All Episodes

June 30, 2024 35 mins

Ben Maller & Danny G. have Mail Bag fun for your Sunday! All questions sent in by new listeners & P1's of the #MallerMilitia! Download, subscribe, and remember that sharing is caring (unless it's an STD.) Follow Danny G. @DannyGradio and Ben on Twitter @BenMaller and listen to the original terrestrial radio edition of "Ben Maller Show," Monday-Friday on Fox Sports Radio, 2a-6a ET, 11p-3a PT!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):

Speaker 2 (00:02):
If you thought four hours a day, twelve hundred minutes
a week was enough, think again. He's the last remnants
of the old republic, a sol fashion of fairness. He
treats crackheads in the ghetto gutter the same as the
rich pill poppers in the penthouse.

Speaker 1 (00:18):

Speaker 2 (00:18):
The Clearinghouse of Hot takes break free for something special.
The Fifth Hour with Ben Maller starts right now.

Speaker 1 (00:28):
In the a Everywhere. The Fifth Hour with Me big
Man and Danny g Radio. It is our Sunday Sunday
Sunday podcast. The final day we've been ado to the
month of June. It is June thirtieth, as my wife's

birthday carnival continues. This is the main event, Danny. Today
is actually my wife's.

Speaker 3 (00:55):
Birthday, the actual birthday.

Speaker 1 (00:57):
Yes, we've already had a two weekends of birthday celebrations,
but this is the crowning moment here today. And it
is also it is Social Media Day today, Danny, so
please celebrate appropriately on social media, which is the continuation
of modern communication from the telephone, fax machine and now

social media. And at last report, Danny, the average consumer
spends one hundred and forty four minutes every single day
on the socials one hundred and forty four minutes a
day of their life every day on the social lid.

Speaker 3 (01:37):
What was that stat we had on the podcast about
how many times we pick up and check our phone?

Speaker 1 (01:42):
Oh yeah, I don't It was in the hundreds, right, yeah, yeah,
people are checking. They figure that out. It's like it's
like the casino. You go back because you want to
get that hit of dopamine because people are reacting to
what you posted. They're liking your pictures, they support your comment,
or they respond on and so you keep going back.

Speaker 3 (02:02):
Right, our wives are messaging us we need to talk.

Speaker 1 (02:05):
Hey, yikes, yeah, we need to have a little talk.
So the social media, the first social network was created
in the nineties. The first super computer was in the
nineteen forties. It was the size of a blimp. But
in the late nineties, the first social network was created.

I always think of the first social media as America Online.
That's what I think of when I think of the
first social media.

Speaker 3 (02:35):
But you know what I think of Willie Wonka and
the Chocolate Factory, the original one. Remember when they go
to the computer to try to figure out where the
Golden tickets are hid. I am now telling the computer
exactly what you can do with a lifetime supply of
chocolate with the spinning reels. Yeah, yeah, that's that's what

our grandparents thought a computer was.

Speaker 1 (02:58):
You know what you get in you get it old
take it, you get a golden take.

Speaker 3 (03:02):
You get nothing. You lose good dayser.

Speaker 1 (03:07):
You get nothing, and you will be happy that you
get nothing at all. Yeah. The the community. It's like
cell phones. I saw I was on speaking of social media,
I was on Instagram putting something on there the other
day and this thing popped up. It got on my
algorithm and it was a commercial for the first cell phones.

This goes back to the late this maybe mid eighties
to buy it radio shack and it was thirteen hundred
dollars and it was seemed outrageous. Thirteen hundred dollars. Now
today the cell phone and iPhone, when you if you
depending on what you get, it's actually not that far
away from thirteen hundred dollars. But back then that was

a ridiculous amount of money. With inflation, it would be
like four thousand dollars or something like that. Oh my gosh,
in today's money. And they were like phone books, they
were bricks, they were big burly things, the original cell
phones and not. But as far as social media, Facebook
went live, created by well, created by a couple of
twins and stole them by Mark Zuckerberg according to the

Internet and two thousand and four. Twitter started a few
years after that or now it's x and then years
after that, TikTok came around. I'm oldings remember my Space
when that was a thing. YouTube was created in twenty
five so that was that was a big, a big deal.
So we have National Social Media Day today, get on

the Twitter, and then in March we have National Day
of Unplugging, or people for twenty four hours are supposed
to turn their phones off. Now, three point five billion
people use social media. Sixty eight percent of the US
population used Facebook, and the average per day on social

media about about three out one hundred and forty four
minutes every every single day. Five hundred million. That's the
number of people using Instagram stories each day. Sixty billion
on the WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. And I got all
kinds of stats and numbers and all that.

Speaker 3 (05:17):
There's so sevy crazy number about how many people are
on Facebook. Because a few days ago, nobody was talking
about the debate on Facebook.

Speaker 1 (05:26):
Oh god, yeah, yeah, Well there really is no debate
because it's one of those things if you liked something before,
you're still gonna like it, and you're just going to
attack the other other side. So it's like it's a
futile event.

Speaker 3 (05:41):
Yeah, And like you hate seeing your aunt arguing with
a stranger or one of your friends about politics, Like,
get off of Facebook. Now.

Speaker 1 (05:52):
It's funny because I forget where I was, but I
was having a conversation with a friend. His wife was there.
We were talking about somebody that we both knew from
years ago who had been on some panel during the
Trump administration. He was on some advisory panel for President Trump,
and just mentioning that name. I got a guffaw the

shock from the person's wife, like, oh you mentioned Trump's name.
It's like oh, I was like, well what am I?
What am I supposed to not mention the name? I mean,
it was just very, very hard. But we have the
mail bag, Danny, are you ready for the mail bag?

Speaker 3 (06:33):
I know Trump is ready? Oh did I say his name?
Trump is ready?

Speaker 1 (06:36):
I really don't know what he said at the end
of this, and I don't think he knows what he
said either. Third rail. Mo man, that's a third rail.
I'm gonna have to drug test you, third rail.

Speaker 3 (06:47):
My man, my man, you just made the overall rating
go down by one point.

Speaker 1 (06:52):
My man, my man, it's broadcasting, not narrow casting. What's
wrong with you? All right, let's get to it. Ohiou,
it's tona, thank you, ohio. Wow. These are actual letters

from actual listeners the show. If you would like to
join the mail bag fund, send me a message Real
fifth hour at gmail dot com. That's Real fifth Hour
at gmail dot com, and you can play along on
the mail bag. We may read your question. Make sure
you put your name first and your city. The perfect
email message would be you know Mike from Chicago. Boom,

here's the question. Sometimes what I get is no name,
and then I have to just go by the email
and you don't say what or you'll say your name
and you won't tell me where you're friend. I'll just
say from parts unknown. If you don't include your name,
Dom who is in he says Fort Lauderdale adjacent? Hey,
Ben and Danny, I love your guys shows, respectively. Question

for you, Ben, what happens behind the scenes when a
caller curses on your show. I heard it a couple
of times this past week. Well, thank you, Dom for
listening and paying attention when people say bad words on
the show.

Speaker 3 (08:23):
First, we all scream and wring our hands.

Speaker 1 (08:26):
What is supposed to happen, Dom, is you don't hear
people cursing on the show. That is what is supposed
to happen. Because we have these giant game show buzzers
that are in front of us that we're supposed to
press if somebody says a knotty word and all that.
But every once in a while one slips past the goaltender,

and normally what happens is there's a lot of finger pointing.
There's a lot of denials, there's a lot of it
ain't my fault, it's that guy's fault. It's a lot
of shoulder shrugs that take place. Uh, it's it's it's all.
We had one this week, and to me, this is
if you get in trouble for saying the S word.

Come on, really, are people really getting in trouble Danny's
saying the S word?

Speaker 3 (09:13):
It is so outdated that one word, especially, and you know,
I had a general manager come to my programming office
one day and he's like, you know, this morning a
shit an shi T He said he was a weenie.
He's like an s h I T slipped out over
on the air with one of your callers and I said, no, no, no.
His dog was next to him and he said, sit,

I don't think he bought it.

Speaker 2 (09:38):
Uh No.

Speaker 1 (09:39):
Well, the good news dom is the time we are on.
I am the captain of the Safe Harbor. There is
a provision. There's no such thing in the FCC. Oh,
I've done my FCC training. I have done my FCC training.
Not this year.

Speaker 3 (09:56):
Yeah, forward forward forward exactly, but arrow forward.

Speaker 1 (10:02):
But they have all these rules that US broadcasters are
supposed to follow, the obscene, indecent and profane broadcast rules
with the FCC.

Speaker 3 (10:10):
And you never skip forward in those videos, right.

Speaker 1 (10:13):
No, I am an honest employee who But Save Harbor
means that when you're on late at night like we are,
when normally kids and church going women are not listening,
you are then able to have a little more leeway

with the language that takes takes place on the radio.
So we're we have a little more leeway. Now, Save
Harbor is from ten pm to six am, and those
are the hours during which broadcasts like those that we do,
commercial broadcasting transmits. You can transmit material deemed indecent for

for the kids, for the kids, because it's the safe
armor and that that was established by We talked about
this actually on this show, the Supreme Court versus Supreme
Court case FCC versus pacifica broadcasting company, and the FCC
guardian is the guardian of the on air broadcast and
all that. People don't understand though. Some cable television not

guarded by FCC rules, so it's different on cable television
than over the air television. And podcasting is not governed
by FC FCC rules. I'll bet you someday these Weasley
politicians try to try to put podcasting under that umbrella.

Speaker 3 (11:44):
All of US podcasters would come together and march against them.

Speaker 1 (11:47):
Oh man, all, oh, they'd be outraged. They all, all
the influencers would have their their videos right there at
Capitol Hill. Thank you. Dom Ozzie Waz writes in from
Western Australia, it's says my mates Big Ben and Microphone
Throttler Danny g A quick fun fact about Australia.

Speaker 3 (12:06):
The microphone throttler.

Speaker 1 (12:09):
Ozzi Was lives out in Western Australia. He says, you
can fly from Perth to Melbourne faster than you can
fly from one end of Western Australia to the other. Well,
that is kind of cool. Australia is a wild place
to me. All the animals, the kangaroos, the weird, deadly animals.

Is more deadly critters and creatures there than anywhere else,
he says. Let me get to my question, Ozzie Was writes.
He says, is there is? We have a direct flight,
he says, from Perth, Australia to London, and that takes
about sixteen to eighteen hours to go from Perth to London. Wow,

he says, So would you rather take a direct flight
or have a stopover for a couple of hours and
take the journey longer? That is from Ozzie Was. So
I'm not a great person to ask. Ozzie Was, and
this My longest trips on a plane are from the
West coast of the US to Hawaii, which is like

a five hour flight, or from the West coast to
the east coast of the US like Boston, New York, Miami.
Those type places, and that also on the way there
it's like a four and a half hour flight. On
the way back it is a five and a half
hour flight. So it's the longest I'm on a plane's
like five and a half maybe six hours, unless there's

mechanical issues of the plane. That's about it. So if
you could figure out a way, Ozzie was to stop
in a third country, like to go from Perth and
let's say there's another country halfway to London, and then
if you could actually spend like a couple of days
checking that out, if you had the time, I think

that would be cool. But to just stop, I don't
know that i'd want to do that. If I get
on the plane, I'll take I'll take a sleeping pill
or whatever, and then i'll get up when I have
to get up and go and do my thing.

Speaker 3 (14:07):
What about you, Danny sleeping pills. I'd need some Anna
Nicole Smith's strength pills. To be on a flight longer
than five and a half hour.

Speaker 1 (14:15):
You need that. Michael Jackson set up then back of
a day.

Speaker 3 (14:18):
I'm like you, My longest flight's probably been six hours,
right around the five and a half mark. I had
a lot of anxiety. I wanted my feet down on
solid ground. So yeah, I couldn't answer that either, because
I don't think I could do a seven hour flight.
To be honest with you, people who fly overseas, I
don't get it unless they have some drugs or alcohol

or both in their system.

Speaker 1 (14:41):
I'm on drugs right now. Man. Not looking forward to
at some point in the next few years, I am
going to be dragged across the Atlantic to Europe. I
know it's gonna happen, so I have to repare myself.
I know I'll have a good time when I get
to Europe. I think it'll be great, and I'm excited
about seeing places I've not been to and learning about

different cultures and things that I've seen on television and
the Internet and all that. But the concept of going there,
I am not looking.

Speaker 3 (15:13):
I'd rather take a boat, the way my Garadelli relatives
got here in the first place.

Speaker 1 (15:17):
Yeah, just go. What's on the boat?

Speaker 2 (15:20):
Natcho's the lemonheads my dad's boat. You won't got down floats.

Speaker 1 (15:25):
Get on the boat, all right. Ryan from Shrewsbury writes
in In Massachusetts. He says, Ben and Danny, I try
to send you guys an email every week, but college
and me rescuing a puppy, it has been hectic, he says,
with that in his life, my question this week is
my mom works on the twelfth floor in a Wooster,

mass hospital, and this week, if she looks down the window,
out the window there they are filming the new season
of The Walking Dead. But that it's super fun for me,
Ryan says, because I live in a small town in Massachusetts,
so seeing these big stars is wicked cool. Just to

prove he's actually from the Commonwealth. Since you guys live
in Los Angeles, have you ever stumbled upon a film
set Some of my favorite shows based in southern California
Sons of Anarchy, Mayan's MC, and Snowfall, He says, I
don't know if those ring a bell to you. Yes,
Sons of Anarchy does those other ones. It's a constant

thing here, Ryan, around LA. When I lived in I
lived in Hollywood for a while, which is not as
sexy as it sounds. It's not. It's actually pretty nasty.
And then I lived in Lincoln Heights in LA and
I would see people shooting films all the time, and movies.
I actually lived right across in Lincoln Heights on Avenue

twenty six, there's a little hidden movie studio, small studio,
but a film like Star Trek. Some episodes of Star
Trek they had a couple of they had like New
York street scenes kind of there, like grizzly back lot
type things. Yeah, and so there and been lucky enough.
I worked at Universal Studios. We did our TV show

last year from Universal Studios, so that was cool. And
Fox Sports Radio when Fox Sports Radio started Danny, we
had studios on the Fox lot and we had free reign.
I have so many fun memories of my early years
at Fox Sports Radio. I was not good at radio,
but we had studios in on the Fox lot, and

so sometimes we'd go to Sherman Oaks, where we still
have studios, and other times we'd go to the Fox
lot and we had free rein. We had a access
pass ryan to the Fox lot and we'd go all
over the Fox lot and I would take friends that
would come in out of town and we'd just walk
around the New York skyline, the cutouts of the buildings
and the different sets that they had back on the

Fox lot. And you know why that all ended Danny,
you know when that came to.

Speaker 3 (17:59):
An ed, you guys brought some of the Sherman Oaks
cockroaches to their lot.

Speaker 1 (18:04):
Close September eleventh, September eleventh, twenty oh one. I was
actually at the Fox lot that day and that was
the end of it.

Speaker 3 (18:15):
Wow, they took all your passes away.

Speaker 1 (18:17):
Well, they just cut off the axis. You had to
stay in the building where the Fox Sports headquarters were,
where the Fox building was. You could not go else
on elsewhere on the LOTOO. And I still remember they
had a obstacle course, a zigzag to get into the lot.
To go to the security get you had to go

through all these cones and it was wild. But that
was the end of it. But Danny, we see these things, right,
these movie shoots all over the place.

Speaker 3 (18:45):
Yeah. Back in my hip hop programming radio programming days,
I was invited to several video shoots for rappers. So
it was like a pool scene with all these big
booties all over the place. Look at herbet alas and
alcohol all over the place, and catering trucks and producers
and runners and the whole thing. It was cool to

see how it all worked from behind the scenes. And
then when I lived on Hollywood Beach, which is Oxnard
Shores in the nineties, when they were still filming Melrose
Place at the end of that show's run. There was
a character on the show, doctor Michael Mancini, and his
beach house that they would always show the outside and

the inside of in different scenes. The beach house was
right across the street from me, so whenever there were
a lot of cars on the street and trucks and
I saw the catering truck, I'm like, oh, they're filming
Melrose Place again. So anytime they had a scene at
doctor Mancini's house, it was on my block.

Speaker 1 (19:46):
That's awesome.

Speaker 3 (19:49):
I even went to the catering truck and pretended like
I was working on the set one time. True story.

Speaker 1 (19:53):
Now come on, that's craft Services, Danny right.

Speaker 3 (19:56):
Crafts Services, And I remember getting some really good try tip.

Speaker 1 (20:02):
Is that right? That's cool. Uh. I've seen this a
few times driving on the on the highways around here
and sometimes just around the streets of LA when they're
doing a car scene but the cars on like a flatbed.
Uh yeah, you know what I mean, and somebody's like
pulling the car. It's not they're not actually driving the car.
And then they have a camera in front, they have

a camera on the side, and you'll be driving on
the freeway and they'll be they'll be actors in the
car and they're recording whatever, but they're not actually driving
the car. They're pretending to drive the car, and they
have light lighting people. It's a whole hole to do
as you would imagine it would be. And you got
the follow crew, you get the people ahead the whole thing.

And so anyway, thank you, thank you, Ryan. Next up Cincinnati,
Tommy writes and says, hey, Benny and Brazen, Benny the
Brazen and Danny g a longtime listener, huge fan. Ben.
I heard you say that you'd like lorrain Ah to
record and play more drops. It is the Ben Mallard Show,

not the lorrain Ah Show. You must issue the mandate, Benny,
I miss them. I thought Lorrainy did better this week.
She works some more drops in anyway, says he misses them. Also,
I think you should change the name of the Mallard
Riddle of the Day to Big Ben's brain Teaser.

Speaker 3 (21:26):
I have a huge basketball iq.

Speaker 1 (21:30):
Foe drizzle. I don't know what do you think Danny,
I kind of like the malar riddle of the day,
Benny big Ben's brain teaser. Well, that has the same
ring to it. I could replace the fun facts with
big Ben's brain teaser.

Speaker 3 (21:48):
Sounds eighties.

Speaker 1 (21:49):
Eh, oh, we don't do eighties. That's forty years. Can
you believe the eighties is forty years ago? Danny?

Speaker 3 (21:54):
Yeah, we're not rocking magnum p I mustaches anymore.

Speaker 1 (21:57):
Wow, miamivice, No, Miami Vice cheers. No, you old man man,
all right, thank.

Speaker 3 (22:05):
You, we're clean shaving. Ted Danson over here.

Speaker 1 (22:08):
Thank you, Cincinnati, Tommy Blind Jake writes in he called
in this week. He said, that is why I don't
call into radio shows. You can have a piffy thought
or comment but not know when to cut in to
make the point. Eddie and the WNBA, he says, Lol.

Speaker 3 (22:27):
You should have seen that coming.

Speaker 1 (22:29):
Yeah, we'll still how dare you will still be out
your way in a couple of weeks. The wife has albinism.
And every other year there's a conference in Garden Grove.
That is a very random place to have a conference.

Speaker 3 (22:51):
That's not that far from where the seventy five tons
of fireworks were confiscated. Did you see that story? Millions
and millions of dollars in illegal fireworks. Three southern California
residents were arrested. Man, seventy five tons.

Speaker 1 (23:08):
That's just the tip of the tip of the spirit, Danny, Right,
you and I both know. On the fourth of July,
which is coming up this week, Oh man, it is
going to be Oh it turns sane, it turns into kuwait. Yeah, yeah,
it's you're you're living at Disneyland. It's the Disneyland fireworks show.

But everyone on every cul de sac and every block
in southern California. It was a couple years ago in
twenty twenty, during the pandemic. It was like Fallujah. It
was insane. Here's a fun fact though, blind Jake, if
you want to impress your your wife, albinism, Now, I
believe that's the that's the condition where you have no hair, right,

no no color in your skin, no hair like eyebrows, hey,
the whole thing. I believe that's it, right, Am I correct?
I think I'm right on that. Well, that's it if
albinism is. If I'm correct, it's There was a guy
that was the pr director for the Clippers who was
a friend of mine. He's not with the Clippers anymore,

but he had that what is still wrong with the clippers.
A guy named Rob, great guy, and he was the
head of pr for the clips for years and so
he suffered from that and eventually just stopped wearing the
wigs and all that just went for it.

Speaker 3 (24:29):
Says it's an inherited condition that leads to someone having
very light skin, hair and eyes.

Speaker 1 (24:36):
I also had the late Mark Smith from the old
Ben and Dave show, and Mark was a scary mofo,
but not because of that, but he happened to have
some of that some of that condition. So anyway, he said,
you tell you talked me out of things planned. But
the wife sent me an article for a dog sculpture

pissing on the museum. Would they frown on me having
my guide dog piss on the pissing dog sculpture. I'm
asking for a friend that will be trying your poutine
place on the evening of the eleven All right, Well,
blind Jake, I didn't quite understand what the hell you
were talking about in this email, but I read it anyway,

And if you want to come by the studio and
see the studio blind, Jake, let me know, and if
it works out, we have the remote studio, which I
use part of the week, and we have the main studio,
which is where I'm not going to invite you to
my remote studio because that would be a little creepy,
be a little odd.

Speaker 3 (25:39):
I can't wait to have him feel the Casey case
I top twenty sign.

Speaker 1 (25:45):
It's a legendary sign. It's on the iconic signs that
we have.

Speaker 3 (25:49):
That is that's upcamp for And I got to talk
about a frog die. Oh God.

Speaker 1 (25:57):
Moving on. Mike in moving ahead but keeping it old
school Fullerton rites in on the mail bag and he says, hey,
Ben and Danny, g the fourth of July is almost here,
fellas to celebrate. Would a couple of proud, red blooded
Americans like you guys rather see a fireworks show or

one of those lame mass drone shows. That's what's called
leading the witness. The way he asked that question, Danny,
I believe that's leading the witness. But I know I'm
old school. I like fireworks. I'm all about the fireworks,
and not even the safe insane fireworks. I want those
we just talked about it. I want the Disneyland kind

of fireworks where they the whole sky is lit up.
That's what I want.

Speaker 3 (26:42):
Yeah, yeah, I mean when they go off around the
clock for weeks at a time, that's overboard. But when
it's one day of the year. In fact, a couple
of years ago, I took my better half to Redondo Beach,
got a hotel that was right across the street from
where the city was shooting the fireworks off. So we
got to see the blast off, you know what I mean,

the flames and the smoke and everything. At the point
of takeoff. We got to see the fireworks. It was amazing.

Speaker 1 (27:13):
That's awesome. That's great. No, I love big fires My
mom My mom was a big fireworks fan. She would
she would always go to Disneyland, but not actually in
the park. She'd park across the street from Disneyland. She
knew the parking lot. You park at and you get
you get the Disneyland fireworks show without having to pay
for Disneyland.

Speaker 3 (27:35):
Way back in the day, I had a girlfriend who
did that same move hotel in Anaheim for the Fourth
of July so that we could sit in the hot
tub and watch the fireworks from across the Street.

Speaker 1 (27:46):

Speaker 3 (27:47):
Those are money saving women, right.

Speaker 1 (27:49):
Yeah, I know for sure. All. I thank you our
friend Mike who loves Fullerton. He should be the mayor
of Fullerton. Mike the mayor of Fullerton. Alf from the
portals d in the Atlantic, right, since says Ben, based
on your recent comments on the Fifth Hour about that
and on the live air, when can we expect your

new conspiracy alien hollow flat Earth podcast aful person beside it?
You never know, Alf, you never know. I used to
listen to Art Bell. I was a big Coast to
Coast fan back back in the day, and I loved it.
And I met George no Oy. We've had George on

this podcast. By George, I could certainly talk about hob
goblins and shape shifters and keemtrails. I can do that.
I can break it down. I can talk about ozone
layer issues and uh, what else do they talk about.
I'm trying to think other topics on Coast. I don't
know every whack a doodle thing you could possibly come

up with. I'm all for it. Every paranormal topic. I'd
love to fill in on Coast to Coast if the
company would let me. I think that would be a
lot of fun.

Speaker 3 (29:01):
One of your topics was going to be Land of
the Lost, that secret world underneath the ocean.

Speaker 1 (29:06):
Yes, yes, that's my theory. Danny, that's your jumper. There's
a subculture of beings that are not humanoid, and they're
not anything we know of, and they live at the
very bottom of the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans and
the other oceans of the world. And they come out
of these portals and they fly up and they are

studying us. We are the aliens to them. They all
disappear back into the ocean. Yep, that's their home. It's
like the bat cave, except it's ocean cave that they
go into. Kevin and Kansas right, since sys dear Ben
and Danny g your current self can travel back in
time and give your teenage self some good life advice,
Kevin says, what would you tell your teen self? He's

thanks for always working here for the listeners. Well, thank
you for listening, Kevin. Yeah, we've gotten this kind of
a question before. I would just tell my team self,
don't don't panic. Everything will be okay. You can figure
things out in broadcasting, because I was I was worried.
It wasn't gonna work out, and I would have to
get a real job and just calm down, take.

Speaker 3 (30:12):
Take a deep breath. I would be my teen self
to invest in Amazon and Apple. That would also be
good advice. That would be better advice than the advice
I would give, which is just calm down. Yes, do that,
And make sure when weed becomes legal you get a
license to sell weed right away.

Speaker 1 (30:29):
Yes, that would also be something I would tell my
teen self. At some point it'll become legal, get in
on that and you're good to go.

Speaker 3 (30:37):
And don't bet on the Falcons to beat the Patriots.

Speaker 1 (30:40):
Yeah, never never do that. That would be that would
be a sake. And also if Tennessee plays Buffalo in
a playoff game, make sure you avoid betting on the
Buffalo Bills to win the game on the money line.
Make sure you avoid doing that because there'll be an
illegal forward pass by Kevin Dyson to Frank White check

and that'll really screw you up.

Speaker 3 (31:03):
The Lob City Clips are not gonna win a trophy, and.

Speaker 1 (31:09):
The Lakers are going to become so pathetic they're going
to hire a podcaster as their coach and draft a
guy that averaged less than five points a game because
his daddy plays for the team.

Speaker 3 (31:19):
And they're gonna win four more championships. And by the
time you're an adult.

Speaker 1 (31:24):
And then they no, they have not won four championship.
They have not won anything since Jerry Buss died. Go
non zero. I love that the Lakers. How dare you? Nick?
And wisconstant we'll get out on this. Nick in wisconsiou
says I would buy some radio show or podcast shirts. Well,

thank you, Nick. I have been talking to some people
about some malor merch. I might have something which, if
this happens, if this happens, would be affordable for everybody shirt.
And I will not say because I don't want to
get people's hopes up in case it doesn't happen. But

I'm working on something, and if it does happen, of
course we'll promote it on this podcast, and it'll be
a little some small because people can plain the shirts
are really expensive now to make the shirts, and you know,
I have people do this dan these items and so
they have to make money on them and it caught
the production. So it's expensive and people complain they're too expense.
So I'm trying to get an item that's affordable that's

got the name of the show on it that we
can have everyone have access to. So we'll see what
happens with that. Nick. Anyway, Now, Nick says, I have
been behind and listening to this podcast last couple of weeks,
but as I send this, I have been binge listening
all day as I clean, and I would like to
defend myself. I Nick says, I helped you with the

axe throwing. It was Kyle from Denver who put out
that video. Now this was at the Mermaid they had
an axe throwing event. I was dragged into this and
there was some out of context video that was put
up to make me look bad.

Speaker 3 (33:07):
Made your first pitch in Bakersfield look like a superstar performance.
Dare you?

Speaker 1 (33:13):
Anyway? Nick says, on to my question, would you rather
get one free tank of gas per month or one
free meal from your favorite restaurant once every other week? Remember,
he says, I stood up for you or with you there, Ben,
that's from Nick. So I would go with the gas.

I would go with the gas, although depending on what
restaurant you go to, it could be more value to
go to the restaurant in terms of how expensive food is.
These days, but gas if you had a free tank
of gas. It's only once a month though.

Speaker 3 (33:48):
Yeah, but we both have to commute into the studio. Yes,
so I think the gas would be more valuable for
both of us.

Speaker 1 (33:56):
Yeah, I would take the gas. I would take the guess,
and I like eating. I'm really becoming old, Danny. I
enjoy eating at home now more often than I do
going to restaurants. I'm at that point in my life
where I like to cook and just eat home cooked
meals and I can get whatever I want, get larger portions,
save a little money, make the Babegan nosh. I like

all that. Yeah, I like all that. So but we'll
get out on that. Have a wonderful rest of your Sunday.
I'll be back tonight hanging out with you on the radio.
We have a full week of shows. I know some
people are off this week because of the July fourth holiday,
which is on Thursday, this coming Thursday, but I'll be
I'll be here and Danny, I know you got a

little different schedules.

Speaker 3 (34:41):
Yeah, we're gonna be filling in for DP. We're going
to be doing the Dan Patrick Show from six to
nine am on the West Coast, and Coveno and Rich
could be heard on the East Coast from nine to noon,
filling in on the network for the Great Dan Patrick.
Be getting up early, early, super early for me when
we fill in on that show, I get up at

three point thirty am.

Speaker 1 (35:03):
Cock a doodle, dude, I need a cold shower. Early
bird is the word all. I'll have a wonderful rest
of your Sunday and I'll chat with you tonight on
the Magic Radio Box. And thank you for supporting the podcast.

Speaker 3 (35:19):
Later, Skater Gotta Murder, I gotta go
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