All Episodes

April 3, 2019 • 124 mins

Doug tackles the news about Russell Wilson asking for a new contract and if that means he is going to be shipped out of town soon because of it. Mike McCarthy claims his ending with the Packers could have gone over better but since when has any firing ever gone well? And, are the Warriors pulling a Michael Jordan by blaming the refs to motivate themselves. And, CBS Sports NFL Insider Jason La Canfora, SB Champion Cliff Avril, and Senior NBA writer at Bleacher Report Ric Bucher all call in to talk about the latest in sports. All that and more on today's episode of The Doug Gottlieb Show!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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You're listening to Fox Sports Radio. Boom, What Up America,

Daddy's back, Doug Gottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio. Man, I
hope you're having a great day. We're getting ready to
head out to the Final four crown a national champion,
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When it's game time, have an experienced player help you
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play at Farmers dot com. Farmers Russell Russell Westbrook has
twenty twenty and twenty wow against the Lakers G League team,
but nonetheless we'll cover that. Um, it does feel like
the Golden State Warriors are actually taking part of the

playbook of Michael Jeffrey Jordan. Get to that. Mike McCarthy
finally speaks out what he's got right, what he's got wrong.
We'll get to clip April. He'll join us. We'll get
his take on Russell Wilson, who will get into it
a second. Rich Bucker, Rick Bucker will join us. We'll
talk a little bit about Bryce Hartbrew continues to play
against his former team. We have a metric ton to

get to. But let's start with Russell Wilson, who is
you know, saying publicly all the right things and privately
leaking out that he has a dad heart and fast dadline.
For April fifteen, so the day after tax Day is
the day that he wants a new long term deal

in place, long term deal in place to remain as
quarterback of the Seattle Seahawks. Keep in mind that this
is the second deal that he signed. His first deal,
you remember, it was because he was a third round
pick and he was widely underpaid and went to two
Super Bowls and won a Super Bowl and whenever, and
he's gotten you know, compensated now everybody else. This is

what happens in sports and in media where guys want
to be you know, paid at the level commensurate with
their current talent for their past success. And I don't
think it's an unreasonable ask to have his contract redone
and will ultimately be redone or whatever. But it's the
leaking of it and the a I want a new
contract now or else. The only problem with the or

else is he hasn't said he'll actually sit out. Quite
to the contrary. You know, Russell Wilson said he will.
He'll still show up for meetings, but he wants a
new contract. Of course, Colin Calherd are are our our
colleague who proceeds this show on many of these Fox
Sports Rade affiliates. Um said a couple of weeks ago

that he's heard Russell will say would prefer to play
in New York and that ultimately he'll push to play
in New York. And that's and then of course when
he's back on air, this is confirmation biased to him.
To me, this is just all negotiation, that's all it is.
It's all negotiation, whether he's using Colin or whether Colin

sources are real. The fact is that the Seahawks, for
better or for worse, based upon the collective Barten Agreement,
own his rights, not just this year. Next year they
can franchise tag him. You after that, they can franchise
tag him then if they want, they can tradition transitional
franchise tach like in reality, if you want to play hardball,

which is what real Russell Wilson is kind of leaking
out that he wants to do. The NFL's contracts are
not easy to play uh hardball with. They're just not that.
This is not the NBA, where when your contracts up
you can simply walk, you know. Adam Schefter is reporting that, look,

this deadline was given to them back in January. Of course,
part of it is it's unclear what the deadline actually means.
Seattle was to come in to him on April sixteenth
and offer him to make the highest paid player in
NFL history. Is he going to turn that down? No?
And the April fifte is kind of a random date

because though it does give them, uh, it does give
them a couple of days before the NFL Draft, It's
not like it's your traditional deadline. The whole thing strikes
me as weird, but that actually fits Russell Wilson. Russell
Wilson is, in fact weird. He just is there is
the weird thing with his first wife, and and the

rumors with Golden Tate and then the then the weird
I think you would deem a weird relationship with Sierra,
Sierra who's now his wife, where they said they were
celibate even though she previously had a child, celibate in
their relationship until they were married, and now because she's
a star, maybe he wants to be in New York. Look,

I don't actually think that the idea. Mike Freeman tweeted
out to what why not two first round picks? I
don't think that's crazy. Like if I'm Seattle and I
can get two first round picks and get out of
paying a guy a huge chunk of money, don't think
it's crazy. I just don't. Everyone has a value, everyone
is tradable. In the nashvilltball, like Khalil Mack is, a

is both a warning and a forecasting of what's potentially
to come. Remember Cleil Mac wasn't just moved for because
they could get two first round picks, it's they got
out of paying him. Do guarantee. And while I don't
think Russell Wilson is the best quarterback in the NFL.
He you can make the argument is as valuable as anybody.

He also is a guy who has been seen in
that locker room and to some of the defensive players,
is being divisive, right, Like they don't think he's nearly
the guy that he he portrays himself to be. They
don't love him, yet he does perform on Sundays. They
thought he was baby. They think that he was he's

been coddled. They don't think that he's the driving force
behind winning. Like that's part of the deal here. And
I don't think it's crazy if you just turned and
the Giants need a quarterback and the Giants have two
first TRONP picks, if you go like, hey, give us
to first and give us a player that we like
and we'll start over, Like that's not crazy. It's not
crazy talk. But the deadline with no real ramifications doesn't

feel like a deadline. It feels like there's something else
here at work, whether it's hey, I gave you a
deadline for a new contract and you haven't responded, and
now I'm going to leak it out right like it
suddenly leaks out this week. Well, if this deadline was
given back in January. Why didn't it leak out then? Why?
Because he hasn't gotten the response that he wanted. But

this is going to be interesting. Man, what do you
do if you're Seattle? Do you engage in discussions of
trading him? And while Russell Wilson you could save your
Seahawks fan and it's reasonable think, Hey, he's untradeable? Is
he really? Is anybody really untradeable? What have we seen
in the NFL? What wins in the NFL unless you

have Tom Brady? What you have to do is have
a quarterback under rookie contract and and that level, and
then spread the money around to the rest of your team.
How do I know it worked worked in Seattle, it's
working in Kansas City, it's working with the l A. Rams,

It generally worked with the Dallas Cowboys, right and and
the only and the reason it actually is working with
the New England Patriots is you've got a quarterback that's
not taken top dollar because he's made so much money,
and he's worth so much money, and his wife's were
so much money. He's not taking rookie money, but he's
also not taking anywhere near what he should. Um Ahs

Dan Buyer Dan, you're a Seahawks fan. You have been
for your life, right like you're Steve Largent is in
fact of God. I thought that. I think that little
figuring that you bow to before every radio shows a little.
But I do understand that Steve Largent was an incredible
Hall of Fame wide receiver. Yeah. The Kurt Warner jersey
and not one but two grade school class pictures. So yes,
the the the original Kurt Warner. Yes? Am I crazy

to say that? Hey, you know what if somebody's willing
a pony app to first and a player, I'm at
least considering it. If Russell Wilson's contract demands or that
to be the highest paid player in the NFL. I
think that the fact that the would listen to any offers,
I think is accurate because they have shown that they
aren't very flexible when it comes to deals. There have

been holdouts. They did not give Earl Thomas what he wanted.
They really didn't give Cam Chancellor what he wanted. He
held up for a couple of games. And I know
that there's something that think that Russell Wilson has treated different,
so I but I don't think that that's the case.
When it comes to contracts, I think they would at
least listen. I don't know if that would get it done.
That may have to be a starting point, but I
think that they would listen. I agree with you. Uh

uh yeah. So I'm look like this is a stay tuned.
If it happens and he goes to the Giants, Cowherd
looks like the smartest dude on earth. If it doesn't
need he resigns. It doesn't make Cowherd look like a dope,
but it makes it look like, look, this is all
negotiation and Russell Wilson first leaking it to Colin, then
leaking it to Schefter and leaking into other sources. And
he doesn't personally leak it but his agent representative friends

the end up do Hey, do you know what I heard?
This is what I heard, So I don't know. It's
really interesting on how trends in the NFL are not
just not just you know, you know, defensive lineman and
defensive backs and and loading up in your offensive line.
But the big trend in the NFL is can you

get a quarterback under rookie control who's a good, it
maybe not yet great quarterback, but does have talent and
can you use all of that other money to load
up on your roster. And the team that created that
blueprint is the Seattle Seahawks, and they may go that
course again, I don't think that's a completely, completely unreasonable,

unreasonable thought. Going to be an interesting couple of weeks here.
NFL insider Jason lack Camphora joins the show. What does
he make of the Russell Wilson situation? Plus what are
the Cardinals gonna do that they've been the complete opposite
of the Raiders in how they talk about their current
quarterback and what they say about the potential for a

different quarterback like a Kyler Murray. Plus we'll talk about
the New York Giants who are now saying, hey, maybe
we play ELI for two seasons, not just one. That's
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look at the Russell Wilson thing I would I would
say struck most people by surprise most people, um and
you know, tipped off by it if you listen to Calherd,

who is tied in. I do think that's the one
interesting thing about our places. Opposed to other places where
both Colin and I have worked, which is one of
the previous place that he and I worked together, you're
not really allowed to go like, hey, you wanna know
if something I heard, here's what I heard, Even though

that's kind of the the you know what sports radio is.
It was if you heard something, well, now you're reporting
something and so you had to run it through a
bunch of you had to run it bast the newsdesk,
and oftentimes then it was handed off to an insider
and then the inside it would break it and like, okay,
or let me tell you what I heard, because I've

been in this business for you know, now or fifteen years,
and here's what I heard. But we do turn to
insiders and guys that know a ton about the business,
including Jason lack Camphora from CBS Sports and CBS Sports
dot Com, and look, j l c knows this uh
knows this game inside and out. And Jason joins us

in the Doug Gottlip Show on on Fox Sports Traders
going to join us in a second. Um as that
that would say a huge store because the drafts upcoming. Um.
You also have the a F shutting down, which it is.
It's one of those stories. You know, for so long

people have said, well one of the just have minor
league for football, right, why do they use college football
as their minor league. The reason is because it's crazy
expensive and hard to start up. Don't believe me. I
give give you the a F which lasted all of
like I don't know five or six games and Steve Murray, well, hey,

you know, hey, we're five and ones. I guess we're champions.
Let's welcome to Jason lack Campo, who joined says, Jason,
what what have what have you heard regards of Russell Wilson.
I've been reported on this situation for a couple of years. Um,
there was a window a period of time around this
time last year where you know a lot of people

around the league were scratching their heads while you weren't
hearing the Seahawks talking about their I are to get
a deal done with Russell Wilson the same way you
heard um Mark Murphy and people in Green Bay falling
all over themselves about Aaron Rodgers in the same way. Um,
you know you would have heard Arthur Blank falling all
over Matt Ryan saying it's a fad accompany that you know,
we're going to get these things done before the season starts.

And so, you know, it's the cost of doing business
right Quarterbacks, they're the most expensive guys on the team
and prices continue to sore. And now he's one year
away from free agency, essentially a lame duck year, and
you've got this incredible influx of gambling money that that
the league is. You know that Spickett maybe opened full
throttle by the start of the season and your uh

negotiations on a new CBA or underway. And two years
from now, if that CBA has done, you and I
both know they'll start negotiating new TV contracts two years
before the other ones expire. So if you're Russell Wilson,
what are you worth? You know? I mean it's sort
of a metaphysical question, and so he doesn't have to
do anything. I mean, if I'm Russell Wilson, I'm not

calling them. I'm not want anything. I'm just being Russell Wilson.
And if they want to franchise me a couple of times,
then I'll talk at my you know what, it close
to a hundred million for three if that's the way
it plays out, and hit the open market at a
young thirty three, or maybe they'll put something in front
of me that I can't refuse. But that number starts
with the four. I don't know what the second digit is,

you know, I just don't, and I don't know that
anybody does. So we'll see how creative the Seahawks get here.
But I think it's going to take something truly historic
to buy, you know, to start buying Russell Wilson free
agency years now, would they move on from them? I
mean like, look, look, you know the trend of the NFL,

and we've seen what the Rams have done. Look, it's
all copied by the way of the Seattle model, which
was they got Russell Wilson the third round and you know,
after thinking Matt Flynn would be their guy. Kind of
a bit of a bit of a bargain. But because
they had Russell Wilson was able to build. They were
able to build the legion of boom. You know on
the d defensive side. We've seen the Rams, we've seen
the Chiefs. Hell, I mean, you could even the Cowboys.

You could even make the case that's kind of what
the Patriots do. Granted not on a rookie scale, but
you're not paying Tom Brady top dollars. You're able to
spend cap, right, he's not killing your cap as opposed
to all the top paid quarterbacks. You're struggling to build
a team around him. Is there a scenario where somebody
comes in and and and and and gives them an

offer that they can't refuse of course, right. I mean,
Babe Ruth was trading, right, Wayne Gretzky was traded a
couple of times. Odell Beckham just got traded. I mean
I'm old enough to remember what Odell Beckham got traded like. Yeah,
of course. Um, I think it would have to be,
um robust compensation. I mean if Khalil Mack is two ones,

you know, I mean Jay Cutler went for two ones
back in the day, Roy Williams went for two ones,
like three ones, you know, I think it would have
to I mean, I think it would have to be Eymick.
But I also think, because again we're now in what
you know, one year away from critical mass, when you
have to start applying franchise tags to a quarterback, which
is obviously far from ideal, I think you have to

be open minded about anything about any possibility or probability. Um.
We've also seen a lot of teams kind of make
their bed at least to some degree at quarterback in
the last eighteen months. So, you know, asked Nick Foles
about how much demand there is for quarterbacks right now.
Obviously Russell Wilson is a completely different animal, but still, um,

you know, if I was interested in trading Russell Wilson.
I would have held that auction back at the combine,
you know, and I would have been like, don't worry
about looking at these quarterbacks. I got a thirty year
old franchise quarterback for you right here. Who's you know,
Jon Gruden? You got three ones this year. Let's make
a deal. Um. But there's still possibilities. I mean there's
teams and owners who would say, yeah, you know, I'm
willing to give him that you know, forty million a

year and part with all these picks because we think
will take us to the Promised Land Malt couple times.
Jason came fourth from CBS Sports NFL in Cider joins
us Doug Otlib show here on Fox Sports Radio. Uh.
Speaking of of potential landing spots, there's the New York Giants, who, um,
I would think would be in some sort of hunt

for maybe Josh Rosen, Uh, maybe Dwayne Haskins. And then
and and look, I don't trust everything that everybody says, right,
Like the Raiders say they're in love with Derek Carr,
but then they go work out Haskins and Kyler Murray. Um,
what about the Giants and these weird statements about hey,
Eli Mann and we love him this year, we might
like him next year as well. Is that simply about

kind of dialing back his contract this year? Where are
they really? I tend to buy with they're selling. I
bought what they were selling last year and that they
weren't interested in any quarterback even if one popped loose
who they didn't think was going to be there, and
that turned out to be true. I mean, I think
from the owner on down there's still Team Eli. So

I think that's seventeen. Sure, absolutely they're open for business.
I have a hard time seeing them come off of
a blue chip, potentially franchise changing pass rusher, and that
you know, at six, we know one quarterback like Colam
is going first, and there's still a chance that Haskins
or or something, you know, something else happens that the

Giants probably wouldn't be into. So that six pick is
at least the fifth, and maybe it's the fourth. So
I don't know that they're going to move off of
that for a quarterback. But I think at seventeen, whether
it's the kids and Duke or whomever, maybe there's still
scenario where it's still Haskins there, or maybe you move
up a smidge from seventeen to jump the Redskins if
you think you have to do that for you know

your your your quarterback in the future. But I don't see.
I don't I would, I don't. I don't see them
invested that six pick in a quarterback, and I think
they are all about proper eli up for at least
another year. Doug got live show here on Fox Sports Trade.
That's Jason Lockmphora who's joining us. Then you have the
uxtaposition of the Arizona Cardinals, who look, they've said a

couple of nice things about Josh Rosen, but they've heaved
a bunch of praise on Kyler Murray, which is the
opposite of the Raiders, who could not have said anything
better Derek Carr than they get Antonio Brown. Antonio but
immediately goes to his house and starts catching footballs from
Derek Carton is probably his kids and brother as well. Um,
who who gets Kyler Murray? I think Arizona. I don't

think there's any mystery to this. I don't think there's
any smoke. I think um, based on everything I've heard,
this die was cast when they when they hired Kingsberry
with the first overall pick. And if we're going to
go down this road Luss traveled, then we're going to
have to do it all in and and give this
guy everything he thinks he's and he needs, and and
you know, they've got the ability to control the draft.

And you know, Kyler Murray goes and hires Cliff Kingsberry's agent.
Like sometimes it's just it just is, you know what
I mean, And this is one where I thoroughly believe
it just is. And the draft starts at two and
they're gonna take this kid. Um, but of course teams
are still going to do their due diligence. And you know,
I mean John Gruden loves hanging out with quarterbacks. I mean,
you know the fact that John Gruden's working out all

these quarters like he was just like this is is
one of the favorite times of the year. Like you know,
his favorite part of his job at ESPN was the
quarterback you know, the quarterback camp he would do, so
why not, Um, you never know when those guys become
available down the road. He's obviously a wheeler dealer, and
I think he's also because he I expect him to
be so heavily invested in next year's quarterbacks. You know,

you want to be able to evaluate. Oh yeah, well,
how does this compare to when we had Murray to
ourselves with Dallas all of last year, and when we
had Haskins to ourselves, you know, for a day last year,
And how did these guys stack up to that putting
them through the same sort of workouts. So I think
it's just the accumulation of information. Um, but I don't
think anybody in the NFL thinks Kyler Murray's going anywhere
other than Arizona first overall. Okay, so where's Josh Rosen.

Maybe it doesn't happen until after the draft, who knows.
I mean, maybe you have to see who's left holding
the bag, and um, I would think they Look if
found them, I'd take the two or whatever I can
get for anybody right now. But now that we you know,
we're no longer you know, a month or months away
from the draft. It's April. Oh, I think we lost

Jason Jason lacking forward joining us on the Doug Gallasha,
we'll get him back. Let's quickly get to Dan Byer
and get an update for for Jason Rejoinson. Bryce Harper
has one for one today with the run scored in
two walks, but it's his former team that's beating his
current team, Nationals. On top of the Philly six to
four playing in the bottom of the sixth inning today
in d C. Brewers already closed out the Reds one nothing.
Milwaukee is five and one Royals right now doubling up

the twin six to three. Minnesota with a five run
fifth inning puts them a lead and make it now
six to four as they head to the middle of
the sixth inning. The Rockies and Rays, playing in St. Pete,
scoreless in the bottom of the eighth, while the White
Sox have a six one lead on the Indians. That
one is in the top of the seventh inning. Multiple
reports saying u C l A Is in deep talks
with tc us Jamie Dixon to become the Bruins new

men's basketball coach. The Fletics says that Murray State guard
John Morant will announce that he's entering the NBA Draft
at a press conference later tonight. Buzz Williams leaving Virginia
Tech to go to Texas. A and m Raiders have
sound free to a wide receiver. Ryan Grant or the
wife of Lions quarterback Matthew Stafford will undergo surgery to
remove a brain tumor. The same those Blues take on
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tax season sales event, Um, do we have Jason? Now?
Does he? Okay? There we go Jason, Jason rejoins us. Yeah.
I mean, like, look, I thought the Redskins were a
possible destination, the Dolphins were a possible destination for Josh Rosen.
Now it feels like what is it? Chargers, Giants, maybe Patriots?

Yeah right, somebody looking for the guy you know, for
a couple of years down the road when they're fourty
year old, eventually looks like a fourty year old. Um, yeah,
I mean, look, it could still be Washington. I mean
I think right now, there Haskins there, there's a lot
of I wrote a column about him today, CBS Sports
dot Com. There's a lot of people kind of trying

to slot him right now. And if the Giants do
what I think they're going to do, which we talked
about earlier than you know, does somebody move up for him?
Where where does he go? And you know, is a
Denver in a in a in a Washington and maybe
a Miami sitting there still kind of in the need
for a young developmental guy and maybe that's when, um,
a better market for for Rosen emerges. But nobody's you know,

dying to have that kid right now, and I think
Arizona as well. At some point, you know, just get
your messaging on point and if, if you know, if
you're somehow keeping the kid, then make that overtly clear,
or you know, truly start calling teams and really forcing
the issue, because again everybody is convinced they're taking Kyler.

Murray doug Otlip Show here on Fox Sports Radio. What
have you heard from the rest of the league in
regards to Cleveland who they They've made some power moves
and accumulated as you point out Odell Beckham Jr. And
then they had this press conference which was I guess
it's player empowerment. I guess it's giving them ownership. But
you literally only had players, including a defensive player who

didn't say anything kind of up there like here's our
four horse. What's the reaction been like from around the league?
I mean, I think people understand that this is this
is gonna be Things are gonna be a little different there.
And if if, um, if anybody spend any time around
Freddie Kitchens at the owners meetings a week ago, or
saw any of the quotes or any of the clips

that came out of there. I mean, you can tell
that this is a different cat. I mean they they are,
to your point, all in on sort of player empowerment
and player engagement and not shying away from big personalities
and not shying away from expectations and holding themselves to
high standard. They're not shying away from you know, the
P word, playoffs. I mean they feel like that that

that should be where they end up if they can
harness all this talent. And they feel like at the
core that these these guys, as much as you know
they have fun on social media or they have outsized personalities,
ultimately when it gets to Sunday, they have some dog
in them and they're and they're all about doing what
it takes to win. And I think Kitchens is going

to be I think he might be just what the
doctor ordered. And you know the I like what the
other people assembled around him on that offensive staff. I
think Todd Monkin is a future NFL head coach and
um one of the better coordinators and schemers in this
league right now, and Freddie can lean on him and UM,
you know, they've got to make some strides defensively for sure,

But I think the Browns are very much for real,
and you just start going around the a f C.
I mean, who like New England's New England. But like
after that, like who would you really really stuff for?
I mean I would make the case the Chargers on
paper or the best team, but can they bring it
two years in a row? You know? And after that,
I mean, who's chances? Who's Kansas City defense right now?

Like who are they stopping? I mean, you know, Pittsburgh, Baltimore.
I mean, is anybody super scared of them right now?
I think you can start creating a narrative where even
the Browns could could make some Hey, I definitely think
the talent wise, talent wise, you're right, But you know again,

it's the you have a coach who's completely unproven that
Dorsey is not going anywhere, beggars not going anywhere. So
if things go wrong, it falls on Freddie Kitchen. And
then we get back into the turnstile coaches type of deal,
Like there's some super strong personalities there, how does it
work out when they hit adversity and the juxtaposition of
that with Pittsburgh, who's trying to get rid of those
personalities and trying to quiet the personality even of Ben

Roethlisberger like that. That's really it. It's it's a very
interesting social experiment within the n f C North, is
it not? No, it is. And then you've got Baltimore
now trying to empower you know, a young quarterback who
saved people's jobs last year, I mean save season, saved
the season, saved people's jobs. Um, but have they really
put anything else around him that makes them any better?

I mean, they have the wide receiving corps right now. Um,
God speed Lamar, you know, good luck throwing to that bunch.
I mean they obviously have to still address that in
the draft. Um. Their offensive line was a big issue
last year and at least as of right now, it
still looks like a doughnut with a hole in the middle. Um.
But they're pretty good at drafting lineman. So we'll see, um,
you know in the Bengals and Zach Taylor and and

you know there's some talent there. But have have they
you know, missed their mark by not getting rid of
the quarterback? You know, when they got rid of Marvin
and um, what about that staff that he had trouble
putting together? And are they going to be ready for
prime time. It's it's an interesting it's an interesting division.
But the more I look at it, and you know,
let's wait for the schedule to come out, because that

that does matter in this sport to to a large degree,
um more than probably most people give it credit for
when you catch teams and all that stuff. But I
think Cleveland's the best team in that division. I do,
And I don't think Freddie Kitchens is just gonna sort of,
you know, muff it all up and mess it up.
I think they'll be all right at least for a while.
Two or three years from now maybe a different story.

But I think the honeymoon phases right now, and I
think the honeymoon phase is gonna be entertaining and a
lot of points will be scored, and I like them
to win that division. Vegas does to Vegas has them
in the Pittsburgh Steelers both that at not what about
the New England Patriots. I know we just assume they'll
figure it out, but they lose Gronk, Trey Flowers gone,

Trent Brown gone. Um any I think reasonable person have
seen some fade in Tom Brady. Look at late in
the season, even in the playoffs, Like, I know, they won,
but he threw two and what should have been three
picks against Kancity Chiefs and they's called one touchdown. Albeit,
you know, enough to beat the Rams. They didn't necessarily
win because of Brady's excellence throughout the entire game. Um,

what do the Patriots look like now that they had
this weird double departure? Right? You lose Flores, You're placing
with Greg Shiano, who all of a sudden bales before
he's even officially announced as their defensive coordinator. What's going
on to England? Well, I mean they still have Belichick,
So I'm not gonna worry about that defense. I mean,
you ask anybody's been around there. That defense has appeared

broken at various times over the last five or six years.
And what it does tighten up. He's got a lot
to do with it. So I think they could they could,
They could much better handle that right now than if
Josh McDaniels walked out the door tomorrow. Um, look, I
think what what they showed you last year late in
the season as part of their revolution. Now they don't
have grunt being Um, you know that butt kicking dominant. Uh,

you know in line tight end. But this is a
great tight end draft, and I think they're okay going
unbalanced and playing old school slobber knocker football and making
life a little easier for Brady, you know, in these
what I guess or the twilight years. I mean, it
has to end eventually, and I think the stable of
running backs they have will be something that they continue, um,

you know, to to use to their advantage, and it'll
be different. But I wouldnt be shocked if they came
away from this draft with multiple tight ends who make
an impact right away. And does Josh Gordon come back
in that building at some point, Not that he was special,
but it's at least somebody on the outside to worry about, um,
And I expect them to invest a lot of this
draft capital on the defense. This is a really good

pass rushing draft. You know, Trent Brown, you know that
that that's a big loss. But we'll see, you know
when is he writes he healthy? And and what can
he give them? And Tom Brady has often done more
with less on the offensive line. So I think the
Patriots have one more year where they're the darlings of
that division, and then I think that then if if

if Sam Donald is where I think they'll be, and
if some of these moves the Bills made kick in UM,
then all of a sudden, I think maybe a year
from now we're talking about UM, you know, the Patriots
having to really look over their shoulders. Great stuff as always, Jason,
Jason Lockham for thanks so much for spending some time
with this. Really appreciate what pleasure. Thanks for having me.
Pleasures mind Jason lackhamp For from CBS Sports dot Com.

This is the Doug Gottlap Show here on Fox Sport Traded.
The Greek freak is better than Shack was. Real news
are fake news, I'll tell you next. Be sure to
catch live editions of the Doug dot Leap Show week
days at noon Eastern three pm Pacific. At Farmer's Insurance,
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in the Doug got Leave Show, we like to get

you update and all the stories today which try to
be creative. Actually we're not creative at all. Dan Buyer
is we let him play a game. This is game
time on the Doug gott Leave Show. At Little Caesar's
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do I need to make the call to to to
Candice and get us some pizzas? Like? Do we need
to do that right? Yes? And right now? Because now

I'm craving it. You are craving it. What do you think, Buyer?
Are you in next next Thursday? Thanks Thursday? Yes, yes,
I'm off next Friday. But yes, um, so I'm wondering
we don't do next Thursday because it's Master's Thursday. Right Yeah, yeah,
that'd be great. You good with that? Yes, I am
told thumb am I get a thumb there from you?

What about you there? That's good to me. That's fine
with me too. Romo's I didn't think give me the
finger was all that nice? Dude, thumb that's not your thumb.
It's not your thumb. That's that's that's not your thumb. Okay,
we'll get to that. What's the game today? The game
today is real news fake news? Alright, real news are
fake news that secondary market tickets for this weekend's Final

four that includes Monday's title game are going for at
least one thousand dollars per tic it It sounds like
real news, you know, about five hundred six hundred dollars
to check out the action in Minneapolis, Michigan States should
bring some fans um. Yeah, but the no, not for

for the fan bases that could travel real news or
fake news. Doug Seaquille O'Neal says that Bucks Forward, Janice
and tedda Kumpo is better than he was at the
age of twenty four. They're real and they're spectacular. Yeah,
shack and making the comments saying that Janice has more

of an all around game because when he ran the
floor when he was twenty four, he never got the basketball.
But Janice gets the basketball whether he's running the floor
or not. Check made the comments on a podcast recently. Um, yeah,
I mean they're completely different, right, Like Shack was seven
ft seven but one three hundred pounds a gazelle, but

an interior player. But oh okay, like I I do,
like Shacks go in the opposite of some many of
these some man of these uh superstars turn broadcasters where
in true they'll they will, they will say off microphone,
no one is close to being me. Jack's like, yeah,
he's better than me at that age. Real news are
fake news. That Lakers owner Genie Buss has admitted that

they haven't lived up to the expectations of the Lakers brand. Duh,
that sounds like real news and spectac Yeah. Speaking the
students at Chapman University down by you, Doug, Genie Buss
told the audience just that that they haven't lived up
to the expectations that her father had set with the
Lakers brand. That's fair, by the way. Chapman University right

in the heart of the city of Orange in California,
where I grew up. Um. Steve Lavin actually teaches a
communications course there. I gotta get out of that. All
these guys teaching community. Rob Parker teaches at USC. I
gotta get me a communications course to teach, right he should. Yeah,
no question. Anyway, six years in a row and no playoffs?

Is that? Yeah? That's you know, blind person could could
see that one. Real news are fake news. The new
uniforms worn by the New York Jets have been leaked,
with one special uniform honoring the Yankees with pin stripes.
I did not see. I did not see the Yankees ones.
I did see the leaked ones. Man, that's hard. Let's

go fake. Yeah, you're right. The uniforms apparently did leak,
but there is no special Yankee uniform. What we have
seen in this leaked picture is the uniforms are expected
to be released tomorrow. Is more of a glossy, shiny
green helmet for the Jets and a black uniform that
they could wear, kind of a alternate uniform to a

green or white uniform. It looks like Marshall and Tulane
had a baby. In terms of uniforms. Yeah, they don't
look they're they're not unique. And they have New York
across the front, which I just don't understand. I'm not
a fan of that at all. I don't like the
team that. It was fine when you wore sports jerseys

or football jerseys when we were a kid that said
Raiders or Dolphins or Seahawks or whatever across the far front.
I don't like the Cleveland across Cleveland, and I don't
like the New York across I don't. I mean, I
guess that you know what that is. This is the
problem with businesses, they say, you know, in marketing, it's
all about marketing, and the name New York sells like

or a really cool kind of new wave throwback jersey
where you have the jet on the side of the sleeves,
like make the jet your logo, the actual jet, that's it,
or you know with the jets with jet like that
old classic it still works. I this is overthinking. This
is taking somebody's research and using it um using it

to actually ruin some cool you know, they need to
start leaking this in the fall as they're still in
the developmental process to find out if people actually like it,
not the day before. What everybody's like. Real news are
news that Tom Brady is tweeting again, this time joking
that he's been thinking about playing baseball with the Montreal Expose.
I'm gonna go fake news. Yeah. Picture of that I

Keep to lead put up on his Twitter account showing
him throwing out a first pitch I believe in a
raised game, saying that Keep made a comment, and then
Tom Brady made a reply to that, a retweet with
comments joking about he's how he's been trying to contact
the Expos over the last month, and then there was
a baseball card made of him that was sent out.
He's got really good pr people on his side. Yeah,

he's pretty smart about I think he's trying to keep
it light and not not delve into the negativity. And
that's a hard thing on social media, as we've seen
so many others. I by myself, I'd include myself, Like
you you get to what you're checking out your mentions,
there's going to be somebody who hates you, and it's
not when to feel good and it's hard to keep
it solely positive. And that's and that's the game is

game time on the Doug Gottli Show. All right, next
time I got a bunch of stuff for you. Give
you my take on U c l a's coaching search,
which may have found its man, and what many people
don't know about those coaching searches. We continue to get
you ready for the Final Four. We'll be up there
on Friday broadcasting live from the Twin Cities, UM and
and and more interesting football discussions. But the NBA season

is about to wrap up, its regular season, playoffs about
to tip off, and we're not not far away. Handful
of games Russell Westbrook twenty night last night. The Warriors
dominated the Negets last night and they were just kind
of reminding everybody who the best team in the land is.
And I've seen two things that should worry the rest

of the NBA. Tell you what those are next in
the Doug got The Show. Fox Sports Radio has the
best sports talk lineup in the nation. Catch all of
our shows at Fox sports Radio dot com and within
the I Heart Radio app search f that's our to
listen live. What Up Doug gott Leap Show, Fox Sports Radio,
brought to you by Farmers. At Farmers, we've seen almost everything,
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game time. Having experienced player help you stay out of
the game, put their experience in the play at farmers
dot com are Farmers. Sorry, guys, I wasn't here the
last couple of days. I was doing uh cal Heerd show.
I know. I popped down with you guys Monday by
you guys did a great job when I was listening, Um,
it was fun, fun shows. Frankly, I hope nope, he

was listening to was better show than I do. So
thank you, Dan. You had Aaron Torres on the first day, right,
and then yesterday like my you had what's his name
from uh, Dante Jones yesterday. It was great, great storytelling.
He's awesome. So thanks so much. Look, I'm gonna give
you I'm gonna get in the NBA in a second,
just kind of give you a really quick takeaway on

college basketball, which is like, this is interesting what works
in the industry and what sells in the industry doesn't
necessarily sell it to the mainstream. Like I think this
is incredible. Final four right. Tony Bennett is amazing coach
what he's done in Virginia making them one seed and
win the a c C. I mean, Virginia has high

academic standards. He has high personal standards and considering last
year they lost in the first damn round as a
one seed, to get to the final four is incredible.
And now look, I I realized it took him from
a miracle to get here, got it. But they got there.
Bruce Pearl, who you know, went through the n C
A stuff at Tennessee for a barbecue, right, like the

idea that a barbecue of of an SEC school is
the reason that a coach gets fired. It's ironic on
so many different levels. But at Auburn and granted that
took them a bit of a miracle without Chumakiki too
beat Kentucky in overtime. It's crazy, but they got there.

And you look at Michigan stated us two lottery picks,
two lottery picks, um and and found a way to
beat Duke. Granted it took R. J. Barrett missing a
free throw and some things that go bump in the night.
You know, Kenny Goin's wasn't necessarily a play for him
stepping up and making a huge three for them to bed,
but they got there. And and then you have Texas Tech,

who I mean, they they were obviously the most impressive,
but it took beating a really good Gonzaga team and
a really good Michigan team to get there. But toughness, experience, defense,
quality coaching, coaching, coaches who have won multiple stops, and

and and a lot of kind of no name, not
really NBA talent players, but great college players. This feels
like college baseball. Look, there is no bigger college basketball
fan on any radio network than me. I can go
chat in verse final four to Final four um that
I've been to, that I've covered, that I wish I

played in when I was a player. But it's interesting.
Like in the industry in basketball, coaches love this, love it,
but fans, I don't think it will be a huge
Final four because it lacks the sex appeal, the shine
of a duke, of a Carolina, of a Kentucky, of

even a Gonzaga. Let's get to the NBA Golden State
Warriors forward Kevin rant was ejected from Tuesday's game against
Nuggets arguing a call early in the third quarter. He
got two technicals. They're significant because now he has fifteen
on the season. Sixteen technicals you automatic one game suspension.
Draymond Green also has fifteen technicals. Also before the game.

Draymond Green was fined thirty five thousand dollars for making
statements on social media which impunged the integrity of NBA officiating.
Steph Curry has been dollars for his actions and public
statements in in is it impunging and punging the integrity
of NBA officiating, and Warriors forward Kevin Rand's five fifteen

thousand dollars for publicly criticizing the efficials one official that
they called out and they said he was the m
v P. And they all said it, and then of
course Katie went out and got ejected, and then Draymond
Green was simply unbelievable, Like I, I will grant you
at an end of the season NBA game, and it

shouldn't matter to most folks, but I don't. I wouldn't
say I've been a critic of Draymond since he's been
a Warrior, since he's been a Warrior, but I have
pointed out but did I say what did I say?
Boogie Cousins, Sorry, Booge Cousins had twenty three and five
assists when Boogie Cousins joined the Warriors and said, I

don't know if it makes them better I think he
makes them different, right, because they do struggle to guard
people now with their big ball lineup and they've always
gone small ball up and how will he adjust? But
it feels like two things happened last night that are
really one. How much do you guys remember of Michael
Jordan's because you know, I saw this point out how

many eighty two games seasons Michael Jordan played every single game,
you know. I mean, it is really the things you
have to know about Michael Jordan's that aren't really reported now,
like now we simply talk goat and we talked about
finals and championships. Um, keep in mind that, yes, he

was hurt in his second season, hurting a second season,
But if you go through Michael Jordan's until he finally
officially retired, right in seasons in which he could have
played in eighty two games. This first one he played
and started all eighty two, second, one, broken foot, third

two four two, five, one, six, eight, two, seven, eighty two,
then eight and seventy eight when he came off of baseball.
His last three years, he never missed a single game.
He also led the league in scoring every year after
starting in his third year in the NBA until he retired.

Even when he came back with the Washington Wizards his
second year with the Wizards at thirty nine years old,
he played played in every game. Jordan's understood that part
of his brand was showing up every night and playing
every night. Like there was no load management with Michael
Jordan's just wasn't. But the other thing about Jordan was

he would create enemy like enemies that didn't really exist.
I played in the usbl IS that now Defoe Awesome
League was in May and June, and I had a
bunch of teammates who had played in the NBA. I
had Willie Burton, who was the ninth pick of the draft.
He scored fifteen in an NBA game. I had Bubba Wells,

who led the country and scoring in college. He played
with Dallas Mavericks. Had Gayling Young, who was the second
round pick of the Milwaukee Bucks. Like we had dudes,
and like you know, like this is there some dudes
in this league. And one of the dudes in that
league was le Bradford Smith now le Bradford Smith um

is famous for a couple of things. He was a crazy,
crazy athlete in college who was a six ft three
two pound, uh, dynamic kind of combo guard. Um l
A only actually played five years in the NBA, but

it was his second year in the NBA and they
were playing against the Chicago Bulls. This is back when
it was the Washington Bullets and the Bradford Smith had
thirty one on Michael Jordan's and we're like, man, thirty
one on Michael Jordan is pretty amazing, right, Oh wait,

there's more. Right. Actually, you can go back up. And
I made sure before the show that I looked it
up to check it out and and to make sure
that I got it right, because um, it wasn't thirty one,
it was thirty seven on Michael Jordan's. He had thirty
seven points. Now, uh, he was fifteen and twenty from
the floor. He had thirty seven points. And they played

the Bulls on back to back nights. The first night
they played in um the Old Cap Center, and that's
when he had thirty seven. The next night they turned
around and they played the Bulls in Chicago at the
Old Chicago Stadium. And you can go back up and
look this up. So at the end of the game,
they come over and Bradford Smith and they had He's

got thirty seven points and they asked him, like, A mean,
you had thirty seven points against Michael Jordan and he
said like, yeah, I got him tonight, Like I was
better than him tonight. It was it was something where
he kind of said it lightly. He didn't mean anything
by it, just kind of tiptoed into it. And the
point was He's like, yeah, I was I was better

than Mike tonight. The next night, Michael Jordan had thirty
seven points in the first half. He had forty seven
for the game, and the Bulls won going away one
back to back nights. And the point is that Michael
Jordan would create these invisible enemies so that it motivated
him to constantly come to work, because otherwise you're like,

why did you play all eighty two games? Didn't have to.
Everybody knew he was the greatest player in the game
at the time, even when they saw winning championships. He
still kept playing because Jordan would. He would. You know,
It's like it's like, you know, there's guys that can
turn anything you want into something sexual. Well that's what
you said, Well that's what she said, right. You know,
there's guys that created say anything anything you say, they

can turn into something racial. Right, Oh, that's racial, that's racial,
totally racial. You know, there's guys that can turn anything
you want to something negative. Michael Jordan would do that,
only he thought it was negative towards him. It's kind
of what the Warriors are doing here, and they they've
kind of run out of enemies. The Clippers. They used

to like to pounce on the Clippers because the Clippers,
you know, I thought they were just as good as
the Warriors, and so they you know, the Spurs have disintegrated,
the Lakers can't make the playoffs, the Tremblayers have never
been able to beat them, and now unfortunately there without Nurkics, right, like,
the Jazz are good. That's okay. So the Nuggets come

to town and Yoki people think, yo kids, first team
all NBA. All right, here's what we're gonna do. We're
gonna throw out the boogie and we're gonna let him boogie.
And the way to fight off boredom is to create
enemies that don't exist. In this case, it's the NBA
and the officiating gott to create some US against the
world mentality. And I think there's a certain genius to it.

I think there's a certain genius to it. All the
Warriors are doing is what Michael Jordan used to do.
Michael used to do it individually. They're doing it as
a team, which is finding ways to make enemies appeal.
Would you say to me you want to go? That's
basically what they're doing. That's why Kevin Durant and DeMarcus
Cousins and Draymond Greene and even Steph Curry and heck,

how about Clay Thompson right like calling out the crowd
a couple of weeks ago now, yet last night you
support him creating enemies that don't exist in order to
motivate you when sometimes other teams lacked that motivation just
kind of try and get through the season. Coming up next,
Super Bowl champion Cliff Avril joins the show. What does
he think about Russell Wilson asking for a new contract

and putting some deadline which really interesting and making it public.
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Cliff and Puck Show from ten am to one pm
weekdays on kJ R in Seattle, Plus saw the great
work he does with the Cliff April Family Foundation. He's
Cliff Averrol is a Super Bowl champion, he's a former
Seahawk and he's kind of have to spend some time
of this year. On The Doug out Lip Show on
Fox Sports Radio, Cliff went, when you I know it's

not a surprise to you, but to nationally when it
gets out to Hey, Russell Wilson's like, you know, I
wanted to contract I want to buy. What's your reaction
to it it doesn't get public, and less Russell wants
it public, what's your reaction to it becoming public. I
find it funny, but I also find it to be
a situation where you know from understanding too and kind

of basically knowing what everybody else knows as far as
for the deadline, but when he lets them know, I
believe you let him know right after the season. We
would like to get this done by April fifteen. But
it's more so coming from a player's perspective, is he
just doesn't want to deal with it moving forward through
the offseason. You know, you go through through workouts and
you go through practice and then you talk to your

agent and they're saying this is about so he didn't.
He just doesn't want to deal with that, and he
just wants to get this situation over with so he
could play some ball. Will he Will he get the
contract he wants before a bel for teams? No? Probably not,
Probably not. But it's not one of those situations either
where it's like, you know, he's threatened not to show
up or anything. He's telling him he's going to show up,

But he would prefer this, this situation to be over
with by the time he shows up, so he doesn't
have to deal with it, but you expect him to
be there. I don't. I don't see the deal getting
done because the Seahawks go by the beat of their
own drum, and if that was what they planned for,
they'll get it done. But if not, which I don't
think it is, you know, they'll get it done maybe
later on this offseason. Is there any scenario Cliff Awel

joining us former Seahawk guy who was part of that
Super Bowl champion legion of Boom? Um? Is there any scenario? Like, Look,
one of the reasons the Legion of Boom was able
to be built up was because Russell wasn't making any money, right,
which is something that everyone else is copied. Right, That's
what the ram Rams are like, Hey we got a quarterback.
Now again, that's what the Chiefs. We got a quarterback
not making much money. Um. It's it's incredible, even the
to a lesser extent, but even the Patriots, the ability

to to not pay top dollar to Tom Brady and
spread that money around has allowed them to stay competitive.
Is there any do you see a scenario which they
go like, Hey, Russell wants top dollar and we can
get a couple of high, you know, first round picks
for him, we move him. Do you see that as
a scenario at all? No, because it's hard to find
It's hard to find quarterbacks, right, It's hard to find

good quarterbacks in the draft. Why go with the question
mark in the draft? And you know what you have
in this guy, Russell Wilson. I mean, you know, he's
he's one of the second winning quarterbacks. You know his
stats in comparison to some of the best quarterbacks in
the league, He's at the top, He's the top five,
top ten in all those stats. So why would you

why would you go in that direction and not knowing
what you're gonna get out of these these quarterbacks, and
you know what you're gonna say this this Pro Bowl
possibly even Hall of Fame quarterback, you don't you don't
move that guy. I think a lot of GM get
fired for those types of move s. Doug otlip Show
here on Fox Sports Radio. Okay, so if you don't
move that guy, how hard is it to put an

even better team around him? Knowing you're ultimately gonna have
to pay that salary? You know, it's one of those situations.
Is like you know Drew Brees and it's like, I
think you put a bunch of young players around the
quarterbacks that are getting paid a lot of money. When
you talk about Tom Brady and he's not one of
the paid guys, but if you look at how tom
deals are structured, Tom Brady is essentially restructuring his deal

every two years where he's getting a nice signing bony,
but yeah, his salaries not die so even he's still
getting compensated at one of the top uh as one
of the top, it's just not from a salary stand base.
So you just have to surround Russell Wilson with a
bunch of young guys in order for them to be
able to be successful. Cliff Everyone is our guest here

on the Doug Gottlib Show on Fox Sports Radio. Is here.
There was always talk that guys in the defensive side
of the ball just didn't like him, just didn't buy
into him, just couldn't didn't think he was was real. Now,
obviously a lot of those guys have been hearn over.
There's younger guys. What's your sense for the connectivity within
that locker room between offense and defense. I think it's

a lot of different situation now. Right. So when Russell
came to the NF, he came to the NFL with
a defense that was essentially on the rise, right, you know,
you had Sherman, you had you had Cam, Cam Chancellor,
you had Earl myself, well, I came in a little
bit later, but Bobby Wagner, and so for for Russell,
he never really had to be the vocal guy. He

never had to be the leader that most people I
think sometimes they're looking from a quarterback, right, he doesn't
have He didn't have to be that guy because he
had one of the most elite defenses you know ever really,
But now I think the big thing is if you
look at last year, he shows people up with how
he played with not such a great defense, and he
showed that he can still win ten games in the

midst of that. So you have to pay like, you
have to give him his credit. Uh And and he's
taking more of a leadership role in that locker room
because he had a bunch of young players around him.
He didn't have to be that guy initially, and he's
taken that and he's won game with the guy that
is around him now, Cliff everyone was our guest and
the Doug Outland Show. What about Pete? There was talk

before last season that hey, maybe Pete has had enough.
It seems like he doesn't want to go anywhere, that
he actually likes the process of rebuilding. What's your sense
about Pete going anywhere? As like not coaching anymore. I
think Coach Carroll's gonna continue. A matter of fact, he
just sided extension last year, I believe, or recently so.

Coach Carroll not going anywhere. John snyderre not going anywhere.
They liked the process of rebuilding because coach Carroll actually
knows what it looks like right when when the Seahawks,
when he first came to the Seahawks and um, what
is at eleven? It's the same process. He was getting
rid of guys and just trying to figure things out,
and then two years later you win the Super Bowl.
So he understands the process. He actually probably enjoys the

process of finding guys that he thinks can work in
his system. He are not this time doesn't even have
to look for a quarterback. He has one, you know,
so expect is actually a little bit easier if a
getting into that process. So I don't see coach carrollbe anywhere.
I don't see John Snyder is going anywhere. I think
they're here for a few more years for sure. Let
let me ask you about your sense is a DEFENSEI
player Kyler Murray. You know, people everywhere every time there's

a smaller quarterback there can compare them to to Russell.
Obviously in the defensive side of the ball, Kyler is
even faster, even quicker than Russell. Similar to Russell has
a baseball background. I don't think he has Russell's arm,
but does have a strong arm, but he's he's also
smaller than Russell. Um, what do you think about the
prospects of drafting five ft ten quarterback number one overall?

So as a pass rusher that gets after quarterbacks, you know, honestly,
those quarterbacks are the hardest ones to get after. The
Russell Wilson's the maybe the Kyler Murray, like, those are
the hard ways to get after because you can't see
him in the flock team. It's extremely hard when all
you can't see him, they can make you miss once
you do see him, you know, So those are some
of the harder quarterbacks to get after and and Russell

has showed a year in a year out. I've been
in a ton of games where I've watched Russell and
I'm like, how the heck did he get out of
that is because he's an athlete and he's short. You
can't see that guy. So you know, people that knocked
you know, Kyler for being short, they knocked him because
maybe his arm strength isn't there. But there's something to
be said about what he can do with his legs.

You know. Of course, the high thing. He's not gonna
grow anymore. The high thing is what it is. But
you have to find ways to make him effective as
a quarterback. Get him out of pocket, you know, get
him on boots, get him get him out of the
bucket is huge and then again it allows him to
use his feet. So those type of quarterbacks to get
it from myself as a pass rusher that got to
get go get some of the best ones. Those are

the hardest ones to build. Gets Cliff great stuff. Check
out The Cliff and Puck Show ten am to one
pm weekdays on KJR in Seattle, plus all the great
work he does with the Cliff Avril Family Foundation. Cliff
can't tell you how much we appreciate your time. Perfect
day to have you on. Thanks so much, Thanks for
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your first case. Dan Bayer joined us with all that's
going on the world sports Dan when he got perfect

data of Cliff Favor. A lot of perfect day for
Bryce Harper two for two, three walks and a run
scored as his Phillies have now rallied to take a
lead against his former team. It's eight to six fills
the top of the Nationals right now on the bottom
of the eighth inning in d C. There's a run
in St. Pete. Yes, finally we have scoring Chris Ayanetta
solo home run. Rockies lead the raise one and I'll

think playing in the bottom of the eleventh inning, top
of nine, it's the Twins and Royals tied up at
six apiece. The J's have taken a one nothing lead
on Baltimore in the second while earlier Milwaukee got a
one nothing win against Cincinnati. Former Brave skipper Bobby Cox
is hospitalized after suffering a stroke yesterday. The status is
of his condition right now is not known. The athletic

reports at Murray Stake are John Morant will announced he's
entering the NBA Draft at a press conference later tonight,
while some coaching music college basketball has Jamie Dixon likely
leaving TCU to be the new men's basketball coach at
U c l A. Just finalizing details is a part
of that contract. Buzz Williams leaving Virginia Tech to be
the new men's basketball coach at Texas A and M
in the six seris are set to sound veteran center

Greg Monroe for the rest of the season. We'll be
back to the Doug Gottlieb Show in ten seconds. But first,
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vlable in every state. Day baseball is so weird, right,
it's so weird, Like I do think part of me
thinks day baseball is a just like a brilliant genius idea.
As the Gnats have now put another run on the board,
so it's eight seven. This is fun. Like I don't

like black bat flips, but I did think that Bryce
Harper hitting a was that a two mile long home
run last night? But uh, Dan Buyer, like that was
like it was fifties seven, That's for sure it was.
It was a shot. But you know, Bryce Harper doing
that last night, that was worthy of a bat flip.
It just kind of was. Um. But now that the

Nats put a run on the board and it's uh,
it's eight to seven. But day baseball is interesting to me,
Like I you go back five years ago, I would
have said day baseball is gonna go away? How does
day baseball exist? But then you start to like, wait
a second, the baseball is gonna get smart about this game.
Hambling is gonna become legal, I think in stadium, Uh,

in stadium gambling is going to be the way of
the future. Think about your you're there you have an
iPad and you run your card. You know, you get
hundred bucks and credits and you can bet on like
what's this batter gonna do the bottom of the eighth
inning run er at second base? Oh to count? What's
he gonna do? And whatever the result is, you could win,

you could lose. Like winning and losing credits. It just
keeps you entertained, and and and the more like, the
more we evolves people, the less people don't need office
buildings like you can. You can get WiFi on your phone.
You can open your laptop in between innings. Like again
it's hard can you can't get a laptop inside of it.
But if you if you work on the phone, if
you're in sales, you know, normally you take a doctor

out to sushi for lunch. I'm taking about baseball game
and even in viewership. Do you remember what Adam Silver
said about viewership. He was like, look, we have a
whole different generation of kids who they don't care what
time a sporting event is seven o'clock, eight o'clock. They're
so used to getting their sports on demand a TV
on demand that they expect their sports to get on

demand as well. So I think that that part is interesting.
I'm maybe maybe day baseball is actually the past, is
in fact the future. I saw this story from Rob Demowsky,
who covers the Green Bay Packers. He talked with Mike McCarthy.
It's Mike McCarthy's first ever statements after being fired as

coach of the Green Bay Packers. Remember there, he's fired
midseason or late in the season when they lost the
years on the Cardinals at home. Quote. Uh. It led
some to say that McCarthy deserved a better ending, Obviously,
McCarthy said when asked if he agreed, it couldn't have
been handled any worse. Anytime you lose a close game,
it's a difficult time emotionally. Afterwards. We lose a home

game at lambeau Field in December, it's really hard, and
that hasn't happened very often. I walk out of my
press conference, I'm thinking about the game, think about how
our playoff shot was now minimal, and that's where my
head was when I was told Mark Murphy wanted to
see me, and the messenger was cold and the energy
was bad. Mark said it was an ugly loss and
it was trying to make a change. He said something

about the offense and special teams, and he didn't think
it was gonna get any better, and there was no emotion.
That was hard. I mean, honestly, I get it. Look,
I have lost things in the past. I've not been
fired knock on wood from a job. I've been cut before.

And there's never a good way. You're a good time.
They're just isn't. Just isn't. And you could say, well,
like after a game, like, dude, you lost the Arizona Cardinals.
For the record, I saw the Cardinals the week before
they played the l A Chargers. They had a tend
nothing on the the Charger scored a couple of times.
They actually, I think the Cardinals actually had a chance

to go up thirteen. Nothing missed a makeup a field goal,
like a forty two yard field goal, missed a field goal,
and then the Chargers proceeded to rip off forty five
consecutive points and in the second half, like they didn't
let Josh Rosen do anything running on first and second,
throw it on third down, and punt. They just wanted
to get out of there. And yet you lose that
very next week, you lose at home in a must

win situation, like time to go, and he pointed out
there was a very minimal chance of making the playoffs.
And I'm sure Mark Murphy's sitting there going like, this
isn't getting any better. You had to win this week.
I don't think we can save the season. But let's
see what happens if we change the energy in the
room and get rid of you. I mean, he couldn't
been handled any worse. Of course, it could have been
hand a lot worse. It could have been a text message.

You could have got Lane kiffined you come. You're about
to be about to get in your play a road game.
You're about to get on the plane. They call you
out the team planet put you off the bus when
you land. Hey man, we're gonna fire you like that.
There's a plenty ways it gonna be worse. I understand
he had equity, he'd won the super Bowl, he knew
he's on the hot seat. He probably knew he was
gonna go, and by firing him early gave him the

chance to look at other jobs to explore what went wrong.
No one likes getting fired, no one does. But the
idea that well couldn't have been handling worse. There have
been a lot worse scenarios to fire people. The Nationals

have just tied the game with the Phillies. This is
kind of awesome. This is kind of awesome. This is
like what what's been now created by the Bryce Harper
thing is it's one thing to take another gig, right,
it's not one thing to take another another job with
another team and take at the time. But you know,
a crazy salary home, a three d plus million dollars

salary home. But to do so in the same division
when you're gonn to play your former team as many times, well,
now it becomes really interesting. Rivalries are like baseball has
kind of been missing this. It's one thing that baseball like.
I like the fighting in hockey, you know, I like,

I like the brushback pitches in baseball. Bryce Happer is
having an amazing day. Is bullpen not so much? And
now we have a tie game with a tie game
because they're closer Sarah Anthony Dominguez has blown this thing

to bits, and the Phillies and Gnats are tied at
eight apiece. Little rivalry, little hatred, little you turned down
us for a bunch more money, never hurt anybody at all,
all Right, coming up next year on The Doug got
Lap Show, Colin Cowherd would take Bryce Harper over Mike Trout.
I'll tell you why he's nuts next. Be sure to

catch live editions of The Doug Dot Leap Show week
days a neon Eastern three pm Pacific. That Farmers Insurance.
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Make today and get your dream paint job during their
tax season sales event. I know, I know, I rip
on Little League Dad all the time, but I'm gonna
be a litle leg dag. Now. We we had some
location some some struggles with location issues last night, but
a little guy closed down yet another win for the

for the Bombers, and uh, I believe we are what
my team as I think was it six and two
on the season. He's pitched in all eight and only
allowed like four runs. It closes every game down two
or three innings, So pretty goodtuff from the lefty. Although
he went fifty pitches on Saturday, forty pitched on Saturday,

fifty on Sunday with travel ball, and then ran a
pretty high pitch count last night. So we're gonna shut
the dude down. But it's pretty it's actually really really funny.
Like I was, kids are kids are hilarious with the
baseball thing, um Ramos. I don't know if you experienced
this as much in softball, and I know baseball you're
not yet at that level. But I'm I'm watching in

the first indie and I'm basically like the pitching coach
and first base coach like I and my son has
an actual pitching coach that he goes to, and I
just kind of asked him for the keys and the
trigger words whatever, and then I'm just kind of an
encouraging dad and come to breathe and calm down, and
you know, uses don't forget the backside to finish and

things like that. So he struggled a little bit location
early and then he's throwing like slower pitches than normal
like he's got a good little harm for a ten
year old lefty. So thin done with the first inning,
and I was like, why were you throwing? What was
going on? Then? Why are you throwing changeups? Dude? He's
like Trent's calling for him, And I was like, Trent's
a nine year old catcher, why is he calling changeups? Like, hey, dude,

you don't call it pitches like I call it pitches.
I keep saying one fastball, and I'm actually saying fastball,
like there's no like, it's all you want to change
the location of it inside outside, you get to you
get two strikes. We want to go up, We want
to go climb, make him climb the ladder. Fine, but
but like my guys out there dying because he's trying
to throw a changeup and he's you know, they still

think like a real changeup, you just changed the grip
and the ball naturally go and naturally goes a little
bit slower. You don't actually change your arm motion and
you don't slow it down all that much, right, And
uh yeah, I let him throw usually like one curveball
a game, but again I call it it's only on
an ode to count. But it's it's so much fun,

I mean, just so much fun to watch him kind
of work their way through it. I will work our
way through something we do every day at this time,
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We're applicable. Here's Colin Coward on why he would take
Bryce Harper ahead of Mike Trout. Everybody in baseball loves
Mike Trout because he plays the game the right way.

Mike Trout's played six games this year, He's already five
games out of first place. Bryce Harper's teams undefeated because
Bryce Harper adds a swag an energy juice to a
clubhouse that Mike doesn't. Mike's just a great player and
a great kid. The Phillies of the flour and over
the first time since nineteen fift there's nothing wrong playing
the game the way Mike Trout does, and there's nothing

wrong playing the game the way Manny Ramirez and Yasiel
Poi again Bryce Harper play it. Yeah, nobody in baseball
agrees with that, just right, Like, like, first of all,
let's not compared ya c L. Puig, who is jettison
from the Dodgers to the Reds, you know, from the
best to the worst in the National League with Bryce Harper.
And as much as Bryce Harper is awesome and does

play with passion and fire and all those things, the
fact is Mike Trout does actually energize the clubhouse. He
does actually make it better. The problem is the Angels suck.
That's the problem. The problem is the Angels have no pitching.
That's the problem. Problem is the Angels have no supporting roster.
That's the problem. Like the Angels were one in five, Yeah,

I got it there, one five. Well, they're the guy
who was supposed to start for them opening day, Andrew Hany.
He was a friend of mine. Like you arm troubles.
You had six guys with Tommy John surgery last year
six the Phillies were good last year and now they're
even better. Do you know why because they didn't just
add Bryce Harper, They had at other pieces like what

are we what are we talking about here? You know,
Mike Trout's not worth the money. Hey, Mike Trout's hitting.
He's hitting, Um what what is on base? He's on
base fifty of the time? Right men? That that's you know,
like he's been his his at bats for fifteen he's

already had how many hits has he got? He's got
only five hits. He's hitting two ninety four, but he's
walked five times. Like, the problem is not Mike Trout.
The problem is outside of our pools. Can you name
another Angel? Anderson Simmons who had a good year hitting
the baseball hasn't hit this year. Cole Calhoun who had

a good year two years ago hitting the baseball, uh
is getting on base but not hitting yet this year.
Like Zach coz Art's got one hit on the season,
one hit. He's a lolly gagger. He's the third basement,
by the way, for people who don't know, Like, the
problem with the Angels is everybody else. The problem is
not Trout, and it's not that that Bryce Harper isn't

awesome and doesn't play with good energy. He does, but
he went to a really good team and he made
a really good team better. So what are we talking
about here? He said a thirteen year deal. He's the
best player in baseball. He's got great energy. He lifts
them up. They were actually decent last year. Here's one

for you, um music, you probably know this. Let me
ask you, um ramos, what do you think the Angels
record was last season? I would think they had at

least maybe eighty wins. Uh, The l A Angels of
Anaheim last year had eighty wins. Right, they had eight
wins and they were terrible, right, Like, they were awful.
They had six guys that Tommy John surgery and they
were awful. The fact is that Mike Trout helping them

get to eight wins and they only played a hundred
forty games because he was hurt and he had thirty
nine home runs in Like, you can tell me that. Well,
you know they don't win with Mike Like, dude, Actually
they won eighty games? Is that music? You're an Angel fan?
Is that an accurate depiction of the Angels last year? Yeah? Absolutely? Um,

I just think it's trying to pin the pitfalls of
the age the Angels over these past few years on
the fact that that is proof that Mike Trout is
not that good only goes to show how little you
know about everything that's gone wrong for the Angels and
every every bad decision that's been made since Mike Trott

has made his debut. Right. I mean, look, they had
show Heyo Tani, who was going to be the rookie
of the year, he might have been the league's MVP,
and he's he had undergone Tommy John surgery. Right, they
only had him for a hundred and four games last year. Like,
they did an amazing job last season with nothing in
terms of pitching. They had a bad roster, older pieces

kind of thrown together. They trade away uh um with
didn't didn't they trade Martin Martin mlnado there catcher as well,
Like they had all kinds of things going wrong and
he still finished like five hundred basically in baseball, which
is crazy. I also have one thing I want to
point out, UM that I find interesting is that when
Bryce Harper shows flair and personality, um and you know,

sort of all of the theatrics that come with his play.
He loves it, but when Baker Mayfield does it, it's
a distraction and bad leadership. I'm just gonna go ahead
and point that well, the goods quarterback quarterbacks, position of
leadership quarterbacks and position leadership right, and being a three
hundred million dollar player in the baseball clubhouse is not
any sort of inherent leadership. Look, I I like the

Bryce Harper thing. I'm more in the Baker than other
people than than he is, although I think, look my
thing with Bakers, I just think there's some limitations in
terms of size, athletic ability, arm strength, But leadership wise,
I got no question about it. And last night was
exciting baseball, Like we're literally watching and Bryce Harper hits
that jack and they dominate the Nationals and he's welcoming

in the booze and you've got the fans that travel
over from philadel Like it's a cool thing right now.
It's a cool thing anyway. The doug Otlip Show is
brought to you by Discover Card. We treat you like
you to treat you. What's There's always a what's the endgame?

When something becomes public? Right, what's the what's the wind? Here?
I remember one time I was working at ESPN and
Mike Tachevski doesn't do halftime interviews with the ESPN, and
they came to us at the half is like the
A C C semifinals, Like, why didn't coach K do
the halftime interview? Said it on TV? And my my

co host, my host, they kind of uh question me,
like what do you mean? I was like, well, you know,
he's coach Team USA, he's coaching Duke, He's Hall of Famer.
Like I don't want to hear from Chris Collins because
in the in the locker room only thing that matters,
which coach K says? Why can't we hear from coach K?
My boss yells at me during the break? What's the win?
What's what's the end game? That's my question for Russell Wilson.

What's the end game? We'll discuss next in the Doug
Gotlip Show. Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk
lineup in the nation. Catch all of our shows at
Fox Sports Radio dot com and within the I Heart
Radio app search f s R to listen live. What
Doug Gottlive Show Fox Sports Radio. I blinked and I

missed the end of that National's Phillies game. I think
I know what happened. I'll have to turned to Dan
Buyer in a second. The doug Ally Show is brought
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off walk? Is that? What is that? What happened? That
felt like a Little League game? Is that? What? Buyer?
Is that? What happened? I was? I was He's tied up,
He's tied up? Or now I'm tie him. It's tied up?
Right now, I'm time a walk off walk? As uh
as the Nationals. Basically they're sitting there going like to
the to the Phillies. Now you know how we feel?

Right because the Nationals, of course, have had so much
trouble in their bullpen over the past couple of years
in spite of having super talented teams that, um, do
you know the closer for the for the Phillies music?
Without looking? Do you know who the closer is? That
would be John Ramos? No, no, no, who's the closer
for the Phillies? Ramos? Do you know the closer? Know?

It's probably uh bullpen session stuff. No, no, no, no, no, no, no,
comte not I'd like to use that term. Actually, bullpen
by committee. No, no, that's not that's not that's not
even close to being correct. Uh, isn't it, David Robertson.
Isn't that they brought him over to the Yankees? Right? Yes,

and he's supposed to be there. He's supposed to be
there close. He was a set up guy with the
Yankees and he's the closer with the Phillies, right, is correct?
How's that working out with him? Not? Well? Today? Three walks,
three walks? Three what wait? Wait wait wait, dude has
appeared in three games, three games, David Robertson, Robert Snez.

His line in the previous two games was two innings pitched,
four hits, three earned runs, giving up one home run,
and he's walked too. He came into the game with
a thirteen point five Oh e r a oos can
we send it back? Oh my goodness, can we send back?

I mean? And he was great as a setup guy. Remember,
he's like, well, you know, Mario Rivera was a setup
guy for John Wetland before he's a closer, and look
how great he became. But that's why he's Mario Rivera.
And it's like it's very early in the season, but
when closers get the the yips and and people start
getting to him, who unbelievable, So pretty remarkable stuff. Um okay.

I saw this from Pro Football Talk. Per a source
with knowledge of the situation, Russell Wilson will be present
on April and every day for every workout, meeting and practice. Now,
of course, it was previously reported that there was a
deadline given by Russell Wilson's agent his people, Hey, by
April fifteenth, we want a new deal in place, Wilson,

per the source, simply wants to prepare for the season
with zero distractions. The deadline was provided to the team
in Lake January, we were told, and Wilson has given
the team the full and fair effort to finalize the
contract that would extend his stay beyond the conclusion of
the two thousand nineteen season. Sounds reasonable, like, hey, look, dude,
I don't want to playing a contract year. Let's just
get this thing done. But here's the problem with the

franchise tag, right, like the franchise tag. Everybody's old. I
don't like the franchise tag. Like, all right, you don't
like it. It It doesn't really matter. You're not going anywhere.
Like technically you're a free agent, but you're not really
a free agent. You're done at the end of this year,
and then we can franchise you, and we can franchise
you year after that. Frankly, we can franchise you year

after that. We don't really want to, but you know,
you'd be thirty three years old and you go on
the market. Um, you know, Look, Russell Wilson's constantly trying
to win us over as what a great guy he is,
what a great dad he is, what a great leader
he is. Now it's what a great what a fair

negotiator he is. Look, I called you in January and
said I'll open to contract negotiations, and I'm gonna give
you an April fifte deadline, right four o t s Now,
I'm still going to show up because I'm a great
guy and I'm gonna make you look like the bad guy.
But what's your leverage? Like, Russell Wilson's not sitting out,

not doing the Levy on Bell, even if he has
a better market out there than the Levy on Bell. Like,
that's just not happening completely. Torpedo a season if you
don't have your quarterback, it would be off brand for
Russell Wilson to do so, and he has not offered
up that he might even contemplate doing so. What's the
purpose of the deadline? Deadlines do bring deals, but only

if they're real deadlines. And it's like drawing a line
to stand goes leave you crow, sit, I will, you
will die. And then they crossed and they go, okay,
it's a new line. If you crossed that, you will die.
Like there's a new line you could like, No deadlines
bring deals, but they've gotta be a real deadline. That's
not a real deadline in April ish what happens we

come to you in April seventeenth with a good deal.
I might not take it. Yes you will? Okay, So like, look,
if you're Seattle, you sit there and go He's trying
to tell us he wants to be trade, he wants
to move, like we haven't. We're under no pressure at
all to redo your deal. Right, Earl Thomas got paid

every Penny and then he walked out the door with
a quarterback who's in his thirties. You can just franchise
at Tacklem. Sorry, if you don't like that, take it
up with the cb A, take it up with the
your union, now with us. So what is the end game?
What is the win? I would say for Russell Wilson
obviously wants a new contract, must be paid. He's watching
everybody else get paid and go like, look, I'm playing
great football, I'm carrying this team. Why shouldn't I be

compensated a level of A and Aaron Rodgers, of A
Matt Ryan of you know, pick your guy, have your Seahawks.
You at least have to contemplate what if we tried
to find the next Russell Wilson? What if we were
able to get a crazy home run package. You know,
if you get two first for Clio Mac, what can

you get for Russell Wilson in his prime? Because not
only do we trade away Russell Wilson, but we also
don't have to pay that contract. We could get a
young quarterback. Is it hard to find a young one?
You would think I could stay as a reason it's hard.
I mean, Miami has only been searching since Dan Marino
retired to find a good quarterback. Right. On the other hand,

look at how these other teams. The way the Seahawks
were built was Russell Wilson not making a bunch of money.
And oh yeah, by the way, Russell Wilson didn't do
much his first two years. I bring this up all
the time. Does anybody realize in his first year as
a starting quarterback in Seattle, which was deemed to be
a success, he had nine games where he threw for

less than two hundred yards. Like, imagine trying to convince
somebody that somebody paid really well when they only threw
for a hundred seventy five yards. You can't do it.
Through his first two season in the NFL, we only
had three three hundred yard plus games. He this guy
has been a He was a game manager for a
good portion of the early portion of his career. And

I'm sure if you're Seattle, you're sitting there going like,
we can find another game manager for a couple of
years if we get enough, if we get some sort
of ridiculous offer. Ridiculous offer, So you know, this is
how all business works. You know, it's leaked out today
that Steven A. Smith could get between eight and ten

million dollars in this next deal, and Clay Travis tweeted like, hey,
I hope everybody gets it. Why, because I mean we're
all anybody in a in the business is super jealous
and on some level but super excited when somebody gets
a huge amount of money because you're like, well, I
won't I won't get that money. But pushes the market up.
Is the presumption at the quarterback market continues to climb.

You know, if you're you're Russell Wilson, you should sit
there and go like, hey, I want to wait to
see what Dak Prescott gets. Frankly, that's what I would do,
Like do you see that I'm a better quarterback than
Dak Prescott. I've been to two Super Bowls, I've won
a Super Bowl. Whatever Dak Prescott gets, you know, put
a one point five X by it, That's what I want.
But my guess is there was no response from Seattle.

You know, they gave him, hey, we want to get
this done in in January, and they were like, we're
not really kind of motivated to do it. We want
to see how everything else plays out. And so you
create some sort of fictional deadline which really wasn't a deadline.
Deadlines bring deals, but only legit deadlines bring legit deals. Right,

A lot to get to in the world of sports.
So the Phillies and their new Cloes are losing a
walk off to the National Is that Bryce Harper's fault.
We're gonna We're gonna blame Bryce Harper on that one
because we're I believe Cowherd, we played for you last hour.
That Bryce Harper is the reason they've won, So he's
got to be the reason they've lost as well, even
though they played great again today. No, No, it's a

lebron thing. I guess he only gets credit when they win.
That's that's the way it goes. We got the Final Four.
We will be going there. I'll be leaving tomorrow. Post show.
Going to the Final Four will be live in Minneapolis.
And as we get ready to conclude the NBA season.
You got the Golden State Warriors versus the Officials. You

got the slow but subtle end to the Lakers. You
have the Thunder hadn't been playing well, but then Russell
Westbrook has twenty Last Night dedicated to Nipsey. Russell you
got the Rockets, You've got the m v P race,
You've got the Celtics who are still kind of caught
in this. What are they doing? I got a lot

of stuff going on, and then you have the continued
rumors of Katie and Kyrie to New York? Does that
make sense? We'll catch up with longtime NBA insider Rick Buker,
who's the next head coach of the Lakers, And what's
with the Warriors and their recent multiple beefs with officials.
We'll find out next. Be sure to catch live editions
of The Doug Dot Leap Show weekdays at noon eastern

three pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the I
Heart Radio app. At Farmer's Insurance, we know the sound
of a perfect hot air balloon landing and a lesson
perfect one. See we've covered it. Or Farmers we are
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Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports Radio. So, um there,
there's so many things going on the world sports. The
u c l ah Uh, this is an interesting snag.

It may have may have hit. So John Calipari reportedly
turned down the u c l A job, and the
reports were that he was offered six years, forty eight
million dollars. Keep in mind he makes about nine million
dollars a year in his current publicized salary at Kentucky.
So U c l A, which it would be a

lateral job, right, Like, does u c l A have
as good a history as Kentucky? Yes, had been as
good as Kentucky. No, Los Angeles. You know it's more expensive,
but there's a reason it's more expensive. I'm not I'm
not sitting here and I'm not crapping on Lexington, Kentucky.
I actually think outside of Lexington, you know, you've got
a bunch of money. It's a beautiful place to live, unbelievable,

but it's not l A. Right. I'm like, if you
want to try l A, here's the chance of try
l A and eight million dollars a year for six
years is a lot. But to offer somebody less money
for at best a lateral move, come on, like, what
are we doing? But that's the most U c l
A thing ever ever? And now they're reportedly close to

getting uh Jamie Dixon as their new head coach. The
only problem is Jamie Dixon has an eight million dollars
a year buy out. So in addition to whatever they
had to pay Jamie Dixon to get him, and he makes,
you know, in the four million dollar range, they've shown
that they are willing to pay eight million dollars and
TC was like, dude, we're not renegotiating a buyout. That's

what we're going with. That's the buyout. So uh yeah,
interesting interesting stuff going on, um, super interesting stuff going
on with with U c l A Basketball, Right, Oh,
you want to renegotiate a buyole? Why you're willing pay

a million dollars to to get John Calbery? Why would
you pay eight million dollars if if this really is
your choice? And oh yeah, by the way, I think
Jamie Dixon is a really good coach. He's got an
incredible resume and and history of success. He's also a
former assistant to Ben Howland and a friend of Ben Holland,
who's like you fired now. He's from southern California, from

North Hollywood. He started coaching at l A City and
then he was coaching UC Santa Barbara when Ben Hallen
was there, followed Ben Holland to Northern Arizona, and when
he left Pittsburgh for u C l A, he took over.
You know he's done. I have no mean they made

the year. They made the n c A every year,
but once when he was at Pittsburgh once really remarkable.
You see me too, side that that's right. Two times
two times they didn't make it. Um and then you
know he gets to TC win twenty three games. Like
this guy is a very good basketball coach, but there
isn't that much sizzle to it. And I don't necessarily

think you have to are a guy for sizzle. But
to go from John Calipari or maybe Tony Bennett too,
the guy who lost in the n I T semifinals,
you have to pay eight million dollars just to get
out of his contract before you pay him. It could
be fascinating to see how that works out. Fascinating. Rick

Booger is going to join us in moments. We've got
a lot of things to get to with him. In
regards to the NBA, I wanted before he joins US,
I said this Golden State Warriors trying to figure what's out,
what's going on here. You know, they've had an issue
with a couple officials, and last night's game with the
Denver Nuggets, it kind of spent off the rails a

little bit. Kevin Durant was ejected for arguing a call
early in the third quarter and had some fairly choice
words which were caught on camera. Oh, you can't say
that to people. Duran's troo technical fouls were significant because
now he has fifteen on the season, sixteen technicals and
you get an atomatic one game suspension. Draymond Green also

has sixteen. So like, once you get to the playoffs,
if you get that sixteen technical, you gotta miss a
game that carries over into the playoffs. There's no like reset.
It's not like once you get to the fourth quarter
of the team fouls reset. Once you get to the playoffs,
that stuff doesn't reset. It's a screwy rule, but one
that you know, trying to have player conduct, like, why

would you burn up It's like timeouts. Why would you
use your time outs all on the first half? Why
would you use all your technical fouls in the regular
season when it doesn't matter. Now what happens if you
get one, You just happen to set you know, you're
just happen to lose your cool in a playoff game
where you don't think're getting a fair whistle. Nonetheless, you're
the Warriors are at fifty three and twenty four, They're

gonna end up with the best record in the West,
home home court advantage throughout the Western Conference playoffs. And
as much as that was a game that spun off
the rails and of course y'all had the over time
lost to Minnesota, which that was when they first had
to be for the officials, DeMarcus Cousins ends up with

twenty three points, thirteen rebounds, and five assists in just
twenty nine minutes, and he thoroughly whooped the butt of
Nikolai yok Yoki. And of course at the end of
the game he was looking for yokich like physically looking
like he was looking for Yoki. But this, this to
me strikes me as like the only possible reason they

could be doing it is to create some sort of
invisible enemy, right, some sort of motivational factor. I don't know.
Cousins was amazing last night. Um, he thought he was
fouled on a three and he completely lost his cool
with Zack Zarba and then he yelled at Zack Sarba

and he tried to get his money's worth with that
first technical. Then he got a setting technical, and he
got a really really ugly But the Warriors were making
a point last night. They're making a point to the
ref so they didn't want to be messed with, and
they're making a point to the Nuggets. They're up at
the half. The Nuggets are one of those teams kind
of like the Bucks and years past, good regular season
team that nobody thinks is a great playoff team just yet.

I think they all respect what they're going to be,
but they're not there just yet. Yeah, music, what do
you got? Do you think it's more likely that the
Warriors have something similar to last season where their greatest
challenge is going to come from some type of playoff
series in the West, as opposed to whoever they end
up matching up against in the East. Wait one more time,

I'm sorry, go ahead. That do you think that this
season in the in the postseason this year will play
out much like it did last year, where the Warriors
greatest challenge will just come from someone that they have
to face in the West as opposed to what you know, traditionally,
you would think the best matchup would come in the
finals because it's the two best teams. But last year
we saw they had they had a much tougher time

with the Rockets as opposed to when they finally saw
Lebron James and the Calves in the finals, they sort
of mopped the floor with them. I think the East
is much better this year. Now. The great thing about
the East is it's much like a bracket, like when
you're a one scene and you're like, oh, the two
and the three and the seven are unbelievable, Like, yeah,
you only have to play one of those teams, right,

only play one of those teams? Um. I think the
East is much better. I think the West, like again,
I don't know how it ends up playing out. Right,
as of today, they're the one seed. They're probably gonna
be the one seed. We would agree there, yes, right, Okay,
so if they're the one seed. Then kind of look
at the rest of the brackets and you're like, all right,

that makes Denver the two. We'll see what happens between
Portland and Houston, but Houston will probably try and or
Houston could be the two as well. They're only half
came back, which is great for Golden State because then
they could match up. They had Portlands their side of
the bracket. Like I kind of think the West is
a little bit of a layup for him, right. Oklahoma

City is a mess, but Oklahoma City is probably gonna
finish ahead of San Antonio. San Antonio is a shell
of their former selves. Like could they lose the game,
I guess sure, But you get through San Antonio and
then you get Portland or Utah or Portland or the Clippers.
Like again, Clippers are a nuisance, but the Clippers couldn't
beat them when they had great talent. Now they have

just a good team, great team, but not great talent.
Like I tell me, the team in the West outside
of a Houston that could stretch them out at all.
And Houston will have to go through the rest of
the playoffs. I'll have to go through the Nuggets. They
have to go through maybe Oklahoma City. So I think
it could be actually a much easier run for Golden
State than it had been the past, because I think

the West is living a little bit on reputation and
a little bit like, look, you got six or seven
good teams. Well, we'll ask Rick Puker Hill join us
in a moment. Skipping meals, having a hard time finding
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for off your first case. Let's get to damn bier Dann.
When you got top of five, Yankees and Tigers tied
up at one a piece, Yankee shortstop trot Lewitsky, though
needed to leave the game because of a calf strain.
Earlier today, the Brewer's blanked the Reds one nothing. Rockies

did the same to the Rays, but that one was
in eleven. Of course, had a solo home run in
the eleventh, the only run of the game, as Colorado
gets to win. Nationals get a walk off win against
Bryce Harper in the Phillies nine to eight. Harper, though
in the losing effort too for two with a run
scored in three walks. White Sucks drop the Indians eight
to three twins over the Royal seven to six. North
Carolina point guard Kobe White is entering the NBA draft

John Moranta Murray State expected to do the same tonight.
U see LA close to hiring Jamie Nicks Dixon to
be their next men's basketball coach. Buzz Williams on his
way to Texas, A and M leaving Virginia. Actuate Raiders
have side free agent wide receiver Ryan Grant. We'll be
back to the Doug gottlib Show in ted seconds, but
first a word from Farmers. Brick Buker's an NBA senior

writer Bleitch Report check out Buker and Friends as part
of his podcast, He's Awesome. He joins us now in
the Doug Gotlieb Show on Fox Sports Radio. Bug Why
why are the Warriors arguing with with these officials? I mean,
why why pushed the technical fouls thing in the regular
season like Katie and Draymond have Honestly, I think it's
just a reflection of where they are emotionally, mentally, physically,

they're they're drained. And you probably know this as a parent, Doug.
When you haven't had enough sleep and you haven't had
enough rest and your kids, uh, don't do what you
asked them to do, You're probably going to react in
a more emotional way than you would if if you
were well rested. So I think it's more a reflection

of where this team is mentally as much as anything else.
And it's not for those who believe that they're just
gonna flip the switch and they're gonna roll into the
playoffs and be dominating. Uh. To me, this is a
cautionary tale. It's a it's a reflection of where they are.
Why do you say, I'm gonna disagree with that? Like
I thought the last night they're in the first half,

thy kind of made it a point to kick the
hell out of the Denver Nuggets. I mean, they seem
to get Cousins going a little bit, and I look
at the West, I look at you know, assuming they
don't play Oklahoma City in the first round. In Oklahoma
City is equally flammable like San Antonio or and then
maybe Utah or Portland's like, I don't think the West
is nearly what it's been in terms of the potential

for arduous journey, do you I I don't as far
as looking at that one team that can take them down,
but I do believe there's going to be a cumulative effect.
I don't think there are. I don't think there are
any easy outs unless you maybe San Antonio. Do you
look at them? So I don't know that it's anybody
that's necessarily going to knock them off, but I see

them maybe taking five, six, seven games to get through
each round rather than having a sweep some sweep along
the way, and just at this stage, yeah, maybe maybe
you don't have There's not a team I point to
in the West and say that's the team. On the
other hand, I look at these Warriors and they're not

the same Warriors. Offensively, yes, and the Nuggets have long
been a bad matchup. But defensively is where I question
that they can get back to where they need to
be to be able to win another championship. Well, let's
get to o Glooma City, because I know everybody's head
been praised on Russell Westbrook because he had um. But

they've been mess. I mean they've they've been a mess
this last month. And I thought they'd end up as
the second best team in the West. I get they
don't have shooting, but like, what what's happened here? How
that thing has been so out of control? Uh? Paul?
They've lost their way defensively, I mean really they they

lost the principles that made them a defensive jug or not.
Paul George physically has been banged up and he hasn't
been quite the same, and then Russ Westbrook as a
result of that, is trying to figure out, Okay, so
how do I play off of this? And then Steven
Adams is another one who I'm not sure what's going
on with him physically, but between the free throw shooting

and not being able to move, I mean I just
named I named two of the three most important players,
and Westbrook now trying to figure out, Okay, this is
the way I played and we were successful. Now do
I do I need to revert? Do I need to
stay the course? You are right? They are a mess. Um.

I'm going to go by the by the on the
premise that if we believe that the Warriors can flip
some sort of a switch come April, that the Oklahoma
City thunder are going to find a way to do
the same. Yeah. The only problem with that though, is
um and I know that there. We think they're better
than last year, but last year they got dusted by
the the playoffs, right like like, at least the Warriors

have shown us they can flip the switch in the past.
Where's the Thunder of note that is fair? I would say, um,
if if it's if it's Golden State in the first round,
that's going to be an interesting series. Um, I don't.
I would expect that the Warriors would still win. I
think it would be a tough series if they get
Denver in the first round. I like their chances, even

as messed up as they are, because you quietly you
look at the Denver Nuggets, so over the last couple
of weeks they have just been as messed up. They
don't have any playoff experience. And I'm still other than
Jamal Murray, is Jamal Murray or go to guy to
win a playoff series? Love what he's done, love what
he is? Not convinced of that, I feel like they

are the Nuggets are the Western Conference version of last
year's Milwaukee Bucks, right where you want a bunch of
games and everybody like, look, they're going to be really good.
Are they really good? Now? Like? Not really? But and
and and the Bucks didn't never have never won a
playoff series. Is that Is that an accurate depiction? No,
I think that's I think that's very fair. And quite honestly,
I'm not sure that I'm taking the Milwaukee Bucks out

of that category either. I would expect that they would
win their first round, But do I see them in
the conference finals? Honestly, I don't. I still believe that
when you get to a series and you can make
you honest into a decision maker, there are still elements
to his game that if you can force him into
playing that way, it's going to disrupt, disrupt everything that

Milwaukee does. And so I see them as as still
being very vulnerable. But the point that the Nuggets are
the same way I agree wholeheartedly. Doug Gottlie's show here
on Sports Traded. That's the voice of Rick Bucker, sr
NBA writer covering the association for years with Bleacher Report.
Bucher and Friends is a podcast you just download. Listen

to it. It's outstanding. Um, let's go non playoffs for
a second. Lebron has been shut down. You know, whether
it's fair unfair, appears obvious that the Lakers are going
to get a new coach. Who do you think it is?
I know that Las Vegas has suddenly made you want Howard,
the the odds favorites, to get the job. I don't

understand that move at all. If you're going to do that,
you might as well keep Luke. Uh My feeling and
what I was told a couple of weeks ago was
that ty Lou, if he wants to, if his health
is good, that he would be the guy. And to me,
that also makes the most sense, because, let's face it,

you have one of two choices here with l On
at this point. You do the unthinkable and you trade him,
or you keep him and you build the team around
him that he is comfortable with and that can make
the most out of what he has left. There are
no other choices. So if I'm going to do that,

tylu in my mind, of all the names that I've
heard out there, is the only one that makes any sense. Yeah,
the trading thing is not a possibility. Right, he's not
going anywhere. He's not. I can't I can't imagine. First
of all, the dirty little secret in this is the

Lakers couldn't get enough back for him because and he
wouldn't show up though. Yeah, and and depending on where
you sent him. I mean, look, there has to be
there would have to be a lot of conversation. The
Lakers would have to go to Lebron and say, look,
this didn't work out, Um, we're we're going to move you.
He doesn't have a he has a trade kicker, he

doesn't have no trade clause, and will will accommodate you,
you know, tell us where you'd want to go if
you're not here, and make the best deal possible. I
don't know if the relationship between Rich Paul and Magic
and Genie and Lebron is at a point where they

can have that conversation. And I'm not saying that they
are on the verge of having that conversation. But if
you're going to do it right, that's the way you
would do it. Yeah. I just don't believe there's the
that's even a you know, like like you, I don't
think it's I'm not saying that they're they're considering that
by any stretch. But I'm just saying, and you know,
taking a pragmatic approach at where they are, it's one

or the other. It's either you build this thing and
try to squeeze the most out of what Lebron has left,
or or you don't. It's not you know, we're gonna
develop or we're gonna Everything has to be determined through
the prism of Lebron James at this point. This is
The dug Goli Show on Fox Sports Radio, Joan Howard

being interesting, Um, interesting, Okay, there's there's repeated conversations about
k D and Kyrie and how they've remained close in
terms of the off season. Um, what's the likelihood that
that plays out with them going together? It Well, I've
heard that, and I've had people try to convince me

of of that. I I'm still trying to get to
the heart of where this deep, abiding relationship began, considering
there's about a four at least a four year age
gap between the two and so I I've heard. I've

heard that they would love to play together. I've heard
that New York would be you know that that that fits.
That's why New York has the cap room that it
that it does and made the deal that it did
with Christaps. It's it's just hard for me to imagine
at the end of the day, simply because maybe it's

because Doug I'm looking at it in basketball terms. I
don't think that would be a great fit. I don't
think it's smacks of Grant Hill and Tracy McGrady going
to Orlando. Like, Okay, it's a lot of talent. It
makes this team a lot better. Is it the combination
that I look at and say, Okay, if you just
put the bright pieces around this off to a uh

an NBA Finals, you go. I just I ultimately don't.
I don't see that, and I can't buy the idea
that that relationship is on the Dwyane Wade Lebron James
level where it's something that they always imagine themselves doing
and so they made it into a reality. Yeah, I'm
with you there. I do think it gets um. Okay,

So here's a question, who do you think the best
player in the NBA is not the NVB. Who do
you think the best player in the NBA? Who's the
best player in the I should have an immediate answer this,
I am going to say that Kevin Durant is the
best player in the NBA. I tend to agree, and
and is it fair? Like at the heart of it

is here he thinks he's the best player in the NBA.
He's one of the last two NBA finals, and he
doesn't feel like he's getting like is this a search
for love? Is that what this is? I don't know.
There's a search for love as a matter of and
and all I know is this, he has never been
fully embraced, uh in by Golden State and know what
I mean by the team, I mean by the fan

base in the area, and and it's it's always been
a guy who joined, who joined the party, not started it.
And so I think he's I think he's looking for
that and he and he also hasn't gotten I think
from a national perspective, the respect or the confirmation that

you would expect a guy who's been a two time
finals MVP to get. And so when he looks all
it looks at all that it's okay, where where can
I go? What what kingdom can I conquer? That is
it's going to give me everything From a business standpoint,
And don't understell that uh and that I get to

be the primary piece and people are going to love
me for being there. Ultimately, even if I don't want
a championship. And I've said this elsewhere, if if Katie
gets the Knicks to the Conference finals, he will be
forever beloved in New York in a way that he

simply has not been at Golden State. I agree with you,
and but a lot of guys have searched for that
New York trying to be the guy with New York
and and uh and and having accomplished it. It's yeah,
it's it's a mountain everybody wants to climb, and nobody
has gotten to the summit as of yet. Buke great stuff, Yeah, great,

great stuff. As as always, one last one real quick. Um.
I talked to an NBA guy that said, hey, it's
there is a discussion John Morand or Zion Williamson. The
problem is that Zian Williamson is going to pack every
arena and sell every jersey and good luck telling your
owner of that. Is it a legit discussion the teams

are gonna have and is there a chance your John
rand could be the number one guy verrow? They will
have that discussion. I guarantee you that, and there are
gms out there that would make that move, and I
think it believed. It does depend on the composition of
your team. It also depends on who your owner is
and push comes to shove. Yes, I think the vast

majority of owners will look at this and say, I
hear you, but we're going with Zion because it just
makes way too much business sense. But yeah, I think
I think in the in the war rooms and maybe
not going to get to the war room, but in
the in the g MS office with all the scouts
and everybody, there will be a healthy debate. As soon

as they get the owner on the phone. Uh, that
debate will go out the window. Great stuff as always,
Rick Buker check his work out on Twitter, Bleacher Report
or Bucher and Friends as the podcast. Awesome stuff. Thanks
so much. You got it alright, big news for a
top five pick potentially in the NBA Draft. I'll share
it with you next. Be sure to catch live editions
of the Doug Dot Leaps Show weekdays at noon eastern

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first use first case. Excuse me what you got, Dan

Doug yesterday when you were in for the herd. I
was in for you yesterday and I joked to the
guys that I knew something was up with the Alliance
of American Football when I saw a promo for a
NonStop marathon of a football life on NFL network. I'm like, okay, well,
may hey, this seems a little odd. Well, CBS has
got a bit of an issue. They were supposed to
air the Memphis Express against San Antonio game leading up

until the Final Four coverage on Saturday. But now with
no league, there is no game, So CBS is going
to have to find something to fill that some sort
of informercial influence. So I think, so let's check out
Prime real Estate right there. Now. The Final Four on
CBS R on t NT this year, So I think

it's a CBS one this year. I think pretty final
four CBS. Yes, yeah, that's that's according to reports. So
I don't know what they're gonna do. Maybe they'll just
you know, re air yeah, as he said, Ronco or
something like that. Anyway, new some college hubes John Moran
expected to announce tonight that he's entering the NBA Draft.

The Murray State guard would leave school after two years.
North Carolina point guard Kobe White leaving after just one.
The freshman heading to the NBA Draft, Like Kobe White,
a lot man um, really good scoring guard, a bit
pro over pro but he can, he can get you
some buckets. Kind of fascinating though, right that they have

that they had two kind of incoming freshmen that we're
seen as stars and potential draft picks. And the guy
who's going to go higher than Kobe right um didn't
even start for North Carolina this year, right yeah, and
sire Little didn't start a game, played only eighteen minutes

a game, six six to twenty, and somebody's gonna draft
him high. I look, I think he'll be a better
pro than he was college player. And I like, he
wasn't better as a college player than Cameron Johnson or
than Luke May But you gotta be able to shoot
the basketball, and he's just not a good enough perimeter
player as of yet. Anyway, it was one of the
reasons I didn't like North Carolina to make a deep

run because I honestly thought that Kobe White was really
their only great player on that team. Jamie Dixon heading
to u C l A. Buzz Williams gonna be to
the new men's basketball coach at Texas C and M.
Now is the Jamie Dixon thing done? Because they're having
they're having issues with the buyout finalizing details. L A
Times says that they're close to a deal. Yeah, they

got to get the buyout worked out. I mean the
thing is, look, at the end of the day, if
you're TCU, you want to get as much as you can,
but you he doesn't want to be there, and you
gotta let him out. And Buzz to uh, A and
MAZ that worst cupt secret or now worst were literally
worst kept secret in college basketball. Everyone knew that was
coming and just only became official Earler today. Of course,

Buzz with a Texas background coaching texts A and m
which has long been seen as a sleeping giant in sport,
not press, get out there and pressed. That was the press,
all right, so we'll get you ready for the final four.
We'll continue to cover the NBA. Major League Baseball is
David Robertson, whose setup guy for the Yankees comes over
the Phillies. Everybody talks about Bryce Harper. Bryce Harper, seen this,

seeing this book, know how the movie, it knows how
it ends. He got no closer and he walks in
the game winning run against Bryce Harper's former team, the Nationals. Oops.
And then there's Russell Wilson negotiating with no leverage, but
negotiating in public? Does it work? I don't think so,
but we'll find out on the Doug Gotlip Show. Box

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