Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
The volume.
Speaker 2 (00:12):
All right, guys, welcome to a brand new episode of
Funking the Champ.
Speaker 3 (00:15):
I'm Daniel Cormier. That is the Funky Man, been asking
what's up being? I saw you a couple of weeks
ago in Colorado. Man, that was nice. Bonel was a
great event.
Speaker 2 (00:23):
I thought my kids wrestled tough.
Speaker 3 (00:25):
We got a lot of second places, and a lot
of those second places were to you, and then pissed
me off.
Speaker 2 (00:30):
I kept seeing you across the map from me.
Speaker 1 (00:33):
I think we just got lucky and we just had
some good guys.
Speaker 3 (00:36):
Yes, you had some good kids. That you had some
good kids wrestling my kids. Man, it was very good,
important for him. But as I told my kids, guess
where they're going. Where they spending the weekend? You said
you're coming to see me Asking Wrestling Academy. Hey, bro,
I'm taking advantage of these founding clubs. I'm sending them
to Valiant, I'm sending them to Asking, I'm sending them
to all you guys for a week.
Speaker 2 (01:00):
Might as well take advantage of it. We should do
that more.
Speaker 3 (01:03):
We should do more cross training with each other to
help our kids kind of grow.
Speaker 2 (01:07):
It'll be a good thing. All right, Ben, we're here
to talk MMA.
Speaker 3 (01:11):
Last weekend was UFC three eleven, and obviously when the
fight ended or the night ended, it was all about
Islamihacha because he defended his belt in tremendous fashion. But
as you and I were getting ready to talk on
this show, your take was, I want to Talkrob, Like, yeah,
I think it's all about Rob. How impressed were you
by his performance?
Speaker 1 (01:36):
Speaker 3 (01:37):
In a fight where he was a three to one
underdog twenty five and he went out a beautiful fight.
See here's my wonderful watches. Brought me some coffee.
Speaker 2 (01:47):
I told you how wonderful Aby, Amy?
Speaker 1 (01:49):
If Aby she doesn't want to say Hi, Amy?
Speaker 2 (01:52):
If only you.
Speaker 3 (01:53):
Knew Amy, he was crapping on you again. He was
crapping on you again.
Speaker 1 (01:58):
ABD No, Hey, Morob.
Speaker 4 (02:02):
I made a video that morning saying I have no
idea how the hell you idiots are betting Morob to
a three to one underdog, because you know betting lines
where betting line was working means everyone's betting for Umar.
But it's like, okay, we've seen Umar fight one really
good guy in Kory san Hagen, but no one else.
And I always think, you know if we haven't actually
seen it, I don't really believe it. I want to
see it for real, like against and then you look
at Morob's resume. This dude fought I mean, because you're
looking at like, who's he gonna fight next? And then
you look at him like, oh my god, he's Alreadyody
John O'Malley and Peter Yat and and no Mega Medov
and so Hudo like.
Speaker 2 (02:39):
He's he's literally fought everyone.
Speaker 1 (02:43):
Except for except for Chris kersten Hagen's coming off of GLOSSI.
Speaker 3 (02:47):
Well, I think he's gonna fight Chant O'Malley next again,
which is which we'll get into Ben. I thought, okay,
so I was. I was of a different belief than you.
For me, it wasn't I have to see it with
Umar because I knew how good he was.
Speaker 2 (03:01):
I just fair.
Speaker 3 (03:03):
I believed that the only reason he fought one guy
in the top five was because it was the only
one that was willing to fight him. And that's a
lot of times how it goes with those Russian guys
because they think you just take him out. I was
having a little bit of trouble with the betting line
because I don't know that you can bet anyone up
to a three to one favorite against Rob because of
the way he fights, and it seems like the only
way to beat him is by completely shutting out the
lights because there's a.
Speaker 2 (03:32):
Kill up and walking.
Speaker 3 (03:33):
Yes, as long as he's up and walking, he's going
to continue to press.
Speaker 2 (03:38):
You and try to chase you down to get you.
Speaker 1 (03:41):
So I was kind of pass.
Speaker 4 (03:44):
That kind of pace is so special. I even think about, like,
I don't wrestling is this seven minute match, but it is.
It's a little harder per minute because you hands on
almost the whole time, you know. But people who have
a pace like Morob are really special. Like, whether it's
wrestling or fighting, there's not a lot of them, very
very few. And you know, you fought twenty five minutes.
I fought twenty five minutes. I had good cardio. He
is freaking hard to go that hard for twenty five minutes.
Speaker 3 (04:09):
We have we had good cardio for wrestlers because we
were the one setting the pace.
Speaker 1 (04:13):
Speaker 3 (04:14):
What he does, though, is every second of the fight
he is just attacking your will. Yes, he just attacks
your will, and he attacks your will and he attacks
your will to eventually start going.
Speaker 2 (04:26):
Man, do I really have what I have to have.
Speaker 4 (04:29):
Yeah, And you know a great example Daniel's Umar because
you know, I started seeing because my thing in wrestling
was guessing people out, so I I am aware of
the very faintest signs of them starting to get tired.
And beginning of the third round, I said, Umar is
getting tired. Someone else watching they ended a second when
he walked back to the to the stew I was.
Speaker 2 (04:49):
Like, oh my god, I think he's hard.
Speaker 4 (04:51):
Yes, and everyone else and it said like nah, I
don't think so, or not quite.
Speaker 1 (04:54):
And then by the end of the third round and
they're all like.
Speaker 2 (04:56):
Oh, I see, oh he's exhausted.
Speaker 1 (04:58):
Speaker 2 (04:59):
Speaker 3 (04:59):
It's crazy how it changes, right you go for like
it's like the door gets opened on a guy being fatigued, right,
Like I remember fighting and you're in there with a guy, right, like,
who did I went twenty five minutes with Alexander gustuson Yeah.
In the first round it's like, good, it's I'm cruising,
but he's dangerous, right, he's fast, he's strong. And then
the second round, I'm like, he took me down a
couple of times, but I can start to sense him
getting a little fatigue and then by the third round, I'm.
Speaker 2 (05:28):
Just chasing him.
Speaker 3 (05:29):
And then by the fourth and fifth now he's almost
in survival mode. He's just kind of running.
Speaker 1 (05:33):
You know what.
Speaker 4 (05:33):
I think sometimes about in the fifth round and actually
just happened with Umar. So when when they're in the
third round, there's like, there's fifteen minutes left, How.
Speaker 1 (05:40):
Then am I going to go another fifteen minutes?
Speaker 2 (05:42):
That paid?
Speaker 4 (05:43):
But by the time they get to like two minutes left,
they're like, fit, I can do two minutes.
Speaker 1 (05:47):
You know what I'm saying, Like.
Speaker 2 (05:49):
My looks a lot better at the end of the
fifth round because.
Speaker 4 (05:51):
You get to that point where there's only two minutes
left and you're like, I can do two more mans
When you say there's fifteen minutes left, you're like, oh my.
Speaker 1 (05:57):
God, how am I fifty more minutes?
Speaker 2 (06:00):
Look at that damn clock?
Speaker 3 (06:01):
But and you look up and you're like, holy shit,
there's a minute forty fives left in this round.
Speaker 2 (06:06):
It's crazy. Then you go run to the clinch.
Speaker 3 (06:09):
But for me, it's this, it's like watching this dude
fight a guy who's expected to it.
Speaker 2 (06:16):
So here's how betting works. Ben.
Speaker 3 (06:19):
What they do is and you know what they do
is we set a line or the odds makers set
a line. They set a line hoping that you get
two way action. Right, they make it appealing to one
side and then they make it appealing to the other side.
So with Islam, when they announced the fight with Nato Boykano,
they made a minus six hundred. I said, that's gonna
balloon by tomorrow morning because at minus six hundred, if
you know Islam and you know Nato, huh, it seems like.
Speaker 2 (06:48):
It's free money.
Speaker 1 (06:49):
Speaker 2 (06:49):
Fifteen minutes later it was minus nine hundred.
Speaker 3 (06:52):
It was not minus That's how many people I bet
on Islam Mahachev because they wanted it at that price.
Speaker 2 (06:59):
So what they started that line as from a Rob
and Umar and Luis, You.
Speaker 3 (07:03):
Could throw that in the chat for me, just like
the opening odds line for Rob versus Umar.
Speaker 2 (07:09):
I bet it was relatively close. Yeah, baby, Umar was.
Speaker 3 (07:12):
A slight favorite, and then fans, our people would go
and bet him up to that number. But at the
end of the day, those people don't really know. And honestly,
I didn't think Umar fought bad. I thought he fought
a great first two rounds. Clearly he broke his head
very bad. He fought a really good first two rounds.
But I just don't know who can keep Morob off
of him? Dude, Like he just kept on attacking. He
shot Ben, he shot twenty seven times, I know.
Speaker 4 (07:39):
And you know what in Umar's defense as a compliment,
his rest in defense was really good at it was tis,
but Morob was just so persistent and that he's I mean,
you had a really good one of these. But there's
not a lot of people who are really good where
they do that little head outside and then quick dump,
you know, and they give a quickdo like man, he
is so act there and you know you Umar was
doing good things, but he was still.
Speaker 1 (08:03):
Getting the takedowns.
Speaker 3 (08:04):
Well he you know what, you know what he does
really well, Ben, He shoots with no.
Speaker 2 (08:09):
Intent to finish. He'll shoot, grab your leg.
Speaker 3 (08:13):
You gotta defend right and he comes out, he throws
the overhead right, then he shoots and you got to
defend again. So you're never doing this like I'm a
punch and throw. You're constantly doing this dropping your hands,
dropping your hands, dropping your hands and defitting this man
off of you. But I mean, he was very impressive.
And when you start to think about something, you said
a little bit earlier, who's next?
Speaker 2 (08:37):
It just like, well, he's kind of fought everybody. Yeah, dude,
you know what's crazy?
Speaker 3 (08:42):
Henry Shudo and you and I are teammates, Olympic teammates.
To Henry, Henry doesn't really throw out compliments much. Henry
called him the bandawaight goat. I mean at this point
he won't accept that because he believes it's al Jamin
and Sterling because he loves al Jo. But Henry, Suhudo said,
he's having a hard time not considering al.
Speaker 2 (09:01):
Jamine Sterling the bandamweight greatest of all time? What do
you think?
Speaker 1 (09:05):
Wait, I think that hen Henry thinks that Morob.
Speaker 2 (09:09):
Is Sorry, Henry is the great This is what Suhudo said.
Speaker 3 (09:13):
He said, Uh, yan O'Malley Shudohudo considers over our resumes
comfortable reaching the conclusion Morob is the greatest band weight
of all time. Yan O'Malley Sahuro, Umar maris Aldo. He's
fought everybody, Sahuto said on this podcast with kamorro Usman
Papa Poun. He beat everybody's division. You could say in
their prime, you just can man. Morob is the bandam
weeight goat at least in my eyes, and he only
has one title defense.
Speaker 4 (09:43):
Yeah, no, it's because Dan, and that was why I
think he was still pissbaut Umar getting a town shot
so fast because he fought freaking everybody before they gave
him a stupid yes. But then even once al Jo cleared,
when he lost O'Malley, they gave Cheeto this show over.
Speaker 2 (10:01):
That was odd that that that would that would have
pissed me off.
Speaker 4 (10:03):
That was preposterous because Moro was the guy that should
have got that title for sure.
Speaker 1 (10:07):
So yeah, I mean, you know, one thing we talked about.
Speaker 4 (10:09):
On the show a bunch of times is so many
of these champions want to change weights and do these
super fights right away. And I always say, clean out
your damn division, then go fight someone else. So if
Mab wanted to do the super fight, I say, well,
you clean a vision too small.
Speaker 1 (10:22):
But there's no obvious there's he beat everyone else up.
Speaker 2 (10:25):
There's no if you thought to poor you would be
too much for that.
Speaker 4 (10:28):
But we think Tapoy is really really good, and he
already said he's not gonna make the weight, So like
what about like Morob versus Volkanovsky or something that's not.
Speaker 2 (10:37):
For what though, right, just for a fun fight?
Speaker 4 (10:40):
Speaker 1 (10:40):
You you hate you hate super fights. Now, I'm just.
Speaker 3 (10:44):
Saying, unless it's for a title I don't think it's
a super fight. If not a title fight, Hey, listen,
So Morob is gonna fight Seoul Maalley next? According to
Dana White, interested or do you think it's gonna be
rich and repeat?
Speaker 1 (10:55):
You know who?
Speaker 4 (10:56):
I was actually thinking would be a fun one here?
But then, yes, I don't know who Mara gets. And
I know Morob wants to stay active because Morob is
beating everybody.
Speaker 1 (11:04):
I think I thought Sean versus Umar would be a
lot of fun.
Speaker 3 (11:10):
Umar broke his hand, I think, and it was a
bad handbreak. I think he's gonna be out for one.
Speaker 1 (11:13):
But didn't Sean. Didn't Sean have like labrom surgery or something.
Speaker 2 (11:17):
Yeah, he was hurt too. They all get They all
get hurt. Did you see Umar's hand?
Speaker 1 (11:22):
Yeah? It was it was big, really spelled my coffee, dad, y'all?
Oh my god?
Speaker 2 (11:28):
How about where'd you drop it on your desk?
Speaker 1 (11:31):
Yeah? Give me ten seconds.
Speaker 2 (11:32):
No, you can't go, no way, you can't do this.
This is live television.
Speaker 3 (11:35):
Been asking, Hey, don't pause, Luise don't pause, Louise, he's
a duncet. But guys, listen, I think unless Sean O'Malley
makes some wholesale changes to his wrestling, to his grappling,
to his defensive ability off of his back, I'm a
real people, very very difficult. You can't come back and
just jumping right.
Speaker 2 (12:00):
I'm in the I didn't pause it. I just said
that unless Sean makes wholesale changes.
Speaker 3 (12:06):
I don't know how he's gonna Hey, let me ask
you this, do you believe and this is like I
think it.
Speaker 2 (12:12):
Needs to beet to this degree?
Speaker 3 (12:14):
Do you believe that Sean O'Malley, if he is to
fight Morob Duwallas Wheelie needs to be in a place
like maybe your academy or my academy or at like
Valiant Prep. Like instead of being in a MMA Jim wrestling,
he needs to be wrestling with these kids in the
wrestling stands. I mean, Valiant is in Arizona, he can
train there. It needs to be doing it almost full time.
Right to defend Mobland Right.
Speaker 4 (12:43):
I don't want to make us so hopeless, but like
next year, I complimented Umar's wrestling.
Speaker 1 (12:48):
His wrestling was pretty damn good.
Speaker 2 (12:50):
But Sean may do what Umar did.
Speaker 1 (12:53):
Even if he does, does he still lose?
Speaker 4 (12:55):
I mean Umar, because Umar is a really good striker too,
you know. And that's where it's like, you know, and
this was things where maybe at this point, because we've
seen Morob have really impressive performances lately, maybe we're putting
him even higher than.
Speaker 1 (13:07):
He actually is.
Speaker 4 (13:08):
But I mean you said, you said that, you know
some of those times he's not even really pursuing the takedown.
He just does it that throws upon off, Yeah, puts
him down and make him get back up, and it's like, Okay,
he fought twenty five minutes with Sean, and he fought
twenty five minutes with Umar, fifty minutes of fight.
Speaker 1 (13:25):
He didn't get clipped one time.
Speaker 2 (13:27):
No, he's got to be well because again, dude, he's
going forward.
Speaker 1 (13:30):
You know, he's so hard to hit him.
Speaker 3 (13:31):
Yeah, it's hard to hit him and he's going forward
the whole time, and the whole time you just reacting
and responded.
Speaker 2 (13:37):
But my like, like I said, yeah, I think.
Speaker 3 (13:40):
For the next year, right, Sean O'Malley needs to be
in a wrestling gym to try to learn how to
defend because if he can defend takedowns at the rate
that Umar did. Talk was saying that O'Malley has bigger
punching power than Umar to Mega Metal.
Speaker 4 (13:55):
Yeah, I kind of I told you, I kind of
want to see Umar versus Sean. Now I think I
don't think that's a really fun fight.
Speaker 2 (14:02):
Yeah, I don't know that. I don't know that. I
don't know that O'Malley would do that. I just don't.
I don't know what.
Speaker 1 (14:06):
It's you.
Speaker 2 (14:08):
Why whenever you're they said that they're gonna give.
Speaker 1 (14:11):
You yeaheah, So okay, I understand. I understand if he
know what.
Speaker 3 (14:13):
I'm saying, Like, why when they say they're going to
give you a title fight? But that would be a
fun one. I mean I would loses.
Speaker 1 (14:18):
So if Sean loses the morale again, then then where
do you put him? You're screwed.
Speaker 3 (14:22):
He's kind of in that same position as your b Yur.
He was like talking about how good you know he's
ready to fight Perreira again, and I'm like, I don't.
Speaker 2 (14:30):
Think i've seen many changes. Did you see many changes
in his da?
Speaker 1 (14:33):
I mean, his head movement did look better. He was evasive.
Speaker 4 (14:37):
Jamal had a hard time at times. At times he
had a hard time hitting him. There was other times
where I obviously Jamal connected and Jamal doesn't hit what
the same amount of power that Alex does. So if
Alex hit you in certain instances, you're probably gonna fall over.
But yeah, no, I thought he was good at it,
his fun. But no, I don't really want to see
a third fight there, which is the problem. When you
lose to a champion twice and they're still the champion,
there's kind of nowhere to go there.
Speaker 3 (15:00):
If you lose to the champion twice and show the champion,
there's nowhere to go. If you get finished by the
champion twice, that's.
Speaker 2 (15:05):
A real problem. Yeah, I mean I think.
Speaker 3 (15:07):
They fought twice and the fights have lasted maybe four
rounds total. Yeah, they were scheduled for ten rounds of fighting.
They haven't made it to half. So your has proven
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Speaker 2 (16:23):
Hey talking about Alex Perreira.
Speaker 3 (16:24):
He's got his next fight, bro, He's finally fighting, I
mean finally right, Like Unclia has got to be breathing
a sigh of relief, like, thank God, I'm finally getting
this title fight.
Speaker 1 (16:36):
Speaker 4 (16:37):
I can't remember last time we were talking they were
going to give it to someone else, weren't they?
Speaker 3 (16:41):
Well, because when Alex was like, it's still not going
to be on Calive, he was just kind of messaging.
Speaker 1 (16:45):
Yeah, that's what it is. That's what it was. Okay, okay, good.
Speaker 3 (16:49):
So Uncle Elia said, yesterday Alex, he said he's not
wait they said he's not fighting, said he's not wasting
any time letting anyone know that he means business. He
went to X and he said, you just signed your
debt certificate. I'm gonna punish you for ducking me, and
I'm gonna make you look like a guy who works
in a tire shop, not a professional fighter.
Speaker 4 (17:15):
Huh you know that. That's that's funny. And actually, uh,
the discussion came up. The discussion came up at my
house when me and my buddy's watching my fight. It's like,
Alex is so fun It's it's so funny to me
because on the one hand, I'm like, he should be.
Speaker 1 (17:31):
In goat conversation right like as no one hand.
Speaker 4 (17:37):
But then the other hand, I'm like, I kind of
think his wrestling still sucks, and if I someone who's
a good wrestler, he's gonna get torched.
Speaker 1 (17:42):
So it's like, it's like such a weird balance, Like
I don't know which way I actually feel.
Speaker 4 (17:46):
You know, It's like if he gets torched by Unclaiath,
do we say it was really a mirage the whole time.
I mean, obviously, his stand up is about as good
as it gets and he hits about as hard as
you can hit.
Speaker 1 (17:57):
But it is a weird.
Speaker 4 (18:00):
It's weird to try to hold both those positions at
once because it doesn't feel like it makes sense because
generally nobody gets to the top of mixed martial arts
with fighting someone in every skill set.
Speaker 2 (18:10):
So this.
Speaker 3 (18:11):
Luke Thomas made a point the other day and I
got this sent to me on Submission radio.
Speaker 2 (18:17):
He said this, listen, can you hear me?
Speaker 1 (18:22):
I can hear you?
Speaker 2 (18:23):
Okay, hold on, well, Luis will put it. But he goes.
Luke Thomas goes.
Speaker 3 (18:28):
People get mad when I say this and I don't
really care because I know I'm right. If you looked
at this twenty twenty five and I made it twenty
four but he put it ten years ago. In the
UFC's lead light everyweight division had Bator, Phil Davis, Leonto,
Machedah Glover.
Speaker 2 (18:45):
Yeah, Daniel Cormie and John Jones. I have terrible news
for you.
Speaker 3 (18:50):
Alex Pereira is not a champion in that era, not
beating Anthony Johnson, and if he does, I do for
sure shit doesn't think he beats DC. And I even say,
if he beats DC twenty fourteen, John Jones, you can
go fuck yourself, miss Radio. He said he doesn't feel that.
And the only reason he feels so strongly and that
and and he's that convicted is that we all had wrestling,
and he feels like because we all had.
Speaker 2 (19:22):
Wrestling, there would be problems for Poloton.
Speaker 3 (19:25):
Yet, with all that being said, Uncliath said he's not
wrestling him Ben.
Speaker 4 (19:30):
If he does, he's a moron, So hopefully he's not
a moron.
Speaker 3 (19:35):
He said he's not wrestling, but he also said he
goes to all the UFC fights to get free alcohol
and camera time. On the other hand, I've been training
so hard.
Speaker 2 (19:45):
March eighth. The alcohol will not help you. This is
what Alive is saying to Pereira. But if he stands
with them, I would stand with him.
Speaker 1 (19:55):
I have no idea. I don't know. He's just bullshitting's.
Speaker 2 (19:59):
A He's not gonna just take him down. That'd be crazy.
He just keeps shooting on it. He didn't take it.
Las guy fought.
Speaker 3 (20:07):
I swear to God, if I was fighting out where,
I would shoot on him from the moment to fight started.
Speaker 1 (20:11):
Yeah, for real.
Speaker 3 (20:13):
I would go forward press, throw like a left hand
or an overhand right and just diving on his legs
as much as I could, just to try to see
how it is taken down. The fits hold up. And
here's my thought, though, he's gotta have gotten better, right
He's been training with Glover all these years in the wrestling.
Speaker 4 (20:27):
Yeah, but the only instances of wrestling we've seen in
his UFC career has been not all that great. He
got taken on hell down by Asagna, who no one
thinks has good wrestling, and he got taken down by
Blowitz and was down the whole round. And you know,
I said there there, he really hasn't fought any wrestlers
because no one would say, oh, yeah, those two have
really high level wrestling, so he has, you know. That's
why it's weird. It's like, on the one hand, he's
like kind of the goat, he's amazing. On the other hand,
you're like, yeah, but if he fights a good wrestler,
you know, he's gonna get killed.
Speaker 1 (20:58):
But there are no good wrestles at two five currently.
Speaker 3 (21:00):
There's hardly any good wrestlers at all in the heavy
A weight classes in the UFC right now.
Speaker 2 (21:04):
Yeah, it's ex actually very.
Speaker 3 (21:05):
Surprising, right like that there aren't good wrestlers anymore. There
was always good wrestlers in the higher weights in fighting.
Speaker 1 (21:12):
Yeah, I mean, I think you know.
Speaker 4 (21:16):
My take is that a lot of the American wrestlers
have now they can get paid enough to where they
actually want to stay in wrestling.
Speaker 1 (21:22):
So there have been very few of the elite ones
who have crossed.
Speaker 4 (21:25):
Over, whereas during our era, say you know, starting and
was say five through twelve or whatever, a lot of them,
you know, even you know, like this step down below
the Olympic level where it's you know, Phil Davis was
a very very good wrestler Ryan Bater, and you could
kind of go through recod list of like guys who
were maybe not elite enough to make an Olympic team,
but they were like really really good and for whatever reason.
Now I think with all these RTCs that the good
wrestlers aren't really making the transition mma as often.
Speaker 2 (21:52):
They're making good money in in wrestling right now. So
what do you think?
Speaker 3 (21:56):
Do you think an Caliave beats Pererra? Do you think
Perera beats him? If if Parrera beats him him, I mean.
Speaker 1 (22:01):
Then it's over who's who's gonna beat him?
Speaker 2 (22:03):
Like, who's gonna beat him?
Speaker 3 (22:05):
He fought number eight Khalil Rowntree last time because there
was nobody else to fight. How has he cleaned out
that division when he's only been fighting for three years.
He's been the champion two times in two way classes,
he has defend of the belt in multiple divisions and
he's only been fight for like four years.
Speaker 4 (22:25):
I don't know who when you're looking at the list
of the rank guys, I don't know who he fights,
Like if if he beats Prasca, Hill Rocket beating Ulberg,
round Trade and who Ulberg and then round trade Olberg?
Speaker 3 (22:43):
I think Olberg has a big fight coming up, and
he's new and young, but again, he's a striker. And
if he's a striker, how do you think that he's
gonna beat Alex Perreira. I think, uh, I think Uncle's
gonna have to try to wrestle him. I think that's
kind of the the thought that he's posturing saying he's
gonna stand with them, trade with him, because him and
Rockets had a good fight, but it was relatively competitive
and he.
Speaker 2 (23:08):
Just filled with Rockage the whole time. Yea, right, So
it's like, yeah, I don't.
Speaker 3 (23:12):
Know if standing the whole fight with Lexrera is the
greatest idea.
Speaker 1 (23:16):
Uberg fights Blhoitz on March twenty second.
Speaker 2 (23:19):
Yeah, so if now, if Yad wins Behovich.
Speaker 1 (23:22):
That actually could make sense because they had a competitive
fight the first time.
Speaker 2 (23:26):
It was two rounds to one.
Speaker 3 (23:27):
Yeah, and then yaoll, Behovis just got exhausted in Salt
Lake City, Remember dude, he coming early, he got didn't
get used to the altitude, and gast.
Speaker 2 (23:34):
She was crazy.
Speaker 4 (23:35):
That's funny, But I mean there were there were people
arguing that that uh Bulhoitz actually won that fight, so
that you know, that's a compelling one to It.
Speaker 3 (23:46):
Was a competitive fight. I guess you could do that.
But hey, man, before we go, my kids had never
experienced altitude before. Never, dude. They were so tired. Their
faces were white when they were on the mat, like,
what is happening? They never felt it before.
Speaker 4 (24:01):
I was expecting my kids to gass a little harder.
But actually, uh, it wasn't that bad.
Speaker 2 (24:07):
No, my kids were gassing bad, but they were like coach.
Speaker 3 (24:10):
One of them walked off the mat. Hey Ben, this dude,
this Ben, This dude was a ford to sewer. On
the third period, the kid got to his leg. He
gets the whole first period. He ended in his position.
I thought he got taken out at the end of
the period, but he did because he scrambled out. He
was in a tree top. He was in an ur rate.
Speaker 2 (24:29):
Huh, dude. Third period, same position. This guy gets it
on the tail's legs, but tail goes to grab the
far foot. Ben.
Speaker 3 (24:37):
He's so tired. He looks at me like this, and
then he just bails and goes flat.
Speaker 2 (24:43):
On his stomach with thirty seconds left.
Speaker 3 (24:45):
Now he's up five to three, and this dude gets
taken down again. He was exhausted, and he walks up
and goes coach, I don't want to wrestle no more.
Speaker 2 (24:53):
I was like, it's just card. I was like, it's
just altitude. He was dying.
Speaker 1 (24:58):
But I say, I am a John. You didn't give
him a John Smith speech at that moment.
Speaker 2 (25:02):
Bro, I saw it happen.
Speaker 1 (25:04):
We're all wrestling in the same air. Stop being a whim.
Speaker 2 (25:08):
Yeah, that's exactly what John. I want to have told you.
Speaker 3 (25:10):
Hey, I saw it happened to kape Velaskas in Mexico City.
Speaker 2 (25:13):
If it could happen to kave Velaska, isn't happened.
Speaker 3 (25:15):
To anybody, Bro, it just doesn't happen, all right, Ben, Well,
I'll let you go, man, I know you got shit
to do today. And uh, guys, thank you for always
watching it and I we appreciate your support. Until next time,
I like, subscribe and tell your friends about my YouTube channel,
and don't miss any episode of Funking the Champ I've
been asking him, Daniel Cormier Until next time, Peace,