Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Thanks for listening to the Doug Gotleep Show podcast. Be
sure to catch us live every weekday three to five,
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Speaker 2 (00:29):
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Speaker 3 (00:36):
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Speaker 2 (00:47):
It's Championship weekend, right we will know who's in the
super Bowl after this weekend. Pretty fun time of year.
Cannot wait to discuss it. We will. Throughout the show.
We'll give you our picks as well. The boys are
all alongside and we're ready to provide you the best
radio show content that you can get anywhere in America,
getting you ready for the games of the weekend, and
also telling you the stories.
Speaker 3 (01:12):
Of the day. The story of the day is that
the Raiders have.
Speaker 2 (01:15):
Decided to hire Pete Carroll, seventy three year old Pete Carroll.
I think this makes a whole hell of a lot
of sense from two perspectives. It's like the most raider
move ever is the first thing I'll tell you why
say it is. And secondly, it's the classic you hired
a guy previously with little experience or no experience, so
you hire the most experienced guy who's sitting there out
on the market.
Speaker 3 (01:51):
Speaker 2 (01:53):
And I'm not sure how many people know, but Al
Davis was a Syracuse guy, part of the Syracuse mop
if you will. But he also had really close ties
with USC. He was the offensive line coach at USC
for two years and that was always part of part
of kind of who he was was his time at USC.
It's one of the reasons he hired Lane Kiffin. So
I think some of this makes complete sense. From the ay,
you hired a guy last time in Antonio Pierce who
had no experience. You hire a guy now he's got
wealth of experience, he's got the USC connection, he's won
a Super Bowl, he's worked with young quarterbacks. It's like
check check, Jack, check check. He's seventy three years old.
Speaker 3 (02:41):
Oh boy, oh boy. But then again, it does come
down to does he have the energy? Sure? Has he
done it before? Yes? Is he motivated to it again? Yes?
Speaker 2 (02:54):
Who are you going to hire to come with you
as your coaches? And then who can you get in
the draft?
Speaker 3 (02:59):
And what are expectations.
Speaker 2 (03:03):
But I'll tell you what's interesting, I don't know how
many people how many people realize this now, Jim Harbaugh
is the only coach in that division who hasn't won
a Super Bowl. I doesn't want a super Bowl. And
I think we all think and he's won national championship,
we all think all think that that Jim Harbaugh is
going to get close or is a high level coach.
But the point is that some of it is you
look around at everybody else's like, man, are we really
going to get another unproven guy?
Speaker 4 (03:38):
Speaker 3 (03:39):
Are we going to get a guy that's won a
super Bowl?
Speaker 4 (03:41):
Speaker 3 (03:41):
Has he dealt with young quarterbacks? Yes?
Speaker 2 (03:43):
You know, as he built around and and and Russell.
Wilson's whole thing was, you know, he was always so
conservative with his offensive game planning.
Speaker 3 (03:52):
But that worked. It worked.
Speaker 2 (03:56):
I don't know if they can you know, if they
can crack that code of the draft that they were
able to crack when they were in Seattle and build
a legion of boom. I don't know if the popping
around and chewing gum like you're eighteen still works, but
I think this has a better chance to work. A
more likely scenario if he's surrounding himself with young, energetic
coaches and then they just have to get the quarterback
position right. But I actually fully understand the Raiders being
the Raiders. Hire a former USC guy, hire a retread,
do the opposite of what you did before, but also
somebody who's worked with young quarterbacks in the past. That's
it's my feeling of it. It's my feeling of it. Byre,
What do you think, Bud.
Speaker 5 (04:53):
I think that the Raiders go into this division shorthanded
and Pete Carroll gives them the best opportunity to compete.
And I know that is his mantra and it fits
perfectly with his name. But he can go toe to
toe with these guys, even if he doesn't have all
the dogs or the better players. He's shown that he
can build that culture, build that team, and they will
compete in that division. And I wonder if you went
the opposite route, so Doug of Antonio Pierce was such
a unique situation. I don't even call him a route.
Then it's not meant to disrespect him. It's just kind
of caught lightning in a bottle during his interim head
coaching term, and then let's just give it to him
full time. If you were to bring in a young assistant,
actually they it'd be difficult in that division with those
three guys for a little while, and it actually brings stability.
So a lot of what you're saying I agree with.
I know it's going to be easy to pick on
and easy to poke holes, and I've got my own
jokes as well, but it probably is the best thing
for or the Raiders at this time to try to
to try to develop some sort of culture or something
in that building because it's been anything, but it's been
such in flux over these last few years. You haven't
had any consistency. Maybe Pete Carroll can do that over
the next four or five years.
Speaker 2 (06:16):
Yeah, I don't, I don't think. I just I don't
think it's crazy. I don't think it's crazy, and it's
going to be really interesting to see what they do
in regarse to the quarterback position. I think, you know,
he is one of those guys that does have great
positive energy, great positive energy.
Speaker 5 (06:39):
Russell Wilson's name has already been connected well.
Speaker 3 (06:42):
As far as quarterback. Yeah, yeah, I don't think that happens.
Speaker 2 (06:47):
I mean, and we all like well motivated Russell Wilson,
like hmmm, I get that, it's indoors. I get this
Pete Carroll that they've worked together before, and Pete had
his back, But I mean it was basically it felt
like in Seattle, Russell said me or him, and they're like,
we're going to take him. And what has Russell Wilson
done since that would lead you to believe that next year,
a year older, he can be he's willing to even
be a mentor quarterback. Mentor quarterback Sam Darld might make sense,
but I think they draft somebody and they build that way.
They build the same way they built in Seattle. Draft somebody,
run the football, play conservatively and see if he grows
into being a quarterback.
Speaker 3 (07:36):
That's got to be the same plan for Carol.
Speaker 5 (07:37):
It's a three year deal Doug with an option for
a fourth, according to the reports.
Speaker 2 (07:42):
So this is just to stabilize it for a couple
of years, and my guess is whoever he hires, probably
his offensive coordinator, becomes their guy. Who's the heir apparent,
who's gonna you know, if he if they fix the
quarterback position, that's the guy who would take over win
Carol retires.
Speaker 5 (07:58):
I also think, and it may not beat directly, but
dan Quinn's success this season I think also helps things,
considering that he was Carrol's defensive coordinator with the Seahawks
when they went to the Super Bowls. Obviously, Quinn's success
with the Falcons was something, but you'd have to think
that there are some parallels to what Pete Carroll does
and to what Dan Quinn does and could also help
the Raiders in that way. I don't think it's an
overwhelming thing, but I don't think it hurt either.
Speaker 2 (08:28):
Yeah, I'm with you, I'm with you.
Speaker 6 (08:32):
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Speaker 2 (08:43):
What Up with Your Doug Gottlieb Show Fox Sports Radio
iHeartRadio app. Welcome in the Doug Gottlieb Show, broadcast live
from the Tyrack dot Com studios, Tyret dot com. What
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That's the way tire buying should be. I saw I
can't remember who tweeted it or whatever. I saw somebody
say the other day something that I've said, which is
like and it was one of those unpopular takes. I
love when people go like it's unpopular take and then
he says something that is pretty much everybody agrees with.
Speaker 3 (09:20):
And here it is. Pat Mahomes is a Hall of
famer whoa like, no, he doesn't.
Speaker 2 (09:26):
There's not a moment he has to play from this
point forward in the NFL to solidify him anymore as
being a Hall of Famer's when multiple Super Bowl's, been
to the AFC Championship Game every every year he's been
a starting quarterback and this is year seven, right, So like,
what more do we need to see?
Speaker 3 (09:43):
The World's nothing or nothing. But one of the.
Speaker 2 (09:50):
Things that I have said is that, look, you can
feel however you feel.
Speaker 3 (09:56):
And I'm a Charger fan.
Speaker 2 (10:00):
I tell you that Pat Mahomes and the officiating around
the around the Chiefs it, man, it feels like you're
playing five on ten, isn't it? I mean five on ten,
you're playing eleven on sixteen or whatever. It just feels
like there's a couple officials they don't call holding. Anytime
you touch him, he get a penalty late in the game.
If you touch a wide receiver, it's past appearance. It
just feels that way. Whether it is or whether it isn't,
I'm telling you how it feels. But instead of getting
caught up in the officiating, instead of getting caught up
in gosh, I don't like this, or we need some
new blood, whatever, how about we just go like, hey,
we might be watching the greatest player to ever play
the game, and we're watching him in his prime. And
if Tom Brady is is the model, he's got like
more than ten years left to continue playing this game,
which is crazy. And you look at the success that
they've had and you're like, can you imagine if Tom
Brady can get to ten superls, how many can he
get to? And I think that's what Pat Mahomes was
maybe sort of getting that when he said this about
playing in his seventh straight AFC Championship game.
Speaker 7 (11:18):
I have extremely appreciation just for the process of getting here.
I talk to talk about that with some of the
younger guys. I mean, some of these guys have all
they've known the Super Bowls, and I mean, obviously that's
a good problem to have, but I like to make
sure that they know and appreciate this moment and having
this opportunity because it doesn't doesn't happen every year. I mean,
it seems like it's happened every year here, but you
don't get this opportunity to play in these games. You
never know when it's gonna be your last one, and
you have to go out there and maximize it. And
you do have appreciations because even though even when you
win a Super Bowl, you start back at the bottom,
you start back level with everybody and you have to
go about your process and put in that work. And
so it definitely is a battle. Every single year. Every
season is different, and you just appreciate being in this
game and you just try to find a way to
max and try to get to that next one.
Speaker 2 (12:02):
Stug Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports Radio. Yeah, this
doesn't happen every year. Well, I know it's happened every year,
but doesn't happen every year.
Speaker 3 (12:10):
It is crazy.
Speaker 2 (12:10):
You know, just like it was crazy for the Patriots
to go from one Hall of Fame kicker to another
Hall of Fame kicker, and the Packers to go from
one Hall of Fame quarterback to go to another Hall
of Fame quarterback to go to the guy I still
think Jordan Love. I don't know if he's a Hall
of Fame level quarterback. But to go back to back
to back and nail and knock it out of the park.
You know, one guy you trade very little for another
guy you draft late in the first round. The next
day you draft late in the first round. To get that,
that's crazy in Green Bay.
Speaker 3 (12:40):
But to go from.
Speaker 2 (12:41):
The Patriots dynasty to the Chiefs dynasty is kind of nuts,
kind of nuts, especially in the AFC West, which I
know has been down right like the Broncos have been
down for however many years until this year. There is
obviously more down than up since since the first time
they had Gruden and Bill Callahan, then afterwards went to
Super Bowl, and then the Chargers are in fact the Chargers.
Speaker 3 (13:10):
But still.
Speaker 2 (13:13):
It's nuts to go from the Patriots like, well, we'll
never see a dynasty like that again, and then here
we have the Chiefs. Here we have the Chiefs.
Speaker 4 (13:22):
Even more nuts. I think that you still hear this.
I think I just heard Cowhard say it today. To
be honest, they broadcasters and analysis or analysts will always
be like in the NFL, that window is closing fast.
And I offer this up. The Patriots did it for
fifteen years, and then when the Patriots stopped doing the
Chiefs have started doing it. So maybe that window isn't
closing fast. Maybe when you say that on the air,
you should you should offer this preface. I know the
Patriots and the Chiefs counter everything I'm about to say,
but a window for championships is very slim in this league.
Speaker 3 (14:06):
Yeah, yeah, it is very very slim, and yet it's not. Now.
Speaker 2 (14:13):
The other thing we hear is not just the window,
but you know the old stat that everybody uses, which
is half the teams who make the playoffs in one
year don't make it the next year. Yeah, except for
the Chiefs. They make the AFC Championship Game every year.
That's amazing.
Speaker 5 (14:29):
It's crazy too when you think of the division that
they had this year. We thought, well, now the division's
gonna get tough. And granted we didn't think that the
Broncos would be as good as they were, but you
figured that the Chargers would be better with Jim Harbaugh.
Then it comes to find out that may have been
the best division in all of football this year. And
for them to go through it like they did only
lose one game that actually meant something to them because
they threw away the game against the Broncos at the
end of the season is pretty remarkable. And Doug, you
talk about Patrick Mahomes and I go to Andy Reid
with all of this.
Speaker 3 (15:06):
Yeah, because dynasty in Philly and dynasty here.
Speaker 5 (15:09):
Shady McCoy said a few years ago, I think Andy
Reid may have had had won Super Bowl at the time,
and they were talking about best head coach in the NFL.
And it isn't a conversation that happens a lot because
we just feel that the answer of Bill Belichick is
obvious and it still is to this day. But Andy
Reid right now is two hundred and seventy three career wins.
He is currently is a do the Math twenty nine
behind Bill Belichick for third all time for regular season
wins winning percentage slightly higher than Belichick's. Maybe more impressive
is Andy Reid is now four wins from tying Bill
Belichick for all time playoff wins. So you win this weekend,
and if you win a super Bowl, he's three away
from having the most playoff wins in NFL history. I
understand they're playing more games, but again, this is a
team that also has had a buy in the first
round of these playoffs, not unlike New England has in
the past. So it is way more apples to apples
than people would realize. And if you had another Super Bowl,
to give him four compared to six. Like the conversation,
there is real for is Ady Reid the greatest head
coach that the NFL has ever seen? He is not
far away.
Speaker 3 (16:31):
I agree with you.
Speaker 2 (16:32):
It's interesting if he had Pat Mahomes first and he had.
Speaker 3 (16:41):
Donovan don McNabb second.
Speaker 2 (16:44):
I mean, because the interesting part is again I'm not
a Donald McNabb hater, but Don v nabb was.
Speaker 3 (16:50):
He was just good, solid, right, but he was.
Speaker 2 (16:55):
That team was overall offensively, they were creative, great in
the screen game.
Speaker 3 (17:00):
I've told you how much I love Darren Sproulls.
Speaker 2 (17:02):
And the defense was nasty, right, but the offense it
was McNabb was.
Speaker 3 (17:08):
He was fine.
Speaker 2 (17:10):
Pat Mahomes probably the best guy to ever played a position,
and I think sometimes not all the time, but sometimes
we give the quarterback more credit than the coach when
the quarterback is super league. That's what we've done with
Belichick so often in the past. You know, now you're like,
what was it Belichick or Brady? Of course is Brady
like you know he's doing with that great coaching. I
think the fact that he did it with Donald McNabb
all those years, you know, what was it.
Speaker 3 (17:37):
Five straight NFC Championship games? One ended up in the.
Speaker 5 (17:40):
Super I know they went to three straight for sure.
So where it's.
Speaker 2 (17:43):
Five out of six years, five out of six years
they went to the NFC Championship Game and one year
as a Super Bowl.
Speaker 5 (17:49):
In their path. I mean this, let's be honest as well.
This Chiefs team right now is led by their defense.
I don't know how you could argue anything other than that.
But when you have Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelcey, you
can make the offense of plays that you need and
it makes them very dangerous. The New England Patriots weren't
always the offensive juggernaut, and in fact, their offensive juggernaut
period were different. Yeah, you're right, because super Bowl forty
two was the record setting year two thousand and seven,
crazy as can be. A few years prior to that
when they go and beat the Eagles, pretty good offensive
football team. Same thing with Carolina, pretty decent team. But
super Bowl thirty six that they won led by their defense,
super Bowl fifty three that they won led by their defense.
So it's not too different than what Kansas City has
also gone through.
Speaker 2 (18:36):
Stut Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports Radio. But it's
a weird thing to recognize greatness and.
Speaker 3 (18:46):
To this level.
Speaker 2 (18:47):
Maybe Lebron obviously we recognize Lebron, but he's been doing
it for twenty years. Like this dude's been doing it
for eight years seven as a starter. Like what more
do you actually have to do to be considered one
of the greatest? And like just joy watching the greatest
of all time do what he does. We wait till
year fifteen or year twenty. Why you know, it doesn't
mean he's perfect, but I think the what he's learned
to do in playing just to win, you know, lean
on our defense and then when you get a chance
late obviously you can be you, but not turn the
football over between now and then, Like it's actually got
to be really really hard for him and challenging to
anybody's ego. You've won this much because of you. Now
you're winning this much because of your your defense. But
I'm glad that he's taking stock and understands that this
is not normal.
Speaker 3 (19:43):
It's not it's not.
Speaker 2 (19:45):
Dann Marino got there once once, Damn Reno. Pretty good, Right,
that's pretty good.
Speaker 3 (19:55):
You know.
Speaker 2 (19:57):
One time Demrio played forever, he got there, he got
the super Bowl.
Speaker 3 (20:02):
One time.
Speaker 4 (20:03):
I was watching something hit on my Twitter timeline. It
was a commercial from nineteen eighty four, right after the
Super Bowl at Stanford, so whatever year that was, right,
and Marino and Montana meet up at the vending machine
after the game and they both get a clear or
a diet pepsi out of the machine and the walk
off line after Joe Montana bought the diet pepsi for
Dan Marino, Marino shouts at him as he's walking away,
I got it next time.
Speaker 3 (20:39):
It's crazy.
Speaker 4 (20:40):
There was no next time.
Speaker 5 (20:41):
No, that was it. Whoever thought of that ad campaign
should be fired.
Speaker 2 (20:44):
Yeah, they not only did they only get to one
super Bowl, they got to the Conference championship only two
other times. Now, remember there were less teams in the playoffs.
Like that's fair, okay, but this we're talking Dan Marino,
Dan the man, and you know when he first got there,
they lost in the Divisional you know in eighty three and
beat them, Yeah in eighty four, says that was back
when the Seahawks are in the AFC. Then they lost
in the Super Bowl that was to the Niners. And
then the next year in the in the AFC Championship
game who they lose to, the.
Speaker 5 (21:26):
Eighty five eight should have beat the Patriots.
Speaker 2 (21:28):
Yep, that was when the Patriots lost in the Superdome
right to the Super Bowl shuffle, and that would have
given us for people don't know, that was the only
team to beat that Bears. Team was on Monday Night Football,
Dan Marino, Duper and Clayton right, and they beat the
eighty five Bears.
Speaker 3 (21:45):
Then they lost in the AFC Championship game.
Speaker 2 (21:48):
They didn't go back to the playoffs for four more
years and they only made one more conference championship game.
And I'm not bringing that up to poor salt in
the wound of Dann ma Reno with Miami Dolphins. My
point is it's really really hard and the Chiefs are
making it look really really easy. And Pat Mahomes, I
don't think is taken it for granted. We shouldn't take
for granted what we're seeing from him.
Speaker 6 (22:12):
This is the best of the Doun Dot Leaf Show
on Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 2 (22:19):
Doug Gottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio. Design Yeah. Earlier in
the week, the Tad Bay Buccaneers got great news is
offense regarding their offensive courtner Liam Cohen. He'd pulled his
name out of the running for the Jacksonville Jaguars head
coaching vacancy. Then within twenty four hours, the Buccaneers had
limited contact with Cohen, who remained unsigned for he accepted
the job become the jaguars new head coach. Fans and
the Buccaneers front office were upset Cohen was going to
return to the club next season as one of the
highest paid offensive courtaters in the NFL history. Instead, Trent
Bulkey was fired and Cohen will be coaching the Jaguars
as the headman following one season with the Buccaneers. Cohen
wrote this in a statement becoming the coach of the
Jacksonville Jaguars, The opportunity of a lifetime and one that
I'm going to run with to instill a championship culture
and winning tradition year in Duval duvall Is, the county
that Jacksonville is in. This doesn't happen without the sport
and opportunities that my family and I have been afforded
throughout my career, especially this past season in Tampa. You
want to thank Todd Bowles for his continued support and
his entire Buccaneers organization for the experience as they and
know they will have success ahead. So it gets weirder
because apparently Cohen didn't come in to sign his contract
because he said he had a sick child.
Speaker 3 (23:46):
Sick child, and.
Speaker 2 (23:48):
Then without contacting the Buccaneers like, yeah, I'm going to
take that Jaguars job. Now you have every right to
take the job. And it's completely okay that either you
didn't want to take it because Trent Balkey was the GM,
or Trent Balkey didn't want to hire you, and then
when they got rid of Trent Balke, you became the
prime candidate to get the job. These things are okay.
But that's uh, what's it called bad? T?
Speaker 3 (24:17):
Is that bad tea? Like that's not how you do it?
Speaker 4 (24:22):
Isn't that the It's an excuse that can never be
uh questioned. If you've got a sick kid, of course
you're not going to be here.
Speaker 3 (24:32):
You know, take all the time you need.
Speaker 4 (24:35):
I use this. I say this all the time. When
your buddy uses the excuse last second that the babysit
are canceled, nobody's disputing that. That's a horrible position to
be in. Of course you're not going to be here.
It's the problem is when that same buddy does it again,
or does it even a third time, and then, oh
so he's full of crap and he's going to a
go to excuse that everyone uses because it can't be quest.
Speaker 3 (25:03):
Yeah, I just go ahead. I'm sorry.
Speaker 5 (25:05):
Did you see the state of the tweets that his
wife put out? No, so, Ashley Cohen tweeted, I hate
that I even have to say this, but when people
are negative about my kids, it will not be silent.
Our son is sick. We were at the hospital yesterday
seeing a specialist for his autoimmune disease. Please don't spread
misinformation and assume you heard one side.
Speaker 2 (25:28):
So he his kid was sick, and he ghosted the team,
and he took the Jaguars shop.
Speaker 5 (25:35):
Possibly maybe he wasn't at the hospital, but his wife
is saying that they were at the hospital for their
sick son.
Speaker 2 (25:44):
Listen, I believe he's at the hospital. I believe he
got the head coaches up. I believe that all these
things that we think happened. Again, we just don't know
if it was Bulky didn't want to hire him and
then they got rid of Balky, or he didn't want
to work for Bulky. That's what happened with Byron Leftwich
is that two years ago, I think two years ago
he was up for the head coaching job in Jacksonville
and he's like, I don't want to. You know, he
made it very clear I'm not taking that job unless
I bring in my own GM. So I again, I
don't know what happened in regards to Trent Balkey. I
do know that, as we all know, that that change
at the top of their front office, uh directly coincides
with Cohen now being the head coach. I'm willing to
believe he did have a sick kid, But like, dude,
call your boss, call your boss, call your boss, because
you know, you know who actually has been a coordinator
and been up for jobs and taking a job before
that would be Todd.
Speaker 3 (26:47):
Bowles have been him twice. All right, he's theres on
the Cardinals. They took the Jets job. Okay.
Speaker 2 (26:54):
Then he was the decordinator for the Buccaneers that he
got promoted when Bruce Arians retiredired. So yeah, I just
I'm sorry that their kid is sick and he has
an autoimmune disease, that he's in the hospital. I'm willing
to believe your kid is sick. These two things.
Speaker 3 (27:13):
Can be true. Your kid can be sick and you're
wrong for not calling your boss.
Speaker 4 (27:18):
Can I ask something of both of you that I
think half of our listeners are asking right now? Okay,
who the hell is Liam Cohen? Because if you're a
guy that's making these kinds of power moves, if you're
leveraging one job to be the highest paid player coach
at another job and then retro and then retroactively they
fire the GM and then you take the job, like
you have to be somebody who's very well established.
Speaker 5 (27:49):
Is he that good?
Speaker 2 (27:51):
Speaker 5 (27:51):
Who the hell is this guy? He had spend some
time with Sean McVay and the Rams also spent time
at the University of Kentucky. I think Baker Afield's play,
the success of what Dave Canalis did in the second
half of the year in Carolina, I think helps things.
I think all of that probably plays into it. But
to your point, I get what you're saying is you
would think that maybe there would be more fervor over
someone that had a bigger, more popular name like Ben
Johnson we've talked about for three years, and Liam Cohen
has just been recently. I will also say this, if
this is If this is the case, this would be
the one hundred millionth time that being sick to go
to work for another job interview would have occurred in life.
How many times do people say can't make it into
they got doctor's appointment and are interviewing somewhere else. We
feel like we're so violated because of this, or feel
that he's using his child as a pawn when it's
been happening since the beginning of time. Yeah, I gotta
take this call, Sorry, but I got to step out
for a little bit.
Speaker 2 (29:00):
Tommy Tepperville is the worst, right Tommy Tellbraville when he left?
Speaker 3 (29:04):
Was it Texas Tech for Ole miss? Is that right?
Check my work on that one Dan.
Speaker 2 (29:12):
He was at a recruiting dinner, Okay, he had recruits
in town in Lubbock, and he's like, yeah, I gotta
take this phone call. And then he got in his
car left and then I went to the airport and
never never came back.
Speaker 3 (29:30):
That's the worst.
Speaker 2 (29:31):
And by the way, Tommy Tepperville, who now represents his constituency,
is just that's who he is. Okay, that's an all timer.
Speaker 3 (29:42):
It's an all timer.
Speaker 5 (29:44):
There is all timer there was it was? Was it
the old miss in Auburn? Gig? Was that it?
Speaker 3 (29:51):
No? I thought he was. Was he at Tech?
Speaker 5 (29:54):
He was after ole Miss? He went from Tech to Cincinnati.
Speaker 2 (29:57):
Okay, so it's Texas since Anti. So it's when he
left Tech to go Cincinnati. I think maybe it's maybe, Yeah,
I don't think it's when he left. I think it's
when he yeah, he left uh Tech for Cincy and
uh he took a phone call and there was recruits there, right, Yeah. Yeah,
Tommy Tepperville, he didch Texas text recruits at at dinner
to take the Cincinnati job. Isn't that crazy? Like recruits, well,
group recruits at the fifty yard line restaurant during their
fish A visit. He's like, ah, I gotta take a
phone call and then never came back. He did the
did we determine is it the Irish exit or Tian exit?
Which one is it?
Speaker 5 (30:46):
I thought it was the Irish.
Speaker 4 (30:48):
The Italian exit is oh wait, you're right. Irish is
leaving without telling anybody. The Italian is where you kiss
everybody goodbye and say goodbye everybody takes yeah. Yeah. And
the dining ditch is what he did also, you know,
little little dining ditch.
Speaker 3 (31:02):
I don't think he dined in ditch. I think it
was still covered.
Speaker 5 (31:04):
You know he did ditch though, Yeah he dined a
little bit.
Speaker 3 (31:09):
Oh man, what a what a day?
Speaker 2 (31:10):
What a lot to get to real quick point out
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Speaker 3 (31:19):
We use them on the show.
Speaker 2 (31:20):
Good Rapid Radios dot com now up six percent off
plus free shipping. Okay mark help us out, Liam Cohen.
So the story that we kind of took people through
us had a great year obviously with Baker talks with
the Jacksonville Jaguars and then pulls himself out of the
Jaguars head coaching running and then tells Todd Bowles, hey,
not coming into work, my kid is sick. And then
turns around and after Trent Balkey is fired, he takes
the Jaguars shop. First thing is this was Trent Balkey
fired because he didn't want to hire Cohen? Or was
he fired because Cohen didn't want to work with him?
Speaker 8 (32:00):
Yeah, you know, it's a great way to look at it.
And I'm sure Sean Khan was frustrated with the entire
situation there. My gut is at the end, Liam Cohen's
agent said, look, that's not who he wants to work with,
and you know, it's just not going to be a
good fit. And I think Jacksonville was like, wait a second,
this is going to look bad for us. We've got
to figure out who's their coaches football team. And I
think it's one of those like what we saw in
the random world of like Sean Watson with the Cleveland Browns.
Suddenly Cleveland comes back and goes, wait a second, we
can change this. We'll fully guarantee it. Love the Cleveland Browns.
But I think it's what happened to here Jacksonville, Like, wait,
we're going to change this. We'll bring in the GM
that will work along beside you instead of GM that's here,
and voila, you've got your new head coach in Jacksonville,
Liam Coleman, who I still don't know if he's called
the Buccaneers back yet.
Speaker 3 (32:51):
Speaker 2 (32:51):
And then in regards to how he's handled by the
way Byron Leftwich, the same thing happened two years ago,
right what Byron Leftwich said, like, I don't want to
take the jackson job unless if Trent Bulki's there. So
I'm sure there's some kind of da javou all over
again for shod Con.
Speaker 3 (33:09):
Okay, So what.
Speaker 2 (33:10):
About the not calling? How is it supposed to work?
How does it really really work? Because I told people
yesterday one of the things I told people yesterday, and
I don't know in the NFL how it works. But
there was this lot it was mostly Twitter conversation about
the fact that Bill Belichick hadn't signed his contract in
North Carolina, and people don't realize that what happens in
college is you sign a memo of understanding and you
start working and then they work through especially at a
state school, they work through all the details of the contract.
It has to go through everything if you work for
the state, has to go through all the same stuff
that any professor does, you know, all this different background checks, whatever,
and then they come to you with the actual package,
which should mirror the memo of understanding. Sometimes is the
non negotiation that takes place. So that was actually totally normal.
How does it normally work with a coordinator taking a
job with another team?
Speaker 8 (34:01):
Yeah, I mean, I don't think it's that far off
from what you're saying. You know, it's it's number one,
the agent's doing his job right. The agent is looking
out for his client, which is the coach, and trying
to find stability, but also understanding that it's the National
Football League. It's hard to find stability. So the agents
sitting there going, I don't think you can go back
to Jackville. But I have some leverage right now to
be able to see if I can get this thing
through in terms of getting my my coach, you know,
a really good rais and a really good situation. They're
in Tampa and so he took advantage of it, and
you know, does that come back and haunt you or
anything like that. It's not ideal, but look, you're trying
to be all these guys goals are to be a
head coach in the NFL. Totally get that, and so if
you can't imagine that's the possibility, then you're kind of
mistaken in terms of the way you look at the situation.
So I don't sit there and fault the agent and say,
what was he doing? Why would you do this to
the club? I sit there and say, they took advantage
of the leverage they had and then they played it
into being the new head coach. I don't think there's
hard feelings in Tampa. I think they're probably disappointment, but
they all know that. You know, Liam was going to
be head coached maybe one year sooner one year later,
and I think for Liam, strike while the iron's hot.
You know, you just never know from year to year.
I mean, Bobby Slok just got fired and that was
a surprise to me considering how hot his name was
just one year ago.
Speaker 2 (35:15):
Stug Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports Radio. Your reaction
to Pete Carroll being the new head coach of the
Las Vegas Raiders surprise?
Speaker 8 (35:25):
Uh, you know, and this is you know, you're supposed
to hire the best quality candidate you can find, right
and it shouldn't matter age, and you shouldn't let those
things into it. But you know, if you're the Raiders
and you're find trying to find stability, you might have
found some stability for a little bit here, But the
reality is is he going to coach for five years
or six years or Candy coach that long? I don't know,
and that would be my concern is that I'm trying
to find a coach that can be here for a while,
not just for a little bit. And you know, will
how long Candy coach? Does he want to coach and
will he coach? It's concerning. I feel like it's just
kind of a desperate hire and say we've done something
and people will like this. I don't think it's I
feel like it's not the best hire. And I have
nothing against coach Carroll, and I feel like there's a
better decision to be made out there within this organization,
and I think they just kind of were getting worried
about being embarrassed and went with the easy choice I
think is what it would be, instead of taking the
time and really digging through this process, because that would
be two years in a row. Now, I feel like
with coach Pearson now Coach Carroll, I don't think they've
dug the way you could dig into who's the right
fit for the culture of you're building in, what's the
plan of attack with the quarterback positions?
Speaker 2 (36:33):
Stut Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports Radio. That's the
voice of Mark Dominic, former general manager Camp Bay Buccaneers,
of course, worked for over twenty years in NFL front offices.
Oh okay, give me your sense of Dallas.
Speaker 8 (36:52):
Yeah, again, I think we talked about last week. I
really never feel like Dean was going to be the
head coach of the Cowboys because I don't think Dean
wants to coach against the son in the Nation Football League.
I think he only wants to be a head coach
the NFL if he can coach to Douer, and obviously
Dallas isn't gonna do that. So I never thought Dion
was really in play. And it seems like that's coming
together that way in terms of you know, continuity and
understanding and the same old, same old.
Speaker 3 (37:16):
Speaker 8 (37:16):
You know, this is not a huge surprise.
Speaker 4 (37:19):
Speaker 8 (37:19):
Where we're sitting here today with looking at the Cowboys saying, uh,
you know, maybe solid in it, but it certainly feels
like this is Schottenheimer's opportunity.
Speaker 4 (37:29):
Speaker 8 (37:29):
And it turns around and it says, you know, again,
we don't have to completely change the Apple carts and
maybe it's a different voice. It's the podium. Zimmer can
still stay on the defensive side, and we can Kumbayavis
to you know, hopefully getting the team back together again.
It's a weird hire. I mean, I love coach Shatti.
I've known Brian since, you know, start with his you know,
I had a chance to work with his dad when
I first got in the league and known Brian for
a long time. I'm happy for him. It just seems
like I thought there would be a bigger plan in
place for that, or something didn't go the way they
thought it was going to go, and they got caught
a little bit here instead of just figuring out how
to give Big Mac Mike Max back in under a
under a contract.
Speaker 2 (38:10):
Stut Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports Radio. Mark Dominic
is our our guest, of course's former gentle manager of
the of the of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Okay, so
so far in this cycle, who's done the best job
from your perspective, Well.
Speaker 8 (38:30):
I mean, I got this. I mean it's tough to say.
You know, the Jets of Aaron Glenn seemed really like
a good fit. I think they've been thinking Aaron Glenn
for a long time. I think they were just interviewing
people just to gather information, but not really give them
a real shot at being the head coach. That's what
I really think happened to the Jets, which is fine,
you can do that, and there's nothing wrong against that.
You're just trying to, you know, get an overall sense of,
you know, the different things out there, whether it's seeing
maybe that team's free agents, or how this person would
attack fixing the Jets and things like that. But I
think Aaron was going to be the guy. It's hard
enough to look. Ben Jonson goes, look, if he can
get that system going with Caleb Williams and the Bears.
How important it is, especially in this division where it
feels like, you know, you're the fourth team trying to
figure out how to get back on and into this
playoff punt of the NFC North, which looks to be
a very big gauntlet every year. I got to think
you have to feel pretty good about that if your
Bears fans waking up going, we just want to get
an offense. Let's let's build an offense. Let's go I know,
defenses in the blood and in the culture of Chicago people.
But I got to say that, you know, not to
the surprise, but the two coordinators, obviously out of Detroit,
both have good fits. My only concern about the Jets
is what is Aaron's you know, thought process of how
to fix the quarterback position. That will be very interesting
to see what he ends up doing.
Speaker 2 (39:43):
Stet Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports Radio. Okay, when
you watch the Ravens and turnovers end up becoming a
huge factor and why they lost. I mean, really, you know,
of the games like last Weekend three, the four, the
real story was turnovers. But let's let's just start with
with Ravens. Another year, another year of disappointment in the playoffs.
What would you do if you were Eric Tacosta.
Speaker 8 (40:14):
Yeah, I mean I think I don't do anything. I
think I wish I had you know, Jay Flowers within
the building. I think that they actually had a lot
of good things this year that came together. I mean,
if they beat the Buffalo, if they beat the Buffalo Bills,
but they beat themselves, right, Buffalo played the clean game.
The Ravens did not. That's just the bottom line to
what your point is. But this team clearly was the
scariest team I think in all of the playoffs. And
because they're out of it, it certainly changes, you know,
the way you look at it. But I wouldn't change anything.
I think when you look at the team. Roger Rosengarden,
the second round pick, the right tackle, came in, looked
really good for the whole season, played well for them,
and it was really big. I mean, Nate Wiggins, I
think when you look at the football team, I don't
think you mess up with hardly anything. I think you
kind of try to keep it together as much as
you can, realizing how good of the group just is.
And so I think you're perfectly spot on. I don't
think you change anything about this team. I think you're
never gonna have the same fifty three one year to
the next. But I think you tinker, you don't. You
don't you don't collapse or dismantle anything.
Speaker 2 (41:13):
Here, how difficult will it be for the Lions when
you lose both your coordinators.
Speaker 8 (41:20):
Well, you know what, it's always tough, right because you
like continuity, the same guys, everything like that, and you've
been spoiled for last year. But I'm sure Brad Holmes,
the general manager there certainly and ownership certainly are very
ware that, look, we could lose both these guys, and
they probably thought that before the season started. So I'm
sure that they have absolutely worked on their list of
like this is our go to list of this is
the go to people, and this is how we're gonna
this is how we're going to deal with it. And
I think, uh, I think they're going to be in
pretty good shape because it had so much time to
think about it. Wasn't like, you know, halfway through the season,
was there whispers that Liam Combe could be a head
coach in the NFL. Maybe, But I'm sure they walked
into the season when we've got this guy for a
couple of years and we're good. I think, so you
weren't preparing this same possible way. I think that's different
for we're in Detroit where it's like, obviously this was
going to happen, and it did. And therefore we'll just
have to adjust and move accordingly, and I think they'll
be able to handle it.
Speaker 2 (42:11):
Yeah, Okay, Philadelphia this weekend, welcomes in Washington. What's your
reaction to dan Quinn and this team's ability behind a
rookie quarterback to accomplish what they've accomplished.
Speaker 8 (42:27):
Just amazing. But you know, I think what's great about
it is, you know, Cliff Kingsbury is the name that
you know. I think it sounds like nothing this year
with the way these deals of these jobs are all
getting cleaned up. But I think next year you're going
to read Cliff's name in a lot of places, and
I think it's not just dan Quinn, but it's Cliff.
But it's also so much about the guy, right, It's
so much Jade Daniels has earned what he's getting right
now in the National Football League, and that's you got
to love that. You got to love that, you know
he's getting what he deserves by the work he's put
into it. And Cliff Kingsbury came out even back in
the summer and said, this guy works, and you sit
there and you listen to it, right, Doug, and you know, like, well,
Cliff Kingsbury was in Arizona and we heard a lot
about Kyler Murton not working, so clearly he sees a
really good trend here that he's excited about. And now
Jayden Daniels did it and earned the locker room quickly
and has now earned his respect to the National Football
League across the board. A great season and still a
lot to look forward to in a team that, you
know what, it feels good to root for him. Are they
as good as the Eagles. We'll see what Jalen Hurts
can do, but I think that injury to Sam Cosmy
is a big deal with Jalen Carter inside. Whether Jalen
Carter puts the motor down eighty ninety percent or still
runs it at fifty percent will be the difference in
this game.
Speaker 2 (43:42):
I think Stug Gottlieb show here on Fox Sports Radio,
can you beat the Kansity Chiefs in Canson?
Speaker 3 (43:49):
If you're Buffalo right?
Speaker 2 (43:50):
This is like there were thirteen seconds away three years ago.
Is this the year it happens?
Speaker 8 (43:57):
I think it is. Doug. Before the season started, I
had the Buffet Bills going to the Super Bowl, and
I'm not changing my answer now. I still feel like
Buffalo is. I think they got through the scarier opponent.
I think Kansas City is a great football team. Look,
it's where I started my career, so it's never fun
to kind of root against or I think negatively towards
Kansas City. I've got nothing but fond thoughts about it.
But I just think the Buffalo Bills can score points
because I think the difference is the legs of Josh Allen,
the legs of James Cook are going to be a
big factor in this football game. And I think that's
going to be the piece of the puzzle that's going
to help them be good enough to win this game
this weekend. And you know, I'm not an ABC guy.
Anybody of a Chiefs. I love when you see somebody
be able to be part of deaty or take over destiny.
They've done that. But I've got the Buffalo Bills winning
this game because I think they can kind of calm
down what I'd say is the tight end room of
the Kansas City chief If you can calm down the
tight end room, that's no gree too. It's not just Kelsey.
You got to stop them both or limit them. I
think that's the big difference, and I think they can
do that.
Speaker 3 (44:58):
Speaker 2 (44:58):
Awesome stuff. Man, Joy the championship weekend and we'll talk
to you next week.
Speaker 8 (45:02):
Sounds good. Enjoy it good,