All Episodes

April 20, 2020 146 mins

Ben Maller recaps the first 2 episodes of "The Last Dance" and explains why Jerry Krause is the Carole Baskin of the series. The Lions will need to take gigantic leaps to succeed under Matt Patricia. Could Deshaun Watson be traded to the Dolphins by the end of the week? Marcel in Brooklyn joins Ben for a Power Hour and takes calls from the militia. Plus, the latest editions of Maller to the Third Degree, Insta-Advice, and Coach, Player, Entertainer!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hey, it's Ben. I hope you're having a wonderful day
today and I'm glad you have chosen to join us
for this edition of The Ben Maller Show radio podcast.
Eight days a week. You get this podcast five days
a week, and then three different versions of the Fifth
Hour with Ben Maller and David Gascon. In fact, if
you missed it over the weekend, you can catch up
once you're done listening to this podcast. And here some

of those other podcasts that we have available for you
from the weekend. But coming up on today's edition of
the radio show, our favorite moments from the Michael Jordan
Bulls documentary that debuted over the weekend, including the new
Carol Basket of sports documentaries. We'll give you that. Matt
Patricia gets a vote of confidence as he continues on

the Hottest of Hot Seats with the Detroit Lions. Are
the players soft or is Matt Patricia the problem? We examine.
Marcel and Brooklyn gets his feature in the Power Hour.
Our friend from Brooklyn and deshaunas and fueling internet gossip
by wearing a Miami Dolphins piece of merchandise to a

workout in South Florida. We take a closer look to
see what it all means. We'll get to those stories
and a whole lot more coming up right now. Have
a great day, continue to social distance. We're getting closer
to the end of this stuff. And here is the podcast. Hey,
thanks for listening to the Ben Maller Show podcast. It's
me Ben. Be sure to catch us live every weeknight

from two to six Eastern eleven pm to three am
Pacific right here on Fox Sports Radio. You can find
your local station for the Ben Mallers Show over at
Fox Sports Radio dot com, or stream us live every
night on the iHeartRadio app by searching FSR. You're listening

to Fox Sports Radio. Well, it's a version of basketball
and it is back. Kind of welcome man. In the
beginning of the Ben Maller Show, we are in the
air everywhere the vast Fox Sports Radio network, bloviating the

night away as we am anate from the Geico Fox
Sports Radio studios. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent
or more on your car insurance. Just visit Geico dot
com for a free right quote. Hope you had a
good weekend. I know you went out did a lot
of things right, Yes, very social weekend and we are back.

The workweek is underway. So that is the way. I
don't even know it's a workweek. It's everything's jumbled up
right now, but we are here. It has now been
forty one days. We are entering day forty one since
the industrial complex of sports shutdown. March eleventh was the
night the music stopped in the game of sports, the

musical chairs and all that that ended it a Rudy Gobert.
That was the night he tested positive for the coronavirus,
and then the next day. So it's been forty days
now as we head into the twentieth of a month
since the NBA and the NHL said that's it. Baseball
shutdown spring training, and we had a break, and we
had a little bit of a break. On Sunday, the

radio silence ended in the form of a documentary. NBA
Entertainment the much hyped bally Hood release of the first
two episodes of their anticipated docu series, The Last Dance
about the nineteen nineties Chicago bulls Now in retrospective on

one of the great dynasties in sports history, A retrospective
on that diocese, What I meant to say, and with
nothing else to entertain us, shall we say at least
sports related. I settled my ass in a big chair,
and I was a captive audience. I was a captive
audience that I watched the documentary. You might have done

that as well. Now I will tell you that if
this had been a normal week and this thing would
not have aired, there would have been a bunch of
NBA playoff games that would have taken place, the hockey
playoffs going on regular season baseball. But we know none
of that is happening. So let us discuss the question,
what were your takeaways from The Last Dance? Now I've
got my observations are you've got pornography, Carol Baskin and

Bernie made off and we will lock all these things
together now Number one, For those who are two, there
we go. The band's a little late. This was a
history lesson right. The Chicago Bulls dynasty in a nutshell,
and there's still eight more episodes of this thing to go.
But while the series was called The Last Dance and

it was billed as a look at the entire Chicago Bulls,
the opening episode, as we anticipated, was essentially a Michael
Jordan documentary, as it should have been a Michael Jordan documentary.
Michael Jordan was the Chicago Bulls, and when you look
at the history of the franchise, he is the Chicago

Bulls in their entire history. Everyone else, especially in that time,
while there were some good players and some Hall of
Fame players, they were writing his coat tails is what
they were doing, supporting actors, and mj was the center
of the universe. Everything else revolving around Michael Jordan in
that time. Now, in the second episode, they did feature

Scottie pippenmore, but made sure to still intertwine Michael Jordan
in the documentary. They don't want to get too far
away from Jordan. And since it's been a while since
the Chicago Bulls were any good, they blow right now.
It's absolutely terrible if you're a Chicago Bulls apologist, if

you go back to that time, or if you just
happen to like the Bulls and you weren't around him
that time. This was nineteen nineties Chicago Bulls sports pornography
is what it was. Michael Jordan was the only player
where he could turn it on and off, and he
never turned it off. That was a quote from Roy Williams,
who had been an assistant for Dean Smith at North Carolina.

Jordan had the swagger. I mean, they showed some highlights
of Jordan from his North Carolina days and he even
did a rock the cradle dunk during a game for
Roy Williams back in the day on the road for
Duke he or against I think it was against Duke
I don't know somebody in the acc anyway, And they
showed another highlight he hit the back of his head
on the bottom of the backboard in college. He also

had Jordan's buddy, a mod Rashod, and he was wherever
Jordan was, if you remember the nineteen nineties, like a
mod Rashod would like follow around Jordan. And he also
hosted that NBA Inside stuff back in the day. He
made a few cameo appearances in this thing now the
second Thing, And I learned this years ago from I

love watching documentaries, but every good documentary, every single one,
needs a villain. And for the last dance, they picked
on who who is the Villa? Now it's only a
couple of episodes in, but there's a theme here. The
portly general manager of the Chicago Bulls in that era
Jerry Krause, and through the first two episodes a constant

theme played out. Jerry Krause was portrayed as a card
carrying slimeball in this documentary then now dead GM. He
died a couple of years back. Jerry Krause, the GM
of that team. Well, you know you're not a historian
of the NBA. Have you never heard of Jerry Krause.
That's about job about you. But this guy was a
human pinata, all right. He is the Carol Baskin of

the basketball document series. You know everyone was out to
get Carol Baskin after watching Tiger King. Well, Jerry Krause,
you look, he's a guy's cold hearted, He's soulless. Right.
They highlighted that his little Napoleon complex, he had short
man syndrome and all that. And Krause one of the
one of the quotes in the documentary was that he

had told Phil Jackson, the Zendmaster, before the final season
of This Bulls Run, he said, listen, you can go
eighty two and oh and a championship and I'm still
not going to bring you back. And Krauss got rid
of Phil Jackson. For those that didn't watch the docuseries
and don't remember for Tim Floyd, who at the time

was a top young coach at Iowa State, And how
did that end up? Well, Jerry Kraus was really Jones
and to rebuild the Chicago Bulls, and rebuild is a
weasel word for suck and the Chicago Bulls for the
most part since that franchise broke that team up with
Jordan and Pippen. They had a brief stretch where they
were competitive, but for the most part they have been

a dog's lunch ever since the Jordan years, which is
a long time ago. Now, all right, we're talking about
over twenty years of Chicago Bulls basketball, and they've been terrible.
But Tim Floyd, who Jerry Krauss was so smitten, had
to bring him in, had to bring in Tim Floyd.
Floyd has ended up the worst coach in Chicago Bulls history.

He's only there four years. Forty nine and one hundred
and ninety was Tim Floyd's record. You could go to
a cemetery and dig up with a shovel and get
a cadaver and put a cadaver on the Bulls bench,
and that coach would have about the same record over
four seasons could be even better than Tim Floyd. Now,
some of the other highlights that we must mention here

that Chris crossed the documentary the two episodes that I
was able to check out there On Sunday Night, Michael
Jordan was asked about the nineteen eighties. This was a
highlight nineteen eighties when he first arrived in Chicago, the
Bulls traveling cocaine circus, as a writer called it, and Jordan,
after saying he had never heard about that, Jordan laughed

out loud hysterically. And now we know they were the
bad news bears in the MBA. That entire era of
NBA was like a big powder paradise. The drugs was
a flowing in the NBA in those days, not just
the NBA. You had the drug trials with the Pittsburgh
Pirates in Major League Baseball around that time. You had
a lot of open debauchery going on in the sports world.

But Michael Jordan, he told the story of walking around
the hotel at one point his rookie year, and he
was looking for his teammates and he opened the door
and he saw he saw the weed over there, he
saw the coke over here, and he said the strippers
are over on this side everything and he sided up.
He claimed he got out of it. And we know

Jordan has dabbled in some of his own excess over
the years, but at that point, a young naive Jordan,
at least the way he told the story, he high
tailed it. He got out of there. Former President Barack
Obama and former President Bill Clinton both made the cut
in different episodes. Here Obama was shown and they had
the Chiron graphic, which was interesting. They put him up

as former Chicago resident, which I think it's the first
time ever that a former president has been described as
a former resident of a city. That was That was interesting,
and then you know, you can go on and on here.
It was a different time, right Coke Kane was flowing
in the NBA and the eighties, Michael Jordan's rookie year.
The Bulls, as they talked about in this documentary, they

were being out drawn by an indoor soccer team, and
that you were talking about many many years ago. The
most expensive tickets to watch a Bulls game less than
twelve dollars. The most expensive tickets to watch a Bulls game,
the cheap seats were less than five dollars and we
can go on. Pat Riley looked like he was like
some kind of retired mob boss. In the documentary. I

don't know what's going on with him. He's enjoying life.
They highlighted the Doubters, which which was enjoyable, right. I
enjoyed Mark Eaton, who at the time was playing for
the Utah Jazz, and Mark Eaton said, you can't have
a one man team as he questioned Jordan. The most
damning quote, though, was from Walt Clyde Frasian Down goes Fright,

the star of the nineteen eighties Knicks, and he said,
Michael can't carry a team because he's not seven foot.
That was the quote from Walt. He was just off
by He was off by that much as it's just insane.
He can't carry the can't carry the team, you know,
as we look back anyway, listen. They focused on the

year that Jordan hurt himself. That was an interesting part
of this. The part featured this weird dichotomy between that
era of basketball, that era of sports, and what's going
on in recent years here. Jordan wanted to play the
Bulls team. Doctors said that there was a ninety percent
chance that Jordan will be fine, but there was a
ten percent chance of his career ending with injury. I

think we might have it. Do we have this clip here?
I think we might have this clip. We can play.
It was one of the interesting parts of the Docuse
series here as they go back and forth. Yeah, here
we go, let's play right now, here we go. Michael asked, well,
if I play, what percentage is there that I'm going
to get hurt again? The doctor said ten percent, and
I just lost it. I said, look, it's ten percent chance,

but it's ninety percent chance that I won't. And then
I've chimed in the doctors what happens if the ten
percent kicks in? And they said, well, that his career
would be over. Well, everybody's just thinking about the negative. Well,
I think the glasses half full. Everybody think it is
half empty. So I said to Michael, you know you're
not understanding the risk reward ratio. If you had a

terrible headache and I gave you a bottle of pills,
and nine of the pills would cure you and one
of the pills would kill you, would you take a pill.
I look at him, I said, the pens are, how
bad headaches? That's a pretty decent quo right there, right
ten pills. Nine of them would cure you, one of
them would kill you. Would you take it? And it? Doug?

I mean you listen, I've had some terrible migraines over
the years. You probably have two. And it really depends
on how bad the migraine is. If the migraine is
bad enough, you're like, well, you know, Diane might not
be such a bad thing here. Anyway. Listen, today, you
compare and contrast that era of the NBA, and to
be fair, the Chicago Bulls were trying to tank. The

Chicago Bulls were attempting to get lottery balls even back
in the early eighties, much like the teams today are doing.
But Jordan wanted to play now, they allowed him to play.
They put him on a strict minute limit on how
long he could play per game. But Jordan was able
to play. He won the battle. And you look at
what's going on now with the players. No one rushes

to come back. In fact, if you rushed to come back,
it's sportsmouthpractice. You shouldn't play unless they're over one hundred
percent healthy, and it's what has happened since then and
now as people have been babied, coddled and worshiped, and
we have the byproduct of that trust, the process and
all this nonsense. All right, final points. So Michael Jordan
did not look particularly healthy to me. Maybe it was

my television here. His eyes appeared a little off there,
kind of reminded of me, of me when I had
my gallbladder issues and I had my eyes were like
turning colors and stuff. Was not a good time. I
hope he's all right. But some are wondering why Jordan
released the documentary now was what was his motivation here?

And that's kind of an open question, right, It's an
open question. Now. We mentioned Scottie Pippen. He was featured
more in episode two of the documentary and from small
town Hamburg, Arkansas, one of twelve kids. They highlighted his
house growing up in rural America, and his brother and
his father were paralyzed and they were both in wheelchairs

around the pipping house there. And I also, and I
don't know that I had heard this in the past,
maybe I had, but Pippin was six foot one his
freshman year in college and he started as the equipment
manager at Central Arkansas, and then he started growing, and
he kept growing, and then all of a sudden he

blossomed into an NBA player. But when he was drafted,
they announced his name as Scott Pippin, not Scottie. He
was Scott Pippin when he was drafted. He had the
supersonic hat on all that. They also showed Charles Oakley
some horseplay in the locker room, slapping Scottie Pippen as
a rookie today, that would be a felony. Charles Oakley

would be thrown out of the NBA and would be
shamed Internet, shamed and mocked. How dare you There's no
room for that kind of activity. You cannot have horseplay
at all. No, no, No. Safe spaces are required, absolutely,
and many people on social media were furious at just
one last final final point, the money aspect, and it

was highlighted in the second documentary that Pippin had signed
a seven year contract in nineteen ninety one for eighteen
million dollars, which a lot of money. Eighteen million dollars
a lot of money, but compared to everyone else, it
was not a lot of money, and by the time
the contract was getting. Towards the end, Pippin was the
sixth highest paid Bulls player. He was one hundred and

twenty second in salary in the NBA. And when you
look back at that and no one else is talking
about it, I'd be the only one to talk about
it that Scottie Pippen should actually be celebrated because his
inability to handle his finances. He was the Bernie made
Off of the nineties Chicago Bulls. Right, his lack of

economic foresight helped build the Chicago Bulls dynasty. More than
a hometown discount. This was a secret weapon that has
been forgotten and overlooked. Tom Brady is often celebrated for
giving the Patriots a discount, helping them out not getting
top dollar while playing quarterback in New England, But in
reality he was a popper compared to Scottie Pippen. Right,

Scottie Pippen was like making peanuts compared to all the
players of equability in the NBA. And sure it sucks,
I guess to be grossly over underpaid, or not overpaid,
but underpaid. That salary helps Chicago keep its dynasty going
and let them spend money on other players and share
the sugar about that, all right? Is the Ben Mallard Show.

As we press on here from the Geico Fox Sports
Radio Studios. We will take your phone calls and you
can join the festivity. The lines are open eight seven,
seven ninety nine on Fox eight seven, seven, nine, nine, six, six, three,
six and nine. We're also on Twitter at Ben Maller
and we'll say hello to the crew and Santa, the

Santa of Hoops. We'll get to that and we will
do it next doing it with so many guys. Be
sure to catch live editions of The Ben Maller Show
weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific on Fox
Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app. It's Mallard twenty twenty
and you can be heard in the Democracy of the

Ben Maller Show. We encourage and welcome the Voice of
the people, ABU following the voice of this show on Twitter,
He's at Ben Maller. Eddie can tweet at and follow
me Eddie Garcilier, humble sidekick, the voice of Reason. I'm
at Eddie on Fox. No plea for mister Gray and all.
From the Geico Fox Sports Radio Studios. It's Ben Maller,

Joe and San Antonio writes and says Tim Duncan also
took less money, but you hate the Spurs, Ben, so
you'll never mention it. Don't forget my shout out on
the twenty three. I don't know what you're talking about, Joe.
I have no idea. And was there a Spurs documentary
that was last night? I must have missed that. I
didn't watch the Spurs documentary and the Pippin thing. I'm
not celebrating Pippin for taking less because Pippin didn't want

to take less. In fact, he was bitter and broken
that he signed the contract and then Jerry Ryansdorff and
the Bulls decided they would not renegotiate the contract. It
wasn't that that wasn't that was an act that was
done out of the kindness of his heart. Now, Pippin
was pissed off, he was annoyed that he was being
paid what he was and he was upset with Jerry

Cross and Jerry Ryanstorff, and that was highlighted in the documentary.
I'm just saying the unintended consequence of that, the thing
that that led to was helping the Chicago Bulls spread
around the salary cap was in play in the NBA
and they were able to spend that money elsewhere. Of course,
they just pretty much just gave the money to Michael
Jordan and that's how that went. Robin Vegas right, since

says great monologue, Ben, you can already tell after two
episodes this series is going to be phenomenal. My favorite
quote was by Larry Bird. That wasn't Jordan out there?
That was God disguised as Michael Jordan. Say a classic
quote this Rob, Rob, Yeah, I remember that from the
documentary Earning the Grand Old Piner from the Salt Mines
of Michigan Jackson. He says, Ben, today's NBA players won't

watch old games from the eighties because they get scared
of the brutal lady, especially with the bad boy Pistons
that they can't believe it's actually real and not the
NBA slash WWE. And how many load management days did
they have back in those days? Chet in San Diego

checks and Chet says, is there anybody better than Oprah
despite the fact that she puts herself on the cover
of her magazine each issue. Close second is Martha Stewart's right.
Oprah was in the documentary series. By the way. There
you go, and he says, have you seen Martha Stewart
from her modeling day? No? I have not. I have
not seen Martha Stewart from modeling days. Clearly I am.

I am missing out clearly on that. We will get
to the Santa of Hoops coming up momentary. But to
the phones we go, and let's say hello to Blair,
who is in Maine. Whoopee pie. Blair is first up?
Hello Blair, bleeping white boy? Right, Lake me up before

you go go? What's before you go go? Getting party? Party?
So low? Before you go go? I'm playing it, uncle
went so low? Lake me up before you go go?
You know how good a karaoke night? Eddy? No, I

don't want to interrupt Blair. Blair's having a hooting nanny there,
and I don't want to mess you when you're having
a hole down. You cannot be on sports radio when
you're doing that. So we know where the cocktail lounge
in Maine is right now. It's at Blair's house. The
liquor cabinet has been rated, the SuDS are afloa. Are

we having the Blair Hour? This week? Uh? Well, here's
the thing. I have to confirm. I feel like double
and triple confirmed. I'm gonna give everyone a shot. This
thing's gonna go on for months. He so I'm gonna
give everyone a shot here in this pandemic time. But
today is Marcel's day and Blair if Blair emails me
and contacts me and can confirm a day, so I'm

worried we're gonna get that kind of Blair. There's like
three different personalities for Blair and Maine, and one is
very depressed, there's no sports, very upset, and and then
you've got kind of mild Blair, which is sporty Blair,
where he asked questions about sports and has hot takes
on sports and that's that's okay. And then you have
the version of Blair that just called up, which is

at the sauce parlor and uh, you know, doing the
honky tonk and all that. He's still there. Oh he's
still there. Are you still there, Blair? Oh? Yeah, I was.
I was having fun. Yeah I noticed you were having
a good Okay, he's gone. Now it doesn't really matter

because listen, he's not going to remember any of this.
Instead of Whoopie Pipe Layer, it's Whooped d Do instead
of Whoopie pipe player. But yeah, no, so he's got
to like contact me and then like Marcel, Marcel is
gonna be on in the four Am Our one Am
in the West and we'll have the Marcel with Brooklyn,
our extended food picks. Any questions we've always wanted to

know from Marcel. Boy, he's outstanding and he will give
us that. So we're excited about that. That'll be coming
up an hour four. That'll be a rating hour three rather,
that's a ratings winner. Ready, the Marcel and Brooklyn Hour,
Big Bafoco ratings. Clearly there you go. Ken, wait to
ask him, who's the greatest athlete ever come out of

a professional athlete to come out of Brooklyn, you know,
playing Brooklyn. Yeah, you think he could name one athlete
that has come out of Brooklyn? Do you think I think?
I think yes, Yeah, I'm gonna say yes. Okay, all right,
we will I'm gonna go no, I'm gonna go no.
I'm pretty confident in my no guests, But we'll find out.

Nick and Iowa says he's enjoying the show for a change.
He says he works overnight's making pig feed and he's
usually a day be hunt sounds fun. What do you
think they feed pigs, Eddie? What do you think they Yeah?
So what do you just do you really have to
spend a lot of time preparing pig feed because they
just eat, will eat whatever. Um, Nick, let us know

what you feed the pigs, so you can you're allowed
to do that. I don't. Yeah, you're a big bacon guy.
Ready you love bacon? God? Yeah, come on right, you
don't like bacon? Huh? Well, like you know, turkey bacon
or whatever you know, And yuh, we should point out
that Cooper Loop is not here. Coopies. I think we

know why. Well, i'll tell you why we believe Coop
is not here in a moment. And also the Santa
of Hoops. I think you can figure out why Coop's
not here. But if not, if you're a little slow
because it's at night and stuff, I'll let you know.
Be sure to catch live auditions of The Ben Maller
Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific. So
Coop's not here, We've got an old friend, keep trying.

Ryan Burshinger is producing the show, and he's in there
hanging out and the boy he loves being here. Burshinger
just absolutely loves being here and still waiting for that
big break. But Hollywood's all closed now, see burshing Or
the acting business is completely shut down. They ain't making
anything till this pandemic reopens the country. Once that's over,

they'll start making stuff again. So no auditions going, No auditions, right, yep,
nothing nothing going on. I need something to fill my time.
So I am. I'm here tonight, so you're slumming with us.
That's right. Coop is not here, and I think we
know why Coop is not here because what day is it, Eddie?
We're heading into a Monday? What's the day eight on
Monday here? That would be four twenty, that is correct,

that is a national holiday in the weed community. Now,
burshing Or mentioned in our production meaning get is odd
that Coop would take just the day into the day
off and not that I guess you have to. Might
might have to take another day off right to recover
like that would that would make sense. But as far
as I know, he's he's gonna be here tomorrow night,

so you know he'll be higher than ever. That's right,
he'll be on cloud nine. Yeah, well you can't. You
can't really do anything, right, So how does one celebrate
the event like, because normally I think it's by smoking
a lot of weed? Well, yeah, but isn't it a
communal thing? Though obviously anybody isn't a communal thing like

you would go to be like big parties and things
like that. You can't, You're not supposed to do that.
I guess, more weed for him? Do it? Drive by?
We'll drive drive by weeds, stands six feet away from
the other people and smoke the weed. Is that what
you're supposed to still? Get a contact high er? No,
it depends which direction the winds blowing, which direction the

wind's going anyway, all right, it's the Ben Mallard Show.
Let's go back to the phones and let's see here.
Let's go to Blind Sea Bass in Nashville. Hello, Blind
Sea Bass, lord's going on? Welcome, what's going on with you?
Talk to me? I just got done cooking and just

to give you an update, Friday, got my application finished,
killing it out all two hundred questions and got it
turned in. Two questions for those that have not been
listening and don't know the amazing story of blind Sea Beast.
We did a power hour with blind Scott and blind
Scott has a support dog, Cramer, and you blind SeaBASS

would like to get your own animal to help you out,
and blind Scott's he's giving you contact. Right, you guys
have been communicating and so you've you've now what kind
of questions were they asking you two? That's a lot
of questions, two hundred questions. It was. It was like
who'd you get your mobility training from? Uh? Yeah, and
like they just want to know pretty much your whole

entire life. Yeah, my girl she filled it out. So
we were on the phone while she was filling it
out and just some of the questions like, wow, they
really want to know that. Yeah. I'm gonna keep it
short and ice, so it I just have a little
bit of food for thought for everybody out there. Um, yes,

while you're fighting alligators, don't forget to clean out the
swamp and y'all have a great night. All right there,
he goes, Uh, that's a Southern thing. That's a Southern expression.
You've never heard that before. What's wrong with you? See?
You're not You're not from below the Mason Dixon line.
You're from below the Mason Dixon line. You know exact

actually what that's all about. And if you don't get it,
you just don't understand. That's it. That's the bottom line.
So the Santa of basketball, the Santa of hoops is
Jimmy Butler. Do you see what, Jimmy Butler? Did you
see this story? Maybe you missed it. So we learned
a couple of weeks back that even though you play
in the NBA does not mean that you have a

hoop in front of your house. You know, most of
us didn't make the NBA, and most of us either
had access to a hoop on our in our driveway
or we you know, in the neighborhood and the call
to stack they had a basketball hoop something like that.
But it's stunning we learned with Jason Tato a lot
of guys in the NBA don't have basketball hoops at
their house. They live in these mansions and they don't

have basketball hoops. Well, Jimmy Butler, playing the role of
Santa Claus, is attempting to make sure all of his
Miami Heat teammates can't hoop it up during the pandemic.
That's right, everything's on a hiatus there. Social distancing is
the rage. And so what did Jimmy Butler do. He
sent portable baskets to all of his Miami teammates and

coaches because apparently the coaches need to work on their
game also, and the baskets from from some company based
in Utah that manufactures all these products were delivered to
Heat players and coaches just the last week. And even
the players living in kind of miniums and the guys
on the brief contracts, the two way contracts as their

call where they're not really part of the team, even
living at hotels, received them. And so there you go.
So Jimmy Butler, now he I'm assuming he got a
bulk rate discount, but the basketball rooms are not that much.
Like you can get them at Walmart or Costco. You
can order them online and don't cost all that much

for he said, Well, it's got to be an NBA
quality you know it does. It doesn't have to be
an NBA quality backboard. But the ones you can get
that you put sand in or water to fill the bottom,
that's good enough. All you need is a rim that's
ten feet up and you can play. That's that great
thing about basketball. You play anywhere, you played by yourself.
It's the greatest sport ever. If you're a loaner, basketball

it's the way to go, all right anyway, So Ben
Maller's show good luck there to the Miami heat as
the pandemic. Will it ever end so we can get
back and play basketball. Justin in Cincinnati says he is
calling bs on blind Sea Bass, cooking dinner and filling
out an application with two on A questions. Well, Justin,

he said, his lady friend there helped him out. That's
what he said. Bubba, who's listening to us deep in
the heart of Texas there and Alvin, Texas the former
home I guess still the home of Nolan Ryan says
Whoopie Pie Blair is either a character or hey, oh,
I don't think I can say that. That's slang for something.

I don't think I'm allowed to say. There you go.
He's not happy that Blair's singing. He said, there's a
certain men's singing. I guess he does not agree with it.
There's some fine crooners as men I don't talked about,
but they just randomly doing karaoke. A lot of people
love karaoke? All right, here's the who am I? Game?

And if you get it right, you'll get an atta boy,
and then we'll move on. Here's the who am I? Game?
Along with Steve Finley, I am the only other player
to have played for all five National League West teams
now that includes the Padres, Giants, Dodgers, Diamondbacks, and Rockies.

Along with Steve Finley, I'm the only other player that
has performed and done the full circuit for all five
National League West teams. Who am I? The answer? Next?
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Fox Sports
Radio dot com and within iHeart Radio app search f

SR to listen live. If you're a regular listener, you
know the Ben Maller Show is unconventional sports stock. We
dabble in the outlandish and bond with the freaks and geeks.
Facebook is a digital playground for all of us. You
can chat with other p one friends of the show.
It's painless and you can cancel anytime. Just like our page.
Go to Facebook dot com, slash Ben Maller Show and
out live from the Geico Fox Sports Radio Studios. It's

Ben Maller and time now for the who am I? Game?
This is where we pretend to be somebody else in
a blatant attempt to get you to listen to a
couple of minutes longer. And here it is, Along with
Steve Finley, I am the only other player to have
gone the full circuit and played for all five National
League West teams. That's the Giants, Dodgers, Podres, Diamondbacks, and

the Colorado Rockies. That is the question, and what is
the answer? Will anyone get it right? Let's see here
the phones we go and Jay in Florida, Actually the
Twitter we go Jay and Florida says who was Walter
Ray Williams Jr. Eke in Roseville, Minnesota is going with

Kenta Maeda, Very very nice. Who else do we have?
Nolan Ryan was guessed by Devon in the New York
Bert the Greatest Opiner, not related to Ernie the Greatest Opiner,
says Bill Miller, is the answer the American Dream. Dusty
Rhodes from rob in Vegas. Tortia Mantoni is going with

that great former shortstop Webster as his answer. The SoCal
musician got this right, so did Matt the Warrior Raider
as fan clearly cheating Snuffle the shuffle Snuffelophagus says, Jerry
Garcia is the correct answer. Who else do we have?
Ernie the Great Opiner says, is it the furry raff?

Is that the answer? Who else? Let's see Craig Counsel
from Sean in Portland. Brad is going with Steve Trout
as his answer. Mike says, nineteen eighties player Jose Cruz
is the answer. Bert Campania's from Cardiac Stanley Just Josh
is going with Cheech and Chong to honor the holiday.

Who else do we have? Let's see Palm does it
rats as Darryl Strawberry. Frankie in La checks in with
Shaggy as the answer. Billy is going with Tim Sam
and Polyde. Got it right? All right, Eddie, what's the answer? Well,
I believe Octavio d'otel played for the most team, so
let's go with him, the great Octavio d'otel, who did

play for a number of National League West teams. But
that is not the correct answer, Eddie. The correct answer
is the current pitching coach of the Arizona Diamondbacks, Matt
Hurgis Matt hurgeneric relief pitcher. Good guy though I actually
knew him little bit. They played for the Dodgers years ago,
but Matt Hurges played for eight teams, including the Dodgers, Podres,

d Backs, Giants, and Rockies. He completed the circuit in
the National League. So there you go. Let's go to
the phones. MGM. John in Lost Wages, Nevada. Hello, MGM. John, Pokey, pokey, pokey,
mister Ben Maller. What's going on, John? I'm here today

to talk about the documentary of the late the great
Chicago Bulls team in mind in the defense of the GM,
Jerry Krause, when you have to take the advantage of
taking that player's tallenge no matter what. And what I've
seen is that after Michael Jordan and Phil Jackson passed,
the Bulls have become the Knicks of the Midwest, and

that the only two great moments of the Knicks ever
had was Derek Rose winning m VT and the White Mamba.
Bryan Scalabrini. Yeah, well, I don't think Phil did Phil
Dye you said he passed. I think Jordan's passed you.
I think they're both alive. MGM. I don't think they're
they've died. I think they're okay, Well, well they're not dead.
They just want they just left the Chicago Chicago both. Yeah,

I hear. Yeah. And you were a young guy, right,
you know, you weren't around when the Bulls were winning
and all that, Like I don't think you were. You're right,
thank you? Yeah, I got you all right. But there.
He just wanted to mention that he's got like a
weird hodgepodge like MGM. John being in Vegas, like the
teams he liked. It's like a weird thing because they
didn't when he grow up, they didn't have any teams.

Like he's like a Ranger fan. I don't know he's
got like some I don't know if he's got ties
to the Knicks. Very bizarre though. Be sure to catch
live editions of The Ben Maller Show weekdays at two
am Eastern eleven pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and
the iHeartRadio app. An NFL head coach under attack, Welcome
in the beginning of the Ben Mallers Show. For this hour,

we are in the air everywhere the vast Fox Sports
Radio network, emanating live from the Geico Fox Sports radio studios.
Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on
your car insurance. Just visit Geico dot com for a

free rate quote. I hope you're doing well. We're back
at it in the radio a salt mine this hour.
And as we head into the meat and potatoes of
NFL Draft week, the ray of sunshine in all the
darkness in the sports world coming up starting on Thursday, Thursday, Friday,
and Saturday. They're gonna drag this thing out over the
next weekend, which we look forward to. There is another

story that is percolating around the sports world, in the
football world in particular. It involves and in battle the
head coach. Now you're paying attention here, Do you know
where I'm going with this? Maybe you do not. That
would be none other than Lion's headman Matt Patricia, one
of the fat coaches in the NFL. We don't have

too many of those guys, but Matt Patricia is under attack.
A number of former Detroit players have unloaded on their
former boss in recent days. If you've seen this. The
latest is former Lions safety Glover Quinn. Glover Quinn, he
was the one that laid in at the end of

last week to the arrogant Matt Patricia ripping, his attitude,
his persona, his arrogance, things like that. According to Quinn,
that made people not really want to buy into it.
That was the disconnect. According to the now former Lions
safety Quinn, he gets in line behind a number of

other former Lions players who have also said inflammatory things
about Matt Patricia. Quinn also claimed that in the past
that Patricia's Patriots attitude has caused Detroit to regress over
the years that Patricia has been there. Now that led
to Lions general manager Bob Quinn, another former Patriot guy,

to run and defend his coach standing by ankering down
in the Matt Patricia category. You can go ask anybody
in the locker room right now. This is a quote.
You can go ask anybody in the locker room right
now what they think of coach and how he runs
the team, and they're one hundred percent behind him. Close

quote from Bob Quinn, the general manager of the Lions.
So let us discuss the question. Are the Lions just
simply not able to handle a strict disclibinarian type coach,
or is Matt Patricia a douche, and he's really the
problem here with the Lions. Now, I'm gonna actually hold

off and saying Patricia is just a complete douche. I
don't know the guy, and I've always stood by the
fat coach. I've always had the fat coaches back. So
I'm gonna go with the first part. All right, Now,
my thoughts, you've got number one, You've got human nature,
You've got funerals and wakes, and you all will have
political theater, and we will tie all these things together

and we'll make some bab a ganoose. Now a Matt Patricia,
let's start with this. He is trying to do the
hardest thing in sports, which is to turn a dumpster
fire into a palace. Right. You know, most people see
it dumpster, It smells, it's disgusting, and you know, I
want nothing to do it but to turn that into

a mansion. And that's essentially what you're asked to do
if you're coaching a morbid NFL franchise, a notoriously bad
group of misfits, and you've got to coach them into
a model franchise. And see, here's the argument I make
about all these teams in sports, where it's football, baseball, basketball,
Finding good players is not the hard part. And I've
said this for years every year the draft. We got

the draft coming up on Thursday. They're going to be
a ton ton of blue chip players, guys who come
out in the first second round of the draft, who
are built like a Donnas and run like the wind.
It's getting no players on the same page. That is
the issue. Right, Let's just say it like it is. There.
Many players are not eager to buy into the dogma.

They want to check that comes in the NFL, but
they don't want to deal with this, just like at
your job. It's this is where human nature comes in. Right.
That's why I say human nature is a part of this.
It's no different than you know, I work in the
radio business, and I see people all the time in
radio that don't approach it the right way. Anyway. It's
only radio. There's no cameras here and all that, and

so they're like, oh, I'm just gonna kind of go
through the emotions a little bit, and it shows eventually
those people are exposed and they don't last very long
in the business. But in sports, you know, you get
paid a lot of money it's a great gig and
all that stuff. But human nature, right, if you look
at the six basic characteristics of human nature, and they
have studied human beings since human beings have been around,

they all look at each other. We all look at
each other and examines the number one trait of human
nature sure is laziness. Right. We are designed. We are
all designed the same way to take the easy road
to learn. We learn early on that a straight line
is the shortest distance between two points. Right. It takes
a special group to follow a maniacal teacher like Patricia

who is just the disciple of Bill Belichick. And these
Belichick disciples have not done very well in the NFL,
unless you think Bill O'Brien is the shining example of
success with the Houston Texas. So that whatever it takes,
rallying cry when you have a track record is one thing,

but when you don't have a track record, it doesn't work. Hell,
it almost didn't work for Bill Belichick. Bill Belichick was
on thin ice and if Drew Bledsoe had not been
injured against the Jets and Tom Brady had not come in,
Belichick could have been fired by mid season that year
and would have never had the atriate way to fall

back on. But if you're just the right hand man
to the evil genius, which is what Matt Patricia is
until proven otherwise, as he is learning on the job,
it falls on deaf ears. Now part B of this,
Matt Patricia only knows how to do things from Belichick.
By all accounts, listen, I'm not around the guy, but

by everyone who is around him, he follows the mantra
and the way it is and the way it has
been with the New England Patriots. He was groomed at
the school of Belichick. Flexibility is not a virtue, and
Matt Patricia's favorite song is a classic tune from the
late nineteen sixties, in fact, number one hit at funerals

and wakes ever since. Then Right France, Right, Frank Sinatra's
My Way, That's a cloud, Old Blue Eyes. Everyone knows
Old Blue Eyes. You're not in a historian a music.
It's about jeb by you. So if Matt Patria, she
doesn't see results in twenty twenty, and by most accounts,
unless the Lions have an amazing breakthrough in the draft,

good luck, he will be having his own coaching memorial
service and the Lion coaching staff. They've got to approach
this season in biblical terms like the Last Supper, because
it is the last supper as coach of the Lions.
And if things go the way they are expected to
go in twenty twenty, and if the Lions do not

catch lightning in a bottle, then Matt Patricia and all
of us assistant coaches there will be back knocking on
Daddy Bill's door and trying to get a job back
in Foxborough on the Patriots coaching staff. All right, last
word here, So I want to go back to the GM,
Bob Quinn, who used some weasel language in defending his

head coach, and let me put this under the microscope.
That's what we do here in sports talk radio. We
put things into the microscope. And I want you to
understand why Quinn, the GM of the Lions, used weasley language.
Quinn said, I want to give you the quote again.
All right, if you're new to the party, let me
give you the quote. This is the Lions GM. He said.

You can go ask anybody in the locker room right
now what they think of coach and how he runs
the team, and they're one hund behind him, close quote. Now,
on the surface, this is absolutely true, right, it's absolutely true.
But as they say in boxing parlance, on a technicality,

on a technicality, it is a matter of no importance.
If you go and ask anybody in the locker room
right now, yes, I agree that everyone will support Matt
Patricia when a microphone has shoved down their throat and
a camera is put in front of their face. But
you have, just like in the political theater, you have
the public and private position. Publicly, the Lions players are

going to endorse and stain with Matt Patricia, otherwise they'll
end up in the gulag and be endangered and certainly
most likely be traded or released. And he said, well,
that's what they want. That's why not better than I
would say not because it's better the devil you know
than the devil you don't know. And privately, many of

these guys, though, if you take the private position, despise
the draconian practices, the sourpuss attitude. It is an acquired taste.
It's an acquired taste, and when they are moved, that's
when they unload. Right, Just like at your job, you
have a boss that sucks that whatever you're doing right.
You're working at a grocery store on your boss is

bugging you, you're driving a truck. You got somebody that
just says you're not You're not getting there fast enough.
You gotta do better. Whatever it might be. We all
got people in our lives that a noise, and as
soon as that boss is gone, then you just can
unload and be honest. Right, That's how it works. But
Matt Patricia, he is so desperately trying to recreate the

New England Patriots that he has been adding ex patriot
after expatriot after ex patriot. He is trying to get
as many believers as he can get. Unfortunately, it is
a mathematical impossibility for Matt Patricia to last long enough
to turn the entire fifty three man roster into kool

aid drinkers, blind zombies. It's an impossibility. So even though
they are trying, and the draft, they're going to fill
up the roster with some draft picks this week, and
they've done that for the last couple of years, and
eager beavers, if you will, with free agent moves as well.
The Lions continue to inch forward, but they don't need

to inch forward if Patricia's going to keep his job,
they have to take leaps and bound. They've got a
leap over cars and buildings for Matt Patricia to stick around.
All right, is the Ben Mallers Show. As we press
on here, we'll take your phone calls if you'd like
to be part. The lines are open at eight seven,

seven ninety nine on Fox eight seven seven nine nine
six sixty three six nine you can join the festivities
and later on in our number three, that's next hour.
It's the Power Hour. It's a series that we have
started compliments of the coronavirus and the sports world shutting down.

We're trying some new things and we're celebrating our own
and throughout this entire pandemic, we've had a few of
these Power Hours, and today is a special day. Why
is this day different than all of the days. It
is the Marcel in Brooklyn edition, Marcel in the House,
and yes, it can be fascinating. I expect at least

twenty seven drops to come out of that hour. At
least twenty seven drops from Roberto who could forget during
the NBA Finals last year and he gave us I
think it was the NBA Final I think it was
before the NBA Finals, the Kawhi Leonard and the Pascal
Siakam drop. Yes, that was great. I'm the thing I'm

most upset about not having sports in my life is
that Marcel can't give us his players of the night.
And that's that's where that came from. We'd say, hey, Marcel,
who's the player of the night, and then Marcell would
give us, give us that. But Marcell eventually caught on.
Eventually he caught on, and then he would not pronounce
the hard names, and then that ruined the bid. That
ruined the entire bid. But I'm gonna be faster. It's

gonna be fascinating to see how Marcel handles all this.
So we'll do that coming up, Yes, an hour from now.
An hour from now, I would think a lot of calls.
An extended segment with calls at eight seven, seven ninety
nine on Fox. Let's yeah, we'll go to play food picks.
The backup the backups say why the backup the backups?

We'll get to that and we will do it next.
Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Maller
Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific. We
need to grow the Maller militia. This is the program
of the people, by the people, and for the people.
Let's help bring new listeners to the magic radio boxes
we burn the midnight oil. If you'd like to help,
please post messages on the Ben Maller Show about the

Ben Maller Show on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and all other
social media. Word of mouth advertising is invaluable and now
live from the Geico Fox Sports Radio studios. It's Ben
Maller by the way. Any I'm doing something different here,
you know, the mobile studio during this pandemic time. They've
asked me, the company's requested that I do some videos

of some of the monologue so they can put on
the YouTube channel. So I've been doing that. How's that going. Well,
I gotta put clothes on, which is a problem. Well,
I mean, if you didn't, it would probably spice up
the ratings there, well for a little while. Anyway, No, no,
that would that be good. So yeah, I'm playing around
with it, and I don't know, I hate looking at myself,

so it's pretty disgusting. Got some videos monologues there, but
I don't think I'll do the Marcel Power hour because
we can't see Marcel. We have no camera on Marcel.
Do we have a vending machine updated? SA you tweeted
something out there, the Fox Sports Radio vending machine. We do. Yes.
It's getting tremendously low and we are reaching the end

of the line. It's gonna be like the old days
with no vending machine at Fox Sports Radio here soon
because they've decided, I guess, not to fill it during
the pandemic. That's not a priority, Eddies to fill the
ven The vending machine guy or gal is apparently not
essential personnel. Yes, not essential to get your Cheetos and
your peanut M and M. I think it's essential, but

apparently I'm in the minority. But yeah, the vending machine is.
It's just right outside the door here in the newsroom,
and it is down to three items. There's a lot
of empty spaces there, a lot of the now. Last week,
when you gave the update at the end of last week,
it was how many items were in there? It's like
four or five. Yes, so we the Snickers bars are

all gone, the ores are gone, the planters, peanuts gone.
It is now down to three. All right, we have
the what is it original lays flavor, just the classic lays,
and there's there's only one bag of that lap, so
it'll be gone very soon. Sure, it's down to a
really a final two. It is the unsalted Trail mix

and the granola bars. Yeah, and there are plenty of
both laps. So yeah, I'm trying to count. You sent
out a photo on social media there and it's hard
to tell exactly how many of each are that it
appears as at least two bags of the trail mix
and at least two of the Nature Valley Oats and

Honey granola bar. It could be even more, though there
there are much more. There are at least five of each,
at least really, yes, oh man, I it's hard to
see because you when you look into the glass, you
there's like a reflection. Yeah, so it's difficult and there's
no light in the back, so it's hard to see,

but you can tell there's at least five or six
in each. So those are clearly the two most unpopular
items in the vending machine. And as you tweeted out, Eddie,
I did set the line over the weekend as what
would be the final item left, and is my belief
I set the number at minus one fifty that the
trail mix is the favorite to be the last item left.

I've worked in radio a long time. People in radio
do not like trail mix, do not. They don't like granola,
especially when it's unsalted. Is the big exactly we need?
We need? Anyways, those granola bars are um, they're pretty dry. Yeah,
not very flavorful. So there's a reason why those are

the two snacks standing. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. But I think
you know, if you guys obviously have an advantage here
because I'm I'm quarantined away from you guys, you could
actually be like Tim donneghee if you wanted to take
some money on the side, and then if you really

wanted to be crafty, you could buy all of the
trail mix and all of the granola bars, and then
the lass potato chips would be the last one left.
And then that would be a huge upset. That would
be a massively huge upset, and you'd win a bunch
of money from the gamblers. About that. That is true?
You can It's possible, Yeah, yeah, I could. Well, I

don't know what we do with all those leftover granola
and unsalted trail mix. Yeah, give me to the homeless.
I don't even if, but yeah, that's the greatest, the
great thing. Back in the old days, before all this happened,
you'd be going out to eat, and you know, I
always we had leftover food. I wouldn't usually eat it,
but I'd like, oh, let's get it to go. I'll
give it somebody, you know, down on their luck. And
then sometimes they wouldn't take the leftover food. You know,

I don't want to eat to I used to love
when I every once in a while, i'd give the
guy standing outside the convenience store, you know, whatever change
I had. Yeah, yeah, and I love what he would
look at it like that's it. I'm like, uh, you
ever heard the term beggars? Any choosers? I would be

happy say thank you, even if it's just you know,
seventy five cents. Yeah, well, we know about that, Eddie.
We used to have a guy call our show that
used our show as a platform to beg for money.
And he did that. Remember that guy, I don't didn't
call anymore. Think we pushed him away. Finally, Ernie the
Great old Piner writes in he says solid matter of
monologue about the historically pathetic Lions Ben there should be

a documentary on their one incredible playoff wins since nineteen
fifty seven. And speaking of history, how many historically inaccurate
questions will Marcel get during the power Hour? Well countless
the Mallard militia. The Mallard militia will go out of
their way to screw with Marcel and it should be

a fascinating our. Luke says he works in the in vending.
We are considered essential. Just call the vending company to
ask for service about that, Eddie, Why do you have
the company call the vending guys? Somebody like Luke will
come out there like Superman and fill that thing up
with new new items. About that the generous of them
the company must have said, don't come right, Well, we haven't.

We have a rule that we can have no guests
in the studio that do not are not employed by
the company, so that I would fall under the vending machine, right.
So yeah, maybe you could start like a side business sending,
get a little card table, set it up and then
go to Costco and buy like big boxes of candy
and sell them. Unfortunately, I feel like I would have

to stay here with the snacks, not I don't think
the honor system would probably go over here. You don't
think that the people at iHeartMedia and Fox Sports Radio
was thinking about I think in the honor system, might
it might work? No? Yeah, Blobberberto, you're always looking to
sell like bobbleheads on the internet. Cash, there's maybe you
should go with that. Yeah, thinking about it, it's it's

an option I mean, I meane thirty five dollars today,
I offer up. Oh congratulations, thank you? Now do you
have to send in the mail now? Because an offer up?
I thought you just want my mask on? Go outside
and exchange. Oh yeaeah, okay, all right, good for you.
Let's go. Let's go to the phones. A rebel in
the San Antonio is up next. Hello, rebel, See it's

rebel there. Where's rebels sleeping? I hear radio silence. I
hear some ambient noise in the background. Yeah, I think
rebel's checked out there. It's a shame. Let's go to
Big Daddy, who's in Memphis. Hello, Big Daddy, you are
next up on Fox Sports Radio. What's going on? Man?

I have a delated birthday. Take you well, my birthday
hasn't happened yet. But thank you. I I know you have.
It was your getting getting ready to come up. Uh
yeah yeah, it's it's still over a week away, so
it's okay. But thank you. Very kind of thought is
nice there, big daddy. How can we help you be daddy?
What's on your mind? By that documentary? Man, I can't

wait to see it. Jordan right on the waffo. Thank
they like that what he will because when people get
up there on that pedestal, I get that's the way
they yield. Well, Jordan didn't look too bad to me.
I agree. Yeah. I was expecting him to be kind
of a big a hole and he wasn't. I didn't think, yeah,
well that's what I'm saying. Other people think that he
yield But that's just where when you want to win,

that's where you wrote. You wrote just like this. Well,
the way this was hyped up, I was expecting the worst.
I was expecting, like Jordan to come out and be
just a complete schmuck. And I was like, didn't seem
that bad at all. It's just you know, the guy
that wanted to win. It was like, okay, that's good.
He called out Ron Harper in practice and he was
a schmuck do a couple of other guys, so what

a big deal they go do one child Barkley. I
love that. See Barkley, Oh man, that guy. Yeah, I was.
We didn't see what going on him because you hear
what Scott to see about to say with laizing and
all that old stuff there. You know when I gotta
tell you, big Daddy. I was a little nervous in

the second I didn't know it was the first of
the second when they showed highlights of the ninety eight
Bulls playing the Clippers and a bad Clippers team. I
covered that game and I was I was like normally obese,
and I was in the locker room near Jordan. But
they fortunately they just had a close up so if
they had had like a wide shot. I did see
my friend, the late Alex Russo, who was in the

locker room. I was standing on the other side of
him there. But I was a little nervous. I was like,
oh no, They're gonna show my fat ass on this
thing and I'll never hear the end of it. But
fortunately I ended up on the editing room floor, so
I was happy about that. Be like one of them
soul training moment. When you pull up on YouTube, be like, hey, yes,

when you think soul Train, you think Ben Maller. Absolutely,
no doubt about it. You have. You've encapsulated the moment.
They're Big Daddy. All right, buddy, be good, Big Daddy.
There you go. Yeah. Well, one thing, I tell you
what I should have hosted Soul Train back in the day, Eddy,
I would have been great. I would have been something. Yes,

you would have been You and Don Cornelius are very similar. Yes, racist,
Never underestimate, never underestimate the ability. Come on, another entertanding
call from Big Daddy. He's moving up, my big boarder
callers here. Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk
lineup in the nation. Catch all of our shows at

Fox sports Radio dot com and within the iHeart Radio app.
Search f s R to listen live. All right, let's
go to the phones. Let's see who's next. We gotta
keep trying. Ryan, who is producing the show. Justin in
Cincinnati is cashing a golden ticket, and so let's get
that dump button ready, and I gonna say hello to Justin. Hello, Justin. Okay,

you're idiot producer on the podcast, running his mouth about
the crew and about stuff he knows nothing about well,
my source tells me that he's a liar in terms
of he brought up an athlete, confronted him in the studio,
and he wouldn't say the guy's name, which doesn't surprise me.
He said, he got up and he got in the

guy's face. The guy's name was Brady Papanga. And he
sat there like a bitch in a chair and took it.
Purred my source, all right, I don't know what you're
talking about, Justin. I mean, you're just you're you're throwing
stuff out there. You were telling a story from the
podcast over the weekend, the fifth hour, and you're I
don't know how much of that gut on the air.
By the way, I mean, Roberto, the whole of the air.

I think the whole thing got on the air. What
are the odds of the whole thing got in the air.
I'm gonna go about all right, thank you, Jespin. Yeah, yeah,
the first party didn't go on the air. Yeah, the
first part did not get on the air. Not that
we don't love tea. Many of us have tea. I
drink team that our throat and we enjoy bags and
we go to the store we take our food home
in bags, but sometimes things don't mix together. I'm just saying,

let's go to Ed in Spokecan who's next? Hello? Ed?
Well that was fast? All right? You want to go
back on hold? That I can put you back on
you'd like it. I could put you back on all seriously,
if you want to, I'll put let this put that
back on hold. Seriously. I don't need to talk. Ed
wants to be on hold for a while, so we're

gonna leave it on hold for a while. All right.
Let's see, let's go to Steven Manhattan. Who is next? Hello, Steve?
Oh in the big city? There you go? Punch sor right?
Punch that button up, Steven Man Steve? There, did Steve go?
Is he calling another radio show? It's a phone catastrophe, Atty.

We've got a phone catastrophe all of a sudden, the
phones blowing up here, and I'm gonna blame I can't
blame Big Daddy because he was actually I'm on him,
Justed in Cincinnati. I'm gonna blame him. Let's see here,
let's go to Chris in Houston. Hello, Christopher in Houston.
What's up? Ben? I tell you one thing about that

Jordan documentary. Now we know why Scott the Tipping was
named No Kipping. Now we know why he had a
nickname because he was what does he say a hundred
and twenty seconds like lowest pay player. Well, you know
he's still making a couple of million dollars. Yeah, let's
not make it seem like he was on food stamps.
You know, he was not on food stamps. But he
did have twelve siblings or eleven siblings and his pa,

his parents that he had to take care of back
in Arkansas. That's a lot of people. Yeah. The one
thing about it is the difference between a sound raation,
but a white family and a black family. The black
family is a guy makes it. You gotta take care
of everybody. It's like you're the breadwinner compared to win.
White kids get blow up there like this. I'm like, no,
we don't need any money. So I don't know. I

don't know, Chris, if that's true. If you're a white
kid from the bad part of town, I'm thinking you're
still got to pony up the money to your They're
they're gonna be out there with their hands out saying
give me some money. You know, what I'm saying, Well,
I would say the percentage is being then well, well,
here's what I would argue. I think most people that
make it big in sports don't come from wealthy families.

Can we agree on that that most people that come
from white or black, they don't come from a lot
of wealth. There's been I know when you do. There's
some guys that have made it that have a lot
of life. Bill Lambier came from a very wealthy family.
Who is the guy the small forward for Golden State
and the Knicks? Was it David Lee or something like that?

Um guy from guy from Saint Louis. He had a
lot very wealthy family. But for the most part, you
can count those guys on one hand. And in all
of sports at any given time, there's like a very
small handful of people that came from allowed me. Josh
Rosen came from a lot of money. The quarterback who
sucks in the NFL, he came for allowing me. But
and I don't know, I can't name anybody else right
now off the top of my head. But being out,

you know, I've been thinking of a new bit I
could do with you guys. There's no sports and we
can help out some millennials and watching some different things
and open their eyes up. Okay, So what I got
here is a list of actors, you know, old and
past present actors and basically you know, evolving the crew
involving you guys his name, a movie that you like

that the actor played it, and or underrated movie that
say the listeners can go find them. Do you want
to do like a pop culture with Chris and do
some old actors from what are we looking at? Nineties
and nineties or so before? Then over, I mean all
over there, all, all right, all right, a couple. Look, Chris,

you don't let me know Chris when you have a
night off, because I want to do a power hour
with you, but you're working. I don't want to have
you get in trouble. So oh man, you know we
can do it next Sunday. You know I'm bad. I'm
opening on next Sunday. You want to do it next Sunday? Yeah,
we'll see even either next Sunday or the following Sunday.
I might have somebody already lined up for next week. Right,

all right, so uh Eddie, you're there. No, he stepped out,
He stepped out, I'm here, so my first one. I
would watching this movie earlier Brad Pitt. What would Brad
Pitt dast movie B or his most underrated movie B?
I enjoyed the movie seven with him in it. Good movie,

good movie? Man? All right, so Brad Pitt movies here,
I don't know he's been and see. I gotta what's that?
I'll go sport? Money Ball? How about that? There you go,
money Ball? Boom Billy be most underrated. I'm gonna say. Uh.

One of my favorites is Snatch. Snatch was good. Yeah,
there's a drop you like it, Eddie? How about Oceans
Heaven was a good one too, Even mine I put
out with Troy. Troy was incredible and glorious. Bastard is
another great one. Yeah, that's a great one too. I

gotta I gotta go, Chris, I gotta, I gotta go,
thank you. I mean, look at the time, Ryan's very upset.
He didn't get a crack at this. He's nine. You
want to go quick running? Fight club, fight clau Oh yeah, yeah,
fight club. We quote fight club all the time. That's
a good one. I didn't bring up fight club because
we're not supposed to mention fight Club Oh or n Yes,
I didn't just a joke. Okay, all right, let's go

first of all, Club Mallard of the thirt here's the
here's the instant trivia. But Randy Moss and Blank are
the only players in NFL history with a thousand plus
receiving yards in each of their first six seasons. That's
the insta trivia again. Randy Moss and Blank the only

players in NFL history with a thousand plus receiving yards
in each of their first six seasons. The answer next.
Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Maller
Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app. Only a few
rare birds are able to listen to all four hours

of The Ben Maller Show live overnight, but thanks to podcasting,
you have no excuse to miss a second of our
unorthodox chatter. Subscribe to the Ben Maller Show podcast on
iTunes and give us five stars. It's quick, painless and
a noise management NLI from the Geico Fox Sports Radio Studios.
It's Ben Maller, all right, real quick, the instant Trivia
Randy Moss in Blank are the only players in NFL

history with a thousand plus receiving yards in each of
their first first six seasons. That is the question. What's
the answer? Bert the Greatest? Opiner says, it's Bert Emanuel
that that's the answer. Who else do we have here?
I can't read that on the year. Matthew Warrior ritter
is Fan got it right, clearly, Cheating Devon is going
with Jake Reid, the Great White Hope Don Beebee from

Rob in Des Moines, Peter Warwick from Robin, Minnesota, Heywood,
Jefferies from Just Josh and Cincinnati. Eric's going with Dolphin
Legend Irving Fryar, Frank and La says Andre Riisen the
Screaming Possums going with pepe le pew as his answer.
Rinaldo Nehemiah from Jay Scoop. Good answer there in Seattle, Eddie,

what's your answer? I believe it's Keith Pool, Keith Pools
at Keith Pool. No, it is incorrect, Eddie. It is
Mike Evans of Tom Brady's Tampa Bay Buccaneers. And that
leads us into it's Mallard. How about that? To the
third degree, This is one big fan gets grilled third degree,

he brought to you by Discover card. We treat you
like you treat you. And in four the man celebrating
the national holidays for twenty day to day, we bring
in keep Trying, Ryan Burshinger. Do you give any credence
to reports that Michael Jordan authorized the ESPN documentary due
to Lebron's success? I do not. I don't think that
these two things. There's no correlation there. Michael Jordan is

in a different zip code than Lebron James. He's the
godfather of the modern day shoe trade in basketball, and
Jordan likely felt that the time was right for this
before all these guys from the nineties bulls start keeling
over and dropping dead. This is a chance for them
to get some kudos, more kudos after all these years.
And be Lebron James, he listen, He's got a seat

at the table of the legends. But his airiness is
the master of ceremonies. Jordan took the baton from Magic
and Bird and built on to the popularity of the NBA.
All right, next, Ben, do you think the Jaguar should
keep Leonard Fournette? No, I trade him I'll tell you why.
Number one for Nett, he has been a good player
but has yet to establish himself as a game breakers. Well,

it's only been a couple of years. He hasn't had
a chance. Ye blah blah blah blah blah. The guy
was a total stud at LSU. He has only shown
flashes of that in Jacksonville. He's been a hot and
cold player. I like consistency. And secondly, the NFL teams
that pay top dollar for running backs get burned ninety
nine point nine percent of the time. They have buyer's remorse.

The collaborative backfields the way to go. You need the
versatility for Net's good, but he's not great. If someone's
willing to pay a lot, take it next. Kenny Smith
said the NBA could finish the season by doing a
tournament where all teams participate in. It's a single elimination
until the final four. Ben Do you like this idea?
It would be totally unfair to the teams that worked
to qualify for the playoffs as opposed to the teams

that suck, like Golden State. Let's say Golden State got
Curry and Clay Thompson back and then they wanted on
a run and knocked the Lakers eye or something like that.
How great, How ridiculous would that be? But the TV
is gonna call the shots here. They want a lot
of content. They want. They paid for seven game series,
they didn't play pay for single elimination, So I think
that's not gonna happen. It would be interesting. How do

we do there? Keep trying ride. That's a passing edition,
but another win at the buster. Be sure to catch
live editions of The Ben Maller Show weekdays at two
am Eastern eleven pm Pacific, Brooklyn in the house. Well,

come in the beginning of another hour. It's the Ben
Maller Show. We are in the air everywhere the vast
Fox Sports Radio network, emanating live from the Geico Fox
Sports Radio studios. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent
or more on your car insurance. Just visit Geico dot

com for a free right quote. Well, we have been
dabbling in some new material on the radio show during
the coronavirus pandemic. As we get through the wee hours
of the morning. For example, we have been paying tribute
some of the more interesting and wacky characters and the
Mallard Militia and if you have not been listening, maybe

you have missed some of these events. In recent weeks,
we have done shows with Blind Scott. He has done
a power hour. He helped our friend c Bass get
started on the path to a service. Doc Sean the
hood guy with Tales from the Hood, regaling us in
stories of his youth and his wild younger days. Now

he's all grown up and he's calmed down and he's
a family man and all that. But when he was
growing up, man, he had some wild tales there in
the mean streets of Los Angeles. And Doc Mike from
the Windy City checked in and spend an hour talking
about urine therapy. And I have been noticing I'm starting
to get contacted by some of the people from that

we that I don't wanta say weird group, but they're
a little out there, yeah, a little out there somewhere
in Colorado. Some people have been sending me some literature
about that group. But anyway, today, what is on the
docket today? And you have tuned in for a special hour,
the four am hour in the East one am in
the west, because we have right now we're gonna put

him on in a couple of minutes. Here we have
decided that this week's Power Hour should be our friend
Marcel in Brooklyn. Now, yes, right, shocking, Marcel has reached
the pinnacle of p one status. He is the reigning
caller of the Year, winner of the popular vote. We
once a year we have the Benny's the Awards season

for Fox Sports Radio. We give out the top callers
of the year, and Marcel was crowned the champion as
the most influential caller for the last year. And if
you've never heard Marcel calls, let me give you the
condensed recap. First of all, Marcel, who is by all accounts,
we believe, a Brooklyn original, and he is known for

his breaking news stories of the day. Marcel fancies himself
a modern day Edward R. Murrow. Right. He breaks news
is what he does. He's Walter Cronkite from an old
era reincarnated, and when news breaks, Marcel is ready to
pounce on it with duct tape and glue. He's got

Elmer's glue and he's ready to put it back together.
One of his defining moments, one of the reasons that
he has considered an elite caller on our show is
when he became the first person, we believe, in the
history of radio to break the news that the Titanic
had hit an iceberg. Yeah, it was over one hundred
years after the Titanic actually hit the iceberg, but those

are just trivial details. Radio wasn't even around when the
Titanic actually crashed out in the middle of the Atlantic,
so nobody was able to report as breaking news was
on radio that the Titanic had crashed. Marcel believed to
be the first to have the school what a crafty devil?
What a crafty devil? Now secondly, Marcel's signature bit has

become food picks. And this started when I was doing
some local radio in Boston and it was kind of
a slow day, which in comparison is now comical looking
back at how we considered a slow day back then,
but that's right. Nevertheless, so Marcel I felt like the

call was lacking a little bit that night to the
local show I was doing in Boston, and so I
started making some small talk to try to add some
bells and whistles, and I was just randomly I asked him,
I said, what you have for dinner? You know, trying
to make some small talk to see Marcel open up.
He then said he had Chef Boyard and I told Marcel,
I'll never forget. I told him that that is traditional

Italian food from the old world, right, the finest restaurants
in Italy, if you've ever got gone Italy, served Chef
Boyard to their customers. Marcel was that's right. Marcell was
blown away by this fun fact. The legend was born,
and ever since then, every time he calls our show,
we have turned his phone calls into a gambling bit.
What did Marcel have for dinner? And we have learned

about you know, Uncle Dynamite and some of the other
characters in Marcel's Live. He's got some interesting relatives that
are all over the Northeast. There down in Jersey, across
the way up in Maine. That's right up in Maine,
and he can he did the fisherman drop and all
that the the final final thought on this. Marcel also

does the Player of the night. That has been a
gold mine for sound bites on the show as well.
Marcel will randomly pick out a player back when we
had sports, you know, before sports got shut down, and
Marcell would pick a great player of the night, and
sometimes he would shock us. It's the Westbrook of the
Seattle Seahawks. Yes, a lot of people think Russell Westbrook's

actually a basketball player, but he has been moonlighting as
the quarterback of the Seattle Seahawks. Marcell's got a cottage
industry as a caller, he is over the time he's
been calling us. He started out, as far as I know,
only calling our show. He has since become a professional
talk radio caller. He has heard all over the country. Marcel,
he actually tweets out and I'm not making this up.

Marcell tweets out his radio schedule. He makes regular appearances,
not only on this show a couple times a week.
He also calls the Morning jab or affiliate in Portland, Maine.
He has become a staple of their show. Also can
be heard talking Clemson Tiger sports on the radio in
South Carolina. I believe it. Yes, the man has versatility

as a caller. He's got adaptability. He's an all purpose caller, news, sports, weather,
you name it, traffic on the ones. He will give
you all of that. And so, without further ado, we
welcome in and let's give it up here a warm
Welcome to our reigning caller of the Year. It's the
Power Hour with Marcel in Brooklyn. Oh, good morning, Van,

I'm up and early before the sunrises. Thank you for
that introduction for me, my friend. Well, you've made quite
an impact on our show, Marcel. How many years have
you been calling this show. It's only been a few years, right,
you haven't been around that long. Yeah, I have a
few years when I called what you call me, sal

and then our time there it will be Marcel. I
remember the first time you called me up. And maybe
it wasn't the first time, but my memory is you
we talked Seahawks football, Marcel, like you'd said R twelve
man the twelves. Yeah, which is odd for a kid
you grew up in Brooklyn? Is that correct? Yeah? I was.

I was born in October eighteenth, nineteen ninety three, when
I was a baby. Yeah, sure, yeah, you didn't. You
weren't born as an adult. You didn't come out of
your mom as an adult. You you were a child.
You Well, yeah, I have the well, I have the
baby of the Myrick family over the years. Oh you
are the baby, all right? And and how many siblings

do you have? Marcel seven seven? Really, so you have
seven grandsons and counting well were grandson? Hell? Like you
know siblings like brothers and sisters. Do you have like
daughters and sisters and stuff. Yeah? Well, I have my
brother Spanky, he's all grown up with me. I have

mynt I have two my uncle's Kareem and Donnamite. Yeah,
they live they live here in New York, but they
live in some other places like made and New Jersey.
My mom my grandmother's named Joan. I have my aunt Tet.
My honor one is Crystal. I have two cousins themselves,

Donovan and Kevin. By the way, we are getting the
whole family tree here. We are getting Marcel's entire extended family.
I love the fact that you have a brother named
Spanky and an uncle named Dynamite. This is like in
nineteen eighties Saturday Morning Cartoon. This is outstanding here, little
resolutely Yes, So, Marcel, why do you love calling radio

show so much? What is what is the passion you have?
Why do you have this passion for calling and shows
like this? Well, I have my passion for you on
Fox Sports Radio nationwide. Then I have to call the
show with you along with Andy and Brian, but there
is no El in no in his name on six days,

on six days a week. Also, as a matter of fact,
I have the New York Sports Correspondent for thirty straight
minutes give or take a view on Tuesdays, Tuesdays and
Thursdays in the morning JAB, which you and Joe you
do thirty Wait? Wait, Marcel, you do thirty minutes on
the morning JAB. Tuesdays is really Tuesdays and Thursdays. Yeah,

so you I thought this was a special thing. I thought, man,
this is uncharted territory given Marcella and pretty much most
of an hour here. Yeah, in the power are but
get you're getting thirty minutes? Now? How are you? How
are you adjusting? Marcel? With sports not being around? You're
such a big sports fan. Is it? Has it been difficult?
Have you adjusted? Are you over it? Now? What's it
been like the last month? Well? I've been a New

York sports ambassador all in my life. Sure? Yeah. I
have my New York Knicks in a Booklyn net Since
isn't he excuse me? The NBA, I have the New
York Islanders and the New York Rangers in the NHL,
The newest members of the XL Bell family, the Seattle

Dragon and the New York Gladiators. Also the NFL, the
New York Giants and the Seattle Seahawks. Yeah yeah, marcell Oh,
I know you're going. I don't want interrupt you. It's
the power. But you know the XFL went bankrupt. They're
not around as that true. Yes, yes, the XFL. It's done, Marcella.
They're not gonna be around anymore. Oh my god, the

bank erupted. Roberto is telling me in my headphones here.
Roberto told me, Is that right? The Knicks of the
Knicks have gone bankrupt? Also that, marcel I think so?
Roberto's telling me the Knickerbockers folded up. How about that?
That is not true, That's what I'm being told in

my headphones here. So I don't know if that's true
or not. But if that is true, you're welcome on
the Clipper bandwagon. Oh I like I like that absolutely.
Who's your favorite player on the Clippers? Can you name
a guy on the Clippers right now? Who do you
like on the Clips? Oh? That's good question. Kawaii Leonard. Yeah,
you're a big fan of Kawaie Leonard. I understand. So
what do you help? What do you hope to accomplish

this hour, Marcel, Because we're gonna take some phone calls.
Are you okay with that? Would you like to take
callus in questions from the militia on social media? You're
cool with that? Right? I have Twitter and Facebook pages.
One I have after Dark Marcel on Twitter, second Facebook,
Marcel Marik dot three eight seven seven ninety nine. Fox

operators were standing by if you want any questions from me.
So I got your cover? All right, Well that's outstanding,
very impressive there, as Marcel knows, he said, yet again,
out of this world. So well, all right, we'll pause
for the cause, Marcel, and then we'll see how this goes.
You're gonna get your audition as a talk show host
and the Power Hour? Is that exciting? Oh? I love

to all right, very good, Marcel will answer the questions
of the Mallard militia. It's the Power Hour with our
buddy Marcel in Brooklyn, the hell caller of the Year.
And he continues, next, Oh, that's great last night, but
especially because of last night, from yesterday afternoon before football,

Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the Nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot Com and within the iHeartRadio app search f SR
to listen live. It's Mallard twenty twenty and you can
be heard in the democracy of the Ben Mallard Show.
We encourage and welcome the voice of the people that
would be you. Following the voice of this show on Twitter,

He's at Ben Maller and you can tweet at and
follow our technical producer. He plays all the music and
most of the funny soundbites the Ben Maller Show. His
first name is Roberto, his last name is Flores. You
can follow him at Raider, Underscore, Rob twenty four, My
Doubler Don't Work and a live from the Geico Fox
Sports Radio Studios. It's Ben Maller. Well, we just passed

the magic minute National holiday for our friend Justin Cooper.
He is off. We've got to keep trying Ryan In
as today is April twentieth, and it was just just
a few seconds ago, Eddie, it was for twenty on
for twenty. So what do you think Cooper is doing

right now? Eating a burrito? I don't know anythink he's well,
he's watching Netflix as well and probably doing some other
things getting baked. Yeah, he's doing there for sure. It's
the Power Hour. How exciting is this our friend Marcel
in Brooklyn. For the bulk of the hour, we will

have the instant of Viceline the last block of the hour.
But up until then, our wonderful caller of the year,
Marcel a real maverick. You're a real Maverick, right, Marcel,
you're a free spirit? You would admit that. Yes, oh yes,
the caller of the year from the Bennies and even
the Collar of the decade. How are you celebrating this

national Cannabis holiday? What are you doing to celebrate today? All?
It will be gorgeous four twenty twenty twenty. That's a
very good news for me. I have the very good
time for celebrating that. You celebrate the date here in Also,
I didn't know you celebrated that. You're you are liberated, Marcel,

Look at you? Who knew? Oh yeah, we have questions.
I'm gonna give some rapid fire questions. Then We've got
some calls we're gonna take. So it's gonna it's the
Power Hour with Marcel in Brooklyn. Bozo the District Attorney
rights and says can you please ask Marcel what he
thinks and can he name the Alabama quarterback who's expected
to be drafted in the top ten this week? Yeah, Marcel,

you're a draft guy. Have you watched the NFL Draft? Well,
the NFL Draft. I'm gonna watch it on Thursday Thursday.
Have you studied? Have you study the NFL draft at all? Oh?
I've never been studied all my life, all your life,
You've never been all right, So who's the quarterback from
Alabama who's expected to be drafted in the top ten

this week? Oh? I didn't. I didn't answer that. You're
not gonna answer that. Okay, all right, that's fine. I
understand you're gonna pass. You're gonna punt on that. Daniel
who's he's a big actor in l I think he's
in La Daniel, He says, Ken Marcel, please replace David

Gagon on the fifth hour. Would you be interested in
doing a podcast Marcella replacing David Gagon? Oh, I've never
been on the podcast before, so that's a yes. Right, yes, Okay.
Andrea Virgo and Service, she's gonna have her own Power
Hour coming up. She says, who is your favorite New

York baseball player and why Marcel, Oh, I have the
New York Mets and his name is polar Bear, Pete Alonzo, Peter,
the King of home run. It's twenty nineteen. Yeah, how
what do you had fifty something home runs for the

Mets last year? Fifty three or something like that. I think, yeah, yeah, yeah,
that's that's that's great. Fifty three home runs all in
one MLB franchise team. Ever, I'm a true New York
sports ambassador. Yeah, I bet you don't know who the
Mets mascot is. Do you know the name of the

Mets mascot? Take that? Look at that eddie without any
hesitation in my face, into my face there, Bring your kiddies,
bring your wife, guaranteed to have a time of your life.
Thank you for that sound bite as well, sir. It's

a song and dance routine. Here's what we've got. Robin
Minnesota has a great question. Rob says question for Marcel
in Brooklyn. If you could visit one other planet, which
one would it be? That's a great question. Marcel. What's
your what planet would you want to visit? All here
in the whole wide world? You know it. Thank you
for that question. Rob, I have to say, Um, South Africa. Okay,

well that is quite the planet there was that between
Jupiter and I gotta find out where that is in
the Milky Way. But all right, well, thank you. That
is an interesting planet. I remember learning about the planet
of South Africa when I was in college back in
the day. All right, so we have calls for Marcel
Ed in Spokane is up? I believe Hello Ed listening

on Fox Sports radio affiliate there. Hello Ed, So Marcel,
I have a question. So, as you know, me and
Christina were planning to go to New York. Because the
COVID nineteen virus, we had to cancel traveler plans. God, Um,
would you and your uncle Dian might be open to

go into a nice steak house with us? Oh, that's
a very good question, believe it. I'm not add We're
the whole stores, schools and everything here in our city
and our state. Our temper I know a year from yeah,

So Marcel, when things open up again, Marcel and the
things get back to normal, would you be willing to
go meet listener here our friend from Spokane. Ed from
Spokane and Christine. I've met them. They're nice people. Oh,
Ed and Christine. Yeah, yeah, you can go out. I
have goad pizza or something. I have steak or something. Yeah.
Oh that's great, until those until they will return from

the normal. All right, I understand everything's closed now. It's
closed everywhere, I guess except something a few states, but yeah,
it's mostly closed. All right, thank you. I think that's
a no. I don't think. All right, Let's go to
America's favorite drag queen caller, and that would be Felexis
in Buffalo, upstate. There in Buffalo, and to talk to

our friend Marcel. Hey, sir, show your Buffalo. I know
Buffalo is gonna win her division, aren't they Marcel? Oh,
thank you. I appreciate your honey. Is it true that
you are the Biou's brother, twin brother of Danny Montana.

I heard that. I don't know. She's sleeping, so she's
night listening. And then I think you would look gorgeous
in April, a rainbow afrol. I'm myself girl. What what's
in the kitchen today? I'm cooking meatballs in pasta and

all the good stuff. Oh well, we're not. I don't
spoil the phone. We have not done food picks with Marcel.
We do have to get the food fix. It's on
my list here. Please thank you for that. Then, yeah,
all right, that was a terrible call by our friend
the Felexus, America's favorite drago. You know, Ben. The Buffalo
is the city is located in Erie County and our state.

It's home of Shase, the wonderful theater there in the district.
Also the Buffalo Sabers, the Buffalo Bisons, and the Buffalo Bills. Wow,
look at you, Marsa. You're full of knowledge there. And
the birthplace isn't Buffalo the birthplace of the chicken wing
right there? That that famous restaurant in Buffalo Anchor Bar

and Buffalo I've been there before. Oh yeah. And even
the Niagara Falls, home of the most miss loveliness romatic waterfall,
located on the US and Canadian border. Have you ever
been there, Marsa, the uncle DYNAMI take. I don't think so,
you did not? All right? Have you have you gone

to the West coast? Have you traveled outside the northeast there?
Marcel Well, my essay is heading to Los Angeles may
really many years ago? Heading too many years ago? I
understand completely. There, very nice, Marcelle Well, we're gonna play
food picks. We'll get some more questions. So if you
want to ask Marcel anything via Twitter, you can send

me a question or call in at eight seven seven
ninety nine on Fox and we will take some more
of these phone calls. Our raining call, Yeah, the Power
Hour with Marcel in Well, what do you want to say?
What do you what do you want? What do you
wanna say? You know? Coming up? I have more coming up.

People could ask me on the calls, tweets for posts, yeah,
or even at eight seven seven ninety nine on Fox.
Be sure to catch live editions of the Ben Maller
Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio and the I Heart Radio app. And
welcome back to all of you in my Power Hour

from Fox Sports Radio and his show Coming to you
from the Geico Fox Sports Radio Studios. A fifteen minute
call could save you fifteen percent or more on your
car charts. Visit Geico dot com called one hundred nine
four seven Auto. Our talk to your Geico representative Geico

dot Com, of course, is though, well, look he knows
the copy there from news that we're breaking news, breaking news,
breaking Roberto breaking news from Fox Sports. Andrea at Virtual
in Service says, yes, good choice. Pete Alonso was awesome

last season, especially when Jupiter in Sakarta's connected to Sun.
That All Star Game was epic in the home run derby.
I miss Baseball hashtag LGM. Andrea, thank you? Oh wow,
I believe it or not that I don't know. That's
really breaking news. I don't Okay, it's a slow time, Mintie.

That's true. Yes, we have Andrea on the phone and
she wants to talk to me and on man. Is
that true? She is not on the I'm sorry she's
not on hold, though I apologize he's not. I wish

she was there, but she's not. Um, but we'll have
her on She's gonna have her own power Hour coming up. Andrea,
maybe you can call and talk to her then, Marcel, Well,
that's well, that's great. I like that all right. Robin
Vegas writes, and he says, have you ever been to Vegas? Marcella,
I'd be happy to escort you around the city for
the reigning Caller of the Year. Would you be willing
to go to Vegas? Oh? That Rob, Thank you for that,

my friend. I never go to that Vegas before. But
what do you think of Vegas, Marcella, you've heard of Vegas.
What do you think goes on in Vegas? Viva las Vegas.
It's all the casinos there from even some great great
action of all things entertainments from Dottie Osman and Marie

Felision and all kinds of genres from the musical past
around the world. All right, at first it will be
a massive shooting there in Vegas. Okay, that was a
couple of years ago. A Robin des Moines, Iowa writes,
and he says, how many hours a day do you spend,
marcell researching all your breaking news? That's a great question,

because Marcel, you're known for your breaking news pedigree. So
how much time do you spend coming up with these
breaking news stories? Oh, from news, entertainment, in even sports.
That's where we are right now, many many hours from mornings,
afternoon tonight, even when news wrote from the wall streets,

massive financial crisis and the Colvid nineteenth threats through the
sort of plane crash of Kolbe Bryant and his daughter
Giannaway on January twenty six. People knows I got everyone covered. Yeah,
Michael writes in. He says, this is the worst hour

of radio ever. What do you have to say to
Michael there, Marcel, he's not like this hour. Delete that,
all right, I will click the lead on that. Yeah,
that's how that's just the haters, Eddie. We just delete
him your show. Damn right. I'm Benny Brightside. They don't

you forget it? Real Martin from the airport in Denver.
You know where Denver is on the map, Marcel, what
part of the country do you think Denver is in
the United States and Colorado? Look at you? All right?
He says. My question to Marcella is are you planning
on leaving the country when everything goes back to normal?
And if so, can you please take real talk with you? Ooh,

I like, I like a very good question there. Thank
you for that, sir. I had to say. South Africa
is located in the Africa content where people are always
trying to get normal from the coronavirus, and I believe
it's going to be inspiring new ways for most of us. Yes,
all right, American, okay, all right, let's go to the

phones here, and uh, it's really been a riveting hour.
I can I can't imagine what's next. Let's go to
Craig in Florida. Hello, Craig, you're on the Power Hour
with Marcel Marcel. How are you, hey, Craig from the Sunshine.
Say what city and county that you lived in right now?
Pembrooke Fines, Broward County, Oh, Broward County. What your what

your city? Pembrooke Fine? Tembe all right? Well I tell you, Isaac,
I'm a New Yorker. I worked in Brooklyn and Crown
Heights and as a still a metsing Jets fan, and
above all, I was a drop caller of the Year
about two years ago. With that, gott a murder, gotta go? Um,
you want to hear opinion of Jamal Adams wanting it

to be traded from the Jets. Oo. I think Ben
knows you. Marcel Craig wants your opinion, though, Craig, Craig
is dying to know your opinion here. I doesn't want
to know what I Yeah. See, Marcel, when you're a
talk when you when you do call in radio, you

don't know what people are gonna ask. You have to
be on your toes. You gotta be like a boxer.
You gotta be ready, right, You're gonna be in a
fighting stance at all times because they're gonna throw punches
at you, and you gotta be defensive and you gotta CounterPunch.
That's it's there's a science to it. There's a sweet
science to this, and you gotta follow along here. I
understand man. Thank you? Yeah, all right, Craig. I guess
he does not have an answer, but thank you for

the call. Craig. We do have that drop from a
couple of years ago that we play and I hope
you stay safe out there, Craig fighting fighting crime in
the state of Florida. Let's go to Billy in Texas.
Who's next? Hello, Billy good boy from the stars, Staid
Howard a Frand I'm from Fargo, Texas. You haven't been

to Fargo before? Marseilles, Oh no, I don't think so, sir.
Would you like to sing along with me the little song?
Want to do a little thing? Long, Marcelle, This is
a fake grace, but okay, I don't want to be
a long Jon Kyle boss. So I called Marcelle. Can
you sing that? You want to ask you a question? Okay, Marcelle,
do you do you play a moron on the radio,

or are you a moron in real life? Oh, that's
blind Scott. Scot Scott, that's blind Scott through the funny
phone call. Oh my god, no, no, no, a friend,
I just woke up on a candle rain. Well, Marcella,

how does it feel You've been the victim of a
phony phone call by blind Scott? How about that? Oh
my god, Ryan Scott, it's such a joke. Yeah, all right, Marcella.
Let's do food picks real quick, Marcella, we'll wrap up
the Power Hour to here we go. People, get your
things together. It's a dud's on. It's a new day,

it's a new life, it's a new week. Soul mala militia.
Let's get into it. What the food picks for the morning,
because of my Power hour? All right, food picks, I
am going to go oodles and noodles eddie mixed match,
go a miss mix match. There's two items, all right,

I'm gonna go with French fries. It's a solid choice.
Keep trying, Ryan, would you like to take a shot here?
Keep trying, Ryan, Yes, we're playing food picks, Relax, marcel Okay, okay,
cheese pizza, cheese pizza, all right, cheese pizza. And what
about you there, Roberto, Uh, French fries with ketchup adding

the ketchup on there. That's nice and reveal answers. Now, Marcel,
everyone's dying to know your food pick of the night. Here.
This is gonna be a very good fun for the
mixed match band and for my foot pick from last night.
It will be oodles for noodles. Yeah, and what else?
I have beef? Beef? All right? When nobody picked bach,

so I win. I'm the only winner who cares my
chicken and beef. I picked oodles for noodles and that's
a winner. I win the food picks from Marcella. Where
do I win? Marcel? Another golden ticket? Oh? I win
a call? They take it out? My god, I want
another gun and take it. That is so damn e sunny.
All right, listen, Marcel, it's been a pleasure here. You've
done three segments of radio. How does it feel, Marcel?

It is so phenomenal. People love me, people hate me.
Just respect that. There you go, all right? Check me
on Facebook at Facebook, Facebook dot com, forward slash Marcel
myrack dot three, or you can find me on Twitter.
Be sure to fall at after dark Marcel A F

C E R D A r K M A r
C E L. Why don't you can listen to the
podcast in the fourth hour later on. Yeah, it'll go
third out in the third out covered available on Apple
podcast or wherever else you get that. That's right, all right,

thank you, Marcel. A little long winded there at the end,
but our friend Marcel, there another successful Power hour with
Marcel My good friends Sports with Coleman Baltimore Radio legends
as an incredible hour of radio. Cannot be the last
time we have the Marcel Power Hour. Well, that's really
up to how long the pandemic lasts. If the pandemic continues,

we'll bring everybody back. We'll have a roundtable hour. We'll
try that next. But no, no, we have plenty of content.
But I think it's fun to let these friends of
ours that it call the show and partake in the
program join the fun. Why not. We will wrap up
the hour with the instat advice line. Who needs advice

will come up with somebody. We'll get to that and
we will do it next. Yeah. Me be sure to
catch live editions of The Ben Maller Show weekdays at
two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific. If you're a regular listener,
you know the Ben Maller Shows unconventional sports talk. We
dabble in the outlandish and bond with the freaks and gigs.
Facebook's a digital playground for all of us. You can
chat with other P one friends of the show. It's

painless and you can cancel anytime. Just like our page.
Go to Facebook dot com slash Ben Maller Show and
outlive the Guy coo Fox Sports Radio Studios. It's Ben Maller. Hey,
you sports figure, guyer girl, Good will you talking to sons.
Here's some instant advice. Hold that thought. No one's paid

attention to me for ten whole seconds, and if you
don't like it, anyway, we go. It's time now for
the Instant Advice line, made possible by our friends at
Discover Card. Get your free credit scorecard today, even if
you're not a Discover customer. It includes your Fico credit
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more Discover dot com slash credit scorecard limitations apply, and
it's the Instant Advice And nine. Now, when things are normal,
we pick somebody out of the world of sports and
give them advice. But obviously there's no sports going on
right now, so the show must go on, So we
are going to give advice to Michael Jordan. Jordan made

a big, big mass last year around the meeting. He
did a couple of interviews last week and made it
seem like he was being going to be portrayed as
a douchebag in this new documentary which debuted on Sunday,
made by NBA Productions. He didn't seem that bad to me.
It seemed fine. But it is a retrospective on the
last season of The Bulls Dynasty of the nineteen nineties.

Any advice to Michael Jordans on how to handle this
new documentary. You're live on the air. When you hear
my voice and let's go to you. You are on
the air. Hello. Your advice to Michael Jordan on how
to handle the new documentary. Two hands, twenty dollars. All right,
let's go to line Let's go to line three. We'll
put you on here eight seven seven ninety nine Fox.

This is unscreened radio. We are trained professionals. Please do
not attempt us at home. Hello, Line three. More qualified
to run for president than Joe Biden. All right, thank
you for that. Let's go to line four. That's a
cheap shot. Line four. You're on the air. Advice please
to Michael Jordan on how to handle the new documentary.

It might be his thank today, but you don't want
to grow another Hitler mustache. All right, thank you, yes,
all right, thank you for that. Let's go you go
for you. Line six, you're next on the air. Advice
to Michael Jordan on how to handle the new documentary.
I would tell him that my girlfriend can't wrestle, but
you should see her box. All right, thank you for that.

Very nice there. I don't think you can say that.
All right, let's go to you on line one. You
are next, Actually, yeah, Line one's working. Hello. Line one
an instant advice line for Michael Jordan on how to
handle that new documentary. I'm and Marcel suck all right,
thank you, fuzzy kimono, big fan of Marcela. I see
all right, you are next. Instant advice line rapid fire

phone calls at eight seven seven ninety nine. Yeah you sir,
you're on the air. Hello, Yeah, Marcelo real cento. From
Brian Scott when it was Blant Scott. Alright, alright faire.
Oh well wait till we do the Blair in Main

Power Hour. That's gonna be intense. We'll do that of
coming up one of these weeks. All right, you are next. Hello,
all right, you're not there. Bad job. We'll hang up
on you and we'll jump over here. You're on the air.
Advice to Michael Jordan on how to handle the new documentary. Yes,
that's you. Hello, do not try to make love with
the been Maller shalon in the background. Yeah, all right,
well you know it's unlockod I hear it has been

done though. All right, we'll do one more real quick.
Ryan Bershinger picked the call this one. All right, you're
on the air. Hello, go, I couldn't even you're overmodulated, sir.
You should have picked the other line. That's a bad
job by you. But there it is. The instant advice

line to Michael Jordan on how to handle the new documentary.
We survived without a dump, I believe, first time in
a while. Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk
lineup the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsportsradio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to

listen live the gift of NFL laundry controversy. Welcome in
the beginning of another hour. It's the Ben Maller Show.
We are in the air everywhere the vast Fox Sports
Radio network, emanating live from the mobile Geico Fox Sports

Radio Studios. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or
more on your car insurance. Just visit Geico dot com
for a free rad quote. Hope you're doing well. We
are back at it again and the pandemic life continuing
around this big Blue Marble. But I'm convinced every day
we get closer to the end of this and we

always seem to have something that's coming up. I'd like
to thank the sports world for providing us with much
content in this time. The story we're gonna talk about
this hour, the pandemic life continuing in offseason, workouts continuing,
and that is leading to news. We have news that
is generated from NFL players merely working out, and that

is where we are as the Sports Conversation Station. Deshaun
Watson the latest to feed the content machine. If you
have not heard, maybe you have not, perhaps you missed
it over the weekend. I know you weren't doing anything,
but maybe you just weren't paying attention. So Deshaun Watson,
the quarterback for now of the Houston Texans, has been

spotted by eagle eyed observers wearing a Dan Marino Miami
Dolphin shirt in photos that made the rounds on social
media over the weekend. He was working out in South Florida,
which wouldn't be a problem if Watson was not currently
employed by the Houston Texans and the subject of much

trades speculation. There are many who have decided that Watson
is the next man out of Houston, that he will
be part of Bill O'Brien's weird science experiment and relocating.
So let us discuss the question, is this Deshaun Watson
T shirt controversy something or nothing? Well, it is something, obviously,

I'm talking about it here on the Big Radio Show.
But my take here, you've got the dirty subway station,
romans and feathered and we will line these things up
like dominoes and then we'll knock them over. That's what
we're gonna do. Now. To lead off with Deshaun Watson,
he's not some old geezer who grew up in a

different time. He grew up in the age of social media,
so I don't want to hear. But hey, just didn't understand.
I don't want to he didn't understand. I don't hear
about that, all right, he understands the power of social media.
The only way this would be something that nothing is
if you believe that Deshaun Watson was totally obtuse. I
do not I do not right. Not only obtuse, he

would have to have a mild case of amnesia as well.
Other than that, this is absolutely something and at the
bare minimum, Deshaun Watson was interested in seeing the reaction.
He knew when he agreed to take that photograph with
the random schmow after his workout that this would ignite,

like lighter fluid, a big inferno in the sporting world
that we are dealing with. It would have been a
story either way, but now with the pandemic, this becomes
a bigger deal. Watson had to have knowledge that this
photo was not just going to be a personal photo.
They didn't pop up on the various media platforms social

media platforms. It would be passed around, and it has
been passed around like a collection plate. Back when churches
were open right now as acted. That is exactly what
has been taking place here. When Watson, when you look
at this story, he's that doesn't matter, who really care? Well? Defense,
how you looking? All right? Watson now can sit back

with a big tub of movie theater popcorn, big giant
tub and enjoy the madness. Right watch the fan boys
stirring around like rats in a dirty subway station as
they react to this. You've got both Miami fans who
are all excited. Oh maybe the Dolphins well finally trade
for somebody we've heard of, although I'm debating whether how

Deshaun Watson's great, how good Deshaun Watson is, But the
Dolphin fans are all excited. You mix that and compare
and contrasted with the Houston fan who's already got the
heebie geebs that Watson is going to be traded all
right there, some people are freaking out about that, and
you know then then they start acting like bitter jilted

lovers because how dare you wear the wrong hat? How
dare you do that? But this, well, Brady never did this,
per se, wearing another team's laundry at least I don't recall.
This is out of Brady's playbook in a way, because
Tom Brady would send subtle messages and he enjoyed the
reaction of the Patriot fan, all right, he liked it.

I'm convinced that Tom Brady liked the reaction of the
Patriot fan seeing them storry around the Boston media freaking out.
And so Deshaun watsons he's his own cat and all that,
but it's it's a Brady play right now. Brady's finally
in Tampa, so I guess he doesn't have to worry
about exciting or upsetting the Patriot fan now furthermore, all right,

so go back to Deshaun Watson. Deshaun Watson is not
the first and he won't be the last to wear
a different teams laundry. Remember Colin Kaepernick before he became
public Enemy number one, when he was in the good
graces of the NFL community, and he you know, now
he's of course a pariah and all that, but he's

come a martyr for social justice whatever he's into. But
he was spotted wearing a dolphin hat. I remember because
I was doing radio shows after It was the summer
after the Super Bowl. If I remember correctly, and it
was a Fourth of July party and oh my god,
you've been wearing a dolphin at He had a photo
and he kind of a smirk with the dolphin hat,
and it was like a big story at the time that, oh,

my cocky and Kaepernick wants to play for the Dolphins.
Because at that time, it's like it was a big
deal a Kaepernick and all that. He had just played
in the Super Bowl for the Niners against the Ravens.
Keenan Allen around that same time, Keenan Allen, he was
a young player. I think he was like a rookie
with the Chargers. He apologized that was so long ago.
The Chargers were in San Diego, and he apologized to
the San Diego Charger fans because he was caught on video.

What was he wearing. Yeah, he was wearing a Oaklin
Raiders cap. The greatness of the ritus. He had that
on the theis And so now you can add Deshaun
Watson to the list of athletes that have worn an
other teams outfit. Now, I gotta tell you, that's a
sweet looking Dan Marino cartoon shirt. That's vintage nostalgia from

the nineteen eighties and they made a bunch of those shirts.
They had a Joe Montana version, they had an Eric
Dickerson version. I might or might not have had the
Eric Dickerson version of that shirt back in the day.
But there's a saying when in Rome, do as the Romans, right,
went in South Florida, do as the South Floridians. But
how many people are going around wearing dolphin stuff? Like
Deshaun Watson. I think it's fair to say that he

liked goofing around with the fans and he likes to accessorize. Now,
keep in mind, he did have what looked to be leggings.
He was wearing leggings that looked like and they had
the Houston Texas logo on them. But the timing of
this is part of the story, right, that's part of
the statement. And you've got Bill O'Brien who is under siege.

Even if you like Bill O'Brien, you'd admit the guy's
under siege, all right. He's skating on thin ice and
that ice is starting to melt. You give away DeAndre Hopkins,
the guys off to a Hall of Fame start in
his career. You give him away for damaged Goods in
David Johnson and Brandon Cooks. I mean, these are some

head scratch she moves, and so for some it might
seem like Deshaun Watson this is just an innocuous situation.
But considering everything involved here, everything to do with Houston,
this is not benign. I don't believe it is benign,
all right, last thing here, So what are the odds

that Deshaun Watson is actually traded by the Texans this
week to the Dolphins. I'm glad you're at you guys,
all right, because I, in addition to being the overnight
gas bag, the nocturnal Colonel, and Benny Brightside, I'm an
amateur linemaker. I have been making lines for many years,
and so I'm gonna set the opening line at plus

three thousand, which means that there's not a zero chance
that Deshaun Watson has traded this week. That implies that
there's a roughly three percent chance that Watson is persona
non grata in Houston and is traded to the Houston Texas.
Miami could send three first round picks over the next

couple of years to make an app But now you
would assume the position that there's no way on God's
green earth that Bill O'Brien would have the approval from
ownership to make this happen. But I will counter that
by saying that DeAndre Hopkins is a better player than
Deshaun Watson. Like DeAndre Hopkins is on a Hall of

Fame projectory, I don't think Deshaun Watson's the same level
of ballplayer that DeAndre Hopkins is as far as his
position versus the quarterback position. I know it's in apples
and oranges debate, but so again, Bill O'Brien, listen, he
would have to get approval of ownership, which would mean
there's no way that this would happen. But even the

mere proposal, you would say, would lead to so much
backlash and condemnation. Bill O'Brien, who's already been crucified, would
be crucified even more. He would become a human punching
bag bam, just like that, tarred and feathered and run
out of town. Now, nevertheless, keep in mind, Bill O'Brien,

he was allowed to trade DeAndre Hopkins, who's a Hall
of Fame players, we've said, for essentially a half eaten
bag of sour patch kids. That's essentially what the Texans
got in return. So if you can trade DeAndre Hopkins,
if you can make that happen, it is absolutely plausible.
And it's possible that the chairman and the chief operating

officer of the Texans, the kid who took over for
the old man who died a couple of years ago,
cal McNair is out to lunch that he's asleep at
the switch again. And if he's asleep at the switch again,
then we got something. We absolutely got something. All Right's
Ben Maller's show on Fox as we press on. I
didn't want to mention his story from earlier, the backup,

the backups the NFL draft on Thursday, it is virtual reality.
Everyone's locked down in the foxhole at their homes, and
Bob Quinn, who is the general manager of the Lions,
that's the second Lions reference in the show. Bob Quinn
has announced that not only his house, but Matt patricius house,

they have installed backup power, which I assume means a generator,
backup internet, and backup phone lines just in case, just
in case there's some kind of nuclear bomb or something
like that. They had God forbid. The Lions don't make
the pick. They gotta make the pick. You gotta get

the pick it. The pick has to be made so
the lions are covered. And then after the draft, I
would assume that they'll take out the extra phone line,
they'll take out the generator and the backup internet and
all that. That'll be good. They could hire me, you know.
I fixed the gremlins that we had been knocked off
the year a couple of times here with gremlins and

goblins that got into the equipment. But I had a
come to Jesus meeting with some of the engineering people
at iHeart and we figured it out. And Hallelujah for that.
If you want to join us eight seven seven nine,
that's right, eight seven seven ninety nine, six sixty three
six nine, eight seven seven ninety nine on Fox. Follow
me on Instagram. Ben Maller on Fox on Instagram. There's

new content to sporadically popping up there on the Instagram page.
Also available on Facebook. Ben Maller Show on Facebook, and
the platform we use the most during the show is Twitter.
That's at Ben Mallard. Your real time reaction, real time
reaction coming in absolutely correct here. Reduction is a coming.

Reduction is a coming. We'll get to that end. What
I would say, the one bright light that I've seen
recently in this pandemic. We'll get to that as well,
and we will do it next. Hey tat you by up,

I'm pat him down real quick. Check for the buzzer,
Check for the buzzer. Be sure to catch live editions
of The Ben Maller Show weekdays at two am Eastern
eleven pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.
It's Mallard twenty twenty and you can be heard in
the democracy of the Ben Mallard Show. We encourage and

welcome the voice the people that would be you. Following
the voice of this show on Twitter, He's at Ben
Maller and you could tweet at and follow tonight's executive producer.
He is manning the phones. He's in for the Incapacitated
Coop DeLine celebrating the holiday today his Independence Day. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

His name is Ryan Burschinger and he's on Twitter at
Ryan Burshinger R y A N b U rsh I
n g e R. His nickname is keep Trying Ryan.
That's legitimately I still go out for high schoolers. Yeah, absolutely,
we can't believe you said that. An open microphone. That'll
haunt him for a while. N L I from the

guy COO Fox Sports Radio Studios. It's Ben Maller And
if you're new to the show, and we thank you.
There's more people that have found the show over the
last month. Unfortunately, that's forty days or so than we're
listening before. Because of an increased insomnia, over seventy percent
of people they're sleep Pat's all messed up because of
what's going on, and unfortunately we're the beneficiary of that.

So keep trying. Ryan was filling in like he is
now for Cooper Loop and he was trying to get
it onto the company Twitter account, and he kept trying
typing in different passwords and he got us locked out
of the company Twitter account. So keep trying, Ryan Burschinger
and the entire company Major Media Empire Fox Sports Radio

was locked out of their Twitter account. So and a
nickname was born Eke in Roseville, Minnesota, right since, says
Bill O'Brien was asked what he'd give for a Klondike bar,
he answered, Deshaun Watson in a third round pick. That's great.

The Aussie guys, says, is this a sign of Deshaun
Watson finally graduating clown college? He's testing out his clown
costume with that dolphin shirt. He has to say. Matt
the Warrior Raider, as fan from the Bay Area, says,
I cannot blame any athlete wanting to distance or social
distance themselves from Houston. So absolutely correct on that, and

we will go back to the phones here on Fox
Sports Radio. I want to tell you, though, as we
bloviate the night away, that this portion of the show
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slash cash back Match, And to the phones we go,
and let's see any meaning Mighty Mo. Pick a caller
by his name, let's go to How about we go
to Johnny, who's in Houston? Hello Johnny, how are you doing, sir?

Welcome John what's up man? Well, I've been trying to
call in, you know, uh, for some emotional support in
my argument about Mike BB. But like, I know that's
not going to sell sell Well, boy, that's not a
call I expected. You know, that's not what I was expecting.

What do you want to talk about? Houston? I'll tell
you the thing that's going on with Deshaun Watson is
I think, truthfully, I think, you know, these rich guys
like to hang out, and I think I think that
you know, the owner of the Astros talked to the
owner of the Texans and was like, listen, man, you

gotta break it down. We had three one hundred lost
seasons in a row before we won the World Series.
That was called tanking though they were trying to lose
to get traft. I think that's what they're doing, Like,
that's what that's what it looks like. So you think
the texts, you think the tech the Texans are attempting
to be terrible so they can get draft picks. But
the they already had, They've already had a bunch of

high draft picks, even with the trades and what they've
the moves they've made in a few years back, they
had a bunch of hydraft picks. I like, that's just
what was the Don? Maybe the Don Bebe? Maybe the
Don Beebe things better? What was the Don? Does it
make sense? Like? How else does it make sense? Like
what they're doing with these star athletes, these super well,

it doesn't make Bill Bill O'Brien, like the thing with
dere Hopkins down, Johnny down, Johnny down, Johnny. All right,
my god, I thank you. Unfortunately we do not have
time to get to the Don Beebe topic. But there's
one thing, not seriously, I mean you flash back to

nineties football Don Beebe with that, you know, come on,
the man's a legend. The man is absolutely a legend.
He had the funny helmet. Remember he's the guy if
you were if you're old enough to remember the nineteen nineties,
he had the big, oversized the job looked like the
guy from that movie Spaceballs. That's an old movie too,
that's an outdated reference. But absolutely all right, let's go.

Here's a guy that I would like to do a
power hour with and Windsor Ontario. He is back from
his hiatus. We welcome in the great Canadian lad Cowboy
John brad for Cowboys Corner. Hello, Cowboy, I didn't have
the corl I didn't have the Corona violence virus. In
case you're wondering, but hey, Roger Goodall, cut the power

to Bob Clinton's phone unless he agrees the draft to him.
And note Wilcox is seventy today. Two Urfy Senior was
seventy ten days ago. Where white women at nineteen ninety
five in response to the siege at the Branch Davidian

Colop Home which took eighty light before that, mad Man
Timothy mcveigh's full of the utilizer bombing to the Alfred T.
Murrow Building an open sixty eight people and uh, let's
see b Gulcoburrow was thirty seventh on Saturday. And James Jewry,

who was a Virginian one of my favorite Western shows
as a boy, would have been eighty as eighty Saturday
accept he died about a couple of weeks ago. To
honor the nineties recently deceased ninety four year old the
Detroit radio legend Robin Sleelar Bob. There was no more

time hurtl bbban by Bob and with Robin everybody ever
heard guy and speak to people inmorrow morning? All right?
There he goes Cowboy, if is he still there to
hang off? I was gonna, all right, I was gonna
invite Cowboy to do a power hour, but he's hard
to lock him down there. So next time, maybe tomorrow,

all tomorrow, so maybe we'll do a power hour. We'll
schedule something with Cowboy. Oh later day. I feel empowered
after the Marcel Power Hour. I feel like we can
do anything. Now. That's all open season. Relax, very excited.
All right, let's go to Doc Mike in Chicago. You

got that, Doc, Yeah, I want to see the riverto
and Ran keep dryant Ran. I guess you're up with Twitter, okay, um,
and of course the big Calhounah, Big Ben. I don't know, Doc,
you sound a little. You sound like you're a little

out of it today. Everything all right? Is the urine
therapy not working? We're getting so much traction. I've found
out some vacuum figures and now thirty million plus people
are doing urine therapy. What I know, it's much more
than that around the world with seven and a half
million people. Yeah, because thirty million out of seven billion

is not that much. That's a very low number. You know.
I didn't hear that but that's probably better. I didn't
hear that. Yeah, and I know you're you're there's a counter, right,
you can tell how many people are listening to your show? Right, Well,
we can get we have ratings, but we get the

real time feedback on the streaming and the podcast numbers
we get those are updated every day. That's how I
got that found out it was forty five million. But
what's your account? Do you know how many people are
listening around the world, like right this second, how many
people are listening? I have no idea how many people?
I can They give us updates every day. But some
of your people, DOC from the was it the Shiva

Shivaba or whatever that Yeah, Shivambu shivambo. Those people have
been listening to the podcast. I understand racist, no doubt. Yeah, well,
you know this is the cure, this is the antidote.
This is but you can't really say cure because then
you have to prove it's a cure. Doc. But here's

the deal to jail. And you went to jail, well
because the State of Illinois said you were practicing No no, no, no, sorry,
I was curing. I wrote my alge Autism and Hypertension diabetes. Well,
the state of Illinois disagreed the styles. These are not diseases.

I know. But the state of Illinois disagreed with you, Doc,
But I beat them. You know, I know you are
back out. You are back out. Yeah, I remember. Okay,
So but I'll tell you what. Look up cure. Go
to Wikipedia and look up cure. What does it say?
I don't know if you get medical from Wikipedia though,

I don't know. You know, I don't have a computer.
I don't, but I know how to smell it. Look
at you. You don't even need a computer, Doc, This
is all in your head right there. You don't need
a computer. You back sports network? Yeah for me, that's right.
You don't need a computer. You have a radio. I
was on Brian no Show the other night. You called
into Brian no Show? Really? Yes? Wow? How did he

handle your podcast? It was? I don't know how I
phoned it on the computer because it was forty nine
minutes and he's up for like or when when he
does your What day was this was? I must have
be on the weekend? Right right? Was weekend? Alright? All right? Good?
You just randomly called in you whoever's on? I want

to talk in the boom. There you go. It was Ryan.
Ryan was bur singer and keep trying Ryan, Is this true?
Keep trying Ryan, It's it's true. Yes, he did join
us on Friday night. No interesting, All right. What did
they talk about your in therapy with Brian? No? Yes, yeah,
he did in great detail. So is Brian no gonna
drink the forbidden drink? Yeah? And he said this is helpful.

Everybody should be doing it. Okay, all right, thank you
your next Oh boy, Eddie, I'm next year. I don't
know right after No, i'd be like that. Do you
see the video Chet in San Diego sent out with
the Instagram model that had a little lying she got

some urine therapy did Yeah, she wasn't planning on it,
but she I guess she doesn't have to worry about
the coronavirus now, according to docs, lucky girl. So look,
she didn't plan on being lucky Eddie, but it just
kind of worked out that way. All right, we'll take
some more of these swan calls. Be sure to catch
live editions of The Ben Maller Show weekdays at two
am Eastern eleven pm Pacific. All right, it's the Ben

Maller show on Fox. Let's see who is next. Let's
go to his Angel in Miami. Still there, Let's see
here even a punch Angel up? Hello Angel, what's going on?
Welcome age, Thank you for taking my call. Um. I'm

the one that called you last year and told you
about Nick Saban that there will probably be a couple
of years that he would stay there, and he begun.
I'm not sure right now whether coronavirus and all this
stuff going on. But then I wanted to tell you
an idea. How long I've been listening to your show

on and off. And the reason I said on and
off is because I had moved me and my family
from several areas in the country and for the last
thing years Tennessee, Florida, back to Tennessee. And I just
got back to Miami. I still got my home and

in Tennessee, which we're gonna try to sell it at
this summertime. But I wanted to tell you that I
think I find your show with Jayson Smith. I believe
he was interviewing Jason well, you know, you know you
really go. That's like twenty years ago. Angel me I

did a show with Jason. We both did. We did
a show together on the weekends when I have early
days of Fox Sports Radio. Yeah, oh, that's how long ago.
And he will interview once in a while. Been a
cook the college. Uh, kind of old guy that he
will get into college and he will always laugh and

make fun of being cook and Cook will go on
and talk about all that time. That's how long ago.
Oh listen, Angel, I'm glad it's been very loyal. That's
like twenty years of your life there, Angel. That's unbelievable. Man,
thank you for that. It's very kind of you. You've
moved multiple times and you still listen, So thank you.
I appreciate that. It's very nice. Let's you've listened to

me more than my family, who does not listen to
the show. And uh, that's very fun. Uh, just just
absolutely league great. All right, it is the Ben Maller Show,
and I'm looking for a couple of game show contestants.
We're gonna play coach, player, entertainer. It's a radio game
show and if you want to play, give yourself a

chance here possibly win a golden ticket, a big currency
that gets you to the front of the line. Call
right now. Operators are standing by at eight seven seven
ninety nine on Fox eight seven seven nine nine six
six three six nine. Coach Player entertainer in its entirety.
We'll get to that and we will do it. Nags.
I liked him in that spot. I really did. Oh

I did not. I did not like him in the
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And I'll lie from the guy coo Fox Sports Radio Studios.
It's Ben Maller, all right, couple of things quickly here
and then we're gonna get the coach player entertainer Rob Manford.
It was reported over the weekend that he is now
going to allow big league teams to start furloughing employees,

including coaches, cutting down on pay. At this point, the
players are not involved, but it's gonna get to the
point where if they do not have a season, if
they don't go with either the Arizona or the Florida plan,
which I'm still hearing is going to happen starting sometime
in June or July, that they're gonna play the season.
But if that doesn't happen, then they're gonna take money

away from the players. That is coming next. And my
favorite sign, and we'll revisit this over the next couple
of days. Listeners sent me a photo and it was great.
It was hilarious. I forget who I think the Russian
kid I believe and it was a family of Dodger
fans that made a sign that read you the letter

you can't spell, shutdown, stay home, order coronavirus without astros.
This is one hundred percent true. I love the creativity
and turning a negative into a positive. To goof on
the cheating ass strows. Here we go. Put on your
thinking caps. My name is time to identify my name?

Is is it a coach player or entertainer? All right,
let's do it as coach player entertainer Brought to you
by Discovered Card. We treat you like you to treat you,
and let's welcome in our contestants for this radio game show.
We have Andy in Maine. Hello, Andy, morning, Ben, How

are you welcome? How's everything in Maine this morning? Listen?
It's a little cold still, but we'll live. We'll make
it good. All right? What are you doing this morning?
Out working? I will be shortly. I'm on the way in.
All right, Well, hold on a second, Andy, you're gonna play.
And we have Scott in Canada. Hello, Scott, hey man,

how's it going top of the morning to you. It's
a rather large country, Scott? What part of Canada are
you in? I'm I'm in Hamilton's just outside of Toronto.
All right, beautiful Hamilton. All right? Are you sounds like
you're driving? Are you going to work? Yes? Sir? All right,
look at that. You're a crucial employee. All right, Well,
good luck a gentleman. We'll put you both on the

air and it's head to head competition. Your name is
your buzzer, so if you know the answer, you know
your name out. We'll get through a couple of these
categories here. We have three of them to choose from coach, player, Entertainer.
You have to pick which of the three these fall into.
I will say a name. You get six points for
the initial answer, you get an extra point for a
secondary answer, and the answers would be either coach, player, entertainer.

If I said coach, or if I said, for example,
I don't know, I'll throw a random coach's name out here,
Dave Roberts. You'd say coach, he's a manager, and then
you get six points, and then if you say he
coaches is the Dodgers, you get an extra point. All right,
good luck, here we go. First name up is Luke
Weaver coach, player, entertainer, got scott coach? That is incorrect?

Isn't great? Luke Weaver as a pitcher for the Arizona Diamondbacks.
Next name up for US Carl Blake willis Andy Andy
in Maine. He's a coach. That's correct. All right, Good
job by you. And what team does Carl Blake willis coach?

Don't have that one. I know you're just guessing, but
that's all right. He's a pitching coach for the Cleveland Indians,
which I guess it makes you a coach? Why not?
All right? It's coach, player, entertainer, or the Next name
up for us is Joe Judge, coach player, entertainer, Andy
Andy in Many. No, my god, now Andy, Joe Judge

is the head football coach to the New York Giants.
He was in Patriots assistant coach. You're gonna that an entertainer,
Uh yeah, sure, yeah, sure, everything's entertainer, all right, all right,
Next dame up for us on coach player, entertainer Justin Hardy.
Justin Hardy, coach player, entertainer, Scott player. That is correct,

Good job by you. And what team does Justin Hardy
play for? Joan? You don't know. He's a receiver, backup
receiver for the Atlanta Falcons, for the Atlanta Falcons. All right,
coach player, entertainer. Next name up for us is Leo Howard.

Anybody anybody? No, all right, nobody wants to answer. All right,
you're your gunshy now it's he's an actor with it
was in Conan, the Barbarian back of the day. All right,
we are out of time. Ryan bur Shinger was keeping
score here. Short game. But who was the winner? It's
a tie? No, we can't have a tie. A live
Mike Sullivan. Mike Sullivan coach, player, entertator. What is it?

No nobody wins? He was a coach. Be sure to
catch live editions of The Ben Meller Show weekdays at
two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio
and the iHeartRadio app.
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