All Episodes

December 11, 2017 52 mins

Doug compares quarterbacks in the NFL to driving a car vs. riding a motorcycle after finding out Eagles QB Carson Wentz is done for the season due to a torn ACL. He discusses the ending to the Seahawks vs. Jaguars game and why the Seahawks are starting to remind him of some NBA teams from back in the day. Plus Doug talks to Hall of Famer John Randle about his former team the Vikings and their chances to make the Super Bowl after losing to the Panthers on Sunday. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is the best of the Doug Gottlief Show on
Fox Sports Radio. Boom of America, Doug Gottlieb Show, Fox
Sports Radio, coming to you live from the City of
Angels where ram still in first place. And oh yeah,
by the way, judges keep winning. Had two teams in

l A for fifteen minutes. Both are in first place.
I want to point out New York City, You've had
teams forever both in last place. Uh, look, we got
a ton of things to get to metric Ton. We
need to talk about John Carlos Stanton, who's part of
the new Bronx Baby Bombers. And uh, the dramatic change
in the Yankees between and just happened in one weekend.

John Randall, Hall of Famer, will join us. We'll talk
to him about the Vikings. Also asked him about remember
when he used to put on the eye black. It's
almost like he was wearing the mask and he had
great eye black. He was like one of the first
eye black guys. D'angiel Williams, probo running back, joins me
in fifteen minutes, as he does every week. We get
through the worst decision of the weekend, um and before

we get to the quarterbacks that are motorcycles and the
quarterbacks that are cars, and why a car is always
a better motive transportation than a than a motorcycle. I
should point out that while it was a disastrous weekend
yet again for injuries, it was a great weekend to

watch the NFL. I, like I think most of you,
could not take my eyes off of the Bills Colts game.
And before you say should have played the game for
you say that should have cleared off the field, just
know this. Did you watch the game, you probably had
the same thought in mind about I can't And then
think for a second you're watching a terrible Cults team

take on an average Bills team with a third string
quarterback or the Bills playing and you couldn't take your
eyes off at Why? Because the great TV sport wouldn't
want to be there in person? Austin watch on TV,
and everybody whoever played football is like man, I would
love to have played in that game. From that until

last night's Sunday Night game, in which the Steelers found
a way to win, as they seemingly do every week,
the toy with the opponent. They looked like they were
beating up defensively, one not having Ryan Chase here, and
two on a short week after a vicious Monday night
football game, Steelers found away or maybe the Ravens found
a way to lose one. But telling week, interesting week

in the nash Football League, And of course we'll get
to Seattle's meltdown when the bully got bullied by the
Jacksonville Jaguars offensive line. All that to come. But I
was watching football yesterday with my son, who's eight years old,
and he's just gotten into the age he liked. He's
always liked Odell Beckham Jr. He's always like kind of

the star players and the JJ Watson because he likes
so many kids they grew up. They watch highlights, right,
And I'll never forget his first year playing flag football,
which is like three years ago. He's playing flag football
and he's like he comes over to me and halftimes, like, Dad,
we're all the highlights. I was like, what are you
talking about? It's like, Dad, most of these plays have
no highlights. It's like, yeah, that's because this is how

football has played, right, Like it's kind of can be boring, boring, boring.
And then in the NFL they call him explosives, like
you call an explosive play, and that's when you get
some of these deep past plays down the field. Like, hey, dude,
life is not full of highlights. You capture a highlight
because they once a game, once a season, sort of moment.
But he wouldn't watch the games up until recently. So

last night or yesterday, we're watching Eagles Rams. Eagles Rams,
which is two of the premier teams in Nash Football League. Obviously,
the Eagles have already suffered a couple of devastating injuries
before yesterday's complete eatly devastating injury to Carson Wentz in
which he tours a sew early in the game. Carson
Wentz on third down, was back in the pocket. He

steps up in the pocket and there's nobody in front
of him. Nobody. There's no spy, there's no nothing. And
it looks again to us we're watching on television the
game play in the l A Coliseum. He could run
to his left, he could run to his right. It's
third and four, he could pick up the first down, like, Dad,
run it. Why won't he run? And I was like, look, man,
let me just explain to you. There's an expression in

the NFL, you don't get faster. Everybody else does. And
he's like, so, I was like, well, here's the cell.
When you're in the pocket as a quarterback, they they
are not allowed to hit you from the neck up,
can't touch you, and they're not allowed to hit you
from the knee down, like there are I can't hit
a guy in those areas rules. And then once you

throw the ball, can't touch you. They had like a
split second thing. Can't touch you once you run the football,
all bets are off unless you slide. And he's like, well,
why don't you just run in slide? It sounds great,
but it's a little bit harder than it looks because
you don't get faster everybody else does, and when they
hit you, they hurt you. It's like he should have

just run it. Later on the game, of course, Carson
went scramble scores a touchdown. Uh and as we've come
to learn, tears his a c L. We saw the
move that Cam Newton put on. Who's the defender from
the Minnesota Vikings who got juked. We still he he
should have torn his a c ls and that should
have but felt like he tore his a c LS
on an incredible cut, incredible juke by Cam Newton. It's

set up, set up, but the go ahead score, the
winning score as the Carolina Panthers got a much to
win against the depleted Minnesota Vikings team that didn't have
much of their offensive Live We're on that. It was
Andrewson Djo, isn't it Sendejo? It wasn't as bad. You know,
a couple of these guys they get leapt over because
they don't see what they hit, right, Sandeo just got juke.

Just there was what's it that Bill Rafteri says, lingerie
on the floor, right, he got joked out of his jockstrap.
The Cam Newton run is running. Mobile quarterbacks are like motorcycles.
Pocket quarterbacks our cars. Now, let's be honest about the

motorcycle thing before we get to the downside. The pro
side is it looks kind of cool, right, Like I'm
not a big Tom Cruise guy, but Tom Cruise kind
of owns top gun when he's on a motorcycle. Every dude, like,
even if you're on a motorcycle, dude, like, you know,
I would like to have a Harley. Um, motorcycles are cool.

They're quicker, they're more fuel efficient. If you're for example,
in southern California, you can go now in the carpalane,
but in and out of traffic, so traffic affects you
less part King is easier. They're less expensive that I mentioned,
They're quicker, they're faster, there's air wind in your face,
you're you're as closed to flying on the ground as

anything you can experience. There is the one downside to motorcycles,
which is if you hit anything, or if anything hits
you a lot of times, the motorcycle it problems. Not
the motorcycle. It problem is know what other drivers of
cars can't see the motorcycle, or don't pay attention, don't
respect how quick or how close they are. Anything hits you,

anything touch you, the likelihood of you seriously hurting yourself
is exponentially higher than it is if in your car.
Cars are safer than they have ever been, much like
throwing from the pocket is safer than it's ever been. Right,
you're when we were kids, there used to be I

look at the rates of death and automobile accidents. Between
taking many drunk drivers off the road and instituting seatbelt
laws and the general general safety of cars. It's way
safer than it's ever been to drive a car. Your
seatbelt on, you got airbags, not just front but side.

Now you can put the windows down. It's not the
same thing. Your dog might think it is the same thing,
but it's not the same thing. You can go fast
in a car. I have a really quick car. It
is not a motorcycle. You can have a fuel efficient car.
It's not as fuel efficient as a motorcycle. Traffic still
a problem. They're more expensive, they're more clunky, they turn slower,

they speed up slower, they slow down slower, they're bigger,
but they're safer. And yeah, absolutely, Aaron Rodgers broke his
collar bone in the pocket. We've seen Tom Brady tore
his knee in the pocket. Okay, Philip Rivers tourist a

c l in the pocket. Like it does. You do
get hurt. People do get injured in automobile accidents every day.
But the percentage of likelihood of you getting hurt as
opposed to when you're in a motorcycle again exponentially higher. Motorcycles,
more fun motorcycles, more sexy motorcycle. But a chick on
the back, she's like gripping onto you, like everybody's got

that image, like I'm gonna bab in the back motorcycle.
She's gripping to me, she's scared. I'm tough, Get there fast,
Take my helmet off, carry my helmet inside, even when
I don't what's the what TV? Was it? Was it
Seinfeld that that he carried a home helmet inside? Was
it friends? Or he didn't actually have a motorcycle anyway,
My point is that, look, Carson Wentz is not even

really a He's not even really like a running quarterback.
He's more like a convertible right. He's more a pocket
passer who can in fact run. But dude, you start running,
you get out on the edges. You get to where
they can hit you, and they can hurt you. You
become you become a motorcyite and there is no protection
out there for you, you know, other than you can

slide feet first, and even that is really hard because
these guys are competitive. You get close to the end zone,
you're like, dude, I want to dive in the end zone.
I want to score. It was a freak play. He
tore his a c l But you can cross the
eagles off as Super Bowl contenders. I'm not going to
the super Bowl with Nick Foles. Stop it, uh. I

like Nick Foles. I've actually played basketball with Nick Foles.
Nipoles like a really good basketball player. Good dude. And
I think you know because his second year in Philadelphia
the last time around didn't work out well, because the
trade to the Ramps, by the way, a really good trade, uh,
last time around from the Eagles to get Sam Bradford.
Because all that didn't work out. Your image of Nick Foles,

he's a he's one of those guy who can start,
not really a starter. You're replacing the m v P
of the league, and you have all of the other injuries.
Here's their head coach, Doug Peterson on the injury. People
thought our chances were gone by the wayside when Jason
Peters went down to and when Darren Sproles goes down
and to the fans out there, they can't you can't

lose faith. I mean this is this has been a
resilient football team all season long. And if there's ever
an opportunity for me as a head football coach to
to rally the troops, you know, now now might be
the time. Listen it sounds great, like we know Jason Peters,
we got it. No, Darren Spools were good. No, Carson Wentz,
man up Philadelphia. Everybody hates us, Like, no, no, dude,

we don't hate you. We actually like Carson Wentz. Right,
we like Carson Wentz. I mean I think who was
it at halftime who was calling Carson Wentz? And the
on the Fox broadcast was saying, like, that's next next
John Elway. It was how we long? Right? How long
is it? They like, that's the next John Elway. Then
he tears to say ce like, no, no, everybody likes you.
You're just not winning a super Bowl with the litany

of injuries. So like I told my eight year old son,
I'll tell you now, stay in the pocket. Kids. And
if you want a quarterback that is destined to be
healthy his entire the more likely to be healthy for
a longer period of time during his career. You want
a guy who was a car, not a motorcycle. Motorcycles

fun motorcycles. Sexy motorcycles are quicker, slow down, faster, more agile,
winning your face. If you're like a dog kind of
like a bird, got it a car? Be sure to
catch live editions of The Doug gott Leap Show weekdays
at three pm Eastern noon Pacific on Fox Sports Radio
and the I Heart Radio app. The Angela Williams joins

us every week. He's a two time pro bowler. He's
an opinionated uh NFL analyst here on The Doug Gottlieb Show.
And um, look, I thought, I want to get to
the dumbest decision of the week. I know that's what
you love to start with, but I want to start
with last night's game in which the Steelers had a
fourteen nothing lead, then they're down eleven late. Uh, don't

get one two point conversion? Do get another one? Find
a way to win. I felt like a good There's
two things that led their defense to being just slashed
by the Baltimore Ravens one short week after a viciously
physical game against the Bengals, and to not having Shas here.
I thought those two things really hurt him. Is that

what led to Baltimore running up and down the field
against him? Uh? No, it actually led to a lot
of mistackles, is what it led to. That's why the
game was as close as it was and had to
come from behind and win the game being played safety
that game, I was very surprised and shocked. Even though
he went over five on the yards and throwing the ball,

he didn't throw any receptions and he didn't take the
risk that's normally associated with being being doing being. Uh,
he didn't take those risks. And it told me another
thing too, just by looking at that Baltimore offense. Uh,
when going into this next week against the New England Patriots,
if you had a good running back and a running game,
you can hurt or punish this Pittsburgh defense. That's something

New England does not have. So I like my chances
would it still is being New England this coming a
week all right? Uh, I'll just I'll say this. I
think the dumbest decision of the week is the easiest
one this week where the Houston Texans put Tom Savage
back out there after he's convulsive on the sideline. Uh.
It's gross. Um, I don't I don't hold O'Brien said,

had he seen the video, uh, he wouldn't have put
him back out there. And I tend to believe him. Right,
I don't think anybody could see, but how can the
doctors not see that? I don't if they're if there is,
I'm not even putting this on the doctors though. This
is the issue that I have, man. I put this
solely on John Hughesy, which was the rest. He saw

the entire thing unfold right there in front of him.
But not only I'll put it on ref. I put
it on the NFL. And this is why I put
it on the NFL. The NFL per the collective Bargaining Agreement.
I mean, if you want to put on the n
f L p A, you can do that. You want
to put on the NFL, but this goes beyond the
doctors on the sidelines right now, if you wish to

wear something, some shoes, whether you wear some gloves or something,
some article that you shouldn't be wearing on the football field,
you'll get a call from New York. They'll let the
rest know, and the rest will not let you on
the field at all until you remove the illegal garment
from your person's whether it's your gloves, your shoes, your necklace,

whatever they deemed illegal for you to wear on the field,
the reps will not let you in the game. There's
no way you can. You can tell me that nobody
in New York saw that Tom Savage went down like that.
I knew that it was something seriously wrong with him,
and John the rest watch. It happened in front of
him because he checked on him to make sure that
he was okay, got him up, he walked off and

then allowed this guy to come back into the game.
That's New York and that's the referee. If you could,
if you could penalize me and I let be in
the game because I have an illegal garment on or
promoting the company that's not associated with the NFL. You
can damn show keep me out of the game if
you know that something serious happened to me, and the
doctors in the sideline don't know. Because we're gladiators, we're

gonna lie, We're gonna try to get back in the game.
We don't think about health. We think about our guys.
Is next to us. This family that we these football
players that you call football players, we call families that
we don't want to let them down, and we know
that they have a better chance to win with me
being on the field at fifty four they or thirty
or even as opposed to be. So I've been trying

to figure out like not necessarily who thought it was,
but who to blame, because again, if you were in
the legal garment or where something some beats on it,
we're beating the game. They won't let you in that
game because it's not a license product for the NFL,
and therefore you cannot come on the field. But then

if you wear something that's approved by the NFL, and
you're fine to come in. But yet you can get
a concussion clear as day rest. See the people in
New York City it didn't allowed to come back on
the football field. That's where can do that. It's it's
really hard to fight a war, the war anymore because
now with the the images which started really of Vietnam

once video images came back Stateside, people just don't have
the stomach to see any of our best and brightest
getting hurt or even worse yet, being killed in action.
I bring that up because I kind of feel that
like that's what's gonna happen to the NFL, or maybe
more importantly or UH, to youth football, to youth tackle football,

like high school football. That image was so jarring, and
you put it in combination with Ryan Shay's ears UH
laying motionless and holding his back and now being in
a hospital on Monday night, and then you have the
concussion studies. I don't I don't know, Dan, like I
understand the type of mental and physical toughness it takes

in order to play football, and that you, as an adult,
made that decision. I think it's different when you talk
about high school kids. That was a really bad moment
for football, not just putting him back out there, just
the image of him shaking and convulsive after after being hit.
It was a horrible image. Does But I'm gonna tell
you something, and this is crazy. NFL sound crazy when

I said, but it's the absolute truth and this is
the this is the fact of the matter. And I
almost don't want to say this, but I'm gonna say it.
Nobody cares about football players unless it directly affects them.
So as long as fantasy football is around and people

can make money off of it directly, then they don't care.
That he's wants point. I listen. I I understand that, Dan,
But I'm talking about like high school football. All I
was I got, Like I tweeted about it yesterday, I
give it ten years of high school football because here's
the way it works. All it takes is a study
followed by a class action lawsuit against the state, and
then football tackle football becomes uninsurable by those by that state.

Once it becomes uninsurable, there is no more tackle football
in high schools. Now, you still would have college football,
but you'll have flag up until college. I honestly think
that's the way. That's the way we're progressing. The numbers
of tackle football participants are down. I don't think it'll happen, Doug.
The number of driving uh people that is driving card

that's not down. I mean you you you subject yourself
to the same treatment once you get behind the will
of a car in a car with somebody for an accident.
There's more people that get killed or hurt or concussed
and car accidents than it is and people playing football.
But people are not driving cars less. I mean the

market for cars are down. Well, look, you need a
car in order. First, you need a car in order
to get to works. Secondly, actually deaths, deaths and injuries
behind the wheel motor vehicle are down substantially. There just
isn't a way to protect people from this. And for
it's a as a voluntary high school sport. I'm telling
you those images are really for a Look. I grew up.

I played football growing up as a kid. Okay, my
mom and dad they signed the mission slip. It was
no big deal. Um. I got an eight year old
son who's an athlete, loves football. He's like, I wanna
play tackle football, and I don't think it would affect him.
But why run the risk? Why throw him out there
if there's the risk of of of hurting his brain?
Let alone. Forget about We're not We don't even talk
about what Shais Hero went through, which is the back

and neck injuries, which have always been the reason that
people have been hesitant to let your kids play. I
just don't think it's going anywhere anytime soon. Uh. And
it's not going anywhere. I mean, football is gonna be
here to stay. I don't know if you noticed. They
just signed a two point five billion dollar contracts to
stream this game, so somebody's watching, somebody's not turning the

TV off. I mean, people are upset and the upward
because of the injuries that happened to these players, and
they're defastating injury. But it's like a bad car prain
like you you don't want to watch, but you can't
turn away. Danizel Williams Deanzel Williams joining us on The
Doug Gotlip Show on Fox Sports Radio. Minnesota Vikings came in.
They were depleted, especially on their offensive line, but Cam

Newton made some play, especially with his legs, then end
up getting getting them to uh to victory. I don't
know what the always wearing out after the game, but
I guess you played that well. It doesn't really matter.
How impressed were you or were you impressed by the
Panthers ability to beat the Vikings yesterday at home. I
was very impressed. Uh. They made case Kingom looks like
uh he was still in Houston playing football in college.

I like that. I like that that Cam's the mobile
quarterback that he is, and that he's able to get
things done with his legs when his arms not quite
working the way he wanted to work, or the Vikings
secondaries playing higher than they should be playing in terms
of guarding his receivers. I like the fact that he
put it on his back and that he had that
sixt yard rushed there at the end of the game

and ultimately capped it off with the Johnathan Steward touchdown.
I mean, that's what they needed. He stepped up and
he delivered when he had to after throwing the pick
right before and them coming down and you know, them
missing the seven points. They had a couple of drop
balls there, uh and ultimately got one overturned, therefore end
up kicking the field though. But yeah, I like the
way to Cam play football. All right, Let's let's get

to the Seahawks. Um. Look, the Seahawks have always been
a team that uh walked the walk and talked to talk, right,
especially Richard Sherman. You know, I'm Sherman. Don't have Cam Chancellor.
And against the Jaguars, Jaguars lined up and when they
needed a first down, they hand the ball Leonard four
Nette and they ran right at that defensive line and
then uh, and then all of a sudden he got ugly.
Uh some on field fights which seem to be started

by you know, Michael Bennett, who I think he thought
he got stepped on and he rolls up on on
a dude. And then there's some cheap shots and of
fights and then the ejections and then Jefferson I think
wouldn't leave the field and then somebody hurls beer at
him when he wouldn't leve the field, and then he
tried to go up and stand somebody else rules of
beer into him, up the beer at him. Um, Just
as a former player who has played in some really

tough environments just on the field, what was your takeaway
on Seattle in Jacksonville in terms of the fights and
who's the blame? You don't want to know, as I do.
I wouldn't have had you all unless I want to know. Dude,
that was football at his piers form. Man, you you
go back and you look at the times where you know,

you had guys smoking cigarettes on the sideline, and people
respected those football players because they thought they were badasses,
so they never would challenge and they never threw the beers.
I mean, you go to New York and they threw
snowballs as at Santa Claus. I mean right, well, Phelly, Yeah,
they throw snowballs at Santa Claus. So you look back
at all these things, and the NFL has tried their

best to protect the fans for most but there's nothing
in place outside of streaking. We're protected from the fans.
So the guy that threw the beer at him, I
mean at Jefferson. I mean, he's not even gonna penalized.
They probably don't even they're not even looking for him.
They always they're looking for the guy in Jefferson because

he's the one with all the money we can get
in his pocket. So let's just find or suspend him
because we know who he is, as opposed to spending
all our time and money and investigations trying to find
a fan that threw an eight dollar beer. You know that.
So you go where the smoke isn't normally whether they're
smoke that's fired, that's Jefferson. But watching the fights on

the field, man, I got my blood boiling. I mean,
that's when you get up and you're ready to play.
Whether it was cheap shots or not, it's just the
perspective of who you're looking at are you. If you're
a Seattle fan, you're just like, hey, you know, they
shouldn't have did this. But if you you know, you're
looking at it from a Jacksonville Jaguars, then you're like, no,
that was just a cheap shot. So it's all about perspective. Man.

When I was looking at it, I was like, dude,
this isn' If the NFL doesn't get their hands around
this situation earlier, which they didn't, it's gonna escalate into
what it did, escalating into finds and suspensions potentially coming
coming forth, because there's no way that they can't do
anything with suspending ju juice uh Schuster for his Uh yeah,

so so he's here, So they have to come back
and they have to do something because they're they're reacting there.
That's that's the NFL. Like they react. They don't they
they're not proactive. They're reacting. Well, I mean because they're reacted.
This happens, Okay, So I guess my thought though, is like,
isn't this what isn't this what former champions do? Right,
especially when when when you're not as good as you

used to be, right, but you've been there before and
you know kind of all the tricks, you get a
little dirty. Like we saw it in basketball. Remember the
Celtics after they won that one championship with the Big
Three with KG and Paul Peers and then Ray Allen.
When Ray Allen left, they weren't really a championship team,
but they were always starting something right. Even go back
to the pistons and when they they always tried to

mess with Jordan's they walked off the court when they
got swept by the bulls. We've seen this in the
NFL when you know teams when when they lose a
step or two, well let's just fight. Why not because
you know, like, look, other teams are still scared of
the image. In this particular case, Jacksonville stood up to
the challenge. But it feels like Seattle knows the end

is near, especially with all these injuries, and their best
case scenario is to try and get in your head
to try and be a little bit dirty. Uh, I
got I got something actually do. This is gonna kind
of the way I killed it because you've kind of
said it a couple of times and I don't know
how much time we have, but um, you said something

earlier that just kind of got my attention. I've been
wanting to talk about it kind of all week, and
I was hoping that we'd get a chance to talk
about it a little bit. So Tom Brady uh and
well Odell Beckham Jr. Posted the video Did you see
the video? Comparing except to Tom Brady right, and a
lot of people was piste off and upset that O. B.
D Would even put hisself and the same video as

the great Tom Brady. But they had nothing to do
with that. It was just that people's perspective, because when
you're winning and successful, you allowed to do those things
because we can understand why you do those things. But
when you're not successful and you do the same thing,
then there's there has to be a reason behind it.
You're a thug or you're you're just you're you're cry baby,
you're a winner, but you're doing the same thing another

person is doing that successful and everything doesn't add up.
That's similar to what you're saying about the Seahawks right now.
It was the same thing that you said earlier about
Cam Newton, and you know him being successful as a
quarterback when they're winning, he's a successful he's good, he's
doing this, this, this, and this right. But he could
do the same thing and they could be losing, and
it will be a different conversation. I would say this

regard and regards to ob A. Look, I didn't like
the video and I'll tell you why. Like they're a
wide receiver and quarterback, completely different positions of leadership. Plus
what give me the things that Tom Brady has done
to bring attention negative attention to himself or to his team,
as opposed to Odell Beckham Jr. Who's arguably who he
did the he did the he got in the fight,

he got Josh Norman got in his head and he
got into a fight and got himself suspended. Right, He's
had so he's had that kind of ongoing issue he had.
He had the deal with the with the kicking net.
Right then he scores a touchdown and does the the
p on the goal post be on the goal, which
is just it was just dumb. More than I didn't
think there's anything sinister. He had the Remember they go
down the boat the week before they're playing in the playoffs,

which I don't care about, but if you're going to
go on a boat the week for the playoffs, you
better be played well when you play in the playoffs,
and they did not. So if you can go and
find the things that Tom Brady has done to bring
negative attention to himself or to his team, then yeah,
I can see a correlation between him O O. B
J yelling at dudes in the sideline as posed to
Tom Brady yelling the dudes in the sideline. So there

is in fact a difference between the two. Oh so
because he has a troubled past, you know, he doesn't
give he doesn't get the he doesn't get that. Oh
he's changed, he's just going back to the old ways.
Probably it wasn't passed. It was this year. And it's
not a troubled past, like like oh b J is.
He's the classic super talented wide receiver. No one's disputing

the fact he's a freak talent D'Angelo, but he super
talented wide receivers generally are look at me, dudes. I
mean no, Look, he wants to be the highest paid
player on Earth. Okay, he does, and he's the probably
the best wide receiver in the game. But all these
things have taken away from his team, either ken Kim
causing him to be suspension suspended, causing his coach to

have to answer questions about him, causing a distraction within
the team. Like you can like him and still be
real with who he is. I don't think it's a
troubled past. I don't think it's necessarily trouble It's just nonsense.
That's look at me instead of making the team better.
Whereas Brady has been a team guy, has been a winner,
and yeah he yells at Josh McDaniels and yeah, then
he apologizes and brings it back. But there isn't the

other nonsense that O b J has brought into this
stage in his career. So so with that being said,
it would be safe for me to compare O b
J to grow in terms of bringing negativity to himself.
So that's a great correlation. Yeah, that would be a
that'll be a better comparison, absolutely. Okay, that's all I'm

just trying to make sure of because this is the
issues that I have with a lot of people. And
these are fans that watch the like they okay things
when people have great careers and a great football players,
but then the guys that don't have those okay careers.
I'll give you a case in point. Grock is the
same person as Johnny Manziel when comes to what he

did in the National Football League. He partied all the time,
he drank, he did all that outside of the domestic violence,
Like him and Gronk with the same person on the party.
Come on, come on, like you don't think so? No,
are you serious right now? Like no, he didn't. Gronk didn't.
Gron has never gotten suspended for for drug use. Okay,

Gronk didn't show up late to to to games and practices,
didn't do those things. And and and you know this,
d'An angelo. It's different when you're a quarterback than when
you're when you're a tight end. It just is it
that different You have to have you have to have
because it's a position of leadership. It's because of different
now position, it's not like, come on, man, it's not

you know, it's not. You know that in every locker
room you've been in that the quarterback is held to
a higher standard. Correct. Correct, Okay, that's that's my that's there. There,
there's there's the now. So so you can't compare Menzel
to Gronk because the positions are different, and Gronk has
never been suspended for any of the And you don't
think that's it. You don't think that's a cop out

because of the position. Check because at the end of
the day, we're all football players and we should all
be ill to the same standard. But that's not the reality.
That's just not the reality of it. It's not not
the reality of it. Plus he had a predetermined reputation
coming in and he lived. He lived down to it,
if you will, right, and so all right, look we
gotta run. Huh, we we gotta run. I understand why.

I understand what you're saying, but I actually think you're
contradicting yourself within what you're saying. Really, that's that's unbelievable.
I can't wait to have revisit this discussion next monment.
We will, we will possibly do so, although we got
Patriots and Steelers next week, we'll probably talking about that
a ton. Great stuff, Dangel, thanks for joining us. Like
the Steelers by five, Fox Sports Radio has the best

sports talk lineup in the nation. Catch all of our
shows at Fox sports Radio dot com and within the
I Heart Radio app. The end of the Seahawks game
could have been worse than the Malice at the Palace
could have been. Could have been. Quentin Jefferson got ejected,
A bunch of Seahawks got ejected. Here here's what it

looked like watching on TV. I can't tell you I
watched the entire game. I can't tell you that Blake
Bards played pretty dunwell again second week and played pretty
well the Jags got so tight they nearly choked that
thing away. But it's basically Russell Wilson trying to throw
the ball deep and it worked a couple of times
to get them back in contention to win the game,

but the Seahawks punt. The Jaguars get it. All they
need is one first down to win the game. They
get the first down, handing it to Leonard Fournette who
goes off tackle to the left hand side, and after
that it just got really really ugly, bunch of cheap shots,
bunch of fights, and it it felt like it felt
a lot like when the Pistons were beaten by the

Bulls and Isaiah Thomas led them to duck their heads
and walk off the court. It felt like it felt
like the Celtics a couple of years ago when they
knew they weren't championship contenders and they started trying to
fight everybody with Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce and and
though they try to start trying to fight everybody, if

you can't beat them, fight him. This is this happened
to me when I was the day before my first
day of high school. I grew up playing at a
park Miles Square Park in Fountain Valley, California. Milescar Park
is a square mile. It has just about everything you
can think of. It's got a golf course, you know,

public golf course whatever. It's got a little gym and
community center. It's got all kinds of like anything you
think of, all in this regional park. And on what
is that Brookhurst? I think it's on Brookhurst, which is
in between the four or five and two. If you're
ever in southern can Orange County, like you go there
on a Saturday morning and there are games. There's nine

outdoor courts, uh, maybe six, I'm trying to think of.
There's three rows of them. I can't really remember their
two or their three. Anyway, my dad used to bring
me there like seven thirty in the morning. Early crew
was there, and he'd called game for me and get
in the game, and then he watched me play a
little bit, and then he'd go and do some stuff,
and like he'd leave me five bucks. I go across

the street and get a coke and a piece Spezza,
and I come back and I put the lunch group
and then I go back and I get a gate
rad and I play with the afternoon group. They're like
three different groups. And I did this like from probably
seventh eighth grade on up through high school. This is
where I played pickup Basketball's where you learned to play.
And my dad would can pick me up at either
noon or at three or four o'clock whatever. And one
time I was playing right before I was entering high school,

and I was a pretty good little player. Was playing
against guy named Joe Small who was a good player
at cal State Fort, and I caught a heater and
I was lightening him up. And here I am, like
a high school freshman. I'm fifteen years old and I'm
lightening up a guy who's playing in college. He's like
nineteen years old, and his guys are talking trash to

him because little white kids lighten him up. And he
drives in the lane on me and purposely like throws
a bow while clearing out space for himself to lay
it in like a blood. Like everywhere you go back
and look at my high school freshman photo, like I
have a big nose, not disputing that some of it
is God given, some of it is basketball given. It

was especially large because I had freshman pictures the very
next day and my dad told me something then which
I know to beach ruined sports, which is the kid
beat you, they'll want to fight you. And that's what
happened with the Seahawks yesterday. And look, this is they've
always operated fast and loose. They've always operated us against
the world. They've all always operated kind of that. And

dominic consume mentality, which is like, you know what, it's
not bad if you're a little bit scared of us,
you think we're a little bit dirty. Here's Pete Carroll
on how the game ended, truly unfortunately how it ends,
you know, with everybody getting scrapping and all that at
the end because we had a chance to get the
ball back and and uh, unfortunately we weren't able to
to work that out properly. Um, and we have to

be and we have to be more poisoned than that.
You gotta be more poised than that. But he look,
this is who is how Pete Carroll operates now, right,
He's not calling out guys individually, he's never taking and
he's definitely you know, sometimes he'll take the blame more
than the players should. Blood. Now, Quentin Jefferson was the
player who he wasn't the only seahawk injected. He was
walking off the field. Some people are yelling at him.

He could have just walked away. Instead, he turns around
and threatens to come up. And as he threatens to
come up, somebody threw her rld a beer at him.
Now he gets really mad. Now he starts trying to
climb up in there. That's a good idea, right, that's
gonna And I'm just thinking this is gonna end well. Uh,
some security guy horse collars and pulls him down in
another beer comes his way. Here's Jefferson. What I'm supposed

to do? Like, I'm a human just like anybody else.
I'm not. I'm a man, just like how the man
in his stance, and unlessbody disrespect him to throw a
beer on me just because I'm playing football, I'm still
a human being. I'm still a man. Dude, Get up
the field, get off the field. What are you supposed
to do? You're supposed to leave the football stadium. You're

supposed to go in the locker room, taking how much
children pads off, take a shower, cool off, answer questions,
getting a plane, fly home to your wife and your kids.
It doesn't make what they've said what they say to
you are throwing a beer at you, the right thing.
I am not in any way, especially like look, I
can tell you Jaguar fans act like you've been there before,
but they'd have to act like they've been there before

because they ain't been there before. Look. I continue every
any time I've ever been to an NFL game, team
times I watch NFL games, I just continue to think,
why would anybody take my their family to an NFL game.
It you would think they price the lowest common denominator
out of the market, but they haven't. They haven't fights

in the stands. Dude, smoking weed in the stands. Guys
just so plowed drunk that they can. They're just like
we see video every week of this. Sadly, those are
the people who will attend an NFL game. It doesn't
make you any less of a man to simply walk
into the locker room, take off your helmet and shoulder pads,

and get ready for the trip home. And what I
was supposed to do. You were walking away and then
somebody said something and it got you all mad, and
you stopped and you turned around, like, don't make acto,
you don't hear him. They paid to watch you play.
You already won, already one. It's no different than on

Twitter the mute button. Al Right, my man Seth Davis
calls it squashing, ants said the mute button. You have
to respond to some hater on Twitter. You don't have
to respond to some hater in the stands. They paid
to watch you play. That make you any less of
a man to walk away and walk into the locker
room and had he simply done that? They want to
throw the beers. Be sure to catch live editions of
The Doug gott Leap Show weekdays at three p m.

Eastern noon Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the I
Heart Radio app. Who can give us better perspective than
one of the all time great vikings, A guy who
you will see the premiere of a Football life on
his life, John Randall al of Amber joins us on
the Doug out of the show. John, How are you good?
How are you doing? Good? Man? Well? Before I get

to the current advice, Um, what's it like to have
a movie about your about your life, about your football life.
It's unbelievable, you know. Um, I just I'm almost like, uh,
lawful words because you know I'm a small care from
Texas and uh town fifty people, and all of a

sudden have someone say that they're gonna do a story
about your life. It's just it's almost sometimes feels like
it's it's it's a joke or something. Yeah. I mean,
especially when you started at Trinity Valley College and then
you went to texasan M. Kingsville. Like you didn't get
a big Texas San m and college station. You went
to Texas and M. Kingsville. How did you go from

a guy that everybody missed on to becoming a Hall
of Famer. Well, you know, coming into the National Football League,
I was undersized. I was only about and and they
got here. Minute I got to Minnesota, they said that
I needed to gain some weight, and uh but it
wasn't and they wanted me to gain weight in about

a month or two, and I knew I wasn't gonna
gain about game ten pounds that quickly. So um, they
had me kind of playing special teams and just trying
to build up my side. And it's just I was
only six too, and everybody wanted me to play linebacker.
And I can remember my brother was playing down at
Tampa and even at me told me that they were

gonna they wanted to give me a chance to make
the Tampa roster, and I told him, no way. I said, no,
I'm a defensive linement. I belonged at the defensive line positions.
And I remember flying to Minnesota at eight o'clock at night. Uh,
it was snowing in Minnesota, and I didn't know anybody. Now,

uh maybe one scout who had looked at me. But
I didn't realize that the scout it was blowing me
a bunch of about to smoke up my butt because
he told me you got at a really good chance
of making Minnesota. So but later on I found out
they were only bringing me in for for extra reps
for for a week or two. Then they were going
to release me. But I came in and really surprised

a lot of people because my heart work is what
I performed a lot of the other defense linements. One
of the things I think people are gonna learn about
your football life they don't remember from when you're induction
in the Hall of Fame is you didn't grow up
like normal, Like you didn't grow up playing football every day,
like going to trainers, Like no, no, no no, you're up
super poor working out. What's the what's the oddest job

you worked as a kid. Oh my god, I had
a job topping cotton with my mom for two dollars
an hour. I've had jobs. I did one. I was
a janitor. I waxed floors. I had a job building
scaffolds on mos lawns. I've had job picking watermelons out

of fields. I heard most a lot of weird country
jobs that most people would have passed over. But I
knew we needed the money, and so I took him
in the summertime. I took those jobs, and uh, you know,
made the most out of it, made the most out
of it. Um, when was the first time you put
the eye black on? Because for those of us who

remember your you know, your consistent dominance in the backfield,
sacking quarterbacks double digit sacks almost every year. Uh, you
would you know, you would have like the kind of
the eye the eye black. Uh, I can't, It's not
like Batman. I'm trying to how would you what's it called?
What was the design called? And when did you first
do it? It was kind of like it just we
we started out just kind of rubbing it on its

highs and as I was rubbing it undeath my eyes,
my teammates were doing some military type stuff across their face,
and I just started rubbing it unneat my eyes and
kind of rubbed down my cheeks and almost like a
triangle weight. And uh it just started kind of growing.
After that. Well, I started putting more and more, and
uh it just helped me get in the right frame

of mind for game day. And but we started doing
about about many five, six, seven, and uh I just
kept doing every game. John Randall joining us the Hall
of Famer, of course a member of some of those
great uh great vikings, seemed the best of which was
the ninety eight team. And um, you know, the ninety

eight team playing at home in the in the humph Freedome,
and of course you know your you know, your field
goal kicker hadn't missed a field goal the entire season,
the entire season, and then Morton Anderson misses one that
would have won you the game. Uh yes, Gary Anderson,

Sorry I got the wrong Anderson. Gary Anderson miss field
goal would have won you the game against um, against
the Atlanta Falcons. How much of all the things you've accomplished,
how much does that game come back up in your
memories when you think about your football career, That's probably
one that comes up the most because that was that season.
It seemed like the season was so short, seemed like

a short season, and everything just seemed to just to
go into place. We were everybody was just was was
staying healthy, everybody was was together, everybody was focused on
in one goal of getting to the super Bowl. And
we just knew it. I mean, even when we lost
the Tampa we still knew, like, you know what, Okay,

that's behind us. We still know we're going to get
to the super Bowl. And we just continued to just
keep doing that. And uh but it's just it was
one of those seasons where it just I mean, everybody
was listening to that song from Will Smith about going
to Miami and we all it's just, man, it was

just such a that's it's something that comes up like
something somebody would say something, but hey, you remember, and
I'll go do I eight, of course I do? You know,
so it's always recurring in my mind, something sticks in there.
It's it's one of those games that if I could

replay a game, that would be the one game that
I would like to replay. You know. The sad thing
is you guys are fifteen one that your people don't
remember Randy Moss just coming into his prime. Chris Carter.
Of course, you had Robert Smith, Randald Cunningham had a
resurgent here. Brian Bilk's your offensive cording, Your defense was sick.
Offense was awesome. Playing at home Dome. You couldn't hear
so guys like yourself on that fast artificial tour. If

you had a great get off and it was, it
was a great football team. Anyways, you guys were the
best team in football. He just came up one field
goal short. Really, Um, I bring that up because there
are Viking fans that think they're forever cursed. And Bradford
gets hurt, they survive. Uh, Alvin Cook gets hurt, they survived.
How much caution should we throw into the wind with

the injuries on that offensive line and how they looked yesterday? Well, yeah,
that offensive line. I mean, that's that's the key to
any team, is that offensive line. But if you if
you look at it of a quarterback getting hurt, I mean,
if you look at the past Super Bowl teams that
have done that, I mean you look back at St.
Louis Rams doing that, you look at the uh the

New England patients with Tom Brady. I mean, it's one
guy's injury, it's the next guy's opportunity. So yeah, that
in football there will be injuries, but it's always about
the next guy stepping up and and and doing his
job and uh, but you know it's people try to

always try to reflect upon the injuries and all this
mat like, but you know, like I said, it's always
about the next guy's stepping up. Myself and I looked
at when when Keith Millard got hurt and Dennis Green
telling me I was the next man up, And it's
always the next guy's opportunity. But that next guy's got
to realize that with this opportunity, you can't be afraid

of You've got to step in those shoes and and
fill those shoes the way in in your way, not
this way, but player the way that you played it.
And that's the way that I always look at when
when a guy gets injured and I've played on the
most matinab the guys I've gotten injured, and the guy goes, well,
I can't play like him, and I go You're not
supposed to play it like him. You're supposed to play

it like you like you are. And that's the one
thing that if I can tell any guy who's stepping
up for the next player, play the way you want
to play, but when you play it, playing hard as
you can. Yeah, they gotta get Pat Elfin back at
their center. Mike Grammer has been battling a back injury.
They get those guys back. I still think they've got
a great shot to make a run to be in
the first home team ever to host the Super I
know we'll see a Super Week in the more meantime,

I look forward to watching Your Football Life. That's this Friday,
nine o'clock Eastern time, NFL Network. It'll be the hundreth
episode of Football Life series in series history, of course,
and the focus on our guest John Randall. John, congrats
in the football life and all your successes in your life.
Thanks for joining us on Fox Sports Radio. Fox Sports
Radio has the best sports talk lineup in the nation.

Catch all of our shows at Fox sports Radio dot
com and within the I Heart Radio app. And now
here's what we do. We bring back for you a
portion of a show you can hear earlier on Fox
Sports Radio. Whether it's Serious XM, Chell eighty three, or
any of our list of affiliates in this case, undisputed,

which is Skip Bayless, Shannon Sharp, Joy Taylor, you can
hear it on Serious XM Channel eight three. Skip had
this to say about Antonio Brown and Ben Roethlisberger. I
sat back last night. You know how much I love
me some Tom Brady, and I thought at the end
of the game, Tom Brady is gonna have a hard

time winning that game next week, next Sunday, Pittsburgh. I
just think it's set up now. Remember Brady has to
play tonight against it a division rival, used to be
an art rival. It's a hard game for them at
Miami Monday night, traveled back to Foxborough and then have
to travel on a short week to Pittsburgh. It should
be big advantage Pittsburgh. I hear all the negatives, but

I'm looking at their glasses half full, because as perplexing
as they've been all year, I don't think since Montana
to Rice, I've seen a more lethal deep threat combination
than Ben Roethlisberger to Antonio Brown. I got to I
was just spell bound by it. I just sat back
last night and said, you're kidding. They just did it

again to a team that knows them as well as
that team knows anybody. Uh, yeah, they did. But I
would also tell you that the Ravens ran up and
down the field on the Pittsburgh Steelers. And some of
it is carry over from the short week preparation of
playing against since any Bengals, somebody is not having Ryan
Schasier um and somebody is the familiarity. But like and

I think it is a hard game for the Patriots.
I'm not disputing that hard game in the and you'll
get the the absolute best that the Steelers have. The
Chasi Er injury is that big a deal. It just
is and should also be pointed out that while they're
playing against the Dolphins, the Dolphins stink. They're just not
very good. And if i'm if I'm Bill Belichick, I

try and get a lead and get Tom Brady the
hell out of the game for the fourth quarter. But
a lot of us are looking at this as this
is the deciding game as to this upcoming Sunday night
as to who gets or assuming Sunday afternoon, as to
who gets home. Fiel advantaged throughout the playoffs as they're
looking at. But it should be pointing out that the
Patriots have the Bills and the Jets in their last

two games of the year, both at home. Those are
two wins. The Steelers have the Texans and the Browns
also should be two wins. But I'm not certain matters
as much when you don't have Ryan Shays ere I
just I think that's a crippling injury for them. Even
if the rest of the you know you, you gotta

figure that the Chargers are gonna be around. Like the
Chargers have shown Philip represents showing the ability a long
time ago to go into Indie and getting to win.
The Chargers every game they play is essentially a road game.
Hell toughest road game in the season is going to
be the Chargers playing at home against the Raiders on
the thirty one December. That'll be a road game. So
I think the Steelers do. I think Antonio Brown and

Ben Rothlsberger are great. I do. I don't think Rothsburger
is anywhere near his peak. He's not a He's not
a great quarterback in any aspect. He's He's good, not great,
And I don't think it necessarily matters because without Ryan
Shay's here, I don't believe the Pittsburgh Steelers can't get
by the Patriots in the playoffs, say
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