All Episodes

May 3, 2024 50 mins

On a Friday edition of The Best of the Doug Gottlieb Show: Doug reacts to the news that Darvin Ham is out as head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers. 

Doug welcomes two-time national championship coach of the UConn Huskies Dan Hurley onto the show to talk about his most recent championship run.

Doug explains why there should be a long suspension for Patrick Beverley for his antics during and after game six of the Bucks' series against the Pacers. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Thanks for listening to the best of the Doug Gottlieb
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the way tire buying should be. Okay, So the news

you heard from the Great Monster Belanos is at Darvindham's
out of a job and the only person on earth
who said, hey, maybe Radham shouldn't be out of a
job with Charles Barkley, which he took the blame off
of Darvin Ham and said the Lakers suck. It's not

because of darvn Haam. And my response would be, this
can be true. It was a flawed roster, and like
we could kind of go back through it if you'd like,
But Darvin Ham definitely accept should accept some sort of blame.
The problem with hiring Mike Budenholzer would be he was

the one who Lebron trained. I mean Lebron Darvinham was
under like, he's a long time Mike Budenholzer assistant. So yes,
you're gonna get a guy who's won a championship, and
yes you'll get a guy who is much more experienced
as a coach. And remember even when they were in Atlanta,

they had the number one seed I believe in Atlanta
one year before beating Beaten early in the playoffs and
then ultimately was fired and he went to But I
don't see that happening. I don't see that happening to me.
There's very likely to be two potential fits. JJ Reddick

is one is one, and Tyleru is the other one.
And Tyler is probably the favorite. You just got to
see what happens if the Clippers lose tonight to the
Dallas Mavericks. They lose tonight to the Dallas Mavericks. Does
he move on? Does he stay? It's fastining because remember
TYLERU could have gotten the job when Frank Vogel got

the job, only he wanted a three year contract. Part
of that is Lakers have always been cheap, but part
of that is that he didn't want to do the
old bet on himself thing and got a better contract
with the Clippers, but has never been able despite the
fact I think he's an outstanding coach to get out
of that second round. But some of this comes down

to some of this comes down to and I don't
think it comes down to experience, right. I'm I'm a proponent.
I'm a believer, especially in basketball that and even in football.
I'm just here to tell you, and it's not every player,
but there's plenty of players that playing professional basketball. Playing

for twenty years, you can absolutly you can coach tomorrow.
You just need help with the things you don't know.
If you haven't put together a practice plan, you gotta
put together a practice plan. You gotta put together skydypoort,
you got to put together skyting port. But the actual
X and o's of a game execution, especially when you're

JJ Reddick, you can do it. You can absolutely do it.
It's it's I do understand. You learn a lot. I
mean this year, as most people know, I was a
consultant for Oklahoma State, and I learned a ton about
running a program. I know Mike Boyton lost his job

and now he's at Michigan's assistant coach, and he was amazing,
amazing to be around, an amazing guy, a thoughtful leader,
and I thought as prepared a coach as possible. But
there was no part of the in game coaching that

I didn't I wouldn't have felt comfortable doing. You know,
it's in college basketball. There's a lot of managing different parts, right.
You got to meet manage the academics. You got to
manage their bodies. You got to manage their time. You
got to manage your time. You gotta look at recruiting,
you got to do you know, you gotta raise money
for nil. You know, there's lots of different stuff you

got to do. In the NBA, it's really just about
coaching and managing egos. Coaching and managing egos. And if
you've in a locker room, especially if you're learnt the
best player you've had to make, you've had to learn how.

It's called. A friend of mine, Steve Hurs, likes to
call it social jiu jitsu. That makes sense. You just
kind of how you move and social jiu jitsu. You
have to have that. You can't survive fifteen years in
the NBA, especially as a role player, unless you have

the ability to have social jiu jitsu, to move around,
to use other people's weakness as their strength, or other
people's strength as their weakness, to understand when you're not
You look like you're down, but you're not down. So look,
does is JJ arrogant? Hell? Yeah, he's arrogant. He's a

doochie who overachieved after being told he was overdrafted. Was
an all time great player. Doesn't have to be if
there's four hundred fifty NBA players, he was one of
the best four hundred and fifty people playing basketball on Earth,
and probably one of the best one hundred, one hundred
and fifty for most of his career, maybe in some

years the best fifty players on the face of the planet.
That ain't bad. And as much as I'm not diminishing
guys who coach, who started coaching at a very young
age and have worked their way up, that is experience
and experienced gaze, and it is valuable. But she do

know that she get the same or better experience receiving
that coaching and putting it into play and then sitting
there and watching it. The volume of games and reps
you've seen is way way bigger than the volume of
game reps you've seen as a coach. And if you
think it doesn't work, that's fine. It may not work

if they hire him, may not. But the NBA specifically
has given us pat Riley, who didn't want to be
the head coach and then took over. He was a
we do know. Pat Riley was an assistant but also
a broadcaster for the Lakers. Steve Kurr never coached a
day in his life. Now, Fred Hoiberg wasn't a great

NBA coach. He's been a great college coach. Part of
was the personnel when he's in the NBA didn't seem
to fit when he's in Chicago. They were trying to
figure it out. But Fred Hoiberg went from never coaching
a day in his life to being successful at Iowa State.
Then he got the Chicago job. Then he got the
job at Nebraska in his home area where he grew up,
and he took them to the tournament. Finally, you can
go around and round the eight bill Russell was a

player coach and won a championship. So it's interesting. Danny
Hurley's going to join us in the second hour of
the show, and it's not in coaching, but in life.
Danny has somebody do something for him. Danny has somebody

do something for him that all of us as guys
think we know how to do our should know how
to do ourselves. And the point is that the things
you don't know how to do really really smart people
hire people that can do what they can do. It
makes sense like if you don't know how to put
together practice plan, well, then you hire a sistant coaches

that can put together practice plan, and then you put
together practice plan and you let your assistant coaches coach
and you slowly kind of fake it until you make it.
It's not that big a deal. You've been through and
run all of these drills in your life. You've been
through practice. You know how your body feels. It's way
more important how hard you go and how your body feels. Look,

I think Tylo is the better option because he's worked
with Lebron before, he's coached Lebron before, he's a former
Laker as well, he's a longtime assistant, a two time
head coach, and he's won an NBA championship. And while
he won an NBA championship, he authored arguably or maybe inarguably,
the biggest comeback in NBA Finals history. But if you

can't get him, I don't see a JJ Redick be
a bad option. I just don't. And Darvinham isn't out
because you know, Charles Barkley believes the pundits at ESPN
thinks it should be out. Darvinham was out because nobody
could figure out his rotations. I know from a couple

of different sources that he's not really a super He's
not a prep guy. He's just not. And the fit
has to be along the lines of your best player.
And I think Lebron James liked the way he motivated guys,
liked the way he gravitated towards the players, liked his
fight for his players. But Lebron James is a preparer.

He wants to know everything about the other team, and
he wants to know everywhere everybody's supposed to be. That's
how he rolls. And so when you hire a coach,
you don't just hire. And I understand what Rob Polinka
and what Genie bus were looking for. They're like, you know,
we went from Frank Vogel, who never played, worked his

way up from being a manager of Kentucky the film
room to be an NBA head coach. Kind of a
basketball dork. But he had a good relationship with Lebron.
Why because he's super prepared and Lebron dug that about him.
But you go, you always go the opposite of what
you had before. When things go bad, you go, all right, well,

you know it didn't work at the end, So let's
hire a guy who's a former player. He'd been around
for a championship. He played for the Lakers for a minute.
He size wise, respect wise, can look Lebron James in
the eye, can look those guys in the eye, like,
I got it. But from very very early on, I

was gonna tell I told you it wasn't gonna I
wasn't gonna work. And then of course there is there
are personnel issues that are undeniable, And it wouldn't have
mattered if Red Arbach, the late great Red Auerbach was
the coach, if Phil Jackson was coach. It doesn't matter
if that team ain't win a championship, and that does
come down to the personnel decision they made. Some have

been the Lakers own, some have been pushed by Lebron
and Clutch. But to people who say, hey, you don't
do what Lebron James would like as head coach, that's great,
that sounds great. It doesn't mean you hire Rich Paul

as a head coach, but it does mean that you
get your best player on board. What's the greatest likelihood
of success is Lebron James on board with whatever the
guys say. And my guest would be that between Tylo
and JJ Reddick, they can both sit down with Lebron
and go, hey, man, look, here's the deal. You want

to win one more time. Here's how we're going to
do it. Okay, you're gonna have to be the third
best player at times on the floor. Maybe he takes
a little bit less money. You're gonna have to trust me.
This thing's coming around to you. If you don't have
Lebron on board, you don't have a coach. You just don't.

So I know there are times in which you'll listen
to the show will be like well dogs to Lebron hater.
If you listen to me before he won a championship,
or even early when he won a championship, I would
be seen as a guy who's a suck up with Lebron.
I'm actually I feel like the only honest guy here.
Lebron does he wants to be coached, right listen. Maybe

not held as accountable as some other guys, but he
wants to be coached. But he wants everybody else to
be coached as well. He doesn't want to be the
only voice. And my guess is that if the Clippers
lose tonight, Tyler will be the next head coach the Lakers.
And we could sit here and say, well, the Clippers

have a better roster. Well, the Clippers have an owner
with deeper pockets. The Clippers are opening a new arena.
That's true. You know what they are. They're still the Clippers,
Still the Clippers. The Lakers are I don't know if
you guys like they're not a sponsor, but this is
not a knock on him. Hyundai makes really good cars, right,
Honda makes luxury cars as well. I think Lebron has

been a spokesman for a Hundai, wasn't he for a
while the Genesis? But what Hyundai did to get into
the luxury market. Was they kind of undercut the market?
You know, their luxury cars were like five to ten
thousand dollars less sticker price. Oh, he to Kia, same
do with Kia, Kia, Hyundai, same thing. There's nothing wrong

with them. They're good cars. But if you roll in
with a Mercedes or you roll in with the Kia,
people make different have different thoughts about you. Right, so
you're Lebron James, You're a gigantic brand. You got one

more bite at the apple. It's really unlikely that you
can win a championship. But in order to win a championship,
he's got to be completely on board, and they have
to have a vision that shared, and somebody else has
to want to play with Lebron ad and the rest
of the Lakers. And you have to have just the

right guy and just the right mix. You gotta thread
that needle tight and what gives you the best opportunity
to do so? I believe are frankly our JJ. I mean,
my dear friend Miles, i'mon would be perfect. He worked
for the Lakers, their G league coach, He's worked with Lebron,
he ran Lebron's camp. He's an assistant with the Suns.

He played. He's a brilliant coach. He just you know,
some of this stuff comes down to your name and
your circle of influence and all that other stuff. But
I personally believe that Tyler should be the choice. And
if Tyler's is not available, then I have no problem

with JJ and the Hey, he's never coached before a thing.
I get it, I understand it. I'm just telling you
the reality of it is. NBA guys don't care. You
absolutely know who should be in who should be out.
You know, especially when you've been a bench player and
a starter. You know about rotations, you know about keeping
guys ready, you know about dealing with the egos of stars,
all of these things. And it doesn't mean that every

guy has to be that guy, right. Nick Nurse a
tremendous coach. He didn't play in the NBA. He didn't
play a high level college basketball playball, didn't play high
level Doc Rivers. Did Billy Donovan play in the NBA.
I think he's a very good coach. Mike Malone did

not Mike Malone's dad, Brendan Malone, in the NBA forever.
So there is no one way to prepare you for
a job or a job of that magnitude. It's you
have to have some level of preparation for it. You
have to have command and respect of the room. You
have to have command and respect of the best player.
And then you have to hire people that know what

you don't know. If you didn't play, hire a bunch
of guys that did play that you can trust, that
you can respect, but can relate to the players. If
you did play, hire guys that have coached a bunch
before to help you out with learning the other things
you don't know. But and I'm not friends with JJ.
I'm not enemies with JJ. I'm not friends with JJ.

He's a Dukie, runs those Dukie circles. Obviously, clearly he's
close to Lebron. I'm not played against TYLERU. I know
him a little bit. It's an unbelievable dude, and I
think he's I firstly think he's a fantastic coach. I
think Carlo Rick Carlisle, by the way, might be the
best coach going. I've had NBA coaches tell me they

know Rick Kyle Lower is better than them, and they're
just like we just got to hope coming out of
a time out they only score once, not twice. But
the point is, in order for it to work with
the Lakers, that's probably gonna have to be how it works.
All Right, we got a great show for you today.

Speaker 2 (17:35):

Speaker 1 (17:36):
National Championship head coach Danny Hurley's going to join us
in the second hour of the show. Mark Stein will
join us. Uh, Mark mark Stein will make us well,
we'll join us upcoming. Charn will join us upcoming.

Speaker 3 (17:54):
Who what a day?

Speaker 2 (17:57):
What a day? Now?

Speaker 1 (17:58):
We're waiting on. Charles Barkley on The Dan Patrick Show
earlier today said there should be some sort of decision
from Turner as to whether or not they're going to
they're gonna match, right, They're going to match the NBC
off offer.

Speaker 3 (18:12):
Is that right?

Speaker 1 (18:13):
Believe that's later today, so that may take place during
the show. I reached out to Chuck. He said, yeah,
if word comes down, he pop on and join us. Obviously,
I think everybody hopes that Turner, Like it's a hard
one because Turner has the best show on TV, okay,
the best show on TV in inside the NBA. But

that show will go away. That show will go away
on some in some former fashion. If after next year
TNT loses their NBA rights.

Speaker 4 (18:45):
This is the best of the Don dot Lead Show
on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (18:52):
All right, let's welcome in. He's not just the head
coach of the national champions. He's the head coach of
the back to back national champions And there weren't really
closed games. It's the crazy closed games. And Daniel Early
joins us year on the Doug Gottlieb Show on Fox
Sports Radio. You had a couple of weeks to reflect

second time to the first time. How do they compare?

Speaker 2 (19:20):
Well? I think you the first time is always special
because you're you're experiencing it for uh, you know, for
the first time. I would say a lot more pressure
just the second time because you realize, like as as
January turns into February and it's turned into March, that

that you just you have the best team in the country,
and you know it's a special team, and you you
just you you love the players. And then you got
these new guys, Cam Spencer and Stefan Castle that didn't
experience you know, winning it and cutting down nets and
own to the parade, and so you just started to
feel this like I tink, way more intense pressure that

second time because you knew you had the best team
and then you understand you have a chance to do
something historic. Man, so way more pressurized the second time.
But the elation of doing it, you know, definitely felt great.

Speaker 1 (20:22):
And once it was done, what's the like good? I mean,
we don't we won't know, but what's the like good?
You you win it if Clinging doesn't get hurt. And
I bring it up because you had to learn to
play differently, honestly, you know, you broke up in the
Bama game with him on the bench, and you know

it it allowed again, it allowed a kind of different
look and feel both offensively and then defensively. You didn't have,
you know, kind of that ultimate safety guard right to
protect you. How likely are you to play as well
as you played if you if he didn't get hurt
in that scene Hall game.

Speaker 2 (21:02):
No kind of the suffering and the difficulty of playing
without him not having that that crutch to lean on.
You know, it certainly allowed the rest of the group
you know, to kind of uh you know, identify uh,
you know, their roles and have to do more and uh,

you know, and play at a high level with his
absence because he was the ultimate you know, eraser at
both ends of the court. And you know, it also
allowed you know Samson Johnson who for two years didn't
play and it was it was uh, you know, it
was super talented guy, but it gave him the opportunity
to have to be leaned on in an intense way

and and uh for his development, which gave us that
that two center rotation. That's I think that that's made
us what we've been, which has been unique and special.
But it also you know, it was it was tough
on us, and I think, uh, you know, losing some
of those games, uh, you know, the way we did

at Kansas and losing that Seaton Hall game on the road,
it like, uh it set the message to the team
that like, uh, you know, we're vulnerable just like everybody
else if we're not on full identity mode. And uh
so certainly it helped.

Speaker 1 (22:23):
You know, you and I didn't play in this Big East.
I mean obviously you played in the Big East your
whole career, but it wasn't when the when the league expanded,
and that's when that one year I played in that
was our the notre Dames first year West Virginia Rutgers.
It wasn't It's that this is like it feels like
eighties Big East, right, it really does. Now. Obviously I

wish the QUS was in it, right, the q's was
in it. It would be even better in the garden
and be in insane. But what's happened here the past
couple of years, Like there's a sort of sec football
sort of feel to it when you switch, when you
guys switch from the American to the Big East. How

long till it took? Kind of this sort of feel
in your opinion?

Speaker 2 (23:11):
I mean that this feels, you know, natural, certainly for
a guy from Jersey who you know, has you know,
watched the NBA that much as a kid, right, you
watch you watch the Biggest Tournament. You watch Pearl Washington,
you know.

Speaker 1 (23:27):
You know, Danny, I'm sorry, but Danny, you know, like
growing up in southern California, I grew up on Big
East basketball. That's there because it was on at four o'clock.
You come home from school on a Monday, nothing else
is going on a Monday. You flip it on and
it was I mean it was the best, right, I mean,
you know Pat Ewing Pearl, Washington, Derek Coleman like man,

but but like I said, like I don't think people
understand there's like a fifteen year game. The basketball was
still great, but it didn't have the level of intensity
and kind of the league wide spread of fervor that
it has now. Like it is insane to turn on
those games.

Speaker 2 (24:12):
I mean, it's true, it's true round robin. Yeah, it's
it's only eleven teams, so you're able to you you
have to play a true round robin. There are no
big football games on our campuses. I mean, the exception
of Yukon. I'm not even sure how many schools even
have football. But so the biggest events of the year

on campus, and all of these biggest schools are the
biggest basketball games. So you do feel like you're walking
into a steel cage environment, like a real intense situation.
The biggest games in our places aren't you know, one
hundred thousand people in a football game. They're Yukon birth Providence,

and you know our fans are there are all basketball
schools and are you know, pretty much all obnoxious on Twitter.
Ours are probably the worst.

Speaker 1 (25:04):
No, no, no, province of worst. Come on, I mean,
Province kind of makes the league special, right because like
what why why do people care about Province? Like a,
you kind of got to get it, like they're just
so nasty, so over the top, so insane, but it
just kind of works, you know.

Speaker 2 (25:21):
Yeah it fits. I mean I think it fits. And
the coaches the personality that think you got. Obviously, this
league was built on some of the most iconic coaches, uh,
you know in the history of the game, you know,
with Coach Thompson and you know Raleigh Massamino and PJ.
Carlossimo and Jim Beheim and Luke carniffseca. I mean, these
guys are legendary you know figures. And obviously you know,

this league right now has got, you know, just an
incredible you know roster of coaches and all intense coaches.
You know, coaches that are up they don't look like
they're in a boardroom when they're coaching. They look like
they're industry.

Speaker 1 (26:00):
Yeah yeah, okay, So you know you haven't necessarily spoken
out against the portal. It's a necessary might look you went,
I mean the Cam Spencer end up being a perfect fit, right,
like perfect fit could not get a better fit. Last
year as a grad transfer than than than Cam Spencer.

So this year obviously, I mean because you were so
good and I mean you're sitting there going like, man,
we got to have a kind of a whole new team.
How do you identify and I've seen on other podcasts
how you identify when you're recruiting a high school player?
But it's like speed dating here with the portal and
I know that you know you've had you know, Tom
is doing the work all year long on giving you

background these guys. But how do you do it in
a speed dating sense of finding a guy that can
play for you, that can play as a two time
defending national champion, that can play on the road at Providence,
on the road, at Creighton, on the road, at Saint
John's in the garden. How do you identify your type
of guy? Considering it's such a contracted, uh time span

in which you have to make a decision on a kid.

Speaker 2 (27:12):
Yeah, I think number one dog. It's like, if if
it's the point of contact is the agent, We're going
to walk immediately, right. Like if it's not, if the
point of contact with for the initial conversation is not
the player or the parents, you know, if it if
it's the agent set in the parameters for what the
nil has got to look like. You know, then obviously

for us right now that that's we're going to run
the other way. Because if it's the driver of the decision,
like the number one thing from the start, just bringing
a talented player into stores Connecticut, Uh, that's going to
make us lose that that's not really going to get
us anywhere.

Speaker 1 (27:55):
It's like it's like it's like, I mean, I remember
remember when Jay had his first five on a four
team at Villanova and they went out and had the
number one recruiting class in the country, and those next
couple of years, you know, it got away from him,
and then he always talked about getting our kind of guys.
So I just okay, so in trying to identify your
kind of guys, guys that can fit your program, Okay,

all right, point of contact, you want to be with
the parents. What else.

Speaker 2 (28:19):
But when we come in and you're part of the
first thing that we're doing, when you get on the visitors,
you know what, we're going to watch film. You know,
we're gonna do a ninety minute uh you know, film session,
which is going to start off with you know who
we are in terms of how hard we play, how
hard we defend, how we you know, how we get

on the backboard. You know. Then we'll go into our
style of play and really make it, you know, basketball
centered and really you know, just uh, you know, be ourselves,
be authentic. I mean, we're about you know, we're about
pursuing championships here, We're about uh, you know, relationships and
connection with team and having good dudes in the locker

room that you know that that want to win, and
and uh, you are going to pursue their individual stuff
at the expense of the group, because, uh, the NBA
is going to want the players that have the traits
that they're going to want.

Speaker 5 (29:17):

Speaker 2 (29:17):
Being a selfish ass while you're here isn't going to
get you closer to the NBA. Uh, and it's just
going to sink us. So it's not as much recruiting pitching.

Speaker 1 (29:28):
You're we're kind of selected. You're kind of in the
select mode now right in.

Speaker 2 (29:33):
Large part, I think you know we are obviously we're
showing off, you know, a forty five million dollar practice facility,
and we've got all the resources you need. From an
NIL standpoint, and the way we travel and and and
obviously the brand has never been better. But uh, you know,
we we're not uh you know, we're getting to know

each other and seeing if it's a fit. But then
we also too, like certain players when going to portal,
we just we know it's a fit. Kid like Aiden Mahoney,
we prepared for him. We played against him when he
was at Saint Mary's. Uh you know, I I kind
of really was intrigued by the kid's game and then
getting to know the person and that quick process. I

was sold.

Speaker 1 (30:17):
Yeah, that's that's that one. I'm going to be intrigued
because he's got he's got that swagger that your guys
have to have. He has that toughness. But again, it
all sounds good and looks good. Let's see, you know,
next next, next winter hits a whole different deal. When
you walk out with that Yukon across your chest, can
you can you maintain the overall like historic program cohesiveness

And by that I mean obviously when you're winning, everybody's
gonna come back. But it's so transactional now and guys
are at schools for such a short period of time.
You know, one of the cool things about when you
guys go to the final four, is you look out
on the stands and holy cow, there's all the great
Yukon players, right, they still identify with the school. Can

you continue that considering you know, now you're entering into
the guys that are only some of these guys will
only play for you for a year.

Speaker 2 (31:13):
Yeah, I think you could do it. I think there's
enough you know, kind of like old school families out
there with you know, with kids that they just they
want them in. They want them in a great program,
they want them in a in a place where they're
going to get coached, hard and developed. I just think
so much of that is is how you get them

out of high school. What your messaging is, are you
over selling the impact they're going to have if you're
telling a parent, you know, hey, yeah, your kids are
one and done, and the reality of it is is
is they're going to be a three or four year player.
When it doesn't hit at the end of year one,
that's when guys end up leaving and going in the

portal where you know, I just think my brutal honesty
and the way that we move here in terms of
the reality and the lack of delusional world that we
live in when we when we do go through the
recruiting process. I think not over promising allowed us to
hold on to four of the five members of last

year's recruiting class, of which those four guys are probably
not happy with their playing time. But you know, we
bring back four to five of four of the five
guys from a top top five class in the country.
That now our sophomores are going to allow us to
keep that that that continuity and that culture, like they
understand what Yukon is and now is the time for

these guys to make that big that big jump that
that you know that we've had other players make from
threshing the sophomore.

Speaker 1 (32:47):
Is there a week that you and your family are
going to take and like shut off the phones and
go away and just enjoy all of the fruits of
all of your labor. August, Have you picked the spot?
Has she picked the spot? Like? Do you know are
you just you're going out to you know, you're going

out to Rhode Island, You're going completely off the grid,
Like have you have you picked the spot yet?

Speaker 2 (33:13):
Yeah? For Jersey Shore, I mean every Jersey every kid
from North Jersey's dream is to do enough in life
to be able to have a spot at the Jersey Shore. Right,
So we've got a spot there. And then I'm gonna
take some family. I'm gonna take the family away for
a three or four day trip in to the Caribbean.
I'm gonna take them to an island to celebrate uh,

you know, our our our good fortune. But we uh yeah, man,
right now, it's it's uh, there's no off switch.

Speaker 1 (33:42):
No I know, I know, I'll gas no breaks, last thing. Okay,
So a Jersey Shore day for you, hey, Jersey door
share Jersey Shore Day. You wake up? What time.

Speaker 2 (33:54):
I'm gonna get up at? Uh, I'm gonna get up
at seven.

Speaker 1 (33:59):

Speaker 2 (34:01):
I do my prayer, I got my I got my
morning routine. And even when I'm on you know, chill mode,
I still stick to it. So I got my prayer,
I got my meditation. I'll do a little bit of
journaling that I'll go for Wait.

Speaker 1 (34:13):
Wait home real quick. Don't don't give up, because the
most important part. Okay, So your prayer, do you do
it in your bedroom? Do you go out to the beach?

Speaker 2 (34:20):
Do you know? I mean, I have a weirdo room
in Connecticut that I do all of my my my
priming in the morning. Uh, so I do it outside
in the porch, uh, on the front, on the front porch.
With that I can hear the ocean. So I do
it outside there, which is you know, which is nice?
I read my scriptures, I pray, I do my meditation

out there. Then I'll go I'll do a little bit
of cardio, you know, I'll go run the boards or
go run on the beach.

Speaker 1 (34:49):
How far? How far typically do you like to win?

Speaker 2 (34:52):
Well after next after next surgery? Now I'm doing more
like like hard pace five k or I'm trying to
do like you know, five k's and under twenty seven
minutes or so I move that I'm trying to run
like eight minute miles or or left.

Speaker 1 (35:08):
Okay, uh would you get headphones? Headphones in or are
you going down natural headphones?

Speaker 2 (35:13):
And I'm either it's either a podcast that I like,
you know, or you know, maybe the Rocky four soundtrack whatever.

Speaker 1 (35:24):
Okay, all right, so you get back, get back to run.
You shower up, and then.

Speaker 2 (35:28):
What shower up? I'm gonna read. I'll probably I'll probably
read for an hour down by the beach, Go sit
on the beach, you know, go go read, you know,
go in the water. Just chill at the beach. You'll
come back to the house. Go get uh you'll go
get some lunch somewhere, go back to the beach. You know,
maybe just chill, listen to some music, just hang out

with my wife, my sons. You know, go go to
some spot at the shore. You'll go back to you know,
go back to the house, shower up, go get a
nice dinner. Or maybe we may grill at home and
then uh, you know, maybe uh, you know, go for
a walk that night, go down by the beach for
you you know, it's just really, you know, just see
some family, got a lot of family in Jersey, got

a lot of friends in Jersey. Just get reconnected with
some people that I don't get a chance to see.

Speaker 1 (36:14):
How good are you?

Speaker 2 (36:14):
And the grill not great? I've gotten lazy there. You know,
when I was coaching high school and and uh, you
know when I was a high school coach, you know
I didn't I I I did that more. You know,
I was an excellent.

Speaker 1 (36:30):
Will you have somebody else work your grill?

Speaker 2 (36:33):
You know, like my brother in law, Ken Well, come, come, come.

Speaker 1 (36:35):
Hold on. That's like, that's like these coaches, and I know,
like like Sean Miller, like Sean Miller, let's his assistant
coach's sub I don't understand that. I don't. I don't.
That's that's like some that's like letting somebody else impregnant
your wife. No thanks, okay no, But I think it's
it's the same thing with grilling. Don't don't you have
to you you let your brother in law handle your grill.

That is wow, that's I hear what you're saying that.

Speaker 2 (37:00):
I get it.

Speaker 1 (37:00):
I understand, but you also have to know what you're
good at and know what you're not good at, and
if you're not good at it, you're not good at that.
That I do respect, right.

Speaker 2 (37:06):
You know. I mean I overcook chicken. I don't. I'm like,
if the stake and the burgers like, I'll either I'll
either overcook them or undercook them. I don't like the
pressure of that, and I don't like to disappoint people.
And I'm just smart enough to stay in my lane.
And I hear what you're saying, though it's embarrassing, and
I don't know how to coaches do it. Doug like

these guys like they have somebody calling offense, somebody calling defense.
I see that. I'm like, I don't know, we collaborate here,
Like Luke is awesome offensively, Commandie is incredible defensively. But
I don't know how coaches could give up all of
that control. And as I see a timeout where like

an assistant coach has the board and the head coaches
standing there, like, WHOA, that's good.

Speaker 1 (37:53):
Yeah that's not That's not how we were raised like that.
Nobody nobody took big coach early board. That was not
not happening. It's not happy. Yes, well listen. Thanks so
much for join us. I would tell you that as
much as people freak out about the offense and how
much fun it is and the stuff you do, the
defense and the toughness and the rebounding, to me is

actually what what what? What wins it for you? It's
it's amazing to watch and I'm personally obviously a fan.
And when you get to that, August, shut the phone
off and really enjoy it because you deserve it. Thanks
so much for joining me.

Speaker 2 (38:28):
Thank you, brother, appreciate you.

Speaker 4 (38:30):
The Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup
in the nation yet catch all of our shows at
Fox sports Radio dot com and within the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (38:40):
What how about you Doug galleb Show, Fox Sports Radio.
Hope you're having a great day. The Doug Gallleep Show
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dollars ty right dot com. It's way tied. Buying should
be all right, let's stuff to get to. Odell Beckham

Junior is gonna sign with the Dolphins, right. I mean,
that guy has done a masterful job of figuring out
how to go check the check in one year deal
to one year deal. But what was it? How much
was it last year? Was it like twelve last year?
It was a lot? Now fifteen fifteen million last year

and then eight million this year.

Speaker 3 (39:27):
That sounds right. I just can't believe that the Dolphins
won the Odell sweepstakes. It was a massive sweepstakes and they.

Speaker 1 (39:33):
Want By the way, if you're just listening to us
for the first time, that's Jason Stewart. That's called sarcasm. Wow, Okay,
It's like, really, are we doing this again, this again,
and you know, I mean, he can't stay healthy. Not
the same guy now. Is that it has a maximum

value of eight point twenty five million, right, But I
think it's a three million dollar contract, isn't it. Yes?
Last year it was like fifteen million guaranteed. This one
is three million guaranteed, so, which I think is about right.
But huge name nonetheless, but working backwards and obviously he's

had so many injuries in his career. It's hard for
him to stay healthy, really hard for him to stay healthy.
Other news is Darvin Ham has lost his job as
head coach of the LA Lakers. Saw that one coming.
We've talked about the last couple of days. I don't
think it's because of the pundits of ESPN, as Charles
Barkley like to say. I think it's because one particularly
good coach, right, And that one is because I can

tell you that I just watched the games. You know,
you watch enough games and you look at and you
look at the reaction to dudes with bizarre rotations. You're like,
I don't think this dog's gonna hunt. So he's not
the reason that the Lakers aren't a championship caliber team.
But they can't be a championship caliber team if you
don't have a guy who's a better fit for their

personnel in terms of how he coaches, and everybody's a
lot more on board with his rotations. And then he
got Patrick Beverly. So two things happened, actually three things
happened last night. Now we mentioned that in Game five,
Pat Beverly was awesome playing at home. You know, when

they had didn't have Damian Lillard and didn't have Giannis.
He was part of an amazing night for the Milwaukee Bucks.
They returned, they play in Indie, and that was not
the case. Instead, TJ McConnell ends up lighting them up
a little bit and they get run off the floor
by the Pacers. Damian Lillard did play, didn't look fully healthy,

and they just the Bucks aren't that good and lost.
And you know, Pacers played with unbelievable tempo and energy,
and the crowd was awesome. So during the game or
at the end of the game, he actually threw a
ball at a fan twice. One time he hit a
lady in the dome and the second time he threw

a great chest pass to a guy. And what I've said,
we'll talk about this the more in the podcast is like, dude,
I'll do a little story time here. When I was
at ESPN early on, we used to do these dot
com chats, so you'd have to go. It started by
having to go to the old digital area and you

sit down and they'd have it all dialed up for you,
and it was basically like a call in radio show,
only on the Internet, where people would ask you questions.
And I remember doing it from my own personal laptop
as well. And at some point in time, there was
somebody who was trolling me about, you know, the Notre
Dame stuff, and I just joked with him and I
was just like, hey, dude. Yet it was something along

the lines of when I want my pizza thirty minutes
or less, I mean thirty minutes or less. And then
there was another line I dropped, which was, hey, can
you tell your mom I left my Jordan's underneath their bed.
That sort of deal, you know, basic, very random, very average,
very mediocre trash talk. And there's a gentleman who still

works to I believe he still works. Their name Mark Gross,
and Mark Gross is like, hey, man, just so you know,
I wanted to fire you. I was like, what, it's like, Yeah,
I got talked off a ledge from firing you. It's like,
why do you want to fire me? It's like, because
those are paying customers. Why would you tell them that
you slept with their mom. I was like, this said joke.
It's like that matters. They're paying customers. And I've always

thought of that.

Speaker 2 (43:45):
You know.

Speaker 1 (43:48):
That as psychotic as fans can be, they still are
your paying customers. And one of the biggest challenges in
professional sports, maybe the biggest challenge in professional sports over
the next ten years, is getting people to go to
the games. Getting people to go to the games. And
I'm not sitting here dismissing the fact that a lot

of guys, mostly guys but sometimes women who go to
games can say things like whoa mechanics just drop their wrench.
Now the reports are he said, can't coon on three?
Which is the international and national line for anyone who
is going to mail it in? That isn't that? Was that?

The the Cedric Sabalos line is that? Where that comes from?

Speaker 3 (44:37):
Club said?

Speaker 1 (44:38):
Club set was that. I don't know if he went
to Kancun, did he No, he went to have a suit,
do you guys know the story, Monsey, do you know
the club said story? I don't think you guys aren't
old enough. What about you? I was Sam when we
say club said, Sabalos. Do you know the story?

Speaker 2 (44:51):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (44:52):
No, huh. I know who Cedric Sobalos is. Do you
know the story?

Speaker 5 (44:55):

Speaker 1 (44:55):
I do not, Mancy any any idea. No, you're speaking
a little bit of gibberish over here. Okay, okay, what
college want to No, neither of you. You were gibberish. No,
I don't. Okay, he went to cal State Forton, which
is where That's where I went. That's where went. Wait,

so Jason went. You didn't know that he went there? No,
there's like two dudes that played basketball ever in the NBA.
One is Bruce Bowen and the other one is said Sabala.
I did not know that. Really. What are they the Tritons? No?

Speaker 3 (45:29):
What are they?

Speaker 1 (45:29):

Speaker 3 (45:30):

Speaker 1 (45:31):
Titans, Titans are the same. Most famous most famous cal
State Fortson basketball player was Leon Wood. Leon Wood was
on the eighty four Olympic team with Michael Jordan. They
actually played an exhibition game at Titan Gym, and because
the Olympics were in La. They played at Titan jim
You walk in tight Jimmy, like the Michael Jordan and
the Olympic team played here.

Speaker 3 (45:51):

Speaker 1 (45:52):
Anyway, Uh, Leon Wood was a good NBA player, solid
he's great college player and then he's an NBA official,
So I think he was the first to He and
Hayward Workman with two that became nbaficials. Anyway, I believe
it was. It was Magic Johnson's comeback here, wasn't it?

And Cedric Sabalos, who was like twenty six at the time,
like left when a wall. He spent part of his
time away from the team when he he needed, like
he had family, family reasons, he needs to spend time.
He went to Lake havasue you know, he said like, hey,

I got some family issues, and they're like he went
to have a sue. Now, I'm sure there probably was
a legit family issue. I know said he's an awesome dude,
but he was forever. And the show that Jason worked on,
either at the time or shortly thereafter, was the Jim
Rome Show and they called him Club said right, it's
a great nickname, like club med right, thank you, Sam Well,
I just wanted to confirm that was the joke. Yeah,

I don't think you needed to, but got it anyway,
was was he the one who did one two three?
Ki who is responding?

Speaker 3 (47:04):
Think was Nick Van Exel? Nick van Exel, I lock.
My source is Bernie Fratto, who's listening Nick van Exel
in the Lakers huddle.

Speaker 1 (47:15):
It was at the end of the NBA playoffs. Supposedly,
what year was that the year that they that was.
I'm trying to think what year that was. Anyway, that's
internationally known. The origins of one two three can coon? Okay,
one two three can coon was Nick van Exel LA

Lakers and seasons over and you do one two three
can coon. So first he throws the ball out once
but twice in the stands, and he fired the second
one he fired a rocket in there. Now, a basketball
is not going to kill somebody, but it does not
feel good to get hit by a basketball, especially when
you're not expecting it. Never feels good to get hit

by basketball in the dome, especially you're not expecting it.
And from a player, it's like, dude, that's our paying customer.
And then after the game this happened when he was
being interviewed in locker room. Subscribe to my pot?

Speaker 2 (48:13):
Do I subcribe to you?

Speaker 3 (48:13):
I do not, so you can't interview me in dis.

Speaker 2 (48:19):
You subscribe? Okay? Cool again?

Speaker 5 (48:21):
There were a couple of times within a bucket or
two and previous games you all have been able to
kind of get over that humber. Maybe was it anything
they did in particular or was it just one of
those where the bucket didn't go down? There wasn't the
stop they made one? What kind of prevented that you
all from me able to get over? Kind of like
you have any.

Speaker 2 (48:39):
Move that might please or just get out to circle
please for me, please, ma'am if you're not subscribed to
my pot, I appreciate it that. Thank you.

Speaker 1 (48:46):
Yeah. I mean, look, I personally think that Patrick Beverley
and ESPN's already banned from his shows because the first
woman was she's an ESPN producer, but she's also a reporter.
It's not about how you handle it's not about being
a woman's and subscribe to my pod. It's so painfully

obvious to me he's trying to make himself out to
be one of the bad boys and benefit from it
post career. The way that Draymond's gonna benefit a post career.
We do know this, right, so I see it. I
think everybody else sees it. I don't think it's like

I think there should be a long, long suspension. I
don't think it's crazy to say, sit them down half
even the entire year, see if it changes, or whatever
you want to do. Podcasts go ahead of your podcast.
You don't need to play. It's fine, it's fine, But
what a clown show like? You lose and you fire

a ball into the stands because somebody yells one, two,
three can con So you're gonna fire the ball at
Bark and Kenny Smith when they say the same thing
in studio, of course not. I think just a phony dude,
just a fake tough guy. It's like Kevin Durant always said,
a lot of fake tough guys in the league. And
you're one of them. And you're one of them. You

got your ass kicked, okay by a guy you didn't guard,
they chose not to guard. T J McConnell. TJ McConnell
kicked their ass. The only thing you say after that
game is, hey man, they kicked their ass. Good for them,
wish them the best of luck, but instead can't ask
me a question. You don't subscribe my podcast, Come on, man,

Blaine Laine
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