial guys players,

they got problems with concussion syndrome, and now they start
offering guaranteed contracts and football players. Can you see where
this is going? I don't understand why you're not making
a bigger deal. I mean, that's a lot of money
for a quarterback. Eighty four eighty four million over four
years a lot, But to make it guaranteed, he's driving
me bananas. And that's another reason I think it's great.

I wish that the gartt this is, I don't run
the NFL. If they want to give out guaranteed money,
that's great. Well I want guaranteed money. I think it'd
be more fun. Don't you want guaranteed money? Jet fuel? George?
Wouldn't it be better guaranteed? My money is garty? So
why shouldn't Kirk cousins com money be guaranteed? Well, I'm
just saying, why why are you? Why are you better
than Kirk Cousins? Why Kirk you have guaranteed money? Why

doesn't he get guaranteed money? Well, here's what Here's what's
happening is it's like you said, you brought it up
when you first talked about it. So you hope he
doesn't fall down and hurt him. So yeah, and that
could happen. But the Vikings, but Vikings know that he
could break his leg the first day of training camp
in there exactly. That's but that's the risk they're willing
to take. That's not your money. Who cares, doesn't matter.
It's gonna end up going on with you know, everybody

in the NFL. No it's not. This is a unique situation.
This is not gonna happen to trust me. It's not
gonna happen all over the place. Guys don't have enough
clout to do that. There'll be some players, they'll be
Aaron Rodgers's contract. You're gonna get it, RADI goes. There'll
be a handful of guys that'll get guarantee many A. Right,
I gotta go. You're annoying me. God call Stephen Hawking
Memorial Shows or something like that. Thank you, all right.

So The Ben Maller Show on Fox on Fox eight seven,
seven ninety nine on Fox eight seven seven nine nine
six sixty three six nine and a case of a
musical Chairs and who's the big loser in the Game
of Musical Chairs. We'll get to that. We'll do it next.

The only thing better than listening to The Ben Maller
Show live on the radio is to hear it again
at your convenience on demand. The Ben Maller Show podcast
is moving up the charts unless it's not support on
the radio show. By subscribing to the podcast on iTunes
and giving us five stars, it helps keep the show
growing and pacifies our bosses. Now live from the Guy
Coo Fox Sports Radio Studios. It's Ben Maller. I'm sick

and tired I having to talk over a vocal. You
keep playing these vocals and I gotta come in here
and I gotta step on a damn vocal. Tired of it.
I feel like Casey Casey with a dead dog. By
the way, Ben, this is another death dedication. I know,
I said, yeah. Unfortunately, the co founder of Delicious Final
passed away. No no no, I sat behind Flavor Flavor

at a Laker year back in the back in the
all right, Jonathan in Philadelphia rights so he says that
Big Band's anti Philadelphia attitude is rearing and sucking ahead.
I just want to point out the the Eagle fans
have been triggered here. Jonathan says. He picked against us
every single game this past season, and his Rams lost
to us and we won a super Bowl with Nick Foles.

Suck it, Mallard. Uh. Philly Rob says, what's Nick's ratings
during the playoffs? See you people are the problem, Jonathan,
Philly Rob, Eddie Garcia, the low information sportsman. Nick foles
salary cap number is higher than Carson Wentz, the starting
quarterback's salary cap. Never al Sean Jeffrey is making less

money than the backup quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles. In
what world is this acceptable? The world where dopey fans
like he played well for a month, We're gonna toss
away an entire season. How annoying must that be in
the locker room? It's so, it's so ridiculous, this mindset.
It's Joe Flacco disease, and now the Philadelphi Eagles have

Joe flaccosse and they're moronic fan base. They all buy
into this, they all buy into it. It's great, you're
cursed and you're not even now you're cursed. Justin Rice
in to point out that the show is going well
until jet Fuel George called in and completely killed the
opening segment of the show this hour. That's what he says,

marked the full name. But why are you calling back, Mark,
You've already been on the air. I guess we know
why that. Give back my bod, mowing time, give back

my bod. My headphones. You gotta break, Danny Jay, my headphones,
you gotta break. We're still doing that talent show thing. Yeah,

we're gonna get to that I don't know if we
after that. I don't know if we need to. We'll
actually stay small sample of the talent you can hear
on a potential show like that on any given day.
Don't forgive. We also need a schedule of newby Night
for this month. Oh that's right, so many things to do.
Should we do newbe Nights Nuby Night. I guess we
need more time for that, right, you just like to

give people some notice that we can announce in the
week exactly a week from tonight? How about that, a
week from how about a week from the March notice?
Why do you I'm just sorry, Here we go, here
we go, Here we go, Cooper, Loop's gotta go ahead,
Go ahead, Coop, go ahead. What are you upset about?
I'm not upset about anything. I'm just curious as to
why you always seem to want Nubie Knights on Wednesday.
I feel like it's the appropriate day of the week.

I feel like it's the Wednesday and the Thursday is
the appropriate day for Nubia. Do you have a problem
with it, Well, it's one of the only nights that
we have like a regular set, like a game that
you know, if you want to let them call in.
Still you can, let can grandfather them in. I just
always feel so guilty when I tell Leslie though, sorry,

it's ubi night. Well, Coop, you're the gatekeeper. Cooper, I
mean you have to a keep. You're the same guy
that you think you feel odd. How about when you
put porn stories in and I have to read a
porn story there to Leslie? How do you think I feel?
How do you think I feel? Cooper? Do you ever
think about me? Maybe? Leslie? You don't know what she might?
I mean, I don't know doing that? Yeah, I know

you do. Yeah, And then I have to like end
it on the fly, what words I choose to say
and what I don't say? Story? You think will say this?
The answers no. The answer is no, no, No. You've
ruined so many good, fake, end real stories by skipping
over the best things. All right, we'll press on here

later in the hour, get to Mallard to the third degree. Also,
musical chairs. Not everyone's a winner in the game of
musical chairs. We will get to that as well. But
right now Eddie Garcia is here and he will give
you the date is well, Ben, Obviously it's a big
day in the NFL with lots of news breaking about
the free agency signings. They're not official yet, but the

reports official. If Chefter says, it pretty much what happened
to Jay Glazer, which where the hell is Jay Glazer been? Apparently?
Is that working out working out? Banks up? Please come on, buddy,
I know your buddies with these guys, but please, maybe
he's upgrading his phone break a story, Jay Goodness. The

Minnesota Vikings are probably gonna sign the most sought after
freegan quarterback available, Kirk Cousins three year deal eighty six
million dollars and all that money. Gay ron teed the
all three quarterbacks are with the Vikings last season. They're
finding new homes. Case Keenan with the Denver Broncos and
found out about that last night. Sam Bradford gets a
one year deal with Here is on a Cardinals. More
on that in a minute. Teddy Bridgewater and one year

deal with the New York Jets, and Drew Brees has
expected it's gonna stay with the New Orleans Saints. He
gets a two year or it's gonna sign a two year,
fifty million dollars deal with some other non quarterback NFL
News Green Bay Packers. They're potably gonna sign veteran Titan
Jimmy grahamall releasing veteran wide receiver Jordan Hilson, and the
Titans are gonna get former Patriots quarterback Malcolm Butler a
five year contract with at least thirty million in guaranteed money.

Tennessee Titans game plan is to just poach Patriots. That's
the strategy. Just sign guys off the Patriots. That's all
they want former Patriots. An interesting strategy to be sure.
Bowl Yeah bo NC double a tournament. First two playing games,
your winners were Saint Bonaventure and Radford. Up next for
Saint Bonaventure is sixty Florida. For Radford will take on

the top seed Villanova. NBA Thunder over the Hawks one
nineteen one oh seven Russell Westbrook a triple double, the
one hundredth triple double in his career. Only four their
players or he's one of four players to ever record
one hundred career triple doubles in the NBA. This report
brought to you by Truecar online car shop. He can
be confusing, but I'm any more. With true price from Truecar,
now you can know the exact price you'll pay for

your next car, so it is a true car and
enjoy more confident car buying experience. Now, ban I feel
like you're probably gonna talk about this at some point. Yeah,
but did you see what an NFL player had to
say about Sam Bradford's one year, twenty million dollar deal
with fifteen million guaranteed for the Arizona Cardinals Baltimore Ravens saved.
Eric Weddell tweeting in response to the news that signing quote,
so dumb. Bradford has been paid more for nothing than

anyone in NFL history. See this is the difference. This
is why I'm a better person than Eric Weddle. All right,
let me tasting. All right, there's a lot of blowhearts
and radio that absolutely sucked their complete hacks. But do
I sit here and say, oh, that guy, Oh he's terrible,
that guy. No, I celebrate this because I want to
be on the list. Eric Weddle, instead of slamming Sam Bradford,

should say we should put a statue of Sam Bradford
and want to celebrate people who get paid for doing nothing.
That's great about rewarding people who have earned it. No, No,
Sam Bradford has worked the system. He should be celebrated.
All right, here would be NFL players, every one of
them should thank Sam brad sam Bradford, no Pro Bowls,

no playoffs games. Yeah, eight seasons, one hundred and fourteen
million dollars fourteen point two million per seasons, more than
Aaron Rodgers, more than Tom Brady, more than guess what.
He didn't use a knife to the neck of any
general manager. He'd been a gun to anyone's head to
get that money. Every single contract that he was given

was given by moronic executives in the NFL. That's not
Sam Bradford's fault. That's the people that pays Sam Bradford's fault.
That's on them. They've got to own it. And how
about the morons? I want to puke the Arizona Cardinals.
You go, you go from Carson Palmer, the Sam Bradford.

What the hell is that? You might as well just
put a sign off we are. We're just gonna be
collecting your season ticking money, buy some jerseys and and
all that for the next couple of years. Check back
with us, and I guess it's a two year deal.
I said, well, it's a one in an option, but
it's likely a two year deal for Sam Bradford. By
the way, Eric Weddle has not deleted that tweet, so

good for him for his sticking by his opinion. It's
a wrong opinion again, as a player, executives should say,
what a bunch of morons those executives are. What a
bunch of dopes the other executives are. From a player's perspective,
it's a wonderful thing. Ben Mallishaw Company from the Geico
Fox Sports Radio Studios, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen

percent or more on your car insurance. Just visit Geico
dot com for a free rate quote. The One True
King writes, and he says people from Philly aren't very smart, Ben,
so don't expect logic. And then he gets very harsher ed.
He says, with those inbred morons about that, the One
True King not a Vessie. I don't go that far.
I mean, I have a love hate relationship with my

friends in Philadelphia. I love the undomesticated animals when they
run them up after the Eagles do something well and
they try to urinate all over the place, tear down
their city. It's it's a good thing to see. Encourage
pretty nice. All right, you can send us a tweet
if you'd like to join him. We might read it
on the air. AT's at Ben maller Eat writes, and

he says, Jordy Nelson to the Raiders as a possibility. Lorly, lorly, Lordi.
Jordi is almost forty, he says, well, he's actually not almost,
for his body's like sixty. He's not quite quite that old,
not quite that old. Weed Man hippie is next on

Fox Sports Radio. All great streaks coming to an end,
they do, they do, They don't go on forever. Joe
DiMaggio had that long hitting streak, right that that record
records a hitting streak, and it was broken, eventually came
to an end. Weed Man hippies, weed man hippie streak
came doing it. These things happen. Hello, Hello, would you

like to go on the air. Hello, your fifty six
game hitting streak has come to an end. Sep, Well,
I didn't get to sleep. Why why do you get
to sleep? I don't get. I don't get to sleep.
Why do you get to sleep? I don't get. I

don't know how you do it. I just keep talking.
I put one word after another word, and then you
keep talking. But I don't even know what I'm saying.
What are you? Didn't? Are you just woke up? How
many hours? How many hours? Let's play they get home
to sick? Let's play the game. How many hours did
weed man hippie sleep? Let's play the game here? Uh,

don't answer yet, weed man. I will go first, and
let's see. I started doing the show, The Blizzard Show.
Hold on, be quiet. I started doing the Blizzard Show
in Boston at nine, So I'm gonna assume that he
was probably sleeping before that, at least at eight o'clock. Relax,
all right, So I see nine, ten, eleven, twelve. Now

it's what's all the way through? I'm gonna say, you've
got eight hours to sleep. I'm gonna go with eight
hours of sleep. Anyone want in on this? The weed
Man Hippie? How many hours did weed man Hippie sleep? Game?
I'm going eight man, I'm gonna go six, all right, Danny,
She's going six. Anyone else, anyone else, I'm gonna go nine,
all right, So we've got six, eight, nine. Oh, you

guys are way over. I'm gonna go four. That's what
I usually get. I get about four hours of sleep
during the week. Okay, weed Man, hippie reveal answers, weed Man, hippie,
how many and you listening? Lock your bets in here
we go weed man, Hey stupid, Hey Maron weed Man.

How many hours asleep did you get last night? We
met Coop cheated four hours and twenty minutes. Well you yeah,
anything close to four hours, he adds on the it
could be five hours. He'd go down. What what all right?

Your phone? Hell's going on? Was he vaping or something?
Was that? Was he? He just he told me yesterday
he got a brand new phone in new headphones. Now
he told me was it on this show or the
Boston show? I don't know. He said he got that horn.
You know how he got those horns that he hanks.
He cut them from a guy in Miami, a Cuban
guy riding his bike. He had two horns on the bike,

and we men says, hey, I'd like those horns, and
then they made a deal. So they're from an old
Cuban guy in Miami that we men saw riding a
bike and asked the guy if he could get the
the guy was probably so scared he's like, Okay, here
I have him. Go leave me alone, stay away from me,

don't get near me. This guy's a terrorist, right Mallard
of the third degree. We're gonna get to that. Here's
the instant trivia. Blank is the only coach to lose
as many as five games in the twentieth century of
college basketball tournament action two teams with double digit seats.

Again NCAA College Basketball Men's basketball Tournament. Blank is the
only coach to lose as many as five games in
the twentieth century to teams with double digit seeds. That's
the instant trivia. The answer. Next on The Ben Maller Show,
we specialized in sarcasm, snark, and satire, all things needed
to survive the shady late night characters. On Twitter, litcher

thoughts to be heard by the masses under the cover
of the micro blogging website. Followed Ben on Twitter. He
is at Ben Maller and you can tweet that and
follow our executive producer. He is the liar liar in
the Menace of the Fox Sports Radio Network gets the
Coop de Loop Justin Cooper and he's at you h
Bronco fan Move and out live from the Geico Fox
Sports Radio Studios. It's Ben Maller. You get to Mallard

to the third degree of momentarily, but first the instant trivia.
Blank is the only coach to lose as many as
five or to college basketball. Here is tournament action. Blank
is the only coach to lose as many as five
NCAA tournament games in the twentieth century to teams that
were double digit seeds. Harry Hothead is going with Lenny
and Squiggy Buddy Bianca Lana thrown out by the designated quitter.

The Cowboy Killer going with William Shatner Denver. Rob says,
Titus McGee is the answer. See what I did there?
Uh see, can't read that one on the air tubby
Smith guest by Eke Bobby Knight from Johnny q AJ
is going with Dean Smith. That was last night's answer.
Joe the bitter Spurs fan whose team's gonna miss the

playoffs this year? Going with Larry Brown Steve Alford guest
by Chris and Ted Nugent from Troy Who's stuck in Seattle? Eddie,
You do have an answer, of course, it's Charlie Spoon hour,
great Charlie spoon n the correct answer. He was a
young guy, but he had bright white hair. His name

was Bobby Cremen's remember Bobby. Georgia Tech had several future
NBA players at Georgia Tech, and they managed to lose
to double digit seeds five consecutive years eighty seven, eighty eight,
eighty nine, so it was actually three consecutive years, and

they've lost again in nineteen ninety three. It was five
NCAA playoff games that they lost against double digit seeds. Overall,
let's get to it here we go. It's Meller. How
about that to the third degree. This is one big
Ben gets grilled man. We bring in the Coop de
Loop Justin Cooper with this extended edition of that lived

of the thirties. Now, Ben, there have been an extended
Oh okay, there have been a number of times that
we've talked about you just wasted outrageous asking price for
Nick Foles. Now reports are that the price tag was
initially set so high because the Eagles don't really want
to trade him. Ben, you did talk about this a
little bit earlier in the show. But do you think
it's the right method by the Eagles or should they
get what they can Well, that's assuming you believe this story.

I don't believe the story. This is what we call
Eagle propaganda is what it is. Number One, there's very
little interest in Nick Foles. That's the reality most wise. Teams. No,
you're not getting the player that was in the playoffs
last year. That's not the player that you're getting. That's
an aberration. You don't trade for an aberration. Instead, you're
getting a player much closer to the quarterback he's been

since twenty fourteen. Since twenty fourteen in regular season games,
nick Foles I want to repeat this because it needs
to be repeated, has had a passer rating of seventy
seven since twenty oh four in regular season games the
past four seasons now. He's been a backup for some
of that, but he's played enough games where that's the

real Nick Foles. That's the real guy that you're gonna get,
and you're not gonna get the guy that was in
the playoffs for the Philadelphigas. Number Two. If NFL teams
were banging down the Eagles doors trying to get Nick Foles,
he would have already been traded. I maintain that there

is very little interest, very little interest in Nick Foles,
and that Nick Foles is a backup quarterback the rest
of his career. He's not going to be a starter again,
not a good starter. And unless Carson Wentz is going
the Andrew Luck road and will not be able to
play in twenty eighteen. And this is all being hushed

hushed behind closed doors here. It is a waste of
resources to pay your backup quarterback more than your starting
quarterback and more than your starting wide receivers, which is
what's going on in Philadelphia. Bad job by them, but hey,
it's good. It helps out the Rams, it helps out
the Vikings and the other good teams in the NFC
that the Eagles have handicapped themselves. Next. Now, yesterday he

talked about how the San Antonio Spurs are bound to
be a lottery team. Now, this was a great, great
rant ahead yesterday, and I believe this would end twenty
one consecutive years of making the playoffs. Ben, do you
think we are nearing the end of the pop era
in San Antonio? Yeah, of course, it's one hundred percent.
Greg Popovitch, his days are numbered in the Aluma. He's

not gonna be fired. But the end, we're closer to
the end than the beginning, he goes without saying. Number One,
playing the age game. If you play the age game.
Greg Popovitch just turned sixty nine years old a few
months ago. Most NBA coaches are younger. No matter how
impressive your resume, eventually you get tuned out. Phil Jackson

stopped coaching. I think he was like sixty five or
sixty six as an example, he just that was it.
He was done and beat. The real question is who
takes his place on the silence. Greg Popovitch can only
make so many rodeo trips, so many rodeo road trips.
He's also gone off the deep end in the last

year since Donald Trump became president. Popovitch seemingly doesn't care
about alienating many of the Spurs fans with his commentary.
He's the grumpy old guy who seems to think everyone
either agrees with him or should agree with him. As
far as politics are concerned, I would like to see
him run for political office because he will not win

and he'll end up embarrass himself. But yeah, his day
is his coaching numbered all right? Next Apparently there is
a film crew documentary, Kirk Cousin's Journey Throughout Free Agency,
which is now over. Ben, does this movie interest you
at all? Well, I'll check it out for the show,
but there's a ninety seven percent chance it is going
to be atrocious, right. First of all, this is simply

going to be advertising for Kirk Cousins, who I didn't
even know had a brand. Apparently he's got a store
on his website. It is going to be used as
a vehicle to promote and hype up Kirk Cousins. Just
like Tom Versus time was Patriot porn, this will be
Kirk Cousins porn for the now Viking quarterback. And secondly,
the real documentary that I would like to see, the

unfiltered look at Johnny Manzill's agent begging general managers for
a tryout, not a contract, sending text mes, sages and
emails that do not go return. That would be a
great documentary. All right, there it is Mallard of the
third degree? How did we do Benny pass? This edition?
That is another Twitter that is a whole lot of

barbecue you can afford now. One of the moose that
happened early in the day in the NFL, a jaw
drop in contract for a wide receiver that has failed
with two different teams cashing in. We'll talk about that.
Welcome in the beginning of another hour. It's the Ben
Maller Show. We are in the air everywhere the vast

Fox Sports Radio network, emanating live from the Geico Fox
Sports Radio studios. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent
or more on your car insurance. Just visit Geico dot
com for a free rate quote. And of all the
players that have changed teams, and it seems like there's
an endless list here. I've dealt with fatigue talk radio

fatigue about all the names that have moved around. There
is medication for them. There's medication, but there's a medication
for everything. Fiser actually has something that you can take
and then they'll deal with NFL free agency fatigue. It's
a great thing. It's a wonderful thing. Anyway, Now, the
name that caught my attention, I got some email from
a couple of our listeners in Kansas City about this

who had requested a Malard monologue. And rather than do
a deep dive on Dion Lewis, I've already done that earlier,
rather than go all in on the Jets. That's low
hanging fruit. Low hanging fruit is not bad, and I
might get to the Jets at some point. It's on
my list. It's on my list. But I would like
to begin with Sammy Watkins. Now on Mallard to the

third degree. A few days ago, Sammy Watkins name came up,
and I believe I used some reference I forget exactly
I'm paraphrasing here to his career being at a crossroad,
and typically when your careers at a crossroads, when that's
the case, when you failed with two different teams, the
Buffalo Bills gave up I think it was two first

round picks to trade up to get Sammy Watkins. He
had a golden opportunity then in Los Angeles, was a
non factor with the Rams, was an afterthought with the Rams.
So surely the assumption was, well, he's gonna get a job,
but he's not gonna get a massive payday with that resume,

with that resume, well, surprise, surprise, surprise, Sammy Watkins. Good
for him. He has broken the bank. When you think
about where he is and where he is going. His
new contract He's agreed to deal to go to Kansas
City will be made official later today. Andy Reid is
all in. He is gonna pay the man, Sammy Watkins

thirty million dollars in guaranteed money over the next couple
of seasons of football to three year, forty eight million
dollar contract. Now, I want to play a word association game,
which is always fun unless it's not. So the word
association game works this way. Say the first words that
come to your head when you think of Sammy Watkins

after two failures in the NFL getting thirty million dollars. Now,
the things that pop into my head are magic phone,
underperformance and unreliable. And there's other stuff, but those are
the We'll start with that and we'll bring all these
things together. Now, Hey, Sammy Watkins is benefiting from the

power of the Ben Maller Show. And this is where
if you're a p one, you know exactly where I'm going.
If you're a card carrying member of the Mallard Militia.
Sammy Watkins now gets to eat z Man sandwiches, which
is the greatest sandwich around. He gets to eat the
Ben Maller chicken fingers seven days a week. If he
wants all those legend Jerry restaurants in the Kansas City

areas he's in, he's good right. Sammy is the benefactor
of using my magic phone because last year it happened
following a RAM game. I was in the RAMS locker
room there and Sammy Watkins, one of the producers, said, hey,
can you see if Sammy will call in to the

Fox Sports I don't know who's on. I forget who,
and I said, sure, why not, I'm here, what the hell?
And so I then handed the maller phone to Sammy Watkins.
Sammy Watkins then took the phone and, much to my amazement,
walked away with my phone into a player's only area

of the RAMS locker room at the Coliseum, which did
scare me a little bit because I didn't know if
I was gonna get the phone back, and I also
didn't know if he was going through my text messages,
which I was a little concerned about that he might
have been going through my private text messages. But sure enough,
he eventually returned. He came back. He he handed me
the phone and as a gift to him, he has

now gotten thirty million dollars because of Maller's magic phone. Congratulations. Now.
Other legends that have used the Mallar phone over the
years include Pete Carroll won a national title at USC
he used At Old Pac ten Media Day, he used
the phone. He then went to Seattle and won a

Super Bowl again because of Maller's magic phone. Congratulations. The
great Hall of Fame baseball manager Tommy Lasorda back in
the day used my phone, Maller's magic phone. He ended
up going to Cooperstown. Another Hall of Famer Michael Piazza
when he was with the Dodgers Hall of Famer. Now
he wasn't in the Hall of Famer. He made a

gazillion dollars when he left the Dodgers because of Maller's
magic phone. I can go on and on here the
power of the phone. I should charge people when they
come in here and they hang out with us in
the studio, which we have from time to time. I
should arged them to hold my phone. You'll become a
gazillionaire possibly and become a Hall of Fame person because

of Mallar's magic phone. Now, as far as Sammy Watkins,
the football player, the cold reality is Sammy Watkins NFL
career can be summed up in one phrase. That phrase
is under performance. What Sammy Watkins should be and what
Sammy Watkins has been two separate things. Right now now

part B of this. Injuries are a part of football.
I used to work with someone who I like a lot.
Her name is Karen Kay and KK. Back in the day,
I would point out what I would do, and I
still do the same thing. I haven't changed. I'm very stubborn.
I do the same radio I did twenty years ago
now and I would come in here and I'd say, well,
that guy's gonna get hurt. And I'd say, this guy whatever,

and she get all upset. You shouldn't say that kind
of thing on the radio, Like I got some kind
of ability to create injuries in the NFL. And I
get the old line right, The injury rate is one
hundred per cent, but some players are more likely to
get hurt. The term is injury prone. Goodbye, my lover,

injury prone, right, And and I'll never forget. One night
I was in here and we were Steve McNair, the
late great Steve McNair had left the Titans and he'd
gone to the Ravens, and I was doing the old
which week will Steve McNair get hurt? Bit on the radio,
which is never gets old. People love the bit, and

so we were trying to pick which week Steve McNair
would get hurt, and she got so upset with me
she stopped talking for like an hour and a half
of the show. And the most amazing part of that.
And I love Kaka to death. I invite her to
my ugly sweater party. She never shows up, and I
invite her. She knows, she's a very busy woman, and

she she stopped. She's not even a Raven fan or
a Titans fan, or even the Sausage or even a
Steve McNair fan. You know what I'm most amazed about
about this whole Mala monologue is that there's still sound
bites of Karen Kay in the system here at least
ten years old, if not fifteen years old. This is
just outstanding. I woke up kind of sore Saturday and Sunday.

Let the road from Dancing John come down kicking. That's
Josh Gears the Wheel the wheel what was what was
his nickname? The Wheels of Steel? Was that? It? Yeah?
All right? Anyway, so so now I'm all, do we
have any more kking? Just play all the KKA drops,
that's all. Rather than me talk about Sammy Watkins and
injury pone players, just play all the same, Just play

KK drops. That's it. I love how drops that we
use all the time get deleted out of this. I
know I like stuff. I really love stuff that I
love A lot we don't have I can't use it
and crap from fifteen years ago of people we love them,
but they don't work here anymore. We still have those.
My space is huge. So I figured I'm going, oh,

that sounded really bad. Do not mark the tape. I
don't even know who that other voice was. I have
no idea whatever happened to that person? All right, anyway,
uh so listen, Sammy Watkins his injury prone, and you
know how some guy it's like a moth to the flame,
Like a moth moth attracted to the flame, some NFL
players are just more likely to get hurt. Uh It's

I look at the same way. In the NBA, Jerry
West is a wonderful GM he's the logo, but for
some reason, the Clippers traded for this guy named Darko
he's he's essentially the modern day Darko. He's a He's
an absolute bum. The guy gets hurt all the time, right,
so when you trade for players who are injury prone,

you then can't be surprised when they miss games. Sammy
Watkins is on that list, and as a result, he
is not someone that you can count on. He is unreliable,
mostly unreadable. He's been dinged up regularly. He's been that's
been used as a fall guy to exp lane his
lack of production. But look at the Rams. Last year.
The Rams had an offense that was leading the NFL

most of the season. They finished second in points per game.
Sammy Watkins had thirty nine catches and less than six
hundred yards playing for an offense that led the NFL
most of the season. And so now now he's what
He's one of the five highest paid receivers in the NFL,

at least he was at the beginning of the day.
This is a great mitzvah is what this is for
Sammy Watkins. And again it goes back to Mallar's magic phone.
It goes back to the fact that he used Mallar's
magic phone. It's good for him Okay, I'm gonna throw
out that's enough. Now. The parting shot on this Patrick Mahomes, right,
the gun slinger. He's another wild card here. Now Andy

Reid has shown I'll give him this, he shown a
much better skill at finding quarterbacks that turn out to
be pretty effective in the NFL. Then he has making
decisions in playoff games when you've got a big lead.
And if Andy Reid has given a seal of approval
to Patrick Mahomes, that's a pretty good thing. Doesn't guarantee anything,

but he's got a pretty good track record, solid track record,
and the Chiefs clearly felt they had to freshen things up,
get rid of Alex Smith, and still Mahomes because of
his reputation in college and the fact he hasn't played
that much in the NFL. He's an unknown quantity. And
one thing is for sure here Kansas City, they have
surrounded this guy with a bunch of Bazuka's high powered artillery,

an endless amount of AMMO. Sammy Watkins at thirty million
guaranteed is going to be what the fourth option on offense,
the fourth wheel for Kansas City. You've got Travis Kelsey,
Tyreek Hill will be the number one receiver. You got
Tyreek killed, Travis Kelsey, Kareem Hunt in the backfield field,

and then you've got Sammy Watkins. So you got Hill,
Kelsey and Hunt who are ahead of Sammy Watkins as
far as guys you would expect to make big plays
for the Kansas City Chiefs. All right, it is the
the Ben Mallers Show on Fox on Fox, and we
will take your phone calls if you would like to
be part. The number is eight seven seven ninety nine

on Fox. That's eight seven seven nine nine six sixty
three six nine. We're also available on Twitter on Twitter,
that's at Ben Maller at Ben Maller and you can
be part of the festivities there. Edmund Dallas steamboat. Willie
Garcia right over. Now, I've worked with you for quite

some time. Thank you for that, and please together heard
about the Magic phone, Yeah, the Magic phones are real deal. Yeah,
very few athletes have used the phone, but it's worked
out very well. Now you claim this phone has had
magical abilities for many years ago, but obviously you've upgraded
your phone. You don't have the same phone that you had. Well,
it's my account Magic has transferred from phone to phone. Well,

it's not batting a thousand. I mean, there was that
one time Dennis Ericson used my phone and he got
fired at Oregon State, so that didn't work out too
well for him. But overall the majority of people that
have used Mallar's Magic Phone have had wonderful things happen
in their life, glorious great things. Why hasn't the phone
worked for you? Why would you? I'm doing overnight radio, Eddie,

I'm on from two am to six am. As I
want to point out again, Eddie, that when Colin Cowherd
left ESPN and came to Fox, he could have he
could have had any time slot. He actually wanted the
two am to six am slot. It's the most coveted
slot in radio, and he could not get it. The
company said no. The company said no, you cannot have it.

You're out of luck. And just so because of the value.
They knew that I would be doing for Hym's commercials
and that I would be doing Sleep Number commercials and
all that, and they said no, you can't have it. Colin.
I'm sorry. So the phone has worked match for you.
I get to do I do radio occasionally in Boston
when there's a blizzard going on. They they have me
do radio. That's because of the magic phone. Brother, that's true.

That's amazing, Yeah, absolutely amazing, Thank you. It is now
weird though, with the more modern phone, which has been
around for so why is it weird? Well because when
I used to give the phone away, I didn't have
to worry about someone reading my text message. But now
like you can go through the e I can click
a button here and go through. I got, you know,
any emails I have on my phone right now? Take
a gin. I bet I have more. I bet I

have more? All right, let's all right, here we go.
Let's do it. Who's got the most? Everyone get their
phone out? Who's got the most emails on their phone? Oh?
It's not me, It's not like Coop. How many emails
do you have on your phone right now? Eleven? Eleven?
Danny G? How many emails are you? Nine thousand? Didn't change? Okay?

What I want to see proof of this? All right?
Let mean, let me verify this, eddie. How many emails
do you have in your nine thirty two? All right?
I have right now on my phone as God is
my witness, and I'll show all of you my phone.
I have eighty seven thousand, six hundred and forty six

emails in my box in my inbox. Wait a minute,
but you're not You're not talking about the red number, right,
I'm talking about the red number. The red number. Oh,
it goes up that high. I gotta see when I
when I wrote for the different websites, I got my
my email address ended up on all these PR email lists,
and I get endless amounts of PR email. I'm on,

I haven't written about Nascar. I talk about Nascar like
once a year. I get seven thousand Nascar emails from
from those people Hollywood people promoting moved movie, send me crap. Eight.
I don't even I stopped even deleting them, and I
just I just like whatever, I'm not gonna I'm not
gonna deal with it. I'll just leave them. I don't
even open them. Eighty seven thousand, six hundred forty six emails, Eddie,

right now, I'll show you all. I'm I gotta see this.
That's red number, says eighty seven thousand, six hundred forty six. Yeah, crap,
that's right. Cooper is kind of Cooper doesn't believe I
come over here, we'll have to periscope this as well.
Tips see that number. Yea. I don't know what to

do though, because I now there's how do I delete
an eighty seven thousand emails? I don't take like a
month to do that, so I don't. That gave me
anxiety just looking at it. I've got email. How does
your phone still function? Well, that's a different issue. See,
that's that's part of the problem. Like I've had to
disable like pretty much all of the apps on my

phone because I don't have enough I don't have enough space. Yeah,
I was telling Coop I took the actual Yahoo icon
off of my phone because it was taking up too
much space. Yeah. I cannot imagine ten times that amount. Yeah,
it's it's annoying. It's an issue. I would take your
neat an intervention. I think, do I need an intervention? Yeah?
I also have to reset the computer. The computer. We'd

like to update all our affiliates, Eddie. This we got
to go to the app store because the computer is
frozen here in the main studio. That's very unusual. It's
hard to believe that a computer from the year two
thousand would would crash. That's on twenty four hours a day,
seven days a week. I don't know why it would
stop working. I have no idea why it would freeze
like that, profit froze. Dude's exactly all right. We'll take

your phone calls eight seven seven ninety nine on Fox
eight seven seven nine nine six six three six nine
if you would like to be part of the festivities
and it's we'll call it tank Dar, tank Dar. We'll
get to that. We'll do it next on the Ben
malla Show. We specialize in sarcasms and sat hire, all
things needed to survive the shady late night characters. On Twitter,

let your thoughts be heard by the masses under the
cover of the microblogging website. Follow Ben on Twitter. He's
at Ben Maller and you can tweet at and follow
our technical producer. He plays all the music and most
of funny sound bites at the Ben Maller Show. His
first name is Danny. His last name is a mystery
to most, but you can follow him at Danny g
Radio and at the top Year Lung Scream Where the
White Women At and Alive from the Geico Fox Sports

Radio Studios. It's Ben Maller. The Maller militia very active.
There were there. Guy, I gotta find it. I got
a bunch of messages here that had a an interesting question.
He was a new listener to the show, and he
was trying to figure out what the Ben Maller show

it's all about. And I get this from time to time,
like people that just stumble upon the show that don't
normally don't normally listen. I have no idea. They're like,
what the hell is this? And he was like, I've
been listening for two days, and then he ran down
the list of the things that he's heard two days.
He's a two day listener to the Ben Mallishaw And

he went on and on about all this, and he
was ranting about how he heard a guy who was
at a retirement home, which was actually wrong because that's
a drag queen who's at every time. So if you're
gonna if you're gonna call and complain, at least get
it right. I mean he was the guy's a woman,
or at least thinks of himself as a woman. So

there's that. This is Chris's message. He says, I'm a
new listener. The last two nights have me weak. He
says an old dude in a nursing home. Again, that
was the drag queen, a blind dude. And now, whatever
the hell weed Man Hippie is? He said, like, I
guess you didn't hear weed Man Hippius. What about Mark,

the full name guy who had the harmonica? What about him?
What about that guy? We can go, we can go
on the way the show works, Chris is, we give
out the phone number, and whoever happens to choose to call.
Most people don't call. Studies say that ninety nine percent
of people that listen to a show are not gonna
call it. A lot of people can't call in because

they listen to the podcast and they're unable to call in.
So if only you had been around when Genie and
Medford was with us, that was the great days of
the show. My god, the all we miss her? Oh
do we miss her? All? Right to the phones we go,
and Fluffy Dave. Fluffy Dave is next. We'll get to

the tank dar. We'll get to that coming up in
a moment. Hello, Fluffy Dave, Hey, how's it going? Ben Maller, Welcome,
what's up? I'd like to introduce myself to Chris I'm
Fluffy Dave. Welcome to the Ben Mallor Show. Yeah, that's great. Yep,
all right, thank you for the call, Fluffy Dave. Yeah,

thank you. I appreciate what was a good call. It's
great welcome to him. And very kind of you, Fluffy
Dave to do that. I think it's right. It's a
good call by you. Well. Dirk Nvitski, who I believe
still in the NBA, at least on a team that's
not trying to win. The Dallas Mavericks actually won a

game Tuesday night. They played the New York Knickerbockers, who
are another embarrassment, another catastrophe of basketball. And Dirk Davsky said,
when asked whether or not you know he can tell
which teams are trying to shall we say not win right?
Which teams are tanking? He said, yeah, it's pretty obvious.

Novitsky said. There obviously are some teams that are going
for losses. We're one of that still wants to win.
Dirk said, And as for the idea of tanking, he said, why,
I think Mark meaning Mark Cuban messed that up for us. Now,
I have not played in the NBA, I know that'll

amaze you. I should have at some point been in
the NBA. My nickname, one of my nicknames are Spalding.
It's one of my nicknames. But even I I have
if you want to call it tank dar. There used
to be a thing back in the day, which I
don't believe is politically correct anymore, which was gaydar. Remember
that back in the day that was a thing. Is
that still a thing? Gaydar? People? I could. I don't

think that's a thing anymore, right, not anymore. That's over
with it. But I tank dar. Is that's politically correct,
You can do tank dar. That's still a thing. So
here's what I do is gonna blow you away. This
is very nuanced. What I do is I go and
I look at the NBA standards, and I look at
the top and I see when there's some teams that
are trying to win. And then when I go, I

go page down, page down, page down again, page down,
and then I see, oh, look at this. Memphis they've
lost eighteen games in a row. Tank the Phoenix Suns,
they've already lost fifty games. Tank the Atlanta Hawks, Tank,
Orlando Magic. We can go on and on here, Sacramento

King shout out Brooklyn, which makes no sense for Brooklyn
because they don't even have their pick. They've traded that
years ago. And then you got the Dallas and the
Chicago Bulls are winking a nod to the Bulls and
the Knicks. See, the Knicks are on this list. Two.
The Knicks are one in nine. They've lost eight straight games.
They're trying to catch up, they're trying to move up

in the tank standings, and they got a shot. They're
three games back in the lost column for Sacramento, Brooklyn
and Dallas. But if the Knicks can lose every game
the rest of the season, the problem is they've already
played sixty eight games, so they only have fourteen games
to go in the regular this season here or so,

this time is running out, time is running out. Stop
this future attracts. But if they can go and lose
their last fourteen, that would put them at twenty two
losses in a road to close out the year. And
if something bizarre happens and Dallas wins a few games
and Brooklyn, then the Knicks have a shot. They got

a shot. But I also have tank car. I have
the ability, all right, Ben Mallas Show on Fox, we
are moments away from a radio game show. I need
a contestant. I'm in need of a contestant. If you
would like to play and have a chance to win
a golden ticket, call right now. We'll open up a
line for you at eight seven, seven ninety nine on Fox.
We're gonna play too much or not enough? We got
tender one tips with Danny g coming up a little

bit after that right now, though, Eddie Garcia this year
and he will give you the latest Eddie well bet.
In the NFL, the free agency period officially signing contracts tomorrow,
but all the reports are pretty much out as far
as the big names and where they're going to sign them.
That includes Kirk Cousins, who agrees on a three year
deal worth eighty six million dollars guaranteed with the Minnesota Vikings. Meanwhile,

all three of the quarterbacks that were with the Vikings
last year have found new homes. Who told you about
Kase Keenan with the Broncos last night? Sam Bradford signs
a one year deal with the Arizona Cardinals, where will
sign a one year deal. Teddy Bridgewater a one year
deal with the New York Jets, and as expected, Drew
Brees agrees on a two year, fifteen million dollars deal
with the New Orleans Saints. Another non quarterback NFL news,
the Green Bay Packers are totally gonna signed veteran tight

end Jimmy Gramo, releasing veteran wide receiver Jordy Nelson and
wide receiver Danny Ammondola's leaving the New England Patriots gonna
sign with the Miami Dolphins. In the NCAA Tournament, we
have the first two playing games. The winners were Saint
Bonaventure and eleven seed and Radford a sixteen seed up
next for Saint Bonaventure, six seeded Florida of next for Radford,
top seed Villanova. In the NBA Thunder over the Hawks

one nineteen one oh seven, Russell Westbrooker Cords is one
hundred three or triple double broke from the City Raptors
won their ninth and arre o, beating the Nets one
sixteen to one oh two, and the Timberwolves beat the
Wizards one sixteen to one. In this report's brought to
you by True Car online car shop. They could be confusing,
but not anymore. With True Price from Truecar now you
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car buying experience. And Ben, I'm sure Karen Kay would
be upset with you because you talked about this guy
getting hurt a lot. But Golden State Warrior star Steph
Curry is gonna miss at least another week because his
troublesome right ankle has not healed. He reinjured it last Thursday.
The two time MVP will be reevaluated in a week.
That means he will sit out the next four games
at least for Golden State. He also looked fine at

his birthday party. He looked all right at his birthday part.
So he's I didn't know you were invited to his
birthday party. Well, everyone was invited, wasn't It was such
a ridiculous throwdown. The Warriors canceled practice because of all
the debauchery that happened at Steph Curry's birthday party. Really, yeah,

there was. Practice was scheduled and Steph Curry he turned
thirty and they had a ridiculous or happy happy birthday?
Old man? Yeah, what was ridiculous about it? Can you
give us some examples of it had a logo for
the party, a Steph Curry logo, like especially designed logo

for the isn't he doesn't he wear number? Thirty? Is
this jersey number that right? Thirty? Do you need a logo?
Have you ever had a birthday party that has a logo?
I can honestly say I've never had that before. Now
have you ever had to cancel worked because of a party? Well?
I went to a draft party at Disneyland. It didn't
come to work, that's wi. Yeah. The the Warrior players

pulled up to the birthday party on a yacht. Never
never done that either. Yeah, there's all kinds of videos
out there. There was like bands performed that they brought
in bands to perform and all that. These aren't cover bands,
by the way, these are like the real and his wife.
His wife made cake pops. Yeah, on her cooking show.

Now I believe that. Here's the thing, like Steph Curry's
wife I think actually does cook. I was watching Tom
Versus Time and I don't know what that is. What's
on Facebook? So this great reality is that still going?
That just ended on me? Okay, but it made it.
It was like six episodes anybody get called to pissing
it or anything. I don't know what you're talking about,
all right, but anyway, so on the show, they made

it seem like Tom Brady's wife was cooking off my
ass right on. And they I give Brady credit because
in the entire show, you don't see a single nanny,
you don't see a maid, you don't see the cleaning.
That's why they make it seem like they're just living
their normal life at their mansion in the suburban Massachusetts

there outside Boston, and uh and Gazelle's in the kitchen,
you know, she's doing her thing whatever, and that's how
they're living their life. Yeah, that's what they made it
seem like. Yeah, you know what that is? Good editing?
Good editing is what that is. All right, let's get
to it week. It's another Ben Maller game. We've endured
too many of these. Is it too much or not

enough enough? Already too much or not enough? Golden ticket
on the line and someone someone is going to play
too much or not enough right now, let's let weed
man hippie pick if his phone's working? All right, love you,
I love you? Okay, all right, your phone's working? That's great.

I told the story about how you got the horns
from the guy, the Cuban guy, the old Cuban. I
need that. Are you paying twenty books for it? That's good?
All right? Weed man pick we've got line one two
or three? Pick one two or three and that person

is gonna play too much or not? Ye what he said? Three?
All right, so that would be Kaffe. You pick Kaffe
in Portland. Hello, Kathy, Well, hello, I need a golden
ticket really bad. Welcome to Chris. There's blind people everywhere.

I'm blind Kathy in Portland. I have noticed, Kathy, that
you have You've gone into game show mode lately. I
have noticed a well concerned I'm gonna trouble by that.
We'll trouble by that. I like you, Kathy, but you
used to call up and talk Celtics or Clippers or Blazers.
Now I feel like I only really talk to you
when you want to play a game. The playoffs are coming.

I've got to have a golden ticket because the playoffs
are coming. Well, let's get to the game here. You
need to learn how to unsubscribe to your emails too. Well,
you'll teach me a lesson on that too much or
not enough if you go five for five. This happened
last week? Right? Wait a five for five last week.
It's a pretty good, pretty big deal, all right? Just
try to get three right. Question number one. Russell Westbrook

is one hundredth triple double on Tuesday, but Lebron James
had his fifty eighth. Is fifty eight too much or
not enough for Lebron? Don't I think it's too much?
Too much? All right? Is she right? Is Kathy correct? Oh,
you don't worry about going five for five not enough?

Lebron collected his sixty ninth career triple double. Question number two,
Speaking of Russell Westbrook one hundred triple doubles, he just
became the sixth player to reach that mark in the
annals of the NBA. Is that too much or not
enough for the thunder Guard? Well, that's too many because

it's it's he's the one of four. So you say that,
So you're saying that too many? All right? Is that?
As she writes, she says too much? That is correct.
Westbrooks the fourth player to have gotten to that many
triple doubles. The Big Old Magic Jason Kidd and Russell Westbrook.
All right, so you're on the board. You can put

it on the bar. Yeah. Question number three, Jim mcgraham
had eight receiving touchdowns last season. Is that too much
or not enough? Oh? I didn't hear you say that.
I think it's too much. She says too much? Is
she right? Oh? Whoa one more wrong answer and we

hit the stick. Yeah, we hit the stick of dynamite.
That's it. Question number four for Kathy, she's in Portland.
How many fingers am I holding up? Kathy? Five? See,
she's blind. I'm holding two fingers up. That proves it
right there. All right. Question number four, Here we go.
The San Antonio Spurs have made the playoffs for eighteen

straight seasons. Is that not enough? One? Wow? She says
not enough. Spurs have made the post twenty straight seasons.
All right, you got that one right. And it comes
down to this last question. Are you ready? Kat? Yea?
You sure? Yeah? I'm not gonna call it time out.

Here we go the Trailblazers. Oh, this is low hanging
fruit for you. The Trailblazers have scored at least one
hundred points in fifteen straight wins. Is that too much
or not enough for the Blazers. That's too much. A
last time I heard straight she says too much? Is
she right for the wins? She happens to live in Point.

That's right, that's a winder. I got a gold ticket,
she gets the golden ticket, the golden ticket. All right,
thank you, Cathy, and I feel free to call some
time not to playing a game. It's like our friend
in Cincinnati that always calls to play the games. We'll

get to Tinder Rowney Tips with Danny g Radio, Actual
relationship advice on your sports talk radio show, Go Figure.
It's amazing. We'll get to that. We'll do it next.
The only thing better than listening to the Ben Maller
Show live on the radio is to hear it again
at your own convenience on demand. The Ben Mallor Show

podcast is moving up the charts unless it's not. Support
our little radio show by subscribing to the podcast on
iTunes Inagua US five stars and I'll keep the show
growing and pacify our bosses. Now live from the Guy
Coo Fox Sports Radio Studios, it's Ben Maller. Fluffy Dave

calls in. He says, yet again, Ben, you've made a
fool of yourself by hanging up on me. The Malla
Militia would like to hear from Fluffy Dave. Bad job
by you, he says. I should point out the next
message I have is from mister Wonderful, who says, by
far the best Fluffy Dave call ever. Those are back

to back. I'm looking at my screen right now is
back to back. I had to go in the back
end the rec That button is what I had to do.
You know what I have to do right now, I
have to do. This is what I tips. A bit

of a dry spell. Tinder Guru Danny is here to
help you have a romantic query. And you are under
the age of fifty and you're not freaky O. It's
Gustin Fief. Give up the call. I keep hearing that
spring is almost in the air. It's almost here. Love
love love, love, love love. And that means that Danny

G coming into the studio here with tinder rony tips.
He's making his way in. We are also on the
periscope app. That's Eddie on FSR on Periscope. Eddie on
FSR on Periscope. Watch the show. Danny G's handing me
the piece of paper right now, here we goes. It's

very exciting. Danny G I'm fired up for this. Here
we go. Happy hump Day, Yes, happy hump Day. Another
success with Tinneroni tips. Now this this bit so popular
that love line that had been on radio for eighty
years was was taken off radio because of this bit. Important.
Every time you say that, I say, unless that's not

the reason why it might have been. I don't know.
I have no idea. We as a word. K Dub
on Twitter says, how can you spice up a relationship
that has lost it's passion? What do you think? Three starts,
swinging starts, swinging lifestyle, Yes, go to swinger parties. What
could possibly be wrong with that? Okay, if that's not

your thing though outside of that, two chicks at the
same time, that's if that's not your thing. Thought, two
words internet born there you go, there you go, spice
it up? Well, that could be part of it on
a little vacation. But it's the one thing your wife
hammers you about. Ben, what's that time set time aside
where you put your your devices away? No phones, no computers,

no gadgets. But I'm a wired person. Danny is very
important part of having a girl in your life is
the fact that you have to dedicate some time just
to her. Really, so like you have to go to
dope things you don't want to, like movies that are
musicals and things like exactly. So I would say, do
that have a specific date night, set some time aside,

and just try to, um, you know, leave the modern
world to the side for at least that day that night,
go back to become a caveman. Go back to the
end of the day. I mean, think back to what
initiated the spark between the two of you in the
first place. I lost, all right, Mike. Mike Mike in
Minnesota on Twitter says, I haven't been on a vacation

with my wife in five years. Speaking about these Speaking
of the wife, he says, she shops a lot. How
can I get her to save? Oh yeah, well, Mike,
if you find out, let me know. Okay, the curse here,
it's like am Amazon on boxes at the door. It's
a drug man. It is feeding the habit. It's like needles.
But if you talk to in that in that time,

you set aside, and you know, your girl's always like
look me in the eyes, have a conversation with me,
as painful as that is, tell her, you know they look,
here's the thing, material items. We have enough of that.
Let's put some money aside. Every time we get paid,
every paycheck, we'll get this envelope. Will stick some cash
in there every two weeks, and that's gonna be our

vacation fund and we won't touch it. Yeah. Show her
picture pictures of like Kawaii or something like that. Yeah, yeah, No,
see the romance cards. Let's make memories. We gotta That's
what I'm saying. We have enough material material items. What's
better than that is actual memories. All right? Matthew on
Twitter says is it worth it to pay Match for

their three month package? We get this question a lot.
The answers No, well they're a sponsor, so yes, yes,
now that I think about it, yes is the answer. Well,
here's the thing. Absolutely year subscription over a seven year subscription.
You're overdoing it. Now. Um, what I used to do
with Match, Actually I would pay the and it's more expensive,

but just for one month. And then what you do
ben to play the odds just blank at the field
in that thirty days. You have to make the most
of it. That's called carpet bombing. Yeah, but that's that's
how you got to do that, because it just made
more sense than to have a long subscription, because are
you really going to be single for three straight months?

Some guys? Okay, I raised my hand back in the day. Absolutely,
but if you have any sort of game, you could
get it done in thirty days. And now I lovematch
dot com. They're a great sponsor that I've found that
out here. But there are there are other ways. Don't worry.
Jason Smith is the voice of all Right DJ in Fremont,
Real Quick. He says, my girlfriend, my girlfriend wants me

to help feel out her office bracket, but says if
she wins that it's her money. Is that a foul? Hell? Yeah,
if you're gonna do some of the work, you deserve
a general manager fee for her bracket. You get a cut. Yeah,
you're the bookie, right you think of you? You know
you're not really a bookie, but you get a share
or at least some sort of sexual something from her.

Have you put that? Put a list, put a wish
list out there, and then check off the boxes of
all the transactions of all the moves that have happened
in the National Football League. The one that got the
most reaction was not Kirk Cousins going to the Minnesota Vikings. Instead,
it was the guy that used to be the quarterback

in Minnesota, Sam Bradford, exiting and getting another another big payday.
Welcome in, we'll talk about it. Welcome in the beginning
of another hour. It's the Ben Mallers Show. We are
in the air everywhere the vast Fox Sports Radio network,
emanating live the Geico Fox Sports Radio studios. Fifteen minutes

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Some people have the mightas touch and that person in
the NFL right now is Sam Bradford. He has done
it again. Tom Condon, his agent like a magician, able

to seduce in NFL front office to take the booby
prize of football. Now. I'm not gonna sit here and
say that Sam Bradford is a good quarterback. I'm not
gonna say that. I don't think he is. I've trashed
Nam Bradford. A deer in the headlights. Bradford, he looks
like he needs to see a therapist. When times are

tough there in the NFL. You know what, I listen'd
it happens, It happens. The moment's always a little too
big for good old Sam Bradford. Well, he is going
to sign a contract, likely later today, for twenty million
dollars to play quarterback for the Arizona Cardinals. He is
being given another starting job in the NFL. And it

continues a trend. Bradford has bounced like a pinball all
over the National Football League. It began when he was
drafted with the old Saint Louis Rams and they projected
him to be the next big deal. Didn't work out.
He got hurt at a time he should not have
gotten hurt. So Bradford got hurt. You got the big contract,
that rookie contract. I think he was the last guy

to get that mega rookie contract. And then you had
the Philadelphia Eagles. He did a little time in Philly,
went to the Vikings, and now he's moved on to
the Cardinals. And so when the dust has settled, Sam
Bradford through his NFL career, right, he has taken it
a hundred and fourteen million dollars in eight seasons, and

you're gonna add on another twenty million, and so he
became open sea around the NFL players commenting commentators going
on on Eric Weddle, former Charger Ravens guy. Eric Weddle
reacting to Sam Bradford's contract and the amount of money,

the amount of money that Sam Bradford has earned in
the NFL, and pointed out here Eric Weddle, that it
is quote so dumb. Bradford has been paid more for
nothing than anyone in the history of the NFL. And see,
that's the thing that I want to talk about because
I disagree with Eric wed I disagree the beginning part

of that so dumb, so dumb, that is the wrong position.
This is the mindset that has the NFL Players Association
completely unhinged, a very little power, next to no influence.
I realized, I'm saying this is money is just flowing

around the National Football League. But my reaction to Eric
wedd I got a couple of things here. I've got
uncomplicated grand larceny and a case study. All right, the
first part, it is completely uncomplicated. What has happened here.

It's the thing that everyone wants who plays sports at
a young age and you're working your way up through
the currency of talent. Sam Bradford, at a very young
age was tagged by NFL talent evaluators as being a
guy that you want. These are supposedly reasonable, sensible people,

and they determined that sam Bradford had the IT factor
as he validated that. Of course not, but he got tagged.
It's the blessing of someone saying you have talent, that
you're gonna be the next big thing, you know, and

so you have you got the left brain and the
right brain or the right brain is the emotional part
of the brain, and that's where Eric Weddle's coming from.
But if you if you use the left left part
of your brain, like the logic center in your brain,
you know that. Again, this is uncomplicated that Sam Bradford,
coming out of Oklahoma was deemed to be the top
quarterback in the draft. He the timing was good on this,

the timing was really good. He came out, he got
a bunch of money, a ton of money from the
Saint Louis Rams and then they change the rules and
they cut down how much money the number one pick
can get. But that's not on sam Bradford that's on
the people that run NFL teams that brag about all
the data. They're very braggadocious about how complex and how

difficult and arduous the scouting of NFL players happens to be.
They love to pat themselves in the back and how
involved they are. And yet Sam Bradford has been able
to go through. Again, he's not a good quarterback. I'm
not here to say that Sam Bradford's a good quarterback.
Oftentimes in games you think he's overmatched, and yet statistically

he had that record setting here a couple of years
ago with the Minnesota Vikings, and you can tell how
little credibility that had, considering that the Vikings are like, hey,
we're good, you go your direction, we'll go our direction. Now.
The second thing here is grand larceny and this argument

that his performance is worthy of grand larceny charges, and
that's of course for someone who's a fraud. I would
argue that it's the executives like the Cardinals front office,
the people that make decisions in the Cardinals front they're
the ones that should be brought up on grand larceny.

He's bounced all over the place in the NFL team
to team, the team, and when he leaves a team,
it's kind of like the I guess the analogy. We've
used it before with Sam Bradford, so we'll use it again.
It is it's like a boat, right. The best day
in someone's life is when they buy a boat, right,
as the old line goes, And the second best day

in a person's life is when they get rid of
the boat, when they find someone to buy the boat
from them. And people get excited about Sam Bradford is
gonna come into his own here, it's gonna be like
a Hollywood movie, and all, well, it was a Hollywood movie,
they'd have already pulled it from theaters if it was
a Hollywood movie. And our NFL teams like, are they

doing money laundering with Sam Bradford. But again, it's not
on him. This is on the team. He is the benefactor.
A of the fact that Scounce early on his career
said when it's Oklahoma even before that, said this is
the guy. He's got the it factor. You know, this
is what a quarterback. The size, the arm, strength, all that.

Oh my god, this is great. He's fallen from the
heavens and it's continued despite his mostly incompetent career which
has been filled with a hodgepodge of injuries and incomplete
passes and disappointment the general managers. The talent people in
football are day dreamers, they're night thinkers, and they keep

going back down that road and the last thing here.
And this is a message to Eric Weddel and these
other either active or former NFL players who are trashing Sam.
You know what the Players Associations should do. They should
make a case study of Sam Bradford. They should have

a class where players and you know those dopey blue
ribbon panels, and have players come and study and learn.
Learn the art of what Sam Bradford has been able
to do. We said earlier, I'll say it again. Put
a statue of this guy in front of the Players
Association headquarters in New York. It is a job he

has been able to monetize, Zam Bradford, whether it's fraudulent
or not, his performance. He has been able to cash
in ungodly amounts of money during the course of his career.
And he hasn't used a gun. He hasn't used a knife.

He used a football. Maybe he made a deal with
demons and spirits and things like, I don't know, maybe
he did, maybe he went and saw some kind of
voodoo witch doctor or something like that. And and this
is all a deal that he made with the devil.
I haven't no idea, but it's working. It's absolutely working.

He has the nectar of the gods, apparently, because all
these teams keep throwing money at him. They love him,
they can't get enough. All right, So the Ben Maelers
show on Fox. Now the two big losers, because I
love even before free agency begins, doing losers, not winners,

losers in free agency. Now, I've got two here. We'll
do a toss up question. The biggest loser in NFL
free agency so far is either AJ McCarron or the
New York Jets. AJ McCarron or the New York Jets.
I am gonna go with the New York Jets. This

is close. This is close. Now, the AJ McCarron thing,
he thought he was going to be coveted. He thought
he was going to be coveted. He assumed the position
AJ McCarron, that he was going to get a starting
job in the NFL. And unless Buffalo comes in and
says come to town, the chances of AJ McCarron getting

a starting job in the NFL. Let's say there's a
better chance of Brett Farve coming out of retirement. At
this point, it's not exactly looking that good here. The
top remaining free agent quarterbacks are AJ McCarron, Jake Cutler,
Derek Anderson, Geno Smith, Tom Savage, Matt Castle, Matt Moore,

Chad Henny, Blaine Gabbert can be yours if the price
is not right, Drew Stanton, EJ. Manuel and Chase Daniel.
Those are the free agents. So if Buffalo doesn't sign
AJ McCarron to a contract, I guess he could go
to Cleveland and maybe battle it out with Tyrod Taylor
for a starting job. But this is a guy that

last season could have been traded to Cleveland and would
have been given an opportunity to be the quarterback. Granted,
the brown sucked at the end of last year after
the trade deadline, but instead he fought to become a
free agent, figuring that he was going to get the
riches of Solomon and now he doesn't have a team.
But he's not the biggest loser, because the biggest loser

the new York Jets. The New York Jets, who were
a mediocre football team. People thought they did good last
year because they weren't the worst team in the NFL.
And the Jets had the most money in the NFL
to spend on free agents. Endless amounts of money is
to spend on free agents. And what did the New
York Jets go out and do. They signed Josh McCown

Teddy Bridgewater to be quarterback, and then they signed a
gaggle of second tier running backs and Trumaine Johnson, the
former the former Ram. You talk about a buzzkill, you
talk about high expectations and low payoff. Yikes. All right,

so the Ben Mathers Show on fox Edmund Dallas, steam Boat,
Willie slash Judas Garcia, it's right over. I would have
to agree with you on the on the Jets. We
still don't know where a j McCarron might go. Possibly
he could uh say it's a game of music a

decent situation, but yes, the Jets, it's a game of
musical chairs though, and he's not exactly looking very good
here this particular moment, Jim mcdo, but you're giving me
a choice of one or the other I would agree.
I would read the Jets right now? Are with every
shot one leg? Teddy? Yeah, that's that's the guy there
to play quarterback for the Jets, Bill writes, and he says, Hey, Ben,

Judas Garcia often reads you can't lick your elbow copy
on Rejoiners. Uh. He mentions that getting back to the show.
But shouldn't the statement he reads be you can't lick
your elbow, but you can be a butt kisser like
I am? He says, are you a butt kisser of
Lebron and Russell Westbrook? Eddy me, Yeah, Maybe he means him,

I don't know. I'm confused by this message. He says,
can you be a You can't be a butt kisser
like I am of Lebron or Russell Westbrook because I
have a bromance with them and no one else. Is
that because you give us more scores about Lebron and
Russell Westbrook? Is that what he's referring to. I think
he's talking about you. I won't make some glory hill
because I'm pretty sure that all the shots I've taken

at Russell Westbrook over the years that it wouldn't be me.
Yea so well, I'm pretty sure how it works is that,
like the better teams normally get their scores read, you know,
because people care more about them. So that's that's kind
of how let's make a deal here, one one night
or one one I can't call it an update because
it's not an update because we don't report, report or
whatever the hell it is, whatever the consultants want it

to be called. All right, so they the report Eddie.
How about once a night you do all the bad
teams and you give highlights of the bad game. Well,
I do mention Memphis when they continue to lose because
of their losing streak. No, but just focus in on
like hey, and then the Suns and the Hawks and
just the bottom feeding teams, the dreck of the scene.
I gave the thunder Hawks score, but he seems to

be focusing on the Thunder. He should embrace the Hawks
as their part of that score. Yeah. Yeah, I don't
think of it as the thunderscore with Russell Westbrook. Think
of it as the Hawks score. I'm given the Hawk score.
You gave the Hawks score, but you didn't mention Stephen Hawking.
We got a call earlier complaining that we didn't talk
about Stephen Hawking. No, I did not mention the passing
of Stephen Hawking, who was told he would live to

be about twenty one years old. Yeah, the kind of
kind of shattered that prediction a little bit. Do you
think a little bit? He was in the Simpsons. Well
he wasn't actually, but they were featured his Yeah. I
think he was on like The Big Bang Theory. I
think he was on that show too. Yeah. Listen, that's
leave your mark. It's pretty good, pretty good run, I

would say, step would say so. All right, Ben Malis Show.
If you would like to be part the phones have
been kind of like Sam Bradford's career here Shaky eight
seven seven ninety nine on Fox eight seven seven nine
nine six six three six nine. If you would like
to be part of the festivities, and you can also

give us a buzz. Give us a buzz here and
the number and the email are actually is Ben Maller's show,
Ben Mallers Show at Gmail. If you want to send
a joke in for later in the week, It's Ben
Maller's show. We do jokes on Friday and on Twitter
at Ben Maller. We will play a game is it Style?
Or is he a douche. We'll play that game and

we'll get to it. We'll do it next. You can't
lick your own elbow, travel at light speed, or sneeze
with your eyes open. However, you have the power to
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Fox Sports Radio Studios, It's Ben Maller. We are going
to play later the hour password the word Game of
the Stars will have that. The Azzi guy right, see,
he's really listening in Australia says, I'm always amused by
I feel sorry for anyone who is bitter about someone
getting paid. I tip my cap to Sam Bradford. The

Azzy guy says, we all dream of getting paid truckloads
of money to do something we are not any good at. Yeah,
points up, that's all very nice, but small attitude. Eddie's
got the wrong attitude. You have the good You can't
tell me, Ben. In this business, you know there are
guys that you more talented that are getting paid and

you you've got you can't tell me that in your
heart of hearts, you're not saying, how the F is
that guy continuing to get these great jobs. I don't
believe that. I know I used to be like that,
but I'm not like that anymore. I'm not like, what
changed your attitude? I don't even look. I don't even
want to know, because these these people, well no, I mean,
they all fail. They get paid a lot of money
and they fail, and I'll bring somebody else. And I

just watched the merry go round. It's like a bus station.
These guys come in, they get paid a lot of
money in their hacks, and then they go do something else.
So I'm fine with it, but I don't know. I'm
not gonna sit there and worry about it. Eventually, I
want to be one of the hacks that they put in.
You worry about it, but you just shake your head
like Eric Weddle is shaking his head by his comments. No,
but yeah, but that's the wrong attitude. As a member

of the players Union, he should be like, why can't
more players be like Sam Bradford, Why can't more guys
make that amount of money? What is he doing? That
we're not doing. What is different about Sam Bradford. He's
not again, he's not forcing any NFL team to sign
him with these contracts. These are These are general managers
and coaches that all seem to agree. Pay the guy,

pay him twenty million dollars a year. Eric says Sam
Bradford should contact Charlie Sly and get that Peyton juice.
He may be able to finish a season for for
one time in his career. He says, So for Eric,
a weed man hippie wants to play the game. This
is not really a game, like an interactive game. It

was more of a statement. I said it was a
game because I say everything's a game style or douche.
We take you now to Oakland A's spring training ho
Ho Cam Stadium in Mesa, Arizona, on Monday, ho Ho
Cam Stadium, Eddie. Is that name? Is that somebody's name?
What is that? I didn't name it. I don't know.

I'm assuming those like Cam that's you've never heard of
that before. But it's just it's an odd name. Ho
Ho Cam. That's the end. It sounds like something else
but California. So the Oakland A's are doing spring training.
I'm told the baseball season is going to start in
about seven months. Seven months of spring training, and then
eventually they'll actually play real games. And it seems to

be like some kind of mandate from the Commissioner's office,
let's bring every former or current NFL player we can
to spring training. So the Oakland A's are like, Okay,
the A's, let's see that we play in Oakland. We're
in the East Bay, and we still have an NFL
team for another couple of years till they moved to
rate to the Raiders to Vegas. So Marquette King, the

Raider punter, showed up to the A's spring training. He
was decked out in a full A's uniform and he
took part in batting practice and he did his thing. There.
The reason I bring this up now, he did take
regular batting practice with the Oakland A's baseball cap on.

But then at some point I've seen the video on
the internet. I'm not really sure of the origins of it,
but he then took batting practice with his A's uniform on,
and he was wearing an Oakland Raiders hat like a helmet,
an Oakland Raider's helmet in the batting cage. So the
question is style or a douche for Marquette King? That's

the question. Now, I'm gonna go first, and I like
Marquette King. He seems like a good guy. But this
is a douche move. And it's not even that he
took batting practice with a helmet. It's that he brought
the helmet with him. Who travels with a football helmet?
Who does that? Who? Like? Who? What? NFL? If you
go contact, I don't know, pick some random NFL. But
if you've ran into Aaron Rodgers, would he have a

Packers helmet in the trunk of his car? Now? What
if he had done the Raiders shield but in the
Oakland A's colors, Well, that would have been. That would
have been Maybe that should have been. That might have
been the movie. Yeah, So I'm gonna put this in
the douche category. Anyone disagree with this, I disagree with you.
It's clearly a publicity stunt and a photo op. So
here he brought the helmet just for that. But don't
you have to leave the helmet at work? Like when

I played high school football, I couldn't take the helmet home.
I'd leave it in the locker. There was the rule
that's not high school football. So it's very similar, very similar.
Have you been to the a stadium? It's like your
high school? Is it cam? No, I'm in the Raiders
stadium where they played so well, oh been there. It
is not good? Yeah, not not good. What are they

gonna do when the Raiders leave? Are they gonna tear
that down? Has that gone? Are they gonna Wouldn't that
be that? That would be just like politics. The Raiders
will leave to Vegas and at that point some one
will come in and they'll build a new stadium to
try to get some other NFL team to come to
Oak City Council members, there are a bunch of boobs.
I don't see that happening. Yeah, but you can see

just gonna slap a band aid on that old building. Yeah,
but you could see like some uh, you know, somebody.
All the internet comes, it's just so much money in
the Bay area with all these internet cominges all it
takes us some dope from from there is but they
don't want to dump it into sports. I mean, look
at the Warriors are are obviously leaving too. Yeah, well
they're yeah, they're getting in a ridiculous Was that arena

gonna be done? Are they changing their name to the
San Francisco Warriors? Isn't that part of the deal? I
think so? Yeah. So they're gonna the end of the
Golden State Wars. That's one last regional team. Can you
name all the region now? We don't have time for
I see New England page, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Tampa Bay Lightning,
any of the Tampa Bay teams, the California Angels. That's right,

it's a good job by you. That's solid. Remember that
when we were kids on Channel two? Oh yeah, yeah, yea, yeah, absolutely,
the Angels before my time. But they trained in Palm
Springs in spring training. They used to have spring training
there back in the day. All right, So the Ben
Mallows show on Fox, We're gonna play password. It's the
word Game of the Stars Password. We will get to

that momentarily. I want to point out if I, like
in football, players travel with their helmet, like if I
trapped Marquete King as a helmet, Like if I travel,
I don't have a microphone with me at any time,
just in case, like I can let me get a microphone.
I don't have them all right, We're gonna play password
right now. Though Eddie Garcia is back. He will give
you the latest. This is not an update, It's a report,
not an update. It's a damn report, is what it is. Well,

let's reports on the NFL free agency signing, which will
be official tomorrow. But we've got the reports on where
all the players are going, including the most sought after
free agent quarterback, and that would be Kirk Cousins. He's
joining the Minnesota Vikings, getting a three year deal worth
eighty six million, which is all guaranteed. Now the three
quarterbacks that were on the Vikings last season and now

all found new homes. Case Skeeing, we told you yesterday's
going to the go. Sam Bradford signs a one year
deal with Arizona Cardinals, Teddy Bridgewater a one year deal
with the New York Jets and has expected quarterback Drew
Brees is agreeing on a two year, fifty million dollars
of the stay within New Orleans Saints. Some non quarterback
NFL news. Green Bay Packers are portably gonna sign veteran
tight end Jimmy Graham, will releasing veteran wide receiver Jordy

Nelson and the Tennessee Titans are gonna get former Patriots
quarterback Malcolm Butler a five year contract. Were the least
thirty million in guaranteed money and they as Italy Tournament.
We had the first two playing games. The winners were
eleven seeded Saint Bonaventure and sixteenth seeded Radford. Up next
for the Bonnies will be six seeded Florida. Radford will
take on top seed Villanova in the NBA Thunder over
the Hawks one nineteen to one of seven to Russell

Westbrook gets his one hundredth career triple double in that win.
Raptors one their ninth and er obeat in the one
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Then to college basketball, I know we had the a

couple of playing games, will have two more tomorrow, but
number one overall seat Virginia announced that standout freshman DeAndre
Hunter will miss the entire incident of the tournament because
of a broken left wrist. He's six seven power forward
who won the ACC six Man of the Year award.
Hurt that left wrist during the a SEC tournament. He'll
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I'll be out three months. Also, I'll be out be
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mentioned in a spring training they had Marquette King in
Philly spring training, they brought Trey Burton out. He's no
longer a Philadelphi Eagle. Trey Burton, the tight end that
ran that Philly Special in the Super Bowl. He has
headed to the Chicago Bears and he is reportedly going
to sign a four year contract for thirty two million

dollars with the Chicago Bears. Good for Trey Burton. He
did say though, on Philadelphia Sports Radio, Trey Burton said
that he was really disappointed that the Philadelphia Eagles did
not have a spot for him going forward, and he
said he wanted to be very open about it. He
was disappointed there was not any offer from the Philadelphia Eagles.

Does he have a complaint here? I would say absolutely.
All these Eagle fans now, listen, he sounds weak saying this, right,
because you're not supposed to say it. You're a commodity
and you're supposed to be willing to move around. When
you're an employee in the NFL, you are essentially if
there's thirty two places you can work, and you have
to be willing to work at any of those thirty

two franchise. But considering all these heartfelt messages from the deranged,
lunatic Eagle fans about oh, we gotta bring Nick Foles back,
we gotta bring him back, gotta have that guy. He
was great in the post seed well, Trey Burton was
part of that signature play for the Philadelphia Eagles, that

ridunculous play word. Nick Foles ended up catching the touchdown.
Trey Burton was the one that threw the past. So
if you have that sentimentality and that that emotional sappiness
about Nick Foles. Don't you also have to have it
about Trey Burton. I guess not. The answers, No, the answers, no,
all rights Ben Mallers show on Fox. People have been complaining.

So let's get to the game right now. What do
what do you say? Let's do it right now? Here
we go the pad password, you idiot, password the word
Game of the Stars. Here's Ben Maller. Anyway we go.
It is password time. Each and every weekend about this
time we play password the word Game of the Stars.

Make sure it's this, It's this? Okay, weed Man? Are
we allowed to play the game right now? Do you
approve caller of the Year weed Man? And hippie Ben
Jenny Bridge New York Jack either Teddy Laska's Teddy Bridge
Road is Miami guy. That's even though he went to

Louisvillies from my and he's probably hung out with weed
Man or something. I don't know. All right, well, let's
get to the game here. Who are we gonna have play? Oh? Look,
all regular Game show contestants, all Game show horrors who
want to play? So I have to pick a couple
of these game show horrors and let them play the
same people, the same four people to call up to
play every game? Have we Is there anyone new listening

to show? Are we just down to these these four
people that call up to play the game shows? Danny's
been calling a lot recently. Danny has been calling him. Yeah, yeah,
he's been calling, Yeah yeah. Who he just played the
other day? He played a game show? Is he coop?
Coop blocks out the show? So he doesn't even remember
who plays the games? He blocks it out? Didn't he

play last? Wasn't it last week? Did he? Was he
the in bald older that she's in one of the
games last week? All right, well let's have the game.
Let's see here. We'll have Justin in Cincinnati, who calls
every single game to play. Been that open? Mayor is
a criminal? I think you're a criminal. I believe you're
a criminal. You're a game show criminal, that's what you are.

All right, hold on, Justin and we have oh look
another regular Joe and San Antonio. Joe's gonna be buying
us pizza because the Spurs aren't gonna make the playoffs,
so he's gonna send us a pizza pie with onions
and garlic and peppers. It's gonna be marvelous. This is
the part you talk, Joe. This is the part you talk.
Are you there, Joe? Yeah, I'm here? Man. Then No,

I will not be sending me that because it won't
be necessary. No, who's just hasn't said? Okay? Go ahead
to lose this? All right? What's the hell's going on?
I Justin? I don't care about play? Who do you
want play with? Justin? I? No? Oneaboat Judas? All right,

steamboat Judas. That's so exciting. Now you realize by letting
you play, Justin, you cannot call for a month to
play the games. You realize that we're letting you play,
but you cannot call for a month to play the
game if you're black ball in the game show Color
the Year. No, I'm not Joe in San Antonio. Who
do you want to partner up with? Joe? You know?

Then you being a Clippers fan, may being his first band.
I'm gonna let you feel what it feels like to
be a winner. I'll play with you. Well, you could
like Kawhi Leonard. You're gonna be hurt here. You're not
gonna be able to finish the game. It's a problem.
Look how excited Danny g was that he didn't get figures.
You were pretty excited by this, Danny, you didn't get No, No,

I was. I was smiling about his comment. All right, well,
let's play, you Clippers fan? You yeah? Should we playoff?
Should we get too? Should we get to? Yeah? Right?
Should we get to? Have you seen the standings? By
the way, have you no? No, no, I notice you
haven't gone off off on the Lakers tanking? How come? Well,
it doesn't matter like there's are winning meaningless games. They're
not going to the playoffs. Okay, buddy, you can forget

about that. The Clippers are the seventh team. They're a
game and a half behind New Orleans for the number
five seeds, and they could be the number four season
out of the first round. Who they could catch Number
four Oklahoma City two games behind, and they're actually tied
in the lost column, the Clippers. They could be the
number four seed in the West. I'm sure Doc won't
screw this up at all. He's coach of the Year

in the NBA. All right, one through ten on the
board here, each word worth ten points. Justin you are
on the line. First, pick a number one through ten.
Three speak up, all right, Eddie, three, all right, justin
the password is eyesight vision. That is accurate. Pretty soft. Start,

there's what it was. All right, Go ahead there, Joe,
pick a word alright, one, two or four through ten? Joe, yes,
seven seven word number seven. All right, let's go with serenade. Serenade. Yeah,

there you are. We're tied to ten. We'll pause for
the cause and have the conclusion of password. We might
even get some difficult words. You never know, it could
get some difficult words. Joe and san Antonio. Justin Cincinnati.
We'll get to the big finish, and we'll get to that.
We'll do it next. Almost all talk shows sound the

same after a while. Think of us as a sports
talk oasis from the mundane. The Ben Mallers Show Facebook
page is our own unique meeting places. There were two
billion of our closest friends, most of whom ignorris. Please
take a second to like our page. Go to Facebook
dot com slash. Ben Maller's Show Now live from the
Guico Fox Sports Radio Studios. It's Ben Maller Man. We

get back to it. It is pass word. The word
Game of the Stars. He got just a couple of
game show horse here, Justin in Cincinnati's team with Eddie
and Joe. Who's at the end of the run with
the Spurs. Is he getting ready to have a lottery party?
Who knows? Joe and San Antonio's teamed up with me.

That's the team that's gonna win. We're tied at ten
and into the next round. We go. All right, here
we go, Justin, you're back up picking number one, two,
four through six or eight through ten. Ten. That's a
hard one. That is hard. That is a difficult one. Yeah,
you're right. Are you cheating? No? Let me? Oh that's right, No,

you're not you he's right, he's correct. Let me let
me check with the judges if I can use this
word home. If you have to check, you can't. You
cannot do it. Don't if you know he's cheating. And
these guys are all in cahoots, they're all in the tank.
They are all right. Given the green light, of course
you walking justin. The password is longhand wow, what is it?

Longhand there's a joke there, but we will leave that step.
Can you put that in the system, Danny? Can we
get a writing. No, all right, I will go drink
yourself away. I'll attempt to use the Mallard maneuver. Oh well,

it's kind of it's an odd Mallar mover. I will go.
This should be good. No, no, I'm not gonna do
the matter. I am canceling the dollar. I'm canceling the can.
Shut up, all right, I'm not gonna do it. I
will go. Then, I will take your true and I
will consider the possibility maneuver. So good, all I know
I'm not doing it. I'm gonna go cursive. You hear

what a well? No? He hey, stupid, Justin just said that.
How would that? Would you? You think you said writing better?
You think you pronounced it better. I didn't hear his answer,
because you can't even hear. You can't even hear, all right,
Justin Longhand they both answered the same thing. Yeah, were

you both answered what right? Right? Or writing like the
ing at the end would make all the difference? Uh script, yes, wow, yeah,
thank you? Joe? Are you were you gonna say print now?
Joe say when the other guy says eight points there?

Good job? Just all right, Joe, go ahead and picking
number one, two, four, through six, eight or nine, number two?
Number two, number two? All right, let's do let's see
which version of this word do I want to Which
version do I want to give here to Joe? Since

Ben's doing number two all over his clothes. Wow, all right,
I will go muscle. Muscle, Yes, muscle something you don't
have muscle. Oh that's horrible. Uh muscle. Well, if you

were good at the game, it wouldn't be horrible. See,
if you were good at the game, you'd be fine.
You're not good at the game, and that's why this
is problematic. Uh muscle. Uh oyster? Oh my god, I
think he said oyster. Oh he's thinking like that. I

got you. I hung up on somebody. I don't know.
That was such a up and answer. You suck. You
want me up on your job? Hang up on you,
you jackass? Oh hang there, you go, hang up on

your ass. All right, justin sucks, just as focus the
Spurs shucks, guys, garbage one at a time, Okay, justin, moron,
Ben said, muscle. The password for you is power. Say
crab cakes. Please say crab cakes. I know it now. Wait,

oh whoa, all right, let's go with let's it really
matter does it really matter at this particular point. Oh,
let's go with ouh waits strength. Oh amazingly, I think
we're tie. It's a tie game. Oh the drama, the

human emotion. I'm so nervous. Justin just wanted to keep
it so nervous. All right, just oysters one, two, four
through six, Number one, okay, number one, all right, Justin.
Let's focus here. The password is frisk frisk. No. All right,

here we go. It's our shot shoe clue though. All right,
I'm here, you got it? Uh examination bam, all right there,
we got the lead somehow. Even with oysters, we have
the lead. Even with oysters we have the lead. Time

I agree, I think we are out of time. How
about the fact that Justin plays this game. He was stalling.
I just want to point out Justin calls to place
game all the time. He's terribly Joe four through six
or eight or nine, And I gotta say, I've only
paid this pick a number uh nine, number nine. All right,

let's go with don't chuckle, plea, what ahead, don't chuckle.
I'm not I'm not chuckling. Why did you? Let's go.
I'm trying to figure out why he did that? Boy?
Go Sallers. Let's go. What do you want to do?
An If you don't give a word, you forfeit. All right,

I will go with I'm gonna use the malle maneuver.
Here we go. Okay, slip fall, all right, here we go. Justin, justin,
password is? The password is glide? Oh my god, scared?

The term is slip slide, slide, slip slide. Justin. You're
terrible in this game. You've embarrassed. You're banned for a
month from playing the games. You can call up if
you want to talk on the air. But you, baby,
and you're terrible. You're an embarrassment. You're you've embarrassed everyone
in Cincinnati. You're more embarrassing than Cincinnati Red starting lineup.

That's how embarrassing you are. You're such shame there. You're
like a Bengals quarterback. That's how bad you are.
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