Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
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Speaker 2 (00:10):
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Speaker 2 (01:42):
What's up guys?
Speaker 1 (01:43):
Hey, last video pretty good, I mean, unfortunately Rogan walked
that back on the thirty mil Dana called him. You know,
that's one thing that people don't realize that when we
get things like maybe not as right as we think,
dude does give us a call and kind of tells
us what was going on, so that we can actually
be at least given the right information out in the world.
But today's video is not even about that. I want
to talk about something different. I have been monitoring, and
as you guys know, we monitor everything here at DCTV
all the news, the whole bolt nikol hamzat Chamaya thing
and the reason in Luis please put it in the
chat the article on MMA Junkie about what Bo said
so that I can read it verbatim. But the reason
that I've been monitoring this very closely is because.
Speaker 2 (02:35):
Remember when both fought.
Speaker 1 (02:37):
And I spoke a little bit about while he was
in the octagon him not being ready for Tamayav. Ultimately
that really did up said bowl. We ended up talking
about it a little bit, but I was kind of
trying to avoid this where he would get rushed into
something that I didn't think he was necessarily ready for.
But in the beginning, when you're young and you start fighting,
you're very excited. Both seemed in twenty twenty four, which
was last year, to have caught his head a little
bit and yet kind of took a step back talking
about I'm not ready for that now, and he had
talked less about Jamayah. Well, now as the year has turned,
Bo Nichola is more talking about the haamazat Chimaiah and
how he thinks a potential match between those two would
play out.
Speaker 2 (03:28):
Both said this, He said, I don't think.
Speaker 1 (03:31):
There's really a guy in the world at eighty six
kilos one eighty five that can beat me in wrestling.
See that there, Love you, Bo, but be specific a
guy in the world of mixed martial arts that could
beat you in wrestling. Obviously we're not wrestling because you
know there were guys that beat him in the United States,
but he's talked about MMA, and honestly, I agree with
though those guys cannot out wrestle Bull Nickel. There's not
a guy in the USC at one hundred and eighty
five pounds that could make in one round with Bo
Nickel in the wrestling match. Get that out there. It
is a complete non event. It's a non starter. He
would literally mop the floor with every one of those
guys in a straight wrestling match. Not close, not competitive.
Speaker 2 (04:22):
All of our.
Speaker 1 (04:22):
Favorites, we love them, but they cannot compete with bon
Nickel in wrestling. Non event. I am not I don't
want your comments. I don't want you to you know
I've always liked YO. Tell me the comments. I don't
want your comments is a wash. The argument's over, Bull Nickel,
ten zeros every guy in fighting in straight wrestling, You'll
MERWA wrestling no more.
Speaker 2 (04:45):
And fight no more.
Speaker 1 (04:46):
Only guy those types of guys can compete with him anyhow.
I think that he's good, he's got skills, but his
biggest thing that's going to crush him, especially in a
fight against me.
Speaker 2 (04:57):
Dude, you're going to get tired.
Speaker 1 (05:00):
You're going to go down like this and I'm going to,
like this, go up as the fight goes on, and
you're not going to take me down, which is your
best attribute, So you're going to have to strike with me.
Speaker 2 (05:16):
I'm probably going to be able to take you down.
Speaker 1 (05:19):
Maybe I don't hold you down on the ground forever,
but I can't hold you down there.
Speaker 2 (05:24):
For a little bit.
Speaker 1 (05:25):
And the longer the fight goes, the worst is going
to get for you. Now, that is about a strong
a statement in regards to Hamzat Chamayav that I've seen
Will Nickel make. So I wonder what happened, What did
he do or discover in the gym that he is
more strong with his convictions in regards to how he
thinks they match up between those two would play out.
Speaker 2 (05:49):
Something happened, Something happens.
Speaker 1 (05:52):
You don't make that big a turn without something happening
in the gym that either clicked or you went with
someone that you feel is comparative. Two, i'ms At Jamaiyah
and you did well against him.
Speaker 2 (06:05):
I don't really have.
Speaker 1 (06:07):
That big of an argument or big of an issue
with what both said, honestly, But I will say this
from experience.
Speaker 2 (06:15):
In theory, when you're the better.
Speaker 1 (06:18):
Wrestler, you expect to be able to control the wrestling.
In reality, it's not as clear a line to define
as one would think.
Speaker 2 (06:32):
I was that.
Speaker 1 (06:33):
I was that because I came over as the Olympian,
the guy that could out wrestle anybody, and I could.
I would have beat John Jones ten zero. I would
have beat Alexander Gustus and ten zero no problem. Yet
they both took me down. They both took me down
because at the end of the day, in MMA wrestling,
it's not just about shooting double legs, single legs, high crotches,
and snapdown. It's also clinch wrestling, clinch positioning, learning to
wrestle along the octagon's side, defending takedowns against the octagon.
I got taken down by Rumbo, I got taken down
by Jones, I got taken on by Gustusson.
Speaker 2 (07:14):
I don't know that those guys can score a takedown
on me.
Speaker 1 (07:17):
If we put on wrestler's shoes and we stood in
the middle of Matt in the wrestling stands, nobody in
the country did for six years. But inside of an
octagon it's different. So in theory what bo Nichol is
saying is true, but in reality, Hamzat Chimayav, the more
experienced guy inside the cage, honestly may hold the wrestling
advantage just knowing how to wrestle in there. One area
that would give me a little bit concern if your
team Jamayav is that most of his shots are from distance.
Those will not work against bon Nickel. Shots from the
outside like he did against Robert Whitaker, like he did
against Gilbert Burns, where he just kind of level changes
and exploding the guys. That won't work against bull Nickel.
When I got taken on by Jones, when I got
taken on by Rumble, it was always against the octagon side.
From the clinch level change put him down because in
the open you can defend all day as the wrestler.
But my question to you is what happened, what gave
him this new confidence to where he is so assertive
in his thoughts.
Speaker 2 (08:33):
I like it.
Speaker 1 (08:36):
I like that something is telling bonnicol or someone is
telling Bonnickel that he needs to start putting these higher
level guys on the radar. But there are many guys
that they should fight before he fights.
Speaker 2 (08:47):
I'ms not your miam.
Speaker 1 (08:49):
I'm not coming off of my stance that I think
he should get more time, because my concern for him
is this.
Speaker 2 (08:56):
If if you can't take him down.
Speaker 1 (09:00):
Now what Tamiah is the better striker, Jamiah is the
bigger puncher. Jamiah can when you put these two in
their performances against each other. We haven't seen Bowl just
put somebody out with one shot. He hurt Val would mind,
but it was the follow up shots that put Val
down for good. We have seen Jamiah one punch Gerald miershark.
But I think that is what and this is what
we need in the UFC. We need a young rivalry.
We need two young guys who seem to have the
world at their fingertips nipping at the butt to.
Speaker 2 (09:42):
Fight each other.
Speaker 1 (09:43):
I wonder to what Jamiah's thinking in all of this,
because right now you got the young guy, the lower
ranked guy that's chirping. That's talking, and I didn't see
where the conversation started. Bow was on a podcast or something.
I don't know if the question was posed to him.
I don't know, but I know in that answer, I
see a confident guy. But I wonder if boy has
asked himself the questions. What happens if it doesn't go
according to plan? Because you guys have to remember, he's
still very early in his career. So what happens if
I can't hold him down? What happens when he gets
back to his feet and he defends a takedown? What
happens when I get tired? What happens when I start
to get dealt some adversity whenever I haven't been dealt adversity?
Or maybe he goes through this whole thing without be
adult adversity. See, that's the crazy thing about Bo Nickel
is the potential is it's untapped. We don't know how
good this guy.
Speaker 2 (10:46):
Is going to be.
Speaker 1 (10:47):
What we do know, though, is that hamzat Chimaiav has
been thought to be a future world champion from the moment.
Speaker 2 (10:53):
We laid eyes on him.
Speaker 1 (10:55):
His hardest fights have been against Kamara who's wan and
Gilbert Burns. Both of those guys have fought the world titles.
He fought a world champion and Robert Woodiker and he
submitted him in the first round. We have not seen
him struggle, so it's hard to imagine. And Bo didn't
struggle in the last fight, guys. He didn't struggle against
Paul Craig. He beat him very convincingly, but he wasn't
as dominant as we have come to expect him to be.
So in that people will draw conclusions, but ultimately it's
about matchups, and when you look at the matchup seems
to be a pretty good one between Bo and Hamzai.
So for the first time, I'm not telling Bo to
stop talking. I'm telling Bo talk more, but just you
better be ready for what you're asking for, because this
dude is a killer and he's very good. And I
know because I was you that I thought I could
take him all down. But when I didn't, I had
struck long enough to know that I could still hold
my own and that's why I won so many of
those fights.
Speaker 2 (11:56):
I love it though, both Nichol keep talking.
Speaker 1 (11:59):
Man talk, you talk, get the fight that you think
you want, but hope that all your training is at
a level that can compete with the absolute best in
the world because once.
Speaker 2 (12:10):
You beat him, if you beat him, there.
Speaker 1 (12:12):
Is no going back. It's only gonna get harder from
that moment on.
Speaker 2 (12:16):
Guys. Thank you guys for supporting me and everything I do.
I love you.
Speaker 1 (12:20):
I appreciate you so much. Until next time, Like, subscribe,
set those reminders, Tell you friends about DC's YouTube channel
because I'm getting into all the hottest topics because my
ear is always to the street. I see my brick
street put the street.
Speaker 2 (12:33):
Until next time, guys. Peace,