All Episodes

June 3, 2024 • 38 mins

Doug and the crew give out what they loved and hated most in this week's version of "Love & Hate". Doug welcomes FSR NBA Insider Ric Bucher onto the show to break down the NBA Finals and to give the latest on the Lakers' situation. Plus, Dan Beyer takes Doug through a Monday edition of "The Press".

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Thanks for listening to the Doug Gottlieb Show podcast. Be
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should be. We'll talk with Rick Buker. I'm coming from
Fox Sports one all Things NBA. We got the press upcoming.

Speaker 2 (00:42):

Speaker 1 (00:43):
That's where we turn over to Dan Buyer all the
news and nuggets of the day and I get to
react to them. Plus we have the podcast upcoming top
of next hour. Just type in Doug Gottlieber every download
podcast you get the Doug Gotleb Show podcast in the bonus.

Speaker 2 (00:55):

Speaker 3 (00:56):
That's really good stuff as called.

Speaker 1 (00:57):
Plus you find out who and what's been annoying Jason
Stewart and then I get to wax poetic on that.

Speaker 3 (01:04):
So if you're just joining us.

Speaker 1 (01:05):
Justin Jefferson signed the biggest contract in the history of
the NFL for a non quarterback. And then Larry Allen died.
Larry Allen just a ginormous left tackle for the Dallas Cowboys.
I mean, and anyone who knows anything about football like,
well that, well, that's a Hall of Fame football player

with an unbelievable resume died at the age of fifty two,
vacationing with his family in Mexico.

Speaker 3 (01:33):
That's ouch.

Speaker 1 (01:35):
That's you know, it's one of those things where you
go like, okay again, if your guys brain doesn't work
this way, forgive me, okay, but one, I'm just terrible.
You're vacationing with your family and you're fifty two years old,
right like you've finally got into the place in life
where you've made it your set. You get everybody together,

get the whole family together to go down to Mexico,
and I just that's just awful.

Speaker 3 (02:00):
All right.

Speaker 1 (02:00):
You're talking about years of therapy upcoming, because now anytime
you can do a family vacation or like that's what
you're thinking of anytime you go to Mexico or anytime
you know who knows was what. I don't know what happened,
and I'm just super sad. On the other hand, you
do go like, well, I mean, maybe he was at
least enjoying his last moments with his family, but god,

that's just crushing, crushing for a giant of a man
and a giant of an athlete to pass away at
such a young age. All Right, obviously that's something you hate.
That's something that sucks. But let's kind of recap the
weekend from our own perspective with little love and hate.

Speaker 4 (02:41):
What did you love?

Speaker 5 (02:42):

Speaker 3 (02:42):
I love you?

Speaker 4 (02:43):
And what did you hate?

Speaker 5 (02:46):

Speaker 1 (02:46):
Claire Hay is all right, I'm gonna start, guys. If
you don't mind, okay, but listen. If you don't love it,
speak now and forever hold your peace, okay. And Bayer
is my most opinion usually on this one. So Dan,
you can you can hate this. It's it's cool. I
came up with our our motto for our team. You

ready walk the walk because you know, like you know
an expression. You can talk to talk, but you gotta
walk the walk. Just walk the walk. You know, it's like, hey,
there's no purpose in talking about what you're gonna do
or how you're gonna do it, or how good you are.

Speaker 3 (03:26):
Just walk the walk. Don't tell me you want to
be an All conference player. Walk? Come on, tell me
when to start walk? Walk do it?

Speaker 6 (03:34):
What do you think, buyer, I'm fine with it. You know,
I think that those I.

Speaker 3 (03:39):
Don't like fine with it. That's not what I'm looking for.

Speaker 7 (03:41):
I just I do you think they're cheesy? I I
think some can be cheesy. I don't think every team
needs one. But I understand you're also trying to instill
a culture. Yes, so I get that portion of it. Yeah,
so it's fine.

Speaker 6 (03:57):
But like every year, like if the Patriots, you know,
do your job. Oh yeah, yeah, get it done, you know,
like that sort of thing, like that's you know, after
a while, I think you just probably become numb to it.
But I can understand in your situation of then that's
it's pretty good.

Speaker 3 (04:12):
Yeah. I would wait, we got from fine to pretty good.
I'm gonna stay. I'm just coming to back away now, Dan,
what's your what do you love for the weekend?

Speaker 6 (04:19):
I'll tell you what I was. I was here for
most of the weekend, and I love that we had
some conversations that that have, you know, caught a little fire,
whether it be with Caitlin Clark. But I also had
another conversation that I had with Mark Medina on Saturday,
when Mark and I were sitting in and it h

it struck such a nerve with one Steve Hartman that
he felt the need to talk about what I said
on his show, which I think is the ultimate compliment
if you're you know, in this business that you want
people talking about what you said, whether they what was said,
and there's even clips of it, you can see it
on Instagram. I just feel that the the Boston Celtic
brand is not what everybody thinks it is, like the

Lakers brand is the top brand in the NBA. It's
correct something that we've talked about, maybe on this show
as well, But to think that the Boston Celtics are
number two or that this brand sells, they're not even
the top brand in the NBA Finals series right now.
And that was kind of the impetus of it of
the Dallas Mavericks are actually the team that you want
to watch and the Boston Celtics really outside of the

one championship, really haven't been that great brand over the
last thirty five to forty years. So that was the conversation.

Speaker 1 (05:34):
Okay, I mean my pushback would be.

Speaker 6 (05:40):
Oh, there's been plenty of pushback. I just don't agree
with any of the pushback. Steve Hartman was railing on
the Lakers bad years, but that's also a testament to
the brand even in the bad years, if you're still
talking about it. We probably talked about more about the
Lakers coaching search than we have about anything else in
the end, including the Eastern Conference playoffs, which included the

Boston Celtics.

Speaker 1 (06:04):
But that that that at least partially has to be
because Lebron.

Speaker 6 (06:08):
Right correct, which is something that Boston Celtics do not have,
is a superstar player and they really haven't had any
outside of Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett in two thousand
and eight, since Larry Bird and Kevin McHale and Robert Parrish.

Speaker 3 (06:21):
Completely fair, so completely fair. Yeah, Okay, Jay Stu, what'd
you left for the weekend?

Speaker 2 (06:28):
I need to point out, as as the arbiter, I
think Dan just won. Dan just won that argument.

Speaker 3 (06:35):
I didn't know there was an argument.

Speaker 2 (06:36):
Yeah, oh no, it was very contentious. You had to
you had to get him back for him not loving
your motto, and then you made a point and he
just he just destroyed the whole thing.

Speaker 6 (06:47):
Doug was expecting the worst from me with the motto,
and I actually was. I'm fine with it.

Speaker 3 (06:52):
I wasn't. I wasn't expecting the worst.

Speaker 1 (06:54):
I just and I totally get what you mean, Like
I don't love a bunch of different mottos or whatever.
I just I like, I just like that to be
the overwhelming theme of how you carry yourself.

Speaker 3 (07:06):
You know.

Speaker 1 (07:07):
And I I and and some of it is I
understand people's perception of me that I got to talk
about it like I'm just not talk my way out
of anything and talk my way into a job. No, no, no,
let me show you.

Speaker 2 (07:20):
You know see that that what you just said makes
a ton of sense. If you're saying that your team
is going to personify your motto. Yes, you have been
the one talking about this. You've been saying on air
that you think you deserve a head coaching.

Speaker 3 (07:35):
I never said that. I never said once I deserve.

Speaker 2 (07:38):
Oh a shot. I don't know what I never said one.

Speaker 1 (07:42):
I never I've never said any of that. I was
I love I would love one. I never said the
word deserve.

Speaker 2 (07:46):
Okay, so scratch that. You've been the one talking about
going from broadcast to head church with no experience.

Speaker 3 (07:54):

Speaker 2 (07:54):
So it is a walk to walk for you personally, sure?
And I always think that walk the way walk is
always comes after someone has been talking a lot.

Speaker 1 (08:05):
So that sure that I've been talking. I've been talking
for twenty one years in the radio. I'll go show, now,
go show. I've been talking about basketball and you know,
and what you're supposed to do, what you're not supposed
to do. So now you have to show people walk
the walk.

Speaker 2 (08:18):
Yeah, this is a guy speaking of a guy who
walks the walk. Yes, he's I think quickly become maybe
my favorite major leaguer. And that's Tommy Fam. I don't
know if you saw the episode.

Speaker 3 (08:29):
You love Tommy Fam? Say Agan, So you like Tommy Fam?

Speaker 4 (08:34):

Speaker 2 (08:34):
No, I love Tommy Fam because he actually says things
out loud that you're not supposed to. I don't think
you're supposed to make like terrorist threats on people or
or threatened to beat people up. But he does and
he gets away with it. This is a pretty badass statement,
I will say so. Uh. For those who didn't catch it,
Tommy Fam plays on the Awful White Sox. He was
thrown out at home over the weekend by the Brewers. Uh.

And the Brewers is a Willem Contray I think is
his name or it's brothers Wilson. I know that. So
Tommy is describing what happened on the play that resulted
in a bench's clearing incident. And Tommy said, you know,
I was thrown out at home and I look over
at tough guy contrarass with all of his hurrah sh

And this is where it starts getting cool. This is
what he says to reporters. I never start anything, but
I'll be prepared to finish it. And why I do
all kinds of fighting in the off season because I'm
prepared to f somebody up. Now, are you talking about
a guy who walks the walk? Tommy Fam walks the

walk and he talks a good talk.

Speaker 3 (09:49):
That he does no question about. All Right, what do
you got for me? Sam?

Speaker 8 (09:55):
The WNBA is more specifically Fever Games in Kaitlin Clark.
It's because pro wrestling in a sense, it's become roller Derby,
and I think I'm here for it.

Speaker 9 (10:06):
Roller Derby, great reference. Yes, okay, nicely done. We're watching
roller what's the point of roller Derby going around circles?
I don't even know, but there's constantly elbowing and people
tripping each other and fighting and listen, if we embrace
these kinds of things that happened to Kaylyn Clark over
the weekend are getting hip checked by Kennedy Carter, then

it can hide the fact that she only scored three points,
had her worst game of her career, and the heat
the Fever are terrible. So if we embrace this as WWE,
it's a little bit of an entertainment with these little conflicts.

Speaker 6 (10:38):
It's roller Derby.

Speaker 8 (10:40):
I love that because right now we're not tuning in
for quality basketball coming from the fever.

Speaker 3 (10:44):

Speaker 1 (10:45):
Well I'm not sure we're tuning in for quality basketball
period the from the w NBA, but it does.

Speaker 3 (10:51):
This is a lot like the again, it's like a
it's like a.

Speaker 1 (10:55):
Cartoon version of the NBA right where we cover the drama,
even in the drama overshadows the fact that sometimes the
product isn't that good. I'm interested, though, Jase, do like
you said you'd give it another what two weeks?

Speaker 2 (11:14):

Speaker 1 (11:14):
Remember last week you said you'll give Caitlin another two
weeks to pick it up.

Speaker 6 (11:18):

Speaker 3 (11:19):
Do we think we're at minute fourteen?

Speaker 2 (11:22):
I just think that there's two separate conversations, right. I
said that I would give Caitlin Clark two weeks to
prove to me that she's transcended so I could go
out of my way to watch her on TV. I've
never watched a WNBA game until the season. I've watched
five this season. I'll give her another two weeks. It
proved to me that I should keep tuning in. But

by no means I'm not going to stop following the drama.
I mean what happened this weekend was must see TV
the commentary. Since then, I think there's been more drama
in the fight over the commentary. Since Saturday, it's been
amazing content. So don't wait, don't conf the two.

Speaker 3 (12:00):
Yeah, it's a smart point. You made, very very smart point.

Speaker 8 (12:04):
And Jason, real quick, you want more of the Kaitlyn
Clark staring down her defender, giving a stink face.

Speaker 6 (12:09):
You want more of that? You want more of that
sauce sauce, and that's spice.

Speaker 8 (12:12):
After she has done something amazing. Okay, so we need
more of that. We need more amazing from Kaylin Clark,
and we need more stare down.

Speaker 2 (12:20):
To sink college. Like four or five times a game.
She would do logo threes and stare down her opponent.
And I like that stuff.

Speaker 3 (12:30):
Love it.

Speaker 1 (12:32):
Okay, I got, I got one more thing, and I'm
good on what I loved. Yeah, I'm good on what
I loved. Let's get to what you hated from the weekend.
This kind of does play into your wheelhouse, Jason, because
you hate everything.

Speaker 3 (12:47):
Just give me one thing you hated it for the weekend.

Speaker 2 (12:49):
Well, it has to do with Kennedy Clark, and I'm
just gonna call her Chnity because that's how she spells it.
And I'm real annoyed with her parents for giving her
that spelling. Chnity Carter Shenity Carter. So all the drama
that happened this weekend, there was one thing that was
lost in it, and I hate that it was lost
in it. It was something that Chnity Carter had put

on her on her I guess you would say social media.
She responded to an Instagram on threads, I think Cred's
and it was something along the lines of the only
thing she does is make three pointers, right, isn't that
something like that, like, uh, that's all she does? Good

or something like that. If I'm a commissioner of the WNBA,
I pulled Chnnity into her into the office and I
sayd Chnnity, we need Caitlin Crk to succeed to pay
all these debts that we have. You can't be saying

the only thing she does is make three pointers like
that is the most short sighted thing done or said
this past weekend. I don't care about the play on Saturday,
I don't care about everything that's happened since then. But
one of your players is saying the only thing she
does is make threes when she has literally taken the
league to another level of profile. To me that that

was lost in the dart thing.

Speaker 3 (14:19):
What about you? Dan Byer sent me a hate it
for in the weekend.

Speaker 6 (14:22):
You know, it's kind of an overall sort of thing,
and it goes in line with the PGA Tour and
Live Golf. With a lot of the changes to the schedule,
there were certain tournaments that you always were used to
having at a certain time when the Memorial was usually
the week after Memorial Day weekend, and it worked out well,
but because of changes maybe calendar, we've got the Memorial

this week. It's a signature event, so the top players
will be there at Jack's tournament, but it's usually about
two weeks out from the US Open, and the US
Open is next week, and I just kind of like
having as great as the Canadian Open was, the Canadian
Open has been moved all over the PGA Tour schedule.
I kind of missed the Memorial this past weekend. I
love the US Women's Open, even though there wasn't a

lot of drama yesterday, but just the fact of the
sports calendar, and again going back to golf, we've got
the Memorial this week, and I think that it loses
a little bit of its hype because the US Open
will be coming up next week. And I always like
Jack's tournament always translates beautifully on TV lush and green,
but yeah, I didn't like that this past weekend.

Speaker 8 (15:29):
Sammy, I'm going to co sign on Jason's point Kennedy
Carter's Threads post, but I'm actually it's not that she
shouldn't say that. I just think it's factually incorrect. I mean,
if anything, Caitlin Clark is not shooting her signature three
pointer well this season at all, so she's really filling
up the statue in other ways. I mean, she's averaging

five rebounds over five rebounds, almost six and a half, assists,
a couple of steals, a couple of blocks, So she's
filling up stat sheet. That's not she doesn't just shoot threes.
Shoots threes, and she's not even doing it that well.
So I don't I hate the fact that she said
that because it is factually incorrect. She's making her imprint
on the game in other ways.

Speaker 3 (16:09):

Speaker 1 (16:10):
I also think it's funny that they lost that she's
running her mouth and they lost. I don't care about it.
Like you lost to arguably the worst team or second
worst team in the w NBA. You you did lose
that game, right, I don't that one?

Speaker 6 (16:23):
Hello, strikes Field Mystics have a win? You, No, they
do not.

Speaker 2 (16:25):
They're O in eight.

Speaker 8 (16:26):
The Washington Mystics are the worst team in the WNBA,
so is the second worst teams they have two wins.

Speaker 3 (16:35):
I hate my team. In baseball, I just I can't.

Speaker 1 (16:41):
I So here's the thing I'm trying to I'm trying
to switch over and do be for National League. I'm
gonna be a Brewers guy, and they're good, but it
does it feels kind of icky, right, like to hop
on board because you move in the area and you're
living in Green Bay and I love Yeah, you know,
Bryan Arison and Jeff Levering are great dudes. They' they're broadcasters,

radio and TV good friends. And I frankly grew up
a Brewers fan, born in Milwaukee, and I used to
watch those teams and when we moved away, But it
does feel weird, kind of parachute, you know. Winter The
balance of it is like I was. I went to
a lid story yesterday and I was looking for a
Brewer's hat and there's a bunch of Angels hats and

I just couldn't do it, Like I don't want to.
I can't stare so bad. Like the A's are better
than them. How's that possible? The A's have like five
people at their home games. They have no desire to win,
and the A's are better than the it And I
know my trout's out, but Mike good Oh, just I

hate baseball.

Speaker 3 (17:43):
I hate my team.

Speaker 6 (17:44):
We saw what you bought, Doug. You got a new
Packer's hat, didn't you.

Speaker 3 (17:48):
I did get a new packers That thing is sweet.

Speaker 1 (17:50):
Yeah it was. It was a tough call there. I
felt like, here's I feel like the what're the ones
called that have the hat sizes of the fixed or
fitted fitted the fitted ones? I think you can only
do the fitted for major League baseball hats.

Speaker 3 (18:09):
Buyer, what do you think there? Does that make sense?
Like it's like snap bax.

Speaker 1 (18:14):
I think you can do for any other hat, but
a fitted hat is a baseball hat, and you should
do a baseball, true baseball specific hat.

Speaker 6 (18:22):
I do have. I do have one fitted NFL hat,
but it's like a flex fit but it flex fits
cool and like the major League baseball hats, it has
the NFL logo on the back. Yeah it's just a
seahawk you know hat. That's all it is. But yeah,
I'm pretty much in line with it.

Speaker 3 (18:38):
Yeah they hit you ain't my team too good?

Speaker 6 (18:41):

Speaker 1 (18:42):
No, like I don't even want like I every day
I mean, like every night I go and I read,
and I watch the box scores and I'm like looking,
I'm like, there's just there's just no hope.

Speaker 3 (18:52):
So I'm I I want to switch to be an
Orioles fan. I just do.

Speaker 1 (18:59):
I mean, I know I shouldn't do it because that's
against everything that I say that you're supposed to do
as a sports fan.

Speaker 3 (19:03):
You got to stick with your team. But I hate
my team. They're so bad. There's no hope for them
to be good at any point in the future. That's
love and hate.

Speaker 4 (19:16):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot Com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 1 (19:29):
Let's welcome him in. He's the man, the myth, the legend.
He's Rick Bucher from Foxsports dot Com and Fox Sports One.

Speaker 2 (19:38):

Speaker 1 (19:40):
Like, I actually want to work backwards here. Your expectations
for this series are what?

Speaker 5 (19:47):
I expect the Maverick to win the series. I would
expect that it's going to be in five or six games.
The big question is going to be the availability and
ability of Christopsperzingis. I think that can make it a
much more interesting series. I don't really know how to

gauge what Boston is with him because we haven't seen
it since they played the dilapidated Miami Heat. But I
don't think that the Dallas Mavericks are a mirage, and
I think they are night and day from the team
that we saw finish as the fifth seed in the
regular season. And I'm just not convinced that Boston Celtics

regular season dominance, or even their dominance in the playoffs
at this point, is a reflection of them being overall
the most dominant team in the league.

Speaker 1 (20:46):
I completely agree. Look, here's how I see it. I
think lucas the best player in the league. And I
also think that though we've seen Jalen Brown in Spurts
and Jason Tatum in Burgs takeover big games, we've also
seen Tatum struggle in the finals. And look, obviously we've
seen Lebron in his first NBA finals at first two

really NBA finals kind of struggle.

Speaker 3 (21:12):
So you can grow out of that.

Speaker 1 (21:14):
It's not it doesn't mean it's a death sentence, But
I feel like I know that what I'm going to
get from Luca. I know that never afraid of the
big moment. If anything, it's the opposite. And Kyrie much
the same Oras. I just don't have the same level
of confidence with Jalen Brown and Jason Tatum.

Speaker 5 (21:32):
Yeah yeah, I also think it's a matter of matchups, yes,
and and I just I like what Dallas has because
even if Chriss Zingis is available, that's one shot blocker,
that's one rim protector. The Dallas Mavericks TEF two in
both Derek Lively and Daniel Gafford. I can't say enough
about how impressed I am with Lively and his ability

just to make the right play, the trust that he's
developed with both Luca and with with Kyrie. And then
it's the the I mean we're talking. We're talking so
much about Luca, and deservedly so because of what he
has done, But Kyrie Irving is right there and the

work that he's done at both ends of the floor
as a as a distributor and playmaker, a recognizer of
UH time and place and score, and then defensively getting
after it. This is far and away the best Kyrie
Irving I've ever seen. And it would be one thing
if it was Luca Doncic going to battle against Jason

Tatum and Jalen Brown and and S crew Holliday and
Derek White. But Kyrie Irving is playing the way that
he has that is very much a two headed monster
now where I just think overall with Dallas, you never
get any relief. They're always going to have a shot blocker,
they're always going to have defenders, They're always to have

Kyrie or Luca on the floor. And if you look
at Boston, quite honestly, I don't as much as we
think about, and I've said it all year about their
depth and talent, it really thins out once you go
to the bank. It's not that remarkable. And I feel
like with Dallas, with what they found in Eric Lively

and Jayden Hardy and Josh Green who was starting at
one point this year, I give the edge in that
department to the Dallas Mavericks.

Speaker 3 (23:31):
I'm with you.

Speaker 1 (23:32):
Let's we'll circle back to the finals in a moment.
Rick Buker joining us from Fox Sports dot Com and
Fox Sports One. What is your buy in to Rich
Paul's Hey, Lebron's a free agent argument?

Speaker 5 (23:49):
Yeah, I think that's strictly trying to create as much
leverage as possible with the Lakers to make sure that
the Lakers are going to do everything that he wants
them to do, which is certainly acquiring Bronnie, either drafting
him or or or signing him as an undrafted free agent.
And I would imagine there's some level of that that

they wanted they want him to be. Actually, I take
that back. I don't know if there's there's a desire
to have him drafted or not, since it would be
in the second round. I do think that whole you know,
we're not accepting a two way contract. You need some
leverage to be able to orchestrate to orchestrate that, and

then getting the Lakers to utilize all of their remaining
resources in order to make this team as good as
it can be made this season. I think I think
all of that is why I don't think there's any
legitimate a reason that lebron would go in any place else.

It really doesn't just take a step back and look
at it. I we don't know that he's capable of
going anywhere where he's going to have everything that he has,
or that he's going to measurely improve his chance of
winning a championship. And then there's are you willing to

give up the hundred and one hundred and fifty million
whatever amounts that the Lakers can say that that really
nobody else who's a contender can I just for all
those reasons, I just don't see. I don't see this
anything more than just making sure that the Lakers are
going to do exactly everything that they want them to do.

Speaker 1 (25:38):
I'm with you, Okay, So that entails what assigning running?

Speaker 3 (25:44):
Do they have to draft running? Do they have to
use the Draffick for that?

Speaker 4 (25:47):

Speaker 8 (25:47):
I don't.

Speaker 5 (25:49):
Honestly, I don't know that. I would say if there
was a possibility of him being a first rounder, then
enjoying the pageantry of going up and putting the hat
on and doing all that would be part of it.
I don't know that as a second round pick on
the second night that that carries enough. I mean, you'd
almost make the case you'd rather come in the back

door and signs, you know, sign the biggest undrafted free
agent contract that's ever been given, that that would carry
more luster than than being than having his name announced
on the on the second night. But I mean all
of this is really just like, again, you know, what,
what is going to satisfy lebron and Bronny. What's going

to make them feel good like they're being treated like royalties.
That that, to me is what behind all of this.
And one more reason why head coaching job man I
would be I think that is a double edged sword
in in uh for whoever ends up getting it, because

there's just so many factions that you're, oh my.

Speaker 1 (27:03):
God, it's it's you know what it is. It's the
job that you can't turn down but you should.

Speaker 5 (27:09):
Yeah, yeah, one hundred percent. Yeah, it's it's the job.
It's a job that maybe the is a is a
is a high point that you may never never otherwise reach,
but it almost assures that you will never reach it again.

Speaker 3 (27:25):
It's really really really hard one. It's a hard one.
It's it's it's a hard call. Uh. Where are the
Calves in their coaching search?

Speaker 5 (27:35):
I don't know exactly where they are right now. Everything
that I'm hearing is that James Forrego is UH is
high on their list. I'm still, honestly, I'm still trying
to get to exactly why they made a boot move
on on JB. Bickerstaff. It wasn't it wasn't a perfect

coach by any means.

Speaker 3 (27:59):
Do you want to know? Uh?

Speaker 5 (28:01):
And maybe they're maybe they're looking for like the Mark
Jackson to Steve Kerr evolution. I don't know that there's
a Steve Kerr out there. This is This is what
I'll say is if I understood that there's a guy
out there, there's a coach out there that can clearly
take them to the next level where JB didn't, I

would understand it better. But to me, when I look
at the injuries that they dealt with, the consistent play, yeah,
they look they've they've faded.

Speaker 1 (28:35):
No, Dona Mitchell got him. Look, Donald Mitchell got him fired.
That's that's that's what happened. Well, Donald Mitchell empire. No, No,
I'm I'm I'm I'm expressed this too. Donald Mitchell got
him fired. There's no question in my mind. I'm talking
enough people there. He got him fired. And it was
it was one of those where they had some something
in their relationship going back to last year. It wasn't
clicking and he felt like he felt like, uh bigger

staff was was too soft.

Speaker 3 (28:59):
And too lenient.

Speaker 1 (28:59):
You know, his dad famously famously like didn't value practice
at all, especially for vets, and Mitchell thought that Bernie.

Speaker 3 (29:10):
Yes, Jab's dad. Yeah, and and so Mitchell's complained about it.

Speaker 1 (29:15):
So their their training camp was like super super old
school hardcore, and then there was complain about that that
they were you know that that he wore them out.
So it was like, I can't win situation for Bickerstaff,
and you know, you get enough complaining from your best
player who could force his way out.

Speaker 3 (29:34):
And that was what happened was He's like, I.

Speaker 5 (29:39):
Understand, I understand that, but it's a curious choice for
me too, because I've also heard like there they will
move Darius Garland, uh, if that's gonna appease Donovan as well,
or if that's something they could do to try to upgrade,
upgrade the team. And I just feel as if they

are catering to a guy who I'm not a thousand
percent sure wants to be there, And so why am
I like sacrificing pieces that are more like feel feel
grateful that they are in Cleveland and are doing everything
they can to make the most for that franchise, the
most out of that franchise for a guy that I'm

not convinced is got both feet in in your camp?

Speaker 1 (30:31):
What about Paul George, what's his status?

Speaker 2 (30:36):

Speaker 5 (30:36):
I mean he's looking to get paid, and he thinks
that the Clippers will will pay him when push comes
to shove, that he has their backs against the wall
and that they have no choice, and I'm not What
I don't know is if the ballmer ultimately feels that way.
My inclination is to say, yeah, they'll end up paying

him and then potentially moving him, that they don't want
to lose that asset, and who knows, maybe maybe an
assign a trade. But I don't see any way in
which e G gives them the same hometown discount that

the Kawhi Leonard gave them. And I what I don't know,
and what no one knows is how Kawhi Leonard feels
about that, if he feels any way about that in
terms of, hey, dude, I made a sacrifice and you're
not willing to make a sacrifice and it may result
in you not being here for not making that, for

not making that sacrifice. So that's the curious part for me.
But I don't see any way in which Paul George
does not stick to his guns and say I'm going
to go get the most money. And there are there
are enough teams, there are a couple of teams out
there that are willing to make that gamble. If the
Clippers aren't.

Speaker 3 (32:02):
Last thing, give me a series pick.

Speaker 5 (32:06):
I'm saying the Dallas Mavericks in six, but I would not.
I mean, I really want to see. I expect Chris
Stapson is going to play in Game one. I want
to see what impact that has. I want to see
what the layoff does, more so to Boston than the Dallas.
I think that the layoff is perfect for Dallas. It's

a little bit longer for Boston. Boston has had issues
at home. Luca has certainly demonstrated that he knows how
to seize the moment and punch somebody in the mouth
right off the bat when it needs to happen. So
I look, the funny thing is is I looked at
the twenty twenty two finals where Boston came in sort

of being talked about in a similar fashion as the
Dallas Mavericks now because they went through a similar run.
They they beat the number one seed in Miami Heat,
they beat the defending champion Milwaukee Bucks. They were thought
they was thought that they were like the hardened team,
that they were ready for the moment and they came
in as favorites against Golden State even though Golden State

technically had the better record, in part because Golden State
had the easier road, right. And so I feel like,
if there's anything that Boston can hang their hat on
is that this is very similar to twenty twenty two,
except the roles are reversed.

Speaker 1 (33:31):
Yeah, I got it, but twenty twenty two, obviously the
Warriors won, I think of getting the gist, do you
think the Celtics squint?

Speaker 3 (33:38):
I just I don't know.

Speaker 1 (33:40):
If you a grig Rick Buker, Fox Sports One NBA
analyst and Fox Sports Radio NBA and Center, buke you
the best.

Speaker 3 (33:45):
Thanks for joining us.

Speaker 4 (33:46):
Be sure to catch the live edition of The Doug
Gottlieb Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (33:57):
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Speaker 3 (34:58):
Dan Buyer. What's in the press.

Speaker 6 (35:00):
We've got a developing story in Major League Baseball is
The Wall Street Journal is reporting that San Diego Padres
infielder Tukupita Marcano is facing a lifetime ban for betting
on baseball. The report from the Wall Street Journal said
that when Marcano was a member of the Pirates last season,

he was on the injured list, but that they have
evidence that he bet on games involving the Pirates. There
are other minor leaguers that could be a part of
this investigation, which is yet to be finalized. But Againpita
Marcano facing a lifetime ban for betting on baseball.

Speaker 3 (35:38):
That's all right.

Speaker 1 (35:38):
He'll be selling autographs across the street from the Hall
of Fame at some point in time.

Speaker 2 (35:42):
Does he have an interpreter to put the blamont? All right?

Speaker 6 (35:48):
Let's let's keep it going, all right, justin Jefferson. The
odds he plays again, justin Jefferson becoming the highest paid
receiver in the NFL and the highest paid non quarterback
for your ex deensured worth one hundred and forty million dollars.
Jefferson getting one hundred and ten million dollars guaranteed.

Speaker 3 (36:06):
Seems like a lot of money for a wide receiver.

Speaker 1 (36:08):
Yes, which is going to and listen, the good thing
is no other wide receiver has an ego or is
going to want more money and he's going to threaten
to sit out like that will never happen, right.

Speaker 6 (36:18):
Never, never. By the way, it's a lot of money
for a wide receiver as well, that was rumored to
possibly be traded if the Vikings could have traded up
to get Melik neighbors. So it's not about faced by
the Vikings because these talks have happened, but just made
that report interesting that the Vikings maybe we're willing to
move on from him and now they just give him
a huge, huge deal. Hall of Fame offensive lineman Larry

Allen died yesterday while vacationing with his family in Mexico.
He was fifty two years old.

Speaker 1 (36:46):
Hall of famer in every sense of the word great
football player, just a great football player.

Speaker 6 (36:50):
A real Madrid announced the transfer of Killing and Bappe
and as Doug pointed out, five year deals sixteen million
dollars after taxes. We do have to throw in the
one hundred and fifty million year wrote signing bonus is
part of that deal. Dam And finally, sectional qualifying going
on for the US Open. A fifteen year old Miles Russell,
by the way, received the sponsors exemption to playing the

Rocket Mortgage Classic at the end of the month in Detroit.
He made the cut at a corn Ferry Tour event recently,
so he's going to be teeing it up the Teenage
Invasion and Golf be the third teenager to play in
a PGA Tour event this year. By the way, sectional
qualifying going on for the US Open. Friend of mine,
John Leary, his son Grant Leary, who I think it

barely drive, is actually qualified trying to qualify right now. Grant, Yes, hopefully.
Grant's doing well, one over par right now, top four advance,
so he's six off the lead. But it's just the
first round. So fingers crossed for Grant as that hits home.
And that's the press.

Speaker 3 (37:50):
That you get out there and pressed.

Speaker 4 (37:51):
That was the press is.

Speaker 3 (37:52):
It's like the Jackson holiday thing.

Speaker 1 (37:54):
It's like one of the coolest things have when your
friend's son is accomplishing great things.

Speaker 3 (37:58):
It's just feels good, feels good, all right.

Speaker 1 (38:01):
Check out the podcast. It's live, top of the hour.
It's called in the bonus type in Doug Gottlieb where
we get podcasts. It's Dog Gottlieb Show. Fox Sports Radio
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