All Episodes

December 7, 2018 42 mins

Doug thinks the Jaguars defense have quit on the season because the team doesn’t have a QB. He also tells you why the Lakers won’t sign Carmelo Anthony. Titans DB Logan Ryan stops by to tell Doug why he doesn’t think the Jags quit and his reaction to Derrick Henry’s 99 yard TD run. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to the best of the Doug Gottlieb
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of the Doug Gotli Show on Fox Sports Radio. Boom,
What Up America, Dug Gottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio? Are
you doing? How you doing? How you doing? Alright? Folks?
For December NFL football? Man, I like December NFL football.

You actually know what you're talking about. You know. Gotta
give you a secret. I gotta give you a real secret,
all right, the secret of especially college sports. And uh
tonight I got a chance to cover college sports for
Fox Sports One. We have a doubleheader. We got U
Mass Providence, Yeah, UMass Providence, which is like I'm gonna say,

seven o'clock Eastern time, the nine o'clock eastern nine thirty
Eastern time. We have U s c TCU from from
Staples Center. Here's a little secret, Like, look, I studied
the a U circuit. I talked to college coaches. I
like ball, and I do the same thing for college football,
Like I always like recruiting. I love talking to college coaches.

And you know, when I travel, I make it make
it a point to stop by basketball and football coaches offices.
And when you do that, they like welcome you in,
they tell you everything about their team, other teams or whatever.
So you'd like to think you know a little bit
more than the average jail. But the truth is truth
is that, and this is true for your local guy

that even when they stop by, like coaches don't really
know what they have to start the year. And so
if the coaches of their own teams don't know, how
the hell are the broadcasters gonna know? Like we don't
really know, Like we just kind of assumed when we
picked big names, We're like, yeah, that'll work. We'd even
do it in the NFL. I mean, take the Jacksonville Jaguars, right,

you came come into the year and you were like, well,
Jacksonville last year figured out a way, figured out a
way in which they could they could make Blake Bortles
into a quality quarterback. They figured it out last season,
and so by figuring it out. You're like, all right,
well they still have Jalen Ramsey, and they got talented
guys up front. They got Leonard Leonard Fournette back for

a year two Like all right, they move with held
pieces around, but generally they get to the a f
C Championship game last year. Why can't they be good
this year? The thing about December football is now we
actually know some stuff we don't know because we don't
know how we're gonna talk about this later. We don't
know how teams are gonna react when they lose huge,

huge players. You know, how you're gonna react without your
quarterback or when your quarterback comes back like you might
in Chicago? How do you react like the kans City
Chiefs when you lose your running back? You know, Game
one against the Raiders, Like, all right, you could have
beat the Raiders with one arm tied behind your back.
Now you got the Ravens are gonna shorten the game
and they got a very good defense. How does that

change you? So I think it's really important to point
out that by now we actually know and you know
what else we know. We know that Jacksonville Jaguars have
quit at football what you saw last night was an
embarrassing display of the opposite of the adage that football
guys NFL guys trying to tell you. You know, the

thing about football is you just can't quit on things.
You can't play half speed, You'll get hurt. You're like, really,
did you see the Henry run, He'd still be going.
Jalen Ramsey's on the opposite side of the field. He's
in man and man coverage. He looks over his right
shoulder and never pursues Like Derrick. Henry's fast, but when

you have to stiff arm four dudes running down the
football field, he's not so fast. He's not that fast
that they couldn't have ganged tackled him on his way
to a ninety nine yard touchdown run. For a man
his size, he is fast. For the NFL, he is not,
especially when he has to he has guys trying to

drag him down. But when I watched Jalen Ramsey and
the rest of the Jacksonville Jaguars just watch him. You know,
there's like five of their dudes never moved. It showed
me that the Jaguars have quit. And it also showed me.
Also showed me why the quarterback position is so much

more important than just can you throw a football? Can
you throw a football? Um? I've worked at three different
networks just of the Doug Gotlieb Show on Fox Sports Radio,
and I've learned things from everywhere I've worked. It's like,
one of the things that I love about my job
is I work around people that really really know and

love the sports that they played. You know, like we
all know Colin and I and Dan and I. We
all know the sports. You know. I I played everything
growing up. My dad was a coach, My brother is
a coach, and so you know about coaching, you know
about playing and sports do in fact translate and having
played all these sports, like I can tell you. But

the guys who played at a pro level that really
know how to describe it and to understand it, I'll
never forget. I'd tell people all the time. Tim house
Aback taught me how to watch football. Tim housebacks like, dude,
you're watching football like a fan. Let me show you
how to watch football. You know, these are the things
that you have to see. Here's how you can tell

who's screwed up. And even sometimes now I don't really know,
so I text him, or I'll text Trent Dilfer or
other guys that really know and love their sport, like, nah,
here's the deal. The wide receiver has to win on
the inside on that route, or the quarterback has to
throw it to this specific area. You watched Dan Orlovsky overt.
ESPN does an incredible job. And Phil Simms. Some people

of maligned Phil Simms, longtime lead analyst for CBS. Now
he's in studio as Romos. But Phil Simms told me
it told me a phrase a long time ago, and
he was like, well, you know, he's a quarterback. That's
what he said. He's a quarterback. And I was like,
what does that mean? You have an interviewed a quarterback?

I said yeah, he said, what do you think about?
It's like, well, you know, Matt Ryan comes in here
to the Super Bowl, and I feel like I know
him and I feel like we're best friends. I feel
like if I exchange text numbers with him, he's legitimately
gonna text me back and then text me like a
eleven PM one night, going what you're doing? W I
d I? Romo had the exact same thing. I would

run into Romo at various events and I know like
he's got a little crew that travels with him. I know,
like his turtle if you will, like as a good
friend of mine. But you know, like, look, I'm just
another guy doing this. There's lots of us doing it.
But you run in a runway like, man, are we
best friends? And that's how they all make you feel,

or at least the good ones the ones that can't
get along in the room. This is the difference between
for example, Baker Mayfield and Johnny Manzel. Mayfield and Manzell
both incredible competitors. Now Baker would do the job in
terms of understanding coverage football like you total student of

the game as opposed to Manzel. But the other part
about Baker is Baker kind of takes over a room
and guys are engaged with him and they like him
and they want compete for him. Whereas Menzel, they don't
dislike him and dislike his off the field annex. But
there's not a there's not a cohesiveness to him. There's

not a get behind me and stick with me and
we're gonna win this thing. Because what whether it's that
they know he's not prepared and he's just winging it
and he's faking it till he makes it or whatever
it was. There's just a difference there. Even Russell Wilson,
who many guys in the NFL think that guys it's flowny,

have a ten minute conversation with him, and you're like, okay,
Like I don't believe that there's any magic water that
could cure me from concussion. But if Russell Wilson says
there's magic water, I kind of want to believe it.
There's an it factor to it. Right, there's Clemson has

this twofold. Clemson has this twofold. They had it first
with Dabbo Sweeney. Right, Clemson had talented teams and talented
coaches for years, and everybody said, like, when Dabbo Sweeney
was a wide receivers coach, guys that even weren't wide
receivers would stop by and staying hang in his office.
He had this stickiness to him where guys just want

to be around him. And then he landed Toshaun Watson. Like, look,
Deshaun Watson's not a great quarterback. He's not He's not
a great surveyor of the football field. There are throws
he misses, there are things. He still doesn't slide after
two a c l s. Guys love him. They just do.
I can't explain it. You know, Look, I'm not trying

to tell you that life is a popularity contest. But
it doesn't hurt your life if you're really popular. It
just doesn't. There are guys that get movies because they
win the room. There are guys that get jobs because
they win the room. And there are guys that are
really good quarterbacks because they win the room. This is
not even anti Blake Mortals, but whatever it is that
he's done and now he's handled himself, and how that

franchise has protected him and emboldened him even to making
a quarterback change to a Cody Kessler, who everybody knows
as a backup. Lost the team. He lost the team,
the franchise lost the team. And that's a football team
that quit. We don't know things early in the year
because no one really knows how a season is gonna

season is gonna work out. But we know things by December,
and uh, look, I was very fortunate to hit both
the over uh and and the U and the win
for the Tennessee Titans. But just because they had decided
to show up for one game against the Indianapolis Colts

just to prove that they could still play because the
players were heard about the quarterback position. To watch them
quit in Tennessee after watching them compete last weekend was embarrassing, embarrassing,
and by Justcember, we know, and we know Jacksonville is

a complete and utter dumpster fire. Last year was the exception.
All the other years appear to be the rule. Be
sure to catch live editions of The Doug Dot Leap
Show weekdays in noon eastern three pm Pacific on Fox
Sports Radio and the I Heart Radio app. But here's
the difference between the Lakers and the Calves. If this

were the Calves, Carmelo probably already be on the Lakers.
Excuse me, he'd already be on the Calves. He'd already
be there, not because Lebron would have said anything, but
because he wouldn't have said anything. And this is how
Cleveland has always acted. Hey, let's just try and figure

out what he might like, what he might not like.
It's a little bit of that fanboy thing. There's such
a distance kept between them that they can't figure out.
I don't know, does he like Green Eminem's or does
he like Red Eminem's. Let's just give him two different
things of Eminem's, both up on a pedestal in his

dressing room. We don't want to offend him. Does he
like Carmelo? I don't know, but I think he might.
You know they were on the banana boat together. We
should sign him now. It should be pointed out that
the last three off seasons he's at opportunities. In last offseason,
even with him with with no money off, they have
banning real money to get him in l A. Lebron

James is never asked or opined for him to be
in l A. I don't believe this story to be
it's not inaccurate that Lebron. I think Lebron James is
one of those guys where he doesn't want to make enemies,
especially a friends. Carmelo is a guy that everybody likes,
nobody wants to play with. I actually think there's a

better home from Carmelo Anthony, and it's with the playoff
team in the West, and people are gonna think I'm
crazy for it. I'll get to it in a second.
This is the difference between l A and in Cleveland.
In l A, they have a plan, the plans coming together.
The plan is great chemistry. It's fun to go to work.
They've won eleven and fourteen. The young guys are coming along,

the veteran guys are buying in and they'll add some
pieces in the upcoming off season. How does Karmelo Anthony
fit in that plan? In the would he? Could he
win him a game or two? He or they're getting
hot off the bench, sure of course, but it's the
it's the how you feel after the games that you lose,

or how he handles not playing as much, not playing
as big a role. By the way, the Lakers need
more three point shooting and better defense, two things that
Karmelo Anthony does not provide. So this strikes me as
a lebron James has probably told Carmelo, I love to

have you, but you know, I'm not really in decision
making position. It's not how we agreed to roll here.
And that's how the story got back to Joe Bard.
I actually think Mellow fits with the Golden State Warriors.
You guys think I'm crazy, but the Golden State Warriors
bench stinks and they need somebody to come in off

the bench and get buckets. And he can get buckets,
you know, much the way that they used Maurice spatesmer
most states more buckets going back to their first championship year.
Carmela could be that guy. Now he's not as physical
a defender. He's a terrible defensive player. He just can't
move out in the court. But as a bench player,
if you come in and just hey, go get buckets

until you don't get buckets and then you come out.
But Lebron going to be a Laker, I mean, Carmelo
going to be a Laker with Lebron. Don't see it.
I've been told by multiple sources within the Lakers. Dude,
our chemistry is awesome right now. Our guys like each other,
people like coming to work complete one eight from last

year when half the guy I knew they weren't gonna
be there. So, um, I can't tell whether it's somebody
as a source trying to napalm the Lakers, or if
it's Lebron, which I think is more likely, Lebron being
really nice to Carmelo and say, man, I'd love to
have you here eventually. Just stay in shape, stay ready.

Um I can't tell what it is. I don't I
don't doubt that Joe Barton has his sources. I just
doubt that they'll actually become a Laker. Be sure to
catch live editions of The Doug Dot Leap Show weekdays
in noon eastern three pm Pacific Daniel Jeremiah DJ. The
Chargers trail big at the half, and I remember turning
to my wife and kids. Same old Chargers, right, it's

Emil Chargers. Now there's no Melvin Gordon, so there's a
as an explanation, not an excuse for not running the football,
but no Melvin Gordon and you're on the road against
the talented team. They come back win the game. Was
that come back more about where the charge As are
or where the Steelers are? I honestly think it was
more about the Chargers, Doug, and I think it's kind

of the veteran poise that they have with Rivers. You know,
everybody talks about Philip Rivers and how animated he is
and how excited he is. I think he's done a
great job of just kind of showing composure and poise
when they've been in some tough spots spots this year
and found a way to dig out of that hole
they had I mean that come back and the two
point conversions that were needed each and every time that

they found a way to get that done. So I
know the Steelers now aren't happy with some of their
execution and maybe a call here or they're an unfortunate bounce,
But I thought that the really takeaway from that was
that the Chargers are maybe not the same old Chargers
as you said, Yeah, what about the kicking game. Um,
you know Badgeley did miss an extra point and then
and then, uh, even though there are three off sides

and the first miss was by a whisker, he did
actually miss the first kick. Like, are the kicking loes
uh fixed? The crazy thing is, is the way you
describe that is still infinitely better than what they've don't
went over the last couple of years. Uh, So it's
it's definitely improved now it's not there's still some some
worrisome moments obviously in that game and going forward, but uh,

it's still even better than the way they had it.
So I think there's a belief in this kid that
he'll he'll find his way and maybe that was the
luck that you needed to kind of change fortune to
get that off side on the first one. Yeah, well
he didn't. He didn't in farness, he didn't shank it,
but he did just miss it right. And then you're like,
oh my god. Uh. And then even that from that

distance though, you can't. You gotta put that thing right
through the middle the uprights. I know it. I know,
it's kids, It's it's crazy. Daniel Jeremiah joining us on
the Doug Gottlieb Show. Did they find did they expose
something that people didn't know? Did everybody know that what
you got to get as a Steeler linebacker, you know
on a slot wide receiver? I mean that really was

they they just ate up those linebackers in coverage? Is
that was that a known Uh? Was that something that
was known previously around the league? Yeah? I mean that's
what that scheme calls for. You know, like there's certain
certain matchups you can kind of generate and create. And
I thought the Charges is a beautiful job there. Now
the Steelers have kind of argued if they have Cam Sutton,
who's their normal nickel, that they could have done some

things a little bit differently there. But man, the way
it was, the Chargers identified it right away and they
did what smart teams do. They didn't stop. I mean,
they just kept going to it again and again and again.
At at some point in time, I'm sitting up there
saying it during the broadcast, like they have to make
an adjustment. Surely they're gonna make an adjustment. Well, they
never made an adjustment. Yeah, it's it was really remarkable

to see. Equally remarkable to watch the Jacksonville Jaguars quit
on National TV. Have you you know, look, you're in
NFL organizations before this part of your career. Have you
seen that before? You know? It's funny because, um, it
was just two weeks ago doing the Chargers Cardinals game
where everybody said the same thing about the Cardinals, you

know who just they just laid an I think the
Charges might have had what forty five un answered points
or something like that. I mean, it was awful. And
then that same Cardinals team that people use the Q word,
they go on the road and beat the Green Bay Packers. So, uh,
I don't know, I'm always hesitant to use that word,
but it was. It was tough to watch last night,
that's for sure. What do they do? You know, they're

they're they're into borders for a bunch of money. Nobody
wants them at that contract. What do you do. I
think they're gonna have to retool their roster a little bit,
not just at that quarterback position they've got. I mean,
I'm sure you would. You know, you probably eat some
money there and try and go all in on somebody
like Teddy Bridgewater in the off season. But I think
you'll see them kind of they'll split up that defense
a little bit too. I think they'll take some They

gotta take some of those assets from the defensive side
of the ball and and develop and invest in the
offensive side of the ball. So I wouldn't be surprised
if we saw that happen in the off season. What's
the real conversation, like in a front office Daniel Jeremiah
joining us in doug otlip Show. So there's two different,
very different instances of this. But let's start with Jalen Ramsey. Like, look,
Chanle Ramsey's super, super talented um. And you know he

he ran his mouth all offseason and even early in
the season. And it's one thing anybody can be beaten
in the NFL, right, Like, look, you can get a
good cornerbacks can get beatn that's that's the nature of
the sport. But to quit, and he's quit several times
in this thing, Like, how do you handle that when
you have a guy that has that much talent but
also has quit in him. Well, I think you address

it directly. Um, and you know that's that's something I'm
sure that will be done at the player level. Um.
You know, should be done at the position coach level,
of coordinator level, all the way up. Um. It should
be taken care of from the guys on the field
before it ever gets to the people in the personnel department.
But you've got to address it and and see how
he responds to it, if he takes if he takes
issue with it. I know they said, you know, there

was those rumors that they might that he might be dangled,
and then the Jaguars issued a statement said that is
absolutely false, that's not happening. I think if you address
some of your issues with him and he's uh, he's
defiant about him, I don't know. I wouldn't rule that out.
I know they've said that won't happen, but personally I
wouldn't totally rule that out as a possibility. I think
it's something the best paying attention to in the offseason.

All right. Even worse is the Yodell Beckham junior situation
just because they just gave him a huge deal on
side kick. He's on the hands team ball rolling his
way and he's like, no, not worth it to me. Um,
what do you do if you're the Giants? Well, I mean,
I guess I just say the uh. If you want
to put it on the egregious scale, it wasn't as

bad as Cam Newton in the super Bowl. You know
that was that was the sinking Super Bowl game on
the line. That was much worse when he wouldn't go
down after that football. So I guess if you put
it in context that way, it wasn't the worst thing
I've ever seen. Um, But you know, I think with
the way the season's gone, Um, you know, I don't
think I'll put it this way. I don't think he's

the only player of his caliber that would have made
that decision as bad as it looked. I don't think
he's alone in that thought. I don't know. Man, Like
if if for a guy who is celebrated for having
this ridiculous ability to grab any football to not offer
up even even a one handed effort at it to
go nat not worth it to me after signing a

huge deal that that would not sit that would that
would would not sit well with me when I was
a New York Giant player, let alone somebody uh in
ownership who's right in that check every week? Yeah. Well,
the truth of it is that there's gonna be a
massive overall with this roster, I would think before too long,
and the people that would be upset with him probably

gonna be more the veteran guys on that team that
that have been around and know that you know, that's
not how you handle your business. But not all those
guys are gonna be there. I mean, it's gonna be
a whole new group. So I'm just telling as bad
as it looked, Um, I don't think it's gonna have
much impact going forward. I'm with you, by the way,
in the Cam Newton thing, right down six in the
Super Bowl, ball on the ground, like what you know,
Like I could get hurt. Okay, it's the Super Bowl.

Probably never have another shot at it. Speaking of Carolina,
they fire their defensive staff at he throws four picks?
Is that what was wrong with the Carolina Panthers. No.
I mean, look, their defense is not at the level
that it's been previously. But I thought that was just
kind of you gotta shake something up, and that was
maybe the low hanging fruit for them. They felt like,
um that we're expendable, but the issues are cam turn

the ball over as much as he did. That's where
you start. You've gotta be better there. Um they've got
you know, look, they need more weapons on the outside,
they need defensively, they're no nowhere near what that Super
Bowl defense looked like. So you know, they've lost several
games in a road dug and it looks right now,
if they don't get this thing turned around, Uh, it's
not gonna be position coaches, they're gonna be gone. It's

gonna be whole new coaching staff. So I think that
was just trying to shake things up, and uh, we'll
see if it if it works, but they're more issues
than just on that side of the ball. Ram's taken
on the Bears this weekend. Um, it's it's gonna be cold.
I mean it's not gonna be like snowy and or
the fog Bowl whatever, but it's gonna be cold, and
the Bear is gonna get Mr Drew Bisky back. He's
off their injury reports. That means he will be a

go And it's the style of off and same offense
essentially that Kan's City had that had success against them
that great Monday night football game. Um, what are your
thoughts on the Rams trying to go and win in Chicago.
I like the Bears uh in this one, I really do.
I think it will be Uh. Here's to see what
happens at the line of scrimmage. Uh. You know this
this offensive line who had been playing great, you have

seen some signs of some some leakage there. And the Bears,
I think they'll have a chance to uh to win
that battle up front defensively. And then you look on
the other side of the ball. Um, now, I think
if Rabinsky is out there and healthy, I think even
with some of the guys returning on the back end,
I think they'll have some some holes down the field.
So I actually like the Bears to win that game. Um, Okay,

then let's go to the Chiefs as the Chiefs. Now,
more bad news for the Chiefs is Sammy Watkins sustained
some sort of injury to his surgically repaired foot, and
so they signed Kelvin Benjamin, who blazing speed. Kelvin Benjamin
a lot like um and they're still dealing, you know,
reeling with the loss of of Kareem Hunt. I know

you're gonna get a chance to see them against the
Chargers Thursday, but they got a battle with the Ravens,
the franchise that you've been a part of, a team
that's found a way to win a couple of games
of late. What are your thoughts on the Chiefs now
one week removed from uh from the awful news about
Kareem Hunt in the offseason and getting rid of them. Well,
this game would scare the craft out of me, and

put it bluntly, if I were if I were the Chiefs,
because two things with this Ravens team. Number One, if
you're looking to try and slow down an offense and
explosive offense, there's really two ways to do it. Number One,
you have the bodies up front to dominate with your
four man rush and still be able to stop the run. Well,
the Ravens can do that with a whole host of guys.
They roll through their very deep and they're very very

stout the point of attack, so they fit that description.
The other way you slow down an offense like that,
you keep them off the field, you're you're running the
heck out of the football. And with Lamar Jackson, that's
the style of game they're playing, so they can limit
possessions on one side of things, and on the side
of things, they can get after you upfront. So, uh,
this is this is a scary game for the Chiefs.
Obviously everybody's pointed to that Charger game next week, but

they're gonna have their hands full with the Ravens. Um.
I feel like the Saints are gonna have their hands
full with the Buccaneers. Am I crazy? No, because you
know if they can, they can put a bunch of points.
The've already got them earlier this year. Um. And then
we'll see what happens with the weather. I think the
last I saw was supposed to be pretty rainy, so
that that can be something to keep an eye on there.
And it's the division. That division that's especially that division.

Those teams know each other so well and you kind
of throw everything out when they get out there. So, uh,
if Jamis Winton does not turn the ball over, they've
got a shot. Um. As he played. It seems like
he's played a lot better. Some of it is just
a little luck and fortune, but actually watching the All
twenty two, has he played better? Yeah, for the most part.
You know, with Jamie's it's never been it's never been physical.

It's always been decision making, and it's been decision making,
you know, both on and off the field that have
got him in trouble. And now we've seen these last
couple games when he's making good decisions. He can make
every throw. I mean, for a guy with a big,
strong arm, he can really layer the ball and show
some touch and make some really impressive throws. He just
gotta avoid trying to jam balls in and and avoid

the turnovers. And he's done a nice job that the
last couple of weeks. So I think this is a
big challenge for him. If he can kind of keep
going like he's going to be a huge relief of
that organization because they can, uh they can go forward
with him as their guy. Texans have won nine in
a row. This thing all started because the Colts decided
to go for it on their own forty three yard
line overtime instead of punting and playing for the tie.

When the thing was was just about wrapped up. Colts
come off an absolute stinker. DJ. They were awful offensively
against the same Jaguars team we saw give up last night. Um,
what are the chances the Colts go into Houston gonna win?
They've got a shot. UM, you know, the big thing
is gonna be can the block Houston? That that, to
me is the key of that whole game. This This

Colts offensive line is so much better. Um. But you
know that's that's a big challenge with those guys coming
off the edge. So they were right there, whether it
was like it was in the high thirties, I think
thirty seven, thirty four or something like that the first
time they played. I do think if they can protect,
they're gonna be able to move the ball and score
a bunch of points. I think we could have another
shootout in this one as long as that protection holds up.

But Houston at home. I like Houston, But I I
think you're gonna see a whole different offense that last week.
Every now and then sixteen game season, Doug, you have
you lay an egg every now and then. Last week
was their egg, all right? The the Philadelphi Eagles almost
lad they against the Giants, they survived. They beat the
Redskins last week, so now they won two in a row.
They still gotta go to l a take on the Ram.
Still got the Texans, then the Redskins on the road.

That one looks like a wind. But but a loss
here would essentially end their season right or make it
very very difficult at least to win. They couldn't win
the division most likely? Can the Cowboys? Can the Cowboys
continue this? I think? Look, it's it's interesting. You know,
I'm talking to talking to folks in Philadelphia in that
organization about you know, how they feel about things, and

the thing that has them encouraged now is the offensive
line starting to come together, uh and kind of win
that line of scrimmage. So that to me, this Dallas
Cowboys defense that's been playing outstanding, you know, it will
be interesting to see what Philadelphia does stylistically in this game.
You know, Doug Peterson normally like to come out trying
and throw it all over the place. Where they've been
terrible to start football games. Uh, their first quarter offense

has been awful. I wouldn't be shocked in this one
if you saw the Eagles come out and try and
just go downhill. Those the speed at linebackers that the
Cowboys have, you know, trying to get that by just
running right at them. So I think it will be.
I think this is gonna be one of the more
physical games of the weekend. I can't wait for it
all right. Last one is the game you'll be at,
which is Chargers taken on the Bengals, which you know,
the Bengals don't have their quarterback, they don't have a

j Green, they're they have historically one of the worst defenses,
maybe the worst defense in the history of the sport.
But meanwhile, the Charges, you have a game Thursday that
they care about. They came off the game Sunday that
they cared about. This game is one which everyone expects
him to win by a couple of touchdowns. Any chance
that they get caught looking ahead, you know, I just
left the facility and uh I was talking with Gus Bradley,

the defensive coordinator, and he, uh, he brought up a
great point that kind of was talking similarly as you were.
You know, how you make sure these guys are focused
coming off last week and not looking ahead? And he said,
all you had to do was show him a cut
up of Joe Mixon's explosive plays and he said, we
grabbed everybody's attention pretty quick. Um. So I know they
don't have any Bilton a j. Green, but there's still
some players, but especially those two running backs. Uh, that

can give you some trouble. So you you better, you
better show up. They they should have learned their lesson
against the Broncos when they had the Broncos dead to
rights and did not put them away, and it kind
of saved the Broncos season as we've seen. So they
they've got to come out and jump on this Bengals
team right from the right from the start. Yeah, it's good.
It's gonna be by the way thirty three Derwin James
how good. He's unbelievable. Man. Again, I was talking with

Gus about him and just every week he can he
shows you a different aspect of his game and just
the versatility he allows you as a defensive play caller
to use kind of as a chess piece to take
this the way or that away each and every week.
I mean, he's can't say enough. I think you've got
a chance to be he might be a first team
All Pro. Forget to forget the Pro Bowl. He might
be an All Pro this rookie year. That's filthy, filthy stuff.

Daniel Jeremiah download the Uh Move the Sticks podcast. Check
him on the NFL network. Let's do him on the
Chargers broadcast. Thanks so much for joining us. Thanks. Fox
Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in the nation.
Catch all of our shows at Fox sports Radio dot
com and within the I Heart Radio app. Search f
s R to listen live. Tightens at a huge all

around game last night led by Logan Ryan's team leading
seven tackles, plus he had a huge sack. Hen Teinaus
lead all NFL cornerbacks in sacks and tackles. Of course,
he's hoping for that Pro Bowl, not He joins us
on the Doug Gotlin Show on Fox Sports Radio. How
satisfying is it to get a win on a Thursday
and now have a weekend off? Oh man, it's great.

There's no better you know a way to do it? Um,
But for us, the position we're in and surviving advance,
how we're approaching it. So regardless whether we have work
tomorrow or not, we we're trying to win any means necessary,
And I think we've had our backs against the wall
for a couple of weeks. Now we're playing some some
good football, so we don't mind the position we're in. Um, okay,

did did it feel like to you that in your
just in your opinion that they quit? No, I you
know you're talking about again professional athletes, and and uh,
I can't say Leonard from Neck quit. I can't say
Cody Kessler quit out there. I think those guys were playing.
I just think, uh, we did a good job winning

up front, and we did a good job winning the trenches.
And when we play in Jacksonville were two similar teams.
We have some really good defenses. We think pride in
our defense. We run the ball, we have some power
for running backs, and we knew we had all all
hands on deck to stop Leonard from that last night.
We knew that. And uh, I don't know what they
try to do to stop Derrick Kennedy didn't do a

good job of it. Now was a difference in the game, Um, alright,
beast modes run or Derrick Henry's run? Which is better? Man,
I remember watching beach most run back in the day.
But Derrick Henry just because Um, you know, if I
run ninety nine yards, but even with maybe one stiff arm,
I'm gonna get a little tired. And Derek has about

fifty pounds on me and he ad about six stiff
arms in there and was able to pull away from
some dbs. So that just shows us ab athleticism. And
I think it was the greatest run I've ever I've
ever seen. I think it was the greatest night I've
seen from from a single player. And I think it's
a testament of Derek Um. He said earlier in the
year that he didn't like how he was playing. He

said a lot of criticism and blame. He's playing Carris
with Dion Lewis. We have two really good backs, and uh,
you know, Derek, he didn't point the finger. He didn't
want to, he didn't ask for a trade. He didn't
do what a lot of people want to do nowadays,
which is quit or find a way out and find excuse.
He kind of put on himself and worked harder. And
I was happy he had the night that he had
because we know he's capable of but he really bet

on himself and I'm just proud of him, and I
think he really deserved everything he had. Last night Logan
Ryan joining us in the Doug Gotlips Show on Fox
Sports Rady. Where were you during the run? Were you
were you on the bench and looking up at the
big screen. Were you on the sideline watching it happened?
Where were you in that took place? Yeah, I was
on the bench. I was on the bench to start,
and then when he started pulling away, I got up
and I was running down whistle and uh, it was nuts.

Man stadium erupted and it was it was a game.
It was a game changer. It was a game changing
momentum and swung at that point because we we just
stopped him on fourth down on the one yard line
and they went forward four times on the woman and
we stopped him. So that's a huge swinging point. And
then we have one play for ninety nine yards and
the base kind of started getting rolling. Uh from that

point off? What is the energy like in the huddle
or you know, and the guys teams don't uddle like
the US toube, but like you said, fourth and one
in your own stadium, you guys are fighting to try
and stay alive in the playoffs. Like, what is that
energy like? When you get a stop, it's shoes. Man.
We have a lot of pride and um, it's a

lot of focus because you just want to make sure
that you're covering your guy. You know, you don't want
him to to do some trick play and you're not.
You know, you're so amped up, you're not doing your job.
So we're the number one red area defensive football. We're
one of the top scoring defensive of football. Um, so
we take a lot of pride anytime anyone gets in
the red area. Uh it's a home and three or

or or get a change of down and uh that's
what I want. Was there. They were testing our ranking
there and and we're we're the best in the business.
Have to head down there, and we stok pride in it.
And I think a lot of guys stepped up and made,
you know, plays we stopped from four tonses in the
fulne Mike Brabel, obviously your new head coach dude gets
on the chess protector and starts lining up with dudes

before before the game. How do you gut honestly, what
do you guys say about that? Yeah, well you don't
you don't see him line up too many routes on
us and get open anymore. Though I do tell him that, uh,
but you know that that's brave. He's a fiery coach.
He's a former player. He's a coach that's gonna tell

you and demand you demand what he wants from you.
But he's also gonna show you how to do it.
And he's gonna tell he tells he's d lineman, you know,
to keep their hands inside and and make and have
a rising punch and uh, he's gonna put on the
chess pad and and and allow you to punch him
in the chest. So I just think, uh, he's a
born leader. He was a leader as a player. He's

won championships as a players, and he's a great leader
as a coach. He's definitely a leader of men. And
he's not afraid to demonstrate or show. I'm not afraid
to get his hands Dirky as you see. You know,
one of the things that impresses me about you playing
for the Titans is they seem to know how to
use you right like you know, uh, you know you

you you go back to when you were with the Patriots.
Sometimes you bring in guys that were talented elsewhere. They
couldn't fit in with the Patriots or people can't fit
in elsewhere because you got man schemes and the guy's
a zone corner or a zone corner. When the guy's
man schemes, whereas they use you uh down round the
line of scream, as they blitz you a lot, you're
great tackler in space and and they put you in

position to be successful. That's it's it's no secret like
you're leading all corners in sacks and tackles because they're
putting you in the right spot. How important, truthfully is
that that's not just about getting playing time. It's about
getting playing time in the being used in the right way.
I think the best thing about the defense is I
have a lot of talent to players around me, and

I pride myself I have a very unique skill skill set.
I think I want the most persatile defenders corners in football. Um,
When Keenan Allen comes to town, I'm covering Keenan Allen,
when Hopkins comes to town, and in two receiver sets,
I'm covering DeAndre Hopkins. And then when we have three
receiver stuff, I go into the slot and I cover
all the slot receivers and um, and then I blitz

a lot and I get to be around the ball
and make a lot of in case to get tackled.
So I pride myself on being a good man, the
man player. I pride myself I'm covering some of the
big name guys. But then at the same time, when
Josh Gordon comes to town, uh, Dorry Jackson is able
to cover Josh Gordon. And we have Malcolm Butler as
well able to win his matchups. So we think that
we have three good corners. We think we have three

number one corners, and when guys come to town, we're
able to match them up how we see fit. And
I'm able to do my thing in the slot and
and and really help us on third down, help us
in the red area which we're ranked really high, and
limit all the production and the slot we're oute when
Cole Beasley comes to town and guys like that, and
if we're able to win on the outside as well,
there's there's not so many places. And then you throw
in our our blitz scheme. That dp's defense. It allows

me allows Kevin fired, it allows allows to get around
the ball and make plays. Um, your your cleats are
your cause were cat and dog teams with Nickelodeon, and
do you know you a lot of things just saw
on Twitter. Uh, you know, doing things to the Ryan
Animal Rescue Foundation. The big question I have is are
you a cat guy or a dog guy? I'm both,
but I'm I'm I'm gonna keep it honest with you

have three dogs and no cats, so I'm I'm a
dog guy for sure. I love animals, kind of kind
of dogs. What kind of dogs. I'm a pit bull
pimple advocate. I love pimple as I have to. Um,
they're great, great dogs around my great dogs from my kids. Uh,
that's awesome, man. I have a terror, a terrible reputation

that we're trying to change. But I like the big
julie mouth, big headed pit bulls. Um, what are their names? Dogs? Names?
I have three dogs, my two pimpules. I have a
big pit bull named Leo. I have a blind pimple
completely blind, named Julius. And then I have a puggle
who runs the show and her name is Nala, living living,

living that pug, living that pug life. I'm just wondering
if you spent more times on your kid's names or
your dog names. Because I would tell you for us
it was about split my dog. But just you know,
my dog's name is Odell Beckham Jr. Jr. Uh, it's
a yeah, it's it's a it's a sheepoodle which got
big flowing hair and um yeah, so that's why he
went with Odell plus is my my son's favorite player

up until last week when he bailed on the on
side kick uses my sons there, Wow, yeah, you know
are all our names are really well thought out kids
and dogs? You know, Leonardo he's a blue, he's a
blue pitbull and he's named after the ninja turtle, the
blue Nina tur Leonardo because he has a big ninja
turtle head. And uh, we rescued Julius and that was

his name. He already had that name. And we named
Nala when she was a puppy. She looked like a
little lion cup from Lion King. Uh like Nala, So
that's what we went with for the for the dog's
names are all off of cartoons and things. I grew
up liking the Watch and uh yeah, we're going with that.
Um last thing. And we haven't had Yahn since. What

was it like to not just he doesn't just beat
the Patriots to thrill the Patriot. You've got several former
Patriots on the coaching staff and on the roster in
the defensive backfield. What was it like to get that win?
You know? And it was really good. It was good
because it showed us, um what type of team we have,
what we're cabled of when when we lock in on
on all three phases. And it was a complete win.

And defensively we played great, our offensive moves, the ball,
special teams. It was just clicking and it was fun
to make, you know, fun to cover Edelman. We we
hadn't went at it and practice for years and butted
heads and loved to play with them. You hate to
play against himself is happy to play against them in
the slot again. So that was a good matchup for
me and him and it was just fun. Man. I

have a lot of respect and there was a lot
of handshakes and hugs. Some championships one together, but you know,
you know, we had to move on into business and uh,
you know, I feel like they're happy for me, and
I'm obviously happy to get that win. But it was
a good win for us. We needed it at that point.
I'll still do and and we know man to play.
The pictures are title contending team every year, a playoff team,

and we know what type of team we have. Man,
Like I said, our backs against the wall. We're surviving advance,
but we want to get in that dance and we
know that, you know we could play with those the team.
So I think it was a good good test for us.
And uh, it's always it's always a good chess match
playing against Tom Brady, so I was fortunate to be
able to play against him, play against uh Peyton Manny

Aaron Rodgers. You know some of those guys in my career,
and you always gotta heighten your game as a quarter
when you play against quarterbacks like that. You get a
big week with charity. December eighth and eleven, he got
three amazing charity events, one for pets and animals, one
for underserved kids, one for military veterans. He does it all.
Follow him on Twitter logan Ryan of the Tennessee Titans Logan,
enjoy the weekend with your with your dogs and with

your kids. Thanks for joining us, and congrats on the
wind from Fox Sports Radio. Appreciate it. Manpacial have
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