All Episodes

July 28, 2024 42 mins

Ben Maller & Danny G. have Mail Bag fun for your Sunday! All questions sent in by new listeners & P1's of the #MallerMilitia! Download, subscribe, and remember that sharing is caring (unless it's an STD.) Follow Danny G. @DannyGradio and Ben on Twitter @BenMaller and listen to the original terrestrial radio edition of "Ben Maller Show," Monday-Friday on Fox Sports Radio, 2a-6a ET, 11p-3a PT!...Follow, rate & review "The Fifth Hour!"


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):

Speaker 2 (00:02):
If you thought four hours a day, twelve hundred minutes
a week was enough, think again. He's the last remnants
of the old Republic, a soul fashion of fairness. He
treats crackheads in the ghetto gutter the same as the
rich pill poppers in the penthouse.

Speaker 1 (00:18):

Speaker 2 (00:18):
The Clearinghouse of Hot takes break free for something special.
The Fifth Hour with Ben Maller starts right now.

Speaker 3 (00:28):
In the a.

Speaker 1 (00:31):
Everywhere The Fifth Hour with Me, Big Ben and Danny
g Radio. Happy Sunday to you, the twenty eighth day
of the month of July, the final Sunday of July,
and a very important day today because later tonight this
night will be different than all other nights on the

Overnight Show. It is the return of the Malor PALOOZAO.

Speaker 3 (01:03):
Nice graphics on that. By the way, who did that?

Speaker 1 (01:06):
My friend Jay actually did that. He put that together
for him. Shout out to I want to thank Jay.
But the elephant standing on a ball not the kind
of balls I like. So if you've never heard the
Mallard Palooza, it is a stable. Normally we do it
on the All Star Break of baseball. But I was
out of town, so we couldn't do it then. And

this is the This is the night, This is the night.
It is a combination talent show, variety show, freak shows,
side show. It's if you're old enough. There used to
be this guy named David Letterman who was very popular
on television when I was a kid. He did these things.
He did stupid ted tricks and stupid human tricks. Who

nice going CBS. Yeah, I don't I don't know what
happened to him, but this is a form of stupid
human tricks. It's like a circus side show. And we
have people that will call up and do poetry and
doing personations and sing and all that, and very excited

about this. Inca Terror is going to be back as
one of our celebrity He is our main celebrity judge.
He's a classically trained musician from New York and we
love Inka Terror. We get to see him. He will
not be in studio we have had him in studio,
but he will be hanging out with us and we're
gonna have a great time. And so it's kind of

like the demolition Derby of talent shows. Well, I don't
know if they will have a human torpedo or who knows,
but that's tonight, so we're looking forward to it. Hopefully
you'll enjoy it, but we'll be there. And if you
want to be in on that, you know you want
to lay on a bed of nails. That doesn't really
work for radio? What else beer? Remember that the bee

bearding person that used to be big in the freak
shows back in the day, Like, these acts won't really work.
Glass walking won't work, human blockhead probably not so much.
Fire breathing wouldn't really work on radio. But anyway, we'll
have all that coming up for you tonight on the
mallor Palosa. We'll get to the mail back in a second.
There was a couple other stories we didn't get to

yesterday from pop Goes to culture, so I wanted to
get to some of those, Danny, because there's some good
stuff this week, and I thought, well why not? Why not?
This relates to last weekend with Alex the vegan who
went full conspiracy theory guy. The scientists have detected a
very odd source of electricity at the very bottom of

the ocean. Do do Do Do Do Do Do Do
Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do do doo.

Speaker 3 (03:44):
It was a family of tritons.

Speaker 1 (03:49):
I consider myself a reasonable moment the kraken released the cracking. No,
it's for a long time the belief men that organisms
like plants and algae have that they are producers, the
original producers of aucyen. Well, now researchers have discovered evidence

of a natural O two factory that needs neither the
sun nor the life forms to harness its power o MG.
The source is a chemical reaction taking place in rocks
lying on the very bottom part the lightest of the

sea floor, thousands of feet below the service there's no
light there of the Pacific Ocean and releasing what the
researchers have dubbed dark oxygen Man. These findings recently published
in a science journal, and it is destroying the long

standing belief, the assumption about how oxygen first came a
thing in the Earth's atmosphere, and the science community is
saying this is gonna have drastic implications on the origins
of life on the planet. But that one very bottom
of the Pacific because back to our conspiracy that the

UFOs were seeing were actually at the bottom of the ocean.

Speaker 3 (05:19):
What a weekend man flying cars And now this.

Speaker 1 (05:23):
These are crazy times. Man China detected water in samples
that collected from the moon. There's water on the moon.

Speaker 3 (05:31):
The only crazier thing I've seen recently were the fake
cans on Biden during that space Did you see that
the young hands with no ring I were saying that movie, Dave,
remember where the real president of the USA was in
a coma, so they had to look alike play the part.

Speaker 1 (05:49):
I get it, America, I'm tired. Let make al Pacino
look like Timothy fucking shallow. Man X told me that
he was dead. I read that on X the other day,
and then he showed up. But then the other thing
I saw was he actually recorded that. Whoever did that
recorded it two hours earlier because his watch was set.
They didn't change his watch. His watch was set two
hours earlier at the White House.

Speaker 3 (06:10):
Oh so, lots of conspiracies.

Speaker 1 (06:13):
I don't I don't know whatever the fuck that means. Well,
I like this story. Amazon spent billions of dollars to
put together Alexa. Do you use Alexa?

Speaker 3 (06:25):

Speaker 1 (06:25):
No, I don't either. But the whole point of it was, Hey,
we're gonna build this thing. And this is ten years ago.
They launched it, and they envisioned that the voice assist Alexa,
which is a home device, would sell more products and
they would make so much money because people say, hey, Alexa,

buy me donuts or something, right, and they'd be okay. Well,
it turns out that this is according to the Wall
Street Journal. I saw this the other day, the people
that actually use Alexa have mostly ended up using it
to do simple tasks like check the time or sit
an alarm.

Speaker 3 (07:05):
Yeah, turn the lights on or off.

Speaker 2 (07:07):

Speaker 1 (07:08):
Yeah. And apparently this is freaking out the people that
work at Amazon because they spent billions of dollars thinking
they were going to get return on investment.

Speaker 3 (07:19):

Speaker 1 (07:20):
And he said that this is from a source at Amazon.
When they first launched, they said, we were we give
you the exact quote here because it's a good quote.
I want to give you the exac quote. I don't
give you a fake quote. We worried. We've hired ten
thousand people and we've built a smart timer. A senior,
former senior Amazon employee said that that's all they did,

and internal documents flame Amazon squandered tens of billions of
dollars on these devices.

Speaker 3 (07:48):
Yeah. This is like a stripper who only wants to
do missionary.

Speaker 1 (07:56):
You're like, hey, I'm not getting my money's with But
twenty seventeen, twenty twenty one alone, Amazon lost more than
twenty five billion on Alexa because people are just using
it for the time. Oh, it's so great. Humans are
gonna human, Danny. Humans are humans are rather simple creatures.
They're just gonna do what they normally do, right, That's

just the way it goes. A couple of lab stories
that got my attention. Scientists have grown male genitalia in
a lab. They've grown balls in a lab. Say what,
yeah about that? I was attracted to the giant metal cock.
Oh well, you know I can grow to me. Male

fertility is in crisis, and unless we do something about it,
the human race is going to be a total mess.
One expert has worn following the news that they have
grown male gendles in a lab, and they're of course
worried this could make us, you know, obsolete, Danny, that
we don't you know, women will not need are jump

because they have this. Israeli scientists producing the gendles from
the cells extracted from mice. But the woman has said
she hopes to be able to produce human versions within
five years that could produce sperm. That's like, that's some

interesting moral ground there, right, Danny. If a pair of
science generated testicles creates sperm and you're the kid of
that sperm, what are you? Oh boy, are you human?
I mean they say it's some human DNA, but how
do you know. I'm sure there's some other stuff mixed

in there, like hot dogs, right, so you can.

Speaker 3 (09:46):
Be part weenie Weenie in the butt in the afternoon.

Speaker 1 (09:53):
Yeah, exactly, exactly. They've also grown brains in labs, so
they've got that going on. We are living in wild times.
They We've got the Jetson's Law in Minnesota flying cars,
We've got testicles being grown in a lab and brains

sciences growing brains in labs. Could they become conscious? It
has no eyes, ears, nose, or mouth. Nothing's coming in
at this point, but stay tuned to lab grown brains.
This is being done at the University of California at
Santa Barbara. A neuroscientist there is behind this and they

claim they have created a facsimile of the brain made
in labs there, and they say they aren't likely to
achieve consciousness anytime soon. But you never know. Let's get
to the mail bag. It's thank you, ohio. Al appreciate

that these are actual email correspondence, so I'm actually listening
to actual listeners to the show. This one comes from Alf.
You can send these in, by the way. You can
send them right now, you can send them later whenever
you want. Send them care of the Real Fifth Hour
at gmail dot com. Real fifth Hour at gmail dot com.
ALF dreaming of a Mallar meet and greet, writes, and

he says, Hey, Ben, since you and the Bennetts are
so tight, who will be driving the Mallard shuttlebus to
Vegas for the meet and greet on Saturday? Or will
you be taking turns? Yeah? What's that old line about
the nineteen eighties Yankees? You remember? Remember the line there

about the Yankees back in the back in the day
they had was it twenty five players, twenty five taxicabs?
Believe that was it something like that.

Speaker 3 (12:07):
Didn't Billy Martin die in a car accident? Well he
was I think drunk when Oh boy, So I feel
like Coop would be the most responsible driver, because, as
you know, when you smoke weed, it helps you concentrate
on the road.

Speaker 1 (12:23):
Okay, is that true? I always says, don't smoke and drive.
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (12:27):
I thought he helped you concentrate.

Speaker 1 (12:29):
Twenty five players twenty five cabs. It was about the
Yankees and the Red Sox. That line was used about
the dysfunctional Red Sox and Yankees. There you go. Now
would be twenty five players, twenty five ubers. You'd have
to get rid of the taxi cab thing because it's
an uber world. And Alf also says, after the Vegan
burned down the studio last week, what conspiracy theory does

Danny G have his strongest opinion on, possibly the frozen
envelope during the NBA Draft. My favorite sports conspiracy theory off,
not that you asked me, is the cal Ripken lights
out in Baltimore.

Speaker 3 (13:06):
Oh, the Kevin Costner game.

Speaker 1 (13:08):
Yeah, yeah, he got to a fight Kevin Costner, I
guess came came in and owed caught. Yeah, yeah, yeah,
he caught Kevin Costner with his That actually played out
on Fox Sports Radio. Kevin Costner called in the Fox
Sports Radio years ago on the old Kylie and Boom
Show because they were talking about it. I've always believed

it because here's why I was covering baseball at the time,
and that game got postponed because the power was out
at Camden Yards. Way back many years ago, cal was
on track to set the all time games played record.
It was a very big record for baseball, and this
was after the work strike in nineteen ninety four, the
labor strike, and so it's a very big deal. But

before the story came out the night the night this happened,
I was covering a Dodger game and a buddy of
mine came up to me. He says, hey, I just
talked to somebody who knows Peter Angelos, right, and the
guy told me. He said that something happened with with
Ripkin and Kevin Coster, and that they made sure that

the game. Ripkin would not have played. He was too
distraught from what happened, so he would not have played
in the game that night, and it would have ended
his streak. He was unable to play, not necessarily because
he was hurt, but just because he was too messed
up in the head. And so as a result, the
Orioles made sure that the game was postponed. So they
cooked up the power outage story. Yeah, what do you

think about the oil that I heard it before it
became a thing. So because of that, I'm like, okay,
I buy it.

Speaker 3 (14:44):
And Ben, I know somebody who worked for the White
Sox back in the day. This guy swears up and
down that Michael Jordan's first retirement was a secret suspension
for gambling.

Speaker 1 (14:55):
Yeah. Yeah, no, I believe that too. Yeah, that it
was a double secret thing. They didn't want to they
didn't to ruin the legacy of Jordan. So David Stern
did a ma solid But David Stern was a hard ass.
And the old commissioner of the NBA actually have a
great David Stern story that I don't have time to
get to right now. But Stern, he's like, all right, well,
you've been hanging out, you've been associating with gamblers, and

at that time that was very taboo, and Stern was
a pretty straight laced guy. And so he's like, all right,
you're gonna go play for Jerry Reinstorf's minor league baseball
team and we'll put you in the White Sox spring
training and all that and chill out and then you
can come back after your suspension is over. And to no,
that's exactly what happened. So I buy that one, the

ewing frozen envelope. I buy that all. There's a lot
of sports conspiracies that I that I'm all in on.

Speaker 3 (15:43):
For yure think let's talk JFK. Now we did that
last week.

Speaker 1 (15:50):
Mike in Fullerton writes, and he says, Hey, Ben, welcome
back to Danny g. First thing, first, you both owe
me an apology. I'm one of the thirty four percent
of people who needs a recipe to make toast, and
I didn't appreciate being called an idiot two weeks ago. Sorry,
I'm not an expert chef like Ben. Yeah, okay, he says,

do you guys, do you guys believe in the conspiracy?
Here we go, get boy, do you guys?

Speaker 3 (16:16):
Let me ask you first though, was this at least
for cinnamon toast? Because it was just it was just toast,
just regular old toast. Yeah, just toast, man, at least
you know cinnamon toast.

Speaker 1 (16:28):
Come on? Do you do you butter the toast before?

Speaker 3 (16:30):
Or do you butter this cinnamon go on first?

Speaker 1 (16:33):
Or what do you do? I don't know. Mike says,
do you guys believe in the conspiracy theory that birds
aren't real? And are actually just drones used to spy
on us. It sounds crazy to me, but my friend
Alex is convinced as true.

Speaker 3 (16:47):
Jesus, when did this turn into the Coast to Coast
George podcast?

Speaker 1 (16:52):
I said on one of the podcasts last week. I
think it was Saturday, I said, this is going to
be my demo tape to Coast to Coast when I
fill in for George Norri. It was like Coast to
Coast meets Alex Jones and Info Wars is what it was. Wild.
It was craziness. Thank you, Thank you. Mike Barry, I

met very good guys South Carolina. He was at the
Charleston meet and greet we did a couple months back.
He says, Yo, yo ma, Benny. Listen to the Alex
version of the Fifth Hour. Wow, he is out there.
Some people think I'm nuts, but got me to thinking
after watching an Unsolved Mysteries episode on Netflix. Make sure

you watch my show, Barry. I'm on a show on
Netflix we talked about in a previous podcast here. I
didn't know I was on the show, but I am.
He says. They postulate that these skinwalkers, Locknest, Monster, Bigfoot, etc.
Are never found because the UFOs drop them off and
then come back in a few weeks and take them

back wherever they go. Barry says, I bet Alex is
all on board with that. What about you? Alien abduction
has fascinated people worldwide.

Speaker 3 (18:11):
Yeah, I like hearing, you know. That's why I listened
to George Norri. Sometimes there's at least ten minutes of
the week where I can listen to conspiracy theories. But
I couldn't listen to that every day. It would drive
me nuts.

Speaker 1 (18:24):
Yeah, I'm working with Nori's on, but I listened to
Coast to Coast on the weekend. Sometimes if I'm up late,
i'm driving around, I'll off Coast to Coast on or
you know, back in the day, you know, Alex Jones.
I'll see some videos online, not anymore really, but I'll
check it out. Whatever. Yeah, you gotta be you can't
just believe everything you hear, though, You've got to be

somewhat judgmental. Right, If you're gullible, it's a problem and
a lot of there's a lot of goble people, global people.
Ohio Al writes in not ohio Al, He's not gullible, No, no, no, no,
he's upset, He says, Benny, he wrote an all apps,
please do not invite that total idiot on your podcast again.

I would much rather hear you bloviating by yourself and
get some nameless, faceless engineer to produce and upload the podcast. Wow,
undersea civilizations and chemtrail conspiracies are bad enough. By the way,
Ohio says, I'm an aerospace engineer specializing in combustion, and
water is one of the main byproducts of jet engine combustion.

So the trails you see behind every jet in the
sky merely condensed water droplets, i e. A cloud. Then,
he says, but when and then he rips tyshert here
calls him some names. When he claimed that Trump staged
the assassination, yeah, he went there. No, No, yeah, you
must I thought I was. I thought something weird, as

I told him a couple times, is everything okay? Or
but yeah? So anyway, Ohio says, when that blankety blank
ty shirt claimed that Trump staged the assassination attempt so
he could look good, what the f he wrote in
all caps? Did he also get the dead firemen to
volunteer to get killed by a stray bullet so Trump
could look good.

Speaker 2 (20:16):

Speaker 3 (20:17):
First thing I thought when I saw all the conspiracy
theorists all over social media that Saturday.

Speaker 1 (20:24):
Stupid people.

Speaker 3 (20:25):
Yeah, it's like, OK, if nobody had died, then I
could see conspiracy theorists coming out saying it was a stunt,
it was planned, it was set up, but somebody died
and then somebody got severely injured.

Speaker 1 (20:39):
Right. Well, the other thing I know about President Trump
is and you've talked to him, Danny, so you're better
friends with him than I am. He didn't know who
I am, but you know you've talked to him on
the phone. Last question, did you tell my producer, Danny
g that he deserved a raise when you called last time? Absolutely?
I said, you got the president, but you really do. Yeah,

a great show and he's a nice guy.

Speaker 2 (21:01):
But I said, you get the president of the phone,
you deserve a race.

Speaker 1 (21:05):
I haven't done too many of these calls lately. Trump
is not a good actor like they write these. I've
heard stories from people that have worked in that worked
with his administration. They'll write the speeches for him and
he'll in the middle of speech do improv. Yeah, he'll
go he'll he'll just go off.

Speaker 2 (21:22):
Unted people that don't have a clue, they're incompetent.

Speaker 1 (21:26):
Yeah, he'll start out doing it and then he'll start
add limbing and adding his own thing. And so the
idea that Trump would follow a scripts like, Okay, we're
going to shoot the bullet and then you're not even
gonna get hit. Just make sure you hit this blood packet.
We'll put it behind your ear. No one will know
it's there. Hit it. It'll look like you're bleeding.

Speaker 3 (21:44):
And then was there an air piece in and they're like, okay,
slightly tilt your head now, yeah, come.

Speaker 1 (21:50):
On, I mean uh. Ohio then continues to rip the
blankety blank. He says, Tyshert gives California the rightfully earned
nicknamed Land of the Fruits and the Nuts. All right, wow,
no moss, he says, respectfully. Ohio, Al, calm down. I

love you, Al, you're a big part of this. We
think you're wonderful. We love I mean, play all your
stuff on this podcast on the radio show. But Alex
a good guy. He's a little out there, A little
out there. Yeah, he means well, he means well, he's
trying to figure he's a young guy. He's trying to
figure the way I look at Alex, he's a young
guy's trying to figure out what's real and what's fake
in the world. And he's gone off on some real

big tangents.

Speaker 3 (22:33):
And just consider it audio variety.

Speaker 1 (22:36):
Yeah, it's we don't want boring, right, you know when
you do a podcast, you don't want to be boring.
You want to you want to be good, you want
to be interesting. And we've gotten more I'll tell you this.
We've gotten more feedback from from Tyshirt being on the
podcast than a lot of the stuff that we normally do.
So maybe we should talk more about weird crap like that.
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (22:56):
The thing is, though, you can't fake crazy. I'm not
calling him crazy, but like crazy takes, you can't fake that,
and you can't do it every weekend because the act
would get old really quick.

Speaker 1 (23:09):
Yeah, for sure, for sure. Next up is Roman from Miami,
a Nubie Nubi nuby Doobi. He says, I'm a long
time listening to the Ben mal Show and the Fifth
Hour podcast. I also fit into the younger demo. Thank god. Yeah,
we need your Roman, We need your man. Get your

friends to listen, get them off the anime, Come on,
get them off the video games. He says, Ben, do
you have any financial tips that you can give to
your fellow penny pinchers. One I could find. One I
could think of is to never pay full price unless
you have to. Also, a friend of mine told me
that if you're trying to buy something from Walmart and

the package is damaged, and if you ask nicely enough,
they will let me give you a discount on the item,
coupon and apps often give discounts, which is why I
have every fast food app downloaded on my phone. Unfortunately
for me, though, he says, I have, I've saved an
okay amount. I find it hard to spend spend it

on things I enjoy, so roman a couple of things,
I would advise you to not ever buy a new car,
buy a pre owned car because the value of cars
goes down right away. I will never buy another new
car again. Even though I could probably afford to buy
a new car. Well, I don't know if I could.
These new cars are like seventy eighty thousand now, a

lot of them. I don't know that I could. But
pre owned cars the way to go on that, ye,
I don't know. If you assume you're driving and then
saving money, I would try to I would try to diversify.
I mean, you're if you're a young enough guy. What's
that thing when I was in high school? If you
invest it? Is it? What? What investment fund can you
invest in? If you if you keep putting money in,

by the time you're forty, you'll have like millions of dollars.
What is that called? I forget what the name of
it is.

Speaker 3 (25:06):
I'll have to Yeah, while you look that up, I'll
tell him about the twenty rule that my uncle always
raves about, the fifty to thirty twenty rule. It's fifty
percent of your money should go towards your needs, thirty
percent should go towards the things you want so you're wants,
and twenty percent towards savings. It's always a good rule

of thumb according to my uncle. But he does drive
a Bentley and he lives in the Silicon Valley, So
I do listen to him sometimes when he talks money.

Speaker 1 (25:37):
Yeah, that sounds that sounds good, but it says.

Speaker 3 (25:39):
Fifty to thirty twenty.

Speaker 1 (25:41):
Like, as a young person, if you can get into
a high yield savings account, and you're gonna have to
shop around. I think IRA. When I was younger, it
was IRA's. But there's other stuff now and now be
careful with I have use some of those. I use
one of the apps. I have a stock app, and

you know, you play around like a video game. You're
buying stock, right, You're gambling. Every day is gonna go up,
it's gonna go down. But I got burned the first
year I used the app because I didn't realize that
when you make money at the end of the year,
you have to pay capital gains tax. This was because

I never really messed around with the stock market, and
so I was like, holy crap, Like I made a
fair money money, but I got to pay it in taxes.
So that killed me. So after that I stopped. I
stopped playing. Now I still have some stocks. In fact,
here's the here's the kicker, all right, So I Roman I.

This is like probably three or four years ago, hearing COVID.
I was I was fudging around with these one of
these apps where you buy stock. So I bought some
stock and it was just you know, extra money. It
was like my gambling money. There was nothing to bet
on because there were no games, and COVID Danny there
were no games for like one hundred something days was
shut down.

Speaker 3 (27:04):
So I got very strangely, our ratings went up at
a sports network.

Speaker 1 (27:08):
Yeah, we had the highest listenership we've ever had, which
makes no sense. So during that I started getting my
gambling fix on the stock market. And so during that time,
you know, I'm doing my thing whatever. And then at
the end of the year, I send all the information
over to the person that does my taxes and they're like, well,

you know, you made this amount of money. Even though
you reinvested the money in other stocks, it doesn't matter.
You still got to pay taxes on it. It's called the
capitol capital games. I'm like, oh crap, what are you
talking about.

Speaker 3 (27:45):
And so it is like a fantasy sports ben. If
you win over six hundred dollars, you owe taxes. And
so my older brother he used to use my account
and his because he had such an issue with sports gambling,
and then I had to pay tax and so did he.
It's crazy, right, I mean, you win that money, but yeah,
you're right, Uh, you got to pay the taxes on it.

Speaker 1 (28:07):
So here's the odd thing about it. For Roman and
for you, Danny, So I stopped completely just because you
didn't want to pay the taxes. Well, I left exactly
because I'm a titwats. But I left the money the
stocks I owned, I left them in the account. So
every once in a while I'll go check and I
look the other day, without doing anything, without trading stocks,

without doing anything, the stocks I had have gone up
forty two percent. Since then, the value of the stocks
is going to forty two percent.

Speaker 3 (28:40):
And by doing that's just because you left it alone,
by doing nothing.

Speaker 1 (28:46):
By doing nothing, almost all of the stocks I got,
I bought a lot of stocks. Here's what I would
also recommend Roman. If you play the stock market, buy
stocks with dividends. I highly recommend dividends because then you're
you're gonna get a little bit of money every you know,
every four months or so, depending when they pay out

the dividends, you're gonna get a little bit of money.

Speaker 3 (29:08):
And then that's us back to sports with the fantasy
you know where you could put your roster together each
weekend or whatever, Well, the same thing. If you set
it off your gut and then you leave your roster alone,
you'll win that weekend. Right, But what happens when you
tinker with it too much and you're done. You're done.
And the same thing with your stocks. You got that

forty two percent gain because you left it alone. You
didn't overthink it. Oh yeah, for sure, I guarantee you.

Speaker 1 (29:37):
If I had been playing the stock market the way
I played it during COVID, I would have lost everything,
you know, I would have It's like, I'm the idiot
that bought doge coin when that was because that was
kind of during the COVID time, Like, oh, doge coin
to the moon. Doge coin, Let me let me see
what it's worth right now. Let me check you, because
I do I still own some.

Speaker 3 (29:56):
Oh my brother sent me the app on that and
tried to talk me into it for weeks.

Speaker 1 (30:01):
Yeah, doge coin is currently worth a half of one cent.

Speaker 3 (30:12):
Ouch o.

Speaker 1 (30:16):
But the good news is I own like three hundred
shares of it. So if it ever goes up, I'm
a maid man. I'm set man. If that doge coin
ever takes off, I will.

Speaker 3 (30:26):
Be rich if that goes up. Forget Hawaii, We're talking Bora, bora.

Speaker 1 (30:29):
Oh man, We're going We're going to the moon. Nick
and Wisconsin rights and he says, Hey, Ben and Danny g.
I've had some decent questions, but none good enough to
send the last couple of weeks. So the question is,
when you were a kid, did your parents ever make
you do a sport or activity that you hated? And
if so, what was it? Have a wonderful Sunday from

our buddy Nick in Wisconsin. So yeah, my mom directed
me to stuff, but she I'll give my mom credit
because once I really raised the ruckus after a while,
she normally say, all right, I didn't want to learn
how to play the piano. I didn't want to go
to uh, you know, Sunday school, you know, for the temple.
Didn't want to do that, but you know I did.

And then I complained enough and she she stopped. And
she wanted me to play sports, but I was into that,
so I did. And she always wanted me to try
different things. I wanted you to try stuff and see
if you like it or not. So that was always
how she would sell me. Danny's like, just give it
a shot, you might like it. Like, well, I don't
want it anyway, what about you?

Speaker 3 (31:38):
Yeah, my mom was cool about not forcing stuff on us.
Religion she forced on us. But as far as sports
or activities, the one thing she had tennis rackets, and
she would take us to tennis courts or parks that
had tennis courts. That was a thing back in the day.
Now it's all pickleball. Now, it's all pickleball courts. Yeah,

But when we were kids, way back in the olden days,
it was tennis courts at parks, and she had a
couple of tennis rackets, and she wanted us to stand
there in volley and my older brother and I we
would do it for a little bit. But what we
liked more was like racquetball and butts up. We wanted
to hit the ball against the wall.

Speaker 1 (32:16):
Oh yeah, racquetball, Yeah, in the racquetball court. Amazing. Awesome.
You ever played baseball with a racket ball?

Speaker 3 (32:22):
Yeah, we sure did. Those hard blue racketballs.

Speaker 1 (32:25):
Awesome. You felt like you were in the big league.

Speaker 3 (32:28):
Hell yeah, Although I fired that in And we had
a game called butts up where if somebody picked up
the ball you fumbled, threw the ball to the wall
and beat you there. Before you could touch the wall,
you had to stand up there and they got a
freeze shot, a pitch, a fastball, at your backside. That's awesome.

Speaker 1 (32:47):
Did you ever I think we've talked about this in
a previous episode, but I also at one point we
were we were messing around me and my buddies in
the neighborhood, and we used to play baseball all the
time because we're big. You know, that's what we did.
And uh, you ever made contact sweet spot metal bat
golf ball?

Speaker 3 (33:06):
Are you kidding? My old Ben, my older brother, would
take a bucket of golf balls with our aluminum bat
and he would pitch to himself and he had the
ball to the front of the college campus that was
five blocks away from our house.

Speaker 1 (33:22):
It's amazing. You felt like Barry Bonds all routed up
back in the nineties.

Speaker 3 (33:26):
Oh, he thought he was Babe Ruth.

Speaker 1 (33:28):
Yeah. Oh it's awesome. Now, I don't recommend it because
it's very dangerous. If you were hit. It's like somebody's
pitching the golf ball to you and you hit them,
you'll kill them. But if you assuming that that's not
an issue.

Speaker 3 (33:39):
Oh man, I'm sure he hit some windshields that we
just didn't find out about.

Speaker 1 (33:43):
Just feel like a boss, an absolute boss. Thank you.
Nick JJ from Milwaukee that's back to back. We're big
in Wisconsin, Danny, This podcast big in the dairy state.
W I the Badger's state anyway, JJ says, Hey, Ben
and Danny, I saw that crowd strike that shut down
the world offered ten dollars gift cards as an apology.

Is that a fair offer? Come on? JJ? Yeah? What
do you want to say? It's obviously absurd, But what
are they gonna do this? So many people were affected.
I don't know what they they could do. Braydon from
South Carolina writes, and he says, I have a conspiracy
theory that doctors actually are in the tank with dentists.

That is why they give children lollipops. You agree or disagree?
What do you think, Danny? You think there's a grand
conspiracy between doctors to help out that their friends who
are Dennis.

Speaker 3 (34:42):
That might be the best conspiracy theory I've heard in
two weekends.

Speaker 1 (34:46):
That sounds like something Ty Shirt would come up with you.
Mike in Kansas City writes in he says, guys, I
read that Earth is going to set records for the
hottest days ever recorded.

Speaker 3 (34:59):
Yeah, that happened last It already happened. Yeah, it happened
last Sunday and Monday back to back.

Speaker 1 (35:05):
Are you Are you guys worried. No, it's the summer
and it's hot. Spending too much time in the sun
can lead to some pain, especially if you didn't wear
any sunscreen. I'll be worried when people start dying, hundreds
and thousands of people start dying, that I'll be worried.
I'm not worried because it's hot. It's like it gets

cold in the winter, it gets hot in the summer. Periods.
Stop not developing hot dot dot dot. I mean, that's
just the way it is.

Speaker 3 (35:33):
Have you heard the conspiracy about otter pops? No, neither
of I okay.

Speaker 1 (35:40):
There are actual otters. There's actually bright blue and red otters.

Speaker 3 (35:44):
Otter feces in each pop dummy.

Speaker 1 (35:47):
It's all related. It's all connected, all of it in
some weird way. Freddy from Vermont. That is the only
state in New England I have not been to. That's
the home of Arnie Spanier. Our colleague Arnie Spaniels is
good old Arnie.

Speaker 3 (36:04):
He sends us maple syrup from there every Christmas.

Speaker 1 (36:07):
I'm surprised that Arnie said. I've known Arnie for way
too long. But I'm surprised he was lived with in Chicago.
He's from La. He lived in La.

Speaker 3 (36:15):
He says he went there for his son's hockey career,
and his son now teaches hockey. But now that his
son is older, you'd think he would move.

Speaker 1 (36:25):
Yeah, I guess he likes this a nice little New
England town and okay, good for you anyway. Freddy says
he heard this week that or he saw this week
that Tesla buyers are very upset with Elon Musk endorsing
Donald Trump, and people are selling their Tesla's. Do you
believe this from Freddy?

Speaker 3 (36:50):
It's a little extreme.

Speaker 1 (36:52):
Yeah. No, people buy Tesla's because they think they're saving
the world environmentally, and whether Elon Uscus buddies with Trump
or not, if your goal is to save the world
and all that from from fossil fuels, even though I've
read a lot of stories that claim those cars are
not great for the environment. But if that's what you believe,

that's your dogma, then why would you care? You might
and I really think that there's like one percent of people,
Danny that don't go to a restaurant or don't listen
to a radio show because of someone's political beliefs, you
know what I mean, Like you've got to be hardcore
right or left wing. Yeah, don't be that person. Okay.
I got friends of mine, you know, or obviously I

lean a different way, but they're very, very liberal or whatever.
I'm like whatever. I think they're idiots, but I I'm
friends with them, so you know, I don't agree with
their politics and they don't agree with my politics. But
that's how we grew up, right, Danny. Yeah, that's the way.

Speaker 3 (37:47):
It used to be, is that you didn't talk religion
and politics at the dinner table, and you didn't base
your friends on that either. It's what they believe, it's
what you believe, and that doesn't come between you.

Speaker 1 (38:00):
Yeah, it doesn't matter. Like you vote for who you want,
I'll vote for who I want. We'll cross each other
out and then that's it. Dun Skis, goodbye, see you later,
good daiser. Yeah. I think that's that's enough.

Speaker 2 (38:15):

Speaker 3 (38:15):
I think it's a good way to end. One more
conspiracy from you though.

Speaker 1 (38:19):
Yeah, you want one more conspiracy, one more from you? Yeah?
All right? That the refrigerator in your kitchen, right, refrigerator
that you have in your kitchen. Yeah, is actually alien
technology and they're they they come down and they live.
Aliens will come down and rest. They like cold environments,

so they will they will suck into the back of
your refrigerator. They're very small aliens standing. Okay, they're very small.
They're they're kind of like the grays, but they're actually
like a green color. And they'll live and they'll nap
in the back of your frigerator because they need the cold.
What do you think, Yeah, I know.

Speaker 3 (39:02):
I think the next time you should talk conspiracies is
when Alex fills in again.

Speaker 1 (39:07):
Yet crickets.

Speaker 3 (39:09):
Help burn the castle down again?

Speaker 1 (39:12):
Yes, all right, we'll have a wonderful rescue day. Remember tonight,
if you've made it to the end of the podcast,
you're a true p one. Tonight it's on like Donkey Kong, Bro.

Speaker 3 (39:23):
There's gonna be so much singing.

Speaker 1 (39:26):
All the way we were.

Speaker 2 (39:30):

Speaker 1 (39:30):
Gentlemen, how you can't see that scattered picture of the
smiles we left be It is going to be a
jam suit riddles, hoot and Nanny nanah a hoe down
on the radio.

Speaker 3 (39:49):
You know my favorite the joke tellers, the.

Speaker 1 (39:54):
People that try to tell jokes with no studio audience
laughing at them and they drown. Yeah, yeah, good luck
on that, but we were looking forward to it. Hot
Diggity Dog, The Mallard Paulooza twenty twenty fours. And I
now keep in mind if you have not signed up,
it's too late, but someone will not show up, so
we will have some bonus slots that will open up.

So if you're interested, listen closely. We tell you to
call call in that'll be coming up.

Speaker 3 (40:21):
And I have I shouldn't have this, probably, but I
found a copy of your set list. It's like a draft,
an early draft of it, but looks like you have
an open spot for a harmonica player.

Speaker 1 (40:34):
Well, we have marked the full name guy, but I
think he's boycotting the show right now. He's a harmonica guy.
And we've got Dick and Dayton who does the banjo.
He's the banjo guy and the mandolin from the Kettering
Your banjoa Society. So it's just gonna you know what,
it's gonna be a cabaret. It's going to be an
audio cabaret, is what it's going to be.

Speaker 3 (40:52):
And if this show doesn't get you a Marconi, you're
never gonna get one.

Speaker 1 (40:57):
At the end of the show, every man, woman, and
child listens is going to go full Mary Papas not
Mary Poppin's drunk. They're gonna be singing super califragilistic Xbiali
dosis or something like that. I think I pushed it,
but something like that. Anyway, all right, Danny, you're back
with Covino and Rich, I assume tomorrow.

Speaker 3 (41:14):
Yeah, gonna have a fun Monday show. Back at it
two to four pm on the West Side. That is
five to seven pm in beautiful Chicago, Illinois, where I
found out Coveno and Rich are going to be speakers
at some convention thing. Yeah, I think in September. It

like it's like radio slash radio sales.

Speaker 1 (41:37):
Oh yeah, they're.

Speaker 3 (41:38):
Going to be representing iHeart there and I might get
to go on that Chicago trip.

Speaker 1 (41:44):
Oh very good.

Speaker 3 (41:45):
It's a city, one of the major cities I haven't
been to.

Speaker 1 (41:48):
Well, I know, I've been there a few times over
the years, so I can recommend some restaurants and nice.

Speaker 3 (41:54):
Yeah, I don't get that Chicago deep dish.

Speaker 1 (41:57):
Yeah deep oh yeah, you use so many and the
I don't know if you like Italian sandwiches, but those
Oh yeah, I do. Legendary in Chicago, great food town.

Speaker 3 (42:08):
Can't wait.

Speaker 1 (42:09):
All right, very good, have a wonderful rest of your
you know, today, today, Sunday. We'll catch you tonight and
all week long. And thank you, thank you, thank you.

Speaker 3 (42:18):
Yeah, good luck with the talent show tonight.

Speaker 1 (42:20):
Thank you. It's it's the it's more than a talent show.
It's the Mallard ploose again. It's the audio cabaret.

Speaker 3 (42:26):
Good luck with the freak show tonight.

Speaker 1 (42:28):
No, no, no, there's no freaks that listen in the
middle of the night. What's wrong with you? If you
lost your mind? Come on, it's the Malard Coalition getting together,
is what it is.

Speaker 3 (42:36):
Catch you then later, skater gotta murder.

Speaker 1 (42:39):
I gotta go.
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