All Episodes

January 24, 2025 • 37 mins

Doug weighs in on comments made by Chiefs quarterback Pat Mahomes as he acknowldedged how he never takes for granted how hard it is to get to the AFC title game now seven years in a row. Doug and the crew play "The Gambler". Doug welcomes FSR betting analyst Jared Smith on to breakdown the wagering on the two championship games. Plus, Dan Beyer takes Doug through "The Press".

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Thanks for listening to The Doug Gotleb Show podcast. Be
sure to catch us live every weekday three to five,
twelve two Pacific on Fox Sports Radio. Find your local
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your Doug Gottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio iHeartRadio App. Welcome

in the Doug Gottlieb Show, broadcast live from the tyrack
dot Com studios tyrack dot com.

Speaker 2 (00:27):
What we get there?

Speaker 1 (00:28):
Unmatch election, fast free shipping, free road ass protection, over
ten thousand recommended dollars tyrack dot com. That's the way
tire buying should be. I saw a I can't remember
who tweeted it or whatever. I saw somebody say the
other day something that I've said, which is like, and
it was one of those unpopular takes. I love when

people go like, it's unpopular take, and then he says
something that is pretty much everybody agrees with, and here
it is. Pat Mahomes is a Hall of Famer. Whoo ooh, Like, no,
he doesn't. There's not a moment he has to play
from this point forward in the NFL to solidify him
anymore as being a Hall of famers when multiple Super
Bowl has been to the AFC Championship Game, every every

year he's been a starting quarterback and this is year seven, right,
So like, what more do we need to see?

Speaker 2 (01:19):
The World's nothing or there's nothing.

Speaker 1 (01:24):
But I One of the things that I have said
is that, look, you can feel however you feel.

Speaker 2 (01:32):
And I'm a Charger fan.

Speaker 1 (01:35):
I tell you that Pat Mahomes and the officiating around
the around the chiefs it. Man, it feels like you're
playing five on ten, doesn't it. I mean five on ten,
you're playing eleven on sixteen or whatever. It just feels
like there's a couple officials they don't call holding. Anytime
you touch him, he get a penalty late in the game.

If you touch a wide receiver, it's past appearance. It
just feels that way.

Speaker 2 (01:59):
Whether it is weather, is that. I'm telling you how
it feels.

Speaker 1 (02:04):
But instead of getting caught up in the officiating, instead
of getting caught up in gosh, I don't like this,
or we need some new blood, whatever, how about we
just go like, hey, we might be watching the greatest
player to ever play the game, and we're watching him
in his prime, and if Tom Brady is the model,

he's got like more than ten years left to continue
playing this game, which is crazy. And you look at
the success that they've had and you're like, can you
imagine if Tom Brady can get to ten Superls, how
many can he get to? And I think that's what
Pat Mahomes was maybe sort of getting at when he

said this about playing in his seventh straight AFC Championship game.

Speaker 3 (02:53):
I have extremely appreciation just for the process of getting here.
I talk about that with some of the younger guys.
I mean, some of these guys have all they've known
the Super Bowls, and I mean, obviously that's a good
problem to have, but I like to make sure that
they know and appreciate this moment and having this opportunity
because it doesn't doesn't happen every year. I mean, it
seems like it's happened every year here, but you don't
get this opportunity to play in these games. You never

know when it's gonna be your last one, and you
have to go out there and maximize it. And you
do have appreciations because even though even when you win
a Super Bowl. You start back at the bottom, you
start back level with everybody. You have to go about
your process and put in that work, and so it
definitely is a battle every single year. Every season is
different and you just appreciate being in this game and
you just try to find a way to maximize it

and try to get to that next one.

Speaker 1 (03:37):
Stug Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports Radio. Yeah, it
doesn't happen every year. Well I know it's happened every year,
but doesn't happen every year. It is crazy, you know,
just like it was crazy for the Patriots to go
from one Hall of Fame kicker to another Hall of
Fame kicker, and the Packers to go from one Hall
of Fame quarterback to go to another Hall of Fame

quarterback to go to guys still think Jordan Love, I
don't know if he's a Hall of Fame level quarterback.
But to go back to back to back and nail
and knock it out of the park. You know, one
guy you trade very little for, another guy you draft
late in the first round. The next guy you draft
late in the first round. To get that that's crazy
in Green Bay.

Speaker 2 (04:16):
But to go from.

Speaker 1 (04:16):
The Patriots dynasty to the Chiefs dynasty is kind of nuts,
kind of nuts, especially in the AFC West, which I
know has been down right, like the Broncos have been
down for.

Speaker 2 (04:33):
However many years until this year.

Speaker 1 (04:35):
Raiders obviously more down than up since since the first
time they had Gruden and Bill Callahan then afterwards went
to the Super Bowl, and then the Chargers are in
fact the Chargers. But still it's nuts to go from
the Patriots like, well, we'll never see a dynasty like
that again, and then here we have the Chiefs.

Speaker 2 (04:56):
Here we have the Chiefs.

Speaker 4 (04:57):
E've been more nuts. I think that you still hear this.
I think I just heard Cowhard say it today. To
be honest, they broadcasters and analysis or analysts will always
be like in the NFL, that window is closing fast.
And I offer this up. The Patriots did it for
fifteen years, and then when the Patriots stopped doing the

Chiefs have started doing it. So maybe that window isn't
closing fast. Maybe when you say that on the air,
you should you should offer this preface. I know the
Patriots and the Chiefs counter everything I'm about to say,
but the window for championships is very slim in this league.

Speaker 1 (05:41):
Uh yeah, yeah, it is very very slim, and yet
it's not. Now the other thing we hear is not
just a window. But you know the old stat that
everybody uses, which is half the teams who make the
playoffs in one year don't make it the next year. Yeah,
except for the Chiefs. They make the AFC Championship Game
every year. That's amazing.

Speaker 5 (06:05):
It's crazy too when you think of the division that
they had this year. We thought, well, now the division's
gonna get tough, and granted we didn't think that the
Broncos would be as good as they were, but you
figured that the Chargers would be better with Jim Harbaugh.
Then it comes to find out that may have been
the best division in all of football this year. And
for them to go through it like they did, only

lose one game that actually meant something to them because
they threw away the game against the Broncos at the
end of the season, is pretty remarkable. And Doug, you
talk about Patrick Mahomes and I go to Andy Reid
with all of this.

Speaker 2 (06:41):
Yeah, because dynasty in Philly and dynasty here.

Speaker 5 (06:45):
Shady McCoy said a few years ago, I think Andy
Reid may have had had won Super Bowl at the time,
and they were talking about best head coach in the NFL.
And it isn't a conversation that that happens a lot
because we just feel that the answer of Bill Belichick
is obvious and it still is to this day. But
Andy Reid right now is two hundred and seventy three

career wins. He is currently is a do the math,
twenty nine behind Bill Belichick for third all time for
regular season wins winning percentage slightly higher than Belichick's. Maybe
more impressive is Andy Reid is now four wins from
tying Bill Belichick for all time playoff wins. So you

win this weekend and if you win a super Bowl,
he's three away from having the most playoff wins in
NFL history. I understand they're playing more games, but again,
this is a team that also has had a buy
in the first round of these playoffs, not unlike New
England has in the past. So it is way more
apples to apples than people would realize. And if you

had another super Bowl, to give him four compared to six.
Like the conversation there is real for or is Ad
Reid the greatest head coach that the NFL has ever seen.
He is not far away.

Speaker 1 (08:06):
I agree with you, it's interesting if he had Pat
Mahomes first and he had Donal McNabb second. I mean,
because the interesting part is, again I'm not a Donald
McNabb hater, but Dono v nabb was.

Speaker 2 (08:25):
He was just good, solid, right, but he.

Speaker 1 (08:29):
Was That team was overall offensively, they were creative, great
in the screen game. I've told you how much I
love Darren Sproulls. And the defense was nasty, right, but
the offense it was McNabb was.

Speaker 2 (08:43):
He was fine.

Speaker 1 (08:45):
Pat Mahomes probably the best guy I ever played a position,
And I think sometimes not all the time, but sometimes
we give the quarterback more credit than the coach when
the quarterback is super league. That's what we've done with
Belichi ex so often in the past. You know, now
you're like, what was it Belichick or Brady Courses Brady
like you, nobody's doing with that great coaching. I think

the fact that he did it with Donald McNabb all
those years. You know, what was it, five straight NFC
championship games. One ended up in a.

Speaker 5 (09:15):
Super I know they went to three straight for sure.

Speaker 2 (09:18):
So where it's five out of.

Speaker 1 (09:19):
Six years, five out of six years they went to
the NFC Championship Game and one year as a Super.

Speaker 5 (09:22):
Bowl in their path. I mean this, let's be honest
as well. This Chiefs team right now is led by
their defense. I don't know how you could argue anything
other than that. But when you have Patrick Mahomes and
Travis Kelcey, you can make the offensive plays that you
need and it makes them very dangerous. The New England
Patriots weren't always the offensive juggernaut, and in fact their

offensive juggernaut period. We're different. Yeah, you're right, because super
Bowl forty two was the record setting year two thousand
and seven, crazy as can be a few years prior
to that when they go and beat the Eagles, pretty
good offensive football team. Same thing with Carolina, pretty decent team.
But super Bowl thirty six that they won led by

their defense, super Bowl fifty three that they won, led
by their defense. So it's not too different than what
Kansas City has also gone through.

Speaker 1 (10:12):
Stut Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports Radio. But it's
it's a weird thing to recognize greatness and.

Speaker 2 (10:21):
To this level.

Speaker 1 (10:22):
Maybe Lebron obviously we recognize Lebron, but he's been doing
it for twenty years. Like this dude's been doing it
for eight years seven as a starter, Like what more
do you actually have to do to be considered one
of the greatest? And like just enjoy watching the greatest
of all time do what he does. We wait till
year fifteen or year twenty. Why you know, it doesn't

mean he's perfect, But I think the what he's learned
to do in playing just to win, you know, lean
on our defense and then when you get a chance
late obviously you can be you, but not turn the
football over between now and then. Like it's actually got
to be really really hard for him and challenging to
anybody's ego. You've won this much because of you, Now

you're winning this much because of your your defense. But
I'm glad that he's taking stock and understands that this
is not normal. It's not it's not Dan Marino got
there once once, Damn Reno pretty good, right, yes, pretty good?

Speaker 5 (11:30):
You know, pretty good?

Speaker 1 (11:33):
One time Damn Mario played forever. He got there, he
got the super Bowl.

Speaker 4 (11:38):
One time I was watching something hit on my Twitter timeline.
It was a commercial from nineteen eighty four, right after
the Super Bowl at Stanford, so whatever year that was, right,
And Marino and Montana meet up at the vending machine
after the game and they both get a clear or

a diet pepsi out of the machine and the walk
off line after Joe Montana bought the diepepsy for Dan Marino,
Marino shouts at him as he's walking away, I got it.
Next time.

Speaker 2 (12:14):
It's crazy.

Speaker 4 (12:15):
There was no next time.

Speaker 5 (12:16):
No, that was it. Whoever thought of that ad campaign
should be fired.

Speaker 2 (12:20):

Speaker 1 (12:20):
They not only did they only get to one Super Bowl,
they got to the conference championship only two other times. Now,
remember there were less teams in the playoffs, like that's fair, okay,
but this we're talking Dan Marino, Dan the man, and

you know when he first got there, they lost the
Divisional you know in eighty.

Speaker 5 (12:47):
Three and eighty four Shawks beat him.

Speaker 1 (12:49):
Yeah in eighty four, that was back when the Seahawks
were in the AFC. Then they lost in the Super
Bowl that was to the Niners. And then the next
year in the in the AFC Champmionship game, who they
lose to the eighty.

Speaker 5 (13:01):
Five eight should have beat the Patriots.

Speaker 1 (13:03):
Yeah, that was when the Patriots lost in the Superdome
right to the Super Bowl Shuffle, and that would have
given us for people don't know that was the only
team to beat that Bears. Team was on Monday Night Football,
Dan Reno, Duper and Clayton Right and they beat the
eighty five Bears. Then they lost in the AFC Championship game.
They didn't go back to the playoffs for four more

years and they only made one more conference championship game.
And I'm not bringing that up to poor salt in
the wound of Damn Reno or the Maii Dolphins. My
point is it's really really hard, and the Chiefs are
making it look really really easy. And Pat Mahomes, I
don't think, is taking it for granted. We shouldn't take
for granted what we're seeing from him.

Speaker 6 (13:46):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 1 (14:00):
Doug Gottlieb show Fox Sports Radio. Jared Smith is going
to join us in about five minutes. Jared's our lead
betting enalyst from Fox Sports Radio. So how many times
you had somebody come to you go, hey man, you
got a tip, you got a game? Well, listen, we
all have one tip. Then we want to share one

bet that we would I don't know I bet our
life savings on, but one that we've been looking at.
We do it every Friday. It's called the Gambler. This
can come from anywhere in sports. Does it have to
be the nfl A Championship weekend? Obviously that's what most

people will lean into. Let's start with Jason Stewart for
his Jace du Team parlay.

Speaker 4 (14:47):
Doug, I think I need you to cover up your ears.
I'm about to talk about college hoops spreads and I
don't know what the NCAA rule is on that. So
for the listeners, it's the early window. You need to
run to the betting window right now and grab Toledo
at minus two and a half at Bowling Green. If
you know Toledo's history in Bowling Green, trust me. You

want to pair Toledo with Marquette, who is hosting Villanova
later on today. Just a quick message for Villanova fans
ed Pickney is not walking through that door. Pair Marquette
with Toledo and thank me.

Speaker 2 (15:27):
On Monday, all right, let's get to Let's get to
Dan Bayer Dan.

Speaker 5 (15:36):
I'm gonna start with Championship Sunday. The AFC matchup is
the second game of the day. We're gonna push that
aside and deal with serving number one Commanders and Eagles.
These teams split their regular season matchup. We know the
Commanders came back and won the game against Philadelphia in
week sixteen. Their matchup in week eleven is one that

was completely a race. From my memory, I forgot the
even played, even though I knew they played, because they
are division foes. Commanders hung around for a while in
that game before losing. They obviously hung around and won
in week sixteen, so why wouldn't the Commanders hang around again.
Jalen Hurts is wearing a brace. I say brace for
the Commanders plus six against Philadelphia. I saw you did

their good play.

Speaker 2 (16:19):
I thought you did good.

Speaker 7 (16:19):
Yeah Samon I bounced my Bill's chiefs thoughts off Jared Smith,
who will join us here momentarily. I didn't like the
feedback I got from so I'm gonna switch it up.
I'm gonna go Iowa men's basketball hosting Penn State tonight.
Iowa has lost three in a row. I feel like
they're desperate. It's a night game, Friday night game. Get

the beer flowing in Iowa City, hopefully a crowd shows up.
Give me the Hawkeyes to cover that a three and
a half points. They're favored by there in Iowa City
against the Nitney Lions. Well, hey, we actually haven't gotten
to that part yet.

Speaker 1 (16:57):
The Kissie Chiefs are point half favorite against the Buffalo
Low Bills, playing at home in another AFC Championship game.
I know I should never do this, but I'm gonna
do it right with full respect. It's like Kansas in
the Big Twelve and Kansas City in the a f
C Championship.

Speaker 2 (17:14):
Give me the Bills. It's their time. It's their year,
all right.

Speaker 1 (17:19):
They deserve to lose in the Super Bowl the way
that all good Buffalo teams to.

Speaker 2 (17:25):
Teason. Give me the Bills and the point a half
check it to the bank. Here. When the dealing is done,
you got when? When?

Speaker 8 (17:36):

Speaker 5 (17:37):
When the fold?

Speaker 6 (17:40):

Speaker 2 (17:41):

Speaker 6 (17:43):

Speaker 2 (17:43):
When to run? Never Joe money. It's that bas sitting.

Speaker 5 (17:52):
Down, Scooby.

Speaker 2 (17:53):
When the deal is done.

Speaker 1 (17:57):
Stug Gottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio. Let's welcome in. Jared
Smith he's our Fox Sports Radio betting analysts. You can
hear them on Fox Sports Tradios. Count Down to Kickoff
with our guy Rich Ordenberger and Brian Know. That's every Saturday,
nine am to noon Eastern Time. Listen live on our
Fox Sports tradio philiates or the iHeartRadio app presented by
Bett MGMO. These games are Sunday, so we'll have all

Saturday to talk about them. But Jared, let's start with
Washington and Philadelphia. The Eagles, even if you spell it correctly,
are six point favorites.

Speaker 2 (18:32):
And how ad that that mayor she misspelled?

Speaker 8 (18:35):

Speaker 5 (18:35):
Classic go into politics.

Speaker 1 (18:37):
Hey, listen, I'm a bad speller myself. I do know
how to spell Eagles, but yeah, forty seven point five
is the total?

Speaker 2 (18:44):
Who do you like and why?

Speaker 6 (18:45):

Speaker 8 (18:45):
First of all, the gambler segment is I mean, it's
quickly becoming my most favorite segment of the show, hands down.
You guys do a great job with that. I always
enjoy listening. Turnovers is always the key Dog's that's when
you look at these playoff games seven and zero team
that when the turnover margin. There's ten games been played
so far, it's been even three times the teams that
won the turnover margin or seven and zero. So it

just don't make the mistakes. Don't do what the Ravens
did on Sunday. Don't shoot yourself in the foot when
you have divisional matchups at this stage. First of all,
in general, the spreads, the totals, they're pretty set this
time of year. You're not going to find a ton
of value on either side. That's why a lot of
the pros really look to the prop market to bet
these championship super Bowl type games. And when you have

a divisional matchup where you've had already two data points,
it's really hard to find any differentiator between these two
teams when it comes to the numbers. Because in Week eleven,
right the Eagles were a four and a half point
home favorite. They covered, game stayed under. The total was
forty nine and a half. Philly, of course won the
turnover margin in that game. Week sixteen, it was a
lower total game forty seven. Game went way over. It

was Kenny Pickett for the most part. Jalen Hurts obviously
started was cancust and then Kenny Pickett played the majority
of the game. And even though Washington did come back
to win that game. Incredible rmans by Jade Daniels, the
Commander still turned it over five times like that game
was an anomaly for them to be able to come back.
They were down twenty seven to fourteen late third quarter
and then all heck broke loose in the fourth quarter.
If it wasn't for that drop by DeVante Smith late

in the game on third down, Philly wins. And I
think that is kind of why we're seeing this number
a little bit higher than what we saw back in
week eleven, even though Washington's obviously increased their ratings significantly
since that game. I think the key in this game
is how Vic Fangio, who is you know, for lack
of a better word, maybe the most talented defensive coordinator
in the sport with his brain, how he makes that

adjustment in the third meeting, the thing that really tripped
up the Eagles defense. In the second meeting, the one
that the Commanders won, Washington and credit Cliff Kingsbury did
a lot of this. They went empty and that allowed
a little more of a laying up the middle for
Jade Daniels to use his legs. Well, now, Vic Fangio's
seen that on tape. I'm sure there's going to be
an adjustment there. You're gonna see a ton of zone

cover six, cover nine, cover a million like. That's the
kind of coverages that the Philly defense likes to play.
I think it's gonna be a lower scoring, slower pace game.
I think the Philly run game will be prominent for
the Commander's defense. I do think Philly is gonna be
able to run it well. But the one thing that
and I know Jalen Hurts a lot of question marks
this week about the knee Philly to me is much

significantly worse against zone defense is they played the Packers
that played the Rams, two of the teams that play
the most zone coverages in the NFL. The Commanders play
mostly man and Jayden and Hurts has a significantly better
success right EPA against man coverage. So I do think
if Jalen can get into a rhythm, he might get
some good one on one coverages down the field. But
obviously this is gonna be a Saquon Barkley game. I
think this is gonna be a Brian Robinson Jayden Daniels

with his legs game. My best bet for the game,
I would go Jayde Daniels under on his passing yards
because I do think the Eagles are gonna drop back
in his own They're gonna keep everything in front of them,
and they're gonna make Jayden and Daniels march it methodically
down the field. And this is a high number two
twenty four and a half. That was the high of.

Speaker 2 (21:50):
What we saw earlier this season.

Speaker 8 (21:52):
So I'd say under Jayan Daniels passing yards prop is
probably my favorite wager for this game.

Speaker 1 (21:56):
Stut Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports Radio. That's voice
of Jared Smith. He's our Fox Sports Radio lead betting analyst. Okay,
let's go to the night cap Buffalo as they've they've
been in this position before, They've been in Kansasity before,
they led with thirteen seconds to go, going back three
years ago, couldn't close the deal, couldn't get to the

couldn't get to the super Bowl since as well, Kansas
City continues to stand in the way. Chiefs are a
point and a half favorite. The number is total is
forty eight and a half. And of course, these two teams,
as as we all know, matched up in Buffalo and
the Bills won by nine.

Speaker 2 (22:34):
Who do you like and why?

Speaker 8 (22:35):
Yeah, Bills were a slight home favorite in that game.
They won yards per play very slightly, but really they
won the turnover margin, They won the penalty yard margin,
like those are the deciders in these games. I thought
Buffalo played a very clean game last week against Baltimore.
Got dominated in yards per play absolutely, I mean seven
point three to four point six. Like Baltimore was gaining

like almost a first down every time they snapped the ball.
The problem was when they weren't gaining yard, they were
turning it over. And I think that is where Kansas
City is not gonna make those mistakes, right, Like, We're
not gonna see those, you know, bumbled snaps and drop
passes like the I think Kansas City's a much cleaner
football team in that regard. The Chiefs went over the
Texans really wasn't very impressive last week. To be honest
with you, Kymie Fairbairn miss three kicks.

Speaker 4 (23:17):
C J.

Speaker 8 (23:17):
Stroud took eight sacks. You know, the questionable roughing the
passer penalties. I don't want to really argue about the
validity there, but you know those are questionable calls, right.
I do think Kansas City hasn't shown you their best
stuff yet. Maybe they're saving it for this game. But
I think on the surface, Buffalo is playing better, and
if there's some Mahomes magic in there, then Kansas City
probably wins. But I think the fact that this number

less than a field goal is telling you that the
market really respects Buffalo in this spot. The question is
what will Kansas City's a approach be, because what we've
seen this season, they're a passing team. They have a
bottom ten run rate. They let Mahomes the balls in
his hands and he's gonna make the decisions.

Speaker 6 (23:55):

Speaker 8 (23:55):
Watch the tape against the Ravens last week. Derek Henry
was chewing up yards left and right now Baltimore went
away from the run time and score dictated that a
little bit. Todd Mounkin, I don't know, maybe was kind
of in his head a little bit as well. But
I think Kansas City Andy Reid doesn't care. Like if
Pachecko and Hunt are running it well, Hunt ran it
really well last week five and a half per carry,
that's gonna be the game plan. So I struggle with

betting and over in a game where I don't think
Andy Reid cares how they win it. If the run
game is available, they're gonna run it. If the pass
game is available, they're gonna throw it. And now we're
at that point with the total at forty eight and
a half, some movement to the overru I'm just a
little bit. I've seen some good smart people on the
over this week, but I struggle in that regard. I
think the spreads a complete toss up, Doug. I mean,
this game, you know one or two plays in either direction.

These teams know each other so well. My favorite bet
for the game is a Josh Allen touchdown prop. That's
a coin flip bet. And when this dude's in the
red zone, he's got a nose for the goal line. Like,
that's my favorite wager. If just if you can get
like an even odds or a plus money on a
touchdown prop for Josh Allen, I think that's a fantastic bet.
But it seems like when they're in the red zone
that's when he gets into Superman mode. And James Cook

is kind of the between the twenties guys, so I
think but coin fifty fifty to fifty probably who wins
this one. But I do think Josh Allen finds the
end zone.

Speaker 1 (25:05):
Yeah, that's it's gonna be. I mean, if it's a
if it's a flip coin flip game. That's why it's
a one and a half point line in in Vegas.
Doug Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports Radio, Jared, how
what was the handle like for the college football Playoff?
I'm just wondering. You know that everyone always liked to
bet Bowl games. Just I wonder what vegas Is financial

reaction was to the first true college footall playoff.

Speaker 8 (25:32):
It was good, I think, and I know that the
buzz about the ratings and the time was a little
bit weird. And I just saw they announced the Vegas
gonna get the game in a couple years, and it's
gonna be on January twenty fifth. So flash forward two years,
we wouldn't even be it's January twenty fourth. Today, we
wouldn't even be to the championship game. Yet, I do
think that matters a little bit with you know, the
television ratings. People bet these games, they're obsessed with betting

these games. I don't think there was any impact on
the handle. I think the playoff format I personally liked it.
I know that there was some pushback on you know,
this team should have been in, this team should have
been seated here. And I think they'll figure out the
seedings eventually. It sounds like they're already kind of tweaking that.
But in terms of the the just the straight gambling numbers,
I mean, everything has been status quo here and obviously

Ohio State saw a lot of money and rightfully so
awesome stuff.

Speaker 1 (26:20):
Jerry can't wait to hear you tomorrow morning. It's on
Fox Sports Radios. Count Down to Kickoff Jared Smith, Rich Hornberger,
Pryan no Every Saturday nine am to an Eastern time
listen live on our Fox Sports Radio Phillis on the
iHeartRadio app presented by Bett MGM.

Speaker 2 (26:32):
Jared good luck this weekend. Thanks for joining us. YouTube
Bo That'steug.

Speaker 1 (26:35):
Gottlieb Show Fox Sports Radio. Rapid Radios of the Lukie
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Speaker 2 (26:45):
Instant contact with your friends. We use them on the show.

Speaker 1 (26:47):
Good Rapid Radios dot com now for six percent off
plus free shipping. Did you guys hear what yon'tuh what
Yannis said about the Bucks, and I know you guys
would mean you meaning Jason Sam Dan especially tracked the
Bucks game last night. But the Bucks game was supposed

to be a six to thirty start, and because of
the weather in New Orleans because the snow, the Bucks
couldn't get out until a place where they would land
on like it was like two thirty or something, so they.

Speaker 2 (27:24):
Were They landed in Milwaukee at five.

Speaker 1 (27:27):
They pushed the game back an hour to seven thirty,
and the Milwaukee Bucks promptly won and one in kind
of going away fashion as they beat the Miami Heat
one twenty five to ninety six.

Speaker 2 (27:40):
I won to ninety six.

Speaker 1 (27:43):
And obviously there's a lot to it you're talking about
no Jimmy Butler and all the drama there.

Speaker 2 (27:48):
But you guys heard what Yanna said right where he said, Hey,
you know, we still threw it up.

Speaker 1 (27:53):
We flew in a private plane after sleeping in a
four star hotel.

Speaker 2 (27:57):
Like it wasn't that rough? What are you going to say?

Speaker 5 (28:02):
Dan said that the cars were waiting for them all
warmed up when they arrived. So yeah, five star hotel
meals the whole deal. Yeah, drive to the arena says
this wasn't adversity.

Speaker 2 (28:14):
It wasn't. It wasn't.

Speaker 5 (28:17):
But if somebody did get hurt, that would I thought
there would be blood on the hands of the NBA
for making them play this game. I mean, they postponed
games because of the wildfires and because of the storm
that hit Atlanta a couple of weeks ago, and so
now you're having the same thing, and to make them

have to play this game. It was a TNT game too,
so I didn't know if that maybe played a role.

Speaker 1 (28:42):
I think that's I think that's what most people think.
That's why like, hey, it's a TV game, let's just
get it done. You know, I don't know what other
schedule stuff, you know, in terms of the heat with
their flights and trying to jam one in later, it
is weird that they made him play it. But I
thought the best part was that they won these things.
And you know, it's interesting we do the same thing,

just obviously at a lower level. Right we're struggling to
win games, and you're like, all right, we play at
two o'clock tomorrow in Cleveland.

Speaker 2 (29:11):
We're leaving at six o'clock local on.

Speaker 1 (29:14):
We have a we have two little charter planes and
we're flying to Cleveland, and you know, I talked with
Mike Gansey yesterday, who's the GM of the Caves. He's like, hey,
if you want to use a facility, because Cleveland State
has a women's game before our game, so you can't.
We can't have a shoot around, right and two o'clock
is kind of a weird time.

Speaker 2 (29:35):
Do you want to have a shoot round?

Speaker 1 (29:36):
Not on our shoot You want to get them up,
not lay in bed all morning, but do you want
to you know, the Cavs facility is like twenty five
minutes away, twenty five minutes away, our shooting time, twenty
five minutes back. You know, it ends up being two
and a half hours all in. It's like a little
bit too much. But you're always thinking of these things
and like, end of the day, does it matter. Just

show up and play, you know, and let the let
the players figure it out. But I thought it was
the perfect answer. Coming up next to The Doug Gotlieb
Show Live at tyreck dot com Studios. The NBA may
not be as popular this season, but one player is
very popular when it comes to Jersey sales.

Speaker 2 (30:16):
Find out who's number one that's next.

Speaker 6 (30:18):
Be sure to catch the live edition of The Doug
Gottlieb Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (30:29):
Oh it's Doug Gotleap show Fox Sports Radio. Shortly after
the show, our podcasts going up. You've been saying today's show.
Be sure you got the podcast. Just search stug Gollie
We every year podcasts. Also follow rate review that podcast again.
Just search s dougtlib. We hit your podcasts. Well, let's
get to the press, the press. Are you listening to

us now? But did you know you can see us?

Speaker 2 (30:58):

Speaker 1 (30:59):
Make sure you check I got the Fox Sports Radio
YouTube channel. Just search Fox Sports Radio on YouTube and
you'll see a whole bunch of video highlights on from
our shows.

Speaker 2 (31:07):
Be sure to subscribe so you.

Speaker 1 (31:09):
Always have instant access to Fox Sports Radios videos on YouTube.

Speaker 2 (31:13):
Dan Byer, what do you got in the press?

Speaker 5 (31:14):
Zuh gets the story of the day. Pete Carroll going
to be the new head coach of the Las Vegas Raiders.
He'll turn seventy four in September. Gets a three year
deal with a fourth year option to take over in
Sin City.

Speaker 1 (31:29):
Yeah, we talked about this. Top of the show we'll
talk about some in the pod as well.

Speaker 2 (31:32):
The most Raiders move ever, right.

Speaker 1 (31:35):
Super retread usc Ties has won a Super Bowl. But
it feels like it does feel like, uh, how Vegas
used to be.

Speaker 2 (31:47):
Where at the end of somebody's career, you know.

Speaker 1 (31:51):
They get a shot at what's called residency in Vegas,
the residency in Vegas.

Speaker 5 (31:57):
I brought this up with the coaching hires that we
had seen previously, and we're talking about remember the there's
the three team club. Well, Pete Carroll is in rarefied
era of becoming a head coach for four different NFL teams. Sure,
and the most notable and most recent ones Marty Schottenheimer

and Bill Parcells. Can you name all Schtenheimer's teams?

Speaker 1 (32:25):
Schottenheimer yep, Brown's Chiefs Chargers, Marty Ball. Where else did
Marty coach Brown's Chiefs Charters Chargers?

Speaker 4 (32:37):
I got it, hold on, I got it, hold.

Speaker 5 (32:40):
On, hold on, hold on, hold on.

Speaker 2 (32:42):
Hold on to see that's what I was waiting for.
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (32:45):
Dan Snyder hired him, right, That is correct?

Speaker 2 (32:49):

Speaker 5 (32:51):
With Washington one year two thousand and one, went eight
to eight that year and fired and Bill Parcells Giants Patriots.

Speaker 2 (33:02):
Giants, Patriots, Jets.

Speaker 5 (33:03):
Cowboys, Cowboys. How about them Cowboys? So now Pete Carroll
can join that elusive group finalized.

Speaker 2 (33:12):

Speaker 5 (33:12):
Jaguars officially named Liam Cohen their head coach today, doing
so on social media.

Speaker 1 (33:22):
Yeah, I mean, the Liam Cohen's story is really weird
because he turned on the job or we thought he
pulled his name out of the job. Then they fired
Trent Balkey, then they hire him, which is fine, but
apparently he told Todd Bowles he wouldn't be coming in
to work after accepting a raise because he had a
sick kid, only to then take the job. Now his
wife has said, yes, kid is in fact sick, but

did he go to the hospital or do you go
to Jacksonville to negotiate this deal.

Speaker 5 (33:47):
By the way, Jimmy Conzelman a member of the five
team coaching Rock Island Independence, then the Milwaukee Badgers, Detroit Panthers,
Providence Roller and the Chicago Cardinals, all those coaching gigs
spanning from nineteen twenty one to nineteen forty eight. That's
my team, the Independence. Let's go Cities, Baby, Let's go

h Wade Phillips actually was the head coach of six teams,
but a couple of those are on interim basis, you know,
on an interim basis. But he actually did coach six
teams at one point. Alright, most popular jersey according to
NBA store dot Com for the first half of the
NBA season belongs to guesses.

Speaker 2 (34:30):

Speaker 5 (34:31):
I'm gonna say Bronni Bronnie. I like that guess a
lot because I said on this show that Bronnie James
would be a top ten, top fifteen jersey sale this year.
We're going to find out if I'm right or wrong.
After Doug and Iowa Sam's guesses. Top selling jersey in
the NBA first half of the season Wemby, Wemby and

Iowa Sam. I don't I have no idea. Just name
an NBA yay shake. You'll just here you go perfect.
It is Steph Curry. What yes newmero?

Speaker 4 (35:05):
H know?

Speaker 5 (35:05):
Steph Curry. The most popular jersey according to the NBA
store dot Com sales for the first half of this
season Lebron's second, Jason Tatum third, Jalen Brunson fourth, Wemby
is fifth, Sga is eleventh, and Bronni James did not
make the list. I have been proven wrong. So is
Jason Stewart with his number one overall pick.

Speaker 1 (35:26):
But yeah, you know the Steph Curry thing. Can you
name the top five real quick?

Speaker 5 (35:32):
Yeah, Steph lebron YEP, Jason Tatum, Jalen Brunson, and Wembin Yama.

Speaker 1 (35:38):
Brunson's interesting one because he's the only one that was
in the Olympics last year. I think the Steph Curry
thing is about the Olympics or anything else.

Speaker 5 (35:46):
That could be, at least for his case. Brunson, New
York a lot of heat. You know, they're they're becoming
more of the squad. Anthony Edwards is six, Ja Morant seven,
Luca eight, Giannis nine, on, Nicola jokicch ten, mentioned Sga eleven,
then LaMelo Ball, Kevin Durant, Devin Booker, Donovan Mitchell rounding
out the top fifteen.

Speaker 4 (36:08):
You could have put a gun to my head. I
would have never guess that Ja Morant was.

Speaker 2 (36:11):
In the time. Oh see what you did there? Yeah,
you took a shot at that joke, didn't you. That's
what she did.

Speaker 1 (36:18):

Speaker 7 (36:19):
You got those those Golden State Warrior like throwback jerseys,
like they're red, blue and yellow. I really didn't like
them at first, but now they're starting to grow on
me a little bit. Is that why people are buying those?
I know it's the Olympics too, but I think that
Steph Curry throwback Warrior's jersey would be cool.

Speaker 5 (36:36):
I just want to know what the NBA is going
to do in twenty years when you want to wear
a throwback jersey and you've had nineteen different ones spanning
two seasons. It's a joke. It's it's I know, I
understand that everything is for me and this probably isn't
for me, but it is just it's absurd. I can't
stand it. Memphis wearing these red uniforms the other night.

What are we doing? It's so annoying.

Speaker 7 (37:04):
All Right the time, I'm with you, Dan, I'm for uniform, purity, colors, purity.

Speaker 5 (37:09):
You and Jared Smith said a little while ago. College
Football's national championship game, not next season, but the season after,
will be held in Las Vegas January twenty. Fifth of
twenty twenty seven has won the championship game of the
twenty twenty seven
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