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July 20, 2024 29 mins

Maller's joined again on this Saturday podcast by the great Alexander Teichert as the guys take you deep into the world unseen talking about UFO's, Alien Technology, Ancient Ocean Civilizations, and so much more! Put on your tin-foil hats, its going to get electrifying!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Cut booms.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
If you thought four hours a day, twelve hundred minutes
a week was enough, think again. He's the last remnants
of the old Republic, a sole fastion of fairness. He
treats crackheads in the ghetto cutter the same as the
rich pill poppers in the penthouse. Wow to clearing house
of hot takes, break free for something special. The Fifth

Hour with Ben Maller starts right now, in the air.

Speaker 3 (00:29):
Everywhere, The Fifth Hour with me, big man, and in
the chair right there everywhere, we say hello to Alex
the vegan in for Danergy on a much deserved hiatus
gap vacation.

Speaker 1 (00:46):
I don't know what you throw.

Speaker 3 (00:46):
It, the whole thing, Yeah, the whole shebang as maybe
Danny's away celebrating International Chess Day. Oh yeah, big holiday
today on this Saturday, International Chess.

Speaker 1 (01:00):
It's Moonday to day. Oh you're a fan of the moon.

Speaker 4 (01:02):
I love the moon, Ben, Yeah, you think there's anything
on the moon. Oh, I have a great conspiracy about
the moon. If you want it, you do, I love
to hear it. Okay, what do you have? I'll sum
it up quickly for you. It's not a rock. It's
a futuristic teachonological spaceship that's created to totally enamorly distort
everything from women's cycles. That's what causes all of it

to just the whole concept of when you die, that's
the light you see at the end of the tunnel,
and they suck in your soul to take in all
of the energy and life force and stress and doubt
and fear you've had and then shove you back into
a human container and continue the cycle till you break it.

Speaker 1 (01:35):
How about that? What kind of mushroom? What kind of
mushroom pizza? Are you having?

Speaker 2 (01:40):

Speaker 1 (01:41):
Zero at the moment?

Speaker 2 (01:42):

Speaker 4 (01:42):
But I just that was something I got lost in.
It was a great concept. That sounds like something.

Speaker 3 (01:47):
Aaron Rodgers would say after he came back from an
aahuasca retreat out somewhere in forest far for you. Have
you been on an ayahuasca retreat?

Speaker 1 (01:56):

Speaker 4 (01:56):
The most not done? No, The most I have done
is mushrooms like psychedelic and done. Like have you heard
of that? Okay, here's another thing, Ben that trips me out.
There's actually something called a heroic dose for a mushroom intake,
which means you do over five grands of mushroom, which
means you are no longer sentient in your own ability.
You are in another world for at least four or
five hours, and when you come back you're lucky to

remember anything. It sounds insane to me. I don't know
if I have the courage to do that, but I
have done enough to have a psychedelic experience, and it
has been definitely one of those that opened your mind
of the perspective you're more than Ego etca in the world.
There's so much going on. That's why I said I
had a fun one for the moon.

Speaker 3 (02:33):
For you is that like Men in Black types almost
where the neuralizer like, yeah, take the right mushroom, yeahs,
and then you forget everything.

Speaker 4 (02:42):
Oh it's crazy because it takes you to a sense
which I never experienced before. That's why I think it
was such an enamoring experience, as that it makes you
see that what you see is not all there is.
And I looked into it because I was so fascinated.
I was like, am I just like technically tripping? Or
is there more? And then you look into the light
spectrum of your eyes and how minimal it you're hearing,
and how it's so small and that way it shows

you like for a brief moment, it's kind of like cheating,
you get a little bit more of an open experience
to show you there's a lot more than physical And
that's why I personally I have just been enamored with it,
and that's what kind of led to the whole moon
topic for you too.

Speaker 3 (03:14):
So wow, this is a wild podcast and we're gonna
break a record for downloads.

Speaker 2 (03:18):

Speaker 3 (03:18):
I saw a man, Alex the Vegan, living in a
parallel world that we're all. I mean, one is going
on here, my god, like a parallel to mensic like
the Twilight Yes, right, yes, it was that a base
people thought the Twilight Zone was not it was.

Speaker 1 (03:33):
It was fiction, but it was non fixed.

Speaker 4 (03:36):
I don't believe it at all, man, Yeah, I think
there's so much more truth to things that are always
showed to us. Because here's my concept, right, Ben, Like,
tell me this, how is it? Like we as human
beings can make up something out of nothing? Isn't that impossible?
Like I just came back from going to get my
tire fixed, right, So you can't just take nothing and
create a tire or walk into a gym and just
there's a machine. Somebody took minerals, metals, whatever it is

to make it. So I don't believe somebody in the
eighteen hundreds or before Christ and it's like back in
a de or b C. Whatever, I don't believe somebody
was out in the fields Bend with just like these
old school the sights and cutting just wheat fields, and
then they just like, oh dragons, Like somebody had to
physically see these things. How do you just make up
giants and dragons? Like it doesn't make sense to me.

It's just like we were talking about on yesterday show
about red box and streaming, Like somebody starts the idea
and then it evolves the iPhone. Somebody started the first
phone and evolved into the rest.

Speaker 1 (04:29):
You know.

Speaker 4 (04:29):
Like I just have a hard time believing dragons or
giants or things weren't real in some aspect of life.

Speaker 1 (04:35):
I'm just I stand on are all right?

Speaker 3 (04:36):
Well, you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna jump in
and do a belly whopper since we're doing like a
coast to coast type podcast. So my theory is that
the Roswell alien crash is what led to the advancements
in modern technology. If you look at what has happened
since then, Like I look at the iPhone, I think.

Speaker 1 (04:58):
The iPhone was alien technology.

Speaker 3 (05:01):
They use something like reversed engineered alien technology that they
were able to figure out things from that found Roswell incident.
And I'm sure there have been others that we don't
know about. I know I watched the documentary in Europe.
It was supposedly there Roswell that happened over in Europe.
But do I have to be Rod Serling here? You're
traveling through another dimension, dimension not only of sight and sound,

but of mine, a journey into a wondrous lay and
where boundaries are that of imagination that sign posts up
ahead your next stop, the Twilight.

Speaker 4 (05:33):
Well done, thank you, Ben. I believe you're not only
accurate on that. I have a theory that they have
met before whatever it is, and they exchange made some
kind of like contractual obligation or treaty amongst each other,
where they said, we'll give you information, you let us
study human beings or whatever it is and make this
like our observatory or ant farm. Who knows, dude, it's incredible.

Speaker 1 (05:54):

Speaker 3 (05:55):
Well, the follow up on that, since we're going down
a highway, which is more like like a back alley.

Speaker 1 (06:02):
But that's fine. I love that.

Speaker 3 (06:03):
So we mentioned at the end of if I remember
we mentioned we mentioned the end of yesterday's podcast. We
talked about the fact that in the ocean and what's
out there the world and all that, Like when I
was flying over the Pacific and all you when you
look down, all you see is the ocean.

Speaker 1 (06:17):
There's nothing far you can see right, just water.

Speaker 3 (06:22):
And I imagine that we don't know what's at the
bottom out We haven't gone over the entire ocean, you
know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1 (06:29):
They know a lot, but they don't know that.

Speaker 3 (06:31):
But the ocean is so large, and it's so deep
in some places that humans can't go down there.

Speaker 1 (06:38):
To me, there's all kinds of.

Speaker 3 (06:40):
Wild things at the bottom of the other Like I
wouldn't be surprised. I'll go off the deep end here.
But this whole a lot of the aliens that we're seeing,
What if it's another subspecies?

Speaker 1 (06:51):
How about this one?

Speaker 3 (06:51):
Yes, alex is living out in the ocean and they
have a portal and they come out, Yes, of the ocean,
in the middle of the ocean. Who would ever know nobody, right,
and maybe some guys on a boat from China to
the US or vice versa. But those people will be like, oh,
they would be dismissed.

Speaker 1 (07:09):
All the time. What do you know? You know you're
drunk men.

Speaker 4 (07:12):
I agree completely with you because explain to me why
NASA started as an oceanography exploration company and within two
years the government said yep, nope, you're going up and
totally remove them. So we don't know anything. They've just
recently came out and said, oh yeah, under this first
layer crust of the Earth, there's an ocean three times
the size of our ocean underneath the crust of our ocean.

Speaker 1 (07:31):
It's like, what are you just making up shit?

Speaker 2 (07:34):

Speaker 4 (07:34):
Like it's it's crazy to me that there's so much
that is not understood. I agree with you ten thousand
percent because the only reason we're told we can't go
down is pounds of pressure perforce of this quote unquote
gravity and the just velocity of the water and how
much it comprises you.

Speaker 1 (07:48):

Speaker 4 (07:49):
I have a theory that if you're able to negate
that with some type of futuristic technology and you could
counter the pounds of pressure perforce going down, I have
no doubt in my mind men like you said, I
don't think space is up. I think it's down. I
think if you're trying to find a way out or
see about futuristic societies, atlanteans, aliens mirm people whatever, it's
below us one thousand percent because nobody ever talks about

it or goes. And if you have, like somebody who's
in a submarine or et cetera, you're limited. You could
only go so far. So think about it. That's how
we are always stuck. And then you remember that story
Ben right, the millionaire billionaire died in that submarine bioll
Titanic or what.

Speaker 1 (08:27):
Yeah, yeah, I have.

Speaker 4 (08:28):
A theory that that was a completely conforted thing just
to keep people out of the ocean. Truly, I don't
think that was real in any aspect. Yes, I think
maybe he got onto something found maybe a portal or
some doorway to get out, and he basically chased it,
and maybe it was attacked by something like a guardian
like I don't know if you've ever seen the old
school Disney movie Atlantis, but there's this whole scene in

the beginning when they're Milo and his whole adventure group
they're trying to go into Atlantis. There's this ancient guardian
beast that just defends the portal. I have no doubt, Ben,
there could be something like that, and basically just DROI
is anybody who's not supposed to be there?

Speaker 1 (09:01):
Who knows? Now it's also as we're going deep into this, Yes,
now we get fully. I want to get fully into it,
shoot it fully into it. Uh? Is it true you're
not allowed? Is it the South Pole or the North Pole?
Now you're getting there a South poole, So it's the
South Poole.

Speaker 4 (09:17):
So tell me this, Ben, tell me why in our
entire existence, your life and mind and everything before us
When Admiral Byrd went in his early exploration of the
South Pole and came back journaling after months of exploration saying, oh,
out there is land that we've never been to the
size of the Americas and has flourishing land inside of
this ice hole he went to was an entire ecosystem

jungle of a futuristic society. He talked to all of
this stuff right, went on radio interviews, et cetera. And
then months later he went back with the government for
this exploration and then came back and then this is
the first time in human history every country signed a
treaty saying nobody goes out there explain that how is
it we can't agree on ship back, but that we did.

Speaker 1 (09:59):
I don't know, Oh, I mean, I know.

Speaker 3 (10:00):
There's all kinds of theories on the internet that there's
like an ancient race of oh the super beings that
live there, there's some kind of pyramid type situation.

Speaker 1 (10:11):
Or have this one, Ben? Have you heard of the
ice wall theory?

Speaker 4 (10:15):

Speaker 2 (10:15):

Speaker 1 (10:16):
Oh boy, I need some mushroom.

Speaker 4 (10:18):
Where is that? Just long story short, it's said that
we live basically within a container, and that's why water
always has a level. So that's why it's called sea level.
So anywhere you go, if you go directly south of
anywhere you are into the water, you will eventually hit
an ice wall. And so that was created to contain
the entirety of our world that we're supposed to be

in and outside of that is off limits. Basically, that's
the land we're not allowed to go to. So it's
protected by government et cetera, deep organizations, and it's supposed
to contain us in this place called like a prison planet.
And so that's why it's off limits, et cetera. The
whole compass is off with longitude and latitude, and the
North Pole is more so the center of our equator
where there's so much magnetic force there. It's like an

actual it's supposed to suck into the ground. It's incredible,
and they touch on that concept and stranger things, the
upside down, and so it's such a fascinating theory, even
like with Red Hot Chili Peppers talking about the black
Sun at the center of the Earth that contains all
of our magnetic force. It's like it's such a grand
interesting concept because again, these are things never talked about,
and it's impossible for anybody normal to go there because

again you'd need millions of dollars to do it. And
even if you do, it's sanctioned and regulated, and a
massive battleship will pull on you before you even get
there and say, yeah, you gotta turn around.

Speaker 1 (11:30):
You'll be eliminated. If you go there, you'll be a yes, yes,
you'll be eliminated.

Speaker 3 (11:34):
Fascinating concept. All right, let's talk Area fifty Area fifty one. Yes,
any thoughts on Area fifty one, Nevada Desert. We're going
deep into this. You're you're listening to a Coast to Coast,
the fifth hour podcast the Coast. This is gonna be
my audition when I try to fill in for George
Nori over at Coast to Coast. Maybe I'll do the
weekend Coast to Coast. This is what I'm going to.

Speaker 1 (11:54):
Send them right now as we go fully off the
rails like that. I love the air. Are you fifty one? Stuff? Now?
My favorite alien? I don't know if this is my family,
this is the one I remember right now.

Speaker 3 (12:05):
Okay, go for alien flyover in Arizona years ago when
a giant spaceship flew over the.

Speaker 1 (12:13):
Valley in Phoenix. Okay, made a few.

Speaker 3 (12:15):
Documentaries about it, but nobody seems to Nobody can explain
what it was, where it went, and there's video, but
of course everything's at night, and it's like the old
old cameras are not that good, etc.

Speaker 1 (12:30):

Speaker 4 (12:31):
Wow, well, Bensy, that's a fascinating concept, because do you
remember the recent thing that happened in Florida where like
an entire mall got shut down and they had like
hundreds of police officers there FBI agents and they basically
said that there was like a shooting quote unquote, but
everybody that was their first person account said, these massive
black beings that were like ten feet tall just appeared

in the middle of the mall, and everybody freaked the
f out. Did you hear about that in Florida? It
was like last year or the beginning of this year. No,
this is not wrong, look it up. The craziest part
is there were so many people and they brushed everything
that said they took videos of it. There were these
three massive beings. They had no idea, they've never seen it.
They look like quote unquote, like an alien would be
or some kind of humanoid. And the craziest part is

that as soon as that popped off and everything, nobody
had video evidence of it at all. And the theory
is that everybody in that vicinity or in that area
had their phones wiped instantly because their Internet up capability
of just going into phones and wiping anything from that
time date, which is crazy to think about, because then
it goes to area fifty one, like you saying, in
my belief, I think that truly is more so like

a public distraction, like they just want it to look
like it's something that it isn't because the true things
are hidden all around us.

Speaker 1 (13:41):
I believe in plain sight.

Speaker 4 (13:42):
So it could be like a base in la that's
just hidden in a normal building like Men in Black
kind of concept.

Speaker 1 (13:48):
Wow, that's my theory. Is that's your theory.

Speaker 4 (13:51):
I think it's just a public thing of like a landmark,
you know, so like you go to Paris in the
Eiffel Tower or any I think I read. Yes, I
think it's something to distract people because I think the
true nature of the stuff going on, like we talked about,
is the sea or all around us and these alien
experiences and any of these things that we've had that
has been like the fifth or what's it called the
fourth kind the fourth encounter where it's like people adduction

and stuff like that abduction. It's fascinating to me because
it makes it more so of a concept that are
these things really physical? Are they more like spiritual beings
like in the sense more so out of our physical premise?
So if that is possible, though, it's possible that e
t was based on a true story.

Speaker 1 (14:28):
Ooh, that's ct the old movie back in the day.

Speaker 4 (14:31):
It could be because I actually think and Men in
Black is more of a like a documentary of things
that actually happen around them. Oh this thing about you
know how just explained how they could erase everybody's phone
instantly and take any document proof. Because somebody actually put
the coordinates in Ben, and this trips me the f out.
They put the coordinates where they said the Florida thing
was seen at the mall and reversed it and it

takes you to Antarctica. So people's theories were like, what
if they just messed up the coordinates and they popped
up there. It's an interesting theory that is pretty yeah,
pretty wild. Look at human you're bringing you're bringing the
heat here. Oh, Ben, send us the coast to coast.
I would love to be your co host. Let's do this.

Speaker 1 (15:07):
Oh we would be we would dominate. I would love it.

Speaker 4 (15:10):
Chemtrails come on, okay, micro micro metals, microplastics, carbon fiber distillery,
and it's also filled with different things that are distorting
your estrogen boost, your testosterone boost, and the main focus
of it is to increase the fluoride concentration that calcifies
their penial gland, which is supposed to cut off your
antenna from higher frequency and for freedom of thought, my.

Speaker 1 (15:33):
Head is spinning. This is wildlievable. All right? How about this.
There's a survey in Russia, all right.

Speaker 3 (15:44):
That talks about their experience with aliens or whatever.

Speaker 1 (15:47):
They pulled the over one hundred thousand people, and among those.

Speaker 3 (15:53):
Findings, they found that seventy nine percent of those that
participated express they believe that there wasn't existence of aliens. Right,
seventy one percent of people in Russia. Now do you
think if you did that same survey in America, would
it be higher or lower than seventy one percent.

Speaker 4 (16:13):
I'd say lower because of how much we're relying on
social media here. I think a lot of people, Yes,
I would think so, because also the religious following in
this country. I think a lot of people who experience
demonic possession are just things from outside of our perception
of alien interaction or something being attuned to something that
is outside futuristic, like of farther advanced technology. I don't

believe in, like the whole concept of demons and angels.
I think those are existence here of something more advanced
humanoids or something that you were saying that are just
outside of our perception of innerstanding. That's what I truly
believe in why religion is so concrete here is it
makes people believe in this dormant mindset of like this
is all a test. You wait till you die, till
you go to the next But in factuality, the test
is here to escape that mindset, to see truly what

is holding you. That's what I believe.

Speaker 1 (16:57):
Wow, this is wild, man.

Speaker 3 (16:59):
But when you were a kid, yes, which is only
a few years ago, did you have a Wiji board?

Speaker 2 (17:04):

Speaker 1 (17:05):
I never tested one of those. No, but I did not.

Speaker 4 (17:08):
I stay away from certain things like that, Ben, just
for the fact I believe you give life to things,
and the mind is so powerful you can attract things
that are outside of our reality.

Speaker 1 (17:17):

Speaker 4 (17:17):
So I'm not saying that there isn't interdimensional beings waiting
to siphon from you or suck your energy or connect
to you. There's a lot of soulless people out there, Ben,
And I'm telling you Hollywood has a lot of that
stuff integrated with it. That's why it's talked about, you know,
like I don't know even know if you knew this, right.
So the whole concept of Hollywood, Holly is a type
of wood. And if you look what Holly was used
for that was back in the days of witches wizards,

and they would use that type of oak wood called
Hollywood to create staffs, wands and dude, it's like it's
blatantly in front of us. And that's why I know
the spell of casting all this. There's so much more.
So that always consists of telling me you just have
to think outside the box because we were placed in one.
Thus the whole ice wall theory. It's crazy, Ben, crazy, wow, Umblie,

you should be doing coast to coast. I would love to.
It'd be fun.

Speaker 1 (18:03):
I used to love art Bell back back in the day. Geory.

Speaker 3 (18:06):
Obviously, I'm on with George Norri's on, so I don't
get to hear George. I do park next to George
quite a bit. Really, Yeah, we have the same same hours.
I think he starts an hour before I do.

Speaker 1 (18:16):
But okay, i'd go an hour after him.

Speaker 3 (18:18):
But I show up he's already there, and park right there,
settle in and all that.

Speaker 4 (18:23):
Man, I'm telling you, I have a wealth of things
that I've spent years just consistently thinking of. Like that's
why I fasted for so long, because I wanted to
see the human ability that's why I've disconnected from integrating anything.
What's your longest fast so so far, I've hit eighteen days.

Speaker 3 (18:38):
You went eighteen days without eating a meal. I want
to do a month, that's the goal. And how much
weight did you lose? Oh?

Speaker 2 (18:45):
A lot?

Speaker 4 (18:46):
It's it's really early on set. You lose because you're
losing inflammation in the body, and as soon as it
goes into kes ketosis and starvation, that's when you're eating
all of the plaque, dead cells, cancer cells, et cetera.
And after you pass about day six, you no longer
lose weight. You're at a sustainable natural occurrence. Unless you're
somebody like myself who works out a lot, then you
lose a little bit of muscle mass. But in theory,

you're not going to lose too much for somebody like myself.

Speaker 1 (19:10):
All right, So I've been prepared. I ate a little.
I went well. I lived my best life in Hawaii,
which the food's not.

Speaker 3 (19:16):
Very good in Hawaii, yeah it's not, but they have
a lot of ice cream and crap like that, which
is not good for you.

Speaker 1 (19:22):
So I lived a little bit.

Speaker 3 (19:22):
But now I'm like, I gona lose a few pounds, Okay,
So I'm thinking about doing like a five or six
day mass.

Speaker 1 (19:28):
You should and doing that. But if you said six days.

Speaker 3 (19:31):
Is the sweet spot, You're not going to really lose
much weight after six days, then I'll just do like
a six day thing.

Speaker 4 (19:36):
Yes, I think so perfect because I think for someone
like yourself, Ben too, what's the lungst you've done so far?

Speaker 3 (19:42):
Well, the longest I did I had my gallbladder taken out.
It was I think it was over ninety hours or
somebody that was like almost four days. Okay, but that
was not by choice. I couldn't eat anything. I was sick.

Speaker 1 (19:55):
They wouldn't give me food because that had medical condition.

Speaker 3 (19:58):
But I've done three days pretty not I say pretty regularly,
a couple a couple of every couple of months. I'll
do three days, okay, mix that in. So I think
once you get past we've talked about this in the mothership. Yes,
once you get past about two days or two and
a half days, you're it's not so bad.

Speaker 1 (20:18):
No, not at all.

Speaker 4 (20:20):

Speaker 1 (20:20):
I have been told let me ask you this now.

Speaker 3 (20:21):
I've been told that you need to take if you're
gonna fast that long, you do need to take electrolytes
ah okay in the have like water with electrolytes, otherwise
you'll have issues.

Speaker 4 (20:31):
So I will counter that and tell you that the
sweet spot for that is you just need to have
Celtic sea salt with your water. So the biggest thing
is mineral intake, and that's what electrolytes are, and amino
acids and essential minerals. Right, So if you have spring water,
which one of my favorites is the Mountain Valley spring
water in those green glass bottles, number one, no microplastics,
which is great. Their TDS count is very high. Their

fluoride levels are extremely low. When you put a pinch
of that Celtic sea salt into it, which has like
eighty six minerals, and then also put that on your
tongue and drink it, you're stimulating your body, giving it
the minerals it needs and the count of true good
electrical alkaline water. You'll be completely okay for seven days
just on those two things, spring water and Celtic sea salt.

That's all you need. That's it, and you'll be totally fine.
But if you push past the seven days, that's when
I highly recommend you use like liquid sea moss, which
has ninety six minerals sea moss.

Speaker 1 (21:22):
Yes, what do you want? Do I look like a
guy that's gonna eat sea moss? Well, no, but it's
good for you, you know. Oh, there's a lot of
things that are good for you. Yes, but I don't
know about that. I'm just saying.

Speaker 4 (21:36):
If you're asking how I'm able to do the eighteen days,
it's because when I pass seven days, then I start
looking into shi lelegit and I start looking into sea moss.
Those two things will comprise your body of over one
hundred and something minerals, and you'll be Okay, I.

Speaker 1 (21:49):
Can do a little salt in the water.

Speaker 3 (21:51):
I'm not going to sea moss or okay, I won't
even eat seaweed. Really yeah, yeah, they had like seaweed
jerky for you.

Speaker 1 (22:02):
I'm good. It's the best bet twelve count it's seaweed.
It's the best.

Speaker 3 (22:07):
I'm all right, I'm good. Anyway, we have the we
have a bit here that we do on this on
this podcast. It's the phrase or word of the week.
Why don't we do the phrase of the week, the
phrase of the week. All right, so phrase of the
week this week is at Loggerheads. So I use this
phrase a lot on the Overnight show, Alex at loggerheads.

Speaker 1 (22:30):
You know what that phrase is? Have you heard You've
not heard them? Never. So when people are in disagreement, which.

Speaker 3 (22:37):
Often happens, and we talk about it in sports radio,
I'll say, hey, they're at loggerheads, all right, there a logo.
It's just just a fun way of saying they don't
get along with each other. But the term loggerhead, there's
actually a turtle named the loggerhead turtle. But the term
loggerhead itself has been used since at least the sixteenth century. Wow,

and it's it was originally used to describe just an idiot,
a blockhead, a stupid person.

Speaker 1 (23:02):
Right, you're you're a stupid person. You're you're a loggerhead. Wow.

Speaker 3 (23:05):
Okay, here's a fun fact that William Shakespeare used the
word in his in this sense in the in the
play there were two plays that he did, The Taming
of the Shrew and Love Labor Is Lost.

Speaker 1 (23:21):
Let's go back.

Speaker 3 (23:22):
Let's go back to the fifteen hundreds where he refers
to characters as loggerheaded.

Speaker 1 (23:27):
Right, meaning idiots or an esse. But over the years
it is has changed.

Speaker 3 (23:32):
There's also a nautical theory, a prominent theory suggesting that
the phrase has nautical roots. The seventeenth century, a loggerhead
was an iron tool wow with a long handle and
a kind of a bulky end, used for various purposes
on ships, including melting pitch for talking.

Speaker 4 (23:54):
I remember that means that sounds dirty.

Speaker 3 (23:58):
It does sound dirty, yeah, But over the years, starting
in the fifteen hundreds of the phrase has continued to morph,
and in modern times loggerheads means just a disagreement, a
strong disagreement, or a turtle, which, oh, by the way,
one of the coolest things that happened. I got to
swim with a turtle, real turtle. Yes, it was awesome.

I was snorkeling.

Speaker 1 (24:22):
I got lucky.

Speaker 3 (24:23):
I was in near Princeville, which I was not staying
in Princeville. I was staying near Poi Poo Beach if
you're familiar with KWHI. But we drove up to Princeville
and was snorkeling around and I didn't see any fish,
and I kept going further and further out, and then
I saw a couple of fish and they were like
these weird tropical fish that looked really cool.

Speaker 1 (24:44):
Had bright colors and all that. They were bright.

Speaker 3 (24:46):
Blue and green yellow, and then there was a black
and white fish that looked like a zebra but it
wasn't a zebra.

Speaker 1 (24:52):
Was really cool.

Speaker 3 (24:54):
And then all of a sudden, I turned to my
laugh and there it is, munching on some coral is
about a hundred It wasn't a big one. It was
like one hundred and fifty pounds.

Speaker 1 (25:04):
I think they get much bigger than shoot. Still a
sea turtle.

Speaker 3 (25:07):
Yeah, it was just chewing away on coral coral, and
there were some fish around it.

Speaker 1 (25:12):
And I was right there, and it didn't seem to
care that I was there. It was busy eating. It's
it's lunch.

Speaker 3 (25:18):
And then it it was finished eating, and then it
kind of came up to take some air and it
was right next to me, like it was an arm
length away, went up to get some air, came back down,
went up to get some more air, and then came
back down to eat more.

Speaker 1 (25:32):
And this whole time I'm just sitting there. That was
it was really cool. Did you touch it? Awso I
did not.

Speaker 3 (25:37):
I didn't want to disturb it, but I did think
about touching it, but I thought I don't want to.

Speaker 1 (25:42):
Mess with it. That's fair. I don't think it would.
I don't think it would have bitten me or anything
like that. It's this world. I didn't want to I
don't want to bother it that much.

Speaker 3 (25:49):
I thought it was kind of cool that it just
allowed me to sit.

Speaker 4 (25:52):
There and check it out and watch, just enjoy the
moment with it. That's amazing. Yeah, it was pretty cool.

Speaker 3 (25:57):
It was pretty neat, and I went to a As
you know, I'm a vampire. I spend a lot of
time in the great indoors at night. I do not
see the sun that much. So there was a lot
of sun tank ocean, and a lot of funny hats
to hide my head and all kinds of covering of
the body. Otherwise I would have come back like a tomato,

which fortunately I did not, but a good time.

Speaker 1 (26:24):
I don't spend a lot of time in the airs.

Speaker 3 (26:26):
I don't go in the ocean here in California because
it's so so, I don't go in the ocean here.
The most I'll do is I'll walk along the coast
alex and I'll put my feet in the water.

Speaker 1 (26:37):
Right, That's about it.

Speaker 3 (26:38):
But I don't I don't go any but Hawaii, it's
like it's ass the way water shool look, it's bright blue, wonderful,
and Hawaii is the rainy Kawaii is the rainiest spot
in if not the world, It's.

Speaker 1 (26:53):
In the top five. And they get the rain every afternoon.

Speaker 3 (26:57):
So when I was in Miami years ago, it's like
Miami where it rains in the afternoon.

Speaker 1 (27:01):
Yes, yes, and tropical. Isn't it cool though?

Speaker 4 (27:04):
To see how green it is there, ben Like I'm
talking like really natural, beautiful mother nature, green compared to
anywhere else because it's such a vibrant ecosystem, like you're saying,
it's constantly watered, surrounded by water. Everything's clean. Everything there
cleans itself. It's kind of incredible. The times I've went there,
I feel like I'm in a different world for a

little bit, if that makes sense, because of just how
pure it is. It trips me out every single time.

Speaker 3 (27:30):
Yeah, No, it's it's pretty pretty wild when you're going
around on Hawaii and everything's the way it's supposed to be.

Speaker 4 (27:36):
Yes, I think the way it's supposed to be. I
agree it's supposed to be that way. Because here's like
another grand theory for you to end this one, Ben,
I believe we used to have more of that type
of environment and ecosystem throughout the entirety of the world.
We used to have these things called world trees. So
if you go look at Devil's Rock and the image
of Devil's Rock and how it looks, it's a giant

quote unquote mountain. And to me, the more you study
it and look at and look at more petrified wood
or tree stumps, to me, I believe it's truly an
old tree stump that was cut down back in the day.
And these world trees used to be so vibrant and massive.
They would create these canopy protecting the world from too
much UV rays in the sunlight, creating almost like a
tropic environment where it was almost spring, summer, and maybe fall.

Speaker 1 (28:18):
That's it.

Speaker 4 (28:19):
Winter never consisted because of how vibrant it was, and
the fruit was pure, the air was pure. People were
probably giants back then, living in cohesiveness with dinosaurs and
stuff like. It's so wild to me to think that
you get a little spurt of that at Hawaii or
if you go to like the Amazon in Brazil or something.
It's just I truly believe that this world used to
be so much different, and that's why when we see
these trickling effects of how it is now, it makes

sense why they said we've fallen from the garden of Eden.
You know, like it's massively incredible to me. It fascinates me.

Speaker 1 (28:48):
Oh, I can only imagine what's going to fascinate you.

Speaker 3 (28:50):
On the Sunday podcasts, my man, we have the mail
bag on Sunday. There actually were some letters that I
got from listeners that are kind of the conspiracy theory type.

Speaker 1 (29:01):
I'll make sure to get those into the mail bag
tomorrow and we'll leave it there.

Speaker 3 (29:06):
Have a wonderful Saturday. And again, what's your podcast, Alex?
How can people find you if they want to hear
more of this amazing content.

Speaker 4 (29:12):
Well, it sounds like I'm gonna reach out to you
to give me a connect and start on coast to
coast here soon, it sounds like, But just listen to
Shallow Oceans podcast. I touch on everything anything, and I
don't shy away from speaking openly, So give it a listen.

Speaker 1 (29:25):
Yeah, and this is my this is my demo. That's beautiful.
So if I will will definitely make that happen. Let's
do it.

Speaker 3 (29:32):
Then, like a Saturday night coast to coast or a
Friday night coast to coast, call me, I'm down. Awesome,
all right, have a wonderful Saturday. We got another mail
bag tomorrow. We'll talk to you then
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