All Episodes

April 30, 2024 38 mins

Coming off of their series loss to the Nuggets, the Lakers have a lot of questions going into the off-season as Doug breaks down what those issues are and what they should do. Doug welcomes NFL Analyst John Middlekauff onto the show to address all of the major headlines coming off of the NFL Draft. Plus, Dan Beyer takes Doug through a game of "Rank 'Em". 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Thanks for listening to the Doug Gottlieb Show podcast. Be
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Speaker 2 (00:18):
Boom, What Up America. Doug Gottlieb Show, Fuck Sports Radio
coming to you from the tyrack dot com studios. Tyrack
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welcome in. Well, I come into that show. So let's
go through the the litany of things that have happened
since the Lakers have lost. You know, Darvin Ham I

would guess, likely to be fired, I would guess. And
Lebron James is going to be a free agent. Now,
both of these things can in fact, can in fact
be true. Okay, both of these things can in fact
be true. Okay. The first thing that can be true

is that Lebron James was offensively was great last night.
He doesn't move and cover as well defensively, and you know,
there are things that his body is not capable of period,
Like no, person's not like a superhero, even though he
was as close to superheroes we've seen. But it's kind

of hard to find fault with how well he played
last night. And it's it's weird, Like I I talk
about being a radical centrist and most people think it
as a political term, and in most ways it is,
but the reality is I'm a radical centrist in kind
of in life. And by that I mean if you

go back to twenty twelve, twenty thirteen, when he was
first playing with the Heat and trying to win and
win a championship, I thought people were super unfair to
him and that you know, we did he create a
super team? Yes? Do he leave his hometown team to

create a super team to win a title? Sure? But
you know I've heard I was listening to other sports
radio shows, not Colin. I was listening kind of scrolling
through the dialists and other stuff today and you hear
people go, well, you know, people didn't like the Miami moves,
Like no, like, let's make sure we contextualize it the
right way. They didn't like the way in which he

handled the Miami thing. He didn't call Dan Gilbert to
tell and give him the heads up. He did it
in Greenwich, Connecticut to raise money for Greenwich Connecticut Boys
and Girls Club. I didn't don't know if they needed
it all that bad, the tough, hardcore streets of Greenwich, Connecticut.

And I didn't care about the side show of the
not one, not two, not three sort of thing. But
but people do. But like, look, he went down there
first time he was in the finals. The moment was
probably a little bit too big. And let's also be honest,
Mike Bibbe's point guard wasn't good enough. And you know
they made fun of Dirk after game one and they
got their come up ins. After that, they lost in

six games. He wasn't particularly good. He got super frustrated
and they went out and got Ray Allen, and you
know Ray Own did in fact bail them out one
one of those years. But they won two titles, went
to four NBA finals, and then he had an incredible
comeback with the Cleveland Cavaliers against the Golden State Warris.
He's a great player, great player inarguably all time great

and he played well last night, but the postgame stuff.
So he has a player option, which means he can
choose to be a free agent. I choose to be
a free agent. And here was what he what he
said when he was asked about last night tonight? Was
there any thought at all that you know this could

have been your.

Speaker 3 (04:23):
Last game with the Lakers.

Speaker 2 (04:27):
I'm not going to answer that. Appreciate it, I'm not
going to answer that. Okay. Now, look, this is why
you don't ask yes no question because if you say,
what's the likelihood that this is your last game as
a Laker, you still might not get to answer. But

when you ask yes no, he just doesn't choose to answer.
And I know that Shack switched teams a million times,
and I wouldn't have given Shack a statue, to be
completely honest with you. The problem is he went three
straight NBA championships, right, But like Shaq, ultimately playing for
the Celtics but leaving going to the Heat, want more money,

I don't know, I don't know, didn't feel great to me.
But that also that relationship Shack and Kobe at that
point in time had come to a fissure point where
they had to break up. It had to go their
separate ways. So I look at it and I think
to myself, huh, this is like a fascinating snapshot of things.

You have Lebron James after losing a series in which
he competed his tailoff, the Lakers competed their tailoff. And
if you said to me, hey, how close are the Lakers?
I would say, not particularly close, you know, not particularly close.
The Lakers are not close to winning a championship. That's

something that people are going to have to They're just
going to have to realize the Lakers are not close
to winning a championship. They're not close at all at all. So, yes,
Lebron has the right to declare and become a free agent.
But what Laker fans were looking for last night, and
I'm not a Laker fan, is the I need. I

need fourteen other dudes that want to get this thing done.
I need a coach that knows how to get this
thing done, and just a double down on being all
in on the Lakers. Now, that can sound fake, that
can sound premeditated, that can sound like a lot of things,
but you know it isn't okay, It isn't avoidance, It

isn't hey, I'm gonna leverage this and get out of ten.
That kind of talk is the talk of Kobe Bryant.
This is the lure of Kobe. The lure of magic
are so incredibly strong in Law Los Angeles and the
multiple titles of the reason why, Like does that feel
like a good look? And the answer is no, not really,

you know, doesn't feel like a good look. Isn't a
good look, isn't a strong look at all in any
sort of way. By the way, here's Darvin Ham after
the game.

Speaker 3 (07:27):
It's tough.

Speaker 4 (07:28):
You know.

Speaker 3 (07:28):
My mind's all over the place right now.

Speaker 2 (07:30):
So that's a great question.

Speaker 3 (07:31):
But maybe at some point, let on, I'll give you
an answer. It's been a hell of a two years though.

Speaker 2 (07:39):
Yeah. I mean, so he was asked about his job status.
I think sometime today or tomorrow he'll be fired. That'd
be my gay. And Darvin is not a bad guy.
And that doesn't mean he's the greatest guy in the world.
I don't know him well enough. I just know that
his style is very kind of seat of your pants

and go by feel, and that's not really doesn't really
jibe with Lebron and look, a lot of this Lebron,
a lot of the stance that he's taking is just
leverage if he wants them to draft Bronnie James, as
has already been rumored, they're open to finding a way
to drafting Bronnie James. I'm sure that Lebron James will say, like, look,

if we come back, I don't want D'anzel Russell here,
I probably don't want Darvin ham here. And you can
pick your you can probably pick some of your teammates
and pick your coach and pick who you definitely don't
want his teammates. That's what leverages. You get to pick
certain things. The question to the Lakers is at what
point do they say no? At what point do they say, yeah,

we can't do that. We have our own plans. You know,
because he's a free agent, that means he signs a
new contract. With a new contract, it's how many years
again before you know is it a two year deal.
If it's a two year deal with then hey we're
not gonna draft Ronnie this year, why don't you have
him go play for Duqune he comes next year? If

it's a one year deal. If Lebron really, really really
wants to play with more great players, take less money
he's allowed to, he won't because Lebron is this strange
kind of conflux of ego pride along with brilliance. So

I'm sure he knows that's an easy answer, but he
thinks that's a problem somebody else is going to have
to solve. He's Lebron James. But the Nuggets are better,
but the Lakers battle their asses off, Like I can
point out that Lebron is not perfect and still tell

you like I think he has nothing to hang his
head about about how he played. I thought he was awesome.
But after the game, when you're asked about it, even
if you have leverage and you're going to use leverage,
which is clearly going to what's the win in saying
it publicly? I men, I have every intention to be

back with the Lakers, and we're going to get this
thing right. And I need fourteen other dudes, and the
coaches want to get the right, and we got that.
We're going to get it right. It can be these
problems can be solved. So I don't know, Jay, You've
been in this town a long time. Am I wrong

to think that those that answer is at least a
portion of why Laker fans struggled to go all in
on Lebron James being a Laker.

Speaker 4 (10:44):
Oh yeah, no doubt, that's what I thought too. Like
he rarely ever, he rarely ever considers the fans when
he's answering questions or when he's doing anything publicly. It's
about his business, how his future's going to be impacted.
So yeah, if I'm a die hard fan, and I've
always been a Lakers fan, it's faded over the years.

But if I'm a fan today, I'm like, is there
any like consideration for us, like or are you just
the what is that military term for like employing military
that we use the other day, the mercenary. Yeah, mercenaries.
It's just a mercenary for the last seven years. Yes,

there's no connectivity to the city.

Speaker 2 (11:31):
Yes, I would, I would agree with you. There's no
connectivity to the city. He plays for the town he
plays And really, this is what has happened in college sports.
There's been the trickle down where you play for a school,
but because you only do it for a year, you

don't really play. You're not all in on it. And
the Laker thing is interesting because former Lakers are all
around La. You know a lot of them. They throw
in specks that now he doesn't need any of that stuff.
But like I mean, Magic Johnson is likely a billionaire
and it's all because of what LA was able to
do for him and what he was able to do

in La.

Speaker 4 (12:12):
By the way, something got in Nuka's cheerios this morning.
I saw that or he was hacked, because he's making
very pointed critical comments about this team today. He's been
on quite a search.

Speaker 2 (12:25):
Well, I just saw the one about load management, which
I didn't think was accurate.

Speaker 4 (12:30):
By the way, Yeah, I don't think he was accurate
on that one. He says, you know, Laker Nation, we
have a problem. All the good teams are on the
West are young and talented, the Nuggets, t Wolves, and Thunder,
and the biggest elephant in the room is the Spurs.
Who will Victor with Victor Wemba Yama. And then he

goes on to say that the Lakers are getting older
and they're not getting better.

Speaker 2 (12:56):
Yes, the Lakers are getting older. No, they're not getting better.
You know, I'm like, look, I think Austin Reeves is
super talented. I think Anthony Davis had a really good
year and was healthy most of the year. I don't
know what happened with the shoulder last night, and I
thought they got as much out of Lebron James you
can get after that. It's very hit or miss, very

hit or miss. But that's what happens with your roster
when you go after guys. You know, when they went
after Anthony Davis, when they went after Russell Westbrook, they
depleted their roster to do so, much like the Phoenix Suns,
and the fallout has been much like the Phoenix Suns,
much like the Phoenix Suns. You know. It's like one

of those things to where you're like, you want to say, hey, Lakers,
why don't you just bite the bullet, let him walk
start over, you know, or trade him and get But
what do you get back in return for a guy
who doesn't want to play for you anymore? You get something,
You get a lot because it's Lebron. But this is
your chance. What is more likely to happen if you

add another piece to get back to where you are
in the playoffs, to get further along in the playoffs,
or what's more likely to happen if you trade Lebron
James and get a bunch of the problem with Lebron
is there's the tide Anthony Davis. They're super tight. They
share the same agent. The likelihood is that AD can

shut down on you. They're not trading Lebron James. I
think all of this is just for show. I know
he'll be back with the Lakers. But the real challenge is,
could somebody convince Lebron James to take less money in
order to make sure he has better surrounding town And

the answer to this point has been nope. That has
not been the way Lebron's done business. Lebron has done
businesses I'm gonna get what I need and you figure
out the rest. You figure out the road.

Speaker 3 (14:55):
Be sure to catch the live edition of The Doug
Gottlieb Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 2 (15:06):
Doug Gotlib Show Fox Sports Radio. Thoroughbred racing has a
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first dot Com. That's safety runs First dot Com. John
mittlcoff in a moment. But there's apparently going to be
a Tom Brady roast, right, the greatest roast of all

time is what they're calling it. And you know, it's
like you got some former teammates like, oh, locker room humor,
huh huh? Has anybody actually seen these roasts? It's like
we're commenting on roasts like I've watched all of them.
They're great. The writing in it is spectacular, but yeah,

Tom Brady. Like, the idea that Tom Brady is going
to take full front of assault from some of these
things is kind of comical, kind of comical. John mill'cock
joins this here on the Doug Gottlieb Show on Fox
Sports Radio. NFL analyst hosted Three and Now podcast on
the Volume podcast network. John first, like, the idea that

they're gonna crush Tom Brady is silly.

Speaker 5 (16:17):
Right, Did I miss the story? What happened?

Speaker 2 (16:22):
Uh? No, that they're just gonna have the greatest roast
of all time? And people are talking about you know,
the factor's gonna happen.

Speaker 5 (16:26):
Oh. You know what's funny is I was flipping on Netflix,
and I saw that and we're laying in bed and
I'm like, she's like, we want to watch this. I'm like, well,
I don't even is this? How what is going on here?
You know, it's one of those things the roast got
big whatever a decade ago. I think this one is destined.

I think you'd be better off to a Belichick. You know,
there's more negative stuff to say.

Speaker 2 (16:54):
Yeah, yeah, but I mean like, I'm sure there's stuff
you can make. Plus it's it's comedy, right, they can
figure it out. You know.

Speaker 5 (17:02):
Is he doing a big Is he is Tom trying
to do like a rebrand?

Speaker 4 (17:05):

Speaker 5 (17:05):
Right now.

Speaker 2 (17:06):
He's been doing a rebrand I think since he left
New England.

Speaker 5 (17:09):
But for what, Like we all know him, like him
he's got. When he left New England, everything was positive,
like he's a high character guy, he's got a lot
of friends, teammate biking, Like, what what does he need
to rebrand?

Speaker 2 (17:22):
I think when he was in New England he was
kind of hated. You know, they were all they were
all kind of hated and he didn't like that.

Speaker 5 (17:29):
I would have I understand that when you're in like
the bubble of the Patriots, But I think the natural
transition of going to Tampa and especially now in whatever,
we're twenty twenty four, almost in May. I think we
all agree Tom seems like a pretty good.

Speaker 2 (17:44):
Guy, right, I said, it's sure, sure feels that way.
Let's get to let's let's recap the NFL draft. Most
surprising thing in the draft was.

Speaker 5 (17:51):
What I mean, it has to be the quarterback. I
just think, I don't know, I haven't heard your take
on it. But you know, in the NFL, this is
not baseball, right, Every team has the same amount of
money and the same amount of draft picks. You just
get to choose how you use it. Right. The reason
that the Browns don't have a first round pick because
they trade for Watson, they give them all that money.

Some teams have multiple first round picks when you invest
one hundred plus million dollars in an older quarterback, which
let's face it, if Cousins had been healthy and just
had a good year and the Vikings made the playoffs again,
it would have been a no breaker. But it is
a little risky coming up in Achilles. But then you
have the eighth pick, Like you knew you had the
eighth pick. January first, basically because you didn't make the playoffs.

So you had two and a half months before free
agency to know you loved or I mean leading into
free agency to know you love Pennis and you weren't
like the Vikings or you know, the Raiders, like you
were pretty high. In a worst case scenario, you could
have got the eight to four pretty easy because it
ensured that the Cardinals were going to get Harrison or Rome,
two of the guys they wanted. They got Harrison, But

to invest in a quarterback like Gates Pick doesn't make
pretty money. You know, he still make six seven million
dollars a year. Andy's a twenty four year old, ready
made guy. So I just think there's no planning, and
that's coaches live in the presence. Like I understand the
coaches wanting him and Cousins the GM's job in football.

This is not basketball, where I'd get Lebron if I
can sign Yo Kitchen Curry, I can play them all
at quarterback. You can only play one guy. And the
benefit of having a rookie court like Kayleb Williams is
his contract for four years, so Michael Pennix doesn't. It's
just all out of whack. The other thing is coming
off the injury, like I would imagine they're going to
really get on the field with the coaches in the

next I don't know twenty days. Well, who's going to
be taking the first team reps? It is not Cousins
rehabbing the torn achilles. It's Pennix. So all of a
sudden peedicks that their group also is not established veterans
as young players. If I'm those young guys, it's like,
what if he looks awesome, which you probably will in
routes on air situation. So the locker room dynamics, to me,

it was just it was no planning. And it's just
like most people that I know in the NFL that
you know playoff level teams are just like we just
feel like they just kind of freewheeling it.

Speaker 2 (20:16):
Stull Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports Radio. Okay, I agree.
I agree with you whole heartedly. It makes zero sense.
And the other part to the Atlanta thing that's kind
of alarming is, remember this is the front office group
that said they couldn't get along with Bill Belichick. This
is also the front office group that screwed up other
drafts as well. So it's like we're seeing a pattern here, right,

Not that Bill Belichick is a great drafter, it would
have been great, but it's like, Okay, you're you're fighting
against a guy who's been far more successful than you have.
It's it's fascinating. Okay, the team that you're like, that
team gets it. They're killing it well.

Speaker 5 (20:53):
I mean, the playoff teams are just well run, you know,
and they're not they don't have the pick of the
litter because they're all drafted in the ties. I mean,
I think every year the Ravens trapped well, obviously the
Chiefs needed a speed guy, and I would say Andy
has a pretty good history with players like that. I
don't even hate the Bills.

Speaker 3 (21:12):

Speaker 5 (21:12):
I understand trading with the Chiefs seems crazy, but I
think they looked at it, and if you look at
the next pick, no one was picking Xavier Worthy. The
Ravens weren't. They took Zay Flowers last year. The Lions
don't need them. The forty nine ers definitely weren't taken
that player. So not that he's not good, he's just
not a Kyle Shanahan guy. So he would have been

there for the Chiefs. At thirty two, so I think
the Bills went. I don't know if you saw the
quotes from Keenan Keon Coleman. They had Josh Allen evaluate
the group, but you know, the receivers that were in
their range, and he was their number one guy, and
I would imagine it's not like he wouldn't. I love
key On Coleman. The guy's really good. He's a big
physical receiver. So to me, all the teams in the twenties,

like the Eagles, I don't want to say they got lucky,
but they got lucky in the sense that no they
that's really needed a corner and no one picked the
top corner in the draft, which is unheard of. And
I said, I think we had talked about it. I
talked about with Colin. It's kind of rare when you
look at this draft now, it's basically that all the
first round picks are coming from all the top six
or seven programs because they buy them all now, a

lot of them are transfer portal guys.

Speaker 2 (22:19):

Speaker 5 (22:19):
Nick Saban basically admitted on Thursday, you know, he never
entered the transfer portal, but we kind of told him
enter the transfer portal and we'll come get you. So
Saban wanted the dude from Toledo and Howie Roseman just
get them at twenty two.

Speaker 2 (22:33):
Amazing, amazing stuff. Okay, the quarterbacks in terms of fit,
we've talked about Jade McDaniel's a ton. We've obviously talked
about Kaylab Williams. The New England Patriots have themselves a
new quarterback. How is this rookie quarterback different than Mac Jones.

Speaker 5 (22:53):
He's extremely the talent gap, right if you just from
a physical standpoint, from an answer standpoint, and obviously quarterbacks
about more than that. But he's in a different universe.
So the other thing is, I think all these guys,
basically four of the six are gonna be immediate starters
for maybe three of the six, right Caleb, Jayden Daniels

and bo Nix that they're starting week one. Pennick, if
you would have been drafted by the Raiders or something,
he also would have started week one. But he's in
a unique situation. JJ McCarthy and Drake may are kind
of what you and I grew up on. Guys get
drafted high and they don't play right away. And those
guys aren't going to be forced to play right away.
Now for JJ, because their team's pretty talented, they might

be able to legitimately not do it. The hard part
for Drake May is gonna be is the fans have
a lot of juice in the NFL because who listens
to talk radio and reads all this stuff. Well, coaches
claim they don't, they do, but the owner and if
the team is not good, and I got news for it,
they're not going to be good. Who's gonna want to watch?
In theory played Ja Kobe all year? Well that sounds

great until you're two and eight, Like, let's just see
what the other guy has. So it's it's the light
pick from a talent standpoint, It's just a tough situation.
And sometimes these developmental guys, historically they get drafted to
bad teams. And I've said over and over and listen,
I was. I envied and admired everything the Patriots did

for twenty years. But I think they're going to go
through a rough spell and this is not an easy
spot for any young quarterback who needs a lot of work.

Speaker 2 (24:31):
I want to ask you about the Chargers. Okay, now, yeah,
obviously it's a team that I root for great, you know,
noted But the other thing.

Speaker 5 (24:39):
Now, I got Jim Harle, I mean, I'm more of
a Chiefs guy, but I'm going to root for the
I want to see the Chargers be good.

Speaker 2 (24:44):
Okay, So the criticism of Greg Roman's offense was it
wasn't evolved enough in the past game to win big
in the playoffs. That was the criticism. Okay. Now, keep
in mind they won the MVP with that offense. Keep
in mind helped the Buffalo Bills go to playoffs that offense.
Keep in mind that the San Francisco forty nine Ers

went to Super Bowl with that offense. If that offense
takes the Chargers deep into the playoffs eventually, isn't it
an indictment on Lamar?

Speaker 5 (25:15):
Well, think about the two guys Great Roman got fired
for was Kaepernick and Lamar, and neither guy was. I mean,
Lamar's way better than Kaepernick, but they both. I mean
Lamar actually I think has made great stride, but it
came back to fruition in that in the game against
the Chiefs where he just kind of melted it. I mean,

that was an awful game. I think Great Roman's pretty good,
you know how things pretty good? Jim Harbaugh he's got
a pretty good history of knowing who's a good coach wise.
Jim Harbaugh, So yeah, I'm with you. I expect you
and I have been saying for a month this this
team is going big heavy. He was he was never ever.

Maybe if like a Julio Joe Harrison's a really good prospect,
but he's not like Larry Fitzgerald, Calvin Johnson prospect. If
that guy would have been there now, he wouldn't have
been there because the Cardinals would have taken him. But
let's just say that type player. Maybe Jim would have
had to think, but I don't think he had to think,
even if Marvin Harrison was sitting on the board, and

even he admitted it. The way they built their program,
they're going to run the ball. I think for the
first time. What's going to be interesting with Jim and Roman.
This is the best quarterback by far they've had rights
probably his luck at Stamfords, but even then Stamford played
that way. Now, the personnel, I would say, I would

imagine over time, they're going to have better weapons. Like
if I say three years from now, right, you would
imagine they have better weapons. They're going to have this
year and that their offense will be more passing dynamic,
but early on, and I think at his core, like
Jim wants to play nineteen eighty eight football, like he's
going to play you know, Mike Dipka or Buddy Ryan

or you know Joe Gibbs, like he was born to
coach then. And the one thing Jim knows it works
like it worked then and it still works now because
the way he builds it and the emphasis he puts
on the front. And I don't I don't blame him
for making the move now. It is it's a little
tricky because Alts never played right tackle. Now I'm not

saying he can't, but you've talked to enough players, Like
some guys the footworks a little different now, Slater could
go over there. But if Slater, like left tackles make
a little more now, right tackles have made a lot
of money, I would say, over the last five years,
so it might not matter. You know, you just saw
Finay Sewe will get a huge contract. So ultimately, if

if if Slater's more comfortable over there, he'll still get
a one hundred million dollars or whatever. But I think
they made the right move, and I'm with you. I
expect Greg Roman and that I agree Chargers to be
what to see. I mean that they're kind of dependent
on Mac and Bosas, like they're gonna need those guys
healthy to me to be like a ten plus win team,
but they're going to be competitive immediately.

Speaker 2 (28:03):
They are going to be competitive immediately. I think it's
I think it's interesting the the what they do with
the tackles. I mean, that is a first world problem.
But supposedly Joel didn't want to play right tackle in
Notre Dame at all, even when he had opportunities early
in his career to do so that that part is
is fascinating.

Speaker 5 (28:20):
One thing. One thing, Doug, I think if we can
do a redo of free agency, and I don't blame
the Raiders for not doing this, but where we sit now,
I think is pretty clear. All that money the Raiders
gave the Wilkins the d tackle and all the money
that the Falcons gave to Cousins, they just want to
flip flop those two moves because the Raiders had a

good draft. But it's it's hard to be, you know, competitive,
especially in a division with Harbaugh and Herbert and Andy
and mahomes when your quarterback is Gardner Minshew.

Speaker 2 (28:52):
Well, the other the other part about the Raiders is
they've had so many GMS and so much turnover that
it's it's like, I mean, I remember you must when
you shop for houses when you moved right where, like,
wait a second, this is weird, Like well, one builder
ran out of money, and then the next builder, and
then there's a design change. Then you're like, it's a
nice house, but it just doesn't all kind of work together.

That's what the Raiders remind me of.

Speaker 5 (29:17):
They as long as as long as the owner is
cool with like taking a deep breath, know when you're
making some progress. But we've seen weird quarterback situations. I
don't care how many good players you have at different
positions than they do. Like, it's not inconceivable you win
six seven games, right.

Speaker 2 (29:33):
A sneaky pick that you really really like. You're like, man,
this one's one. I like that. Now A lot of
people are talking.

Speaker 5 (29:38):
About well, I think a lot too. The defensive end
from UCLA was the best most polished defensive player in
this raft. Especially it ends and it's very very rare
for the top pass rusher to make it out of
the top ten. Hell, most years, even with quarterbacks, that
guy goes like pick two or three at the now.

I don't know if this guy was quite like Miles
Garrett or Nick Bosa. But his main question was his neck,
which is a fair question. A doctor told him you
can never play football again. Now a different doctor cleared him,
and then for two years he had like almost twenty
five sacks. And people I know, they look at UCLA
Chip Kelly. They were kind of a defensive team the
last couple of years. So to get him at pick

fifteen and even Chris Ballard's like, yeah, he was our
top defensive player. So a lot of teams in the
late teams and going to Howie at twenty two really
benefited from all those offensive players going high, and it
pushed down all these top defensive players which would never
be there in most drafts, you know, in the team.

So really that stretch of defensive players, like I like
what the Rams did a lot. Anytime Aaron Donald retires
a player of that caliber, you're no different than like Kelsey.
You can never replace them. But when you can go
into a draft and get two immediate players that are power,
physical players, I don't think those two guys equal airon NONELD,

but it's a pretty good start. And I got a
good buddy that kind of runs the personnel at Florida State.
I'm like, what's up with this dude? The Rams drafted,
you know, because they traded up. They gave extra second
round pick to get the defensive tackle from Florida State
in the top forty. And he's like, think Max Crosby
at defensive tackle, just crazy, high effort and obviously a
really good player. He played on one of the best defenses.

So you get him and his teammate. I think the
Rams kind of elevated from being like the sexy wild
card team to you know, I think they're going to
be right there with the Niners. It's like eleven twelve
win teams.

Speaker 2 (31:36):
John Minocoff three and Outs. The podcast download on the
On the Volume Podcast Network, Johnny the Best Man, Thanks
for joining us.

Speaker 3 (31:42):
Be sure to catch the live edition of The Doug
Gottlieb Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon Pacific.

Speaker 2 (31:51):
Stut gott Leap Show Fox Sports Radio every day. This
time we hook up with our guy Dan Byer and
we play a game. Let's get the game time.

Speaker 3 (32:02):
This is game time on the Doug Gottlieb Show.

Speaker 6 (32:10):
Danny what he got Doug the game today is rank them, Doug,
rank your top three most impressive things that you've seen
in the NBA playoffs so far.

Speaker 2 (32:24):
Okay, number three is going to be number three.

Speaker 5 (32:36):

Speaker 2 (32:40):
Number number three is going to be the Denver Nuggets.
You know, the ability to come from behind in every game,
pretty impressive. Just find ways to win games. Nuggets at three.
At two, we talked about him a lot, a lot.

I think yesterday right because of the dunk. Anthony Edwards
has just been so incredibly impressive. At number one, Oklahoma
City Thunder. You know, I know the Pelicans weren't healthy
without but it's it's here's a young team or inexperienced team.
But I love that their coach said, like there's differt seen,
inexperience and immature. We're just in experience. They played mature

beyond their years. Loaded team gonna be a problem for
years to come. I think they've been the most impressive
thing in the playoffs, all right.

Speaker 6 (33:29):
Doug ranked the top three places where Lebron James should
end his career.

Speaker 2 (33:35):
I think Miami, Cleveland and LA in that order, Miami three,
Cleveland two, LA one.

Speaker 6 (33:42):
All right, moving on to the NFL, Doug the top
three people that you associate when we talk about NFL
pregame shows. So, who are the names that come to
mind when you think about NFL pregame shows.

Speaker 2 (34:00):
It's a great question. It's a great question. I mean,
I kind of think the Fox guys are the ones
that are synonymous with this thing, aren't they part of it?

Speaker 4 (34:12):

Speaker 2 (34:12):
You know, Fox has always had the NFC, more people
watch the NFC, They're in bigger markets, whatever. But Jerry
Jimmy and Straight and and Jerry Jimmy and either straight
hand or or Howie like those guys. So I go
Howie at three, Jimmy at two, and Terry Bradshaw went wow,

you said recognizable?

Speaker 6 (34:38):
Yeah or just yeah? Who you associate? And I'm just
curious does anybody else? Because I have thoughts on this
as well, and I don't disagree. I actually I was.
I had Terry Bradshaw a number two, and I was
deciding at number three on would it be Jimmy the

Greek or would it be Howie Long? And that made
my number one be Brent Musburger.

Speaker 2 (35:06):
Well the problem with Brent is you are like me.
You have a great memory for the history of the
CBS Today CBS show, but it's been a long time
since those guys were together. And and Jimmy the Greek,
I mean, the downfall of him after his comments was
so rapid. So like I think they're the They paved

the way for all the guys today, and in many
ways those shows were better than they are now. Now
they're just kind of yuck fast to whatever, and they
have pre produced pieces. But I think it's interesting. I
would guess Sam has no idea who Jimmy the Greek is.

Speaker 4 (35:45):
That's false.

Speaker 2 (35:46):
Okay, did you know that Brent Musburger used to host.

Speaker 6 (35:51):
I didn't know that, but I know Musburger has long
been a betting guy, well before he got popular.

Speaker 2 (35:55):
Yeah, but that had nothing new with betting. He was
the host of the NFL Today.

Speaker 4 (35:58):
Oh yeah, it was brenton IRV and Jimmy the Greek.

Speaker 2 (36:02):
Now there was a woman too, right, didn't they have
a woman on the show, Phyllis George.

Speaker 4 (36:07):
I just remember of all the boring and vanilla untrue
things in that and that Mattie Ice released yesterday him
saying that he grew up watching CBS this morning. I
thought was a bite. And why, like, nobody actually watches
CBS this morning, right.

Speaker 6 (36:24):
Or the NFL today? Is that what? Hekay? Yeah, yes,
because my wife does watch CBS this morning with Jane Paul.
Now it's the host and that's where we got our
Steve Hartman argument. All right, Finally, Doug, rank your top
three sporting events you'd least like to attend.

Speaker 5 (36:39):

Speaker 6 (36:40):
You asked for this yesterday, so I expect that you
have three answers.

Speaker 2 (36:45):
A lot. I have a lot of answers that I'd
least like to attend. How big do these sporting events
seem to be?

Speaker 6 (36:56):
I don't know, Doug. It's your question.

Speaker 2 (37:00):
Midweek NHL game at three, like midweek nondescript NHL game
at three, bowling, Like they get into it at bowling.
But I just can you imagine buying a ticket? And
number one is the NFL Draft. Just Jersey guy, I

know more than everybody. Guy, I'm so fired up to
be here. Guy, pride and our city, guy and our team,
they're all there. They're all there. NFL Draft is one,
and that's game time.

Speaker 3 (37:37):
This is game time on the Doug Gottlieb Show.

Speaker 2 (37:41):
All right, come up with the Doug Godleeb Show here
on Fox Sports Radio. Maybe you haven't noticed, but the
rest of us have. Who's not going to be playing
from now on in the NBA playoffs? What does that mean?
All right, that seminal moment that who's next is now
Who's now discussed next? On the Doug Gatlib Show.
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