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January 22, 2025 • 51 mins

On a Wednesday edition of The Best Of The Doug Gottlieb Show: Doug reacts to the news that the Jets have hired former Lions defensive coordinator Aaron Glenn and how that impacts the Lions as they have been picked apart.

In this version of The Midway, Doug and the crew share things they are just over with right now.

Doug welcomes FSR NFL Insider Adam Caplan onto the show to talk about the Bears, Jets and all of the other rmajor headlines around the NFL.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Thanks for listening to the best of The Doug Gottlieb
Show podcast. Be sure to catch us live every weekday
three to five Eastern twelve two Pacific on Box Sports Radio.
Find your local station for The Doug Gottlieb Show at
boxsports Radio dot com, or stream us live every day
on the iHeartRadio app by searching FSR.

Speaker 2 (00:19):
Hey, welcome in.

Speaker 1 (00:20):
This year's The Doug Gottlieb Show Live from Green Bay, Wisconsin.
And I know he's walking out of the studio right
now in LA and I just want to tell Dan
Byer I'm thinking of him because there's a big fire
near Lake Castaic, which is north of our studios, north

of the valley, but it's closer to where Dan and
his young beautiful family live. So I think he's going
to go and run home and make sure that everything's
okay at home, which is more than understandable. But anyway,
so Dan won't be with us, I don't believe today.
So it's just me, you, Jay stew and Sammy oh

Ilo is going to come in great, thanks Silo. But
again the point is that we all have our own stuff.
You know, it's really important to have balance and when
you're in the middle of things that are rough you
like you look around, like you know, like Mike Teaman
won a game since mid November, right, feels like the
weight of the world on all of us. But I

said this in my postgame press conference. We have our
golf coach, Lead Ranky. He's fighting cancer, his fight for cancer.
Our thoughts are way more with him than we are
on feeling sorry for ourselves over things we should have,
could have, should have done right. Same thing with today,
no matter what is going rough at like bosses, me
and your kids are not doing as well in school,
your car, you know, you got a flat tire or whatever.

Hey man, there's people in California, and I know there's
all that snow and in the southern parts of the
United States. If you're stuck indoors, Thanks so much for listening.

Speaker 2 (02:03):
We appreciate it.

Speaker 1 (02:04):
Reminded the podcast is available at the end of the show. Anyway, Danny,
drive home safe, take care of that family, take care
of that house.

Speaker 2 (02:11):
Let's get to sports.

Speaker 1 (02:12):
So now Aaron Glenn appears to he's gonna take the
Jets job, right, So Ben Johnson to the Bears, Aaron
Glenn to the Jets, And here's the real challenge for
Dan Campbell. I commend Dan Campbell on doing what I
am trying to do, and I know I will find
the right mix, which is, hey, lean into what you

know and hire people who know what you don't know,
and let them do their jobs.

Speaker 2 (02:39):

Speaker 1 (02:39):
Dan Campbell was a tight end, was a tight end coach,
and obviously he knows a thing or two about blocking,
so he can help the old line coach. He knows
a thing or two about what it's like to play
within an offense football and he's coached on many a staff,
so he knows a little bit about everything. But he
hired a really talented young offensive coordinator, Ben Johnson, and
a former player who I know he respect as a

defensive coordinator and let them do their job.

Speaker 2 (03:05):
Now you gotta do it again.

Speaker 1 (03:08):
The real challenge to sustaining success is when you're successful,
people are going to try and poach your players. They're
going to try and poach your coaches. Why wouldn't they,
That's business? You know this all does. It's really interesting,
Jay Stu, you and I were talking off air about

the hatred over the Dodgers and the Dodgers spending money.
I look at the Dodgers as what they're doing is
what any smart business does. Yeah, they're spending money, it's
all within the rules. They're not violating any rule of baseball.
What they've done is because if you go back six
months ago, it was the Dodgers can't win a World Series.

Now they win a World Series and they're ruining baseball
because they're continuing to push forward and make their team
better and better and better. Hell yeah they are. You
either evolve or you perish. You can't stand pat you
can't stand Pad. How many times did the Patriots win

a Super Bowl and allow a talented player who's got
one year of greatness left in him walk out the
door so they could keep pushing it forward? You know Netflix,
I mean think about Netflix, how they've succeeded.

Speaker 3 (04:27):

Speaker 1 (04:27):
They went from you get one or three DVDs in
the mail, Then they became a streaming service and they
started to take over the world. Then they started developing
their content. Now they're doing live content. They keep throwing
more money at more things. Why, because you either evolve
or you perish. You've got to keep pushing forward. And
the challenge to all of these companies, all of them, Netflix, Amazon, Facebook, Walmart, Nike.

Think of any champion of industry, and I know the
Lions haven't won anything.

Speaker 2 (05:00):
They're not champions per se.

Speaker 1 (05:01):
But if you're actually honest and you're not just a jerk,
like everybody thinks it's so cool to be a jerk, now,
like that's the fun part, Like, no, it's not.

Speaker 2 (05:09):
Just be honest.

Speaker 1 (05:10):
The Lions were the laughing stock of football for about
twenty years, give or take. There was a couple of
couple of good, solid.

Speaker 2 (05:16):
Years, right, and.

Speaker 1 (05:22):
But for the most part, the Lions were viewed as
like the Clippers, right, Is that fair? The Lions were
viewed as the Clippers. It doesn't matter that you had,
was it Jim Caldwell's years, which are pretty good, but
they lost in the playoffs. Outside of that and outside
of a couple of years and where they had, I

thought Jim Schwartz did a pretty good job. Mooch did
a good job, Boss Ross did a good job.

Speaker 2 (05:51):

Speaker 1 (05:51):
Wayne fonce had a couple of really good years. He
was Coach of the Year in the nineties. But for
most of our lifetime, the Lions have been a really
good punchline. Cool uniforms, unique Dome stadiums, two of them,
the greatest running back of all time, but kind of
a laughingstock of an overall organization. So Dan Campbell turns

them into the model of how you want to become exciting,
go for it young offensive coordinator.

Speaker 2 (06:20):

Speaker 1 (06:20):
Obviously their defense wasn't good, but a lot of that
was was injury dependent. So you can say they're not
the model, because there it's true. They are the model.
That's how you flip it. Yeah, I are really good
energetic guys. You change the roster, you get everybody all in.
You have a coach who leans into what he does,
which is motivate, motivate, motivate, be about the players. And

now they lost their two coordinators, and they'll lose some
players as well. And now the challenge is really really
a tough one because you still haven't gotten over the
hump as a team. Yet you're close. People are going
to poach some of your players, and now you've got
to figure out, hey, do we elevate guys or are
those coordinators going to take their own guys? And we

got to kind of scrap it and start all over.
But I think of this as nothing more than a
mirror of business. It's happened to the Niners, and you
could say, hey, we the Niners haven't won a super
Bowl with Kyle Shanahan. They haven't, but they've become the model.
They weren't the laughing stock, but they after Jim Harball left,
they went down in the dumbs. Then they hired Kyle Shanahan.

And when they've had a healthy quarterback, they've been a juggernaut.
That's why they get poached time and again for their quarterbacks,
for some of their players, and for allow of their coaches.
The first challenge to running an organization is hiring really
really good people, finding their lane, giving them their lane,

and letting them control their lane. And the next part
to it is when you lose those people after you've
been successful, finding guys who can do the same thing,
maybe in a little bit different fashion. But you can
also allow to work through it. And it doesn't always work.
I mean, I'll give you an example. This is not
a trying to embarrass anybody, but how many people out

there know that Sean McDermott story. Sean McDermott was Jim
Johnson was the defensive coordinator for the Eagles when Andy
Reid was there when they went to what was it,
five is the AFC title games in a row and
one of them went to the Super Bowl five and
six years or something like that.

Speaker 2 (08:28):
Jim Johnson was their defense coordinator.

Speaker 1 (08:31):
Jim Johnson got cancer, ended up passing away, and Sean
McDermott took over for him, and it didn't work.

Speaker 2 (08:41):
It was bad.

Speaker 1 (08:42):
Now, part of it was that personnel wasn't as good.
Part of it was it was his first time being
defense coordinator and the expectations were huge. McDermott then went
to Carolina after being fired by the Eagles, and when
the Carolina Panthers went to the Super Bowl with Cam Newton,
they had the best defense in the NFL. McDermott was
their defense coordinator. He got the Bills job, and his

success with the Bills has been outstanding. But the point
to it is, even sometimes when you have a protege
sitting right there, you're like, he's going to be just
as good as the old guy, sometimes it doesn't work.

Speaker 2 (09:17):
But what a challenge for Dan Campbell, who knocked it
out of the park with.

Speaker 1 (09:22):
His coordinators, with his energy and has flipped this program
on its heels. Flip flipped as give me the NFL
on its heels, completely change how we look at the
Detroit Lions. But now you've got to go back and
rebuild it again from the core out with your coordinators.
So Aaron Glenn gonna be hired by the Jets. The

Lions are getting picked apart. That's what happens when one,
you lose early. If you lose early, then your coordinators
are more likely to be taken. That's kind of a
fact just because of timeline. And then two, when you're
successful for a couple of years, people want to get
a piece of why.

Speaker 4 (09:59):
This is the best of the Don dot Leap Show
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Speaker 2 (10:06):
Eh, what up with you? Doug Gotleep Show, Fox Sports Radio,
iHeartRadio app. Welcome in.

Speaker 1 (10:10):
This is the Doug gott Leap Show, proudly coming to
you from the tire rack dot Com studios. Hi rack
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the tire buying absolutely should be. Okay, So Green Bay
was constant yesterday, we were negatives all day. I think
it's minus seven when I got up in the morning

minus four most of the day minus twenty was howtfelt
minus twenty one.

Speaker 2 (10:37):
Today it's much more reasonable.

Speaker 1 (10:40):
I think we're in the teens, and you know when
you're in the teens normally or not. We're twenty twenty
two degrees yay, Hey listen, and it feels like eight degrees, which.

Speaker 2 (10:52):
Is not bad but not windy that wind cuts through you.

Speaker 1 (10:56):
But I was telling Sam my favorite thing about freezing
cold weather, and this is a this is an interesting one.

Speaker 2 (11:05):
Sam. You shared something that I thought was pretty good,
which was.

Speaker 5 (11:08):
What one benefit of living in the cold climates during
the winter is you have now endless freezer space. Sure, uh,
you can put you know, your your your pot roast
out on the porch. I mean, I think it's too cold,
and if it's like, you know, zero degrees, I think
that'd probably be bad for your food.

Speaker 2 (11:29):
But well, not like opening you can put it.

Speaker 5 (11:32):
Yeah, you can put it in a container. And honestly,
then you have you have tons of freezer space. So
that is one small perk of living cold climate.

Speaker 1 (11:39):
I have a perk you ready for it, yeap? As
you know, and many of the people have heard I
have a dog. His name is Vince Lombardi. He is
a sheep, a doodle puppy. He's like seven a half
months old. Picking up dog poops is so much easier
when they're like permafrost. Literally, like the easiest thing ever, right,

And so there's all these like land mines and you
know how dogs are they find like one area, I
got this little hill in my backyard and there's like
fifty of them, and you know, you just wrap your
hand up in a sack and boom boom boom boo boom,
and yeah, I mean it's a it's a real snap.

Speaker 2 (12:15):

Speaker 5 (12:15):
I was gonna say, you're let that thing cool down
a little bit. You're gonna let it sort of just
you know, you know it because when it comes out,
oh you know, yeah, you.

Speaker 2 (12:22):
Don't get the steam. You don't get the steamy ones
right after that. No, no, no, these are days old. Yeah,
but you get you get a day old. It is.
It is permafrost. It is frozen. It is solid, you know,
because there's nothing worse.

Speaker 1 (12:32):
So when you go to pick up a dog poop
and it just melts over it, like, oh man, that's
just the worst it gets on if you do a shovel,
if you do your hand with a bag, you know,
if you do it any any sort of poop bag,
that's a disaster.

Speaker 2 (12:43):
No permafrost. It's actually kind of great.

Speaker 5 (12:45):
And you can use this snow surrounding it sort of
buffer it. Same like on a beach. You can kind
of you could kind of dig under all the nastiness
and sort of you know, take a clump of sand
or snow and put it in the bag or shovel
it into the garbage can, whatever you want to do.

Speaker 2 (12:59):
You have to touch you you don't really need to
because it's literally frozen.

Speaker 5 (13:02):
Yes, I know, but it's still there's no experience.

Speaker 1 (13:06):
There's no no snow on the ground here. So just
you know, we're really cold. Yeah, cold for no reason.
That's I don't cold for no reason.

Speaker 5 (13:13):
As we have that Siberia going right.

Speaker 1 (13:15):
There's snow in New Orleans. There's no snow in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Speaker 5 (13:21):
The news said it was the snowiest day in New
Orleans history and it was coming down yesterday.

Speaker 2 (13:25):
It's crazy.

Speaker 5 (13:26):
That is winter storm Endzo.

Speaker 1 (13:28):
Winter storm endzo enzoy enzo. It's the Doug Gottlieb Show.
It's Fox Sports Radio every Wednesday. It's hump Day, middle
of the week. This is generally middle of most people's day.
It's the middle of the show. We have the one
hour podcast only, which launches right after the show.

Speaker 2 (13:44):
We get to the midway, it's.

Speaker 3 (13:49):
It's time for.

Speaker 1 (13:54):
Just a quick update for those of you wisconsinates and
people who have grown up listening to Dan Byer at
home safe. Everybody's safe. But he just sent us a
picture fires pretty close, pretty close. So but he's safe
and he feels okay about.

Speaker 2 (14:12):
Their home right now.

Speaker 1 (14:13):
So thinking to you, Dan, and to stay safe for
everybody in that area of southern California. Okay, the midway
we usually throw out ideas and Jacetu, you're good with mine, you.

Speaker 5 (14:24):
Like mine, I'm good. Let's do it.

Speaker 2 (14:26):

Speaker 1 (14:27):
So Jason wanted to talk about the Kansas City Chiefs
and how why people are over the Kancity Chiefs. So
I want to take it a step further and instead
of just picking apart the Chiefs, what else in the
world sports it?

Speaker 2 (14:42):

Speaker 1 (14:43):
Are we all just over We're just over it? And
I want to point this out. Okay, some things were over.
It doesn't mean that they're not really good, even great, okay,
but just enough, right enough, Jason, you're really good with
this stuff.

Speaker 2 (15:01):
Gimme something.

Speaker 6 (15:02):
You're just over Tony Romo, Tony Jim God, Jim go Jim. Yeah.
I don't know if there is a broadcaster right now
that gets more negativity on Twitter that's deserving. In other words,
I think on Twitter everyone hates everything. But I fully

concur with the criticism that Tony Romo gets. I think
it's a combination of his paycheck, the fact that he's
getting worse, not better, the fact that nobody over at
CBS seems to have the gumption to go to him
with an intervention and say, let's start over. This is

how you commentate a game. We're going to start with
the small stuff, the fundamentals.

Speaker 5 (15:53):

Speaker 6 (15:53):
I'm sure there's times that during the season that you've said,
you know what, let's do some fundamentals today in practice,
Let's start over. This is what you don't do, this
is what you do do. The problem is he's developed
so many bad habits. He's just exacerbating those bad habits
on a weekly basis. It's almost unwatchable at this point.

If you are are the lead commentator on a network's
coverage of the largest sport in the country. You should
not be a reason people push mute on your TV.
You don't want that. He's so bad at his job
that Chris Collinsworth, by comparison on Sunday was like talking

circles around Tony Romo and Collinsworth is so vanilla and
so uninteresting, but he looked great compared to Romo.

Speaker 2 (16:47):
Uh. Okay, I just I like Tony. I know him
was a guy. I like him. I like it. Actually,
a lot of parts about his broadcast I do. I
just I.

Speaker 1 (16:58):
Struggle with how he Hall's big moments, just crushes big moments.
And I gotta think that nance who preps and preps
and preps for those big moments has got to.

Speaker 2 (17:10):
Be frustrated on someone gotta be frustrated. Okay, I low.

Speaker 7 (17:20):
Before I get to mine, I just had a thought,
like the greatest call of all time in sports history,
al Michaels, do you believe in miracles?

Speaker 2 (17:28):

Speaker 7 (17:29):
What would have happened if he would have been partnered
with Tony Romo for that moment? Do you believe I'll
be al Michaels, Jason, you be Tony Romo? Do you
believe in miracles.

Speaker 3 (17:42):
That's why.

Speaker 7 (17:43):
That's why I heard Brooks. That's why I herd Brooks,
MIKEI all right, all right, so what I'm.

Speaker 5 (17:53):
Over with, Well, that was a very realistic reenacting there,
Thank you, very good. Thanks right.

Speaker 2 (17:57):
I don't know what that.

Speaker 1 (17:58):
I know you would call the farting noises that Jay
stew was making, but I'm gonna call them.

Speaker 6 (18:02):
Why'd he turn into Daffy Duck there? Because his voice
that's the problem too. His presentation. So what he's saying
isn't very good.

Speaker 2 (18:10):
No, we got it.

Speaker 6 (18:12):
His broken voice sounds like a fart machine.

Speaker 2 (18:15):
Yeah, okay, I.

Speaker 5 (18:19):
Am over.

Speaker 2 (18:20):
Hey, Jay, how do you feel about Tunny Row? Go ahead?

Speaker 7 (18:24):
He just wasn't clear enough. As you know, he has
a real problem getting right to it. I am over
the NBA. I love the NBA, but I'm just not
a fan anymore. I'm so turned off by the drama.
Everyone wants to leave their team and force their way out.

Just the latest is Jimmy Butler. Nobody plays defense anymore.
I can't remember the last time that I was interested
in an actual on court storyline. Certainly it hasn't happened
this season. The NBA has has lost me. I love
the NBA, but I'm just not a fan anymore.

Speaker 1 (19:05):
Well, I want to talk about that, but not right
now because I don't want to contradict how you're feeling,
how you're thinking. We'll flesh that out in a bit, Sammy,
what do you got.

Speaker 5 (19:13):
I'm going to be Captain obvious here and speak for
everybody living in southern California. I'm over these fires. I
am over these fires. It's one thing to be living
in the fire season in southern California, which I don't
even know it must it might as well just be
year round now. But it's one thing to be like
living in southern California in August or September or July,

and there's some fires burning because it's like one hundred
and fifteen degrees. But we are now six six weeks,
two months into our quote unquote wet season, and there's
another set of fires that's broken out today. And obviously
we had all the devastation with Altadena and the Palisades
fire and thousands and thousands of homes burning down, and
here is another rager breaking out in the mountains north

of VLAs Angels and the rain can't come soon enough.
I am over it. It is one thing to live
in the Midwest and have those prescribed fires to kind
of help your prairies get reborn and the seeds explode
and replant themselves. And the fire is good. It's nurturing
and it's cleansing. This we're just we're burning dirt. We're
burning dirt. It's so dry. So I am over these fires.

The rain is supposed to come Saturday, We're supposed to
get a storm. Can't come soon. I'm over it these fires, man.

Speaker 2 (20:27):

Speaker 1 (20:27):
The only thing is, you know, all those burned out
areas gotta be careful of mudslides.

Speaker 2 (20:31):
Rain too, so we'll see it. So how much rain
you're supposed to get.

Speaker 5 (20:34):
I don't know the totals yet. So you hope, because
of what you just said about mudslides, you hope it's
like a nice sort of soft rain to start and
then maybe it picks up a little bit. You don't
want those torrential down pores because then it will become
the threat of landslides and mudslides. So it's like, even
when the good rain comes, you still have to worry
about something.

Speaker 2 (20:53):
Yep, yes you do.

Speaker 1 (20:55):
Doug Gotlieb Show, Fox Sportrayio things. I'm over, man, there's
so many, There's so many.

Speaker 2 (21:02):
I think again, Jason, I'm sure.

Speaker 1 (21:04):
I'm surprised you didn't say I'm I'm over all the
idea of being woke, right, that was a big thing,
which I think is being struck down. I do think
the extremism on both sides I've been over for a
long time. The problem with it is we have a
substantial group of extremists on the other side who are

now kind of grasping for power, and it'll be interesting
to see how much they actually can grab in these
next you know, three and a half years or so.
So I'm kind of over extremism on both sides.

Speaker 2 (21:37):

Speaker 1 (21:37):
The world is in the middle, the world is in
the gray. Let's act real immature for a moment. I
am I'm over losing. We've been losing for a while.

Speaker 2 (21:47):
I'm over. I'm done with it.

Speaker 1 (21:48):
I told our guys this morning, what does Wednesday start
with a dub? How about we end Wednesday with a dub?

Speaker 3 (21:54):

Speaker 2 (21:54):
Right? I don't know if you guys like that one.

Speaker 5 (21:56):
I do like that.

Speaker 1 (21:59):
I'm actually really over social media from the perspective of
how it is weaponized against people who are really good
at what they do and don't do it well in
a given moment and then made to if Like if
you're Mark Andrews and you look at your phone and

you fall and and somebody sends you stuff on social media,
you would think you're the worst human being football player
on earth? Like, how do we get to that point again?
And I'm I'm okay with Like, you know, people want
to be a punch of me, to be a punch
of Bay, That's fine, Okay, talk to me when we
start winning games. But I just like the level of

it is so again extreme and over the top. It's gross,
It's gross, and this is kind of what we do.
We ruin everything. I'm also over conspiracy theories, over them.

Speaker 2 (22:54):
Over them. Do you know how hard it is to
keep a secret today?

Speaker 1 (22:58):
So the idea that these these great conspiracies where nobody
can keep a secret, Like, who are we actually kidding?
So I'm over conspiracy theories. I'm over extremism, which is
also part of the conspiracy theories.

Speaker 2 (23:10):
I'm over losing. And then.

Speaker 1 (23:14):
Last thing that I'm over in sports is I actually
think this is the same thing I'm over the over
the top nature of what we misremember the past.

Speaker 2 (23:29):
Here's what I mean.

Speaker 1 (23:30):
And this actually goes along the lines of Isaac Loncroft. Okay,
ILO's like, man, they don't play any defense.

Speaker 2 (23:35):
In the NBA. Okay, what are you basing that on?
What are you basing that on?

Speaker 7 (23:41):
Them not playing defense in the NBA?

Speaker 3 (23:43):

Speaker 1 (23:44):
Okay, So if you go back, what's your favorite era
of the NBA that they did play defensive.

Speaker 7 (23:49):
Oh? I love those seventy eight to seventy seven New
York Knicks Atlanta Hawk games in nineteen ninety nine. No,
that's a that's a fascinating question. And part of it
is that it's a branding problem in the sense that
my exposure to basing that judgment has been on looking

at scores, you know, one forty five to one, thirty one,
twenty eight to one, seventeen. Uh. And part of that
is the image that the NBA is putting out there
that nobody cares enough to play defense. And I agree
with you. You know, during ninety three, ninety four, maybe one

generation later, there were certainly times when it swung too
much in the extreme. But while there should be a balance,
I think it's too far swung. And you know what, Doug,
I might be completely wrong, but that's not my problem.
If that's an incorrect perception, that's my perception from what
the NBA has been feeding me.

Speaker 1 (24:55):
Well, I don't think it's for the NBA has been
feeding you. Okay, here's the deal. We didn't watch regular
season NBA games when we were kids. If you say
you did, you're full of crap. You did now in LA,
we watched the Lakers because you had the Lakers broadcasting network, right,
chick hern and stut Lands. But you didn't watch like
every NBA game, and you certainly didn't break it down

and understand. And if you go back and watch regular
season games from long ago, they didn't play any defense either.
Our perspective is based upon the playoffs. And here's the thing.
When you watch playoff NBA basketball now, it's awesome.

Speaker 2 (25:32):
It's awesome because.

Speaker 1 (25:33):
It has some of the physicality the pass defensively with
a lot more of the new skill and the use
of the three point line.

Speaker 2 (25:41):
It's a great blended mix. But we're comparing it.

Speaker 1 (25:44):
We're comparing regular season NBA basketball, which, by my estimation,
and what the hell do I know about basketball? I've
only spent my entire life in it. But again, it's
actually fantastic.

Speaker 2 (25:56):
It's they've lost the perception war. The perception war what
they've lost.

Speaker 1 (26:01):
And I'm gonna be honest with you, they're all right
about inside the NBA.

Speaker 2 (26:06):
They just are. And that's me telling you.

Speaker 1 (26:08):
I think Charles Barkley is the single greatest sports personality
in the history of the median But they have lost
the perception battle because the best sports show on TV
does nothing or I don't think he says nothing, because
the truth is, if he did a split, they're probably
fifty percent positive fifty percent negative. But their what they

say is perceived nashally. And then we watch regular season
NBA games like, well, they don't play very hard, we
don't play everybody, and they don't play any defense, like
nobody remembers. Like go back and watch regular season NBA
games from the eighties, nineties, two thousands.

Speaker 2 (26:42):
They were awful. Why same thing, too many games, not
enough defense.

Speaker 1 (26:48):
The only difference was they weren't as efficient offensively, they
didn't shoot as many threes, they weren't as skilled as
they are now.

Speaker 2 (26:54):
So I'm not saying I grew up on nineties NBA basketball.

Speaker 1 (26:56):
I loved it, but I'm also a realist about there's
always been two any games.

Speaker 2 (27:00):
They've always lacked some sort of effort in the regular season.

Speaker 1 (27:03):
Because your human body can't play eighty two games hard.

Speaker 2 (27:06):
It's too difficult. Your body's all beaten up anyway.

Speaker 6 (27:10):
Well, the I mean you talk about perception. I mean,
I will keyed in on the defense thing that was
obviously triggering for you. But I think what we could
all agree on is by normal metrics, which is TV ratings,
and then just by the eye test. You know, my
job is to sift through sports content every day, and

the NBA rarely rises to the occasion to talk about
things unless it's, as I will points out, Jimmy Butler drama.
There just isn't anything interesting. A lot of people have
been trying to point the finger at the three point
line and all this stuff. But I think we could
all agree upon that people just aren't paying attention to
the NBA this year right in general?

Speaker 1 (27:54):
In general, yes, correct, And I think it's because we're
over Lebron James.

Speaker 2 (27:58):
I just do.

Speaker 1 (27:59):
We're just kind of like he's great, He's been great
for a long time. It's like just kind of over it.
I don't know why.

Speaker 2 (28:05):
It feels like I'm trying it.

Speaker 5 (28:07):
He's been in the league for twenty two years.

Speaker 2 (28:09):
Yeah, it's like we're good like.

Speaker 5 (28:10):
People's entire lives. He's been playing basketball.

Speaker 2 (28:12):
It's like we're good. I get it. He's good like
I don't know.

Speaker 6 (28:15):
But we see what happens when Caitlin Clark, which is
a once in a generation talent and a once in
a generation of phenomena. We see what happens when there
are interesting people to watch in a sport. The NBA
just doesn't have anyone to gravitate to.

Speaker 2 (28:32):
Okay, but again is that perception?

Speaker 6 (28:33):

Speaker 1 (28:34):
So tell me some have you ever? Have you watched
the thunderplay? Have any guys watched the thunderplay?

Speaker 6 (28:39):
I have no interest in doing that either, to be
honest with you. But why because they don't have anything
that makes me interested in watching them.

Speaker 5 (28:48):
But n if so, it hasn't been.

Speaker 7 (28:50):
It hasn't been props message to us.

Speaker 2 (28:54):
You're not receptive to the message.

Speaker 7 (28:57):
It seems we seem to be receptive to the NFL.

Speaker 1 (29:01):
You're receptive to the NFL because fantasy football and you
can gamble on it and it's not on TV every night.

Speaker 2 (29:07):
The NBA is on TV too much.

Speaker 7 (29:09):
I don't care about fantasy football, I don't care about gambling.

Speaker 2 (29:13):
You know exactly, you.

Speaker 1 (29:14):
Know exactly when it's on and what it's what's on,
whereas the NBA is on literally feels like all the time.
I actually think everybody's burned out on the the hot
take shows, and I think the hot take shows focus
way too much on the NBA. I honestly think that's
a good portion of the burnout and that and it's

just it's just like college basketball. College basketball, there's so
many good stories and players whatever, but nobody watches because
every game is on TV. There's nothing special about a
TV game. Same with the NBA. I'm telling the Oklahoma
City Thunder are awesome. Shay Gills, Alexander's as good a
player as there is. Anybody doesn't do a ton of
he doesn't shoot a ton threes.

Speaker 2 (29:55):
Hey. And the great thing about using Caitlin Clark, it's
a great reference. It's her birthday, she's transcended. He's amazing.
But what does she do?

Speaker 1 (30:01):
She plays like a men's player, only not as good
against inferior competition at a slower pace shoots at a
lower percentage with a smaller basketball, easier skill to do.
Now that's the whole thing. It's perception, not reality. Reality
is the man are way better, not close. But I
think part of it is we're over the drama. Part

of it is it's it's the way it's positioned by
people on TV and radio is in such a negative light.
It's overly discussed by hot take shows, right, and it's
on TV all the time, so there's nothing special about it.

Speaker 2 (30:37):
And you're you're right, guys there.

Speaker 1 (30:39):
Maybe you have maybe haven't been sold in Neilklem City
Thunder and we are sold too much on drama. But
you guys should probably pay attention because they're awesome to watch.
They actually like each other, they play as a team,
homewk court advantage is amazing, and they have arguably the
best player.

Speaker 2 (30:55):
In the NBA.

Speaker 5 (30:59):
Anyway, I think you're I think you're putting in more
and more slabs of the pie chart, getting towards one
hundred percent of why interest is dropped in the NBA.
I think there's still something missing, but you may you
make a lot, You bring in a lot of factors
that are significant.

Speaker 2 (31:16):
Anybody else have anything in the midway.

Speaker 5 (31:18):
Yeah, I think we're gonna all right.

Speaker 2 (31:22):
Anybody anything else you're over, anything else, you're over.

Speaker 5 (31:27):
I mean I could do ten hours on things that
I'm over.

Speaker 2 (31:29):
Good, So give me a couple more.

Speaker 7 (31:31):
You could do ten hours where you've been going.

Speaker 2 (31:33):
No more, Romo, give me something else. You're over lots
of things.

Speaker 6 (31:36):
I'm over, going, way over on the breaks. Come on, man,
That's why I'm.

Speaker 2 (31:43):
All right.

Speaker 4 (31:43):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation yet. Catch all of our shows at foxsports
Radio dot com and within the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (31:54):
What Up with You Doug Gottlieb Show here on Fox
Sports Radio. I hope you're having a very very good Wednesday,
hum day, would wo. So, the Bears have themselves a
new head coach. His name is Ben Johnson. You may
know he was the offense credit with the Detroit Lions.
This is what he had to say about what appeals
to him about the Bears job.

Speaker 8 (32:15):
Going into this season, I felt like this place was
a sleeping giant. To be honest with you, I personally
was more concerned about the Chicago Bears than was anybody
else in this division. Now, there's a number of reasons
why that did not unfold, all right, which that's why
I'm here. I'll get to the bottom of that and
we'll see if we can't get that corrected and cleaned up.

Speaker 2 (32:36):
Here's what he said about his new quarterback, Caleb Williams.

Speaker 8 (32:38):
There's no doubt Caleb played a large component into my decision.
He is a phenomenal talent that had as many quarterbacks do,
an up and down rookie year. Where I see my
role is as a supporter of him. This offense will
be calibrated with him in mind. We're going to build
this thing. This is not simply a rapping of a

previous playbook down on the table and starting there. Nope,
We're ripping this thing down to the studs, and we're
going to build it up with him first and foremost,
and then with the pieces around him next. I really
look forward to challenging him and pushing him to continue
to grow and develop.

Speaker 2 (33:16):
Stut Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports Radio. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (33:20):
As a very matter of fact, I love that term
calibrated right right right? You build an offense with him
in mind, how can we best build it? That's smart coaching.
It's like, what are we going to run, Well, let
me see who my personnel is. But he did have
an up and down first year, and stuff. Isn't your
first year in anything. You learn a ton a ton,

and it's how do you adjust to those things? Are
you willing to take feedback? But he wouldn't lean into
what you know best. One point that should be made
is again, and it's on paper, it's on paper, but
if you look at the divisions, they cross over against
next year. So this year I pointed this out, and

I don't know how many other people pointed out that
the NFC North crossed over against They played the NFC West,
which was down this year. Niners had all kinds of injuries,
Seahawks were eh, Cardinals were eh.

Speaker 2 (34:20):
And the Rams end up winning the division.

Speaker 1 (34:21):
And this is the year in which their best defensive
player retired and they had injuries and they were okay,
they're still pretty good. And then the AFC South, which
was bad. Next year, it's the AFC North, that's Ravens,
that's Steelers, that's Bengals, that's Browns, and the NFC East Eagles.

One would expect the Cowboys to be better. We'll see
Commanders still plan right, and the Giants, who you think
they're better, It couldn't be worse. So I do think
the challenge for all these teams in the NFC North.
And remember it looks like the Vikings will probably have
a quarterback change, the Lions are gonna have two new coordinators,

but there's gonna be a lot. It's gonna be very
interesting to see a division that produced three playoff teams.
What it looks like next year when the schedule again
it's on paper, it's really you know, we're not even
done playing football this year, let alone what the rosters
look like. But Steelers Ravens like, you know, the quarterback
for the Bengals gonna be you know, the quarterback for
the Raven's gonna be you know, they're gonna be good.

And you know the quarterback for the Commander is gonna
be you know, they're gonna be good. You know what
the Eagle, Eagles are gonna be talented, and you know
the quarterback of the cowp if he's healthy, they're gonna
be good.

Speaker 2 (35:41):
Hard year.

Speaker 1 (35:44):
Let's welcome to Adam Kaplan. He joins us here on
the Doug Gottlieb Show on Fox Sports Radio. Cap is
Our Fox Sports Radio NFL Insider. He's also host of
Inside the Birds podcast about the Philadelphia Eagles. Makes sense
to have Aaron Glenn get the Jets job Ben Johnson
and get the Bear's job. What about the rebuild in Detroit?
What an alliance coaching staff and the roster look like

next year?

Speaker 9 (36:07):
Yeah, so let's go to Detroit and the offensive coordinator,
the in house candidate, I'm told is Tanner Angstrad. Who
is there, who's our past game coordinator, who's been with
them for a number of years.

Speaker 3 (36:17):
He's been around the league a bit.

Speaker 9 (36:18):
He actually played for this a long time ago, Jim
Harball at University of San Diego.

Speaker 3 (36:22):
So this guy who.

Speaker 9 (36:23):
Knows football, who knows offense, he knows the scheme that
Ben Johnson has been running. It's a West Coast scheme
a little different than the Shanahan scheme. But the bottom
line is they think they're going to be.

Speaker 3 (36:34):
In good hands.

Speaker 9 (36:34):
And let's just understand with Ben Johnson, because people talk
about Ben Johnson's a genius and all that, and he's terrific,
no question about it, But nobody knew who Ben Johnson
was before he became the offense coordinator for Detroit. He
kind of came out of nowhere as a kind of
lower level assistant than rose up a little bit, and
Dan Campbell took a chance. And I gave Dan Campbell
credit and Ben Johnson gave credit. Today is press conference,

But you know, the bottom line is when you look
at Ben Johnson and he's a guy that not a
lot of people are in the league knew tannor Angstred's
the guy that they're looking at. And Hank Frayley would
be sort of the backup option. Who's their offensive line coach?
And I know the Seahawks have interested in Hank. He
already interviewed there by Zoom last week prior to the game.
And then your defensive coordinator wise, they'll look inside Jimmy O'Neil,

who's a D Beast coach who's been a coordinator choice
around the league. There are a couple other assistants they'll
look at. I know Mark Brunell also the quarterbacks coach,
and offense might get a look at the OC. But
it's a big deal when you lose both coordinators. It
hurt Philly, by the way, It absolutely hurt Philly. When
you mentioned the Eagles and what we do there. They
lost Jonathan Gannon and then they all Shane Steiken in

one offseason. That's tough to overcome, and it showed last season.

Speaker 2 (37:44):
With Eve stut Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports Radio.
Totally agree with you.

Speaker 1 (37:49):
Really really tough to really tough to overcome. Let's get
some post mortem on some of these teams that have
lost in the playoffs. What's your take on Lamar Jackson
who played well down the stretch but did have two
turnovers and still comes up short on the road against
the Bills.

Speaker 9 (38:09):
Well, couple things here. You know, the Mark Andrew situation is,
by the way, phenomenal football player. He obviously the tough
drop a turnover, you know, a tough fumble. Lamar did
have a fumble, But Lamar did enough for them to
win that game, at least to tie the game. Now,
I would also argue that they outplay the Bills. It's

funny I picked the Bills to win, but I'm being
honest with you that the Raven should have won the game.

Speaker 3 (38:34):
They blew it.

Speaker 9 (38:35):
But when you lose the turnover battle, you know, it's
interesting that every team I think the lost a turnover
battle lost last week it's tough deal that you look
at Detroit, who we just talked about. Look, I voted
twice in two polls. My latest one was the Profole
but Riters Association DOUG for the regular season that any
award has to be over seventeen games.

Speaker 3 (38:58):
It can't be eight.

Speaker 9 (38:58):
Like if you just went over the same I can
have numbers for Josh Allen to Lamar Jackson. I can
understand why some people would would go to Josh Allen,
but I didn't.

Speaker 3 (39:06):
I looked at every single game.

Speaker 9 (39:07):
I asked a lot of people I respect and trust,
coordinators and coaches who have gone against both quarterbacks to
give me their opinion, and Lamar was just better. He
was just better. And that that's again, it's the totality
of the rest of the entire regular season that has
nothing to do with the playoffs.

Speaker 2 (39:25):
No, it does have nothing to do with the playoffs.

Speaker 1 (39:29):
Okay, so how do we like the juxtaposition of that
was some of the other quarterbacks who had good regular
seasons and didn't have good postseasons. Right, that's where it
gets really interesting. You know, we talked about Herbert last week. Obviously,
you know, on a different scale, Sam Darnold like, this
is a guy that I'm talking about that in Lamark
could win his third MVP Award and still has only

been to the AFC Championship Game once, never been to
a super Bowl. So I guess it's like, what what
does the league actually say? Forget about what fans say
or those of us shore on sports nobody that doesn't
actually matter.

Speaker 2 (40:01):
What does a league think about? Lamar?

Speaker 9 (40:05):
Very tough to stop because he's a dual threat quarterback.
He's Josh Allen also, they're the two best dual threat quarterbacks.
But because of Lamar's ability to run, he accelerates, he's
he just is so explosive, where Josh Allen we've never
seen anyone that big run like the way he does.
He's one of a sidewinder. The league thinks he's Lamar's
really good. In fact, he's This season was his first

year you go, you know what, he really became a
developed passer, because let's be honest about it, Doug, you
and I have talked. We've known each other on and
off for probably fifteen twenty years. Lamar is a very
unique quarterback because at some point you've got to become
a passor you just can't be a runner, and he
became a pastor this year he was. I mean, by
the way, he's a great stroke, throws a beautiful ball.
I mean, there's really nothing he can't do. It's a

shame that we didn't get him to face I was
secretly hoping that he'd face Mahomes this week because Kansas City,
by the way, their offense doesn't looked very good and
didn't really look good this season quite frankly, wasn't consistent.
It wasn't a consistent passing game. The run game has
kind of gone south. But they win. They find a
way to win. We got to give him credit. But
getting back to Lamar, he took a big step this
season as a passers. That's what people are in the league,

we're saying, and he certainly has done that.

Speaker 1 (41:11):
Stug Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sworts Radio. Okay, what's
the state of the Eagles and their offense?

Speaker 3 (41:17):
Now? Oh boy?

Speaker 9 (41:18):
Well, just a couple of things, because I know here
in talk radio people are all upset about the Eagles
passing game.

Speaker 3 (41:23):
And I get it. It's regressed this season.

Speaker 9 (41:25):
It started rests last season after a breakout season in
twenty two from Jalen Hurts where he's phenomenal runout for
the MVP. What's happened this season the Kellen Moore look
he runs his offense, which is different from anything that
Jalen's played in. And throughout the season, Moore has been
scaling it back and scaling it back because it was
just the processing from Hurts was just not good enough.

And then you know, you see a game against Pittsburg
where Jalen was phenomenal, better than probably any game we
played last year. Then it slows down a little bit.
And then last week, by the way, Hurts hurts his
left knee. AJ Brown's had this left knee injury for
about six weeks now, So there their passing offense is suffered.

Speaker 4 (42:03):

Speaker 9 (42:03):
Two plays happened last week. A a nine route down
the right sideline. AJ Brown drops it. Okay that there's
a good pass by Hertz. Hurts also has a post
route to Devonte Smith. DeVante Smith dropped it. He got
sandwich between two players. I mean he Jalaen was probably
just a little bit late, but the pass was pass
was accurate and anyway, the Rams got called for a

personal foul anyway, so there are a couple of players
that you know that could have been completed, would have
put hurts over two hundred yards. But there are passing
game is a problem. And the way that Washington is
playing right now. Talking to them, they're they're not playing there.
Their belief is not this this playing with house money stuff.

Speaker 3 (42:38):
They're not. They're not.

Speaker 9 (42:40):
They would acknowledge that nobody thinks they could win, but
they sure think they could win. And you know, you
see that line and I don't bet, but I do
talk about it on Sports Grid on Thursdays. I could
tell you that that that's six points if it stays there,
that I think Washington could certainly cover six points the
way that Degals were playing offense right now.

Speaker 1 (42:56):
Doug Gottlieb show here on Fox Sports trailer, let's go
to the AMC side. You mentioned the Chiefs offense not
looking great. Feels like it's got to be the year, right,
I mean, like, if not this year for Buffalo win.

Speaker 9 (43:11):
Yeah, you know there, I was talking to a coach
and actually an offensive coordinator whose team went against Buffalo
this season. He said, you know what, if you could
protect and their front seven is phenomenal because they they're
really good at linebacker. They tackle well, they're very, very
disciplined up front, but they're not very good at corner.
And he felt, listen, if you could protect, you could
throw against Buffalo like that. That's what this cordnerator said,

like that was their game plan, you know, to do
that against Buffalo. So that's kind of shown. Now again,
you look last week, Lamar only threw the he only
dropped back twenty five times and had eight complete, eighteen completions.
It wasn't like you throwing the ball all over the place,
but sold over two hundred and fifty yards. That to
me is now if the weather holds up and the
early forecast, by the way, is gonna be a little

bit better in Kansas City. It's not great, but that's
a game where look, Buffalo for whatever reason, is really
good against cam into the City for the most part
in the regular season. They're not in the postseason. You're right,
at some point Buffalo's got to get over the hump
against them in the playoffs. But the thing, the secret
sauce of the Kansas City Chiefs is their defense. That

are Steves Bagnolo, who you got to give this guy credit.
He's out of football for a couple of years after
the Saints let him go, and he is now back
and doing a phenomenal job for a number of years
and he coached with Andy Reid here in Philly. So, uh,
that's going to be that That obviously is going to
be a terrific game and when it should be one
of the best games of the season. I just don't

until the Bills could show me that in a big
moment they could get the pass and run game going.
That's the problem is they don't seem to get it
going at the same time. Other than that game against
the Rams, which is the high skate, high scoring game.

Speaker 3 (44:45):
Of the season.

Speaker 2 (44:47):
Who gets Cowboys, Yeah, well.

Speaker 9 (44:49):
Bron Schottenheimer has been like the dark horse now as
one Cowboys just told me if Kellen Moore could get
to Monday, meaning that Jerry Jones doesn't change his mind
and wait for Kellen, if he that was only for
Kellen Brodan Shotthammers is a He's definitely a live candidate.

Speaker 3 (45:04):

Speaker 9 (45:05):
He's been there for a couple of years under Mike McCarthy.
Obviously McCarthy's gone now. I don't know if you call
my favorite from ne Orleans, but he's got a good chance.

Speaker 3 (45:13):
To get that shot.

Speaker 9 (45:15):
He is a guy that a lot of people think
could be a good head coach, and he's a really
good corner a very smart guy. By the way, he
believes in analytics talking to people know him. So I
think he's got a real shot to get it.

Speaker 2 (45:27):
Okay, still got lib show here on Fox Sports Tradio.
What about the Raiders?

Speaker 3 (45:32):
That one is interesting, that one.

Speaker 9 (45:36):
John spy Tech's getting that job, which I was told
a week ago that was going to happen. John spy
Tech is personnel director for.

Speaker 3 (45:43):
The Bucks.

Speaker 9 (45:44):
Yeah, so that should have that should get announced within
twenty four hours. I expected that, but I think it's
kind of out there anyway. Look, I know Liam Cohen staying.
I was told yesterday they were they were working on
trying to get that restructure of his deal to get
more money so he doesn't go to Jacksonville. How about
jackson now Trump Bulky's out as their general manager. That's
another story for another time. But the Raiders one is

kind of up in the air. It's it's been kind
of a tough sell. Someone will take. It's one of
thirty two jobs. Because the uncertainty of the quarterback position.
That that's kind of where that's at. And also watch
the Jets situation. General Manager Lance Newmark, who's the assistant
GM of the Commanders, is the favorite for that job.
But I'm a little surprised he hasn't gotten yet. So
as I understand, they're going to look at more candidates.

Speaker 1 (46:27):
So Doug Gottlieb show here on Fox Sports Radio, best
guess who plays for Super Bowl?

Speaker 3 (46:32):
Well, one of the teams.

Speaker 9 (46:33):
I did pick the Chiefs and I'm not going to
back off of it, and I'm the Niners stouts that
didn't make it. I'm I'm gonna go Chiefs for sure.
And right now, I definitely like the Commandos plus the six.
I'm going to pick the Eagles to win by three.
I don't like the direction of Eagles offense. I know
that Saquon Barklay is, you know, Superman right now, but

you can't depend on those touchdown runs. I know they
seem to happen, Doug. To me, it's just not the
way to make your money, so to speak, in the
National Football League.

Speaker 3 (47:05):
And the weather, by the way, is going to clear up.
We're not getting snow.

Speaker 9 (47:08):
We're going to get about forty probably forty degrees warmest
day of the week. It's single digits right now in Philly.
But I expect the Eagles to squeak by. But you
know what, here's another problem. Their kicker, Jake Elliott's missed
eight field goals this season after being arguably the NFL's
best kicker.

Speaker 3 (47:22):
For three years.

Speaker 2 (47:24):
So who wins now?

Speaker 3 (47:25):
I'm picking.

Speaker 9 (47:26):
I'm picking the Eagles to win by three in that
game and the Super Bowl Privately, the Chiefs a rematch
of two years ago, and Philly will go out of
their minds again facing Andy Reid, their former head coach.

Speaker 1 (47:36):
Great stuff as always Inside the Birds is the podcast.
Download that, of course, and you can hear Cap right
here on Fox Sports Radios or NFL Insider Adam Enjoy
the weekend.

Speaker 2 (47:46):
Can't wait to talk to you next week.

Speaker 3 (47:47):
Thanks so man, cute, it sounds good anytime.

Speaker 2 (47:48):
You know what that means?

Speaker 3 (47:49):
Right? What's that?

Speaker 2 (47:50):
I mean?

Speaker 1 (47:51):
I Ilo, and I know you did a great job
of You're very funny. But what do you think it
means that Brady hired his former college teammate.

Speaker 7 (48:04):
It means that I should have been a team manager
at Michigan in nineteen ninety nine. I might be the
new GM.

Speaker 1 (48:11):
Okay, what do you really think it means?

Speaker 7 (48:16):
I mean, it's three degrees removed. So look, is the
guy totally not qualified? No, I'm sure he's very qualified.
But I'm just let's put it this away. I'm not
shocked that there are two layers of connection there.

Speaker 2 (48:32):
Well, why wouldn't there be.

Speaker 1 (48:35):
I mean, I'm just I'm saying honestly, like you think
you're just going to hire somebody you don't know anything about,
and you just take at the interview like this is
how jobs work.

Speaker 7 (48:44):
He's he's not the only guy who is involved in
the decision, but it just goes to show the weight
of his influence in that decision.

Speaker 1 (48:54):
Sure, he spent twenty years winning in the NFL, and
here's a guy who you know, he trusts, he things,
knows player personnel there, they've worked together because remember when
he got there, he didn't have autonomy. Bray didn't have autonomy,
but he had to say and who they brought in,
who they didn't bring it in, And obviously this was
the guy. This is probably one of the reasons he
went to Tampa. Okay, so here's what it means to me.

I'm going to be interested in arians or left, which
if they become involved in the in the Raiders' job.

Speaker 7 (49:23):
Oh absolutely, I think the writings on the wall.

Speaker 1 (49:26):
Right, of course it is, and this is this is
how business works, right, business works this way. It's again,
how did I get the Fox Sports Radio? Well, I
work with Scott Shapiro, who's our boss when as the
ESPN you know at the time before he got elevated,
like he was the lead producer for the number one
sports radio show in the country, and I got to

fill in there. And you work with a guy like, hey,
he's pretty good. I like him, Let's bring him over.
Same thing with Colin Right. People who work together and
you respect, you're like, oh I like that guy. You
then work together elsewhere. That's how it works with players
as well. It's not that hard to track. Like Ben
Johnson Sean Payton did this last year. He brought in
guys from the Saints that still had a little juice

in the tank, that could that knew, he knew what
he was doing, and you know we're we're we're all
aligned on the same things. It makes your transition way
way easier, way easier. You have to be able to
do the job that's important. But you also have to

have a relationship with the boss and have be have
your vision intertwined, and have an understanding of how each
of you works. So again, I am in no way
me being negative. Like it very fun It was actually
super funny, But it's more for fans out there, like, yeah,

Brady's hiring his boys, get him right?

Speaker 2 (50:51):
He is. You hire your boys that you believe can
do the job.

Speaker 1 (50:55):
You can't just hire guys because they're your boys, but
you hire people you work with before.

Speaker 2 (50:59):
Then you power them.

Speaker 5 (51:01):
Yes, Sam, I think he might hire a guy named
spy Tech to avoid a spy gate two. How about that?

Speaker 2 (51:10):
You've been working that one all day.

Speaker 5 (51:11):
I mean, the guy's name is spy Tech. How could
you not make the connection to spy gate.

Speaker 2 (51:15):
It's pretty amazing, you know. It's good.

Speaker 5 (51:18):
Thank you, thank you.

Speaker 2 (51:20):
You did you workshop that one?

Speaker 5 (51:22):
It's been the works for about ten minutes.

Speaker 6 (51:24):
It got It probably explains why that offensive line coach
for the Texans, Tony and Flate, is a candidate for
the head coaching job Tony and Flate.

Speaker 1 (51:36):
I thought it was the deflator. Maybe Inflate was the
deflator coming up next to the Doug Gottlieb Show. We're
live from the Tyraq dot Com studios.
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