Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Hey, thanks for listening to the best of Cavino and
Rich podcast.
Speaker 2 (00:05):
Be sure to catch us live every day.
Speaker 1 (00:07):
From five to seven pm Eastern two to four Pacific
on Fox Sports Radio. Find your local station for Cavino
and Rich at Fox Sports Radio dot com, or stream
us live every day on the iHeartRadio app by searching FSR.
Speaker 3 (00:22):
Now here's the story, morning glory. NBA ratings are down
twenty eight percent.
Speaker 2 (00:30):
Dude, what I mean?
Speaker 1 (00:33):
That's significant though, if it was like, yeah, you know,
ratings are down, how about that I have about five
percent this year?
Speaker 3 (00:39):
Yeah, whatever, twenty eight percent. One point eight million are
tuning in to TNT, one point seven million are tuning
into ESPN games, but overall down in a major way
twenty eight percent. So it's got a lot of fans.
It's got the NBA scrambling. NBA is like, oh, hold up.
Speaker 1 (00:57):
We're gonna partner with two K We're gonna do s
me and make it fun and do all these fun things.
Speaker 3 (01:03):
And fans are like, yeah, who cares. There's this feeling
of who cares? So we ask you, well, why don't
you care? And that's the beauty of Fox Sports Radio.
We get you involved. Look we're nationwide and we want
to know your opinion. Why why don't you care? What
turned you off? Was it load management? Was it the
lack of rivalry? There's so many examples and potential reasons why.
But I'm saying this just to start it off. Yeah,
for as great as Steph Curry is changed the game.
You go around any gymnasium, any playground, any park in
the United States worldwide, kids are just shooting threes, right,
And when we saw stuff do it, You're like, whoa man,
he's the best.
Speaker 1 (01:49):
Smash Brothers real They changed the game, and we all
stopped and stared. We were in awe. We still are.
What he did was amazing, but it changed the game.
Speaker 2 (01:58):
Speaker 3 (02:00):
Now, when a few years have passed and these young
cats are coming up and we see how much he
really did change the game, and people are just throwing
up threes without any plays, just throwing up threes and
there's no defense and they're just throwing up threes. Could
it be that the guy that changed the game, when
we look back, changed it for the worst.
Speaker 1 (02:20):
Don't tiptoe around this. Say what you want to say.
I'm saying could it be?
Speaker 2 (02:24):
No? No, not just say.
Speaker 1 (02:26):
That seems to be a large reason as to why
people are turned off by it. There's lack of physicality.
As a result, no one wants to drive the ball.
They just throw it up. And again, here's the other
part about it. Here's why I can't fully say Steph
Curry's fault. He did it, and he did it well.
He was the best to ever do it. Everyone else
trying to do it are just like bad copycats. They
can't do it as well. You know, everyone like, well,
we're just seeing weak ass versions of what he was doing.
You know what It's like, It's like in our world
everyone thinks I could do a podcast.
Speaker 2 (02:59):
It's true, man.
Speaker 1 (03:00):
So whatter is down the product, the product being the
Splash Brother is Steph Curry what he was able to accomplish.
Speaker 3 (03:05):
So we're seeing what are down versions of that. And
when you factor all those things together, you're like, yeah,
and that means lack of defense, I means sloppy shots.
And then you factor that into the lack of rivalries rich.
I mean, it's a perfect storm of people saying I
don't want to watch this crap.
Speaker 1 (03:19):
I want you to just say it, I mean, you
want me to say, but I'm giving you minus opinion.
Steph Curry. Steph Curry could be the reason, not could
be Steph Curry the ruined the NBA. I mean, Rich
is saying that I'm being fair.
Speaker 3 (03:32):
I'm being fair because he did so many great things
for the NBA. But when you have again, a bunch
of people now just throwing up threes, they're not Steph Curry.
They're not Steph Curry in a sloppy basketball and it's
whacked to watch.
Speaker 4 (03:44):
You can't pin this on him, though, I don't think,
because look, he at least was in a set system
firing up threes, and yeah, he had some trick play,
some half court shots and all that. But nowadays I
feel like, besides competitiveness being low and a lack of
rivalries like you mentioned, I feel like there's also, uh,
how do I say it? With the load management and
all that, it feels like hampered. There's a yeah entitled
is the title entitled?
Speaker 2 (04:12):
In that entitlement?
Speaker 4 (04:13):
Yes, contracts got out of hand, money got out of hand,
and with players wanting to rest making that big money,
it's turned your average Joe.
Speaker 2 (04:20):
Okay, here's the thing.
Speaker 1 (04:21):
It's tough to really pinpoint because I believe it's a
perfect storm of all this stuff, and Danny g probably
has the best insight because he's the guy that's watching
all the time, really really trying to hold on to
his his viewership here.
Speaker 3 (04:33):
He's a big Lakers guy. You know, we need to
be honest with ourselves and say, well, why am I
not too many?
Speaker 1 (04:39):
I was just going to say that, like instead of
us speculating, which is fun. Yeah, but hey, I wonder
why everyone else and ask yourself, I know why.
Speaker 2 (04:47):
I don't really care.
Speaker 1 (04:48):
Why again, Let's hear Rich first and then we'll figure
it all out. I have a hard time really caring
about the NBA at this point of the year because football,
there is importance to every Sunday, Thursday, and Monday night game.
College you lose one or two games, you might be
out of the playoff. There's a sense of urgency and
its sense of importance to each matchup and game in
the NBA. Danny, you said it the other day, like, oh,
the Lakers lost, but you know it was a back
to back, so it's almost as if they gave that
game much.
Speaker 4 (05:21):
I said that was their excuse. I was making a
joke about it, because it is a lot of team's excuse.
Speaker 3 (05:25):
Hey, you know what else, Scott, I started thinking about
the ng speaking of your Lakers. Maybe for as great
as his Lebron's logevity has been right and how remarkable
it is even though he's been slumping lately, maybe people
are sick of that storyline too, because he's the biggest
name in the NBA and people are just over the Lebron.
Speaker 2 (05:44):
Stories all the time. You think something to that.
Speaker 4 (05:48):
I feel like the NBA Cup experience experiment, I should say,
hasn't worked so far. Because you two, I'll use you
as the casual NBA fan. Yeah, I feel like you
guys were locked in a little bit to the NBA
Cup last season, the nd season tournament we called it
last season. This year, can you guys tell me who
the favorite is the Cup? Can you tell me which
big team has been eliminated? No, See, the Lakers aren't
even in it. Yeah, Lakers, and they won the Cup
last year. Big hair don't care so rich you were
saying a lack of importance throughout the schedule. The whole
idea of the n season tournament was to get eyeballs
on it and interest in it. At the start of
the season, which a lot of people don't start paying
attention until after Christmas.
Speaker 2 (06:30):
It's always been like that.
Speaker 1 (06:32):
There's a sense also for me, and again you got
to ask yourself and then think, well, what about other
people as well?
Speaker 2 (06:38):
I look at it this way.
Speaker 1 (06:40):
There's thirty NBA teams, okay, with the playing game now
for the nine and ten seeds, and that you know,
the little changes they made a couple of years back,
twenty of the thirty teams are technically in the postseason.
So you're saying two thirds of the teams, no matter
how good or bad you are, you're in after eighty
two games. Like and it used to be I'll give
Dan Byer credit, he said it the other day. There
used to be a sense of the one seed you
wanted it. It mattered you wanted to be a one
or two seed. Now teams look at matchups like, well,
for the five seed, it's a better round one for us,
and maybe that's a better matchup. It's almost like get
in and then we'll step on the gas.
Speaker 2 (07:25):
Speaker 1 (07:26):
For you, you almost just can't be one of the
bottom feeding trash teams. Unless you're a bottom feeding trash team.
Speaker 2 (07:33):
You're in it.
Speaker 1 (07:34):
For me, again, we're trying to figure out why we're
not hating on the NBA, because what the NBA did
a great job of was creating superstars, and they did
a really great job of that for a long time.
But now ratings are taking a hit again, down twenty
eight percent. And it's a mix of all of these things.
And it could be the just people shooting up threes right,
the lack of play formations and plays and strategy and
things like that, but for me, it was a lot
of the load management store is rich and the lack
of physicality, meaning you got these big, bad dudes who
aren't driving the ball, and when they do have physical contact,
they're flopping and falling and there's fouls called all the time,
and to me, that slows down the game.
Speaker 2 (08:15):
And it's like so.
Speaker 1 (08:16):
Eye really to see you're like, come on, dude, it's
the NBA and it's not the NBA. I'm not saying
it should be the NBA we grew up with, but
it's so far from that that it's almost a turn off.
Speaker 3 (08:27):
So that's part of it for me. dB, what's going on?
Dan Bayer with the insight, I love.
Speaker 5 (08:33):
All of your recommendations, because it's an accumulation of things.
For me, have you ever been in a relationship where
there was a thing that was, you know, broke the
camel's back, where it was just like, Okay, this is
the final stret.
Speaker 1 (08:48):
Called that we on our show, we call that the
dryer light theory. I dated a girl for five years
and our final fight was I would leave the dryer
door open for the washer dryer and that little light
would stay on, and that was our last fight breakup.
Speaker 6 (09:02):
And it's it wasn't the dryer light, Dan, correct, it
was everything that came. So it's good management. It's playoffs
are more important than the regular season. It's maybe the physicality,
it's the shooting threes, it's all of that.
Speaker 2 (09:17):
Because because I just.
Speaker 5 (09:19):
Remember when the Caves and Warriors were going through that
final stretch where I'm just like, gosh, the finals are
already predetermined. I would love to have it up in
the air. And last year's Western Conference was that exact thing.
Who would have picked that, Dallas would have you know,
ran the table. Everything that I had asked for five
years ago was coming to fruition and I was not
brought in. It did not bring me in, So it's
everything that you guys have been saying, and finally it
just got to the point where now I'm like, all right,
it's too late, Like I don't care as much anymore.
All of the things, everything that you guys said, are
reasons why I would turn away from the game, and
now it's difficult to even turn back if I'm If
I'm not watching, the Bucks would be my favorite team.
Speaker 3 (10:03):
And which is so weld because they, like I said,
they did such a great job of marking their stars
like Household names so many stars in the NBA reasons
to watch, and he gave you so many reasons to
watch and took it away with all the things we
just discussed. So what was of all those things? What
is the what was the dryer light? Then, I guess
is what we're saying. Can I tell you that another layer?
I remember when the when the Clippers got Kawhi. I
remember that was the first time a major acquisition felt
like it didn't really mean much because he wasn't the
same guy maybe, or like the load management and the
player resting and all that, that to me was a
big turn off because I feel like every day during
Dan Buyer's update, during the NBA season.
Speaker 2 (10:44):
So he'll throw in one line.
Speaker 1 (10:46):
Like, and by the way, guys tonight Yiannis out for
the Bucks or Trey Young olt for the Hawks. Every
time you say that, too, I think of the little
kid that went there to see that guy and he's
not playing again, and you're like, Wow, that sucks.
Speaker 4 (10:57):
I feel like they really need to tighten the screws
around the entire league with load management.
Speaker 2 (11:03):
They're trying, they're.
Speaker 4 (11:03):
Attempting, they have attempts at that, and also just running
plays and getting back to what made the NBA great,
we see a lack of defense on a nightly basis.
We talked the other day about a viral video that
went around last week a recent NBA game. There's this
sequence back and forth where a total of like ten
three pointers were chucked up, all of them missed, by
the way, and it was wild and NBA fans. Underneath
this viral video, this guy wrote, I'm not gonna lie
as someone who's been watching the NBA consistently my entire life,
this is the first season where I'm not actively watching
the games.
Speaker 2 (11:40):
That's what I'm saying. That's a problem.
Speaker 4 (11:41):
Yeah, next guy ain't even trying to run plays no
more then the next comment or a female I swear
NBA games are like Planet Fitness open runs nowadays, dude.
Speaker 3 (11:52):
Nail on the head for real every time you watch.
That's how it feels.
Speaker 1 (11:56):
You're not seeing anything that you wouldn't see at a
gym at a regular dude's just throwing up shots and uh,
you know. Dan Beyer said this sort of jokingly, tongue
in cheek. The other day we were talking about the
new golden bat rule that they're potentially bringing up here
for the MLB. Rembery said, the only way to fix it,
what if you made a three pointer, a two point shot,
and a layup three points, so it forced people to
to drive toward the basket getting the basket cans or
should reward you more. Yes, that would be. That would
be one way to sort of fix the problem now,
because how do you reverse something right that it's already there.
The analogy Covino would be in baseball, analytics have proven
a guy that bats two ten, but if he hits
a lot of doubles and home runs is batting average
doesn't matter. That's the same You can't put the toothpaste
back in the tube like it's it's at Chris Rock said,
you know, one girl girl does something for you in
the bedroom. Every girl's got to do that cows backwards sexually.
Speaker 3 (12:54):
So the only way you moved backwards to where we
are in the NBA is honestly, Dan Byer what you said.
Speaker 5 (13:01):
Yeah, and a four point shot that you guys were
talking about, or the ten point shot that.
Speaker 2 (13:06):
We saw with Rock and Jock, it does exactly.
Speaker 5 (13:09):
It would make it even worse because of the percent
percentages and the numbers and how you would break it down.
And at some point, yeah, you're like, well, let's just
take all fours. Let's just take all ten pointers from
half court. All it is, make twelve of them and
will win this game.
Speaker 3 (13:23):
Rich and I back in the day, we used to
fight the Wossification of America, right, the Watsification of America,
and eventually we just lost the battle and the world changed, right,
of course, and we rolled with it, because if you didn't,
you just got left back and you became a dinosaur.
And I always go back to the first story. The
first story when you started to see the world change
into a very politically correct place was everybody sort of
gets a trophy that was the thing, right.
Speaker 1 (13:46):
Everyone hated that. Everyone like that wasbody, what's going on?
Everybody gets a trope? That was every old guy's gripe.
Speaker 2 (13:52):
Way be.
Speaker 1 (13:55):
That. And then it was like a slippery slope after that.
Right when I think to the end, what was the
first sign of this to me, it was the buddy
chummy atmosphere of after the game. These dudes were friends,
and we weren't used to seeing that in the NBA,
especially like in the NBA they were rivals, right, it.
Speaker 3 (14:15):
Was like the video game Arch Drival, remember that art rival.
They used to fight. And I'm not saying I'm not
condoning fighting, even though that's fun. I'm just saying there
was a feeling of they didn't like each other. And
you would see at the end of the game people
just slapping ass and high five and you're like, what's
that about. Yeah, that's just rich guy's making money, and
that that was one of the first signs of for
me looking back of oh it's changing a little bit.
Speaker 2 (14:40):
Danny J.
Speaker 1 (14:41):
Before you make your point, when you look back at
some of these documentaries from not that long ago, we're
talking about if you're thirty, forty, fifty years old, from
your childhood the zero four Red Sox documentary Last Dance
Michael Jordan, you saw that in our lifetime those Red
Sox hated, the Yankees hated them, The Pistons hated Michael Jordan,
the Celtics, Lakers.
Speaker 2 (15:02):
Winning time, and Jordan hated everybody.
Speaker 1 (15:06):
Saw this competitiveness and it almost seems like it led
its way to a buddy chummy.
Speaker 2 (15:11):
Hey, we're all making money. It's a fraternity. That was
ever where sign for me?
Speaker 4 (15:14):
Yeah, And just a few weeks back on our show,
you were talking about Draymond Green and the crap he
gets for being as physical as he is.
Speaker 2 (15:24):
Maybe you need some of that.
Speaker 4 (15:25):
Look, you don't want dirty plays, but you want the
physicality and the defense to be there. And the last
thing I'll say in it, let's not be too short
sighted though, because remember once the NFL, who's king. Once
their season is over, then we're left with the NBA,
and that's when all the eyes go to it. So
can they turn the corner? As far as these ratings
being so low.
Speaker 2 (15:46):
Let's hope.
Speaker 1 (15:46):
So Again, this isn't us rooting against the NBA. I
want to make that clear too. In fact, I want
to turn my focus and shift my focus hardcore into
that again. But we're when we were reading that the
ratings are down twenty percent. Just keep it clear and
keep in mind right now that we're just trying to say, well,
why is that?
Speaker 3 (16:06):
What is that for you? Is it all those things?
But was there one straw that broke the.
Speaker 2 (16:09):
Back for you?
Speaker 1 (16:11):
I thought of one other thing. And this is a
credit to Ia Sam's girl, Caitlin Clark. I'm a firm
believer in Someone taught me this once and I love
this thought. And I know you do as well. Everything
you say yes too, you're saying no to something else.
Speaker 2 (16:30):
Speaker 1 (16:30):
If you take overtime at work, yeah he took the overtime.
But now you're not seeing your kids for dinner, right you? Yeah, yeah, buddies,
we'll play golf on Saturday. You know, golf on Saturday
means you can't bring your daughter to dance class or something.
Speaker 2 (16:43):
You know, you just lunch with your wife. Yeah.
Speaker 1 (16:45):
Everything you do that you say yes to, you say,
you know, to something else. And I think the time
and effort and interest people genuinely, because at first I
didn't think it was genuine I'll be honest with you,
but the genuine interest in the WNBA and the numbers
they were putting up that are now better than the
NBA numbers this year are saying, you know what, maybe
you're not being pulled into the NBA and you're like, well,
I want some basketball.
Speaker 3 (17:10):
Yeah, I watched the women. Well there was great rivalry
there too, So.
Speaker 1 (17:14):
Angel Reese Kitlyn Clark rivalry Angel the reason Kaitlyn Clark
fact better rivalry than any two dudes in the NBA.
All right, So tell me tell me a rivalry in
today's NBA that's better than Kitlyn Clark and Angel Reese.
And I'm not even a big w NBA fan, but
I I know those two going at it is way
more interesting than who oh so like Steph and Lebron, Like,
come on, I'm saying. For as good as Steph Curry
has been for the NBA, it also sort of ruined
the NBA in a big way because all you're seeing
is people throw up sloppy shots. There's a lack of defense,
lack of physicality. So it's kind of like, for as
much as I loved Limp Biscuit Rich at one point
in New Metal.
Speaker 2 (18:03):
Yeah, fred durs Biscuit m Biscuit.
Speaker 3 (18:07):
It's sort of ruined rock for years to come. It
never really recovered after that.
Speaker 1 (18:11):
Sometimes something that feels great, right, doesn't always have long
lasting results because.
Speaker 3 (18:17):
They can't do it as good as as Lincoln Park
and Limp Biscuit.
Speaker 2 (18:20):
Did you know?
Speaker 3 (18:20):
People can't shoot as good as the Splash Brothers did
and as good as Steph Curry does, and it just
looks sloppy and lame when they try, and it's not
a good product as a result. So we ask you,
why is it down twenty eight percent?
Speaker 1 (18:32):
If you watch reality television all my competition shows, once
they stopped being mean to the contestants.
Speaker 3 (18:39):
Right, that's good. Yeah, I lost interest. You liked American
Idol because Simon Cowell was mean?
Speaker 2 (18:44):
It's true.
Speaker 1 (18:45):
Yeah, do you want Lionel Richie being like everyone's great?
I love Lionel, but I mean, like, you know how
you tie.
Speaker 2 (18:49):
That into the NBA? You liked it when there was.
Speaker 3 (18:52):
Serious rivalry and hatred and they weren't pals and it
wasn't kind and it wasn't sweet. You know, it's a
different game and it's sort of all caught up recently.
Speaker 2 (19:03):
What was it for you? Do?
Speaker 3 (19:05):
Quick phone calls and then we're giving away some prizes.
Speaker 1 (19:08):
All right, let's say hello to JD in North Carolina. JD,
what's up?
Speaker 2 (19:13):
Speaker 7 (19:14):
Speaker 8 (19:14):
Here are you all doing? Listen to the whole whole time.
I agree with all the various reasons why they're lagging,
but I've got a few things that might give it
some juice.
Speaker 2 (19:23):
Yeah, ready, give it some juice, man, break out the
sunny Dal.
Speaker 8 (19:26):
Let's go so kind of riffing on the point saying
that y'all were talking about earlier. What if it instead
of like a four point or ten point, they took
away a point if you miss a three?
Speaker 2 (19:35):
Oh wait, how about this three?
Speaker 8 (19:36):
It's a negative?
Speaker 2 (19:37):
How about negative one?
Speaker 1 (19:38):
Would you like for every five miss threes? It's like
minus a three point. I don't know, there's got to
be some ridiculous rule. But then again, everyone hates the
idea of the golden at bats.
Speaker 4 (19:47):
So about if the other team gets to shoot free
throws when somebody flops.
Speaker 2 (19:52):
Oh if it's a flop, yeah, I like that, like
a personal foul called on a flopper.
Speaker 3 (19:58):
Yeah, now it's something to balance it out. Yeah, Honestly,
I think dB has the best idea, though, And if
you the other day it's the reverse four points, but
it should because it's more difficult to drive to the
basket and it is to shoot.
Speaker 4 (20:12):
I especially like Buyer's idea for the NBA All Star
Game that would flip the script.
Speaker 3 (20:17):
Four points for a layup, I'm sorry, three points for
a layup, two points for a three point shot makes sense.
Speaker 2 (20:24):
Yeah, but I think it.
Speaker 1 (20:25):
Would be a fun experiment that the All Star Game.
David and Sacramento, what's up in Hey.
Speaker 9 (20:30):
Guys, Hey guys.
Speaker 10 (20:31):
Regarding the Golden at Bat. A couple of thoughts. One is,
I think the reason everybody thinks it's so stupid is
just because it's called the Golden at Bat. Like if
they called it a substitution, then maybe people would. I mean,
it's a good idea, it's just called it's just got
a stupid Yeah, you know what.
Speaker 2 (20:50):
It reminds me of a Jamba juice.
Speaker 1 (20:52):
They have a delicious drink that Cavino used to refuse
to order because he didn't want to say Orange dream Machine.
Speaker 3 (20:57):
Yeah, I didn't want to say that. Yeah, there's a
there's a drink at this local restaurant. Oh go ahead, buddy,
go ahead.
Speaker 10 (21:03):
Get Oh my other thought was, what would make the
golden at bat even better is if the guy mouts
off to the umpire and he sends him to the
Golden Showers.
Speaker 1 (21:12):
There you go, by the way, the thing you were
going to say, juice, I know you're part two of that. Yeah,
don't you also refuse to like whole foods? Is there
a shape called like the peanut buttery that I don't
like any of these corny drinks? There's a whiskey business.
I'm like, can I get an old fashion? Do you
mean the whiskey business? There?
Speaker 2 (21:33):
Like, yeah, the old fashion. That's good. Yeah, let's do that.
All right.
Speaker 3 (21:36):
We got Jennifer and Michigan. You're on the Cavino and
Rich show, Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 7 (21:42):
Good late afternoon for me here in Michigan, Guys. As
far as basket ball goes, I still follow the Pistons,
but I think it was back when that whole Black
Lives Matter thing started. Everyone became woke at that point.
I was still cheering for the Pistons, but I was
a little upset even I was doing that with all
the teams I cheer for.
Speaker 1 (22:09):
Listen, there are there is a say you can't be
in denial. There is a section of the of the
country that does feel like sports got political at some point.
I don't think that's the reason now, Like I don't.
I don't think people aren't watching in twenty twenty four.
Maybe for a minute during you know, twenty twenty there
were people that got a little put off when things
got political and cultural.
Speaker 2 (22:27):
But yeah, I wouldn't deny that two years ago, and
that I.
Speaker 3 (22:30):
Do think that the things we discussed are more of
the primary reasons. You could chime into at Covino and
Rich at Fox Sports Radio and let us know, any
other phone calls now, Danny je Or do you want
to give away some prizes?
Speaker 2 (22:45):
Yeah, I think it's time right now to give away
some swiggies. Let's let's do it now.
Speaker 11 (22:52):
Everyone seems to be obsessed with this cup.
Speaker 1 (22:56):
Incredible cup fans lining up at Target stores before sunrise
just to snag one.
Speaker 3 (23:04):
Not the NBA Emirates Cup.
Speaker 2 (23:07):
No, we're talking about seeing our swiggies.
Speaker 1 (23:10):
Oh that cup stainless steel water bottle and we got
new ones, Sapphire Midnight, Black Midnight Black Swiggies Man steainless
steel water bottle is really nice and we're giving them away.
Speaker 3 (23:21):
Coveno made up the name for those. By the way,
well that's the color of my card. I just got
sapphire midnight black.
Speaker 4 (23:28):
All right, That's all you got to do is leave
a podcast review at Apple for Coveno and Rich and
if I read yours, I'll give the email addressed later
for you to send me an email that you heard
yourself on the air, and then I'll mail you a swiggy.
Speaker 2 (23:42):
Here we go.
Speaker 4 (23:42):
I'm gonna start instead of kissing kissing your guys like
a lot of people do.
Speaker 2 (23:48):
How about this one? A one star review? The title awful.
Speaker 4 (23:52):
Can't stand these two guys horrible. But here's where I'm confused.
Then he goes on to say this guy's hair, by
the way, never listen to an episode. It's just add
sixty seconds of nails on a chalkboard.
Speaker 3 (24:08):
So he hates this so much that he can't listen
past a minute.
Speaker 2 (24:12):
Is that what it is? I guess he doesn't even
make sense with Buddy wrote.
Speaker 1 (24:15):
You know what it's like, Danny G When you look
up Yelp reviews for a restaurant or a store, or
you know, something for your kids. If the complaint is
something ridiculous, like the hostess was mean, that's not the food.
You're not complaining about the food, Like that's your experience.
Speaker 3 (24:29):
You still hate things. I kind of respect it. You
know why I hate the show? This is us. I
hate it? Right, Ask me how many episodes I've watched?
Speaker 2 (24:36):
How many? Like maybe a minute of one? How do
you do it? Because I hate it? I don't really
know what the whole show is. Oh, you know what,
you know what?
Speaker 1 (24:42):
Harry's my kind of guy. Give him a swinging. Can
I tell you, Dann Bayer, this is a ridiculous. Cavino
is during its hey day when it was like a
hot show. I was like, Kavino, you gotta watch Handmaid's Tale.
That's really good. Right and he goes.
Speaker 2 (24:55):
He goes the one with the girls who dressed like Pilgrims.
Speaker 12 (24:59):
I hate it.
Speaker 2 (25:00):
I don't I don't like it. I'm like, but you've
never watched it. The name is stupid.
Speaker 4 (25:06):
Okay, all right, Before we get to DB's update, let's
give away two winning reviews. All right, so five star
here titled Sports with a Side of Life from Bird Shawn.
These guys are great. Listen to them since the serious days,
so glad to have found them again. The new crew
they have at Fox Sports adds such a terrific, terrific atmosphere.
Speaker 1 (25:27):
I agree, Man it up, guys, I agree, and that's awesome.
That's great insight. We do have a great team and
I'm glad you found us again.
Speaker 4 (25:34):
All right and the next winner, five star review. Great
show where all the others lack. Great for the drive
home and another listen in the morning makes this show
totally worth it. On the podcast cn R bringing the
funny and the up to date topics for the casual
sports fan.
Speaker 2 (25:48):
I love the.
Speaker 1 (25:48):
Sneak disc to all the other shows. Yeah, me too, man,
more than that, Okay, I'm okay with that. You know
I need rivalry, Brot rivalry.
Speaker 2 (25:55):
Jonas knocks You're not Rob Parker. I'm coming for you.
Speaker 4 (25:58):
That was from a monster And if you heard your review,
read email me at Crprizes at gmail dot com. That's
Crprizes at gmail dot com.
Speaker 3 (26:14):
Man, I'm seeing a lot of feedback of Danny g
hit the nail on the head with the word entitlement
in the NBA. Oh people love that way for you
and King James being the league leader of entitlement.
Speaker 1 (26:28):
Oh no, He's put a lot in there. Come on,
he's been in the league such a long time.
Speaker 2 (26:31):
I'm just reading feedback. You deserve some.
Speaker 3 (26:33):
Thanks for all your feedback at Covino and Rich. We're
gonna get to Andy Lee, shout out to Lynn and Idaho.
Thank you guys for hanging out with us. Fox Sports
Radio with Covino and Rich live from the tyraq dot
Com studio. It's holiday party Thursday. Yeah, so some of
our colleagues gonna be buzzing tonight. We're gonna come back
with some stories tomorrow. Remember, not the time to ask
your boss ro Raisman drunk. Yeah, come on, don't have
some kouf. Don't flirt with the random married person you
work with, at least you know, not in front of people.
Dip away. Yeah, gotta be big and discreets.
Speaker 1 (27:11):
And uh, let's say two quick NBA phone calls that
I want to talk a bunch of NFL. We got
a big one tonight. Not the party packers, Lions, very telling,
uh Andy and Rhode Island. What's up, buddy. The ratings
in the NBA are down. Cavino started the show by
saying he blames it all on Steph Curry. Kind of
yeah in a way, Yes, what's up?
Speaker 2 (27:32):
Speaker 11 (27:33):
Speaker 2 (27:34):
Hey, what's up? We're good a Hey.
Speaker 12 (27:37):
The way I look at it, guys, all these athletes
out here kissing a lot of ass. They want to
treat jerseys after after game. They want to be friends
outside of this. When's the Brivori? Wait, what's Patro throw
throwing heat us at gem?
Speaker 2 (27:53):
Where's where's Patro throwing Don Zimmer on the ground?
Speaker 1 (27:55):
Speaker 3 (27:56):
Andy, you know you make a good point. And here's why, right,
here's why.
Speaker 1 (28:00):
This is the the art of competition is the world
of sports where the whole point is to win, right,
And even in our industry, I don't really I'm not
that close with other shows on other channels. Why I
want to be better than them trying to beat them? Denny, Well,
the world we're not in the world of competing in
sports where there's a winner and a loser.
Speaker 4 (28:25):
Yeah, and even has Burner accounts where he comments on
their shows.
Speaker 1 (28:28):
We honestly after those other shows. That's how I feel inside.
I feel here, Kamino, and I'll tell you why you're
supposed to be competing, Danny. When we came up in radio,
I don't want this as hell.
Speaker 2 (28:37):
Like old guy radio.
Speaker 1 (28:39):
But when we came up the ranks. You weren't paling
around with the competing radio stations. So right, the pop
radio station was not friends with the hip hop radio station.
The hip hop radio station didn't like the rock radio station,
and no one really Now they're all in the same
iHeart or Odyssey Building like and they're all pals. Back
in the day, I worked at Z one hundred in
New York and again Rich just as sports though, which
is which makes it worse. When I was on Z
one hundred, which is a big pop station in New York,
you think I cared about Kate tu in Hot ninety
seven and all the other stations.
Speaker 3 (29:12):
No way, you were trying to beat them.
Speaker 1 (29:14):
You know who changes know who is the biggest whimp
of all all the Jimmy late night hosts, Because Leno
and Letterman hated each other. They all go on each
other's shows like, hey, Jimmy, here, Jimmy, Hey. All the
foulon Kimmel Cordon they were all browing it up.
Speaker 3 (29:29):
And guess what, all this is not the world of
sports and competition, you know, So when you see this
in the world of sports, it's even worse, is the point.
Speaker 1 (29:37):
So Andy, I get you Lee, Alaska Lee, wrap it
up and then we'll go Old School. It's out, buddy.
Speaker 9 (29:43):
Hi there, I have a suggestion for your four point
play and your golden bat in the NBA. In fact,
you can put it in the NFL too. All right,
paint the box on the floor or on the stadium,
and if you hit them, if you shoot and make
the bucket from the box wherever they paint it, you
can move it. Every four quarters you get the four points.
Take a person off the bench and they shoot and
make it from the painted spot the square on the floor.
They get five points.
Speaker 1 (30:10):
Wow, this is too complex, but you know what I
know he's comparing to like at the home run derby.
It's like if you hit a certain target or the
money ball back of the day. Hey, it's all silly,
but it's still a game. Let's do we do it
every Thursday went fifty hits.
Speaker 2 (30:25):
There's a certain.
Speaker 1 (30:27):
Speaker 2 (30:28):
What we gonna do is go back.
Speaker 13 (30:31):
Back into town throwing it back for a Thursday. Old
School went fifty hits at fifty after CNR give you
the time capsule topic and we reminisce together.
Speaker 2 (30:43):
Yeah, this is cool.
Speaker 3 (30:47):
We want to get everybody involved. We do it every
Thursday eight seven, seven ninety nine on Fox. Super producer
Danny g sent us a story about Chee Cheese, the
very famous text mix food chain, and I.
Speaker 2 (31:02):
Think most of us remember growing up, I mean cheese.
Speaker 1 (31:04):
I grew up on Long Island, where there's no such
thing as good Mexican food.
Speaker 2 (31:08):
I knew Taco Bell and then it was like, oh wait,
the restaurant Chi Cheese.
Speaker 1 (31:11):
New York, not known for their Mexican food, but I
remember chi Chi Cheese does have another meaning in certain marios.
But it's a tex mex restaurant that Here's what I
didn't know. I didn't know why it closed down. I
didn't know that either until I saw this story.
Speaker 3 (31:27):
It closed down following a hepatitis A outbreak two decades ago.
But get this set to relaunch next year. The founder's
son said, you know what, I believe in che Cheese
and I'm bringing it back. And for nostalgic reasons, I
kind of like that I missed the days of going
to like a TGI Friday's or you know, just that
local chain, and Chee Cheese would be a fun spot
to go visit. Remember, on the border was another Mexican
spot or like a whole Tas. I think Jose Tahas
is still around on the border came and went, but
Chee Cheese is coming back. With that being said, what
are some other restaurants, maybe other stores that you think
should make a comeback.
Speaker 2 (32:12):
I'll tell you.
Speaker 1 (32:13):
I'll tell you one coming up that would not fly today,
but I'll throw one out there now, goad bring back
the Sizzler? Could we bring back the Sizzler? Everybody the
text mex restaurant Chee Cheese that we grew up with
is coming back.
Speaker 2 (32:29):
It closed down?
Speaker 3 (32:30):
What a decade ago, twenty two decades ago, two decades ago.
Dang from a hepatitis a out break.
Speaker 1 (32:37):
Last time you went to chee Cheese you got a startech.
I guess so, yeah, you paged your friends that you
were there based on that. What are some other chains,
food chains, maybe just the store that stores you know
that should make a comeback that you really wish would
make a comeback. I don't just want to hear you
spit out some nonsense like you know, I really miss it.
Speaker 2 (32:58):
It would be great.
Speaker 3 (33:00):
By the way, I mentioned on the border West and
Vegas said, now there's still one in Vegas.
Speaker 2 (33:04):
But yes, sometimes Cove there'll be like one.
Speaker 4 (33:08):
Last yeah, like the last Blockbuster exactly like here in
southern California, Pioneer Chicken, there's one left in the heart
of La Okay.
Speaker 3 (33:18):
So my answer though, and I say this because I
worked there, and I would tell people, yeah, whatever, yeah,
F you two.
Speaker 1 (33:24):
I'm gonna be a radio star. All right, I'm gonna
leave this place, F you and F this guy. This
guy's cool.
Speaker 2 (33:29):
I'm out of here.
Speaker 3 (33:30):
I'm gonna go do radio people. Yeah whatever, dude. Before
I got into radio, I worked at Bennigan's and I
worked at Bennigans for a while, but I believed in
Ben Against. Bennigans was like Applebee's or Chilli famous for
your sampler, platter, sampler.
Speaker 1 (33:46):
The best thing that Bennegans was definitely the turkey Turkey.
Speaker 2 (33:50):
There was turkey on a pretzel role. It was so good.
Speaker 1 (33:53):
Russian dressing, the rubin the you know, it was big.
The health club chicken platter, their honey muff was bomb.
I worked there for a long time. I bartended there.
I would love because I like that mid level restaurant.
You don't have to get all dressed up.
Speaker 3 (34:08):
You weren't spending that much money, You're get a decent
bang for your buck. Had a nice bar. I had
a huge bart. Bennigans. They did like a world tour.
They had over one hundred beers, and you could if
you tried one off. Ever, you get your name on
the plaque. Right it sounds like me. You're trying to
bring it back, right now, dude, I wish it did
make it come back. I've investors.
Speaker 2 (34:28):
Well, you know what text Steve Kobe.
Speaker 1 (34:29):
A lot of times people work at places and they
tell you how much they hate it. I worked there,
and I'm telling you it was a great place and
it was a fun time. I wish Benigans made a comeback.
And the movie What Was in the Name of the
Waiting Waiting Waiting based their movie on Bennigans. They called
the Shenanigans in the movie, So Benigans was great. I
wish you made a comeback. And I don't want your
answer to be something bunk like I wish Woolworth would
come back.
Speaker 2 (34:57):
Do you really wish Woolworth would come back? Or col?
Speaker 1 (35:00):
I mean Everybuddy Sean Weller who listens on the iHeart
app out here in La Sean said Danny g might remember,
because I don't. He goes Numeral Numeral Uno pizza. Oh,
deep dish pizza, Like there was a Deep Dish spot.
There's a couple left, but they used to be everywhere.
Speaker 4 (35:16):
Like an old school blaze, that style of that place,
but it was Deep Dish.
Speaker 3 (35:20):
Yeah, it's gonna be different city to city. But hey,
if you say so, I believe you. I said Sizzler before. Yeah,
I got one that I know. There's still a couple left,
but they used to be everywhere. Maybe not on the
West coast or Midwest. But there was an ice cream place,
but it was a restaurant also Friendlies.
Speaker 1 (35:36):
Oh yeah, the Fribble, the fribble, the ice cream Sunday.
You would get the kids, you would get to the
ice Sunday most Yeah, Friendlies.
Speaker 3 (35:44):
Friendlies was big, but not as many as there used
to be. So yeah, I'd like to see it come back.
And that was great. I got two more. They had
great dessert there. But you also tease this, he said,
there's one.
Speaker 1 (35:54):
There's one that won't test to tell you, I got
the one that won't stand the test of time, all right,
but another truck stop, one that you might say.
Speaker 2 (36:01):
It's like one or two left.
Speaker 1 (36:03):
I used to love, no joke, They're bacon, cheeseburger, their chicken,
their salad, bar Roy Rogers.
Speaker 2 (36:13):
Speaker 1 (36:15):
I used to love their nuggets and their sweet and
sour sounds. What about their fix they used to call
the fix. I'm with you, I'm with Rich on the
Roy Rogers good fried chicken. I wish they made did
make a comeback on the East Coast. Did you guys
have a n W Roop beer?
Speaker 2 (36:32):
Speaker 3 (36:32):
Yeah, but the place we're dope. Yeah, but yeah, like
Rich said.
Speaker 4 (36:36):
They all started disappearing. I think there's one less left
out near Palm Springs.
Speaker 3 (36:41):
All right, So if you could bring one thing back,
restaurant store would beat Dan Byer.
Speaker 5 (36:46):
I was just going to say to an W. There's
still a bunch of them in the Midwest.
Speaker 2 (36:49):
It's all. Yeah.
Speaker 5 (36:51):
The drive up window that we used to be accustomed
to about forty years ago still around.
Speaker 2 (36:56):
Yeah, but they are still around.
Speaker 3 (36:58):
Anything come to mind for you or no, you think
back just.
Speaker 5 (37:01):
Along those lines if you want to throw ANW like
I love Long John Silvers, and there's just not as
many of them around anymore. There's different parts of the
country there are, but out here they've completely disappeared. You
used to even have the half and half of along
John Silvers and a KFC. No more now on the
West coast.
Speaker 3 (37:19):
That's why when you do see those few that remain,
you got to stop in for nostalgic reasons. Like you know,
when you come out here to La and Burbank, there's
a Bob's Big Boy. It's probably one of the only
ones around. Yeah, so it's sort of novelty.
Speaker 2 (37:33):
You know what else? Sburbank, California has an Orange Julius.
Speaker 3 (37:36):
Yeah, exactly, any of those, and it used to be
at every mall growing up in Orange Julius. So you
see one, you gotta stop. But if you could bring
it back Rich before we go to the phone calls
eight seven seven ninety nine on Fox, which is the
one that wouldn't work today, he said, I.
Speaker 1 (37:52):
Think a firm top three. I'm trying to figure out
what three is. But Roy Rogers and Bennigan's I think
are top level. Yeah, I like those answers. There was
a place we would go with my family and you
weighed yourself. It was a scale and you paid what
you wait. Kids paid what they wait. Yeah, it was
like all right, like you know how Sizzler would do, like, hey,
come in with your kids, eat for free, and you
buy an eight dollars steak. Back in the day, there
was a place called the ground Round.
Speaker 2 (38:24):
Wait, did adults pay what they wait too? Though?
Speaker 1 (38:26):
I remember kids, but would Oh? I was sad because
I was a kid ground Round. I remember the ground
Round for short. It was one of my hometown I remember,
and I say this kindly. Let's just say one of
my siblings was a little chubby, and we used to
tease tease them like, hey, not a great deal for
mom and dad.
Speaker 3 (38:45):
Yeah, nobody wants to get weighed before they go to
an odd thing. So that's your whole campaign was pay
what you went. You'd walk in and they'd be like
the adult meal.
Speaker 1 (38:55):
Just keep in mind this is the eighties and nineties,
so it'd be like seven dollars for your parents to
get like a steak potatoes your your parents paid. Your
kids would get on a scale and let's say your
kid weighed one hundred and nine pounds. Would we had
a dollar nine for your kid and they'd write it down.
That is damaging. In twenty twenty four, imagine weighing your
kids like, oh, my god, therapist, what do you do?
You crushed her self esteem, but you got a nice
burger out of it.
Speaker 2 (39:20):
Are you sure I could eat dead?
Speaker 3 (39:21):
So I got two more, but I'm gonna save them
and go to the phone calls. But two more that
I want to bring back in tribute an honor to
Chee Cheese that's making a comeback.
Speaker 2 (39:30):
Let's go to the phones.
Speaker 1 (39:31):
Eight seven, seven ninety nine on Fox, Covino and Rich
want to start with Jack Jack in La what's up?
Speaker 2 (39:36):
Jack? You're on Covino on Rich.
Speaker 7 (39:38):
Oh my god, that's so funny because my brother's a
little husky, right, so I'm go over here dying.
Speaker 2 (39:42):
Sorry, don't bring your brother to the ground. Round.
Speaker 11 (39:48):
Then used to be a place in Sokow called Pups
and Taco Right, you did tacos and hot dogs.
Speaker 10 (39:54):
It used to be super great.
Speaker 14 (39:55):
Yeah, they died out in the eighties.
Speaker 2 (39:57):
It was a chain. Yeah, at least here on the
West Side.
Speaker 3 (40:00):
It was you know, some change again, don't even last long.
Like there was a point in New York City where
Ranch one Chicken was the biggest thing in.
Speaker 2 (40:08):
New York City.
Speaker 1 (40:08):
There was millions right like here in La too, Like
Pinkberry when pinkberry was huge, and all of a sudden
they just.
Speaker 2 (40:14):
Fade away quick.
Speaker 1 (40:16):
People got hap people were people got way tired of
that frozen yogurt pinkberry real quickly. Right, they were everywhere
Ashton in North Carolina. What's up, man, North Carolina?
Speaker 2 (40:26):
Ashton? You there?
Speaker 15 (40:28):
Speaker 8 (40:28):
Can you'll hear me?
Speaker 13 (40:29):
Speaker 2 (40:29):
What's man?
Speaker 11 (40:30):
Speaker 2 (40:30):
You are?
Speaker 15 (40:31):
Speaker 16 (40:31):
Well, so how are y'all?
Speaker 7 (40:32):
Speaker 12 (40:33):
Speaker 10 (40:33):
I just wanted to say, there is on the border.
Speaker 17 (40:35):
Still out here in Concord, North Carolina, right outside of Charlotte.
Speaker 7 (40:39):
Speaker 2 (40:39):
Yeah, I seen him in a minute.
Speaker 7 (40:42):
Speaker 11 (40:43):
One restaurant I would like to say is I'm gonna
have to go with you, Rich Benniggin's Man, you can't
beat that.
Speaker 15 (40:48):
And I'm excited for the chee cheese comeback.
Speaker 2 (40:50):
Thank you guys same.
Speaker 3 (40:51):
I missed that style of eating and get together. I
really do, but I miss it. I'm gonna quote you.
This is something you said and we've all said when
people say, oh man, I miss it. If they bring
it back, then you better support it. If they bring
back Bennigans, I'm getting a turkeyo tool. I'm getting h
like Danny g said, a sampler with the potato skins,
the chicken fingers, the uh well its wings and it
had mozzarella sticks, the cheese thick. You know what, because
because people are usually full of it, they'll say things like,
you know what, how did they let Twinkies get discontinued?
Speaker 2 (41:29):
It's like, what was the last time you ate a Twinkies?
The toys r US theory too, like toys or Russ
is closing.
Speaker 3 (41:35):
It's like, yeah, well you're not what's shopping on Amazon
all the time?
Speaker 2 (41:38):
You big idiot? Yeah?
Speaker 1 (41:40):
I was speaking of which what about do we want
to go back to KB toys?
Speaker 2 (41:43):
Was that out here or not? Yeah?
Speaker 4 (41:45):
I would, and I would love more than just a
pop up version of Toys r us Cove, you know,
because and Rich and dB they have youngsters. It would
be great to bring your kid in and let them
run around a toy.
Speaker 2 (41:55):
That's true. You know what.
Speaker 1 (41:56):
My daughter just fell into that pocket, and I'm glad
she had that experience and that magic of we're going
to toys run. The last big one in Times Square
that closed when we were living in New York City
was the one that had the ferris wheel inside the
Times Square location.
Speaker 2 (42:13):
It sucks that they closed those down. I jokingly said
KB Toys.
Speaker 1 (42:17):
My mom, who was here for Thanksgiving, we were reminiscing
a little bit, and she goes, I remember going to
Kby Toys and waiting in line to buy you double Dribble.
I'm like, you remember that double Dribble, But you know why, Rich,
because that was the mall version of Like Toys r
US that was in the mall KB Caby Toys.
Speaker 3 (42:34):
What store do you want to bring back?
Speaker 1 (42:35):
And I love that answer too, because again, I feel
like if you grew up with that, you just want
that magic for your kids. And it's not like the
toy Islet Targets is just not the same that little
pop up Toys r US version. Ah. It's it's interesting
you would say that because my kids are spoiled little
I don't want to say squirts, Yes, squirts, yeah, spoil
little squirts.
Speaker 2 (42:58):
And I'll go to Target and I'm like, just like
the same three aisles they know by now.
Speaker 1 (43:04):
It's not the same lego little kid toys and like Prince,
just like Steph Curry ruined the NBA, Amazon ruined Toys
r US. That's true, Josh and Ohio you John with
c and our chee Cheese making a comeback? What store
would you want to see make make a comeback?
Speaker 17 (43:20):
Hey, guys, thanks for taking my call as always.
Speaker 1 (43:22):
Speaker 17 (43:23):
First of all, I want to say that I was
employed at the Munsey Indiana Chea Cheese when I was
at Ball State when itcludes that in two thousand and three,
so I'm excited for the ultimate Margarita to come back.
My toye, though, is where my mother worked at in
high school, and it was fine dining for us.
Speaker 15 (43:39):
Anytime we went out to eat there.
Speaker 17 (43:40):
It was Ponderosa, the Ponderosa.
Speaker 2 (43:43):
I have answers.
Speaker 1 (43:45):
You're all over Long Island where I grew up, the Ponderosa.
Speaker 3 (43:48):
Great call man, Thank you so much.
Speaker 1 (43:49):
Do you remember whether it's Sizzler Ponderosa ground Round? I
know Danny g dan Byer all have the same memory.
I guess we've all been to one of them. Do
you remember when you were able for the first time
to use the soft serve machine as a kid? Like
it was part of like the like you know, you
would buy the salad bar and at the end you're like, wait,
I could pull down the lever as a kid.
Speaker 2 (44:09):
It's a big moment. And soft serve ice cream and
he brought.
Speaker 3 (44:12):
Up that ultimate margarita.
Speaker 16 (44:13):
Speaker 3 (44:14):
Yeah, another reason I'm excited for chee cheese. We'll get
one tonight. I get we're getting Mexican tonight for the
company party. What up Ron in Rochester? What's up, buddy?
Speaker 14 (44:23):
Speaker 11 (44:24):
So uh Pond loves saying pon Rosa, but lums Carrol's
and Howard Johnson's the three Quick Ones job.
Speaker 7 (44:32):
Speaker 11 (44:33):
But so anyway, I was going to school at Northeastern University.
Reggie Lewis is in my dorm freshman year. I was
working at Ben Again's, ended up transferring to Syracuse. Go cues,
Carmel Anty, come in. But hey, I know we would delay,
but let's sing the happy Birthday song together. I was
there in nineteen eighty five. It's still in my head.
Speaker 2 (44:50):
All right, we could try you ready birthday song.
Speaker 3 (44:51):
I'm three ready one two three, Happy Happy.
Speaker 18 (44:55):
Birthday, Happy happy birthday. That's why we here to say, Hey,
happy happy birthday. May all your dreams come true. Happy
happy birthday. From CNR to you, Hey, from Ben it
is to you. Hey, dude, I love it. I missed
those days. That was a lot of fun. Hey, Ron,
thank you so much. Let's go to Ben in New Mexico.
You're on the CNR show.
Speaker 10 (45:18):
Hey, guys, thanks.
Speaker 11 (45:19):
For taking my call.
Speaker 17 (45:21):
I would definitely want the Pizza Hut buffet. Going to
Pizza Hut right on a Flinchstone ride five dollars all
you can eat buffet Pizza Hut.
Speaker 12 (45:30):
Speaker 1 (45:31):
Someone pointed out the red plastic cups. Is that what
you're gonna say?
Speaker 2 (45:34):
Speaker 3 (45:34):
Oh no, you read my mind. I'm so sorry, dude.
Speaker 1 (45:37):
Yeah, those the plastic red cups, for some reason are
so nice, right, Yeah, that's synonymous with with Pizza Hut.
Speaker 5 (45:44):
Pizza Hut has not done anything new for the last
twenty five years. Yet that's all they do is they
throw nostalgia in our face.
Speaker 2 (45:52):
It's true.
Speaker 5 (45:53):
It annoys me so much because it was the best time.
But you see what's his face from the office doing
all those and he's wearing like a a warm up
tracksuit of the apron that you would sit at with
the red checkerboard. That's all they do. They do the
same stuff. They they think their stuff is new. It's
just pizza wrapped up in some different form. Yeah, but
they try to sell you now on the nostalgia because
we all loved Pizza Hunt thirty.
Speaker 3 (46:16):
Years because when we were kids, that was a treat
for us. We brought up titlement. We brought up in
titlement in the NBA and the entitlement of the players.
There's a lot of entitlement with just us and especially
kids today. I hate to say that because it makes
it sound like old guys, but it's true because if.
Speaker 2 (46:31):
You went to Pizza Hunt, dude, you were so pumped
about that.
Speaker 1 (46:36):
It's a treat when they now your kid has pizza
like four times a week. When they debuted stuff crust
Piece Pizza, I mean, that was a big moment.
Speaker 2 (46:49):
I got too what it came to mind a big moment.
Speaker 1 (46:51):
Before we move on again, Chee Cheese is coming back
every Thursday. We throw it back old school and fifty hits.
What are these chain restaurants or stores that you wished
me to come back? I got two more. When I
worked at Bennigan's. The parent corporation owned another chain, so
the higher end version of Bennigan's was Steak and Ale.
I don't know if people remember that, but I loved it.
Speaker 3 (47:16):
Steak and Ale was one of those places for me
growing up, was like the fancy steak place in my
neck of the woods.
Speaker 2 (47:22):
But it was a chain.
Speaker 3 (47:22):
It had the salad bar to the whole deal and
rich You're gonna know this one and love this one.
They actually took steak and Ale down in my neck
of the woods, like Springfield, New Jersey, and they built
the Famous Daves.
Speaker 2 (47:33):
And Famous Daves was for chain barbecue. That's still around, right,
but he's still around.
Speaker 1 (47:39):
Maybe I haven't seen it in years, man, but man,
I'm happy to know that.
Speaker 5 (47:43):
The one in Palmdale unfortunately burned out.
Speaker 2 (47:46):
Yeah, still big in the Midwest. I just started in Minnesota.
Famous Dave's standbyer.
Speaker 1 (47:50):
I feel like there are times I'd go with like
my high school at college girlfriend to the mall, and
a lot of times it were attached to a mall.
Give me some sweet and sass. That Devil's spin it.
I didn't know I was still around, but I'm happy
to hear that. So on the closed front.
Speaker 2 (48:05):
Just sorry to interrupt. Yeah, there's the Famous days in Vegas.
You guys don't know this. I went three times during
the Super Bowl last year.
Speaker 1 (48:13):
Yeah, yes, Well, because you know what, you rarely see
them so named Famous Dan.
Speaker 2 (48:22):
That's gonna be like us at waffle house in New Orleans.
Speaker 1 (48:26):
That's so funny, man, I was saying for the first
out of the show, what do they have to bring
it to the blue tent.
Speaker 2 (48:35):
I was in the blue tent for a little headache
kind of came over me. But I'm feeling much better.
Speaker 1 (48:40):
And I'm sam had a migraine that I think most
guys can only compare to, like when their wife or girlfriend,
Like I feel like women get migraines more than men
that I don't even know if that was a migraine.
Speaker 2 (48:49):
It was like just a throbbing headache.
Speaker 19 (48:50):
I wasn't nauseated, it wasn't like sensitivity light and sound,
but my head was just pounding and I needed a moment.
Speaker 2 (48:56):
Speaker 1 (48:56):
Yeah, people don't realize we have a blue tent in
the hallway, just like an NFL sideline due.
Speaker 4 (49:00):
We had doctor Spot doctor Spot concussion protocol.
Speaker 1 (49:04):
Weird, Why did Spot have gloves on? Anyway, Let's let's
go to your feedback rapid Fire. Then we'll go to
h dB for an update and we'll move along. But
Danny g on an old school throwback Thursday, chee Cheese
is making a comeback. Remember the old Mexican.
Speaker 4 (49:21):
Restaurants two decades ago they closed down because of an
outbreak of hepatitis A.
Speaker 1 (49:26):
How super dope about places like that Chee Cheese especially though,
and our boy hit it before those those frozen drinks.
Speaker 3 (49:34):
Many they dominated with their frozen drinks. Yeah, yeah, Marguerite's
and Decrees for real.
Speaker 1 (49:40):
They all have their special birthday so yeah, special birthday
songs and uh, you know, we'll go to Noah in
Main first. So what old school restaurant or store would
you want to bring back? What's up, Noah?
Speaker 15 (49:52):
What's up? Guys? You know there's a lot of sub
places that are around. But I don't know about you,
but I missed quiz No's.
Speaker 10 (49:59):
I loved.
Speaker 3 (50:02):
I missed their mascot. Let me tell you, man, I
used to. I used to stop by Quiznos a lot.
It was just another good option you would toast the
sandwich it was.
Speaker 2 (50:11):
I used to like, Quiznos was the best.
Speaker 1 (50:15):
I read up on this because I was like, how
did Quiznos go away? They were far superior to Subway, Jersey, Mike's, Blimpy,
all of these blimpy I mean, but apparently they did
a They had a bad business model or plan and
something went wrong because Quiznos was in the two thousands
for a minute.
Speaker 4 (50:32):
Was why the price point got to where it was
because I remember it being really expensive.
Speaker 1 (50:37):
Had another bad deal with franchising or product. There was
some reason sucks because Quizno's I thought it was far superior.
Remember they had your sandwich would do that like conveyor bell. Yeah,
I do love it.
Speaker 19 (50:49):
One of our producers and editors here, Ryan Berschinger, said
there's a Quiznos in downtown l A. And he had
it at the Dodgers parade.
Speaker 2 (50:58):
Speaker 1 (50:58):
You can get one downtown as far as I'm concerned,
though it's gone because I haven't seen him in a
long time.
Speaker 2 (51:03):
Went up dB.
Speaker 5 (51:05):
Yeah, as Sam's looking feversly, there's one in the valley
as well, so it's.
Speaker 1 (51:09):
Still honestly for nostalgic reasons, Yeah, you might have to
stop by Rich.
Speaker 2 (51:14):
I mean, I used to love me some quick.
Speaker 1 (51:15):
We might need to treat the crew to some some
Quizzlal sandwiches for the holidays.
Speaker 19 (51:20):
Have like this little singing rats or guinea pigs that
had the weird mouth and the.
Speaker 3 (51:25):
Weird photoshop mascot they had.
Speaker 2 (51:27):
We're well headed times there, all.
Speaker 3 (51:28):
Right, we have to do a little bang bang bang. Yeah,
Nate and Boise.
Speaker 2 (51:31):
What's up?
Speaker 1 (51:31):
Speaker 16 (51:32):
Hey Nate, Hey guys, that's it going.
Speaker 2 (51:34):
What's up? What are you bringing back?
Speaker 8 (51:36):
Speaker 16 (51:37):
So I grew up in the Annel of Valley. Uh,
and they used to have Pioneer Chicken. I don't know
if anybody's brought that up.
Speaker 2 (51:43):
I did. Yeah, it was.
Speaker 16 (51:45):
It was like the best place to go to when
I was a kid, and then it just like disappeared.
The last I heard, there was one place left in
like Colorado, and it recently closed down.
Speaker 2 (51:54):
There's one last one left in Los Angeles. One and O. J.
Speaker 4 (51:58):
Simpson was famously on their TV commercials back in the day.
Speaker 1 (52:02):
People need to you know how people going to have
bought chicken or I'll kill you. No, you know that,
but you know what. Animals are about to go extage.
Speaker 2 (52:11):
And everyone's they disappeared. We need to.
Speaker 1 (52:13):
Protect the pandas and everything. We need to save some
of these places.
Speaker 2 (52:16):
Man, all right? Uh, Gordy in Wisconsin, what's up, Gordo?
Speaker 7 (52:21):
Hey, Gordy, Hey Corners, I can't believe I got on
with you.
Speaker 2 (52:25):
What's up? Man? I'm an old guy, so probably you
guys are too young. To remember the Red Barn Red Barn.
Speaker 1 (52:32):
I don't know this, but I'll take your word for what.
What type of place was it.
Speaker 11 (52:36):
It was a cross between McDonald's and Kentucky Fried Chicken
because it had great deep fried fried chicken.
Speaker 1 (52:44):
That was a place that there was a chain on
Long Island. Chicken galore. There was like there was like
chicken places that would I take a lot of the
chicken places went away.
Speaker 3 (52:52):
Boston Market is hard to find nowadays, you know. That's
the thing.
Speaker 1 (52:56):
I used to love Boston Market someplace. It was Boston
Chicken in but Boston Market were around.
Speaker 2 (53:02):
They're hard to find.
Speaker 1 (53:03):
Love their mashto you would get like stuffing cornbread the turkey.
Speaker 5 (53:06):
I can taste their mashed potatoes right now as he talked.
Speaker 4 (53:10):
Did you dip that candied corn bread into the mashed potato?
Speaker 5 (53:13):
Delicious corn bread? Yes as well. I don't know if
I dip it into the mash, but I would sure
enjoy that.
Speaker 1 (53:19):
Again, you got to assume damn by the bed business
model or something, because if we're all salivating and the
thought of like Boston Market, dude, what happened was a
lot of these mid level restaurants we talked about this
on our Patreon show. The next generation came up and
they wanted all these little like like these artsy fartsy
coffee shop sort of restaurants, and they stop going to
places like Fridays.
Speaker 2 (53:41):
It stopped being a thing.
Speaker 1 (53:42):
And where our generation after the movies, we'd be like,
let's go to Fridays or let's go.
Speaker 2 (53:47):
To they're not doing this.
Speaker 5 (53:49):
The got Chipotle is the first one, like the five
guys that sort of stuff is pushed out those sort
of restaurants.
Speaker 1 (53:57):
You know, it's interesting. I believe it's Chili's is now
pushing a burger and they're saying their price point matches.
They're saying, our price point is on the level with
five guys in the stand getting fat burger in this
to the point where it's like you might as well
sit down. Their whole angle is like sit down and
have a better burger.
Speaker 3 (54:16):
They're trying to bring back a younger generation to that.
Speaker 5 (54:19):
I feel like pizza now is considerably cheaper than it
was when we were growing up, Like we talked about
Pizza Hut. It was like twenty bucks a pop for
a pizza back in the day. Now you go to Dominoes,
you do any carryout special, It's like they're competing with
the frozen pizzas.
Speaker 2 (54:33):
Speaker 1 (54:33):
You know there's two layers of pit pizza Dan Bayer
as a as a pompous Pizza New York, New Yorker.
When we were kids, a slice of pizza is a
dollar twenty five. Now a slice of pizza in New York
City is like four bucks. However, as far as fast
food pizza goes, you're right. You go to a kid's
birthday party, six Dominoes does that like six ninety nine
for a medium pie as many as you want, Like
you could kter your kids birthday party for like one
hundred bucks. Well, you know what, they're competing with Costco pizza,
which is what a lot of families get for their
birthday parties. AJ and Big Justice say that the Costco
pizza brings a boom or no.
Speaker 2 (55:06):
It always brings a boom.
Speaker 5 (55:07):
I think one of my favorite things with all this too,
is the when the restaurants go out of business and
a new business takes over, but it's still the same frame,
Like an old pizza hut is not like a realtort place. Yeah,
like you totally know you're like, that was a McDonald's,
that was a Burger King, that was a pizza hut.
Speaker 2 (55:26):
Was this an ie hoop? Or did you choose a
light blue roof? Where we are right now used to
be a Denny's. That's it.
Speaker 1 (55:33):
Yeah, I've heard about that. I didn't know that though.
Oh there's the moon's over my heavy in the corner rotting.
Speaker 2 (55:38):
All right.
Speaker 1 (55:38):
When we do one of the graduate hotels, we did
a broadcast that was an old Howard Johnson's.
Speaker 2 (55:43):
Yeah, you could tell, and we could tell. We're like, wait,
is an old ho Jo hojo. Let's say how to
Rich in San Antonio? What's up? Rich?
Speaker 15 (55:50):
Hey, guys going man, I love your show.
Speaker 2 (55:53):
Speaking of San Antonio.
Speaker 1 (55:54):
My wife from New Bronfels Chacho speaking of good Mexican
Chacho's by the airport.
Speaker 15 (55:59):
Oh my god. Chacho's is pretty good. But they only
do drive through now. Yeah good.
Speaker 2 (56:06):
Yeah. By the way, their case of d is like
the size of your head.
Speaker 15 (56:09):
Really one of the monster nachos. Yeah, yeah, I don't
fill you up. But hey, there's a couple of places,
and I don't know how they raid across the nation,
but for a Zoli's, it was like fast food Italian.
Speaker 2 (56:27):
Okay, Okay, I don't know that well, but go.
Speaker 15 (56:29):
On, okay.
Speaker 14 (56:30):
And then in San Antonio there was a place man
forty five fifty years ago, g W Juniors. They had
the greatest hamburgers in the world and they were specialty
before specialty hamburgers came out.
Speaker 2 (56:46):
Yeah, you know what, I assume.
Speaker 1 (56:48):
Again, it's always just probably a bad business decision, like
quiz No. It's like if the place was loved and
it's either kids didn't like it anymore or a bad
business decision one of the other times change. Yeah, I
want to take one least phone call. On the last
phone call, Thank you, buddy. Who are we going?
Speaker 11 (57:02):
Speaker 2 (57:02):
We're going to Ron in Texas and then we'll go
to dB. What's up Ron?
Speaker 16 (57:05):
Speaker 2 (57:07):
I love it, schlitterband. My wife worked was a lifeguard there.
Speaker 14 (57:10):
What's up there?
Speaker 7 (57:11):
You go?
Speaker 11 (57:12):
So, I'm not sure if these guys were in the
northeast or in the in the West coast.
Speaker 2 (57:18):
But the ponchos you familiar with ponchos, I'm not now.
Speaker 1 (57:24):
I grew up in New York, where we lacked good
Mexican food terribly. Like when I tell you that's why
Chee Cheese rung a bell with me because for sure
it was like fast food taco bell or there was
like one Chee Cheese by Roosevelt Field Mall on Long Island,
and I was like, it was like that was fancy
Mexican because listen, there's just terrible.
Speaker 2 (57:43):
Speaker 1 (57:44):
Now there's better Mexican on the East Coast. But back then,
I didn't have guacamole util it was like twenty Hey,
maybe chee Cheese is starting to trend. Some of these
comebacks were yearning for nostalgia, and I hope uh Shobi's
Pizza Place makes it come back.
Speaker 2 (57:58):
Chuck E Cheese bought that.
Speaker 1 (58:00):
I'm going to a Chuck E Cheese birthday party with
my son Sunday morning, and uh, the animatronics have made
way for like flat screen TVs.
Speaker 19 (58:08):
That's the only Yeah, now there's only one place left
that has the animatronic. Band was there at Chuck E
Cheese last weekend in the Valley for my niece, and uh,
it was interesting being there as a grown adult.
Speaker 2 (58:19):
I haven't been there since I was a kid.
Speaker 4 (58:21):
You guys, one place here, I don't know if it
was in other parts of the country, but COVID killed it.
Speaker 1 (58:25):
Soup plantation, COVID killed it. Y, you and other people
that work here about that that sucks?
Speaker 4 (58:33):
Heard You're not the only one I've heard talking about
pay somebody. If some investors brought it back, it would
be jam packed.
Speaker 2 (58:39):
All right?
Speaker 1 (58:39):
Well, you know, and I used to go to a
place in New York for soup every winter, and honestly,
we were like little nerdy soup boys every day. It's like,
we want to go to Hale and Hardy. Did you
guys ever hear of Hale and Hardy? Alright, well, listen,
we got a great game tonight. I'm gonna give you
my pick for tonight's packers Lions during over promised our
bonus pots. But right now I got to Solar Power parlay.
Let's go. It's time to parlay into your weekend. Rich
Davis loves parlays. You're making money and he loves his
new solar panels. Solar Boy, draft.
Speaker 2 (59:15):
My Solar power parlay. Ah raight lose.
Speaker 1 (59:18):
You're making money, hey, solar boy? Are you saving money
with your Christmas lights? Are those panels coming in handy?
Or I didn't even think of that.
Speaker 2 (59:27):
I'll let you know.
Speaker 1 (59:29):
I will say I believe in this parlay, but truth
be told, I threw you for a loop, but truth
be told, this is a straight up desperation parlay. When
I say desperation, this parlay favors my forty nine ers
to keep their hopes and dreams alive. But I do
believe in the parlay, So I'm not this no bs Okay.
Game one, Bills at the Rams. The Bills want that
home field. They want to play in Buffalo, they want
their fans jumping through tables on fire. They need to
beat the to stay paced with the Chiefs and hope
that the Chiefs drop one. Right, So, Bills at Rams.
If you think playing out here in LA is like
some tough surroundings, it's not.
Speaker 6 (01:00:11):
Speaker 1 (01:00:11):
I like the Bills money line, right, So Bill's money
line to beat the Rams.
Speaker 2 (01:00:16):
Do you like that part of it? I do?
Speaker 1 (01:00:18):
Okay, forty nine Ers at home hosting the Bears. The
Bears are in disarray. I don't care if the Niners
are banged up. The Niners still have a reason to play.
They are a game behind their division if things pan
out this way, right, Niners at home money line.
Speaker 2 (01:00:33):
Over the Bears. I like it.
Speaker 1 (01:00:35):
I do, and then Seahawks as there and Seahawks at
the Cardinals. I think the Cardinals two teams you downplay
all the time. The Cardinals lost two weeks ago to Seattle.
I think at Seattle. Now they lost this week in Arizona.
I like the Cardinals. So yeah, so I like Cardinals.
Bills Niners. One hundred pays three hundred three to one,
So one hundred place three hundred money line Cardinals, moneyline Bills,
money line Niners.
Speaker 2 (01:01:06):
Nice win win win.
Speaker 1 (01:01:08):
DraftKings dot Com CODs billions, billions, billions code see our
show at DraftKings Sports Buck. All right, we'll see you
guys in a few minutes Over Promised our bonus podcast,
and we'll be back tomorrow with some fun holiday stories.
Are Riven there you baby, See you in the over
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