All Episodes

April 29, 2024 32 mins

Doug gives out an idea that would make the NFL Draft even more popular and relevant than it already is. Doug reacts to Colin Cowherd's take on the Cowboys. Plus, Doug gives out his Pick Of The Day.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
All right, this is the Doug Gottlieb Show. Here's in
the Bonus with Doug gottli What.

Speaker 2 (00:10):
A Dog Gottlieb's show in the Bonus and Fox Sports
Trading the Heart Radio app.

Speaker 3 (00:16):
Welcome in.

Speaker 2 (00:32):
So I have a question for you, guys. What is
the number one topic in your mind that you want
to talk about in sports? Okay, the number one topic
that you want to talk about in sports? And I
ask you because I ask you because look, the NBA playoffs,

the last game last night concluded, concluded, concluded late in
the evening. You know what, let me let me not
even throw it throw it out.

Speaker 1 (01:08):
Let me just.

Speaker 2 (01:10):
Jason Stewart in our meeting. The number one topic you
believe that you want you want to talk not what
America wants here. What you want to talk about most
is what.

Speaker 4 (01:22):
Probably the Kevin Durant Suns. You know, me, I skew
negative and Kevin Durant failing again with another super team.
That's interesting to me.

Speaker 2 (01:36):
Okay, Jason, Sam, what would be the one thing that
you want top of the most?

Speaker 5 (01:43):
I'd say I'm fascinated and intrigued, drawn in by how
conference realignment's going down in college football what do you mean,
what did it look like in a year from now,
five years from now?

Speaker 2 (01:56):
Wait? Really today? Why? Why today? Do you want to
talk about conference re alignment? I'm I'm interested. Something happen
over the weekend I wasn't aware of.

Speaker 1 (02:03):

Speaker 5 (02:03):
I just it's gonna be weird, man, It's just a weird.
Like I've already got my you know, we had the
draft and I got it out.

Speaker 2 (02:09):
I'm I just that's a that's an interesting one. Well
the draft part is where what what you got me to?
In a very strange facts?

Speaker 5 (02:20):
Talking college football? These guys going in the pros, and
I escape just continues to change.

Speaker 2 (02:25):
I got. So here's I'm going to be critical of
the NFL, and I may be I may be wrong.
I'm allowed, I allow myself the right to be wrong. Okay,
Thursday night is gigantic. Do we have Do you have
the numbers? Jay stew On on what their rating was

on Thursday night? I'm sure it's substantial, but I think
they made a calculated mistake and I have an easy
fix for it. Do you guys want to hear it?

Speaker 4 (02:58):
Let's do it.

Speaker 2 (02:58):
Okay. So, one of the things the NFL does a
great job of is putting their programming on at the
and the correct day that we can follow watch, and
then it also allows us generally to talk about it
the next day.

Speaker 4 (03:13):
I got thirty four point one or thirty four point
three million viewers between all the networks.

Speaker 2 (03:18):
That's amazing. That's a gigantic number. Remember we're talking about
how many million people watch the WNBA Draft, and like people,
we made it out to be this gigantic thing.

Speaker 4 (03:27):
Wasn't it like seventeen or something?

Speaker 1 (03:28):

Speaker 2 (03:29):
Two point four million? Huh for the WNBA Draft was
how many two point four two point four? The NFL
has how many? Thirty three? Thirty four thirty four? Okay,
so big boy, cool story. But again I'm not diminishing
the WNBA Draft. That's a gigantic number, but the NFL

one is a I mean, that's a bohemoth. But it's
really hard on a Monday to find juicy topics to
talk about. Now. Part of it was the Thursday night
allowed for like a Thursday night football where we could
talk about the Michael Pennocks Draft and the first round
on a Friday. I get that, but if you are

the NFL, shouldn't Sunday night be the be draft night,
right think about it, Sunday night be drafting, And the
reason is you could then have Monday night, like a
Monday Night Football, for the rest of the draft or
for the second day of the draft. I want you
to be on. Unless you are hard hard, hard fucking

core like you are, let's just be honest, a complete loser.
You might have you had it on your phone or
maybe you had it up as background, but all weekend
you didn't pay attention to the NFL Draft. Stop lying
if you said you did. And so the benefits of
it are it still helps you. Sunday night is still

the night to get gigantic numbers, but it also allows
for an entire week of discussion about the NFL Draft,
Whereas we had the build up to the draft, which
was ultimately on a Thursday Friday, we talked about it
and now it's really forced. Now it's just really forced
right now. So my suggestion for NFL Draft is, why

not do it on Sunday night. Why not do it
on Sunday night? Just go hey, we're gonna do it
on Sunday night. It doesn't and if it conflicts in
terms of ESPN, I know because the game's late, Like, dude,
you can't tell me. ESPN coming off of NBA games
into that would be amazing. But I found myself driving

to work today thinking, God, NFL topics seem like they're
two or three days old, and what's important in sports
is just important life is. We are in an instant
reaction society, and people's attention span does move on. And
that's why I think, Jason, why your mind is like, hey,
let's talk about the Sun's losing instead of talking about

some of the bizarre draft picks that were made.

Speaker 4 (06:04):
Interesting to say that because First Take Today Shannon Sharp
doesn't do Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and one of their lead
topics today was Shannon's take on Michael Pennox to the Falcons,
and that is four days old. But because they listen
on First Take Friday, they think the viewers care.

Speaker 2 (06:25):
Well, I'm going to say something which is it is critical,
it's also fair, but I'm not going to state who
it is. There is a big time I won't say
radio or TV host. I'm not going to give it away.
That'd be unfair. Okay, but everything they have always done

is scripted. Is scripted, and the problem with scripted sports
is things change by day, like right now we're doing
this podcast. But there's a chance that while doing this
recording this podcast again, I don't think it happens, but
there's a chance that Phoenix makes a coaching change. If

Phoenix makes a coaching change, whatever we were going to
say about Phoenix changes dramatically, and we can't go by
a script that was written last night or even early
this morning. And my point is, and that guy who
does that show is very talented. I'm not in any
way diminishing their talent, but their style of doing it

really worked well in the nineties and in early two
thousands when you can get up a newspaper or get
to a website and find stories and then write about it,
and then you have kind of your takes based upon
last night's stories that appear today now everything is now
now now now now now now now now now now

now and again that So, so you understand I'm trying
to make my point where you're right the Shannon Sharp
take that has to be on Friday. It's why Bill Simmons,
I'll name Bill Simmons. Bill Simmons HBO show didn't work
because you can't record a show I think did it
run on Wednesdays or is record on Wednesdays and ran
on like Saturday or Sundays or something. I think it
ran on Sundays and they recorded on Wednesdays. You can't

do it too much changes between Thursday, Friday and Saturday
to have it and Sunday, to have it on Sunday
night running on HBO, you just can't. So I'm with you.
I do think it's a mistake. It's a mistake for
the NFL to do it on a Thursday. They're not

changing because they just got thirty four million people to
watch on Thursday. I think you get that same or
greater number on a Sunday, and then it would make
it way easier to talk about the NFL, and the
NFL would be much more relevant for a longer period
of time in the draft season. All right, let's talk
about that Phoenix Thing's talk about the Phoenix. I know

it's very easy to talk about Kevin Durant super He's
talk by Kevin Rant. But the reality is the reality
is we are prisoners of the moment. While I'm recording this,
cow Herd is I have no idea what he's asking
Rick Boker, But it's something negative about Kevin Durant. He
is clearly not on Team Durant, and I've always been

on Team Durant. But the bigger story, the reality to it,
is that was a complete mishmash. First first years are
hard with any super team. And if we remember back,
Kevin Durant was playing with the Brooklyn Nets, James Harden

was hurt or James Harden was playing with a bad hamstring.
Kyrie Irving got hurt. Even after being up two games
done and blowing out the Bucks. He got to a
game seven and he hits a three, and if his
toe wasn't on the line, they go to the finals
where the Bucks who beat them, ultimately won. So you

can sit here and tell me that this version of
Kevin Durant is not Kevin Durant last night had thirty
three points on seventeen shots. If you're killing Kevin Durant
right now, you probably didn't watch many many of the
games this year. The bigger issue is the construct of
this team was a complete disaster. And some of it

does have to do with Kevin Durant. Okay, but you
took a coach, Okay, Frank Is a data generated I
mean he loves data. Okay, he's an over preparer, and
he's a guy who loves loves the film room because

that's where he got his start in the NBA. That's
where you got to start. Actually, Kentucky as a manager
loves the film room, loves the breakdown, loves the analytics,
loves that stuff. Very detail orienton. Do you know who
else is detail oriented that's a superstar in the NBA,
Lebron James. Do you know who's not Kevin Durant. Kevin
Durant likes details. Okay, he's super bright, but he just like,

let's just go out and play. Let's just go out
and play and play hard. So what happens is, first
you have the makeup of their staff. They kept Kevin Young,
who's now the new head coach at BYU. Kevin Young
was a really well regarded assistant who did the offense
for them. So they keep Kevin Young because some of
the players like Kevin Young, and they hire Frank. I

don't know how those two got along, but it didn't
seem like the product was particularly good, and Kevin Durant
didn't like the offense. That's been noted So it starts
with the coaching staff. You hire a coach to work
with Kevin Durant. That probably doesn't work, but maybe it does.
Then you hire an assistant coach who was supposed to
possibly be the head coach, and that doesn't work between

those two guys. Oh yeah. And and I mean, if
you hadn't figured it out yet, Brad Beeal was a disaster.
Like Kevin Durant will take all the bullets in the world,
but the fact is that Brad Beal he wasn't ready
for that level. It's a completely different sport than the
one that he had been playing in Washington.

Speaker 3 (12:24):

Speaker 2 (12:25):
There's an expression in basketball it goes like this, every
bad team has a leading scorer. And what that means is,
I don't care if he averaged thirty one a game
in two thousand and one. Don't care. One, he's not
that guy anymore. He's suffered a lot of injuries. But two,
those are meaningless basketball games. These are real basketball games.

And do you know the Anthony Edwards dunk? Okay, the
Anthony Edwards dunk that essentially ended the series, amazing dunk? Right, Okay,
So you like to talk about things that went wrong,
So here's what went wrong on that play. On that iso,

Booker is supposed to go double the basketball. I know this.
I don't think this, I know this. Nonetheless, he was
in help, so either he didn't say it, or Beal
didn't hear it, or Bal didn't know what he was doing. Additionally,
it's not just on those two because then Beal reaches
and gets beat to the baseline. When he goes to

the baseline, Kevin Durant came over to help. He's the
low man. The lowman has to meet okay, has to
meet the basketball outside of the lane. So let's go
through the breakdown here. Booker didn't double when he was
supposed to double, Bal didn't force the ball to the

middle where the double was coming from, and Kevin Durant
was late, being the low man getting into help, and
so he got dunked on. So when you hear people say, hey,
they're not a connected team, that's what it means. Because
what's supposed to happen is I got ball, you know,
whatever your double call is, I'm in the middle, and

then Kevin Durant is supposed to say I got the bucket.
None of that happened, and instead it's Anthony Edwards with
a dunk, which is going to be the repetitive highlight
for years and years and years to come. This is
the Anthony Edwards announce your presence Nuklulu style with authority moment.
So it's really easy to get on to Kevin Durant

because he gives off weird vibes. He hasn't won a
title since he left Golden State, right, and he was
the easy target when he left, when he left Oklahoma City,
And we're probably right, right, We're probably right, Like they
probably had to get out of Oklama City, went to

a place one back to back finals MVPs. They would
have won three titles if he was healthy in Golden State.
But I think there's a lot more factors as to
why the Suns were a disaster, more so than Kevin Durant.
Somehow like isn't a great player, He's an all time great.
It's a bad mix, just like Lebron's going home tonight too, Okay,

And that comes down to general manager, president, coaching, all
this different stuff and players. It's a different it's a
different sport. Brad Beual was a star in Washington. He's
just another guy in Phoenix because the level of basketball,
even in the same league is completely different when they
get to the playoffs.

Speaker 6 (15:40):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Doug Gottlieb
Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon Pacific on Fox
Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 2 (15:50):
Let's get to what the Fox said and now every
day at this time in the bonus here on the
Doug Gottlieb Show on Fox Sports Radio, we play for
you a previous portion of a Fox Sports Radio or
Fox Sports One show. This is Colin Cowherd talking about
the Cowboys not drafting skill players all weekend.

Speaker 7 (16:10):
The Dallas Cowboys who did not get any better in
free agency. They had no money because they're overpaying Dak
and did not draft a running back although they need
two desperately, and they need another receiver or three, and
they only got one in the sixth round. They will
be more dependent on Dak Prescott than ever before. And

there are basic lines that we know are true. If
Dak doesn't get one hundred yards run support, he's got
a losing record. Dak has feasted on losing teams in
the NFL, So don't confuse tanking with strategy. Billionaires would
rather have an average season but maintain leverage. I mean,

Jerry's not going to super Bowls in the last twenty
five years anyway. What he doesn't want to do and
the reality of how Jerry Jones has lived the last
several years is paying a B quarterback a plus money
and he does not want to do that. Again, I
thought it was strategy.

Speaker 2 (17:14):
Yeah, I'm like, listen, the the paying Dak Prescott too
much money is a real thing, and I agree with him.
The problem is like, call hin, what's your solution? Right,
call him, what's your solution? Because it's the it'd be
the biggest dead cap hit ever. You're not gonna cut him, right,
And this allowed them to not renegotiate his deal. Otherwise

you've got to renegotiate deal, and that means you're gonna
have Dak on the rest and the roster for years
to come. This is their way of saying, hey, you
got to you gotta prove it to us, you know,
prove it to us. But I also think that I'm
going to disagree with him on running back and frankly
on wide receiver. We would all agree the Cowboys have

good players. Do the Cowboys. When they lose, they lose
because they don't have good enough players. No, they lose
because their quarterback turns the fucking ball over on two
pick six's, you know, to a defense that was so
bad they fired their defensive coordinator. Right, They don't lose
because of they don't have good enough running backs. They

don't lose because they don't have a good enough wide receivers.
They don't lose for any of that shit. They needed
help on the offensive line. They got to help on
the offensive line. I look at the Dallas Cowboys in
their draft, and they get a big time offensive lineman,
they get an edge rusher, they get a guard. Okay,

and once you get out of the and they get
a linebacker, and once you get out of that third round,
you get to the fifth round. Now you're just taking
best possible prospects. But they had the best line in football.
That line is old. It needs to be replaced. And
that's what they're doing. And my thing has always been,

and I said this with Belichick last year, and I
was wrong about Belichick. They couldn't fix it in time.
But if a group in this in this specific case,
if a group like the Dallas Cowboys front office drafts
well for a decade. Then when they draft, let's not

question who they drafted. Does that make sense? You know,
you may ask them why, Hey, why'd you get draft
these guys? It's fair, but I just and and look, Colin,
he's very likely relaying what he hears because he talks

to lots of NFL people, lots of them, and whatever
their process was, I don't know. What I can tell
you is that the Cowboys that generally have drafted very
well over the past ten fifteen years. Talent has not
been a problem. So I'm not one to question who
they draft. That's just not how I roll. That's why

we talked about the Penix thing. Like the Penix thing
in and of itself was a weird pick. But then
when you factor in that the same group had made
some disastrous first and second round picks previously, and you
start to understand why it's easy to question the selection.
Here's Dan Patrick talking about Drake made to the Patriots.

Speaker 6 (20:34):
What's the grade I'm going to give you?

Speaker 2 (20:37):

Speaker 3 (20:38):
Love what the Bears did now in three years from
now might be like, what were they doing? Why did
they take that guy? I mean, I like Justin Fields
when they took him. It just they didn't surround him
with any talent. So I could give them a good
grade on getting Justin Fields, I could give the franchise
a bad grade on what they did surrounding him. The

same with the Patriots. Drake may may be a franchise quarterback.
He better be, but are the Patriots going to surround him?
That's really the key for success. Like what I have
drafted Drake May five is the Patriots. No, I wouldn't
just because I wouldn't do that to another rookie quarterback.
The strategy behind that that felt like because I was

told the Giants were interested in going up. There were
two teams, at least two teams interested in going up
and knocking on the door with the Patriots because everybody
knew Caleb Williams would go one, Jaden Daniels two, and
were the Patriots open for business? The Giants were interested?

Speaker 2 (21:38):
Well, I agree with Dan in that you're just it's
the same strategy over and over again. They did draft
two wide receivers, and there's lots of rumors that they're
going to go out and make some plays to get
some a more talented group as well, So we'll see again.
This is just part of the story, right, It's just

part of the story. Some people think they're gonna they're
gonna go after Deebo Samuel and get them, but first
round draft picks. I mean, obviously, what Chicago was able
to do and completely revamping their offensive side of the
football and then drafting that sounds like a much better

plan than what New England's doing. But you also have
to factor in that the Bears are in a different
place than where New England is. Belichick was so good
for so long that they never drafted this high. They
just did, never drafted this high, and he wasn't particularly

good at drafting offensive players, especially wide receivers. But this
is a totally new group, and I think you gotta
give them to remember the Bears. This is year three
of Ryan Poles, right, this is year three. So they
had two top ten picks, they had a defense that

they'd already been able to build, they had a ton
of cap space, and they went out and shuffled things
around and got a whole new offense. Patriots can't do that.
They're not in that position yet. So let's see if
this plan works.

Speaker 6 (23:21):
Be sure, to catch live editions of The Doug Gottlieb
Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon Pacific on Fox
Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 2 (23:31):
This is Brady Quinn talking about Chris Ballard's rant on
unnamed sources about players leading up to the draft.

Speaker 8 (23:37):
I do tend to relate to the frustration of in
this process the person who ultimately takes the biggest beating
as the player. And it's odd, man, it really is.
When you transition from the college season to the NFL season,
it becomes so negative. It's so negative the entire process.

It's all about what these players can't do anymore, or
flaws on what the weaknesses are. And some people might
say that that's that's fun. It's a professional, you know.
That's what you're doing. You're trying to project these guys.
You got to know the good and bad. I understand that.
But what a lot of people in the outside don't
understand is that what makes it to the actual media
comes from agents, competing agents with other players, trying to

prop up, boost up their player versus another. That's where
all this information goes and gets out from. You talk
to coaches, you talk to players, people you know, they're
not telling you anything they're doing. They're just not They're
not not until maybe if you're an insider, you're you know,
talking night before the draft, you know, a couple of
days before the draft, something like that. But all this

negative stuff you hear, it usually comes from agents.

Speaker 2 (24:50):
Uh no, it doesn't. I completely disagree with Brady. I
could be wrong because Brady played in the NFL and
has covered the NFL for I know, for CBS for
a long time, cbssupports dot Com. Okay, but all of
that stuff comes from the scouts. That's where it comes from.

And oh yeah, by the way, like look, dude, the
unnamed sources rant and we played it for you on radio.
It's it's the dumbest fucking rant that people always go
on all the time, always go on all the time
because what we do is we shoot the messenger. Actually,

let's play for you. Here's here's the rent.

Speaker 9 (25:33):
I don't know. I mean, I read some of the
bullshit that was set on tea. I mean, just a
typical fucking em choose my language, our typical league unnamed sources,
you know, a bad interview. That's such bullshit. I mean,
it fucking is it's bullshit, like put your name, like,
put your name on it. I'm tired we tear these

young men down. These are twenty one, twenty two young men.
And if you can, if people out there can tell me,
they don't they're perfect in their lives. It's crap. It's crap.
This is a good kid, and you know for for that,
for those reports to come out, thank you know much.
I said it last year. It's it's bullshit. I'm sorry.

I apologize for la.

Speaker 2 (26:19):
All right, listen, here's what you can do, Chris. You
can stop fucking lying to people. Okay, stop lying to people.
Stop it. This is this is what we do. We love.
This is like sugar for people.

Speaker 6 (26:32):
Oh my god.

Speaker 2 (26:33):
Yeah, yeah, fuck the media. Okay, so do we know
what's at play here? Do you do you know Donna Mitchell?
Do you know anything about him? Okay, he's a type
one diabetic, right An unnamed source said, hey, he's fallowing
in the draft because as a type one diabetic, didn't

really take care of himself as well as he could have.
That's the unnamed source. By the way, Chris Boud, you're
a lying fucking dude right now, because you could have
taken him earlier, and you traded down to get him. Oh,
I love the kids so much. Why don't you fucking
take a break his spot? Like this is such bullshit
from Chris. Here's why you can't name a source that

talks about somebody's medical information. But we're all sitting there
going like, why is that guy falling? I remember this
happened with Do you guys remember the name of Dwan Blair.
I remember the name Dwan Blair. Okay, Duan Blair was
a star player at PITT, star player at PITT. And

I was working at ESPN on the draft at the time,
and Duan Blair was dropping, dropping, dropping, dropping, dropping in
the draft despite the fact that, like nowadays, I kind
of think if he lost weight, like he probably could
have been a beast in the NBA. But he was
an undersized big guy, but a dominant, dominant player, dominant.

He felled in the draft because he had no ACLS.
I repeat that, he had zero acls none And you
can play, you can live. Anybody who's torn to ACL
the doctor will tell you, like, you can be fine,
you can be fine, but your career as a professional

athlete will be will be much shorter, okay, because your
knees inevitably, you're gonna get a lot of pain in there,
You're gonna get a lot of swelling in there. It's
just hard. It creates so much pressure on those other
tendons and ligaments and cartilage whatever. With the wear and
tear of the NBA, your career is not gonna last
terribly long. So Duan Blair, who everyone was streaming on

Draft d eight, he was six seven, two seventy but again
different world, traditional power forward, undersized low post player. Okay,
but played I think like six seven years in the NBA,
and really it was the first five were relatively productive,
mostly off the bench, some starting for the for the

San Antonios purse, and everything those scouts told you about
not taking care of his body and having no acls
ended up becoming. It was a reason he was drafted
low and a reason that his NBA career didn't last
that long. So is the scout wrong or is the
media person wrong for letting you in that information? No? No,

So looks, listen when you're in a draft room and
you see Lad McConkie, who does not have the god
given gifts of an a donna Mitchell. They were on
the same team for two years at Georgia. Lad McConkie
went before him. Why he's seen as an incredible route runner.

And oh yeah, by the way, I'm you don't think
the type one diabetes put some turn some dudes off?
Course it does, of course it does. And how would
you get that information. You're a scout. You go do
your job. You basically hang out the University of Texas.
You talked to all the medical personnel. You know, you

live there. You got to know it own it. And
I'm sure somebody on the on the Texas staff was like, man,
he's a talented dude. He's had a great year, but
he doesn't just keep up with this. He doesn't keep
up with this stuff. Doesn't keep up with the stuff.
And if we're gonna do away with unnamed sources, well
then what do we do with deep throat? Because if

Doug Gottlieb was the one saying, hey, people at Texas
are telling me he doesn't keep himself in the best condition,
he doesn't eat right, he's type one diabetic. He doesn't
really keep an eye on it. He's been great at
the college level despite this. It would be today would
be about me, not about the pick. Chris Ballard is

dealing with this same shit that everybody always does, like, oh, Watchers,
put your name on it. The name doesn't matter, doesn't
matter at all. If it wasn't a thing, Hey, why
did he fall from the first round to late in
the second round and why did you pass on him
earlier when you could have taken him. There's obviously a

reason he felt. It doesn't mean that it ends up
becoming valid at the end of the day, the end
of the day, like man, he grew up, took care
of himself, I became a pro. He's great, Okay, good,
But what we do is and Ballard's just as guilty
as anybody. We turned the media and we would turn
against the media like it's somebody's fault. They did their
fucking job into the research that Donna Mitchell wasn't take

care of himself. That's bullshit. That's what the Fox said.

Speaker 6 (32:00):
What does the fuck say?

Speaker 2 (32:02):
Lets get to our pick of the day.

Speaker 6 (32:05):
Okay, sir, the bet is to you. It's time for
the pick of the.

Speaker 2 (32:10):
Day, all right, Ted Lakers are taking on the Nuggets.
The Oklahoma City has taken on the Pelicans, and Miami's
taken on Boston, all favorites the teams expected to win
the series, and Boston obviously can't close out tonight, but
the Nuggets can. I think I thought the Nuggets were
awful in a winnable game in Game four. Seven points.

There's a lot of points, though, but I think they
win and blow out Fashion Night. Give me the Nuggets
even though I'm laying seven. That's our pick of the day.
Thanks so much for joining us. Check out tomorrow's show
on The Doug Gottlib Show, starting at three eastern noon Pacific.
I'm Doug Gotlib.
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The Nikki Glaser Podcast

The Nikki Glaser Podcast

Every week comedian and infamous roaster Nikki Glaser provides a fun, fast-paced, and brutally honest look into current pop-culture and her own personal life.

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