All Episodes

January 2, 2018 124 mins

Doug thinks an all SEC championship game in college football will be bad for the sport short term, but will actually be great long term. He discusses the breaking news that Cardinals quarterback Carson Palmer has retired and Bengals have extended head coach Marvin Lewis. Plus former Notre Dame Quarterback and analyst Brady Quinn joins the show to discuss the college football playoff semifinal games.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're listening to Sports Boom Up America, Doug Gottlieb Show,
Fox Sports Radio. Happy New Year to you, Happy, Happy,
Happy New Year to you. Oh, we had a really
good football game last night, really really good. Um. I'll

do some splaining as to why you saw what you saw.
I'll do some critiquing as to Lincoln Riley looking and
sounding like a thirty four year old dude, thirty four
year old coach, which a thirty four year old coach
is much like a twenty one year old NBA player,
right like you are still you are still in your
formative years. And we'll do some epic forecasting and foreshadowing

college football wives plus the NFL. There have been, uh,
there have been standoffs, and almost all the standoffs almost all,
not all, almost all are being won by the coaches
nowadays in the NFL. This is kind of a rare twist.
We'll get to that upcoming. Man, We got a lot
for you. Brady Quinn's gonna join us in like fifteen
minutes talk some college football with a big Q. Asked

him about what he saw and will preview Georgia take
it on Alabama. Now here's what's going to happen. Okay,
I'm gonna forecast short term. I'm gonna forecast long term.
And if college football was a stock, I would short
the stock for this week. You're familiar with short in

the stock music. Do you know what short in the
stock is? What is it? It's when you go against
its success. Correct. You think it's going to dip, you
think it's going to lose value. Here's what's gonna happen.
You have an all SEC championship game in the state
of Georgia. It'll be like a revival. It would be

like a revival. Georgia hasn't been a national championship game
in thirty two years, and they get to play one,
you know, an hour and fifteen from their campus. I mean, now,
granted it's a couple hours from Tuscaloosa, it's right in
the heart of SEC country. This could not work out
any better for the SEC. Couldn't work out any better.

Like a quasi home game for both teams that in
a brand new park, brand new stadium. It will be amazing.
And by the way, the game is playing on a
Monday night, so that Chick fil A they got in
there will be open and be humming. Everybody's gonna be
getting sandwiches during the reviews. So look, uh, I think

that I don't think it will write particularly well. I
don't think it'll be a fun watch. Like I don't
think Oklahoma was the best team in the country. But man,
when they got early in the game, when both teams
were scoring and running up and down throughing, Oklahoma got
the ball in six plays later they scored, You're like,
this is gonna be fun. This is gonna be fun.
Big twelve football is not the best conference. It's the

most fun to watch because they score, but you're gonna
have sec two teams that run it better than the
throw it. Um. Georgia doesn't throw it that well, mostly
because they're starting a freshman at quarterback. Alabama starting a
sophomore at quarterback who runs it better than he throws it.
So both are very very conservative coaches, built upon defense,

offensive lines, the ability to run the football. The strength
of George's They have two dynamic future NFL starters as
running backs, and they know the play to their strengths
and on third and short then they let their quarterback
occasionally play action throw the football. Alabama is actually beating
people in a way in which people used to compete
with them. Try and run tempo, have a running quarterback

run pass option that used to be the way to
beat Alabama. It ain't gonna be a great watch. It
definitely isn't pretty. There will be a ton of athletes,
but it's hard to pitch that the athletes are on
the interior. Oh I can't wait to see this left
guard going gainst that defensive tackle. That's not That's just
not fun for the average mainstream football fan or the
non football fan that wants to parachute in on the

college football champ chip. Short term another sell SEC championship game.
Enough right enough? Long term sport, couldn't be better, couldn't
be better. Oklahoma hasn't been able to crack the code

in championship games or semi finals yet, but they gave
away yesterday's game, and while they'll lose Baker Mayfield, it
does feel like they're just about there. Clemson, although we
we we see the difference in Deshaun Watson um and
his protege, the fact is Clemson finally doesn't Clemson anymore.

I would expect Florida State in Miami to get back
to being competitive real soon. The Big Ten has taken
this and they've loaded up on coaches and they got
four good teams. And the Pac twelve this year went
through a reckoning in the bull season, much like if
you go back, I think it was four years ago,
the Big Ten went through a similar reckoning, like, hey,
you're not any good on the national level. You gotta

go out and pay and get some better coaches. You
gotta go resolidify your offensive and defensive lines if you
want to compete with big boy football. And I think
that message rang loud and clear. U c l A
spends money and gets Chip Kelly Arizona State trying to
do something different. I don't know if it would work
with her Edwards USC. I think we realized the flaws

in their style. It didn't happen overnight, but the Big
Ten is legitimately the best top to bottom conference in
the country. The Big Twelve has raised their level. Texts
will be back soon. The A c C has raised
their level at the top. Short term sell, long term bye.

But because here's the other reason. Everybody hates the SEC,
which is good. People hate saving, which is good. You
actually have a new player at a table. Georgia who
has long been Georgia and Texas A and M are
the two sleeping giants in the sport. Georgia has been
in a championship game in thirty two years two and

though Florida has in Texas and California have the most players.
George's right there in that discussion. And when the University
of Georgia is playing well and they're getting players in state,
they're gonna be good for a long time. Change the
dynamic of the SEC changed the dynamic of recruiting in
the South. It still gives us saban to hate the

SEC to hate, and some of it compete against short
term sell long term by because now everybody's like, man,
this is unfair. As he see Big ten is really good.
Nothing is forever. This will this will start a shift.

The shift has already begun. The Big ten is already
better in terms of depth of quality teams at the top.
And I think this is actually really good for the
health of the sport, even if in the short term
you can't see it. You can't see it. And then
there's Lincoln Riley, who I like. I think he's good,

and he came out guns of blazing. They came out
with all the swag in the world. And then they
tried to get cute and tried to get smart and
tried to squib kick at the end of the first half.
You have a kicker with a powerful leg who I
believe his kicks have ended in touchbacks. You haven't given

up a kick return for a touchdown in six years,
and say you squib it at the end of the
first half. All right, you scripted at the end of
the first half. Happens they end up stealing three points.
So even though you badly outplayed Georgia, they've stabilized themselves
and change some of the momentum. At the half they
run off seventeen points in a row. And now you're

back pedaling. And once you stabilize yourself, your play calling
gets more conservative than it is flamboyant. Then in overtime
you take the ball essentially out of Baker Mayfield's hands.
That game was lost in two places, the end of
the first half when they didn't finish, and the start

of overtime when they got to stop and forced the
field goal. You stop, you get a field goal. Everybody
knows the whole reason that you want to get the ball.
Second right like I was. I'm sitting there with my
wife and kids and my in laws and like, why
do you want to get the ball? Second, like, well,
it's been along game. You want your defense to you'd

like your defense to catch their breath. On the other hand,
you want to know do you have to get a
touchdown or will a field goal be good enough to
force the second overtime. But once you limit Georgia to
a few goal now the sudden George just playing tight,
Georgia feels like they gotta get a stop. Their backs
are completely and totally against the wall, and that play

calling just sucked. But it happens when you're thirty four.
That's like being at your This is your first head
coaching job, this is your first game on this kind
of stage. We are going to micromanager and nitpick. That's
that's the world in which we live. That's the sport.
This is how it works. But I want you to
listen to something. You guys can play me anything you want,

anything you want from Lincoln Riley dogging after a game,
anything you want, because just listening to the intonation, the
accent in his voice will tell you all you need
to know about Lincoln Riley at this point in his
head coaching career. So I was going clock that that

that's Ben Roethlisberger. That definitely is not Lincoln Riley. Go ahead,
let's come to the decision. After thinking about it here
over the last few days, a couple of things are
gonna happen. Uh, Baker won't be a captain for this game,
which is a big deal to him, I know, especially
for our team because that's the kind of leader he is.
And all right, that's big that that's him. A couple

of weeks, a couple months ago, when Baker Mayfield did
the nutgrab against against Kansas, does that sound like a
guy from West Texas? Or does that sound like a
guy from Ohio? Right? What does that sound like to you?
That's a guy from West Texas talking like a guy
from Ohio. Bob Stoops is from Ohio. He's copied Bob

Stoops's voice, all of his mannerisms, all of his attributes.
He doesn't know who he is yet. That's what happens
with all young people. You think you know who you are,
you think you know who you want to be, but
in many ways you're just a product of who you've
coached under and you sound like him. You walk? Can
we talk? This is no different than Michael Jordan's. I mean.

And then to Kobe Bryant. Kobe Bryant first ten years
of his career, made five years his career. He tried
to chew gum walk talk be Michael Jordan's and then
at some point he's like, you know what, I want
to be my own man, and I'm gonna break out.
I'm gonna have my kind of my have my own
experiences to draw upon. Same thing with Linka Riley starting
four years old. He's coaching some really good coaches. He

does a really good job of of manipulating the defense
with play calling. He's done a great job of getting
the best out of Baker Mayfield. But that's a guy
from West Texas. Sound like he's from Ohio. Why because
don't know who he is yet. And that's how he
called that game. Oh wait, I have a big lead

in the first half. What a what a head coaches?
What am I supposed to do? I'm supposed to squip
kick at the end of first half instead of being
your own man, doing your own thing, knowing all of
the numbers, knowing what the data tells you just kick
the ball off. Why are your script ticking? It's getting cute.

It's the same reason you run a reverse on second
down or you run an end around on third down.
In the on third and two in the college football playoff,
with the Heisman Trophy winner, with arguably the best quarterback
in the history of the University of Oklahoma, you take
the ball out of his hands. That's a thirty four

year old coach trying to outsmart himself. Instead, just let
Baker be back there and be Baker. All he's got
to do is find Mark Andrews, get a first down,
keep the keep the chains moving, and eventually that defense
will will. You can always go back and kick a
field goal. So look, long term, I think college football

be super healthy. Short term, everybody's ticked because the SEC
is once again raiding supreme. Long term, I think Oklahoma
is gonna be fine. Short term, I think that Lincoln
Riley looked like a thirty four year old head coach
going against an equally inexperienced head coach, but one who
had one who had lived a little bit more in
big games, and one who had a different sense of

who I am, what I am like, look when they
needed a first dance, when they needed late in the
game in the second overtime, he took his freshman quarterback
out and snapped direct snafter to Sony Michelle. Why he's like,
this is who I am. I'm gonna get the ball
to my best player and cut out the middleman, as
opposed to Oklahoma taking the ball out of the hands
of their best player. Former Notre Dame quarterback in college

football analyist Brady Quinn joins the show. Next, I want
to get his thoughts on Lincoln Riley's play calling, want
to get his thoughts on the future of Baker Mayfield.
And uh, I'll get his thoughts in the dominance of
the SEC. All that's up coming next. But first, hey guys,
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Doug Gottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio, What a game last night?
Or actually yesterday? Right? Because last night's game was Uh,

maybe Clemson shouldn't put a freshman probably can cussed running
back back out in the field where he can't protect
his quarterback. That's that's just a maybe thought, right. I
don't I don't know, but Clemson looked like Clemson without
Deshaun Watson um too many turnovers even though obviously a
super athletic team matching up against Alabama. Let's let's welcome

in Brady Quinn. You can hear Brady Quinn Sundays on
Fox Sports Ready alongside Jonas Knox. Jonas did a great
job when he feels on this show, there's there's there's
no drop off at all. He and Brady fantastic to
gather eight pm Eastern Time on Fox Sports. Trade. Of course,
Brady colls college football games for Fox Sports kind enough
to join us here on the Doug Gottlip Show. Uh,

let's start with the Rose Bowl. Brady, if I just said, hey,
I walked up to street, what do you think about
the Rose Bowl? What would you say? Um Man, There's
there's so many things I could take away from that.
I think here's what gets overlooked. Special teams. Okay, Georgia
had a thirty yard advantage between the punt returns and

kickoff returns. So think about that for their offense, they
have get three less first downs. If you're talking about
driving the length of the field or putting yourself in
position to get points, that got overlooked. I don't think
I got talked about enough. The squid kick that went
wrong before half that basically gifted Georgia three points, to me,
was huge when you look at the context of the
game because now instead of driving to go tie it

up at the end of the game, they're done by
a couple of scores, right, they're only my ten points,
so um. Special teams to me was one thing that
got overlooked. And then I really feel like the coverage
that Georgia had on one of Baker Mayfield's favorite targets,
Mark Andrews his tight end was phenomenal. Besides one catch
show one is say, for about twenty nine yards early

in the game, they shut him down for the most part.
He had three for like twenty yards or something like
that the rest of the game. And that's the guy
who looks too on third down a lot of times
in the red zone. And then in particular when he
starts to scramble and things break down. They did a
good job of of really covering down on him. So
those are kind of the two things that I think
haven't been discussed at large, but we're big keys in

the game. In my mind, what happened. Why was Georgia
able to get so much more pressure in especially early
in the second half and they did the first half.
Was that a scheme change? Was that breakdowns? Was that um?
Was it Baker holding onto the football? You see the
game at a much higher level than the rest of us. Well,
what happened there? Yeah, I think George's got the ability

and outside really challenge um the wide receivers for Oklahoma,
And that's something that's kind of rare, right like when
you watch the Big twelve and you look at how
productive Oklahoma was able to be in conference play this
year and even versus Ohio State to some extent, Uh,
some of them had to do with the fact that
when you pressured them, you can get off the ball
relatively quickly as a quarterback if you don't have to

hold onto it because they're not press man and man coverage.
If a debate is playing off, you can probably throw
out a hitch just land something pretty quick because you're
not as concerned, well that that necessarily wasn't the case.
The way Georgia played on the outside, I thought they
played well in their man and man coverage. They varied
their looks. I thought they brought pressure from different angles
and and then in a variety of ways. That not

only slowed down the tempo of Oklahoma, which is huge,
you know, that's their ability to put pressure on the
defense is being able to play at a faster pace.
Then all of a sudden you start to mix up
the different looks. It slows down the way in which
they're calling the plays. And then so they're getting to
the football instead of snapping the football and really putting
pressure on Georgia, they're kind of waiting to see what

look um that that they're gonna get. So now all
of a sudden, the defense flipped the script. They're dictating
to the offense now as opposed to the offense dictating
to the defense. So I think you really got to
credit Kirby Smart and Melt Talker, their defensive coordinator, the
job they did in the second half of making adjustments
at half time, varying looks kind of have some guts
to bring some of those pressures, knowing that Baker mayfield

to hurt you if you got out of the pocket,
and knowing that they got some speed on the outside
and can hurt you if guys are able to make
some plays. And obviously they scored on on on one
drive in particular, but besides that, it was really the
fumble recover for a touchdown that helped Oklahoma back in
the game. Okay, so Oklahoma, whether it's last drive of
regulation or both drives in overtime, it felt it felt

like they got a little cute I don't know if
it was conservative and more kind of cute. What's your
takeaway from Lincoln Riley who was dialing them all up,
all the good ones up in the first half, and
then late in the game there was some I don't know,
bizarre play calling. What's your takeaway, Well, if you see
him on the sidelines, he's got this all little eight

by eleven card to keep saw his all his plays on.
Maybe he should have came with a bigger arsenal Man.
I gotta be honest with you, because they needed in
the second half, they needed in overtime. To your point,
they didn't necessarily get vanilla. They just got conservative, and
maybe they tried to do too much um with in
particular the place where you've got Kyler Murray their backup quarterback,
who don't get me wrong, he's in a sensational athlete.

He's gonna take over for Baker after he leaves to
go to the NFL UH next year for Oklahoma. But
but why you've got the Heisman Trophy went in the backfield,
and you've got a gimmick or make place where you
put both in the backfield and try to run a
speed option or some element of that, or then you're
handing off the small wood on third and short when
Anderson had a hell of a year in overtime, but Brady,

it's it's third in two, okay, and Georgia had to
kick a field goal, right, which is like it's like humiliating, right,
Like you gotta keep feeling like hell and to not
at least let Baker have a look at Like I
didn't like the reverse. I didn't like going to Kyler Murray.
Maybe they wanted to, maybe they wanted an option to pass,
Maybe they want to do something cute. I don't know.
It feels like too much. But all that said, it's

third and two. Rodney Anderson not just a hell of
a year, but a hell of a game. He doesn't
touch it, but more than anything, Baker Mayfield not really
getting a chance to touch it. That that reminds me
of Texas usc USC playing for the third straight national championship.
And you didn't have to give it. You don't have
to give it to Reggie Bush. But Reggie Bush wasn't

even the field on fourth and one when they handed
to Lyndale White. That that's what, that's what. That's the
best similarity I can make. Yeah, but come on, Linda
White had scored a run, a bunch of touchdowns. He
was a great storeyard he was, And it's a different
story to me. Linda White was a very productive running
back during his time at USC. So, okay, so it's so,
it's so it's worse what you're saying. So it's worse, right,

how I'm saying it's worse in that case because there's
only two people who should really be touching that football,
and that's Rodney Anderson or Baker Mayfield. And I think,
to your point, not necessarily on that play, but throughout
the game, Like when Baker Mayfield ran the football and
they designed runs for him, they're effective and this is
this is the semifinal, man, like, you don't have a
shot at the nath championsh if you don't win, So

they should have unloaded that arsenal of run place for
Mayfield or even just moving the pocket, like I didn't
think they did enough either and trying to getting him
outside the pocket where he has the element to run
if he wants, or at least has the ability to
create because the protection wasn't great. He wasn't handling pressure
very well inside the pocket because the different blitz schemes.
So that was kind of another thing that just besides

the play calling down the stretch, just not designing enough
for Baker Mayfield to really enhance his abilities as a
player to affect the Georgia defense. Bretty Queen joining us
on the Doug Gottlive Show here on uh Fox Sports Radio.
Um So, look, my my, this is a hypotheses, is
not a theory. It has been proven out. But I
actually think that like short term sell on the stock

of college football because everybody's tired of the SEC thing.
George and Alabama. It's gonna be a great game in
terms of the level of athleticism and the quality of coaching,
But those aren't Two from From is not there yet
as a quarterback, and Jalen Hurts while he makes big plays,
not a refined thrower. Both these teams are gonna be
super conservative with their play calling, right, So it's not

gonna be a great watch. It's gonna be kind of
a regional a regional championship. On the other hand, Um,
the Pack twelve got a reckoning like the Big Ten
got like four years ago in the bowl games. I
think that's gonna cause them to, you know, up the ANNIE.
The Big Ten has already become top to bottom a
better conference probably than the SEC. I think, you know,
Florida State, Miami, Miami especially kind of re energized by

Mark Rick like, and I think the Big twelve is
Texas is going to be back in Oklahoma is creeping
closer and closer towards being being more legitimate in their
candidacy to win the thing. I kind of think short term,
everybody's gonna roll their eyes and be disgusted at the
SEC having a champion again, But long term might be
good for the sport. Is that a crazy hypothesis, No,

it's not crazy, UM. And I think there's a couple
of things all kind of I'll say is the first
is you're underestimating how much hate drives people to do things.
And I think there's people out there either love Alabama
or hate Alabama, or love the SEC or hate the SEC.
So guess what they will still tune in because for

some reason, we put ourselves through that misery and we
will witness things that we hate, our teams that we
hate play just because we want to see the end result,
or if we hate Alabama or if we hate Georgia,
we want to see them lose. So like there's always
gonna be someone who's still gonna watch out of hate,
not necessarily love. That's part of it. I think with
what's happened, UM, really with the three and four seed

UM now playing for the national championship, which if you
go back through since the induction of the playoff, we
we've never had a number one or number two not
represent in the National Championship game, like one of the
two has been there or they've both played off like
the past two years we've seen. I really thought that
was gonna be the case this year. So it's not
that I know anything, but I think what it does
is it all of a sudden makes you look at Okay,

we're how do we come about create? You know, picking
these four teams? Is our criteria accurate? Are are we
are we actually putting the putting together the best playoff
possible to figure out our national champion? And what they all? What?
What the college football playoffs? When he always has in
their back pocket is as much as people want to
draw up controversy for expansion to all, these are the
things when people start to get fed up with maybe

them or their criteria or which teams making which teams don't,
they can always expand they can always go at six
teams or eight teams and figure it out. And that's
always gonna be in their back pocket. That's always gonna
be a selling point moving forward. And I'm not saying
this system is broke. I mean I think they can
do some things to help make it more even. I
mean playing the same amount of conference champ or conference

games helps, you know, being able to play the one
in two teams and then in each conference helps kind
of how the Big twelve is even though they don't
have and teams, and then really trying to get away
from some of the layoffs and some of the FCS
opponents that teams play like that would help too. If
you force teams to play at least FBS opponents, well
it's a group of five or Power five, but at
least one of those two categories in the nonconference games.

And then I think it's it's a little easier to
compare teams and ranked them versus one another. But until
that that mandates made amongst all the Power five teams,
there's still gonna be people griping over what this looks
like on a year to year basis. But um again,
as far as the SEC playing off for it, I
think we've got two very good football teams. I'm kind
of excited to see how it finishes and if Alabama

can win it, because I think they're the favorite in
this game. They should be. But I do think they
got the benefit of not having to play in that
conference championship game because I gotta tell you, Doug as
banged up as they were, uh if they were, if
they were to have beaten Auburn and the Iron bull
and had to play Georgia. I don't think they would
have won. And then it's like, all right, where are
they in the context of the playoffs. Then if they

lose late, could you still put them in? And how
would they have played in this semifinal game given that
they didn't have to play the thirteenth game, got the
extra rest and looked very very good. Yeah, No, it's
it's it's an incredible point you make. Um. Last couple
of things here, Baker Mayfield as a pro I was
texting back and forth with two g ms from the NFL.
They gave me their thoughts, Uh, you played, you played

in this thing, and you analyze it at a very
very high level. What are your thoughts on Mayfield as
an NFL quarterback? Well, he's got to be in the
right situation circumstance. That means he's got to be with
the team that I think has um the an offense
that fits his skill set, and they wanted to be
flexible and do the things that you know, allow him
to excel um and they've gotta have a team build
out around him. Like I don't think he's the type

of guy that can enter in right away and elevate
the level of play everyone else around him. Now he's
done that at Oklahoma, it's just the NFL. It's a
different level and it requires a different skill set that
I think got a little bit exposed in the semifinal
game last night. And one thing in particular was playing
from the pocket all of a sudden, when those windows
got tighter, and when and when the coverage was tighter,

he all of a sudden wasn't his act. And I
didn't see that going in the Big twelve game that
I got a chance to call. He's one of the
most accurate quarterbacks I watched on games film leading up
to that, so that was surprising to me. Maybe the
sickness played apart. And the thing is the blitz schemes
kind of mentioned that with melt Tucker. Melt Tucker was
a defensive coordinator for Browns team I was on. He's
been in the NFL before, so you better believe those blitzchemes.
He saw the double a gap WITHZ is where two

linebackers stand over the center, they bring one, they bring both,
all that good stuff. They did that in the NFL
on every third down pretty much, and he did not
handle that very well. Uh, fundamentally, turned his hips parallel
line of screaming, he cuts off half the field that
he could even throw too. When you do that. Uh,
And it was the first time I really saw him
kind of not panic, but not handle pressure very well. Um.

So those are just a couple of things that I
think probably didn't bode well for him in the evaluation
process because a lot goes into these playoff games and
bowl games since they're better opponents. But he's got the
opportunity to, you know, make up for that, and he's
got a lot of good film and looking at his
body of work during his time at Oklahoma. But he
has the potential to be a first round to it.
But someone's gonna fall in love with him, and it's
got to be the right situation or circumstance. Otherwise, you know,

he's probably more of a second round pick in that regard.
If you are Donald, would you come back, man? Um?
I mean, if if you're talking to me, I mean,
I value education. I know that sounds like a cop
out and all that, but I do, like I always
think it's hard to go back once you experience, like

what it's like to be a professional football player. I
don't know how you'd ever want to go back to
a college campus and like and and go back through
that again and try to finish classes. And I do think,
you know, my education has has worked well for me
post career, so UM, I would think it would come
back only because one I would have something to prove,
Like I want to go win a national championship. I
think I probably want to go try to win the

Hidsman Trophy. UM, And I want to try to finish
my degree. So like those three things to me would
be pretty important. And people will say, well, you're leaving
all this money on the table and all that. It's
not as much as when I was coming on the draft,
Like I had a legitimate conflict because you know, back
then you got paid a lot or if you were,
you know, a top ten picks. Um. Now now it's slotted,
so it's a little bit different. And maybe he comes

back to try to reach some of those goals and
continue to develop and work on some of his decision
making because he had a good amount of interceptions this year.
Great stuffering Brady Quinn. Brady Quinn, of course, you can
hear him Sundays on Fox Sports Radio eight o'clock Eastern
time alongside Jonas Knocks and of course you saw him
all year calling games for Fox Sports, calling college football games. Brady,

I can't thank you enough. Appreciate you join us, and
happy New Year too. Yeah, Happy new your thanks all right.
That's that's that's that's Brady Quinn who's joining us. Dating
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That way you meet your significant other, like yo, I
got my boy d G to think match dot com
slash doug. I've I've met my significant other in radio.
He's Dan Buyer. We are tied at the hip. Happy
New Year, Doug. I've got some news from the NBA
because it's a big night and maybe now we can

say the NBA's regular season has finally started because Asaiah
Thomas is gonna make his Cavalier's debut tonight, returning from
that hip injury. But he's not gonna play tomorrow night
against the Celtics. That is correct. He also refused to
have a video tribute shown by the Celtics for Isaiah
Thomas that will be done in the later date. He
actually clapped back at a Twitter or a tweet from someone,

saying like, hey, when I'm fully healthy, when I can
have my family there, that's when the Celtics can do
something nice. But who invented the clap back thing? Who
was the first guy that said clap was it? I
mean Durant popularized it by talking about Twitter and clapping. Yeah,
I'm not sure. Maybe it's like the selfie debate where
somebody just did it and he was the first to
do duck face. Yeah, I'm not sure. I'm not sure.

Maybe just happened somewhere, But I don't know who started
the clap back. But uh, speaking of acts and returns,
that only says Aiah Thomas gonna make his Calv's debut tonight.
Damian Lillard returns back to the Blazer's lineup after missing
the last five games with a hamstring injury. News in
the NFL, the Packers have given head coach Mike McCarthy
a one year contract extension. He's now under contract through Fans.

Joseph will return as the Broncos head coach next season.
This after a five and eleven debuts. I got the rumors,
and I got the indecision of bringing me back because
it wasn't it wasn't good enough, you know. So I
understand that Joseph not fired this year, We'll be fired
next year. Pete Carroll says he'll be back for his

ninth season as the Seahawks head coach, shooting down rumors
that he would retire. Carol did say today though, that
Cam Chancellor and Cliff av Roll both will likely have
some big decisions to make and could have a difficult
time playing football ever again. I mean, think, think, think
about that. And the Cam Chancers thing. Remember he just
signed an extension in August, so he's on the books
for three years. And he's talking about they both had

nick injuries, didn't they do? Yes, and so the idea
both of their careers could be over. And then you
got Richard Sherman who's coming off Achilles tenon surgery. You're
usually not always, but usually not the same guy coming
off Achilles tenon surgery. And he's thirty years old. Like
that's a massive change in the legion of Boom and
the legion of Boom. Likely yes, may not even have

anybody back next year. Because even Pete Carroll wouldn't address
the Earl Thomas situation. He was asked point blank of
Earl Thomas will be back with the Seahawks and just
said everything around that, but answering the question, great, great stuff.
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have a good New Year's like good New Year's Eve?
Did you imbibe? I had a good one? Do? Thanks
for asking? Did you U? Did you have any of
that champagne? You know what? I didn't feel right opening
such a nice bottle of champagne. So it's just sitting there,
but tells a purpose of champagne. I don't know. It
was not decorative, No, it was just it looked very

very high flute fluting. Is that the word fluting? So
I just want to just just have it sit there
and look, you know, like very expensive champagne but music.
You you you worked early on New Year's Day? Did you
did you welcome in? Did you welcome in the New Year?
I kind of did, But I did not drink your

champagne because I wanted to do it on an evening
where I could sit and actually enjoy it and not
be like, oh my god, I have to wake up
at four fifteen tomorrow morning and I'm gonna feel like death. Uh.
What about you there, Dan Buyer? What did you do
on year? It was just it was a nice night
home with the wife, just quiet, nice evening and just

ringing the new year that way. She liked being called
the wife. Oh, I'm sure with Lisa, Yes, sus you
know what, we're still news. So yeah, I think I
think there's a lot of positivity. It's positive when it's
when early in the relationship, it's positive, you know. I
don't know if did you guys see my instagram where
my wife and I this is like the not this
is the thirtie. On Saturday, we were in were in

drum Right, Oklahoma, which where my wife is from Route
just outside of Dermand, Oklahoma, and we we need something
to do with freezing cold. So we went to Walmart
in Cushing, which is a little bit bigger town about
five miles away, and we were walking down the ring
aisle and they have they have wedding sets between eight
and so I dropped on a knee and I asked

my wife right right then and there in in Walmart
Aisle seven, we we renewed our vows. Very big moments
of my kids, very big moments from of our kids.
But yeah, I did. Uh place called Valkyrie in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Ran and Tulsa good station and uh. I actually broadcast
the Dan Patrickshore yesterday from our brand new studios. I

heart radio studios, which are awesome. Awesome. Let's play a game.
This is game Time Tide on the Doug gott Leaves Show.
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your refund tax slayer dot Com. Damn what he got, Doug.
Today's game is all right. Let's start off with a
little one. Are the chances? What are the chances that
Calv's guards Aiah Thomas scores more than twenty points in
his Cleveland debut tonight, coming back off rehab, You he's

gonna shoot the ball exceptionally Well, I think he'll be sore,
entired tomorrow. I'm gonna say there's a seventy percent chance
he scores more than twenty nine. He could be rusty,
but when you've read when all you've been doing is
rehabing your hip, you've been getting tons of shots up
I think he'll make a lot of shots tonight. It'll
be interesting to see, of course, the Cavaliers taking on
the Blazers in the first of all back to back

and his Doug mentioned Noisiah Thomas once tonight against the Celtics. Doug,
what are the chances the Rockets can tread water while
James Harden misses at least the next two weeks with
a hamstring strain. Well, now they'll be getting Chris Paul back,
I believe, Um, so what are the chances. Look, he's
there a whole off. This might actually help them develop
some other pieces. But I'm gonna say about thirty five

percent chance they keep stay at the pace that they're staying,
they'll lose a coup more games because he's such an
important part, even if you get Chris Paul back. All right,
let's shift the football. You've talked a lot of college
football at the outset and about Lincoln Riley. What are
the chances that Lincoln Riley takes Oklahoma back to the
College Football Playoff in one of the next five seasons?

Next five seasons, I would say there's a sixty sixties chance.
Look in that league, Um, Oklahoma and Texas. When things
are going right, they should be competing for the league champions.
Oklahoma State being good just happens to have concided coincided
with Texas being down. Um, I think Texas is gonna
be back up. I think Oklahoma State, you lose James Washington,

you lose you Mason Rudolph. I know they've recruited well,
but I still think that it's gonna be ou in Texas,
and I think most years they'll get in the college
football playoff. So I'll go sixt chance in the next
five years. Doug, what are the chances that the new
general manager in Green Bay will keep Mike McCarthy for
the long term? Entitle town just got a one year
extension through. But of course they need to find a

new general manager. That they do and the new general manager,
I still think the news general manager will have some
ties to UH previous regimes. I mark McCarthy's got Look,
this was a standoff he and Ted Thompson. Obviously there
needs to be some change there. They chose to. This
has happening in Houston right where Bill O'Brien wins the
tug of war. The good news is he has Aaron Rodgers,

and Aaron Rodgers is the ultimate deodorant. He can make
any stinky thing smell better for in short term. I'm
gonna go seventy chance he makes it for more than
one year. Didn't make you think that. Now Green Bay
is realizing that that window with Aaron Rodgers may not
be as open as it was just a couple of years.
They also know the defense hasn't been good enough. That's
a personnel thing. That's a dom caper's thing, and so
they cleaned house and moved ted to kick Ted Thompson upstairs. Finally,

speaking of Aaron Rodgers, what are the chances, Doug that
the rumored Aaron Rodgers Danika Patrick relationship ends up in marriage? Yes,
I think Terre's Owens the one to report that Rogers
was spotted with Dannika Patrick on Christmas Day. How about
that relationship. That's that's fascinating. Aaron Rodgers like high profile women.

He does, he is not intimidated by high profile women.
And Tom Brady has a high profile woman as well.
I'm gonna go with chance likes brunettes as well. Seems
like brunette guy. This is game time on the duck
Godlime show. I'm an Olivia mund Man. Although Dannika Patrick

has steadily gotten better looking like she is she was
before she was cute for our beautiful for a NASCAR driver.
Now I just think she's a beautiful woman, right, And
I think that's fair to say, fair to say. We
talked a little bit about this. I like following the
trends of different leagues, different sports. There's a trend in

the National Football League and the trend m The trend
is pretty obvious with Black Monday. I'll share with you
what I think that is upcoming next in the Doug
Gotlip Show, Fox Sports Radio. What up Doug Gotlip Show,
Fox Sports Radio. These two things can both be true, right,

These two things can both be true. That's what the
name of this um, this portion of radio is supposed
to be. Look, I've been doing this a long time,
and I know there's there's other options for you. What
I try and provide you is like, look, I've been
doing national right here for fifteen years. I've been a
sports guy in my whole life. Um And though I'm

not gonna sit here. We had Brady Quinn on last hour.
If you missed it, I think Brady is as insightful
as anybody you're gonna find talking about college or pro football.
Download the Doug Got Lip Show podcast. We'll tweet it
out as well as we do at the end of
every show. We can all Facebook page, but at Fox
Portrait dot Com iTunes however you download podcast, just go
Dug out lip Show you can find it. Um So,

I'm not gonna sit here and tell you I, on
the end all be all in every sport, but I
know enough to be dangerous, and the things that I
don't know, I know people who do know, and they
helped form more educated opinions. And I think sometimes you
get elsewhere. Um So, And obviously my my area of

supreme expertise basketball. I've been covering college basketball since I
played college basketball, and I think there's a great, very
easy parallel. The Big Ten is the best conference talk
to the Big Twelve is the best conference in college
basketball talk. So here's what happens over the past week

or so. The Big Ten has, with the exception of Michigan,
had an amazing run in the bowl games. Now hart
of it is like we I hate that we do this.
I hate that we do this. I hate that how
one team does in a bowl game, suddenly is eyes
are either an indictment or an affirmation of that that conference,

like the Big Twelve, had a had a great bowl run.
I guess right, and then last night the Big Twelve
once again came up short. Like or Oklahoma and Georgia
lost a coin flip game either could have played, Either
could have could win the national championship, right and so

I But I don't know how that helps legitimized Texas
or legitimized Oklahoma State. Like, look, I'm an a lum at,
a great quarterback, great running backs, incredible wide receiving corps,
especially James Washington. I think he's gonna be a star
in the UNFL. But look, they played three their three
toughest opponents they lost to, all at home this year.

I have no fault. I find no fault with who
they played, where they played them, and yeah, you end
up winning a bowl game. Cool. I don't think that
that makes them better somehow, better than they were viewed.
I think they were pretty accurately portrayed. Um, Wisconsin beat

Miami and they're like, wow, Wisconsin, Now, Alex Horneybrook played
better than he's played his entire career. Now he doesn't
have a strong arm, but does have an accurate arm,
and man did he makes some great throws. Prior to
the Miami has been a bit of a phony all year. Right,
should have lost to Carolina, should have lost to Georgia Tech. Definitely.
Georgia Tech did lose their last three games of the year,
beaten handily by beaten by Pittsburgh on the road who

is not good, thumped by Clemson, and then beaten handily
by Wisconsin on their own home field in a bowl game. So, uh,
I hate the if you lose is it's an indictment

on your whole conference. If you win, its affirmation of
your whole conference. Case in point Auburn, Central Florida like
that is Central Florida's super Bowl, super Bowl, And if
you're Auburn, it's not an excuse, but it's a bit
of an explanation. You go back to the SEC Championship
game and Auburn had just beaten Alabama, and there was

the belief that had they want, had they beaten Georgia
in the SEC Championship game for a second time in
the same year, they'd be playing for a national championship.
So the letdown of that competing against UH Central Florida,
who missed a team that three years ago, three years

ago was oh and twelve. You know, you just such
a Florida's oh and twelve couple of years ago, like
that was their super Bowl. That's not an indictment on
the SEC. That's Auburn beat them. I mean, that's such
a Florida beat Auburn. That's all it is, all it is.
But let me let me explain how these two things
can be true. I will admit to you the Big

Ten has the best group of really good teams. And
that's the best way to determine who's the best overall conference.
Who's got the best over like, who's got the most
good teams? And I'll tell you it's the Big Ten.
I got no problem with that. None. Wisconsin is not great,
but they're really good. Michigan who spent Michigan still really

good on defense. They've had all kinds of injuries and
frankly in at play at quarterback. It's a bad luck,
and they got a tough schedule. Penn State's probably the
best team, but UH J T. Barrett played the game
of his life in the second half and they lost
on the road at Ohio State, and that kind of

felt like at the time it took the wind out
of their sales. Penn States really good. In Ohio State's
got as good a defensive lines as you're gonna find.
J T. Barrett came up short in two games. So like, look,
I haven't even started talking about Michigan State, and I
think if Iowa is your sixth best team, I'm not bad. Granted,

Nebraska was down, they fired their coaching staff. Um, but
you get six deep in a conference this year, or
even five deep if you take out IOWI like, I
was not very good. I'm okay with that. Tell me
another league that's more than two deep. But there isn't one.

There just isn't. In the A c C, it's Clemson
and not really anybody else. In the Big Twelve. There
was Oklahoma and TCU, who was surprisingly good, Oklahoma State
who was a little disappointing, not really anybody else in
the Pact twelve USC in Washington, but both were flawed,
not really anybody else. So I can tell you that

the Big Ten is the best conference in the country.
That doesn't mean that doesn't somehow go like, well, they
should have a team or two teams in the college
football playoffs. Like, no, no, these two things. You can
have the four best teams and not have them from
the best conference. You do understand those are not the
same thing. It's like it's like saying a girl is

cute and not thinking she's beautiful, saying a girl is
beautiful not thinking she's cute. You can be cute and
not be beautiful. You can be beautiful not be cute.
This happened in the Big Twelve in basketball last year.
It's happened the last couple of years. They've gotten seven,
eight teams, six teams into the tournament. And when you know,
two years ago Oklahoma got to the semi finals but

lost by forty four points to Nova. Last year nobody
got to the final four. Yet they got seven teams
in the n c A Turmin. We say it's the
best league because they only have ten teams, and over
the past couple of years, the worst teams are pretty good.
Like if this year the worst team in the Big
Twelve is Iowa State, Okay, Iowa State is they're off

to an o and to start losing to home games.
In the past couple of Days, lost the Texas and
lost the Kansas State uphill climbed to think they'll make
the n c A tournament. But if Iowa State is
your worst team, they beat Iowa this year, be Northern
IOA this year they won their nonconference tournament. Like, if

that's your worst team, it's not a bad league. But
that doesn't mean I think Kansas is going to the
final four, or West Virginia the two best teams, or
Oklahoma with Trey Young they're going to a final four.
Like these two things can be can both be true?
The Big Ten in Basketball's way down awful awful. Northwestern

May determined first time ever they're bad this year. They
got beat by thirties six twice. Texas Tech and Oklahoma
both beat in my thirty six this year, and they
might be the fourth best team in the league. Maryland's
young and they got injuries. Iowa start off oh and
two in league Ohio States and rebuild mode a little
better than we thought, but still not good. Michigan's okay,

it did beat u c l A in Texas, but
they're not great. They probably lose tonight to Iowa, But
Michigan State number one team in the country probably be
in the final four. How can you say that the
Big Twelve is the best The Big Twelve is the
best league, It has the mote the highest percentage of
teams that go to the n c A tournament. Or

maybe the Big East is that, and maybe the Big
East has both. Maybe Nova goes to the final four
this year again, maybe Nova and Xavier finally, But I
don't know. But you can have the best league and
not have the best teams. You do understand the questions
are in fact different. Am I making enough sense Ramost that?
I mean, yes, it does make sense that even though

you have mediocre teams, the conference could be really good.
But you can have great teams, but the conference could
be bad. It's just depends. Here's another thing I want
to make sure that we know that's going into you.
Do we know that the word mediocre does not actually
mean bad? You know that, right? Like when I say, Ramos,

you were mediocre today? Is that a positive word or
you take it as a negative word. I think people
take it as negative, but I think it means like
you're just you're doing exactly what you should be doing. Uh. Music,
What do you think when you hear the word mediocre.
If I said, uh, if you walked in and and
you said, hey, Ryan music course produced The Herd yesterday,
produced The Herd for me when I guest hosted it

last week. If I said, Ryan, you did a really
mediocre job. Is that a compliment or is that a slam?
I see I. I see mediocre as neither of those.
I see it as somewhere in between those like hey,
you just kind of But but I don't think people
see it that way. I think pepill see it as
the word mediocre. They here there, you're really mediocre. Today

You're like, man, why why? What? What can I do?
You know? What? What did you wrong? Mediocre is ordinary, average, middling,
middle of the road, uninspired, undistinguished, indifferent, unexceptional, unexciting, doesn't necessary.
Now you may take those things to be negative, But
I did not say you were uh, you were below average,
or you were crummy? You were what subpar? Subpar? You

were par? That's that's basically mediocre is par? Hey par
wins the US open kids? Well? And that's like that's
like when last week when you're talking about the Herd,
we had Nick ride on and you guys were talking
about like the Lebron James Kevin Durant comparison, and anytime
you don't say Lebron James is the undisputed best player

in the NBA right now. Nick Wright took that as
you saying you think Lebron James sucks, and you're like,
I literally just said he's the second best player, marginally
behind Kevin Durant, modestly but very slightly behind Kevin Durant.
But think he's Like My biggest issue with with Nick
in that argument, which which spread like Twitter wildfire, which

I probably could have gone in on, but I think
everybody understood was he was using stats to tell me
that Lebron James a better shooter than Kevin Durant. And nobody,
I know, no one on Earth thinks that Lebron James
is a better shooter than Kevin Durant. No matter what
does stats say, it's just not true. Like well he
makes up yeah he's open for a reason. Um. Anyway,

all I do want to get to the the growing
trend in the NFL and what's happening in front offices
and the battle for control. The conk don The conk
is the can you know what that's from? Lord? Of
the Flies very nice. I remember reading like we're reading
the reading along Lord of Flies, Like, how am I
ever gondy use this? I remember my English teacher, I

don't know, was fifth sixth grade when't we read the
seventh eighth grade when we were read Load of Flies?
I don't remember. But I found it to be interesting,
and I found it to be that there's a book
that has a ton of real life applications. It really does.
We'll get to that upcoming. But next, my buddy Mark Rogers,
who hosts the radio show in Oklahoma's gonna join us.
He useduld do sideline for the o U Radio network.

I'm gonna ask him. It feels like Oklahoma loss more
than Georgia one. And you know, again, George, you can
take that as a slam whatever you want, Like I
think George is really good, but you have you have
a you have that big a lead with that little
time at the end of the first half, and you

give away three points and give away opportunities and you
get so conservative in overtime. I just I didn't think they.
I thought Oklahoma lost more than more than Georgia one.
We'll get his reaction to it, get his take up
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Gotler Show, Fox Sports Radio. Never forget where you come from, folks.
I was in Oklahoma over the past couple of days,
visit the in laws, went back to my al mater,
hung out at a good New Year's Eve, and watched
the game last night with some friends. Um and uh.

I always think of Mark Rogers, a guy is just
a really good radio host. He used to be the
sideline guy for the Sooner Sports properties. I thought I'd
welcome him in. We got guys everywhere who know a
lot more about things than we know. We don't know everything,
but we know people that know what you want to know.
You know, it sounds like you meet a guy. I

got a guy. Spark Rogers joined us Wlis a sports animal. Um.
It feels like they gave one away man. Yeah. Oh
that looked good for twenty nine minutes and fifty one seconds.
I think that squip kick really hurt um the momentum

and then Georgia capitalized on the momentum out of the
second half by by stopping Oklahoma when they have the
ball to receive, and then getting their offense going a
little bit to the third quarter with with some really
good runs. So, um, that was a crazy game. Man.
You don't see momentum swing back and forth that many times,
I think, so drastically. Okay, let's let's start with a
squib kick like that's not usually who they are though,

are they. Well, Cybert has kicked up I mean he
kicked the ball out of bounds or out of the
end zone so many times during that game. There was
I think one kick return, so it makes sense to
dribble one down there, you get it, the clock runs out,
somebody that usually is not used to fielding the ball
has to feel it. They'll normally fall on it. Um.
So people can criticized the coach, but people can also

criticize the execution it, which is the horrible kick. He
kicked it right at the guy that was ten yards
in front of it, and so I just think that
that was one of those deals where, Um, in hindsight,
it looks really bad when the execution is that poor. Um. Okay,
so then you come into the second half, and that
was one of the first times, one of the first

times I've really seen Baker Mayfield look rattled, and he
looked rattled, especially then when they were making him move
off his spot, but they were also kind of contained him,
keeping the pocket. I feel like he was holding the
ball not really seeing where the blitz was coming from.
What in your mind changed and started that second half, Well,
I think that they that Georgia brought more people into

the middle of the field, which which took away Oklahoma's
play action that works so well against Ohio State. They
have a great receiver, and Flowers have a great receiver,
and Andrews they sometimes line up at the tight end
position and you get those linebackers sucked in Um up
the field on a fake to a running back and
that opens up the field for him just tremendously. And
I think Georgia did a good job to take that

away and adjust it. And I think that they started
challenging Oklahoma's receivers a little bit more, winning battles at
the line of scrimmage, simple as that. They also took
advantage of the right side of Oklahoma's offensive line. Um
Bobby Evans which is he's a very good player. Do
some me a very good player. But they brought pressure
off that side rather than on the side where Orlando
Brown is and that made a big difference in the game. Okay,

so then we get to I don't last possession of regulation.
I felt like it was concerned. But over time, your defense,
which I mean, look, the linebackers got mauled all day.
They were they were really bad. They were. They were bad.
There's no and I'm talking about Oklahoma's defense, which I
mean Baker Mayfield and Lincoln Canada. Uh, Lincoln Riley's play
calling covered for that most of the year, but they

were especially bad yesterday against the Georgia running attack. No, Doug,
I thought that they were. Yes, they were bad for
Oklahoma standards throughout the year. It wasn't just hey, Oklahomas
linebackers aren't very good. They played a bad game. No, No,
I I completely agree. The play was they actually got
to stop, right, you get a stop in overtime? And
what the hell was that series of plaques called in

the first overtime? Well, I think that they felt like
the the third down that you play is it can't
be defended. And Lincoln Riley's first half was a masterpiece.
It was as good a first half of play calls
as I think you can imagine. And so it's tough
to really be that critical of him over a couple
of plays here and there. But that was a critical play.
They hand the ball off to Jordan's Smallwood, who is

not a ball carry I hadn't carried the ball in
the game, um where they've had so much success going
with Rodney Anderson. Uh. And I don't know why they
decided to take the ball out of his hands. I
don't know if they got content to Okay, well they
gotta field goal. We're gonna get a field goal here now.
But that's it's just one team won it and one
team lost it. And that might have been the play

in a game where it had a ton of plays
that could have decided the outcome. That may have been
one of those decisive plays. But they also they also
did the pitch that Kyler Murray. What is that? Oh yeah, hey,
we got Kyler Murray. Let's pitch it to him in
over time of the of the National semifinal. Yeah, it
wasn't that a great sequence. So at the end of
the half where Oklahoma caused Georgia to use two time outs,
and so in the same in the same sense when

it's when it works, it's great. It's very creative because
they brought in an unbalanced line time out Georgia. Kyler
Murray comes into the backfield time out Georgia and then
they throw the reverse past and it's like Lincoln Rilly
used as a miracle worker that then late in the game,
you're kind of okay, you've gone away from your strengths.
You've got Kyler Murray in there again, they run that
option kind of play to him and it doesn't work,

and it just it's an outcome. It's a results or
handed business. Yeah, but I don't even know. But again,
I like Roddy Anderson was good, right, like put him next.
I just we're out thinking. I do like the creativity,
especially you know in short yardage stuff. But like you
got you got a fighter, basically you got a wounded fighter, right,
you got a wounded fighter. That's what Georgia was there,

wounded and instead of going in for a hill shot,
they're simply going and they keep kind of hitting in
the body and keep keep you know, dodging and moving
that's kind of what it felt like to me. And
then you then you lead the possibility of and look,
they have a very good field goal kicker, so you
still feel good about it, but you lead the possibilities
something going wrong on special teams. We've seen go wrong

in big situations in the past. Plus you don't have
your starters always blocking on special teams, and all different
there's all different sorts of reasons you don't want to
leave to special teams. But I felt like a wounded
fighter they let off the hook. No, I think that's true,
especially when you when they have the lead that they
do going into halftime and getting the ball back in
the first half, it looked so good for them offensively,
So that's a lot of credit goes to Georgia two

per getting that pass play called kicking that fifty five
yard field goal, coming back out, ratching up the intensity
and playing good enough to get back in the game.
And then they survival one more run from o U two,
got the scoop and score, took the lead and the
ball back again, and that's another series of play calls
there where one more first down takes away two more
minutes and then they have a bad pun of twenty
six yards. So yeah, oh you I mean Dan far

Dugger hurting today because they know how closely were to
get to this. Yeah, what do you think it does
for for the league? You know, I've come on your show,
Mark Rogers joining us Doug Gottlieb show Fox Sports Radio.
Mark has his own show along with Dusty Dvorchik is
a very good former O you all American NFL player
and a football islist for h for ESPN. We've all
talked about the fact that, like, look, the Big Twelve

needs to get to one of these championship games, needs
to win one, and you're so close. You've got a
Heisman Trophy winning quarterback. What do you think this does
for the league? You know, the league did okay in
bowl games last year, and it did all right this year.
Stanford lost to two tcu UM in the Marquee game
that involved legue. Oklahoma State played well in the Marquee
game that involves a league team, So I think that Look,

I think the Big Twelve offense proved that it can
score against a good defense. I think Oklahoma's offense was elite.
It's one of the better offensive they've ever had. At
the school. Uh and yet Georgia found a way to
slow it down enough so uh and things would have
look a whole lot worse for the SEC if they
did not pull that game out yesterday because you have
two teams losing um and one in Georgia and then
the other as Auburn. So these conferences conversations sometimes go Overlook,

it's much very different football in the Big twelve. Oklahoma
could have used some linebackers that came downhill because they
don't have any Uh. They used to turn it back
and covering passes and don't have to have been the
run very much. But I thought that costs him greatly
in the game yesterday against Georgia. Mark Rogers joining us
in the Doug Galli Show. Okay, Baker Mayfield, I know
that anytime somebody is one of your own, everybody likes him, right,

Like everybody likes him, like even A and M guys
like who didn't love the Johnny Man's act, Like, Hey,
Johnny's one of our guys. So I know everybody when
Norman uh loves Baker Mayfield. But what are your thoughts
on how that act kind of translates to people? And
like will it work at the next level. Can he
tone it down and become more corporate, which is really

the question. Well, he's gonna have to tone it down,
I think in the NFL, because there's gonna come a
little bit humility in that league for him. Then he's
out of the college level. He's he's always been so successful.
There hasn't been a whole lot of losses. It's part
of his DNA though, Doug to have that brash, cocky
I'm gonna I'm gonna do the things that you say
I can't do, and I think that kind of fueled him.

But there is a point I think when he gets
to the NFL where that that will have to be
dialed back a little bit because you know, you know
how the NFL is. I mean, there's humility every week
and even for really great outstanding players. He's gonna have
to learn how to deal with that a lot more
than he has so far, I think in college. Mark Rogers,
his show on w w LS is a good one,
The Monsters of the mid Day. You can listen to

it before you listen to our show if you're in
Oklahoma City, or use their app to do so. Mark,
thanks so much. For joining us. All right, Doug, take
care in pleasures. So you needed a guy, we got
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get the job done right. Deposits of course required getting
the zone auto Zones bringing Dan Buyer, Dan, I know
you got a bunch of the stuff that you have
to get to and you actually prepare for it. So
if I'm throwing you for a curveball, I'm apologized. And
to begin with, have you seen this Todd Hailey story
that I just saw that he fell and pushed down
at a bar. I guess oh, I thought it was

at home. I know it supposedly he was at home
and then all of a sudden, now uh, this is
from Ian Rapport Steeler's offensive recording to Todd Haley was
shoved down outside a bar near hines Field on New
Year's Eves. Sources tell me and Tom pellisaro it resulted
in a hip injury. Police have looked into it. Oh interesting,
Jerome Bettis has got a bar that's a couple of

blocks away. I don't know, maybe that was it. That establishment.
It's a nice new area, but man, it's a pushed
down the offensive coordinator. That's a weird That's a weird one,
isn't it. I know a lot of other teams that
would like to push down their offensive coordinator down the steps,
but not a team that's got to buy in the
first round of the a f C playoffs anyway. Um,
there may be some Packer fans that would want to

push Mike McCarthy out the door. They're not gonna get
their wish. Packers gave him a one year contract extension,
keeping him through nineteen. McCarthy, just wrapping up his twelfth
season in Green Bay May out time flies. Pete Carroll
says he'll be back for season number nine as the
Seahawks head coach, shooting down rumors that he would retire.
But retirement could be on the horizon for Seahawks players

Cliff Avril and Cam Chancellor. And Cam, we're gonna have
a hard time playing football again. And you know, the
jury is not out on that yet. They're they're going
to decide that themselves, but it's gonna be very difficult
for those guys to come back and play again. A
bleak outlook from the Seahawks, said coach Evans. Joseph says
he'll be back with the Broncos next season. He won
five and eleven this year and his first year as Denvers,

said coach. Although it was the decision of the Broncos
front office in John Elway, Christian Kirk saying goodbye to
college station Texas A and M wide receiver heading to
the NFL Draft. Isaiah Thomas makes his Caves debut tonight
against the Blazers. The Blazer is getting Damian Lillard back
after he missed five games Doug because of a hamstring strain.

Doug Olie Show, Fox Sports Radio. Here was Jerry Jones
on the fan in Dallas today talking about Jason Garrett
is their head coach. It's not even a fault for me.
You pay a price when you make a change at
the head coach. You pay some price and make a
change at any position coach situation. We're in a good
spot with Jason. He certainly has the mentality of doing

things uh differently. Not again, not just to be doing
them differently, but basically recognizing that we have got some
things we do need to do differently. We'll make that
happen through our assistant coaches. Yeah. So uh, it sounds
like there's a bit of a house cleaning going on
in Dallas, and the house cleaning is not going to

be the head coach. Huh. That kind of sounds like
what's happened in Houston kind of sound is like what's
happened in Green Bay. Don't get me wrong. There have
been coaching changes, right, Um. I mean Chuck Pogano survived
last year, Chris Ballad was installed as there as their GM.

But there has been a there has been a him
or me, and Mike McCarthy to this point is survived
the him or me. Bill O'Brien has survived the him
or me. And you can't fire the general manager Jerry
in Jerry Jones, but you can fire everybody else. And
head coaches have kind of generally survived this thing. Have
an interesting trend in the NFL, right, fascinating trend. Um.

I do think we pay a little much attention to
the coaches. Wrong. There's some coaches coaching hires are like, man,
that guy is not great. Nobody's ever done without players
and sometimes the position coaches are the most important, or
maybe the coordinators are more important than the head coach.
But some of he's um, you know, Mike McCarthy was

a play caller, gave away his play calling duties. Bill
O'Brien is a play caller and a quarterback guru. I
mean even Hugh Jackson, by the way, has to this
point survived his general manager to not this is a
when it's when it happens to three or four different
head coaches where it's like, hey, the coach could lose
their job, but the coach doesn't and the general manager does.
That's a trend, is it not? And it's weird because

usually in the NFL, hey, coaches are easy to come by, right,
general managers are hard to come by. But there have
been some pivots here this week, some serious pivots. Now
everybody lost their job with the Giants and that's gonna
be fascinating. Um hm, I just throw a fake video

out of Todd Haley. Do you guys see that the
fake Ted Todd Haley video getting shoved Twitter? Okay, I
gotta go to go to Twitter. It's some jeff of gift.
You go gift or you go, Jeff. I've heard it's
called a Jeff, but it's g I f why can't
it be a gift music? You're of the of this generation.
Help me out. I go, Giff, it's gift I giff,

Jeff is the peanut butter Ji. Yeah, good, that's a
great I don't want to make fun of Haley Wood.
That's a that's a very funny video. Yeah, it's a
it's a guy who's in a liquor store leaning on
the glass outside. What you were, the beer is the
cooler and eventually he falls down. And I said, fake

video of Todd Haley getting shoved on New Year's Eve? Right, funny?
I labeled is fake. That's a that's acceptable. Correct, that's
a key word. They're correct. Is it's fake. This is
this is in fact fake news. This is in fact
fake You are, but interesting that, Like I don't know

whether if everybody's out of ideas or what's going on.
Like a couple of years ago, there was the hey,
let's get the offensive coordinator to be the head coach.
That's what happened with Ben McAdoo. Does happen actually in Jacksonville?
That that's what happened in Tampa as well, right where
you had young quarterbacks or in Eli's case, older quarterbacks.
But why upset the the apple cart? Why upset the

quarterback and bringing a whole new play color, a whole
new verbiage. When keep that guy and then fill out
the staff around him. It hasn't worked in Tampa, didn't
work in New York, and though it's working some in Jacksonville,
It's not like anybody thinks Blake Bortles is great now.
It's more Tom Coffin. They drafted so well, they run
the football, they play around the quarterback position. This year,

it feels like the coaches remain. The general managers are
what changes, Alright, Shannon sharp things last night was a
great night for Shaun Watson. H really cool. I'm in,

I'll listen. It's next to the Doug Otlip Show, Fox
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Doug Otlip Show, Fox Sports Radio. So here's what we

do um on this show. I think we have a
great lineup UM and Fox Sports Radio, which you can
hear on Serious sex M channel eighty three, or you
have your Terrestrial that's your AM FM, a stress for radio. Um.
Of course something coincides with Fox Sports one programming. So
you wake up and some of you get Clay Travis,

some of you he has also has a different with
a two oh two I think is the two oh
to his his Serious x M channel, and some of
you get First Things First, which is Chris Carter Nick right,
General Wolf. That's a TV show on radio, but a
good show. And then um, from there you go to Undisputed,

or you go to the Dan Patrick Show. Of course
you have callin Cowherd and you got Rich Eyes It.
Then you get My show, Then you get Steve Gorman Sports,
you got j T the Brick, you got Jason Jason Smith,
You've got Ben Muller. You've got really really good shows
on this radio network. So what we try and do is,

I have the guy's going find something that somebody said
that is interesting, that makes you think, maybe makes you mad,
maybe makes you happy, that makes you laugh, maybe makes
you go like that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard,
And we call it you get it to what did
the Fox say, it's to play on words? Huh huh,
pretty creative. I know Shannon Sharp and Skip Bayliss and

of course Joey Taylor host Undisputed. Here's what they their
takeaway was from the Clemson Alabama game. If I had
had any idea that Kelly Bryant would do that last night,
I'd be out on Clemson. But I watched Kelly Bryant,
I don't know, four or five times during the year
looked okay, maybe it's just the opposition, Maybe everybody looked, Okay,

we're not going to give Bama last night. The drop
off from Deshaun Watson to Kelly Bryant was like going
from Tom Brady to Tom Savage. That's how bad it was.
It was Kelly Bryant is not Deshaun Watson, and you
know west Kill. If I'm Jim Haslin, I watched these
last two games that Clemson played against Alabama, and then
I watched this game last night. Whoever is not fired,

I'm going to fire him again because there's no way
Deshaun Watson shouldn't be in Cleveland after what they saw
Alabama due to Clemson last night. Uh, that is what
we call a non secretary non secretary. Two things that
don't necessarily look. It should be pointing out that I
don't think anybody thought Kelly Bryant was Deshaun Watson at

this point in his career. I don't know. I mean
they look, they're both black, they're both athletic, they both
played quarterbacks for Clemson, but they weren't. They were not
similarly rated or similarly well regarded at this point or
really any point in their career. Kelly Brian is a
good player, um, and he's a run pass threat, more
run than pass threat, which those type of quarterbacks traditionally

have given Alabama trouble. One of the things missing is
the discussion about, Uh, the idea you're gonna Wayne Goldman
is gone. Wayne Goldman was your running back instead replaced
by a couple of freshman Travis. Uh, what's his last name?
Eteen E ten or whatever? That's the freshman running back

who they thought was concussed in the first half. Dan,
how do you say his last name? You don't have
damn by how you say? Um? I thought he was
concussed in the first half. He comes back in the
second half and is totally lost in pass protection and
two or three times he just takes the wrong angle
and fails to be you know, help his quarterback out,

and that's what got Kelly Bryant nearly killed out there.
So yeah, I mean you could is Deshaun Watson a
better co quarterback? Like, yeah, I don't think anybody would
argue that Wayne Gallman was a senior running back, he
was better than ten I mean, and oh yeah, by
the way, Mike Williams is a better wide receiver than

anybody they had, Like that's a non segment. Like Deshaun
Watson was a better quote college we still don't know,
by the way, if Deshaun Watson is gonna be a
great college quarterback, got a great pro quarterback. I know
he had a couple of fantastic weeks, but they were
running at college offense. And everyone has caught up with
these college offenses after short spat short spurts of greatness

in the pros. So let's not go crazy, absolutely crazy
about Deshaun Watson. And I mean, I think anybody could
have told you that they were better at quarterback last
year than quarterback this year. But you also could have
said that Alabama had a more dynamic running game last year,
more dynamic team last year. I'll beat a slightly more

refined quarterback this year than they had last year. And
also we have this uh. Adam Schefter was on with
Dan Patrick earlier this morning. He said this about John
Gruden becoming the Raider's head coach. A total value of
the deal will be the richest deal than any coach
has by a land slide. I don't know that the
ownership stake thing is going to come through that have

been discussed to three years ago. My senses, it's not
gonna happen. But I do think that it's going to
be a lengthy contract, very lucrative. I just think that
they made it such that he couldn't say no. Now, look,
I explained this, I was on. I was the Dan
Patrick Show yesterday. Um, I look, I'm not gonna question
Adam schefter sources. But I do think it's interesting that

it was a done deal and now it's like, well,
it may or it may not have the ownership stake.
That's a big part of it. Because the Raiders are
not flush with cash. They are not the reason they
want to offer up one of these ownership stake is
it drives the quote unquote total value of the deal up.
The problem with the ownership stake is the the presumption

two fold one from people around the league. Well, does
that mean that every coach is going to ask for
an ownership steak? And to the reality is it's not
a real ownership steake. It's slightly more real than packer
fans being able to quote own part of the packers.
And all that does is they give you a plaque
on the wall. You pay three d fifty bucks and

you can come once a year to Lambeau and vote
on something you don't really have a saying, like, all
you're paying is three fifty dollars so that the packers
can raise money to redo some of their facilities. Right,
That's that's all you're really doing. Um, that's about as
valuable as is to be an owner of the Raiders.
How do I know? Because trust me, I know. Uh

my sister was married into a family that was a
partial owner of the Raiders. And there it's it's not
valueless stock. You can sell it, unlike the packers stock
that you can't really sell and doesn't and and it
will increase in value but there's no ownerships. Say they
don't meet. And even when people forget this, When Al

Davis had control of the Raiders, he had voting rights
control of the Raiders, he didn't actually own a majority.
Now they have a majority ownership of it. But whatever
they sell off or give to grutinous part of this deal,
it's not like you're gonna be making decisions about the
future of the Raiders. It's just simply a way to
create value. This this happens and deals in my business.

All right. Look, you can't pay me to be a
spokesman for your company. Give me a little bit of stock,
give me a little bit of equity in it, and
even though I won't have a voting share, I still
will have a share of the profits if it increased
in value, and then I can sell it and make
a little bit more money. That make money? Does that?
Did I make sense of it? I think I made
sense of it. This season, make tough decisions to have

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We could have Jacksonville going in to Pittsburgh where they
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Mark Slayrith joins the show up coming next. I want
to ask him about the RAMS and what we can
expect and Jared Goff. In the second season, Cam Newton

was awful awful US Week. Can he hit the switch
and flip it around? And can they beat the Saints
on the road? And is there enter any fixing the
Philadelphia Eagles suddenly suddenly in apt offense. You got a
week off, you got a good coaches to have, can
you fix it? Tux? NFL playoffs up coming next in

the Doug Gotlap Show, Fox Sports Radio? What Upen Stuck
Gotlip Show? Fox Sports Radio? All right? So, um, sometimes
bad things are actually good things, and sometimes good things
are actually bad things, like and Dan, you can you
can attest to this. Had the Seahawks made the playoffs,

maybe maybe they decide you don't want to break up
the band. Pete Carroll today was like, look, Cliff Avrol
may never play football again. He didn't say as much,
but I'm basically, you know, parsing his words, right. He's like,
they got tough decisions to make, Cam chance to Cliff
Avrol neck problems, Richard Sherman coming off an Achilles tenant
and making a ton of money. Hey, there's the but.

But if you make the playoffs, you sometimes kid yourselves
as to where you actually are. You're like, well, you know, look,
you got all these guys hurting, you still made the playoffs.
Let's just kind of keep the band together, right, Like,
it's almost better if the lead singer, um, if the
lead singer no shows, as opposed to kind of getting

through a show completely wasted, like well, you know, he
was completely wasted. He did hum Son of the Son
of the songs, but we got through it. We got
through it. Whereas like if the lead singer is so
wasted that they don't show up for performance, like now
there's hey, now we got a problem. Maybe it's better
that Noel Gallagher does all the Oasis songs instead of
a drunk Liam. There you go, there you go. I'm

gonna pretend like I know exactly what you're talking about,
but I think I know what you're talking about. Like, look, dude,
I think I think that the Buffalo Bills is a
perfect example of this. They know Tyrod Taylor is not
the answer, they know it, but they made the playoffs
first time in eighteen years. I mean, the Bills mafia
is going crazy crazy, and so they might kid themselves,

are gonna like, you know, he's not terrible, if he's
also not very good, sometimes it's better if you don't
make the playoffs. Take the Chargers realize the Chargers are
basically they're gonna get They're They're starting left guard, never
played a snap. Mike Williams, their first round draft pick,
barely played their first and second round picks. In addition

to the first and second round picks they have, they're
gonna get two more first and second round picks. We
didn't play this year. They get a better draft pick.
Some of these teams that didn't make the playoffs are
in better spots and teams that did. Let's welcome in
Mark slayre covers the NFL. Uh. You see him across
Fox Sports one and calling games for Fox. He joins
us every week. It's not a crazy statement to make

that sometimes you're actually better off not making it. Oh
that there's no question. I mean, you know what. And
and sometimes you make it and you don't play well,
and you realize, man, we got an upgrade. There's a
position like right now, what's going on in Green Bay?
For instance, you use Aaron Rodgers, you realize that Aaron

Rodgers is that good, and he covers up a bunch awards,
and now all of a sudden, you say, hey, Thompson,
you know what, why don't we create a position for
you in the organization, and let's go get a different
general manager, and let's go fix our roster because our
roster isn't good enough. We can't absorb that kind of loss. Now,
very few people can absorb the loss of an Aaron Rodgers.

But you see what I'm saying. If our roster was better,
we could have competed at least for a playoff spot.
But we couldn't even come close to competing for a
playoff spot. And I think that's the way you that's
the way you have to kind of look at this,
and that's the way you've got to kind of parse
it out. So I'm a hundred percent with you. Sometimes losing,

and sometimes losing can be one of those things where
you really critically look at yourself and say, man, we
gotta purge a large portion of this roster and we've
got to go back to the drawing board. Okay, So
let's the most stunning thing that happened this weekend is
what happened to the Baltimore Ravens. But maybe not getting
in is a good thing. Um, Dean pieces Getta retired. Obviously,

some change you need to need to be made on
the defensive side. But what what do you do with
Joe Flacco? Do you do you Alex Smith him? Do
you draft his his replacement? Like, what do you do
if you're the Ravens because they got some issues. Yeah,
I don't think there's any question they do. And they
found themselves a young running back. Now, you know, I
think that you have to you have to bolster the

rest of your offense too. I mean, it's not like
anybody's setting it on fire from a receiver position. You've
got to get stronger, you know, at the receiver position,
the tight end position, um, all those things. And I
think you you drot the quarterback every year. You always
have to look for the next guy. You always have
to be able to develop a guy. And the bottom
line is, you know, that's the Patriots philosophy. And what

have they done. They've parlayed all those backups into draft picks. Now,
how many of those guys have panned out? Only really
Jimmy Garoppolo, right, But they've gotten fat, or at least
fatter as far as draft capital is concerned, getting rid
of those guys. You know, not that any of them
have really panned out, But I mean, look at this
this this year, they traded two of the guys they

drafted for draft picks, and both those guys the game starters.
One in India, one in San Francisco. So I think
you're always having to go that direction and seeing if
you could find that air apparent, seeing if you can
find a guy that you feel comfortable in developing. So
I think that's part of what the Ravens need to do.
I think they need to bolster the rest of that

roster around Joe Flacco. And if they can find the
guy that can come in there and be confident and
competitive and and and push Joe flaccole, then I think
that's a great that's a great problem to have. Um
a year from now. Um. Okay, So help me out
with the Philadelphia Eagles there in the playoffs, so the
number one seed, but NFC teams are lighting up there
pushing each other out of the way for the opportunity

to go to Philadelphia next week because the Nick Foles
thing is not working. How fixable is that during a
week off. Well, I think it's gonna be hard to
fix anything during the week off because offensively, everything in
offense is about rhythm. Um. You know, if you're a
smash mouth, heavy personnel, fullback, tail back to tight ends,

run the football back like they did in the day.
You know, then you're not gonna fall out a rhythm
because that stuff, that stuff sets rhythm for you. But
you know, in this league where you want to throw
it all the time, Um, that's a hard task. That's
a tough thing to ask. So you know, I think
it's gonna be tough just from a pure rhythm standpoint

to to kind of create and recreate that timing. You know,
I think Nick Foles is fine. I just think what
ends up happening is the thirty percent of the time
when things break down. Nick Foles is not a guy
that's gonna make that splash play for you. You know,
you're just hoping the thirty percent of time when things
break down that he doesn't turn the ball over, just

retain it, you know, hold onto the ball. If we
give him a sack or we give up a pressure,
don't throw a pick um. I think the big thing
for Philadelphia that's been really hard is the way their
defense has you know, hasn't played as well here in
recent weeks, and the way they gave up uh, you know,
four hundred and whatever yards to the Giants a couple

of weeks ago, where they got them burnt on. The
Giants and their depleted receiving corps and depleted offensive line
and depleted quarterback got them on a bunch of double
moves and and really eviscerated that secondary. Um, you know,
same with uh, same with Philadelphia when they played the
ram So that to me is a really large concern

for this football team, maybe even more so than Nick Foles.
All right, let's go to the Carolina Panthers. They're in
the playoffs, are gonna take on the Saints, a team
that swept them earlier this year, beat them twice. And
we've seen we've seen great from Cam Newton and we've
seen atrocious from Cam Newton. And this past weekend was
atrocious from Cam Newton. Um, like I get that. I mean, look,

my thought, Stink is, at some point, if you're consistently inconsistent,
that's who you are. But the swings, the ups and
downs are really spectacular, I mean really spectacular. How do
you stabilize that? How do you how do you not
let Cam play as poorly as he has played in
certain instance like this past Sunday. Well, you've gotta make

Cam comfortable in doing what he does best, and what
he does best is run the ball and run the
re option uh design quarterback runs six to eight of
those a game. The read option stuff off of that
game him outside the pocket, create the play action off
of that stuff. If you ask Cam Newton to beat

a football team like the Saints or anybody else from
the pocket, Cam Newton is going to fail you. He
just doesn't have um. He doesn't have the accuracy or
the anticipation in those scenarios to beat you consistently. That's
why Cam Newton is about at the time completion guy

from the pocket. He has got to have the you know,
he has got to have that the read option, the
the kind of standard um um spread, you know, collegiant
type of offense for them to be really good. And
when he has that um he can be exceptional. We've

seen him be exceptional. And when he has some of
those play actions, man, the guy can flat out throw
the scenes and do some of those things. So you know,
when he has when he has that offense, Doug Human,
that guy can be pretty good. It's if you're asking
him to beat people from the pocket and be a
traditional thrower of the football. He doesn't have that skill set.

That's not part of his repertoire. All right, Jared Goff
is going into the layoffs and obviously everything he's done
this year has there's not a single human being that
that's not he hasn't exceeded their expectations. But now it
starts to get real. Right now, we're getting to a
much higher level of football, football where people are gonna
make you try and make you uncomfortable. What's your level

of confidence to golf and golf going into the second season, Well,
I mean, tell me how, tell me how they're gonna
run the ball and take the pressure off of golf,
because Golf is a guy to me that's done two
things really well. He's been accurate on his first read,
getting the ball out of his hand on time with
anticipation to his first god, and he's been great and

finding his checkdown if that guy is not open. And
you know, I've done a game and it was an
earlier game, and I know that he's progressed since then.
But the whole philosophy going into that game was if
we can, if we can muddy the waters and force
him to get to the second and third read. We've
got a chance to beat him. And he was really bad.
Had in that game when they changed coverages, when they

constantly changed what they were doing, when they never showed
him the same thing two times in a row, they
were very good and they fluster Jared Golf in that situation. Now.
Of course, of course, Girly, you know, carries carries the
load and is a hunter yard rusher and scores a
couple of touchdowns and and their defense, as you know,
is exceptionally talented. Um, that's how you beat Jared Golf.

You constantly change up the coverages, you try to confuse him,
You get him off that first read, you get rid
of that ability to have timing and accuracy, and and
you can fluster him. Now if it's running, if the ball,
if they're running it really well, and Todd Gurley is
dominating and that offensive line is dominating line of scrimmage,
you know, those single high reads are gonna be open,

Those single reads are gonna be open, and and he's
gonna play really well in that scenario. Mark Slavers joint
us uh stink. I don't know if you've heard, but
there's breaking news in the NFL. Let's go to Dan Fire. Dan,
what's the breaking news? Breaking news from Fox Sports. Cardinals
quarterback Carson Palmer announced his retirement after fifteen seasons in
the NFL today. Of course, he was the first overall

pick of the two thousand three draft by the Cincinnati Bengals. Guys,
that should be noted. Palmer leaves the game at ranked
twelfth all time in passing yardage and touchdown passes in
NFL history. There's a second retirement for Carson Palmer. Right.
He retired because he didn't want to play for the
Cincinnati Bengals anymore. Right, he was tired of losing, tired
than being cheap, and he forced his way out. Went
to Oakland after sitting out first kind of half of

the season, and uh I was in opening for a
couple of years, and then made his way to Arizona. Now,
so their coaches retired, their quarterbacks retired. We're waiting to
see if Larry Fitzgerald does in fact retired. Not as
surprise to you think that Carson Palmer retires, right, No,
I mean he's been beat up and in his skill
set diminished dramatically a year ago, um and then getting

injured again. You know what I mean. It takes its
soul on your body, and there comes a time when
it's not about land on Sundays. You know, you'd love
to play on Sundays, But if your carson palm, or
you're an aging vet like I was, do you really
want to do the work that it takes in the
off season and during the week to get you to Sunday.
And at some point it gets to the point where
you as a players, just like I just I just

don't want to It's not Sundays, it's it's you know,
it's Monday through Saturday that sucks. You know, Sunday is great,
and I don't want to do Monday through Saturday anymore.
And and all of us at some point get to
that point. Um, okay, we we have additional breaking news.
I'll do it for you as Dan. Dan has other duties.
Marvin Lewis has signed a two year contract extension. He's

going to remain as head coach of the Bengals. I
would say that's a little bit surprising, really. That shocks me.
And that's been they were going to release him all along, right,
I don't know, I mean, I I you know, that
was that was the news, and now he signed a
two year extension. That is that's that's shocking to me.

Like there's so many things that have been interesting the
way they've gone. And you know what that says to me.
That says that there was a coach that they really
liked that they thought they could get, whether that was
Jake Gruden, whether that was they thought Bill O'Brien was
going to become available. There was somebody that they had targeted,

and when that particular person didn't get let go, they
they scrambled to stay stay the same. That's what that
says to me. It's interesting, though, like in a league
that so much where normally Black Monday, so many coaches
get fired. Bill O'Brien keeps his job, Vance Joseph's kept
his job. Um, Mike McCarthy, some people thought might be

in trouble. The kick ted Thompson upstairs to create some job.
Marvin Lewis keeps his job. Hugh Jackson has keep kept
the Jackson won one game in two years. He's kept
his job. Kind of interesting. This trend in the NFL, Yeah,
it really is. And and you know, again, maybe there's
not a lot of candidates out there that everybody's really
excited about. Um, which is this you know, I mean

it's kind of part and parcel of this of this
NFL the way it's currently constructed. And you know, I
think the other thing. I think the other thing is
we're going through this transition in the NFL where um,
there's less and less practice time, right, there's less and
less connectivity with your players because uh, you're they're just

not around as much anymore. And maybe maybe it's a
situation where we need as much stability and we need
as much um kind of knowledge as we can possibly
have on our staff. Crazy stuff. Mark Slareth check him
out across the dial on Fox Sports Radio. Fox Sports
one called Games this year on on Fox and did

an incredible job. Stink great stuff. Love the podcast, The
Stinking Truth Podcast. Thanks so much for joining us. You
all right, that's up, Mark slayri Jay Glazer will join
the show. Next we'll get hit wit how what we
thought Marvin Lewis was gone? Now he's not. What happened
find out next. But first I'm here to tell you

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car buying experience. Doug Otap Show, Fox Sports Radio. So
that's a surprise, right, isn't that that? I don't know
anybody who thought Marvin Lewis would definitely be back little

on a two year contract. And the reason the two
year contract is interesting is his contract is up. Now
most I've never understood this about the NFL, but most guys,
they never go into the last year their contract. What's weird?
Like the Giants, Uh, even before they fired Tom Coughlin, Right,

they gave him a contract extension. He coached the year
he still had one year remaining. It's like nobody can
just nobody just let somebody's contract expire. I don't understand
it because it's not like recruiting players in college football.
They give you an extension. A lot of times there's
no meat to that extension, but they give you that
extension because the thought is, well, we can't recruit players.

Can't recruit players if they think their coach is gonna
be gone. It's not the case in the NFL. NFL
guys like they want to come play for a position coach.
I want to come play for a head coach. But
that's not gonna limit whether or not they would go
and play for the Sincenati Bengals. But but the differences
the Bengals are super super cheap, like this is actually
an interesting kind of side. So Carson Palmer retires today.

And if you remember Carson Palmer twice in his career,
he's known for a lot of things. Twice signed the
biggest contract in the history of the sport, and then
in the very next game towards his a c L.
Remember that signed with since Anni Bengals. In the week
before they play in the playoffs against the Pittsburgh Steelers,

chemo veran Olhofen rolled up on his leg towards a
c L. So uh. And then of course it happened again.
A couple of years ago, he had a resurgent career
with the Arizona Cardinals, signed the biggest contract at that
time history of the league as quarterback because that's what
they do, you know, they play topper, and then he
tore his knee the very next game. Anyway, Carson retired,

but he retired because the team was just so cheap.
They couldn't get any free agent to sign there. They were.
They were the only team that for a long time
that didn't stay in a hotel the night before a
home game. They didn't have like an indoor practice facility.
They didn't use uh, they didn't use the type of towel,
they didn't use new towels. Like guys would complain like
everything they did was it wasn't like a a professional organization.

They're better now. They have a beautiful facility, they use
nice towels. They will pay and they're they're not. They
still get value guys in the draft, Like you know
Michael Johnson, who they remember they got him from out
of Georgia Tech. He was a first round talent, but
had some off the field issues fell around, Like that's
how they've always Joe Mixon they took this year, perfect example, right,

It's how they've always drafted because they're like, look, we're Cincinnati,
we gotta be smart to be clever with how we draft.
And that's how they got to the plass. That's how
they stabilized things. But Carson was so fed up over
how cheap they were and how he didn't feel like
he had the type of team around him, coaching around him.
He eventually walked away. The two year contract means Marvin
Lewis is not just gonna coach next year, He'll coach

the following year. Bengals will not pay him to coach elsewhere,
and they will not pay him to walk away. Yes, Ramos,
I was gonna say, I thought you're a tweet that
you put out was was very very true, which was
they must somebody else supposed to have said no, like
you know, someone else. They probably like put out feelers. Nah,
I'm not really ready. Okay, well just red Marvin Lewis

again had to put out everybody puts out fielders. It's
like the John Gruden thing. That John Gruden thing was
was close to done before. It had to be done
before Jack del Rio got fired, right, Jack del Rio
took him to the playoffs first time since two thousand one,
but it had it had to be done beforehand. And

this is one of those ones to wear and look.
I think this is one of the reasons that the
Cowboys are making such some many somebody massive changes. They're
probably they're like, man, we could have had Gruden if
he would open up the checkbook all, but there's a
bunch of teams. There's no question that Tampa. Tampa made
him an offer, even though they still have Dirk Cutter. Fine,
we'll stick He's fine. It's fine. Many of your wives

and girlfriends only stick with you because there was somebody
that made a better offer to right. But we're all
reasonable about this. Uh. But Carson Palmer retiring is not
a surprise, nor is it that people go to airs
own A to retire. Right, but now you lost your coach,

you lost your quarterback. Are you to lose your wide
receiver as well? This season? Make make tough jobs easier
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job done. Right to pause required getting his zone auto zone,
dan Um, that's uh, that's too. Do you have anybody

anybody else retiring or retained in the last five seconds
since I've been talking nothing in the last five seconds
or so, But we do have this from college football.
Bill Snyder is gonna be back at case State, according
to the Associated Press, So that's because he couldn't get
his way. He couldn't get his son to get the
job right. Yes, he has a lot of drama. My
favorite thing about Bill Snyder is that he wore an

Alamo Bowl pull over during a game earlier this season.
They haven't been in the Alamo Bowl in three years.
It's still had the logo on the sleeve. I love that.
That's my favorite. Twitter and yeah, I love that's That's something. Honestly,
that's something I would do. Freewayeah, well, yeah, you mentioned
the breaking news. Marvin Lewis gets a two year extension
to remain the head coach of the Bengals. Carson Palmer,

retiring today after fifteen seasons in the NFL, leaves the game.
Pro Football Reference says twelve all time in passing yards
and passing touchdowns. The only reason I clarify is because
the Cardinals released a statement saying that Palmer was eleventh
in both categories. A little bit of confusion. Nothing confused here,
Carson Palmer retiring from the NFL. Who act, Well, there

is some There is some debate. Eleventh would actually be
John Elway in passing touchdowns and eleventh in passing yards
would be France Harkington. Tarkington, Yes, what did I say Franks?
Pete Carroll says he'll be back for his ninth season
in Seattle Vents. Joseph will return as the Broncos head coach,
and Mike McCarthy got a one year extension with the Packers.

Doug you touched on the earlier. Steelers offensive coordinator Todd
Haley suffered a hip injury when he was shoved outs
out of a Pittsburgh bar on New Year's Eve. Police
are looking into the incident. Christian kirkleaves Texas C and
M for the NFL Draft, and I Saiah Thomas is
back tonight, making his Calves debut against the Portland Trollblazers.
I guess my only question with with Todd Haley is

so he shoved hurts his hip? Right? Which New Year's Eve?
Somebody's drunk, you get pushed, You accidentally bumped shoulders with somebody. Reasonable? Right,
you have too much to drink? Like reasonable? What if
he made it up? I'm sorry, I'm a skeptic, right,
I just am shows up a hip injury. We thought

he first, they thought he heard it at home. Then
he gets pushed, then he gets shoved, or maybe he
was an instigator I don't know. I just do you
start saying you're shoved at a bar or outside a bar.
There's gonna be video. And I'm interested. I don't know
why I'm interested, but I'm interested. I think I'm more
interested though in Marvin Lewis. Marvin Lewison, he was like

it was the Browns, like we're gonna keep Hugh Jackson
Bengal said, hold my beer. Jay Glazer joins us NFL
insider for Fox. Uh J, what's your reaction to Marvin
lu I never get in altercation? Great? Ever? Never? What

what's your reaction to Mark hold On? Hold? Let me correct.
I've never been in a bar where I don't get
an altercation. I had something wrong. Um, okay, So Marvin
Lewis gets not does just get retained. It's a two
year contract. We know the Bengals, they don't like to
buy people out anyway. That that's gotta be a little
bit surprised. You don't have to buy him out of

contract only less days contract was up. No I know
I'm saying. I'm saying, when he gets he signed a
two year extension. That's the report that they just put up.
But as you know, Bengals are cheap. This doesn't mean
he's just gonna get one more year to coach. It
feels like he'll get two more years to coach. Most
people thought he was on his way out. What they'll happen. Well,
it happened, you know, And it was reported by a

couple of places at the end of the year that
he was out and me talking to Marvin uh and
I was not report, by the way, but he thought
that his time had come and gone to as a coacher,
but was thinking about maybe going to the front office.
And you know, he wasn't sure. But then literally Saturday
night we're talking and he said, I'm meeting with Mike

Monday morning, and I think I'm autha jay. I thought
I was out in two thousand pen and then two
years ago was set up for him to be out.
I do one more year than Hugh Jack should be
the head coach, and he like backed out of that
and screwed that one up. So he's like, honestly, I

I've kind of changed my mind. I wouldn't mind calling
back here now if we can get some things worked out.
So here he is, you know, two days later this morning,
and I do think a lot of it was them
looking at a going man, we're not ready to go
through their search process. It's because the ben Goals are
different organizats. They don't have a huge scouting department. They

don't have they're not as expensive as everybody else. So
I think in the end they said, let's kind of
go with you know what was comfortable with and in
a year from now, mayke it still pull the plug
if they want. It's just a two year deal. The
Dallas paying for one. The Dallas couse Jerry Jones said
there's gonna be coaching changes, but he said that his
head coach is safe. So what does that mean? Are
they are they gutting the coaching staff or is there

just a position. I think they'll be. Yeah, I think
there'll be some changes over here. But you know one
thing I hope they they don't do is make emotional decisions.
Now worsening could really do is make decisions when you
when you're just really upset about what happened at the
end of the season, you gotta take a little deep breaths,
Like after game when a coach comes out where they

have to put post the game press conference sys some
stuff and then Monday he regrets it. Same thing. They
need to take a deep breath. Huh. And then okay,
let's really look at our staff here and see what
changes needed to make. Matt Patricia is getting all kinds
of run in terms of interviews. So too is Josh McDaniels.
Obviously one. You've got patriot guys and people who respect

the Patriots everywhere, and too uh. They they both now
had enough success to get a look see best. Guess
he's gotta he's gonna take a job. Where do they
take jobs? I mean that depends who they ve the
best with their You know, right now you're looking at
Matt Patrician. You think that he's gonna go somewhere, Um,

you know, like the Tennessee Titans or Detroit Lions or
somebody's there. But somebody is in the wing. But here's
the ones thing I'll say about former Belichi etatistics and
why Josh and Daniels didn't work out the first time,
why Charlie White didn't work out. He didn't work out, Um,
and Roman is a little different. But a lot of

guys they leave and they try and take to try
to awkword. Many Belichicks. It doesn't work. And this happened
with a lot of Andy Reid's disciple Stewart to try
and be somebody that they're not. We're dealing with the
little street smart due in the world. They will see
through you with two seconds. So I think joshthan Daniels
now is gonna learn from from his mistakes in the past.
Where again they try to do with the Patriots way,

it's not the Patriots. When a man at the Belichick bradyway,
there's no other you can't duplicate it. But if you
don't have if you don't have Brady there, all right,
So you really gotta be who you really are. And
that's what a lot of these guys they don't do.
They leave and they start trying to be you know,
this whole mini mini Belichick thing. If they go in
there themselves, they'll be successful. If they try to be

the next Belichick, they won't be successful. But I actually
think there are very good tenants after I think those
two guys that say Steve Wilkes down the tow a
lot of panthers, I think he is a phenomenal tenidate.
You know. The thing is that a lot of people
want the next Sean McVeigh. There is no, that's Sean mcray.
It's just because he's young. They you mean any next

young guy who goes quarterbacks, he means he's the next.
You're next, Sean mcrect Sean as a the uncanny ability
to be able to connect and communicate to the millennials.
I'm connected with guys like Wade Phillips and old guys
like Andrew Whipworth. It really is. It's unbelievable. No, it's
it's remarkable. Okay, so they can't copy McVeigh. Does anybody

cough copy the Coughlin idea? Right? You bring in like
an old figurehead that kind of stabilizes things with like
an unproven coaching staff. Is that because you know how
this is? Everybody copies somebody else's idea. And we've seen Look,
we've seen coaches wind standouts. Bill O'Brien want to stand off,
Mike McCarthy remains and Ted Thompson gets kicked upstairs. Um,

we've seen coaches winstay, Hugh Jackson remains, where Sashi Brown
get gets running of town. Do do we see anybody
copy the Jacksonville idea? Well, it's not really copy the
Jackson's parcels Miami. He's been you know, they've they've done
uh where they've had a guy in the front office

who's kind of overlooking. UM. It's got such a new thing.
And that was more. I wasn't Tom really overlooking saying
the coaching staff. It was more the front office. Him
coming in there really kind of get more stability in
that from office. Jack Lazer joining us on the Doug
Gottlin Show here on Fox Sports Radio. J Um Philadelphgans

are a mess man. I mean they're they're they're the
one seed in the NFC and there seems to be
I mean, look their coach. It's it feels a little
bit like the Bears when Rex Grossman took him to
the Super Bowl, where Lovey Smith, even during the week
of the Super Bowl, had to say, Rex Grossman is
my quarterback. Do they think they do they think they
can fix things here in this week off? Uh sure

then that it will try to whatever they have to. Look,
they do have a run again, they don't forget too.
They sat Ji this week. They saw a lot of
the defensive starters this week. You know, not everybody was
in UM. But if you can get that one again.
The reason why they trained it for a Giant, and
it is because they really figgered, even with the way

Carson's planned, as it gets colder and colder, we're gonna
have to start switcher, We're gonna have to start winning.
Was running game and more defense. That was that was
their goal. When they were going to try and trade
for another offensive lineman, they're trying to trade for, you know,
power back and the Giant. That really was their goal,
not obviously knowing that Carson went to go down. That

was the role all the way back in whenever the
trade deadline, October and whatever it is. So that was
their their philosophy all along. Now obviously you know they're
gonna need and the tools to step up and um,
you know, I think their philosophy with that running game
of defense is just not have a quarterback screwed up
for us. Last thing Carson Palmer retires and Denver and

Denver also needs a quarterback. Obviously, San Francisco hit the
lottery getting Jimmy g um Eli Manning Kirk Cousins. Who's
most likely to make a move out west of those two,
I don't know. I could the Alex Smith being the
guy that's gonna be real hot and covered this year. UM.
I can't answer the question whether you are right now,

um because I don't know who you know to do
coach and all that. UM So no, I would think
Alex Smith will be a real hot chan right now.
Fascinating stuff always great stuff from Jay Glazer. J can't
tell you how much we appreciate join us. I know
you're super busy. Thanks for checking in on Fox Sports Radio.

All right, Jay Glazier joining us. The NFL coaching carousel
continues to go around, who's in, who's out? I even
need to catch up. I'm sure you do as well.
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car buying experience. Doug gotta leaves show Fox Sports Radio.
Are we gonna go down the whole coaching carousel? Thing? Crazy? Crazy?
Alex Smith, J Glazier said, said to be the hottest
free agent on the market is uh, Alex Smith's can
be eas gonna be playing for pinks. You remember racing

for pinks. Where that's from Greece? Did you like a
movie Greece? Eight times? In the movie theater? In the
movie theater, that's correct. I never saw the movie. I
loved a living in John who didn't have a thing
for the living of course, who didn't have a thing
even even like I. Let's get physical. Remember the last Yes,

that's a single that she released, Ryan and it was
it was hot at the time. I'm not a music guy. Yeah, well,
of course you're not. Clay. Let's get to the press.
The press, Dan Buyer can make heads or tales of things. Uh.
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the zone. Auto Zone Done, Boyle. Doug John got a
tea bird's leather jacket for Christmas to go along with
the grease themes. Looks good. It was a nice gift
from his wife, Suzanne. Arizona Cardinals cornazuco Uh Arizona Cardinals Cordaback.

Carson Palma announced his retirement from the NFL today after
fifteen seasons. Um, Carson, I'm not. I wouldn't say I'm
friends with Carson were friendly. I'm friends with his friend
generally really good dude. Um, there's a Jake Delome aspect
to him, though. Okay, got hurt in his only playoff

appearance with the Bengals towards knee and then if you
remember when it went bad with the Arizona Cardinals, was
not the knee injury. Do you remember how bad he
was in the playoffs in both the games? That is
the key, Dug. Everybody wants to say it's the Carolina game,
it was actually the Green Bay game where he fell off.
Even though they won that game, he couldn't throw a
ten yard out in that game. It was one of

those Oh my god, I thought Carson Palmer was good
and he's terrible. That's the remember Jake Dilom against uh was.
It was also Arizona righty when he had five interceptions
and he never recovered from it. I don't believe Carson
Palmer ever recovered from those bad those two bad playoffs.
So he's calling it quits after fifteen seasons. Marvin lewis
not calling it quits at all. Cincinnati Bengals gave him

a two year extension to remain head coach in Cincinnati. Yeah.
I mean, like, look, anyone I know Jay Glazer just said, hey,
I didn't report that he was out. Chris Mortenson just
like all the coaches think like that's I'm telling you
that that win was a and you end a fooling yourself, right,
But they beat the Ravens on the road, they beat

the Ravens. Dean P's retires, Ravens are out of the playoffs,
they got a draft, a replacement for Joe Flacco at
some point, and now the Bills are the think of
all the things that shifted the Bills, maybe they think
Tyrod Taylor's good long term. Marvin Lewis gets a big win,
so he remains as head coach. All of that because
of one ridiculous pass play in one ridiculous upset. Bengals

beating the Ravens this past weekend. I like, I liked
watching a lot of the Buffalo videos, whether it be
the fans sticking around in Miami to watch the end
of the game or in the locker room. Uh, that
was neat to see of all them watching the Bengals
Ravens game Van Vance Joseph will be back after a
five and eleven season. He will get a second year
as the Broccos head coach. Why. I don't know. I mean,

maybe not, maybe not the candidate. Maybe they want to
find a quarterback first. Yeah, I mean, I guess the
argument is, hey, we couldn't have butchered the quarterback situation
any worse, so we didn't give you a legit shot.
We'll give you a legit shot. But the defense didn't
have great energy that the team just you know, in
many periods is quit on him. So that was bad.

Pete Carrol's gonna be back for season number nine, saying
that he's not going to retire took not only Sunday
with a tweet saying that he was gonna stick around,
but today confirmed he'll be back for a ninth season.
Good thing are a bad thing for the Seahawks. You're good,
good thing? Yes, But this is also a team that
I think is trending downwards, as we have talked throughout

the season. Yeah, it's gonna be interesting to see how
quickly they can redo it. It reminds me in many
ways of the Ravens after Billick won Super Bowl in
two thousand, right, and how they remember they had all
kinds of cap problems, had one down year and then
flipped it back and got it going pretty quickly. Now
they could never get They drafted Kyle Bowler and he
never panned out, but they did do a really good

job of turning around their cap situation quite quickly. Gotta
do something with the offensive side of the ball as
well as the defense likely to take a step back.
Nell Snyder mentioned a little bit earlier, seventy eight year
old will return as the head football coach at Kansas State.
It will be as twenty seventh season as the Wildcats
head coach. Seventy This is what's important, Okay, And for

you youngsters out there, I'm not gonna sit here and
do some historic radio show, but I will tell you
that for fifty years before Bill Snyder became the head coach,
what you think of Kansas football right now? Like like
like my joke is always wait till Kansas goes d
one in football, right Like, that's what people thought of
Kansas State football. It was you couldn't win there. He
couldn't recruit their Uh they're a joke. They were it was.

It was. They were. They were a win a year
for everyone who got him on their schedule. And he
though he's never crossed over and made them a national
it never put him in a national championship game. They've
gotten close a couple of times. The fact that they're
a legitimate contender yearly in the Big Twelve is as
or more remarkable than other coaches winning national championships at

other schools. Doug Finally from the Ball family, Lonzo Ball
in the news now considered day today. With his shoulder injury,
he has been cleared to practice while Lee Angelo and
Lamello are leaving for Luther Wayne Me. They'll play their
first game a week from today, and their head coach
there says the two will play a lot early on,
so they'll be getting a lot of minutes in Lithuania. Um.

And for anybody's wondering like why the Lakers stink all sudden,
well you don't have Lamello, you don't have Alonzo Ball.
And when they play on the road, Contavious Caldwell Pope
can't travel because he's in a California detention center. Right
even when he's playing at home, he's playing with one
of his ankle bracelets on. Um. Oh yeah, by the way,
you know they they also haven't had uh what was

brook Lopez. Hell's havn't at brook Lope. He stayed to
day as well with So they're starting Tyler and this
is really a third string point guard. Josh Hart's a
rookie starting at two who should be like a tenth man.
And they're starting Julius Randall, who they want to bring
off the bench. Outside of that, that was the show
backing out there and pressed that the press. Pretty surprising stuff.

Let's quickly recap last night and what took place. Georgia
gets a chance to play a home game for a
national championship, and that's great. I think ultimately it actually
helps call football. But man, Oklahoma spit the bit. They
should have won that game. They gave it away. Those
opportunities don't come all too often, don't got the show
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