All Episodes

May 13, 2024 40 mins

Colin goes over where he was right and where he was wrong after a weekend of sports. Paul Pierce stops by to talk about the NBA Playoffs and the magic behind Anthony Edwards. Who would you take to build a team around - Anthony Edwards or Jason Tatum?

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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part of your day. Paul Pierson five minutes, Jmac big

strong opinions sometimes just go sideways.

Speaker 2 (00:51):
I just went over to Paul Pierce during the commercial
with some big, strong opinions on Lebron Jordan. He just
had a minute. Let's just put it.

Speaker 3 (01:00):
All right.

Speaker 1 (01:00):
We do it every Monday throughout the year. Colin was right,
Colin was wrong, plenty of both, and here we go
where Colin was right. I love Josh Hart and the
knickt story. But Josh Hart regression to the mean in
the last two games ten points and two points. At
some point the bubble had to burst and we kept
talking specifically about like Josh Hart, He's a good player,

but he was in the G league. Bounce around the
league guy, and at some point this team fight, hustle,
resilience is limited and you're seeing a bit of a regression.
I don't know if they win the series, but Josh
Hart specifically nice player. He can't be your second leading
score and driving you, along with Brunson to playoff wins.
After playoff wins, where Colin was rough, I thought Denver

was cooked my exact words. After the first two games
they got pushed around physically. It's lookally a bad matchup,
but in the last two games they're averaging one hundred
and sixteen points. Jokic, Gordon Murray, Porter are getting better looks.
So they looked over matched, but the heart of a
champion champions reboot. They got knocked down, dusted themselves off,

and they now look like they controlled the series. Where
Colin was right, it's okay to say the Celtics are
a weird team and sometimes Jason Tatum doesn't play like
a top five player. Jason Tatum second leading scorer this
entire playoff run for the Celtics. He was the third

leading Celtics scorer until recently. It's not that you don't
like Jason Tatum. I like Jason Tatum, but I've set
for years you become sort of the soul of your team.
The best player should become the soul of the team. Well,
if the best player is Tatum. This team is five
hundred over the last four seasons at home against the

awful or at least weaker Eastern Conference. Doesn't that tell
you that Jason Tatum isn't quite the Alpha that everybody
assures us he is. Where Colin was wrong, man, that
I miss on the Suns. Frank Vogel got fired again.
Bradley Beal didn't work. There's a story this morning that,
like Kevin Durant didn't talk to Vogel for long chunks

of the season. I overvalued Phoenix all year long, and
then you'll watch them once Grace and Allen got hurt.
No scoring from the bench. I missed on the subs
Where Colin was right. Luka dantag We said, I love him,
but if he's number one ball usage rate in the league,
you got no chance to hoist trophies. What do you know?

In the last two wins, Luca's had two of his
best three ball usage rate numbers, so the Mavericks are
nine to zero when Luca's usage rate is under thirty
and that's what we kept preaching. Otherwise, he's just James Harden.

That's James Harden looks exhausted when he gets to the playoffs.
Luca early in this series looked tired and limping and hobbled.
Now Hyree's got the ball. PJ Washington, some of the
scoring load, more of the star is not always the
right answer, and clearly Dallas has pivoted to a better,

more efficient Luca system. Where Colin was wronged well, despite
wearing his hat backwards a very discouraging development, it does
appear that JJ Reddick is a viable candidate for the
La Laker job. Hey, everybody's got to start somewhere. Smart
guy Duke many years in the NBA. Hopefully he can

turn his life and the hat around. We're hoping for
that at the Herd, but it has not been the deterrent.
That look has not been the deterrent, apparently for one
of the best jobs in the NBA. Where Colin was
right said two weeks ago, it feels like ant Or
Wemby will be the face of the league starting next
year and Ant certainly feels like these playoffs, win or

lose against Denver. He's taken it to another level. Thirty
two a game, fifty four percent from the floor, hitting threes, efficient, productive,
little alpha, trash, talking, dynamic. It just feels like we
talked about this. There's eight or nine great players in
this league. But Wemby is such a unicorn, and Ant

has some MJ. Kobe qualities that are hard to as
a domestic player, not see as an MJ or Kobe
comp And we think we're right on this. Where Colin
was raw, I've always been baseball is payroll driven. But
four of the six division leaders are bottom half of payroll.
The Mariners, the Orioles, the Guardians, Milwaukee all off to

good starts. Meanwhile, number one payroll Mets under five hundred.
Astros our producer Greg knows this can't get the pitching right.
Number three payroll ten games under five hundred, So low
payroll teams at least in May are crushing it. Where
Colin was right. Never buy into the Lebron's leaving Lebron

trade stuff. There's a story this morning that the Lakers
want Lebron back. Quote on any term that he wants.
That's the quote on any term he wants. Listen, if
you take Lebron off this roster, who's their playmaker? They
don't have one. They have size, they have length. Anthony

Davis isn't a playmaker. I mean, he's so much about
creating for himself and others. He I mean, there's very
few players in the league that are more valuable to
their team. If you look at the construct of this roster,
they don't have playmakers. Austin Reeves is not an elite playmaker.
He's fine. Lebron's still an elite playmaker. Where Colin was right.

No suspension for Jamal Murray, even though I thought the
fine was really light for throwing stuff on the floor
and it's reckless. Generally, commissioners do not want to get
in the way of outcomes, and so again I thought
it was light. I think what I would do if
I was Adam Silver, I'd go to the n season

tournament next year and suspend him for a couple of
games for throwing stuff on the floor in the paint,
which guys can, you know, get banged up and slip on.
But not a surprise that Adam Silver, who's always been
pro player pulled back, got out of the way, and
Jamal Murray obviously much needed his offense in the last
two wins over the Tea Wolves. And with that, Paul Pierce,

a Basketball Hall of Famer, is now joining us in
the herd. He was on Undisputed this morning. Nineteen years
with the NBA. You know, I was thinking about this,
nineteen years in the NBA run that is saying.

Speaker 4 (08:01):
I'll say seventeen. I mean Cliffers two years was kind
of like on the bench, player.

Speaker 1 (08:08):
Coach they were paying you.

Speaker 4 (08:10):
Yeah, but like I'll probably say, Washington Wizards was last
year after Ill called game that was it.

Speaker 1 (08:17):
But when you have been in the league this long,
you obviously went through some wars. Those Lakers, those Laker
championship series were huge. The Denver Minnesota on was weird.
Paul yea, Denver looked cooked.

Speaker 3 (08:31):
They did.

Speaker 1 (08:32):
Did you think the series was over after two games?

Speaker 4 (08:36):
I never I would never count a champion team out,
you know what I'm saying, Colin, Because I was like,
looking at the pastingause, I was like, man, I wonder
if there's any what teams came back from O to
losing on the road, And so I looked at all
the teams and the one that stood out the most
was the Rockets ninety four. You know, they beat Phoenix
and they went on to win the championship. So but

previously they weren't champs. These this team is a champion,
so they got something inside that can be like, all right,
we can find another gear.

Speaker 1 (09:09):
Okay, so you played with the Celtics, you were champions,
So what is the what when you say play like champions?
The year after you did get to the finals, I
believe again lost to the Lakers. Got to hit those threes.
But what is it about being a champion? Does it
change practice, habits thought? What does it do?

Speaker 3 (09:29):
It changes like.

Speaker 4 (09:33):
Your mentality, your confidence and you understand the road and
you know a place that you can get to if
you need to get there again. Mentally you know it's hard,
Like I don't know if you hear certain champions in basketball,
I don't know how this see is and other sports
say like they pushed the button, so like that means
they know how to take it up another level and

gud and when we knew how to do that, because
this is the year we went to the second finals.
We all we was the fourth seed, and we were like,
all right, you know, we were an older team, but
we knew how to play at another level that we
didn't play in the regular season because of us being
a championship team, because we know what that looks like,
we know what that feels like, you know, and they
know what that looks like.

Speaker 3 (10:14):
When Denver beat the Lakers in the first round.

Speaker 4 (10:16):
They beat them, but I said that they didn't play
good at all. They were down every game, They could
have lost every game, and I was like, this is
not Denver basketball. I didn't see Denver basketball until Game
three of this series, and I was like, Okay, this
is a team that I saw win the championship.

Speaker 3 (10:32):
And then they displayed it.

Speaker 4 (10:33):
Again in Game four and I was like, all right,
this is a team that might not lose another game
in Minnesota.

Speaker 3 (10:38):
The team I saw last night.

Speaker 1 (10:41):
Yeah, I mean, they have some offensive dexterity. They Yokich.
You know, it's funny the NBA. Generally, in my life,
the stars have been magnificent. It's yeah, Lebron and Kobe
and MJ and Doctor J and then here comes yo
yo Kich. And it's not aesthetically that pleasing. It's a
lot of putbacks. But I will say.

Speaker 3 (11:03):
He's more Bird like a little bit.

Speaker 1 (11:06):
I didn't get to a good comp you. Bird was gifted,
but a lot of.

Speaker 2 (11:11):
It was.

Speaker 1 (11:14):
High IQ angles figuring out ways to end up with
twenty eight on an off night.

Speaker 4 (11:20):
Ain't that what we say it from Joker? Yeah, you
just described Joker if I didn't know any better.

Speaker 1 (11:25):
Yeah, the junk points not that he's not gifted and
Bird was, And that's not the point.

Speaker 4 (11:31):
The slow three, the pushing it up court, the dimes,
the rebounding right, I mean he can give you third.
I mean this is like the new version of Larry Bird. Yeah,
Like I don't hear many people talking about it, but
this is exactly what I'll see. Not overly fast, the
smartest player on the court. Every time he steps on

the court, he just picks you apart like a surgeon.

Speaker 3 (11:54):
It's just like dissector.

Speaker 4 (11:55):
He's like a sniper, a surgeon, those things that just
very precise, a methodical at everything he does.

Speaker 1 (12:02):
Yeah, the you know, I read a story this morning.
I kind of feel bad for Frank Vogel. I mean,
he's made a great living. A lot of times he's
making he's making money, not working. He's been fun.

Speaker 3 (12:13):
That's the best job in the world right now.

Speaker 4 (12:15):
Vogel's got a lot of money and he just sit
in that home, collected seven million a years go golf.

Speaker 1 (12:21):
But I'm reading the Beal thing didn't work and the
Kevin Durant was the story this morning. It didn't. He
didn't really connect with Vogel. And you know, I was
told Booker was closer to an assistant coach on the
staff than he was. And I look at Phoenix right now,
and the owner sounds like, Hey, we're gonna double down
and we're gonna bring another veteran coach in. And I
think we just did that. And like like Budenolder's got

a title, Vogel had a title.

Speaker 3 (12:46):

Speaker 1 (12:48):
Do you think the players think this is the answer.

Speaker 3 (12:51):
I'm not sure. I think this was a lateral move.

Speaker 4 (12:54):
I think the the thing that didn't work out was
the players on the court.

Speaker 3 (12:59):
I think it's just wasn't a good mix of players.

Speaker 4 (13:02):
Bradley Bell, Booker and Kevin Durant are all similar players.

Speaker 3 (13:06):
You know, none of them like to really.

Speaker 4 (13:08):
Take us back seat. They're all pretty much ball not
really Baal dominant, but scores. You know, you get them
the ball in their spots and you tell them to
go score. None of them are really great at playmaking.
They can, but that's not there what they do. That's
not what they do. You know, they're They've always been
known throughout their course of their history in the league
to be scores. They've all each probably average thirty at

some point. Bradley's done it, Katie's done it. I mean,
Book has come close to doing it. And so it
just wasn't a good mix. You know, you get these
names together these days, it doesn't necessarily mean it's gonna work.
You know, everybody you know takes on the idea of
maybe this could be a super team and we can
turn this and figure it out.

Speaker 1 (13:48):
And you guys have different skills, kgU, Rondo, Allen, you
all had different games.

Speaker 3 (13:55):
Different games completely. You know.

Speaker 4 (13:57):
I think I was more of a insight right outside.
I could spot, I could do different things. Ray was
a great shooter. KG was inside and great passer. So
our games complimenting each other. We didn't get in each
other's way, you know, even when you look at the
Miami Heat where Lebron Wade, they got in each other
way in time until they figured it out what didn't happen.

Speaker 3 (14:19):
It didn't happen right away, and they had to learn that.
And so.

Speaker 4 (14:24):
It's saying that it's just that they got some roster
flaws over there in Phoenix that they have to address.
I think they need to make a trade. You know,
do they trade for the future, do they trade for
the now? Do you trade for the future. And saying
that you trade Kevin Durant for some draft picks and
you know, rebuild with Booker moving forward and possibly trade
Browley build.

Speaker 3 (14:42):
Do you rebuild to go now?

Speaker 4 (14:45):
Probably looked to trade Browley Build to get some playmaking
and add some depth. I don't know that's the choice
that the new general manager is gonna have to make.
But you know, he's definitely made us flash since coming
in the owner. You know, he's fired a coache. He's
traded for Durant, Big Swings, fired another coach. I think
this is the second coach he fired. They had Monty Williams.

Speaker 1 (15:07):
Right, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4 (15:09):
You know, so uh, you know, he spent a lot
of money, so he's showing he's ready to spend some money.

Speaker 3 (15:14):
So yeah, we'll see.

Speaker 1 (15:17):
It's It's funny when I think generally in my life,
the the the There is an alphit of the NBA
because basketball it's a playground game. Most of the great
players talked a little trash. Yeah yeah, and it's right
by the way, like everybody gets it. Nobody takes it personal.
And like in baseball, they take it personal, like right,

you throw at somebody if you if you hit a
homer off me, I'm thrown at you. Like basketball, everybody talks.
Everybody's fun. It's a running dialogue. Y and so Tatum
is not really that guy. And so I've said this,
it's not a criticism.

Speaker 3 (15:51):

Speaker 1 (15:51):
J Mack loves him. He had him top three in
the league a couple of years ago, and I said
top five, And I said, he doesn't. His mentality isn't
really out. I know he's gifted, but there are times
I think Jalen Brown wants the ball more. And I
watched to see that. The thing with Boston, I can't
get past the East has been weak for several years.
They're a five hundred playoff home team.

Speaker 3 (16:14):
Yeah that's and to.

Speaker 1 (16:16):
Me, it's like that sort of Tatum. He picks his spots.
He's not hyper aggressive, like you kind of are your star.
The Lakers were clear. I always felt you guys it
was tough Rondo get into a street fight. You kg
not I mean you could be fanasic y, yeah, but
you were fighters. I feel like this Boston team takes

on Tatum's personality.

Speaker 4 (16:39):
I mean that's not a bad assessment, because a lot
of teams take on the personality of their best player
or their coach usually, and that's that's I can see
that it can be hot and call sometimes and you know,
there's times where you see Tatum a little more fiery
than others, you know, but for the most part comes
off as a calm personality, you know, win or lose,

and so that that's a pretty good assessment.

Speaker 3 (17:01):
Right, Yeah.

Speaker 1 (17:01):
Yeah, it's not a knock on him.

Speaker 3 (17:04):
Oh, that's not a knock I didn't take. I didn't
look at it as a knock.

Speaker 1 (17:06):
No, he doesn't have generally the one mentality like for
years Anthony Davis. I had talked to somebody in the league.
He said, Anthony's the best two in league history, but
he doesn't necessarily want to be. Now. This year, Anthony
played like a one, and I would never deny his
talent is a one. Yeah, A lot of guys don't
like you could say what you want about Joker. He

wants he just wanted the ball. He wants the offense
to run to see it.

Speaker 4 (17:32):
It's like sometimes people's games speak for them, like Joker,
he's a dog, right, yeah, but in an interview or
in a conversation, you wouldn't hear it, right, you know
what I'm saying. And there's times where Tatum's a dog
but you're not. It doesn't always come out personality wise,
but a lot of people let their games show it,

you know what I'm saying. So there's no question what
we saw Joker did last night spilled doll like he
just took it to the defensive player of the year,
took it to the top defense and just shredded him.

Speaker 3 (18:07):
And he didn't do it with a He didn't have
not one mean look on the space.

Speaker 1 (18:12):
I get it. Paul Pierce joining us, I haven't talked
a lot about Dallas because this series, Okay, see a
lot of people don't know the player, so it's just
we haven't talked a ton about it. But I would
say it is impressive that Luca, in the middle of
a series, has stepped back kind of let Kyrie take

some of the ball handling. Yeah, and that's hard for
stars to do. I mean Kobe could be stubborn to
a fault. Yeah, you read the books on the Lakers,
like Kobe was. He was fighting when they were the
best team in the league. Yeah, Lucas in the process
of it. But in the last couple of games, they're
nine to zero when the usage rate is under thirty. Yeah,

that's to me. I look at that and I think, oh, so, Luca,
you can sit down and have a girl up conversation
with him. He's not going to get defensive. Is it
hard if a coach would have come to you at
any point in your prime and said, I need three
fewer shots.

Speaker 3 (19:09):
Is that just in the playoffs or just the regular season?

Speaker 1 (19:12):
At nine and oh nine and oh this year when
his usage rate is under meaning PJ. Washington gets more touches.

Speaker 3 (19:20):
So that means his he's still go over usless too.

Speaker 4 (19:24):
Much, way too much out of like all over the
eighty games he's played only nine and I think a
lot of that.

Speaker 3 (19:32):
So that's included playoffs.

Speaker 1 (19:34):
Yeah. No, So they can win when it's over the
usage rate. Yeah, They've yet to live and lost when it's.

Speaker 4 (19:40):
Under well, I think he has to take a bread
into that and say, but I think some of that
If they're winning the playoffs in these last two games,
if his usage rate was under yeah, thirty and they
won those two, I think that injury may be a
blessing in disguise. I think some of those things I
slowed him down because he's getting a rebound, he's getting

the outlet. He's just throwing it ahead because he can't
push it a month because his knee is bothering or
his dack is bothering him. But he's like, whoa hold on,
I'm getting something out of PJ. Washington Now, Oh wow,
Tim Hardaway, Junior's knocking down shots now. So now as
he continues to get heal his wounds, as the plaint
series goes on or they advanced, he can figure out like,
oh okay, I need these guys more than I thought,

and I don't have to go for thirty for us
to win. So hopefully this is a learning experience if
they make it through this series with ok see, and
I always said, it's tough for me to see somebody
winning with this James Harden style. You know when the
last time somebody won with the highest usage.

Speaker 3 (20:36):
Rate in the league. It just doesn't happen.

Speaker 4 (20:38):
It doesn't just it doesn't equal championship basketball. When I
watched Denver last night and the ball moved the extra pass,
I was watching poetry in motion. It wasn't one guy
doing all the dribbling. So hopefully Luca realizes that, because
if he realizes that this Dallas team could be dangerous
and you could possibly see them in the finals, because
I do think they'll be okay. See, I do think

they'll be in the conference finals. And the one ingredient
that you need to be in the in the finals
is an MVP caliber player, And Luca is that.

Speaker 1 (21:09):
Yeah, are there times you have to be delicate with it?
Like in the NFL we did this a couple of
weeks ago. It's like four the last five passing leaders
either didn't make the playoffs or didn't win a game.
Fans love when their star drops forty four. Lakers for
years and years with Kobe, every time he scored over
for like forty, they were like a five hundred team. Yeah,

is there have there been times you've been in locker
rooms when the coach comes in and says, guys, there's
a data point here we got and they're just like,
we can't do this. You ash players may think it's great,
but if you ever had a coach coming and just say, doc, hey,
this actually crushes us.

Speaker 3 (21:47):

Speaker 4 (21:47):
Absolutely, you know, Paul, you need the pass more. I
mean but I'm like, you know, I'm looking like, you know,
look who on passing soon? You know, like this is
before Ray and Kevin got that's right, you know what
I'm saying. And I was like, shot, me taking a
bad shot is better than him taking the open shot.

Speaker 3 (22:04):
I mean, this was the truth at the time.

Speaker 4 (22:06):
And so but then you bring the data and this
is when analytics started coming into play.

Speaker 1 (22:10):
Right beginning of your end of your career.

Speaker 4 (22:12):
Yeah, it started coming into playe You started looking like, oh, okay,
you know when you go right, when you pull up
half mid range, when you on the right side of
the court, you know, and you start looking at this
data and it's just like wow, you know, but like
it can't measure my heart. Yeah, they ca'd my heart
when it's the cuts.

Speaker 1 (22:30):
But you didn't mind passing the KG.

Speaker 3 (22:33):
No, I didn't mind passing the KG of course not.

Speaker 1 (22:35):
No, those are great teams. Yeah, absolutely, By the way
Aunt and MJ. I think it's funny. Everybody's like freaking
out that there's comps between the two. But Ant is
such a great trash talker. Yeah, I think he kind
of likes it.

Speaker 3 (22:48):

Speaker 1 (22:48):
We're not saying he's going six for six.

Speaker 3 (22:51):
Yeah, it doesn't.

Speaker 1 (22:52):
I mean when I watch it, I think Kobe was
a little Michael. I look at Ann and I'm like,
you know, I see some Michael.

Speaker 3 (22:58):

Speaker 4 (22:58):
And the reason you say that is because it is
the best player at twenty two. Yes, you know, you
know Kobe wasn't the best player at twenty.

Speaker 1 (23:09):
Washed him in remember the All Star Game in Utah,
So he wasn't yet.

Speaker 4 (23:14):
No, you know, he wasn't MJ until Shock left and
you started seeing the more of the MJ nes when
he's scoring sixty and three quarters and doing all that
because he had three championships by the way, So now
when you see a young kid doing it, and it's
unbelievable to see a twenty two year old just leading
the team, talking away, he talking, scoring the way he's scoring,

charismatic the way he is, and you can relate to
him like you like.

Speaker 1 (23:41):
Man, that's what you said. A couple of weeks ago.

Speaker 4 (23:44):
Yeah, you just you gravitate toward him, and it's like
it's it's like who else in the league can you
say that about as an American player?

Speaker 3 (23:52):
Yeah, we all love it.

Speaker 4 (23:53):
You know, I'm wear entertatum shoes now, you know. But
you know, it's just like certain players that he has
watched to hear him talk and be like, man, that's
how That's how I am when I'm on the playground
and you know, he's just being himself and you know,
just doing things that I wish I could do, and
it has a flare to it, right, and it's exciting

to watch.

Speaker 3 (24:15):
And he checks all those.

Speaker 1 (24:17):
Boxes, no question. It's funny that he's cocky but simultaneously likable. Yeah,
Like I like him. He comes up and talks trash.
I'm like, oh, that seems like a nice guy. Can
go have a beer with her. That's a cool guy
to see.

Speaker 4 (24:29):
The thing is with us, the great athletes are the
greatest of the great. There's a thin line between cockiness
and confidence. Does he believe in hisself absolutely? Does he
take accountability absolutely? But like I feel like you gotta
have some kind of some type of cockiness nastinies to

you if you want to get to the top.

Speaker 1 (24:53):
And that's what I mean, would tat him. Sometimes I
don't see it, yeah, but aunt I absolutely.

Speaker 4 (24:58):
Absolutely see it. But it comes in all forms too.
But the majority of the guys at the top, top,
the top, top top, got it. Like when we talk
about MJ, when we talk about O KG probably top
five and ass but.

Speaker 3 (25:17):
I mean.

Speaker 4 (25:20):
Kobe of course. I mean you just talk about and
the other side. Other people do it differently, like Magic
Johnson deal with a smile on his face.

Speaker 3 (25:29):
It was like.

Speaker 4 (25:32):
Take this laughing smile it like you know and so
but you you like the guys who do it with
that kind of cockiness because.

Speaker 3 (25:40):
You're like, oh, they mean they they gonna just.

Speaker 4 (25:46):
Step on you and just not give you no mercy,
give you a chance to get back up.

Speaker 1 (25:49):
Good foxhold guys, Good foxhold guys. And that's why two
seven guys.

Speaker 4 (25:53):
That's who you want to be in the foxhole with
guys like that, they don't care if they're back against
the wall.

Speaker 3 (25:59):
Uh. Like the movie three hundred, that's it right there,
that's it.

Speaker 4 (26:04):
He'll lead three hundred people against ten thousand and feel confident.

Speaker 3 (26:08):
He can win. Right.

Speaker 1 (26:09):
Great, seeing you ma Man always Paul Pierce stopping by
love having him.

Speaker 5 (26:13):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Herd weekdays
at noon Easter nine am Pacific on Fox Sports Radio
FS one and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 6 (26:22):
Hey, it's Ben, host of The Fifth Hour with Ben Maller.
Would mean a lot to have you join us on
our weekly auditory journey. You're asked, what in God's name
is the Fifth Hour? I'll tell you it's a spin
off of that Ben Mather show, a cult hit overnights
on FSR.

Speaker 1 (26:36):
Why should you listen?

Speaker 6 (26:38):
Picture if you will, a world where we chat with
captains of industry in media, sports, and more every week,
explore some amazing facts about human nature and more. Listen
to The Fifth Hour with Ben Maller on the iHeartRadio app,
Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your podcast.

Speaker 1 (26:51):
I really felt like we were doing America a real service.
Forty five minutes ago, Jay macquare are over Unders, already
purchased my jet skis under Cowboys, Jets, Saints over Packers,
Rams Vikings Jamack with the news, this is the Herd

Line news.

Speaker 2 (27:16):
We didn't even touch on Saints because nobody ever cares
about that team, but in that division under feels like
a risky play. I think they're every year.

Speaker 1 (27:25):
There are three or four teams that unravel the tension
with the Saints Derek carr Is teammates, no cap space,
Allen's losing.

Speaker 2 (27:34):
They're one of my unraveled Dennis Allen little sus I
remember I bet on them repeatedly last year and they
just costume they did.

Speaker 1 (27:42):
That was the team, that was the team that you kept.
You talked me into them last year, loved.

Speaker 2 (27:47):
Them, loved the schedule, everything, and they just poop their pants. Anyways,
let's get started with the Chargers. Rookie mining camp kicked
off on Friday. The best moment from the start of
camp came from Jim Balls press conference, where he delivered
the most locked in quote of the offseason, just go wrong.

Speaker 7 (28:06):
It hit me this morning about three point thirty four
in the morning. Woke up staring straight at the ceiling
and said to myself, it's not just another day, it's
two day. And maybe that's just another way of saying
attack this. David and enthusiasm unknown a mankind.

Speaker 3 (28:24):
But it was. It was a great day.

Speaker 1 (28:28):
I love him.

Speaker 3 (28:30):
He's really good.

Speaker 2 (28:31):
Now, listen, I don't want to get too nerdy. But
there's a bunch of Instagram accounts talking about like neuroscientists
and your brain and this kind of thing that he
talks about apparently works. If you wake up in the morning,
you don't like go on your phone or like lay
around in bed, but you say today's going to be
a great day. I'm going to crush today. You do
this repeatedly, Apparently the brain starts to start thinking like, hey,

you're going to dominate today. How we're positive thinking?

Speaker 1 (28:56):
Yeah, I saw a stat I told my wife this,
Eighty to eighty five percent of the things you worry
about happening never happen.

Speaker 3 (29:09):

Speaker 1 (29:09):
I see people on the internet that are just fear mongering,
and it's like, you don't know what's going to happen.
Why would you waste any energy negatively on bad things happening.
Eighty to eighty five percent of the things that get
caught in the merry go round of your brain don't
actually happen. So get out of that stuff. Be positive,

don't be cynical every day.

Speaker 2 (29:33):
It's easy to be cynical and negative and want to
lay in bed and not get up.

Speaker 1 (29:38):
I think also the devices just make it worse for
people who struggle with that, because you're the worst Internet.
Nobody goes on the Internet and says have a great day.
No no, all negativity.

Speaker 2 (29:48):
Alexei laals Here a fox, always has a funny line,
what are we angry about that? What are we yelling
about today? He does that like almost every day. But
I'm just curious. What's your first step in the morning.
Are you harball like just positive?

Speaker 3 (29:58):

Speaker 2 (29:58):
Are you looking at the phone or you just.

Speaker 3 (30:00):
No, no, no.

Speaker 1 (30:01):
I first thing I do I pick up the phone
to see if my kids called. You know, you're a dad.
You're always worried about my kids. Don't live with me.
So did my kids call? Are they okay? And they
have been for you know, all the years of my life. Third,
it's just naturally. I look at my phone, then I
turn the shower on, start my day in a good mood,
even when I sleep crappy. I've never been somebody that

struggles to get out of bed. You're a morning shower guy. Huh,
I get up morning shower out.

Speaker 3 (30:27):

Speaker 2 (30:27):
I'm a night shower guy. I like to go into
bed clean this This hair.

Speaker 1 (30:32):
Needs love in the morning. You can't just throw it
up like yours. This thing needs a lot of work.
You gotta fasten the hair piece up here. This is
my spring hairpiece.

Speaker 2 (30:41):
As surprise, you don't have hardball in the over by
the way Chargers.

Speaker 1 (30:45):
No, I think. Yeah, it's eight and a half and
I think they're in that nine ten spot. They still
have some issues. I think offensively that I just need
to watch them play.

Speaker 2 (30:55):
I need.

Speaker 1 (30:56):
I think there'll be a nine win team. I don't
think they're a twelve win team because I don't think
they have the receiver and tight end running back. I
think they're kind of the first year you change the culture,
fix some obvious needs. I think next year you really
supplant the offensive weaponry, which I still think they're light,
and that.

Speaker 2 (31:12):
The part they lost Keenan Allen, Mike Williams and Austin Yeah,
like I did. Did they lose effort to tight end too?

Speaker 1 (31:17):
Yes, I mean that's that's their offense lord depending on
a rookie wide receiver from Georgia mccady hurst and some guys.
So to me, they're not going to be as They're
not going to be as electric offensively. But I think
day one was let's get Herbert right, Let's get the
old line right, let's get the culture right, and I

think next year they'll feel more like a super Bowl team.

Speaker 3 (31:40):
Very early.

Speaker 2 (31:41):
Lad McConkey pilot away fantasy football this fall. He's going
to be good for the Chargers next up. Lebron and
the Lakers have a lot of questions this offseason, including
find another head coach. Now Colin. During last night's Timberwolves
Nuggets game, yup, the insufferable Reggie Miller do some shade
at Lebron's way. Take a look.

Speaker 1 (32:00):
I'm an even bigger fan of Anthony Edwards after seeing
that clip.

Speaker 3 (32:04):
We've got. I'm a veteran status in our game.

Speaker 7 (32:08):
There are a lot of people do not rush more
the lack of deflect and point figures or other Here's
a twenty two year old saying this is why I
want to get some mind claw.

Speaker 3 (32:20):

Speaker 1 (32:20):
Well what is it? It gets Reggie Miller in so
much hot water?

Speaker 3 (32:23):

Speaker 2 (32:23):
First of all, he's a bad announcer.

Speaker 1 (32:25):
Oh now come on.

Speaker 2 (32:26):
Second of all, he blocked me on social media years
ago because I criticized saying stuff like that. I criticized.
I mean, he's open a criticism, just as I am.
I've blocked people all the time.

Speaker 3 (32:34):
But let's be real.

Speaker 2 (32:36):
Lebron has played under eight different head coaches, which is fine,
okay a lot. Kevin Duran's played in six like the
last five years. You can still be on Mount Rushmore
if you've had a bunch of coaches and you run
off coaches, right like Magic Johnson famously ran off the
coach early in his career and he got pat Riley.

Speaker 1 (32:54):
Why I said this, I think Lebron was really unselfish
in the prime of his career. I think he's gotten
a bit more selfish in the twilight of his career,
where he you know, his his offensive production. He'll pick
his spots against weak spot. You know, he used to
just Lebron elevated everybody else's game. I don't feel quite

like that anymore. I don't Lebron's maintaining his level of productivity.
I don't always think he has the best interests of
every teammate. I think, and I'm not saying he's completely selfish,
but I felt for a superstar, he was unselfish for
fifteen years. I think Lebron has to give the ball
up more, play a little off ball more, and I

you know Lebron would say, okay, get me a star.
I will, but he does. You know, Anthony Davis is
not a playmaker. But I do feel that if let's
send the Lakers when I got Donovan Mitchell, well, Donovan
Mitchell would need to have the ball in his hands
a lot more and Lebron would have to play off
ball a lot more. And I'm not sure he's comfortable.

Speaker 2 (33:54):
We need to find off ball for me run around screen.
He's like, come on, Lebron's with the thirty nine years
old last Curry is still running around Steph Curry is
a tiny guard who's like thirty five, thirty six, just
one last.

Speaker 1 (34:06):
Luca in his prime can give the ball up. Lebron can't.
At thirty nine. Lucas not a I mean, Luca's literally
in the series has said okay, I want the ball
less and it's and PJ. Washington's flourished and Kyrie's flourished.
If Luca in his prime can do that, Lebron can't.

Speaker 2 (34:22):
At the end, some of it is what the defense
is giving you. But you know, Lebron takes a lot
of heat fire and coaches super teams. He gets a
lot of blame for stuff.

Speaker 3 (34:31):
No, I got it.

Speaker 1 (34:31):
I got it, and I've defended him mostly for his
entire career.

Speaker 2 (34:34):
So we had Paul Pierce here, and I was talking
to someone during the commercial break about this whole like
Lebron getting blame and you know, he's not the reason
the league has super teams. You know that, right, Paul
Pierce's Celtics are the reason that they're super teams.

Speaker 1 (34:47):
And I never blamed Lebron.

Speaker 2 (34:48):
I just people need to know Lebron didn't start the
super team stuff. Pierce adds KG and Ray Allen.

Speaker 1 (34:53):
By the way, Charles Barkley left for Phoenix and Houston
and not just left demanded out. Yeah, so the the
old guys tend to point at the young guys. But
the world's changed now. People are more mobile, and by
the way, it's becoming cyclical. There's new studies in that,
like young people don't necessarily they want to stay near
their hometown. So it's just cyclical. I think Denver's proving

the oven works better than the microwave. But Lebron moved
because he had a let's be honest, seven years in Cleveland,
they had no second great player. He went to Miami
and Wade and Bosh got old fast, and then he
wanted to solve the Cleveland villain stuff. Yes, and then
he just in the end did not trust when Kyrie
went sideways. He's like, I'm not into my career here.

I'm gonna go Mogul Stage and I'm going to move
my business to La. The Lakers came knocking. So if
you look at Lebron's choices, they were excellent choices. KD
made bad choices, and this is what we're left with,
a guy that apparently didn't talk to Vogel for long stretches.

Speaker 2 (35:54):
That's Bogle. But let's remember Lebron Mogul Stage did come
out here and won a title. I know we could
say it was the bubble year, but the Lakers, by
the way Conference finals last.

Speaker 1 (36:02):
Year, I have no problem with that title at all.
They'd made the best of a horrible situation.

Speaker 2 (36:08):
So what yeah. Final story to the UFL, where the
Stallions remain undefeated, taking down the league's second best record,
the BattleHawks.

Speaker 1 (36:17):
But notably this drone footage.

Speaker 2 (36:19):
If you're watching on FS one, one of the Stallion's
touchdowns went viral. Many fans are calling for the NFL
to take notice, look at how cool this is. I know,
drone following him through that is great. Now he gets
a little close for comfort there. The guy's like, what
the hell is a bird? Very nice?

Speaker 1 (36:35):
So I saw a drone two weeks ago in Park City, Utah.
Went up there and one of the kids was fiddling
around with his drone, which is about the size of
a big wallet. I couldn't believe what it did. I
can't believe how effective drones are. It's unbelievable. So I
think these things should be all over.

Speaker 2 (36:52):
I can't believe I'm gonna share this. I haven't started.
I started a movie script a couple of years ago
about drones and this really cool aspect of them. Finished
it obviously, because you know, this job takes a lot
of time. I know, I guess kids, but drones.

Speaker 1 (37:04):
Are the future.

Speaker 2 (37:05):
You know that they're super cool. There's a lot of
awesome stuff you can do with if you have one.

Speaker 1 (37:09):
No one of the kids does, and I just could
not get past it. I just thought it was amazing
how he could completely control it around the animals and
the yard. He took a little movie at the house
and I was like, that's unbelievable.

Speaker 2 (37:24):
You know, maybe I should get you that for Christmas,
put a drone and for exchanging presents. I don't know
if we're that close.

Speaker 4 (37:29):

Speaker 2 (37:30):
I gave you a ride home for work class.

Speaker 1 (37:31):
Week you do and that went a long way.

Speaker 5 (37:35):
J Meg with a news Be sure to catch live
editions of The Herd weekdays at noon.

Speaker 1 (37:39):
Easter not a em Pacific. I mean, there's occasionally a
late bloomer, but if you're going to be great in comedy,
in tech and in sports, you can usually see great
really quick. It just kind of comes through the television
set pops in Silicon Valley, wherever it is. There are
people that take a while late bloomers. I get it.

But and Paul Pierce earlier on Ant and what he
is seeing at twenty two years old.

Speaker 4 (38:07):
It's unbelievable to see a twenty two year old just
leading a team talking away, he talking, scoring the way
he's scoring, charismatic the way he is, and you can
relate to him, You gravitate toward him, and it's like,
it's like who else in the league can you say
that about as an American player?

Speaker 3 (38:29):
Yeah, we all love him. You know, I'm wear entertainum shoes.

Speaker 4 (38:31):
Now you know, but you know, it's just like certain
players that kids watch to hear him talk and be like, man,
that's how I am when I'm on the playground, and
you know, he's just being himself and you know, just
doing things that I wish I could do, and it
has a flare to it and it's exciting to watch

and he checks all those boxes.

Speaker 1 (38:55):
Yeah, I mean the NBA more than any sport, and
this is okay, this is why I love it and
sit and watch games. Optics matter, aesthetics matter. First player
I fell in love with was Doctor J and he
didn't have the best jumper, and he wasn't the best
defensive player, but he had flair. And I think in
the NBA, you know, Luke is not going to ever
be considered a great defender ants or appears to be

a very good defender, but there is something to the
way in which you score. And I could sit and
watch aunt play all day, like it's almost every single
possession when he gets it in his mind to score,
they all look like it's one on one inside of
a team structure, and it's just fun to watch and

it's easy to root for, and I'm okay comping him
to MJ because that's that's I see a little bit
of it. I saw a lot of it with Kobe.
I see a little bit of it a little bit.
I think when other stars and Hall of famers are like, Yeah,
that's that's him, that's that's the dude, pretty good at
recognizing that stuff. J Max holding a little bit of

a grudge over unders earlier. Today I had the Jets under.

Speaker 2 (40:02):
Hold on real quick. So if I told you Colin,
I'll give you first pick. You can build around one
of these two guys, Anthony Edwards or Jason Tatum.

Speaker 1 (40:10):
Who would you say, Anthony Edwards? Now Wemby an aunt,
no stop Wemby does he may average six blocks a
game at some point.

Speaker 2 (40:21):
I feel like Tatum's skill set at both ends is
more than ANTS because his he's a little bigger and longer,
but it's close Anthony Edwards.

Speaker 1 (40:29):
It was more dynamic, probably ant. Probably you can take
the probably out hour three next
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