All Episodes

June 3, 2019 121 mins

Doug discusses who he believes is the unsung hero of the Golden State Warriors after they took game 2 of the NBA Finals. He also tells you why he’s not sure if Rob Gronkowski will remain retired. Plus, he talks to NBA veteran Jim Jackson about the NBA Finals and where Kevin Durant could sign in free agency.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Boom What America. Doug Gottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio coming
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to you by Farmers. At Farmers, we've seen almost everything,
so we know how to cover almost anything. When it's
game time, have an experienced player help you stay here
of the game, put their experience into play. At Farmers
dot com, we are Farmers out Look. I'm gonna sit
here and tell you that not every decision that was made,
even by the Warriors late, was the right decision. But

I don't and I think they didn't get the benefit
of a couple of calls late. There was a a
deflection and what led to a steal by Fred Van Bleet,
and if you watch the replay, there was a foul
called on Steph Curry where Van Bleet and only stole
the ball ran through a pass, but then actually he
pushed Curry to try and go get the ball, and
they called a foul on Curry. Um Curry had the

ball late, you're up a bucket and the Raptors foul him.
There was no foul being called. He finds a way
to get it to Livingston, who comes to the basketball
and just barely takes away from the clause of of Kawuai.
Leonard passes to Andre Goodald, who didn't have to shoot
with that much time on the court but clock, but
he did, and he makes the dagger three and the

Warriors tie the series at one apiece. We could get
into the little things within the series, but but here's
my biggest and most important takeaway. Then this is really
really important. Okay, this is really really important. If you
watched that game and you realized just how much better

the Warriors were in the second half, are we ever
going to say anything other than man Steff was great
in the third quarter. He was bad to start the game,
and he was great in the second quarter, and then
the third quarter they kind of figured some stuff out.
Has there ever been a human being in charge of

a team who's gotten less credit, respect, adulation, or discussion
than Steve Kerr? Guys, I watched the same game you did,
and I was granted and this this like, if you
don't know me, that might they may they may sound
like h dB thing to say, but I have a
higher basketball acumen than most of you, so you may

not have come away with the same thought that I did,
which is that was a coaching mismatch. And the adjustments
that that the Warriors made, the substitution pattern and rotation
and plugging holes when you don't have your best player
and you didn't have your best defender for a good

portion of the game, who is your second best player
currently on the roster are currently playing like? That was
amazing and at least a good portion of it was coaching.
Has there any ever been anybody who gets less discussion
than Steve Kerr? Right, the Raptors didn't score their first
basket until six remaining in the third quarter. I'm willing

to admit that the Warriors not making shots in the
first half, having to adjust and staff finally hitting some
shots in the first half, they were feeling better. Some
of it is on the players, but we don't give
anything to the adjustments that were made at halftime in
the coaching moves. I think about that for a second.
That's all kinds of crazy. And by the way, they

won in spite of the fact that Andre Goadala's three
point shot, which was a little bit early on the clock,
was the only shot the Warriors made in the last
five thirty nine of the game. They won that game
because of the adjustments they made at the defensive end
of the floor and some of the adjustments they made
offensively to the varying defenses of the Raptors, and some

of it did and some of it did not work.
You didn't have Clay late, he didn't have k D.
Even the decision to start de Marcus Cousins last game
and play him more minutes than his play probably earned
might have been what won them the game, because DeMarcus
Cousins was a had a huge impact on the game.

Late he was gassed and he couldn't really help you,
but he was able to give them some offense, which
they so desperately needed, especially with Klay Thompson was out
and that is coaching. Adjustments are coaching. Sticking together when
things are bad is coaching. Spreading out a team and

reading their defense. Coaching figuring out the problem and finding
a solution at halftime is coaching. I get it. Luke
Walton had a great that this is no different than
the than the with k D, without k D, without step,

there's no distrom that discussion. You can show me the
record of Luke Walton and these Warriors, and I can
tell you that that doesn't mean anything to me. That
was a different time. It was important time where this
team was just light years better than everybody they're playing.
Plus it's regular season basketball, which nobody really cares about.
And in the postseason. The postseason, it's about matchups and adjustments.

And then of course you gotta make some shots. And
in spite of the fact they didn't make any shots
over the last five and a half minutes of the game,
they still won on the road without Kevin Durant, with
Alt Klay Thompson. And I don't hear anyone saying, you know,
Steve Kurt is kind of awesome, kind of awesome. We

we do this thing with Phil Jackson, were like, I
don't know. Phil Jackson always had. He always had the
two best players, like, Okay, Jordan win a championship before
he got there, Pippen when Jordan were there, Kobe and
checked in when anything until he got there, and then
when he left he didn't want anything. When he came back,
they want again. It's weird how that works. Strange. The

adjustments he made were magnificent. He made Draymond Green into
kind of like a free safety. He took step some
and put him into into ball screens and changed the spacing,
set some backscreens, got some layups, changed what they were doing,
and the raptors didn't even know what hit him. You

had an inexperienced coach versus experienced head coach. And look,
I've actually personally friends with Think Nurse. I played for
Nick Nurse in the usb L. I've known him for
almost twenty years, and he does have experience as a
head coach overseas, in the G League, in the NBA,
in the playoffs. That sucks. Life comes at you really
really fast, and there is a reason that it's the same.

Coaching is a little bit like two things, a little
bit like refereeing, and it's a little bit like what's
called a refereeing from this perspective, like the greatest coaches
are the ones where you almost don't know they're there.
Don't get me wrong. Steve Kerr would you know, could
not have made Sean Livingston go and catch that ball

and passed the injury Andrea a Gudala and he could
not have made andre Adalla shoot that last shot. But
the reason that they had, the spacing that they had,
the reason that they were in the places that they were.
It's it's like this, you know, like people will wow,
Steph really comes down, he looks to shoot that he
passes and it becomes an off guard. And they said,
like all of this stuff is planned out in football.

We gave all the credit the world to Bill Belichick.
We don't do any of it in basketball. It feels like,
all right, you know, they're just a well old machine.
Why do you think they're a well old machine? And
I just out there winging it and they're like, ah,
we just go up there and make it. No. I mean,
Steve Kerry even told you after last game, hey, we

don't see him very much. And now that we've seen him,
we got a kind of a book on him will
make some adjustments, and they did. Here's Zaza Pachulia, who
has been there starting center of the last two years.
He joined us Friday on the show. I asked him, like,
Steph is amazing, but doesn't strike me as a true
vocal leader. K D doesn't me as a true vocal leader.

Draymond strikes me as a talker, but maybe not a leader.
Who's the actual leader that makes this thing work? You know,
that's the guys who motivates everybody and you know who
who make sure everybody's on the boards. Obviously you have
the players like you know, Katy and claim Drama like

me to be such a great job to keep the
guys motivated and ready and physically and mental heself, so
I would stay see the guy who keeps everybody together.
So he keeps everybody together, right, he keeps everybody together,
He puts them in the right places. They play through

DeMarcus Cousins. They change what they're doing. Remember, like people
talk about Golden State with the high ball screens. I
don't know how many you know this. The Golden State
Warriors set the fewest number of ball screens of any
team in the league, but they change that last night.
Why because you take what the defense gives you. Steve

Kurrs maybe the best coach I've ever seen. He doesn't
overreact to negativity. He knows how to motivate different guys differently,
and oh yeah, by the way, nothing gets by him.
Maybe it helps that he's been a broadcaster, a player,
a bench player, a starting player on championship teams, a

general manager, and he's been outside of basketball. But whatever
it is, I'm blown away by the adjustments, by the
team's ability to kind of put a finger in the
dike because it looks like it's all gonna implode. You're
playing on the road against a really good team that

has a ton of self confidence. You're down big in
the first half, You're having to play bench players you
never thought you'd play at this particular point, only played
DeMarcus Cousins one time since he heard his squad muscle.
And at halftime you make defensive adjustments where the team
can't score for the first half of the third quarter

and you go on this incredible run to where now
they're fighting an uphill battle. If you don't think coaching
plays at least a substantial portion in what the Warriors
have done over the past five years. You're contradicting everything
we know about sports. Coming up next, Ethan Strouss covers

the Warriors for the and UH and the NBA for
the athletic I'll ask him if he thinks Steve Kerr
gets enough credit? What he thought of the adjustments and
changes Steve Kerr made last night? Plus well, Clay Thompson
really says he's gonna play, But will he play like
you wake up today you feel differently? And what about
Kevin Durant? And then we have to ask ourselves is

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Doug Gollip show You're on Fox Sports Radio. Uh. Ethan

Strauss covers the Warriors in the NBA for the Athletic.
You can follow him on Twitter at Sherwood s Trousse.
Check out his latest from last night's game. Andrea Goodala,
the curmudgeon and future Hall of Famer, delivers again for
the Warriors. I want to discuss that future Hall of
Famer thing with you in a second, but I started
the show discussing the fact that I almost think no

one I'm outside of me I have. I have seen
a couple of people, UH pointed out, but not necessarily prominent,
like Steve Kerr's kind of an amazing coach. They made
ridiculous adjustments in both personnel and strategy throughout that night
and from Game one to Game two. Am I alone

thinking no championship coach has ever gotten less credit than
Steve Kerr. I think the UH the signing of Kevin
Durant might have taken from Curse credit, which is ironic
considering that Kevin Durant joined the Warriors in part because
he wanted to join up with the Steve Kurse style
of basketball. But yeah, that that has happened, and I

will say I will admit. I was at my media
seat looking over to my right my colleague Marcus Thompson,
and I was ripping some of curse moves, but they
kept working. I said, I don't know about this whole
starding de Marcus Cousins thing. Now, after a certain point
they were so battered bruised they needed DeMarcus Cousins and
the coach voice in the matter matter, especially after Looney

went down. But hey, it worked out. A lot of
the adjustments worked. Getting andre Igetala off of Kauai, for instance, worked,
and until Clay got hurt putting putting him on Kauai
h that that was effective. And it seems as though
he has done a lot of quirky things. He has
a lot of capital. He isn't scared. That's the thing.

I think a lot of other coaches are scared. I
think with Steve Kerr, he could walk away, he could
do something else. Back with the Phoenix Suns. One day
he just got up, he left and he drove from
Arizona to San Diego and that was that. So when
you have that confidence where you love it but you
don't need it, you can try some quirky things and

some of those things can work out. Okay, So so
you mentioned a couple of them. I mean it is amazing, right,
Like we're only pointing out he didn't have Clay for
a portion game, don't have k D the whole game,
didn't have Looney. And you know, Cousins was awful in
game one, and he believed him in game two, and
that that faith. And I think playing him in game
one got his kind of feet wet, whatever, and got
him to kind of work through some some some kinks

as well. But what are some of the other quirky
things that you've seen. Well, I think let's let's talk
about the general strategy of it. Now. I haven't discussed
this with man, it's got some things with him last
night as to the why of Cousins and or Kim
Khalakami rode up the decision and how they came to it.
But I have to wonder if a lot of it
was that Toronto was playing up on the Warriors very aggressively,

trying to take away the outside shot. And Cousins is
somebody who excels and even in this state where he
might not be in peak shape and peak form, he's
good at hitting cutters, So I think they specifically put
him there with that in mind, and man, it seemed
to be effective, especially that third quarter stretched. So it
wasn't just playing a guy. It was playing a guy

with a sense of we we are doing it because
there's a collective strategy that he is integral to, that
fits with the defense that is facing us. Uh Ethan
Trous joining us in the Doug Gotlips show on Fox
Sports Radio. UM. And then the iguodala thing is amazing, right,
Like he's playing on one leg. He probably shouldn't have

shot that last shot, or at least that early in
the shock collec there was a couple of seconds left
where he could have held it. And yet here's that
same guy who won them the first championship. When people
dared him to shoot, they Darren shoot again and he
makes them pay again. It is hey, you go back
to game six, first of the rockets. I pointed this out.
It has been since two thousand Uh was thatybod I

say two thousand thirteen. I think that he had made
more than more than four threes in a game. It
was one time. One time he makes five threes in
a game for the first time in was that six
years and does so in game six on the road.
He does have this remarkable ability to have what what

people call competitive greatness, right being great when great was
was called upon. It's kind of He's an amazing guy
he does. I think he's a unique individual. He's one
of the most bizarre athletes in terms of quotes I've
ever been around. It's always fascinating. You never know what
you're going to get. I think what helps him is

that he is he is big on process over resolved.
He's big on shrugging and saying the game tells you
to shoot, to shoot, that's the easy part. Some of
the other things that require real decisions to be made
in a split second, that's the hard part. And if
it goes in, it goes in, and if it doesn't,
it doesn't. But the game tells me to shoot, so
that's what happens. So uh. He does seem to have

a quality to come up big when they need him
and to punish teams when they say somebody besides Stafford,
Clay or k D needs to beat them. So uh,
it's been a remarkable career and he is Defensively, it's
just impossible to overstate his value defensively, and it's half
the game, but we don't treat it like half the

games or whatever reason. We just say, come on down,
Carmelo Anthony, obvious Hall of Gamer. I'm not saying that
he shouldn't be, but I'm just saying that there's no consideration.
It's utterly bizarre. You know, nobody makes the argument that
that Ben wall is even though he might have been
the greatest defensive player of his era. And defense is
half the game, more so for a big man because

responsibilities are disproportionately defensive in that era when you're a
big guy near the ram versus Steve Nash for your
responsibilities to run the offense. But we just act like
it's this this just weirdo, like little niche of the game.
It's supposed to literally half of it. It's it's honestly, Ethan,
welcome to my world. Um, passing has always been that
as well, and now passing in defense. Really I had

I've had I look, Nick writes a friend of mine.
I like him, I love how much he loves this sport.
But he'd like told me, like, look, it's really sevent
offense is like no, no, it's not even not even
close to that much. Right. It's there's literally this is
not three on three you know basketball they used to
have in the Midwest for girls basketball, where you know,
three girls don't actually eve one end of the floor.

You have to play both. And we got to cover
for our our weakest link. Um, And it's it's it's
pretty pretty amazing on how much we we we underte
now now. Hall of Famer though, is a big that's
a big step. That's a big step because he is
open for a reason, he hasn't shot well in the
regular season. He was a big score earlier in his career,

but to very limited success in terms of when it
basketball really matters. Um, would would that mean that Derek
Fisher is a Hall of Famer? Would that be that
Robert Ory is a Hall of Famer? Um? I think
it's a hard call because d NBA and it's the
basketball hall same overall, the standard, let's face it is
a bit lower than it is for the other sports.
And often when fans of these arguments, they're they're operating

from our framework of football, they're operating from our framework
of baseball. They're not thinking about about thinking about basketball.
Where a Dennis Johnson gets in or a dollar Bill
Bradley know some of these guys where they didn't have
superstar is amazed. It's not that kind of sport. And
I believe in the NBA, if you've had the kind
of career he has had, would you go from being

a franchise guy to be in the fixture of an
integral part of an enduring dynasty either you know, the
greatest dynasty of the post Celtics era um or second
to the Bulls. You know, you know this is this
is big stuff and you have a Finals MVP at
that point. And I also believe there is going to
be a cultural shift. I there's just more study of

basketball now. I think there's more of an understanding and
appreciation for his impact other than calling him a whole player.
So I believe you'll get there is exact low and
said and Bill Simmons and some other people. But well,
let's trick. Let's track back in a few years. Maybe
his voters won't want to vote for him because he
doesn't used to really care one way or the other.
Doug gottlives show here on Fox Sports Trade at Sherwood Strouse.

He's Ethan Strouse. He covers the Warriors in the NBA
for the Athletic Um. Clay has said he's gonna play,
but I don't know how. You know on your hamstring
until you know in your hamstring, um, And then you
have k D. You think Kadi plays in game three?
I can't really predict that, you know. I he had
to shoot around, he wasn't jumping. They were mostly set shots.

How close how far? He is hard to tell. I
will say that who knows when it comes to Clay,
But man, he was in pain last night in the
locker room. He was in the corner and he was grunting,
and he was yelling um. And he doesn't betray a
lot of pain. He's not in a motive guy. But

he seemed to be in some serious just a bad
way with the way he was yelling. I don't know
how to project what that is. I just know that
it was a different kind of thing than say Kavon
Looney walking out there saying yeah, it hurts and having
the ice pack on his on his shoulder. Clay was laboring.
But then again Clay so strange. He walked out of
the arena under his own power. I have no idea

why why crutches weren't involved. Uh So he's grunting and
screaming and being like he's going through labor and then
he walks out. He's a strange guy. I know that's
not a statisfactory answer, you know it's and I don't know,
but I'm just trying to give you a little bit
of the scenes from last night. No question Ethan Trous
joining us on the Doug Gottlieb Show. Uh what about

the Raptors? How how devastating was that? Like, I know
that every loss and and these guys are professionals and
their ability to like process. Okay, if Clay doesn't play
and k D doesn't play, like boy, I don't know,
that's that's a lot, no matter if they're playing in
Oakland or they're playing on the Moon. Um. But that
loss felt like a loss and a half. Right, you

had complete control, you had Curry under wraps, and even
though Curry got to go in the end the first half,
I feel like, all, right, well, we got this thing,
We've got them figured out. And then all of a
sudden you can't score for the first half of the
third quarter, and then Clay goes down and you still lose,
still lose at a home. How devastating would you believe

this loss will be for the entirety of the series. Well,
I certainly a deflating loss. But part of why it's
deflating is also part of why you wouldn't say, oh,
they'll never recover, because the words are so banged up.
I mean, you're on the Raptors, I know, Okay, let
that one get away. But you know, ultimately, at this juncture,

they're the healthier team, they have more bodies to work with.
It's a little concerning for them the absence of a
reliable playmaker or score beyond Kawhi Leonard. You know, there
are guys who do it in spurts right where you
got your fan fleet or your you know, Lowry is
is playing better. It can, it can certainly happen, But
in the half court um, there's just not there's not

a lot of reliable options there, and that that seems
to really be hurting them when they need to bucket.
The other thing that nobody is talking about. Nobody's talking
about it, but I can't help but notice it. It's
not really might beat, not really what I'm writing about,
but I'm just noticing it and clip after clip that
Kawhi Leonard. Maybe it's because he's hurt, and maybe it's

because he is such a burden on offense where he
is a beast, But defensively, there are a lot of
plays he's making where if you put a beard on
him in a rocket stersy, people will be laughing at
him on the internet. You know, he's not been good
defensively in this series, uh, in the first two games
to a degree that's a little bit shocking to me

considering the reputation. And yeah, you'll see every now and
again he'll make some play like that interceptive Draymond pass.
But I just keep watching and when he when he
goes up on step steph Alt is right by him
at all the time, it's off. Well, that's not I mean,
as much as he's a great defender, that's that's not
a position or that's that's completely you know, Like I know,

I understand he has the reputation of being able to
guard one through five, but that's a really really hard
It's hard for anybody, right, just is I don't give
him a total pass. And I agree with what you're saying, right,
sometimes guy's reputations and the the defensive player is better than
the act you well, defensive player there is, and then
sometimes it's the you know, it's the opposite of it.
Like I think Steph has a terrible reputation as defender

and he's better than people give him credit. He's not
great and they try and hide him. While Leonard when
he broke out as a player with the Spurs, was
an awesome defensive player and the terrifying defensive player and
still somebody you have to worry about. But I just
don't see the red and you know, it should be
noted the last two full seasons to basketball, the team

he played for did better defensively when he was on
the bench, and there are a lot of, you know,
explanations for that, and you know, there's variants and randomness
and sometimes the shots go in and someone I don't
I just hadn't think that became more of a scorer
who still looks like the defensive player. People. Remember that's
just one observation. We'll see what it means going forward.
They overall played pretty decent defensive game plan but it's

just surprising from the guy who was touted as the
most impactful defender on that team that you just don't
see it gotlive show here on Fox Sports Radio. Um, okay,
so you're the guy who got called out writing a
book early in the year. Uh. But I'm watching this
thing and I don't know, maybe I take too much

into it. I feel like this is and if they
win this thing, this would be amazing, right, Like everybody's
gonna say, well, look at the guys they have. But
like Katie is not healthy even if he plays, that's
not you know, steps carrying a ton of the burden.
And you know he's he just a high volume of
touch is not really the way as much as he
wants to play this way. Clay has now hurt. Uh.

You know, Draymond actually hasn't shot the ball well after
shooting it well in the last series. And then you
got you know, you know, DeMarcus, who was awful in
game one better in game two. And then you know,
I've seen that video of of Clay and Kadi waiting
for all their teammates to come back in the locker room.
And is there any way in your mind that the
the achievement of overcoming the injuries and overcoming the outside

noise changes what Kevin Durant thought he wanted to do
before the playoffs or finals begin. That's a great question.
I would say probably not if I had to guess,
I don't think that such decisions are in that high
degree of variants um. And when decisions are of that
level of import um, there's usually a little bit of predetermination.

But you never know, You never know, and who knows
when near any of this sets up? Who knows. Maybe
Kevin comes back and he is not only a will
it's read, but will it's read with a SuperStar's impact,
and he gets all of the love and people remember
how how essential he is, and maybe that sways things.

It's it's really hard to tell at this juncture. I
would suspect that it's not going to ultimately matter. But again,
somebody who has nilled at for I don't know telling
him what he's thinking or what have you. I'm I
don't think I was doing that, but I don't want
to presume. I don't want to um not only psychoanalyze,
but psychoanalyze in the future. Right, So that's two things

that there's two projections on top of each other. The
the article is Andre Goodalo, the curmudgeon and future Hall
of Famer delivers again for the Warriors. Before I let
you go, you mentioned some of the quotes, and if
you read the piece, there's one quote, I don't care
one day you're replaced, then uh, some other m effort
is in there, and another after that. Nobody remembers anything.

None of it matters. But he also said something about
he wanted to win for Steph Curry on how he's
viewed at by his peers. That one kind of came
out of nowhere, didn't it. I did. I asked him
what motivates him at this juncture because he always gives
an interest in our pistential responses, and that that's what
he said. Now there's always a question with Andrey how

much does he mean it? How much is a tongue
in cheek. I think he does like Staff. I think
he does want to help Staff. Is that the sole
reason for playing is that his sole motivation. I don't
think that's true. I don't, but it's interesting that he's saying.
And with him, he likes to play in the gray zones.
He likes to be in that space where you're not

totally sure in he's kiddy and you're not completely sure
what is the truth and what is just there to
get a rise out of you. And in a way
it's a little refreshing because he's just having he was
so amused with the process. He's not worried about a brand,
he's not worried about selling the sneaker, he's not worried
about having advertisements. So he'll say whatever he wants to

say and live whatever it was, whatever the consequences are,
and it produces an interesting results. Well, it's a great
pace and your work has been outstanding. Check him out
on Twitter at Sure what Strouss. Go to the Athletic
and check out Andrew Goodalo. The curmudgeon in future Hall
of Famer delivers again for the Warriors Ethan Strouse. He
covers the Warriors in the NBA for the Athletic. Kind
of enough to spend some time this year on Fox

Sports Radio, Ethan, we really appreciate it. Let's get you
to Dan buy or find out what else going on
in sports TV what he got. Hopefully we'll find out
about Clay Thompson's hamstrings sometime today. You're gonna have an
m r I after injuring it in the last night's
game to victory in Toronto. Head coach Steve Kerr says
not a pull, not a strain, but a tight hamstring,

but an m R I today for Clay Thompson. So
news some in the NFL is the Jaguars have come
to terms on a contract with wide receiver Tarrell Pryor,
while the NFL Network says free agent defensive lineman Gerald
McCoy hopes to make his decision on where I played
next season sometime today. McCoy has visited the Browns, Ravens
and Panthers Minneapolis start review and says that Twins have
an interest in free agent pitchers Dallas Kiko and Craig

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all areas every day at this time. The Doug Gallab
Show on Fox Sports Radio. By the way, eight seven
seven down down on foxes the phone number if you
want to dial us up. But we have a lot
of business to get to. We we want you to
know the stories of the day, the headlines of the morning,
and what you need to look forward to tonight and

into tomorrow. And we do so by playing a game.
This is Game Time Tide on the Doug Godlib Show.
Game time is to buy Discover Card. We treat you
like you'd treat you, Dan BYO. What's the game, dog?
It's a Monday, So the game is big Deal, Little deal,

No deal? Alright, big deal, little deal or no deal.
That TV ratings for Game two of the NBA Finals.
We're up from Game one's ten point one rating. Coming
in at ten point to last night. Um, that's a
little deal. Um, that's actually not a great thing. Okay, Um,

and this is a hard one. You're you're laughing because
I know you agree with me. Sunday evening should be
your biggest ratings, and the ratings are down from last year. Now, look,
some of the rating stuff doesn't help that Toronto north
of the border. They have no home market in the States,
so it doesn't register. Toronto's numbers don't register and don't help.

So I'm the numbers are really probably bigger than that.
There's a I was gonna say. There's also just the
simple fact of, as you said, they're on for a
year ago. But the spin is always a way to
make it better. So they're like, hey, they were up
from Thursday. It's always it's really not It's really not good.
Those numbers are not good. But um, Mike McCarthy, who

gosh what, I don't even know what sight he writes for.
He had me, he had me predict what the ratings
would do. He just left Sporting News and he's on
a new site. Anyway, he's covered the sports media for years.
He had me predict the ratings when I said was
I think they will be down. No lebron uh Toronto
doesn't realist. I think to be down early. But I
do think that America wants to see the Warriors will lose.

Most of the want to see Warriors lose. I want
to see the Warriors win and the idea of Kadi
comes back in later in the series to try and
kind of save the day. I do think they will
pick up, not go down. We'll still see because right
now they're still down year to year. Big deal, little
deal or no deal that Steve Kerr has said that
Kevin Durant could only need one practice to return from

his calf injury. That feels like a little deal because
it's not like he's been out for five months, right,
and it's not like he hasn't been doing basketball workouts. So,
you know, I don't know how much DeMarcus Cousins practice
for he played, but I don't I he just played.

He missed an entire series. It's been a couple of weeks,
been three weeks, but supposedly he's begun working out for
the last several days and if tomorrow is in fact
the one practice he needs, like it's not like he
won't be working out today after getting off the plane
late last night. So I think that's a little deal,
big deal, little deal or no deal. That Fox Sports
radio host and Eli Thom's column this Bill Plaski says

that Lebron James may want out of l a if
the Lakers with during free agency this offseason. Um, what
is he reporting that or is that just saying that
he is he is, he has heard that, and that's
that sounds like a no deal. I like Bill, and
I I don't doubt the fact that it was. Really

they have really another really bad year you think about it.
I'm just telling you, like his family loves their their
lifestyle like he likes his lifestyle. He just does. And
you know now his kid is going to Sierra Canyon,
uh with Dwayne Wade's kid, Like once you start your
son in high school, like you're not ripping him out
of high school. I think that's a no deal, big deal,

A little deal or no deal. That Former Lions wide
receiver Kelvin Johnson is still mad at the Lions for
making him pay back a portion of a signing bonus
when he retired in even saying this weekend that the
Lions know what they need to do if they want
him to come back to the team. You know, just
as like a you're gonna pay me money for services
not performed. Yeah, no deal. I don't care. I'm sorry, dude.

You sign a contract and you wanted out, and the
contract is tied to the number year you're supposed to perform.
No deal. I have no sympathy for him. If he
made Barry Sanders payback, had three point two million dollar bonus,
paid back about a million dollars of it the lie
and said, hey, we're good. But apparently that million dollars
is still a stickler for Calvin Johnson. If you wanted
more money than you gotta, you gotta. You gotta play

a show to work. Sorry, Bud, you got to work.
Big deal, A little deal. Good luck, Good on you
for trying. Good night from trying. You know, I have
a year and a half left here of Fox Sports Radio.
I would like to be paid. I'm not gonna show
up to work the rest of the time. I think
I'm good. I'm kind of kind of tired. Like to
be played the whole time, Please, big big who has

that big deal? A little dealer? No deal? That NFL
Commissioner Roger Goodell says four preseason games aren't necessary any longer.
This is a bit's a big deal. This is a
it is a better big deal NFL people have been
pushing for. But I think you were missing on what
that means. Like they're like, listen, we don't need that
preseason game, but we need the dates. Like what do

you mean you need the date? It's like, well, you
know we have every stadium ten dates. You know we
need the inventory, alright, How can at it like we're
gonna get some more regular season games. The NFL is
not ever going to have fewer games. They will have
fewer games that don't matter or that they have trouble drawing.
They're going to always have ten dates. My guess is

that they're gonna rob Peter to pay Paul right, They're
going to take away the preseason game to add some
regular season games and potentially had another playoff game as well.
Big deal, little deal or no deal. That the Major
League Baseball Draft begins tonight, it's become a little bit
more popular. Yeah, because it turns out, you know, you
tank and like the like the Astros did, or you

draft well like the Red Sox have and you could
be really good shocker or you know, people miss on
Mike Trout and he ends up in an Angels uniform,
Like yeah, it actually is kind of important. So yeah,
a little deal. It's just it's a lot of rounds.
It's a lot of dudes that pan out. It's a
lot guys are getting to the big leagues faster as
well that I think than than in previous times. Like
a kid could be drafted in the first round this

year and you could see him in the big leagues
as soon as next season. Finally, Doug, Yeah, I think
so yeah. Where I just I think that the the
fast track of instead of a guy sitting in the
minors for four or five years, guys are making it
in two or three years. For some of the top guys,
I can't I would have all the uneducated guests. I

think it's actually probably the same. We're just we have
the ability to pay attention to it. Maybe we know
more about the draft. Yeah, maybe we're following it more,
but I mean they're you know, like I remember what
David when David Price was was called up from the Raise,
and I don't think that he was that far removed
from Vandy when he ended Yes, no, that was the
year he was but that he had gone to college

baseball right and um, but that was you know, like
nine years ago, eight nine years ago, right with Tampa
when he pitched for Vandy and then he pitched in
the World Series for the Raise. Out of the big deal,
little deal or no deal or do we have time
for this? Uh? Yeah quickly. FC Barcelona not wearing stripes
for the first time in their home kit next season

ever in club's history, going to with a checkerboard logo
or a pattern. It feels like a big deal. But
I'll see a big money maker deal too. This is
game time on The Dug Gottlieb Show. Doug Gotlip Show
rolls on here on Fox Sports Radio. Um, I was

watching last night out of Buddy's house and when the
game was over, it reminded me of another game. I'll
tell you what it was next on the Doug Gotlip Show,
Fox Sports Radio. What Up Doug Gotlive Show, Fox Sports Radio.

Mm hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Brought to you by Farmers. At Farmers We've
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Amazing amazing stuff where the Raptors get out to a

huge first half lead, Steph Curry can't throw it in
the ocean only they hit a couple of shots and
end up it's it's funny, like they go to halftime
and they're talking about how Fred van Blead has played
been the equal to Steph Curry and I'm like, okay,
Like Steph and Clay had a combined thirty four at
the half. He just he gets him in a hurry.

Almos felt like that was determined before the last five
minutes of the first half they kind of into it.
And then second half, the first five and a half
minutes the Raptors can't score and the Warriors retake the
lead and never relent. Almost gave it away late Andreodala
did have to take a shot a little bit sooner
than he should have taken a shot, but whatever, he
puts the dagger in the heart of the Raptors and

the Warriors tie the series at one apiece and do
showing dramatic fashion. No Kevin Durant and they lose Clay
Thompson to a hamstring string injury in the second half
and the end, and they lost Kevon Loony. I mean,
that's crazy. They used DeMarcus Cousins and just find away
Queen Cook huts three threes. Wow. Wow. And I know

that athletes do have the ability to compartmentalize. You have to, Yetta,
you have to have the ability to compartmentalize where you go. Okay,
that's just one game, and we turned the corner and
it's completely different game, different matchups, different style, and if

you're the right, if you're the Raptors sitting there going like,
we don't have that Clay Thompson, we don't have to
have Kevin Durant. They don't have Clay. They have Kevin
Durant for forty eight minutes. You're gonna get more production
for that bench. I don't know. I don't see it.
Don't see it. Where are you gonna score? Where you
gonna get scoring from? But last night felt like a

game I've seen before. A matter of fact, I saw
it last year. Do you remember Game one of the
NBA Finals? Do you remember j R. Smith not knowing
time and score? And dribbling the ball out after getting
the offensive rebound. Do you remember that? Do you remember
the look? Do you remember the look that Lebron James

gave him at the time, and Lebron James gave him
the cold shoulder he gave him when they were in
the huddle. You remember all that I do and now
it's kind of jogging, you remember, You're like, oh, I
do too. I remember that it was super uncomfortable and
the series was over over. You don't mind me have

did you guys see the ruise um ramos? Did you
watch the fight at all? Have you seen the Have
you guys seen the replace the fight? Yes? I saw
the replay. I did not see the fight live. What
about your music? We were talking about this earlier. I
meant to send it. Yeah, I watched the replays of it.
Didn't watch it live, but watched it earlier today. Okay,
did you see the left hook? I was talking about?

So like, look, the third round was amazing because in
the third round, um uh you know, Joshua had knocked
down Ruise and then Ruise jumps up and knocks him
down twice. But um in the seventh round. In the

seventh round, Joshua seems to have control of the fight
and then all of a sudden, like Ruise hits him
with a left hook and the whole thing changed like
it was over, and Joshua didn't even know because it
wasn't until the second knockdown of the seventh round that
the referee stopped the fight. It wasn't until then that

the referee stopped the fight. Kind of crazy, right, but
it was over at the left hook. This one was
over with the Iguadala shot. Just like last year, it
was over with the j R. Smith play. It doesn't
mean that the j R. Smith play determined the outcome,
but it was. There was so much put into that.

Lebron James was so incredibly magnificent and had so carried
that team. He had to be looking around like I'm
working with idiots and the raptors. Probably at at some
point that we look, we they don't have Kevin Durant,
they don't have Clay Thompson, they don't have Kevon Looney.
We're playing at home. We had a big lead, they
came storing back. We got this, We almost got this thing,

and just find a way too. You know. Usually we
talked about stealing a win. It's always the road team
that steals a winning No, this would have been the
home team stealing a win. So instead of only having
to beat the Warriors two out of the next five games,
now they gotta beat him three out of five games.
And you know that means beating them in Oakland, which

is not impossible but seems at least a little bit unlikely.
I could be alone in thinking this, but I honestly
believe it that last night's Game two, and the big
lead in the first half, and the control that they had,
and the places humming, and they're hitting shots and they're
feeling good, and Drake's going crazy, and Obama's there and

the commissioners they're as like, man, this is a night
for Toronto. And then all of a sudden you're like, oh,
wait a second, that was about Golden State Warriors. Oh
but they don't have clay at the end. They don't
have KD, they don't have Looney. We we can Andrew
Bogan getting a tip in alley. You Andrea Dolla hitting
the three, Quinn Cook hitting three threes? Are you kidding me?

That was a win and a half to win win
it only counts for one. But it feels it had
to feel devastating to have that much going for you
in Toronto and still not able to put the thing away.
Tell me I'm wrong, Tell me I'm wrong. Doug galland
Shows brought to you by Farmers. At Farmers, we've seen

almost everything, so we were not to cover almost anything.
When it's game time, have an experienced player help you
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Farmers dot com. Farmers. I watched last night and I
was just stunned. And now they get until Wednesday to
kind of get healthy and to get k D back
and to get in the groove of things alright, Like

Steph Curry was only six You get you old Steph
Curry to six of seventeen shooting and they don't have
Kevin Durant and Clay Thompson because of injury, only placed
thirty two minutes. You're like, dude, we we got this,
we got it. A Pascal siakam right, water found its

level there. Yeah, he's not gonna go fourteen of seventeen.
Ever again a matter of fact, he was five of eighteen.
Couldn't buy one, you know. Fred VanVleet was he's been
making shots, but seven of seventeen that that's open for
a reason. Guy, And as good as he had been

defensively on Steph Curry, they have to put the They're
really using two guys on staff and that's creating these openings.
And you know the Marcus Cousins game enough, they really
didn't win because their offense. They won because of their defense.
They hold Toronto twenty one points in the third quarter
and frankly twenty four points in the fourth quarter. They
only scored one buck one field goal the last six

minutes of the game and found a way to win.
Can you imagine holding a team to just one basket
the last six minutes of a game and not winning.
Do you think about that for a second? You lead
the whole first half and then they go on an
eighteen oh run. You're like, are you? Are you? What?

I I just felt like it was just a devastating
thing to to watch, to live through. You're getting these
flashbacks and instead of it being Lebron James, who you
can't get by the raptors were previously blocked by, now
it's Steph Curry. This is Steph Curry on the defense.
The Raptors played on when after Clay went out, the
player said, Jack, you defense just trying to somebody send

me everywhere. Our whole roster just took advantage of it, like, oh,
of course of the game. That's god this respect for
the Levons. It would open like that, Yeah, with the game.
He's made big shots like that before. Well it's intentionally disrespectful, right,
that's the the old idea of it is dare him
to shoot? But how many times do you have to

dare him before you realize that? Those percentages seemed to
go out the window when the games actually matter. Calves
did the same thing going back to the first championship
year for the Warriors. How'd that work out? The Houston
Rockets did the same thing in game six? How did
that work out? And last night? How did that work out?

The number ferst tell you open for a reason, but
numbers sometimes lie because you can't tell if the guy
has competitive greatness. Yes, Ryan Music, you you want to
know something? Is that conserve? Is Steph Curry just frustrated
and then you know standing up for his teammate hitting
a bad shot or is that boxing one? Sorry making

that shot. I didn't mean to say bad, But is
that defense that they're playing on. Curry considered, like likes
people called a boxing winn or diamond one, a junk defense.
He said, jankie, But it's really called a junk defense. Um,
I don't really know that it is technically, you know,
that's what everybody calls it, a junk defense where you're
basically guarding him with one guy, and then anytime he

comes to your somebody else you're doubling him and then
rotating and scrambling, and then you kind of decide who
you run at, who you don't run at. Some guys
you don't run at at all. You dare him. Some
guys you what's called uh you you close out halfway,
which means you kind of darren but you're there. And
then some guys you close out. Oh you want them
to put the ball on the deck. So is that

considered cheap? No? I mean yes, you do what you
gotta do to win a game. I don't I don't
find anything wrong with it. Like double him every makes
somebody else that that's the old add makes somebody else
beat you, right, Like, I don't understand why it sounds
like he's just standing up for like Igodala hitting a
big shot, things like that. But I don't understand why

that would come off as being like cheap in any way,
because you're literally giving the other team somewhat of an advantage,
like hey, we're gonna put two guys on one, so
at some point you're gonna have someone on your team
wide open. So I don't get how that could be
perceived as like, oh, there's just you know, playing a
Jankee defense, like okay, well, I mean yeah, I mean, like, look,

I think he he wants to look if your staff.
You probably heard people say like, oh, look at the
numbers Fred van Bleet did when he was guarding you,
and Stuff's like, okay, there's two guys on me time.
You know, there's two guys on me every time. So
I think there's a frustration of like, I can take
this guy anytime I want to take him, but I'm not.

You know, It's this is a little bit like what
Kevin Ryant went through when he was in Oklahoma City.
It's like your guarden with two guys, like anyone's gonna
look human, gonna struggle to put up those shots. But
you have to have teammates that and make them pay,
and for the most part they did. For the most
part they did. Rob Gronkowski says he's finally playing football,
done playing football for good. But is he really done?

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There's a story about Gronk and whether Rob Gronkowski after
a couple of days in the season or weeks into
the season, when he come back and still play football,
he just doesn't want to deal with as he doesn't
want to training camp, but he still wants to play.
This is Gronk on whether or not he said the
rumors he will come out of, on the rumors that

will come out of retirement quote. Whatever I say, it
doesn't matter it. It will always be crazy out there.
You can put him to rest. I'm feeling good. I'm
in a good place now. I understand that players have
been hypocrites before, coaches have been hypocrites before, or seen

as players have been seen as hypocrites, or coaches have
been seen as hypocrites. But I actually believe that most
of them, most of them, when they say they're retired,
they really are. We really are retired. But you're not
actually going to know until football is being played and

you're not on a team. Right. It's like you break
up with a woman, or a woman breaks up with you,
like you're still you know, she's still in the house
or whatever, like it doesn't feel over. She moves out
or he moves out. How you see them on a
date with another person, or you can't make contact with

them like you're so used to, like always call him
up um music. If you guys got into the babe stage.
Baby baby, hey baby, baby baby, hey babe. He got
to the babe stage. Not really not not really a
babe kind of thing and not babe kind of thing. Babe.

That's what Ramos calls his wife all the time. Hey, babe,
they're doing babe. No, no, it's kind It's a little
bit like baseball only meets, you know, relationships. The babe Ramos.
He did the playoffs go over the weekend? Uh? Well
it was Lucas lost. Lucas is out his team, so
he's done until summer ball. Sarah, we play starting Wednesday evening.
They called the Tournament of Champions, So I think the

Tournament of Champions TC. Yeah, I'm I'm familiar. Here's the
only problem. They didn't actually win the playoffs, and yet
they're in the Tournament of Champions. Didennu bals find that
to be done? Nothing, Well, we were the only team
representing South Pasadenas, so therefore we are automatically the champion
of South Pasadena. So therefore we go and face other
teams from around the San Gabriel Valley. That's awesome. It

was we lost. We lost to a Lakin YadA team.
We got run rule by team Lakan YadA in baseball,
um u oh without that one happened really really fast
on Saturday. Got run rule twice on Saturday one on Thursday,
run ruled the team, run ruled the team. On Sunday
run ruled twice on on Saturdays. It's been away. I
saw the pictures of your son pitching the on the

FB account. They he was look good left Han looks
good out there. He did give up his first home
run of his life. And uh on Saturday morning and
he came in, He's like, Dad, I gave up a
home run. Was like, all right, Keith throwing strikes, you know,
maybe throwing a change up for a curve ball or two.
But he threw it in there. He got racked, but
he was okay. Uh, they just collectively didn't play right.

So on onto the next one. Doug Otli Show on
Fox Sports Radio. UM, anyway you do, you get to
the babe stage, you know, babe, and then all of
a sudden this person is not in your life and
maybe you see them out on it. It's not really
until you see them out with somebody else. They're in
another relationship there you're like, oh my gosh, what am
I doing? Or that bothered me that much? She was

paying the ass right, So that's and I'm sure they
think the exact same way. So you look at at
Grob Gronkowski like him saying like I'm good. I'm sure
he feels good. Doesn't have to go to O T
A S. He's probably still he's He's not like um,
who was it? Like Dirk? Remember when Dirk was done
this year, Dirk said he doesn't worked out. You know,

he's gained weight. He's eating ice cream every night, like
good for Dirk. Dirk did for twenty years and his
body just completely quit on him. You're playing a lot
more games, playoff basketball, preseason basketball, football wears on you.
And he's had a bunch of surgeries. But so I'm
sure he feels great. But the whole like, I don't
want to gronk retirement update until we get to week

two of the season, because there's no way he's not
gonna watch the game. Like you watch the game and
you're like, man, I kind of missed my guys, kind
of missed playing. Jason Witten was old, took an entire
year off. Now, the difference with Witten and I told
you all the time, if you go to games as
a broadcaster, you're gonna want to play or you're gonna

want to coach. That's the whole thing with urban Meyer.
This is why I'm not convinced that he's definitely gonna
want to come back. If Yer was calling the games
for Fox, I think it would be more likely he
came back. Or Remyer in studio. Studio is he doesn't
feel like you're part as much a part of the sport.
He just doesn't. Now. I know that Fox is doing
a big road show, a pregame show, and so they'll

go to some games, but I don't think it's the same.
But like take Jason Winton, like his body was like
I'm done, I got a chance of Monday Night football,
I'm out. And Gronk's body had been hurting him. And
but now you have no O t A, you have
no training camp, like those are extra months of rehab.
Let me know when you get to week two of
the season. I've told people before, like Brett Farve wasn't

officially retired to me until they went through an entire season,
entire tire one season when they did and he was done.
It's really hard to do even what we and is
trying to do. Take a year off and come back.
But if you can watch them play football, if you
can watch her go on a date and it does
nothing to you, then you're over it. And you move

on whenever over Dan Buyer, let's work him in as
he's got an update on everything going on in the
world Sports TV. What he got, Doug A bunch going on,
including in Major League Baseball. Where tonight's it's the amateur
draft taking place. It's the first of three days for
Baseball's amateur Draft of the Orioles have the first overall
pick Awesome day Baseball for your Angels taking on the

Cubs right now, just underway at Wrigley scoreless right now,
heading to the top of the second inning. Minnesota Twins
best record in all of baseball in the Minneapolis starts.
Rebune says that the team could be interested in free
agent pitchers Dallas Kiko and Craig Kimbrell. Twins right now
eleven and a half games up in the Al Central
Game four the Stanley Cup finalists tonight Bruins and Blues

from St. Louis. That's at eight o'clock Eastern time. NBA
Finals will resume on Wednesday with Game three in Oakland.
Warriors guard Clay Thompson will have an m r I
and has injured hamstring today. He injured it in the
last night's game. To win. Head coach Steve Kerr says
it was a tight amstring, not a strain or pull.
Speaking at Jim Kelly's charity golf tournament in Buffalo, NFL

Commissioner Roger Goodell says four preseason games aren't necessary any longer.
Says they've had discussions with coaches on better ways to
develop and analyze players. Jaguars have officially come to terms
out of contract with wide receiver to Rolph Pryor, Julius Peppers,
Tony Romo, c J. Spiller. Just some of the first
timer's on the ballot for the College Football Hall of

Fame class of inductees will be announced in January. We'll
be back to the Doug Gottlum Show in ten seconds,
But first a word from farmers. I got a question

for you, guys, um, and this is kind of an
open ended question I need answer right now. Andy Ruise
is your new undisputed heavyweight champion of the world, which,
by the way, is interesting because I'm not sure how
many people knew that Anthony Joshua was the undisputed heavyweight
champion in the world before that? Did you? Did you

guys know that we should? I've done this on my
radio show for the last fifteen years, where you go like, hey,
tell me who the tell me who the undisputed or
the heavyweight champion in the world is. So, Um, look,
Andy Ruise is twenty nine years old. He only has
one loss, right, Like, this guy is not a tomato can.

He's fought thirty four fights, won thirty three, twenty two
by knockout, only lost once, only once and that one
was a majority decision for heavyweight title belt for the
w B OH of Everyway tied about to Joseph Parker
in New Zealand, Like who knew? Like this is a

I know it's a world of Sport, but do you
have did anyone have any idea who Andy Ruise was
before he won on Saturday Night? The answer is now,
so Ruise had to replace Gerald Miller and um, he
got to challenge Anthony Joshua who was twenty two and

oh one. KOs it's for the unified. I don't know
if you guys know there's just four belts. Because I
saw that. The I G post was like, wow, there's
four belts now, yes, w B A, w B O
ib F I B O And it was because um,
Darrell Miller, who was supposed to fight. I think he
failed p D test, right, He's like, he failed three

different p D tests. So Ruiz, Who's like, if you
want to tell me he's on steroids, and like, all right,
well steroids do not cut down on your body fat. Right.
So one month prior to the fight they confirmed it,
which is very very close in advance. It was at
Madison Square Guard in New York City. And I guess

here's my question. Is it a is it a great
story or a terrible story? Now, let let me pitch
it to you. Right, this is like tailor two cities.
It was the best of times of the worst of times,
and maybe it's both. All right, here's the great story
element to it. Had any of you ever heard of

Andy Ruise? No, no, No one had ever heard of him,
And like, look, he's considered like he fights basically under
the Mexican flag, but I don't know if he's actually
from um Imperial Valley in California where he's born. Now,
he started fighting in Mexico, so he's um. His hundred

five wins include two Mexican National Junior Olympus gold medals
and the World Ringside heavyweight championship. He represented Mexico in
two Olympic qualifying tournaments, losing in both of them. Like,
here's a guy who tried to qualify for the Olympics
in the Mexican flag, couldn't get there. Had one title fight,

lost my majority decision, and was a replacement for a
steroid guy to be a tomato can and fly the
banner in Madison Square Garden. And he gets knocked down
early in the fight, and he gets up. He knocks
down Joshua four times before eventually it's t KO and
he wins. He's now the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world.

And he's six four and I mean he's in shape
if you consider around a shape out of nowhere. This
is the old story, right, That's what it feels like.

I mean, he shouted out to his wife afterwards, don't worry, mama,
Like tough times are over. It's all worth it. There
are a crazy story after crazy story. Is this the
most unlikely champion and it's a feel good anybody can
get in there. Here's the guy that looks like he's
a it could be a it could very easily be

a tow truck guy. Right, like, hey, tow truck guy,
come out of here and fight. It looks more like
Butterbean than he does the picture. And we're talking two
thousand nineteen. Anthony Joshua looks if you want to tell
me what an athlete looks like, and like Deonte wild
and Anthony Joshua, those are two men who look like
they should fight for a heavyweight champion in the world.
And now this, this, this dude is your champion. What

it's an as or? Is it a terrible story? In that?
I mean the guy who was your champion was either
so unprepared for what he was facing, had a terrible
strategy where Ruise just kept pushing towards him, just kept
moving forward. And then frankly, his hands were too quick.

He didn't seem to have long arms or great reach,
great quick feet, great quick hands. They're like, that's the
guy who represents your sport. I get it. Nice story,
but we didn't actually want him to win. We wanted
to be close, we wanted to be interesting, but we
wanted the elegant fighter. We wanted Wilder against Joshua. That's

already scheduled, that's already set. Now does it mean anything?
So I guess my question is is this a great story,
the Cinderella story, an unknown guy, Mexican heritage replacement fighter,
anybody can let the heavyweight champion? Or did your sports
at Joe, because literally feels like anyone can win it.

What do you think rhyme music? I feel like for
someone like me outside looking in, not boxing fan at all,
it's a great story just because of the fact of
who he is, where he came from, everything you laid
out now, it actually gave me a reason to find
out what actually had happened. If Anthony Joshua had gone

out and won that game, um or won that fight,
I don't think we would be talking about it. I
don't think I would have had any interest in learning
about it. Whereas after it happened then I actually wanted
to go back and watch the highlights, and I bought
into it, and I'm kind of interested to watch Ruies
fight again just to see what will happen, because what
if he has to go up against someone who's been

training for six months for his fight. Is he going
to get knocked out now? Or despite the way that
he looks on the outside, is he actually going to
be a legit fighter because you know, technically it looked
like by the way that he boxed, he held his
own you know, is he legit? So I'm much more
interested now that he won as opposed to being bad.
But I guess if you're a legit boxing fan, yeah,

you're probably not all that happy that this Joshua guy
who is supposed to be the next great fighter got embarrassed.
What about you, Dan Buyer, do you have an opinion
one way or the other in regards to whether it's
a great story or terrible? Well, I know, like hard
String and tells us it's a great American story, but
is it really? Can I look, can I compare to golf?
Because that's what you want, dude, I'm I'm with it.

You do what you want. So when during the heyday
of Tiger, we wanted like somebody, you know, to always
challenge Tiger, and we were always looking for rivals, and
every now and then you kind of had a guy
come out of nowhere, like Ben Curtis was the guy
when the two thousand three Open Championship. And Ben Curtis
was an amazing story kid from Ohio that was ranked uh,

like you know, three in the world coming in and
he ends up taking down Tiger and VJ. Singh. It
was a part in that mix, but out of nowhere,
and you think like, wow, that's a great story, and
I know it's not like a heavyweight championship belt sort
of thing, but it felt a little empty because you
were you were maybe waiting for someone to take over

for Tiger. And while it was a great story, that's
what it was like. Ben Curtis wasn't gonna go on
to win four or five more majors. He had a
you know, nice career, but to me it felt it
felt a little empty. While some like loved it, I
was kind of like, Okay, I would rather have seen
maybe a more legit guy win it to add to
their career, because Thomas Bjorne, who was just the Ryder

Cup captain, had the lead late and that would have
been a boost for his career. Not that it wasn't
for Ben Curtis, but that was just kind of my
feeling of it. It was a bit empty. All right,
what about you there? Oh? All for it, all for
the Cinderella stories, the fun they out of nowhere, get
your first chance of Rocky Balboa type stuff. So I'm
good with it. I'm excited Ryan, I'm excited to see

his next fight. Now I'll actually tune in and see
what he does, even if he gets knocked out first round. Well,
I I will tell you why I do think like
I do think the guy has got a chance. He
for a man his size and his weight and his girth,
like he had remarkable hand and foot quickness. Now the

question becomes, and this is kind of what you're talking
about music, like now that they'll have kind of a better,
better training and more money. Right, I don't think we're
still too early on to see if he goes and
he is a legit fighter, like he's fought a lot
of fights, and this guy has got you know, this
guy's got hands of absolute thunder. Um. I'm intrigued. Like
if he, let's say he loses ten pounds, he reshapes

himself and kind of evolves, does it actually make him
better or is he better at at this weight? Uh? So,
I'm I'm fascinated by it. I tend to think, yes,
this is the type of story that would pull me in. Um.
I do I think that boxing looks really silly? Yeah?

But you know, I also think like it's one of
the things that's made UFC successful, and it's also one
of the things that UFC struggles with. They they don't
have any nobody can win thirty fights and not losing,
and you have they can't win ten fights. They really are,
you know, because you're getting a bad hold, you know,
you get hit with you know, a left hook, you
get you know, kicked in the and the junk like

anything can have you let your guard down and then
you tap out and it makes you We're so used
to these boxing records. Whereas Ruise, because he he wasn't
you know, a fighter that demanded pageantry. I tend to
believe that, you know, ten of his wins were probably really,
really hard fought wins. Whereas the guys that looked the part,
the Wilders, the um the Joshua's, like, they don't they

can fight guys that aren't we know where they're gonna lose. No,
they're gonna lose and as soon as they step into
the ring. So yeah, I'm I I do fall on
the side of This is a great story and one
that but it's more I want to see what he
looks like when he trains a little more, when he
has a little more time. I want to see him

against top level competition, and I want to see is
it a Michael Moore thing when he's he's only going
to have the belt for a minute, or is this
going to be what the guy looks like? But he
does have really quick hands and really quick feet in
spite of the fact that he's fat. There's just no
There's just no other way around it, right like that
dude has a big gut. Clay Travis thinks Steph Curry

is the next Michael Jordan, not Lebron James. I'll give
you my thoughts next. At Farmer's Insurance, we know the
sound of a perfect hot air balloon landing and a
luston perfect one covered Doctor Farmers, we are Farmers under
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unavailable in every state. Car shopping can be confusing with
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You can recognize a good price when you're ready by
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more competent car buying experience every day. This time the
Doug Adam show We'd like to play for you a

portion of a previous show on Fox Sports One or
Fox Sports Radio. We call it The Fox Say. What
does the Fox Say? Is brought to you by Discovered Card.
We treat you like you'd treat you. This is Clay
Travis outkicked the coverage of the show early mornings on
Fox Sports Radio, explaining why Steph Curry is more like
Michael Jordan's than Lebron James. Steph Curry is the best

player in the NBA. I think his performance and his
his his position on the court changes more things than
any other player. Assuming the Warriors go on and win
their fourth title in five years, I think there's a
very big argument that everybody arguing at FS one and
ESPN and everybody else out there about Lebron versus Jordan's

has missed things because really Steph is going to be
the player of his generation that is much more remembered
than Bron James. And the reason for that is Steph
Curry has changed the game. As good of a player
as Lebron James is, he hasn't changed anything about the
way basketball is played. Steph Curry has changed the way
basketball has played and if you coach or are involved

in any kind of young kid basketball, you'll know exactly
what I am talking about. Kids all want to be Steph.
When I was growing up, everybody wanted to be Michael Jordan's.
Everybody wants to be Steph Curry. Now be like Mike.
If you're my generation or you're older, you remember how
much Michael Jordan's was sold the entire air Jordan's concept.

If you shot basketball in your backyard, you put your
tongue out, you tried the fade away. Everybody wanted to
be Michael Jordan's. But what people want to be, the
player that they aspire to grow up and become is
not Lebron James. It's Steph Curry. Oh, I think that's accurate.

But I don't think that's what people are talking about.
I think what what Clay is doing, and it's it's
is brilliant work. Right. It's what lawyers do is they
take a topic and then they change the tectual question
and provide an answer which is a thoughtful and really
accurate answer, but not to the actual question. Like if

the question is asked, who do people want to emulate more? Well, yeah,
they want to emulate a guy who looks a little
bit more like them and plays the way they think
they could play, as opposed to Lebron James, who's six
ft nine two sixty pounds. But that's not what when
people compare Lebron to Jordan, it's who's the best player? Ever?
Stephr is not the best player. It's not the best

player's team. And I know this is really really hard
to conceptualize it, but like, Jordan's a great defensive player, right,
not always consistently great. It wasn't like every night he
went out to lock you up. But it's a great
defensive player. Steff is not. Now step is a better
defensive player. He's not like a he's not a swinging gate.
But they have to hide him, hid him, and he

does just enough so that and he's he's better than
you think. He's gotten stronger and so he's able to
survive out there. But it's not a one end of
the floor thing. He's a magnificent offense player. He's not perfect.
He didn't play perfectly last night, turned it over some
against the pressure, shout a poor percentage, but he made
enough plays and he's so deadly and three is more
than two that you it's one of when Steph Curry

shoots the basketball, you think you're more surprised when he
misses than you are when he makes right. That's insane.
But because of his size, his stature, his length, or
lack thereof defensively, like, there's a lot of things. There's
things that he can't do, whereas Lebron doesn't have as

many things. Now if you want to say, it's a
shooters game, and okay, but I mean, like listen, let's
he's changing the argument, the agument that he's making. Who
do more kids emulate? I can't agree with you more.
I think more kids do want to play like Steph Curry.
I think there's NBA players that want to play like
Steph Curry, let alone college players, high school players and

kids growing up. That's not craziness at all. A lot
like everybody wanted to be like Mike stick your tongue
out even though he couldn't jump like Mike, and we
should have wanted to play like Mark Price, or like
John Stockton or like you know, pick any sort of
wing Joe Dumars, Isaiah Thomas, whatever it was. Because of marketing,
we want to be like Mike, but the idea that

that he's just he's just changing the who's the actual
best player? He can have an incredible abount of impact
in a short period of time. He's totally respected offensively,
But there I don't believe there would be a person
who runs an NBA team would tell you the best
player in the NBA is is Steph Curry's. Yeah, Ryan Music. Well,

so part of what made Michael Jordan's so big was
that whole marketing campaign Air Jordan and how big the
Jordan's brand has come. And with that, I feel like
Steph Curry, I mean, it was a couple of years
ago people couldn't stop make making fun of the shoes
that he made, and like, the Curry brand doesn't seem

to be nearly as big as you know, Lebron James
and the shoes that he sells, or even Kobe Bryant
for that matter. I mean their actual brands of who
they are and what they do outside of just the
basketball court, it seems like it's not even really close
compared to I would say, I'm gonna disagree the new
step Curries are actually pretty dope shoes. Like I'm not

an under Armour guy don't own a pair. I'm more
of a Nike guy. Um, But the new Steph Curries
are better. And look, he's you know, under Armours. It's
not Nike, but it is kind of He's got almost
like his own. I'm gonna disagree with you. I don't
think I think Steph Curry's brand to be with under
Armour like and to be that relevant in the sports landscape.

I disagree with you, um because I have a little boy,
and I go to these AU tournaments and I want
there are a lot of the kids wearing Steph Curries. Yeah,
little kids, Yeah, not as I mean, look, you know
a lot of the little kids kids don't wear Lebron's
that much. The new Lebrons are better now they have
these low tops, but lebron sneakers were more built for

like Lebron James, He's six eight two n sixty pounds.
You know, Kobe's Kyrie's super popular. Like look, Nike is
more popular, but considering it's under Armour and their shoes
have gotten just slaughtered by people making fun of them forever. Like, yeah,
the new new shoes are kind of dope, um, And
look a lot of the events the au events I
go to. Kids get free stuff, so they're gonna wear

whatever they're sponsored by. But I would disagree with you,
like those shoes got made fun of, rightfully so, but
they've figured it out since and they're much better. And
look his shoes early on and some of his the
shoes he plays but now either under armur but also
they had to be designed because he's got bad ankles.
You know, you know where the coolest of low tops

because he's got terrible ankles. Um. But I do think
that it's he's made more of an impact. Like look
his his shirts, his shorts, his gear. It's it's never
gonna catch Nike. Nike is number one, but I mean
it's much more relevant than most anybody else's. And considering
it's an under armer and still relevant, it's pretty darn amazing.

That's what the Fox said. Say Ramos was wearing a
pair of Chuck Taylor's right now. You know those are
some of the UM. I I think it's something interesting
is happening with the Golden State Warriors. You know last
night they didn't have Kevan Luney got hurt. They used

the Marcus Cousins. They had Clay then he got hurt.
They didn't have k D and they find a way
to win. And there's been a constant and people don't
seem to point it out. I'll tell you which member
the Warriors isn't getting the love he deserves. Next? What Up?
Tug God Leave Show? Fox Sports Radio, brought to you

by Farmers and Farmers We've seen almost everything. Someone how
to cover almost anything when it's game time. Having experienced
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their experience in the play at Farmers dot com. So
why do games change? Why do games change? I do
read a lot of things from people and they talk
about all movement and it's really hard obviously on radio

to explain into decipher. But here's what you need to know.
Game one oftentimes the game where you kind of feel
each other out and as much as the two teams
know each other, this isn't. Keep in mind the Warriors
have only played one team in the finals in their

previous NBA finals and Lebron James. Teams always played the
same way and they do some other stuff and there
was two different coaches, but basically you either have Lebron
James at the point coming off a high ball screen
looking for a mismatch, and then when he drives and kicks,
or sometimes you play through Lebron James at what's called

the elbow, a side of the court, and you space
off of that right and then when you add in
Kyrie Irving, he would do some ball screen stuff for
some aso stuff, but very very simple, clean and um
that's how they played. So when you get ready for
the finals, he's like, you're like real, he dones before
we know how it goes. There's no real surprises. And

and in the Eastern the Western Conference playoffs, like you
play those teams a bunch of times during the season,
you see like opponents, you know how they're gonna match
after you there's still a bit of a feel feel,
feeling out process in game one. That's why game ones
it's hard to determine who's better based upon game one.

But at least you know the personnel better, you know
that rotations better, you know generally what their go two's are.
It's not just looking at tape. You've actually experienced it
in life, whereas playing a team twice a year you
really don't know. You really don't know. So from game

one to Game two. Obviously, the Raptors made some adjustments.
They did a better job of putting as many bodies
around Steph Curry as possible, and they looked at the
roster and they said, like, hey, let's make somebody other
than Steph Curry beat us. Every time he comes off
a ball screen, we double them, make him give it up.

Every time he comes off of a pin down, we
put a big body on him, make him drive to
where the help is always, put just bodies in front
of him. And in the first half they were so
aggressive and they had so many guys swimming around him.
He didn't get many good looks to the end of
the first half, and then he played quite well. But

if you look at the start of the second half,
that's when you go into the locker room. You get
a time to catch your breath and you make adjustments.
Has anybody ever said that, this has like never been
said in the history of television. The Warriors are always
a great third quarter team. Now, why is it we
only give credit in the third quarter to the players

man Steph and Draymond and Clay and k D. They're
great in the third quarter. Has anyone thought, just, hey,
here's just the thought. Maybe their coaches are really really
good at watching the game in the first half and
going like, you know, if we move this over here
and you do that, and we changed his coverage here
and you do this, then you're gonna win. No one

ever says that, right, Like in in an NFL game,
they script the first script, the first right, and those
when those scripts run out, that's when you find out
what quarterbacks really have it right. Look at Mitch Drabinsky,

look at um and in these young quarterbacks with it.
Look at Jared Golf HeSE young guys early on when
based upon down and distance there on a script, there's
not The coaches have seen the tape, they know what
defense the other team is gonna be in, and they

just rock and roll and go and you read something
and maybe you make a sight adjustment of the line
of scrimmage. So you find out about the coach and
the preparation in the first quarter, into the second quarter,
you find out about the quarterback in the second half.
In the end n b A, you find out about
the coaches and their adjustments. In the third quarter. They

watched the game, they read the game, they make a
change and look what they're able to do. The Raptors
didn't score their first basket until six remaining in the
third quarter, five minutes and forty seconds of game time
at home out of the break, and the Warriors defense
was not only great then, but think about this, when

Andrea Goodala hit what was the game deciding three points shot.
That was the only shot the Warriors made in the
last five thirty nine of the game. They were so
good offensively and defensively to start and got just enough
stops defensively to continue even though they weren't hitting shots.
They were a little bufundled again by a matchup change
the Raptors. Raptors went smartly to that boxing one only

in the second half. Why because if you showed the
first half at halftime, they get a chance to change
and and make an adjustment. But for the last five years,
the Warriors have been the best team in the NBA
in the third quarter. You never guess what quarter the
third quarter belongs to. Act the coaches like fourth quarters

when it's like maker miss League. Yeah, you're trying to
make some adjustments and evaluate the game, and do I
go big, do I go small, find a mismatch whatever,
But a lot of it's just like, hey, we put
our guys in position, do they gotta make it? But
the third quarter, that's about what did we do at halftime,
what adjustments were made? How do we fix our defense,

how do we get easy shots on offense? Go back
and look? I mean it's it's become so programmed in
us that they're good in the third quarter. We always
know there's a run coming. But if you look in
the end me all you can do is kind of
google like third quarter points per game, Team Rankings dot Com.

You're never gonna guess who it is. Hey, uh, it's
the Golden State Warriors. And by the way, Milwaukee, Brooklyn, Toronto,
those are the next those are the next three. But
last year it was the Golden State Warriors. The year
before it was the Golden State Warriors. The year before

it was the Golden State Warriors. Do you know why?
Because for some reason, we have no desire to give
any excell no credit to Steve Kerr. You'll get people
that will say, well, you know, he's a great manager
of egos and like or he's actually a great basketball coach. Look,
he's a better coach than Mark Jackson. Mark Jackson want

to do the ice o thing. Mark Jackson did help them,
helped with a with with a thought of you know,
toughness and to nasty like all right, he helped he
help build kind of a foundation there defensively holding guys
like Steph and Clay, rewarding Clay, you're having a better
defense the mentality mindset. But they went from that to

the best team we've ever seen a regular modern era dynasty.
And step has been hurt, They've still been great. Clay
now got hurt, they're still great. K D has been hurt,
they're great. What is the one constant? Maybe it's the
guy in the sideline. Here's os opporturely last week talking

about Steve Kerr being the true leader of this team.
That's the guys who motivates everybody and you know, who
will make sure everybody's on the board. Obviously you have
the players like you know, Kat and Clay form horse
like big me and be such a great job to
keep the guys motivated and ready and physically and mentallyself

I would say, see, there's the guy who keeps everybody together.
Two thousand fourteen. Two thousand fifteen was the last time
time another team had the best. They were tied with
the Clippers when Mark Jackson was their coach. They were
tenth in the NBA in third quarter points per game.

For the last five years, they've been the best fourth
quarter team by a substantial margin. Houston has coming, went,
Phoenix is coming gone. Denver. Denver two years ago was second.
UH this year it was Milwaukee in Brooklyn and Toronto.

But go ahead, look it up. And third quarter is
a coaches quarter. That is here, guys, here's what they're doing.
Here's how you fix it. Here's the problem, here's the solution.
If you don't think Steve Kerr is a great X
and OH coach in addition to having a great way
of having patience and personality and and and balance about him,

you're just kidding yourself. You're not actually watching the game.
Um and last hour, ethan Strous Steven told us Ethan
s Trous covers the Warriors for the Athletic, writing a
book about this run of the Warriors. He said, look,
one of the reasons that Durant want to play for
the Warriors was because he want to play for Steve Kerr. Guys,
know what the best coach like? Then I don't play

for a good coach. NBA veteran Jim Jackson joins the
show up coming next, does he think Steve Kerr he's
as good X and O wise as I believe? And
can the Raptors recover from that disastrous third quarter and
disappointing loss to a depleted Golden State Warriors team. We'll
discuss next. At Farmer's Insurance, we know the sound of

a perfect hot air balloon landing and a lesson perfect one.
Or Farmers, we are Farmers under written my Farmer's Truck
Fire Insurance Exchange and affiliates products unavailable in every state.
Car shopping can be confusing with terms like dealer price,
list price, an invoice price. True Car shows what other

people paid for the car you want. You can recognize
a good price when you're ready to buy a new
or use car. Visit True Car and they enjoy more
confident car buying experience. Jim Jackson's a former lottery pick
in the NBA, MR Basketball two times over State of Ohio,
All American Ohio State Great Player in the NBA, played
for twelve different teams, and of course he's the lead
analyst for Basketball on Fox and he's kind enough to

spend some time with this year on the Doug Gottlieb
Show on Fox Sports Radio. Um, J J, let's let's
start with my premise, which is, look, we can talk Steph.
We talked to boxing one. We gotta have Draymond or Iguadala,
you know, stepping up making a shot maybe a little
bit early in the shot clock than he had to whatever.
But third quarters are coaches quarters, right, what do you

what do you change at halftime to make an adjustment?
Since Steve Kerr has been there, they've been the best
your quarter team in the NBA. Why doesn't anyone seem
to be willing to give Steve Kirk credit for he
and his staff making great adjustments and out coaching people. Well,
I think it's real simple do because they have probably
one of the most talented teams in the league, and

conventional wisdom as people, well you've got the most talent,
doesn't take much. They should be able to play h C.
E cetera. But I always say this too, the challenge
would happen talent. It's just as much as that. If
the challenge is this too much, challenge is just as
challenging as not enough talent, you gotta figure out egos, time, minutes, uh, stable,

all of that stuff. The adjustments that Steve her makes
not only just in the third quarter does but the
end game adjusted is going to the side, pick and roll,
clowning off a strong side with Draymond and Steph at
times in order you're three on two situations on the
back side. Those things right now, I think Steve Curtian
get as much credit for because he has a t

but the ability for the Golden State team of championship
team to be able to focus a lot more on
what they didn't do right in the first half of
him on the third quarter dominate is a testament to
those uh those champions All right, So what did they
actually do defensively? Well, I think just stop taking chances. One,
they got back on defense. They didn't give up any

easy shot. Second, the open three point shots. A lot
of the looks that they were getting giving up they
didn't give. I thought they communicated a lot more. They
didn't get confused as much on their switches. That's what
they gave up a lot of points is when they
came out on the pitching roll and they're gonna switch
the bad guy didn't really talk and I just gave
Torono some easy lay opportunities or the ball was able

to swing from side to side and they got an
open jump shot or a quick swing and then a drive.
I think that communication right there, that's what the golden
state to me. When they give up points, Doug. It's
not really like a quick one on one drive. It's
when they get into those situations where they have to
switch and they don't communicate early and then they end
up getting beat with the back door cut or jump

shut over the top. It was fascinating to watch. And
then I thought, offensively, they spread Toronto way out. They
used Steff as screeners, as a screeners to them, and
they weren't helping off of staff. They played through the
post as they so often do, this time through DeMarcus Cousins,
and you know, they get to what's called a split
game where the guards screen for each other, and I

thought they really kind of if you're Toronto, like, look
if you lose giving up contested three point shots, okay,
but you lose giving up layups. And there were far
too many wide open layups on on back cuts and
and splits. Uh. Then we had seen in the previous game,
and I thought that was part of the adjustment they
made offensively, But Doug, they've been doing this for the

last three years. I mean, people get enamored with Golden
States in the three point eat shots and transition. But
where they really beat you when it counts, like making
that third quarter run they get they get back in
games is when they get layups because like you said,
they use Steff to set scream, well they look they
use clay in that same manner where you can't take

a body off of them. And guess what it was
a time out in that third quarter. I thought it
was um when Golden State did a slip play hit
Raymond for the black door cut. Those little things that
gott they beat. You see, they're gonna beat you over
the top. They're gonna get their looks at three. Now.
Sometimes they're not gonna shoot it. Well, they didn't shooting
particular well from the three last night. But because you

have to honor what they do offensively, they give up
players and you know what the beauty of it is.
The markets can pass, Steps can pass, Clayton pass, Raymond
can pass. When Durant is in there, he passes quick
so you have an equadala and living it. So you
have six or seven players that are willing passers, can

really pass, and Boget can really pass. So you see,
that's what I'm saying. So we can't get caught up
into the three point shoot. I think we're gold to
say that is excellent is taking advantage of you overplaying
and then going back door can. Yeah, they they have
so many guys with such great passing acumen um and
and that's and that's I mean, like that's a skill,

but it's it's one which I think they knew what
they were doing. There was a time in the fourth
quarter when they didn't have Clay, when he had Draymond,
who's like a point center. Right, he had Bogan, who's
who's like a point center and you can really really pass.
He has staff who obviously can pass. And you Mentionednigodonald
and John Livingston who is a point point guard, you know,
his whole life until he got to Golden State and
he took on this role. And you know, more point guards,

more passes, more passes, better better shots, guys that read
the floor better. And I thought that was a major
difference in the game. Well, real simple who made the
pass to Igordona to get the shot Livings and and
it may seem like simple, but in the heart of
the moment, imagine if that pass was maybe down by
Diggordona's feet or belower his knees, it takes some more

time to get that shot up. Maybe a defensive guy
recovers take him. Pride in your passing means so much
to a shooter, you know, being a point guard to
get it to him where he's comfortable to be able
to take it up and shoot it, but also being
a willing pastor willing to give the ball of knowing
that I may have a good shot and you know
right now my teammate is over before better shot. See

a lot of times, do you. People wanted to emulate
a lot of stuff that Golden State has done offensively,
but one thing they couldn't duplicate was the high IQ
players that come at you. All of the guys that
play for that come in and play significant minutes for
Golden State, they have a high i Q. So you
may lose some athleticism and maybe some talent when you
go to the bench, but one thing that doesn't drop

off is the i Q. It's a great point. Jim
Jackson joining us UH Fox College Basketball analyst, gotlive show
here on Fox Sports Radio. On one side, you have
a devastating loss, right, you have early lead, you're playing well,
you're at home, Clay goes down, Looney goes down, k
DS down, and yet you still lose the game. On

the other hand, like Golden State is banged up, like
there this thing's held together by duct tape. But I
just wonder. I understand NBA players are wired differently than
the rest of the world. Right, you have the ability
like it's one loss, you get on a plane, you
fly across country. The games not until Wednesday, forget about it.
It felt although like that one was bigger. That's like
Game one of last year's finals, where you know Lebron

played his guts out and you know j R. Smith
has a bone head move. Do you think there's carry
over mentally emotionally from Game two to the rest of
the series. I think maybe a little bit. Here's the thing.
I always thought Game Too to meet Doug was the
most critical game for Toronto. And this being said, Okay,
so you dropped Game one, you get back Game Too.

Maybe you you know you get your confidence back, or
you win two in a row that gives you more
confidence going into uh Golden State. I thought that Golden
States sent the message that we can win here on
the road. Okay for Toronto who plays so well on
a high coming off that first game, Um, I think
it would be very difficult now if the injury state

like it is, Doug, I think it's gonna be difficult
for Toronto to go into Golden State and win a game.
I always felt that Golden State, if healthy, could go
on the road and win and get home court advantage.
So um experience why that's this is when Toronto's gonna
lead on Danny green kauaid Leonard uh to kind of
understand what it takes to go on the road after

having a tough loss at home regaining that and what
the value of getting home court really means. Um. So
it has some linear in effects on it, but I
think more than anything is the effect that you can't
discount this Golden State team even when they're hurt, even
when they're hobbled, they still figure out ways to keep
the game in balancing them banned, they sing, you know

they're they're walking away with a w so if they're healthy,
you think this thing's are aut No, I knew I've
had that from the beginning. I thought Toronto would be
formilable foe. But here's my thing. I said this before.
If Kevin Durant played, okay, he and Kauai they cancer
each other out. The second, third, and fourth best player

played for who the Warriors exactly, So take k D out,
insert Step into that equation. So Steps and Kauai cancer
each other out, the second and third best players still
played for WHO. State that that's my point, and then
you add Steve Kerr making adjustments and the ability to

have players who played in championship caliber games and have
that experience that gives them, to me the edge over
Toronto team that may be a little deeper, but yet
and still, when it comes down to winning games, your
best players gotta step up. And are you going to
rely a lot more on Draymond and Clay that I
think you are with them? And probably Marcus alt Um.

You also, Jim Jackson, our guest on on the Dugal
Show on Fox Sports Radio, you know all these guys,
you know other agents, you know all the talk. Um,
do you think k D really like leaves this unbelievable
run and and goes to New York. Did I lose him?

Do we lose them? Guys? I think we lost him.
That's what happens. He got he got put under quarantine.
Let's get to let's get to Dan Buyer and find
out what else is going on the world sports. We'll
try and get back with Jim Jackson. A second doug.
NBA Finals will resume on Wednesday. Some injury notes, including
a report out of Toronto from the Athletic. You're saying
that Kawai Leonard is dealing with a sore knee because

of his original quad injury that occurred when he was
with the San Antonio Spurs. So that's just something to
keep an eye on. But to why Leonard been halbled
throughout these playoffs. Warriors guard Clay Thompson as his hamstring injury.
Steve Kirk called that a tight hamstring is expected to
get an m r I today. Speaking at Jim Kelly's
charity golf tournament in Buffalo, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodells is

for season games aren't necessary any longer, saying they've had
discussions with coaches on better ways to develop and analyze players.
Jaguars have come to terms on a contract with wide
receiver Terrelph Prior day baseball at Wrigley Cubs and Angels
right now on the sixth enning, Chicago, up by a
score of one to nothing. Carlos Gonzalez making his Cubs
debut so far one for two for the Vet Game four.

The Stanley Cup Finals is tonight. Bruins and Blues from St. Louis.
Boston's up to one face off, eight o'clock Eastern time.
We'll be back to the Doug Gotlin Show in ten seconds.
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unavailable every state. All right, Jim Jackson returns here to
us and the Doug Gotlib Shaw on Fox Sports Radio. UM,
I don't know. I mean, maybe I'm too emotionally tied
into it. I feel like d I feel like Katie,

like he's in that locker room waiting for those guys
you're chomping the bit like why would you why would
you leave this thing? Like why why wouldn't you just
try and go win keep winning championships. I don't unders
I don't understand the I need my own team thing. Well,
because you're not Kadi. I'm not how he thinks the
things that have happened to him growing up to put

him in this position. Um we I can't dig into
his mind Like for me, I never was in that position.
So to be in a situation to be on a
championship team multiple times, I'm good with that. And I
can get paid from there too and have a legacy.
Um I didn't. I didn't have that opportunity. For k
D it seems as he struggles with this. He wants

to win. Yes, he got his championships, but he wants
to be able to submit his legacy a little bit differently,
not piggybacking, so to speak, on all the success of
Gold State, but maybe suing that he could do it.
I don't know why that's a big thing, but again,
that's what makes us all unique. What I like, what
I think it's totally different than what drives it motivates

a guy like Kevin Durant, who we think on the outside,
you should be you should be happy with all that
you have. Commas, You're the greatest player in the world
right now. You've got two championships, multiple m v p
UM final MVPs. You know, but now you know. It's
his lingering question. And one thing I try not to

do is dive into a mind's been through different circumstances
and try to rationalize, rationalize why they do or don't
do anything. They'll tell us with their actions what their
real motivation is. Its great point. Jim Jackson joining us
in the Doug Gallup Show on Fox Sports Trading. I
want to ask you something I know you've probably not
prepared for, but you are prepared for Theruise fight right

Thruise fight over Joshua, I know you are um. First
I thought, I mean like he's way because you've got
a big belly. I think that people didn't watch the
fight like he's got unbelievable ends and feet for a
man his size. But is that a good story for
boxing or a bad story for boxing? Right? Because Anthony,
Joshua and Deonte Wilder like they look like with a

heavyweight champion in our mind, we should think like six
four or six five six, six six seven, big dudes,
cut up, long, elegant, right. This guy looks like he
he was driving a truck in the morning. He's like, yeah,
i'll fight tonight and he ends up. Is this a
good story for boxing? Do you think this helps boxing?
It hurts? I think it hurts from this respective because

in the heavyweight division you don't have this kind of matchups.
They're gonna draw this kind of attention, this kind of
I think excitement even from the casual boxing plan that
will tune in to wash. These two heavyweights go at it,
and I think that does hurt. You know, it's a
lot different than when you had I think Buster Douglas
and Mike Tyson. Buster, you know, maybe been a journeyman

a little bit, but he wasn't as bad as Ruise. Okay,
he gave you something. Um. But here's the thing about
it too, going into the fight and your boxer, it
was still some boxing train. It was still some questions
about Joshua and his ability to finish our fight, especially
in later rounds, or him getting not susceptible to getting
knocked down. So there were still a lot of questions

on how good Joshua was anyway going into this fight,
not that he should have lost the fight in a
lot of people's minds, but not preparing and then kind
of answering a lot of questions in Dante Wilder time
then and said Oji's over ready. He wasn't ready, you know,
he didn't have this. He wasn't that, you know what
I mean. So coming into it, it was in the
professional world. There were some questions on Joshua. But I

do think in the short term, this fight was set
up with Wilder to be it, you know what I mean,
heavyweight division coming back between two vehemens, and now it
doesn't have the same shinn that he lost, you know,
and it really really doesn't. But you know, maybe the
winner gets easy and then we get the fell it though. Yeah,
I mean you can still figure. Listen, we live in
the world America. You can you can sell you can

sell anything, Okay, you can hype up anything, Josso we
can come back say that wasn't focused, I wasn't prepared,
but now I'm ready to go blop up whatever it is.
The promoters know how to get the interest going because
in boxing, we still need something. We still need something
that's gonna grab our attention. Well I grabbed our attention.
I just don't know if it holds her. It's like
an upset early. It's like an upset early n C.

A term like we think it's a good thing, but
the truth is, like the American sports fan wants Duke
in Carolina, you know, and and those type of teams
you know, in the Michigan's and the Michigan State. Did
we want that? But how many? How many times? How
many times have we done this? When Mike Tyson fight,
hype HiPE pipe is over in the first round, but
yet the next fight it was the same thing. The
next fight, it was just you know what I mean.

We know sometimes with that outcome, it may not be
what we want. What Mayweather. We knew that the fights
weren't going to be exciting, but yetn't steals a portion
of the fans that say, listen, I want to see
if he will lose this fight or I want to
see if he continues his street and people still clicked
on nine to watch the pay per view fight. I know,

And but then you walk away you feel like such
a sucker. You know, You're like, man, I'm never gonna
buy another Floyd Mayweather fight ever again until the next
Floyd bay Weather fight, I'm gonna buy. That's one I'm
telling you. You tell me if Mania where to come
back here, you're not gonna watch it. Of course I'm
gonna watch it. But that's what I'm saying, and my

my wife's gonna go. Really you spend how much? Really
did you? But really, like, yeah I did? And if
Josh will fight, guess what can the storyline will be
Johnson he recovered from the humility, humiliating defeat and take
back what was his you know, stuff like that. The storyline,

that's what we'll see. Great stuff. Jim thanks so much
for joining us. Really appreciate it. That's one only Jimmy
Jackson joining us in the Doug Gotlip Show here on
Fox Sports Radio. A man of all sports. But you
know it's interesting, like look you look at that, You
look at that, I mean, I look at the Steve
Ker thing, and I think it's amazing, right, Like he

helped Arizona go to their first Final four in loud Olsen.
You know, he wasn't the first guard to play off
of Michael Jordan's and win a championship, but he uh
kind of helped cement the legacy of Jordan's He knew
exactly where to be. Then he goes to the Spurs
and people forget when they want tied up with the
Spurs he was. He was there, second or third point guard,

and he in game six, he didn't play in the
first half. He comes out, he hits three big threes
and they beat the Nets and they win a championship.
Like every where he's been, the Phoenix Suns thing, they
didn't win a championship. They added Shack. I don't actually
think that was his call. He's never come out and
said it was Sarver wasn't him. But this is a
remarkably successful guy with a just a brilliant mind and

ability to relate to people. But for whatever reason, we're like,
well they have the best players. They didn't have the
best players last night. I under dan the well, they
had the best players, they didn't have Kevin Durant, they
didn't have Clay Thompson at the end, like they're playing
Andrew Bogett who played in Australia this year, not the

United States. He's their third center. Paige Sean Livingston, who
can barely play like play like twenty minutes a game
play Andre Goodala, who was an All Star but now
he's he had one of his worst seasons as a
pro this year, if not his worse, Like he's on
he and he's hurt. You had Quinn Cook who's in
the g League last year. I'm not underselling how great

a story the Queenn Cook thing is. But don't tell
me Queen Cook is a starter anywhere in the league
and he's not a backup point garden. A lot of
team in the league. So this whole like they got
better players, Like, no, they don't. They got a great team,
They got great commitment, they have great chemistry, and they
have a great coach. Tough day for the Raptors is
getting even worse. Wait till you find out why. Next

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confident car buying experience. We were all on the Doug
Olive Show. Corey Brewer will join us in studio tomorrow.
They'll be a lot of fun. Got a lot of
stories to get to without further ado. Every day of

this time we get you update on stories at the moment.
Things you need to know. We want to be We
want you to be educacated. Let's get to Dan Buyer
the press, this is the press. I think you can
get to ten stories. We got seven or eight minutes.
Let's roll. I also have eight stories lined up, so
flu we could get to ten. That would be a

Cinderella story. We start off with the NBA Finals, Raptors
and Warriors tied up at one a piece. But a
report yesterday from the Athletics say, is that Kawaii Leonard
dealing with that knee injury because he was over compensating
from the quad injury that kept him out of most
of last year with the San Antonio Spurs. Makes sense, No,

it absolutely makes sense. You know that this is a
lot like the DeMarcus Cousins thing. Right, like DeMarcus Cousins.
Why did he hurt his his uh his quad muscle? Well,
probably because you know his body still wasn't right from
the Achilles tendon tear. Everything is in fact related. Soon
to be free at guard, Kemba Walker says his first
priority is to stay in Charlotte's. Speaking with the athletic

as he's been with that team for eight years. It
was over the weekend's horn. Its teammate Cody Zeller jokingly
had a lemonade stand to raise money to keep Kemba
in Charlotte's. Yeah, it is funny. Um, it's also if
it's it's also really interesting that um that you know, Look,

this is basically I'm saying like, look, you can super
mix me and I'll stay. And I couldn't blame him, Like, look,
if somebody's gonna give you two hundred and forty million
dollars to play basketball, why wouldn't you And you don't
have to move, you have your own team. Just to understand,
this is the best you've season you've ever had and
he didn't make the playoffs. I don't know how that's
getting better. Yesterday on the Show That I Do with

Nick bah Here on Fox Sports Radio, we debated I
I think for Kemba and where his legacy is, Like
we use that term a lot, But if he goes
somewhere else and they win a title, I'm not sure
how much credit he would get because he would likely
be alongside, you know, another bigger superstar. So maybe it
wouldn't be bad to stay in Charlotte. Then again, it

just may be about I just don't understand this whole,
Like when do we get to this, Like it's a
bad thing to go win a championship because somebody else
might get a little bit more credit than you. You're
either a champion or you're not. And look, it's not
a terrible thing. I mean, here's a here's a real
life thing. Okay. So Kemba Walker had a great season,
didn't play in the playoffs, right, so his season was over?
When was your season over? April? Right, Like, I gotta

tell you, it's not a terrible gig. Not a terrible gig.
You don't have May, you know, May and June you're
on vacation, You're you're resting up your body. You get
to go do it again, you still get paid the
same amount now he pays you last. So it's about
ego and do you enjoy going to work where you
know you're not competing for a championship, But that is

a you know, that is a in your mind. You
have to process do I want to compete for a
championship or do I want to just compete to get
the playoffs? Here in Charlotte Formers, former St. Joe's men's
basketball coach Film Martelly is going to serve as an
assistant to Juwan Howard at Michigan. Let me see this
about Phil Martelly. I did not like the deal he

got at St. Joe's where they fired him. He's been
incredibly kind to me. He I think he's a really
good coach. I think he's a really good guy. And
I understand why you make this higher. If you're Juwan Howard,
you've never been a head coach. You hire a guy
I've never been to college. Here's the guy who's been
a college head coach for the last thirty years. Here's
the problem. He's also never been an assistant coach in

the last five years. And that's it's a it's a
different job and he's not being hired as an assistant
to the head coach, which some of these guys do.
You know, you give a guy a hunter fifty two
under grand and all you do is help me become
a head coach. He's an assistant coach, and I don't
I don't just don't know if his skill set fits

what they'll actually need. I think obviously to be met
because everybody thinks he's a good dude and it's a
good higher and he's got great experience and whatever, but
when he comes down to recruiting and how to take
orders from other people, and maybe for Phil Martelly, but like, look,
I have no usure here. I don't have to do
all the media stuff. But he's great at the media stuff,
and you don't do any of that when you're assistant coach.

So I am interested to see how it works out.
Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson told the NFL Network that he'd
like to play until he is forty five years old.
Wilson entering his thirtieth season and his thirty and said
he'd like to play another fifteen seasons. We want to know, Yeah,
I don't know. I mean, Russell Wilson says a lot
of stuff like I want to play how many more seasons? Uh?

Fifteen more? You'd like to play until he's forty five? Awesome? Yeah,
a lot of things in life. Yes, yes, I'd like
to have a selid old toilet, but it's just not
in the card, right. Austin Powers said, I'm not sure, John.

Did he say that new Bucketeers defensive lineman and Dominican
Sue will wear his usual number ninety three with his
team with his new team this year? But that was
also Gerald McCoy's old number with the Buccaneers. So Clay
Matthew is not the only one having his former team
move on very quickly. The Buccaneers did it with Gerald McCoy,
who remains a free agent. It was a weird That

was a weird one. Like and Dow mckensu is a
really good player, but kind of a mercenary, and I
don't think McCoy is. So McCoy didn't want to take
less money and right now he's making no money. But
we'll see. In the NFL, Jersey League occurred over the weekend.
Did you see this one, Doug? The Chicago Bears have
been teasing this throwback jersey for a while. Well, there

were some Dick Sporting Goods stores in Illinois that got
the jerseys before they were to be unveiled on Friday.
And now they are supposed to be a nineteen thirty
six Bears throwback a white uniform and they look really
really good. They are a sharp looking uniform. Bears were
gonna unveil it later this week. The Sporting Goods said, oh,
we got that handled. Yeah. I think they're really sharp.

They're really cool. I don't like the old thick striped
uh thick stripes on the Walter Payton Bears jerseys. I
like these better look. Nike having the NFL uniforms an
NBA uniform is a good thing. Those uniforms will be
the best of there. Those are good. Oh boy, we've
got some some news just in yes from the Sports

Business Journal, excuse me, the Business Journal, Portland Business Journal. Correction.
Kawhi Leonard is reportedly suing Nike, Yeah, saying that he
designed his logo that they used for him and Nike
ended up copyrighting it without his consent. Would that be
a claw suit? Oh? Very good? Hey not bad? So

uh you know you gotta come. Minutes left in the show,
Go ahead, Dan, take on the way out. Hey, great
college football rivalry is gonna go on a few more years.
Iowa and Iowa State have extended their current series to
go through the five season as they battle for the
psy Hawk Trophy the Sahawk Show. But wait, wait, wait wait,
like this whole extended agreement, they have no choice. The

state legislature makes them play each other, play must play.
I do think Iowa Iowa State is a rival. Remember
for yours people, like people don't understand the Civil War
with Oregon and Oregon State. I actually do believe that
people don't understand how big Iowa Iowa State is. Oh yeah,
I mean it's the psy Hawk Trophy is huge, and

look it benefits Iowa's it's harder for Iowa State and
it and in the past before Iowa State suddenly got good,
um it, it actually hurt Iowa right because at a
at a conference schedule, you're like, well, they don't play anybody,
Like yeah, well they would play Northern Iowa who that's
their biggest game in Iowa State was their biggest game
and some and they have to play Iowa. So like

you're gonna play two or three when you already played
ten Big nine Big ten games. So um, but it's
a great rivalry. Uh. I think obviously I was States
on the Rise and I has been an incredible program. Recently,
Forbes says that jay Z is the first hip hop
artist to become a billionaire. Congratulations to jay Z. He's
not a businessman. He's a business man. Get out there

and pressed. That was the press. Three commas for jay Z? Right, Actually,
shouldn't jay Z? Like remember when Prince the Late Great
Prince changed his name to a symbol. If you're jay
Z and you're at the billion, should you change your
name to just three commas? I'm gonna see three commas
to night. The Rose Boy be guys gonna come right.
That would be a baller moved to end all baller

moves Corey Brewer in studio tomorrow. I've heard hockeys going on,
but I don't care. We got college baseball. We'll recap
it all. We'll get you ready for Game three. Only
on the Doug Gottlief Show on the Unfox Sports Radio
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