All Episodes

August 15, 2018 • 123 mins

Filling in for Colin, Doug Gottlieb discusses why the New England Patriots are great and hated, why the Cleveland Browns shouldn't sign WR Dez Bryant, why the Philadelphia Eagles are the new Patriots, and his thoughts on HOF WR Terrell Owens' comments towards HOF WR Michael Irvin. Guests include Nick Wright, Rob Parker, and Greg Jennings.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Herd podcast. Be sure to
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to Fox Sports Radio. What Up? Welcome in. This is

the Herd, wherever and however you may be making as
part of your day. Thanks so much for joining us
alongside the lovely and talented and always prepared Joey Taylor,
um Doug Gottlieb here with you for the entirety of
the week. Man, we got a great show, our buddy
Nick right from first things first, gonna join us half
past the hour, Resident Tom Brady Hayter and crazy Man

Rob Parker will join us. Next hour, Greg Jennings will
join us. Plus we'll take you to Cleveland, will where
we react to uh last night's Hard Knocks. I know, Joy,
you watched Hard Knocks Is as did I, and we'll
get to get the feeling from Mary kay Cabin, who
has covered the Browns for years. I want to discuss
how what we saw was a depiction of a Browns

team that has a bad culture, a coaching strap trying
to change that culture. But I'll tell you upcoming why
I think that culture is actually going to get worse
before it gets better. The most interesting team this year,
the most interesting thing that I'm I'm coming around. I
don't know, most interesting. I'm coming around to my level
of interest in the Browns, right, I'm coming around. I'm

not completely but from but from Monday, but from one,
like you know, you do a one eighty to be
a complete turnaround, I'm somewhere in the ninety degree category. Maybe,
Mary Kayce fair fair enough. Let's dig right in with
the Patriots and the Eagles, who are set to match
up in a preseason game. Now, look, let's be honest,

it's just a preseason game. But um, Lane Johnson is
and you know, for better or for worse, and I
actually like that. Lane Johnson is sticking by what he
said in the off season, in which many of the
Eagles have kind of echoed. There, Uh, their distaste, their
disdain for the Patriot way, they don't have fun, we

don't like them. Here's Lane Johnson defending his previous statements
about the paths. Are you expecting any type of backlash
for lack of better words, for the comments that you've made.
Oh yeah, I hope so. I hope they raced to
help the customer and they didn't say whatever they want.
At the end of the day, I'm not blocking him.
I'm blocking the guys on the edge. So it really
doesn't matter what they say. I know that I'm not
gonna be well wocked, and this team they're gonna be

well light going in there, so it's gonna make us
so they bring out our best. And now, look, Lane
Johnson is saying this, but it's a it's a preseason game,
and the reality is he is right. The crowd doesn't
truly affect any sort of blocking between Lane Johnson and
the edge rushers. Um. But here's the thing that I
think that Lane Johnson and others don't have a healthy

enough respect for which I think they will at the
end of the season. The Patriots haven't just been good.
They've been consistently good or even consistently great. The league
is designed to bring you back down to earth, and
the Eagles, who last year had a fourth place schedule
this year have a first place schedule now Now, did

they dodge a couple of bullets. Yeah, they could have
played at Minnesota. They get Minnesota at home. Right when
they go to Tampa week two of the season, They're
not gonna get Jamis Winston. They're gonna get Ryan Fitzpatrick.
So there's some things have already worked out their way.
But but the the fact that you get a first
place schedule for one year after getting a last place schedule,

I think at some point will dawn on the Eagles
how much respect you should have for what the Patriots
have done. Right, Like, look, we can all sit here
and say, well, the Patriots play in the a f
C East, and like joy, you and I discussed yesterday
with all these issues, with any of the backlash and
terrible feelings from what happened losing the Super Bowl and
not playing Malcolm Butler. The fact is, I don't know

a soul out there that wouldn't bet the Patriots is
going to be in the playoffs to win their division,
because you know, Buffalo and New York at some point
they're both gonna start rookie quarterbacks. And the Dolphins are
trying to change the character of their team. But they've
got rid of some of the most if not their
most talented players. And you've got Ryan Tannehill coming off
in a c L. No one thinks anyone outside of

the Paths, even with all their issues in the offseason,
all their injury issues at wide receiver, thinks they're not
gonna not gonna make the playoffs and win their division.
That said to every year, I mean every year, play
first place schedule. And here's the other thing. What's the
shakespeare in line, heavy as the head that wears the crown, which,

oh yeah, by the way, is not actually the line. Uh,
it's uneasy lies the head that wears the crown, And
we've changed that and tweaked that into heavy as the
head that wears the close enough, right, what is Shakespeare now? Um?
But if the Shakespearean line, the Shakespeare line is in
fact true, it's not just that the Patriots play a

first place schedule every year. It's that you can't find
a human being outside of a Patriot fan, outside of
a smitty with a white hat kind of cocked to
the side, that loves his Pats. Outside of that guy,
outside of Bostonian guy, no one likes the Pats. It's

they've been good were. They're viewed as cheaters, right, flake gate, spygate,
you name it, all right, they're good, they're viewed as cheaters.
They're they're from a part of the country that that
frankly has seen a ton of success with the Red Sox,
with the Celtics, and with that Celtics, with with that

success breeds even more disdain. They have a coach that
won't any ever let anybody in. They usually are a
terrible quote and oh yeah, by the way, you have
the brazen arrogance of Tom Brady to beat damn good looking,
dashing and to be married to a supermodel, all of
these things, which if you're a Patriot fan you love.

If you're not, you don't like, why does that matter?
Because you get everybody's best shot. You just do. Now
you can say, well, listen, in the NFL, there's only
sixteen games, seventeen weeks. Everybody plays at a peak level,
and to some level, you're you're accurate, but we all
know it's different when the Pats come to town. Like

if you buy if you buy a season ticket package, right,
the one or two tickets that you actually use when
the Patriots come to town, why because you want to
see greatness and it's gonna be a full house, and
you kind of like to see your team beat the Pats.
Buffalo is not any good. They finally made the playoffs

the first time in over a decade, But you know what,
every time the Patriots set set foot in Buffalo, that
places a zoo. Same thing with the Jets. The Jets
seasons have been made by beating the Patriots. Same thing
is true with the Dolphins that that's only in their division.
Everywhere they go, they're the biggest game of the season.

And that's what the Eagles don't have a healthy enough
respect for. It's not just that it's the Patriots, it's
their consistency of of success, which is disgusting in comparison
to the rest of the league. Trying to do it
a second time, in many ways, is harder than doing
it the first time. Right, last year they were the underdog.

Last year they did have a lot of guys that
were told no, al right, what was it that Jason
Kelly that that that Kelsey said right at the at
the victory parade, Right, Lane Johnson can't stay off the juice, right,
He's like, look, you go through all these guys and
there are plenty of guys that were told no. Even
their head coach was, I mean he never, he wouldn't

consider to be of that elk when Doug Peterson was
not on the top of anybody else's list. Howie Roseman
had lost power when Chip Kelly was there, he regained power,
chain flipped over that roster, got back his guys, hired
his own coach, and all of a sudden, how they
win a Super Bowl and look to the victor's go

of the spoils. You're allowed to puff out your chest.
But the lack of respect for the consistency of success
in the league, which schedule wise, and we don't talk
about schedule enough, is designed to bring you back down
to earth. Combined with the fact that the Patriots are
not a well liked organization a matter of fact, they

hated organization by fans around the league, and that they're
everybody else's biggest game. I think it's a lesson that
the that the Eagles are gonna learn. I mean, look, look,
look in the NFC East, and last year was the Eagles.
They were playing on a last place schedule. The year
before it was the Cowboys. Why are the Cowboys so good.
They were playing a last place schedule. Like schedule does
in fact matter at some point you do have to

be good. And and so when I point out that,
you know, look, they're playing the Titans, for example, in
a in a in a game, in a crossover game
against the a f C. Like the Titans only really
made the playoffs because Baltimore spit up all over themselves
and the Chargers couldn't make a field goal. Right, The
Chargers and the and the Ravens were better football teams

than than the titen. The Titans thought so much of
their playoff run they fired their head coach. They were
not a good team last year. Marcus Mariota had more
interceptions than he did touchdowns last season. So they do
sort of luck out in a first place schedule. That
that if you if you said, well, Tennessee playoff team
on the road, they go to New Orleans, always a

difficult place to play. They cross over against the NFC South,
but they don't have to play at Lanta on the road.
They don't have to play Caroline in the road. Those
are the two toughest teams in the NFC South outside
of New Orleans. Right, So there is some It is
a little bit softer than generally a first place championship
schedule would be, but that's not the point. The point is,

here's the league which is designed to bring you back
down to earth. Here's a Patriot team that has stared
that down and still found a way to be consistent.
Like you can't most people can't name the Patriots wide receivers.
They're gonna line up outside the numbers with Julie Edelman
suspended and all the other injuries come Week one the NFL,

and you know what, we're still picking the paths. So look,
I understand that Lane Johnson deserves a little bit of
respect because he said it, he owned it, and he
ain't scared to go into New England. Congratulations. It's preseason
game and fans can't really affect you, but in his
heart of hearts, and what the Eagles I think will

in fact learn is that repeating is really really hard,
the schedules more difficult, and you're every team's biggest game.
Everyone how they react to that, how they reacted that adverse.
In addition to when their quarterback comes becomes healthy, what
they do with folds, all that is fascinating to me

that I think we'll learn it. It's games. We can
use analytics all we want, we can use preseason prognostication,
how we can even use the records. But the thing
about sports which defies all stats is that there is
something to certain games being bigger, whether it's because it's

on a Thursday night or a Sunday night, or a
Monday night, or simply because you wear a ring that
everybody else in the league wants. When the Philadelphia Eagles
walk into Tampa walk into Tennessee, two places that are
normally tame, completely different when you're a champ. The Patriots

know that, and the Patriots have been successful in spite
of that. Be fascinating to see if the Eagles can
do the same. You know, Um, we talk about cultures
and sports all the time. Right Coaches when they get
the job, you know, wanted to establish a culture. You
talk to teams when they win, they always talk about
their culture. Joy and I watched Hard Knocks from last

night and I only get hurt take on what her
thoughts are in the culture. I want to share with
you mine on how the culture is not good and
while why the coaching staff continues to try and make
it better. I think it's gonna get worse. I'll tell
you why I'm coming next. Car shopping can be confusing
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Um Peter Stoffler uh tweets me talking about luck Atlanta
doesn't run the foot you know, runs the football, kicks
the field goal, or Seattle runs for a touchdown to
supports that they shouldn't have even had. Talking about the

New England Patriots. Look, we can play that game all
day if you'd like, right, I mean, if you want
to go to the Philadelphia Eagles. Aaron Rodgers hurt last year.
Heck Tony Romo uh retired because he was he was injured.
If Romo and Aaron Rodgers, heck you go to the
Minnesota Vikings, who of course went through quarterbacks, or if

even look just at the Philadelphia Eagles taken on the
Atlanta Falcons, the Falcons who lost the Super Bowl that
they should have won. The year before, they had a
chance to beat the Eagles in Philadelphia. They complete one pass,
they complete one fourth down pass to Julio Jones, and
suddenly now the Eagles are beaten at home, granted with
the backup quarterbacks. So the idea that the Patriots or

somehow uh not worthy of being called an incredible dynasty
one that you have to respect because there's two Super
Bowls that maybe they should not have one. You could
make the opposite argument with if not for the David
Tyree catch, they win that of ball and we can
go round and round. The Patriots have not had a

single digit win season since Tom Brady has been their quarterback.
There's there's no there's no arguing that level of dominance
that we just have not seen in this era of
the National Football League. And one of the things that
they've been able to do is maintain an incredible culture.
And you don't have to like their culture, but you

respect their culture, getting more out of the group than
you would think out of individuals that maybe you know
otherwise haven't been viewsed as such. The West Welkers Jr. Say, how,
coming out of retirement, like you go through a list
of incredible players that have played with the Patriots have
been better there than they have elsewhere. The juxtaposition of

that and a a talented young Cleveland Browns team and
watching Hard Knocks last night, I think is is fascinating.
Joy I'm wondering, Okay, you watch Hard Knocks, like, what's
your kind of quick take away two episodes in of
their culture? Because my money is takeaway from Hard knoxes
is Hugh Jackson. He seems like a real players coach

to me, which I like, but I feel like that
has to be matched with a culture all around. Like
to me, the the issues that happen with teams that
have this function always start from the top. It's never
just the coach's fault. Coaches don't make all of the
decisions for the organization. There are people above them. These
coaches have bosses, and then those bosses sometimes have bosses,

so to me, in order to create a winning culture,
which I can see that that's what they're trying to do,
it's got to start from the very top. So I
feel like Hugh knows that this is the year he
has to get everything done. You can sense that and
feel that in a weird way, they're kind of getting
me to root for them, like I want to see
I kind of want to see them to see, which
goes against my entire DNA. But look, look Hard Knocks

does that like the secret to Hard Knoxes that? Like?
Do I think J J. Watt really does spend with
is in the dark in Houston? Like No, But I
remember coming out of that season all in on Bill Ober.
They romanticize the team, for sure, But but the Browns
are to me, they're different this year. They have a
different feel. They have a different height behind them, like

they've always been the throwaway team. That's like it's it's Cleveland, yes, Um,
And I think there there is a way in which
you could work where you have the hard ass offensive
and defensive coordinators and Todd Haley and Greg Williams and
then you have the players coach. Right, you've got good
cop and bad cop there with with with Hugh Um.

But you know, there was this there was this moment
last night where I'm watching and I it dawned upon
me they have a culture problem in terms and maybe
it's how the TV shows made be honest, right, it
is a TV show, Like the TV show has made
it so that there's a competition there between Baker Mayfield

and Tyrod Taylor. I know Baker wasn't really focused on
last time around, but that's how we we've made it seem.
But take a listen, or if you're watching, here's Hugh
Jackson ripping players for their work ethic and Tyrod Taylor
giving him some advice on how to fix it. Stop
walking in everybody up, come here? When did we start

walking around out here? When did we start our level
of a sudden becomes like this, When did that start?
Kirk Oh? When when did you start? Pa Tonio Never,
I'm not watching that anymore. Coaches, you better get after
these guys and get to where they're supposed to be.
And let's practice the way we practice back to the
top of the one drop. Let's go who you can
keep a roman rolling camera that and they can kiss

them all. You gonna do a show at one time
in the meeting. Now got the conscious of it, and
they build good abbess of jogging on the field. Show
him to film. Yeah, so listen, he's Tyrod Taylor says,
show one film, to show one film that they're walking
from drill and drill, that they're not playing all that hard,
which which Lee just Tyrod Taylor gets it right. I mean,

he's been a part of the culture. When he was
in Baltimore, that was a championship caliber culture. And Tyrod
Taylor is a prose pro so much so that even
to go back to last episode when he said, Hey, Baker,
you know it's a competition. Get in there when Tyrod
gets in there. But here's where I think he's fighting
the culture battle and it's going to get worse before
it gets better. Twofold one. Des Brian's visiting today, and

on paper, does adding dez Bryant help? On paper? Yeah? Right,
des Bryan has been a pro bowler. Des Bryant's was
an elite talent and he doesn't have to be the
number one guy. They have Jarvis lanjury, so he could fit.
But in addition to accepting a secondary or maybe even
tertiary rule luring a new offense, you have that can

he get along with? Last year he wasn't happy and
he got over a hundred and thirty balls thrown his way.
How happy is it gonna be when he gets sixty
seventy at most ball stone his way? Then here's the
biggest problem. The guy who's the best culture changer in
that locker room is the quarterback Tyrod Taylor, and he

is almost certainly going to lose his job, even though
he's done nothing to warrant losing his job. When you
draft Baker Mayfield number one overall, you say, we want
to sit him, we want a red shirt, and we're
not gonna let him go against the ones. We're gonna
do all these right things John Dorsey, the GM just
like we did in Kansas City. We're gonna sit him
like we sat at pat moments. That sounds good until

you get to the middle of the season and people say,
let's say the kid and the one guy who's been
the best part of the new culture, Tyrod Taylor, sixth
round pick, took the Bills to the playoffs. The Bills
try to bench him last year, and he still found
a way to succeed and prove them wrong. Comes over
and totally buys into being a complete and consummate professional,

so much so that he offers up some sage whizz him. Look, dude,
you don't have to yell, just show him on film
how they look. That guy's gonna lose his job and
you're gonna bring in a Dez Bryant. I'm gonna do it,
and I think that's gonna hurt their culture before they
can possibly turn it around, especially with Hugh working for

a guy who didn't hire. Let's get to Joy Taylor
with the news. This is the herd Line news. So
Ben Roethlisberger is in concussion protocol after he suffered a
head injury and practice yesterday. So according to a couple
of reports, he fell to the ground after throwing a
pass on the final play of his seven shots team period,
and he was down holding his head for several minutes

before he left practice early. He did walk off on
his own, but Mike Tomlin issued a statement saying he's
being evaluated by team doctors as part of the concussion protocol.
He has at least three documented concussions in his career,
but as plus, he got thrown off the motorcycle he
remembered into it into a windshield. Um, look, I there's

a there's an irony to it, A sat out like
we hope Ben's okay, right, Yeah, I hope Ben's okay.
The Steelers are my Super Bowl pick this year, and
it says the girl from Pittsburgh. But um, but but
there's the irony to it is that his offensive coordinator,
who's this boy who we got the job, was a
quarterback coach, Like just the day before. It is like
Ben's having the greatest camp ever, and then his defensive

lineman pushes an offensive lineman into Big Ben and even
though he's got the red jersey, you're not supposed to
touch him on he ends up getting a Well, we
see that on the hard knocks constantly, that the quarterbacks
still get knocked into. They're trying to do their best
to protect them. I'm sure Ben will be fine, but
you don't want any you don't want a concussion in
training camp, so we'll have to keep an eye on that.
It's not not good news. So Jalen Ramsey is one

of the NFL's most well known trash shockers, and he
did not hold back. He did an interview with g
Q and offered his unfiltered opinions on several NFL quarterbacks. Uh.
Some of the opinions are that Joe Flacco quote sucks,
Matt Ryan is quote overrated, Ben Roethlisberger is decent at best,

and on Andrew Luck, I don't really think he's that
good and I think his most uh vicious opinion Josh Allen,
he said he's trash and it's going to show too.
That's a stupid draft pick to me. We play them
this year and I'm excited as how I hope he's
there starting quarterback. Uh. He also said that like Portals,

was good in the playoffs. Obviously that's his quarterback. But
I actually don't have a problem with this. I really
like personalities. I think they're good for everybody. They're good
for the league, they're good for our business for sure.
Um and Jalen Ramsey is very good. So question. So
I don't I don't have a problem with him going

out there and and giving his opinion. I go back
it up and don't be mad when people come back
at you. Uh. That is where you have to you
have to tow the line, like if you're going to
talk trash, then be that. But he was he was
mean man. He well, he was totally honest with exception
about Blake Bortles and and honest. I mean he gave
his opinion like it doesn't have some that's not his

real it's not his real opinion. I don't know they
got the Jaguars, don't think so. They got the ball
back with fifty nine seconds ago in the a f
C Championship game in the first half and decided to
take a knee like they clearly do not believe what
he said that he said that they did not trust him.
That's not Jalen Ramsey's call, obviously, but he said that
the team did not trust The team did not put

the trust in Blake that they need to. But he
he is He's the he's the dirty stals version of
Richard Sherman, right, and he's in that he's in the
prime of his career. Where's Richard Sherman is coming. He's
out of the prime of his career. And look, it's
a position to which you're allowed to talk track, which
is why I love it. Just what she does, so
I like it. And Josh Allen was asked about it

and he said he doesn't care, which is the responsor ship.
How finally, Kevin Durant recently participated in the Bloomberg Players
Technology Summit. The changing landscape of athletes and have become
more business savvy and endorsements and all that was discussed,
and Katie had this essay I wanted the Haynes deal,
the McDonald's, the Gatorade, the Powerade. That's what our lane

was as basketball players. But I feel like now we
can do whatever we want. All of us are seeing
the power that we have and we are trying to
take advantage of it. Now. Durant earns more than thirty
million annually and off the court earnings, and he has
a lot of endorsements like Nike and Beats and Alaska
Airlines and uh Pannini, And a big reason I think

that he went to the Warriors was not just obviously
to join up with Steph Curry and Clay Thompson and
Draymond Green, but I think he had a lot of
opportunities in Silicon Valley that we're enticing to him like
he wants to be in business. And I think more
and more players are seeing it that way. They're seeing
the magic Johnson uh mogul stage that that he has,

the pla form that he had, Lebron has been able
to do and say why not me? And I think
that's great. I I I love that sports in general,
even you keep you keep seeing it on on on
hard knocks too. They're constantly talking about investing money. That
is great. That is a great culture change to me,
that guys are coming into these millions and millions of
dollars and rather than saying I'm gonna go blow this

on insignificant stuff that has no return, I'm going to
invest this or I'm gonna look to partner with businesses
so that when my career will which will eventually end,
comes to an end, I have the ability to provide
for my family long term and not being a bad
position when I retire. I love that this culture has changed,
has happened. I do it eliminates the conversation of the
dumb jock right, and and no one wants the Antoine

I know, Antoine Walker is a story about about you know,
blowing how to blow ut? I mean you you've you've
seen the documentary Broke. I'm sure it's I mean, it's devastating,
and what happened to Bernie Kosar Like this happens so
much because you make it and a lot of players
come from nothing, and then you have all these people
who are trying to pull from you. So I love
that they're that this culture change is finally starting to

infiltrate and become a thing would example, I would only
disagree with you in that I don't think that's why
he went to Golden State, but I do think it's
becoming an incredible benefit went But I do think that
that was a factor in him going for sure. And
that's Joy Taylor with the news. Well that's the news,
and thanks for stopping by the herdline. Alright, let's bring
in Nick Right via the Cowherd Global Satellite Network. Of course,

you can see him on First Things First, or you
can watch him battle me on on Twitter. Let me
let me start with let me start with the Cleveland Browns.
In watching Hard Knocks last night, I said, look, Tyrod's better.
Ty Rod was better, far better. Even in the first
preseason game, is Baker played well? Tyrod essentially pitched a

perfect game in the short time which we saw him
on the field. But I gotta think that because he's
the number one overall pick, that he's gonna play at
some point in time this season. And I actually think
that's that's to the detriment of the culture they're trying
to change in Cleveland. What say, Unick Right? I think
that you just got to look to the history of

the guy who picked him in John Dorsey to see
that he might not play soon, if at all, this year.
In the last decade, there's only been one first round
quarterback to not play at all. That was Aaron Rodgers,
picked of course by John Dorsey. In this decade, the
quarterback who came the closest other than Aaron Rodgers to
not playing at all was Pat Mahomes last year with

the Chiefs. He didn't play until week seventeen. He was,
of course picked by John Dorsey. And what John Dorsey
was running the team. And now you have Baker Mayfield
picked by John Dorsey, John Dorsey running the football team.
I think that he's been patient in the past. His
history says that. And I think they keep saying Tyrod
was one of twelve quarterbacks to lead a team to

the playoffs last year. There's a reason they are bringing
that up so often. I think in Cleveland they look
at the team Tyrod led to the playoffs in Buffalo
and say, hey, is our number one receiver better than
the one they had in Buffalo? Is in joke, who
better than Charles Clay They're big tight end. Is Myles
Garrett better than any pass rusher they had? Like Joey's
Miami Dolphins went one in fifteen, I think to eleven

and five once. Why can't we be in the playoff picture,
even if it's just in the little corner of the
screen in November. I think Tyrod is gonna start at
least the first eight games of the year, and unless
the team's two win six or worse, he will continue
to start because they have to start learning how to
win games in in Cleveland, and Tyrod he's showing up first.

He's been the best guy on and off the field.
He's giving them no exit ramps for their plan. So
I actually believe the Browns that Tyrod Taylor is going
to be the starter to begin this season, and even
at the midway point of the season. I hope you're
right because I think that's the right decision, and I
agree with you on the on the past what's past
as president? Right with with John Dorsey, the differences the

press sure to play a number one overall pick, especially
when all of the rest of the kids will be playing,
will be immense alright, speaking of a guy who I
thought should have gone number one overall, there's now a
lot of pressure to start Sam Donald right away. With
the New York Jets. You live there in the Tri
State area. You know, with all the talk, you've seen
the preseason game and of course the things we haven't seen,

we've heard. The eleven and eleven stuff against the Redskins
was outstanding. What do you think the Jets should do
with Sam Donald? Yeah, I think this is a different situation.
I don't think Josh McCown is as good as Tyrod Taylor,
and while I'm rooting for Teddy Bridgewater, there's a reason
they only had to guarantee five hundred thousand dollars to him. Additionally,

I think Sam Donald, while his ceiling is not the
highest of the five quarterbacks taking in the first round,
I think his floor might be the highest, and he
is the surest thing. He's the guy I advocated the
brown should take number one, even though I didn't think
he was the best quarterback in the draft, just because
I thought his bus potential was the lowest. I think
Donald should start Week one, and I think Donald will

start Week one. You love the the Houston Rockets almost
as much as you love Lebron James almost almost um
Are the Rockets a better team with Carmelo Anthony well,
so are they better than they were in the Western
Conference Finals? No? But are they better today than they

were nineties six hours ago? Of course they are. Like
at Carmelo, we we swing too far in directions on
these things. There was a period of time recently, last
couple of years in New York when Carmelo was overrated
by the general NBA population. He's now become underrated by
the general NBA population. And before they signed Carmelo Anthony

their options for starting for get off the bench first
starting forward in Houston opposite p J. Tucker, where Gerald Green,
James Nis Ryan Anderson, so like, of course Carmelo is.
In addition, oh he can't play any defense? Well, Mellow
was a part of the third best five man defensive
unit in the NBA last year, not because he was

good defensively, but because Robertson was there, Steven Adams was there,
Paul George was there. Why is that relevant? If you
have Clint Capella, p J. Tucker, and Chris Paul on
the court, you're going to have an outstanding defense, like
I think Melo also, I think last year was a
humbling experience for him. And if there's anyone that can

meet him eye to eye and tell him to cut
the bleep. At times, it's Chris Paul. If he just
wanted to get eighteen shots a game and play with
a close friend, he could have signed in Miami. Instead,
he chose Houston, and Houston chose him. Now, the Warriors
got far better this offseason, while Chris Paul got a
year older and the Rockets lost Trevor Ariza. So they

haven't closed the gap on Golden State. Golden State has
extended the gap, But Carmelo Anthony helps them. Listen. I
I think theoretically he should help them if he if
he buys into the idea of hey, sometimes I'm gonna
play with the bench unit and get my shots there.
The issue becomes in key moments. You can have one

Carmelo Anthony that maybe can't guard anybody, although that proved
to not work in the playoffs against the Jazz. But
to have James Harden Carmelo Anthony too non defenders on
the floor, that becomes problematic. I think what I would
say was, and you tell me if you agree with this,
I think Oklahoma City has closed the gap more on
the Rockets and the Warriors. I don't think they necessarily

caught the Warriors by think Oklahoma City by essentially standing
pat by going out and getting a borderline starting point
guard to be the backup bench point guard in Dennis
Shrewder with the with with the thunder and losing Mellow
getting Robertson back if if healthy. I think Oklahoma City
has taken a dramatic step closer to the Big two

in the West, whereas Houston has come back down to
earth because they lose that defensive tenacity. I agree with that,
but I think what happened the only part I disagree
with is I think what happened in the playoffs wasn't
that Mellow's defense fell apart. It said they didn't have
Roberson or Robson pardon me and on. Once he went out,
their defense fell apart. And Mellow was offensively bad on

the offensive end of the floor in that six game
series against against You talk, he was really really bad.
It was he was arguably the worst high volume shooter
in the NBA. But during the playoffs, well, listen, you
and I agree on most NBA things except when you're
talking Lebron James, and I think at last check you
had him as a as a poor man Stacy King,

so like we're always gonna disagree on that front, but
on everything else we see ied I quite often about
the NB A look, I never called him Stacy King
because Stacy King wave to Tew way better than Lebron
James ever did. Listen, I'm gonna I'm gonna leave you this.
Can we bring up that picture that they showed on
on First things First, there's a photo for not and
I know that this is also radio as well as TV,

but I don't know whether this is the radio. Did
you did you? Did you go to right? Were you?
Did you spend some time in Riker's umture? People are
amazingly saying, all of a sudden, I have some previously
missing street cred just from the existence of this photograph.
This is from just two months ago, right before my

wife and I went to Belize. I was gonna. I
shaved my whole beard before the trip, and as just
a funny, just to make Chris laugh. Right as I
was shaving, you can see from the stains on my shirt.
As I'm shaving, I left the mustache. Sent Chris a
picture he betrayed me and sent it to the staff.
We made it on television today, and now it's made

it on a second television show today, which I really
greatly appreciate that. Thanks for that, Doug good looking look.
Yeah well listen, listen, he's doing a good look, George.
For any reason the TV show and all this success,
if it all kind of goes away. Character actor on
a prison show, I think I you know, you were

saying that they showed Andrew Luck with the mustache, which
is how this came up. And Andrew Luck looked like
a detective in the show Narcos. I kind of looked
like the guy he's detecting. Like I feel like I
look like the guy he sees he's going after. I
think it could work for me. I'm considering. Let me
ask you, guys both this. We'll leave it at this.
If I came to work tomorrow with just the mustache

and I said, I said to the executive Fox, this
is my new look. Is that a fireable offense? Uh? No,
I don't. I don't think that that works anymore. Um,
just just in today's climate, is Dan Yell letting you
get away with that? Yeah? No, no, no, it was
it was a one time. It was a one time thing.
I look, I'll say this. When you went, if you
went to believe with this, there's no question that when

the cop walked by with the German shepherd, you got
at least one, if not two sniffs from the from
the German. That's not no, no, no no, I I didn't
go anywhere with that. It was it didn't even make
it out of the bathroom. But now it's made it
for six minutes on national television. Delightful. I'm sure people
on Twitter will be so nice to me about this.
It should be your avatar on on Twitter. Thanks so much,

Dick Nick. Right, First things first, check it out every
morning right here on Fox Sports one. T O isn't
exactly the person. Excuse me, TiO is exactly the person
you think he is. Don't believe me. Um, he proved
it on Twitter. We'll share it with you. Next. In
the Herd, be sure to catch live editions of The
Herd week days and noon Easter not a Empacific on

Fox Sports Radio FS one and the I Heart Radio app.
Doug got Leaven for Colin. This is the Herd Fox
Sports Radio, Fox Sports one I Heart Radio app. Our
crazy uncle Rob Parker is going to join us. Hate
on Somebody can't wait? Can't wait? That upcoming in ten
minutes here on the show as Long with Joey Taylor,
I'm Doug gottlieb uh this the This is just a

great sign of Terall Owens being exactly who you think
he is. If you don't believe me. First of the
play some Sound. This is August three. On the Rich
Eyes and Show Hall of Famer, Michael Irvin had this
to say about t O in the pro FOOTBA Hall
of Fame. You do old people stuff, all right. You

you owe your parents. I owe the guys that came
before me. I owed him something because they gave me
an opportunity to play a game and make a living,
and I can't. That's just that's just wrong. That makes
me wrong. To hear my people say that we don't
owe anybody anything, Yes the hell we do, and yes
to hell he do. And I wish he was here
to get what he has earned, all right, he says. Look,

I want him to be more gracious, but I wish
he was here to get what he has earned. How
is that met? Um? It was met with this tweet
from t O Rich being Rich Eyes and he Sounds ridiculous,
and I don't owe anybody anything. Uh must the side
and after effects must be the side and after effects

of drug use. I'm gonna leave it at that. Definitely
won't be any hugging going on. Yeah, um talking about
taking something to eleven? Right, You're like, look, all he
said was I wish he was here and you came
back in and with must be all them drugs you used.
Michael t O is the guy in the conversation where

you're talking a little bit of trash back and forth,
and he says, that's why she slept with Jimmy, Like, whoa, whoa,
that's why your wife left you, that's why you got fired, Like, whoa, whoa.
There wasn't any part of the conversation between rich Eisen
and Michael Irvin to which any sort of retort or

clap back from t O should be taking to the
level of, hey, Michael Irvin used to have a drug problem. Right,
How deep are we allowed to go into your past?
T O? How far back? So? I mean, it's almost
it's it's almost painful to watch a guy who this

should be a period to which he should be revered
for what he did on a football field, in spite
of many of his own antics intervered a Hall of famer.
There's like three d of him. That's it in the
entire earth about anyway. Point is, instead, he just keeps

making himself look worse and worse and words, which, by
the way, is Teo is exactly who you think is.
He's that guy in the argument that takes everything personally right.
I mean, he's the guy who searched his name, found
a tweet from August three and just now responded to
it a right, like, really, you don't have other things

going on, you don't have a have to live like,
that's that's reserved four trolls right to go back through
your Twitter feed, to go back through your mentions, to
search your name and find something that we're working on
two weeks two weeks removed that somebody said about you,
which oh yeah, by the way, wasn't even harsh. And

to go super personal and over a decade in the
past into drug use to is exactly who you think
he is. In an effort to be big, he looks
smaller and smaller by the day. Actually less, there's three
ten more elite, it's only three ten. Tail gave me
that number I was. I was good with three eight
team you could have just gone with it. I love

your ability to be all right. There's one thing you
can always count on when it comes to New England Patriots,
and the answer might surprise you. I'll share it with you.
Next in the Herd, what up? Welcome in, Doug gottlieb
In for Colin. This is the herd wherever you may be,
however you may be making as part of your day.
Thanks so much for joining us here. Fox Sports One,

Fox Sports Radio. I heart radio app Wait for the sound,
trying to time it out perfectly. I was trying time
out perfectly. It works better when it's radio. Only adjust
it does. It works better when it's radio. And they
trust me on this one. That's the voice of the
Lovely and Talent to Joy Taylor. Um, we're talking a
little bit of t O. We're talking about binge watch.
I want to get into this binge watching. Are you

allowed to binge watch shows on your own when you're
in a relationship? Part of Joy's new podcast, which dropped
last night, Maybe I'm Podcast, Maybe I'm Crazy Podcast. We'll
get into that in fifteen minutes after we get a
visit from our crazy uncle Rob Parker. He'll join us
in in mirror moments. Um. But look, there are things
that you can count on in sports, right, There's just

things you can count on in sports. It's like you
can you can almost expect to see. Steph Curry is
one of these weird when when he shoots a basketball,
you're almost more surprised when he misses than when he makes.
Statistics be damned, even though statistically he misses more shots
than he makes. The fact is that that's just how

the mind works. But you can almost you're almost guaranteed.
It feels like when you watch the Golden State Warriors
to see at least one stretch where they throw in
a ridiculous number threas in a row. The San Antonio
Spurs are does anybody realize how ridiculous what they did?
But they were able to achieve last season in even
staying in the playoff hunt was Kawhi Leonard plays nine games.

Tony Parker comes back from the same injury, which he
said was a hundred times worse obviously than quiet Leonards. Um,
and he's washed up, washed up. De jont Mar you
can't shoot. They played him a little bit too early,
so they got desant dejont Murray throwing out pau Gasol
LaMarcus aldrid is recharged and suddenly in the ever competitive West,
they were right there. There is seven seed, but they're

like two back of being a being a three or
four seed equally in pressive is what the Patriots do
year after years. So when I read this story, I
read the story, I take it with a grain of sault.
Philip Dorset, of course they traded for from Indie last year,
suffers some knee injury and practice. Now the early reports

are that he's going to be okay, but Dorset has
he has not lived up to any of his billing
when he was drafted in Indie or so far during
his time in New England. Cordarol Patterson, highly drafted guy,
but a guy who's more of a returner, Eric Decker.
There was a reason Eric Decker was was on the street.
Remember they've already cut Jordan Matthews and Malcolm Mitchell, Kenny

Britt never healthy. Another guy probably hasn't lived up to
his billing coming out of college. Julian Edelman. We know,
not gonna play the first four games. But in the
things that you have to absolutely see to believe, and
even then you and I might not believe him. The
Patriots just figure out a way, right, They just figure
out a way to where they go on the on

the waiver wire, or they just go down to the mall. Hey,
how fast are you close enough? Can you catch? Can
you line up in the right spot? Will you go
where we want when we want it? Cool? Show up
at you let on Sunday and we'll have Tammy terrific
or you the football. I'd love to say the sky
is falling. Gronks never healthy. Edelman wasn't healthy last year

off the a c L and not there the first
four games. I can't tell you who else they're gonna
line up out wide, even Braxton Burials, who I really
love out of Miami. Like I was like, there's a
dude feels like future Patriot, and sure enough he is
a Patriot. Like I have no idea who they're but
they find a way to make it work. They just do.
They just do. It's that's the that's the biggest parallel

between them and the Spurs that they can just almost
invent a guy Chris Hogan right, like, like really Chris
Hogan the only misconception mess Chris Hogan as you think
he's probab like five eight five nine, right, like Welker,
like Amon Dolan's actually six ft two. But they just
find a guy to which no one else is in
the league, has seemingly found a consistent use for. And

they're not only useful, ridiculously effective. So I'd love to
tell you that the sky is falling into England because
of this rash of injuries. Look, these are they're getting
hurt and they haven't even played legit preseason games. So
they're gonna sustain. The likelihood is they're going to sustain
another injury or two. That's just that's just the game.
That's just the sport that they play. But I still

have complete faith in the Patriots because well, I got
fifteen twenty years of history to tell me that they're
going to figure it out. And well that we welcome
in our crazy uncle Rob Parker, Fox Sports one instigator.
By the way, he just got an award from them.
I believe that the National Association of Black Journalists correct.

He's a professor at USC and he co hosts a
show called The Odd Cup with Chris Brussard. Sunday, six
to nine pm Eastern Time. Doug, what's happening? You love
Tom Brady? You you secretly want to be Tom Brady.
Tell me I'm wrong that Tom Brady isn't gonna find
a way to figure it out even though we have
no idea who he's gonna throw down. You're wrong, absolutely wrong.
You're those guys and a lot of people in the

NFL do it. They picked the Patriots every year. There
was like a ten year stretch when the Patriots didn't
win the Super Bowl before the last two that they won.
But yet people pick the Patriots every year. You know
this dog teams like this that have sustained a long
run and had success. When they usually lose it, the
bottom drops out. It's it's not a gradual where you

go from eleven wins to nine wins to seven wins
and then people say, okay, the run is all over.
It's eleven wins and then seven wins and you don't
make the playoffs. And this is where it is. I'm
not one of these guys that likes to sound the alarm,
But sound the alarm. The bottom is gonna fall out.
We saw it last year. To d fence twenty four rank.

Did you see them get mopped up by our backup
quarterback in the Super Bowl? Yes, They're not that good.
Was were the Eagles? Was the Eagles defense good? Yes?
Did the Patriots punt in the Super Bowl? It doesn't
matter who won the game. Did they make the big play?
Did they make the big play against Tom Brady? They did?
They were still in the Super Bowl. The the the
the the question is if you are not going to
pick the Patriots, are you gonna pick somebody else to

win that division? I might pick the New York Jetropolitans.
Please please stop, please? How many drug How many drugs
have you taken? Oh? I haven't taken any drugs. All
I'm saying is, at some point, like you know, everything
doesn't work out, Doug and Tom Brady has had When
you start the year with the a f C least

that he's played in for all these years, with five
and six wins to start the year, it makes it easier. Okay,
So why why would the runs stop? If we all agree, like, look,
the Jets are gonna start a rookie quarterback probably the
start of the season, maybe earlier to years old. Okay,
Tom Brady won the m v P by default last year.

And all I'm saying whether or not he should have
won the m v P or not, like he just
he won the MVP, got it. All I'm saying is
that usually when when a dynasty or team of of
success has he ended that run, it's usually they fall
off the cliff. One year, That's usually what happened. Would
you agree with that? Yes, but usually you can see

signs of them starting to fall apart, and then all
the injuries, all the issues that they've had. I'm just saying,
going in, you could go and pick Tom Brady and
the Patriots because it's an easy crutch for guys who
don't want to look deeper than just take the obvious,
the Patriots or the obvious. I get it. In the
a f C. I saw that Jacksonville Jaguas le twenty

to ten going into the fourth quarter. Did they win
the game? No? They did not. Who hurt you? Nobody
hurt me. I think he's been studying the law of
attraction and he's trying to just speak this into existence
and manifested it is. You want to do the good
hunting thing on the couch. Got It's not your fault.
It's not not not your fault. All right? Um? What

about the what about the Eagles? Lane Johnson, He's like, look,
I said what I said. I have no problem with that.
They I love it. What's the likelihood that they see
the same success year two that they saw last year.
I think that they have a better shot at seeing
success because what they bring to the table. If you
told me Nick Foles is going to do what he

did again this year as a backup quarterback and play
this well, I tell you it's not gonna happen. That
they're not gonna win a super Bowl. But now you're
telling me that Carson wins who was the m v
P of the league, has something to play for. That
super Bowl ring that he got is Cubic Zorconia. He
wants the real deal. He wants to be the guy

that leads that team. They got better, they made moves.
They're not the underdog. Woe is me? Nobody respects us.
They went and kick the Patriots, but in the Super
Bowl they beat Tom Brady. They should feel as confident
as ever. And now they got their m VP quarterback
who's going to be ready at some point and he's

gonna come back. He has something to prove. He won't
let them get fat and and lazy because they want
a super Bowl. You know why, even though he was
on the team and he has a ring, he knows
deep down he didn't win. He wants to win. It's
the best scenario for the Eagles. That's why I like them,
So listen. It's it's it's a it's a great point

that you make. The The counter to that is, yes,
while he is motivated, I guess one, when do you
play him? He might want to play right away? Do
you wait because you're like, look, you're gonna be our
quarterback for ten or fift they could be a game
or two run When when do you do that? And
you run the risk of re injury, You run the
risk of him trying to prove how good he is.
But then you have the rest of the team which

has his chest puffed out, like, look, they were really
good last year, really good. It could have lost the
Falcons at home in Week one and could sugar, you
want me to go down to the Patriots. Patriots should
be one in seven and super bowls. I could give
you the list of everything that happened to them. That
worked out in tom Brady's favor, and they could they
could very easily be undefeated in Super Bowls too, if you,

if you want to kind of go the other way
to it, right, David Tyree catches the ball against his helmet.
West Welker drops the ball that hits his fingers, like
we we could do that. The point Tom Brady missed
that throat to Welker that was as him in his hands. No,
it didn't hit him in him his hands. He had
to twizz. Didn't touch his hands, change his body, didn't
touch his hands, No, didn't touch the tip. That was

an easy throw. Nobody was around him. Doug, you could
take a look at that a million times. Skip Bayless
is the biggest Tom Brady homer, and Skip Bayless will
tell you tom Brady missed that. He did miss the throat.
It still hit west Welker's hands and Westwalker, I believe,
Gill said the best. My husband cannot every ball that
he throws. Um all right, real quickly. Kyle Kuzma thinks

that people are underrating, undervaluing this Lakers bunch. Now that
we see the roster, what do you think about what
Kuzman is trying to sell us on. I love Kyle
Kuzma the player, what he you know, his rookie year,
what he did for the Lakers. But I don't think
people are under selling them. I just don't Lebron James,
as great as he is. Remember that Cavaliers team last

year is better than the Lakers team that is assembled
right now for as far as experience and guys who
have been there, done that. One won a championship and
they struggled And I'm talking about struggled against the against
the East, and you're talking about they went seven games
with Oladipo and nobody with the Pacers they had went

seven games. This is what Lebron James against the Celtics
were two stars missing and it was a struggle. Now
to coming out West, I just think could be a seventh, six,
seventh seed. People have them as a three seed, a
four seed. I just don't see that right off the bat.
I think every team out West will look at them
as a challenge, will be up for them, game after

game after game. There will be no easy games where
people go all the Lakers are coming to town. This
will be a cake walks. Not at all. You're actually
helping make my point on the Eagles by making my
point on the Lakers. The thing that we can't account
for is the fact that every team or every fan
base and every team has that game circles. Like there's

eighty two NBA games. Every game is not played at
a high level. But when Lebron and the Purple and
Gold come to town, it's played at a much higher level. Right,
every seat is sold, and there's there's that, And they
start out with a very difficult scheduling twelve of the
first fifteen games against playoff teams from last year. But
the big thing is you can't account for what a
team is gonna be like because they're gonna play above

their level, like now Lebron's gonna lift up their level.
And I do think that the young players are going
to be better because this is not a static environment, right,
Brandon Ingram is gonna be better, Josh Hart's gonna better,
Alonzo is gonna be better. Second year, third together, third
year in the league, second year league, they're gonna be better.
And then you add in Lebron Hope, so kwam A
Brown never got better. The players who don't get better

dug in this second year, would you admit that, yes,
you're getting better, you're getting worse. Brandon, I'm gonna get
better at years old, I would think it. Brandon, I'm
gonna get better, get worse. I would think he would
get beat Josh Hart gonna get better. I would think
he was a lonzo. I'm not sure about Okay. So
the point is, I think they're going to get better,
and I think Lebron will raise their level, and I

think they're ben Chen Lebron fall down as he gets older.
Father Tom is undefeated. Everybody thinks Lebron is gonna win.
That there's there's no that's a It's a great point
that's not made enough that Lebron James was not the
same player defensively, he doesn't move, but he did. He
played more games, but he wasn't as effective as active
defensively game in game out as he had been previously

in his career. But like you'd admit the Lakers bench
this year coming into the year, you know, like Lance
off the bench, Lances the starter, don't love Lance's bench player,
love Rondo off the bench, love JaVale McGee starter bench love,
especially considering he under he's bringing that culture that he
learned in Gold State. My point is, I do think
we don't account enough for how you're viewed, how the

level of attention to each game. That's the big thing
with the Eagles is they may be better, but everyone's
going to be shooting for them because they're everybody's biggest game.
And that's the same thing with the lad No. I
I agree with that at the Eagles, but I just
think that you have a driving force when it's a
quarterback who played at that level last year. You remember
he ran through the NFL and he was clearly the

m v P before he got hurt in the final
couple of games that it cost him. Yes, Look, Minnesota
had a had Case Keenom as their quarterback and they
lost Alvin Cook. We Dallas Cowboys didn't have a Zeki
Elliott for six games last year. That that changed the
The New York Giants lust all their wide receiving corps,
their defense was fighting months themselves. Their head coach was
a Joe like their division is legit. I think the

schedule and people's attention to them, and the fact that frankly,
the NFC had a litany of injuries last year helped
the Eagles, just as it probably helped the Patriots as well.
And I don't know if they're going to get that
that benefit this year. Crazy Rob Parker, check him out.
And I mean that today was like the n A
b J. That's the National Association Black Journalists Journalist of

the Year, Journalists of the Year. It was a definite
UM honor and I loved every minute of it. And
I was back in Detroit for It's always great. But
by the way, you just picked the You said I
might pick the Jets. I said, the Jetropolitans are in
the league. Uh. He's wearing a green tie, a green
kerchief and celebrating the National n A b j's Journalists

of the Year. Said he might pick the Jets to
win the a f C East words words to live by. Um,
all right, thanks so much. There's a rookie quarterback in
the NFL. I really like. I think he's the real deal.
And I'll tell you I'm I continue to be worried
his team's gonna screw it up. And it does relate
to Rob Parker's prediction that upcoming next Doug got Lieban
for Colin here on the Herd or in the Herd however,

you decide to use the English language. Never forget my
first year not youre dame playing college basketball, watching tape
and John McCloud is our head coach and he's pointing,
you know you use a laser pointer. And uh, Antony
Wish Antoni is now an assistant coach at Lehi in
a very good one. He's the guy who discovered and
worked with C. J. McCullum when he was in school

before he became a star with the Portland Trailblazers. Anyway,
Antony Wish, what are you doing right here? And he said,
where am I at? Coach? Turn on the lights. John
McLeod eighteen years in the NBA, stands up always Natalie
attired and says, where you are is basketball. Where you
need to go is English class. Never end a sentence
in a preposition. So if I continue to butcher the

English language, it's not John mcloud's fault. We'll do a
little by cell hold by cell hold up coming in
five minutes for let's get to Joy Taylor with the news.
Turn on the news. This is the herd Line news,
all right. So the broncos case Keenum is set to
be the starting quarterback for the Broncos, and their backup

spot is still up for grabs, despite the fact that
Van s. Joseph named Chad Kelly the Broncos number two
after Paxson Lynch struggled in the first preseason game, and
of course Broncos fans decided to start to go fund
me page to get him cut. Yes, that also, um,
but John Elway is not quite sold. You know, I'm
not gonna tell you we're not. We're definitely it's gonna

stand pat, but I'm not telling you we're going in
that direction either. We've got to have confidence that that
guy that's going to be the backup can play and
went football games. And so that's why we're still in
that process of trying to see if we got that
guy you know behind case. Yeah, I know, Paxson Lynch
is always guy, So he's probably pushing it a little

bit for that purpose. Not that I have some deep
relief in Chad Kelly either. Does somebody else need to
start picking the quarterbacks for the Broncos. It's a it's
a crazy thing. We did the statu on speak for yourself.
He's drafted forty eight guys during his time as general
manager and a successful general manager, generally winning a Super Bowl.
Okay um as general manager of the Denver Broncos. None

of them have been Pro Bowlers, the guys in which
he's drafted. And of course, you know, brock Oswelder was
his first pick at quarterback, and he picked brock Osweiler
because maybe he was. He's actually John Elway's son's best friend.
Their roommates together Arizona State, right, So that was a
bad pick. Paxson Lynch was a pick that didn't work out.
So yeah, I look, I think it's really hard to

evaluate the quarterback position, really hard, you know. I mean, look,
Dak Prescott fell where he fell. Yeah, I mean Tom
Brady went in the sixth rounds. So so there have
been plenty of mistakes. But it is interesting that one
of the greatest quarterbacks any of us have ever seen
can't seem to identify what a great quarterback looks like.

So Carmelo Anthony finally sign in his one year or
two point four million dollar deal to officially join the
Rockets on Monday, and yesterday, Mellow released a thank you
letter to the thunder organization, their fans, and his former teammates.
He concluded as better by writing, in life, I've learned
that things don't always turn out how you want. I
wanted nothing more than to make it work here and
help bring the city at championship. I'm sorry that it

didn't work out while I was here. This chapter of
my career maybe coming to an end, but the story
is far from over. Love always say mellow. I really
like it when guys put something out. It may seem
like nothing to most people to just put out a
little statement thinking fans and stuff, but not everybody does that.
And I do think it's nice that when you leave
a place, especially one where it seems like you've left

on bad terms or there's some sort of issue between
you and the organization, or you in the city, or
you and the fans, that you just say something like
Kauai put out a statement. You know, it's you know,
it felt like it was like too late, but it's
still something like, it's still it's still an effort. It
may seem like it's it's nothing, but to me it matters. Yeah,

it's this is this is the super super easy way
to do it. You know what else are supposed to
do that you can do then in the newspaper. I mean,
people still, right, especially in a place like Oklahoma. If
you really knew Oklahoma, you would do the Oklahoma you know,
buy out the entire back page. But it's fine. He

was only there for a year. It's not like he
spent his whole career there. I'm fine with it. I
I just I have no idea if he really has
been humbled by this. I just don't because I would
thought he would have, but he was so unwilling to
see any sort of change in Oklahoma City. And then
there was an Instagram post when he was overseas which
wasn't great, Like this appears to be one to which

it's closure. It's good. There's nothing wrong with the post
at all. I just I have no idea whether or
not Melow was humbled and whether he understands that Melo
two point oh is going to have to be somebody
who evolves and changes and as opposed to being just
a high volume guy plays with the starting unit. Yeah,
when Jason left Miami to go to New York, um,
well it wasn't that simple. But he got a billboard,

So I I don't. I don't have any problem with
my like he said, he wasn't there long, and we
won't find out if he's evolved until the season starts.
We'll watching see. So last summer, the Celtics made big
moves for trading Kyrie Irving and signing Gordon Hayward, and
they're taking over his favorites in the East with Lebron
moving out to the Lakers. But Kyrie might not be
staying in Boston next summer, and Paul Pierce told the

Boston Sports Journal that he wouldn't be surprised if Kyrie leaves.
He said, who would have expected Kevin Durman to go
to the Warriors Lebron to Miami a few years ago.
There's no loyalty to a franchise anymore. That's the generation
we live in. Guys want to play with certain teams,
They want to play with certain guys. They know they're
showing they have the power. Um I don't. I don't
believe that loyalty is a thing that actually exists in

professional sports. I think it's a concept that is sold
to fans because you want the fan base to be
loyal to the team through good and through bad. But
players and organization in reality have no real loyalties to
each other, and they shouldn't because it's a business. They
are professionals, they're working for a living. I totally disagree
with you. It just there's no obligation to any organizations

who keep a player who is falling out of grace
or is not playing as well just because they happen
to have been with the team for so long. We see,
I think, I think the Dallas are incredibly loyal to
one another. They keep giving him contracts and keep taking
samples of it. But as a whole, nothing is absolute
and everything, but as a whole, professional sports is not
a loyal institution. So I don't have a problem with

players leaving and going and making money or playing where
they want to go, because that's that's that's that's honestly
what makes the NBA is so interesting. The off season
and the NBA fre agency is more interesting than the
regular season. Um, yes, I do think it's but I
think one of the reasons it's more interesting is because
you don't have guys that stay long enough. I think

it hurts the NBA more than it helps the NBA.
I think in time, I think back in the day
when you only saw certain teams on your television here
to watch at a certain time. That matters now that
you can have the package and watch any team anytime
anywhere on the planet, and you become fans of particular
players and stars over organizations. The mobility helps the league

more than it hurts. Yeah, I disagree. And you look
at the NFL and the franchise tag and how quarterbacks
stay generally in one place. I think that allows us
to identify a player, We identify a team within with
a player. Um. But the NBA is a star driven league,
the players of the power. Yes, but if you look
at the numbers for the league, they're up only when

those particular teams are playing, not not overall. And you
look at the number of people that watch the NFL
in comparison to the NBA, they pail. Some of it
is it's only on a couple of days a week, right,
there's fewer games. I understand that's a factor in it.
But some of it is if you're not loyal to
your team and they're not loyal to you, you don't

have the same guys. It's hard to know who's who's what,
and who who's where. It's it's fascinating. As for Kyrie Irving, look,
I do have a little bit of knowledge on this thing,
and I understand what Paul Pierces saying, like we couldn't
have seen it. I can only tell you the people
I know in Boston have all told me Kyrie loves
it here, and the idea that somehow he'd be bothered

by other other success is kind of laughable. He's able
to build his brand to have a very good movie
by the way, while he was a member of the
Boston Celtics, and oh yeah, by the way, if he's
smart and he stays, he'll make more money and he'll
have a chance to win more championships. Everyone's tried to
fix the Knicks. He named the guy. Larry Brown tried
to fix the Knicks. Pat Riley tried to fix Nicks.

Phil Jackson tried to fix the mint That's because going
back to our culture conversation earlier, starting from the top,
there's not a great culture there. I do think it
would be different this year. I like David Fizdale, but
the rumors for Kyrie to New York are going to
go on all year, obviously, but there's a little bit
of this Ray Allen to Miami. Thing going on with
Paul Pierce too, And that's Joey Taylor with the news.

Well that's the news, and thanks for stopping by the
Herd Line new. I like to sit in Colin's chair
and duke some of Collins things. No, I don't get
to live in his house, or drive his nice cars,
or or even go to his new house up in
the mountains. No, I don't get to do those things.
But but occasionally I get to use some of his devices,
like one of my personal favorites by cell hold time

to buy by that right, Colin will decide if he'll
buy old. I like that. I like that. I'm on
the graphic now. I like that suppressive. They move fast?
That they do, They do move fast. See Colin, don't
come back, although you've got a new contracts. I think

that this. I'll just keep this chair one go ahead
by seller hold Ezekiel Elliott will lead all running backs
in receptions this year. Um David Johnson back playing for
the Arizona Cardinals. Supposedly yes, Um Alvin Kamara back year
two with the New Orleans Saints. Isn't he to Todd Gurley?
Todd Gurley still still plays football in the National Football League.

Levyan Bell is gonna play for the Pittsburgh Steelers, right
at some point. Yeah. So look, Zeke had what fifty
eight catches in two seasons. I understand some of that
was limited because he's suspended six games and he's really
worked on his past receiving skills. But he's thirty second
interceptions by running back last season. I think he'll improve.

I said this yesterday. I think this is like rod Tidwell, right,
rod Tidwell in Jerry McGuire he had to dance in
order to get paid. Zeke Gillett has to catch the
football in order to get paid. Todd Gurley plus money.
He will catch more passes the next couple of years.
I'm going to sell though that he'll, yeah, that he'll

lead the running backs and receptions. Biseller hold, Aaron Rodgers
will not win another Super Bowl. Um, well, he'll he
will not win, right, that was he did not win.
He turns in December, and as we talk about the
good luck of the Patriots and the good luck of
the Philadelphia Eagles or the bad luck of Aaron Rodgers,

you know, not recover the team doesn't recover an onside
kick and Russell Wilson's kind of flew play, and that
was a Super Bowl year. He hasn't had the defense
around him. That's the big reason that they change defensive
coordinators and general managers in Green Bay. They're putting more
athleticism outside the numbers for him. I know he doesn't
have a running back, but I do think his offensive

line is healthier than it has been. Although it's very
early in the season. Um, I'm gonna sell it twelve odds,
twelve to one odds to win a Super Bowl. I
think he's the best in the business. I think he's
the best in the sport, and I think they're giving
him better talent on both sides of the football. Eventually
he'll get there. I think it win a Super Bowl.
Bi Solar hold Tiger Woods will win a Major in

He has the second best odds to win the Masters.
And remember the reason Tiger has been so good at
the Masters that the Masters is not extra punitive. When
you hit it in the rough, you can still find
a way to make golf shots, as he did on
Sunday at the PGM. Right, and then you look at
where they're playing, just in America, Bethpage Black obviously very

very long, but you got Augusta and you got Pebble
two places. He's won a ton and look he was
was it in February. February of this year, he's playing
at Rovia and doesn't make the cut. You look at
his improvement, he's gotten better and better and better. I
understand he's getting older, but as you get healthier, as

you get confident, you don't forget how to win. He
solved the chipping yips. He's still the best. He's when healthy,
the best iron player on that golf has ever seen.
I'm gonna buy the tiger Woods were amazing. In two
thousand nine by solar Hold Carmelo, Anthony will come off
the bench in Houston. Um Carmelo said he's gonna let

it play out. They got p J. Tucker and I
I think come off the benches. That would they start
him like JaVale McGee started for the Golden State Warriors, right?
Was he part of the Hampton five? No? And I
think end of games you got to p J. Tucker,
You go to Eric Gordon to go along with James

Harden and Chris Paul and Clint Capella. That's your finishing five.
That's your that's your best five. Because you can't play
Carmelo at five. I don't think you get away with
p J. Tucker at five. So I think they'll tink
around with it. But here's what I'm gonna do. I'm
gonna hold this one because the term starting, he'll probably start.

I just don't know if he'll finish. Almost like this
should be a finish, like that should be a staff
That wasn't the question. The question was. The question wasn't
finished the question. We started last one. Bicellar hold Sam
Donald will start week one. I don't want them to.
I don't want them to just because I want I
want to be sure. I want to give him confidence.

I want to let him learn from Josh McCown for
Teddy Bridgewater whoever they picked, probably Josh McCown um. And
by the way, if they played Teddy Bridgewater and helps
his trade value, that that could get a player back
in return, which is what he really needs, really needs.
Donald has had the majority of the first team reps
practices versus Washington, and Josh Norman even said, hey, look great,

Josh Norman doesn't play for the Jets. It's the Jets.
They got a bright, shiny toy. They broke it out
of the box and you're like, hey, don't play with it.
Do you ever try that with kids? Right? You were
trying that with your kids, like, oh, I know it's
Christmas and then you just got a bunch of choys,
but let's not play with it. Today. You get a
kid a skateboard in Connecticut, They're gonna break it out

on Christmas, even if it's snowing outside. Of course, the
Jets are going to start Sam Donald week one. I
will buy that, all right, So look, I um speaking
of Donald, I'll tell you why I do think that
starting in week one is a bad idea. Tell you why.
Coming up next in The Herd, be sure to catch
live editions of The Herd week days and noon Easter

not a Empacific Doug Gottlieban for Colin. This is the Herd. UM.
I want to get to what Josh Norman said about
Sam Donald. In a second we mentioned Joey Taylor has
her podcast UM which dropped last night, and on it
you discussed I think this is a huge issue with couples,

huge issue with couples. It's very important stuff. The question
is whether or not you're allowed to binge watch your
own shows? Correct, right, So Earl and I are looking
for a new show, and several people have recommended Snowfall
to us, So we're going to start. But like, it

would not be an option for me. It would be
selfish of me to just start watching the show. Can
cannot watch if it's If it's decided that you're going
watching get together, right, then you watch it together. So
I have the new season of Insecure on HBO. Just
debuted the first episode of season three. Now I've already
seen season one in season two, I'd like to start
season three, but I'm gonna wait until he watches and
catches up before I started. Now I could start, it

probably wouldn't be too mad. But insecure of Insecure, yes,
because I have no idea. By the way, what Insecure
is like? Is it? Is it good? Great show, great show,
very funny HBO? Anyway, The point is it's a very
important thing. Ump is very funny. Yeah, it's equivalent to
beat um it's but it's it's a whole system of

how and what type of shows you're allowed to bench.
Like I watched Handmade Sale. He tried it hated it.
So now I just watched that's my show that I
watched when I feel like binging something that yes, like
I've I've binged the Americans and I've seen almost all
of them. But your wife doesn't like that show. No, well,
she hadn't ever heard of it. And then one one night,
uh the kids were around, we watched like two of them,
and she's kind of in and she's like, well, I

don't even know if I want to get in on
these because you've already watched them. Like, look, I'll go
back and watch him again. Like I'm okay with that,
Like I just want to Like she's never seen Breaking
Bad and I've watched Breaking Bad on my own. I
could never kind of get get her in. It's like
one of those she only seems to want to start
binge watching a show if I will start binge watching
with her. But I have I just have a great

I have a I require less sleep than she does.
She wants eight hours a night. She's the nicest person
on earth any less. Yeah, And when you're in the
same household, you have you have your routines. So it's
it's like everybody has different rules for how for their shows.
Ryan Music recently engaged the producer of the Doug Gotlip Show,
which you can hear on Fox Sports Radio three to

six East her in twelve to three Pacific. Following this
show on, many of the Fox Sports Radio affiliates should
be all of Fox Sports Radio filiates. Let's just be honest.
Um anyway, Ryan, by the way, congratulations on signing up
to lose half your stuff while on vacation in Hawaii.
Thank you, Doug. Yes, looking forward to us. Yes, it's
looking forward to potentially losing half of your stuff. You
committed a major relationship faux pa, right apparently, Yeah, I

learned the hard way. Um So, we agreed before the
movie was actually in theaters. She said, Hey, I want
to see this together. What movie American made? One with
Tom Cruise about the drug and weapons trafficking and everything?
Got it? Um So before the movie even came out.

Play a cocky weapons manufacturer weapons Still, No, he's a
he's a pilot? Is he a cocky pilot? I mean,
I mean Tom Cruise kind of play same characters everything.
It's it's a very good movie. Actually, with the exception
of Vanilla Sky is like the only one where he
went out of character right, which, by the way, was
widely panned. Anyway, go ahead. So before it even came

out of theaters, she said we should watch this together.
So I'm taking that as while this movie is in theaters,
we should go see it. Well, it never happened. So
now this is like seven months later. On a flight
back home. I think it was actually from the Super Bowl,
I watched American Made. And when I got back, I
was like, O, hey, watched American Made. It was pretty good,

and she was like, you watch that without me. Yeah,
you can't do that. You can do that. Sorry. Then
there's really kind of the shelf life was if we're
seeing it in theaters or not. And there's also there's
the other part of the rule. You are awhere, maybe
you're not aware of the other part of the rule.
You can't do that. She can. Oh, yeah, we can
do whatever we want. But really, if we say we

should watch that together, then for the entirety of the
time that that movie is available for watching, we have
to watch that together. Ju I'll point out that I
think the kids got a chance just because he said
we agreed, And then he ends up telling the story
and it's really she said. She's saying means we agree.
I feel like there it's for an unimportant movie that
should be fine. If it's like Infinity War, I get it.

You gotta watch it together or New Star Wars like
a Tom's gonna not even mission impossible? Who cares? But what? Which?
Which should have led him to You were probably on
American And there's other selections anyway, right like you gave
into the dark side. The selections were limited. Perhaps other
options I honestly don't remember. Well you you had the

option to nap no coming back from the Super Bowl
was the super Boulestion Minnesota. All I'm saying is, once
once we say we should watch that together, we're watching
that together. If you choose to go rogue and be
selfish and watch it yourself and to be entertained without
her company, then you gotta deal with the consequences. Although
here's one, here's one kind of side. You aren't doing
a good job of setting a precedent of agreeing to

things and then just kind of making an amendment on
the flood, which is bit which is big because you're anything.
It's it's a lot like a relationship and getting into
marriage is a lot like raising kids. Don't do once
what you're not willing to do a thousand times. I
don't full close. Really my relationship with my wife, this
is twenty years have been together there, eighteen years married.
I attempted to full close. I just happened to fold

them rather poorly. Right, so, oh, they give me that
she used to work at a T shirt chop when
we're in college. Everything is perfect, so she gets fresh
and she's a perfectionist. It's everything is perfectly folded, perfectly
in the right drawers and everything. And I got out
of I set up Preston early. So this is actually
a good thing if you're willing to if you're willing
to accept, there's gonna be some consequences. Might be on

the couch. You might get the stink guy for a
couple of days. That you know what. Sometimes I just
want to watch the show because I want to watch
the show. I actually think that could be a good thing. Right,
Lesson learned. Less Lesson learned he handled it properly. Uh.
Josh Norman had something interesting interesting to say. The Jets
and the Redskins are having joint practices. Take a listen
to This is Josh Norman, Pro Bowl cornerback in regard

to the Jets rookie quarterback. Someone asked me about the
end the day and I was like, yeah, whatever, it's just,
you know, routinely, I'm just a guy. Then you go
out here and you see him making these throws and like,
all right, that's not so much of a college little throw, Dagna.
You're getting rookies in here, and you're trying to like

mess with him and vade him a little bit, and thinking,
then he's gonna throw a route that even though you
can make a play on it, he's not having it.
I couldn't vade him like I wanted to, man, and
he saw it, so he read it out, and he
read it out like a vetan. He gotta, you know,
tippy Hats off to a guy like that. It's pretty
pretty impressive, right when when when a veteran from another
team says that about a rookie and then take a

listen to Chris Carter, Hall of Famer. Of course, first
things first had this to say about those those scrimmages
in practice though, because you don't have the cameras they're
filming everything they are throwing pro defense. They are throwing
the most complicated things at him. So what he is
telling me in those sessions, he tried to fool Sam Donald.

And based on the intel that he's picked up working
with quarterbacks, he's very, very impressed with what he's seen.
Josh is not someone that's out there just given up
praise for players. He's not. And and look, I think
everyone's impressed with Sam Donald. That's why he should have
gone number one overall. That doesn't mean the Jets should
play him right away, It just doesn't. There there's no rush.

If he is, in fact your franchise quarterback for the
next decade plus, then what's the rush? What just because
he's better than you thought you have Josh McCown, You
have Teddy Bridgewater. By the way, you want to pump
up Teddy Bridgewater stock so that you can move him
and get an asset. You want to maintain Josh McCown,
who's better than anyone could have expected. Last year, after

they parted ways with Ryan Fitzpatrick, people thought they were
gonna stink. I know you learn more from playing than
you do from sitting, but you do learn something from sitting,
and you run the risk of the David Carr, the
taken too many secks. I mean, ask yourself this, Can
you name a New York Jet outside of Sam Donald,
Josh McCown and um Teddy Bridgewater? Can you can you

name one a skill position player? Try? Try again? Blow
pal Like it's like you start, Oh my gosh, wait,
my head starts spinning. There isn't a rush, even if
he's way better, way further along. He's only twenty years old,
started for a year and three quarters. All right? Coming
up next, the Eagles are becoming the Patriots, but I'm

not sure they realize what that entails. I'll share it
with you next. I'm Doug Gottlieb. This is the Herd.
What up? Welcome in? I'm Doug gotlib In for Colin.
This is the Herd. Joey Taylor is alongside man. We
got a good We got a good third and final
hour of the show for you. Um. I'm I'm fascinated

by people not understanding exactly what it means to be
a star, what it means to be a host, what
it means to be a boss, or what it means
to be a champion. Right, It's like I'll just tell you,
like I sit in this chair for for Colin and
look I've been I was Collins fill In, going back

to our days at the other place. And uh, the
staff here knows I adore them. I love coming here.
And Ryan Music, who's my producer, gets a chance to
join me. But you've you've all always thought when you
do a radio show, like what would be like if
I had an awesome staff, an awesome set on TV.
I'm on radio. I had all the different resources and
it's great, but it's also a lot of work. Right

when you have the TV, you gotta get in earlier.
You gotta plan things out because TV has to know
where you're going with different things. You got to know
the guests, you gotta know all the kind of you
get you. I'm working with Joy who does this on
a daily basis. She has her own space to which
you have to you have to find a way to
get in and out of. And there's a certain timing

to it. And additionally, there speak for yourself a show
that he's been on since its creation, which you know
based upon how it's done. Here, you get in at
six six fifteen, we have a meeting, we prepare the show.
We start at nine on the West coast, twelve on
the East coast. We do the show for three hours,
then you meet for the next show. You take a breath,
you have a bite to eat, and then you go

take another show. The idea is it seems like it
would be a great idea of a great cake, and
it is. And I'm sure it's really good in the
first and the fifteenth if you're calling coward, but there's
a lot that goes with it. Right, People say they
want to be a boss. Man. If I was in charge,
it was great. You have great ideas, you know. The
thing is that they don't work, you're gonna get fired. Uh. Secondly,

you're gonna have to fight. You don't just get to
hire people. You have to fire people. And oh yeah,
by the way, you're responsible for the people who are
under you, even if you really don't have any say
or control in what they do. Like, being a boss
is cool because you get to make your own It's
not like owning your own business like my dad owned.
It was a basketball coach and then um in addition

to be an au coach. After losing his college coaching gig,
he turned that into a business as well as an
interior design business. They own their own business for thirty years.
That's great, but you know, listen, what are you gonna
four oh one k I r A. You're gonna throw
into that? Are you gonna match in your employees? You know,
you have to help them out with healthcare, there's insurance,

there's a lot of things that go. Everyone says, I
want to be my own boss. But guess what, you
don't have a safety net, right, you don't have a
safety net. I think everyone in sports wants to be
a champion. Who doesn't and people think, well, if we
do it, we're gonna have fun doing it, right. It's
that's the thing that the Golden State Warriors have really captured,

and I do think that the Eagles want to emulate.
Like it's one of the things lost in the Eagles
message in which it's become so in many ways it
was so anti anti establishment or maybe even anti patriots
that they they went away from. I think what they
wanted to be, which is, hey, you know what, it's

still sports. Let's go out have some fun. We might
talk a little trash, but you know what, we're having
a good time. That's what the Warriors want to be.
By the way, it wasn't always fun for the Warriors
this year. The Shakespearean line is heavy as the head
that wears the crowd, right heavy, the head that wears
the crowd. And so when I when I look at

the Philadelphia Eagles this season, I get that Carson Wentz
didn't play in the playoffs, and on paper, you put
Carson Wentz healthy behind that offensive line that's also getting
healthy with all their weaponry they have, assuming all Sean
Jeffrey is back healthy, which he is not right now,

and that defense incredible, crowd, really well coached, really well coached,
and you think to yourself, why the heck not, why
the heck not? Why can't they win it again? Why
can't they do it their own way? Why can't they
have fun? And the answer is because it's really, really hard.

It's difficult. We mentioned Carson Wentz, all Sean Jeffrey is hurt.
They do have guys coming back from injury, and not
every guy that comes back from injury is the same
is as good. We assume that a medical science is
so good that every guy that comes back from injury
it's like Tommy John surgery. There's this assumption that every
guy who comes back from Tommy John surgery is going
to be better. But the stats would tell you it's

really more of a sixty or seventy percent shot that
a guy comes back better than he was beforehand. Same
is true with any surgery. I'm yet to find the
doctor that comes out of the operation on the athlete
that says, I have no idea how I just did.
I had a long night. It is my fifth surgery.
The day I might have screwed it up or not.
Every surgery was a success. Every athlete is expected to

make a full recovery. But they don't. They just don't.
In addition to which you're different when you walk into
a room and you're a boss. When you walk into
a room and you're a boss said, how you dress
is viewed differently. You have to be more buttoned up.

If there's a shout, I wear a tie, not wear
a tie. When you're the boss, you always wear the tie.
If you're a guy that used to uh, that used
to show up just on time, when you're the boss,
you always gotta be early. And when you're a football
team that wins a championship, talk some trash goes out

and beats the Patriots trashes them up. When you go
on the road, you're everybody's biggest game. So look, I
get that the Eagles are like, hey, puffing out our chest.
We did it last year, we weren't fully healthy. Why
can't we do it again? Because it's hard. Here's Ty Law,
three time Super Bowl champion, former Patriot, also former Jet,

couple of other teams talking about the Eagles and the
difference between last year and this year. But now everyone's
gunning for you. Can't play the underdog. You can't play
anymore these you know, masks on which which the dogs
out and being underdogs. Right now you're the team to
beat and everybody's gunning for you. So we're gonna see
what your team is made of. We're gonna see what
type of character, what type of coaches with type of

players that you guys are. Now that everyone's chasing you,
you lost your top two assistants on the offensive side
of the football, that made your offense dynamic, that helped
rescue Nick Foles, who wasn't good early on the playoffs
or early on when he started to become a starter.
After after Carson Wentz went down, Right, you're gonna lose,

they're gonna pluck off parts your staff, which happened. You
have guys coming back from injury. Hey, there's guys that
already have won a championship that are there that are
going to be supplanted because of it. But more than anything,
you are now everyone's biggest game. And so when I
when I hear Lane Johnson continue to double and triple

down on his feelings about the New England Patriots, I
don't think he understands what it's taken to be the Patriots. Look,
I'm not a Patriot fan. I'm not I didn't grow
up in New England. I'm not a Patriot fanboy at all.
But if you don't respect the seventeen years of consistent success,
when you're everybody's biggest game, when you know the expression

that they hate us because they hate us, No, no,
they really hate you when you're the Patriots, they do.
They don't like Belichick. They think you're you're you got
tapes on everybody with spy Gate. They think the flake
gate is what helped you in a Super Bowl. They think, uh,
you're lucked into one or two with the Seahawks not
running the football. Um, that's how you're viewed. Even last

year when they the Steelers should have beaten them. If
not for the catch rule, which has since been amended,
the Steelers get home field advantage. It's a completely different playoffs,
completely different playoffs. Who knows if the Pats with that
very average defense survives. I think about by the way,
the Steelers had to lose Ryan Shay's ear in order
for them to fall apart defensively against the Jaguars um

in the playoffs. But more than anything, and and this
is this is what the Lakers will experience when you
have Lebron James. You're everybody's biggest game. There's a different
level of energy in the building, a different type of
preparation leading up. Here's Lane Johnson, who, dude, he's a
really good player, really interesting story. In addition to in

addition to being suspended two times for PDS, he's actually
very smart, very funny, and I like that he has
never backed down from anything he said about going into
New England in the preseason. Are you expecting any type
of backlash, for lack of better words, for the comments
that you've made, Yeah, I hope so. I hope they
race held the customer and they did say whatever they want.

At the end of the day, I'm not blocking him.
I'm blocking the gos on edge. So it really don't
matter what they say. I know that I'm not gonna
be well wocked. I hope this team they're gonna be
well like going in there. So it's gonna make us
so they bring out our best like it probably will
make them bring out your best. And look, I don't
think anybody who's been in sports knows that the the billboard,
the the material, what is it? Um not billboard material, right,

the um material. That's any sort of headlines that draws
your attention like that doesn't win football games. But what
does win football games is the attention to detail, the
energy in the building. And when they go to Tampa
Week two, do you catch a break because you don't
have Jamis Winston. Sure, but dude, Ryan Fitzpatrick has pulled

plenty of rabbits out of his proverbial hat. When they
go to Tennessee, who shouldn't have been in the playoffs,
but they were in the playoffs, they do have Marcus Mariota,
and that's going to be their biggest game. When they
go to the New York Giants who last year lost
their entire wide receiving corps of injury, and they get
them back and they added see Kwon Barkley, they reconfigured

their offensive line. You don't think it's a different level
of preparation. You go to Jacksonville, you go to New Orleans.
You're everybody's biggest game. The most impressive part about the
Patriots is not the six super Bowls. Will assume the
five super Bowls. It's that they've been consistent. The league

design is designed to level itself out. Last year, you
had a fourth place schedule. This year have a first
place schedule. Your schedule is more difficult. You're coaching rosters depleted.
Your roster itself was influxed because of injured players coming
back off of injury. And you're everybody's biggest game. Heavy
as the head that wears the crown, you're judged differently

when you're a boss. You're judged differently when you're the host.
There's a different amount of importance in your level of
preparedness because everybody's expecting greater things out of you. And
so I'm fascinating to see if the Eagles, who want
to take shots at the Patriots really understand what it's
taken to be the Patriots for the last five team

plus years. I briefly mentioned this, but like the Eagles,
the Lakers have a new set of challenges with Lebron
on their team. I'll tell you what those challenges are
up coming next Friday on Fox, the Big Three Playoffs
are live from Dallas. Catch Baron Davis, Nate Robinson and
other NBA stars as they hit the harbor, but the
trips to the championship on the line. It all begins

at eight Eastern on Fox or stream at live on
the Fox Sports App. And don't miss the Big Three
Championship on Friday August. Eddie, Tina Mobley and the Pride
of Waterbury, Connecticut, Ryan Gomes Providence Star. Yeah, um, we
have another Connecticut born right, not just my kids, but

John Goulay. He's Connecticut guy, right, Pride of Canton reborn
in Hartford. Uh yeah, Hartford Hospital, Hardford Hospital a right,
same as the same as all three of my children.
I didn't know if it was St. Francis or its
Hartford Hospital. It's good for breaking that down. We don't
know where where And Gomes or Quentin Richard center or
Big Baby Davis, who is big big Big Baby Davis?

Is he is in shape? Round is in fact of shape? Um,
I saw this from Kyle Kuzma yesterday and I thought
it could be very very interesting in the Lakers still
kind of trying to feel out what it's like to
be on team Lebron right like it's it's kind of different.

And there's been many reactions to the additions to their roster.
What are they dealing with this? Michael Beasley and Land Stevenson,
who I like Rondo? Is Rondo gonna start ahead of Zoe?
What do they do with the young guys? Should they
have traded up? There's a lot of conjecture about the roster.

Here's Kyle Kuzma in regards to um his thoughts on
everybody else's thoughts on what they're gonna throw out there
next reason. Both definitely excited about, you know, the roster
that we have and um, the pieces that we have,
and um, you know, and think that a lot of
people are unerestuvating now, so um, you know it's gonna

be you know, fun, definitely be fun, play with all
these new ties. Look, in fairness, everybody thinks that the
haters hate, right, everybody thinks that, you know, even Lebron,
I'm not supposed to be here, like do you six
sixty pounds here an incredibly gifted athlete? Where else were
you supposed to be? Every everyone creates these enemies, whether

they're real, whether they're just digital on social media um,
or whether they're just in their own minds. So the
idea that people are downplaying us is a narrative you
could see with any any team in the NBA, any
team in the NFL, anybody in Major League Baseball, Like
I'm sure the Red Sox, who have a chance to

set the all time mark for most wins of the season,
at some point there'll be a red side comes up
because nobody thought this as possible. Like, actually, everybody thought
this was possible. Look at your starting rotation. You know,
maybe nobody thought you'd win more games than anybody in
the history of the sport, right, but everybody thought it
was possible. I mean, look, even the people are in

denial of who they are. But I do think that
one thing that Kuzma and this relates to the Philadelphia Eagles.
One thing that Kuzma and the Lakers are gonna find
out as like there's kind of two different types of
NBA games. Is NBA games and then I call them
cologne games. You can't put on cologne every night, Like

at least I don't. I know. There are guys that
put on they got their signature sent there are women
that do the signature center whatever. I just I kind
of think it loses its meaning, It loses its spark
when you when you do have that date, you know,
and a cologne game or a cologne night, you go out,
you shave, you make sure your hair, you know, like

you get your nick neck trimmed up. If you're a dude,
you want to make sure that you look you were
your good jeans. I'll valet on this night. Normally self
park on this night. I'm gonna valet. That's what it's
like in the NBA, Like you can Is it reasonable
to think that the that the Lakers their young players,

it's not static Ingram is gonna be better, Cou's is
gonna be better. In your two Zoe is gonna be better.
Josh Hartsman, that's reasonable, not just because of Lebron, but
because of their own personal improvement. You're getting better, You're
getting worse. Nobody is just not a static environment, but
everybody's biggest game. You're everyone's cologne game. And we talked

about the energy and preparation in the NFL and the NBA.
Dudes make shots that they never would have. They play
above their level because of the energy in a building.
Not everyone reacts well to a full building, but most teams,
when you got a full building, you're gonna get a
couple more calls, You're gonna have a couple more a
little bit more juice in your legs, make a couple

more shots. And sometimes that's the difference where they call
it a maker miss league, right, that's the difference. Didn't
make it a missing So normally you look at the
schedule and by the way, it's pretty tough. You get Trailblazers, Rockets, Spurs,
they're like sons. Sons stink. Sons are trying to stink.
Last year they got some. And the Suns will play

far above their level in the fourth game of the season.
Why because it's the Lakers, right, because it's the Lakers,
and because it's Lebron and because it'll be a full building. Oh,
will they take on the Mavericks? You know, how the
Mavericks Dirk is washed. Like dude, you you that's the

night when you'll get a glimpse of old Dirk because
you save up, save up, load up, and that one night,
that's night you valet park. That's night you put on cologne.
That's the big night. What we can't quantify in our
you know, when you're trying to do over and under,
is the type of energy you're going to get from
the building and from the other team and the performance.

You also can't quantify it with your own Lakers because
they thought they were playing in the NBA, but they're playing.
Some of those games last year were meaningless games against
teams that were trying to lose. And so even though
you put up big stats and big numbers in one
thirty five games when people didn't think that was even possible,
even though you had injuries and you kind of had
ad a turnstyle at point guard and no real bench,

those weren't games that don't matter. Now they all do matter,
and you're gonna be held to that higher standard because
you're playing with Lebron. Let's get to Joey Taylor with
the news. This is the Herdline news. Dalen Ramsey has
become one of the NFL's most well known trash talkers,
and he continued that that brands with a recent interview

with g Q or, he offered up his unfiltered opinions
of several and a hell quarterbacks. Some of them include
Joe Flacco, who quote sucks, Matt Ryan who's quote overrated,
Ben Roethlisberger, who's decent at best, and Andrew Luck. I
don't really think he's that good. And then he really

came for Josh Allen said he's trash and it's going
to show too. That's a stupid draft pick to me.
Will play them this year, and I'm excited as hell.
I hope he's their starting quarterback. Lot a lot of
negativity there, a lot of negativity from said some thats
not all these are quotes, but he said some nice
things about Aaron Rodgers does not suck, does not suck.
I think he said the same about Tom Brady. Correct, Um,
Tom Brady does not suck. Russell Wilson is good. Um,

let's see Shaun Watson. He'll be League MVP in a
couple of years. I agree with that. Matthew Stafford, he's straight.
Who else? Uh, Tyrod Taylor is better than he gets
credit for. That is also true, although I feel like
Tyrod is getting a lot of left. I don't have
any problem with what what Jalen Ramsey is doing, though
I I wish there were more personalities in the NFL.

It's one thing that I think you don't have enough personalities.
I don't think that the NFL elevates their persons, the
personalities and their stars the way that the NBA does.
And I understand it's different. There's more players and they
were having helmet right, all the more reason why they
should do more to elevate this type of stuff. Like
people get sensitive like he's talking trash. Jayalen Ramsay is
somebody who goes and backs it up. I don't think.
I don't think who's sensitive about the talking trash. I

mean this is a story because he's tracking. I mean
people are going to be sensitive about him him tracking,
him trashing quarterbacks and pay back to their team. Like
he's made himself public enemy number one. Whenever he goes
and plays any of these people. You think Bills fans
are gonna be kind him, Well, Bills fans weren't gonna
be kind to him. Anyway, the question comes down to
will Josh Allen make him pay right? Like he didn't

say anying about Tom Brady. Um, I'm gonna go back,
like ten years ago there was a Pittsburgh Steeler rookie
I can't remember his name, called out. He called out
Tom Brady, And they're really right, And I don't believe
he's still in the National Football League anymore. We nobody
can't even remember his name anymore. So that's the only

that's the only way to to shut him up. Uh yeah,
But dayly Jalen Ramsey believes that he's not gonna have
to worry. Look, I think I agree with you in
that it's not about personalities. I think this is part
of sports, right, like a limited amount of like as
long as it doesn't get personal and it doesn't go
overboard and we don't get the O. B J deal
where you start fighting, Like trash talk does have a

place in sports. Sure, saying somebody sucks does have a
place in sports, especially at his position. Yes, absolutely position dependent.
It's wide receiver, cornerback. You almost have to almost have to.
So the Browns got even more interesting. Todd Haley and
Greg Williams reportedly got into a screaming match after Baker
Mayfield got hit during practice. We saw what happens to

Ben Roethlisberger getting a he's in concussion protocol after getting
bumped in practice, but Baker told the media after practice
that he was actually a fan of the coach is arguing,
it's just a fiery competition. You want practice to be.
Did you want to challenge each other? You know, it's
that's the type of competition you need every day. If
you want to see your team get better. You get

two sides of the ball that care about it that
much it's important to you, So you know that's that's
a that's the way it should be. But yeah, there's
certain measures that you need to take to protect your
quarterbacks and uh so that's that's the emphasis on it.
Uh We're talking a little bit about Brown's culture earlier
in the show. I don't mind training camp fights. Those

happen almost every day at training camps all over the country.
That's just that's the nature of what's what's happening. You're
out in the sun and you're practicing all day and
you're tired and stuff. That's that's what's gonna happen. But
having arguments between coaches, I don't know that. I love that.
I feel like you you gotta keep that behind closed doors.
I get it. You you really should not be hitting

the quarterback like nothing happens. So it's okay, but that
can go badly. Yeah, it can go very very badly. Like, look,
you don't touch the quarterback. I didn't play in the NFL.
You didn't see your brother did pretty pretty well. But
we all everyone knows you can't touch the quarterback. And
by the way, like like Greg Williams, there's a there's
a certain amount of you want a little bit of

a psycho on defense, right, like you want that kind
of energy, but he's a guy that occasionally that energy
goes over the top and a little bit too much
in fight you have, you have? What was it? The
most there was that Mary Kay Cabot wrote something along
lines of the two of them are the most alpha's
of alpha's alpha's you can ever find. Like there is

a little bit of fighting for Williams. Yes, yes, remember
Greg Williams was suspended for boundy Gate. Correct and and
for the record, people who hate bounty gate and a
suspension for bounty Gate They weren't suspended just for boundy Gate.
They were suspended because they were told to stop bounties
and they kept doing bounties, right, That's the real reason
they were suspended. I just I don't love it from

the coaches. You're gonna have it from players, and that's
sotally fine. I think it's almost knee did But if
you want to establish a culture there, I don't think
that's what you have to have that type of energy
from your players, and I think the coaches, if you want,
haven't watched Hard Knocks. I do think that there's something
missing there. There's not enough of internal leadership of guys
getting everybody going. And I think that's why you're seeing

this type of energy from the coaches. They're trying everything
they can to prod these guys. By the way, the
guy that called out Tom Brady was Anthony Smith. Anthony
Smith in two thousand seven. He retired in two thousand twelve.
Finally he retired right after the game. That would have
been better, but anyway, Finally, super teams in the NBA,
it's a big point of contention with a lot of

people and the Warriors being the one to beat. But C. J.
McCollum is not a fan of this new trend, and
he had this to say. Some people said, then maybe
on the future the Warriors would become a team that
everybody when when he becomes free, you just want to
join them and get a champion, and then you know
it goes to another tea people people have that kind

of thought us, what do you think I would never
do anything of that nature. You don't like? Its disgusting.
I heard it. Well, we know c J mccollins not
doing the Warriors like Rocks. I love like c J.

Even he got clowned in his own podcast because he
was like, week quite well, you know we should have
gotten de Marcus were like, do you already have nurkics?
You already like? The reason that the Portland Trailblazer are
limited is because they played two big guys, which you can't.
They're gonna try and throw Zach Collins out there at
the four, which is not gonna work. Look, I get it,
you don't like it, and I don't think the DeMarcus

I think the the mass overreaction to the DeMarcus Cousins
thing is quite comical. I think it's comical because he's
not playing for a lot of money. You're not playing
for a lot of money. He's not playing until Mark.
You have gotten my issue with people getting mad at
the Warriors in general, even calling them a super team.
They weren't a super team until Kevin Durant got there.
Last to check, they drafted those guys do better at

the draft. They they drafted them. They didn't put those
guys together. It's not it's not their fault. They're better
at drafting people than you are. When Kevin Durant came there,
then it became a super team. They did add Andreodalla,
but yes, you're you're mean. I got ex Draymond Green,
Steph Curry, and Clay Thompson. Yes, that's the core, Andrea
obviously huge piece, but that's not what made them a

super team. It was Kevin duran Well that that's that's
what made them an artificial super team. You can still
be we're arguing to right SMA things, but the point is,
I do think that a lot of players do feel
how C. J. McCallen fields, Yes, and it's somewhat. I
think there's there's a level of jealousy when it comes
to your consistent winning that anyone's just going to naturally
have because you want to be on that level. But

I do think a lot of players actually have a
problem with well, I guarantee they do. They're like, we're
putting in work and nobody's and nobody's paying any attention
to us, and we feel like we have we have
no chance. Nobody likes when you have no chance to compete.
I do think that day is coming, but I think
it's a year from today when that day is. That's
Joy Taylor with the news. Well, that's the news and

her line. He's a two time pro bowler, super Bowl champion,
He's an all around good guys. Greg Jennings, he joins
us in the herd Um Doug Gottlieb filling in. I
want to ask him about the Browns because we're coming
off of hard knock, and because of your tie, Um,
and but because and because des Bryant is visiting the

Cleveland Browns. Right, You've been a former Packer going to
visit other teams, and you know how this game is played.
It doesn't feel like there's any other visits lined up,
and it doesn't feel like either have been all that
invested in this happening, or at least happening right away.
What's your sense of what happens during and after that

meeting between des Bryan and the Browns. Um. Obviously, the
Browns are gonna go into this looking at where he
is mentally and most importantly physically or with the work.
They want to see what kind of shape he's in. Um.
They're gonna make sure he's running the route tree to
their liking. Um. And and again on air. Anyone can

run really good crisp routes. It's when there's a defender
in front of you. How those routes now are changed. Um.
So I think des Bryant's approach does Brian approaches. I
want to see what the culture is like. I want
to see if it will be a good fit for me. Well,
if I were in his corner, I would say, look,

there's we need to get you on the field. It's
not so much if it's a good fit for you.
This is like the only option that's out there. It
does feel like it's it's kind of the only option.
What what led like? There's a pie? Right? It's not
like one thing you gotta be you gotta cut it
up into pie. What's the biggest thing that's a lot

led him to being on the street. I know some
of it is when he was ultimately released, Okay, some
of it is the fact that he had a lot
of drops last year. Some of it is that he's
not as athletic as he used to be. He's not
a great route runners. Some of it is the personality, like,
what's the if you had to go in order, what's
the biggest thing, and what's the thing that really we
pay more attention to than they actually do in the NFL,

I think the biggest thing is his lack of production.
His production declined, And any time you are an older
player in this league, the league doesn't get older, it
gets younger, and your production doesn't stay at least consistent,

and it starts to decline. That is a additional knock
on you of why you're not gonna make as much money,
And it gives us the option of, well, is he
even worth us paying him? And so I think that's
the biggest deal. His production went down and his drops
went up. So when you look at those two things

and you look at a receiver, and then you add
in I don't want to call them antics, but his
passion that can sometimes get in the way of his
play on the sidelines and impact, and those are antics,
grect like look. And then you know, tweeting, tweeting that
dudes that you used to play with are snakes. And
that's that all happens. Happened after the fact, I'm saying,

but during during the season, you're gonna have to deal
with him his emotional rollercoaster of lack of targets, lack
of opportunities, whichever one you want to put it in
the category of um. And then whether or not he
feels like he's being utilized the way he feels he
should be utilized. And that for me is the biggest

thing from a player's side, Your pride. Yeah, I mean
you Adrian Peterson last year, right, Adrian Peterson, who's a
first ballot Hall of Famer, first ballot Hall of Famer,
goes to New Orleans and not getting the touches, not
feeling the love, different role. They got three running backs
and said he could do it, said he would do

it for less money the moment they traded him. The
second they traded him, they became a dynamic offense the
second they did. And I think that's people's fear is
we're gonna go get a guy who's only played one way,
and even though I think the way that that's if
you're a Dez Bryan fan or even Dez Bryant, like, look,
you got Jarvis Slandry. He's the number one. He commands

a double team. I go against the second best cornerback.
I may have lost step, but I haven't lost two steps.
Like in his mind, this will give me, this will
give me a chance to be even better. The reality is,
though he's not gonna do well without all those targets, No,
he and he needs them if he's trying to stay
in the league and accumulate those statistics that he once had.
Here's a here's the deal when you're when you're a

player in Dez Bryant's position, it's different when you have
all the leverage. He has zero leverage. So the Browns
are sitting in the upper with the upper hand in
the better hand, suited hand, saying, Okay, when you come
in for this visit, are you gonna be willing to adjust?
And uh, pretty much take on who we want you

to become and who we need you to be for
our team. If you're not, then we don't we don't
even want to deal with it. If you come in
with the Dez Bryan's can go into into Cleveland today
and say all the right things and get himself a
job and then turn into whatever. But sometimes you gotta
play that game. You need to let them know. Look,

I'm not coming in here trying to be the guy
who gets all the targets. I want to come in
here and work. I want to You can say all
those things and it potentially will get you a job.
Because Cleveland Browns they do need depth, and they're relying
on Richard Higgins or and uh Antonio Callaway to step
up and feel the void of Josh Gordon, who we

don't know his status. Speaking of depth, the Patriots need
some depth and wide receiver. Right, They're not gonna have
ledeman Is four games. Um. I don't make a big
deal about the Brady being frustrated deal, But I do
make a big deal of Philip Dorsett goes down with
an injury. Doesn't seem to be serious, But like I'm
I'm trying to find out who he's. Who else other
than Rob Gronkowski in his running backs is he gonna

throw the football too. What are your thoughts on what
can only be described as an average at best Patriots
wide receiving corps on paper. I'm I'm I am, I
am concerned. I'm not concerned with what Tom Brady can
do with the pieces that you put or the pieces
that you afford him to play with, because we've seen
him do more with less than any other quarterback in

this league. However, when I look at just their receiving
corps and you talk about lem and not being there
for the first four games, you lost Amendola, you lost Cooks.
You bring in a cordial Patterson who really isn't a receiver.
He's more of a uhlah special He's a specialist, but

he's like a he's a gadget player, um. And they
don't have the easiest offense to learn, and he's going
to have to acclimate himself and discipline himself. Again, another
person who can He has all the talent in the world,
but can he discipline himself to run those routes to
be where Tom needs him to be. I don't concern
myself with Tom, but these young receivers, they're worse off

than what he's ever had no listen. It's it's a
little bit like what they had on defense last year.
Just just seems to not have any playmakers outside obviously
of Rob Gronkowski. If healthy, Greg James, have you been
contacted by the Patriots? You know what. I have not
been contacted, But if you are looking to contact me,
I am off limits. I'm not. I have no interest

in going back to no no interesting. Like we're covering
the games this year for the NFL on Fox. I
think so much. Greg. We're gonna play a game which is,
without question, the toughest game we have ever had on
this show. I cannot wait to play and win it.
It's next in the Herd. One more Herd. The Herd
streams twenty four hours a day, seven days a week

within the I Heart Radio app. Search Herd to listen
live or on demand whenever you like. You think it's
okay to drive stone, The truth is your reaction time
slow way down. When you're high, you not only put
yourself in danger, but everyone else around you. Stop kidding yourself.
If you've been used in marijuana in any form, don't
get behind the wheel. If you feel different, you drive
different driving high. Get a d U. I. I'm Doug

Gottlie filling in for calling. This is the Herd, and
we always have a couple of things left at the
end of each radio show, which, of course you can
download the podcast on load Joy's podcast from my All
Ball podcast um on the Herd podcast Network. But we
save some goodies. A matter of fact, sometimes we even
say the best for last. It's almost the end of

the show. But that doesn't mean we're phoning it in. Nope,
we grind to the very last segment. It's time for
best for last. All right, today for the best for last.
The crew has come up with a game. It's a
challenging game. That type of game can only happen in
a place like New York where you have two teams

who no one actually knows who's on their roster. It's
called Jet or Matt. Next time for the game where
we name a player and you have to guess if
he's a New York Jet or a New York Matt.
Let's play Jet or Matt with your host, a man
whose name would have rhymed with Jet and Matt if

it wasn't so damn French John Gooley, very nice, very nice,
Mr Goolay. I want to want to point out I mean, like, listen,
I I usually I get Madden, and when I get maddened,
that's how I remember what every skill position and play
every team on Madden. And that's how you know, remember, Oh,

I can't remember it's on team. I honestly have a
tough time remembering who's on the Jets. And I got
no idea who's on the Mats right now. Well, this
should be easy for you. Then, first one, Ravis Swanson
Jetter met, Yes, Jedder Matt Joy is going to jump
in and play too. Hi, what's your lean? Travis Swanson's
going met? I'm which I'm a Joy is what I'm

gonna go met as well. Swanson sounds like a baseball name.
That guy's a jet. He's the third string center out
of Arkansas for the Jets. Next one, Ben Braden Brandon,
I'm gonna go jet, I'm gonna go met. That guy's
a jet is a good football name. Who's Ben Braden?

He is the third string left tackle out of Michigan.
We're going third stringers like and you gotta you gotta
do good in Michigan. Yeah, okay. Jeff McNeil Jeff McNeil met,
that sounds like a jet. That guy's I met over
three dog he is the met second baseman is he? Yes,

no idea. I didn't know that either. Philip Evans jet
going jet as well. That guy's I met. You are
not good at this. Doug over four Joyce at least
got a couple base she's killing it. Chad Hanson met

or jet. Chad Hansen met Chad Hanson does sound like
a met, So I'm gonna go jet. That guy's a
jet wide receiver out of cow. Who knew that's a
good strategy for these games? Actually? Right? Right? Did you
have did you like? Did you honestly did anybody that know?
Did anybody say Chad Hanson? Like Chad Hanson's parents are like, wait,

oh yeah, the jet. Honestly, we tried some out this
morning and the meeting after you left, and I might
have gone like over nine. Uh, Bobby Wall met or jet?
You fight the wall and the wall one you met,
I'll stick with you. A goo met on this one. Well,
that guy's met he was actually their losing picture last night. Huh.

They played a baseball game last night apparently, Uh, Brian
Winters wasn't the Dodgers blowing another save. I wasn't really
paying attention by Winters where the Astros losing another one
nine to row at home went Brian Winters. Brian Winters.
Met or a Jet, that's a met. That guy's a jet,
starting right guard for the Jets out of Kent State.

Almost went to Kent State, Kent Reid, Kent write, Kent State,
that's what they call it. Yeah, it's like wait, hold on,
let me take the entrance exam. Okay, join track. Yeah yeah, alright,
met our jet Neil Sterling, Neil Sterling, and I mean
this is ninety man roster stuff here right, this is

not a starter. That is he's still currently a jet
or met. Yeah. We haven't had the September college for
the Mets either. This is I'm gonna go jet. That
guy's a jet. He's a tight end out of Monmouth Month,
which is in New Jersey. He's all Jersey all the time.
Tyler Bachelor, Matt. I can't wait to see who the

next Bachelor is. Um, so I was terrible. I'll go jet.
That guy's I met relief picture for the Mets, all right,
I got two more. Brandon Shell met or Jet Met
going jet. That guy's a jet. A better dog, I appreciate, okay.

Last one, Blake Wheeler. Blake Wheeler, No, that's not the
name Wheeler. Who's the picture for the Mets. That's not
his dad as Zach Wheeler. I believe I'm gonna go jet.
You're gonna go jet. I'm gonna go jet to That
guy's a jet, but hold on what He's actually a
Winnipeg Jet and that is jet or Met was a

Jets fan for a year. It was a funny. It
was a funny. How are you? Oh? Okay? Yeah, I
got it fully and embraced the whole Jet fandom for you.
Right right? Hard knocks yere too. It is August fifteen.
Are you familiar with what August fifth thing signifies? It's
National Relaxation Day. No, it's actually it might be that,
but it's also John Galt's birthday. Happy birthday, Yes, thank

you very much, Hay birthday to you. Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday, John, Happy birthday to you, the pride of Canton, Connecticut.
Every year. The stupid picture that is an old picture.
Lay was not exactly the picture. I really hope it
was a New Year's Party. Wow, uh you at? Happy

birthday to you and both of your chins in that picture.
That's that's amazing. I grew a bear to cover the
second one. I think you did, and you succeeded. Joey
Taylor and I are back tomorrow. Happy birthday to our guy,
John Goulay. No, we don't know who the Mets, the Jets,
or the Winnipeg Jets are. This is the Herd on
Fox Words Radio and Fox Sports one
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