All Episodes

August 4, 2023 38 mins

Doug talks about Shohei Ohtani's performance on Thursday night and how he was shown looking down in the dugout as his team found a way to lose the game. Former NFL executive and General Manager of the Bucs Mark Dominik joins Doug to talk about protecting quarterbacks, the Jets' showing in the Hall of Fame game, and all of the other major headlines around the NFL. Plus, Monse Bolanos takes Doug through the Friday edition of "The Press". 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
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should be really really should be. Uh, we got a
brought pretty scare, We got Mark Dominic. We got continued
discussion on the college landscape that seems to be shifting

with Oregon and Washington reportedly leaving the Pac twelve for
the Big Ten, which means Arizona at least and maybe
others will be going to the Big twelve. More on that,
Montsial join us if something breaks, right, something breaks? Uh,
do we have that's baseball? D do we have it?
Where's Where's that's baseball? Because man, last night that was

a hard one. I mean, that is the classic. Do
you guys see the video of what looked like sho
Tani almost crying when they lost.

Speaker 2 (01:16):
He should cry, he should Yeah.

Speaker 3 (01:18):
Yeah, he should be crying. You needs to get out
of there.

Speaker 1 (01:22):
I mean, that was just that was hard to watch,
hard to watch.

Speaker 3 (01:27):
I was I was telling John is there a is
there a game? Is there? Three hours? To better represent
shoho Tani's time in Anaheim? Then having him pitching a gem,
leaving the game, then adding an insurance home run, just say, hey, guys,

I'm gonna help you out. I I pitched, I pitched
you through this, I'm gonna I'm gonna give you an
insurance home run, and then only for the Angels to
lose it in the ninth. To me, that's a microcosm
of his entire Anaheim experience, is that he gave the
fans all he could to cheer about. He left them
in a good position, and they failed him miserably.

Speaker 1 (02:12):
Well, it's I mean one guy who failed him, right,
I mean, last night he was for people who didn't
follow the game. They're up three to one. On the
bottom of the eighth inning, solo home run by shoey Otani,
which goes back to the why are you pitching to him? Right?
And I guess C. J. Crohn's who's you know, who's
behind him now? Gives them a little bit of pop.

But like I, it's three to it's two to one.
You know, why are you pitching? I would never pitch
to him ever, ever, ever, But they went and put
in uh, Carlos Steves and Carlos steps is a big
old dude six six, two seventy seven and previous to

the last night had a really good home e er.
And I mean, just what do all those ninth I mean, John,
you know this. What is the first thing that usually
happens in a ninth inning rally?

Speaker 3 (03:10):
A walk?

Speaker 2 (03:11):
Yes, the walk is I tell the boys on the
on the baseball ebum, walk is death. A walk not
the exact words I used to the boys. I say
a walk is death because they will score count on it.

Speaker 1 (03:27):
I mean you have to make uh cal Raley he
walks cal Raleigh And look, cal Raley's got some decent
power numbers, but he's hitting two twenty nine, Like, dude,
make him put it in play. Then he walks ty France.

Speaker 2 (03:46):
If one walk is bad, Doug, two walks is even worse.

Speaker 1 (03:49):
All that now, that is that is actually death. That
is actually death, you know, and uh the and you
give up a home run like, oh my goodness.

Speaker 3 (04:02):
Well you missed a couple of steps. So he somebody
singles in there, so it's basils loaded. I think he'll
he got a strikeout, so it's Bazels voted one out,
I think I want to say.

Speaker 1 (04:12):
So he walks Raleigh, he walks France. Yeah, uh, Canzoni
singles to write, So basses are loaded. He strikes out
Hernandez and Marlow comes up.

Speaker 3 (04:24):
Marlow. So I have no idea who Marlowe is till
it Marlow, I don't know, but he it was. It
was marl It was two pitch.

Speaker 1 (04:33):
This is what makes Cad marlow Okay, who's twenty six.
You know, he barely played you know, he's played in
what twelve games this year. And we do look at
this as as the Angels, like, we gotta feel kind
of good for Cad Marlowe. But yes, O, two pitch
that has to be nowhere near nowhere near anywhere he

can hit the ball. And he leaves it up in
the zone and Kate Marlowe takes it to right field
out there, Wally World.

Speaker 2 (05:02):
By the way, I'm looking at the So when when
Hernandez struck out Doug, the Seattle win probability was twenty
seven point four percent. After the home run, it jumped
the ninety two point two percent. So that's a hell
of a jumb that's a plus sixty four percent jump
in one pitch.

Speaker 3 (05:23):
Grand slams on the ninth will do that.

Speaker 2 (05:25):
That'll do it.

Speaker 1 (05:26):
I mean, that was that was so hard to watch.
It was that was painful to watch.

Speaker 2 (05:32):
But I do think Jason's point is a valid point,
which is it is painful to watch as the Angels fan,
but it it it's more painful to watch as a
shoeo tany fan for your team, the Angels, because it's
just that's not what you want to see.

Speaker 1 (05:49):
You don't see. Yeah, what I mean, you held on
to him for this very game right where you're and
this is the I mean, like, look, they had a
tough road swing against really good teams.

Speaker 2 (06:00):
It's getting harder.

Speaker 1 (06:00):
They're playing the Mariners. The Mariners at the time, they
both had fifty six wins at the time, and Carlos
Stevens has been good.

Speaker 2 (06:09):
The first slave by the way, I'm a first blown save.

Speaker 1 (06:12):
Yeah, yeah, but the difference is and I think as
Chase two point out, he pitches great, he leaves him
with the lead, he hits a home run just for
good measure, you hand it off to your closer who
hadn't blown a save in you know, you're not must
win territory, but you know against the team you're going
to compete for a wild card spot in on your

home turf. Like that's that's a hard one. And now
you've lost three in a row, you've lost five of
your last seven, and you're just kind of hanging on
and that that should have been that's they should have
been a win. Now they have three more against Seattle,
three more three against San Francisco, all at home, before
they hit the road to Houston, who's obviously very good,

Texas is the best in the league, then Tampa at
home since he at home, and then along road swing.

Speaker 3 (07:00):
So in other words, the Mariner game last night is
one of the few winnable games on the schedule, and
you had them and you had to be that's so demoralizing.
That's why he was crying.

Speaker 1 (07:12):
Yes, that one's a hard one. That's just one that
you're like, was the one hundred and sixt two games?
One game doesn't matter? Like really really, one game can
absolutely matter at that level. The French fresh scent of
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the Irish Spring at a local retailer today. There was
a Hall of Fame football game last night. Did you
guys watch anybody watch Jase too? How much did you watch?

Speaker 3 (07:43):
I didn't watch any of it, but I'm always on
Twitter because I'm a degenerate, so I.

Speaker 1 (07:48):
Watched your degenerate Twitter at Yeah.

Speaker 3 (07:50):
I watched the blue check marks, watch the game, and
I follow it that way. I do a lot of
sports that way.

Speaker 2 (07:57):
By the way, Doug, I asked, Jason, is it Twitter?
Is it still is an X? Okay, that's what I thought.
But but Jason, you said you did.

Speaker 3 (08:06):
What the U R L If you still type twitter,
dot com goes to X. So I think until that changes,
I'm gonna call it twitter. Is that a good rule? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (08:19):
Yeah, I think so. You can. You can? You can
do that? Sure? Why not? I don't see any reason
why not none.

Speaker 3 (08:27):
Go to your computers right now.

Speaker 1 (08:28):
All the listeners, it says X well everybody, well, tweet
deck is x pro.

Speaker 4 (08:37):

Speaker 3 (08:37):
I mean if you type in www dot x dot com,
you it takes you to Twitter dot com. Okay, place
on the u r L. It takes you. Yeah, triple
x dot com in trouble.

Speaker 1 (08:55):
Uh So okay. Not having watched a down, what is
your takeaway from the from the Hall of Fame game?

Speaker 3 (09:05):
There was there was one. There was one bomb that
Zach Wilson threw from the end zone that at least
one of the angles, like the behind the end zone angle.
It looked like a really impressive throw. I think you
could probably ask Mark Dominic next next uh, after the break, Like,
I don't know if it was an impressive throw, but

it sure got a lot of people talking on Twitter
that it was a really good throw. That and then
when the whites went out and then Aaron Rodgers retreated
to the darkness because the lights were out.

Speaker 1 (09:39):
John, how much did you watch the game?

Speaker 2 (09:40):
I'm with I'm with Jason.

Speaker 3 (09:43):
I didn't.

Speaker 2 (09:43):
I did not watch one, but I did see the
Twitter thing about Wilson, So yeah, that definitely was the
one thing I caught from the game was that that
impressive throw that everybody was like, not going to change
anybody's mind that he should start now. But it's definitely
so I don't know why it was. So why would
that Doug be the thing then? Because people are like,
ah see, should know what I got Aaron Rodgers?

Speaker 1 (10:05):
This guy complaining no, I don't think anybody said that.

Speaker 4 (10:07):
Okay, so there wasn't.

Speaker 2 (10:08):
There wasn't anybody, then what's the point of that? Just
showing and said like, hey, look at this, Like what's
the point of it?

Speaker 1 (10:14):
Like, well, he was the number two pick in the draft, John,
and like.

Speaker 2 (10:17):
No, I understand that, But my point is that why
why would we put that into Twitter as this like
everybody's showing me like look at this, Like what is that?
If you had a guy on your basketball team that
was a good player, but you picked up another really
good player that was better, and then that guy in
your game hit a three point shot and are you
going to start him over that other guy for the
rest of the season?

Speaker 1 (10:37):
But nobody said starting him. It's just like whoa whoa is?
Aaron Rodgers had an effect on Zach Wilson.

Speaker 2 (10:43):
Oh Okay, so that was that was a takeaway. It
has he had an effect on him, Okay.

Speaker 1 (10:48):
I think, I think.

Speaker 3 (10:50):
But it was just one throw in a vacuum. It
one one amazing throw.

Speaker 1 (10:55):
It was a terrific throw. It wasn't an a vacuum,
was on a football field.

Speaker 3 (11:00):

Speaker 1 (11:02):
If he threw it in a vacuum, that would be
really impressive, sucked.

Speaker 2 (11:05):
Back into his hand.

Speaker 3 (11:06):
I think a vacuum would have been more like I
guess would have been a better venue because the what
not only did the lights go out, but they had
some other field issues I want to say, communication issues
or did you watch it? MONTI?

Speaker 5 (11:19):
I didn't watch it all.

Speaker 2 (11:20):
I was at the Dodgers game.

Speaker 3 (11:21):
You're with us.

Speaker 1 (11:22):
I mean, I'll be honest. I was at a restaurant
and it was on. It was a dinner like opening
to the restaurant thing somebody invited me to and it
was I mean, I mean, like, look, as soon as
they showed Aaron Rodgers in a Jets T shirt, I
was like, well, it's a good thing. I didn't sit
around my house to watch this, you know. And then

I saw the throat, like here's the thing that people
think is like, well, Zach Wilson stinks, like, Okay, he's
not good, but that doesn't mean he can't make a
good throw. It's like when people say Lamar Jackson can't throw,
it doesn't mean he physically can't throw a football. It
just means that in comparison to his contemporaries at his level,
he's not nearly as efficient as other people. It's not

like like like Tim Tebow couldn't throw football physically, couldn't
throw a spiral, wasn't good. But for the most part,
every other NFL quarterback and they could throw a ball.
It's just very levels of accuracy and strength and ability
to read a defense. I think that's what that was about,
is the massive overreaction of he stinks and they're like, oh, okay,

maybe he doesn't stink. He could still stink. He just
made one really good throw. Just made one really good throw.
Stug Gotlib show here at Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 4 (12:36):
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Speaker 1 (12:51):
One up Doug gollib Show Fox Sports Radio coming to
you from the Tyrat dot Com studios. So apparently there
was a scare Brock Purty scare in practice. Not no,
not that kind of scare. It was the kind of

scare where Brock Purty, who of course, is returning from
an elbow procedure. Right, we don't have surgeries anymore. We
have procedures. Now, by the way, would that be a
legal procedure if you didn't do it correctly? Anyway? So
you had some kind of scare? Do you hit his
head hand on somebody's helmet? Is that what happened?

Speaker 3 (13:32):
Defensive lineman U Klellan. Farrell's hand came down towards Purdy's
throwing arm, and Purdy kind of cringed. You're not supposed
touch the quarterback. But the whole thing has always been like,
how do you unteach instincts of these defensive players? Like
that seems to be the balance during these these training

camp practices.

Speaker 1 (13:54):
Right. Plus Farrell is famously right, he famously terrible first
round pick for the Las Vegas Raiders. Imagine if he
ended up hurting the Raiders and then hurting the Niners. Man,
Oh jeez uh, here's Kyle Shanahan. I won went through

his mind.

Speaker 6 (14:19):
I got to remind defensive guys that every single play
on whoever's that quarterback for my whole career, and that
will continue. But yeah, it is a lot more sensitive
when you see it happened to a guy that that
ended his season that way last year. But I mean
that's all we talk about. I mean, that's what kind
of That's what killed Trey his first two years was
hitting his finger on a helmet and breaking it, and
that messed him up for about a year and a half.

So that's one of the biggest things that we emphasize
every day in this room and team meetings is how
to get better but not hurt the quarterback. So I
don't lose my mind. I could see it was all right,
but I definitely and the guy. I mean, it's human nature.
I mean the only way you can finish his sack
is if you run, run, and reach, and those guys
do it, and that's why we have to get on
them all the time not to do it, because it

is human nature. And then they all do it and
they pull their hands back like they did it. I
used to get annoyed when coaches would make such a
big deal about it when I was younger, it was like,
chill out, man, just let them play football. That's not
the end of the world. And then eventually you coach
long enough and you lose players and practice to some
things like that, and you realize how big of a
deal it is.

Speaker 1 (15:20):
Yeah. No, I mean it's all of that is reasonable.
How do you unteach stuff? And even though you're not
hitting guys, you know, you also can't take away. It
reminds me of is it Madagascar? John, John, you can
relate to this more Madagascar? Right?

Speaker 5 (15:35):

Speaker 1 (15:36):
Where Alex the lion? And what's the zebra's name is?
Best friend?

Speaker 3 (15:42):

Speaker 2 (15:42):
Good question. Been a while since I seen Matta Gascar
Herbert huh?

Speaker 3 (15:48):
I just assumed to Hebert.

Speaker 1 (15:50):
No, no, no, no.

Speaker 2 (15:51):
I remember David Schwimmer played he.

Speaker 1 (15:54):
Played the giraffe. He played the giraffe.

Speaker 5 (15:58):

Speaker 1 (15:58):
What is the name of the I'll think of it here. Okay.
There's so many good actors or voices in that movie.

Speaker 3 (16:09):
Is it Marty the Zebra? Marty Marty Marty? Right?

Speaker 1 (16:13):
I mean, what a what a cast? By the way, now,
do you do you like do you thumb your nose
at the idea that it's a cast? Jase too, because
they don't actually ever work together, right, they just go
into a studio. Chris Rock, Ben Stiller, David Swimmer, Jada Pinkett, Smith,
Sasha Baron Cohen, Cedric the Entertainer, Andy Richter, Tom McGrath, Like,
what a I mean? I do not even get it.

That's an unbelievable, unbelievable set of of acteurs or voices.
It's incredible, right anyway, So Marty and Marty and Alex
are like running in Madagascar through the you know, through
like there's an open field. And keep in mind that

Alex the lion, he's used to being in the New
York Zoo in the I don't know that wasn't the
Bronx Zoo, and the I guess the zoo in uh
grens in Grand Central and uh, what's what's the park? Uh?
Central Park, Central Park, the Central Park Zoo. Right, he's
the He's the king of the Central Park Zoo. So
he's used to stakes being fed to him. And all

of a sudden, Marty's running ahead of him, and that
hunger kicks in and suddenly his best friend Marty looks
like a bunch of steaks. Just instinct takes over and
That's what happens with Cleveland Ferrell and any of these guys,
is they're sitting there going like, I'm not gonna hit
the quarterback, not gonna hit the quarterback, and then all
of a sudden, you want to make a play in practice,
and you swipe down to get the ball and you

end up hitting the guys hitting the guys surgically repaired
or it's not surgically repaired right, because it was procedure,
procedurally prepare repaired elbow. It's like the Madagascar thing. Mattic
Carscar is a good movie. It's funny, funny, all right,
let's welcome in. Let's welcome and a guy who, of

course he always one of those lions on his team.
Mark Dominic spent over twenty years in the NFL front
offices and scouting. Former gentle manager of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers,
joins us in the Doug Gottlieb Show on Fox Sports Radio.
Is there a way? Is there a way in which
you can tone it down with these defensive ends, you know,

other than just the red jersey?

Speaker 7 (18:25):

Speaker 8 (18:25):
I mean it's really hard, right, I mean you think
about that. You brought up a great point Doug. You've
got a lot of young guys that are trying to
make the club, and you know, you got to find
a way to flash, and you've got to hold strict
policies and hold really firm rules. We saw it with
the Titans, right they let go of their offensive tackle
because he couldn't keep his control on the practice field.
They've got too many fights. Same with defensive linemens in

terms of you know, trying to you know, calm down
in practices, but you know, unfortunately, injuries are just a
matter of the game and you can't control it. And
if you walk around worried about getting injured, you're gonna
get injured. So yeah, I think clubs and every tries
to do the best you can. The league certainly has
a lot of rules to try to, you know, limit injuries,
especially at that most pivotal position, but it is part

of the game.

Speaker 1 (19:07):
On the bread, No, it really is what's what's your
level of belief in brock Purty coming back from this
elbow injuries elbow procedure which is different than that Tommy
John that traditionally he would have gotten.

Speaker 8 (19:20):
Yeah, I mean my confidence level is probably ninety ninety
five percent I mean we've seen you know, so I
know it's different because it's a football player versus a
baseball player. But certainly Tommy John no longer has that
scare appeal that it used to feel like. It's almost like,
you know, a guy who tears the acl You're like, oh,
he'll be back. You know, Tommy John's even better. Sometimes
I think it's even better. So I'm very confident Brock

Purty will be back, you know, and hopefully, you know,
he's able to get on the field probably by week
one and go out there and beat the starting quarterback
for the forty nine ers team who's they've turned the
ball over to him. They've publicly said it's Brock pretty team.
He's just got to get healthy and get on the field.
So I expect him to be back and expect him
to be in there. It may be a little bit
slow start, but you the kids have got a great upstairs.

He's got a good brain and knows what to do
with the football and certain makes good decisions and as
a winner at this point, that's that's all you can
ask for.

Speaker 1 (20:10):
Let's let's get to last night. You know a lot
of people on social media want to have some big,
grand grandios. Takeaway about Zach Wilson as an evaluator, what
do anything change having watched Zach Wilson play, you know,
to make six throws.

Speaker 8 (20:26):
Yeah, you know, I mean the one thing he said
is we're coming out of college. The one thing I
thought he had was accuracy, right, especially deep ball accuracy.
He showed that with a great dime that he threw,
you know, last night in the game, and you know,
afterwards he put a shout out to Aaron Rodgers and
you know, kind of helped them with the play calls
and and kind of have a fun So it sounds
like Zach's a good spot in a good location and
he's clearly the number two there. And so that's why

they didn't want to play him very much because they
want to have their two healthy quarterbacks ready to go
for Week one. You know, I still think this is
all going to be healthy. He gets to see a
different coach and coach Hackett, who obviously has a good
relationship with Aaron Rodgers. And you know, what's the worst
thing that happens for a season is just grow underneath
Aaron and then you decided there's somewhere else you need
to be versus you know, keeping them there under his
rookie deal. But I think that, you know, there's nothing

but upside here because the supporting cast that was around
Zach Wilson wasn't great either, quite frankly, and we're going
to see what that looks like now that they've invested,
you know, obviously into those positions around the running around
the quarterback, what it's offensive line, young receiver, young tight ends,
whatever s your young running back, and we'll see what
they turned into. And maybe there's still a hope for

Zach Wilson on the other side, versus you know, some
of the other quarterbacks that have been through that, the
Jamis Winston, the quarterback of the Marcus Mariota's, the guys
that we've seen before, and the Sam Darnolds that have
had multiple shots. You know, we'll see about Zach. I
don't think the story's completely written.

Speaker 1 (21:47):
I would I would tend to agree, but but again,
we will see and it maybe you know, like a
Jordan Love and maybe just in a short instance, you know,
filling in for Aaron at some point in time, at
some point in time this year, what you think about
Joe Mixon taking less I mean report has taken less
could have been cut, but he did take a little
bit of a haircut. Your main with Bengals.

Speaker 8 (22:06):
Yeah, I'm not surprised. I think he's watched in the
running back market and saw what happened. Instead of look,
this agent probably did a good job of educating him, like, look,
here's where the market is currently. Here are the teams
that may have a need. Let's not risk this. You know,
you can either have this much or you might have
half that in the real market and you might not
get the carries. You can go be a free agent.

You might get the same amount of money, but maybe
you're not getting as many touches. So all that comes
together is say, this is what the clubs do. And
this is why I'm never hard on players who you know,
the Chris Jones of the world, who's sitting out right
now because he feels like he's underpaid, and I support that.
Go get a Chris, do you get more money? Because
what's going to happen is as soon as Chris Jones
starts playing like a ten million dollars player, they're gonna
tell him to take a pay cut down at ten million,

we're going to cut you. And so this is where
I think Kenny did a good job of understanding what
his value was, but what the market is and because
of that, he had to make the business decision. But
it's the right one for him to earn the most
money you possibly can't waste playing this game.

Speaker 1 (23:03):
Did Aaron Rodgers really take a pay cut or is
that money come back to him in some level?

Speaker 8 (23:07):
I'm sure there's a lot of marketing opportunities in the
New York media. So I have a feeling, somehow, some
way there'll be some marketing marketing deals or something that's
going to clean up the backside of that a little bit,
because I haven't met too many people that are willing
to give up that much money in my life.

Speaker 1 (23:22):
Yeah, there has to be, because the last two years avoidable.
There has to be some kind of wing wink non agreement.
We're going to redo that deal next year and then
push that away and then you'll get that back, right probably,
I mean.

Speaker 8 (23:33):
You can't really do that, but you certainly can get
your market He will certainly help your marketing tep here
in New York be able to find you more opportunities
throughout the city, and you know, hopefully it will lesson
just what you're this gift you're giving to the organization
and so to speak. And again that's all hyperbole, but
certainly that's doesn't it doesn't fit his character. Right, here's

Aaron Rodgers out suddenly the guy that everybody's like, Ah,
he's kind of self patient, can't get along with his family,
and now he's like, this is the greatest guy. He
gave back thirty five million dollars because he cares. You know,
I don't.

Speaker 4 (24:04):
I just don't.

Speaker 8 (24:05):
Again, Tom Brady doesn't give back thirty five millions that
I know of, I don't think. I don't think Aaron.

Speaker 1 (24:08):
Rodgers lit Deshaun Watson. Forget about the off the field stuff,
you know, for the sake of this this interview. Can
he get back to the level that he was, that
he was a value that that people believed he was
at in Houston? And I say that just because on
this show we've talked about, you know, based upon people
I've talked to, HS Like, I don't know if he
was ever as good as people like to say or think.

It was still kind of an upside, but he was
very effective, but he was not last year. Is it
still there?

Speaker 8 (24:39):
I don't think it can go away, you know, And
that would be one of those people that said absolutely,
I traded to Shawn Watson because of his talent at
the position. I thought, you know, his last year he
was probably top five quarterback in the NFL. I thought
that he was that good. Now last year it was terrible.
Now the only thing you got to give you hope is,
you know, he wasn't able to do anything over the
last year and a half or so. Now he had

nothing but football to focus on, and not the distractions
that he's had before or the situation he put himself into.
That's all behind him, and so I got to think
I am almost I'd be shocked if it was anything
similar to what we saw last year. He had too
many years of you know, Christen c before that that
says that should be all gone already at his age.
So my gout instinct is because he's been able to

think and focus on football and being in the same
system and now getting more comfortable with everybody and everything
and not having all those for you know, the thoughts
in all the distractions, I think you're going to see
at Deshaun Watson, who's going to be much more like
the thirty touchdown maybe ten interceptions. I don't know if
he'll be the forty touchdown guy, but I do think
I'd be surprised if it's not a line of thirty
touchdowns with ten interceptions.

Speaker 1 (25:42):
Stug Gottleib's show here on Fox Sports Trading. We were
at RAMS camp. Was that yesterday, guys? Or was that
the day before? I think it was yesterday, Right, we
were at RAMS camp yesterday and kind of a weird team, right,
like thirty five guys in their rookie contracts. Right, Well,
they've gone from starred laden trying to win a Super
Bowl to they still have some stars, but very much

of a rework work in progress. I don't I don't
know how you feel about Seattle. I don't think Seattle
was a fluke last year, but I do think they
benefited from so many of the injuries in the division.
In fact, the NFC is down, and the motivation of
everybody thinking they were tanking. You know, Arizona is going
to be down. San Francisco very talented, but you know,

we will wait and see. On the quarterback situation. Where
are you in the Rams?

Speaker 8 (26:31):
Yeah, you know, I think it's interesting I think you
bring up a great point. They're clearly rebuilding the team
with not touching the quarterback or the defensive tackle. Right
They're going through a transition right now that we're seeing
with our eyes in terms of the youth movement, and
the draft's going to have to be critical for them.
The unique thing I think for the Rams is they
put they put the work into the draft. They don't
want to disrespect it, but they don't go to the
Singer Bowl, they don't go to the Combine, they don't

they don't do all the traditional scouting stuff that we
see so many teams do in the National Football League.
And you wonder if that's going to come back to
either that works for them or these players not pan
out the way that they're hoping for in you know,
this next coming month to two months while they put
this team together. I think the Rams are still dangerous though.
I mean, you know, hopefully Cooper cups back on the field.
You know, the wide receiver rooms got to stay healthy.

That's Jefferson as well, needs to stay on the football field.
There'd be a big boost for this offense. But you know,
you can look at the Rams and again, I think
their weaknesses that they're not strong and they're not physical
like they when they lost Whitworth, they lost a presence
about their offensive line. It's just a nastiness or a
toughness about them, and they got walked over. And you know,
they got to hopefully find that back this year to

be a more physical football team upfront at the line
of scrimmage, and that's going to be the big piece.
But I think this division is open, a very open.

Speaker 1 (27:40):

Speaker 8 (27:40):
You know, I don't think he's going to run away
with it. And I also, you know, I don't think
that the forty niners are you know, everybody's got them.
As a real media sweetheart, Vida Darlin, I think you're right.
I think there's still a lot to go through because
we don't know if brock pretty could make it to
a season let all, instead the season well, we also don't.

Speaker 1 (27:54):
I mean, like, I think he's really good. He's really
but it was in limited instances last year. And you know,
you see, guys, big, it's a book on you, and
we don't know how good, how good you are.

Speaker 8 (28:05):
Yeah, no, it's exactly right. So now I think ken
and six gets you out of that division by winnings
that division. I don't know if there's I don't think
there's a team that it goes twelve to five. I
don't think anybody's that talented. I don't think the forty
nine ers are that talented because I think they always
battle ahead winds with injuries, and that's I think something
they're going to deal with for a while still, just
based off of the amount of images I've seen that
team half. So not that I hope that or wish

it on anybody, but I think that division is very
much open, and I don't even think the Rams are
knocked out of it.

Speaker 1 (28:32):
Is Baker Mayfield, give me the starting quarterback for the Buccaneers.

Speaker 8 (28:35):
Boy, it's it's certainly you know, Coaching Bowles is certainly saying,
saying and sounding like it's very much open competition. Kyle
Trask has gone in days it's up to an interception.
Uh So everybody's kind of got their eyes on this,
and that's why I think that they're trying to alert
everybody to say, this is a poor gone conclusion. This
thing's open, because I think in case it becomes Week one,

Kyle Trask is a starter or no one's really shocked,
and so there's certainly open up the veil and say
this a legit quarterback competition, and we're gonna have three games,
and we also have the joint practices which will be
a big pieces of equation as well, and then we'll
see who the Bucks trot out there week one. But
I don't think this is Baker Mayfield's team. I think
Baker Mayfield probably was feeling very confident. But to Kyle Trask,

you could look at it either way, right, Doug, either
neither one of here playing great, Kyle's playing good enough,
or Kyle trust has really take an enormous step and
is outperforming Baker Mayfield. Now, I think we'll have a
better sense once we actually see them in process in
the preseason.

Speaker 1 (29:31):
Yeah, I think it's very much up in the air.
I mean, everybody you talked to will say the exact
same thing. It is really up in the air in
regards to In regards to Baker, which is I mean,
remarkable kind of fall from grace right considering where he was,
and he did have he had that one crazy game
with the Rams with the Rams last year, but that's

where I think his career tends trends to right, he
becomes the consummate backup, you know, maybe maybe transition to
your starter right. Whereas Kyle Trask, he's got years of
sweat equity. A couple of years there with the Buccaneers,
he was the heir apparent, and it looks like, you know,
he's been motivated by them going out and getting not
just handing him the job.

Speaker 8 (30:15):
Yeah, And I wonder if Baker Mayfield can handle that
role of knowing that he's the number two. I just
I think he's wired a little different than that way
that I don't even know if he'll be able to
handle that.

Speaker 7 (30:24):
You know.

Speaker 8 (30:24):
I think what happened with Baker's he caught some fames,
some success, took it all the way to the television commercials.
Too many of that, too much focus on everything else,
and I think that hurt him. And I think it's
you know, it's twel those six. I don't know if
he'll play the game for the love game, and I
don't I don't know Baker Mayfield got well at all,
but I worry about that with him. So I don't
think if he's not the starter, I don't know how
good of a room that's going to be for him

to be in because I don't know if you can
handle that at all.

Speaker 1 (30:48):
One of the people in the league saying about about
the Patriots because there was this weird there's been these
weird stories about the relationship between quarterback and Belichick. Obviously
they had the weird open last year, which seems to
be stabilized a Bill O'Brien, And now you have in
that division, maybe you know the Dolphins, we're on a
we're right there in the thicket things before TWOA got

hurt great and I'm not a huge too a guy.
Bills are an elite, elite team and have been the
last couple of years, and now the Jets look like
they got a shot. What are everybody saying about the Patriots.

Speaker 8 (31:21):
I think the Patriots are telling you they're not sure
that they've got a very good team either. They're bringing
through a lot of people, certainly the running back position.
They're not sure about that. They're bringing everybody to this.
They get a discount deal, they bought Hopkins through, and
I think they're they're looking at their roster realizing I
don't think they're going to score enough points.

Speaker 1 (31:35):

Speaker 8 (31:36):
I just think that that's gonna be their problem. They're
gonna they're gonna be a team that you know, chugs
along and gets fourteen to twenty one, twenty four points
when the league keeps moving towards trying to score thirty
and everybody else in their divisions like we're trying to
score thirty. And I think that's gonna be the problem
with the Patriots that I think they're a little slow
also because they're going through a little bit of an
age transition too, So I don't think they're a really
fast team. I don't think they're an explosive team in

terms of scoring points. I think that's gonna be a
long frustrating year for Patriot because they're well coached, but
you you've got to have some out out of the
coach sea.

Speaker 1 (32:04):
Yeah, I mean Hall of Famer is a coach, but
not necessarily as a GM, and that seems to be
at least partially they're undoing. Mark Dominic spent twenty years
in the NFL front office in scouting. He joins this
weekly here in the Doug Gottlieb Show, where he makes
us much smarter football fans. Mark, have a great weekend.
Thanks for joining us.

Speaker 4 (32:20):
Be sure to catch the live edition of The Doug
Gottlieb Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio in the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 9 (32:32):
U Zuna belts one way up in the air, deep
the left field and that's out of the ball park.
Going together out there on the Waitland Avenue and the
Braves go back to back for the fourteenth time this year.
Five enough in Atlanta, pitch on the way in the ground,
ball to first, Matt's got it, says, I'll take this,
takes you to the bag.

Speaker 3 (32:51):
Braves win it now.

Speaker 9 (32:52):
They come into Chicago and blash the Cubs in Game
one and win by a final score of eight to nothing.

Speaker 1 (33:12):
That is our progressive play of the day. Progressive making
things even easier. They help you bund to your home
and car insurance together you can save on both themoprogressive
dot com or called one eight hundred progressive and Braves
just continue on. Man, what a what a team? Seventy
wins You heard from Monsey last seg brais Radio network.
They call, they shut out, the Cubs ate nothing but

the good news for Chicago is day game got the
night hang out. Let's get to Monci with the press.

Speaker 4 (33:40):
The press.

Speaker 1 (33:44):
Monseig what do you got Well?

Speaker 5 (33:46):
Netflix is releasing their third season of Untold, and their
second episode is Johnny Football. It's supposed to air on Tuesday.
About four hours ago, they released a trailer for it.
It's about Johnny Manziel, who was a Texas A and
M star quarterback and was drafted in the NFL. He
was a twenty twelve Heisman Trophy winner. A lot of

information has come out, tough details. Apparently in twenty fifteen
he began using oxycon and cocaine daily. He dropped from
two hundred and fifteen pounds in January twoe hundred and
seventy five in September. He was released by the Browns.
In March of twenty sixteen, he had a misdemeanor assault
charge after being accused of hitting and threatening his then girlfriend.

Then he was released. That happened in January of twenty sixteen.
After he was released, Manzell says that he tried to
commit suicide. He went on this five million dollar bender,
was doing basically everything to self sabotage himself. He bought
a gun, Doug, and he actually used it, but when
he pulled the trigger, the weapon malfunctioned. He said it

just clicked on him. He says he doesn't know what
happened till this day, but it didn't go off. He
actually used the gun.

Speaker 1 (34:59):
Crazy man crazy. I mean, it's it's sad, and obviously
you just hope that now he's seeing the other side,
needs a better place. But so hard apparently he made
Look those of us who have a self destruction button,
that is that is easily hit, and I can speak
to that one. I understand. I just and I've seen

some dark places, not thankfully not to that level.

Speaker 2 (35:22):
Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 5 (35:23):
For sure, he had tough time to keep keeping a
good relationship with his family after that because he didn't
want treatment. But hopefully it seems as though, like you said,
he has gotten past that and he's on the other
side of things. But wow, wow, just so dark. Earlier
today was reported that Oregon and Washington are finalizing a
deal to join the Big Ten Conference, but North Carolina

director Bubba Cunningham was not a fan of Florida State,
basically publicly saying that they want to leave the ACC
unless there were changes to the conference's revenue distribution model.
This is what Bubba Cunningham said on the Adam Gold
Show about Florida State.

Speaker 7 (36:03):
If they want to leave, then you know that's going
to be their choice, but there are certain obligations.

Speaker 4 (36:08):
That they do have.

Speaker 7 (36:09):
We have an exit fee and we have a grant
of rights. I believe that the ACC is a great league.
It's been a great league for a long time. They're
frustration about the money. Everyone would like to have more money,
and everyone would like to win more. But we're in
an outstanding league and if last I checked, the ACC
won nine national championships last year, more than any other

league in the country.

Speaker 1 (36:31):
So we're doing something right.

Speaker 7 (36:33):
What they want to do and how they want to
go about doing their business, that is their business, but
it does have an impact on us, and quite frankly,
I don't think it's good for our league for them
to be out there barking like that, and I'd rather
see them, you know, be a good member of the
league and support the league, and if they have to
make a decision, then so be it. Pay for the
exit fee, wait for your granted rights that you've given,

and then when in twenty thirty six when those rights
return to you, do whatever you want.

Speaker 5 (37:00):
The exit fee is one hundred and twenty million.

Speaker 1 (37:03):
Yeah, that's where Bubba's calling bs. Yeah, yeah, you know,
And what happens is you got to get a bunch,
you got to get the league to somehow get broken
up in order to get out of those fees. And
that's not happening. I've known Bubba for a long time.
Phenomenal dude. I do it is It makes you chuckle
a little bit when you go like, hey, how many
national championships did the ac SE win last year?

Speaker 7 (37:25):

Speaker 1 (37:26):
You're like, yeah, okay, I mean Miami went to the
final four, but it wasn't exactly a great year for
the sports that that matter. I mean, I look, you
talk about national championship, what's going to happen to Stanford sports?
You know, they've just been dominant across the board in
so many of the Olympic sports. How are they affected?
But Bubba just laying down the facts there, Florida State
not going anywhere for a while. That's the press.

Speaker 2 (37:47):
That is the press that.

Speaker 1 (37:51):
You get out there and press that was the press.
All Right, I got a big weekend for you. Next
week is a game week. You'll see all these teams
play in preseason action. We will we will be a
Chargers camp the fourteenth, though, so no training camp next week.
You're gonna love the end of the Bonus podcast. It'll
be live at the top of the hour your iHeart
Podcast Network. This is Doug Gottlieb Show. Fox Sports Radio
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