All Episodes

January 25, 2025 • 62 mins

The Best of The Week Of The Doug Gottlieb Show: Doug weighs in on the strange Liam Coen ordeal this week in Florida. Doug welcomes former Bucs GM Mark Dominik onto the show to talk about the Coen situation, Pete Carroll and the other major headlines around the NFL.

In this edition of "Don't Call It A Throwback, Thursday", Doug and the crew look back on 1994.

On today's version of Love AND Hate, Doug and the crew share what they loved most and hated most from the weekend.

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Thanks for listening to the best of the Doug Gottlieb
Show podcast. Be sure to catch us live every weekday
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Fox Sports Radio design YEA. Earlier in the week, the

tap Bay Buccaneers got great news is offense regarding their
offensive courtner Liam Cohen. He'd pulled his name out of
the running for the Jacksonville Jaguars head coaching vacancy. Then
within twenty four hours, the Buccaneers had limited contact with Cohen,
who remained unsigned before he accepted the job become the
jaguars new head coach. Fans and the Buccaneers front office
were upset Cohen was going to return to the club

next season as one of the highest paid offensive courtaters
in the NFL history. Instead, Trent Bulkey was fine, and
Cohen will be coaching the Jaguars as the headman following
one season with the Buccaneers. Cohen wrote this in a
statement becoming the coach of the Jacksonville Jaguars. The opportunity
of a lifetime and one that I'm going to run
with to instill a championship culture and winning tradition here

in Duval duvall Is, the county that Jacksonville is in.
This doesn't happen without the sport and opportunities that my
family and I have been afforded throughout my career, especially
this past season in Tampa. You want to thank Todd
Bowles for his continued support and his entire Buccaneers organization
for the experience as they and know they will have
success ahead. So it gets weirder because apparently Cohen didn't

come in to sign his contract because he said he
had a sick child. Sick child, and then without contacting
the Buccaneers like, yeah, I'm going to take that Jaguars job. Now,
you have every right to take the job. And it's
comple completely okay that either you didn't want to take
it because Trent Balkey was the GM, or Trent Balkey

didn't want to hire you, and then when they got
rid of Trent Balke, you became the prime candidate to
get the job. These things are okay, but that's uh
what's it called?

Speaker 2 (02:19):
Bad t?

Speaker 1 (02:20):
Is that bad tea?

Speaker 2 (02:23):

Speaker 1 (02:23):
That's not how you do it?

Speaker 3 (02:24):
Isn't that the It's an excuse that can never be
uh questioned. If you've got a sick kid, of course
you're not going to be here.

Speaker 1 (02:35):
You know, take all the time you need.

Speaker 2 (02:38):
I use this.

Speaker 3 (02:39):
I say this all the time. When your buddy uses
the excuse last second that the babysit are canceled. Nobody's
disputing that. That's a horrible position to be in. Of
course you're not going to be here. It's the problem
is when that same buddy does it again, or does
it even a third time, and then, oh so he's
full of crap and he's going to a go to

excuse that everyone uses because it can't be questioned.

Speaker 1 (03:06):
Yeah, I just go ahead. I'm sorry.

Speaker 4 (03:07):
Did you see the state of the tweets that his
wife put out? No so, Ashley Cohen tweeted, I hate
that I even have to say this, but when people
are negative about my kids, it will not be silent.
Our son is sick. We were at the hospital yesterday
seeing a specialist for his autoimmune disease. Please don't spread
misinformation and assume you heard one side.

Speaker 1 (03:31):
So he his kid was sick, and he ghosted the
team and he took the Jaguars shop.

Speaker 4 (03:37):
Possibly maybe he wasn't at the hospital, but his wife
is saying that they were at the hospital for their
sick son.

Speaker 1 (03:47):
Listen, I believe he's at the hospital. I believe he
got the head coaches up. I believe that all these
things that we think happened. Again, we just don't know
if it was Bulky didn't want to hire him and
then they got rid of Balky, or he didn't want
to work for Bulky. That's what happened with with with
Byron Leftwich. Was that two years ago? I think two
years ago he was up for the head coaching job
in Jacksonville and he's like, I don't want to you know,

he made it very clear I'm not taking that job
unless I bring in my own GM. So. I again,
I don't know what happened in regards to Trent Balkey.
I do know that, as we all know that that
change at the top of their front office, uh directly

coincides with Cohen now being the head coach. I'm willing
to believe he did have a sick kid. But like dude,
call your boss, Call your boss, Call your boss, because
you know, you know who actually has been a coordinator
and been up for jobs and taking a job before

that would be Todd Bowles. Have been him twice, all right,
he's theres on the Cardinals. They took the Jets job. Okay,
then he was the decordinator for the Buccaneers that he
got promoted when Bruce Arians retired. So yeah, I just
I'm sorry that their kid is sick and he has
an autoimmune disease, that he's in the hospital. I'm willing

to believe your kid is sick. These two things can
be true. Your kid can be sick, and you're wrong
for not calling your boss.

Speaker 3 (05:20):
Can I ask something of both of you that I
think half of our listeners are asking right now. Okay,
who the hell is Liam Cohen? Because if you're a
guy that's making these kinds of power moves, if you're
leveraging one job to be the highest paid player coach
at another job and then and then retroactively they fire

the GM and then you take the job, like you
have to be somebody who's very well established.

Speaker 2 (05:52):
Is he that good?

Speaker 1 (05:53):

Speaker 2 (05:53):
Who the hell is this guy?

Speaker 4 (05:55):
He had spend some time with Sean McVay, and the
Rams also spent time at the University of Kentucky. I
think Baker Mayfield's play, the success of what Dave Canalis
did in the second half of the year in Carolina,
I think helps things. I think all of that probably
plays into it. But to your point, I get what

you're saying is you would think that maybe there would
be more fervor over someone that had a bigger, more
popular name like Ben Johnson We've talked about for three
years and Liam Cohen has just been recently. I will
also say this, if this is the case, this would
be the one hundredth millionth time that being sick to

go to work for another job interview would have occurred
in life. How many times do people say can't make
it into they got doctor's appointment and are interviewing somewhere else.
We feel like we're so violated because of this, or
feel that he's using his child as a pawn when
it's been happening since the beginning of time.

Speaker 1 (06:58):
Yeah, I'm going to take this.

Speaker 2 (06:59):
Call, sorry, but I gotta step out for a little bit.

Speaker 1 (07:02):
Tommy, Tommy Tepperville is the worst, right Tommy Tepbraville when
he left? Was it Texas Tech for ole Miss? Is
that right? Check my work on that one. Dan. He
was at a recruiting dinner, Okay. He had recruits in
town in Lubbock, and he's like, yeah, I gotta take

this phone call. And then he got in his car
left and then I went to the airport and never
never came back. That's the worst. And by the way,
Tommy Tepperville, who now represents his constituency, is just that's
who he is. Okay, that's an all timer. It's an

all timer.

Speaker 2 (07:47):
There is ald timer there was it was? Was it
the old miss in Auburn? Gig? Was that it?

Speaker 1 (07:54):
No? I thought he was. Was he at Tech?

Speaker 2 (07:56):
He was after Ole Miss? He went from Tech to Cincinnati?

Speaker 1 (08:00):
Okay, so it's Techa CINCINNTI. So it's when he left
Tech to go to Cincinnati. I think maybe it's maybe, Yeah,
I don't think it's when he left. I think it's
when he Yeah, he left, uh Tech for Cincy and
uh he took a phone call and there was recruits there, right, Yeah, Yeah,

Tommy Tepperville, he did Texas text recruits at at dinner
to take the Cincinnati job. Isn't that crazy? Like recruits,
well group recruits at the fifty yard line restaurant during
their fishal visit, He's like, ah, I gotta take a
phone call and then never came back. He did the

did we determine is it the Irish exit or Tian exit?
Which one is it?

Speaker 2 (08:48):
I thought it was the Irish.

Speaker 3 (08:50):
The Italian exit is Oh wait, you're right. Irish is
leaving without telling anybody.

Speaker 5 (08:55):
The Italian is where you kiss everybody goodbye and say
goodbye to everybody. Yeah, and the dining ditch is what
he did also, you know a little little dining ditch.

Speaker 1 (09:04):
I don't think he dined in ditch. I think it
was still covered.

Speaker 2 (09:07):
You know he did ditch though, Yeah he dined a
little bit.

Speaker 1 (09:11):
Oh man, what a what a day? What a lot
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off plus free shipping. Okay, Mark help us out, Liam Cohen.
So the story that we kind of took people through

us had a great year obviously with Baker talks with
the Jacksonville Jaguars and then pulls himself out of the
Jaguars head coaching running and then tells Todd Bowles, hey,
not coming into work. My kid is sick. And then
turns around and after Trent Balkey is fired, he takes

the Jaguars shop. First thing is this was Trent Balkey
fired because he didn't want to hire Cohen? What was
he fired because Cohen didn't want to work with him.

Speaker 6 (10:03):
Yeah, you know, it's a great way to look at it.
And I'm sure Sean Khan was frustrated with the entire
situation there. My gut is at the end, Liam Cohen's
agent said, look, that's not who he wants to work with,
and you know, it's just not gonna be a good fit.
And I think Jacksonville was like, wait a second, this

is going to look bad for us. We've got to
figure out who's their coaches football team. And I think
it's one of those like what we saw in the
random world of like Sean Watson with the Cleveland Browns.
Suddenly Cleveland comes back and goes, wait a second, we
can change this. We'll fully guarantee it. Love the Cleveland Browns,
but I think it's what happened here Jacksonville. Like wait,
we're going to change this. We'll bring in the GM
that will work along beside you instead of GM that's here,

and voila, you got your new head coach in Jacksonville,
Liam Coleman, who I still don't know if he's called
the Buccaneers back yet.

Speaker 1 (10:54):
Okay. And then in regards to how he's handled by
the way Byron Leftwich, the same thing happened two years ago,
right what Byron Leftwich said, like, I don't want to
take the Jacksonville job unless if Trent Bolki's there. So
I'm sure there's some kind of dai javou all over
again for Shad Cohn. Okay, So what about the not calling?

How is it supposed to work? How does it really
really work? Because I told people yesterday one of the
things I told people yesterday, and I don't know in
the NFL how it works. But there was this lot
it was mostly Twitter conversation about the fact that Bill
Belichick hadn't signed his contract in North Carolina and people don't
realize that what happens in college is you sign a

memo of understanding and you start working and then they
work through, especially at a state school, they work through
all the details of the contract. It has to go
through everything. If you work for the state, has to
go through all the same stuff that any professor does,
you know, all this different background checks, whatever, and then
they come to you with the actual package, which should
mirror the memo of understanding. Sometimes is the non negotiation

that takes place. So that was actually totally normal. How
does it normally work with a coordinator taking a job
with another team.

Speaker 6 (12:04):
Yeah, I mean, I don't think it's that far off
from what you're saying. You know, it's it's number one,
the agent's doing his job right. The agent is looking
out for his client, which is the coach, and trying
to find stability, but also understanding that it's the National
Football League. It's hard to find stability. So the agents
sitting there going I don't think you can go back
to Jackville, but I have some leverage right now to
be able to see if I can get this thing

through in terms of getting my my my coach. You know,
a really good race and a really good situation there
in Tampa, and so he took advantage of us, and
you know, does that come back and haunt you or
anything like that. It's not ideal, but look, you're trying
to be all these guys and goals are to be
a head coach in the NFL. Totally get that, and
so if you can't imagine that's a possibility, then you're

kind of mistaken in terms of the way you look
at the situation. So I don't sit there and fault
the agent and say, what was he doing? Why would
you do this to the club? I sit there and say,
they took advantage of the leverage they had, and then
they played it into being the new head coach. I
don't think there's hard feelings in Tampa. I think they're
probably disappointment, but they all know that. You know, Liam
was going to be head coached maybe one year sooner,

one year later, and I think for Liam, strike while
the iron's hot. You know, you just never know from
year to year. I mean, Bobby Slok just got fired
and that was a surprise to me considering how hot
his name was just one year ago.

Speaker 1 (13:17):
Stug Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports Radio. Your reaction
to Pete Carroll being the new head coach of the
Las Vegas Raiders.

Speaker 6 (13:26):
Surprise, Uh, you know, and this is you know, you're
supposed to hire the best quality candidate you can find,
right and it shouldn't matter age and you shouldn't let
those things into it. But you know, if you're the
Raiders and you're find trying to find stability, you might
have found some stability for a little bit here. But
the reality is is he going to coach for five

years or six years or Candy coach that long? I
don't know, And that would be my concern is that
I'm trying to find a coach that can be here
for a while, not just for a little bit. And
you know, will how long Candy coach? Does he want
to coach? And Willie coach? It could I feel like
it's just kind of a desperate hire to ce Tharn
say we've done something and people will like this. I
don't think it's I feel like it's not the best hire.

And I have nothing against Coach Carroll, and I feel
like there's a better decision to be made out there
within this organization, and I think they just kind of
were getting worried about being embarrassed and went with the
easy choice, I think is what it would be, instead
of taking the time and really digging through this process,
because that would be two years in a row. Now,
I feel like with coach Pearson now Coach Carroll, I
don't think they've dug the way you could dig into

who's the right fit for the culture of you're building in,
what's the plan of attack with the quarterback positions?

Speaker 1 (14:36):
Stut Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports Radio. That's the
voice of Mark Dominic, former general manager Campay Buccaneers, of course,
worked for over twenty years in NFL front offices. Oh okay,
give me your sense of Dallas.

Speaker 6 (14:54):
Yeah, again, I think we talked about last week. I
really never feel like dem was going to be the
head coach at the Cowboys because I don't think Dion
wants to coach against the Sun in the National Football League.
I think he only wants to be a head coach
the NFL if he can coach to doer and and
obviously Dallas isn't gonna do that. So I never thought
Dion was really in play, And it seems like that's
coming together that way in terms of you know, continuity

and understanding and the same old, same old.

Speaker 2 (15:18):

Speaker 6 (15:19):
You know this is not a huge surprise, uh. Where
we're sitting here today with looking at the Cowboys saying, uh,
you know, maybe solid in it, but it certainly feels
like this is Schottenheimer's opportunity.

Speaker 2 (15:31):

Speaker 6 (15:31):
And it turns around and it says, you know, again,
we don't have to completely change the apple carts and
maybe it's a different voice at the podium. Zimmer can
still stay on the defensive side and we can Kumbayavis
to you know, hopefully getting the team back together again.
It's a weird hire. I mean, I love coach Shatti.
I've known Brian since, you know, start with his you know,

I had a chance to work with his dad when
I first got in the league and known Brian for
a long time. I'm happy for him. It's just seems
like I thought there would be a bigger plan in
play for Dallas where something didn't go the way they
thought it was going to go, and they got caught
a little bit here instead of just figuring out how
to give Big Mac Mike Max back under a under
a contract.

Speaker 1 (16:13):
Stut Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports Radio, Mark Dominic
is our our guest. Of course, he's the former gentle
manager of the of the of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Okay,
so so far in this cycle, who's done the best job?
From your perspective?

Speaker 6 (16:32):
Well, I mean, I got this. I mean it's tough
to say. You know, the Jets of Aaron Glenn seemed
really like a good fit. I think they've been thinking
Aaron Glenn for a long time. I think they were
just interviewing people just to gather information, but not really
give them a real shot at being the head coach.
That's what I really think happened to the Jets, which
is fine, you can do that, and there's nothing wrong
against that. You're just trying to, you know, get an

overall sense of, you know, the different things out there,
whether it's seeing maybe that team's free agents, or how
this person would attack fixing the Jets and things like that.
But I think Aaron was going to be the guy.
It's hard enough to look at Ben Johnson, go look
if he can get that system going with Caleb Williams
and the Bears. How important it is, especially in this
division where it feels like, you know, you're the fourth
team trying to figure out how to get back on

and into this playoff punt of the NFC North, which
looks to be a very big gauntlet every year. I
got to think you have to feel pretty good about
that if your Bears fans waking up, going, we just
want to get an offense. Let's let's build an offense.
Let's go. I know defense is in the blood and
in the culture of Chicago people, but I got to
say that, you know, not to the surprise, but the
two coordinators, obviously out of Detroit, both have good fits.

My only concern about the Jets is what is Aaron's
you know, thought process of how to fix the quarterback position.
That will be very interesting to see what he ends
up doing.

Speaker 1 (17:46):
Stet Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports Radio. Okay, when
you watch the Ravens and turnovers end up becoming a
huge factor and why they lost. I mean, really, you know,
of the game Black last Weekend three, the four, the
real story was turnovers. But let's let's just start with

with Ravens. Another year, another year of disappointment in the playoffs.
What would you do if you were Eric Tacosta?

Speaker 6 (18:17):
Yeah, I mean I think I don't do anything. I
think I wish I had, you know, Zay Flowers within
the building. I think that they actually had a lot
of good things this year that came together. I mean,
if they beat the Buffalo, if they beat the Buffalo Bills,
but they beat themselves, right, Buffalo played the clean game.
The Ravens did not. That's just the bottom line to
what your point is. But this team clearly was the

scariest team I think in all of the playoffs, and
because they're out of it, it certainly changes, you know,
the way you look at it. But I wouldn't change anything.
I think when you look at the team. Roger Rosengarden,
the second round pick, the right tackle, came in, looked
really good for the whole season, played well for them,
and it was really big. I mean, Nate Wiggins, I
think when you look at the football team, I don't
think you mess up with hardly anything. I think you

kind of try to keep it together as much as
you can, realizing how good of the group this is.
And so I think you're perfectly spot on. I don't
think you change anything about this team. I think you're
never gonna have the same fifty three one year to
the next But I think you tinker, you don't, you don't,
you don't collapse or dismantle anything here.

Speaker 1 (19:17):
How difficult will it be for the Lions when you
lose both your coordinators?

Speaker 6 (19:23):
Well, you know what, It's always tough, right because you
like continuity, the same guys, everything like that, and you've
been spoiled for last year. But I'm sure Brad Holmes,
the general manager there certainly and ownership certainly are very
ware that, look, we could lose both these guys, and
they probably thought that's before the season started. So I'm
sure that they have absolutely worked on their list of
like this is our go to list of this is

the go to people, and this is how we're gonna
this is how we're going to deal with it. And
I think I think they're going to be in pretty
good shape because it had so much time to think
about It. Wasn't like, you know, half with through the season.
Was there whispers that Liam Combe could be a head
coach in the NFL. Maybe, But I'm sure they walked
into the season when we've got this guy for a
couple of years and we're good, I think so you
weren't preparing the same possible way. I think that's different

for we're in Detroit, where it's like, obviously this was
going to happen, and it did, and therefore we'll just
have to adjust and move accordingly, and I think they'll
be able to handle it.

Speaker 1 (20:14):
Yeah, Okay, Philadelphia this weekend, welcomes in Washington. What's your
reaction to dan Quinn and this team's ability behind a
rookie quarterback to accomplish what they've accomplished.

Speaker 6 (20:30):
Just amazing. But you know, I think what's great about
it is, you know, Cliff Kingsberry is a name that
you know, I think it sounds like nothing this year
with the way these deals of these jobs are all
getting cleaned up. But I think next year you're going
to read Cliff's name in a lot of places, and
I think it's not just dan Quinn, but it's Cliff.
But it's also so much about the guy, right, It's

so much Jade Daniels has earned what he's getting right
now in the National Football League, and that's you got
to love that. You got to love that, you know
he's getting what he deserves by the work he's put
into it. And Cliff Kingsbury came out even back in
the summer and said, this guy works, and you sit
there and you listen to it, right, Doug, and you're like, well,
Cliff Kingsbury was in Arizona and we heard a lot
about Kyler Murton not working. So clearly he sees a

really good trend here that he's excited about. And now
Jayden Daniels did it and earned the locker room quickly
and has now earned his respect to the National Football
League across the board. A great season and still a
lot to look forward to in a team that, you
know what, it feels good to root for him. Are
they as good as the Eagles. We'll see what Jalen

Hurts can do, but I think that injury to Sam
Cosmy is a big deal with Jalen Carter inside. Whether
Jalen Carter puts the motor down eighty ninety percent or
still runs it at fifty percent will be the difference
in this game.

Speaker 1 (21:44):
I think Stug Gottlieb show here on Fox Sports Radio,
can you beat the Kansaity Chiefs in Canson? If you're
Buffalo right? This is like there were thirteen seconds away
three years ago. Is this the year it happens?

Speaker 6 (22:00):
Is Doug before the season started, I had the Buffalo
Bills going to the Super Bowl, and I'm not changing
my answer now. I still feel like Buffalo is I
think they got through the scarier opponent. I think Kansas
City is a great football people. Look, it's where I
started my career, So it's never fun to kind of
root against or I think negatively towards Kansas City. I've
got nothing but fond thoughts about it. But I just
think the Buffalo Bills can score points because I think

the difference is the legs of Josh Allen, the legs
of James Cook are going to be a big factor
in this football game. And I think that's going to
be the piece of the puzzle that's going to help
them be good enough to win this game this weekend.
And you know, I'm not an ABC guy. Anybody of
a Chiefs. I love when you see somebody be able
to be part of desty or take over destiny. They've

done that. But I've got the Buffalo Bills winning this
game because I think they can kind of calm down
what I'd say is the tight end room of the
Kansas City chief If you can calm down the tight
end room, that's no gree too. It's not just Kelsey.
You got to stop them both or limit them. I
think that's the big difference, and I think they can
do that.

Speaker 1 (23:00):
Mark awesome stuff. Man. Enjoy the championship weekend and we'll
talk to you next week.

Speaker 6 (23:05):
Sound good, enjoy it good.

Speaker 7 (23:07):
This is the best of the Dog dot Leap Show
on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (23:14):
Hey, what up with your Doug Gottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio?
iHeartRadio app Welcome in. Uh today is eight Thursday and
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dot com studios. Tyrack dot com. Well have you get

there were ten thousand recommended st dollars, fast free shipping,
free road has protection. Ty rack dot COM's way tire
buying should be Uh yeah. There's I guess kind of
one big story in the National Football League, and it

would probably be the idea that Brian Schottenheimer could soon
become the head coach of the Dallas Cowboys. What's interesting
about Schottenheimer, who, of course has been an offensive coordinator
with the Jets. You're going back to when they went
to the AFC Championship Game twice, he was the offensive coordinator.

Mark Sanchez was his quarterback then the Saint Louis Rams.
Then he was in Seattle with Russell Wilson as his
offensive coordinator for two years I think right, Dan two years,
and then he was the Dallas Cowboys offensive coordinator the
last two years. And what's fascinating about it? And look,

I know that in New York they were like eh, Seattle,
some people were like eh. But if you look back
in New York again, if you consider nobody thought Mark
Sanchez great quarterback and they still were able to get
to two AFC Championship games. It's not terrible, but there's

a lot of talk of too conservative a play calling style.
Now when he was with the Dallas Cowboys, first he
was consultant, then he's promoted the offensive coordinator, going back
to I guess this is two years ago. So the
last two years he's been the offensive coordinator. Granted, Mike
McCarthy is really more the offense corney. He called we
think he calls the plays, but he works for Schottenheimer,

and I just I think we're lacking a reasoning about
the potential for this move. I don't know if it's done. Okay,
the longer they wait, the longer they wait, the more
you think, Okay, well hold on now. Maybe maybe they're

waiting to see what happens, you know with Kellen Moore.
You know, if Kellen Moore, if they lose, does Kelli
Moore become the head coach and Schottenheimers remains? They talk
him into staying as the offensive coordinator. I don't know.
Kelli Moore, of course, is a former Cowboy quarterback, former
Cowboy coach. Now he's with the now he's with the
Philadelphia Eagles. But there is something too familiarity from within

that makes a whole lot of sense if they feel
like the offense wasn't the problem and the quarterback doesn't
want to learn new quarterback language. All right, it's Thursday.
We'd love to have fun on a Thursday. This is
definitely a Jason Stewart production. As we play a little,
don't call it a throwback Thursday.

Speaker 7 (26:43):
You don't call it a throwback Thursday.

Speaker 1 (26:48):
Jay Stu, what's the year we're throwing it? Not throwing
it back to.

Speaker 3 (26:52):
Thank you, Doug. I'll take it from here. And a
point of clarification, it might be a Jay Stu production.
I have one ear so stuff like that. Is very
it's just an icol. Yeah, it's just concerning. And Sam
knows this. I've had many conversations to him about this.

But anyways, where was I This is a dan byer Idea,
Jay's two production dan byer Idea. Now it's not what
Dan had originally thought of. So it's kind of like
Dan is the author of the book. I'm the director
of the movie. I've kind of taken his ideas and

I've made it into this taking some liberties for sure. Yeah, yeah,
no doubt. So today I want to go back to
nineteen ninety four. Guys, think about what you were doing
in nineteen ninety four, where you were, what you were watching,
and more specifically, what sports you were following. If you're
saying to yourself this week, have the chiefd some Bills
ever played for the AFC Championship? The quick answer is yeah,

three or four years ago they did. But no, in
nineteen ninety four, Joe Montana faced Jim Kelly in the
AFC title game. Marv Levy faced Marty's Shottenheimer. You see
how this is.

Speaker 2 (28:14):
It goes full circle.

Speaker 3 (28:16):
It's a circle of life that's gonna be the theme
of the segment. Circle of Life. Marty Schottenheimer coached against
Marv Levy. No shocker here, Joe Montana got hurt and
Dan Byer's own Dave Craig finished the game for the Chiefs,

which is interesting. Now, of course, the Bills were on
their way to what their their third of four straight
to get their butts kicked by the Cowboys, who won
their what third or second in four years? Emmett Smith
was the MVP that season. But nineteen ninety four AFC
title game, Chiefs against the Bills, the Bills ran over

the Chiefs to go.

Speaker 2 (28:59):
To the Super Bowl. What else sticks out from nineteen
ninety four, Dan.

Speaker 4 (29:04):
Well, here's the interesting portion of that, because that game
that you're talking about, as we've talked about many times
on this show, came from the nineteen ninety three season, correct, right, yep, right,
Because in the nineteen ninety four NFL season, and I
know Doug will know this, it was the seventy fifth
anniversary of the NFL, and that's when the NFL said,

you know what we're gonna do, throwback uniforms or we're
gonna do We're gonna call them a throwback re forms,
call them a throwback the forty nine Ers ended up
because they won the Super Bowl the next year, but
their throwback uniforms were ones that they wore throughout the
season with Dean Sanders in that forty nine Ers uniform.

Speaker 2 (29:44):
The uniforms all.

Speaker 4 (29:46):
Had a diamond patch on them that had a seventy
five on them. So that's what I remember from the
NFL at nineteen ninety four wasn't necessarily the AFC Championship game,
but it's what happened the following seas in the seventy
fifth anniversary of the league.

Speaker 3 (30:03):
And didn't the Niners sign Deon Sanders from the Falcons
in ninety four and didn't he also play for the Giants?
Or am I getting my years confused?

Speaker 2 (30:16):
Uh? Fact check me on that sat.

Speaker 4 (30:18):
Dem dn went Falcons Niners to the Cowboys, but he
was only with the Niners for one year?

Speaker 2 (30:23):
Correct? I think that was it right at the ninety
four season.

Speaker 4 (30:28):
In nineteen ninety Yeah, let me just double check here
as I'm toggling between both of them.

Speaker 2 (30:35):
Anybody else feel free to.

Speaker 1 (30:36):
Say, well, okay, I guess the nineteen ninety four stuff.
It was the first year that the Bulls played without
Michael Jordan, right, It was the year in which Scottie
Pivien refused to go in the game when they were
taking on the New York Knicks in the playoffs with
a second left to go in a playoff game in
a series they ultimately lost, and Tony Kukoch, who the

play was designed for, calmly came in and knocked down
the game winning shot. It was a huge year team
Elaijuan was the MVP as the Houston Rockets took down
the Orlando Magic Orlando Magic to win an NBA title.
Remember the Orlando Magic had a lead in Game one

at home. Nick Anderson missed four straight free throws. He
was never the same as a free throw shooter, and
Orlando was never the same as a franchise.

Speaker 3 (31:29):
Now I'm officially confused. Nineteen ninety four was the OJ chase, right?
The chase with yes, and the Knicks were playing.

Speaker 1 (31:38):
The Rockets as the Knicks was the Knicks.

Speaker 2 (31:40):
Knicks were playing the Rockets.

Speaker 1 (31:42):
You're right, Yeah, I'm wrong. The Magic was the next year.
I guess right, because the next year the Magic beat
the Bulls when Jordan returned shortly before the playoffs. Okay,
so I was right about the Rockets. I was right
about the Bulls, I was wrong about the Magic.

Speaker 3 (31:57):
And Ojy's chase through the NBA Finals was like one
of the signature moments of the decade.

Speaker 1 (32:03):
Right, Yeah, it was at Game two or Game three,
I don't know. I can actually tell you here. Okay,
I don't know in Game three or four, because the
Rockets had more wins than the next.

Speaker 4 (32:17):
I was on a week long what they call Badger
Boys State Boy State, you know, put on by the
American legions across this country. I was at boy State
for that week and in our dorm, they did not
have televisions, so I did not see anything of the
Knicks Rockets, did not know what was happening. They would
give us a news update every day before breakfast. But

in what it seems to be the craziest time in
television history of my generation, it's the one week that
I didn't have a TV and if you know me,
like I live by TV, it was Yeah, it's a huge,
huge gap in my lifetimeline.

Speaker 3 (32:54):
But by the way, I just saw that Netflix is
doing the oj documentary and it's like that one. The
ESPN documentary on Oja is like one of the most comprehensive,
well done documentary of our time. Like what could Netflix
possibly do other than at the end be like, yeah,
he died.

Speaker 1 (33:11):
Another one.

Speaker 4 (33:16):
In nineteen ninety four, guys at the Final four, I
know Doug awaiting in on this. The Arkansas Razorbacks cut
down the nuts in Charlotte.

Speaker 1 (33:25):
Charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina. I sat a couple rows back
from a couple rose forward from President Bill Clinton, of course,
the biggest Arkansas Razorback fan and was in office at
the time. Can I try the final four teams? Yes,
you can, I know, Okay, Charlotte Florida was there. Yeah,

would de meet Hook Andrew Clerk? Andrew de Clerk and
de Meet Hook.

Speaker 2 (33:53):
That was a tough one that I thought.

Speaker 1 (33:55):
Really yeah, And there was it.

Speaker 4 (33:58):
Duke in Arizona, Yes, David Stotdamayer, Khalid Reeves and then
Arizona team and the Grant Hill led Duke Blue Devils.

Speaker 1 (34:09):
Pretty good. Nineteen ninety four college football. College football, we
remember Nebraska was a national champion. They beat Miami in
the Orange Bowl twenty four to seventeen. Penn State beat
Oregon in the Rose Bowl. Penn State end up finishing undefeated,

but was not Moter National champion, correct.

Speaker 4 (34:33):
Yeah, Yeah, that's the Kerry Collins, Kajohna Carter, Kyle Brady
squad and beat Ohio State sixty three to fourteen that year. Yeah,
that's not good, not good at all. Joey Galloway's gonna
tear them up. Not so much.

Speaker 6 (34:51):

Speaker 1 (34:52):
The Nebraska Cornhusters had Lawrence Phillips as the running back, right,
seventeen hundred yards. Lawrence Phillip. It's famous for most of
his off the field activities more so than on the
field activities. And I think the and their quarterback was
Tommy Fraser, who is talking about a college superstar. I

give you Tommy Fraser.

Speaker 4 (35:15):
I think we're also missing the lead on the year
of nineteen ninety four that we can all agree belong
to Nick Price, who won two of the four majors
that year in golf, taking home the Open Championship at
Turnberry and then coming back and winning the PGA at
Southern Hills. It was jose Maria Olathable winning the first

of his two Masters in nineteen ninety four. Ernie Els
won the US Open at Oakmont in a Monday playoff.
What is maybe most notably known of the stars of today.
Tiger Woods won his first US Amateur and maybe most well,
they were all kind of popular, but he was down
six holes to Trip Keeney at TPC. Sawgrass and rallied

and it was the first real fist pump that we
saw of Tiger on a national stage when he sunk
the pot on the Island Green on seventeen.

Speaker 1 (36:09):
Do you guys want to hear about the nineteen ninety
four MLB Playoffs and World Series?

Speaker 2 (36:13):
Yes, I got all day, Doug.

Speaker 1 (36:15):
Okay, And that's the recap of the nineteen ninety four
playoffs and World Series. That's because that was the strike here, right,
that's the famous year where the Montreal Expos might have
actually broken through won a World Series. Only we will
never know. We will never know.

Speaker 3 (36:33):
The Expos with Pedro Martinez, John Wetland, a young Vladimir Guerrero,
Larry Walker, just Marky's Grissom, just filled with studs, just studs.

Speaker 2 (36:48):
Here's a misconception.

Speaker 4 (36:50):
I think that sometimes when to get our timelinees happening though,
is I think people feel that the Expos then moved
soon after that, it was another decade that they were
still in Montreal, and then finally ended up leaving Wall.

Speaker 1 (37:03):
Think about this roster, kay, you had Cliff Floyd, Mike Lansing,
I got a lot of Mike Lancing cards, a lot
of a young twenty seven Moises Alou, Larry Walker at
twenty seven years old, right in his prime, one bell
like man. They had dudes. Then you go to the

rotation pedro you mentioned go ahead.

Speaker 2 (37:31):
Were Delino Deshields and Marquis Grissom still on that team.

Speaker 1 (37:33):
Then Marquis Chrissom was definitely on the team.

Speaker 2 (37:36):
Was traded for Delino Deshields.

Speaker 1 (37:40):
Okay, what a roster on paper. And of course they
were playing really well in first place before the season
came to it and there were seventy four and forty
and their manager was Felipe Alou.

Speaker 3 (37:56):
And I think that the maybe the player that got
jobbed the most. I think Tony Gwynn was like approaching
four hundred when when they went on the strike.

Speaker 2 (38:04):
I think the.

Speaker 3 (38:05):
Great the best news though, was that Tony Gwynn, when
they weren't playing in the playoffs and not playing baseball
for two months, had a lot of time to listen
to this song This is I Saw the Sign by

Asa bass. It charted at number one for six weeks
on the Billboard Charts. Shocked to find out that this
was the number one song of the year given the
heavyweights that came right before it, right in Dan Byer's wheelhouse,
maybe two of the greatest ballads of the nineteen nineties.

Speaker 2 (38:51):
Still a banger, dude.

Speaker 1 (38:53):
By the way, I guess your number one. I got
your numbers for for Tony Gwynn. Tony Gwinn three ninety
four OBP four fifty four, so he's on base almost
forty six percent of the time. He was hitting three
ninety four through one hundred and ten games. That's crazy.

Speaker 4 (39:12):
Matt Williams in a good year or two wash, I
swear this song you were gonna play was that.

Speaker 2 (39:18):
I thought I thought we had it.

Speaker 3 (39:19):
I swear by All for One or I'll Make Love
to You by Boys to Men?

Speaker 2 (39:23):
Which do you prefer, Dowan?

Speaker 4 (39:25):
I prefer Boys to band because I felt All for
One was the knockoff of Boys to Men, and I
was I was a big Boys to Ben fan. I
think it's truly my first concert that I saw in
an arena type venue.

Speaker 1 (39:39):
I swear it was also John Michael Montgomery, but I
don't know if the Country one came out before the
All for One.

Speaker 3 (39:45):
Version, Doug, what movies were people watching in nineteen ninety four?

Speaker 5 (39:51):
I gotta breathe a little bit, I to. I had
to get this going here because the men demanded it.
The men here demanded this song.

Speaker 1 (39:59):
I'm believable year in movies. Unbelievable year. Okay, I want
you to think about this. In all time comedies, I
give you Dumb and Dumber and Ace Ventura as well
as the Mask. Remember this is back when Jim Carrey
was funny.

Speaker 5 (40:16):
He owned the nineties and ninety four might have been
his biggest year. But man, what what a triple headed
monster there?

Speaker 1 (40:23):
In ninety four Disney movies we have the Lion King.
Also sed Ya do we need see he just okay?
In adventure movies we have speed Speed right.

Speaker 2 (40:48):
Hot shot. I also have a drop of that where
is it true Lies?

Speaker 1 (40:53):
True Lies? Pop quiz hot shot? In drama Legends of
the Fall, Wow, what a cast also known as Everybody Dies?
And Brad Pitt's like peak hotness. Like as a heterosexual male,
I think I can say, like Brad Pitt, he's amazing
looking that.

Speaker 5 (41:10):
Movie Spiky blonde hair in the nineties and like a
little goatee.

Speaker 1 (41:15):
In really good movies but probably actually overrated when you
get to watching the movie Forrest Gump.

Speaker 2 (41:22):
Oh love Forrest Gump. Come on, I didn't say.

Speaker 1 (41:25):
I didn't love it, but like, let's not compare it, Okay.
In comparison, this is a lot like each row getting
into the Hall of Fame with who was it? C? C.
Sabbathia and uh uh and Billy Wagner right Forrest Gump
or pulp Fiction in Shoshank Redemption Right Forrest Gump, really

good movie. Pulp Fiction is one of the signature movies
of maybe our live That's like Quentin Tarantino's signature movie.
Ank Redemption is one of on Anybody's ten Best Movies
I've Ever Seen list.

Speaker 5 (42:07):
So you're saying that Forrest Gump's a distant bronze medal, yes,
but a crowd pleaser for you know, families. I would
say that, yeah, because Shaw, you wouldn't take your kids
to Shawshank.

Speaker 2 (42:17):
Or pull Fiction.

Speaker 1 (42:18):
I show my kids Shashank, you will eat Okay.

Speaker 5 (42:20):
I think I saw shash inc like shortly after it
came out, and I was like maybe ten years old.

Speaker 1 (42:23):
So have you attend that is? Don't call it a
throw back Thursday, Don't call it a throwback.

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We have a fantastic, fantastic hour of a sports talk
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ask Jason for some real feedback on blogger hate that
I receive, how to handle blogger hate that I receive.
But with the weekend in the bank and a new
week ahead of us. We do this every Monday. We
kind of encapsulate all of our feelings, whether it's about
the Rams loss, sorry Ramos, or the Eagles win, or

the Lives boally out of the playoffs early, the NFC
North and that debacle that they had in the playoffs.
Whatever it is, Would you love? Would you hate? It
could be anything from the weekend. We call it love
and hate. What did you love?

Speaker 6 (44:13):

Speaker 1 (44:14):
I love you? And what did you hate? These player?

Speaker 3 (44:17):
Hay is.

Speaker 1 (44:21):
Love love? Love? Love? Love? Love love love hate? Hey,
heye hate. Let's start with love, Dan Byer, what'd you
love for the weekend?

Speaker 4 (44:28):
Doug, You're gonna find this crazy what I'm about to say.
Because the conditions were so bad in Philadelphia. I loved
the decision making that was going on in that contest.
And I mentioned earlier in the show when I was
defending the right to have the best conditions possible for
these games that mean so much when Carrie Rhodes and

I were on the air on Fox Sports Radio for
the second half of that game. Because the conditions were
so bad, it allowed well allowed myself to play some
armchair quarterback, armchair head coach where you would make decisions
that you never would have made in any other regular
football game. But again, it's because the conditions were so

bad and because a lot was on the line. In fact,
your season was on the line because it was the playoffs.
Doug At one point I thought that the Eagles should
have punted from the rams thirty one yard line. I
felt it was so difficult for the Rams to get
ten yards, twenty yards, thirty yards that even if you
had the opportunity to take the football and gain fifteen

yards of field position, or even eleven yards if you
have punted it into the end zone, that that would
have been a smart play. We saw the Rams sack
Jalen Hurts for a safety when they were backed up.
Because you were so limited, it was just a completely
different game of strategy for I would say about ten
minutes of that fourth quarter. Then when Saquon broke off

his run, the Eagles kind of laid off and the
Rams went down and score, and then you had a
three and out. But it just allowed for a whole
different way of thinking because the conditions were so so bad.

Speaker 1 (46:09):
Yeah, you know, it's interesting. The Bobby Bouchet offense is
what you're talking about right, our best offense is actually
our defense problems. Rams could have hold on the ball
when they'd run it. They fumbled the ball when they
ran it, and that was the real killer when they're
only down a point after that.

Speaker 4 (46:25):
Safety, the Kyrain Williams fumble was a killer, but they
were then able to at least keep them at bay
by holding them to a field goal. And then Stafford
took a sack and fumbled on the next possession when
they were trying to throw the ball, and that allowed

Philadelphia then to end up kicking another field goal.

Speaker 2 (46:49):
Then the Rams punted and then set it up for
sa Quon's run sure which then they.

Speaker 4 (46:54):
Missed the extra point. It allowed the Rams to still
have life. It was all crazy.

Speaker 2 (46:58):
Iowa, Sam, I don't care for Taylor Swift's music.

Speaker 5 (47:09):
I don't mind her. You know, her popularity. I'm not
a fan of hers. I think she's fine, like you
know people, A lot of millions of people enjoy her music.

Speaker 2 (47:18):
I'm getting sick of the Chiefs.

Speaker 3 (47:20):

Speaker 5 (47:20):
They're doing a lot of winning. That's why I'm sick
of them. But overall, I loved seeing Caitlyn Clark in
the Taylor Swift suite with watching the hur Kansas City Chiefs.
She has been a legitimate fan since she was a
little girl. And you know, I'm all things Kaitlyn Clark.
So although I'm pretty tired of the uh the old

ketchup City Chiefs there and they're red jerseys and they're
they're winning ways and there what seventh straight AFC Championship
game appearance, the fact of the matter is, uh, Kaitlyn
Clark is getting to see one of her favorite musicians,
probably her favorite overall musician, and so getting to hang
with Taylor Swiet. We have to Keaitland Clark up there.
There's a lot of horsepower up there in that box.

I Uh, I loved it. I loved it because it
got she got to live out her dream.

Speaker 3 (48:08):

Speaker 1 (48:10):
Just do.

Speaker 3 (48:12):
I think the team that won the weekend was not
playing football? And I'm about to explain the Dodgers signed
the most coveted Japanese picture of the offseason. I think
his name is Roki Sasaki. Filthy guy that we could add.

And when I say we, we Dodger fans could add
to our rotation. And then they got the most coveted
closer in baseball over the weekend. Tanner Scott. Tanner Scott
was a Padre last year, the Padres gave up a
ton of capital, a ton of draft picks, and then

lost Tanner Scott, and the Dodgers just signed him. And
then I just saw Padres Twitter, Giants Twitter in Baseball
Twitter all weekend complaining about the Dodgers, complaining about it.
This isn't fair. It's like, what would you have them do?
We get pissed off when owners pocket the revenues they
bring in. Why would you get pissed off at owners

that actually put money back into the team. They are
the largest revenue generating team. I think now with the
Yankees that MSG deal isn't as big as it used
to be or the Yes deal.

Speaker 2 (49:29):
I'm sorry.

Speaker 3 (49:30):
So they're actually reinvesting their profits into their team. Why
should anybody have a problem with that?

Speaker 2 (49:37):

Speaker 3 (49:38):
I love the Dodgers. I love what they did this weekend.
They've obviously told Andrew Friedman that your cute little ways
didn't work. So the last two off seasons they've just
spent a crapload of money.

Speaker 2 (49:52):
Thank you, Dodgers.

Speaker 1 (49:54):
Is cute little ways didn't work?

Speaker 3 (49:57):
Is cute little ways would get us to the the
division round and fail. But this way won. Spend as
much money as you can and we won.

Speaker 1 (50:12):
Isn't Andrew Freeman still their general manager?

Speaker 3 (50:15):
Yes, but I think he was under a mandate starting
last offseason. We've done it your way. You found little
value here and there, you found little gems. You tried
to be cute, you tried to be economical. All right,
let's forget that. Let's just spend as much money as
we can each of the next two off seasons, and
we'll see which way works.

Speaker 1 (50:39):
I loved watching the Washington Commanders. I thought that was incredible.
The twenty eight point second quarter. I just that was incredible.
Obviously Jared Goff with the interceptions and and the lines
had just been decimated. I'm not sure their defense was
great to begin with, but just decimated by injuries. But

you know, I like the Cliff Kingsbury angle to it
as well, Like that guy can coach some offensive football.
Those two are on the same page, and I mean,
he's just a maze. Kid's incredible. Kid's incredible. If you
would have said which one of these two guys has played,
you know, almost a decade in the NFL and played
in the Super Bowl, and which one is a rookie?

You go like, well, Jayden Daniels is the one that's
played ten years and Jared Goffs the rookie, and that
wasn't the case. I thoroughly and completely enjoyed watching him
play football on Saturday night. That's my love. All right,
Let's get to the hate, Jay Stu, this is right
up your alley. Go for it.

Speaker 3 (51:46):
I can't stand uh Padres, Twitter, Giants, Twitter, Baseball Twitter.
I can't stand them for having a problem with the
way the Dodgers do business. That's what I hate. I
also hate this. I watched a movie over the weekend
called conc Life Okay, and it has a very controversial ending,

extremely controversial ending that will make right wingers very uncomfortable.
But I found that the reaction when I went on
Twitter to this movie to be completely unreasonable. Just because
there is a controversial character and storyline does not mean

that quote, Hollywood now sucks. There is the best storytelling
and probably the best TV streaming shows around. Hollywood doesn't suck.
Just because there's a subject matter that disagrees with your
sensibilities doesn't mean quote Hollywood has.

Speaker 2 (52:57):
No good ideas.

Speaker 1 (52:58):
So that's what I hate, Dan Byer, Doug.

Speaker 4 (53:03):
It's interesting because on the heels of your love is
actually where my hate is born. I hate that the
Lions are knocked out of it. I look at this
past season and I think many people were like me
that if your favorite team couldn't go to the Super Bowl,
you were pulling for the Lions to do so. And
I'm interested in Jason's opinion, and Doug, I'm interested in

your opinion on this because I also brought this up
in my show yesterday with Carrie Rhodes. It's difficult for
me to look at the Commanders as a feel good
team because my most impressionable years in sports were my
youth between probably eight and fifteen years old, and during

those times, maybe six or seven, Washington won three Super Bowls.
Washington was one of the better teams in the NFC,
competing with the forty nine Ers, Bears, and Giants at
that time. So even though it's been thirty two years,
I remember a time when Washington was really really good.
I don't ever remember a time when Detroit was really

really good. So I was pulling for the Lions on
Saturday night, and as soon as Jared goff fumbled when
they're up seven to three on the third and one.
I thought, oh, so this is how it's going to go.
I knew it from that point. They were not winning
that game. It was not going to happen. The Commanders
knocked me out of a survivor pool in Week three
because the Bengals couldn't force a punt and it just

had that sort of feel where you were not going
to stop them on offense. And so I hated seeing
the Lions lose. Maybe not so much to the Commanders,
but I just am comparing the wind Streaks or the
I guess win droughts of the two franchises. And it's
just tough for me to look at the Commanders as
a Cinderella because I remember when they were ten kicking

the Broncos butt up and down the field in the
Super Bowl against the Denver Super Bowl twenty two. I
hated seeing the Lions get knocked out.

Speaker 3 (55:04):
Okay, it makes sense, yeah, they've they're like what are
they coming back from? You know, they're coming back from
like a toxic owner who ruined a franchise with his
decisions and the atmosphere that he created around him. So
it's not like a feel good thing. They've just kind
of returned to normalcy kind of a thing. And the

one is you just got to feel for they've they've
just been bad and now it's over. No.

Speaker 2 (55:33):
I think a lot of people feel that way.

Speaker 1 (55:36):
I would agree with that. That last part of the
segment stuck Gotleup Sugar on Fox Sports Radio. I I
hated that for Mark Andrews. I just did I know
him a little bit. I've always been enamored with his talent,

and he just seems like a great dude. And I
don't know, tight ends always catch that stuff, you know.
It's like even when they get old, they can't move
Antonio Gates when he came back out of retirement, like
they still catch everything. And like the one guy you
would think would always catch that ball. Especially talk about

in terms of sports getting your what's it called when
you bounce back from something you not a reclamation? Reclamation
is sort of it. But redemption, the sports redemption within
the game, he fumbled. Sports redemption supposed to be he
catches that one and then maybe he catches a touchdown
pass in overtime and they went So. I hated that

from Mark Andrews. I, you know, don't have a dog
in that fight, and it would have been amazing to
see Josh Allen in a tie game. But I hated
it for Mark Andrews.

Speaker 2 (56:53):
Really did. I know?

Speaker 4 (56:55):
He's professional pass catcher. I still think the play is
a little bit more difficul guilt and it just appears
on the surface.

Speaker 1 (57:02):
I know it's more difficult than appears. You're You're right,
But as you said before, he's a professional pass catcher.
Got catch that ball, Got catch that ball.

Speaker 3 (57:15):
What was the tweet that you shared with us? What
was it during the podcast? Mary?

Speaker 1 (57:23):
Yes? Yes, breaking is from David Berg breaking Joe Biden
issues pardoned to Mark Andrews.

Speaker 2 (57:34):
I mean, there were some really funny memes.

Speaker 3 (57:36):
That was funny, and a lot of people brought attention
to the fact that the Ravens social media right before
the game posted a picture of Andrews and his shorts
catching passes before the game with a caption, the snow
does not bother Mark Andrews.

Speaker 1 (57:57):

Speaker 2 (57:57):
Yeah, that's a tough one.

Speaker 1 (58:00):
Oops. And that is love and hate.

Speaker 2 (58:04):
What about Sam's hates?

Speaker 1 (58:05):
Oh, I'm sorry, Sam My bad. I usually go to
throw everybody from me, Sam what'd you hate this weekend?

Speaker 5 (58:09):
All good, by the way, that might that might be
the most sympathetic I've ever heard of you towards a
former Sooner, Doug mark Andrews, one of your rivals to
the Oklahoma State Cowboys.

Speaker 2 (58:21):
But sympathy.

Speaker 1 (58:23):
Helby Keith didn't go to you. But he was a
essentially a Sooner and obviously he's a friend, and when
he passed away, it was just awful. But that's more
about people than it is where they played.

Speaker 2 (58:36):
I hear you.

Speaker 5 (58:38):
My hate of this weekend is the state of Iowa basketball,
both the women's state currently and the men's state.

Speaker 2 (58:47):
Let's start with the women. They've lost five straight games.
They still have a team. They just kidding.

Speaker 5 (58:54):
They've lost five straight games, which is how many games
they lost all of last year. Uh, the five game
winning streak has to be the longest in probably a decade.
They're missing Caitlin Clark and Lisa Bluta right now for sure.
They're well under five hundred to the Big Ten, and
the men switching over to them, they're under five hundred
to the Big Ten. Usually every year I can bank

on either the men or the women being good and
going to the NCAA Tournament, and if they're both I
just this year, I'm like kind of scratching my head
a little bit, like they're both they both could miss
the nca Tournament, which is kind of shocking, especially when
the women's program went to the championship game last year,
obviously with one of the best players that basketball's ever seen.

Speaker 2 (59:38):
But would you back Iowa State tournament? Well, I mean,
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (59:45):
I want to know any answer right now, it's January
twenty twenty five, No Hawk guys in the men's bracket,
would you support the Iowa State Cyclones and they're run
to a Final four?

Speaker 2 (59:58):
What does support mean?

Speaker 1 (59:59):

Speaker 2 (59:59):
Where her shirt cheer them on? Want them to win?
Sure they can. That'd be cool if they go to
a final fours.

Speaker 4 (01:00:06):
Thing you just called Doug out for liking a Sooner, Yeah,
you're gonna cheer for Iowa State sounds like a double standard.

Speaker 2 (01:00:14):

Speaker 5 (01:00:15):
I just want to share with you guys the fact
that I was at poly Pavilion Friday night for the
first time to see that venue, and UCLA made their
first nine shots of the game, and there was never
a point in that game where Iowa was even competing.
It was just out of control within minutes. Women's the

men's team, and so Iowa gave up our round between
a trip to usc and a trip to UCLA. They
gave up about ninety six points a game. So it's
it's pretty it's pretty bad around. The defense is bad
and uh you know Iowa's the Iowa men were part
of my love last weekend and now it's just all
gone sour, It's all gone south.

Speaker 2 (01:00:57):
I have a question for Doug.

Speaker 4 (01:00:59):
Yes, because I know your relationship and friendship with Fran McCaffrey. Yes,
would you feel comfortable or uncomfortable if Sam would have
asked you to get tickets from uh Fran? Sam got
his own tickets.

Speaker 1 (01:01:15):
But totally totally comfortable.

Speaker 2 (01:01:16):
Okay, there you go.

Speaker 1 (01:01:18):
I mean because I know Mick as well, I mean
that wouldn't been yeah, but yeah, totally comfortable.

Speaker 5 (01:01:22):
I sit like by the Iowa fans. It could have,
you know, you could have. I did get free tickets
to the UCLA game. Thank you, Dave Weese from KLAC
appreciate that. So easy to get there. It was great
to see the venue. But they lost ninety four to
seventy and at some point, at various points in the game,
UCLA was up by thirty some points. It was just,

it was just there's nothing to take nothing positive to
take away from it except getting to hang with lead
to Lap and Big Mike who runs this place, who
joined me for the game, and having a spicy sausage
a hot dog thing and some spicy mustard and uh hilapenos.

Speaker 2 (01:01:57):
And that was that kicked my button a good way.
Thanks for the invite, appreciate it.

Speaker 5 (01:02:02):
I think I didn't I invite you, Dan, No, that
did not happen. Well, I didn't know if you'd want
to see UCI le Iowa game, So yeah, I don't
like college basketball.

Speaker 2 (01:02:10):
You all right,
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