Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Jason Smith Show with Mike
Harmon podcast. Be sure to catch us live every weeknight
ten pm to two am Eastern seven to eleven pm
Pacific on Fox Sports Radio. Find your local station for
The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon at Foxsports Radio
dot com, or stream us live every night on the
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Speaker 2 (00:22):
Let's give this you're listening to Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 1 (00:28):
Hello, Welcome in Side hour two, The Jason Smith Show
with my best friend Mike Harmon. Love from the ti
rack dot com studios tirec dot com.
Speaker 3 (00:38):
I'll helpe you get there.
Speaker 1 (00:38):
An unmatched selection, fast, free shipping, free road hazard protection
over ten thousand recommended installers. Tyraq dot com is the
way tire buying should be. I want to start the
hour off all our best thoughts, all our prayers, all
our best karma out to everybody fighting the wildfires here.
Speaker 3 (00:59):
In Los angele us UH.
Speaker 1 (01:01):
With every passing moment, we keep waiting for good news,
some sort of containment. There are now six different fires burning,
and and I feel like every few minutes I'm finding
a place that I've been to is gone and is
no longer there Moonshadows in in Malibu, which is I
was there for a for my wife's best friends. What
do you call the dinner before the wedding? Right the
the the rehearsal dinner, like was that Moonshadows that was
where mel Gibson had is you know, hey, all right
and beginner it's gone. Like the only thing left of
Moonshadows is like a couple of of of of wooden
planks and that that that are up. And it's just
I feel like I'm seeing all of this and it's
not real, Like all of this devastation is just not real,
and I I want some good news at some point soon,
Like we we got to be due some kind of
break here with all of this, and it can't How
long can the devastation go before we catch a break,
whether it's the wind going one way and you know,
going out to see or the winds calming down. I mean,
we got to have something good sometime soon, Mike, don't.
Speaker 4 (02:06):
We Seems like at least in the overnight the winds
will calm down a little bit, changing directions some I'm
watching forecasts and multiple news screens. I'm doing basically what
we normally do for an NFL Sunday with multiple news
outlets up on my TVs at this point, trying to
figure out which end is up and trying to get
in touch with friends who are now part of the
next evacuation zone as things hit into the Hollywood Hills.
We talked about it before the Hollywood Bowl and all
these historic venues institutions in the city, you know, and
destinations for people to come visit the Magic Castle, you know,
classic sixty year old venue. You know, members only occasionally
get a sneak peek in, and you know, we're all
these magicians of historic guys and you know, the showmen
from Vegas to applied their trade that's currently in jeopardy
as well. So all of these things. It just continues,
but at least looks like a little bit of relief
coming in in the form of the wind dying down
some how much that helps, uh in the grand scale,
don't know, but every little bit's gonna count at this point.
Speaker 1 (03:23):
Again, we'll have more on this as developed throughout the night. Yeah, Matt,
I'm I think my wife is Magic Castle about a
year ago.
Speaker 3 (03:30):
It was the last time some years ago.
Speaker 1 (03:33):
Yeah, I've I've never been but she went there said
it was a great time, it's really fun, and and
and it just it's like it's it's I mean it,
it's like it's not real.
Speaker 3 (03:41):
And and I know we're gonna be I'm gonna.
Speaker 1 (03:43):
Be driving around Los Angeles, you know, at some point soon,
and it's it's gonna be. Look at all this stuff
that's gone, you know, like like I can't get over
the one drone shot today that was over a neighborhood
in Pacific Palisades and the entire neighborhood has gone. It's
all it's all to the ground, like it really as
you hear, oh, it's a post apocalyptic scene. No, that's
really what it looks like, except it's worse because there's
just nothing there. In post apocalyptic scenes and movies, there's
at least some form of a building that you go into.
Speaker 3 (04:12):
There's just nothing.
Speaker 1 (04:13):
It's just all kinds of rubble and ash and little
pieces of wood, and it's just I don't know what
to say. I part of me but it's hard to
believe that it's actually happening, that this is something that's
going on. And then I think about, are we gonna
wind up getting some sort of evacuation noticed soon as
the fires creek closer to Santa Monica. And I know,
justin Frosburg, our producer, he's working from home tonight. He's
got a go bag ready, he's got his family ready
in case he has to leave and go, And it's
just I really, I feel like we're doing a break
at some point. We got to get something at some
point soon.
Speaker 4 (04:45):
Yeah, it's insane because normally with these kind of winds,
you'd get some rain relief along the way, but it's
been one of the drier season, Like we had a
couple of days what two months ago, three months ago
maybe beyond that, it's been very dry, and you see
how combustible things got. I mean because just the way
it's spread with the wind. As I saw a report,
you know, you went from having you know, two hundred
acres burning to two thousand in a matter of an hour, right,
I mean, just that kind of widespread wild results off
of these things. So you know, hopefully all the best
that the firefighters are getting the equipment they need. I
know a lot of people are rallying in the restaurant
community as well, trying to get supplies together, trying to
get people fed all these different spaces for people trying
to get a little bit of relief along the way.
It's really just heartbreaking on so many levels.
Speaker 1 (05:50):
The Jason Smith Show with Mike Carbon Live from the
tyrec dot Com studio is going to continue to monitor
this as a night goes on, and anything but a
normal night clearly for all of us here in Los
Angeles and throughout the area. And again all our thoughts
everybody fighting this and trying.
Speaker 3 (06:04):
To stay safe. But our business is sports.
Speaker 1 (06:06):
I say it a lot because it is, and I
wanted to acknowledge and talk about that for a couple
of minutes before we get back into what pays the bills.
And a really interesting thing today in the advance of
this season.
Speaker 3 (06:20):
Of this week's playoff action the NFL.
Speaker 1 (06:22):
Now we got the big college football playoff semi final
tomorrow night. We're gonna preview that later on this hour.
We're gonna, of course, as we get closer to the weekend,
we start taking a look at the NFL games. But
you know, this was kind of fun today where Travis
Kelsey decided to get a little chesty on the New
Heights podcast. The Chiefs went out and just got steamrolled
by the Broncos on Sunday. It was one hundred and
eighty six to nothing. And I think they played all
people from the nineteen eighties. I think Bill Kenny played quarterback.
Speaker 4 (06:51):
Carlos a touchdown pass to himself.
Speaker 3 (06:54):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Carlos Carson was a wide receiver.
Speaker 4 (06:56):
It was you know, it was.
Speaker 1 (06:57):
It was a very difficult day because most of those
guys are in there sixties, so they sat out. And
the Broncos make the playoffs a team that is, hey,
they're a good team, but they're not quite the red
hot offense that is the Cincinnati Bengals, a Bengals team
that has played the Chiefs twice in the playoffs in
the last couple of years, beat him once in Burroughhead,
and then came within a field goal of beating them again. Clearly,
the Bengals have some sort of kryptonite for the Chiefs,
and there was thrown out there after the game was
over that all the Chiefs didn't want to let the
Bengals in the playoffs. They could have wound up playing
him in the next round if as long as the
Bengals won the first round of their playoff game, and
all the Chiefs laid down to keep the Bengals out
of the playoffs.
Speaker 3 (07:38):
Speaker 1 (07:39):
Jason Kelcey asked his brother Travis that earlier today the
New Heights podcast, and Travis Kelcey, in between f bombs,
said that is not the case. There's some people alleging
that it was a purposeful letting get yours nobody.
Speaker 5 (07:53):
I want to slay every dragon one by one, like
Mortal Kombat. I don't even want this to be like
we play the lowest seed. Just give me the best teams.
Speaker 3 (08:05):
I'm not in Travis. I'm just telling you.
Speaker 5 (08:07):
AFC, NFC, give Mortal Kombat style. I'll go through every
one of them, just giving him my best effort. I
ain't scared of the single soul man. You didn't want
to see the Bengals in Burrowhead or in Cincinnati, I'll
play him at the Walmart parking lot.
Speaker 3 (08:22):
I don't get it.
Speaker 5 (08:24):
We can have our own game.
Speaker 3 (08:25):
In the off season. We really do ow to get it. Listen.
Speaker 5 (08:29):
I love competing against the greatest. The Bengals were a
fun ass team to watch there towards the end of
the season.
Speaker 1 (08:35):
Okay, first of all, Travis Kelsey is lying through his
teeth the entire time. He wanted absolutely no part of
the Bengals. Nobody does. Travis Kelce is talking big because
there's no chance of that happening. It's easy to talk
big when there's no chance would happened. Like it's the
it's the guy in the fight who's being held back
by four people, and four people hold the other guy back,
and suddenly teachers are on the scene.
Speaker 3 (09:00):
There's no way there's gonna be a fight.
Speaker 1 (09:01):
He goes, Yeah, if they let me fight out, to
kick your ass, man, Yeah, to kick your ass, dude,
There's not gonna be a fight. Come on like this,
there's it's not happening. The Bengals are out of the playoffs.
They don't have to worry about playing them. So we
can sit here and say, oh, sense fighting the Walmart
parking lot. You gotta worry about falling prices and our
offense all of a sudden because now Patrick Mahomes that's
going on.
Speaker 3 (09:22):
Yeah, let's cook at that.
Speaker 4 (09:23):
You just gave him. No, you just gave him another endorsement.
Speaker 1 (09:27):
Bam, Just like that, are and tie. We got a
full defense full of Walmart greets. How are you boom?
I'm knocking your ass out. Yeah, we got all Walmart
greeters on our teeth. There's because it's impossible to happen.
He can get really chesty. But trust me, no team,
no team wants any part of a team that can
get in their way. That's a bad matchup for them.
You want to avoid them as much as you can.
And clearly there is no team in the entire run
that the Chiefs have had winning super Bowls and making
it to Super Bowls. There is no team that has
given them more trouble than this Bengals team and Joe
Burrow and games.
Speaker 3 (10:06):
At Burrow, and it is seeing Burrow, and.
Speaker 1 (10:08):
No team has given him that. You want to avoid them.
Everybody wants to everybody want nobody wants to play those
teams that there's no team.
Speaker 3 (10:16):
We don't care. We'll play anybody. No, they go.
Speaker 1 (10:18):
Man, you see the way we got seated on this.
We should have to play this team till this time.
And this team you see it, you see it in
World Cup and soccer. Oh why are we in such
a tough talk about it?
Speaker 3 (10:27):
Why are we doing this?
Speaker 6 (10:28):
Speaker 3 (10:28):
Why are we doing.
Speaker 1 (10:29):
Why are we not playing these Look how easy it
is for these teams? Oh, they gotta beat SMU and
Poise State. How easy of a run is that for
Penn State to make it it again? Oh yeah, but
that's what we want, right all. We're so happy we
got an easy run. We want an easy run. Every
team wants an easy run. Nobody wants to play a
team that can knock them out whatever, whatever team has
a kryptonite for for a bigger team, that's a bad matchup.
You want to avoid them.
Speaker 3 (10:52):
Trust me.
Speaker 1 (10:52):
Andy Reid is happy. Patrick Mahomes is happy. Travis Kelsey's happy.
Jason Kelsey's even happy, even though he says, hey, it's
not me, I didn't say. This is what's being said.
There's no way they wanted any part of the Bengals
because the Bengals are hot. They're they're rolling up so
many points the last few weeks. Joe Burrow is gonna
be one of the finalists for MVP. They wanted no
part of it. It's Travis Kelcey talking big and talking
tough because there's no way that matchup can ever happen.
Speaker 4 (11:19):
Now, a couple things to it, all, right, let's go
to the pie chart. Though, in terms of taking the
third pie chart a right thirty eight nothing defeat. What's
the percentage that you're giving? Well, that was the consideration. Man,
we can't know one two percent. I mean, are you
talking whole milk here? I mean, what are we doing here?
I'm going skim It's basically water And now obviously it
can't happen, so you get even chestier about it, Like,
do I think they were afraid of him? No, lou
An rumo. They couldn't fire his ass fast enough after
the final gun of their last game. Lou congratulations, you
were really good a couple of years ago. Now where
not so off they go, So you would have been
able to carve up that d even if your offense
isn't what it once was. I mean, Mahomes was still
thirty nine hundred yards and twenty six and eleven, missing
several key components of that offense, but and that defense
was gonna be able to rally up. I would have
loved to see in that matchup. But yeah, for Travis Kelcey,
what's gonna say, Oh yeah, we wanted no part of them. No, no, But.
Speaker 1 (12:28):
There's a difference between, you know, kind of sidestepping the
question and getting all chets y'all'd have played that many
time anywhere.
Speaker 4 (12:34):
Wait, which which would you rather do? Man, we're in
sports talk radio. I don't want the guy tap dancing.
He can go do that when he hits the stage
on the Eras Part two tour, when Taylor revs that
back up after another after a year off, or whatever
the hell they end up doing. Right now, you go
right to the belly of the beast and you say, yeah, Blake,
you win more games.
Speaker 1 (12:55):
He saved all that hot stuff and all the cursing
to make it sound even better, yelping to curse all
the time because again, yeah Blake and Walmart parking lot, Man, Yeah,
I mean the stuff.
Speaker 6 (13:06):
Speaker 4 (13:07):
You know what though the right and lost in New
England to start the season.
Speaker 3 (13:10):
That's it.
Speaker 4 (13:11):
You're eliminated from playoff contention right there.
Speaker 1 (13:15):
The right answer is to say, hey, we'll take anybody
on uh where. I'm not afraid of anybody. And and
it's a bit shame they're not. And they're a great
team to compete against. I love competing against the best.
But he said it's so over this time, Blake, and
he Blake, Man, Blake you for saying that, and Blake,
you harmon. You sucked too, don't even know what the
hell's going on with you, and you suck, and your
family sucks. Everybody your friends with sucks, and the bear
suck and you know what they suck. Your brother sucked.
Speaker 4 (13:41):
From the name out. But if he gets my name
out three or four times, that's gonna get us some
heat for the show. That's good for business. Hey, Travis,
suck it, no, So.
Speaker 1 (13:51):
Then the headlines will be Kelsey eviscerates radio personality and
that's it'll be. And they'll take they'll use the worst
possible picture for you. They'll take a picture of you,
like with your purple shorts and backwards white sox hat.
Speaker 3 (14:03):
When you're smiling and holding up a you know, a
can of beer. That's gonna be the picture they use
for you.
Speaker 4 (14:08):
Change like now a little leaner and meaner. Now that's
the picture they could.
Speaker 1 (14:13):
They're never gonna use the best photo. Have you think
what's the most embarrassing. It's gonna be Kelsey with his
arm around Taylor Swift and you are the backwards hat.
Speaker 3 (14:21):
And a beer in your hand in purple.
Speaker 4 (14:23):
Maybe or maybe it's the old picture of us with
Travis Kelcey before he did his reality show from a
Super Bowl appearance he made with us many years ago.
I'll trot that picture back out every time I can't. Hey,
you know we talked to this guy once, Like really,
I was very popular with the girl's friends for a
bit and all their fani was like he met Travis Kelcey.
How about that? How great is that? It didn't get
me any extra money? But that's okay, a little extra
cloud for at least three minutes of Hey, cool job dad.
But for Travis Kelcey, he's this side of a carnival
barker slash professional wrestler behind the microphone in this particular instance, right,
he might as well have been at the Intuit Dome
on Monday for Raw hanging out with Kieran Colkin, McCauley Colkin,
and every other celebrity that wanted a piece of the action.
Speaker 3 (15:12):
Exit out about a Fresca exit Swellen Dome A.
Speaker 1 (15:15):
Jason Smithson with Mike Carmon Livethetirac dot Com Studios. It's
easy to be chesty when there's no possibility even happening.
Coming up next, Jason Cole stops by NFL Insider, We
take a look at where the head coaching carousel is headed.
What about the big games this weekend? Big thoughts and
fun straight ahead right here, Jason and Mike, This is
Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 2 (15:38):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.
Speaker 3 (15:50):
Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 1 (15:51):
The Jason Smith Show with My best friend Mike Harmon
Livethetirack dot com studios. Speed up your hiring pros with
Express Employment Professionals. Reduced time to hire, cut costs, find
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Visit expresspros dot com today transform your hiring process that
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Speaker 3 (16:13):
Speaker 1 (16:13):
Time to take a look now at the various coaching
openings in the NFL. Which is the best one? What
about looking ahead to this weekend of the NFL playoffs?
Nobody better than Demand, who now has his work cutout
for himself because he works for the thirty third team.
Thirty third Team has now been scheduling over thirty interviews
for both the Jets and the Bears, so they are
helping to take up the thirty third times time a
little bit too much this offseason. He is a Pro
football haul of very good voter. You can find him
on Twitter at Jason Cole sixty two. It is NFL
insider Jason Cole.
Speaker 3 (16:48):
What's happening Bud.
Speaker 6 (16:50):
Speaker 3 (16:52):
It was it was different music tonight.
Speaker 6 (16:56):
I'm going on here. I am sorry that I can't
can't perform without my music. I just I can't do this.
Speaker 1 (17:05):
Listen after after, after you get on the air with us,
you can then send an email. Someone will get back
to you in the next two to four weeks with
an answer.
Speaker 3 (17:17):
Don't worry, we are our health. Dusk is right on it.
Speaker 6 (17:20):
Yeah, I know. That's that's sort of like my sandwich deal.
Two to four weeks for me.
Speaker 3 (17:24):
Now favorite search. Turn your computer on and off. Okay,
turn it on and off, turn it off, turn it
back on again. Then we'll get started. Okay, thank you sir.
Speaker 6 (17:33):
Okay good. My wife is actually concerned about you guys
and the fires, and I was like, I don't think
they're I don't think they're that close to that, So,
but are you guys Okay? Everything all right?
Speaker 4 (17:44):
Speaker 1 (17:44):
Uh, you know, kind of hour to hour, But so
far we've been a little bit too far south. But
now the fires are getting into the Hollywood Hills and
Sunset Boulevard and top of Santa Monica.
Speaker 3 (17:56):
So it's you know, yeah, it's our to out.
Speaker 1 (18:02):
We'll see, yeah, we'll see how it goes.
Speaker 6 (18:06):
Okay, So what do you want to talk about? What's
the best job?
Speaker 1 (18:09):
Well, here's here's the thing is, like we talked about
this last night, Mike, and I know none of these
jobs are good, like none of these six jobs that
are open or good. But if I had to pick anyone,
I would default to the Bears just because, well they
have the best situation for the president future a quarterback
where you have your franchise got in place. I don't
know anybody else coming in and win the next couple of years,
and any of those teams.
Speaker 6 (18:32):
Yeah, I mean, Belichick's probably looking at this going I
got the best job that was available, So because he
can take his own players, yeah, the Bears is the
only job that's reasonable. Again, the problem is, I mean,
look at the elements of these teams. Who I mean,
I like con a lot, and I think he's a
very intelligent. Yeah, an amazing success story, But how in
the world do you keep Trent Balky, like everybody in
your organization who deals with him says, he's a conniving
backstabber who does nothing but protect himself. And look at
the talent of that he's taken. And your decision was
you know, people said, okay, Doug had his chance, and
you know he didn't make it work. But she thought
that Balky was okay. And I know they said, well,
it's subject to change and we'll see what the next
coach says. But then you're just making it obvious that
the next coach is the one who got rid of
Balky and he's unpopular. Instead of having the guts to
say no, no, no, I got to clean house and this
guy's got to go because we've had him around for
so long, and it would getting worse, Like as bad
as they were on offense this year, and they weren't good,
and Trevor Lawrence is not progressed. As bad as they
were on offense, they were worse on defense, and he's
the one thinking the defensive players. So so like that
job is bad because ownership is bad. So Caleb Williams
the best one. You would think Trevor Lawrence would be interesting,
but he's not right now, he's sort of become radioactive. Yeah,
all these jobs bad jobs, and mostly because you start
at the very top, and nobody trusts any of the
owners of any of these teams.
Speaker 4 (20:25):
To that end, beyond the obvious of Vrabel and everybody
fawning over Ben Johnson. Who's the best candidate?
Speaker 6 (20:35):
It's Ben Johnson? They sent you know on results? Sure
you know? Now the team like you ask, hey, can
we have a couple of those players?
Speaker 4 (20:45):
Well, sure, right, give me Penney Sewell and a couple
of these skill guys and I could. I could be.
Speaker 1 (20:53):
Jamiir Gibbs and Saint Brown and will be all right,
then we'll be fine.
Speaker 6 (20:57):
Yeah. I just want I just want three of them.
I just want three. Is that okay? Can I take?
I just want three? Like would if you were the Jets?
Is there any players starting for the Jets who would
start right now for Detroit? Any? I mean, I haven't
looked any.
Speaker 1 (21:19):
You don't think you don't think Garrett Wilson or Davante
Adams would start for the Lion second wide receiver over
Jamison Williams.
Speaker 3 (21:27):
I think Davante Adams he might.
Speaker 6 (21:30):
But but the fact of the matter is you're not
absolutely sure, right right, Like you wouldn't trade a single
you would not trade a single starter straight up, Like
you'd have to get a sweetener to say, Okay, I'll
take Davante Adams over him, but I'd like to get
like a third round pick thrown in, you know that
kind of thing, Like you ain't doing it straight up
because you're like, I'm taking my chances with Jamison Williams
rather than making the deal. I think I could, I
could be okay with that, I mean, but that's how
good they are right now. And so Ben Johnson, Yeah,
he's great. He's done a wonderful job. But he's got
all sorts of players, and so I'll default of that
to me. The guy is the best one is Rabel
And and then you know Belichick, but again belchick top that.
Speaker 4 (22:20):
Buyouts not so bad though, I'm sorry what that buyout
isn't so terrible if you really want to do get
out of it.
Speaker 6 (22:30):
Yeah, the buyouts not what's stopping him. What's stopping him
is he looked over and and you know, like Brady
called and said, hey, what do you think? Because yeah,
who's the guy running the show? Tom? Tom? And I
have been around a long time. Who's the guy running
the show? Who's that? Who's that? Because because you can
talk all you want about how you know, you could
end up being the owner of that team if Mark
Davis can find a way to to you know, to
deal with the taxes so that you can get control
of it someday when he passes away. But between now
and when he passes away, he's running the show. That's
how this works well.
Speaker 1 (23:13):
And honestly, that's why Belichick is still gone because look,
with that low buyout, if a team wanted them, he's
got to join a team that's going to give him
fifteen wins in the next two years. And none of
these teams he's gonna win fifteen games for the next
two years. He's not going to get more than two
years to try to win. He wants to pass Don Shula.
I mean, if there was a better opening playoff caliber team, yeah,
I think Denny would jump, But there's not, so he
isn't well.
Speaker 6 (23:40):
And that's where I think Jacksonville, to me, makes a
lot of sense, because if anybody's going to turn Trevor
Lawrence into a winner, you would think that Belichick would
do it. Presuably would bring in mcdangals with him, and
you'd have some kind of system there. And the media
is not going to bob their Belichick in Jacksonville. I mean,
come on, you know where they you know they got
three people working for a weekly newspaper down there or
something like that. You know, but like the Times Chicken
and shopper or whatever they call that thing, the Times
Union Shopper.
Speaker 1 (24:15):
So like shopper two puns in the back. Hey, hey,
you want to two for one to come see the
best teams in the NFL coming to jackson this week.
Speaker 6 (24:25):
This week's flea market is over at the time Union Building.
Come on downtown, coming, are you coming in from the beaches.
We'll have drinks for you. It's going to be fine.
Uh yeah, like that that would have made sense to me,
but they're obviously not going to do it, and or
maybe he's coming in with a truckload of cash. But
like if you're Belichick, like, how slam I mean, how
slimmy does it look? If you like take the job
and then like three weeks later you're like Anton, I
mean I get it.
Speaker 4 (25:00):
He did it in the day once.
Speaker 6 (25:03):
Yeah, that's true. Yeah, if you can scrawl a note
to Woody you can scrawl another note. Yeah, so that
that's possible. I'll say this, who's at this point in time,
who's going to get to three hundred and forty seven
wins and breaks through this record faster? Belichick if he
comes back next year or Andy Reid read yeah, because
he needs forty eight wins.
Speaker 1 (25:30):
Yeah, he needs probably another he needs another four or
five years to do it. That's a read needs. He's
about five more years, I think.
Speaker 6 (25:38):
So I think it's three to four. I think really,
I think it's yeah, because I mean assume he gets
let's just say for this sake of discussion, he gets
to this year or one. So he's at three hundred, right,
because he's a two ninety nine, So he gets one,
So forty eight victories over the next it's an average
of twelve a year plus than and then playoffs. He
can he can do that and easily in four years
with Mahomes at quarterback, because he got fifty he got
fifteen this year, and I mean, I know they were
a little lucky, but I think he gets to twelve
pretty easy every year.
Speaker 1 (26:15):
Yeah, But aren't Belichicks wins with North Carolina gonna count.
I mean, they're gonna find a way to count those, right,
I mean, isn't.
Speaker 6 (26:22):
Well, certainly, certainly Bill will.
Speaker 1 (26:28):
Hey you just he flipped the guy today from from
a school Belichick's actually he's got like the now I
know he's actually on the top doing that.
Speaker 6 (26:36):
Yeah, but with different like Wreckers. So he stole somebody
from Chiano or somebody like that. Yeah, like that's come on,
you got a guy from the Wreckers or where. I
don't think it was a big time guy. But look,
they're going to have a bunch of guys and it's
gonna be interesting because he's going to be able to
be a much better treasure talent than most of these
other college coaches. And so he'll figure that out. He
won't make his main mistakes. And it's still North Carolina.
It's not the same kind of thing of big time
football that it is. You know, it ain't the NC
like come on, you know it's come on, it's North
Carolina with you know, like, oh, we've got games at
Syracuse at Stanford. Oh we're selling at big time here,
Like come on, you can't sell that all right?
Speaker 4 (27:25):
Where's the upset? This week? On a wildcard weekend? Where
am I finding some chaos.
Speaker 6 (27:31):
I think the two games is is Tampa favorite over Washington?
Who's Who's who?
Speaker 4 (27:39):
Is a three point favorite? Fifty and a half? Is
your total?
Speaker 6 (27:43):
Fifty and a half? Yeah, like Washington a lot in
this game, But I think it's gonna be like, I
think that's going to be the most entertaining game because
Baker against Jayden is really good theater. Like, that's really
gonna be fun because they're going to sling it. But
here's the one. If bone Nicks can handle a playoff
situation and doesn't do the fairest Dealer Dennis the Menace
kind of thing that he's capable of doing. If he
can handle that, then I think that I think Sean
Payton is capable of disrupting what the Bills do, and
that Sean McDermott is the kind of guy in this
game who could really tighten up. And you know, like
they should if I alt right, the Bills should win
this game by ten, ten or fourteen points, think not
more right, Like they really should kind of run away
with it, but their defense is so suspect and they
got they got run over. You know, granted it was
Baltimore that ran over them, and Baltimore is different because
they got Derrick Henry and Lamar Jackson. That's like the
that's the best combo, you know in terms of how
they compliment each other since what like russ And and
Marshawn were together in their heyday like that, that's such
a perfect combination. So I just think if there's a
way for Denver to control the tempo of this game,
if Peyton can somehow, you know, steal possession, do what
he did you know against Indianapolis and the Super Bowl
that helped New Orleans win that game. If he can
do something like that, then that's the game where I'm
like this could you know? This is the one where
you go that could be interesting to me? That's the
one I looked at and said, you know, I think
everybody in Buffalo is looking ahead to Okay, what's going
to happen against Baltimore? What do we do when we
get of the city and they're not even gonna think
about Denver and Denver is just interesting enough to make
a game out of this. That's that's how I view
this one. And Buffalo's defense is not so overwhelming that
I fear them.
Speaker 1 (30:17):
He's on Twitter at Jason Cole sixty two. That is,
at Jason Cole sixty two, he is now not going
to write the biography of Josh Allen, that is for certain.
Speaker 3 (30:26):
Ja Cole is always buddy appreciated.
Speaker 6 (30:28):
Man, I'm not welcoming Buffalo anymore.
Speaker 3 (30:31):
You're done. You can't even have wings. You're done. You're
done up. Take it easy, buddy, We'll talk to you, Jacob.
Speaker 4 (30:41):
Here goes Jacob on wings.
Speaker 3 (30:43):
That is a bold one. Broncos and the Bills whoop.
Speaker 4 (30:47):
That's an eight and a half point line. Forty six
and a half the total you can get in for
as low as seventy eight bucks. How about that?
Speaker 1 (30:54):
You know who knew all of those things off the
top of her head. The person we're going to talk
to you right now, Manti Blago's who's got what's trend
along with all your gambling lines you need with the
night in sports Monzi.
Speaker 7 (31:04):
Stop before are gonna start asking me for advice and
I'm gonna lose some money and I'm gonna send them
back to you. Jason all do you one game going
on in the NBA? Fellas everything else is we have
to gamble all the time.
Speaker 1 (31:17):
You get you once gambled. Actually in the middle of
an update, you placed a bed.
Speaker 7 (31:21):
That may be true, but it just happened all the
time that mighty droo, but not every time, all at the.
Speaker 1 (31:28):
Free throw line shooting his second that's oh boy, what's
gonna happen?
Speaker 3 (31:32):
Guys? Yeah? Double it? Yeah, double it right now? See
what I think?
Speaker 2 (31:37):
Speaker 7 (31:37):
And then that's probably when I started crying.
Speaker 1 (31:39):
Speaker 7 (31:40):
The Bucks right now are beating the Spurs one eleven
to eighty seven with about six minutes to go in
the game. Damian Lllard twenty six points and eight assists.
The Cavaliers have won eleven in a row. They beat
the Thunder one twenty nine to one two. The Pacers
beat the Bulls earlier today one nine to one thirteen,
and the Nuggets, who were playing without Nicola Yokuch because
of an illness, they took down the Clippers one twenty
six to one oh three. No Kawhi Leonard for La
because of the fires happening. His family was affected directly
by it, so he did fly with the team but
came back and the Clippers seemed to just be flat
from the start against Denver. One six, one oh three
was the final score. There as for the Fires, the
NBA is still monitoring the situation for Thursday's game between
the Lakers and the Hornets. The NFL is keeping an
eye on the situation as well because of Monday's wildcard
game between the Vikings and the Rams, which is supposed
to take place at SOFI Stadium, but if necessary, they
will relocate the game to State Farm Stadium in Glendale, Arizona.
Another NFL news, Ravens wide receiver Za Flowers missed his
second straight practice because of that knee injury. Eagles quarterback
Jalen Hurts was limited in practice today. He remains in
concussion protocol. In college hoops, number ten Texas A and
m they were down eighteen at one point, came back
to defeat number seventeen Oklahoma eighty to seventy eight, and
number five Alabama had an.
Speaker 2 (33:06):
Eighty eight to sixty to sixty eight.
Speaker 7 (33:08):
Win over South Carolina, but Villanova ended number nine Yukon's
a game winning streak with a sixty eight to sixty
six victory. One game going on in hockey, the Panthers
are beating the Utah Hockey Club one zero with about
six minutes to go in the second period back to
you guys.
Speaker 3 (33:26):
Thanks a bunch Monsei.
Speaker 1 (33:28):
Yeah, The Jason Smith Show with Mike Carmen Live Thetirack
dot Com studios coming up next. We are twenty four
hours away from knowing who what one of the teams
is gonna be in the championship game of college football.
The Cleveland's not gonna be although Brady Quinn played for
Cleveland and he went to Notre Dame. Who's playing tomorrow night?
Who's gonna advance? Is it gonna be the Irish of
the Nitney Lions? Mike and I will tell you. Coming
up next, Jason to Mike.
Speaker 3 (33:55):
Fox Sports Radio. Hey wait, you know it. I knew it.
Speaker 1 (33:59):
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Speaker 2 (34:42):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific, Fox.
Speaker 1 (34:49):
Sports Radio The Jason Smith Show with my best friend
Mike Carmon live Fromthetirack dot Com studios. At twenty four
hours from now, we will know one of the two
team set to play for the national championship in college football,
as we have No Tra Dame and Penn State going
at it tomorrow night. And I'll tell you I looked
a lot of ways, Mike, I really did to try
to find a way to pick Penn State.
Speaker 3 (35:15):
I did.
Speaker 1 (35:15):
I tried to find a lot of ways because Penn
State is they're the better team, but they don't play
as well as they should and No Tre Dame plays
to a higher level than their talent and Penn State.
Still I'm still not all in on them. You know,
look you look at their road to get here. They're
basically they beat one top twenty five to beat Illinois,
right like that, that's the one team they beat, and
the other two teams they played that were really good
they got beat by and here's your path of SMU
and Boise State. Yeah, I'm still I don't know about
Penn State. Man, I'm still I don't know. It's it's
almost like they're they're kind of like Indiana. Indiana din't
beat anybody. We you know, Penn State didn't beat anybody either, Right.
They happen to have the one win over a top
and it was Illinois, Like, oh yeah, we know they're
one of the top.
Speaker 3 (36:04):
Teams Illinois, but they're here.
Speaker 1 (36:06):
Notre Dame's defense is terrific, and I have more confidence
that that's gonna be the unit that carries the day.
They're gonna cause problems for Penn State. On offense, they'll
get turnovers. It's not gonna be pretty, and I'll take
the under of forty six and a half. I don't
see tons of points in this game, but I'll see
Riley Leonard getting just enough points out there, figuring out
something where they can just get up enough and they
win this. I'm gonna say nineteen nineteen thirteen, Nore Dame
wins over Penn State. They go on to the National
Championship game.
Speaker 4 (36:38):
See, because I was gonna give you a little more
juice because the over under i'm seeing is forty four
and a half. I was pushing it south for you
even and you're still far under there. Tickets as two
thirty five for that one as they get ready to
kick that off. It's the tough one for me because
I was bringing up, you know, the Chicago upbringing and
all the adopted Notre Dame fans there. And then James
Franklin just irks me normally I like snarkiness, right, I mean,
I've built a brand on it for so many years,
and says yet every time he sits down at a microphone,
it's say he's either complaining out right, remember the band? Ah, man, Wow,
what are we doing? Rec league kind of thing or
minor leagues or whatever. He turned it and then today
it was let's take shots at conferences like they're playing
you shut up.
Speaker 3 (37:29):
They didn't join the conference.
Speaker 4 (37:31):
So get over it all that to say Drew Aller,
he's suddenly a guy that even though he said he's
coming back next year, I guess they're all rallying around
thinking maybe with a big performance here and if they
go to the title game, that maybe he'll turn around
and he'll be one of those guys that joins the
fray for the NFL hot hot prospect kind of thing.
Twenty four and seven on the Year. I'm curious to
see Notre Dame. How do you defend and try to
take Tyler Warren away from things? Ninety eight catches on
the year thirteen yards.
Speaker 1 (38:03):
From that's but that's that's the strongest part. Their back
seven is so strong like that that that's the that
that's where that's where Notre Dame eats in the back seven.
That's gonna be that's gonna be really, really tough.
Speaker 4 (38:15):
I like your underpick for sure. Riley has been the
most effective running back because like Penn State you mentioned,
even just regular season, you didn't even throw in the
oh by the way, they beat s MU and Boise State.
Speaker 1 (38:26):
Yeah, no, I said Boise State. You can only beat
who's in front. But that's not impressive at all. Because
SMU is just Okay. In Boise State, we found.
Speaker 4 (38:37):
Got their chance.
Speaker 3 (38:38):
When you when you overrate.
Speaker 1 (38:39):
A team from a from a non power conference, Okay,
that's gonna happen. So yeah, Penn State has been like
Penn State's gotta win a big game. I keep going
back to what I said earlier in the year when
Penn State played Ohio State. Penn State player like Penn
State's got to win a big game. Here in this
incarnation of the Penn State team under James Franklin, they
have to win a big game before I'll pick them
to win a big game.
Speaker 6 (39:00):
Speaker 1 (39:00):
I'm not gonna sit here John trying to go no,
this is the week. Now this No, you gotta show
me you can win a big game.
Speaker 3 (39:04):
And they just have it.
Speaker 1 (39:06):
They've won the games they're supposed to and it's not
like they get upset a lot. It's not like all
of a sudden, oh man, look at Penn State. They
showed up and they lost it with the end. It's
not like they lost to Vanderbilt or anybody like that. No,
but they win the games they're supposed to. But now,
you're not supposed to win all these games. These are
the toughest teams in the country you're gonna play against,
And yeah, Penn State's got to win one of these
games before I'm gonna pick them.
Speaker 4 (39:27):
Yeah, I think I'd be curious what the individual prop
bet on Love's rushing yards are, right, seven point three
yards per attempt, sixteen touchdowns In the regular season, Georgia
neutralized him, So now it's the opportunity on a big stage.
Can he find one crease? Can Riley Leonard make one
more play, even if it's with his legs? And the
answer I think is yes by a field goal?
Speaker 1 (39:49):
No, No, Tree Dame and Penn State. Like I said,
I'd love to find a way to pick Penn State.
I'd love to find a way to do it, but
I just can't.
Speaker 3 (39:57):
I just not.
Speaker 1 (39:58):
Tre Dame has played so well for so long. They've
beaten good teams. They've shown they can play higher than
their their talent. That's a big thing to me is
that when a team can play and they can exceed,
there can be a really good team and they can
still exceed their talent level. That's pretty special, man. And
that's what Notre Dame is doing that they have been
on they have been on the ball since that loss
in Northern Illinois, and it has been nothing that's distracted them,
And I get that.
Speaker 3 (40:22):
There's the controverty.
Speaker 1 (40:23):
Oh, they should be in a conference so they can
play a conference championship game and Franklin, you know, trying
to poke the bear a little bit there. Yeah, they'll
find out tomorrow night. I probably shouldn't have said that.
Give me the Notre Dame fighting irot that can they
cover and the under? That's where I'm going, And they cover.
The under is easy. The under is an easy under?
Speaker 4 (40:41):
Is that the excuse making if they lose of Hey,
then an easier path? I mean, look at this.
Speaker 1 (40:48):
Exit out about a Fresca exit swollen down The Jason
Smith Show with my best friend Mike Carmon. Coming up next,
a coaching story that rocked the NFL.
Speaker 3 (40:57):
Earlier today, Jason and Mike, This is Flock Sports Radio