All Episodes

September 21, 2017 125 mins

Doug talks about Coach MacAdoo’s comments on Eli Manning, and why a head coach has to be critical of his quarterback. He also talks about why Kevin Durant’s still talking about the Thunder one year and one championship later. 11 year NFL offensive lineman Brian Baldinger also joins the show to talk about why O-line play has been so poor in the NFL so far.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're listening to Fox Sports Boom Up America, Doug Gottlieb Show,
Fox Sports Radio coming to you live and direct from
the City of Angels. We got an NFL game where
a few people will attend Major League Baseball games taking

place during the day, which I don't really understand. And uh,
we have a college football NFL weekend to be excited for.
We got so many things to get to, so many
that man, I'm I'm excited. I I've gotten caught in
this before. Okay, there's a line you guys ever seen

the movie The Paper Marissa Tomas And this is a
good one for John Ramos, The John Ramo Show. Michael
Keaton in that movie is what Keaton is in that
movie directed by Ron Howard, Directed by Ron Howard. It's
a it's a good flick, good nineties flick. Um the
it's about a one of the New York City papers.

It's kind of about like a new like a New
York Post type of paper, although it's not called the
New York Post. And at one point time, uh, there's
there's some actual reporting that takes place, newsbreaking that takes place,
really really fascinating, and it's it's probably a hard one
for the kids these days to watch because they're like, well,

where's the online version, right, what do you mean newspaper?
But there was a time not long ago where h
New York City newspapers. There was like five of them
that were incredibly competitive trying to break the biggest or
juiciest stories. And you know, at at one point in time,

Keaton is the editor of this New York Post type
of fish wrap, and he's um. He has an interview
at I believe, the New York Times, and he sees
a story and a headline. He sees a story on
the desk of the head editor of the New York Times,
and he steals the story. He's when he's interviewing, he

looks at it. Guy goes out of the office, he
looks at he sees it, and then he goes back
to his office without telling anybody that he was interviewing
for the job, and then says, hey, we need to
look into this story. So they start to pursue it. Uh,
they find out more details, and the editor, the guy

who interviewed him with the New York Times, picks up
the phone and says, hey, in the real world, you
know this would happen, and that would happen, and Keaton
and I can't play the cut because there's too many
F bombs in it, says I don't live in the
real world. I live in New York City, right In
other words, like, this is not a real world. This
is New York City newspapers fighting over a big headline

which will get you to pick up a newspaper before
your head onto a subway or head onto the Metro North,
whatever your amtrack in order to get in the city.
It's incredibly competitive. And what and what is okay and
isn't okay in other workplaces has nothing to do with
fighting over a story in newspapers. The same can be

said in athletics. Look when I was at CBS my
first time on the set of with Charles Barkley and
Kenny Smith, I said, hey man, I'm just here to
give the white man's perspective, and I was. I was
being a smartass, right, I was actually the only way

I get why I do it on the set and
I was trying to make fun. I should have said,
I'm just a token white guy, like put me in
at the put me at the end, right, let me
know when you guys are done, then I'll get in.
At the very end. I'm just the token white guy
that would have been funnier in hindsight. Hindsight being but
you can make bad racial jokes or whatever, or make
fun of yourself being the only white guy in a

locker room. It didn't. Part of it was they couple
were caught off guard. I don't know if they didn't
find it funny or but I think it's more just
everybody's caught off guard by it because we didn't We
don't meet, you just go. And there were some that
were like, oh, that's offensive, Like it's not offensive in
any way, Like there's no way you can cut it
up to be offensive, especially when you say it tongue

planted firmly in she can and say with a grin
in your face, regardless. The mistake that I made was
I misassociated covering basketball with being inside basketball. Right inside
the confines of a locker room, you yell at teammates,
you make fun of teammates, you said, you at times

use vulgar terms that you wouldn't use outside the confines
of that locker room. And what happens is when people
who haven't been a part of a locker room culture
in any sport. And again that doesn't mean that like
the hazing incident that happened in a small college, you
know how, like that's not locker room culture. That's just gross. Right,

So there are some things which are unacceptable, locker room
culture unacceptable both and and the world is evolving and
changing and you have to understand what is and what
isn't appropriate. That said, they're parts of being coached. There
are parts of being a teammate which are very very
different from the real world. Eli Manning doesn't live in

the real world. Eli Manning lives in New York, blank
In City, and he's the quarterback of the New York Giants.
And as I told you going back two days ago
when Ben McAdoo said this after the game, that's what happened.
Sloppy quarterback play. Quarterback in a center need to be
on the same page there. We gotta get the ball snapped.

We have a veteran quarterback who's played a lot of football.
Expect us to get the ball snapped. Usually the clock
goes from three to one zero. Once they hit zero,
they they look at the ball, look at the clock.
Usually have a tick once it hit zero to get
the ball snapped without being in the lay game, I
thought we had we had a chance to get it
off all right. So he's like, look, we had what
we wanted and our veteran quarterback and we So what

what was the reaction for people? Oh? Snap? Headline was
McAdoo calls out Eli Manning And he did, but he
called him out answering a question about a specific play
which Eli Manning butchered. So then what do they do
in New York? What do they do in most places?
Oh my gosh, I can't believe he said that about
his two times super winning quarterback. Let's run back to

the quarterback to get reaction. That's part of part of
being in the NFL. Um you know, you can't be sensitive.
I think everybody's gotten very sensitive players and and and everybody.
Just you know that someone you know says anything negative
about you, you did something wrong, that that you got
a problem. Uh. Coach McAdoo and I have a great relationship.

I think he understands that. You know, I've told him
and when he first got here, I enjoyed being coach.
I enjoy if I've screwed something up. Let me know,
you know, I want to be coached, and so you know,
we we talked about things and there's some things I
gotta do I gotta be better at. He's like, look, dude,
this is the NFL. I gotta be better. I can't
be the quarterback and only have my coach saying good job,

that's okay to play screwed up. That's always on me.
We're big boys in here. If you it's it's one
of the reasons if you ask uh people in management,
they'll tell you. Oftentimes oftentimes the people they like managing
our former athletes, why because they've been coached before. They've

been coached a lot harder than you've been taught or
you've been lectured when you're not an athlete. It's one
of the reasons that athletes you've seen that hokey n
c A commercial where they go like five dollars on
athlaides and most of them go professional in a sport,
in something other than their sport. But it's true. It's true,
like if you have tips. It's one of the reasons

I think Dwight Howard's all screwed up because White Howard's
he would he never went through college, and in college
you get legitimately coached, you get broken down and built
back up. But if you ask. One of the things
I struggle I've struggled with at work is I tell
my my boss always like, hey, give me feedback. You

don't like something like tell me now, I need like
specifics because in sports you're still gonna question. You're like,
what do you mean? And they show you the film like, oh,
oh yeah, that was me my bad, right, like ezeki
Ellett like, hey did you quit on the interception? Like no,
I didn't throw on the film? Oh my bad? Right?

And but what happens. So what happens is there are
bosses in the regular workforce that they're not used to
confronting you. They're non confrontational. They don't want to confront
fragile talent or fragile people because they're not used to
be in critic size. Whereas you can go up with
a former athlete like, hey, dude, that really sucked, like, okay,

what sucked about it? Tell me how m I can
do better? All right, we might have a discussion about it.
Because I've been My dad was a coach. I was
coached my whole life, even when I was, you know,
any time I was on TV when he was alive,
He's like, hey, I hate that. Not that suit coat
doesn't go with that tie like my dad had order
tied once a year. Maybe, Uh, this would be the

ones a year. Happy New Year to my fellow Jews
out there anywaye. The point is one of the big
mistakes that we make is or at least in my show.
And I think Calher does a different job of this.
But our show we try and relate to UM sports
to real life. Right. Well, you know Matt Stafford's contracting.

It's kind of like comps in real estate. Right all
the quarterbacks are going for about twenty million dollars a year.
He signs the newest deal. It's like the newest house
and block signing. It's all about comps, right, there is,
but sometimes there's not parallels because in your place of work,
you can't call out somebody who screws up publicly like

that doesn't because you're not athletes. It's not an athletic forum,
it's not a locker room. It just doesn't work that way.
Kobe Bryant said, uh said a word that is a
homophobic slur, right, And he had to apologize for I
think did he get suspended a game for it? I
don't know if you got fined for it, you got
fine for it, and we it was always big. But again,

like it doesn't make it okay, but it explains it
a lot better. I mean, like in the locker room,
like we just have a different there's a different vocabulary,
a different way of talking to one another, different way
of joking with one another. Racist discussed discussed completely differently.
And this is the Reggie in cognito stuff where when
you read the text that he sent to his teammate

or you hear about some of the stuff like whoa,
and they're like, yeah, they're a bunch of big, dumb
offensive lineman with time in their hands and a bunch
of money. This is what they do to one another.
Even even the culture which I don't like, which is,
you know, rookies in the NFL and the NBA, they
gotta take everybody else out to take their position players
in the offensive line out to dinner and then they
run up a big bill on them and then they

all tweet out like a thirty thousand dollar bit like yeah,
we got him. Like in the real world, he like, dude,
that sucks in the NFL, Like it's kind of part
for the course. So I guess the point is not
only do we put our morals on athletes where it
doesn't necessarily apply. We do this as Americans. We put
our morals on other countries. You're like, hey, we have

a completely different belief system, but we try and do
it in locker rooms. And we think that Ben McAdoo
called out his quarterback when all he was doing was coaching.
And the second you can't coach your best player, or
your most important player, or your highest paid player, or
your most decorated player, all of these are in fact,
Eli Manning is the second that you can't coach. McAdoo

did his job, and Eli showing himself to being coachable
shows that Eli is in fact a leader and shows
the difference between uh truculent wide receivers and quarterbacks. Can't
compare real life and how you talk about your coworkers
with how athletes and coaches talk about each other. Brian

Baldinger joins the show up coming next, Um, what happened
to like? Offensive line play in the NFL? It is
atrocious and it is derailing some really talented teams. We'll
get to that next, but first, hey, Doug Otlieve. Here
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Brian Baldigger was an offensive lineman for twelve season in

the NFL. He's an analyst with the NFL Network and
also covers college football for Fox Fall on Twitter at
Baldy NFL. If you watch this uh uh Baldy breakdowns
of game film, there are a few people who break
down football and make it as easy to understand and
while while teaching. As Baldi joins us now on the
Doug Gottlieb Show, Look, we talk a lot about the

star players or the skill position players, but all of
that can be undone when your offensive line doesn't protect.
I mean you're watching, it's hard to tell exactly how
good Eli Manning is at this stage in his career
because Eric Flower's is just getting annihilated on Monday Night.
So let's let's start with just the overall thought, Baldi,

why is offensive line play at least at this point
in the season, and there's been some other seasons like
this so putrid in comparison to our visions of it
in the past. Well, I mean, it's it's it's it's
a great observation. Other people are looking at the same
thing that you're looking at, and there's a lot of
there's a lot of answers to it. But basically, you know,

if mobody plays in the preseason, September is the new August.
It's all about health. But the only really become a
better left tackle or a right guard is to play
left tackle right guard. That doesn't mean running around in
shorts and helmets or anything else. It means actually playing
in developing the techniques because just like a basketball dog

nilo sport, it's your pulling letals that carry that we
can we gain the game. When you're up against an
all pro player, if you don't have a toolbox with
sharp and fundamentals, when you get beat, you're gonna be
unsure why do you got beat? And I can fix
the issue. It's all with Eric Flowers. Now, he's fundamentally
not a sound player. Some of it is him, some

of it is I don't know if he can fix
some of the issues he has. And it's not just
Eric Flowers. I mean there's John Jared for the Giants,
and there's a Sloop Joe Cold Seattle, and you go
around the league. Guys are struggling. But there's some guys
that just need a lot of work in order to
feel good and to feel sharp, and you're just not
getting it. And look, there's two offensive line and drafted

in the first round this year, doug for both first
year players Ryan ram Checker Wisconsin. Garrell bawls out of
uh your talk, and when you looked at him, you
we could only take the NFL, can only take the
college game. It gives us in the college games. Just
isn't giving us NFL ready offensive linemen right now? No,
it really isn't. And is it because of the spreads?

I guess I would love to say it's because of
the spread systems, but like you look back to when
you came out, the guy teams didn't used to throw
the ball at all in college, and all of a
sudden you still have to assimilate to an NFL offense,
right I mean like there weren't teams running West Coast offenses,
and then you get to the NFL and you're running
a West Coast offense, so there was still a learning curve.
Why does the learning curve seems so steep, especially when

they are pass blocking while they're in college and many
of then are past blocking now in high school. Well,
it's not just you know, the weaknesses. Is is much
in the run game right now. I mean, guys spend
outside of you know, teams in the SEC and uh,
you know a handful of other teams around other conferences. Um,
most of them are spreads. A lot of cockles have

never gotten into a three point stance of their life yet,
so they get to the NFL. They don't run NFL
type running place powers and you know, combo blocks with
the tight ends. I mean a lot of teams don't
even have a tight ending college you're not running power
plays with fullbacks and tight ends, and so it's all
the blockings. Teams are uh, pretty new to a lot

of players coming in and uh, and it's just you know,
I mean, on any given college Saturday, you might see
one or two or three players that are NFL caliber players.
A lot of them. Will we never ever stift the NFL,
So you're not getting tested all that often. When you are,
you're getting tested in an offense that isn't really an
NFL offense. It's it's almost like what we watched on

Saturdays is a completely different game than what we see
on Sundays, no question, no question. But but it's interesting.
It always has been a different game, but now uh,
but you know, but but now it's it's different from
even how it was different previously. Brian Baldinger joining us
on The Doug Gotlip Show. All right, so, uh, like, look,
I could go through a bunch. I just the teams
that I'm most interested in are the ones that are

supposed to be good but their line is letting them down,
like the Seahawks. Now, granted, the Seahawks are are are
one and one on the year, so it's not as
bad as the Giants being oh and two, but both
were thought to be playoff teams. Of the teams that
are having offensive line issues, uh, who's is the most fixable? Well, uh,

I don't know that either one can really get fixed
at this point because if you have to fix it
in the off season and you have two choices right
now because we're just not allowed to develop line. We're
not it's formidable, uh, to go out there in contact
and the things you gotta do to really get sharp.
So you have two choices right now. You either can

overspend it free agency in the way the Raiders have,
or you can draft really high for a long time,
like the Cowboys have to get mostly to get good lines. Uh.
Tennessee has got a good line. They've spent two high
draft picks on offensive tackles. They're both really good players,
Taylor the Lan and uh in Jack Conklin. They're both
really good and they were really good against Shacksville. And

you're gonna get tested this week against Seattle, probably the
best game of the week. If you're asking me which
team can fix it right now, I don't see it.
I mean, if you're telling me that the best choice
for the Giants right now is to bench our Flowers,
so it's I'd say it's not the best option. He's
got three years with ext variants. Now now he's got
to play with a better technique. But is a big man,

and he is a good athlete, and for the most
part he placed pretty good. Now he struggled on Monday night.
It's still early, but to mention, there are clouds. To me,
it's not gonna make the Giants better. Brian Balding or
joining us in the Doug Gottlip Show here on Fox
Sports Radio. A couple of quarterbacks that haven't performed, maybe

as well as some people's expectations. Let's start with Cam Newton.
He's always had issues with accuracy, and to be fair
to Cam Newton, he is coming off of shoulder surgery.
But at some point you would think the refinement would
kick in, and yet it has not. Is this a
reps thing for Cam Newton? Or are we to the
point where this is who Cam Newton is and we're

gonna have to learn to accept it. Well, I saw
a weak wanted to persist when he wasn't bad. We
don't know where the shoulder has done. I mean, we
just don't know. We don't know what it feels like.
We don't know that if he knows what it feels like,
is it a different shoulder, a new shoulder? What? Kenny?
What Canny do? He had no off season? Um? I
don't care what sport here, and you have no off season,

You're gonna be rusty. Um, he's done ever gonna run
for ten touchdowns again? That offense and what he did
in two thousand and fifteen to be the ananimous choice
for League MVP, We're not gonna see that guy. So
he's gonna enough to adjust it. You're adjust him with
a lot of new players in Christie McCaffrey and Curtis
Samuel's tied end which was a huge safety blanket in

the regis owner of third downs, it's no longer gonna
in the offense this year. He's gonna enough to adjust.
Some guys can do that does and some guys don't.
Tod justus and they go south. Uh. Damas Scott get
his confidence back from two thousands of fifteen, But he's
gonna have to do it in a way. I think
that's different than when that kill a lot white moo.

Slally is never left his face in two thousands of fifteen,
and it's gonna be a little bit different for him.
All right, What about what about Dak Prescott? It's only
year two, but the schedule is more difficult and the
Broncos look at Broncos defense, especially at home, is insanely
talented and they can put three cornerbacks out there and
shut down your best three wide receivers, unlike maybe anybody

else in the league that said, kind of like Cam
that there's there's there's a lack of accuracy there. He's
not throwing guys open. He never really threw guys open.
What are your thoughts on Dak Prescott as we're seeing
him a year two and hoping for some evolution and
maybe we're seeing a little bit of regression. Yea, I
don't know. I mean, you know, we want the time

seem that he couldn't beat last year and he played
pretty well. We'd won in Dallas. That is maybe the
league's best secondary last week. I mean, it's super glue. Now, well,
you're going to keep to leave against us and Christa
Harris Jr. It's it's it's really tight. Out was the
leading receiver a year ago. He's kind of a safety
blank for him. Um running game just completely shut down

like that most quarterbacks, but probably struggle a little bit
dad to make every single play and the game got
away from him where he had to throw it over
down and he was in that situation often last year,
if ever, so even down to the playoff Foster Green Bay.
They had to lead there with skill in the game,
so he was rarely ever playing from that far behind

like he had to us on. That's a good That's
a good challenge for a young quarterback. He's not a
finished product, but he is poised. He does how to
see the field. He does so good anticipation. Uh to me,
if the Cowboys are gonna make any noise ever in
the playoffs with Dak Prescott at quarterback, it's good that
they saw Denver and never because that's a good challenge

for him and he'll he'll I think you'll learn from
that and that's a healthy thing for young quarterback. Is
this the real new Alex Smith? MA, Alex Smith now
taking chances throwing the ball down the fields? Um, are
you buying that that that this will in fact last,
that he will be a lot less risk averse as
opposed to the previous incarnation of Alex Smith. Well, I'll

say this. I mean, it's a great question. Because I
was there in Kansas City and asked the radio on Saturday,
I was that you thought of that, Patrick Mahomes and
some of the coaches. There's no question that Kansas City
drafting Patrick Mahomes and then the way that he played
in preseason most Aallexe meant, I mean he knows that
he has to be good, that the throws that he
would be hesitant to make it past years just because

he did not want to make mistake. He doesn't seem
to be his hesitant right now. And that's a good
thing because any read can design office with the best
of them, and there's plays to be made, but you
gotta pull the trigger and you gotta you gotta take
the chance. And so I think competitions help. Dallex mean
at thou plus, if Tyree kill is your number one receiver,

you know for the whole season, the deep ball is
in it bombs away, You're gonna take some shots. This
me change is the only team teams have to defend
Kansas City, And so I think it's changed. Alice A.
Look at all those things I think have changed them,
and I think we're looking at a different guy. You
mentioned being in there for for the national radio. You
also got a chance to see Carson Wentz first week.

He made some wild plays against the Washington Redskins. Uh,
what's your Now We're a couple of games into him
starting his second consecutive season with the Eagles. What's your
assessment as to whether or not the Philadelphi Eagles have
found their long term solution. Oh, he's a phenomenal talent. Phenomenal,
and it's it's up to the rest of the team,

mostly the authors, but the whole team to play up
to him. They've got to play better around him. The
offensive line was horrible last week. The offensive guard left
guard gave up four sacks. Myself, he will not survive
and have a long term career right now. The way
he's getting hit. He gets hit in a very awkward situations.
He is so strong it almost works at a detriment

in his ability to escape tackles and get out of
harm's way. But at the same time, he tries almost
too hard to extend plays and he falls awkwardly. He
has started eight team stree games, that's credit. But they've
got to play better around them. They got blocked better.
The offensive line and the run game has got to
come together. Um and the receivers have to be better

right now. And when that happens, you'll see all of
his numbers go up because he sees the field well.
He's extremely Swart. He knows how to make all the
adjustments they need to furbody allowed the play better. He's
the one and only Brian Balding. Or check him out
in the NFL network or calling college football for Fox,

or you know, just fall him on Twitter at Baldy
NFL Baldi. Yeah, You're welcome here anytime. Love talking football,
if you love your vision for everything that's going on
in the field. Thanks for being our guest on Fox
Sports Radio. The pleasure, take care of the weekend pleasures.
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Nebraska has made a bold move after an embarrassing loss.
The truth behind what's going on with NU football we'll
get to after we find out what Dan buyers working out.
We'll see if those Indians can make a bold move.

Trying to track down the Dodgers for the best record
in baseball. The Tribe and Halo is gonna go at
it at the top of the hour. Will the Dodgers
have other issues they're battling the Phillies right now in
their series finale in Philadelphia, tied up at four a piece.
Dodgers trailed four too, but Curtis Granderson hit a solo
home run of the sixth and Andre Ethier has hit
a solo shot in the seventh. They continue to play.
In the seventh inning in Philadelphia, Dodgers and Phils tied

up at four apiece. The Dodgers magic number to clinch
the NL West is down to two. Dodgers did get
some bad news today's third base but just A Turner
had to leave the game after he was hit by
a pitch on the thumb. X rays were negative, though
reports say that Turner is day to day with a
thumb contusion. In the National Football League, Week three begins
tonight with the Rams and Niners at Eastern time. Dolphins

wide receiver Jarvis Landry was on the practice field at
the starter workouts today after missing yesterday with a knee injury,
while Packers wide receiver Randall cob missed his second straight
practice with a chest injury. The Dolphins have the Jets.
Green Bay has got a date with the Bengals coming
up on Sunday in golf at the Tour Championship. Around
number one is underway. Kyle Stanley has the lead at

five under par. Jason Day is three back. Jordan's speed
currently four shots back of the lead at one under par.
Doug all right, so you saw this, this this story.
Nebraska has fired their athletic director Sean I. Course, now
remember part of it is like, look, it's the culmination
of things. Um I, course of course, fired uh Solich

right now heading fire Soulich. He fired Callahan. No eating
fire Callahan. Actually that was Tom Osborne fired Callahan. So
the so Bo Polini was fired and like look to
be to be fair to I, course you want to
be he felt like Polini had to be fired. Right

if the way in which Bo Polini carried himself and
Polini is it's interesting as good as Bob Stoops has
been at Oklahoma. Right, the only assistant coach that's still
I believe currently has his gig. And I gotta go

back and think like Mike steps Win got the Arizona job,
it didn't work. Um Kevin Wilson at the Indiana job,
he got fired in the off season. If you look
back and you wait a second, now, um Bo Polini
was a former Bob stoops guy and there was some success,
although not historic success, not back in the national championship

landscape with with Polini, but he ends up he ends
up getting fired. Um Kansas is head coach. It was
his name, shoot, uh super heavy said guy was yeah.
Mark Mangino was fired and that was again a lot
like Kevin Wilson treatment of players, and Polini was really

fired treatment of people around him, treatment of players. I
think the only head coach that's a stoop s guy
that still has his gig as Mike Leach. And of
course Mike Leach got fired at Texas Tech. Really treatment
of players, but really really fascinating what's happened there. Um,

I course comes in and he fires Polini, who seemed
to be kind of a hothead and polarizing, very good
football coach, also kind of one of those Youngstown, Ohio guys,
old school kind of guys. And they make, without any question,
one of the weirdest hires I've ever seen, and hiring

Mike Riley, not because Mike Riley is an an outstanding
football coach, but they've always been averse to the forward
past there, right, Like Bill Callahan came in, I don't
got to you know, if you guys know this, Bill Callahan,
they had two bad losses, and uh, that's when Steve Peterson,
their athletic director, was fired. Callahan was fired at the
end of that season. But after Peterson was fired and

the Wolves were at the door, Blaine Gabbert was supposed
to play at Nebraska, he changed his commitment and ends
up going to Missouri. And that really was that was
when uh, he you know, Callahan was done because Callahan's
whole thing was Andy, We're gonna do everything different. We're
not gonna run the option, We're gonna actually throw the football.
And then Polin he got back to more of run

past threat. So of course brings in Mike Riley and
they lost to Oregon, but we're competitive. They just lost
to Northern Illinois at home. And now all of a
sudden and he had just it was announced that he
got a contract extension through two thousand twenty. And the
truth about those contract extensions of this, they usually are

in the works for six months before they're announced, and
two thousand twenty is not a lengthy contract in the
Big Ten. Although he's only sixteen and thirteen at Nebraska,
so like, look, this signals to everybody, anybody who's paying
any attention at all, that unless there's a dramatic turnaround

at Nebraska, Mike Riley's probably out the end of the year.
And Mike Riley is one of the nicest, kindest, smartest
football coaches you will find. But that doesn't usually translate
or always translate to wins at especially at the college level.
Uh And their offense is totally different than it's ever been.

But at one and two it gets hot. And you
know the quarterbacks kid named Tanner Lee who transferred in
from two lane. He's only a junior. But here's what's
really happening in Nebraska. What's really happened. Nebraska used to
load up on offensive lineman and have him. They had

this incredible walk on program that went away with Title nine.
Right Title nine. Now, anytime you have a player on
the team, even he's not on scholarship, it counts against
kind of your total, your Title nine total. So they've
struggled in terms of numbers, eighty five scholarships. They couldn't
stow guys away in red shirt them the way they
used to. Um they used to recruit the Eastern seaboard

quite well, especially New Jersey. That changed about ten fifteen
years ago, where it's not that the Big East teams
or the A C C teams are killing it, but
because they become viable threats. Cincinnati takes a guy, Yukon
takes a guy. Rutgers now in the Big Ten, they've
taken players, they have guys in the NFL. Then when

they were in the Big twelve, you could recruit Texas
because you played in Texas every year. Now you don't
play in Texas. You're only playing against teams in the Midwest.
You oh yeah, by the way, you're not even playing
Ohio State, Penn State, in Michigan every year, so you're
playing Minnesota and I. Now you're competing recruiting against other
teams in the Midwest and their traditional Midwest powers Midwest schools.

That's really hard to compete against. Oh yeah, And while
the while, the while, college football has evolved and everybody
throws the football most of the zone read stuff, that's
all just a version of the option. In other words,
the places you used to recruit people are now able
to get into more readily. The offense you used to

run people have evolved and are running it better. You
have a coach that's from out of the area, doesn't
have a tie, and even in the area, there's just
not any players in Nebraska. I don't care who the
coaches in Nebraska. I think they're screwed. I think they're screwed.

Players are in Florida, players are in Texas. They've done
a nice little job in California. They're not getting the
best players in California. Those guys are going to sc
Those guys are going to the Pack twelve, going to
Colorado where they're gonna come back home and play every year.
Go to Notre Dame, or go to Texas, at least
the really good ones. I want you to give a
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Lip Show, Fox Sports Radio. Uh. I was listening a
great cosal, great breakdown on Colin Cowherd Show, on The

Herd Show that proceeds this show, on Sirius XM eighty three,
and on many of our Fox Sports Radio affiliates. So
something I heard him say, which um, I mean, look,
I'm not gonna argue with but it was something he's
expecting to have happened. I don't. I don't see it
happening because of how much time we've given it to happen.

Makes sense, I'll make sense of it at the top
of the hour. The meantime, let's play game. This is
game time on the Doug Gottlieb Show, Dan Byrol. What
do you have in the meantime, Let's just goof off
and have fun for these couple of minutes playing. How

about this game? Real news fake news? Alrighty, real news
are fake news. Let's start off with this one. Some
serious matters to start off. Real news or fake news?
Is Doug Major League Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred says the
league will redouble its efforts to expand the amount of
netting at ballparks around the league. Spectac Yeah, I made

the comments today after that young girl was struck while
sitting down the third baseline at Yankee Stadium yesterday, was
hit by a follow ball by Todd Fraser. So now
Major League Baseball is gonna look into more netting at
parks around the league. That makes sense. Um, look that
this is one of those deals. I can't believe we've that.
It's we've been around. You know. It's like, Um, there

used to be a movement in the NFL to take
down the extra point nets. Do you guys know that
this is going back to the midnight It used to
be a group called Takedown the Nets Pit. Pete Roselle
was the commissioner. Then they even had like a jingle,
come on, Pete, takedown those nets. And whenever I go
to a Rams game, like you'd sign the petition to
take down the nets. The idea was so fans could
catch a football, and forever they've had fines. You know,

NFL players have to play pay fines anytime they hand
out a football I think it basically covers the cost
of the football. Now I don't think the fines are
as prohibitive, but it used to be a higher fine
when you throw the ball in the stands. The point
was like Football's they don't hurt anybody, and yet you
can't get players, can't chuck them into or kick them
into the stands. Baseball's do you can really seriously get hurt,

and I know they warn you and no one nothing
makes fans go crazier in a baseball game then going
after a foul ball. But those line drives that come
whizzing off the bat like and you want to see
it and feel it kind of be like you're part
of the game. But yeah, this feels like something that
should have been mandated a long time ago. Now part

of it is a grandpa who we took a two
year old of the game and you know he didn't
have time to react. There's a seat in Petco Park
in San Diego where like left handed batters right next
to right next to each of the dugouts. You gotta
be alive, and you always have your kids sit to
the right of you, to the right of you so

that you can blockle with your right hand if you
have to, or naturally like glove hand, you'll you'll reach
across as opposed it's more unnatural to reach across with
your with your right hand anyway. Um, I mean, look this,
you have to protect people from themselves. Everybody says they
want to get close to the game's problem with baseball.
I do think they'll ultimately get expanded, but I think

they'll only be for those low skimmer line drives. It
just isn't enough protection, and there can't be because people
want to catch foul balls. Yeah. I don't sit in
seats down the baseline, no joke at all. I don't
pay attention enough during the game's doug to be honest,
to be able to have the reflexes to do something
like that. Give me the upper deck or the bleachers.
I'm fine. I can't sit in the upper deck. I can't.

I can't do it. I would I sat in fourth
deck of the Yankee of Yankee Stadium. I can't. I'll
never do it again. It was with the net over you.
I'm fine with that too. Yeah, those the most expensive
seats in the house though, right, No, but yeah, But
my point is I'll go cheaper expensive. I just I'm
not gonna sit down either baseline, because I mean, then
you can't reach down and get a get a groundball

that goes down the line. It's all right, I'm good
with that. Real news are fake news. After getting flak
for quitting on a play last week in Denver, Cowboys
running back Ezekiel Elliott stood by his actions today after
the interception on Sunday thrown by Dak Prescott, you are fakes, Yeah,
Zeke actually took responsibility today, saying, quote, I was just
very frustrated, but that's no excuse for the lack of

effort I showed on tape. Good enough. Listen, he can
he can be coached. That's what you got. That's the
maturation of a player. You gotta be able to be coached.
Real news are fake news, Doug six or, saying coach
Brett Brown says the team doesn't have center jalil Oka
for on the trading block this season. They basically told
the world, Hey, if you want you to look for
just give us a call. Yeah, says they'll see and

see if any teams are interested in the center out
of Duke Um. Finally, Doug, real news has ever been
a guy who was like on the trade block sooner
than Jeli for it was Really he's the Trent Richardson
of of the h and he actually puts up decent numbers,
the Trent Richardson of the NBA. Real news are fake
news of Boston man is taking an interesting angle at

his run for a city council seat. He's dressing up
as a clown. Is that real news are fake news?
They're real? Yeah? Four for four for Doug today. Paul
Pays registered his campaign in April and so far has
forty five dollars in his campaign fund. That's after the
clown makeup, red wig and red nose that he's had

in some campaign spots. Most politicians are clowns anyway, this
is game time on the Dug Godli Show. That's actually
you know expected wardrobe really when you when you get
to d C, I mean, do people know who Bose are?

The clown is better? I think that still might be
a dated reference. One former m VP is kind of disappointing,
but maybe this is who he is. That's next. What
up Doug Gottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio. M hmm, coming

to you from Beautiful Sunnay, Southern California. Happy New Year,
do my brethren out there. I hope you're hope you
had some apples and honey and you celebrate the right way.
We're gonna celebrate with my mom tomorrow evening. Just kind
of fits not getting the kids because actually East Coast
you get out of school for the Jewish holidays. You

don't get out of school obviously in Southern California, at
least not where where my kids go to school. So anyway,
if you celebrate that sort of thing, Happy New Year
to you. I saw Cam Newton over the weekend. I
saw Kenny Newton played both the past two weekends, and um, like,
I look there too, and oh and I don't think

all of their issues and it's weird you like too,
and oh and you've got issues, but I don't think
all their issues when you only score nine points are
on Kim Newton. Of course, Greg Olsen's alpha a substantial
amount of time. He broke his foot at foot foot surgery.
Kelvin Benjamin got hit hard, He's missed some practice time,
got rib injury. There's some talk to hear his shoulder.

It's off into line plasm. Been great, they're trying to
figure out how to use Christian McCaffrey the best. But
I mean, you look at it, two hold home, no
touchdown passes. I watched the San Francisco game which they
won three but it's just such a talent mismtch But
he's only four struggle with accuracy. So here we are

two games in the season and he's right at fifty
nine point six passing, two touchdowns, one interception, middle to
bottom of the league in terms of yardage. He's also
not running the football nearly as well as he used to.
And I was I was listening to Colin Calherd's show

earlier today actually driving in a great costellout. It does
all the film study. He had this to say about
Cam Newton. He's a power thrower. He's not going to
be efficient with his ball placement in the short passing
game on throws that require touch and pace. And he's
still somewhat unrefined in many ways when you talk about
timing and anticipation in the pocket. So he's a quarterback

that doesn't necessarily help his pass protection because he's not
really a timing player. Right. Uh. It's funny Steve Smith,
who's down. Analyst with the NFL Network was criticized for
saying he ain't great in the red zone, right where
you have to kind of read things and be one
step ahead and know everything that's coming all the different angles.

Of course, Steve Smith left and they did go to
the Super Bowl. They had the fifteen and one year
two years ago and they were the best team in
the NFC. Granted they played a very soft schedule. They
end up getting all the way to super Bowl. Cam
doesn't play well, but more than anything that that defense
has got after the Carolina Panthers and they could never
get ahead of the chains, couldn't get it going. Last

year was a disaster. Last year he only played in
fourteen games. He had the shoulder injury at the end
of the year. Nineteen touchdowns, fourteen receptions. But here's the thing.
If we're looking for Cam Newton to become more refined
in his anticipatory skills and we're in year seven, this

is who he is, right Like, once you get two
year seven, this is who you are, and you just
accepted it. Doesn't mean he's a bad quarterback, but he's
not the best or the top five quarterback in the league.
He's unique. It's so funny, the the the braggadocious nature

of last year. Remember where two years ago in and
they no one ever seen a quarterback like me? Like okay,
maybe like he is six ft six, he is powerful
as the thrower, powerful as a runner. He's just a
mountain of a man. But maybe there's a reason we
haven't seen a quarterback like him because he's not a

depth enough. He hasn't evolved enough as a or real
been refined enough. If you can't refine something by year seven,
and it ain't gonna be refined, that's what it is.
And this is the same in everything. Like when you're
buying a new car, do you guys, you guys know,
like most people will never buy the first run of

a new car, no matter how nice the car is,
first run, they always have some they gotta work some
things out right, so you buy the second year of
the third year once you get to the seventh year
of the same kind of model. Like if it's got
a design flaw, it's got a design flaw. That's what
it is. If you've been married before, Like my my
wife tried to get me to take benedrol last week.

I tell you guys that. So I do this thing
with my tongue where I scratched the roof of my
mouth occasionally because it itches. I think because it is okay,
I think. I think I'm scratching the roof of my mouth.
I think that's what's happening. Yeah, no, I I know
that's what's happening. I don't know if it itches because

I scratch it, or if I scratch it because it itches.
So there's a little there's a it's more habit than so.
My wife's like, you have allergies. I don't have allergies.
You have allergies. I don't have allergies. I said, well,
you're scratching the roof of your mouth. I said, okay,
what are my other symptoms? You don't have any? No,

I don't have any Like I don't have stuff. He knows.
I don't have watery eyes. I don't scratch anything else.
I don't feel congested in any way. Like it's just
the roof of my mouth either itches and I scratch it,
or I scratch it, which makes it it's more because
you know, anytime you scratch something, it makes it it's
more um. And that's just kind of who I am

and my She's like, you need to take zero tech. Well,
I was like, look, look at the side effects or sear.
Taking one of them is constipations. I'm out. I don't
need to be clogged up like time, but more than anything,
like I don't have allergies. And this is who I am.
We've been married for seventeen years, we've been together for
nineteen years by now, Yes, my habits probably annoy the

crap out of you. Like my wife, this is not
scratched new for her mouth. But I believe I take
out the trash more than any human being on earth.
And I'm okay with taking out the trash at the
end of the night. The problem is it's like right
before dinner, she's like, hey, can you take out the
trash and she'll wrap it up and I'll take out
the trash like that's my one of my chores is

taken out the trash, which is fine, totally okay with it,
but you don't do it before dinner. You load it
up because after dinner, when you're clean out the plates,
you put everything in there because you know why you
don't do it because the same person who likes the
house to be clean and fresh and not have uh,
not have remnants of dinner around. Is somebody who when
she cleans now, all of a sudden, when once you

get chicken bones in there, she gotta take it out again.
It doesn't make any sense. But getting onto her now
after having lived with her for seventeen years, he's like, look,
this is who she is. You evolve some, you improve
some your football like you, But like Kim Newton, there's
not a defense that's new here. There's not an adjustment

that's new. This is not a new offense for him.
Not news signals like he's not seeing it, he's not anticipating.
And by the way, we're using all these sophisticated terms.
Can I hear Greg Cosell and what he said, were
using all these sophisticated terms with what he doesn't do,
But go ahead. He's a power thrower. He's not going
to be efficient with his ball placement in the short
passing game on throws that require touch and pace. Part

this part right here, keep going, and he's still somewhat
unrefined in many ways when you talk about timing and
anticipation in the pockets. So he's a quarterback that doesn't
necessarily help his pass protection because he's not really a
timing player. He doesn't see it. He didn't see it,
he doesn't anticipate it. He doesn't have that high of
football like you. He just doesn't and you go, wow,

you know that's like, look, it has nothing to do
with anything other than the individual player. That doesn't have
to do with you know, remember when he came out
and they asked him, John Gruden asked him and the
John Gruden Quarterback camp, like, what give me a play call?
At Auburn, He's like six, that was a play call?
Like no, no, what was the whole place? Like six?

That was a play call. So look, there was a
steep learning curve considering how he was coached when he's
at Florida and junior college and at Auburn and maybe that,
but by year seven, if you're not getting higher level
of concepts in the NFL, you're not gonna get higher
level concepts. You're just not And we use all these terms.
Will he not anticipatory thrower? Like that's because somehow if

Great Costell said, Hey, I just don't think Cam Newton's
that's smart and he's super talented, I'm not saying he's
he's he's not in an unintelligent person to where he
can't function on a daily basis. But this is a
profession that takes an unbelievable acumen. You have to know

exactly what everybody's doing. You have to hear the play call,
repeat the play call. No, I know what every different
receiver is doing what based upon coverage to make like
there's all this math going on your head and oh yeah,
and it's a position of leadership, Oh yeah, and it's
a position of a men's skill, Like it's a there's
a reason these guys make twenty five million dollars a
year because like fifteen guys on Earth that can do

all the things he can do. It's great. Co sells
in a very very nice, polite, interesting way, supporting it
with video and with years of studies, saying, hey, Kim
is not that smart, he's not that accurate. He's an
unbelievable athlete. But they take that away the older you
get and you want to run less older you get.
He had a great year two years ago. He was

awarded the m v P because he was the best
player on the best team in the regular season. He's
never been the best quarterback. And my my takeaway is
seven years in, if you're thinking, if you think he's
going to get better, smarter, more refined a little bit,
but this is who he is. It's probably my favorite
story of the week so far, and it just keeps

getting better. I'll share it with you upcoming next, but
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It's the worst fun you've ever had. With True Car,

you can find out what other people in your area
paid for the same car you're looking for, and on
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Sports Radio. UM, I actually have to have to stop

myself because I said that this was my favorite story
of the week. It's actually not my favorite story of
the week. It's my third favorite story of the week.
I think my favorite story of the week honestly is um.
A prophecy claims the world will come to an end
on September. So I only say it's my favorite story

because fellas, listen, Friday night, you go out. If you
can't get it done with the listen, world's gonna end tomorrow. Right.
If she says no to that, you got no shot,
Like it's just then you're good, you like, you know, right,
because everybody's always had that, Like listen, it's like the

you know, last day on Earth, might as well might
as well. That's my That's I can't tell if that's
a better story. Uh, here's another one. Did you hear
about this Colorado jogger? Come on, man, I know exactly.
Colorado Springs, Colorado. Okay, the Springs Baby Police and Colorado

are looking for a jogger they say has repeatedly interrupted
her runs to defecate in public in one neighborhood. Public
spokesman said her uh Kathy Buddy told KKTV her children
first alerted her to the woman she dubbed as the
mad pooper, who caught the jogger in the act weeks ago.

Buddy said the woman apologized after she questioned her. They're like,
there's a lady taking a poop. I come outside. I'm like,
are you serious? Buddy, recalled, are you taking a poop
right here in front of my kids? She's like, yes, sorry.
Two other times we caught her, caught her yesterday she
changed up her time a little bit because she knew

I was watching. There's plenty of public restrooms lesson to
block away from where she's targeting. This is intentional, the
mad Pooper. Yes, yes, unbelievable, Ah Charman. Of course, toilet
paper company offered the mysterious mad Pooper a year's supply

of toilet paper to help her with her runs. They
tweeted out, We'll do what it takes to wipe away
this messy situation. See that's a that's a sense of humor.
I like this stuff. I don't like people pooping in public.
I have pooped not in public in the bushes one time,

one time, one time in my life. I just I
gotta come clean. I was like eight years old. I
was a latch key kid at eight years old, and
I got locked out of my house. I didn't have
a key. Brother and sister not home, and it was
it was some sort of state holiday. I lived like.
My house was like two houses over from the Elmadina

Library in Orange, California. So if you went and you
hopped a couple of fences, you're at the library. Well,
if you have to go, you go over to the library.
You go in the library. Library was closed. Now I
was like, oh, I gotta go really bad. I went
out in the bushes behind the library. There was some
big tall trees. I went there and wiped with a plant.
The only time I've ever done it, I was like
eight years old, maybe ten years old. Maybe maybe it

was last year. I don't know. Anyway, one time my life.
So I like this the Phantom Mad Pooper story, I
think is very funny. The somebody yet again saying the
world's gonna come to an end. Like and by the way,
even if you get it right, you can't be like
I called it, huh. I called it everybody like it's

everybody wants to be a hot take guy. But prophitly
see world is coming to an end. Hot take guy
is not somebody I want a bit alright. So my
third favorite story of the week is Kevin Durant tweeting
thinking he's in a uh and and even now he's
still not even come clean right, Like he's like, I
woke up. I don't know what I was doing. I

don't really have a burner Twitter account. I just got
into it. It went too deep. I'm sorry I mentioned
Billy Donovan's name, my former team, etcetera, etcetera. Chris Mannix
wrote in the Vertical today the Warriors will have been
training camp tomorrow and maybe things will blow over and
get back to normal. The sneaker tip with Steph Curry

seems to have blown over. By addressing the thunder tweets,
he saves himself from having having too later. It makes
no mistake. Many in Golden State team officials players alike
have taken out of Durant's oddball offseason and are perplexed
by it. They see the bright future for Durant in
Oakland League and teams. UH sources has told the Vertical,
but are bewildered by why he is still addressing his past.

Oklahoma City will be in Durant DNA, but his time
has come to move on. Slapping around a team that
was loyal to him even in rejection is a bad look.
He's a warrior in the possibilities for this Golden State
team or endless. He can win championships, win awards, can
build one of the great dynasties in NBA history. The end,
the thunder are doing their thing. Durant should forget about

them and do his Yeah again, this is Chris Mannox
and others are living in the real world, whereas Kevin
Durant has never been criticized before. Remember he's never been
criticized before. One time, the Daily Oklahoman I think now
it's called The Oklahoma and the Oklahoma had a headline Mr. Unreliable?

Do you guys remember that Mr. Unreliable? One time? In
nine years? One time like Mr. Unreliable? And you know
why be as he had been so reliable and he's
playing so badly against Memphis. Grizzy said, like, what's the deal, Kad?
But what's the deal? Kay D wasn't as good as Mr. Unreliable?

Do you remember what happened when they had the Mr.
Unreliable headline? Dan Buyer, do you remember what happened? And
when they had the Mr. Unreliable headline? Remember that Kevin
Durant wasn't happy about it? Rob Must Do you remember
what happened with the Mr? I don't. I do remember
the headline, but I don't remember what happened because of it.
Music I don't remember specifically, other than I think it

was he had like a bad fourth quarter in a
playoff game. No, no, that was the one. It was four.
But do you remember what what happened after they wrote
a headline Mr. Unreliable because he had he had several
poor fourth quarters? No, nothing, not not specifically No, Okay,
the newspaper apologized for the headline. Have you ever heard

of that? No? Like, are you kidding me? Hey? Hey?
Are bad that? We're so used to you being awesome?
When you're not awesome? Remember he he was. He wasn't
just missing shots. He was missing free throws eight percent
free throw shooter in that series, he was shooting seventy
one p seventy one percent. He was just eight of

twenty um even when Tony Allen wasn't in the game.
Man like, look, he was bad and it was I think, uh,
through five games in the series, he was shooting from
the field percent from three point range. Those are bad
numbers for Kevin Durant, right, And when you're normally reliable

and suddenly you're not. Mr. Unreliable is not a crazy headline,
is it? But the second anybody was critical of him
and writes Mr Unreliable and people freak out and Kevin
Durant got piste. They're like, sorry, uh sorry, k d Um,

We're sorry that we accurately portrayed the fact that you're
normally awesome and you weren't awesome against the Grizzlies. So
he's never been criticized a day in his life. Right,
these guys when they're playing AU basketball and you're as
super talented as Kevin Durant, like, nobody criticized. Nobody criticized

those guys because they're afraid they're gonna leave and go
to the AU team across the street when things go
bad in high school, they transferred to another prep school.
He's only had Texas for a year. Do you think
Rick Rick Barnes was just grinding him at Texas? Like, no,
is there anything I can get for you? Mr? Durant.

So the first the if the Warriors are wondering, hey,
why is he acting so weird, it's because he doesn't
understand what being crue. He doesn't understand that he left
a team, He left the city, dramatically changed the NBA,
was vilified for it, and he thought he knew what
he was getting until we didn't, and when you've had

when you're a relation are you a guys a relationship guy?
Or were you did you did? Were you a serial
dater music? You've been with your girlfriend now at seven months?
Eight months? No, a little longer than that. We've been
together for fifteen months. I missed it by that much,
so like almost a year and a half. Are you
a relationship guy? I am not. So is this like

your longest relationship? This is one close to my longest relationship.
And this is the first relationship I've been in in
like six years? Okay, six years? Okay, so you don't
have this problem. Now, what about your girlfriend? Is she
a relationship girl? Not that I'm aware of, Like to
get around, I'm just kidding, Like she didn't, Like we
had just met through mutual friends, and it wasn't like

she was dating someone when we met, or she wasn't
fresh out of a relationship like she doesn't seem seems
like she was more on my end of it. Okay.
So I asked this because look, he's basically been in
one relationship in his life. His relationship is a professional
relationship with Oklahoma City, and he's doing that thing that's

super annoying when you're out in the dating scene, is
you start talking about overlate, right, don't talk about your
ex girlfriend. We don't you know with your new girlfriend.
Never right? And now we're like we've been together for
a year, we won a championship together. You don't live
there anymore. You gave away your you know, he bought
there's like townhouses. He bought like two townhouses, put them

there like three million dollars, put him together. Then you
am selling them for like a million dollars. He lost
a bunch of Like he's lost money. He got rid
of the bar, change that restaurant that had his name
on it is gone, Like all that stuff is gone.
Like they split up at both sides, got remarried and
now he's like, man, let me just tell you about
why I got divorced. Like, don't care anymore, dude, But

this is what happens when people aren't criticized for a
good portion of the professional life the second that they're
That's why, like Eli Manning, we started the show talking
about Eli Manning, like, well, Eli Manning was criticized by
Ben Voli. But yeah, dude, look, Eli Manning grew up
in a football household. They have a football clinic. When
when you grow up like that and you stink, your

dad goes on the tape and says, here's what you
did wrong. When you're the brother, the little brother of
one of the greatest quarterbacks in the history of the game,
you've been told you're not good enough, and you stink
and this thing you shouldn't have done in this interception.
So when a coach just says, hey, you know, Eli
Manning was sloppy quarterback play, he can handle it. Whereas
Kevin Durant set told he's a bad guy because he

leaves one team and goes and wins the championship. He
can't handle it because he's never been criticized a day
in his life. This is what happens when we give
out participation trophies to two kids. This is having my son. Yesterday,
my son's playing up playing on a club team in baseball.
They had the first scrimmage. He was out to start
the game. Then he played in left field and he

was out there, he like threw down his mit when
they made a pitching change and didn't get to pitch.
It's like, I like playing for you better. I was like, no,
you like getting your way better. You're the youngest one
of the team, the littlest one of the team. Sometimes
you gotta play left field. Dude, suck it up. But
when kids aren't told to suck it up, but at
a young age or even in their twenties, this is

what happens. R J. Bell from pregame dot Com joined
us uh as we will get to some of the
big games of the week in the NFL. First, though,
Let's find out what Dan Buyer's got working on. We
will get to some of the big news in baseball,
but you talked about a weekend in the NFL. Patriots
Tad and Rob Gronkowski missed his second straight practice today
because of a growing injury suffered against the Saints. He

was on the practice field at the start of workouts yesterday,
but officially listed as a d n P that's do
not practice, and also didn't practice today. Packers wide receiver
Randall cob missed his second straight practice today with a
chest injury. Rams and Niners tonight to start Week three
of the NFL. This news just in from Boston. The
Brain Bank at the Boston University Research Center says that

former Patriots sent in Aaron Hernandez was diagnosed with stage
three CTE, which is measured on a scale of one
to four. The study says stage three is associated with
memory loss, behavioral changes, and impair judgment. Hernandez was found
deadness jail cell in April, as he was serving a
life sentence after being convicted of murder. Nebraska has fired

athletic director Shaun i Course today. He had been on
the job since. In baseball, Angels have taken a one
nothing leaned on the Indians at the bottom of the
first inning while the Dodgers lead the Phillies five to
four the top of the ninth doctor's magic number to
clinch the NL West is too. They're also a game
up on the Indians for the best record in all
of baseball. Major League Baseball Commissioner Rob manfriends as the

league will redouble its efforts to expand the amount of
netting at the ballpark and finally, in the NBA, doug
Sixers said coach Prett Brown says the team will check
to see if teams are in tristed in center julil
Oka for yeah. If does anybody wants to local, well
check the c Hey, yeah, you wouldn't want to Julia
Ocal for would you? The CTE thing with Hernandez is

really interesting because you have to have brain damage to
think that you can get away with murdering somebody when
they got all that cell phone stuff and and but
on the other hand, like did he have brain damage
from ct or there's allegations he was you know, snort
and angel dust. Oh yeah, yeah, there was all that.
Let's check in with Vegas. Shall we wait till like

give my money? Right? Are you tired of losing money
every week? Yeah? Do you want to be in the know? Well,
we might not know, but Vegas always knows. Vegette. Uh.
There's a new show on Friday's at eleven pm Eastern

Time to midnight Pacific. Saturday's it starts one hour earlier,
that's ten pm till midnight Pacific, so late at night.
You can check this out. It's called Straight out of
Vegas and it's hosted by R. J. Bell. His website
is pregame dot com and they're the exclusive odds provider
for the Associated Press. And he joined us and you

can joined us every week on the Doug Gottlieb Show. RJI,
how are you you know? Doug. I'm looking forward to it.
I'm saying this unequivocally, and I do many Fox hits,
so people who listen will know I'm being genuine here
because I don't say this kind of stuff. I consider
you to be the best debater on sports radio, and
I listened to a ton of it. And when you debate,

I'm thinking, hey, he'd be the toughest guy to beat.
Now I'm an amazing debater, so I think we're gonna
have some battles. Yeah, you know what you need to
make sure you do. Is one of my first radio
shows I ever did when I was doing local radio
my first year in Oklahoma City, was a guy called
me a master debater and I said, YEA, thank you,
with a she's gotta be very very I appreciate that.

All right, let's up. Let's get to a game, which
is really hard to tell, the hardest game to tell.
Tampa looks really good. Now. Part of it is I
fall in love with teams on hard ducks. I just do.
And I want Jamis to be as good as we
think James can be. They're taking on the Minnesota Vikings
and Sam Bradford said some weird stuff yesterday, right, he
said he had a non contact injury. Like, oh boy,

uh he said, but buddy, he made it seem like
it wasn't an a c L injury. Last week they
had the m R I and like, yeah, we can't
read it because there's so much scar tissue in there. Like,
none of this appears to be good news. But then
there's thoughts that he's he's gonna play this weekend. Is
that on or off the board? Does of now off
the board? But we actually have a bookmaker that does

a podcast with us, and I asked him the question,
what's the line if Bradford plays? What's the line if
he doesn't? Minnesota at home with Bradford about a three
and a half point favorite, and if not Bradford about
a one point road favor So if you do the math,
it feels like four and a half, but there's a

complicated reason. It's not around pick up. So it's about
a three and a half point adjustment for Bradford. Now
that's with the binary kind of play or not play,
But we all know it's not that right. It's either
not play or play at some percentage of a hundred percent.
So you would think Bradford's not gonna be a hundred
percent in any situation. Well, it's also and it's not
just he wouldn't be playing case Keenum would be playing, right,

So which is always relative? Right? The old joke is
how much was Joe montana Worth Hall of Fame quarterback? Oh?
Half point? You know Steve Young was the backup, right,
So it is all relative. Okay, Let's let's go to
a matchup of two undefeated teams. Falcons so so against
the Bears, Falcons outstanding against the Packers of the Packers
said packer's head injuries. And then you get the Lions

two wins, including a dominant performance. But they got a
short week coming back home h to take on the
Atlanta Falcons. Uh, that's what a three point line? The
Falcons are a favored on the road against Detroit. But
this is the same week in which I saw Matt
Stafford's odds to win the m v P shoot up.
So enough people are believing that Stafford's gonna have a
breakthrough season, and yet there's still three point home dogs

to Atlanta Falcons. Yeah, and I think you're I was
impressed that you said Atlanta in that first game so
so because the scoreboard look mighty good in that game,
but if you went in the box score, it was
so so. And a lot of pros coming in the
season have big question marks with Atlanta because of Shanahan

at o se leaving and and and how big of
a loss that would be. Well, Atlanta is impressed. I
I don't dismiss that green Bay game. I mean green
Bay had some injuries, yeah, but still that was a
heck of a win. And I think Atlanta's defense being
better than we expected is one of the big surprises
of the season. This is what I say about Detroit,

and I'll repeat this probably twice a month. Wise, guys,
professionals they don't know agree, they often disagree, and this
is a team the lines in which there's big disagreement. Doug.
On one hand, we had a bookmaker on who said
he believes right now the Lions are a better team
than the Packers. Now that's extreme to me, and I disagree,

but this guy makes a living at it, so I
respect the opinion. Well, listen, I would say it all
depends upon the context of the argument. Right R J.
Bell joining us from pregame dot com. You can hear
his national radio show Straight out of Vegas at eleven
o'clock Pacific time to midnight on Friday, ten o'clock Pacific
time to midnight on on Saturday. He joins us here
in the Doug Gotlip Show Fox Sports Radio. If if

he's saying, like, look, Judy Nelson is not playing because
he's hurt. You know, they're without five starters or so like, well, okay, yeah,
I think I think you know, he's saying for the
whole season, like if he could take the Lions or
take the Packers, and if he win, if they win
the Super Bowl, he wins a million, and there's no
way so he has a free role. He gets to
take one or the other. He would take the lines. Now,
that to me is extreme. On the other hand, we

got a guy who's a professional batter that says he
thinks the lines are an average team at best. I
tend more towards that. And here's why, other than last
Monday Night. So let's set that aside for a minute.
You know, they never be good teams the prior seventeen games,
So the first game this season and all of last season,
they trailed in the fourth quarter of the line sixteen

of the seventeen games. You can't trail on the fourth
quarter sixteen or seventeen and be that good. Now, hey,
they played well last week, but the Giants are the Giants.
I'm skeptical. Or the lines. All right, let's go to
the speaking of the Giants. Giants offensive line is uh uh,
it's kind of a joke, right, I mean, it's it's
been Eric Flower has just been getting pushed around. But
the Eagles offensive line has been equally putrid through two games. Uh, Like,

this is the something has to give, right, the movable
force against the resistible force against the movable object. In
terms of offensive lines, Uh, Eagles haven't been running the
ball well. They have three injured defensive backs. That doesn't
this feel like the game in which the Giants kind
of break out. I think it's possible if they don't hear,
you have to be very worried beyond the practical, you know,

and three stuff because here's why Eagles have three defensive
backs hurt. And we'll talk about this all year. Big
name injuries from first team to second team at non
quarterback often don't move the needle. Even though the narrative is, oh,
I know, this one guy's name, I don't know this
other guy's name. But cluster injuries where you have let's

say three d backs hurt. So now you're going with
second string, third string and a guy off the practice squad.
That can be bigger, but people don't pay as much
attention because there's not big names. Eagles really limited in
the secondary. Secondly, even beyond getting their main wide receiver
back Backham, their second and third receivers have been kind

of hobbled, but they're getting healthier. So if it is
a healthy receiving corps against a hobbled defensive backfield, this
feels like the game the Giants could do some scoring
eight straight games. Now for the Giants scoring less than
twenty points, that's a that's a that's a bad trend.
Seahawks Titans. Seahawks offensive line has been in shambles. Titans,

uh slow of the gate with the loss to the Raiders.
Of course, then they bounced back yesterday. Derrick Derrick Henry
was was really really good. Um, can the Seahawks win
a road again? I know the road dogs here two
and a half point Dogs can win a road game
with that offensive line against Titans? I like Tennessee. This
is one of my best bets of the week. I
like the Titans minus two and a half less than
a fuel goal, and three is the most important number

in the NFL. If a line is around three, so
two and a half, three or three and a half,
the game ends with the favorite winning by exactly three
almost ten percent of the time. It's that valuable. So
laying two and a half is so much better than
laying three. Every half point matters. That's the most important
half point. Seattle on the road in September two and

twelve straight up, two and twelve against the spread. This
is a team that starts slow. This is a team
is not good on the road. And you know, here's
something I'd be interested to hear your thoughts, Dog. I
would rather have a team that has a bunch of
C minus position groups and then some good ones. I
think a team like that, you know, A, A, A

minus whatever, A team like that can make the playoffs.
But if the other team has all above average position
groups but one F, I don't think that team can
make the playoffs. I think Seattle's offensive line is so
bad that any NFL team is going to be able
to exploit that in such a way that Seattle is
gonna have trouble. You agree with that generally? Well, uh, look,

I I just I do think that there's there are
teams that have overall you know, we talked about this.
Colts have no talent. Uh, Brown's actually has some talent
on defense, but are very young. Same thing with the
Niners kind of reinvigorated. So I think those teams might
have more of the seed level. But yes, when you
have Green Bay Packers had at a D level defensive

backfield in the playoffs and that got exposed. I do
think that, you know, if your quarterback can hide a
lot out of your weaknesses, and Russell Wilson has had to,
but if you can't run it and you can't throw
it because the offensive line can't protect that quarterback, that
becomes problem back. All right, What one more I want
to get to before we gotta go. Um Chiefs taken
on the Chargers. Now, look, I'm one of these guys

that I see the silver lining with the Chargers. They're
badly outplayed in Denver and yet had a field goal
to tie it late. They were actually the better team
than the Miami Dolphins, and that same rookie kicker that
that had his field goal blocked in Denver. He missed
both of his field goals, including what could have been
the game winning field goal at stubb Up. Kansas City
comes in. They're all beat up, and I think they're

overvalued a three or three point line. If it moved
to three and a half, you mentioned how big that
half point is, I would like it even more. But
I like the Chargers straight up at home. Am I crazy? No?
I think Chargers are one of the most underrated teams
because people are so affected by wins and losses, and
ultimately that's what a team has graded on. But you know,

imagine if we remember a couple of years ago Arizona
and the Patriots, there was a forty two yard field
goal and it was missed, and thus the Pats one
in Arizona could away. Did that really that did that
field goal really dictate who was the better team? But
it was one to zero in wins, which was like
a hundred you know, a hundred percent of the value
of the game. If oh, you care about his wins

and losses. But at some point you gotta start wondering
if close games are other than coin flips because the
Saber metric guys believe close games are random. Thus, a
team like the Raiders that did exceptionally well in close
games last year tend to be overrated because people so
care about those wins. They don't realize it should just

be a half a win every time the game is closed.
But if you look at it the Chargers since started
last year, I've had eleven games decided by one score less,
one in ten straight up. Now you add in a
rookie field goal kicker, as you said, that's one in four,
and you know it's one out of four. You know
what's in his head now. I don't want to play
the chart Argers like minus two in any spot, but

if you're plus three or plus three and a half,
you can still lose a close game and cover. So
I'm looking to play the Chargers when they're getting points
over a field goal, not when they're laying a small favor.
All right, that's r J. Bell. Check out his uh
his website pregame dot com, is on Twitter r J
in Vegas, and of course you can hear his radio
show straight at Vegas eleven o'clock on Friday nights ten

o'clock on Saturday Night's r J. Great to have you on.
I do appreciate the compliment. We'll catch up real soon,
very genuine thank you do. All right, that's that's r J, Bell,
Skip Bayless, Colin Calhern and Nick. Right, we're all talking
about me this morning. I'll prove it to you. Next.
This is the Doug Gottlieb Show on Fox Sports Radio.

Doug gotlive show Fox Sports Radio every day at this time,
we usually play a portion of one of the best shows,
one of those great shows that's on Fox Sports Radio.
But since they were all talking about us, we'll play
as many as we can now. Actually, they were talking
about the fact we had Dan Angelo Williams on earlier

this week. Here's some of the reaction to what de'angelo
said on the show. I like that, and I think
he's a franchise quarterback. But I don't think he's Brady Breeze,
Rogers Ben, I don't think he's even his talent at
his luck, Cam Russell and Derek Carr. But I think
he's a franchise quarterback. But I watched Dak play four
to five times in college. I said it at the time.
I thought he was basically a better version of Tim Tebow.

Average arm, decent size, athletic, but not as much as
people fought with too many underneath routes and he ran
too much. We heard D'Angelo say he's not the type
of guy if you're down fourteen points and can bring
you back. Okay, but evidently he is the type of
guy wh worrid you're down fifteen points, he can bring
you back, because they were down in that game. Yes,
it was then thirty one, thirty one with three seconds remaining,

and it took an amazing Mason Crosby field goal to
keep that game out of overtime. Deck in that game,
out old Aaron Rodgers. Aaron was very good. Dak was outstanding.
The world does not want to give Dak Prescott any
credit for what he pulled off last year when he
simply played the greatest rookie quarterback season ever. Okay, uh,

there's a lot to consume there. This is all reacting
to Janel Williams saying not really had come from fourteen
down sort of guy, I don't even know if it's
the coming coming. The comebacks aren't actually that big a
thing because so many play off coverage in those comebacks. Right,
we saw Tim Tebow lead a bunch of comebacks. They
didn't make Tim Tebow a great quarterback. It's really can

you throw guys open when they're not open themselves like
Aaron Rodgers does? Can you throw into tight windows? How
accurate are you? Are you able to make plays when
others are letting you down, your defense lets you down
like Romos consistently did, or when your offensive line lets
you down like Russell Wilson's had. Like you can have
a really good record, you can be a good, solid quarterback,

but also be willing to say, like, hey, Dak Prescott's
got a lot of learning to do, and if you
watch him through two games this season, people seem to
start figuring him out. And if the running game is
not dominant, can he make plays on his own? Can
he throw into tight windows? And as of Sunday, the
answer was no. I actually thinking, even though Dez Bryant
was responsible for at least one, if not both, of

those interceptions, I actually think one of the reasons that
Zeke Eellett was pissed was because he felt like he
didn't have a quarterback who can make plays when they
had eight in the box. I think it's reasonable to
have criticism. I'm more in line with Colin than I
am with Skip or with Nick Wright. And it's a
tb D because lots of guys have done it one
year in the NFL, few have done it consistently. So

Aaron hernandez is former fiance claims he had CTE, which,
of course she'll say, that's why he committed all of
those murders. Uh. The biggest flaw in that argument I
will expose next in the Doug Gotlip Show. What Up.
It's the Doug Gotlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio. Come into

you from sunny southern California now as a fantastic time
to buy a new Honda. Visit Honda shop dot com.
Visit your local Honda dealer today. Um. You may have
just heard and I think this is gonna be discussed
as there's a bunch of stuff going on, right, Nebraska

fires or athletic director, right, and that when Nebraska fires
athletic director, generally you think, oh wait, didn't there a
football coach just lose to Northern Iowa and Oregon? And
oh yeah, by the way, after a couple of games
which they're supposed to win the Big Ten. They got Wisconsin,
Ohause State coming to their place. This is a don't order,
don't don't buy green bananas if you're Mike Riley. So

we'll see what happens with Nebraska. Look, I think Nebraska
has some inherent problems with who they play, where they play.
That's gonna that that will forever limit them in terms
of uh, their their reach in recruiting, their reaching recruiting.

But this story I think is fascinating because we are
also prone to believe that football causes brain damage, that
brain damage is linked to something called CT, and that
when you have c T anything is possible in terms
of your behavior. Supposedly, Junior say Out was somebody who

had CT. That's how Junior say I went from one
of the most beloved football players in all the game.
I mean really could have run from Mayor one ten
times over in San Diego to a guy that had
kind of an up and down and before you tried,
he took his own life right, But um, Aaron And
is not nearly as beloved. He killed himself in jail.

We've heard a lot from his side. There were accusations
that he he didn't kill himself even though a pretty
obviously based upon everything that they saw he did the
letter the suicide note that that he wrote the rumors
about his sexuality, and maybe that's what's led to it.
There's been all kinds of ugliness. He was acquitted of

a second series of murders that supposedly predated the actual murder.
That said, look, man, he may have been found not guilty.
I don't think most people thought he was innocent of
the first murders, which is why he allegedly committed the

second murder in order to cover up, because Odin Wood
was talking right and he was paranoid. The the issue
is all the reason that you don't sue is the
same reason that this suit is the same reason that
um Aaron Hernandez's family probably won't get any money from

a concussion lawsuit. Why don't people sue, Well, that's because
of discovery. When you sue, everything about you becomes public knowledge.
What's the case which with with this is like this,
we're just talking about it. I think Zeke Elli is
probably a really good example of Right now, Zeke was

never charged with anything. There isn't a civil case. But
because the NFL essentially tried this and we now have
all these documents. It's like a lawsuit, right, this is
like and now we whether or not you think he
hit his former girlfriend or not, it's her her right.
She looks like a fire. She looks like whether she's

lying about this or not, she lied about other things. Um,
and it makes his Zekee Elliott look bad. Like the
reason he wants it to he what should wanted to
go away is there's the accusations by her that he
was using cocaine and another drug. Uh, there's all kinds
of lifestyle stuff that's in there that I'm sure he
wishes was not public knowledge. I've said this all along,

like if you look at all these leaks in this
case from the NFL, look at all the details that
we that have nothing to do with whether or not
he hit her. And then he started to wonder, well,
that's why Tom Brady didn't give his phone up, because
that would have been everything in that phone would have

been written in a report and nothing. It's not safe,
just not, he said, That's why he destroyed his phone.
Nobody gets the hands on it. It can't get into
the NFL's hands. The camp any leaks from the NFL
in or to help their case, or to pain him
as a bad guy, or to have a text that
has nothing to do with deflating football's Like, I I
totally understand why he did that. It's the same reason

though people don't sue. And look, it doesn't really matter
if you're Sonora Jenkins, if you if if Aaron Inez
looks like a horrible human being because he's suing because
she wants to get some money for what he's done,
saying it's been caused by football, Like he's already considered

a murderer. You can't really do much worse than that. Right,
But there's a lot of accusations about his his drug use.
Right there was this story that he was using angel
dust and that potentially made him paranoid, which it's the
only explanation for why he would have killed a guy

who he thought was that thought he was his friend
and thought he could get away with it and then
completely flip and just be normal afterwards, walking around his
house kind of muttering to himself afterwards. Um, And I
don't doubt that there will be any of these questions
about a sexuality will will come out in said lawsuit, right, Like,

once you go in and say, like, all right, medical records,
medical records, there's lots of easy wind, easy off ramps
for lawyers to get off, to get off on and
and make part of the case. Which doesn't really matter
in terms of Aaron Hernandez, but he does have a daughter,

and this does get uglier and uglier and uglier. And
if it's simply to get some money because she thought
he was a nice guy and he turned into be
a sociopath. Uh, I don't doubt he had some level
of brain damage, and it wouldn't be crazy to think
football caused some level brain damage. But I think one

of the problems that people have. Jim McMahon has this issue, right,
Jim McMahon alleged drug use or whatever back in the eighties,
and he's like, look, I have I have brain damna
from football. How much of it has caused from lifestyle?
How much of its caused from Bryan Ardandez, did you
get into fights along the way? How much of it
is cause from actual football? It's really hard to prove.

It doesn't mean that football didn't cause any of it,
or maybe most of it, but I don't know if
this is one of those ones to which it gets
destroyed and discovery when you find out just all the
other stuff he was doing. Yeah, right, music. Do you
think fans are still in tune with like the idea
of c t E and it being a huge issue

in the NFL, because it sort of seemed like when
this all never thought fans thought it was a big deal.
I think the only people that think it's a big
deal are kids with boys who want to play football.
That's the only thing I think that's a big deal.
So even when it sort of came to the forefront
maybe like would you say, like five to eight years ago,
when it first started to become like legally they were

former players were pushing back on the league, you don't
really think it ever affected fans. No, really, No, I
don't know anybody who's like, I'm not watching football. Those
guys are getting brain damage right now. I mean because
you watch M M. A. Fighters are like a great
boxing match, Like how many times have you seen a boxer,
you know, at talk speak after he's done fighting to

where you're like, wow, all the neurons are not connecting
up there, But it doesn't You'll still want You're not
gonna go like, well, I'm not gonna watch this because
because he he might you know, he might not be
able to say his alphabet backwards when he's forty five.
Like I just don't. I would love to say we're
that compassionate, but we're not that compassionate. Well, we are
compassionate towards our our own families. I think the people

that effects is the numbers of kids participating in tackle
football continue to decline, whereas the numbers of in lacrosse,
in soccer and soccer, like, well, you can get a concussion,
show me the soccer player. Who is the litany of
soccer players who are suing soccer because they're suffering from
traumatic brain injury from heading a ball. I'm not saying

it's not it's bad. It's not bad for it is,
but I'm sure bad for you, especially at the highest level.
But you don't have the level of brain the depth
number of guys with brain injuries. This is one of
the reasons that I don't think you need is the
concussion protocol in the n b A the way you
do in football. You just don't. It's completely different sports,

not like the collision sports contact spoard. But there aren't
former NBA players walk around going like, hey, I have
brain damage and it's because I play basketball, because it
doesn't exist. And I think that's what's gonna be interesting
to see down the line with you said like numbers
of people participating, but also when you look at like
these former players who are trying to say, like, hey,
the league owes us for not making us aware of

these symptoms and trying to hide them and forcing pain
killers on them. Like all of that I understand, but
now it's sort of like I wonder where they're going
to draw the line on, like, look, we made you
aware of it because now yeah, but yeah, that's like
you know, that's like you know how when you sign
a piece like you're gonna go in, uh jump at
a new bounce bounce play like a new trampoline park. Right,

people think when they sign that that that clears up
liability from whoever they're whatever. Trampoline park. It doesn't doesn't
hold up. So as much as you know, as much
as you can say like, well you knew what you
were getting into it, in the court of law, it
doesn't matter. You still will be Look, the NFL knows
it's a huge problem. I've told people for the last

couple of years. Why they suddenly decided to move two
teams to Los Angeles? Like Los Angeles been open for
twenty years, over twenty years, and like all of a sudden,
they're like, you know what, let's do two teams in
l A and build a new stadium. Well, they had
a concussion lawsuit and they thought it was gonna cost

him two billion dollars to get out of It cost
him about a billion. And NFL owners are like, look,
we're running out a yearly deficit. Anyway, how do we
get this thing to go away and pay as little
as possible out of pocket? And your answer is relocation fees?
They not have not. It wasn't just one, wasn't just two,

three teams relocation fees all the rest of those owners.
So they knew this problem. They knew they're gonna have
to write a big check in order to make it
go away. Um, but I don't I still don't think
that affected fans now. Could it be? Is there a
small group of mainstream fans like I just I can't
watch guys do that kind of damage themselves. Maybe I

think that if you combine that with a small group
of fans that think I'm not watching because of the
protest which are limited in scope and it's only before
the games. Maybe that's a little bit of it. Uh
is there? Is it because some of the games are bad?
Like how bad is tonight's game? Two teams that you
don't want to watch on and then the place is
gonna be half empty. I'm sorry, if you're an optimist,

half full, It's gonna be half full at five thirty
in the afternoon in Santa Clair, a stadium built way
too far from San Francisco and traffic. There is just
murder for too bad football teams. Like do I think
it's because they've done a poor job of a lot
which job teams they put on the primetime games in

standalone games? Yeah, I think that's part of it. I
think some of the products not that great, That's part
of it. I think it's too easily accessible, it's on
too often, That's part of it. But I don't think
there's a huge number of people like, oh ct, I'm
not watching football. Chris Broussardo joined us up coming next.
What are people in the league in the NBA think
of this durant thing? I'll ask him of coming next.

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Doug Otlip Show, Fox Sports Radio. Christopher Sar joins the show.
He's got his weekend show him and uh in Mark
Willard on Fox Sports Radio. Of course you know him.
He's a Fox Sports personality covering all sports. But uh, bru,
you you know everybody inside the NBA. Uh And I'm

I'm wondering how people are reacting to Kevin Duranting. Yeah, Well,
people just feel like, why is he continuing to um
uh kind of live in the past, you know, And
and he won't get over the criticism he received when

he went to Golden State. And he's certainly a little different.
Everybody can kind of see that. Um the way he's
to his you use his words clapping back at people
that go at him. Um, And so people see it
as a little bit. I haven't talked to anybody that
thinks that's gonna have to be an issue in terms

of how it affects the warriors, uh and and couldn't
hurt them on the court. And I haven't heard anybody
suggests that, and I don't think it will. But yeah, people,
it's just like, you're a champion. You everybody sees how
great you are and word, um, you know some people
now think you might be the best player in the world.

Why are you kind of going back at people, um
for stuff they said a year ago or whatever. And
so I think so that at least the people I've
talked to about it, that's that's what they're thinking about. Yeah,
I would say, I say, there's two things. One is
that he's only been in really one professional relationship in
his life, right, And it's anytime you move on to

the relationship to another relationship, you don't talk about the
ex girlfriend he can't stop talking about. The other thing
is like get off of Twitter, dude. That that's that's
just it. Like if people give me, people give me
crap about something I did twenty years ago on Twitter.
You know why, because they're losers who have nothing else
to point out about my life. Like he's got Twitter muscles,

Twitter exactly, what is he sure? When you see people publicly,
you get nothing but love, totally get hate on Twitter
and you see people and all they want to do
is get a picture and autograph whatever. Here's what I
think Duran is going to in that reason through in
that regard, one, he is a product of his generation.

He's much younger than we are, so he's completely immersed
in social media number one. Number two though, he has
the type of personality where he like it bothers him.
He's obsessed with what people think about him and what
people say about him, and so on the one hand,

he can't help but be on social media because he's
into it, but he can't handle or doesn't like what
he sees people saying about him, so he goes back
at them. I think the thing he has to try
to do, uh, it's just stay off, like you said,
stay off of it. But he can't because he's a
part of that generation. Look, you have to know your personality.

There are some players that when you criticize them when
you ripped them, they use it as fuel, you know,
Michael Jordan's Damian Lillard. These are guys that the more
you go at them, Kobe Bryant, they're gonna use it
to get better, to work harder, to prove you wrong.
Then there are other personalities where it gets in your

head and you can't let it go. And you know,
you hear these the things they're saying that you can't
be as good as you want to be, so I ain't.
The way Durant has chosen to handle that is by
rather than keeping all this stuff inside, rather than battling
inside with what people are saying about me and the
perception about me, I'm gonna let it out. I'm going

back at him. I'm not gonna let it build up.
I'm just gonna say what I want to say and
go back at these people. And I think to some
degree that's probably therapeutic for him. But it's not coming
off well. And I think the best thing, like I said,
just get off. Like Lebron James does in the Playoffs,
Lebron is a similar personality. It used to eat him

up what people would say about him, and he denies it,
but clearly he would worry about what people say in
the public reception and and all that stuff. And so
when he lost the Dallas in his first finals in Miami,
after that he had to make some changes, and one
of them was no social media, not watching Sports Center,

not watching TV. I don't want to hear any criticism
during the playoffs, and it's healthy. I think the Rand
needs to do the same thing. Now. Listen, and we've
all been all fallen victim to the living inside social media,
the walls of social media too often, and and taking
it as reality and it's not reality, and it's a

foe reality, the parallel to to the real world. And
I think that's kind of what He's a little bit
of a victim of christ And I think, look, you
and I are in our forties, we're married for a while,
we got kids. He's single with I mean, this is
a relatively young guy on his own, you know what

I mean. Like, but honestly, Christal I I actually I
kind of I kind of understand it. Like I told
the guys like CBS got furious at me because I
would go back at people they go you know, they
and and and even when I was just being funny,
just messing with people whatever, never cursing, right, never ever
going like hardcore. They just because they thought, well, you're

you're going after people who would be watching our shows. Now, look,
I don't think there's actually a correlation between somebody going
after you on Twitter, you going back at them and
they won't watch a game that you're broadcasting whatever they do,
and and and you're and and other people in the
industry like it when you give give people what In
many ways they think, uh, they have coming to them. Um,

that that said the CBS was they're just not built
for that. They're like, oh, we don't want anybod anybody
who works for us to not be liked. And it
just weren't built for it. So I understand, and like
I couldn't get it to where now I'm like, I
just don't care. I don't engage that much to where
I really care. Uh, if somebody who's in our profession,
I care about what they think more than anything else. Um,

Chris Brussar joining us on the Doug Gottliep Show. All right,
so what about this mellow deal where his people are saying, hey,
he could be traded by Monday by Monday he could
be gone. And the Nixon and Rockets like, we haven't
even talked about a trade. Where are we with Karmelo
Anthony in the next man. It's wishful thinking, that's all
it is, and that's mellow side. They put that out

there because they want something to happen. But trust me,
just with talking to people yesterday, there is nothing in
the works. A few things have to happen for well,
let me just break down the whole situation. One the
Knicks was their new regime, obviously, Steve Mills, President, Scott Perry,
Gerald Mackins. They brought in a lot of new people,

Craig Robinsons, you know, the first experst. Lady's brother. Um.
They are of the mindset where we're not just giving
away mellow and they understand he wants out. He's told
him he wants to be out. The Phil Jackson thing
is bothering and he's still upset about that. He wants
out and they get it, and they're like, Okay, we'll

work to try to get something done, but we are
not giving you up. The Knicks would rather have mellow
with them the entire year. And he leaves as a
free agent, and they get nothing in return. Then to
trade him for a few mediocre players who have long
term contracts, and now you're strapped with their money on

your cap next summer, which I think is smart. So
number one there they they they wanted to talk him
into trying to, you know, rekindle everything, and and you
know he's not with it. He wants out there like, Okay,
we're willing to move you, but we're not giving you away. Secondly,
they've told Mellow, you gotta open up your list. Houston

is not. We're not doing it for Ryan Anderson, all right,
Houston is not giving a good offer. If you really
want to be traded, and if you're really about winning,
you want to win, then you need to look at
Oklahoma City, San Antonio, Portland's Cleveland. You need to open
up your list, which he hasn't been willing to do

thus far. And then the other thing that has to
happen if he's going to be traded is Houston would
have to come with better offers. I mean, look, they
got Eric Gordon. I mean he's not great, but you know,
if they can throw into Eric Gordon and Trevor Reason,
then you might get the Knicks attention. But what they're
talking about at this point, No, and so um, right

now there's really nothing going on. I think Cleveland perhaps
could get into the picture. They had talked a little bit,
but nothing really recently, um like in the last few days. Um,
but right now. No, it's that's wishful thinking on Melo's part,
That's all it is. And they planted the story alright.

Last thing it was the tone was weird. The fact
he did the interview was weird. Kyrie Irving on first
take was it was just it was weird. Um, you
know what's interesting, and you look and most because I think,
like most people, you're looking at it saying he didn't
say much, right, I thought he actually I thought he did.

I thought he said everything he wanted to say. Look,
I think he's super smart and he knew exactly what
he was doing, exactly what he was saying. But it
was it was weird to to see him like it was.
It was clearly all something he was It was orchestrated. Well,
what I've been told coming out of Cleveland is that

again they're they're people in their organization, assistant coaches, so
on and so forth. They're looking at it like, Wow,
everybody's saying he didn't say anything, and we were looking
at it like, man, we know exactly what he's saying.
That they felt like they knew exactly what he was
saying is Lebron James runs the culture, the team, the organization,

and everybody's walking around on eggshells and we love and
and I wasn't willing to do it. Now, it's true,
everybody wants to put Kyrie against Lebron. No, it's true,
like they got along. I'm not saying they were buddies.
They weren't hanging out, and Kyrie wasn't in that quote
unquote crew. But when you saw them high five in

here and they're smiling to laughing on the bench together,
that wasn't contrived. I mean they didn't like have a
an argument or you know, pushing and shoving. There was
nothing like that. They literally they got along on that level.
But Kyrie is, as you can see, very much his
own person, and he just didn't like the way everything

was catered around Lebron. Now take that to basketball, and
Kyrie actually was forthcoming with this. He he said, I'm
looking forward to going to Boston. I'm paraphrasing, but and
being a direct quote complete point guard. I'm looking forward
to coming off the picking roll, making decisions. I don't

want to just stand on the wing and waiting for
Lebron to create something for me and or okay, it's
my turn to go. I though, okay, do that those
He he wants to play a real point guard, and
in Cleveland he couldn't do that with you know, I
mean that you were a point guard. If you had

another player on the team who, granted the best player
in the world was bringing the ball up sixty percent
at the time, you probably would be like, I don't
like playing this way. And so that is Kyrie. That
was a big part of it. He wants to be
a point guard. Now. I think he's a very good
two guard too. I don't think he's a Chris Paul

maybe John Wall type point guard, but he does think
he's that true playmaker. Run the show, run the team
and all that. And so we'll see if you can
do that in Boston. But that is those two things,
the fact that everything cater to Lebron in the organization,
and to the fact that they played a certain way

because of the Ryan that Kyrie couldn't kind of do
his thing that those two things or really what what
this was all about? Great stuff from Christmas? Sorry, check
them out on weekends with Mark Willard here on Fox
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four six six. Let's bringing Dan, buyer Dan, what you've
been working out? Well? We got a bunch of big
stories happening. First in the National Football League. Boston University's
Research Center says that former Patriots tatan air In Hernandez

was diagnosed with stage three CTE. Hernandez hung himself in
jail in April as he was serving a life sentence
after being convicted, and his fiance is now suing the
NFL and Patriots, claiming that Hernandez suffered the brain injuries
playing football in that let's with his suicide. His former
teammate is Rob Gronkowski. In back to football matters, Gronkowski

didn't practice today for the second straight day because of
a growing injury. Rams and Niners gonna kick off Week
three coming up at eight thirty Eastern time. There's a
change in Lincoln, Nebraska, as Nebraska has fired athletic director
Shaun I Courst. He had been on the job since
They are happy in Los Angeles. Straight away for Andre
Here with a fly ball, well hit to left, It's

got a chance, it's on its way, and it's gone.
A home run. A pinch hit home run for Andre
eve Here has tied the score at four leading off
the seventh. They would add another in the inning. On
a M five seventy l A Sports and the Dodgers
top the Phillies today five four. Their magic number to
clinch the NL West is down to one while and out.
Doug and Ryan Music aren't happy because the Angels trailed

the Indians sport of one in the fifth inning. Francisco
Lindora second home run of the year. I was gonna
say a three run shot, but if he was his
thirty second of the year as well, Edwin and Carnacion
a solo home run for the Tribe, who are a
game and a halfback at this moment of the Dodgers
for the best record at all of baseball. By the way,
Dodgers stird basement. Justin Turner had to leave today's game

in Philadelphia after he was hit by a pitch on
the thumb. X rays were negative. Reports say that Turner
right now is day today with a thumb contusion. Dug
and finally, Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred says the league will
redouble its efforts to expand the amount of netting at
ballparks around the league. Red's already doing so, saying they'll
have netting from dugout to dugout starting next season. Dugout
to dug out Yes, um, okay, but is that which

part of the dugout? Like the starter end of the
dugout still will start? Because no, sorry, the start of
the dugout. But like clo close to the home plate?
Okay that then to the first bit in the first
base or the third place base right like but when
do you like when do you when do when do
you stop it? Like? I granted they need more when
you look at the eggs like the exit vlow of

that Francisco lindoor home run was a hundred and two
miles now right that thinks I'll missile. He hit the
straightaway center. He hit it, Uh, not as far as
bo Jackson hit the home run in the All Star Game.
You guys remember that bow Jackson monster, that towering shot.
That was a ball I'd never hit, seen anyone hit
a ball there at the Big A growing up watching
games there. But it was a hundred two miles now,

I mean think about a hundred to about out a
little missile coming right at you. It doesn't give you
much time and even if you do, you stop it
with your hands. There there are some seats that were
I think closer to home plate than they were to
the pictures mound. I mean some parks. I mean considering
how close those ones that are between the dugout and
the netting that you would have. It's it's ridiculous. Do
you bring a baseball mit to a baseball game? No?

I never have never never. Oh yeah, I got bring up.
I want to go with my son. We bring we
bring gloves, we bring gloves. It's weird though, now when
you're in the media, like you can't like go down
and be in the media, be like what you got there?
Like I got my mitt? You know you never know, right, Well,
it comes at you, you never know. Got my got
my MacBook, notebook, my mac, my iPad, got my phone,

got my recorder, got my backpack, and they got my
I got my mit. Uh, I like we do the
It's it's funny because I kind of accused my wife
of doing something that I do myself, which is bad.
Like my wife she's always done this. My kids go
to like the zoo where we go like a um,

nature park whatever, she always just let them get a
stuffed animal. And they are little kids, Like, why do
you like it wasn't the trip the stuffed animal? Right,
wasn't the trip really? Like like you got to you
get to see right, you get to see a giraffe.
Why you need to buy um a little fake giraffe
to remind you of the real giraffe you saw? That

cost us a lot of money. But I will say
every time we go to a ball game, like we
my kids, we always get it. Somebody get the hat.
We always get something. So my wife has not yet
broken down that argument on me. Like, wait, it's not
okay for me to get something from the gift shop.
It is okay, but my here's here's the here's the

counter argument to that. If your wife ever brings it up,
you're ready for it. Like look as different. You can't
bring a draft a little stuffed animal draft. They like
for a day, then they forget all about it. Maybe
they call upon it, like somebody goes, where'd you get
that draft? I got it at the zoo, as opposed
to like if I went to the Angels game and
I get an Angel's hat, like I'm gonna wear that,
I'm gonna wear that sucker out her Argumently, you have

a ton of hats, much like they have a ton
of stuffed animals, to which I'm not arguing that, but
I would get a lot of usage have a new hat.
But buying a new hat, that's kind of like drafting
somebody in the first round. You know they're gonna play, right.
You don't buy a hat that you're not gonna wear.
And once you drafted, you're drafting in the first round.
You're drafting a starter. That means somebody else gets demoted.
Your favorite hat might get demoted. A fired athletic director

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car buying experience. Doug Otlim Show Fox Wards Radio. If

you missed it, I'll tell you what I think of
Eli Manning owning up to screwing up a big fourth
in goal for the Giants up coming. Before we get
to that, though, let's get to as many topics as
we can, things you may have might have missed from
the world of sports in the press, the press, damn
buy what he got all. The big story of the

day is the research study done by Boston University on
the brain of former Patriots tenan Erin Hernandez, and that
study shows that Hernandez was diagnosed with stage three CTE.
His fiancee is suing the NFL and the New England Patriots,
claiming that Hernandez suffered the burying injuries playing football, and
that the NFL and Patriots knew the link between suicide

and CTE but failed to warn the tight end about it.
Of course, he hung himself in a jail cell in
April after serving a life sentence, or was serving a
life sentence for murder. Was supposed to warn him while
he was in jail for murdering somebody in cold blood.
At least hey, hey, by the way, listen, we know
you might have ct Gotta be careful with the whole
suicide thing. Yeah, at least when he was when he

was playing with the Patriots. Their case is that the
NFL and Patriots should have warned Hernandez of those issues
but did not. That's their case. Football football is bad
for you. Uh. I don't think that anybody will ever
say football may make you murder people in cold blood.

I agree. The NFL won't have games in Germany or
China next season. Doug As. The MMQB dot COM's Albert
Breer says that, well, he spoke with Mark Waller actually,
who's in charge of all the NFL's international affairs, and
says he doesn't think that the league will be ready
for China and that they may not even have enough
games to even plan one for Germany because they're also

going to London. Again, you've got Mexico City, but China
in Germany still a little ways off for the International series. Interesting, um,
because you know, China is where you're trying to get
to write because if you just get a I mean
think about it. If there's is there a billion people
in China? Is that right? Yes, it's a billion people
in China. So if you're like, well, how many fans

could you possibly have? I don't know. If you get
one percent of a billion, what's one percent of a billion,
that'd be a million? Right? No? No, what is it? Oh? Yeah,
there you go. I'm sorry I failed math, right, that's okay.
I was actually doing this. Yeah, okay. So if you

get if only one percent of Chinese become NFL fans,
that's a hundred billion people. So a hundred million people.
The NHL was actually in China playing games. The Kings
and Canucks were playing it. Yes, preseason game. No really
no they did. Kings won five to two. I believe

in the first game that was played today. The fact
that you know that is true. Uh, in Shanghai first prison,
the game in China that was gonna be in real news,
fake news, but it did not make the cuts. Um,
you touched on this earlier in Nebraska, fireed eight D
Shawn I course today who had been on the job since,
to me, this is among They built beautiful facilities in Lincoln.

The new basketball in a spectacular The football facilities are spectacular,
and yet you haven't seen the basketball team. They've never
actually won an n C A Churaman game but less
competitive in ten miles is a good dude and a
good coach. Why, as the football team followed up, well,
where are you going to draw your players from? You're
playing in a Midwestern league and if you're you're not

going to recruit oh out recruit Ohio State or Indiana
for kids from Ohio our care kids from Indiana gets Michigan.
You gotta get players from Texas. You gotta get ptarisonm
Eastern Seaboard, from Florida, from California. And they don't play
those places because they're in the Big ten now. So
they got they got the big check. And look, I'll

be honest, the Mike Riley Higher was a weird higher.
I think he's a really really good coach I think
is a really really good guy. That's a really and
that's one of those you hire. You fire a guy
that people had trouble getting along with. You hire a
guy that everybody loves. That said, that's really why he
got fired. He hired Mike Riley, and Mike Riley to

this point hasn't been good enough and the Wolves are
at the door. What did you say was one percent
of a billion? It's ten million? Same thing, yes, yes,
because would be a hundred million of a billion. Hey,
I just needed the company. Hey, John and Ryan didn't

say anything. They wanted no part of math today. No
thanks here on the press, absolutely not. Hey. The Dodgers
magic number is one. Yes, there, it is down to
one to clin Seattle West after topping the Fills today
Doug five to four. Meanwhile, the Indians are in hot
pursuit of the number one overall seed in the playoffs.
Home fieldvantaged throughout into the World Series. Indians best team

in baseball right now. I don't think it's really close.
Cincinnati Reds announced that they will be extending the netting
to the dugouts between home played at Great American Ballpark.
We touched on this a little earlier. Major League Baseball
commission or Rob Manfred says the league is going to
double its efforts to expand the amount of netting at
ballparks across the league. Have you ever caught a baseball
at a game? No, man either. I I gotta tell, like,

its weirdest thing. It's like, um, a little bit of
it is the It's like, uh, I played third when ever.
I was a catcher and pitcher in little league, and
I remember moving out and they moved me out to
third base, which is like the best and the worst
of both worlds. Right. You always like hit to me,
want to get I want to hit it to me,
Hit it to me, hit it to me, hit it
to me, And then the ball has hit to you

and you're like, oh my god, it's coming so fast.
I came fast that I did get up for a
lemonade at Fenway Park a couple of years ago and
the ball hit my empty seat. My then yeah fiance,
current wife was sitting right next to me. She wasn't
able to get the follow ball. No, it's it's yeah,
that did happen to me. I wasn't there though. I

just wanted to let that guy know. The Lakers have
side a jersey sponsorship deal with the e commerce company Wish.
It's available on mobile devices. Sports Business Journal says the
deal is between twelve to fourteen million dollars per season.
Mm hmmm, um yeah. These some of these things are weird.
Some of these things like did you really need to

pay all that money to get your name on a jersey?
I didn't know what Wish was. Um, so it will
actually bring attention, But at what point did they At
what point do you get to buy team sponsorship? Where?
Because the Wish l a Lakers not yet out there?
That the press? All right? Who wins tonight? Rams? Niners? Ramos?

Go the Rams? Ms your Rams? There you go? What
about you? Ryan Music? Do you like the Rams of
the Niners? I will go with the Rams. Home field
advantage on the line, there's a lot of home field
and buyer. Who do you got? I'm gonna take the
Niners tonight. There's the dogs, Yes, Niners are home dogs.
Three point home dogs. I like those three points. I

like the Rams to win. Um. I think it's gonna
be a very close game that exactly zero people are
going to care about it and then the big question is,
will anybody talk about it tomorrow? Funky Brooks tomorrow, Robert
Smith tomorrow, Andre Read tomorrow, Yes, Buyer, No, they won't.
They won't talk about Fox Sports Radio
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