Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Thanks for listening to the Doug Gotlieb Show podcast. Be
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recommended sellars. Tyrat dot com. Sway tire buying should be Tonight,
we have a National CHAMPIONI game. We'll preview that. We'll
tell you the pick. We had a crazy weekend in
the NFL. Stop me, you heard this before, But people
think the officials seem to like the Kansasity Chiefs. I know,
I know, stop me. Have you heard this before? But
and you gotta be of my age or around my age.
The Rams might struggle playing in cold weather. I know,
I know, Stop me. If you heard this before, right,
just kind of go through all these Nonetheless, we're left
with the Eagles taking on the Commanders and the Buffalo
Bills taking on the Kansasity Chiefs. There is so much
to get into, so much to get into, but let's
start with with the Ravens Bills. That was the last
game of the night. Those were That's the best matchup
in terms of the possibility of a Super Bowl coming
out of either of those two teams. Right, Obviously, the
winner has to go through Kansas City in the snow
in Buffalo, a one two time MVP, another one who
either may win his third or Josh Allen may win
his first epic quarterback duel. And yet two teams that
with these quarterbacks have not gone to or won a
Super Bowl. They have not had tremendous playoff success. And
obviously the Bills win. So there's a ton to talk
about from the game. I'll just relate this personally to me,
which is yesterday we had our best chance to win
a conference game, and we had still without our leading scorer.
We had our fullest roster we've had to date, playing
at home against Youngstown State, the Penguins who have been
very very good and are up near the top of
the league, and Youngstown State came in and we're up
ten with nine twenty to go, and I looked up
and I'm like, let's go, fellas, let's close this thing out.
And we had the ball even down too with about
sixteen seconds ago, and turned it over and one of
their kids had a windmill dunk, which was nasty, nasty.
We end up losing by four points. And when you
go back and you do the post mortem, yes, we
give up thirteen offensive boards, but we lost because of
sixteen turnovers. They got twenty two more shots than we got.
So despite our efficiency at the offensive end, twenty two
more shots is it's just too hard to win that way.
And a good portion of the ones they made were
off of those turnovers, especially late in the game. And
so when I watched this weekend, I thought turnovers are
the biggest story. And then when you watch the Bills
take on the Ravens, I thought that was the biggest story.
But we'll talk about Mark Andrews, who's a Hall of
Fame tight end with his fumble and then dropping the
two point conversion of the in zone second. Here's Lamar Jackson,
the two time MVP quarterback, on what went wrong.
Speaker 2 (03:51):
There's a team effort there.
Speaker 3 (03:52):
You know he'd been bunting his behind making places happen
outwnfield for us came more short and like I've been
saying all season every time we have a situation like this,
Noble play a factor. Pennedies play a factor today, Well
tonight to turnover had you know. And that's why we
lost the game because as you can see, moving the
ball wonderfully is hold on. I'm sorry for my lamea
An Todd.
Speaker 1 (04:17):
Here's his coach, John Harbaugh on why they lost the game.
Speaker 4 (04:25):
There's nobody that has more heart and cares more and
fights more than Markus who wouldn't be here without Martin Andrews.
Speaker 5 (04:29):
You know, that's that's what you say to.
Speaker 4 (04:30):
Him, So you know it's it's it's like anything else.
I mean, destiny is a decision that you make. It's
a decision is how you handle what comes in your life. Now,
Marko handled fantastic like he always does because he's because
he's a high character person. He's a tough person and
he's a good person. So proud of him, the second
proud of all the guys.
Speaker 1 (04:47):
All right, So so let's get to the choking question.
Did Mark Andrews choke? I don't think he choked on
the fumble. Yeah, I don't know on the catch icause
that's a choker. I mean, this is the difference between
playing sports and not playing sports. If you play sports,
if you're the man in the arena, you put yourself
out there for that type of criticism. But just a
dreadful end to an unbelievable season for a guy who
everybody believes is a remarkable player. And maybe this is
me now the coach, Maybe this is me the former athlete.
Maybe this is just watching the game as a curious observer.
But yeah, I mean I feel terrible for Mark Andrews.
I guess, am I supposed to dan byer, Am I
supposed to crush him. Am I most supposed to say
that was it? You know, you can't, like you can't
drop that ball, But like again, he's falling down the
back of the in the front of the end zone
on the sideline, like he catches it. They go to
likely go to overtime, it's a tie game, or maybe
maybe the Bills come down and score. I don't know,
But to me, the bigger story was always Lamar. And
our question about Lamar was, hey, can he do it
from the pocket ad R drive? When you need a touchdown,
and he just did. They just didn't win, So I
don't I'm having trouble trying to process what I'm supposed
to feel other than but I feel like Buffalo survived
and Baltimore, you know, cost themselves a chance to get
another shot at at Kansas City this time in the
playoffs by just too many turnovers and too many little mistakes.
Speaker 6 (06:31):
So Kirk Kurbstreet brought up the phrase lunatic fringe, and
it's becoming more and more to the mainstream, Dug and
to your point, the more that I have heard you
or seen others on social media, I don't think that
you need to rip Mark Andrews. I think that we
know what happened. In fact, if you actually look at
what happened on the play, there was a point where
Lamar Pump faked a little bit, you know, hesitated. I
think Andrews was going towards the side was wondering, hey
do I got to stay in balance here? If I
lose my balance, I make sure I'm in the end zone.
All of those things end up coming into to play
on a play like that, and plus you're trying to
catch a rock that it is in single degree temperatures.
It's a as easy as it play that it looked,
and with a professional wide receiver, I think it was
a difficult play. But I think to my point of saying,
a professional, if you're a professional, you make that call. Cat,
I think that the lunatic fringe wants you to rip
on Mark Andrews today what.
Speaker 1 (07:33):
I've seen on social media, and like most of it,
I'm sure the intent is funny, but you know, you
got all these mob deals and like these mob movie
scenes whatever of guys getting taken out, you know, like
Mark Andrews, you know, comes up to Jim Harbaugh's offense
or to office whatever, like what are we doing? Like
I just I don't know. I'm a huge sports fan.
I love, especially with the rest of my life in
college basketball and the all consuming undertaking it is to
coach a college basketball team, and especially one that's struggling
and with younger players and you're constantly teaching, so the
respite from getting away the watching, Like do you talk
about lunatic fringe? Like if I ever tweet anything about
an NFL game, Like why aren't you watching more film?
Speaker 2 (08:19):
Like huh what?
Speaker 1 (08:23):
Like I actually really really enjoyed watching that. I was
at one of my friends at Donor's house last night,
and I really enjoyed watching it. And again, I don't
know if this is the former athlete or the coach
or just the realistic person, but I thought that was
a great football game. It was great in that it
was incredibly flawed. All those games were, and maybe the
whole time, Dan, and I don't want to be creepy
about this, I was thinking about you because you and
I had had this discussion about snow games, and here
we had back to back to back snow games. And
I think the football purist or I don't know football peers,
but a guy wants the best of the best in
these playoffs, is like that sucked because the Rams literally
couldn't hold onto the football. You couldn't throw a football
in that game. Even the Bills right barely through the
football because they knew the weather was that bad. They
played smartly to the weather. And to your point, like
here you have a couple of the best. Cord Matt
Stafford's one of the best quarterbacks we've ever had. He's
really really good. Same can be said, obviously with Lamar's
the two time MVP and Josh Allen, and if those
games are played in domes, the passing is exquisite. It's unbelievable,
but it doesn't have the realness or the sloppiness of
snow games. I'm watching it and all I can think
about is I can't wait to have this discussion with
Dan about did you like it or not like it?
Because all three of those games felt like they were
kind of the same in that you're trying to adjust
and play in elements which are borderline unplayable.
Speaker 6 (09:54):
I felt that the Rams and Eagles got to be
in extreme yes, where Buffalo in Baltimore dealt with the
cold and there are limitations in dealing with the cold.
I don't think that they had to deal with the
actual elements like the Rams and Eagles did in that game.
Rams Eagles in the second half when it was at
its worst, was actually in the window where Carrie Roads
and I do our show here on Fox Sports Radio,
and I did not waiver. To my point, I felt
that Matthew Stafford was muted. I felt that these teams
had governors on them in trying to manage and how
do you manage this game? It did make for interesting football.
It made for interesting decisions and what you were going
to do kicking and field position wise, there's all of that.
It still doesn't change my mind on what I want
to see in the most important games. But I don't
think Buffalo Baltimore was affected nearly as much as they
were in Philadelphia.
Speaker 1 (10:48):
Okay, I guess. So that's really interesting to me because
you love golf and yet you know each one of
the majors is different. Obviously, the US Open has gotten
criticized for years for being tricked up. Sometimes it's been
too hot, which dries out the greens too much. Of
course you got the British Open, which you have no
if the wind is blowing, it's completely different sport than
the wind isn't blowing when you play at any of
these courses in the Open Championship. And yet in football,
those same elements, which it's traditionally an element ridden game
you don't.
Speaker 6 (11:26):
Like, completely different scenarios apples to oranges. In fact, the
weather is the opponent at times against the player in
golf and the course or how you would play. It's
different when it's going head to head against someone guarding,
someone blocking, someone trying to run a route.
Speaker 2 (11:45):
Past someone.
Speaker 6 (11:47):
In golf, you're playing the course, you're playing the weather conditions.
It's almost that is the opponent in itself, and sometimes
the tougher opponent.
Speaker 2 (11:57):
The more fun that the games are.
Speaker 6 (12:00):
I think we would say, and that does happen in
golf birdie fest aren't the greatest greatest things to watch?
Speaker 2 (12:07):
This past weekend?
Speaker 6 (12:08):
And Palm Desert twenty six hunder bar, I think people
say like, all right, let's watch this guy struggle every
now and then.
Speaker 1 (12:14):
Okay, you're right, so why don't you want NFL guys
to struggle. I'm just in the because look at the
first half of the Commander's Lions game. Obviously a bunch
of I mean, was it thirty one to twenty one
to have, right? I mean, and you're sitting there going
like that's with no elements and still with turnovers and
on a fast track, and it was a fun watch,
but it is kind of a birdie fest. And then
you turn on and you watch the other games and
they are complete blank shows because of the element.
Speaker 6 (12:45):
I'd rather watch the Masters in perfect conditions than to
have them deal with the twenty and thirty mile per
hour gus throughout the entire round, like there's enough of
a challenge on amen corner. It's places to make birdies
and eagles, places to make the bhogames.
Speaker 1 (13:01):
And then if that's your feeling, then you're consistent. Then
at least you're consistent, Jay Stu, do you like watching
games like the Rams, like the Ravens. I'm going to
disagree with you on the Bills. How many times do
they throw the ball? They barely threw the football.
Speaker 6 (13:19):
Allen only had like one hundred and thirty yards passing
sixteen of twenty two.
Speaker 1 (13:23):
Yeah, I mean it was like seven times in the
first half. I think he threw it through the ball,
So it was very, very limited because they're playing the elements.
Speaker 6 (13:31):
True, but I would also say that if I'm Buffalo,
my game plan is to try to keep the ball
away from Baltimore and Lamar Jackson and Derrick Henry, So
I wouldn't by.
Speaker 1 (13:40):
Dereck Henry only sixteen touches, right, sixteen touches?
Speaker 2 (13:43):
Yeah, that was that was a complaints as well.
Speaker 1 (13:45):
Yeah, okay, what about you, Jay Stu? Where are you
on the football in the elements.
Speaker 7 (13:49):
So we have this conversation, I know, six eight weeks ago,
and it was coming off of the Browns, I want
to say it was a Thursday night game and it
was literally played in like powder. We're talking about like
full snow game. It wasn't like partially snowing freezing. It
was like it was fun. And the takeaway the Deatra
was they shouldn't be allowed to put a dome in
Cleveland if we can get a game like that every
once in a while, and I think all of our
takeaways was every once in a while, that's fun. But
when you're playing in games like this, when things actually matter,
and those conditions weren't fun. Those weren't like powder snow fun.
I thought the games suffered because of it. I think
the watching experience suffered.
Speaker 8 (14:33):
Yes, Sam, the snow and Philly didn't bother me. The
Rams actually were right on their scoring average for the season,
like I think they're av They came in averaging like
twenty one point seven.
Speaker 2 (14:47):
They scored twenty two.
Speaker 1 (14:49):
So you know you used to watch a different game, Sam,
What what do you mean? They couldn't hold on the
football they.
Speaker 8 (14:55):
Come I know they're turning it over.
Speaker 1 (14:58):
Matt Stafford has one of the best arm the history
of the NFL. They can't throw the football. So if
you think it didn't bother them, like, I don't know.
Speaker 8 (15:06):
I never said that. I just said that they scored
on the Actually they scored on their average of the scene.
Speaker 1 (15:09):
No, you started by saying, I don't think the snow
actually bothered them.
Speaker 8 (15:13):
It didn't bother me, is what I said. Okay, so
I thought it was cool. You know, the the Eagles
use it their advantage there clearly, you know, could run
the ball in the snow and guys on the rams.
You know, defensive line did a lot of great things
that game. But you know some of those Barkley runs
they took off and really use it to their advantage.
Speaker 2 (15:32):
And this is not this is not new to the
National Football League.
Speaker 6 (15:34):
But here's the point is Jason pointed out we talked
about the Brown Steelers game. It was actually another game
after that that also then begged the conversation. And then
we had two this weekend, and we've had others at times.
I get it it's winter weather, but when we're trying
to determine the best teams, it's sometimes unfortunate that mother
nature ends up having the biggest role than the actual
two teams on the field. I don't mind it, it's
ten degrees. If it's out there, it's cold, That's that's
what it is in January. But when you have the
snow and sleet and ice and whatever they were playing
on in Philadelphia. Yeah, it was just I just it's
it's not a tough watch. It's just I would rather
have it the other way. I don't sit there and
hate it and turn it. I turn this channel. I
want to watch it. I just I imagine if Jayden
Daniels had to deal with that, we wouldn't have got
what he did on Saturday night.
Speaker 1 (16:30):
No question.
Speaker 2 (16:31):
So no question, that's that's kind of what I'm.
Speaker 9 (16:34):
Getting to be sure to catch the live edition of
The Doug Gottlieb Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon
Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio apps.
Speaker 1 (16:48):
The Doug Gottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio. I will tell
you that I struggle with Saquon Barkley being on the
Eagles because Saquon Barkley is just a likable dude, right
and the Eagles are an unlikable bunch. They just are. Nonetheless,
they're one went away from another Super Bowl despite their
pretty open dysfunction right within with parts of their team.
Here's their head coach Nick Sirianni talking about the luxury
of having Sekwon Barkley.
Speaker 5 (17:22):
How much of a luxury is it to have.
Speaker 8 (17:26):
Given the conditions or not in the conditions, It don't
matter where.
Speaker 1 (17:29):
It's a luxury to have him, that's for darn sure.
I love them.
Speaker 8 (17:32):
I can't say enough good things about him in the
in the leadership that he brings to this football team.
Speaker 2 (17:36):
He's special.
Speaker 1 (17:38):
So there is one thing that's really interesting, Dan, in
that I do understand. I'm not saying that you're alone
in your feelings, and in many ways you're not wrong.
You're actually right right, because it's one of the reasons
that the Super Bowl. There's the main reason the Super
Bowl is almost always played in warm weather cities or
in domes, is so the best, the best look like
they're the best, right, the same reason that they don't
call a lot of penalties. They want a great game,
They want the overall talent to come out. But when
you're constructing a football team and you have to understand that,
like right now, the AFC, you're gonna have to play
in Kansas City, right, You're gonna have to play in
Kansas City. In Kansas City in January, the weather, you
have no idea. You know, it's super frigid today. I
have no idea what it's supposed to be like Sunday.
But you're gonna have to play in Kansas City. And
if not Kansas City, it's been Baltimore, it's been Pittsburgh.
It's generally been terrible weather cities in the NFC. You
know Philly, obviously, you have Dallas. San Francisco where last
year wasn't last year the Niners game they play in
the rain, San Francisco, right, So elements are going to
be a factor, and you have to And for years
the AFC went through New England and you could count
on the weather be bad in New England. So you
have to construct your football team in a way in
which if you can throw it through the wind, you
better find ways to get rid of it really really quickly,
and you better find ways to stop the run because
in the weather, you know that's what's going to happen.
So it's hard to build. I mean it's the Saints,
you know, when they went to the Super Bowl, right,
obviously it went through New Orleans. They were built to
play in a dome, and how many you know. I'm
watching the Rams struggle against the Eagles, and I'm like, well,
this is like the eighties Rams when they would come
out of they played outdoors, when you play in southern California.
Now you got to play in the conditions in Chicago
against eighty five Bears and they fell apart. I remember
that game. So I, you are right, but you also
have to understand in terms of roster construction that if
you play in these types of conditions to get to
a Super Bowl, you're gonna have to run the football.
You're gonna have to stop the run. Sometimes you're gonna
have to play a little left.
Speaker 2 (19:53):
Hand I am.
Speaker 6 (19:54):
I am so glad you brought that up, because those
are all legitimate fair points, and it actually runs into
the face of what the NFL has become is because
now the NFL has become such an offensive quarterback dependent game,
where twenty eight out of the thirty two teams play
that same sort of game or that's how they feel
they're going to get success. Then this just flies in
the face of that. So you're supposed to take four
teams that are gonna say we're not gonna we're not
gonna build our team that way, or we're not going
to construct our team that way, and the hopes that
we can navigate this regular season and then when it
comes playoff time it's good. And Doug, you're right, and
I'll tell you what that recipe does work. It's why
the Titans a few years ago were able to run
over everybody because everybody has two hundred and fifty pound
defensive ends, you know, or edge rushers, So you just
take Derick Henry and you end up trying to run
over them and there is an opportunity for a mismatch there.
But the whole thinking of the elements does fly in
the face of what the NFL has made their game
to be, and that is a quarterback dependent football game.
Speaker 1 (21:02):
It's great point, streat point. I actually, I know we
want to talk about the Eagles, but I actually think
that's what makes the Ravens thing even more curious. Right, Like,
the Ravens haven't been successful in the playoffs, and yesterday's
game couldn't have been set up any better for the
way in which they play, right, the way in which
they play, which is you have arguably or maybe inarguably
the best running back I guess sake, one's the best
run backs, probably the second best running back in the playoffs,
and a dynamic straight line downhill. Christian Nakoye. Good luck
tackling Derrick Henry. You actually have a change of pace
as well. And then you got the best running quarterback
we've ever had in the NFL. And and of the turnovers,
of the turnovers and they had, they had what three turnovers?
One was Lamar fumbling in the pocket, but one was
an interception which he took. You know, I didn't look
out for safety, yea man overthrow. And then one was
when Andrews caught the ball and had it punched out
like two of them were throwing the football. And look,
they may have fumbled it running in two but it
is fascinating that here's a team that we talk about
the elements they are built for, way more than Buffalo.
They got three great options running the football, and of
their turnovers, which were their real undoing, two of them
were throwing the football. And honestly, even the one in
which he lost it in the back that he fumbled it,
that was an RPO where he felt like he couldn't
throw it because his linemen were down the field.
Speaker 6 (22:44):
Well'll just say this because I know TJ's on hold.
I watched the thirty for thirty Tuck Rule this past weekend.
It re aired and Tom Brady was talking about how
he loved the conditions of that game because everything slowed down.
Speaker 2 (22:56):
For him as a young quarterback.
Speaker 6 (22:58):
I don't know if it was a disadvantage for the
veteran quarterbacks are not, but he said at the time,
everything slowed down for me and as a younger quarterback.
Speaker 2 (23:05):
That really helped.
Speaker 1 (23:07):
Doug Gottliebs show here on Fox Sports Radio. That's the
voice of Dampire. Let's welcome in TJ. Huschmanzada of course,
who's the former Pro Bowl wide receiver. He's a co
host of Up on Game with Arrington Plexical Burst that
airs each Saturday on Fox Sports Trader. You can also
find it where you find your podcast. Who'sh The elements
were in full effect in three of those four games.
Are you a fan of football in the snow football
in the wind?
Speaker 10 (23:34):
I mean I'm not a fan of playing it. And
when you watch it, because you're not in the element,
you're like, oh, this is cool. But when you playing
that type of stuff, it's the worst. Man, It really
is the worst because you get certain teams that they
they're not at their best in those conditions. But both
teams are on the field, so both teams are in
the same uh environment. You have the same conditions and
you got to make the most of it. But as
a player, you kind of deal with it. But nobody
liked it.
Speaker 1 (24:02):
Stull got lave show here on Fox Sports Radio. Okay,
let's let's get to the Lions. What's your reaction to
Dan Campbell breaking down saying it was all his fault.
Speaker 10 (24:17):
We all know that that wasn't Dan Campbell's fault. Man,
When you see your head coach show that type of emotion,
that type of the emotion because they lost a game
that probably ninety nine percent of people outside of the
Commanders fans thought they would win. I thought they would win,
and you just pick it was a bad time for
Jared Golf to play the type of game that he played,
and they just couldn't defensively, it was they couldn't get
a stop, they couldn't stop Jade Daniels. I think Dan
Campbell really felt they would win that game, and the
emotion just came out. And as a player, if I
would play, and I see my coach do that, I
would feel bad that he felt that way, because we
own the game. We got to get it done ourselves.
Speaker 1 (25:08):
Uh okay, so let's let's get to that. I mean,
how much do you put on golf? How much do
you put on you know, Ben Johnson with a trick
play in the fourth quarter that has a wide receiver
throw an interception.
Speaker 10 (25:23):
Well, obviously looking back on it, he's like, oh, why
do he call that play? But Ben Johnson has been
money since he's been a coordinator with his play selection,
has the timing of his place selection. That play didn't work,
and I know how that play as coach, it's very simple.
Famous then if he's not wide open, run it or
throw it away. If there's anybody around, don't run it
or throw it away. But because they were down Jamison Williams,
he just he took the chance. The chance didn't pay off. Obviously,
looking back on his Monday morning quarterback, why do you
call that play? But I'm not gonna question somebody that
I still has done a hell of a job with
the timing of the plays that he called.
Speaker 8 (26:08):
Speaker 1 (26:08):
By the way, I think we have some breaking news
in regards to Ben Johnson. Let's go to Dan Byer,
who's at the news desk, and what he got.
Speaker 5 (26:17):
Breaking news from Fox Sports.
Speaker 6 (26:20):
Multiple reports say that the Chicago Bears will name Lions
offensive coordinator Ben Johnson as their new head coach.
Speaker 1 (26:28):
Does it feel to anybody else like the Lions window
just closed? Right? They're gonna lose their OFFENSEI coordinator, gonna
lose their defensive coordinator.
Speaker 10 (26:41):
That's a great thing for the Bears. And I told
a buddy of mine, and they can attest it is. Uh.
Last week, I said, if the Bears do not name
a coach by Wednesday, Ben Johnson is going to be
their coach. They're waiting until the Lions get eliminated him.
He plays for the Bears, so if he here is
he's gonna know that I told him this. I felt
like Ben Johnson was an obvious choice, and the Bears
waited and it was it was kind of, Oh, the
Bears haven't hired anybody. No, they've hired somebody. They're just
waiting on Ben Johnson to get knocked out or the
Detroit Lions will win it off. I believe is knock
them out. The fark higher his creativity. Obviously, now he'd
get to play the Lions a lot more. He's very
familiar with him. But he's not going to a Bear
cover to Chicago. They got pieces, they have weapons, and
so I think the Bears. Many thought they would compete
for the playoffs this year, and I was one of
many people. They for sure, what Ben Johnson is, they
will compete for the playoffs next He's a great hire
in my opinion.
Speaker 1 (27:43):
Stut Gottleab show here on Fox Sports Radio, how do
you what Jane Daniels is doing is incredible? Incredible as
a guy who has played at this level in the NFL,
what do you see when you see the Commanders go
on the road and play with that level of confidence
and be Detroit man jame.
Speaker 10 (28:08):
And Downiels is the best rookie we've ever seen. I
don't think we'll ever the National Football League may never
see this again, what Jamee Daniels doing. I don't think
people understand, not how good, how great of the season
this young man has had. It's unbelievable. He's making it
look easy. This is his first year in the league,
and they were, oh, they need another weapon. All they
have is Terry McLaurin, Jade and Daniels is unbelievably good
as a rookie. It's going to be scary when he
really gets comfortable, because he's not even comfortable. You know,
he has that smile. He's always smiling during the game.
When that boy gets comfortable, it's going to be scary.
And I felt like he had an opportunity to be
the best rookie court back, but I wasn't sure with
dan Quinn. Just let kings Perry kind of do what
he wants to do, and he did so. Now Kingsberry
in turn, he's gonna be like the Ben Johnson. He's
gonna have this pick of the litter. Wait till you
get to the perfect situation before you take the job.
You don't have to rush into a job because you
know you got a quarterback that's gonna put you in
a position every single year.
Speaker 1 (29:22):
Stuck Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports Radio. Okay, let's
let's get to the Ravens. How do you view Mark
Andrews with the fumble? Mark Andrews dropped the two point conversion.
Speaker 10 (29:37):
It sucks, Mark Man. I played for the Ravens and
I pretty much did the same thing that Mark Andrews
did in the playoff game to go to the AMC Championship.
I didn't drop a touchdown, but I dropped the ball
on fourth down. So I know what he's going through.
The anger, the disappointment, the frustration, the disbelief, like if
I really just dropped this ball. And so I feel
bad for him because I've been in his shoes. I've
been in that situation. I thought the Ravens would represent
the AFC ont of the Super Bowl. I'm obviously wrong.
You just got to keep moving, man, There's nothing you
can do. It's happened. You can't go back and change it.
They did not play a good football game and they
still had a chance to win. Lamar Jackson threw for
twice as many yards as Josh Allen, a yard away
from having twice many rushing yards. But the costly turnovers
is what killed the Ravens. But from Mark Andrews, man,
I feel bad for him. I'm sure that's not motivating,
but it's really nothing you can do about that. Man. Obviously,
he probably catches that ball ninety nine out of one hundred.
That one time he doesn't catch it, it costs his
team and fans are cruel, man, people are cruel. You're
probably gonna get all kind of crazy message on social media.
And for all you dumbasses that send him a message,
you couldn't do what he was doing for shut your mouth.
Speaker 1 (31:01):
How responsible for the chief success or officials?
Speaker 2 (31:05):
Speaker 10 (31:06):
I'm not gonna lie, man. The Chiefs are good, but
everybody knows it. I'm just getting off the field with
training guys.
Speaker 2 (31:14):
Speaker 10 (31:15):
Everybody says the same thing. Why do the Chiefs get
all the calls? Every player says the same thing. This
is worldwide across the National Football League. They're like, why
are they even playing the games? If they just gonna
give it to the Chiefs. I get it. If it's
close call, the penalty to benefit the quarterback, then't do
it for everybody. Don't just do it for Mahomes. Jared
Golf almost got decapitated. You didn't see that. You didn't
see that one. Jayen Hurst got hit two yards out
the bounds. You didn't see that one either. But if
that's Patrick Mahomes, everybody believes that's going to be a penalty.
And we talk about the integrity of the game. If
we are going to protect the quarterbacks, like we all
want let's protect all of them because now everybody, even
the players that are playing in the league still like
when we played the Chiefs, they're going to get calls
that we don't get, and you don't want that to
be the case. Tomiko ryans, we're playing against everybody. You
know what he means. When Joe Mixon comes out and
says it. Now, it's going to become like a why
are they the only team that gets these type of calls?
And it sucks because they're not getting their credit because
they're really good. Man, they're really good. Their get calls
that everybody doesn't get. So you kind of gloss over
the fact that they're a really good team. But it's
talked about a ton TJ.
Speaker 1 (32:38):
Huschman z outa check out up on game, download it
wherever you download podcast, or you can listen to it
live on FOTS Fox Sports Radio every Saturday morning. Who's
you the best? Man?
Speaker 10 (32:47):
Thanks for joining us, Doug, I'm the second best man,
You the best. Keep it going, buddy.
Speaker 1 (32:52):
Speaker 9 (32:53):
Be sure to catch the live edition of The Doug
Gottlieb Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon Pacific.
Speaker 1 (33:01):
Stug Gottlieb show Fox Sports Radio National Championship Game gets
on a way in a couple hours. We'll talk about
that next hour. We got love and hate top of
the hour. I just I I just feel like next hour, guys,
we gotta just talk about the games. Those are all
four of them were unbelievable games in their own right, unbelievable.
Before we get to that, though, Dan Byer takes it
away with game time.
Speaker 9 (33:34):
This is game time on the Doug Gottlieb Show.
Speaker 2 (33:40):
Thanks Doug. The game today is.
Speaker 5 (33:43):
Big deal, little deal, No deal.
Speaker 6 (33:46):
Six scenarios to run past you, Numero uno on the docket.
Speaker 2 (33:49):
Big deal, little deal or no deal.
Speaker 10 (33:51):
Speaker 6 (33:52):
A Twitter infographic from bet online revealed that forty eight
out of the fifty states are pulling for Notre Dame
tonight over Ohio State in the National Championship Game.
Speaker 1 (34:01):
It's a huge, huge deal, huge deal. I said this
at the start of the playoffs. You guys can witness it.
You guys were witnesses and we can always pull the tape.
But previous to Marcus Freeman getting the job, anytime Notre
Dame would lose or would play in a big game
or whatever it was, the opposite people have forever hated
Notre Dame. I don't know whether it's Ohio State people
don't like Ryan Day, or if it's just their infatuation
with how good a dude the former Ohios State linebacker
Marcus Freeman actually is. But he makes Notre Dame likable
and they are America's choice, and that was not the
case when any of the previous you know, ten coaches
in my lifetime were the head coach Notre Dame.
Speaker 6 (34:55):
I was, Sam, you want to guess the two states
that are rooting accord to data geo tag, data and hashtags,
the two states that are cheering for Ohio state, Sam,
you want to take a guess, m the.
Speaker 8 (35:09):
Two states that are one would be Ohio, Okay, just
as the other one. Uh Man, I don't know.
Speaker 2 (35:18):
You want a shot at this.
Speaker 8 (35:19):
Yeah, I don't know. I really don't know. I would
say it's not Iowa.
Speaker 2 (35:23):
It is not Iowa, thank goodness, Texas okay.
Speaker 6 (35:29):
Jason Stewart, you want to take a Stattlifornia, West Virginia
neighboring West.
Speaker 2 (35:35):
Virginia too, Ohio.
Speaker 6 (35:36):
Yah, you have some carry over there, but otherwise everything
else is Irish gold.
Speaker 2 (35:43):
A big deal, little dealer, no deal.
Speaker 6 (35:45):
Dog that the ACC is considering holding a conference championship
game without a first place team. Yes, what they would
do is first place team automatic bit into the playoffs.
Second and third place teams playoff to help improve their
key is for a playoff bid. That big deal, a
little deal or no deal. It's under consideration, not official.
Speaker 10 (36:06):
Speaker 1 (36:08):
I actually think it's a big deal. And I'll tell
you what I like it for. I like it for
not our level, but maybe a higher level of mid major.
You know, in basketball, I've always thought, now they got
to change the n but I always thought that, Look,
if you win your league, I'll tell you the problem
with it in a second. If you win your league,
you should go to the NCAA tournament right now. If
you want to get a second bid, well that's what
you play for, or you want to play for, you know,
like make the regular season matter.
Speaker 2 (36:40):
I love that.
Speaker 1 (36:41):
The problem with it in college football is you're gonna
have years where you have in Indiana win the league
because they played a softer schedule than everybody else, and
so winning a league doesn't mean nearly as much as
it used.
Speaker 6 (36:53):
To protects your top team and gives your second place
team an opportunity to make a stronger case for inclusion.
It all will also depend on what the new format
is for the college football playoff. All right, Doug, big deal,
little deal, an old deal that Eagles wide receiver AJ
Brown said he wouldn't wish the weather conditions they played
in unquote his worst enemy end quote.
Speaker 1 (37:19):
This one reminds me of oh, what's his name? He
came to the Cubs. He came to the Cubs from Miami.
His dad Moys Lou I think I told you guys
this story. Yes, Boog Shawbee sat down at moise A Loo.
They had dinner one night when he had first moved
to Chicago, and he's like, how do you like playing
the Cubs? I love it a lot of day games,
Like Aj, when you left Tennessee you went to Philadelphia,
what do you think the playoffs are going to look like?
When you got home field advantage?
Speaker 6 (37:57):
Big deal, little deal of old deal Doug. Rams quarterback
Matthew Stafford wouldn't immediately commit to a return next season,
which would be number sixteen in the league, saying he
still feels that he has some football left in him,
but just wasn't ready to make a decision. U.
Speaker 1 (38:13):
Little deal. I mean, people know he's flirted with retirement.
He's had a lot of injuries. He obviously has a
gaggle of kids, so I it's a little deal that
he's going to take his time. But man, he's still
a very good football player.
Speaker 6 (38:26):
Finally, big deal, little deal or no deal. That will
report from ESPN says the Colts could be interested in
justin fields this offseason.
Speaker 1 (38:35):
So they have Spider Man meme in their backfield. A
me that little deal, Little Neil.
Speaker 2 (38:42):
That is the game time.
Speaker 5 (38:48):
This is game time on the Doug.
Speaker 1 (38:50):
Gottlieb Show, The Doug Gottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio. Coming
up next Life from the tyrack dot Com Studios. Okay,
we got more breaking news is the Bears have reportedly
land and did their new head coach. Plus, it's a Monday.
We had a wild weekend. We got to get to
the love and hate from the weekend. What do we
love from the weekend? What do we hate from the weekend?
And you can join in as well. That's up coming
next to The Doug Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports Radio.