All Episodes

January 11, 2025 • 43 mins

Jason Smith & Mike Harmon react to Texas vs Ohio State, chat with Pete Fiutak, and much more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Hello, Welcome inside hour three the Jason Smith Show with
my best friend Mike Harmon, live from the ti rack
dot Com studios.

Speaker 3 (00:12):
Tiraq dot com.

Speaker 2 (00:13):
I hope you get there and unmatched selection, fast free shipping,
free road hatch protection, and over ten thousand recommended installers.
Tiraq dot com is the way tire buying should be. Well,
we'll get back into the National Championship game coming up
in a second, we watch the semifinal go the way
of Ohio State. They beat Texas twenty eight to fourteen.

But of course, tonight and all week long, our thoughts
with everyone here in Los Angeles, says the wildfires continued
to be fought. It's been four days and it's been
a day of some progress, but a day in which
it's getting worse in some areas. Now the fire, the
Pacific Palisades fire is encroaching in on Encino, which is

not too far from our studios in Sherman Oa. Just
continue to pray, have good thoughts and whatever you can do.
At some point we have to get better luck and
stuff has to change for us. But tonight it's at
least today has been a day of some victories, but
still not nearly enough. As the fires continue to blaze,
and now you know, creeping closer and closer to Los Angeles,

to the city, and and you know, at least it
was a little bit colder today and and and the
wind stopped for a little bit of time. And like
I said, there was some progress, but still you know, yes,
going down from six fires to three, then we were
back up to four. All it needs is one spark
to get where it's going. And you see that we're
still trying to fight an uphill battle here in Los

Angeles with the wildfires.

Speaker 3 (01:42):

Speaker 4 (01:42):
I already seen a couple of postponements, cancelations, but postponements
of NBA games both the Lakers and Clippers for tomorrow.
Another a number of events around the city that have
been postponed or had to be canceled because of venue availability.
On again going to air quality. And as we're watching,

you know, it's the old joke about the Midwest come
truly to fruition. If you think you know what the
weather is, wait five minutes, right, and it'll change. Same
thing here with a lot of the reports in terms
of containment and the resources and there's a lot of
infighting going on, and we're certainly here in Los Angeles,

so we're privy to the politics and politicking.

Speaker 5 (02:26):
Going on and all of it.

Speaker 4 (02:27):
But all of that to say, you know, it's a
lot of people have been displaced, buildings lost, businesses lost,
and the city as a whole and all the surrounding
area trying to wrap their arms. And you've got firefighters
up from Mexico. You've got i mean people just running
to the rescue as best they can in support. So

you know, we're watching it and keeping apprized of it all.
But it's part of the part of what we're going
through here in LA and weppreciate all the good thoughts,
all the h the messages that we've certainly gotten on Twitter.

Speaker 5 (03:04):
I told you yesterday.

Speaker 4 (03:05):
Smith family normally doesn't come out of the woodworks unless
there's money involved. You know, they're just asking if I'm okay.
It's kind of weird. Yeah it is, you know, I
need money or I need tickets. It was just, hey,
are you guys okay? I felt pretty good?

Speaker 3 (03:20):
Yeah, I know you usually uh yeah, it's it's it
is weird. It is a good thing.

Speaker 2 (03:24):
You don't have family check on you, and friends you
haven't talked to check in on you.

Speaker 3 (03:27):
It's it's it's a really guy. I wish I didn't
have to.

Speaker 2 (03:30):
Yeah, I wish I didn't didn't you know, Well, if
I had talking you twenty years, I'd rather not because
that means something is wrong.

Speaker 3 (03:36):
So I mean, I get it.

Speaker 4 (03:37):
I get sometimes people fade away, you know, and or
maybe you did, maybe maybe you decided, you know, there
was just not the spark anymore. A couple of the
folks that I did hear from, uh, and I appreciate them,
both my guys that went to Notre Dame. So it
was an opportunity not only to say, hey, Mike, what's
going on, but also to do a little bit of
peacocking ready for the National title game.

Speaker 2 (03:59):
Well, Notre Dame is kind of the unofficial school of
the city of Chicago.

Speaker 3 (04:02):
It's what's I think? You're fine? You were a Notre
Dame gear. You're fine with it.

Speaker 5 (04:06):
Once upon a time when I was a kid.

Speaker 4 (04:09):
Uh, only when forced too, and then you know, eventually
Northwestern and well.

Speaker 3 (04:14):
No, you're fine.

Speaker 2 (04:15):
You're not my wife who sits here and says, I
gotta watch Notre Dame and Penn State and Ohio State
in the final four for the national champion, you know,
being Michigan until she dies. I'm like, yeah, you know what,
two of those three teams are gonna lose. Just think
about it that way. And I said, you're the same
when when when Ohio State scored, they had the funeral

turn for a touchdown at the end, and I could
hear her yelling, oh, come on, I can hear it
from upstair well. And I just said, I said, somebody's
gonna lose, either Ohio State or Notre Dame. One of
them is going to lose.

Speaker 3 (04:49):
And I said, just pick who you want.

Speaker 2 (04:51):
I mean, I'm not saying you gotta go wear a gear,
but obviously you know you're gonna be rooting for Notre
Dame because you don't want Tohio no matter what, you
don't want Ohio State to win, right, So okay, So
so Notre Dame. If Notre Dame wins, it's okay, all right.
If Notre Dame wins, it's all right because there's only
two outcomes for you. So understand that you know one
of these things is absolutely going to happen. So when
you get behind the one you want. You'll find out

if they win, things aren't so bad.

Speaker 5 (05:15):
But that's just it.

Speaker 4 (05:15):
If you can't be with the one you love, love
the one you're with, you figure out the the lesser
of the evils, and you move all.

Speaker 2 (05:22):
She's dressing like a leprechaun, jumping up. She may very
well be Hey, what are you doing here with Lee Corso?

Speaker 3 (05:29):
What are you? Are you?

Speaker 2 (05:29):

Speaker 3 (05:30):
What's happening? All right, I've.

Speaker 4 (05:31):
Already got the Valentine's Day stuff and around as the
holiday holiday holiday season came to an end. Right, you
can already go buy your candy hearts and everything and
boxes of Valentines from the different intellectual properties out there, uh,
comic strips and superhero movies and all won't be long
before you can get your uh, your Saint Patrick's Day stuff.

So you know, you could probably find a leprechaun outfit
if you really want.

Speaker 5 (05:58):
To go on that route.

Speaker 4 (05:59):
I was reading the whole thing about my heritage, and
you know, whether you know, Irish people really do have
bigger heads.

Speaker 3 (06:05):
Okay, sure it's true. Okay, well, well according to the Internet,
it's true.

Speaker 5 (06:10):
No, there was a big study.

Speaker 3 (06:12):
Okay, is it true? It's a big study. In Island,
we have the biggest heads.

Speaker 2 (06:17):
Okay, I'm be a slightly biased. I'm gonna take that
as the gospel.

Speaker 4 (06:21):
But I don't know that that's when you want to
hang your had on.

Speaker 5 (06:25):
Wouldn't you be trying to disprove it.

Speaker 2 (06:27):
You can't hang your hat on if your head's too big,
the hat's gonna be its like. But that's when you
have a market opportunity to make bigger hats. Now, we
watched the end of this game and it really came
down to the final time that Texas had the football
with a chance to win the game, a first and
goal from the one yard line with about three and

a half.

Speaker 3 (06:49):
Minutes left to go. Uh they are.

Speaker 2 (06:52):
Answering the Ohio State touchdown, and they drive down the
field very quickly, a couple of big passes from Quinn
you Rs and their face with a first and goal
from the two.

Speaker 3 (07:03):
They get back to back pass.

Speaker 2 (07:04):
Interference penalties to make it a first in goal at the.

Speaker 3 (07:09):
One and there is no.

Speaker 2 (07:13):
Goal line toss play that is going to be dissected
more in football history than what happened on second down
and then forced the Texas Longhorns into a situation that
made a FATA complete of a touchdown turn into an
impossibility because they run a toss play from the one
yard line and Wisner gets tackled at the eight. He

loses seven yards, and now Ohio State's feeling good. It's
third and goal from the eight incomplete on third down,
and then viewers get sacked, he fumbles and it's picked
up by Sawyer running for a touchdown on fourth down. Right.
We talked last hour about how the biggest play for
Ohio State, the biggest offensive play was the Scott catch

that turned from third to nine, getting seven yards into
a fourth and three that allowed them to convert the
fourth down and Howard gets in the end zone. But
this second down and goal play and the toss played
a wistner. I know that we're playing Monday morning quarterback here,
but I don't see anywhere where this play call makes
any kind of sense.

Speaker 4 (08:14):
But I mean, when we first guessed it, just but
it's an hour later we bring it back, but audience
always changed.

Speaker 2 (08:20):
But just I know, but I mean, but just you
think about the fact that, Okay, you're on the one
foot line. Run the ball four times, right, run it
up the run run it up the gut four times
to get in. Bring arch Manning in again. We're doing
Monday Morning quarterback. But there's a reason why can I
give you that for a play?

Speaker 4 (08:36):
The latest Pete Futech who joined us earlier. He's now
encapsulated this even better in a tweet. Okay, the Seattle
throw slash Malcolm Butler pick in Super Bowl thirty nine
is the all time worst play call ever. Texas second
and goal on the one going wide is in the
top five. That's there too, all five Texas O line

in our NFL starters.

Speaker 2 (08:58):
I mean, this is yeah, this is Texas is full
of NFL dudes, right, This offense is full of NFL dudes.

Speaker 3 (09:04):
And you need a foot. And yes, you're going.

Speaker 2 (09:07):
Against one of the top two or three defenses in
all of college football, and it's the best defense that's left.
And they're athletic and they're fast, and you decide to say,
let's play into their strengths by running a toss play
to the left side. And here's all the things about
this play that make you go, what the hell was
this play call from Ceve Sarkisian and company. First of all,

you line up with a strong side and you have
three receivers, so Ohio State is able to put to
get all kinds of personnel on the right side, where yeah,
you're thinking about a block, You're thinking about getting the
wide receivers out there, but there's no space. Right, there's
no space because you have heavy wide receiver on the
left and Ohio State sees the play and they bring

the DBS over. You're not going to be able to
block everybody. You have such a short space. You can't
block everybody. Right, So that run into the strong side
and saying we're gonna get blocks from every one of
our wide receivers and our offensive lineman.

Speaker 3 (10:05):
You're asking for so much on that play.

Speaker 2 (10:07):
And then the second part of it, which is the
craziest part to me, They pitch the ball a Whisner.

Speaker 3 (10:12):
And he catches it at the nine.

Speaker 2 (10:14):
It's it's second and goal from the one foot line.
He catches the ball at the nine yard line, that's
gonna get to the end zone.

Speaker 3 (10:21):
Like, what the hell do you think is good?

Speaker 2 (10:22):
You think you're It's not like you ran a misdirection
play and you decided to run it wide. Where hey,
we're gonna run a play, We're gonna fake the dive
up the middle. We're gonna run it out while we're
gonna try to catch them all trying to get to
the middle. This is a play where hey, not only
does Ohio State see it coming, they see it coming
real easy because yours is just grabbed and the tosses
right away and instantaneously, now you have Whisker with the

ball and he's nine yards from the end zone and
he only gets one more yard.

Speaker 3 (10:48):
Caleb Downs?

Speaker 2 (10:48):
Did I think Caleb Downs lined up actually in the
Texas backfield. He was so close to that ball, and
you see a couple of guys in there to make
the play and the mismatches that they had on the blocking,
this play had absolutely no chance. And and for me,
I go back to you load up that side of
the field and then you give the ball to you're
running back at the nine yard line, you're on the one,

you're on the one yard line. You need you need
less than a yard. And still let's give a guy
the ball the nine yard line. In what world does
that turn out to be something that, hey, this is
what's gonna work. We're gonna give the guy the ball
nine yards unless it's like when it's your older brother
and you're playing in the backyard, and he gets the
ball so we can get a big running start, so
you can run you and your tiny friends over because

you know, you guys are all in fourth grade and
he's in eighth grade, and he's gonna get a big
running start.

Speaker 3 (11:35):
Where that's not gonna happen.

Speaker 2 (11:36):
I don't see how that was a players like, yeah,
let's run the toss play to the strong side where
they're easy to sniff this out. And they sniff it
out right away. It's toss play and everybody and the
defensive backs can read it, and they're all in the backfield.
But at the end of the play, when he's tackled,
there are five Ohio State guys who are in the
who are defenders who are in the in the play,

in the in the screen that could have made the
play on him. I don't get how when you need
one yard, we're going to start from the nine. I
really just makes that makes absolutely no sense.

Speaker 4 (12:07):
Old rule of thumb, man, don't get cute, right, you
have the horses, you have a defense that's flying around
against you. You watched it the entire first half the
way Ohio State dominated the line of scrimmage. How many
hits they get on Quinn years before halftime. They're getting
to the ball, they react well to everything to the edges.

You're not getting there. And to pitch this this out
as they did is unconscionable. Right, this is the guy
that's supposed to be your wizard, right Sarkisian. We were
hearing last week teams might be lining him up to
bring him in as interview number thirty seven in one
of these places, Bears, Jets, you name it. But just

the idea of stock has risen based on what they've
been able to do this season. And then you go
and you get cute with it, like there's just no reason. Right,
it's not you brought in Manning. You've got a misdirection,
Like it's just a straight out pitch to the edge,
Like dude was wearing a cloak of invisibility Harry Botter

style and said tada, I'm already in your backfield, or
he was John Cena and then he waved at you, No,
that would get you fifteen yards, that would have gotten
you back to the uh you know, negated the loss.
Uh if he'd done the taunting move like that, But
all that to say, you were at the doorstep right

every opportunity, you had a couple of pass interference calls
to get you those extra couple inches.

Speaker 5 (13:37):
Closer to the goal line.

Speaker 4 (13:39):
Run behind your hogs man you got you got seven
hundred pounds of beef right in front of you. Go
and instead you get cute and then you open the
door for Sawyer to come and make the play he did.

Speaker 3 (13:53):
Just I don't get it. I don't get it.

Speaker 2 (13:55):
I mean, yeah, you have NFL dudes on the offensive
line up up, you know, to go four times, four times?
You know, like we we talked about, like bring Arch
Manning in right, Hey, how about Arch for a play
where he can sneak it or do something?

Speaker 5 (14:11):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (14:11):
This is what he does, right, He's fast, He'll put
pressure on the defense. You can't really just you can't
bring everybody to the middle because you know Arch could
take it out like faster than Tyreek Hill. He runs
forty seven miles an hour, you know, something like that.
But just the the the somewhat needed to pull the
emergency brake on the Texas sideline and go wait, wait,
hang on, hang on a toss play.

Speaker 3 (14:32):
He's gonna catch the ball nine yards from the end zone.
What are we doing. We're all gonna do that.

Speaker 2 (14:36):
We're gonna get nine yards nine yards when they see
the play coming and it's and and everybody's moving, and
you have you have three wide receivers who have to block.

Speaker 3 (14:43):
Like I don't. I don't.

Speaker 2 (14:45):
You're not Don shul who always had great wide receivers
who could block down field with the Dolphins in the nineties.

Speaker 3 (14:50):
I don't understand that. I don't.

Speaker 2 (14:52):
I really don't get it. And you know, you could say, oh,
it's Monday morning, quarterback, but this is a play that
that not only had no chance, but the the possibility
of disaster was there. And when now it's third and
goal from the from the eight, it's your advantage is gone.
You've just run two plays where no game up the middle. Okay,
that happens. That happens on first down. Did they get

scared after first down? Well, he just ran, didn't get
keep pounded. You see it in the NFL all the time.
The guys get stop first down, second down, third, We're
still going in on fourth out up the middle, over
the tackle, over the guard is what we're gonna do.
And and I really, and everything fell apart for Ohio
for Texas from there, because then suddenly, hey, wait a minute,

now the momentum has gone. Ohio State's feeling good, they're
feeling confident, and a third down pass from viewers has
no chance. And then fourth down, it's it's an all
or nothing play. He gets sacked and stripp and Sawyer
goes in for the touchdown, like, I really, I don't
see that. And that's why this is gonna be like
the most scrutinized you toss play from the one we've

ever They'll be talking with this play in Texas forever, right,
because this is because if Texas wins this game, Texas,
Notre Dame.

Speaker 3 (16:01):
Guess who's a touchdown favorite in this game?

Speaker 2 (16:03):
Texas. Guess who if they execute their offense play as well,
is gonna win the national championship, Texas. So this is
that kind of play where, hey, we're tied at the
end and potentially we're still playing and maybe we win,
and instead we went home because of this play, right,
This play set up the two plays after and the touchdown.
But and this play call, if I'm Texas, that's the
play I look back at and I go that's the

one I want back. I don't want the fumble and
you weers on fourth down. I don't want to I
want this play back because that play call was just abysmal,
all right.

Speaker 4 (16:33):
Josh Newman, University of Texas beat for Texas lone Star
live tweeting out Sarkesian notes, hey, they went to heavy
package on the Jared Gibson run first and goal with
the one, and he defended the second down toss play, saying, hey,
if he gets block correctly all the way, that it works.

Speaker 3 (16:52):

Speaker 2 (16:52):
So what he's saying is if the play gets in
the end zone, it's successful.

Speaker 5 (16:56):

Speaker 4 (16:57):
If that guy gets his block all right, and that
you could say it's like Ocean's eleven when Carl Reiner,
let me get this straight. If we go pass that
and pass the guy with the guns and pass the
locks and pass.

Speaker 2 (17:10):
Exactly, it's like you could say about anything. Well, if
if that play where Aaron Rodgers through the interception, if
the tackle is able to block the defensive end and
DeVante Adam is able to shake free and get over
the middle of the field, and Rogers throws it, and
then the cornerback on the other side misses the tackle
that's a touchdown, Like what I understand, Like, if all
that happens, that's that's what you're saying. Basically all of

it's blocked. Of course, if offensive, if plays are executed correctly,
you win.

Speaker 3 (17:37):
But the other side is trying to.

Speaker 2 (17:39):
That's it, don't They don't get like the other side
is just a bunch of mannekins that are saying, well,
if we block it correctly, yeah, because the other side
is trying to. And it's also the most athletic defense
in all of college football. It's that good. They got
NFL dudes there too. When it when it, when you
need one yard, you should be able to get one
yard on four plays up the middle somewhere that should
be able to happen, and and and and that strategy

and that explanation is just like what do you mean
if against block correctly? Of course, But but again the
other side is trying to remember that, Mike Carmen, The
other side is always trying just as hard as the
side tried.

Speaker 3 (18:12):
You sure put that out. I'm telling you.

Speaker 5 (18:15):
Like I am.

Speaker 3 (18:16):
They always are.

Speaker 2 (18:17):
They always are, you know, I you know, I think
about it because I always think thought about that, and
I never really did. And when I thought about Ron
Darling told a great story about how one night when
he realized he needed to do something like when he
was pitching and he like could hit a wall or
something in his pitching, and he started to get hit
a little bit and he was like, I don't understand.

Speaker 3 (18:38):
You know, my.

Speaker 2 (18:39):
Fastball, my curveball is this, this, this, this and this.
And it was really simple because the pitching coach came
out to him and said, you know, you know the
other side's trying to write, and you're like, you can't
just throw your stuff and expect it's always going to be.
You know, the other side is trying to So you
gotta have something a little bit extra every time you
deliver the ball, and you gotta be And that's how
he said that got his mentalities. He was always a

big thinker, always knew where he was throwing with his pitches,
what he wanted to throw, what he wanted to throw it.
But you gotta understand the other side's trying to right,
like the other side's trying this is where this is
where you go. If the other side, the other side,
Ohio State's trying to they believe it or not They're
not gonna be okay with getting blocked. They're gonna use
their NFL dudes, and Caleb Down's gonna try to He's

in the backfield before the play is even snapped.

Speaker 3 (19:23):
Of course he's gonna be get to get there. Man.
I'll tell you, I'll tell you.

Speaker 2 (19:29):
The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon Lot The Dire Act.

Speaker 3 (19:32):
Dot I may not be m.

Speaker 2 (19:37):
We'll have more on Texas at Ohio State coming up next,
as well as the beginning of our preview of all
the big NFL action this weekend. Hours away from the
start of the NFL Playoffs, we start with our picks
our analysis coming up next. Right here, Jason and Mike.
You are listening at to Fox Sports Radio Radio Radio

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Speaker 1 (20:01):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 2 (20:13):
Fox Sports Radio The Jason Smith Show with Mike Carman
live from the tire Rack dot Com Studios, Ohio State
into the National Championship Game. A fourth down stripsack by
Jack Sawyer returning the fumble for a touchdown gives Ohio
State a two touchdown margin.

Speaker 3 (20:32):
They win it twenty eight to fourteen.

Speaker 2 (20:34):
So now we have no tre dame in Ohio State
joining us now in the hot line to break it
all down. Nobody better college football insider extraordinary. Check out
his website Collegefootballnews dot com. You are one stop shopping
for everything college football, all the picks, all the prognostication.
And it's not a college football day or night until

you get a Texas starts texasing tweet from Pete Futach
who's with us now?

Speaker 3 (21:00):
Beat? What's happening, Bud?

Speaker 6 (21:02):
I mean, was that the most Texasing thing ever? Like
they had its first and goal on like the one
foot line and they run it wide against what do
you That's the whole reason you have arch Manning on
the team right now?

Speaker 3 (21:19):
Is thank you?

Speaker 2 (21:20):
I said, we said a few minutes ago, how about
you have arch Manning in the game on the one you.

Speaker 3 (21:24):
Want to really do something, put arch Manning in at the.

Speaker 6 (21:26):
One for a shot, at least for one play. I
do kind of get the idea that, Okay, this is
not the time to stick this guy in here and
the most important play of the year, you know, But
one shot. You push, push, and you give it one
go and then if that doesn't work on second down,
then you come up with your you know, your best
play third But to run wide like that, like what.

Speaker 4 (21:49):
Are you doing?

Speaker 6 (21:50):
Caleb Downs is the best defensive player in college football
and he snifts it out and then boom and then
you know, Ohio State with the best red zone defense
in college football. That was amazing. I mean, that was
just amazing. Catastrophic failure for Texas and like in hindsight,
hey look obvious for Ohio steak. But I mean it's

never a good day when Ohao State people are really happy.
But right now, you know, there's a mixture of oh well,
maybe we're happy for a moment. We still lost the
Michigan But yeah.

Speaker 2 (22:18):
It's gonna may could be Notre Dame thirty eight, nothing,
it's gonna be bad.

Speaker 3 (22:22):
But we lost him.

Speaker 2 (22:22):
I don't care how many national champions we win. We
lose to Michigan. The season's a failure. That's gonna be
a big portion of the fantoms.

Speaker 6 (22:29):
Maybe maybe you fire Ryan Day, you know, on the
twenty second, you know, maybe not on the twenty three.

Speaker 2 (22:37):
You know, we were talking about big plays in this game, Pete.
And obviously, yes you had the stripsack had so you
had the Henderson touchdown in the first half. But I'll
tell you what the Scott play. When it's third and
nine at the Texas forty one and Texas has him
stopped at the line of scrimmage, but he's able to
squirt forward for seven yards and all of a sudden,
now it's not fourth to nine from the forty one,

it's four orth in two and a half from the
thirty four yard line. Ohio State goes for it. Will
Howard runs the runs through the line in the quarterback draw,
they score the touchdown, and they're on to win. That
play by Scott if that changed everything, if if he
gets tackled he goes down at the line of scrimmage,
suddenly every maybe it's a fifty nine yard field goal,
maybe it's a punt, but just being able to they

couldn't wrap them up on the sideline getting those yards,
Like I thought, like that was the game that changed
the strategy of the game completely from there.

Speaker 6 (23:29):
That was a grind and like, look, it shouldn't have
been that club. I mean, the final score in history
where everyone's gonna look back and they go twenty fourteen. Yeah,
of course, after Ohio State goes thirty five to ten
on Notre Dame, they're gonna go, oh yeah, he looks
they you know, one roll through the coge Football Playoff
with these that was like the B minus game from

Ohio State. I mean, the thing about how State all
year they never got they never really turned the ball over.
They did it twice against Michigan, they did twice in
the first game against the Oregon And they also never
committed penalties. I think this stat was something like seven
of their last eight games they only got hit with
three flags or fewer. Like, they don't screw up, and

they kept messing up all night long, and they were
just a little off. They just you know, give text
this credit. But because they're really fast and you know,
they couldn't out athletic the Longhorns. But that was the
final score is actually kind of representative of how good
these two teams are. They just got there in a
really weird way.

Speaker 4 (24:29):
Hey Pete, why are penalties for me pointing and laughing
at you and another guy punching a dude in the
face the same.

Speaker 6 (24:36):
I don't know that there's certain times to eat the whistle.
It didn't turn out the matter, but like still.

Speaker 4 (24:42):
I don't know Henderson's seventy five yards sprint to daylight
for different.

Speaker 6 (24:48):
Yeah, no, the the one, the late one on Texas,
the pointing in you know, Caleb Downs got you know,
pushed over that when you just kind of like look
read the moment. It's not that bad. It was just
it was just a sometimes you just don't make it
about yourself. But yeah, that's that was a little bit off.
But look again, this is not this is a different

weird game for Ohio Steaks. Again, they kind of were
just the half clickoff and give Texas credit, that's an
NFL offensive line. But again when I joked that Texas
goes texasing, it's that something works and then they decide
to do something different. Sure, you have five NFL offensive
line I mean, all five of those guys are going

to go. They're up for Texas. They're going to go
in the top seventy five picks, maybe fifty picks. And
so your first thing goal on the half yard, like
like you said, if it's not arch manding, I know
how states good, but you power it away four times
and if they beat you, they beat you, but they
got cute and blew.

Speaker 2 (25:49):
It beat you Tech with us Jason Smith, Mike Harmon,
Lifthtirec dot Com Studios. And that's what I come to, Pete,
is that you know tonight was the facto national championship.
I really have no idea how Notre Dame's going to
move the football against this Ohio State defense. If I
put the under for their total points at thirteen and
a half, I'll take the under. I really don't know

how they're going to move the football on them.

Speaker 6 (26:12):
But see, here's the weird thing, and all my friends
are kind of hasky. I've been texting with various people
to tell me about that same thing. Notre Dame's really good,
they're talented. They did for some reason they just don't get.

Speaker 1 (26:24):
Maybe it's because.

Speaker 6 (26:25):
Riley Leonard isn't Patrick Mahomes or anything, but Jeremiah loves
the best running back in that game, Davier Watch is
the second best defensive back in that game. They have
that Kaiser's a playmaker, Mitchell Evans, this is the best
tight end that get they have, guys, and now that
what kinda's got blown off in the game last night
against Penn State. Is all of a sudden that next

man ups got better. Charl Jegasaw is their best tackle,
and he got hurt in the offseason and missed all year,
and now he's back and he's a little rusty. He
didn't have to do anything without duel card or who's
putting on the other side. But they just kind of
find guys who kind of keep playing. So I don't
think they're going to necessarily get to get roasted if this.

I actually go back to your national championship thing. I
thought the Rose Bowl is the Nationals because Oregon beat
Texas about a problem, so that was your national championship.
And I actually would have picked Notre Dame had Texas
pulled this off. But I don't think Nordames with eleven
days off, God, this is last for forever, eleven days off.

I don't think Nor Name's going to have it against
Ohio State.

Speaker 4 (27:31):
Yeah, but I want to do the deep dive as
to what kind of training facilities and recovery that Notre
Dame can pull off here? Can they get the guys
to Germany and back?

Speaker 5 (27:40):
I don't know, Well they.

Speaker 6 (27:41):
Did it, I mean, think about it. This way they had.
Remember they had the extra they lost like a day
and a half compared to Penn State because the tragedy
in New Orleans, and they were okay, they obviously it
was a tough run. But really they just have a
good enough mix to make it head of I don't
think they have with the downfield pass they gave, even

though they proved a little differently, they don't have the
big playability usually to pull something like this off. So
they've got to muck it up. They're gonna have to
make this like seventeen fourteen, because you're right, they might
not score a ton of points, but that defense might
hold up. I mean, it's been crazy this team. They

beat Georgia, they beat Penn State.

Speaker 2 (28:27):
Those are two teams.

Speaker 6 (28:28):
With real NFL guys across the board, and they got
it done in both games. This is a pretty good
nor name team. It deserves a little bit of respect here.

Speaker 2 (28:37):
Now we go forward here, Pete, the only thing that
I see for Ohio State right is that, Okay, I
have seen them when the game is close, they start daying,
you know, like that all of a sudden, the offense
isn't as as aggressive as it should be, and you know,
like we saw tonight for a wide swat, they're up
fourteen to seven, and I said, they're trying to win

this game fourteen to seven, right, we saw it against Michigan, Uh,
you know a month and a half ago. That's the
only thing I see is that if they start to
get really unaggressive on offense and just trust the process
for the for the whole game, that's the only time
I can see something coming up to bite them. But
if they're aggressive and they come out and they play
a normal game, really I don't know how Notre Dame

stays in the game, but there is daying is a thing.
I mean, if if Texas thing isn't fit, daying is
a thing, especially offensively.

Speaker 6 (29:26):
They did try. There was a part in the third
quarter there where they kept trying to force the ball
to Jeremiah Smith and that wasn't happening. And what kind
of got lost in all the hype over Jeremiah Smith
in the playoffs and he didn't really do that all year.
I mean, he had two monster playoff games, he had
a huge game gets Accro to start the season. I mean,
he was just kind of really good. But he wasn't

you know, explosive killer like everyone saw against Oregon. So
he kept trying to go at him, and Howard couldn't
quite do it. Because you have NFL guys in the
secondary for them, there don't be Again, the Notre Dame
secondary is really good. I mean they tackle well. They
miss what Ohio State does, which is a big problem.
So why they're not great on third downs, third and shorts.

They dance way too much because they're used to making
everyone else miss. There's so much more athletic than everybody
else they play. They are way used to just sort
of you know, okay, get the ball, make one move
and then you're gone. Well, that didn't work against a
fast team like Texas, and that's not going to work
against the team that does not miss tackles like Notre Dame. Again.

You know me, I've called Ohio State from the beginning
of the year. I don't think Notre Dame wins this,
but I do not think that it's going to be
quite as ugly because they keep getting underappreciated and they
keep winning.

Speaker 4 (30:43):
No, I mean, I guess that's now the question for you.
If you got eleven days, Pete, how deep are you
going to just randomly throw a dart at the roster
and pick one or two guys to do a deep
dive on that, you know, their origin stories or something.

Speaker 5 (30:57):
How do you get enough content for the eleven I mean, well, what.

Speaker 6 (31:01):
You do is you just keep going into the you know,
the histories of this. I mean, you know, fortunately we
get too little engine that could you know, up and
coming programs that you know, God willing, something good is
going to happen for Notre Dame or Ohouse State football someday,
so we'll find something about it. But you're right, eleven
days is a lot, and especially it'll be interesting to

see where the interest is and where the radar is
because NFL playoffs are going about to kick in a
few hours from now and all of a sudden, this
was fun, but America's attention is going to turn at
least for the morning game, maybe not for the evening games.
It's on Amazon Prime and like we're going to see that,
all right, Pete.

Speaker 2 (31:42):
Lastly, who's future in twenty twenty five? Do you like
more Carson Beck going to Miami or Kyle McCord to
the NFL?

Speaker 6 (31:51):
Oh God, you know what?

Speaker 4 (31:54):
Give me?

Speaker 6 (31:55):
This is a blag group of quarterbacks. I mean, Schadura's fine,
cam Mord's fun. But again I mentioned the other night,
they're not Caleb Williams, they're not Drake Made, they're not
bow Nick, they're not Jayden Daniels. And someone was saying
like that, here's some guy who think JJ McCarthy would
easily have been the number one overall pick in this
draft this year compared to last year. It's this crop

is not good and now you take out Carson Beck.
So who's your number three quarterback? Quinn yours? He showed
off on that last pay the first half. He does
not have an explosive arm.

Speaker 4 (32:29):
Jalen nol Row.

Speaker 6 (32:29):
No, So col McCord might be one of those guys
who just kind of, you know, gets taken in the
second round. It's a lot of money, hangs around for
ten years or so.

Speaker 2 (32:40):
He's on Twitter at Pete Feutech. That is, at Pete
Feutech everything you need for the national Championship and beyond.

Speaker 3 (32:46):
At College Footballnews dot com, all.

Speaker 2 (32:49):
The transfer news, all the picks, all the previews. Pete
is always buddy appreciated. We'll talk to you next week. Man.

Speaker 6 (32:54):
Have fun, absolutely have a good.

Speaker 3 (32:56):
Enjoy buddy, all right, thank us, Pete Cha.

Speaker 2 (32:58):
I mean they part of me died today a little bit, Mike,
when it when I woke up and saw Kyle McCord's
going to the NFL.

Speaker 5 (33:05):
Uh mean Ryan Brown's got something else cooking, baby.

Speaker 3 (33:09):
No, we got Ricky Collins from LSU, which is fine.

Speaker 2 (33:11):
But man, Kyle McCord is fantastic, and you know that
he was told, Hey, if you come out, man, you're
gonna be one of those top quarterbacks.

Speaker 3 (33:17):
But we don't like any of these guys.

Speaker 2 (33:19):
You close with a five hundred yard bowl game in
the most yards passing in all of college football? Who
do you have less questions about right now going in
than Kyle mcway here.

Speaker 4 (33:27):
Drew Aller's game yesterday. Help Kyle McCord, You the man
fruit basket?

Speaker 2 (33:32):
Yeah, I mean you got, yes, the potential of of
Shador Sanders and Cam Ward, I get it. But right
after him, you got questions for everybody going to the
NF hundred percent. And who do you have the least
ones about? Kyle McCord. Com accord might be the third
quarterback taken. He might he might come off the board
somewhere in the second round and helped be thinking.

Speaker 3 (33:51):
We only had him for one years. Just what it
was a great year, but it was just one year.

Speaker 5 (33:57):
Yeah, he can show his statue to him. It's okay,
that's true.

Speaker 3 (34:00):
Well, maybe the Jets will get him. That will be good.
Everything can be fun.

Speaker 4 (34:03):
How crazy would that be if suddenly showed up on
your doorstep?

Speaker 5 (34:06):
Part two?

Speaker 4 (34:08):
And then you have to eventually cut him loose like
you did Sam Darnold.

Speaker 5 (34:12):
Everybody else got a hell with him. I don't want
him anymore. Get out of here.

Speaker 3 (34:16):
Let's find out what's trending in the wide world of sports.

Speaker 2 (34:19):
But guy who we like to call the Kyle McCord
of Fox Sports Radio, it's special delivery, Steve to Seger.

Speaker 5 (34:24):
No, I've been here, done okay for more than one year.

Speaker 2 (34:28):
But didn't you get kicked out of some place because
he blamed you for something?

Speaker 7 (34:31):
And is that actually like the Joe Burrow of Syracuse
football history.

Speaker 3 (34:36):
He's here.

Speaker 5 (34:36):
That was great? Oh he's gone. Yeah, okay.

Speaker 7 (34:40):
By the way, as we get toward Monday, the twentieth
in Atlanta, college Football's national title game will be Notre
Dame Alo State. It was just last season people, then
Ohio State won it.

Speaker 1 (34:50):
Notre Dame.

Speaker 5 (34:51):
If you didn't remember that, maybe you'll remember this. I
like to know where right now?

Speaker 2 (34:55):
Yeah he said about our team, what he said about
our team.

Speaker 5 (35:00):
I cannot believe. This is a tough team right here? Okay, yes,
we're really tough. It might come up again.

Speaker 7 (35:06):
Ohio State be Texas in Arlington tonight twenty eight to fourteen.
It was closer than that. Buck guys with about two
minutes left, get a touchdown on an eighty three yard
fumble return. Let's not forget right before halftime, Trevion Henderson
with a seventy five yard touchdown. Quinchawn Judkins two touchdown runs.
Texas is out Notre Dame one last night, and it's

semi final, beating Penn State on a late field goal.
The NFL Playoffs starts Saturday Sunday on Fox TV four
thirty Eastern. It's the Eagles hosting the Packers. Philadelphia quarterback
Jalen Hurts clear concussion protocol. He will start Sunday. Packers
quarterback Jordan Love is off the injury report. Raven's quarterback

Lamar Jackon was voted All Pro ahead of Josh Allen.

Speaker 3 (35:51):

Speaker 7 (35:51):
It was thirty votes to eighteen. Joe Burrow got the
other two votes at quarterback in the NBA. New Orleans
did not have Zion Williamson suspended this game. They still
want at Philadelphia won twenty three to one fifteen, and
New Orleans entered with a record of seven and thirty one. C.
J McCollum thirty eight points, Milwaukee's Jannis Antinacumpo forty one

points in a close win at Orlando. Oklahoma City won
easily at New York shake giljes Alexander thirty nine points.
Sacramento won at Boston. Victories for Chicago and Indiana late
game to Denver, Triple doubles for both Nikola Jokic and
Russell Westbrook beating Brooklyn one twenty four to one oh five.
Clippers and Lakers home games on Saturday night now have

been postponed officially due to the LA fires.

Speaker 2 (36:36):
Back to you, Thank you, Steve O The Jason Smizer
with Mike Carmen live from the Tirac dot Com studios
coming up next. Yes, we have more on this incredible end.
Ohio State wins. They go on to the National Championship.
What is next for Texas? What is next for Quinn viewers,
What is next to quarterback? And what does it have
to do with Jaln Milroe. That's next right here, Jason

and Mike Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (37:00):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 2 (37:12):
Fox Sports Radio The Jason Smith Show with my best
friend Mike Harmon Live Frothtirack dot com studios. So, who
is the biggest loser following Ohio States win over Texas tonight?

Speaker 3 (37:26):
Is it Texas? No, it's not Texas. Is the Steve Sarkeesian,
No it's not. Sorry, Is it Mac Brown? No, it's not.

Speaker 2 (37:32):
Is it any coach that is tangentially related to Texas?

Speaker 3 (37:35):
Kind of like Brian Kelly last night with Note Today. No,
it's not.

Speaker 2 (37:39):
The biggest loser and it's erroneous. But the biggest loser
is the SEC, right, because what are you seeing all
over the place now? Oh, second year in a row,
SEC teams knock and win the national championship. They're no
longer their preeminent conference. The Big Ten is so much better. Yeah,
two years in a row. We're not gonna have an

SEC team win the national title and suddenly the.

Speaker 3 (38:03):
SEC is done. Let me just take you back.

Speaker 2 (38:06):
To two thousand and nine, let's say, or two thousand
and seven, or actually two thousand and six, where the
SEC run of dominance has come and the.

Speaker 3 (38:15):
National champion two thousand and.

Speaker 8 (38:17):

Speaker 2 (38:24):
I'm in twenty thirteen now, Florida State wins, Ohio State wins.

Speaker 8 (38:28):

Speaker 2 (38:35):
Last year Big ten with Michigan. How many times did
I say an SEC was a national title in the
last near twenty years. Every other more than three out
of every four years, an SEC team.

Speaker 3 (38:46):
Is winning the national championship? Has the Big ten gotten real? Yes?
Is the big? Yes?

Speaker 2 (38:53):
But this whole SEC. Just stop with that, man, You
sound stupid, because the SEC is exactly this as it's
been for the last twenty years. You had a mini
LSU dynasty, you had a mini Georgia dynasty winning back
to back in twenty twenty one and twenty twenty two, right,
and you had mainly Alabama winning every three years. The

only difference in the SEC from what it is now
to what it was a few years ago is that
Alabama is not the same. And it really shows you
how much Alabama dominated college football that when Alabama is
not winning title all the SEC sticks now seas the
one two out of the last three national three out
of last four, wait four to the last five national championships.
But suddenly two years and an SEC team, oh by

the way, goes out tonight in the in the in
the final four game, and sudden the ftec's bet Just stop,
just stop with that. The SEC is every bit as
good as it was. You still have different teams that
are achieving, that have different levels of a bit of
a dynasty. You had SEC teams ranked in the top
in the playoff this year, but Alabama is not Alabama,

and that's a difference. It's a difference, but it's one
school that is not winning every single year. Suddenly because
Alabama's not winning every year, now they've won a title
in five years.

Speaker 3 (40:08):
Oh, they're done. The SEC has done.

Speaker 2 (40:10):
That's just stupid, all right, It's Alabama is not who was,
but everybody else is really good and they still find
a way to win national championships. They still find a
way to get to the final four championship of college football.

Speaker 3 (40:21):
The SEC is just fine.

Speaker 4 (40:23):
Just stop in my tribute to one of the great
cinematic experiences.

Speaker 5 (40:28):
People had this year.

Speaker 2 (40:29):
Not me.

Speaker 5 (40:30):
I thought it was mid ding dong The Witch is dead,
bing bang.

Speaker 4 (40:37):
It was a new day yesterday, but it's an old
day now.

Speaker 5 (40:43):
We've got a changing landscape.

Speaker 4 (40:44):
Does it mean they're dead, No, but they're certainly not
the jugger not They have been put back into the pack.

Speaker 5 (40:51):
I mean, I know Kirkurbstreet and everybody else said.

Speaker 4 (40:54):
Hey, if winning didn't matter, Alabama might have been in
here and maybe they would have gone on a Trump
Mendis run and showed you whose boss. Oh problem is
they didn't get into the tournament. Yeah, problem is they
were left home, just like the rest of the SEC
teams who fell off one by one. And with the
transfer portal being what it is, we're gonna watch the

bowl things even out like they didn't once upon a time.
Talent's getting spread. O. Hell, we're talking about guys from
Syracuse at the back end of the first and second round.
It's a new world order, Jason Smith. It's a new
world order. You don't get to rule the earth like
you did once upon a time.

Speaker 3 (41:36):
And look which is dead.

Speaker 2 (41:37):
Look and It doesn't mean that Alabama's not It doesn't
mean Alabama is dead not coming back. It's just okay.
The last couple of years. Look and he made it
to the semi final. Last year they lost in the
Rose Ball on the final play of the game.

Speaker 3 (41:49):
No, no, no, but clearly no.

Speaker 5 (41:51):
Look at it might as well be a thirty point loss.

Speaker 2 (41:53):
Yeah, but they had the bad loss this year to
Michigan and Jalen Milrose headed to the NFL and they
haven't won a title in five years. It shows you
the level of excellence that Alabama is at. Where they
go a year with out of title, everybody gets kind
of antsy, Hey, what's going on?

Speaker 3 (42:07):
Man? What are we doing here?

Speaker 2 (42:08):
But that's the level. That's how much they won at
That tilted the favor into the SEC that you know,
it became, well, all these really good teams and oh Alabama.
Every other team is still the same. I mean not
that all the teams are always content, but every year
either LSU or Georgia or Auburn, why the right really good?

Speaker 3 (42:29):

Speaker 2 (42:29):
Because we've seen LSU win a couple of national titles.
So Georgia just went back to back titles. The SEC
is fine. Man, it's like, you know, oh, they haven't
won the title in two years. Let's say they're dead now.

Speaker 4 (42:39):
No, well, it's a new world of college football and
the show is tonight, So they're dead. It's now ruled
by the Big ten and young whipper snappers. Hi, James Franklin,
Like Marcus Freeman.

Speaker 2 (42:53):
James Franklin is ruling. He is ruling third. He's ruling
that exit up to Fresco Exit, Swollen Dome. Jason Smith,
Mike Harmon coming up next, more in the big Ohio
State win and we remember a college football legend.

Speaker 3 (43:09):
That's next right here, Jason and Mike Fox Sports Radio,
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