Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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Harmon podcast. Be sure to catch us live every weeknight
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Speaker 2 (00:22):
Eleas give this you're listening to Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 1 (00:28):
Greetings, Welcome inside our three The Jason Smith Show with
my best friend Mike Harmon, live from the Tirack dot
Com studios. Tirac dot com. I'll help you get there
an unmatched selection, fast, free shipping, free road hazard protection,
and over ten thousand recommended installers. Tirac dot Com is
the way tire buying should be. And all our thoughts
and hopes, prayers, of course, this hour with everybody fighting
the wildfires, six different fires now in and around the
city of Los Angeles, that first responders are trying to
get to and that people are trying to stay safe from,
and you know, keep hoping that maybe the winds are
gonna be able to go down a little bit, and
I keep putting that out there in the universe because
maybe that'll happen, because that works in the past. Just
keep putting that out there, that the winds will die
down or start blowing stuff out to see. And it's
just the devastation is so immense. And just to talk
about this for a couple of minutes here, because you know,
Mike and I we lived in Los Angeles now the
last you know, better part of our adult lives. And
you know, this is where Fox Sports Radio is based,
and and and so many people are teammates here, you know,
live in and around and near the evacuation areas. Shay
and who's one of our editors and producers here, he
was evacuated earlier today justin Frostburg is at home because
he could be evacuated because he lives in an area
of Santa Monica that might wind up getting evacuated as
the fire seemed to creep closer and closer to the
city itself. And that the devastation is just it doesn't
even feel like it's real. And I keep seeing things
and places that I've been that are just no longer
standing that I just, like I said, I don't think
I process in my mind that that that it's real
Moonshadows in Malibu. I went to a to a rehearsal
dinner for my wife's best friend's wedding there a few
years ago. Moonshadows is gone, right, That's where Mel Gibson
had his a little running with the police and then
all that stuff that's happened to him. The Real In,
which is another big iconic restaurant. I was just there
a year ago when Pam's dad came into town. He
wanted to go to the Reeling because he heard so
much about He went to the Real In for for
lunch and it was terrific. And it's gone. And there's
there's not even there's not even the buildings, any part
of the buildings that are left. They've all burned to
the ground. It's all here's where such and such stood,
here's where this business stood. And I got to think,
and I keep saying this, Mike, and I keep thinking
that we have to be due for some good luck
at some point soon. Man, this devastation that's going on,
just we got to get a break at some point.
Speaker 3 (03:03):
Now. This is one where you normally people in California
can plain if there's a drop of rain. I think
everybody would love to figure out a way to open
the skies right about this time, because that's part of
the compounding issue to this is how dry everything was
and how quickly it's been able to spread with the winds. So,
you know, doing our forecast thing, because we do weather forecast,
when we start looking at games each weekend, right well,
especially hit in November, what are we going to see?
Are we gonna have any weather games? Well, here, we're
looking at the wind conditions and they're saying, you know,
as we get into the overnight at one o'clock, two
o'clock in the morning, get a little bit of a
change in direction and certainly the amplification will go down.
I'm seeing two three miles an hour at least, that's
the forecast. And I've got every possible part of my
body cross that I can. You know, all of these
things watching the videos now into the Hollywood Hills and all,
as you said, all these spots that we've known for
all of our adult lives here that we've been through
so many times, events that we've gone to, and you know,
my kids and I would love the theater and concerts,
and so when you hear the Hollywood Bowl, and you
think about all the people that have played there, all
the people that have visited to go to one of
these events, right, all these touch points to a greater world.
And thanks to everybody reaching out as you have on
social media and a lot of friends and family just
you know, trying to get sense of you know, if
everybody's all right asking about you guys and the team,
so you know, the best wishes that are flowing through.
I find at least a little comfort in some of
the videos that have come out, you know, different news
channels or whatever, Jason, and that you have folks praising
their neighbors. You know, humanity at its best, looking out
for each other, helping people get into their cars, load
their cars, and you know where they could fight a
little bit with with the fires that they spread to
where they offered that bit of support. So, you know,
people leaning in on each other in an age where
we really just talk about the opposite so constantly. I
guess there's a little of that. And not to mention
the good folks that were the first responders, those people
that are getting foods and supplies to different centers, all
of those things so can bring out the best of
us as we look at the devastation, because always got
to try to find that little ray of hope, you know.
Speaker 1 (05:32):
And and the thing is is that, yeah, we need
that ray of hope because I think about what we've
seen so far, and we've seen you know, you want
to see the best in humanity, right and and and
clearly Twitter is not the place to find. It's not
go looking there, Uh you want you want to find
the best humanity. And and and with the loss of life
that we have had, at five people have have died
so far, I'm sure countless animals as well wildlife. People
have lost property, they've lost homes, they've lost businesses. I mean,
I don't know how. But first we have to get
a handle on this. And then I don't know how
Los Angeles, how do we recover from this? How do
we how do we come back? The Pacific Palisades is
basically gone, Like it's it's good that it's gone. And
now and you're talking about these fires in the Hollywood
Hills and in Pasadena, and I mean, I don't know
how Los Angeles comes back like all of a sudden,
it's you know, not not even to think about things like, well,
we have the World Cup and the Olympics. No, I
just mean like coming back as a city, coming back
as a place that people wanted to come visit because
you know, for the beaches and the weather and Hollywood
and this is a place and instead, you know, five
of big surrounding towns of the city right now are
just engulfed in flames. And the only thing that's that's
really preventing the fire from getting into the city because
you look at where it is on the map and
you see like outside of the Los Angeles area, uh,
you know, you see where the fires are, right you
see Malibu, you see in Alta Dina, and then you
see on the side and where Mike and I are,
we're kind of bracketed in by the fires here. And
the only thing is that it's you know, so much
of Los Angeles is a residential city. Like you know,
you think of LA and New York, New York, LA,
all big cities, but New York and Las are completely different.
You know, New York is a big you know, it's
big concrete everywhere. Los Angeles has a little bit has
a lot more greenery, but when you get inside the city,
it's it's much more residential, so there's less big areas
of brush, there's less big areas that can that can
catch fire and continue to move. I read at some
point today that the fire officials said that at one
point some of the fire was moving like a couple
of football fields every ten minutes, like it was moving
that fast. But it hasn't gotten into the city yet,
simply because there's not as much place for stuff to burn.
There's not as much things to burn. And thinking, you know,
living in that city type area, that's one thing that
at least is you know, so far as preventing that.
But with the winds blowing the way they are, I mean,
who knows. Who knows if that continues wind wind blows
in into a little bit in and then suddenly the
wind keeps blowing, and all of a sudden, what can
we do because already all the first responders are stretched
to the thinnest they are. I mean, they don't we
don't have enough people, they won't have enough fire. They're
all concentrating on getting people safe and getting them out
and getting them to safety and trying to keep the
fire from spreading to to other locations. That it's it's
impossible for anything else to go on. It's you know,
I keep going back to this video I saw today
on CNN when Bill Weir was on Right, Bill WEHIRER.
I worked with it at at KBC in the early
two thousands for a couple of years when he was
a sports guy at KBC. Right now, he's the pre
eminent climate reporter in the country, and he's doing his
interview on CNN and he's he's here in LA and
he's in Pasadena, and he's talking about some of the devastation.
He's standing in front of an area and he says,
you know, to my to my right, right here, and
the camera pan's over. This was a business that was
standing untouched six hours ago. It was either a nail
salon or a subway. I forget what it was, because
this building was untouched six hours ago, untouched. It was
fine sitting here. And now because of the way the
fire spread, because of the wind, now it's gone and
you could see all the way to the freeway. You
can see there's there's nothing left. Everything is burned. But
he's doing this interview and behind him there is a
large building on fire. Now it's about fifty or so
yards behind him, so he's in a safe place while
while he's doing this, But you can see there's a
building that clearly is on fire. There's black smoke and
white smoke and everything else, and and Pam and I
are watching it and going, there's nobody there. There's nobody
there trying to put that fire out. There's no one,
there's no there's no there's no fire officials there, there's
no fireman, there's no firefighters, there's no anybody. It's just
a building that is standing there and burning because they
can't get too many and how many how many of
those scenes are there throughout the entire city and outside
of it, where yeah, it's just gonna burn because we
just can't get there because because we're worried, is anybody
in the building? No, is everybody out? Great, we have
to be over here, and we can't be there right now.
So I don't know. I can't imagine what it would
be like to be someone who lived in that building
or owned that building and just watching it burn saying
there's nothing they can there's nothing anybody can do there.
And it's not for lack of effort, it's just a
lack of there's not enough people because the city has said, hey,
we're we're ready to combat one or two wildfires out
of time, We're not ready to combat five or six.
And that's kind of where it's at. That's why everybody
is stretched so thin. But I saw that scene today
and it just struck me that I bet that's being
repeated in hundreds of places across the city where, yeah,
this stuff is just gonna burn because there's nobody there,
because there's so many people stretched so thin along just
trying to keep the game going and keep everything at
bay and save everybody, that these buildings are just gonna
burn because there's no one there.
Speaker 3 (10:54):
Yeah, it's that. That's been one of the backstories as
you watch the news, just trying to talk about personnel
and getting through. We talked about it a lot yesterday, right,
local news interviewing Steve Gutenberg, the actor, and they didn't
know who Steve Gutenberg was.
Speaker 1 (11:09):
Yeah, I'm Steve Goburg, so that kind of academy. I'm
star lord man, you know, legendary outlaw. Come on, man,
I'm Steve Goberg.
Speaker 3 (11:17):
But right, one of the examples of people trying to
help their community of getting those emergency vehicles in and
around to help, you know, stem the tide as best
they could, and instead literally had to bring in bulldozers.
Like that was one of the first messages I got
my mom and dad down in Florida. They started watching
the coverage this morning. Obviously are you okay, And it's like,
did you see the thing with the bulldozer? Like, yes, yes,
that is that is a an image that will never
go away from this round of devastation, but also a
reminder of you know, how you need to get into
these paths and you know there's no straight lines and
a lot of these bases, uh, you know when we're
talking about the hills and the caverns and everything. Uh,
where these fires are you know, waging such devastation, no
easy path by which to fight them, right, And yesterday
you had a presidential visit that unfortunately, you know, changed
how it had to be covered too, so we didn't
necessarily get the aerials and you had descriptions and trying
to to you know, capture it as best you could.
And then you've got to then figure out how to
deploy assets. And and that's the next part of it, right,
the politicization of it to one degree, but the other
just going from sheer numbers of what kind of resources
you have, how quickly can you assemble more bodies, more trucks,
more ammunition to fight this thing? And unfortunately the winds
accelerated it to a level that I don't know, you know,
how you were going to be able to replicate the
you know, fire battalions out there fast enough to really
contain it. Because right now we're still at zero. Like
that's the saddest number in all of it. Right we
keep seeing the acreage rise every time we see a
news update, and the containment still at zero. So the
hope that the winds do die down as expected, that
they do change direction later on, and that the people
that are out there busting their asses to try to
get this contained and beat it back, you know, get
what they need.
Speaker 1 (13:30):
Exit. How about a fresca exit swollen dome the Jason
Smiths with Mike Carmon live from the Tirac dot Com studios,
And you know, just lastly on this, you know, you
see the phrase thrown around all day has been Oh
it looks like a post apocalyptic scene from a post
apocalyptic movie. And I and I get that, but I
always keep going back to it. No, there's nothing like
all these these these scenes of devastation that you see.
There's nothing. It is not husked out buildings, there's not.
Oh you can tell. Look look at the seventy six
ball sign like it's Jurassic Part No, it's it's there's nothing.
There's nothing recognizable. It's just you know, bits of a
S C on the ground. I mean, it's just and
as far as you can see. And that's why that
that one video that I that I saw the drone
shot of the neighborhood in the Pacific Palisades, it's everything
is the same, every every house is all the way
down to the bottom and it's just rubble. There's nothing.
There's nothing sticking up. There's no lamp post, there's no
big tree, there's no there's no telephone pole. Like everything
is all the way down to the to the ground,
and you can see forever looking through it because there's
no there's nothing to stop your vision because nothing is standing.
That's really interesting that.
Speaker 3 (14:39):
It's a framework, right, and the shell of these different
what were multi million dollar homes and businesses and life
lives and dreams and all of that. So you know,
the sobering reminder, hold on tight to what you got,
be thankful, uh and and fight like hell uh for
yourselves and for those that you love.
Speaker 1 (14:59):
Exit. How about a Fresca exit swollen Dome. The Jason
Smith Show with Mike Carmen, Live from the tirec dot
Com Suit. I just wanted to spend a few minutes,
you know, talking about this. You know, it's here, it's
where we are, It's it's you know, so if the
show is a little weird tonight, you know, id's you know,
this is kind of stuff that's on our mind while
we're doing the show. And you know, Justin f like
I said, Justin Frostberg could get evacuated any minute where
he lives, and Shay could as well. Uh, you know,
wondering would we go to sleep tonight, you to leave
the phones on to make sure if there's any alert
that needs to come in, because who knows where what's
going to happen over the course of the night. It
is just that kind of bit here.
Speaker 3 (15:34):
But well, just a moment of levity that I need
to bring in this moment right because to show how
much this is weighing on your heart and mind. The
knicks one in Big Bodega was back and this is
still you know for you just everything. Yeah, it's right,
Like try tried to bring the bit of levity to
it because you had a big moment on the field,
but that's just pales and compare everything else.
Speaker 1 (16:02):
The Jason Smiths with Mike Carmen livethtirec dot Com Studios.
But as you know it, we say it all the time.
Our business is sports. Thank you for listening to the
last few minutes here and what we're all dealing with
and what everybody is dealing with on a much bigger
level than us so far with trying to keep trying
to stay alive, trying to stay safe as the firefighters,
the brave, brave first responders try to fight this and
get it under control. But as you said, like, hey,
our business sports and you turn in tune into us
so we can take you away from stuff like this.
Sometimes supportant to talk about for a couple minutes, but
straight ahead we'll get back into not one, but two
big stories out of the NFL, and one that's without
a doubt, my favorite NFL story of the day because
it illustrates the well, it illustrates the shortcomings of one
NFL team looking for a head coach, Chicago Bears. We'll
get to that coming up next. Jason and Mike, this
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Speaker 2 (18:01):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern seven
pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.
Speaker 1 (18:12):
Fox Sports Radio. The Jason Smith Show with My best
friend Mike Harmon Livethtirack dot com Studios. So, uh, this,
without a doubt, this is my favorite NFL story of
the day because you just want to I wanted to
give the Bear credit last night for being the cleanest
mess out of all six of the teams looking for
a new head coach, like hey, look they're the cleanest mess.
And then this story today and this, I just shake
my head and go, wow, Bear's gonna bear Man. So
there's a report that the Chicago Bears who are gonna
have an interview with Ben Johnson. Right, there's four teams
that Lions all see Ben Johnson says he'll interview with
and the Bears one of them. Remember, he backed off
being a head coach last year for whatever reason, and
now decided I want to jump in this year when
all the job are terrible. So that Chicago is asking
Ben Johnson to present a leadership plan since he's never
been a head coach and an office coordinator. All the
other coaches that the Bears are talking to, they want
them to present quarterback plans. But not Ben Johnson because
you know, he's got the quarterback thing down pretty good
because of the success he's had with the lines of
the OC. But this is where I go, What the blank?
Speaker 3 (19:26):
Speaker 1 (19:27):
If the most important thing you are asking all the
other coaches is give us a quarterback plan, Like how
do you get Caleb Williams to be great? If all
of that is, if that's the most important thing, you
got fit because you have a lot of interviews, You
got like fifteen other coaches right now at least that
you're gonna do probably more. I'm sure the seventeen eighteen,
twenty twenty five by tomorrow thirty forty five, everyone's just saying, hey, okay, hey,
what's the quarterback Plan's quarterback plan? But the guy who's
got the quarterback plan, no, no, no, no, we want
him to do a leadership thing.
Speaker 3 (19:57):
What the hell do you want? Man?
Speaker 1 (20:01):
The most important thing is something that a candidate already has.
But no, no, No, we're gonna make him talk about
what it means to be a leader instead, because we
got to ask him something like, if this doesn't tell
you that that's your guy, what else you're looking for?
I mean, really, the fact that the one guy has
everything covered you want but every nobody else does. You're
still gonna find a way to say, Well, if he
doesn't tell us a good quarter, a good plan for leadership,
we're not gonna hire him like man Bear's gonna bear
like the Bear. Hey, no, we don't like being the
number one destination for a job. We want to make
sure we're just as down at the bottom as the
Jets are and the Raiders are and the Saints are.
Speaker 3 (20:36):
We want to be down on the ground.
Speaker 1 (20:38):
With those teams too, So we're gonna do something stupid
like this.
Speaker 3 (20:41):
Well, this one, this one isn't the worst thing the
Bears have done all along, because what did you hear
from every player in their exit interviews? Not the ones
you made up? And that game we played yesterday were spectacular,
by the way, but the idea every one of them
was like, we need leadership, we need accountability. You know,
if this guy we're here, you know, speaking to a
guy like Vrabel right, using an example, a player who
had played for him in Tennessee. If he's here, half
the blank that we were doing doesn't happen. In other words,
just like down in Miami, nobody ruled the building. And
that's really an indictment of all these other veterans, right
from Keenan Allen on down. You got guys that are
in the league a decade and what are they doing shrugging, Oh,
and it's not my job responsibility. No, the veterans have
always policed the locker room. At least that's what I've
been told my entire adult life, right that the coaches obviously, yeah,
the buck stops there, But in the locker room, if
the guys aren't putting in their work, they're gonna hear
about it. Why because it's taking dollars and reps and
stats out of their pott you know, mouths and pockets
and everything else, right and off the back of their
football cards. So yeah, that's what the Bears have been crying,
one player after the next. So I guess on some level,
good whoever is working these sound bites for Kevin Warren,
they've at least gotten back to him there. Hey, they
they're demanding in thirsting leadership in the locker room. Because
in the case of Johnson, you could say, well asked
an answered on quarterback. He's gotten the best out of
Jared Goff. So if you're looking at what you need
from him, he hasn't been a head coach. So yes,
the leadership and responsibility and how you would be a
top down leader in that regard. Yeah, that's not the
worst thing to go through. I'd like him to have
the plan for the quarterback at the ready to I
would like to spend a few minutes on that. How
do we get him away from sixty eight sacks? Go?
Will you have a stumblebum play in week one?
Speaker 1 (22:48):
But here's the thing is like, want you want some
BS leadership plan?
Speaker 3 (22:53):
Like you're not gonna know Hey, hey, hey, there's degrees
and certifications in that.
Speaker 1 (22:58):
You don't know how good a guy is gonna be
until he actually coaches the team. Hey, I'll give you
a great leadership plan. I'll tell you things I plan
on doing and not the Mike McDaniel plan of oh hey, yeah,
this year we had a lot of guys late to meetings.
There was no discipline, but I'll fix that next year.
I mean, I could give you any answer you want.
On my leadership, I plan on being a strong leader.
I plan on instilling discipline. Oh oh, that's our guy.
I said, No, you don't know about a guy.
Speaker 3 (23:22):
If he just gives me those bullet points, I kick
the door immediately. He gave me no specificity. Beat it.
I want people to come to meetings on time.
Speaker 1 (23:31):
Like what do you want? What do you want? What
do you want the guy to say? Hey, I'm gonna
construct this really special system where I put I put
some kind of hot foot system on somebody's under somebody sneakers,
where if they're late to a meeting, it starts to
heat up a little bit, so they have to run
inside the meeting. When they get inside, I turn it
off and then they're in the meeting and everybody's on time.
Speaker 3 (23:51):
Like my first order of business. First order of business
is I need three hundred air tags. Are players and
you just watch them all walk for each of their backpacks,
each of their cars, look at them all.
Speaker 1 (24:08):
It's like watching an ant form.
Speaker 3 (24:10):
Oh there's these two guys over here imbedded at any
team issued sneakers. Yeah, let's go.
Speaker 1 (24:15):
Yeah, now, hey, why not get them all marauders maps
so they know how to move around.
Speaker 3 (24:19):
That's exactly what we're doing. That's right. It's the Bears
version of patent pending. Patent pending. You want accountability, coach
has his. He's got it all together right here on
this wall.
Speaker 1 (24:32):
Look at it.
Speaker 3 (24:32):
He's moving around.
Speaker 1 (24:36):
That's just infer it is the receivers room.
Speaker 3 (24:39):
Found a couple of rats and put them inside there
to them. Oh yeah, no, the the worst. Look the
Patriots were worse because now you got this report coming
out after they got their ass handed to them by
the Cardinals. Instead of starting to break down film, drod
Mao said, how the hell with this, I'm gonna go
play cars.
Speaker 1 (25:01):
It's gonna play on you.
Speaker 3 (25:02):
I think that's a little worse than asking if you
have a leadership. Yeah no, no, that's why he's out
of a job versus asking for one.
Speaker 1 (25:09):
I get you be Ben Jonson's thing, how do you?
I will lead like Girodmeo. I will lead by example.
I will do bad interviews and I'll play cards with
the guys on the planestead of hanging out with my
assistant coaches. That's what I'll do. I will lead like it.
Speaker 3 (25:22):
Speaker 1 (25:22):
No, it's not gonna be the No, it's not okay,
all right, that's great, all right, that's fine, that's that's perfect.
I don't why.
Speaker 3 (25:28):
I don't know what the bears want. What he's gonna
do everything? Like he's two face, Yeah, what do you
flipping a coin? Actually?
Speaker 1 (25:35):
And he just turns his head when he's talking to
the raking. Hey, when I'm when I'm when I'm talking
to Caleb Williams, I'm turned this way when I'm talking
to Roma Dune say, I'm looking this way like this
is so, what's your leadership plan? What are you talking about?
It's like they're just making stuff up. Let's let's find
out what his leadership plan is gonna be. Okay. You
know what, Guys get promoted all the time, from coordinator
to head coach. It happens all the time. Sometimes guys
get the promotion after they've been a head coach. Sometimes
I get it for the first time. But I mean,
I don't know what.
Speaker 3 (26:07):
You expect them to to say?
Speaker 1 (26:09):
What I would just say, what are you looking for
me to say it? I'll tell you what, like what
what what do you want? What do you want me
to say, what do you want me to say? Everyone
will be at meetings on time? Right?
Speaker 3 (26:16):
This is not the Dolphins?
Speaker 1 (26:17):
Okay, great? Uh, you know I'm not gonna embarrass you
in the press of not your odd mayo. Great? What what? What?
What is it? What's in a leadership plan that's gonna
make you say, Oh, I like what this guy's got
to say. I really know he's got He's got some
kind of secret plan to lead this team that I'd
never thought before. That's gonna be that's gonna turn the
NFL on its ear. No one's gonna get it. But boy,
this works. He's our guy. Like, what does that even
ask somebody a leadership plan? If I'm Ben Johnson, I go, dude,
you're interviewing me to be the head coach, right, which
is the leader of this program? So obviously you think
I can be a good lead. You want to know
my leadership plan? What? What?
Speaker 3 (26:54):
What do you?
Speaker 1 (26:55):
What are you talking about?
Speaker 3 (26:56):
Speaker 1 (26:57):
That that? If I'm Ben, I'm like, you know what, No,
I I got a bunch of other teams that want me.
I can go someplace else.
Speaker 3 (27:02):
Speaker 1 (27:03):
I thought you were at the top. I thought you
were different. I thought you were that team I wanted
to go to, but no, no, no, I'd rather talk to
the Raiders. Now, when's my Raiders interview? What's that coming up?
I want to go there instead?
Speaker 3 (27:15):
Yeah, I I've now got like forty five questions I
want to around here, And then there's so many movie
references that come flying in what would you say you
do here? So it's just that that curiosity of trying
to you can look because he's obviously far and away
the guy you want. Because we're assuming away that Vrabel
goes to New England or to the Raiders. Then you've
got Pete Carroll, the wildcard, our guy. Softy I guess
did some hits in Chicago talking about culture and leadership
and saying, hey, out of all of these guys, is
he not better? And you know what, it's as much
as we kind of had fun at the Bear's expense
with all of the interviews, and he kind of rise
up above all the guys that have never done it. Yeah,
I guess he kind of does. Uh. So you know,
if nothing else, he's gonna be entertaining, he's gonna chew
gum uh, and he's gonna be stalking the sidelines like
nobody's business. But for for Ben Johnson as a guy
who's never coached before. Yeah, you're trying to figure out
what's what's the angle that you need to get at him? Again,
the quarterback thing is asked and answered, how did you
get the best out of Jared Goff? I got a
lot of great players around him. Okay, done? So what
do we do now? And if I'm Ben Johnson, the
the thing I'd first ask back is, Hey, which one
of you guys am I reporting to? Because that becomes
the the uh what was it? Will Smith in suicide
squad as he's out in the yard and he's he's
doing all this stuff with the targets, and he starts
talking and he's talking to Amanda Waller, the hunt yap
talking to your boss, not you, because the assumption is
who he's speaking to here it's Ben Johnson. It Will
know definitively, you're speaking right through Ryan Poles. He's a
fall guy. He's an ex GM in waiting. So the
whole thing is to Kevin Warren and whichever mc caskey
is in the room.
Speaker 1 (29:21):
I really it's it's it passes, It passes understanding the
way every day you know, these teams who need to
show that, hey, we're a safe destination. Right, you can
come here and coach and everything's gonna be fine. Right,
it just passed up said that every day there's nope, nope, nope,
we're gonna show you we really don't do things the
right way. We really have no idea, Like this Bear
story today is insane. You know, you look at the
Patriots who now you know, Albert Breer from Monday Morning
Quarterback and Sports Illustrated said that, hey, they're they're making
a mockery of the Rooney rule interviewing people just because
they can that have no shots of getting this job,
just so they can jump to the top of the
line to go get Mike. Like these teams that are
just absolutely terrible and are at the absolute bottom, continue
to show there's a reason why we're this bad.
Speaker 3 (30:07):
Is what this is.
Speaker 1 (30:08):
No, this is no fluke where hey we've had a
couple of bad years. No, no, no, we're showing you there's
reasons why we're at the bottom and why we're not achieving,
and we want to show you all what that's. We're
a little shady and maybe we don't know what we're doing,
but we want to make sure you see that. Hey,
all our cards are on the table. You come here,
you can't say were lied to you. You know the
absolute mess that we are and you came here anyway.
Speaker 3 (30:29):
You know we are in shambles. And guess what, we're
one of thirty two. You want to work in the NFL,
you gotta pick one of us, one of us. I mean,
come on, that's really where we're at and all of this,
Like you want to wait another year? I mean, ask
Bobby Slowick. He's getting a couple of interviews. I think
he's getting a job after what went on in Houston
this year. No, look at look at uh my man
in Cincinnati on Rumo.
Speaker 1 (30:59):
He was not him all the time. He got fired.
It was your fault, but it might be my fault.
Speaker 3 (31:05):
But he was a guy that everybody liked two years ago,
right after they had made their Super Bowl run as
much as we were excited about Joe Burrow on the offense, Like, boy,
that defense had something special. You gotta be a coordinator
next year? Maybe maybe not.
Speaker 1 (31:19):
Things change in a year, many change. That's his relationships changing.
I love that person last year, this year not so much. Okay,
that's December thirtieth, I Love You. January second, not so
much exit out about a Fresca exit swollen down the
Jason Smith Show with my best friend Mike carbon I
love when teams to say no, no, no, we want to
show you the absolute mess that we really are.
Speaker 4 (31:41):
Speaker 1 (31:41):
Time now to find out what's trending tonight in the
wide world of sports from Monzi Milano's who will use
what is left of her voice to tell you what
is trending right now?
Speaker 4 (31:50):
Jason, my voice is actually coming back. You should have
heard me on Wednesday of last week. I was supposed
to be here with you guys, and I was like,
I'm going to get sent home, Like I'm gonna show up.
You're all gonna be like, go home.
Speaker 1 (32:01):
You sounded like super Dave Osborne. Well. Tonight in the
world world of sports, the Clippers lost ong.
Speaker 3 (32:06):
Final score was one seventeen and ninety five.
Speaker 4 (32:09):
That sounded better than I did on Wednesday. I like
couldn't speak, it was it was so bizarre. Thursday, I
kind of sounded like that but still pretty bad. So
I'm finally getting it back. But I know I was like,
I missed my sexy voice. Apparently have to smoke cigarettes
or something to keep it.
Speaker 3 (32:23):
And I'm not gonna do that smoke. Yeah, that's what
I've heard. Bumke up, Johnny. Yeah, but we're not.
Speaker 1 (32:30):
We're not doing that though. I see MONSI and tomorrow
and she's gonna have a cigarette one and a glass
of whiskey in the other.
Speaker 3 (32:36):
Wow, that's it, Darling, going full of Marlene Dietrich. Yes,
that we're doing that's pretty bad ass.
Speaker 1 (32:42):
Let's talk about the knicks that you want to one
seventeen to one oh one.
Speaker 3 (32:47):
You have a stand up bass player behind you, Monsi, Yeah,
I mean scores, you're selling it.
Speaker 1 (32:53):
I'm into this.
Speaker 2 (32:54):
Hold on, Maybe we're onto something here.
Speaker 3 (32:56):
This is the Husky Moncy Blandos with your update. Right.
Speaker 4 (33:01):
Oh well, guys, I think the Cavaliers are onto something
because now they've won eleven in a row. After beating
the thunder one twenty nine to one twenty two. Jared
Allen led the way for Cleveland with twenty five points
and twelve rebounds. The Pacers beat the Bulls won twenty
nine to one thirteen, and the seventy six ers survived
one oh nine to one oh three against the Wizards.
Carl Anthony Towns dropped twenty seven points and thirteen rebounds
as the Knicks defeated the Raptors one twelve to ninety eight,
and the Nuggets without Nicolo Yogic because of illness. Cruz
passed the Clippers one twenty six to one oh three.
LA played without Kawhi Leonard. He was excused for tonight's
game for personal reasons tied to the wildfires in LA.
The NBA is still monitoring the situation as it pertains
to Thursday's game between the Lakers and the Hornets. The
bull the Bucks rolled past the Spurs one twenty one
to one oh five. There is still a game going
on in the NHL, who also canceled a game today.
The Flames and the Kings did not play because of
the fires. Right now, the Panthers are beating the Utah
Hockey Club two to one with about five minutes to
go in the third period. In college hoops, Villa Nova
ended number nine Yukon's eight game winning streak with the
sixty eight to sixty six victory. All of the ranked
teams that played in college hoops won. There were no
upsets but number ten Texas A and M at one
point was down eighteen came back to defeat number seventeen
Oklahoma eighty to seventy eight. Speaking of the fires, back
to that, the NFL is monitoring that situation when it
comes to Monday's Wildcard game between the Vikings and the Rams,
supposed to be at Sofi Stadium, if necessary, they're going
to relocate the game to State Farm Stadium in Glendale, Arizona.
Other NFL news, Ravens wide receivers Day Flowers missus second
straight practice because of a knee injury. Eagles quarterback Jalen
Hurts was limited in practice and remains in concussion protocol.
Speaker 1 (34:47):
Back to you, guys, Thanks a bunch, Monsen yet. Jason
Smith SJOW with Mike Carmen live from the ti iraq
dot com studios. Hey, don't forget. Our Best of podcast
goes up right after the show is over on iTunes
wherever you get your podcasts from, just search Jason Smith
and Mike Harmon download rate us, give us five stars.
We'll love you forever and ever and ever again. Wherever
you get your podcast from just search Jason Smith and
Mike Harmon, it will be there right after the show
is over Tonight again don't forget give us that five
star rating. Mike and I love putting this content for
you out every single night. Coming up next, evidence today
that it is clear that one person is not gonna
come back to the NFL. We all thought might who
is it? We'll tell you next Jason and Mike Fox.
Speaker 2 (35:35):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific.
Speaker 1 (35:42):
Fox Sports Radio The Jason Smith Show with My best
friend Mike Harmon Live from Thetireck dot Com Studios. You know,
it was just a month ago where we said, hey,
that low Bill Belichick buyout for year one at nor
North Carolina. If the NFL calls, he's gonna go. And
then we get the story today that Tom Brady reached
out to Belichick about potentially coming on and being the
head coach of the Las Vegas Raiders. And then some
couple of industry people that think Dana Rassini was one
of them that said, yeah, Belichick is staying at North Carolina. Uh,
he's not going to the NFL, not going to the Raiders. Now,
this story kinda shook everybody a little bit because wait,
a minute way Belichick could come back after all of this, Well, yeah,
we told you he would if the NFL came calling.
But after what we've seen the last week, Belichick is
staying in college. Right, He's after this year. He's not
gonna get another call to come back to the NFL. Right,
it's two years gone, He's doing his year at North Carolina.
It's not gonna happen. Yes, he wants fifteen wins to
pass Don Shula and be the all time winning his
coach in NFL history. Probably wants to try to win
a Super Bowl again, but I think he knows maybe
that's gone. I didn't win one without Tom Brady, and
I got to go somewhere that we're really locked and
loaded and ready to win. And therein lies the reason
why Belichick's not coming back. He's only going to have
a couple of years to prove himself that he still
has his fastball, and it means he's got to win
it a decent clip the first two years. Right, when
you throw all of that into the end of the hopper, right,
he's got to win the first couple of years. He's
got to win fifteen games to break the record at
don chulads at three hundred and forty seven wins. He's
got three thirty three. Right now, I understand why he's
not coming back and why he won't be in the
NFL again, because which of these six teams can he
come in and coach and win fifteen games in the
next two years? Who the Bears might be the only
one that if he catches lightning in a bottle, and
but it's you know, he hasn't been the guy to
say I'm coming in being an offensive whisperer for a
young quarterback who's got issues. Look what he did to
Mac Jones, right, Look look at look at he did
to Look what he did after Brady left. Okay, it
just didn't work. He's not a building a quarterback. Which
of those teams is he gonna go to and win game?
None of them because all the openings this year are terrible.
They're all bottom of the barrel teams with not a
lot of talent, needing to start over at many different positions.
You're not gonna win fifteen games the next two years
with the Jets. You're not going back to New England.
You're not doing it with the Bears. You're not doing
it with the Saints. All of these teams, none of them,
the Raiders not doing it there, the division is too good.
None of these teams. He's gonna come in and say, yeah,
I can succeed it. And again with only a couple
of years to prove it. If he wins three games
one year and four the next, no one's gonna say, hey, Bill,
come on back, man, you're our guy. This is gonna work. No,
not happening. So this is why he's not coming back
because when you say in the end, always the NFL
would call him, Yeah, certain teams would call him. He
would come back, but it's got to be a team
that can win somewhat soon. And by that I mean,
you know, seven or eight wins this year and maybe
ten to eleven wins the next year, and none of
those teams out there or there. He's staying with North
Carolina at this point. Wow, Harmon is speechless. He is
absolutely speechless. But that's how it goes. Look, we'll get
Harmon back at some point. So I'm sure he's yelling, going, ah.
Speaker 3 (39:12):
My microphone, my microphone.
Speaker 1 (39:16):
Belichick is a guy to go a little bit more
in depth on this. Now, Belichick is a guy who
if he had a more ready team, I would understand, right,
I would understand that, but it's not there. The other
portion of it is this is that how bad does
this make New England look that they couldn't keep it
going with Belichick and Brady? Because clearly, as bad as
it was for Belichick and Brady, right as bad as
it was for both of them, the fact that Brady
reached out to say, hey, would you come back and
maybe coach this team tells me that the problems they
had weren't insurmountable. They weren't problems at all. We just
can't have it anymore. But they made these problems themselves, right,
we talked about it last night the Patriot. All of
that's why they're the worst on field team in the
NFL the last five years, because all their wounds and
all their lack of talent is self inflicted, because Brady
and Belichick couldn't get along and Bob Craft couldn't broker
a piece of the point where well, we had to
let Brady move on. We're low balling him with contract offers.
But now, oh now we get along well. Looking, Belichick's
at my roast and everything is going okay, and boy,
Nikki Glazer is there. I mean, all of these things
are happening, and it seems like, oh, Brady and Belichick
have realized that, uh, you know, okay, maybe things don't
have to be this bad. Maybe we can we can
work together. If Brady's being the owner, I mean sure,
I'm sure he likes the power trip. If yeah, I'm
your boss, now, Bill, how do you like that? How
do you like that billion? But just the fact that
he reaches out for this tells me that maybe that
relationship isn't so bad, which tells you it never had
to end in the first place. That if they found
a way to be smart and not petty and not
emotional and not caught up in the moment, that there
would have been a way for the Patriots to continue
to move on, for them to continue to say, Okay,
let's go for another couple of years here, Brady is
still really good. Let's not lowball him here. Let's give
him a decent contract the next couple of years, and
we'll make it work. And then after when Brady is done, hey,
he retires a pard And that's how it goes, right,
So that's how it should have been. That's how it
always should have been, but instead they couldn't figure it out,
so it's really their fault.
Speaker 3 (41:19):
Robert Kraft needed to not read all those bad books.
Speaker 1 (41:23):
Coming up next, the Brocalypse is here, Fox