Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to the best of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Carmon podcast. Be sure to catch us
live every weeknight from ten pm to two am Eastern
seven to eleven pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio. Find
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Speaker 2 (00:20):
This is the best of the Jason Smith Show with
Mike Harmon on Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 1 (00:29):
Hello and welcome inside The Jason Smith Show with my
best friend Mike Harmon.
Speaker 3 (00:34):
Well dressed hobo.
Speaker 1 (00:36):
Live from the Tirack dot Com studios tirec dot com
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Tirac dot com is the way tire buying should be. Well,
we can't can't even pretend it's anything close to a
normal night here as we broadcast to you. You know,
as you know, Mike and I we live in Los Angeles.
We've been here now for most of our adult lives,
and the wildfires in California and the LA area are
just mushrooming out of control. Now there is a huge
fire in the Hollywood Hills. That makes it six fires
right now that are zero percent contained. And I look
at a map and I see, you know, you see
how Los Angeles is just sort of bracketed by all
of these fires.
Speaker 4 (01:24):
On the inside.
Speaker 1 (01:25):
Justin Frossburg, our producers is close to an evacuation zone.
He's got a go bag ready in case he has
to leave because he's in Santa Monica.
Speaker 4 (01:34):
We just found out.
Speaker 1 (01:35):
The evacuation zone for the Hollywood Hills includes the Dolby
Theater where the oscars are held, and the Hollywood Bowl,
where where it's one of the biggest concert venues in
the entire world. I've been to hundreds of shows at
the Hollywood Bowl, and it's at the point where you
can't believe it's real, and you keep seeing videos and
you keep seeing the hillsides on fire. Really, I go back,
it looks like when you first see Mustafar in Revenge
of the Siths. It's unbelievable. And I think of all
the devastation, and I see the videos that are posted
and drone videos of entire neighborhoods and Pacific palace ages
that are just gone that are burned on the ground,
and I think about the loss of property and the
loss of life that we have so far. I believe
five people have died as a result of this. And
I think about this, and I think about the human costs,
and I think about the whole city and Los Angeles
and the surrounding areas where we are, and I don't
know that la.
Speaker 4 (02:31):
I don't know when Los Angeles ever going to be
the same.
Speaker 1 (02:33):
I mean, forget about you know, hey, the Rams might
not be able to play Monday because of the air quality.
Might move the playoff game to Arizona against the Vikings
if they can't do it. And you know, I went
from earlier today going well, they'll get this set the
sort of it's still five days away and they'll be
able to play the playoff game here, you know, for that,
because I'm thinking about getting this. But it's just it's
even worse than it was yesterday. And now I think about,
how is this city going to recover? How do we
get through this, and how do we recover when all
of this stuff is going where everywhere you look there
is a section of the city that is on fire.
You know, my daughter took our dog for a walk
because he had to get out of and be out
all day. He wanted to stay out because of the
bad air quality. And we're like, okay, we'll get him out,
and she goes, oh, I could see I could see
a fire up here, and then that's where she saw
the fire. I mean it was you know, it's ten
miles away, ten twelve miles away in the Hollywood Hills.
But I'm like, it feels like it's right outside your door,
and it's just it's it's, like I said, anything but
a normal night to night. As we continue and everybody
continues to try to fight the fires that are just
raging out of control all throughout the Greater Los Angeles area.
Speaker 5 (03:34):
That's strange colored sky, right, that looks like something you're
messing with colors on the AI thing to try to
come up with some cool look for a painting you're
making or something. It's just odd. The air quality is
going to hell all the way down the shore. The
video clips of just what was once you know, tens
of tens of millions of dollar homes, right, we're talking
you know estates and and different towns and restaurants that
you know, like if you ever visited Los Angeles. Some
of the names just spring right off your lips when
you think about Malibu and all those areas and it's
all gone, it's all rubble, and they had people walking
around doing influencer videos. I'm like, someone's gonna just go
and turn the hose on them at some point, and
it's just just absurdity, you know, people trying to get
their clout in the midst of absolute chaos and carnage
and and just the sadness and utter devastation. And now
because it's California, it now takes the ugly political turn
that comes.
Speaker 4 (04:46):
With it in the face of all the loss. It
is just it's just horrible. Twitter is Twitter is terrible
for this. Twitter.
Speaker 5 (04:55):
But it's not even that it's just all news sources
all because it's well, it's the thing.
Speaker 1 (05:02):
The thing about this, there's two things about the story.
Whenever there is a big news item, Twitter is always
the worst place to go because it's not about what's
happening anymore. You can't follow stories on Twitter, right, it's
just it's here. You know, as you said, it gets political,
it gets in and it's like, I just want to
know what's going on. So it's already difficult because it
with developing stories like this and not knowing where you're
at and what people are trying to cover on different
news channels. Okay, but you go to Twitter and you
really you can't. That's not the place to go. But
there is no place to go because everything is happening
so fast. It's impossible to find like how contained is
the fire, where is the fire spreading to it? You'll
find a lot of stuff on the Hollywood Hills, but
then you'll find more stuff on the palis Ages.
Speaker 4 (05:46):
You'll find more.
Speaker 1 (05:46):
Stuff on Pasadena and Alta Dina, and it's it's like
I said, it's impossible to know which way is up.
It really is to try to follow because most things,
most times, when something happens all right, you can turn
on a television and watch a new story and see it.
But this is just because it's happening so fast and
there's been no real progress. It's even worse than it
was yesterday because there's more fires and there's more devastation
and it's still zero percent. I'm waiting to see at
least three percent contained. Then I can feel like, okay,
maybe where we can get a handle on this, but
there's just nowhere to go to even know what the
latest news is. And that's a really frustrating part of
this too, because you know, people want to know or
their friends okay, they're family, okay, and it's the biggest
story in the world right now, and there's just no
place to say, Okay, I want to know up to
the minute stuff. This is where I go and this
is what I can find out, And that's a really frustrating.
Speaker 4 (06:36):
Part of this. Yeah.
Speaker 5 (06:37):
I mean locally here in La I had our station
KFI on our news station. It was up with that
till probably about four in the morning, listening to updates
clips they had from different fire officials and responders. And
obviously then you start getting some of the clips in
from political figures in each of those municipalities trying to
talk about what different advances they've been able to make
and processes in place. But at no point is there
any circling back to containment because you're trying to find
hope and telling people zero percent isn't going to help
relieve any of that stress, right, I mean, you know,
we've got a lot of folks. I've had people checking
in from all over the Globe today asking you know,
if our team was okay, and I'm like, honestly, we
know everybody's just did a bit of shock about it
and trying to figure out what's the next, you know,
the hammer to fall on this, and you know, right
as we're coming.
Speaker 4 (07:38):
On air, you get the Hollywood.
Speaker 5 (07:40):
Hills notifications, so you know, wondering what's next. I mean,
it's just a terrifying situation out here, you know, the.
Speaker 1 (07:47):
Thing today and is trying to watch the coverage and
it's really difficult because all the interviews on all the
different stations are all here's someone who lost their business
and they're talking about it. Your heartbreaks, and here's someone
who lost their home and your heart breaks. It's really
difficult to watch, obviously, But you know, in turning all
the channels, I was on CNN for a few minutes
and Bill Weir was on and I'm like, oh, here's
Bill Weir, who's you know, had been a big climate
guy reporter for the last twenty I worked with Bill
Weir for a couple of years at KBC Channel seven
here in LA when Bill was just you know, just
a sports guy, and now he's you know, he's the
preeminent climate reporter in you know, in in the world.
Speaker 4 (08:26):
And I'm watching him.
Speaker 1 (08:27):
Do do a hit from to do a do a
segment on CNN from somewhere in Pasadena, and he's taking
he starts talking and he says, I'm standing in front
of a business that was full and standing and untouched
six hours ago, and now it's it's burned to the
ground and it's just it's just gone. He said it
was a subway or it was a it was a nail.
I forget what he said. But he goes and this
was here and now you can see it's just gone.
And that was alarming enough. But except the start that
that got that got both Pam and I were watching,
is that he's doing this report and there is a
building behind him. Now he's probably about fifty yards away
from it, you know, fifty or sixty yards away from it,
and that building is on fire and it's a business
of some kind, and I and and and it's and
and it's on fire.
Speaker 4 (09:12):
And I mean he's okay, he's far enough away, he's.
Speaker 1 (09:15):
Doing his report, but we're just looking at them, going
that is a building that is absolutely on fire. And
because because the fire department is stretched so thin. There's
nobody there fighting it. There's I mean, they have to
get everybody safe and that it's it's it's you know,
as we heard them say today, the fire department said, look,
we are we are staff for one to two wildfires,
not for not four or five. And so we're watching this,
here's this, here's this, this business that is burning and
it's not being fought by a fireman. It's just it's
just burning. And I can't imagine if you're the person
that owns that building or works that building, going just
watching it burn and then there's no help coming, there's
no it's it's everybody is so is so consumed with
with saving lives and making sure people are safe and
making and trying to make sure this thing doesn't spread
that you know, there's so many things that are falling
through the cracks on this and it's just I saw
that and I said, how many how many places?
Speaker 4 (10:07):
Is that a.
Speaker 1 (10:08):
Normal thing right now? Where Yeah, it's just burning. We
can't get there. We don't have the resources.
Speaker 4 (10:12):
I don't know.
Speaker 1 (10:13):
I don't know how how it's not been an incredible
influx of resources to LA from across the country. Like,
I mean twenty four hours, and it's we don't have
enough to fight.
Speaker 4 (10:22):
Where's there where? Where's all the help? Right, Like, where's all.
Speaker 1 (10:24):
Where's all everybody coming in that it should be able
to help in a situation like this, where's people sending
different things like and and I'm everybody that's had something
like this happen any any sort of disaster, natural disaster,
or any any any sort of tragedy, You go where
is all the help? Where is all the help? And
it hits you differently when when it's something that happens
that boy, I can I can understand this, and I
understand the frustration everything that goes along with it. It's
it's you know, seeing that, hey, here's a building, here's
a business burning down, and no one's gonna go help,
And it just shows you how how helpless that that
everybody is, and how helpless we all are here just
you know, hoping at some point the winds just blow
everything out to the water. That's what we're waiting on,
you know, hopefully the winds die down and hopefully if
they you know, if they stay up, if they start
blowing everything out to the ocean, and then maybe we
have a chance to start getting on top of this thing.
Speaker 3 (11:11):
Speaker 5 (11:12):
I mean, as we were talking about yesterday, the open
call to anybody who's served as a firefighter recently or
if you were off duty for your you know, forty
eight off to please report and call in and everybody
else that could be made available. I mean we're watching video,
you know, in the studio yesterday, Justin and Alex and
I watching some of the reporters you know where where
they're doing their reports. Wow, that's that's just I get it.
You want to have someone in the in the throes
to really make you understand. But just the danger involved there,
or the shots that they had of people at gas
stations trying to do whatever they could to make sure
they were hosing things down, just trying to you know,
give themselves a little bit of respite in case the
fire came up basically across the street. I mean, just
just terrifying and looking at these businesses and trying to figure.
Speaker 4 (12:12):
Out how do you get these resources?
Speaker 5 (12:15):
And this is where there's just a lot of questions
that need to be asked, and you can't get the
answers as you're trying to fight it, right, those come
out in the wash later on about tactics and prep
and how do you get yourself prepared for something like this? Again,
you know you're ready for two fires, not five, not six,
not how it's continuing to evolve and go up and
down the coast in that area. Just really, I had
gone through some old photos over the holidays, right as
you want to do, you clean off some storage on
your phone, and I remember when we had it a
couple of years ago, driving to and from work. We
had it on the hills by the Getty Center, right,
which is about what four or five miles from the studio, uh,
and when those were on fire, and just driving to
that area of town. And now you just magnify that
on a whole other level. I mean, that was bad.
This is I don't even know the proper adjective to
describe what we're witnessing now, Yeah, I.
Speaker 4 (13:19):
Mean I don't.
Speaker 1 (13:19):
I mean, it's it's so I look at it and
and and my breath gets taken away, and I see
the fires kind of surrounding all of us, you know,
in the greater Los Angeles area, and it's I mean,
it's it's a case of where the reason the fires
are burning the way they are obviously is because of
all the is all the all the brush.
Speaker 4 (13:39):
Right, it's been so windy here. It it's the wind
in any rain.
Speaker 1 (13:42):
Right, No, normally we have like what two one thousands
of an inch of rain of something, and in the
in the last quarter where we normally have at least
three or four inches of rain. So everything is dry,
the winds are blowing. And if you live in the
in the you know the quote the city of Los Angeles,
there there's a lot less greenery. There's a lot less
you know, there's a lot there, there's less trees, there's
less things that will burn. So that's kind of so
far why the fires have been the way they are.
Where it's you know, they're they're outside the city, right,
but that's where the fires going, and the fires can
just continue to grow. And the scary part is that, yeah,
they keep getting closer and they keep expanding north as well.
So because and which is where more of that that
brush is, Where there's more forest and there's more there's
more areas for this fire to keep going. And it's
I mean, I I don't know, I don't know. It's
it's very it's a real weird night tonight. Obviously you're
in here, Mike and I are gonna be a little
weird tonight obviously with with trying to figure everything out
and trying to keep one eye on this and of
course keep you entertained and do the show, because look
it is you know, sports.
Speaker 4 (14:47):
Is our business.
Speaker 1 (14:47):
And I say it all the time. You know you're
here to get away from all the bad stuff. But
just it was, you know, I felt it was important
tonight for us to start and talk about, Look, this
is kind of where we're at, and you know, all
of us are waiting. Are we going to get an
evacuation signe We're going to get in evacuation signal?
Speaker 4 (15:01):
Where are we going to have to go? How is
that going to be?
Speaker 1 (15:04):
So that's kind of, you know, where we're at right now,
and we hope to have good news as we keep
going throughout the night tonight. Hopefully the winds will die
down again. It seems like that's happening. But again I
would have thought that was good news, and then the
Hollywood fire started. So I keep thinking about the Hollywood
Bowl and the and the and and north of Sunset,
where all these areas are, all the all these businesses,
and now you're getting into the city area of LA
and it's I'm again loss of life, loss of wildlife,
loss of loss of property, loss of business. I mean,
I don't, I don't know how and when you know,
how we get through this and then Los Angeles can recover.
I mean, you're you're looking at devastation. That is just
that we've never seen anything like this before. That's just
here's a natural disaster that is just now going to hit.
You know, the the the second largest market in the
in the country, and all of a sudden, all these
things Hollywood and the glitz and the glamor and all
the things people come to vacation for him, come here
to get away from there. Uh you know, they're the issues. Hey,
I'm going on vacation, going to LA. I'm gonna go here.
I'm gonna go see this. I'm gonna go to the beach.
When we all I mean really, I don't, I don't
know how we recover. It's a it's gonna be a
it's gonna be some kind of long road, man, It
really is.
Speaker 4 (16:15):
Long road begins with that first step. Hopefully.
Speaker 5 (16:18):
Uh, good thoughts with everybody that's fighting this stuff. And
as you're able to help, all the numbers go up,
all the usual different resources that are out there. If
you have the resources to be able to help, please do.
Speaker 1 (16:34):
The Jason Smith Show with Mike Carmon live from the
Tirec dot Com Studios, phone number eight seven seven ninety
nine on Fox eight seven seven nine nine six six '
three sixty nine. But as we say, and as we
tell you, sports is our business. It's what we're gonna
do here as long as we keep going. So coming
up next, we have a big story out of the NBA.
We have a big story out of the NFL. We
got some big time sports stuff to get to, which
we are that's coming up next right here, Jason and Mike,
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Speaker 4 (17:52):
That's expresspros dot com.
Speaker 2 (17:54):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.
Speaker 1 (18:04):
Fox Sports Radio The Jason Smith Show with my best
friend Mike Harmon. You're listening to us now, but did
you know you can also see us. Be sure to
check out the Fox Sports Radio YouTube channel. Just search
Fox Sports Radio on YouTube. You'll see a whole bunch
of video highlights from our shows. Be sure to subscribe
to you always have instant access to our Fox Sports.
Speaker 4 (18:24):
Radio videos on YouTube.
Speaker 1 (18:26):
And again we'll have more developing wildfires in Los Angeles. Again,
Mike and I broadcasting from LA like we do every night,
and like I said, just to you know, forgive us
a little bit tonight because tonight's gonna be kind of
a weird night, not knowing how things are gonna go,
and how the winds are gonna blow, and if Justin
Frosberg and Alex Tischer are gonna have to evacuate because
of where they live. So it's it's just that kind
of night everywhere. Continue to have prayers and great thoughts
for everybody fighting these blazes and trying.
Speaker 4 (18:58):
To stay safe in this time. Uh. But popular phrase
I said a few minutes ago.
Speaker 1 (19:03):
I'll say it again. Sports is our business. We're to
get into big stuff going on right now in the
world of sports. And clearly, Mike Carmon, Uh, no game
bigger tonight than the Knicks ending that two game losing
streak and beating the Toronto Raptors one twelve to ninety eight.
No game O your year, the biggest game, No game
bigger than that, none whatsoever, No game bigger Karl Anthony
Town is.
Speaker 4 (19:25):
Back, so all the Frostburg's Oh, I don't know.
Speaker 1 (19:27):
He's fine. Karl Anthony Towns was fine. He played the night.
He played thirty four minutes. He was great. He was
twenty seven and thirteen. Everything is fine. Something must be wrong.
He only played thirty four minutes. Everything is fine. Well,
now you're upset there playing less minutes. Tips has played.
He's got four.
Speaker 4 (19:42):
I've just said, I mean, really, it comes back. He's
at forty forty two.
Speaker 1 (19:46):
So some place, surely it's wrong with him. I'm glad
he's in thirty four man played, isn't thirty four minutes?
Speaker 3 (19:51):
Speaker 5 (19:52):
All right, So it's the Raptors, and it was a
pretty easy score in victory, so you're able to distance
things and and get yourself a little bit of bench
time with your guys Shamit getting twenty one minutes and
precious Head fifteen off minutes off the bench, So at
least the rotation got a little deeper, a couple other
guys getting two or three subcursory minutes. Your man pain
as well got into double digits and minutes. But yeah,
it's take the victory.
Speaker 4 (20:21):
Speaker 5 (20:22):
With thirty eight forty games into the season, for all
these squads you got. You gotta just pace yourself. So
if there's anything going on there, Tibbs, you're putting being
put on notice.
Speaker 4 (20:34):
Speaker 1 (20:35):
Now, the actual game obviously the game of the night.
And I was only kidding the Cavity half get a thunder. No, no, no, no, no,
come on, this game. This was like an NBA Finals game.
Speaker 3 (20:45):
Speaker 4 (20:45):
The Cavaliers beat the Thunder.
Speaker 1 (20:49):
Really entertaining, especially in the first half, really entertaining game.
But the Cavaliers improved a thirty two and four. And
I know that, I know both of these teams. There's
still the you know, the the average NBA fame was going, yeah,
but are they really this good? The Thunder were great
last year, they've been great sobid. Yeah, but it's the
thundering they're really gonna to say, uh no, it looked.
Speaker 4 (21:11):
The Thunder and the Thunder are really good.
Speaker 1 (21:13):
But I get that, Hey, are the Cavaliers really this good?
Are they putting too much emphasis on the regular season?
Speaker 4 (21:19):
Speaker 1 (21:19):
Thirty two and four is thirty two and four. Man,
you can't cut it up any other way. They're the
best offense in the NBA.
Speaker 4 (21:25):
And here's the scariest part.
Speaker 1 (21:26):
Of the night, right, the Cavaliers win a big NBA
Finals type preview game, and they win it on a
night where their best player was awful Donovan Mitchell. Now
he hit a big shot near the end, but Donovan
Mitchell was three or sixteen from the floor tonight for
eleven points. Okay, if you're telling me, here are the
Cavaliers who win a game somewhat comfortably. It doesn't come
down to the final. You know, they make free throws
at the end, they had a lead going to the
final few minutes. It's not like they needed big time
heroics at the end.
Speaker 4 (21:54):
They win a game like this where Donovan Mitchell was.
Speaker 1 (21:57):
Just eh and and this is the guy that's gonna
lead them in scoring every night. He's gonna be their
best player, and he has a night like this, and
still the Cavaliers win, And they win without it being
one of those Trey Young I'm gonna shoot it up
from half court and have it go in like this
should if you have any other I don't think there
should be.
Speaker 4 (22:17):
But if there's any other concern that, oh the.
Speaker 1 (22:20):
Cavs might not be No, this is the game that
you tell you that, because when your best player stinks
and has a baby. The first guy to say, listen,
I had a bad night. Did the Mets sign anybody today?
It's a huge Mets fan and a Mets sign I
had a bad night tonight, but a bad night like that,
and still they beat the thunder. I mean this is
this should get rid of all of your doubts about
the Cavaliers.
Speaker 4 (22:40):
Yeah, what's fun watching this play out?
Speaker 3 (22:43):
Speaker 4 (22:43):
As you had three guys doing the distribution.
Speaker 5 (22:45):
Wasn't just Darius Garland, you also had Jared Allen and
Evan Mobley six and seven assists, respect respectively. Alan and
had twenty five points, Mobley at twenty one. Balance all
up and down. You had seven guys in double figure.
But you know, I get enamored with that twenty nineteen
draft class, right because we spent so much oxygen on
Jahn Morant, so much oxygen on Zign. He played last
night was not available as they played Portland. Really, you
couldn't get him a couple minutes against Portland hell anyway,
But the fact that you got Garland with his eighteen
and seventies plus seven on the night, seven of fifteen
from the field, and then Ty Jerome six of seven
fifteen points. He's averaging ten points a game from the bench,
giving you some quality minutes each and every night in
route to this thirty two and four mark. Now, Oklahoma
City's eventually gonna get Chet back and they'll have some
opportunities there. They're thin on the front line, so they
certainly need him back, and I know that's obviously gets
people going, Well, he doesn't add any bulk, no, but
he's still a body that you have to contend with
around the basket. But the Cavaliers one of the best
stories going and it's it's unfortunate that they it won't
get necessarily the the media push elsewhere, But yeah, this
is fun. Nineteen and one at home, absolutely crushing it.
Speaker 1 (24:12):
I mean, they're not going anywhere you think, I know,
because that's the thing is when you see the smaller
market teams win and they don't have the big star
power like we expected Cleveland to win when they had
Lebron James.
Speaker 4 (24:21):
But you know, you look at some of these smaller market.
Speaker 1 (24:24):
Teams and you go, yeah, but are they really gonna
sustain You always look at it and go, yeah, I
don't know. You know, the teams like the Thunder and
the Timberwolves and the Calves, like they're all the same,
Like they're.
Speaker 4 (24:35):
All the same way.
Speaker 1 (24:35):
Yeah, they're really good, but are they really gonna sustain
They could be. They could have the exact same numbers
and record as the Celtics, and you'd get the average
NBA fan go, yeah, but the Celtics are great.
Speaker 4 (24:44):
I mean, come on, they won the time they yeah.
Speaker 1 (24:46):
Okay, no, they're not saying, but you gotta you gotta
afford them the same thing. Like teams that get this
good and you should actually be more impressed, because it's
not easy to build a really good team in a
small market.
Speaker 4 (24:59):
Man. In the end, it is not You gotta get
lucky in the draft. You gotta get all these pics.
You got to you gotta throw content and you have
to throw numbers to try to find out what works.
You have to hope you get lucky in the draft.
Speaker 1 (25:09):
You have to hope you have money in free agency
for the right guy or two to come in, and
like guy like Issaia Hertenstein who's come in this year
and he's been the right guy so far for Oklahoma City,
Like it's it really you need you need a lot
to go right to do this it's not the NFL
where hey, we have a lot of money, we're gonna
sign a bunch of free agents, We're get more wins.
Speaker 4 (25:27):
This is it's really really hard to do.
Speaker 1 (25:30):
And so teams like this, Yeah, they don't just show
up and say yeah, you know, hey, yeah we're playing
above our heads. No, no, I think everybody these teams
have shown that they are here and here to stay.
And the Cavaliers clearly are here to stay and are
not going anywhere.
Speaker 4 (25:42):
Youth movements and certainly you know, go back.
Speaker 5 (25:46):
I mean Shay Gildas Alexander we remember him as a
member of that Clippers team. Obviously, I celebrate everything lou
Dort does, except when he's minus fifteen on a night
like he was. But they've got a good depth tonight.
Just look they shoot fifty three percent from the field
and lose by seven. I mean, this is one of
those classics. I mean, that third quarter was absurd, right,
There wasn't a whole lot of miss going on. I
don't want to say they weren't trying to play defense,
but you couldn't tell it by the box score if
you just piled out as Okay, see outscore Cleveland forty three,
forty one in that period. But yeah, it's it's fun
to watch different teams get into the mix though, right
same old stories. We get some different names that get
to pop up and get on the radar and get
through the clutter. You know, Lakers are still fun when
Lebron and Ady are playing right. It's it may not
be the great results and you might have a couple
of chuckles like we did last night against you know,
with some of the stills and little video clips that
made it and made their rounds, and we talk about
the Knicks and whether they'll be able to finish the
marathon or if they'll pull up and mile twenty four
with a cramp.
Speaker 1 (27:04):
Multiple cramps, multiple cramps, man, multiple crabs.
Speaker 3 (27:07):
Ay man.
Speaker 4 (27:07):
I was just like, if he's not.
Speaker 1 (27:09):
Taking it easy on anybody, man's still we need some water.
Speaker 4 (27:14):
Keep going. Midway through the.
Speaker 1 (27:16):
Game tonight, there was like eighteen total bench minutes, and
I'm like, come on, come on.
Speaker 5 (27:20):
Man, hey, hey, he's just saying they're gonna get a
nice long break in about.
Speaker 4 (27:26):
Three weeks when we get to the All.
Speaker 6 (27:28):
Star break, the guys are gonna week off. Then for now, Shutty,
you think he's gonna give him a break. He's gonna's
gonna be too long of a break. He's had them
playing intrasquad scrimmages. He's gonna have other teams coming in
to play against it. Hey, I got a local college
coming in so we can play these guys. We're gonna
go forty eight minutes.
Speaker 1 (27:44):
Everything I got, the officials got, Scott Foster was gonna
referee for us, and we're gonna make sure five days,
six days without the game is too many.
Speaker 4 (27:51):
Man. We're gonna put two games in here.
Speaker 5 (27:52):
Over the All Star break, and every basket you allow
to this college team, it's one hundred up downs.
Speaker 1 (28:00):
And meanwhile the college team is like in the movies
when oh yeah, I'm bringing in this college team.
Speaker 4 (28:05):
And it's all like these star players from real sports
that are just playing on this team.
Speaker 1 (28:10):
Yeah, there's like necessary roughness when it ch. Here comes
Dick bud Gus and Shershe Walker and Evander Holyfield, Robert.
Speaker 4 (28:19):
The show a huge win tonight.
Speaker 1 (28:21):
You know, you know my favorite one of shows like
that where that happened and I keep thinking back and
I got explain some millennials was The.
Speaker 4 (28:27):
White Shadow, right?
Speaker 1 (28:28):
Well, classic, I mean Ken Howard was a former and
with the bulls right, and the player with the bulls
hurt his knee, ended his career. And he goes to
coach this high school team, and that's a you know,
that's that's gotta you know. Then you meet the whole
all the kids that are playing Thorpe and Coolidge and
Salami and everybody, and they started playing one time, they
started playing really well. Carver High was playing really really well,
and he wanted to uh uh, he wanted to make
them feel like, humble them a little bit toocause I'm
gonna bring a bunch of guys into play a practice
game because they won a bunch of games.
Speaker 4 (29:00):
Are on. They were all cocky and arrogant.
Speaker 1 (29:02):
So he brings in a bunch of guys and I
think they all had like cover alls on, like they
all like were working like in a in a uh
in a in a motorcycle shop or something, and they're like,
you know, old are kind of stooped a little bit,
and you walk around going, yeah, we could play a
little bit, I guess, okay, okay, and they get up
there and they just start wiping the floor with them
because it's the Globetrotters.
Speaker 4 (29:20):
Right, but so they just started white there, what's going on?
Why can't you cover?
Speaker 1 (29:25):
And you know they're doing the around the back and
they're doing all the different things, and they go in
like after the first quarter into the locker room, like,
I can't believe this, man, You guys are good. These
are a bunch of guys and just mechanics and everything.
And they come back out and of course the Globetrotters
are then all in their uniforms. They're doing the magic circle.
It's like he run in the Globetrotters to play against them.
Speaker 5 (29:43):
I gotta go back and watch that show in its entirety.
I catch it every once in a while. You have
the quick list of people that appeared, Red Arvuck, Yeah,
Bill Russell, Elgin Baylor, Rosie Greer, m Joe Beth Williams.
How about that, uh she had and everything in the seventies,
cause it's just true. Jimmy Walker, Nicky Man. Now, Jimmy
Walker was in one. I don't remember. I should remember that.
Speaker 4 (30:08):
And the globe Trotters.
Speaker 5 (30:10):
A couple of others, uh prominent, but yeah, those are
the big ones cover.
Speaker 1 (30:14):
I think they all had tools with them like they
put like a tool box a couple of rents that, Yeah,
I could play a little bit.
Speaker 4 (30:19):
We'll play a little bit. Yeah, why not?
Speaker 1 (30:20):
You know, why not do a Globetrotters uh exit out
about a Fresca exit swollen down the Jason Smith Show
and the person streaming for rent purchase. No, but I
guarantee that somewhere on YouTube. I guarantee that scene is
somewhere on you. I bet you it's there. I bet
it's there.
Speaker 4 (30:38):
If you do White Shadow Globetrotters, I guarantee you'll get it.
You know what, I'll look at it.
Speaker 1 (30:44):
While we talked to Monty Bolanos, who has what's trending
right now in the wide world of sports mancy.
Speaker 4 (30:49):
How are you?
Speaker 7 (30:50):
I'm all right. It's a tough day.
Speaker 4 (30:53):
Yeah, sound like yeah, you have a cold? You sound
a little uh?
Speaker 7 (30:56):
I actually yeah, I actually lost my voice last week,
Like I had no voice for two So it's coming back.
Speaker 4 (31:01):
This is okay.
Speaker 1 (31:02):
But you can't go to the wall for Clipper games
and scream that loud.
Speaker 4 (31:06):
This is what you need your voice for a living.
You can't do that.
Speaker 7 (31:09):
I can't guarantee that. I just am not going to
scream and be loud in life. Jason let alone at
Into It Dome.
Speaker 5 (31:15):
You know what I'm saying, Okay, dancing through life. She's
also going to scream and shout.
Speaker 7 (31:20):
And then it was time all time.
Speaker 1 (31:21):
It was a game where Kawhi came back and I
just lost my mind for a couple of times.
Speaker 7 (31:26):
Exactly exactly. Yes, the Clippers are losing, not a Into
It Dome, but in Denver against the Nuggets. Eighty three
point fifty nine is a score halfway through the third quarter.
Clippers playing without Kawhi Leonard. He's out for personal reasons
because of the fires happening in LA right now, which
we're all monitoring. Terrible situation happening all around us. The
league is still monitoring the situation as it pertains to
Thursday's game between the Lakers and the Hornets. The NHL
suspended Tonight's King's Calgary Flames game, and the NFL obviously
they're keeping in mind what's going to happen for Monday
Nights Wildcard game between the Vikings and the Rams, were
just supposed to be at SOFI. They did say, if necessary,
they will relocate the game to State Farm Stadium in Glendale, Arizona.
So any more details on that will keep everyone updated.
At halftime. Back in the NBA, the Bucks are beating
the Spurs sixty five to forty six. But the give
big game of the night, as you fellas were just
talking about, the Cavaliers have officially won eleven in a
row after beating the Thunder one twenty nine to one
twenty two. Yeah, it was an opportunity for ok see
because you mentioned that Donovan Mitchell three of sixteen. He
did not have a good game, but they still won.
The Pacers topped the Bulls went twenty nine to one thirteen.
The seventy six ers survived one oh nine to one
oh three against the Wizards and the Knicks. Yes, the
next they took down the Raptors one twelve to ninety
eight Carl Anthony Towns twenty seven points thirteen rebounds. The
Pistons beat the Nets one thirteen to ninety eight, and
the Trailblazers had a one nineteen to one hundred win
over the Pelicans. But wait, isn't Zion Williamson back? Good question, fellas,
he was back yesterday, but that three sixty windmill dunk
must have hurt him or something because he rested today
for New Orleans. In college, you can't play well, you
can't play him.
Speaker 1 (33:09):
Back to the guys, come back. He's been out on
the line of hey.
Speaker 4 (33:13):
And you're playing again. No, it's okay that he rested.
Should have played against Portland, he could go out, O Sauty.
It's Portland. You should have played. You should have played.
Speaker 1 (33:21):
I know what happened months he bet the Pelicans tonight.
She didn't know that he was going to be out
until too late.
Speaker 7 (33:27):
That I did not know he was out until too late.
That is an actual fact.
Speaker 4 (33:32):
Speaker 7 (33:33):
In college hoops, number seventeen Oklahoma on top of number
ten Texas A and M sixty three fifty four ten
minutes left in that one. Number eleven Kansas is beating
Arizona State fifty six forty five, also about ten minutes
to go, and number thirteen Illinois crushing Penn State in
basketball seventy to forty with about eight minutes.
Speaker 4 (33:51):
To go in that one.
Speaker 7 (33:52):
Earlier today, Villanova ended number nine Yukon's eight game winning streak.
They came out on top sixty eight to sixty six,
and number five All Obama took down South Carolina eighty
eight to sixty eight on the ice the Capitol's Edge,
the Connects two to one in overtime, and the Blackhawks
had a three to one win over the Avalanche.
Speaker 4 (34:11):
Back to you guys, thanks a bunch, monci.
Speaker 1 (34:13):
Yeah, how long was Monty's update harmon? About two minutes? Yeah,
in that time, two of my friends, my buddy Eric,
just sending it to me. Send me a link to
the White Shadow Globe Trotters epis there.
Speaker 4 (34:25):
You go. Hey, it takes a village.
Speaker 5 (34:29):
That's why we're all connected here on the Global Fox
Sports Radio Network. We thank you for the support and
giving Smith his little extra sweets tonight.
Speaker 1 (34:40):
I mean, I really hope I have my memory of
it is is what it was? You know, like it was,
it was all of them coming out on I love,
We're here to play, and you know, I really want
to watch, but it's you know, just yeah, you know what,
I'm gonna watch it.
Speaker 4 (34:52):
That's all I would say.
Speaker 5 (34:53):
Yeah, all it comes out to, Jason is all of
those shows whatever. It was, the all right stunt casting.
It was like the same fi guys. Here's Bubba Smith,
Here's Dick Budkiss. Occasionally Bradshaw would show up. That keeps
buddies with the guys. I'm married with children, so you
popped in all the time, and then you'd get a
little you know, from the basketball side. There were a
couple of guys as well, and then Joe Namas showed up,
especially when it was the Brady Bunch to hang out
with Florence Henderson.
Speaker 4 (35:21):
So it's all good.
Speaker 1 (35:23):
Exit out bout a fresca exit swollen dome. Jason Smith,
Mike Harmon, Look, are you overweight? If you know it,
you know it, and if you're sick of it, schedule
a consultation call today with PhD weight Loss. Visit my
phdweightloss dot com. That's my phdweightloss dot com. Be healthy again,
PhD weight loss Well. Coming up next, someone is about
to get paid in the NFL and it's gonna be
awesome for that person and it's going to be terrible
for their team.
Speaker 4 (35:50):
That's next Jason and Mike Fox.
Speaker 2 (35:52):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific.
Speaker 4 (36:00):
Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 1 (36:01):
The Jason Smith Show with My best Friend Mike Harmon
Live Fromthtirack dot com Studios, and we knew this day
was coming. We had a word for it, and it's
a great word, and it's here and it's coming, and
the team has told us the reality is upon us.
Speaker 4 (36:21):
The Brocolypse is here.
Speaker 1 (36:24):
The San Francisco forty nine Ers now that their season
is over, underachieving year, they had a lot of injuries,
never got it going. Now the forty nine Ers GM
John Lynch, head coach Kryle Shanahan have said, listen, we
are going to reach an agreement long term for brock
Purty sooner rather than later. Right, all the people who
said a few months ago, Jason, you're crazy, Broclips doesn't happen.
They'll they'll figure it out for a year and then
they'll pay. No, you don't want to do that to
a guy who is your franchise quarterback. You're gonna sign
him long terminal happened after this year, and today you
had words from both Lynch and Shanahan saying this is
gonna happen. This is gonna happen soon, and they're gonna
have time quote in the coming weeks to put our
plan together. That is a priority, that position, and we'll
give it that attention. So it's happening, right, Rock Purty
is getting that money. The Brocalypse is here, one of
the more polarizing quarterbacks the NFL.
Speaker 4 (37:16):
Brock Purty is Crazy's Tom Brady. No, Rock Purty is
just a guy.
Speaker 1 (37:21):
I'm gonna tell you it doesn't matter because here's the reality.
Brock Purty was making about a million dollars a year.
Speaker 4 (37:28):
Last anyway, full of years.
Speaker 1 (37:29):
Okay, his four year rookie deal had to add an
average value of nine hundred thousand dollars. Right, He's slated
to count just a million, just over a million against
the cap in twenty twenty five.
Speaker 4 (37:41):
So I don't know.
Speaker 1 (37:42):
Maybe the deal they have will take place in twenty
twenty so, but they're gonna sign him long term, and
the big money is coming to brock Party.
Speaker 4 (37:49):
And here's the thing.
Speaker 1 (37:50):
It's gonna be awesome for him because he's gonna get
close to what Dak Prescott is getting, who tops the
market right now, which just sixty million dollars a year.
Speaker 4 (37:56):
Is he gonna get more than that? Maybe?
Speaker 1 (37:58):
Not necessarily. Is he gonna get around there? Yeah, he'll
get north.
Speaker 4 (38:01):
Of fifty to fifty five.
Speaker 1 (38:02):
Look, if a guy like Trevor Lawrence, who has achieved nothing,
is fifty five million brock Purty, who at least has
been to a super Bowl. He's gonna get something. So
here's the thing. It's gonna be great for brock Purty, right, Obviously,
this guy's gonna have generational wealth. He never I mean,
look at this, all of a sudden, he's going for
mister irrelevant now here I ad with a fifty five
million dollar a year contract. It also is gonna spell
the end of the forty nine ers because the last
four years, that three plus years with Brock Party, they've
been able to overspend, bring guys in, sign free agents,
go to the wall this year to give extra money
to players, just for twenty twenty four to come in,
because hey, we have one last run at the super
Bowl with this great group of talented guys and it
didn't work.
Speaker 4 (38:45):
So you haven't gotten the top of the mountain with
this team. When your quarterback is.
Speaker 1 (38:50):
Making a million dollars, how are you going to replace
with talent When suddenly your quarterback is making fifty five
million dollars a year, Like if you couldn't do it,
this is as good as you could be when you
at all kinds of money for other positions. You're not
gonna have that money anymore. So how is it? How
are the forty nine ers gonna stay the forty nine ers?
Speaker 4 (39:07):
They're not.
Speaker 1 (39:07):
This was the last Swans on the last year of
their window, and now that window is gonna be shut
because brock Party's gonna get paid, and he's gonna get
paid so much money that other positions are. You just
don't have the money for it. You don't have it.
You don't have the cap, you don't have the capsman,
you don't have room for it. So how are you
gonna do this? Well, well, all right, brock perty will
get paid. Hopefully he continues to get better. But I
got news for you. We've seen him for three and
a half four years now. This is who he is.
Speaker 4 (39:32):
He is a good quarterback with tons of talent around him.
Right when you have the.
Speaker 1 (39:36):
Best running back, two of the top wide receivers, one
of the top five tight ends, hey man, offensive line, Hey,
anybody's gonna look good then. But now he's got to
look good with maybe one less good wide receiver and
a couple less good linemen and maybe well, you know,
maybe the tight end. You have so many things now
that you cannot throw money at. How are you gonna
be good? Like it's gonna be great for brock Purty,
but it's the end of the Niners.
Speaker 5 (39:58):
Yeah, it's the curiosity man. We don't know the final
cap numbers, but they jump thirty million for last year,
So even if it's not a one to one, you're
gonna absorb a chunk of that money there. Trent Williams.
I hope he and his family are well. I don't
know that he comes back. There's twenty two million we
could start going through. Right now, you've got eight guys
making ten million, plus another three making nine or more million,
and then it starts to trickle off from there, a
couple in that seven six, seven eight range. But to
your point, yeah, it's now getting creativity with the cap,
stretching deals out, converting stuff to signing bonuses and playing
some of those games. So the forty nine ers have
been pretty good at historically. Where they do get hung
up is what they did in terms of sizing up
and paying ayuk because now you gotta wring your hands
because Deebo Samuel, is he staying or is he going?
Should we play the song. No, he've got boso, he's
a little older. George Kittle is going to be thirty three.
All of that to say, you do have decisions to make,
but the salary cap going up will help you cushion
that at least a little bit. Yeah, I mean it's
it's yes, But from one million to fifty five, I
mean that's today and.
Speaker 4 (41:17):
What the market will bear. Bitby next let.
Speaker 1 (41:20):
Up, Brocalips coming up next, got another big story out
of the NFL.
Speaker 4 (41:24):
Keep it right here Jason and Mike Fox, Fox Sports Radio, The.
Speaker 1 (41:28):
Jason Smith Show with my best friend Mike Harmon Livethetirack
dot Com Studios. Speed up your hiring process with Express
Employment Professionals. Reduced time to hire, cut costs, find the
right talent for both contract and full time roles. Visit
expresspros dot com today, transform your hiring process that is
expresspros dot Com. Well, time to take a look now
at the various coaching openings in the NFL. Which is
the best one? What about looking ahead to this weekend
of the NFL playoffs?
Speaker 4 (41:58):
Nobody better man?
Speaker 1 (42:00):
Who now has his work cut out for himself because
he works for the thirty third team. Thirty third team
has now been scheduling over thirty interviews for both the
Jets and the Bears, so they are helping to take
up the thirty.
Speaker 4 (42:12):
Third times time a little bit.
Speaker 1 (42:14):
Too much this offseason. He is a Pro football haul
of very good voter. You can find him on Twitter
at Jason Cole sixty two. It is NFL insider Jason Cole.
Speaker 4 (42:25):
What's happening?
Speaker 3 (42:25):
Bud's my music?
Speaker 4 (42:29):
It was it was different music tonight.
Speaker 3 (42:32):
What's going on here?
Speaker 4 (42:34):
I I am sorry that I can't.
Speaker 3 (42:36):
I can't perform without my music. I just I can't
do this.
Speaker 1 (42:42):
Listen after after, after you get on the air with us,
you can then send a and eat. Someone will get
back to you in the next two to four weeks
with an answer.
Speaker 4 (42:53):
Don't worry. We are Our help desk is right on it.
Speaker 3 (42:57):
Yeah. I know. That's that's sort of like my sandwich deal.
Two to four weeks for me.
Speaker 1 (43:01):
Now favorite search. Turn your computer on and off. Okay,
turn it on and off, turn it off, turn it
back on again. Then we'll get started. Okay, thank you sir.
Speaker 3 (43:09):
Okay good. My wife is actually concerned about you guys
and the fires, and I was like, I don't think
they're I don't think they're that close to that. So
but are you guys Okay? Everything all right?
Speaker 4 (43:20):
Speaker 1 (43:21):
Uh, you know, kind of hour to hour. But so
far we've been a little bit too far south. But
now the fires are getting into the Hollywood Hills and
Sunset Boulevard and top of Santa.
Speaker 4 (43:32):
Monic, So it's you know, yeah, it's hour to hour.
So we'll see. Yeah, we'll see how it goes.
Speaker 3 (43:42):
Okay, So what do you want to talk about? What's
the job?
Speaker 1 (43:46):
Well here's here's the thing is, like we talked about
this last night, Mike and I. No, none of these
jobs are good, Like, none of these six jobs are
open or good. But if I had to pick anyone,
I would default to the Bears just because, well they
have the best situation for the president's future quarterback where
you have your franchise, got a place.
Speaker 4 (44:05):
I don't know anybody else come in and win the
next couple of years at any of those teams.
Speaker 3 (44:09):
Yeah, I mean, Belichick's probably looking at this going I
got the best job that was available, so because he
can take his own players, Yeah, the Bears is the
only job that's reasonable. And you know the problem is,
I mean, look, at the elements of these teams. I mean,
I like SD con A Lott and I think he's
a very intelligent. Yeah, an amazing success story. But how
in the world do you keep Kent Balky? Like everybody
in your organization who deals with him says he's a
conniving backstabber who does nothing but protect himself. And look
at the talent of these taken and your decision was
you know, he was saying, okay, Doug had his chance,
and you know he didn't make it work. But she
thought that Balki was okay. And I know they said, well,
it's subject to change and we'll see what the next
coach says. But then you're just making it obvious that
the next coach is the one who got rid of
Balky and he's unpopular. Instead of having the guts to
say no, no, no, I got to clean out and this
guy's got to go because we've had him around for
so long, and it would gotting worse. As bad as
they were on offense this year, and they weren't good,
and Trevor Lawrence has not progressed. As bad as they
were on offense, they were worse on defense. And he's
the one picking the defensive players. So like that job
is bad because ownership is bad. So Caleb Williams the
best one. You would think Trevor Lawrence would be interesting,
but he's not. Right now, he's sort of become radioactive.
All these jobs bad jobs, and mostly because you start
at the very top, and nobody trusts any of the
owners any of these.
Speaker 5 (46:00):
Teams to that end, beyond the obvious of Vrabel and
everybody fawning over Ben Johnson. Who's the best Candidate's Ben Johnson?
Speaker 3 (46:13):
The results?
Speaker 4 (46:14):
Sure? You know?
Speaker 3 (46:16):
Now? That's like you ask, hey, can we have a
couple of those players too?
Speaker 4 (46:22):
Well? Sure?
Speaker 5 (46:24):
Right, give me Penny Sewell and a couple of these
skill guys and I could.
Speaker 1 (46:29):
I could be Jamir Gibbs and Saint Brown and will
be all right, then we'll be fine.
Speaker 3 (46:34):
I just want I just want three of them. I
just want three? Is that okay? Can I take? I
just want three? If you were the Jets, is there
any players starting for the Jets who would start right
now for Detroit? Any? I mean I haven't looked any You.
Speaker 1 (46:56):
Don't think you don't think Garrett Wilson or Davante Adams
would start for the law I know second wide receiver
over Jamison Williams.
Speaker 4 (47:03):
I think DeVante Adams he might.
Speaker 3 (47:07):
But but the fact of the matter is you're not
absolutely sure right right, Like you wouldn't trade a single
you would not trade a single starter straight up, Like
you'd have to get a sweetener to say, Okay, I'll
take Davante Adams over him, but I'd like to get
like a third round pick thrown in, you know, that
kind of thing. Like you ain't doing it straight up
because you're like, I'll take my chance with Jamison Williams
rather than making the deal. I think I could, I
could be okay with that, I mean, but that's how
good they are right now. And so Ben Johnson, yeah,
he's great. He's doing a wonderful job. But he's got
all sorts of players, and so we'll default of that.
To me, the guy is the best one is raybel
and and then you know Belichick, but again Belchick to
the tender shoots not.
Speaker 5 (47:58):
So bad though, I'm sorry what that buyout isn't so terrible,
so you really want to do get out of it.
Speaker 3 (48:06):
Yeah, the buyout's not what's stopping him. What's stopping him
is he looked over and and you know, like Brady
called and said, Hey, what do you think? Because, yeah,
who's the guy running the show? Tom? Tom, you and
I have been around a long time. Is the guy
running the show? Who's that? Because because you can talk
all you want about how you know, you could end
up being the owner of that team if Mark Davis
can find a way to to you know, to deal
with the taxes so that you can get control of
it someday when he passes away. But between now and
when he passes away, he's running the show. That's how
this works well.
Speaker 1 (48:49):
And honestly, that's why Belichick is is still gone because look,
with that low buyout, if a team wanted them, he's
got to join a team that's going to give him
fit team wins in the next two years. And none
of these teams he's gonna win fifteen games with the
next two years. He's not going to get more than
two years to try to win. He wants to pass
Don Shula. I mean, if there was a better open up,
playoff caliber team, yeah, I think that he would jump,
But there's not, so he isn't well And.
Speaker 3 (49:17):
That's where I think Jacksonville, to me makes a lot
of sense, because if anybody's going to turn Trevor Lawrence
into a winner, you would think that, you know, Belichick
would do it. Presuably would bring in mcdangals with him,
and you'd have some kind of system there. And the
media is not going to bother Belichick in Jacksonville. I mean,
come on, you know where they you know they got
three people working for a weekly newspaper down there or
something like that, you know, but like the Tyness Chicken
and shopper or whatever they call that thing, the Times
Union Shopper, so.
Speaker 1 (49:52):
Shopper, two pins in the back. Hey, hey, you want
to two for one to come see the best teams
in the NFL. Hey, by Coleman to jackson this week.
Speaker 3 (50:02):
This week's flea market is over at the time, Guion Building,
Come on downtown, come in. Are you coming in from
the beaches. We'll have drinks for you. It's going to
be fine. Uh yeah, like that that would have made
sense to me, but they're obviously not going to do it.
Or maybe he's coming in with a truckload of cash.
But like, if you're Belichick, like how slam I mean,
how slimmy does it look? If you like take the job,
and then like three weeks later, you're like a acunto me,
and I get it.
Speaker 4 (50:36):
He did it in the day once.
Speaker 3 (50:39):
Yeah, that's true.
Speaker 4 (50:41):
Speaker 3 (50:41):
If you can scrawl a note to Woody, you can
scrawl another note. Yeah, so that that's possible. I'll say this,
who's at this point in time, who's going to get
to three hundred and forty seven wins and breaks through
this record faster? Belichick if he comes back next year
or Andy Reid red Yeah, because he needs forty eight wins.
Speaker 1 (51:06):
Yeah, he needs probably another he needs another four or
five years to do it.
Speaker 4 (51:12):
That's a read needs. He's about five more years.
Speaker 3 (51:14):
I think it's three to four.
Speaker 4 (51:16):
I think really, I.
Speaker 3 (51:17):
Think it's yeah, because I mean assume he gets let's
just say for this sake of discussion, he gets to
this year or one. So he's at three hundred, right,
because he's a two ninety nine, So he gets one,
So forty eight victories over the next it's an average
of twelve a year plus than and then playoffs. He
can he can do that and easily in four years
with the Mahomes at quarterback, because he got fifty he
got fifteen this year, and I mean I know they
were a little lucky, but I think he gets a
twelve pretty easy every year.
Speaker 1 (51:51):
Yeah, but are Belichicks wins with North Carolina gonna count?
I mean they're going to find a way to count those, right,
I mean, isn't it certainly?
Speaker 3 (52:00):
Certainly? Bill?
Speaker 4 (52:00):
Will you just he.
Speaker 1 (52:05):
Flipped the guy today from from a school Belicic's Actually
he's got like the now I know he's actually.
Speaker 3 (52:11):
On the top. Yeah, but what's different like Wreckers, So
he stole somebody from Chiano or somebody like that. Yeah,
Like that's come on, you got a guy from Wretgers
or where. I don't think it was a big time guy.
But look, they're going to have a bunch of guys
and it's gonna be interesting because he's going to be
able to be a much better chagu of talent than
most of these other college coaches. And so he'll figure
that out. He won't make his main mistakes. But it's
still North Carolina. It's not the same kind of thing
of big time football that it is. You know, it
ain't the SEC Like come on, you know, it's come on,
it's North Carolina with you know, like, oh, we've got
games at Syracuse at Stanford. Oh we're selling at big
time here, Come on, you can't sell that all right?
Speaker 5 (53:02):
Where's the upset this week? On a wildcard weekend? Where
am I finding some chaos?
Speaker 3 (53:08):
I think the two games is is Tampa favorite over Washington?
Speaker 4 (53:14):
Who's who is a three point favorite? Fifty and a half?
Is your total?
Speaker 3 (53:19):
Fifty and a half? Now like Washington a lot in
this game, but I think it's gonna be like, I
think that's going to be the most entertaining game because
Baker against Jayden is really good theater, Like that's really
gonna be fun because they're going to sling it. But
here's the one. If bone Nicks can handle a playoff
situation and doesn't do the fairest deealer Dennis the Menace
kind of thing that he's capable of doing. If he
can handle that, then I think that I think Sean
Payton is capable of disrupting what the Bills do, and
the Seawan mcgermott is the kind of guy in this
game who could really tighten up. And you know, like
they should. I alright, the Bills should win this game
by ten, ten or fourteen points? Think not more right,
Like they really should kind of run away with it.
But their defense is so suspect and they got they
got run over, you know. Granted it was Baltimore that
ran over them, and Baltimore is different because they got
Derrick Henry and Lamar Jackson. That's like the that's the
best combo, you know, in terms of how they compliment
each other since what like russ And and Marshawn were
together in their heyday like that, that's such a perfect combination.
So I just think if there's a way for Denver
to control the tempo of this game, if Peyton can somehow,
you know, steal possession, do what he did you know
against Indianapolis and the Super Bowl that helped New Orleans
win that game. If he can do something like that,
the that's the game where I'm like this could you know?
This is the one where you go that could be
interesting to me. That's the one I looked at and said,
you know, I think everybody in Buffalo is looking ahead
to Okay, what's going to happen against Baltimore? What do
we do when we get Kansas City and they're not
even going to think about Denver, and Denver is just
interesting enough to make a game out of this That's
that's how I view this one. And Buffalo's defense is
not so overwhelming that I fear them.
Speaker 1 (55:54):
He's on Twitter at Jason Cole sixty two. That is,
at Jason Cole sixty two. He is now not going
to write the biography of Josh Allen, that is for certain.
Speaker 4 (56:03):
Jacole is always buddy, appreciate it.
Speaker 3 (56:05):
Man. I'm not welcoming Buffalo anymore.
Speaker 4 (56:08):
You're done. You can't even have wings. You're done. You're done.
Take it easy, buddy, We'll talk to you. Why Jacob
Here goes Jacob wings. That is a bold one. Broncos
and the Bills whoop. That's an eight and a half
point line.
Speaker 5 (56:25):
Forty six and a half the total you can get
in for as low as seventy eight bucks.
Speaker 4 (56:29):
How about that? You know who knew all of those
things off the top of her head.
Speaker 1 (56:33):
The person we're gonna talk to you right now, Monty Blagos,
who's got what's trending along with all your gambling lines
you need with the night in sports Monsey.
Speaker 4 (56:41):
Speaker 7 (56:41):
People are gonna start asking me for advice, and I'm
gonna lose some money and I'm gonna send them back
to you, Jason all do you one game going on
in the NBA fellas everything.
Speaker 1 (56:50):
Else is we have to gamble all the time. You
get you once gambled. Actually in the middle of an update,
you placed a bed.
Speaker 4 (56:58):
That may be true, but it just happen all the time.
Speaker 2 (57:01):
That mighty dru but not every dime.
Speaker 1 (57:04):
All at the free throw line shooting his second that's
oh boy, what's gonna happen?
Speaker 4 (57:09):
Guys? Yeah? Double it? Yeah, double it right now? See
what I think? We miss it?
Speaker 7 (57:14):
Yeah, And then that's probably when I started crying.
Speaker 4 (57:16):
Speaker 7 (57:16):
The Bucks right now are beating the Spurs one eleven
to eighty seven with about six minutes to go in
the game. Damie Lller twenty six points and eight assists.
The Cavaliers have won eleven in a row. They beat
the Thunder one twenty nine to one twenty two. The
Pacers beat the Bulls earlier today one twenty nine to
one thirteen, and the Nuggets, who were playing without Nikola
Yoki because of an illness, they took down the Clippers
one twenty six to one oh three. No Kawhi Leonard
for La because of the fires happening some his family
was affected directly by it, so he did fly with
the team. Boat came back, and the Clippers seemed to
just be flat from the start against Denver. Three was
the final score there as for the Fires. The NBA
is still monitoring the situation for Thursday's game between the
Lakers and the Hornets. The NFL is keeping an isles
situation as well because of Monday's wildcard game between the
Vikings and the Rams, which is supposed to take place
at SOFI Stadium, but if necessary, they will relocate the
game to State Farm Stadium in Glendale, Arizona. Another NFL news,
Ravens wide receiver Za Flowers missed his second straight practice
because of that knee injury. Eagles quarterback Jalen Hurts was
limited in practice today.
Speaker 4 (58:29):
He remains in concussion protocol. In college hoops.
Speaker 7 (58:33):
Number ten Texas A and m they were down eighteen
at one point, came back to defeat number seventeen Oklahoma
eighty to seventy eight, and number five Alabama had an
eighty eight to sixty to sixty eight win over South Carolina,
but Villanova ended number nine Yukon's a game winning streak
with a sixty eight to sixty six victory. One game
going on in hockey. The Panthers are beating the Utah
Hockey Club one zero with about six two minutes to
go in the second period.
Speaker 4 (59:02):
Back to you guys, thanks a bunch, moncie. Yeah. The
Jason Smith Show with.
Speaker 1 (59:06):
Mike Cartman live from thee Tirack dot com studios coming
up next. We are twenty four hours away from knowing
who what one of the teams is gonna be in
the championship game of college football. The Cleveland's not gonna
be in, although Brady Quinn played for Cleveland and he
went to Notre Dame. Who's playing tomorrow night? Who's gonna advance?
Is it gonna be the Irish of the Nitney Lions?
Mike and I will tell you. Coming up next, Jason
and Mike Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 4 (59:33):
Hey wait, you know it. I knew it.
Speaker 1 (59:35):
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Speaker 2 (01:00:18):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific.