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July 3, 2024 37 mins

Doug talks about Rich Paul, Lebron James and the Lakers and counts how many lies we have been told about what their intentions were this off-season. The crew peppers Doug with questions in this edition of "Hold On, Let's Ask The Coach". Bryan Fenley takes Doug through a game of "For Better Or Worse?". 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Thanks for listening to the Doug Gottlieb Show podcast. Be
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thousand recommending dollars tyrat dot com. It's the way tire
buying should be welcome in. I hope you are doing great, Jason.
This opening rant is brought to you by our good
friends in Las Vegas. No it's not. But as a

card player, as a gambler, I think you can appreciate this, right,
I think you can appreciate this. You ever play cards
with somebody who's the worst bluffer of all time and
you're just like you're just sitting there, going this guy's
really bad. All of his tails are really easy. I

don't know whether the worst bluffer of all time is
Lebron James and Rich Paul. I don't think it is.
I actually think it's Rob Polinka and the Lakers. Whatever
it is, this is bordering on ridiculous. We've never discussed
the idea that Lebron James was a free agent, because
he was never leaving Los Angeles. We've never bought into

the whole idea of Bronny being selected by somebody else.
As a matter of fact, I don't believe Bronni James
would be drafted in the NBA had the Lakers not
have drafted him, Not just because he didn't have a
great year, or he's only six to one and a
half and he's not really not a point guard, not
close to a point guard, or he hasn't had any

kind of dynamic season over the past three seasons. None
of that, None of that. He had a heart attack
year ago, like that's a medical red flag for anybody.
And then but now I feel insulted. I just I do.
I feel insulted because I've sat through Rob Polinka press

conferences before and I've been told that some players are
it was it a gift from Hanna? Is that was
that one of them? Right? And remember, of course like
I bought in the Lonzo Ball thing that we're gonna
put Lonzo Ball's name next to Magic and Kobe and whatever.
But this one is, this one's nuts nuts because they

made JJ Reddick or JJ Redick made himself into a
complete fabricator of anything that could be provably true. Right,
JJ Reddick yesterday had the hutzpa. Do you guys know
what hutspiz? It's like nerve bolts, right, That's what it

is, is that it's the gall. There you go, there's three
different definitions nerve ball's gall. To say that Bronnie James
had earned earned his spot on the Lakers. Look, you
can say a lot of things about Bronnie James that
his best basketball is still ahead of him. That's fair.

That he's a good player and a good human being,
and he's come out of a tough situation medically, and
you're just happy that he's alive and happy that he's basketball.
Also fair. You can even tell me that when he
gets to the NBA, the spacing and the ability to
play off the basketball and just be a guy who

guards the ball and shoots threes, it may fit his
game better. All fair. When you look America in the
eye and say, Bronnie James has earned being on the Lakers.
Anybody who as any sort of brain no longer takes

you seriously. And then the Lakers give him a four
year guaranteed contract today, which is virtually unheard of for
a second round draft pick, let alone a second round
draft pick who didn't have particularly good year coming off
of a heart attack, didn't have a great senior year,

didn't have a great junior year. Like, what are we
actually doing here? And then Lebron James resigns and oh yeah,
by the way, he resigned for the MAX when we
had been told, hey, Lebron really wants to win for
the right player, he won't sign for the max. So
we can sit here and talk about you know, we

haven't spent a ton of time talking about what Rich
Paul said or this idea that Lebron or Bronny could
go elsewhere. But now I'm to the point where I'm
just like offended. Like, I get it. You want your
kid on the team. It's kind of a cool thing. Great,
he's gonna be on the team for four years. I

brought this up yesterday hosting the herd Amari Bailey was
a better high school prospect, had a much better singular
season at UCLA than Bronnie did. Is a higher rated,
better overall prospect than Bronnie James. He was drafted forty
ninth overall in the draft, didn't play a ton this year,

and they chose not to pick up his contract. He's out,
he's out, So he got a one year contract Ronnie James,
who didn't do much of anything. That's four years. Lebron
was never leaving. They were always drafting Bronnie, and all
of this has to be at least a portion of

why they're seemingly unable to get anybody to come join
them in LA with the through their own volition. So
Lebron signs a two year deal with max money. Remember
he said, I might take a discount and Bronnie gets
a guaranteed deal, but we'll spend the majority of the
season in the G League. I mean, really, what Lebron

James has done is a less expensive way of what
Dwayne Wade did. Dwayne Wade Sun never played in college,
and he just simply bought the G League team and
then made them play him on the G League team.
And now he's not even playing basketball. Bronnie James and
his father Lebron James are expected to share the court
with the LA Lakers the first week of the upcoming

NBA season. Adrian Warznowski added, and there are no expectations
that James will be in the Lakers rotation. Instead, James
expected to spend the majority of his time with the
Lakers in the G League, the South Bay Lakers. Here's
JJ Reddick at the press conference yesterday.

Speaker 2 (06:52):
Rob and I did not give Bronnie anything. Bronnie has
earned this. Bronnie talks about his hard work. Bronnie has
earned this through hard work. And for us prioritizing player development,
we view Bronnie as like case study one because his
base level of feel, athleticism, point of attack, defender, shooting, passing,

There's a lot to like about his game, and as
we sort of build out our player development program holistically,
he's going to have a great opportunity to become an
excellent NBA player.

Speaker 1 (07:29):
All of that stuff is great, Okay, I agree, got
to build out your player development program. That part is
completely true, and they absolutely want to develop Bronnie James smart,
right smart, He's got develop But we didn't give him anything.
He earned it how his art right? Come on, man,

what are we doing? What are we doing? So Bronnie
James works harder than anybody else, including more talented, better
prospect on everybody. No, and look, I just I've got
an opportunity. I got opportunities. My father did everything he
could in his power to create opportunities for me. Like
I sit here and act like I didn't. But again,

the actual awards of playing time in college came from
whether or not I earned it. You know, I practiced
and played as hard as anybody. I didn't get a
shot in the NBA. And there's no jealousy there of
Ronnie James. Just I don't need it to be to
be lied to directly and say specifically no, no, no,
we didn't give him this. Yes you did. You gave

him a great opportunity to grow and learn and play
mostly in the G League. He may play a little
bit with his dad. That's an honest answer. But the
biggest thing is we we sit here and go, dude,
what is actually going on that the Lakers tried to

do this song and a dance about Hey, we don't
know if he's coming back. We don't know if we're
drafting Ronnie. At the end of the day, they acquiesced
to everything and anything Lebron can want. So if Lebron
doesn't win yet again, you can understand that he has
no one to blame but himself. He picked this coach,

he's picked his teammates, he picked his son, and they're
going to do the best they can under those parameters.
That's the reality of the situation. It doesn't mean that
it doesn't work, but the fact is that when it
doesn't work, Lebron has never been somebody to accept blame,
especially for the composition of a roster, when he is
directly to blame for the composition of this roster.

Speaker 3 (09:39):
Be sure to catch the live edition of The Doug
Gottlieb Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (09:50):
It's Doug Gottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio. I just got
a great tweet chasetew that I think you would really
appreciate this same people telling you Bronni earned it, to
the same people telling you there's nothing wrong with Joe
Biden just as a cold I thought you'd like that one.

Speaker 4 (10:07):
I actually I made the exact same connection in my head.
We're getting lied to a lot here in southern California
by the people in the White House and by the Lakers.

Speaker 1 (10:17):
Yes, M yeah, I mean, like, look, you don't think
the guy who used to occupy the White House was
lying every time he opened his mouth as well, like
literally lied, Like that's the crazy part about it. Everybody
was lying about Joe Biden's cognitive health is pretty obvious,
and Trump lied every time he opened his mouth. And

it's like we're all just like going along, We're just
all just going along with it. And then JJ Reddick's like, yeah,
he's totally earned it, Like what like it? That one
is the point of being laughable.

Speaker 4 (10:49):
Excuse me, Well, lebron had nothing to do with the
hiring of JJ Reddick. We remember that one.

Speaker 1 (10:56):
Lebron, Well, hold Lebron, we gotta rank him. Lebron had
nothing with the hiring of JJ Reddick. Bronnie said he
never thought of playing with his dad.

Speaker 4 (11:04):
And uh Polinka said that Lebron had nothing to do
with them drafting Bronnie.

Speaker 1 (11:10):
Right, all these things just independently happened on themselves, and
when at some point you go like do you think
we're all idiots?

Speaker 3 (11:22):
M H.

Speaker 1 (11:25):
And I understand. Reality is you can't tell us the
entire truth, you know, can't tell us the entire truth,
which is probably something where along the lines of like,
look we said long ago when we met with lebron
in the middle of the season. He was like, look,
you know, Darvinham's a dope. I'm not playing for him.

You're gonna draft Bronnie. I'm gonna get the Max. We're
gonna try and do this thing one more time. We're
gonna do it our way, you know, or I'll just retire.
We won't play right. The the the entirety of the
truth will probably never be told, will ever know, and
we probably don't really deserve no, but we don't deserve
to be openly lied to. This one's not that hard,

not that hard. When he could just say, look, look,
did he get an opportunity because he's lebronz Son. Sure,
when you have that type of lineage, when you have
this type of work ethic, we want to see how
he develops, and we're willing. We know Bronni better than
everybody else, so we're willing to watch him and help
him develop. That's a better statement. That's not crazy telling

us that he earned it is it is just blatantly
what's the term gaslighting? Is that gaslighting?

Speaker 4 (12:39):
Yes, that's exactly what it is.

Speaker 1 (12:45):
I hate when people use terms like that, and they
and it makes me think, like and then all of
a sudden we start chasing terms like that. But at
HP gent one who is retired US Navy, was that
of a t same people told you Brownie earned it,
same people telling you that there's nothing wrong with Biden,
he just does it cold. Everyone's gas lighting today. You

are a correct sir, Yes, are correct? Like, dude, what
really I mean? I just I can't even conceptualize how
JJ Reddick would say that at the presser. Yes, but
he did, but he clearly clearly did. All right, we

got a lot to get to. Oh, by the way,
JJ hired Scotty Brooks, good friend of mine, a former
NBA head coach and star player. At you serv Nate McMillan.
Those are the two assistants. There were some other guys
that had pulled out, and that's who he ended up with.
So there's two veteran guys who have been through it,
and JJ and Nate McMillan, I mean Scott excuse me,

and Nate McMillan Scotty. I know he has a place
in Orange County. He was with the Trail Blazers last year. Nate,
of course, formerly the head coach of the Trailblazers back then.
These are life for NBA guys. Stuck out them show
here on Fox Sports Radio. It's now that time when
guys get to ask the coach a question. There's a
question that needs an answer, and the answer is if

only there.

Speaker 3 (14:17):
Was someone with the authority and the wisdom to give
us that answer.

Speaker 1 (14:21):
No, I'm the head coach. I get to set the schedule.

Speaker 5 (14:23):
Hold on, let's ask the coach.

Speaker 1 (14:26):
All right, what do you got today? What's what's what's
the what's the questions for the coach?

Speaker 4 (14:29):
First of all, I just want to add again I
always say this, but that last part there the coaches
the whistle, that's that makes the imaging like that, that
just sells it. So the assistant coaches that were hired
by JJ Reddick.

Speaker 1 (14:42):
Today, by the way, by the way, that whistle does
make it, but it is not a modern day whistle.

Speaker 4 (14:50):
Yeah, you've said this before.

Speaker 1 (14:51):
Listen to that whistle one more time, go ahead, Okay,
So that whistle has the little ball inside and remember those. Yeah,
here is here's an actual whistle, my actual practice whistle.
Did you hear how much sharper that was?

Speaker 6 (15:08):
Had that ready to go?

Speaker 1 (15:09):
Yeah? How much sharper that was. So that's a that's
a Fox forty whistle, which I believe a former college
and NBA ref NBA ref actually invented. I think his
last name is forty, and anyway that's related to it's
not related to Pat forty. I think it's spelled different.

Speaker 4 (15:30):
I wonder if there's an FCC rule against doing a
whistle into a microphone, Like there are people in their
cars right now trying to get to their July fourth
weekends or like that, just stop their cars because they
they're so used to whistle stopping play. You know.

Speaker 1 (15:46):
Yeah, I wonder.

Speaker 4 (15:49):
So JJ read Akairie in two assistance reminds me of
something that you have said, if not one hundred times
a million dollars.

Speaker 1 (15:56):
Ron Foxcroft, by the way, invented it. He was referee himself.

Speaker 4 (16:00):
Anyway, it's oh nice. So one thing that you've repeated
since you took the job at Green Bay and I'm
interested in this answer. Is you have said that hire
assistants who know what you don't know. Yeah, so you've
gone through the process. I'm looking for a specific here.
You don't have to tell me names or anything, but

what was it that you didn't quite know? And what
did you hire people to do that you don't know?
I want to know the specific things.

Speaker 1 (16:31):
Well, I know how to communicate with people, recruit them,
paint a vision, try and get them to sign. I
actually I have a story I want to tell you
real quick in relations to it. You want to know
the hardest thing I've had to do. Yeah, since I've
been Okay, there's a kid named Alexi. I won't say
his last name. He's Polish and we're recruiting him. And

I was trying to decide what I want to do
with a couple of my last scholarships and I want
to point guard. He's a six foot six, six week
seven Polish point guard. I love the kid, think he's
a tremendous player. Uh, And I had I have another
point guard who he's committed to me. He hasn't signed,
so I can't mention his name whatever, And but I

had I've been on him for since I got the job.
I have a friend who reached out and is like, hey,
I got this kid. He's really really good, and I
kind of had to get the rest of the staff
to come around to agreeing with me on him. Meanwhile, Alexi,
it was like a week of recruiting him and I
had to tell him yesterday like, we're not going to
offer you a scholarship. It was so hard because I frankly,

if I had unlimited scholarships, I would, but I didn't need.
I don't need another guy right now. I don't need
what he does as badly as I need some other pieces.
So uh, anyway, that's the deal with That's the hardest
thing I've had to do. What did I not know?

I know how to teach overall defense, but in terms
of specific defensive breakdowns and handling the defense, I needed that.
You know, I obviously have to have somebody who works
with the big guys as I've worked with. I needed
somebody who's an expert. I do player development, but I
also in terms of the individual skill development I don't

do as much of I needed somebody who does that.
And then I needed help with administrative stuff. With all
of the little tasks that I It's like I tell
people all the time, I do all the fun stuff
to performance stuff I can do, it's the it's all
the other little things that I'm not good at. So
I hired people who've done all those things.

Speaker 4 (18:42):
And you're satisfied with the people you've hired to do
those signs. Were you able to accomplish that?

Speaker 6 (18:48):

Speaker 1 (18:49):
Yeah, yeah, yes, I mean I still have potentially two
spots available. I just I don't have a ton of
money left, so I have to be able to kind
of balance all that stuff, right, Like, if I could
hire whoever I wanted to hire, yeah, I would definitely
have covered all of my But I've pretty much covered

all my basis. And I didn't hire any coach just
to get a player, which I don't think is smart
because then the coach is way too close to that player,
way too tied to that player, and that's not how
you build an overall program.

Speaker 4 (19:24):
Brian Finley, you have a question for Doug.

Speaker 7 (19:25):
Yeah, Doug, what is it you got to build?

Speaker 1 (19:27):

Speaker 7 (19:28):
Coach? Where's that whistle?

Speaker 5 (19:30):
Where's the whistle?

Speaker 7 (19:31):
I can't do the Phil.

Speaker 8 (19:32):
Jackson, by the way, where he he's able to do
it without a whistle. I can't do that. But Doug,
what is it like trying to connect with a gen
zer now?

Speaker 4 (19:41):

Speaker 1 (19:41):
Like in the recruits, had four of them in my
office as they're all going home or somewhere else for
I mean, honestly, that's the part I'm really good at
because remember I've coached AU basketball, so a lot of
these guys I would have coached in AAU over the
last seven years that I've done it. And then and

then you know, I have high school now college aged
daughters of my own and a high school age son.
And oh yeah, by the way, like what we do
for a living, if you're a really good radio host
or you're actually a really good basketballness, you got to
connect with people. You got they have to understand you
and you have to understand them. So yeah, that that
part has actually been the best part. Like I really

feel like if I get in a in a spot
where it's anywhere close and recruiting, I can get a
kid because I think I understand how they think and
and and what they're looking for and without promising them
anything that's that's not accurate.

Speaker 4 (20:43):
I wonder, like another question here, when these guys get
into trouble O. Right, So it's an it's not a
matter of if it's a matter of what you're gonna
have to You're gonna have fires to put out. I'm
just wondering, like, you've been a player, and you very

much have dealt with trouble in your past as well.
I'm just wondering, like, where are you coming from from
a from being compassionate and understanding and needing the player
on the court to having to make send a message
in it land.

Speaker 1 (21:22):
It's great, great, this is a great question. Okay. So
I don't have a lot of rules, you know, I
think sometimes coaches have like set rules. Okay. The rules
I do have that don't lie, don't cheat, don't steal, right,
a bit basic ones. But the here's a couple big ones.
And I told them this, they're going on this weekend.
If you drink and you get behind a wheel of

a car, these things like what happens to you is
out of my control. Same thing if you smoke and
you get behind the wheel of a car, Okay, I
can't do it. Okay, So the rule is that if
you do, I would prefer you don't. I also know
you're a human beings. You all have my number, You'll
have everybody in the staff's number. I don't care where

in the world you are. You tell me where you
are and I will either send a car or I'll
go pick you up myself. But again, you get behind
a wheel that car like like we're we're pretty much
done here. So that that's a hard and fast rule,
because you're not just taking your life, you're taking everybody
else's life in your hands. And again like, now now
we get to like I can't there's nothing I can

do legally, like you want to get yourself fired, step
in the way of the legal process. That will get
you fired in a heartbeat. So there's there's that. And
then I tell them all like, look, you all know
the difference between right and wrong, and if you don't
and something's like it's might not be right, then it
is definitely not right. Just don't do it. And then

if you want to be treated you all want to
be treated like men, you'll alway be given space and freedom.
Then you have to act like it, and if you don't,
there's repercussions for it. So that's how I handle it.
That's how I handle that hold on let's ask the
coach another question. Yeah they got there.

Speaker 6 (23:02):
Well this is not sports related, but you did make
it to uh Summerfest, correct, Doug, yep? And you had
your first lining, Googles, I did Summer Shandy.

Speaker 1 (23:11):
What'd you think outstanding?

Speaker 6 (23:13):
It's good. It's not too sweet, like you know, it's
not like going into the MIC's hard lemonade, uh department.
It's it's it's a good recipe to that. I'm sure
they've been doing for a long time. So you you
enjoy your your first lining, Googles as you read, And.

Speaker 1 (23:25):
I think we're gonna go to Summerfest. On the fifth
is Maroon five.

Speaker 6 (23:29):
So who'd you see this over the weekend?

Speaker 4 (23:31):
Did you?

Speaker 1 (23:31):
Tyler? Childers was to I didn't see over the weekend.
It was Friday, Friday.

Speaker 6 (23:35):
How long does this go for?

Speaker 1 (23:37):
This is the last weekend? Okay, coming weekends? Last weekend?
All right? Good turn out the world's largest music festival
and maybe longest music festival.

Speaker 6 (23:46):
Wow, So what it's the one down in Tennessee. It's uh,
I mean, what's yeah? So it's not as it's bigger
than Bonnaroo, is what you're saying.

Speaker 1 (23:54):
I just again, I'm just ripping these things. I don't
know if they're their facts. I don't know how that
is measured.

Speaker 6 (23:59):
Okay, good turn out, good weather.

Speaker 1 (24:01):
It was great when I was there. Rain, little rain
when I was there, but that was fine. Then it
cleared up and it was fine. And the weather now
is perfect. Just rained all day yesterday, all day yesterday,
but just absolutely perfect from now until through the weekend.
So maroon five July fifth, I think Moon five July fifth.
They have like seven stages, but that's on the main stage.

Speaker 6 (24:25):
Okay, this is this is outside of the city of Milwaukee.

Speaker 1 (24:28):
Kind of No, it's right on the It's Milwaukee. It's
right it's like downtown, right on the.

Speaker 6 (24:32):
Water, right on the water. Okay, right in the water.
I've not spent a lot of time in Milwaukee. I've
spent a lot of time in the state of Wisconsin,
but not Milwaukee.

Speaker 1 (24:38):
Okay, thank you for sharing the extra part there. I
mentioned the coach wanted you.

Speaker 4 (24:43):
I think got a coach question, go ahead and played
that bridge there, Sam, I like that last one. All right,
go ahead of it, Ron.

Speaker 5 (24:52):
Or don't hold on the coach.

Speaker 6 (24:55):
I gotta slice and dice a little bit.

Speaker 4 (24:56):
There you go.

Speaker 5 (24:57):

Speaker 8 (24:57):
When do you decide when a player needs like a
motivating pick me up of a speech, or when do
you decide, like, hey, we just need to get x's
and o's down, and that's what they need right now.

Speaker 1 (25:08):
What I've tried to do is have each Again, I
have somebody who schedules it, and I try and have
one of them come in each day. Today I had
a bunch of them in, but one of them come
in each day and just kind of a check in,
like a fifteen minutes how you doing, what do you need,
what do you need, how you feeling, what's going on

at home, what's going on with your folks, girlfriend, whatever,
and just kind of feel them out from there. But again,
we haven't been doing it long enough. We've had them
going for three weeks now, so, but it's just more
kind of figuring out is a lot. Look, they're just

like any other eighteen to twenty three year old, right,
many of them, just as insecure as we are as adults,
and try not to trigger those insecurities, build them up
in self confidence, build them up, and you know, congratulate
them on the things they've done.

Speaker 6 (26:03):

Speaker 1 (26:04):
You know, we have I have a player who really
really talented, really talented on offense, he's not good on defense.
And two days ago we met and I said, I said, look, guys,
we're just tall to my staff, I said, I think
we're being too hard on him on defense. It's like,
it's not that we don't want him to defend. He
wants to defend. He just hasn't ever done it, and

we're trying to fix it. So let's not be hyper
critical of every mistake, but let's let's really kind of
support every great thing he did. And especially one of
my coaches who's pretty intense, I was like, look, dude,
you kind of got to dial back on that kid
because he has no defensive confidence and I'd never really
seen anything my son actually has kind of suffered through
this defensive confidence. They and today in a scrimmage, he

made a great defensive play. So I blew the whistle
and stopped it. And I said, at ten ten am
on July third, so and so has decided to become
a basketball player. And he knew what I meant, which
is okay, now we're going to get active defensively, because
if he can just be decent defensively, he can be
awesome on offense. It really holds him back. So anyway,
that's that's how I go about like a little bit

of a do better talk if you will, is find
ways in which they can be successful and support those ways.

Speaker 4 (27:20):
Oh, I got one, I got one. Okay, I want
to say it was Joe Miszoua. I read at some
point in my content consuming over the last month, I
read that Missoula played the Gladiator for a teammate or
or for a team or a player. Is that something
that that that you that you want to do? Are
you going to play movies for your guys?

Speaker 1 (27:41):

Speaker 4 (27:42):
And if so, what movies?

Speaker 1 (27:44):
That's a great question, I think. I think guys, I'll
call on your knowledge because one of the things is
like jayse du, we're kind of old and not all
of them. I so this is a real thing. So
I took a commitment from a point guard last night,
and I was texting with he's in a different country,
and I said, hey, have you seen any of the

Star Wars? Is He's like, no coach that hasn't gotten
to my generation. Because I said, I want to put
you in Jedi training, right, I consider myself a Jedi
in regards to point Guards, and he's like, if you
want me to coach, I'll watch the Star Wars Is
to know what you're talking about. And I was like, yeah,

I think we're good. So we just you gotta be
really careful with dating ourselves. Can't have him go watch
Caddyshack or Airplane or even Slap Shot. Maybe a couple
of them. You can the John Hughes movies. I love them,
You love them. I don't think they resonate, but I
do think that anything in the last ten years would
be good.

Speaker 3 (28:45):
Be sure to catch the live edition of The Doug
Gottlieb Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon Pacific.

Speaker 1 (28:52):
Doug Gottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio, coming to you from
the Tirec dot Com studios. Let's get to Brian Finley
for a game, right.

Speaker 3 (29:07):
This is game time on the Doug Gottlieb Show.

Speaker 6 (29:13):

Speaker 8 (29:14):
That game is for better or worse, And here we go, Doug,
for better or worse the Laker team as currently constructed
or the Lakers team from.

Speaker 7 (29:27):
This past season.

Speaker 1 (29:33):
Is there much difference?

Speaker 7 (29:36):
You bring up a good.

Speaker 1 (29:37):
Point, same I mean literally the same team at in
Dalton connect right, Like, yeah, I don't. I don't know
who they parted company.

Speaker 4 (29:49):
With a head coach and a very high profile nineteen
year old. That is true.

Speaker 1 (29:58):
I do I like the coaching better because I couldn't
like the coaching worse. Yeah, I'll say this year is better.

Speaker 6 (30:08):
This year is better?

Speaker 7 (30:11):
For better or worse?

Speaker 8 (30:12):
Okase Thunder's off season moves adding Carusoe Hartenstein or the
Mavericks off season moves which include adding Klay Thompson and
then losing Smith Junior Better the Mavericks or who the
Mavericks or the Thunder off season moves?

Speaker 7 (30:32):
Which one is better between those two teams?

Speaker 1 (30:35):
Oh? Wow, wow, that's hard. I like them both. Yeah,
I'm gonna say the Thunder even though the Mavericks have
brought in a starter in Klay Thompson, just because I
don't know, like you know, Klay Thompson suffered injuries. We
don't know how that all works. He's only really been

successful in the system where there's kind of perpetual movement,
and they don't have that in Dallas, right Dallas is
you know you're getting to a spot and catching and shooting.
So yeah, I whereas I think you're bringing Hartenstein, who's
gonna come out the bench and give you a size
and toughness inside. And you have Alex Caruso, who's a

tremendous backup point guard who gives you all the different
and he's won a championship. He gives you all the
different virtues. I like that one better, You.

Speaker 6 (31:27):
Like that one better?

Speaker 7 (31:28):
What do you like better?

Speaker 4 (31:29):

Speaker 7 (31:30):
Caitlyn Clark for better or worse?

Speaker 1 (31:32):
Or Angel Reese Kaitlyn Clark. It's really a question.

Speaker 7 (31:38):
Now, why what makes it not a question?

Speaker 1 (31:42):
She's better and she makes everybody else bet around her.
She's an elite passer, she's a more skilled player agean reach,
plays hard, but you know it's not a ton of
skill there.

Speaker 4 (31:54):
There's a great there's a great tweet going around and
I'll forward it to your dog. It's so it's a
collection of Angel Reese's I guess you would say highlights,
but it's it's her like continuously getting her own rebound
off of misshots, sometimes like three or four in the
same series, and then there's like bodies on the ground,

like she's like throwing elbows like Aesthetically, to look at
Angel Reese is not great to watch. You could tell
like and I'm guessing she's like one of many great
post players in the league. Caitlin Clark offers something different,
or at least she did in college. I don't know
if I've seen that on the pros yet. Yeah. I

watched most of that game last night, and I kept
like rooting for her to do something that I liked
about her in college, and she didn't do it once.
It was an awful night to watch basketball. She did
have like what eleven twelve assists. She's been averaging a
double double herself like lately, so I think she's just
no magic. Okay, well, there's stat compiling, but there's no

oh Caitlin Clark.

Speaker 6 (33:01):
I think she's living up to the billing in every
way except for her shooting. Her three point shooting is down.

Speaker 1 (33:06):
All right, I'll let me let me, let me let
me tell people the truth here, right. Who they played
in the previous game was that the Phoenix? Yes, right, Okay.
I watched the game and what I saw was that
both teams were eight of twenty eight from three point range.
And I've determined what I think most people now know

to be true, which is that it's like again, it's
a gross over characterization or copy of men's basketball. They
shoot a volume of threes, although twenty eight is not
what they're shooting in the NBA, but they're just not capable,
and I just think it's a hard watch to me.

I think I actually think Caitlin Clark is You watch
her evolution even in this season. She's getting better and
they're learning how to play with her. I think she's fun.
She's a fun watch. But again, you come to watch
women's basketball and just the skill level is not particularly
high in comparison to what you're used to seeing with
the same with the same style of play from the men.

It's just, you know, you take away the athleticism and
the efficiency and there you go. So it can be
a hard watch at times.

Speaker 6 (34:19):
Yeah, Doug Klen Clark is three of seventeen the last
two games from three point range?

Speaker 1 (34:24):
Is she? What is she from three?

Speaker 6 (34:27):
In general?

Speaker 1 (34:27):
The season?

Speaker 6 (34:28):
Oh, Dutch.

Speaker 8 (34:29):
Look, I'm surprised that Jay Stu didn't throw the Ricky
Davis reference when Angel Reese is getting your own rebounds.

Speaker 1 (34:41):
Well, that was Dominique Wilkins.

Speaker 6 (34:42):
We always Yeah, she's shooting a thirty three percent from
three so far.

Speaker 1 (34:48):
I remember when people went crazy because I said that
she I asked Mike Procorpoo what he would do with
her shooting flaw, and everybody's like, you great shoot over,
You don't know what you're talking about. Blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Numbers don't lie.

Speaker 8 (35:10):
What about the numbers here? I don't know what the
numbers would be. But for better or worse? All Star
Week with the home run Derby? Or are you good
with All Star Week without a home run Derby?

Speaker 1 (35:23):
Look, I've sat through a home run derby before, so yeah,
I mean I've seen it, so it's not fun interesting
in any way to me. It's just not But I
don't think you can have an All Star Week without
the home run Derby. It's just no way, just.

Speaker 4 (35:44):
No way, no way.

Speaker 8 (35:46):
Well, I don't think we can have a July fourth
without the hot dog eating contest.

Speaker 7 (35:50):
So for better or worse?

Speaker 8 (35:52):
Is it better with one of the great athletes of
our time, Joey Chestnut? Or is the eating yeah without
Joey justnutt Of course.

Speaker 1 (36:00):
It is better with Joey Chestnut.

Speaker 4 (36:02):
You want to see any fresh blood.

Speaker 1 (36:04):
I do want see his fresh I want to see
somebody beat him. If you want to be the best,
you got to beat the best, don't you. And that's
game time.

Speaker 5 (36:19):
This is game time on the Gotlieb Show.

Speaker 1 (36:23):
That's The Godlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio and h all
right coming up next live from the tyret dot Com studios.
It does sound, it says, sound like, now the post
mortem from the Warriors is gonna be really fun. It's
gonna be really fun, right because the post mortem is
going to tell us what really went on inside that

locker room, okay, and what really went on with Draymond,
What really went on? You go back to so many
of the issues that that they've had in the past
couple of years, even go back to the Kevin Duran stuff,
and now that Clay and that era is over, the

secrets will start to come out. There's a little expression
that we have on the Doug Gottlieb Show, which is
there are no more secrets, only facts yet to be revealed.
Those secrets will now be revealed as Clay Thompson is
now a Dallas Maverick. Including kind of sounds like he
was miserable with the Warriors, right, kind of sounds what

led to that misery we'll dig in that's up coming
next to The Doug Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports
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