All Episodes

March 6, 2018 124 mins

Doug thinks Warriors head coach Steve Kerr has a really great idea to allow players who go undrafted to return to college, but he’s not sure how realistic it is. He discusses the reports out of New England that Bill Belichick might need some “no people” on his coaching staff. Former offensive lineman Geoff Schwartz joins the show to tell Doug if the Steelers did the right thing by franchise tagging Le’Veon Bell for the second straight year. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio Boom, What Up America,
Doug Gottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio, Kevin Tire from the
City of Angels. My friends in the East Coast listen
to us on the I Heart Radio app on Sirius
x M channel eighty three, or on any of our
hundreds and growing affiliates. I don't feel bad at all

reporting that it is seventy five degrees sunning on a
cloud in the sky. There is no fog, there is
no smog, and Mama did, in fact cook the breakfast
with no hog. It is a good day. It is
a good day in l a uh Now, I'm not
gonna crush Isaiah Thomas like like my friend Colin Cowherd did.
We will get to some NFL talk, including what really

could be going on with the exodus of dissenting voices
in New England that to come. Jeff Schwartz is gonna
join us in fifteen minutes, will get his take on
what we saw from the combine and how we can
correlated yet to correlate it and correlate it to the
upcoming NFL draft. Plus reported offers from the Minnesota Vikings

to Kirk cousins. We heard yesterday it was the Vikings
and the Jets. What are the Vikings doing? An interesting
way of going all in for a franchise quarterback. But
I want to start with this since it is in
fact March and March bandes is upon us and everyone
is trying to fix the broken college basketball system. I

love when things are broken, like, not really all that broken,
Oh it's broken. Okay, okay, that this to me is
here's here's a parallel. After the Olympics, after the election,

there were people, and there will always be people. The
electoral edge has to go, has to go. And of
course the only people who ever think the electoral college
has to go are the people who lose the general
election because the electoral college, the electoral college is the
Thursday night football is bad of politics, right, No one

ever complains about Thursday night football. Who wins Thursday night football? Does?
Nobody wins Thursday night football game and then has like
a week and a half off before the next game,
says like, man, that Thursday night game. That was awful,
That was terrible. We really need to rethink that. You
just don't the same thing happens in elections. But the

truth is that if we were to do away with
the electoral college that many of the states that have
it would it would simply change the way in which
you tried to get elected. It wouldn't necessarily change the outcome.
Like there is a reason that we have. We are
not a true pure democracy. We are a what is

it called a representative democracy, and the electoral college is
a snapshot of what Congress is right, the House of
Representatives is it is skewed. It does favor the more
populated states. But you can't it can't be so overpowering
lye uh, the government can't be so overpparently formed by

the populated states. More populated states that are become unfair.
I bring that up because I think there's a lot
of people who have the right intentions. It's interesting, right intentions.
Have you guys been watching The Final Bachelor? Anybody not me,
but I do know. Apparently are picks a chick and
then in the process between when he picked the woman

and the Final Bachelor episode, which is like months, he
decides that the one that he they didn't pick was
the one, so he dumps that chick and ends up
with the other chick. This, of course was leaked. I
love the fact that like, like, oh leaked, how would
it get leaked? It wouldn't bring more eyes to the
Bachelor finale, would it. I love saying in it for

the right reasons because I like, I think Steve Kerr's
example of being in the sport for the right reasons.
And you might say, well, he's a coach of the Warriors.
He makes five seven million dollars a year. That's not
the right reasons. Remember, Steve Kerr first was kind of
a mercurial bench player. I don't know how much you
guys know his story, Like he didn't have scholarship offers.

Lud Olson first got the job at Arizona needed a guard,
came to southern California and was kind of set up
to you know, he played it at Rachel palas Verdis
palas Verdies High School, believe, but he wasn't heavily recruited
at all. And so when Luke came to see him
and Lute needed players, his coach at the time set
it up so that, hey, don't nimy block Steve Kerr shot,

let's make him look good. And then he saw him
in a summer league, liked him took him and kind
of the rest is history, but that's not really the story.
Then he went to the NBA and he was just
a journeyman until he got a couple opportunities to start.
And he didn't become a known commodity until he was
with the Chicago Bulls. And he was the perfect point guard,

if you will, for the triangle offense, to play opposite
Michael Jordan, to play opposite Scottie Pippott. So so with
all that in mind, like, here's a guy who after
he got done playing, he did well in the financial sector.
He was an incredibly talented broadcaster for TURNI, she called
the Final Four for CBS. He was a general manager

in the NBA, and now he's a coach in the NBA.
And oh yeah, by the way, both of his kids,
daughter volleyball at cal Son, basketball at USD, have been
student athletes. So with the exception of the fact that
somebody would say, well, he came from money, like okay,
got a pretty good perspective on this. Keep in mind

that if you go back a couple of years ago,
when he was still a broadcaster, he said, from his
time as a general manager, he thought that players should
stay in college at least two, if not three years.
He did not believe in the nun in debt. Having
been in the NBA with players that came straight into
high school, it's like they weren't ready as people. You
need time to grow, You need time to matric not

just matriculate, but to mature socially as well as in basketball.
And yeah, academically that is important. Then Steve Kerr said
this yesterday. One of the things the n c A
needs to look at is, UH, if the kid signs
with an agent and declares for the draft and he
doesn't get drafted, welcome him back. Why not? What's the
what's the harm? You know, we're gonna we're gonna talk

about all this uh amateurism and all this stuff, but
were truly trying to do the right thing for the kid.
The kid declares for the draft and doesn't doesn't get drafted,
and realizes, you know what, I should go to college,
welcome him back. Do something good for the kids. That
do something good for the kids. I I agree, But
here's even something that I think all of us would
like to agree on. All of us would like to say.

You know what, Steve, You're right which would you have
to be able to do if you're gonna have a
reasonable argument, and not in this crap you see on
TV where guys won't even hear somebody's point. Give example,
I was, I was debating last week Larry Bird versus
Lebron James with uh nick right, and he pointed out, like,

you can't compare the points to the assists the rebounds
because Lebron has done it for longer, to which I said,
you're right. I I can't argue that point. It's not
the point I want to argue. But if you want
to talk about consistency of career, and I would point
out because of health, not because of skill I have,
I can't you win that part of the argument. Doesn't
mean you win the whole argument, but you win that
part of the argument. And so what Steve is saying,

and I'm not arguing with Steve Kerr, is hey, don
it makes sense that if a kid doesn't get drafted,
he goes back to cool. And you say to yourself, yeah,
I don't think anybody should right like the ideas to
have have them in school as long as they want
to be in school, and if they think they can
make it go okay. Here in lies the problem with
that the NBA and the n c A. N c

A actually now allows players to not just get all
the information, but to attend the pre draft UH workout
pre draft camp in Chicago, to talk to all these
NBA teams to get real feedback. So many of them
know about where their future is going to be. Now

the agents, a lot of them lie to them a
late first, early second. They end up late second or undrafted.
The first problem with it is the players already know
when they're not going to get drafted. They don't listen.
But okay, you want to say, you know what, sometimes
it's the harsh reality of not getting drafted that should

allow player to go back, humble them, get them back
to work, and you know what, it's a good thing.
I still would agree with that even though they have
all the information and if they listen to the right people,
their college coach, UH and NBA people, a legit advisor like,
all these things are valuable. But but one thing you
need need to understand is they are still not going
to listen to you because they still believe if I

walk into a locker room, I'm flying to Vegas tonight
to call games from Mountain West tomorrow. If I walk
into the Gonzaga B y U locker room, they play
tonight the w CC Champiship game. And I asked the Zachs,
how many guys are playing the NBA. These are Gonzaga kids.
They all will believe they're playing the NBA. If I
walk to the B y U locker room, I'm not

sure if I get all of them, but many of
them would say the same. And there might be one
NBA player in both locker rooms. Might be and I
think Zack is pretty good. But all the NBA players
they had left cleaning their point guard from last year
who had a great year, not an NBA player. The
lea pa a another year left. But anyway, so the

first thing is they already have the information. But here's
the part that this is what makes all of this
a lot more complicated. The unintended consequences of allowing players
to come back are as follows the guys that declare,
and they don't have to, but they generally do. They're like, well, look,
I gotta get ready for the pre draft workouts. So

in order to do so, I gotta leave school and
work out seven, So now are they going to be
eligible when they come back? And they kept up with
their grades, their coursework, and you may think, well we
should give them a pass, like okay, but at what
level do you give them a pass? You know? Secondly,

in order to go train with somebody, oftentimes that costs money,
maybe not money as much as like credit from an agent.
Are you gonna pay that back? Or agents can just
gonna be S O L and then gonna still be
their agents and have to eat that money. Now, I'm
not even talking about the fact that many of these
kids get fronted money because they get out and they

think they're gonna be NBA draft picks, Like all right,
can you give me seventy five up front so I
can go and get a car or get something else
that I don't actually need at this point in time.
They do. That's how it works. I need a suit
for the draft. You need to watch, I need my
my buddy needs to travel. I need a place to stay,
I need food to eat, like all these things that
colleges have provided for you. Place to work out, person

to work you out, uh, place to go lift person,
you know, a physical trainer as well, place to get
physical therapy. All these things that are actually provided you
for college that everybody says, you know, colleges get over
on players. These actually things cost money in the real
world transportation. Who's gonna pay that back? And then here's

the last thing, what about the opportunity loss by an
incoming player. High school kids have gotten smarter and they're
waiting longer to commit to a college because they want
to see whoever leaves for the NBA Draft. That's where
I'm gonna go because I want to play right away.
So what do you do if your college coach like,
I need thirteen guys on scholarship, and even if it's

my best player and I just I want to support him,
he's gonna wait. The NBA draft is an end of June.
Do we realize on the calendar you have to have
your team in place well before the end of June.
Say your point guard says, you know, I want to
put my name in the draft. I might even find
if I don't get drafted, come back. So now I

have to go get another point guard. If I have
that of the point guard and my player decides to
come back, I'm of course going to welcome him back.
What do I do with the other kid that plays
the same position. My point is that this is one
of the simplest decisions of all of these decisions. Because
I think everybody agrees and that's a good idea. You
should be able to welcome him back. If he doesn't.

No one will dispute that. No, I don't think anybody's
arguing with Steve Kerr on whether or not that idea
is a good one. And even with the really good
ideas that everybody agrees with, there's a ton of unintended
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joins the show. Up coming next, I'll ask him if
the Steelers made the right choice by franchise tagging Levan
Bell for the second straight season. That's upcoming next, But
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can save Doug got Leaves show Fox Sports Radio. He's
a former offensive lineman. You can check at his new
show on XM three seventy three. There's three seventy three

channels on serious XM Pack twelve today on uh x
M three seventy three. I honestly he told me, hey, man,
hook me up with some Pack twelve stuff. We talked
some Pack twelve hoops. Now I'm like, okay, now it's
called Pack twelve to day, it's Jeff Schwartz, he joins us.
You can fall him on Twitter at Geoff Schwartz. Make
sure it's Geoff, just because that's how Jeff is spelled.

How you doing, Jeff, I'm good. I I don't know
if there's three hundred and seventy two channels before our channel,
but that's what we're at, three seventy three. There you go,
three seventy three, We're in. We're on eighty three or
on three seventy three program both Jeff wars joining us
on the Doug gott Leap Show. You are big in
the don't draft Sae Kwon Barkley Number one overall crowd.

Why is that, Well, I think it's just the Brown situation.
The Browns for years have passed on the quarterback and
we don't have valuable at quarterbacks. Is the NFL we
saw today the Stems officially placed the tag or lady
on Bell, who is their workhorse on offense. You can
argue he's the most dynamic running back on The Steelers
refused to give him a long term contract because that

position is just not that valuable. Quarterback is the most
valuable position in the NFL, and the Browns for years
have settled for the second or third option where there
was in twenty sixteen, they drafted Chestos going for Wentz
or where it was last year instead of drafting Watson
and Mahomes. They ended up with the shan Kaiser. This
is their opportunity that you rast the guys they want. Look,
all these guys at the top have some sort of flaw,

but you have an opportunity to pick the guy that
you've scouted that you like for your You know your
your franchise for the future at one. And then if
you want to get Barklay, if you want to get
an offensive tackle two or three, you can train it
back up for that or is wait until four? Um,
but the risk of losing out on the quarterback you
want is not worth the reward of drafting and running

back who you know? They they produce for four or five,
six years and they've done a good quarterback will the
last year fifteen years? Okay, but um, there's a there's
a there's a bunch of thig. I understand the Browns
have passed on a quarterback. Got that? And I think
that the Browns truth be told. If somebody in the
top five wanted to trade up to get a quarterback

and they could get Sa Kwon Barkley, still fine, and
remember they have the fourth pick, So why draft a
quarterback one when the guy you want is available one
and might not be available at four. I mean, like,
if you can get both. When I get both and
Barkley is the best player in the draft, get the
best player in the draft. Before the combine. By the way,
no one really was saying that Barkley should be the

first pick. And then he runs really well and jumps
really want everyone said, oh, he's as a transcendent player.
It's funny. Someone posted yesterday video of Adrian Peterson in college.
That's a once in generational player. I mean that that's
not even remotely close to what st juon Barkley. But
hold on, let me, let me, let me jump in here, okay,
because and I love Adrian Peterson and I would agree
with you, but Adrian Peterson is probably better as a

pure running back. But Sa Kwan bark The does more
at this age in terms of past protection, catching in
the backfield that Peterson never did in college. And the
Peterson really still and Peterson really honestly doesn't doesn't block
on third they never played third down, and it wasn't
much a pass catcher. Um, here's why you have to
draft the quarterback at one. You know, there's there's six

top quarterbacks, maybe four, let's say, or five. It depends
on how you rank them. If you're the Browns, right,
you're gonna fall in love with one of them. That's
just the way it works. You'll you'll follow up with
the one and you'll say, well, maybe we'll be okay
with the second one. If you go Barkley at one,
the Giants will probably tray at the two. SI and
the Giants who want Barkley because they think Eli has
three years left so that they will try to too.

So the Colts could tray out of three as well.
So now you maybe have lost your opportunity to draft
a quarterback that you like, and now you settle again
for the second option, which typically turns out to not
be the guy that you wanted. I don't understand the
need for running back for a team last year that
was temph and rushing their fourth in power rushing there
are fourteenth and adjusted rushing. They rushed the ball five.

They have young, they have young running backs that are
fun Barkley. Adding Barkley and not getting the quarterback you
want does not get them over the hump the quarterback
they want and maybe adding Barkley or an offensive guard
you know, Quint Nelson or Fitzpatrick to safety and putting
those players on the Browns and makes them a better team.
Joe Thomas, who's made the rounds and media obviously has
his podcast. He's begging the Browns to to sign the

quarterback or drafted quarterback because he knows if they had
a quarterback last year they would have gone six and
ten a Nate Possibly, they have talent on their team.
They do not need a running back that's the voice
of reason. That's Jeff Schwartz. He joins us on the
Doug Gottlip Show here on Fox Sports Radio. Um, let's
let's get to that Levy on Bell Steelers deciding to

at this this point franchise tagging because they can't agree
to a deal. Do you run the risk though, Levian
told us, Hey, man, if you franchise tag me again,
I'm not going to camp, do you run the risk
of overpaying him on the short term and ruining a
relationship in the long term in an effort to grind
him down in a couple of million dollars here there. Well,

the reason why they're having a contract issue is because
Layton Bell wants to be paid as a dual threat player.
He wants to be paid kind of in between running
back and and wide receiver because he does so much
out of the batfield, which would be a first. There
really hasn't been a hybrid players, just like tight ends,
want to get franchised at the wide receiver number because
a lot of those guys are basically wide receivers, and

so far that has not worked. And that's what the
impass is that it's not that they don't want to
pay him to be the top paid running back. They
don't want to pay him to be a dual threat
guy because his position listed on the roster is running back.
So that's for that right now and looks last year
and hurt the Steelers earlier this season that Bell was
not there and his teammates at you were called about
week three and training camp were like, dude, you've got

to come back, Like we need you to come back
because it takes some time again with them and get
in shape and and and all that, and so yeah,
he might hold out again, but it's gonna hurt his team.
And I just think the Steelers, like most NFL teams,
just don't value wanting backs as much. And maybe they're
wrong about that, maybe that is a different type of
player and that they should value him more, but the
way they use him as well, I mean they put

fo touches on him a year. That's a lot of touches.
Eventually he's going to break down. I think the Stevens field,
if you give him a long term contract, you just
won't get the value out of that because he will
he will get burned. He'll get get burned out and
and he won't be able to produce it at the
level of you pay him to produce. I I agree
with you. I agree with you. I mean I I do.
I mean I think we actually Me and Ryan Music,

my producer, we discussed this for the show and and
he was comparing it to the kirk Cousins thing, and
I was like, no, No, kirk Cousins can play into
his late thirties. So is it whereas Levian Bell? Three
years is the actualte max you would say for for
Levian Bell to be an All Pro Pro Bowl level player,
and then he's twenty nine. That's if he doesn't break
down before then he's he and he's he's missed games

due to suspension and injuries in the past. To begin with,
all right, let's let's get to kirk Cousins. There's at
least one report that it's the Vikings, as multiple reports
that it's the Vikings and the Jets, and one report
has the Vikings offering three years fully guaranteed one million dollars.
What are your thoughts on that offer coming from the
Vikings And if you like that as their future, I

love it as their future. And what I love about
this deal too is this will be the first time.
Hopefully that's a fully guaranteed contract. Look, Mike McCartney his agent.
I used to be with Priority Sports UM and Mike
was one of my agents that helped me out. He's
done a fantastic child of leveraging every single cent out
of at A Kirk Cousins and what he can do
right to franchise tags. If you give him a three
year deal ninety one million obviously over thirty million a year,

which will be the highest average per year, he can
still get another contract in three years. It's a fantastic
deal for him, and the Vikings have the cast space
to do it. If you look at Cousins his best seasons,
well when he had Deshaun Jackson, Garson, healthy, Jordan Read,
good offensive line, he's ever really had a good defense
go to Minnesota, good defense, good running game, Seeler and
Tyle Rudolph Gigs. I mean, it's a fantastic, fantastic place

for Hint for him to land and as the Vikings
being aggressive of it, knowing that their quarterback away possibly
for making a Super Bowl. Yeah, I I the one
thing I will tell you that you know, like Cam
Newton's contracts fully guaranteed. The rookie contracts are fully guaranteed. Um,
so yeah, this would be a vet deal that that's
super su the second contract guaranteed. Yes, Okay, So what happens?

What happens to the Broncos if they don't get Kirk Cousins? Like,
do you go a j mccaren, Do you go back
to the draft? I mean they've swung and missed here
and John Elways said, I'll keep swinging and missing if
that's what it takes. What do you do if you're
the Broncos and you don't get Kirk Cousins. I mean
you have to offer more than anyone else to get him.

I mean I think he'll go to the highest bidder
in generalman. Over thirty million a years is the obviously
that we're making the highest paining quarterback. You're the Broncos.
You gotta draft a quarterback and develop them. I mean
it's about time that that you do this. You can't
keep relying on the veterans to help you win these games.
At some point you have to draft young quarterback develop him. Uh.
You know they whift on Lynch looks like they whiffed

on well Simon the seventh in our draft pick. I mean,
you don't really whiff on those guys, um, and so
look they have. They also whiffed on on Brockos Wilder,
who they wanted when he signed in Houston, Elway drafted him.
And look, they wanted Kaepernick at half the month. If
Kaepernick wouldn't take a wouldn't take a wouldn't take a haircut.
So so they just have to. They have to draft

behind develop them. It's up to their coaching staff and
and it's about time that they do it because their
franchise needs it. And Sook, if it's Baker Mayfield of five,
which I think people have had lights over there, or
Josh Rosen, or it's it's Josh Allen, which I Josh Allen.
I mean completing passes is important and Josh Allens doesn't
do it, So I mean that's a concern of mine,
um for him. But I mean they have to they

have to draft someone and develop them. But if it's
a Baker Mayfield or even a Josh Allen, I mean
there's are guys that might need to wait a year
to really be effective. So you have to play maybe
paston wins or simme in for one more year until
those guys are ready. Uh, people can There's there's two
things that hurting Josh Rosen. One is durability, has had
some injuries in the two is the personality thing, uh

in which super confident, super he's too he's too smart.
But I do think that people say too smart, it's
not really what he's like. I think it would be
that he he he just he has a way about
him to which not everybody is fully in on Josh Rosen.
Like you've been in a bunch of locker rooms. How
important actually is that? I can care less if he

can swing the ball, which I think he can, I'm
fine with that. Um, I'm located with my quarterback being cocky, confident,
a little loof, I mean part of Eli Manning. Eu
Man is a great guy. I think that that you
would look at him in the sideline to think he's
a little loof, He's not. I mean, he's he's always
in the present. Um. And I think that Rosen is talented. Now,
he might not have the most upside of a lot

of the players, but I think that they're concerned with
him should be his injury history, concussions, shoulder back, and
he's had some problems and part of that to be
you know, you celis pull offensive line in the last
couple of years. But UM, I don't worry about the
mental side of that as much as UM, you know,
I would worry about it if it was the other way,
where he just wasn't very bright, uh, just you know,
being smart, being outspoken. Um. I think he's very aware

of of who he is, which I think is okay
and it's fine. He expresses that all the time, just
like I'm not worried about Baker Mayfield being confident and
cocking and and that I like my quarterback to be
that way because that's the position. It's an alpha dog position.
You have to you have to have confidence in yourself, um,
and have a little emotion to play that spot. Jeff,
great stuff. Congrats on the new show Call Me Up

and you want to do Pack twelve hoops It's called
Pack twelve today on Serious x M three seventy three
fall m on Twitter. He's always entertaining. Jeff was also
an author. He and his brother wrote a book about food,
which of course anybody can get behind. Jeff Schwartz is
Twitter handles it's g off is how he spells Jeff
g E O F F. Schwartz and the Schwarts be
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I haven't seen Dan buyers, Dan, Dan, you got some Dan?
You good? I am good, Doug, I am great. I

don't know how well Levan vell is because he got
what he expected. Today, multiple reports saying the Steelers placing
the franchise tag on the running back or the second
straight year. We have a countdown for everything. Doug countdowns
Opening day, countdown to this countdown to that countdown to
the franchise tag deadline, hun days till the World Cup.
By the way, there it is, there's another. There's another countdown.

We've got about twenty six minutes left for teams to
place franchise tags or transition tags on their players. More
news from the NFL involving tag. The game of tag continues.
Rams placed the non exclusive franchise tag on safety LaMarcus Joiner,
so Sammy Watkins goes to free agency. Bears placed the
transition tag on corner Kyle Fuller. The Jaguars won't use

the franchise is take on wide receiver Allen Robinson. Free
agent running back Chris Irey gets a two year deal
to sign with the Buffalo Bills. Panthers sun kicker Graham
get out to a new four year contract. Longtime NFL
referees and Hockeyley and Jeff Triplet retiring from the game.
Hockey Lee son Sean was named as one of the
two new referees for the eighteen season. You think that

was a tip for Tach Yes, absolutely one percent. Yeah,
I love how like we're like, oh Ed Hockeleys retired,
Like yeah, dude, he retires the same day his son
gets announced in like duh. Or as Mike's daughter would say, dirt.
She says, there, I like that. Hey, why not change
it up a little bit? Things trying to change up

with the a CC Tournament. Boston College, though, holds on
with a win over Georgia Tech eighty seven to seventy
seven pitch. Well, their season's been the Pitts trails Notre
Dame at the half thirty six to twenty four right now,
Bonzi Coulson and early nine Doug for the fighting Irish. Yeah,
the pit things interesting? You know? Do they fired Kevin
Stallings two years in? I mean obviously they completely bottomed

out this year, they'd pay him ten million dollars, would
be ten million dollars. It would be ten million dollars.
I mentioned ten million dollars. They didn't then don't win
a conference game this year, did not win a conference game. Now, look,
they're they're best player, got hurt. Uh, they're playing like
four freshmen right now. I get it, And I do

think that if they keep him next year, they'll be
demonstrably better as they have they got. You know, they're,
like I said, best players coming back off injury, good
recruiting class, and they had a player of red shirting.
I'm not gonna bother you with with pit. But Pitt's
dream higher is Sean Miller, who played there. I just
don't know. Can you fire a guy and give him
ten million dollars and hire a guy who's under n

C A investigation, Like, I don't know. That's a hard one,
really really hard one. Uh. The Auto Zone Fixed Finder
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And it's one of those free services that help rev
up your refund this tax he's been getting the zone
auto zone. Uh. I saw this story which im and

I'm intrigued by how it's going to be received. Stephen
Ross is the owner of the Miami Dolphins. He told
the New York Daily News quote, all of our players
will be standing. Remember this is a team that last
year that had Kenny Stills and Michael Thomas, Julius Thomas
all knelt during several times for the national anthem. Initially,
Ross said, I totally supported the players and what they

were doing. It's America. People should be able to speak
about their choices. When the message changed and everybody was
interpreting it as it was the reason, then I was
against kneeling. I like Donald Donald Trump, I don't support
everything he says. Overall. I think he was trying to
make a point in his message became what kneeling was about.

From that standpoint, that is the way the public is
interpreting it, so I think it's coming upon us to
adopt that. That's how I think the country now is
interpreting the kneeling issue. I'm gonna tell you how I
think in one second, Ryan Music, Um, how, what's what's?

What are your thoughts when you hear this from Stephen Ross,
the owner of the Dolphins. I think that he's one
of the few NFL owners who's willing to put his
face in front of this issue and just say, listen, guys,
we we've been sort of dealing with this issue, and
we have offered alternative methods by you know, giving them
money and providing other outlets for them to speak their mind.

He's now just saying, can we please just stop with
the kneeling and and that whole problem? Okay, let me
John Ramos, what is your opinion of Yeah that he's
pretty much saying, I want the guys, you know, this
is my team, and I appreciate what they're doing, but
if you play for me, um, you're gonna standard national anthem? Okay,

day and buyer. What is your interpretation of what Steven
Ross said in terms of the interpretation whatever with the
national anthem um? I think that maybe I don't think
it's gonna be a speak of an issue, So I
think that he in So I think that he's making
himself when he said those comments, making himself look good
right now. I don't think you're gonna see as many

people kneel next year. So I think he's kind of
trying to get trying to make himself look good, if
that makes any sense. Mm hmm, okay, um, here's my
take in business? In business, what is the one thing
that all business with one credo that all businesses live
by or should live by? John, you want to take

a shot at it? Right, music? You want to take
a shot at it, John, What he got businesses for,
like the masses of people that work for them in
a consumer oriented business, let's just say, in a consumer
oriented business, um, let's make money. Okay, okay, um, music,
you wanna take a shot at it? Essentially what John

is saying. But it's the customers always right, That's the one.
The customer is always right? Have you ever heard that before?
That's what this is. Now. There's a couple of different
parts to it. The first thing, and I think he
starts to get into the nuance, which is really hard
for dumb people to understand. But I don't think most
people were dumb. I think sometimes we dumbed down arguments,

but I don't think most people were dumb. I think
most people understand what he's saying is in fact accurate,
and your emotions may make you react. Well, he saying,
we can't protest, this is America. Damn Like no, no no, no,
he said he supported the protest, but then a good
it was the protest, as you said, John, and as
I think Dan Buyer said as well. The protests were

starting to go away until Trump hopped back in. It
was like, you know, and said what he said, and
then the protest weren't about what they were protesting the
protests at least most people. Are you protesting which protests
and and the police and equality, et cetera. Or are
you protesting the name that the President United States called

you or thought he called you, or the your reaction
towards instead of the substance of what he was saying
and what he's what NFL owners are like, Look, all
of this is great, this is great. You want to protest, great,
but it's gonna hurt all of our bottom line. The
customer doesn't want you to kneel. And I run a business,

right And I run a business, and so in my business,
I need to play to the widest set of audience
ears as possible. It doesn't matter if what you're protesting
is totally valid, if you think the police tactics are wrong,
if you think that that that that the police show

racial bias in in those tactics, if you think it
there's like, look, you could be protesting because you don't
think we donate enough of our time to pediatric cancer.
It doesn't matter. It matters how the fan interprets it.
And enough fans have interpreted it. And I was actually
tell my wife, I really struggle pronouncing the word interpretation, interpretation,

that's how it's spelled right tone. Her loves like, this
is a tough word for me. She's like why. I
was like, I don't know. Everybody has a word, you know.
It's like Billy Madison where he couldn't write the Z
in rasutto. I struggle with interpretation. What Steven Ross is
saying is the customer has told us that they don't
like this, and when enough customers tell us they don't

like us, we have to react and we can go
about explaining no, no, no no. Julius Thomas is protesting this,
and Michael Thomas and Kenny Steels were protesting this. They
don't care. They don't care about nuance. They don't care
about what you're actually doing. It's how they interpreted and
if that presents a presents them with a negative view
of the team that they love, and it causes them

to not buy season tickets. That's why he announced it now,
by the way, is because the probably believes he's seeing
it in season ticket holders when they call him, Hey, man,
I'm not re upping for tickets that they're gonna kneel
before a game. Do I think that's stupid? Of course
I do you sign up? You're if you're dumb enough
to sign up for season tickets, right, like, you're not

very smart if you're sign up for season tickets. Forget
about the Dolphins. You're signing up for season tickets. Yeah,
I'll pay for two games that I'm not gonna go
to preseason games, and for eight games even if I
might lose one too, and I'll pay a private seat
license just so I can. Or you could pay you know,
one and a half times face value and go to
one actually really good football game, watch all the rest

at home, and save your money. Like, I don't think
you're very bright if you're going you're doing season tickets.
But this is the owner reacting to the customer. This
is the owner saying, hey, all that's great, but how
you think it's being received. It's not how it's being received.
The customer is always right, and he's thrown in some

nuance to the fact that most people's interpretation of the
protests have changed, whether or not the protests and the
actual reason behind them have not. You gotta get the Hooters.
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Weird Indird, Doug Gotlin Show, Fox Worts Radio. I'm running late,
so I can't just let the song play out. Let's
get to the game. This is game time side on
the Doug gott Leap ship that's conditioning the field change.

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squeeze on time. I apologize today we have got What
are the chances the chances? All right, you're just talking,
You're just talking about the Dolphins and Stephen Ross's comments

and then maybe saying he was misconstrued. Whatever, Doug, what
are the chances that a member of the Dolphins will
steal Neil despite Steven Ross's comments about the national anthem
next season? Five percent chance? Five percent chance? Like again,
it's it wouldn't even be that you knelt. It would
be that your boss specifically told you not to kneel. That.

That's what I've learned this the hard way. It's one
thing to do something which some people can construe his rights,
some people can strue his wrong But your boss says, hey,
we are not gonna do this anymore, and you do
it anyway. That's going to your boss, and that doesn't
work out so well. One are the chances more players
will come out explaining their mental health issues, following in
the footsteps of DeMar de Rosen and Kevin Love. I

think good, I think high. Kevin Loves saying that he
actually had a panic attack during a basketball game. DeMar
DeRozan's had bouts with confidence issues. I would say probably
chance that we see more and more push towards mental health,
even for star athletes, because confidence is much a part
of sport as anything else. Tuga, what are the chances

that the new format of revealing the m C Double
A tournament bracket on selection Sunday is a success? Going
with a full reveal of the field in them revealing
the brackets? What do you consider a success? Will people
think it's a good idea or a bad idea? I
think people initially think it's a good idea, but it's
an awful idea. It's really bad idea. And I'll tell

you why. Um once you reveal the teams that are in.
Anybody who's not in changes the channel. Then, once you
reveal the brackets and you still have time, everybody changes
the channel to ESPN so they can see guys that
covered college basketball the whole year breakdown the bracket. It's
a bad This is a bad idea. In addition to

which the thing is on TBS, which will already cause
the numbers to be down. Um, what the chances it'll
be well liked because this is the kind of thing
that people on Twitter have been calling for. What are
the chances, Doug? A long NBA win streak comes to
an end? Tonight? Rockets are at the thunder of fifteen
game streak. Pelicans at the clip is running an eight
game one streak in the Blazers and their seven game

one streak hoast. The next chance that the Rockets streak
comes to an end, the Thunder play better in the
big games and they do all the other games. This
is game time on the Doug Gottlieb Show. Yeah. Look,
Having been a part of the selection show, I think

the two hour show is the right way to do it.
But I think you wait until the very end to
reveal the last teams in Auto Zone. Fixed Finer tool
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things coming out of New England will cover it next
in doug Otlip Show. What Up? Doug Gotlip Show? Fox
Sports Radio coming to you from beautiful, sunny, glorious city
of Los Angeles. Mm hmmmm what um? People are interesting

when they get older, right? I feel like people go
one of two ways when they get older. They either
and and most of them are not. They don't go
the same They're not the same person. When once you
get to the last couple of years of other life
or of work, you're not the same. Some people become
they like to become kind of mentory, very nice, very
state's been like, you know, they started wearing tweed, smoking

a pipe, wearing a monocle. No, But honestly, people seem
to go one of two ways when they get towards
the end of the run. The first way in which
they go is kind of interestingly. Sometimes guys get angry,

you know, they get ang gree kids these days, they
don't understand how hard it is to get to the top,
and some become nicer. Uh my grandma, but my mom's mom,
she's a tough lady. Tough lady. My grandpa and never

made he died. My mom was twenty um when he died.
He owned a liquor store. So she ran a liquor
store in Bridgeport, Connecticut, which was a nice middle class town.
And then it kind of devolved a lot. It's about
him in middle class town and so you know, like, look,
when you're on your own for the last I don't know,

uh guess the thirties some one years, forty years of
your life, it toughens you up. It hardens you. And
I remember when I was like ten or eleven, I
have an uncle who lives in Alaska, and we went
up to Alaska during the summer and I just remember
grandma head and it was like not all that friendly,

Like she just wasn't like much of a kid person.
I fast forward to my wife when we were just dating,
was before our senior in college. We took a trip
to Connecticut and New York and we went up and
saw my grandma and she could not have been sweeter.
And my my wife is till this to this day,
she's like, I loved your grandma. She was like so
nice and she remember when we left her. She lived

in a h what is it called. It's like a
two family like split, not a split. I think it's
called split level. It was like a duplex upstairs and downstairs.
You know, like a lot of duplexes are one side
or the other, you know, but this was a different
family lived below in her house was up above. And
I remember like we caught a cab and we were

walking out the door and we had our bags and
there was my grandma and like watching us go and
she's looking out the window like so sweet. I loved
her so sweet. It's like, well, she wasn't always that sweet.
She just like, you know, last five ten years she
decided like the hell with it. I want people remember
me as somebody's sweet. And she just she got to,

you know, she got to really, I think, enjoy the
last one or ten fifteen years of her life. So
some people become super super super nice. Some have become
super super super cynical. But I also think that oftentimes
latent career and latent life and the two are not

always the same. Some people, like you know, Joe Paterna
know that Paternal. I can't wait till the Paternal movie
comes out of HBO and how good does that look?
Oh um? But some people, you know, some people, you
take away their job and they bear. Bryant died right
after he retired it Alabama, Joe Paternal. It was like

a couple of weeks later he died like that becomes
their life. But there are a lot of parallels between
end of career and end of life. Tom Kern's an
outstanding writer. He writes for Comcast sports Net New England
dot com. Wow. That's He also does TV stuff for
Comcast supports Net New England, which is the the NBC

kind of affiliate there. And it's interesting because there's been this,
There's always been a group in that Patriots room who
pushed back against Bill. You have to have guys. You
can't have all yes, man, that's a great idea, Bill, Hey,
Mr Big Coach b that's a good one. Ha ha ha.

You gonna have some guys like Tom Dimitrof, Scott Pioli,
Charlie Weish they're all gone. Yes. Josh McDaniels is there,
but Romeo Cornell is not. Um. The point is that
that Belichick, he's not necessarily surrounded by yes men, but

he's no longer no longer has no men. Ohio State
head coach Urban Meyer, who's super close, super close with
Bill Belichick, said quote, I started asking him about it,
and he made the point. He said, I coach guys
that I want to be around. That's it. I'm not
gonna I'm not just gonna coach everyone. And so if

you look, Jamie Collins got traded to Cleveland, right, Jonathan Cooper. Um,
So they got Jonathan Cooper a second round of a
third round pick, felt like they kind of gave away
Jamie Collins and that Jamie Collins was a versatile pass
rusher and right in the middle of the season, and
like send him to Cleveland. Jimmy Garoppolo second round pick

to the San Francisco forty Niners. You look at the guy,
what did he do it? In the Super Bowl? He
sat a guy in Malcolm Butler who everybody thinks is leaving.
But he did it because he wanted to do it
his way or did he just not want to coach
guys that he didn't want to be around. It feels
like Belichick. I don't know if he I don't think
he's becoming bitter, and I'm not sure he's becoming softer.

I just think he's getting to the point in his
career where he's like, you know, I only want to
coach the guys I want to coach, And if I
can't win a title because of talent, I'm okay with that.
I've won titles. He's got five super Bowls, He's been
to eight of them. If it's if you want to

tell me I can't win a super Bowl with the town,
I have this fine. But I've been to eight super Bowls.
I've won five, so there is no proving myself. This
is just I want to work with the people I
want to work with. I don't need a holes, I
don't need me first guys. I want team guys. I'm sure.
I know that may cause me to miss out on
free agents, that may cause Rob Gronkowski to not have fun.

He might want to go, but we want a super
Bowl last year without Rob Gronkowski. Then me like not
saying Gronks not important. He is. He's our best weapon
for Tom Brady. But it's not irreplaceable because every season
the Patriots have to replace important parts and they seem
to be able to do it. Is there some arrogance

with that? Yeah? But is that arrogance or confidence based
upon fact? You better believe so. I I look at
this reminds me of Billy Donovan at the end of
his run at Florida. Billy Donovan when he first got

the job at Florida, his first recruit was um Jason Williams,
And by Jason Williams, I mean white chocolate Jason Williams,
who had he had had a Marshall with him. He
got kicked off the team at Marshall and then when
he went to Florida. He came to Florida, played a
handful of game played like twenty games, got kicked off
that team too, But he knew that he needed some

type up of elite spectActor town to kind of turbo
charge his entry into it. My last college game was
against Florida, one of his final fours, his first final
four team. That team was loaded with players, loaded with players,
and like six guys that played in the NBA on
that team. Then he won back to back national titles

without really heavily recruited guys Al Horford, Joe Kim Noah
Um and others. But if you look after that, After
after that, he had a couple other good recruiting classes,
but then he seemed to either find religion or just
want to coach guys that wanted to be coached. And

I'm not saying that that's the way you have to go,
but I do think that a lot of people at
the end of their run, like you either go for
it one last, go for the gusto, or you just
surround people with guys that you want to work with,
and if you don't win it all is fine. I've
already won it all, like Billy Donovan already been to

the final four previously. I won two national championships with Florida.
He had to proved anything to anybody, Bill Belichick, He's
been to eight suppolts, he's won five. He doesn't have
to prove anything to anybody. You know, he won two
as a defensive coordinator. Cleveland hasn't been nearly you know
Cleveland with him, and then when Schottenheimer after him, that

was the last time Cleveland was any good. He's clearly
proven himself beyond a reasonable doubt to be the best
had had an NFL coach in the in the modern
history of the National Football League. And so look, maybe
he sacrifices and the look maybe Malcolm Butler, maybe the
Malcolm Butler thing cost him superpol you can say that.

But this is the way that he wants to go out.
This is how he wants his career to finish. And
I gotta tell you, I kind of understand it. It
loves when this business in my business. You know, I
am a grinder's grinder. I just don't know any other way.
I drive my wife crazy, so my friends crazy. You know.

I you want me to call a basketball game wherever,
just tell me, send the ticket. I'll go. I don't
need sleep on anything. I love the support, love to
do it. Then we do a radio show wherever tell me,
I'll do it. I landed at three in the morning,
or landed at two in the morning on Monday morning
at Sunday night Monday morning, went home, caught a couple
hours of sleep, got up, drove, did Colin Show, and
then we did a radio show yesterday. I don't get

paid a pennymore to do Colin Show as a guest
that does it help promote this show and promote our podcast,
I'm sure. But if I didn't do it one day,
would it kill it? But that's how I'm wired, and
you know, because I also the reality of it is
the traveling is can be exhausted, but the actual work

is not. It's not really work. I'm talking to you
for three hours. But I do think there are substantial
amount of people that in my field of business, at
some point in time they get to the Yeah, could
I work for a big network? Yeah, But you know
what I want to do local radio, and I want
to talk about my trip to the grocery store and
the local team or my kids ball team, or I

don't want to do radio because radio that's you know,
two days a year. So I'll just do this. I'll
just do that. And that made to some people be
meiling it in, but to me, it's what makes me happy.
I want to work for the people I want to
work for, Okay, make taking less money to do so,
and that's how they're wired. I understand the Sebelichick. I

think it paints the picture of why they've done what
they've done and what they're going to do in the future,
and it's almost to me a great experience experiment. Can
you succeed in the NFL without going out and getting
the very top end town and getting guys that are
completely about it? Or does that always at some point?

Is it? Wait? Is it always Jimmy's and Joe is not?
The next is knows Pittsburgh Steelers, right, I don't know.
I don't know if the Steelers have a good team
as people think they have, especially in the defensive side
of the football. But they got Levian Bell, they got
Antonio Brown, they have Ben Roethlisberger. All three could potentially
be in the Hall of Fame, right, They got some

dudes there. But do you want to coach that when
Antonio Brown's out from self shooting Facebook videos? Do you
want to coach that when you're when Levian Bell constantly
unhappy about his contract? Do you want to coach that
when Ben Roethlisberger doesn't get along with this offensive coordinator,
never accepts the blame, always deflects in talking about retirement.

Or do you want to do Bill Belichick where you're like,
you know, we're gonna do it my way. If you
don't want to do it my way, that's cool. We'll
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Do Do Do Do, Doug Otlim Show, Fox Sports Radio,
m Chris Mannix. Uh, you've got expertise in covering hoops
as a reporter covering the world of boxing. Want ask
them about Canelo Alvarez. And if we buy the tainted

meat excuse that is steak in Mexico City? Was good steak?
Tell you tequila too? Yes, might have made me test
positive for P E D S. I'm not sure I
buy that one. We'll see if Mannix does. Oh, he's
with us, Manx. Let's just start there and we'll get
to some hoop stuff you buy. Canello Alvarez had a
bad steak and that's why he popped positive for pd NOO. Doug,

I'm I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt,
but I need to see the receipts. I need to
know more than that press release set. I don't care
that he was just embarrassed. I need to know when
he thinks he ate it, how he came across it. Um,
I need details because you know this this drug that
that that he tested positive for. It's become kind of

a what I think is a convenient excuse for some
Mexican athletes. He had two boxers in the last five
years test positive for we know the soccer story. Um,
you know Canello has says doesn't have a history of this.
So I'm willing to give him a little bit of
rope here, but I need more than just what was
already released. And I think that Gallofkin should demand more too,

especially in a sports as violent his boxing. Doug Otland Show,
Fox Sport Train, Let's let's keep with boxing. There's just
talking now of money. Mayweather moving to m m A Like,
what why I don't I don't. I don't. I don't understand.
Help me understand this. I don't think it's happening. I'd
be Look, I was very surprised that that he fought
um connor McGregor, only because I thought negotiations would be

as painful as they were from Manny packy out. That's
why I didn't think it was gonna happen. But you know, Mayweather,
more than anything, wants to be relevant. He he wants
to see his name trending on social media. He wants
to be talked about on radio and TV shows. That's
why he does this stuff. That's why I post those
videos and why stuff leaks out about potential negotiations with
with the Dana White. But more than anything else, Mayweather

loves this aura of invincibility that he has at fifty
and oh when he retired. He has that. Now we
can argue where he stands in the all time you know,
boxing animals, but he's got a legacy that that he wants.
He goes into the the M m m A world, he's
gonna get eat up pretty good. He's not going to
learn M m A overnight. So for no other reason

than his his or of invincibility would take a massive hit.
I'd be astonished we ever saw Mayweather in a cage.
I tend to agree with you, but I also think
he likes people talking about him and and that's that's
probably his favorite part, because otherwise he's you know, boxing
is out of sight, out of mind. Let's talk about
things that are more inside in mind. Um, the Cleveland Cavaliers,

now we've seen them a good bit and look that
they don't appear to have a second go to the
way they did with Kyrie. There is some better there's
better feelings about this team than there are previously. They
dominated the Detroit Pistons last night. What's your take on
on where they stand long term, at least long term
being this season in comparison to where they were before

the trade deadline. You know, I think they're a better
team than what they were before the trade deadline. I
think the guys they acquired are supporting players who are
comfortable in their roles, and the guys they shipped out,
maybe not particularly Isaiah, but even Jay Crowder who who
didn't seem to fit in with what they were doing Cleveland.
The question is do any of these guys they brought in.
Do any of them improve their defense? Now? They held

Detroit under ninety points, but that's not a really accomplishment.
Everybody's holding Detroit two limited numbers. Detroit, it's not a
very good team right now. But you look at what
the Nets did them three even in a win by
the by Cleveland. You look at the other teams, UH,
since the All Star Break, their defense continues to get
gashed night in and night out. And at some point
we have to stop saying reflexively that come the playoffs,

the Cavalier's gonna flip the switch. They don't have any
plus defenders outside of Lebron James at any position. George
Hill is okay at the point guard spot, but he's
not a plus defender, and nobody else on that roster
is a plus defender. So I think they're gonna have problems.
But with the bigger question is who out there is
gonna be able to take advantage of it? Do we trust,
you know, Toronto and that young bench. The guys are

giving them forty points per game right now, the Fred
Van Bleets and the Sas and and and UH and
the Rights. Do we trust Boston which is Ebdon flowed
really since January one. Cleveland is a flow team right now, Doug.
But I don't know that there's a team out there
that's poised to jump on those flaws and exploit them.
That's the voice of Chris mannix Yahoo Sports. He joins
us on the Doug Gottlip Show here on Fox Sports Radio.

Are you are you ready to consider Houston real? And
by real, I don't mean could James Harden win the VP? Could?
By real, I don't mean regular season And look, they
it's not like they've lost in the first round like
so many Dallas Mavericks teams lost in the first round.
But there's always this sense that it's D'Antoni. It's a
bunch of numbers, it's a bunch of threes. It's not

postseason real. Is this a postseason real team in your opinion? No,
I think it's a postseason real team. Um. A couple
of reasons. One, I always found the criticism of Mike
D'Antoni um a little bit over the top. I mean,
you you remember back when it was at OH seven,
when you know Robert Ory Check Steve Nash, and that
changed the dynamic of that series. That doesn't happen Sons win,

they probably go on to win the championship. At the
perception of Mike D'Antoni is completely different. Number Two, their
defense is high level. I mean, we've seen and what
we're sixty plus games into this season their top ten
the NBA and defensive efficiency. It's beyond just being kind
of a fad with this team. Now they're they're thin.
It's some of those those bench spots, but as long
as guys like Bob Mute and Tucker and others stay healthy,
they're gonna be very good on the defensive end of

the floor. And the one advantage I think they have
over Golden State that that's the most significant, is that
they're hungrier. And that's not to say that the Warriors
don't want to get back to the finals again. A
guy like Kevin Durant hasn't been around as long as
the Greens and the Curries and the thompson have have. Uh,
he's hungry. But this this Rockets team is is just
full of guys that haven't accomplished anything, haven't achieved at

the highest level. Harden only been to one finals and
that was as a supporting guy. Chris Paul never out
of the second round. The bench guys never accomplished anything.
I think that, you know, having that hunger is gonna
be a real asset for them, especially if they wind
up in that first overall see with home court advantage.
You know, people laugh at regular season results, but San
Antonio last year had similar regular season results against Golden State,

and if Kawhi Letterd did get hurt, I maintain at
the very least that the six or seven game series
against Golden State. I have the same type of feeling
with the Houston Rockets. I think they are going to
be just as good against Golden State in the playoffs
as they have been the regular season. Right, I'm I'm
still holding. I just am I just you know, I'm
still holding. Do I think they're better? Like, yeah, I

just think adding Chris Paul was saying, not only we
don't think Harden can do it alone, but we need
some toughness. Same thing with Joe Johnson. But I also
think both those guys, when they go to default and
you go to playoffs in a big spot, you're gonna
go back to your default. Their ball stoppers, and that's
not how this thing works. And so I'm intrigued to
see how it works in big moments. It's not how
it works. You're right, but you know, Harden's biggest problem

last year was playing all eighty two games and going
up against the team in San Antonio that knew how
to build a wall against him. I think Chris Paul
just being there is going to change the dynamic for
James Harden. You're not gonna be able to see a
good defensive team just load up on one side of
the floor against the James Harden. I think he wore
down from the regular seat Sason into that postseason series.
I think that alone is gonna make James Harden a

better postseason player. The Warrior's thing is interesting because yes,
they keep winning games, but there are questions about him.
You mentioned kind of the hunger. What about the bench?
I just I feel like the bench is different than
it's been. I don't know if Igudala and Livingston can
all of a sudden down shift in the playoffs, and
the young guys and Swaggy Pe don't seem to be

ready yet. Am I crazy to think that the bench
is what's really changed with the Warriors now? I don't
think you're crazy and I think the starting lineup is
going to be more extended in this postseason it ever
has before, because I don't think you can trust those guys.
I mean, Iguadala can get you defensive stops, but how
long can you leave a guy shooting about from three
out there on the floor. Does he become overnight a

a a thirty five plus percent three point shooters he's
been the last three years. I don't know same feelings
about Sean Livingston, who was a year older. Do you
trust the Jordan Bells and the maccause, Uh, those are
big time question marks. I think Steve Kerr is gonna
have to lean on his starting guys, and look, maybe
that's out the worst thing in the world. I mean,
we're not talking about starters that are into into their thirties.
Most of these guys are late twenties or very early thirties.

They're capable of giving you, you know, thirty nine minutes
at thirty five. Uh, it's just gonna depend on how far,
how how how tough they're tested in the early rounds
of the playoff. That's why even for Golden State as well,
getting that number one overall seed might be more important
this year than it's been in years past. Chris Mannix
from Yahoo Sports NBA Insider also covers boxing. What a

great guy, great guy to uh to call on? Last thing. Look,
I know it's just March and there's a lot, but uh,
if you're if you're betting on destinations for Lebron, is
Philadelphia in the top two in the top is it?
Is it worthy if you were hosting a NASHTRA radio show,
which you used to do until like a week ago, Um,

is it worthy of legit discussion? I think it's worthy
of discussion. Um. You know, you hear so much from
people kind of in Lebron's or, but you don't really
know who as Lebron's ear. I don't think it's as
serious a destination as some people do. In fact that
if I had to bet on anybody, and this might
sound crazy, but I'm gonna bet on San Antonio right now.

The the the bromance Doug between Gregg Popovich and Lebron
James is ridiculous. And one thing I know about Lebron
that I've gleamed off him over the years, there's part
of him that's always want to play for one of
those historic Hall of fame coaches. Now, He's never gonna
play for Phil Jackson for obvious reasons. Uh, Doc Rivers,
I don't know if he's on that level. Gregg Popovich
is on that level. People say all the time that

Lebron wants to be the coach, wants to be the GM.
I don't think he does. I just don't think he's
ever trusted the coach or the GM at the level
he would at Greg Popovitch. I think it's a part
of Lebron that wants to play down in San Antonio
for the Spurs and finish his career down there and
with that team in that system. So I know there's
some salary cap gymnastics that would have to take place,
but I'm gonna just guess San Antonio right now and

believe that they're the destination for Liberal It's funny, I've
heard people say that, but I just remember, this is
a check your ego at the door. His boys wouldn't
be around the team the way they are in Cleveland,
and everybody says they want to be coached until they're
really coached, and they're like, man, I don't really want
to like right, So I don't, But do you think Lebron, Doug,
do you think he has a greater appreciation now for

Eric Spoelstra and pat Riley that he did when he left.
I mean I do, yeah, but but I don't think
like Spoelstra wasn't at the time. Remember, I think, Look,
I think Lebron is really smart, and I think he's
really confident. I also think he's a little arrogant, and
he thinks if I get the right guy, like I
think he thinks if he got David Fizdale in l A,
that that that would be like getting Spoelstra, And um,

I just I don't think. I don't. I don't see
it with the with the pop thing. I don't see
that where where else. Doug, do you think that a
guy could age gracefully? I mean Philadelphia that you can
see Lebron aging gracefully because he can be the man
next season and then as these young Lions come up,
he can sort of, you know, received a little bit
to the background like Tim Duncan did. Other than that,
san Antonio represents the ideal spot for Lebron to play

into his late thirties and forties, because Pop, as long
as he's air knows how to do that. So I
think there's a lot of behind the scenes type of
machine Asians that makes San Antonio more appealing people think fascinating.
Man Lakers would be the other other one, obviously, the
people are talking about and the young guys are getting better,
even though they gave one away last night. But it
seems too easy, that does it, doesn't. It seem like
everybody's saying that. So Lebron is not gonna do it. Yeah,

all thegether possible, all the other possible. Hey man, great stuff, dude,
look forward to you seeing you next time you're in town.
That's Chris Mannix from Yahoo Spoors. Thanks Mannix. AutoZone Fixed
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d backs Angels preseason Facebook. No, but I will tell
you this doc. But I have got a d Back's
note coming up in the press in about seventy five minutes.
America is weighty, Yes, yes, Samerica is way all of
you with snakes fever ready coming up at eastern two.

Does anyone do we know anybody who watches preseason baseball,
Like watches an entire preseason baseball. You're sitting right in
front of my music you his name would be Ramos. Ramos,
you watch an entire preseason baseball Dodgers. I like to
watch all of them. Yeah, that's why I have them
on right now, because I like to watch them. If
you're not really watching him, because I see you looking
at me, you're not really the background like like background

is different. Background is great. Nothing like Saturday afternoon baseball
on Like kids are outside, doors are open, winds blowing.
Baseball's on seven and six. What they'll happen? I'm talking
about watching me Like, man, you gotta see this backup
third baseman news in triple A, like he's really good.
I do watch in the week I do watch on

the weekends. Yeah. I like to watch baseball just all
the time. All Right, what do you got, forest Fire?
I don't have any spring training news for you. Unfortunately,
I do have some hoop news to tell you about.
The SEC Tournament is underway. Three fifty to go in
the game Notre Dame holding on to an eight point
lead against Pitt fifty eight to fifty. Earlier today, Boston
College dropped Georgia Tech seven to seventy seven. The selection

show comes up on TBS on Sunday. There's a change
this year. The n c Double A Tournament selection show
will first unveil the sixty eight schools that made the
tournament and then reveal where those schools sit in the brackets.
CB Yeah, CBS and Turner made that announcement today, breaking
from the tradition of simultaneously unvailing the bracket and field
at the same time. How abouts of NFL news longtime

NFL referees and Hockeyley and Jeff Triplet retiring Hockuley Sun
Shaan named one of the two new referees for the season,
and the franchise tags have been given out just five players,
but it includes Steelers running back Levian Bell, who received
the franchise tag today. The Rams placed the non exclusive
franchise tag on safety LaMarcus Joiner. The Bears put the
transition tag on corner Kyle Fuller and Hockey lead to TV. Right,

that's too easy, Oh yeah, hockylated TV. Maybe with a
tank top, show of his gun and take them to
the gun show. Are always tight, always tight shirts. Just
feels like it at hockey lad who retires today? Uh,
you gotta get the Hooters trying the new spoke wings,
the whole new way to crave wings with all the taste,
in half the calories. You can eat twice as many
at Hooters. Dog got the show Fox Sports Radio. So

here's the thing, and let's just guys, you can get
in on this. So I was on the Selection Show
for four or four years, and three of the years
it was an hour long. One year it was the
two hour long one, which was panned, just crushed. But
there was nothing wrong it was there was nothing wrong

with the format. It was we have people who don't
know what they're talking about, like Richard Ditch writing about
what was wrong with the format. I just I understand
what they're I guess I understand what they're trying to do.
I think they're reading their audience wrong, right, they're reading
there They're audience like, no, we want to know who's in,
who's out. We want to the brackets really like, let's

get it done. Let's let's discussing discussing the thing that
CBS has always had, and now remember the selection shows
on TBS. The thing that they always have going against
them is and CBS has a lot of college basketball
game not just on CBS but CBS Sports Network. But look,
I would do the CBS Selection show, I would go

from there directly to JFK to either fly to my
games or when I was in California, to fly home.
And I get to the airport having been on CBS
for a couple of years, and the t S a
guy like god, like, what's up? Man? Sion s FN
earlier today? Good job? Right, Because ESPN has been synonymous

with college basketball. Even Fox now much more synonymous with
Fox Sports one and Fox covering the Big Ten, the
Big East, and the PAC twelfth, much more synonymous with
the sports than CBS. Is fair unfair a matter of fact,
even this year now it's on TBS. And so if
it's not people that you've grown up watching covering the
sport talking about the sport, like Charles Barkley and Kenny Smith,

and Barkley does watch, Kenny does? They do watch? Now
they don't watch every moment of because they're covering the
NBA So the point is that that the second those
brackets are revealed, if you put people on television that
are reputable, smart, interesting people, but they're not people that

cover college basketball the time, I'm usually going over to ESPN.
And they've always known that. That's why you hold onto
the brackets as long as you can hold onto the brackets.
And the reason the two hour show I was on
was so panned was basically what it was was the
hour show, which was bracket comment, bracket comment, bracket comment, interview,

bracket comment, blah blah blah. And then they put other
segments in wars Charles and Kenny and uh and Seth
Davis as like filler, whereas what they should have done
was just brackett and then let's talk about it and
have some time and let it breathe and pick games

and put up interesting things. And if this team wins
this matchup is interesting. But if this team wins this
matchups interesting, all the different things you can do without
even talking about them, And yeah, people will say like
I want that other bracket, I want that other bracket,
I want that other bracket. But you know what they
won't do. They will not change the channel. They won't
you don't change the channel on the Oscars because you

want to know who won Best Picture? Why are they
give it all those awards? I don't care about Best
Sound man? Oh gare imagine if we did the Academy
Awards and they just in the first ten minutes, here's
all the winners tonight, stay tuned to find out what
awards they won. So um yeah, yet now yeah no, Um.

I just this is one of those deals to where
it's a little bit like it's it's one of these
things where you you try and please everybody and you
end up pleasing nobody. I like the fact that Turner
has been willing to take chances and that CBS, somebody
very conservative, hey, well let's do the things we've done,
oh the same way we've done them, has gone along

with it. But I don't understand how they think that's
gonna be better. They know the ratings will be down
because it'll be on TBS and it's not not on
over the air network TV. That's that's understood and to
be expected. And the one year I was there, it
also the bracket leaked on Twitter, which I think is
one of their big fears, is it will leak again.

But even the year the bracket leaked on Twitter didn't
kill the numbers because not that many people are on Twitter.
Not as many people are on Twitter as you think.
And when it appeared on Twitter, even though that was
in fact the bracket, people didn't think it was the
real bracket because they don't know if it's real or
fake it's on Twitter. So I'm not a huge fan
of the idea. Colin Calherd absolutely crushed one Laker earlier today.

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Mm hmmm, Doug gotlip show Fox Sports Radio. Uh, Notre
Dame up one on Pittsburgh. It was sixty six one.
Pitt hasn't won an A C C game. Notre Dame
trying to get in the n A tournament. Sponse Coulson. Uh,
comes back off of an injury, makes two free. Those
now will look like a perfect box out by a

freshman who's been lightening up lighting the game. Um been
lightening up my course. Pittsburgh turns the ball over, it
doesn't really matter because they're Pittsburgh. I'd say that's why
they're Pittsburgh. Can I do that? Can I tweet that out? John?
You want to talk right now? And I agree that
was one of the worst. The guy who went forward
backward lots the ball unbelievable. That's Pittsburgh. I love that, Yepp.

And now as conditions on the field chain, So can
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agent Farmers dot com? Farmers Okay, let's uh, let's get
to something called Cowherd said earlier today in regards to
the Lakers who were beating at home last night by
Damian Lillard and the Portland Trailblazers. Lakers had this very

comfortable lead last night, six five minutes left and it
all dried up because Isaiah Thomas said their guard is
getting his, I'm gonna get mine, and he ended up
going five for twenty one. He was atrocious late, one
for nine on threes, and Isaiah essentially last night got
lost in Isaiah Thomas. The story was Lebron is difficult

to play with. This is not, nor was it ever
a Lebron issue. Dude is hard to play with. He
was hard to play within Sacramento. He was hard to
play within Phoenix, he was hard to play within Cleveland,
and how he's hard to play within Los Angeles. This
team had the game the Lakers one last night. It
was over eight point leave five to go, and Isaiah

Thomas decided Damian Lillard's taken off and taken over. I'm
gonna do it too, Nah, Isaiah Thomas, great story, marginal player.
They lost last night because Isaiah Thomas was incredibly difficult
to play with. It was never the Lebron issue, it
was the I t issue. Now, in fairness, Alonzo Ball
accepted responsibility for UH. They lost Damian Lillard. They were

supposed to run Damian Lillard off the three point line,
make him finish at the rim, and they did not
remember this is a team that right now is playing
UH playing without their starting small forward, so they had
to move Kyle Kuzma to the three. He's better when
he's playing off the bench at the four. They also
didn't have Josh Hardy's played really well off the bench
for them, and Isaiah Thomas is not fully healthy with

two bad hips, but he still should be better than
he was last night. I don't disagree with the premise.
You know that that here was a game in which
Damian Lillard is not a particularly good defensive player, neither
c J McCullum UH, and they've played him, i think
four times in every game. It kind of feels like
the same. That's the same where they're good to a
point in Portland finds a way to put them put

them away. And I also understand the psychology of it.
I understand that Isaiah Thomas has probably lost a hundred
million dollars between what he thought he would have gotten
late and last season had he been a free agent
and what he will get at the end of this season,
considering how bad a year it's been, and he's got
two bad hips, and so how does that make you play?

But yeah, it's it's it's it's been that kind of year.
And this was a game to which he could have
elevated his stock and changed the way we looked at him,
but we just can't because Isaiah Thomas is he's an
off the bench gunner who you who You find a
tough time having somebody where he that he can guard.

And this is also kind of the difference. I know,
he was great with Boston, so it sounds ridiculous to say,
but his success with the Lakers when he's been at
his best has been against bench players. Put him against
Damian Lillard and you kind of see the difference. So
coward crushed him. He's not wrong. It wasn't the only
reason they lost, although he put it on as on

the as the only reason they lost. But still kind
of fascinating to see the psychology of it. You've got,
you know, fifteen games are so left with the Lakers.
How does this thing end? What does he make on
the open market. I've been told one reason that they
think he won't go and get his hips the labor
M's done is because there's a fear that the the

issues once you get inside are even worse than you think. Yes,
John Ramos, so we continue to feel though you continue
to film no matter what he does back. I think
times we're talking about he is not coming back as
the Laker next year. No, nope, No, you guys like

conference tournaments. You guys are Coast guys. You probably don't
like conference I enjoy them. I like to watch the
teams go at it, right music. I wonder who actually
dislikes them. Now, maybe you're ambivalent or you don't watch them,
but do people actually go I hate conference tournaments? Yeah,
there are people who saying that. Cap John Caliparias said

he doesn't like it? Why are we doing this conference tournament? Whatever?
Like why not? Who's ever said like now, I don't
want to hear him to see more games, you know,
in a in a condensed environment like that like tomorrow.
So tonight I'm flying on to Vegas. I'll do a
live deal on Twitter with our Fox Sports College basketball
field and get on a plane flat to Vegas. I

think I'm gonna pop in and see uh Gonzaga b
y you tonight because by U upset St. Mary's. That's
over at Orleans Arena, and then tomorrow have three games
at Thomas and Mack, and then my brother's team plays
later at T Mobile, Packtwells or T Mobile. Like it's great.
I honestly think this is the better week to go
to Thursday and Friday. It's a better week to be
in Vegas than it is next week because you have

like two hundred teams playing on Thursday and Friday as
opposed to you know, you only have what is it,
eighteen sixteen games, sixteen games Thursday, sixteen games Friday. So
I think it's fascinating. Speaking of college basketball's a lot

of discussion on how to fix what is a partially
flawed system. How to fix it, and I think there
are answers to fixing it which are radical and people
will I will meet it sometimes with negativity. There are
other solutions which are smart, but even they have problems.

We'll discuss one next in the Doug Got The Show,
What Appen Stu Got Leave Show? Fox Sports Radio, Like,
there's a lot of things that makes sense, right, that
that makes sense, and then you start to dig into

him be like, oh, that's why they don't do it
that way, right, And I uh, I fully fully understand
that we all sit around and think we have the
answer to the world's problems, write the answer to the
world's problems. But there's a reason that things are done

the way they're done. I'll tell you one one of
the biggest issues people have with major sporting events is
I my kids can't stay up late, can't stay up
late to watch them. My children cannot stay up late
to watch your sporting event. What about the kids? Okay,
well what about the West coast? Right, I mean that's

a problem too. Sorry if your children can't stay up
and watch set event, but if you played earlier, nobody
in the West coast will watch set event. Just doesn't
kind of a hard thing. This time zone deal. And
then people say like, why don't we do away with
daylight savings time? Like, I know that that crops and businesses,
and that's the way it's been done. And but there's

a reason that you do it so that you do
have enough daylight during working hours. And of course, some
people in some regions, like I was in Indiana. Not again,
you guys know if you know this, but some parts
of Indiana do daylight savings. Some parts do not, Like literally,

you could be outside of what it's and it's really
the northwestern part of the state is more as always
Central time Zone and the rest of it isn't. Like
that's gotta be the most confusing thing ever. If you're
like one town over, like hey, we're gonna go up
to East Chicago, which is in Indiana, or and all
of a sudden the time changes an hour and you
didn't cross the state line, Like that is the weirdest

thing ever. But these things are done for a reason.
If you could change one thing, remember that song was
what was the movie with John Travolta back in Jay
Hey the World? Um, what's it called? Phenomenon? Ryan mus
have you ever seen phenomenon? You know what? It's actually funny.

I have not. Okay, okay, let me give you can
give you a spoiler, then you can. It's actually a
good date movie with with with the girlfriend. Let me
guess he's dead the whole time, he's not dead old
six six cents did you guys know he was dead?
And six and Bruce Wilse was dead and six cents.
My wife did in the very first segment, She says,
I think he's dead, Honey, I go no segment. How
many commercial breaks to that? Hey, listen, I understood what

he meant the most the business. Come on. I was
trying to watch four baseball games, right, He's like, which,
what's the symbol for based on balls, Bob? But you
get hit by a pitch as hpp. He's keeping the
book for these four uh some what's called spring training
games and and trying to also be the technical director

for this show. We will gloss over the fact that
he hit the press open for game time and then
switch it last second. Happened so fast. So phenomenon phenomenon
is John Travolta is like average average dudes, average dude,
and then all of a sudden he becomes this wealth
of like useless knowledge, becomes ridiculously brilliant. And I won't

tell you why or what happens, but it's very It's
it's sweet and sad at the same time. It's really good.
And one of the things that happens because he's all
of a sudden his mind is working overdrive, is he
comes up with all these ideas, like hey, he goes
up to the guy at the the postal worker and
he's like, here's your postal route. It'll it'll only it'll

take you an hour less time if you take this
route route instead of the routes that you're currently taking.
Then he goes up to the guy who has the bar,
whoen's the bar that he always goes into. He's like, look,
you change your parking lot like this. You can get
ten more cars in your parking lot, just making more efficient.
He got ideas. So we all want to be that
guy that has all these ideas ramos. If you could

change one thing, you can chan what needs to be
changed in the world, like you'd like to this should
be changed. Um, I don't know. I can't think of
anything off top of my head that I cost of
secondary education. Cost the secondary education, that's great, that's that's honestly,

you know. Uh. Bernie Sanders ran on the everybody is
going to get free education, which sounds great because it
takes a lot of money to they go to college.
And one of the reasons that we still have a
substantial rift in in in education is because of the

cost not just involved to be in college and to
be at college, but to get to get the the
proper study habits, the proper education to take the tests
in order to get into that college. Like we're like, oh,
well you can just you can get a scholarship. Well,
it's hard. It's really competitive to get a scholarship. Additionally,
in order to get that scholarship, usually you have to

achieve something in high school, and sometimes you don't have
the counselor to know to apply for a scholarship, or
you don't do well enough in the standardized test because
your family doesn't. You don't, they don't. There's no culture
of like reading and understating math and how much work
you have to put into extra tutoring, Like it's hard.
But the big thing is should should everybody be able
to go to college for free? It's a great discussion

and in your mind you're like, yeah, we probably should
be able to everybody should be able to go to
college for free? But should you? Like, what makes it
special about college? What what is a reward for working
really really hard in high school? What's the reward if
everybody goes to free every free, what's the reward? I
don't know what's the reward of honestly, of parents working

super hard? Like I've been putting away money since I
first started earning money for my kids to go to school.
So wait, do I get I get punished because I've
been doing the right thing and working hard for my
kids to get an education. I'm not saying other people
don't deserve it, but don't we get a little bit
of a leg up because of hard work? All Right?
Maybe these things are selfish. Fine, we just get to
the everybody every student deserves. Who's gonna pay for it?

It's expensive? Who's gonna pay for it? We're only paying
for public but not private. Why if we're playing for
public again, who's going to pay for it? We're gonna
have to legalize something else. Legalized sports gambling, we legalize marijuana.
We're gonna have to legalize prostitution and tax it like
they're gonna have to be more money if you want
to pay for secondary education. And then does it become

you know, do we cap salaries for college professors? Hey, look,
everybody's everybody's all in on this thing, so we're no
longer gonna be able to pay you any any salary increase. Okay,
somebody's been a professor for twenty five years written this thesis,
and done that study, they think they're worth more. There's
kids competitive atmosphere in order to get something, you know, right,

There's other issues that go with it. So that's a
good one. Here's one. Why not let college basketball players
who declare for the NBA draft who go undrafted, and frankly,
college football players who declare for the NFL draft and
don't get drafted, why not let them come back to school.

That's what Steve Kerr said. One of the things the
n c A needs to look at is, uh, if
the kids signs with an agent and declares for the
draft and he doesn't get drafted, welcome him back. Why not?
What's the what's the harm? You know, we're gonna we're
gonna talk about all this U amateurism and all this stuff,
but for truly trying to do the right thing for
the kid. The kid to form the draft and doesn't
doesn't get drafted and realizes, you know what, I should

go to college. Welcome him back, do something good for
the kids. I agree. I I like that. And there
have been players. Think VI Sean Leonard came back. There's
a point guard Misissippi State a couple of years ago that, uh,
he had to sit out some games and came back like, look,
I believe college and this to go along kind of
with Ryan's point, should be more accessible. I don't care

if a European player got paid to play in Europe.
If he wants to come play in the United States
and he's not gonna be paid to play in the
United States, he wants to go to college, cool, I
don't care. I want college to be more accessible, not
less accessible. I want high college players to declare for
the n f NBA draft to be able to come back.
But there are issues with it. Just like anything that

sounds like a great idea and everybody goes like, yeah,
that's not would be a good idea. Okay, sure, what
about the coach and how the decisions he has to make.
The NBA draft is in June. It cannot be moved up.
It can't be moved up because teams have to work
out guys. The season is not over. It's a week

after the season. The NFL Draft could actually be moved up.
The NBA draft can't be moved up. In addition to
which they already have the pre draft process in which
these players have been told, hey man, you're probably not
gonna get drafted, and even when they get drafted, they
still are convinced I'm gonna go to a camp, I'm
gonna go to summer league, I'm gonna ball out, I'm

gonna make it, I'm gonna go to the G league. Whatever. Like,
I just think this idea that guys can come back. Yeah,
but at some point you have made a decision. I
want to be a professional. Do I want you to be?
You can, by the way, and say school will let
you come back to school anytime you want, and you
are on scholarship. That's a true story. But should you

be allowed to come back and play? I guess what
about the kid, the high school kid that waits and
waits and waits. You decide to go pro, you don't
get drafted, you want to come back, and high school
was like, wait, I came to the school because you
were leaving. Then of course that high school kids sits.
This first year gets mad that he's sitting and transfers
out or wants out of his letter of intent, or

just once out of his letter intent. The letter of
intent is a is a signed document, it's a contract
with the school. He says, this is where I want
to go, and then of course there'd be an uproar
on Twitter. Hey, it's not fair. He signed a letter
of intent. But you know, Colin Sexton from Alabama didn't
get drafted, so he wants to, he wants he wants out.

At some point, these decisions that you make are in
fact final, So I while I understand, and frankly I
want to agree with Steve Kerr, why not welcome him back?
Most of these players are told. All these players are
told where they think they'll go. Now that doesn't mean
it's perfect that they're always told where they're gonna be drafted,
and then it aligns perfectly with them being drafted or

not being drafted. But they're given pretty good advice from
several different sources. Now they don't have to check out
of college and start working out full time, but that's
what they do. Then they go work out for these teams,
then they have time to you know, then they go
to if they get invited to the NBA draft combine.
Some of them don't get and dry them to the

draft combine meaning you're probably not gonna get drafted, and
they still keep their name in the NBA draft and
you don't have to. Most of them will owe money
to an agent. The agent laid out money so they
could have somebody work them out. Somebody feed him a
place to stay, somebody uh uh, you know, put him
through work lifting sessions as well. You're paying for a

trainer both basketball physical trainer. That's two different trainers. Those
aren't cheap. You're paying for somewhere to live, somebody eat,
and somewhere to something to drive around it. Then you're
gonna come back to school. You're like, hey, look, we
gotta be taken care of or you're just dealing with
an agent. Are we okay with that? There's a lot
more to it than just hey, he wants to come
back to school. Everybody else get the hell out of
his way. Even though he may a decision that he

had information he wasn't gonna get drafted, he didn't believe it.
He's coming back to school. Sounds like a great solution
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Pittsburgh up coming next we'll find out if the Steelers
in Levian Bell can still work out a long term contract. Plus,
we'll go to Boston and see what the future holds
between the Patriots and Bill Belichick. That's next to the
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back to the block Snoop Doggie dog the the my
senior in high school. This is a jam. This is
a jam. Doug Gotli Show, Fox Sports Radio. M hm,

So Levan Bell has been franchise tag and uh, there's
an interesting story out of New England regards to Bill
Belichick's New England Patriots. Let's take you to both Pittsburgh
and New England. Guys that cover these teams on a
daily basis, tell us what's really going on and their
real opinion of what's going to happen next. We don't

know everything, but we know people that know what you
want to know. You know, it sounds like you meet
a guy. I got a guy, Doug Gotli Show, Fox

Sports Radio. Ed Baschette works for the Pittsburgh Post Gazette.
It does happen to rhyme, I know, but this guy
knows more. He's got forgotten more about the Pittsburgh Steelers
than I'll ever know. He also works for a seven
FM in Pittsburgh. Follow on Twitter if you wanna know
anything going on with the Black and Yellow at Ed
Baschett on Twitter. And so Levyan gets franchised again. This

I think we all knew what was gonna happen, but
there was there seemed to be more than a glimmer
of hope that they get a long term deal worked out.
Uh is there still hope? I don't see it, Doug.
I mean, if you can't do it in um, the
last two months, what's gonna make you think you can
do it after this? Um, you couldn't do it last year.

The guy has uh demanded so much more than the
market on running backs. I don't see how you get
it done. I've really don't. And he's holding fast on
his demands, which, um, I don't even understand why the
Steelers are paying the franchise fief one. Well, I think

they look at their window sort of kind of closing.
I think you can look you can also trade him
if you found if you found the right I kind
of this. This gives them worst case scenario, they overpay
him for a year for a guy who's a super
talented running but it's like the worst case for him.
Best case scenario they get him, uh, you know, they
negotiate a long term deal at a rate that's commensurate

with his talent and his age. And maybe second best
scenario is they could still move on from him and
trade him. Right. Yeah, there's no doubt he's a great back.
But in the meantime, their defense with at Bryans is
here is so needy. Um, and this prevents them probably
from uh shoring that up at least in free agency.

They can always do it in the draft, but there's
no guarantees there. Um. You know, they're sinking a lot
of money into a running back in an age of
of passing where they really good and you've you've seen
two teams in the Super Bowl that did running back
by committee last year. Um, Steelers have not been to

a super Bowl yet with Levian Bell as you're running
back again. He's a great one, but I think, um,
the money could be better used elsewhere. You mentioned Ryan,
you mentioned Ryan Shay's here. Obviously he's not gonna play
football next year. You might probably doesn't play football ever again. Um,
when he was gone and changed their defense and their
look their defense, I think people there's a little smoke

and mirrors to how good they actually are. Anyway, what
are the other moves we're gonna see in the off season?
Now that a Peer's Levan has been franchise tag, we
know they still have Antonio Brown, Ben Roethlisberger had made
a change that offensive coordinator. What are the other changes
that are bound for the Steelers. What's gonna be hard
for them to add anybody because of the cap space
that they have to devote to Bell's fourteen and a

half million dollars. Uh, Doug, Um, you know they're they're
they're they're five million under. So this fourteen and a
half put some like nine million over. So they're going
to have to restructure contracts, cut some guys maybe and
um get unto the cap um. I don't know that

they're gonna have any more money to do anything else.
They need inside linebacker desperately. They're going to need a
safety um at the very least to help that defense.
And uh, other than the draft right now, I don't
see how they do it with that money. Devoted the belt,
Ed Bischett FM in Pittsburgh writes for The Post Gazette.

You can read that online as well as follow him
on Twitter at Ed Bishette. Ed, thanks so much for
giving us the low down the Black and Yellow. Thanks
Doug Dan shaughnessy, sports columnist, long time and a good
one for the Boston Globe covering all Boston sports. You
can fall him on Twitter at Dan underscore Shaughnessy. I'm
sure you either you read this column or you've you've
heard Tom Curran talk about it, that the newing of

Patriots have lost dissenting voices within front office and that
Bill Belichick at this date in his career just wants
to coach guys that he wants to coach. What's your
reaction to to that those ideas put forth by current Yeah,
I mean Tom's really around the team a lot, so
his thoughts are very substitutive and mandated reading for Patriot fans.

I think there's something to it when he says that,
and you know, Tom went back and referenced two thousand
nine the team that Buil didn't like that much. It
went ten and six and head A Dallas Thomas and
a lot of guys, you know, kind of the bad
apples and guys that weren't willing to do the Patriotay
and all that stuff. So I think that, uh, you know,
some of the support staff that that maybe would push

back a little bit. And Bill was owned that when
he talked about it. No. Nine a little bit less
so now, but you wonder who's here who can really,
you know, kind of give a counterpoint of view that's
going to be taken seriously. And and the McDaniel thing
was kind of weird because he was kept I believe
that the owner's behest and didn't go to the combine.

So what's up with that? Yeah? I don't Yeah, especially
a guy who's supposedly supposedly going to have more say
not less I could have more input and get the
keys to the knowledge. Fault isn't able to go and
assess what players they might want to add. That that
goes counter to what we've been told. That is a
that's it's a weird state for the Patriots, who on
the field continue to produce, but the off the field

stuff is just odd, isn't it. Yeah, we have a
lot of weird stuff going on here now, and it's
kind of new territory. I mean, this has been a long,
long run. You go back seventeen eighteen years now and
and all the success they've had in the whole Tom Brady,
Bill Belichick era, but uh, in the wake of this
Super Bowl and you know, they got shocked in oh
eight and the Giants thing, and and lost to him

again in twelve. But this one really surprised people. And
I think that the fans. It's the first time I
can remember in our region, whether it's been pushed back
by the fans. They're not doing the and Bill we
trust thing. They're saying, why didn't Malcolm Butler play? Please
tell us the reason? You know, we want an next
the nation for this and that was a winnable game
and you got stubborn or whatever you were doing didn't

put the team in the best position to win. And
that's the first time that he's really faced this kind
of scrutiny from the own fan base here. Do we know,
I didn't play. No one knows anything. I you know,
the evidence is that it was just a personal thing
regarding you know, bad practice habits and didn't take the
team's long term contract extension. But the notion that he

played in nine percent of the games leading into that game,
that's what doesn't hold water. You can say it's a
football decision and you know, didn't like the way things
were trending, but why did he play every play in
all the games leading up to that, including a playoff
game before that. So that part is a little bit
hard to explain. And at his worst, Butler, even if
he's not covering, he can tackle. And they had some

bad stuff going on in the second half of that game,
particularly where guys were armed, tackling and not making place.
Last year, they decided to really shun their draft picks
in order to get veteran players. Do you think that
trend continues this year? Well, you know, they kind of.
They never really get off the game plan on this thing.
They're gonna be looking for quarterback in the second round,
the usual thing, and a kid from Washington State evidently

has got their attention. But they do not package guys
and move up they go the other way. They pick
up second and thirds for for higher picks. The value
you know, less money, being smart is valued and moving
down the draft, they tend to not go up. Dan
Chaunessy right for the Boston Globe and he's a good one.

Follow him on Twitter or read The Boston Globe of
course online at Dan Underscore Shaughnessy. Dan, thanks so much
again as your strong opinions on what's going on with
the Pats. Thank you, Doug. Take care of So you
needed a guy, we got you a guy. Funny story.
So that voice at the end of a poincas my
son Hayes. So he has braces. He has an expander

at the top of his palette, right shocker. My kid
actually needs a bigger mouth because that's why it looks
like his mom. So he broke the expander yesterday. I
don't know, too many character or something like that. So
I had to take him to the Orthodonis this morning
and he had to get a new molding for a
new expander. You guys know what the molding is. The
put that big and put it's like big goop in

your mouth and they push it up to the top
of mouth and it has to harden and create a mold.
So he really doesn't like He started kind of cry
because like, I can barely breathe the choke with it.
It scares me. So the so the the the. I
don't know his dental assistant or orthodonal assistant. I'm not
really sure which, but let's you understand some assistant that
works at the orthodona's office. She's like, well, listen, if

you hum a song you like, you hum a song
you like, that'll help. You'll still be able to breathe
and you'll take your mind off. So he was not
having and I was like, hey's I got my phone
right here, will hum a song that you like and
you won't think about it. What song do you think

we we hummed? Do you wanna take a swing out?
Something by Bruno Mars? I have no idea Bruno Mars Ramos. Yeah,
I would say it's a definitely a top top five
songs something like that that's out right now. Yeah, yeah,
this actually worked. Do you know the song? I probably

probably should know? Something able right, sit down, be humble,
And he was humming at the whole time and it worked.
So we're walking out. They done so I was like, Dad,
that was really cool as a cool dad this morning,
let's get to Dan Buyer. I find that what's going
on in the world of sports. I know you're big

on Kendrick Lamar, aren't you. Aren't you? Dad? Um? Not
not so much, you know, But but do you remember
sirup sandwiches and chrum allowances? No, I don't. I don't
remember that. Hip hop used to be my thing, but
not as much anymore, not as much anymore. You're the

Oh you know, we're the same, aid. So it's a
lot of the songs you play coming back, are you know,
reminiscent of when I listened to say hip hop? Dan.
I just I've noticed, like the two sleeve tattoos, like
since you've been married tattoos, all the piercings. Uh, I
got the chosen one tattoo like lebron has on his back.

Question what he got from sport. I've got no tattoos,
but I've got some college hoops for you. Notre Dame
a winner today overpit the a CC Tournament sixties seven
to sixty four is the fighting Irish move on in
first round play in Brooklyn, while Boston College dropped Georgia
Tech eighties seven to seventy seven, Pit by the way,
oh and nineteen and BIGG East play this year. I

mean a c C play oh in nineteen, which is
what what what Boston College was two years ago? You know,
it's not gonna get things done in the Atlantic Coast
Conference and it changed so many years past. The n
C Double A Tournaments election show will first unveil the
sixty eight tools that made the tournament and then revealed
they where those schools sit in the bracket and change.
Usually they do both simultaneously, showing you what teams are

where in which bracket region. But that's gonna change this year.
Celtics guard Marcus Smart find fifteen thousand dollars for criticizing
officials following Saturdays lost to the Rockets, and a piece
of the players Tribute cast, forward Kevin Love revealed the
suffered a panic attack during a November game against the Hawks.
Love explained how that incident changed how he viewed his
own mental health and in the NFL. Linebacker Aldon Smith

turned himself into police and was booked on misdemeanor domestic
violence charges. He's being held on thirty thousand dollars bond.
Steelers placed the exclusive franchise tag on Levy on Bell
as you just talked about. Doug Rams placed in the
non exclusive franchise tag on safety La Marcus Joiner And
say goodbye to Ed Hockeyley and Jeff Triplet, both NFL
referees retiring from the game. So the NFL named two

new referees for the season, one of which and hockey
Lee's son, Sean, who will be a full time referee.
And is is that pid pro quo? Is that what
that's called? Isn't that that that's called? What's the what's
the Latin term for it? You know, yeah, I think
that sounds about right. Anybody else want to pit pro quot?

Isn't that what it's nepotism? Um is a phrase. It's
is a phrase used English to exchange of goods or
services which one transfer is contingent upon the other. Quid
pro quo, quid pro quo. So this is what happened, um,
Dan tell the story again. So Ed hockey Lee retires

and what's his son's name, Sean hockey Lee. Sean hockey
Lee takes over, right, So this is called quid pro quo?
I mean like the NFL would never admit to it.
But Ed hockey Lee just happens to retire the same
day his son happens to get promoted. We wouldn't want
both because we don't want the We don't want the
idea of nepotism. We don't want them working together. Although

working a part seems weird, and hockey Lee had probably
it served his time or whatever. But quid pro quote,
which is the a favor or advantage granted or expecting
to return for something else if you retire, will promote
your son, That's called quid pro quote. That's what I
believe happened. I have no factual basis, only that I've

lived on this earth for forty two years. I do
believe I know quid pro quote. When I see it.
That feels like quid pro quote. I think I said
pit crow quote confused. Squid pro row pro row Man
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troubleshooting the real problem so you can fix it right
the first time. It's one of the free services that
helped rev up your refund this tax season. Get in
the zone Auto Zone um Tubby Smith had this to say,
after their regular Memphis regular season came down. Now, keep
in mind, I'm gonna I'm gonna keep an open mind

and open discussion about Tubby Smith and what people want
to link into this. But he was asking about it
was he was being asked about his team having what
appears to be everybody back next year after having mass
defections in his first year and a half at Memphis.
Here was his response, with the new n C Double

A regulations and guys can transfer when they want. I've
been in this business long time. I've never seen like
we had eight hundred Division one players transfer last year,
over eight hundred. Teach him how to quit. That's what
we're doing. Things are going well, let's quit. I remember
calling my dad when I was a freshman. Dad, I'm
leeping that tree. You know, I'm just and that I'm
kind happy here. I don't you know. I was one

of two blacks in the whole school as a son.
Somebody do something to you know. They're still you're still
getting your scholarship, a they're still feed you, they still
hellen and you're still get an education. So you can't
come home. Your bid has been taken. But you join
army the best thing you ever said to me. Somebody
need to tell him that, hey, he made a commitment,
stick to it. But it doesn't happen that way. They
got a lot of people in the year. That's some

way life is. So people will will will inevitably link
the fact that he left Texas Tech. And two, well, listen,
it's okay if you leave Texas Tech, but it's not
okay if a kid transfers out. And I would say, yeah, yeah,

that's that's about right, that's about Ryan, because what happened,
there's a there's a difference. What he's talking about is
when players struggle halfway through their freshman season or even
at the end of their freshman season and they want
to leave, or players who red shirt their freshman year

have a good three years of playing and then because
they graduate on time, they leave the school who invested
four years in them. And again and there these are heard.
There's all it's a hard way to find a solution
for right, do you punish a kid who, Hey, I
did what you asked me to do. I went to
school for four years, I graduated on time, and I
want to go to grad school and it's my right

to go and look somewhere else for grad school. Why
why do I have to be tied to your university.
On the other hand, for your your the university, you
got every right to be pissed. We gave you a scholarship,
grand aid, room board, tuition, etcetera, plus cost of attendance
or whatever else we gave you, and your first year
only do a show, practice, didn't play, and then you

played for three years and you're maybe better than we
thought you would be. You improved, We helped you improve,
We support you. Now you leave like what what? Now?
It's fair to to to point out that Tubby Smith
has moved around schools. Totally fair. I think the two

are different. Um, I think paying your way as a
buyout is different than just leaving even after two years.
Remember us at Georgia for only two years. They left
for Kentucky. Well, he's at Kentucky. He wasn't fired, but
he was gonna be fired. So he took the Minnesota
job where he wasn't fired, but he was probably gonna
be fired. To Texas Tech. He was there for three years.

They went from six conference wins, three conference wins, nine
conference wins, and he handed Chris Beard after comparing the
n S a tourmament a really good team, and of
course they've had these mass affections mass all this turnover
at Memphis. I think what he's talking about is it's
different when you're a professional than it is when it's

never been the same for kids as it has been
for teachers. It's not the same for parents as it
is for kids, right Like, isn't that? And I understand
do as I say, not as I do, but it's
just different. There's so much more that goes into it.
When you're the coach. Remember when you leave, now you're

also your family has to uproot and leave. The assistant
coaches families have to upproven leave. There's a lot of
people who are dependent upon you. And a guy who
has I've never been accused of an NCY violation during
his twenty plus years of being a head coach, done

things the right way, deserves the right to a couple
of years in if he wants to find a better spot.
What he's referring to, and maybe he should have been
more specific, is not every transfer is a bad thing.
I transferred, not even transfers a bad thing transferring because
you're never going to play is different than transferring because

you're not playing now, right, It's just different. And so
while it's really really easy for people in the peanut
gallery sit there and going, it's the same thing. All
transfers aren't life, okay, And what he's talking about is
specifically two kinds of transfers that are completely disrupting college basketball,

and that's freshman transfers. Guys halfway through their freshman season,
I'm out, Like you play like nine games and you're out. Well,
actually you're not playing as much. It's like nine games
in or even one season in. No one feels all
that comfortable with their freshman year in college. I didn't
did you? Did you? Did you? So software you'll come

back like I've done all this stuff. It's buch easier.
Third year, Yeah, this is great. Fourth year like kind
of ready, And of course there's verying degrees, so that
sometimes it takes people into their second year to feel comfortable,
and then their senior year they're all in. Some people
stay five years or six years in college. But the
fact is that first year is really hard. I think
that doesn't sit well with people. The mid year first

year transfers a joke and then the fifth year transfer
when you you graduate on time and you can play
right away. Nobody said you can't go to grad school.
Nobody thinks even you can't transfer. But if you do,
shouldn't you have to sit out of here. If you're
really going to grad school, go to God School, and

then you can play after sitting a year. UH. The
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at Auto Zone, we offer free battery testing because we
don't sell parts. You they don't need stop In asked
about free testing today getting the zone Auto Zone, Dan Buyer,
what what do you have? One to three, four, five,
doug five players receiving the franchise tag of the NFL.
Is the deadline passed earlier today and you get a tag,
and you get a tag, and you get everybody gets

a day or just five or just five and only
one person got the exclusive franchise tagers running back Bell.
That's kind of like the first uh, first impression rows
us it is, sorry, I'm watching too much Patch. That's
all right. He can't negotiate with other teams, while the
other four players who received the franchise to egg can.

It's just that their teams would end up getting a
first round pick if that was the two first round picks,
if they ended up signing with the other team. For example,
LaMarcus Joiner of the Rams, the safety received the non
exclusive franchise tag today. But yeah, non exclusive just there. Yeah,
they could see other people. That's essentially what it is.
By the way, the Jaguars won't place the franchise tag

on wide receiver Allen Robinson. Sammy Watkins also didn't get
the tag obviously with the Rams, so he enters free agency,
and Kirk Cousins as well did not get the franchise tag.
In a piece on the Players Tribune, Cavaliers forward Kevin
Love revealed that he suffered a panic attack during a
November game against the Hawks. Says it's allowed him to

re examine his mental health and also on how he
uses that towards the public in terms of maybe making
his feelings known. Was a private guy in the past,
but says this is maybe, uh, you know, giving him
a new look on life. And the ESPN reports is
that Love experienced another attack in Januar worry and that
Doug may have been the game against the Thunder that

caused that team meeting where a lot of players were
pointing fingers at Love and didn't know where he went
on that Saturday game. Yeah, where do you go? I
thought you I thought I thought you said you're okay, Spider.
That you said you you're you're okay Spider. Sorry, that
was that was me. That's good fellas. I don't know
if you know. Yeah, look, here's the thing about it.
I do think it's brave for him to say what

he said and do what he did. I really do.
I do question this. Does it? Are you okay? Are
we okay? Knowing that there's gonna be an NBA player's
gonna talk trash to him and try and get him rattled,
like that's going to happen. I'm not the only one
who thinks this, right, Like, you come out and you
say that you had a panic attack, don't you think
there's gonna be you You're you're gonna try and get

under somebody's skin. Yeah, I think that'll happen, But I
don't think that would trigger anything. I think they're I
don't think that his panic attack would be triggered. I
don't know if that's what you're I don't know. I
don't know what triggers the panic attack, but I don't
know enough about it. I do know. I know I
know enough about panic attacks. I do know, don't know
enough about what trigger what would trigger his panic attacks.
I think I just think the situation and maybe what

goes on and his mind that would that would trigger it.
Just what happens with the body, I don't know Celtics
card Marcus Smart was found fifteen dollars by the NBA
for criticizing the officials following their lost Saturday against the
Houston Rockets. What he should have said was, am I allowed,
Can I get fined for what I'm thinking? And somebody
has said no, I think these officials were awful? Right?

And then he would like I thought they were the
worst officials ever. They're like, wait, wait, you said that? Like, no,
I thought that. I just said what I thought. He said.
What he said was certain players get calls that other
players don't get. That was implying that James Harden maybe
getting those calls which he doesn't get in the postseason,
which is really interesting. It's gonna happen, and and Houston's

gonna bitch and complain about the l Clippers have agreed
to a jersey sponsorship with the dating app Bumble Bumble.
It's gonna be on the Clippers jersey. I don't know
how it works. Was Grinder in in uh in competition
for this? Yeah, we're not gonna We're not gonna go
with the grinding Bumble will be on the jerseys. Finally,

dug what ish? So I don't know I know that
um tinders swipe left, swipe right. What does does bumble
have a swipe swiping? I have no idea. I'm not sure. Music. Yeah,
it has the same basic swipe and whatnot. But at
the difference is Bumble the women have to start the conversation. Yeah,

and this air lady too. It's like, hey ladies first.
It's like the Sadie Hawkins of daiy Apps. I love it.
I like, yeah, I just came up with that one
on the flat. It's pretty good. Do they still have
Sady Hawkins dancers? That's something that some offense and no,
it's gonna be eliminated at some point. That's gonna be offensive. Yeah. Finally,
those Diamondback fans that hung around, you're getting a bullpen car. Yes,

the Arizona Diamondbacks and Chase Field bringing back the bull
pen car to major League Baseball. The first one we
think since when the Brewers had a sidecar on a motorcycle. Wait,
they don't have Bill pens cars anymore. If it has
to run out, they have them for twenty years, but
they're bringing them back in Arizona. Backing out there and
pressed the press. I like it. When the guys like

fired out of achanic comes sprinting in right. Problem is,
didn't get it them like who father? Look who gives you?
Other baseball players not alim are in great shape. Oh
my god, ridiculous, ridiculous, Alright. Franchise tag Day, only five
of the dreaded fan tries. Only five players get guaranteed contracts.

The top five percent of the position stuck out the show.
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