All Episodes

August 3, 2024 30 mins

Ben Maller & Danny G. bring the Saturday fun! They talk: Vegas Arrival, Sand-Ass, Slots & BBQ, Virgin Skin, Tip of the Mic, Idiom of the Week, Koa's 1st, & more! 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
If you thought four hours a day, twelve hundred minutes
a week was enough, think again. He's the last remnants
of the Old Republic, a sol fastion of fairness. He
treats crackheads in the ghetto cutter the same as the
rich pill poppers in the penthouse. Wow to clearing house
of hot takes, break free for something special. The Fifth

Hour with Ben Maller starts right now.

Speaker 2 (00:28):
In the air.

Speaker 3 (00:31):
Every Whey The Fifth Hour with Me, Big Ben and
Danny g Radio from Lost Wages, Nevada. A happy, happy
Saturday to you. It is the third day of August
and a very important day. This day different than all

other days. Not because it's National Must Day, not because
it's Tom Brady's birthday today or National Watermelon Day. No, no, no,
because this afternoon, at three o'clock Pacific time in Lost Wages, Nevada,
it's on all this talk the last couple of weeks,

all the build up, all the hype, and we're doing
it and we'll do it live. We'll do it live.
Very excited about the maled meet and greet in Vegas today,
so hopefully you'll be there, and I know we'll have
some stories and whatnot. Save a lot of that for
next week. But we will have a big meet and

greet today. It's also sand Castle Day today. I don't
know why there's a day for sand castles, but there's
a day for sand castle So that's what we had
to look.

Speaker 2 (01:44):
Forward to, Danny, That's what I'm going to be doing.
My WIFEI and I prepare for Coha's big birthday party tomorrow.
After this fine podcast, we're going to go check into
the room on the ground floor level at ox Nart Shores.
There's like a grassy in front of the bottom rooms.
There's a bike path and then the beach and so

we're gonna put like the kids games on the lawn
while you're in Vegas with all the debauchery.

Speaker 3 (02:18):
Yeah, it's hanging out with the people.

Speaker 2 (02:21):
Will be there, well yeah, well during the meet and
greet it's going to be rated PG. But after your
meet and greet later today, it's very much an after
party and r Kelly type after party.

Speaker 3 (02:34):
The hotel well as the talent. Danny. I will not
be partaking. There is said to be several partaking.

Speaker 2 (02:44):
The goal of the war on drugs seems less achievable
than ever.

Speaker 3 (02:48):
I will I will not be a party to that.
But it is the high today here in Vegas is
one hundred and six. Tomorrow is going to get up
to one hundred and nine, but to heading back to
la and whatnot. But one hundred and six today here.

Speaker 2 (03:06):
Tool while you are in enjoying the air conditioning, I'll
be on the sand later making sand castles. Have you
ever let anybody bury you on the sand before?

Speaker 3 (03:17):

Speaker 2 (03:17):
Of course?

Speaker 3 (03:17):
Yeah, my niece is in the sand. Yeah. Yeah. In fact,
my niece that just graduated from Charleston University of Charleston
there Charlie whatever it's called, Charleston College Rivers. And when
she was little, they'd come out from New York and
we'd always have like a beach day and her and
her sister would bury uncle Benny and they loved it.
And yeah, I did sand everywhere. My god, I didn't

have swamp ass. I had sand ass. And yeah I
did that bury the Benny. What's your go to beach here, Danny?
Where do you hang out? Are you a Malibu guy? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (03:51):
We go to Zuma Beach, which is in Malibu.

Speaker 3 (03:54):
Like to hang out with the rich people. I understand
you know, you're a big radio guy, Zoom zoom, zoom
out with your friends there, you.

Speaker 2 (04:01):
Know, Zuoma. I've always gone to that beach because I
know the way in, I know exactly where to park.
I know where there's a nice bathroom inside an Italian
restaurant right across the street from the beach. So once
you have the lay of the land at these beaches
in southern California, you know where to go and where
to avoid.

Speaker 3 (04:19):
I have been to Zuma a few times. My family,
my parents love Zoom. It's like an iconic piece of
Southern California real estate if you're a local, but even
if you're a tourist, right because Malibu, a lot of
people go there to see the celebrities that live out
on the ocean there and.

Speaker 2 (04:37):
Oh my god, it's that guy from the Fifth Hour.

Speaker 3 (04:44):
You can't go near their homes, but there's their beaches,
the beaches right there below their homes. So it's very
it's very odd.

Speaker 2 (04:49):
Yeah, I saw mister t there once.

Speaker 3 (04:52):
You did he have the chains on on the beach?

Speaker 2 (04:54):
No chains?

Speaker 3 (04:55):
Okay, all right, how long do you think it takes
him to put all those chains? He probably didn't do
that anymore. But back in the Day Forever.

Speaker 2 (05:04):
Yeah, you know the Receiver Special, the docu series that's
on Netflix with some star wide receivers from the NFL.
Justin Jefferson is one of the receivers featured, and he
has an alter ego Jets. He turns into Jets and
he puts on It's his whole routine. He puts like
a million dollars worth of jewelry, he puts his grill in,

and then he puts these cheap looking sunglasses on as
icing on the cake.

Speaker 3 (05:32):
It's over.

Speaker 2 (05:33):
He done, He's he's like these glasses now I'm Jets.

Speaker 3 (05:39):
Yeah, no, you're not here. Fun fact. Fun fact about
sand CAAs we're talking about San Caso, the world's highest
sand castle was built seventeen years ago at sun Fun
Festival in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Is that not a
fun fact? Come on, that's the tallest castle. I've been

to Myrtle Beach. I didn't see it. It's long gone.
Myrtle Beach also the capital the most miniature golf courses
in one city in I think the world. I know
the United States, but I think it's the entire world. Hey,
happy Land, slam Meek.

Speaker 4 (06:19):
Don't get excited, very exciting. I feel like it's a Fullerton,
California fact. That sounds like something that burg Dog would
come up with. So here we go. We'll start with
barbecue and slots.

Speaker 3 (06:34):
With an s slots. Oh okay, yes, So last weekend
we got the call. We got the call Hall of
Fame something like that. So my mother in law is like, hey,
I got a room at a casino in southern California.

Speaker 1 (06:53):

Speaker 3 (06:53):
I would like you to you and your your wife,
my daughter to go and spend a night at the
casino for free. So we're like, so we can have
a it's kind of a staycation. We don't have to
pay for any other than gas. So let's do it.
We did it. Packed up the malamobile headed out to

past Riverside, San Bernardino, way out in the boondocks of California,
southern California, and we went to Yama Bah. We've been
to Yama Bah before. It's a local casino in southern California.

Speaker 2 (07:28):
Yeah, I used to have a different name.

Speaker 3 (07:30):
I think it was San Manuel as it was called before,
but it's called Yamavah now amazing. I was just there
a couple months back, but it was was wonderful, and
we got the VIP treatment as always, and I realized
I had an epiphany. They have a barbecue place in
their food court called the nine oh nine. It is

the greatest barbecue I've had outside of Kansas City or
South Carolina. Amazing of all places. At the Yama Va
food court, at a casino in San Bernardino, wherever it
is there in California. Insane at the barbecue brisket sandwich.

It was so good on the you know, the day
that I went there and ate it that the next
when I was leaving, i checked out of the hotel,
I went and got another order to take home and
heat up in my oven and home. That's how good
it was, Danny. You know how how amazing something has
to be for me to get something I know is
going to be left overs because I'm gonna have to

reheat it.

Speaker 2 (08:36):
Oh, I know.

Speaker 3 (08:37):
That's how good it was. It's insane. So thank you,
thank you, thank you. I will be back. I might
even just stop off there on my way back from
from Vegas here, just to east some of the barbecue.
So and if you know any other places, if you're
in southern California and you know any of the barbarique
places that have amazing brisket. Let me know. Send me

an email Real fifth hour at gmail dot com. I've
had great barbecue in many cities, but not in southern California.
So that's that's my spot of all the places, all
the places. And when you when you go there, Danny,
you'll go there at some point and you'll eat barbecue.
You'll no longer be a virgin, so you'll get rid
of your virgin skin at that particular point.

Speaker 2 (09:22):
Yeah, well, the virgin skin in this is about tattoos.
I know you have plenty of tattoos. You've got your
first one, what in nineteen ninety two.

Speaker 3 (09:32):
Yeah, they call me Birdman, like that old NBA player.

Speaker 2 (09:35):
They compare me to virgin. Yeah. And I know you
have a portrait of lamar Odom on your neck. It's
one of our friends, his delusion on. That's a nice piece.
I'm not sure which artists did that one.

Speaker 3 (09:48):
Yeah, l we call him Melo. We don't call him tomorrow,
call hi Melo.

Speaker 2 (09:53):
And then you have his candy jar on the other
side of your neck. So you have some nice artwork.

Speaker 3 (09:58):
Well, I actually have on my my lower right leg
I have a tattoo of the night that me, Jake
Warner and Jason Smith were at Roscoe Chicken and Waffle
on Pico and Lamar was in there wall suspended from
the clippers for weed and recognize me as he was

dining with some friends there enjoying some that was before
he became a Kardashian and all that other stuff.

Speaker 2 (10:29):
And some people. You know, you could never your love,
your love for your audience can never be questioned. You
on your left thigh. Your left thigh. You actually have
a tattoo of helmet man with a red on air
light above his head.

Speaker 3 (10:44):
I'm actually on the live air. Yes, you're on the
Are we on the live air?

Speaker 2 (10:51):
Dude? That's a great tattoo. Now our middle kid. I
think I might have mentioned to you on an earlier
podcast that he was accepted to the University of Oklahoma.

Speaker 3 (11:02):
Now does he have the tagline down? Because I've been
I've been to Norman, Oklahoma before. Have you gone? Have
you taken him on a on a tour to Oklahoma?

Speaker 4 (11:18):

Speaker 2 (11:18):
So he and one of his best friends both got accepted.
So they're gonna go together. They're gonna be roommates.

Speaker 3 (11:26):
So you have to. You have to sing sooner born,
sooner bread, and when I die, I'll be sooner dead.
But he can't say sooner born and sooner bread. But
he can't say when I die, I'll be sooner dead.
That party can sing.

Speaker 2 (11:36):
Yeah, Well, we know the whole boomer thing. And obviously
he's been getting gear and we've been, you know, stacking
up some some sooner gear so that we could try
to fit in for Family Day, which is coming up
in September. In the meantime, we're giving him a little
going away party tomorrow. Besides it being big festivity time

for Big Baby Ka, there's another hotel room which is
going to be him and his friends drinking illegally.

Speaker 3 (12:04):
Fuck yeah, wonderful.

Speaker 2 (12:09):
Yeah. I mean they're not twenty one yet, but they're
college kids now. So what do college kids do?

Speaker 3 (12:15):
Right, Well, you have to get ready for Oklahoma. And
my memory, I did one Oklahoma Nebraska game back when
that was a big deal. It was actually a year
Oklahoma won the national championship, the first one Bob Stoops won.
I did a national radio game from Norman, Oklahoma, and
we stayed in Oklahoma City because why would you want
to stay in Norman. There's nothing there. So we drove

over from Oklahoma City to Norman and it was we
got up at like five thirty in the morning and
we get into Norman and there are people out there
just chugging beer at like six thirty in the morning.

Speaker 2 (12:53):
I thought he was exaggerating when he told me the
game that we're going to be attending. It's like the
big noon kickoff game that weekend. And he's like, oh,
kids will be in the parking lot at six am drinking,
and I'm like, six am, really.

Speaker 5 (13:08):
Yes, Yeah, I saw it. I've never seen an I
never seen before. So you have Bruskis with your scrambled eggs.
That is way too early for alcohol for me.

Speaker 3 (13:20):
I didn't see any scrambled eggs, but I did see
a lot of alcohol. It was bananas, man. It was
what an environment for college football though it's it's awesome.

Speaker 2 (13:31):
Yeah, I'm enjoyed.

Speaker 3 (13:32):
It's a great little college town too. It's a really
cool little college town.

Speaker 2 (13:35):
So I'm looking forward to that.

Speaker 3 (13:37):

Speaker 2 (13:37):
He's going to be leaving in nine days from now,
a road trip, which you and the Live Radio Show
have recent experience with. As you guys road trip to Vegas.
What a much longer trip of course, to Oklahoma, two
day drive that his uncle is going to help him with,
and then his uncle is going to fly back to
southern California. So we're getting ready for that. And he's

our middle kid. He's been talking about getting a tattoo
for a while, and his mom would always tell him, Nah,
you're too young, Nope, you gotta wait, you know, sixteen seventeen.
She's like, no, you're not ready. And he's like, put
my friend on the baseball team and she said, I
don't care. He's not my son. You are. You're not
getting a tattoo yet. Well, now he's about to celebrate
his nineteenth birthday, so I told him, Ben, I said,

I have a tattoo appointment next Wednesday, and you could
come along with me to get your first tattoo. At first,
he was fired up. He's like, yeah, hell yeah, I'm
gonna do this, and he was telling his mom and
I his ideas about I'm either gonna do my leg
right here, I'm gonna do my forearm. And then a

couple days ago I reminded him, I said, hey, don't forget.
The tattoo appointment is next Wednesday at six pm. I
could see the fear in his eyes. What's going on?
Are you pulling out? You're backing out? You wouls? No, no, no,
I think I'm still good. I think I'm still good
for it. So I'm wondering if his virgin skin butt

is gonna make it or not next Wednesday, let's take bets.

Speaker 3 (15:13):
Now, what is his plan? Like what tattoo is he get?
Is he get like an Oklahoma logo or something.

Speaker 2 (15:19):
I joked with him about that because he's like, well,
I'm going to do something simple and not that big.
And I'm like, so the ou back piece is out
of the question. He says he wants to get He's
a mama's boy. He said he wants to get his
mom's birthday in Roman numerals on his forearm or his leg. Mummy.

Speaker 3 (15:39):
See that would actually be smart because you said your
your wife is kind of like, don't get a tattoo
or whatever.

Speaker 2 (15:45):

Speaker 3 (15:45):
Now, so if he shows up and says, hey, look, mom,
how can she be upset? It was like, that's a
tremendous honor for the mom, right, I mean, come on,
for your wife.

Speaker 2 (15:54):
Well, it's funny you caught that because That was his
selling point back when he was sixteen seventeen. The tattoo's
gonna be about you, mom. It's like, I don't care.
I still don't want you getting ink on your body yet.

Speaker 3 (16:07):
That's great. Yeah, that's a great starter tattoo. And then
once he gets one tattoo, well, I've already got one tattoo,
so I don't why not more bingo? So I'm wondering, brilliant.
Actually that's a smart move.

Speaker 2 (16:20):
Yeah, you're not wrong. So now I'm wondering. Am I
gonna be solo at the tattoo appointment next Wednesday? Or
is he gonna be there? We will find out, dunt dundone.

Speaker 3 (16:32):
Now I want to know is Danny G? Are the
rumors true on the internet? Is Danny G getting the
Covino and Rich tattoo?

Speaker 2 (16:38):
Is that correct? Danny? If they sign a one million
dollar contract with FSR, then I'll get a CNR tattoo.

Speaker 3 (16:45):
You're right. No, if you sign a one million dollar contract,
you'll get an FSR logo on your arm.

Speaker 2 (16:50):
Oh, if I sign a one million dollar contract, I'll
get it on my butt.

Speaker 3 (16:54):
On both cheeks. You get the f The s will
be over your butt crack and then the r will
be on the other and you'll be like, oh, you know,
and my man, you know.

Speaker 2 (17:03):
Rich Davis has actually joked a couple of times on
the air that he has told Covino over the years
they've now worked together for twenty some odd years, since
they were both kids. He said, if we ever sign
a multi million dollar deal for a radio show, I
will get a tattoo of Covino's face on my butt cheek.

And so, why do you think Covino works as hard
as he does?

Speaker 3 (17:28):
Yeah? I love it all right, what do we got
of it? I gotta mention this London is calling. I
did want to spend a moment if you didn't hear
on the original Recipe show during the week, A big
tip of the microphone the headphones to our p one Femi,
who I was lucky enough to meet at the Mermaid

in Minneapolis a couple of years ago. Was a couple
of years I was last year. I don't even know
it all runs together. Seems like it was just yesterday
when I got a speeding ticket, got off the highway
there in Minnesota, then saw my name on a jumbo
tron in front of the Mermaid talk about going from
a low to a high. P one who lives in Minneapolis.
He's the number one uber each delivery driver in Minnesota.

He's a dedicated, hard working man. You talk about perseverance,
you talk about busting your ass, he's got that. I
love people that have that work ethic, that just keep
going right, have that grit, get her done. That's a
guy like Femi. And he's supporting a lot of relatives
back in his homeland and whatnot. And he's a dedicated

fan of our show. So he sends me a message
the other night, Danny, And in case you missed it,
he's at Heathrow Airport in London on a layover on
his way back to Minneapolis. He's at a Delta gate
in Heathrow and he's passing out mallor bumper stickers through

people at Heathrow Airport in London and on his flight
back to the States. And he even asked to get
in contact with Terry in England, who's the number one
listener to this show in London and in Europe there,
and so he wanted to get him one as well. Obviously,

as he said, he throws so he can get out
of the airport, but Terry did say he wants one
of those stickers, and Femmi did send one to my
guy Ozzie Waz who listens to this podcast every weekend
in Western Australia. So thank you, Femi. You spent your
own money on that. I appreciate it. It's awesome. I

did want to mention for those that are showing up
today to the Malard Meet and greet here on this Saturday,
we are going to have a limited edition. I should
have mentioned this yesterday but I just forgot about it.
But we have a limited edition Ben Malors Show collectible,
a key chain, and there's only a few of these

that were made. A friend of the show made them.
They're not free. There's a couple of bucks, but they
will be available today and when they're gone, they're gone.
So if you're interested in that, you're gonna be out
at the meet and greet today this afternoon here in
Vegas starting at three o'clock. Details on social media. My
wife will be there. I think she'll be handling all that.

But we'll have these little collectibles that you can get
if you're a super fan of the show and if
you've been with the show a long time. We've had
many T shirts and we've had a few other items
that have been available for fans of the show, but
they're always limited edition, and I always and always I
will hear from people that just find the show like, Hey,
I want to get something to support the show. I

want to wear something or whatever, and I'm like, well,
I don't have anything. I mean, every once in a while,
we had that Spats with Shats shirt that was popular,
a few of those back in the day, and we
had the art. I think my favorite shirt was the
one from the Mad Clown that had the cartoon drawn. Yeah,

all the different characters on the show. That's a really
good one. I actually have that in my remote studio.
I have that art. I have a few photos up
and some art from different listeners over the years, so
that'll be available today. Look forward to that. I did
want to mention also a melancholy rest in peace to

somebody that influenced my life as a child and has
gone across the Pearly gates. I've talked about some of
my radio influences as a kid. I grew up a
huge fan of a guy named Jim Healy. I listened
to Hacksaw Hamilton. I actually got to work with him
as an intern, learned the business from Lee Hamilton. Joe

McDonald who I became friends with, he passed away. Also
Howard Stern. I feel like he died, although he's still there.
He just went woke. But I love Stern back before
he crossed over. Loved his work when he was a
shit o jock back in the day. As a kid,
and another person that I haven't really talked about, but
I used to listen to this guy every Sunday night

as a little fat kid growing up and having an
interest in gambling, I listened on the radio before the Internet.
There was this station out of Vegas called seven to
twenty K Dawn and on Sunday night from ten o'clock
till midnight, this guy, Lee Pete, hosted the show. Now
at least been dead for a while, but he co

hosted the show with a sports handicapper named Dave Cochin.
And that show would come on Sunday night and they
were the first place to get the overnight line for
next week's NFL games. They weren't available the internet. This
is how long ago this was. This was in the
Stone Age, the Internet wasn't a thing, and so in

order to get next week's line on the Rams or
the Raiders, or the Patriots or the Texans, the whoever
your team is, you had to hear this on they
called the Stardust Line, and Dave Cochin was was on
there and he died this week. He had been battling

terminal cancer for a while and there was a couple
of great tributes on that I read. I mean, this
guy had worked. He was also on one of those
I think it was a Jim Feist TV show on
the USA Network. He did that for over thirty years.
But he was in Vegas from the nineteen eighties on
and I remember him from the Stardust Line. I just

loved it. And he did local radios. Well he did
a show with Pete Rose.

Speaker 2 (23:40):
Oh ok, yeah, so, but I think that's where I
know his name from.

Speaker 3 (23:44):
Yeah, he had a very unique voice. He Actually the
funny thing about it is he got upset with me
on Twitter on X over years ago over something I
had posted, and he was like.

Speaker 2 (23:59):
Upset, It's just that sounds about right. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (24:03):
I didn't tell him. Hey, I used to listen to
you when I was ten years old.

Speaker 2 (24:06):
Freaking Mallard guy.

Speaker 3 (24:07):
I didn't tell him that.

Speaker 2 (24:08):
But anyway, Now, when you heard him as a kid,
was he yelling about he could earn you a boat?

Speaker 3 (24:15):
No, No, he wasn't that. He wasn't one of those guys,
all right. He was like he tried to be like
legit and all that.

Speaker 2 (24:21):
Yeah, so he was professional.

Speaker 3 (24:23):
Yeah, he was surrounded by scumbags and losers and all that.
And he said he put his first bet over first
bet ever as a child on the American Hockey League's
Providence Reds when he was a little kid grown up
in the Northeast. And he rest in peace to Dave Cochin,
a longtime Vegas radio guy and handicapper and someone I

listened to as a kid on the radio on that
Sunday night. It's always excited hear the Stardust line. Was
always like a big deals I knew. I felt like
I knew the lines before anyone else. I kind of did,
because unless you were listening, and you didn't know the
lines unless you were in Vegas. What a different world
it was back then.

Speaker 2 (25:04):
Man, he would be so proud of you, you know,
if you got to talk to him. Yeah, I don't know.
What's going on with the negotiations or negotiations as you
call them for your TV show? Because I feel like
little Benny, those kind of radio shows planted the seed
for your gambling talk on the radio and then TV.

Speaker 3 (25:25):
Yeah, it definitely influenced, definitely influenced things. And we'll hopefully
have an update fingers crossed on Benny versus the Penny
here very soon.

Speaker 2 (25:34):
And yeah, we're getting close.

Speaker 3 (25:36):
It's either pooper get off the pot here. Yeah, football
kicked off back on Thursday, So.

Speaker 2 (25:43):
Come on NBC. There's more to life than basketball.

Speaker 3 (25:46):
Yeah, exactly, exactly. Let's get to the idiom of the week.
Idiom of the week, all right, the idium of the
week is pony up. You ever use that? You got
a pony up?

Speaker 1 (25:59):

Speaker 2 (26:00):
Come on, you pull me up.

Speaker 3 (26:01):
Pay one's debt? Right, you owe me man? You got
to pony up? Well. It was first printed in eighteen nineteen.
This is in something called the Rural Magazine and Farmer's
Monthly Museum claimed a favored gentleman was walking rapidly into

the merchant tailor shops and very slowly out unless they
ponied up the Spanish money. However, the phrase is much
older than that, even though it was first printed in
eighteen nineteen. According to the people over at Grammarist, the
idiom goes back to the sixteenth century. It was actually

derived from a Latin phrase taken out of the Bible
that meant money down, but it sounded when translated like
pony up. And they say that is off used and
invoked on March twenty fifth. Why is that, you ask,

I'll tell you because that once the was the the
first payday of the financial calendar year. That's the date
when debts were settled, which eventually led to the corruption
of the phrase and made pony up the idiom meaning

give me money. It's like when you go into Don
Martin's office and say, hey, pony up. Man, Come on, man,
you got a pony up? Man? You know who I am?
You got a pony up?

Speaker 6 (27:38):
No pony up, mister Denver Bronco exactly. We'll get out
on that. Have a wonderful Saturday. I'm looking forward to
meeting you. If you're here in Vegas three o'clock this afternoon.
Can't wait for that. You can have a great time.
Say hello, We'll have name tags on. My name will

say Ben. So if you don't recognize me from the radio.
I'll have my name tag on there. And again limited
edition collectible. The key chains will be available tonight. I
don't know how many we have. We don't have that many,
so when they're gone, that's it. And I don't know
that we'll get any more of those. And they're they're
pretty cool. So I have one. I have one.

Speaker 3 (28:20):
I have like the first one, but you can have
like the second or third one. You're you're good on that.
Anything you want to promote, Danny, I know you're hanging out.
Baby Coh's birthday, big weekend here.

Speaker 2 (28:29):
Yeah, I wish I could be in Las Vegas. I
wish it was a different weekend. Why did I have
to have a kid?

Speaker 3 (28:37):
Well, you'll be thanking him when he's changing your diaper
one year old, so you'll be thanking him for that. Nah.

Speaker 2 (28:42):
He's wonderful. He's one of the best things that's happened
in my life. But yeah, it is his first birthday
tomorrow on Sunday for the mail bag. His actual birthday
is on August fifth, but of course we're going to
celebrate on the weekend here tomorrow.

Speaker 3 (28:57):
I could say that is his number.

Speaker 2 (29:02):
Man dude and Ben, he's already throwing tantrums. Sometimes he
doesn't do it a lot, but when he gets really frustrated,
he flails onto his back, rocks his head back into
the carpet hard, kicks his heels into the carpet, and
you hear a big thump. When I hear a thump downstairs,
I'm like, uh uh, I mean, I thought that was

terrible too. He's already acting like a two year old.
He's a size of one now. Sometimes he's acting that way.
So I'm praying that Sunday goes really smooth and there's
nothing for him to get frustrated about. He's really good natured.
Most of the time. He's smiling and laughing. But oh boy,
if he's super hungry or angry or can't find a toy,
he's looking for terrible two time, even though he's won.

Speaker 3 (29:47):
Yeah, he's like, bam bam, he's on a rampage.

Speaker 2 (29:51):
No no, no, no, bam bam, don't do that, bam bam.

Speaker 3 (29:56):
Alright, an outdated references from the flint Stones, who we'll
get out of here on that have a wonderful day again.
I'm fired up. I'll put my church Clowes On to
meet you today. Come by, say hello, thank you for
coming here to Vegas. For those of you that have
made the trip, the journey, the pilgrimage, and we'll have
we'll have details and whatnot down the line, but we'll

have a mail bag on Sunday. Sunday, Sunday, we'll talk
to you then.

Speaker 2 (30:24):
See you tomorrow for the mail bag. Later, Skater gotta murder,
I gotta go.
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