All Episodes

June 15, 2024 37 mins

Jason and Mike react to Charles Barkley announcing that he is retiring from TV after the 2024-25 season. And Klay Thompson has unfollowed the Warriors on Instagram and deleted all Warriors-related content from his page!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Jason Smith Show with Mike
Harmon podcast. Be sure to catch us live every weeknight
ten pm to two am Eastern seven to eleven pm
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Speaker 2 (00:22):
Lease give this you're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:29):
Hello, Welcome in side hour three The Jason Smith Show
with my best friend Mike Harmon, YO live from the
tirag dot com studios tirec dot com. I'll hope you
get there an unmatched selection, fast, free shipping, free roadhazard protection,
and over ten thousand recommended installers tirack dot com the
way tire buying should be. We'll have a big, developing

NBA story to get to in a couple of seconds,
but first, I really wanted to be more excited about
this today because it's something you know, whenever something cuts
through the clutter, it's something the United States hasn't done.
We're you know, getting ready for the Olympics, all kinds
of stuff, but apparently the United States is in the
Super eight of the Cricket World Cup. Yeah, which I

guess means they're in the quarter finals. If in the
Super eight eight teams left, United States is one of them,
that sounds right, Yeah, like they beat Pakistan, who's great, right,
Oh that was a big, big upset. Yeah, you know
Indian Pakistan. I mean I know that much. They're two
of the best cricket teams catch in the world. But
the United States is now in the in the Super
eight or so basically the quarter finals of the of

the Cricket World Cup. And I really wish I understood
cricket more. I can't tell you how many times I
have tried to look at cricket and understand how the
game is. And they work so hard. Dude, it's it's impotant.
You can explain cricket to me, then go ahead, explain cricket.
They swing at a ball that gets bounced and then
they need to hit it, and the outfielders touch it
with no glove, right, But then you run you throw

it back in right. But you can hit it anywhere.
You can hit it anywhere like in a You don't
need to hit it fair. You can hit it anywhere,
hit in the stands. I think it's a home run.
I think it's a good thing. You just keep running
back and forth the field. You don't know about hitting,
Come on, man. But the best part of it is
that you know they they ended up advancing because of weather. Yeah,

that was the best part. Yes, not because of actually
being great dominated. Well, they've won game. Yeah. No, I'm not.
I'm not dismissing that. I'm just saying like that. It's
not all Hey, we're just eating the hell out of
all these other let's explain of the world. It's done
like the World Cup cricket. World Cup is done like
the World Cup, in which you have group play and

then you know, winners move on. Now, the United States
moves on because the field was too wet for them
to play a game against Ireland or a match a
match a match against Ireland, they couldn't play. And so
because they couldn't play on the field, it's a pitch
and the pitch. Both teams got a point and that
eliminated Pakistan, yeah, and sent the United States on to

the Super Eight. That's it. Yeah, because Nikistan needed the
US loss and a victory over Ireland in their match.
So do you think we did one of those Crash
Davis rainouts. Hey, y oh, the field's too wet. We
can't play. We're going on, We're onto the Super eight.
You want to go down into the cal Ripkin conspiracies
while we're at it? Well, no, we got in terms

of summers, we intentional things off the veil. Crash Davis
thing actually happened in a movie. Everybody's seen it. You
go wanted to rain out, You gotta rainout. It's kind
of funny. You wanted to know if if imitating art,
there was an hour outage and they couldn't play, then
I would say, okay, but this was a rain out
we saw the Rawer outage was an album from a CDC,
A rain out. When's your birthday? November? I know what

I'm getting you? What are you getting me? They got
a book called Cricket for Dummies. Oh okay, how long
is it? If it's a long book, I'm not going
to read it. How long can it be? I don't know?

Speaker 3 (03:48):
I wait, November? What is it?

Speaker 1 (03:50):
Why? Maybe I don't want to tell you. I'm just asking,
do you want to steal my identity from a credit
card when I pay for food?

Speaker 4 (03:56):

Speaker 1 (03:57):
I'm not doing it.

Speaker 3 (03:58):
Yeah, well yeah, so and who are you bank with?

Speaker 1 (04:02):
Yeah? Here's my social Security number? Ready?

Speaker 3 (04:04):
You know, I know I actually want to read.

Speaker 1 (04:06):
That's with McDonald's six eight. I'm loving it. It's November eight,
tasically done.

Speaker 3 (04:11):
You're a scorpio?

Speaker 1 (04:13):

Speaker 3 (04:13):
Yeah, what what is it?

Speaker 5 (04:15):
What do you mean?

Speaker 1 (04:16):
Scorba was a pretty cool character on General hosta wait
wait by the great Tristan Rogers. Let's go so, why is.

Speaker 3 (04:23):
A terrible people? Scorcios are terrible?

Speaker 1 (04:25):
Hell are you talking about? What are you talking about?
She knows him. Frostburg's response is I wish I had
that on camera. Did you major in in birth signs?

Speaker 3 (04:36):
Well, it's called astrology.

Speaker 1 (04:38):
Yeah, that's what I mean.

Speaker 3 (04:39):
You're terrible, By the way, how what do you mean
I'm terrible?

Speaker 1 (04:41):
What are you talking about?

Speaker 4 (04:42):

Speaker 1 (04:43):
Great people? Tom Seaver was born in November. Dwight Gooden
was born in November.

Speaker 3 (04:48):
All bad people?

Speaker 5 (04:49):
What do you mean?

Speaker 1 (04:49):
You don't even know who they are? You have no
idea who exactly?

Speaker 3 (04:52):
That's means they're not good people because I don't know
who they are. What do you mean the scorpios?

Speaker 1 (04:56):
Well, I don't know you, but I didn't know you
until a couple each guys say you were a good person.

Speaker 3 (04:59):
Maybe now you a good person.

Speaker 1 (05:00):
What's your sign?

Speaker 3 (05:01):
I'm the Aries. Oh that's terribly the best of the best.

Speaker 1 (05:04):
That's terrible.

Speaker 3 (05:04):
No, that's a lie.

Speaker 1 (05:05):
No, Aries is no, No, you're not.

Speaker 3 (05:07):
Where the frests of the sign studied.

Speaker 1 (05:10):
I look at the power rankings of astrological signs. Score
you know at the top, you're at the by just
saw it right, you're bias. Mel Kuiper has his big
board of astrological signs going into the summer, and Aries
is at the bottom some time.

Speaker 3 (05:23):
Yeah, a lot of times.

Speaker 1 (05:24):
You have the Aries and an arrow going down next
to it, so I know you've been going down the
last few months. There you go, So I know wherever
you are the top. What the best part about this
whole argument is you brought Mets players in to defend
yourself like that was gonna help. That is truecause I
was thinking of that because Tom Seaver was born the

day before my birthday. Guy's name who did crack while
he pitched a playoffs Scorpio Wally pitched a player.

Speaker 3 (05:52):
I want to be at Scarpio.

Speaker 1 (05:54):
Tom Seaver was born before the day before me. And
Dwight Gooden is born the day after me. So what
did I say about you? I want to say this,
if there was a fight, scorpios are winning. We're stinging
you and winning. Who are we losing to crack balls?
Who we losing to the bulls. We're gonna sting the
bulls and those are gonna trample Scorpio just jumps on

your back and the bull goes. Six years ago today,
Mike not not Jordan pushed off. Nothing got to push
off if they don't call it. But I wish I
understood cricket more. I really wish I did. In fact,
you're going to try and go through astrological. That's me
gumming your next assignment because you're mad at Mary right now.
See there's just kind of chuckling over here, Frostbury. I

don't think I've see him laugh that hard in a while.
What is Mary? And you brought up a couple of
mens to do? Mary? Why why do scorpio? Why then
do the terrible? No? No, no, no, no, give me
a reason what you can't just.

Speaker 5 (06:49):
Say it without that.

Speaker 1 (06:53):
Terrible It's not a choice.

Speaker 3 (06:54):
I didn't pick.

Speaker 1 (06:55):
I had no choice in the matter.

Speaker 3 (06:57):
You did though you could have chold when to come Hi,
I went not to and he also come out of
the scorpions.

Speaker 1 (07:01):
Should have wait, Boots, I should have waited until a week?
Why did ye? Why did they celebrate opening daylight where
they spy about? If I wait another couple of weeks,
I could be as sagittarius.

Speaker 5 (07:12):
Now what what do you? What do you mean?

Speaker 3 (07:13):
Who doesn't want to be a fire sign?

Speaker 1 (07:15):
Okay, wait wait wait wait so the best part about
this also he has no idea Your dad would agree
with her? If you ask my dad, I don't know
that I would he know my birthday right at the top?

Speaker 3 (07:29):
I mean I would want to remember a scorpio, Dad?

Speaker 1 (07:32):
Would what tell me? One week? You can't just say hey,
they're terrible and not give a reason.

Speaker 3 (07:36):
We got born in the in the autumn, like who
was't be born like in the cold? Change an terrible?

Speaker 5 (07:43):

Speaker 1 (07:44):
Who hurt you? Mary? What? What? What score? What's did
a score? What happened? What happened? What did a scorpio
do to you?

Speaker 3 (07:49):
We're not trauma dumping on national.

Speaker 1 (07:51):
Did you guys say you the guy in the place?
Did a teacher fail you? Who was a scorpio? And
grace didn't work. Did you have a significant other who
was a scorpio? And and is that what happened? We're
talking about you, right, you start playing the violin under this.
I got you. You're the one who said scorpios are
bad people and you have no you have no evidence.

Speaker 3 (08:13):
I have evidence. Yeah, that terrible.

Speaker 1 (08:16):
You're using the money python logical is she weighs more
than a duck, then she's a witch. That's no logic.
I just typed in. We're scorpio Scorpios of all time?
Wor score? What? And how many men?

Speaker 5 (08:30):
You got?

Speaker 1 (08:31):
Zero matches? Well?

Speaker 5 (08:32):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (08:33):
The first response was why do people hate scorpios? Bad
negative zodiac sign traits? See how about this one?

Speaker 5 (08:41):

Speaker 1 (08:41):
Are we the most horrible sign in the zodiac? Go ahead, prosper.
They may twist facts to suit their purpose, Oh, mesio.
Scorpios can be quite selfish and even manipulative. See okay,
terrible okay.

Speaker 3 (08:56):
And their crackheads is that whoa?

Speaker 1 (08:58):
Okay? Now you see you were having a pretty good
argument there, and then you really now you just blew
it that. You just you just you're just hires. You
just blew it. You just blew it, you know, you
know you didn't. You were like when when in the
office when he dress Elba made Dwight his number two,
and then all Jim had to do was let Dwight
talk a little bit and then he justself realize, Oh

my god, Dwight's a lunatic. That's what you just did
right there. You just do a little too much and
did the whole crackhead thing. And now you're like you
lost You brought it up though, No, what are you
talking about? Did bring up you? Did?

Speaker 3 (09:30):
You brought it up?

Speaker 1 (09:30):
I didn't.

Speaker 3 (09:32):
I would have known the information if it wasn't for you.
You brought it up.

Speaker 1 (09:35):
You didn't. She knew as much his tie shirt about
the Mets in their histories. And you, I like you,
I like, actually dropped the metso like I would listening
to the show Mezsio, I listen to that right there.
I mean, how did we get on this from cricket?
I mean all I wanted to do, all it say
is I wish I could understand cricket because my dad,
he was little, because my dad has this fascination with England.

He's always loved England. We went there when I was
little and I remember him trying to explain cricket to
me a couple of times, and I'm like, Dad, this
is like trying to explain to me how to drive
a clutch, Like I just I was just pick it up.
I miss driving a clutch. What do you mean So
you can hit the ball anywhere? Well yeah, well not really.
Why is only people? Why do they put people different

plays in the field. If you can hit anywhere, well,
they just don't. So I could like foul it off
and accounts, Yes, it could be a big play. Why
do they run back and forth? Well, they run back
and forth? Okay, why do they I don't understand how
they score the game? Why do the games go? And
it's just too much, like there's a video out now.
It's really funny. My wife show me the other day
of what Americans think of when they think of a

British sport, and it's I think it was like funny
or die did it or somebody, and it's just this.
It looks like it looks like what you would see
a British sport. It's people in sweaters and they're rolling
a hula hoop on the ground and then they run
and they stand around it, and then they go to
a chess board and they make a move and they
walk back in the class and the guy is just
making up words announcing it and he's saying, so there

you see its right down there. Oh that's a that's
a that's a ground one, and that's a ground two. Oh,
very nice, very nice. Now they go to the board
and it's going to be a move. Yes, that that's
that's become a flippant and that is two flippets. Now,
two flippets for the t. That's a that's a graat
that that's a great half round right there. Two flippets

on that. I mean, it's really really funny. You want
to go, Okay, this is what I feel like every
English sport is like. But I really because cricket seems
a lot like baseball. They throw the ball, you swing it,
hit with a paddle. I feel like I need to
do some man on the Street interviews. I like to
think if I use a paddle, I would be able
to hit the ball a little but more just wider,
you know, I have a better chance of hitting it.
And the guy runs it. There's nothing, there's no curage.

Guy's gotta throws. Got to bounce before it is. Yeah,
you know, I mean you gotta get a swing in
the dirt. I mean, I've chased after enough breaking pitches
in the dirt in my life a lot. Yeah, this
one's gonna bounce and come up and I'm gonna get
to hit it maybe, Yeah, And then I run. I
just keep running back and back and forth between the
wickets like you're playing running bases and they throw goes
over somebody's head and just keep running. You got just

running back and forth, just running back. I wish I
knew cricket more. I mean, I'm excited that we're in
Super Let's Go, but uh, I really I don't understand.
It's Super eight a movie about a training stuff. That
was Kyle Chandler. That was it. That was the uh
jj Abrams Stephen Spielberg eighties. Yeah, yes, uh yeah, j

that's your guy. Yeah. I just wish that, Uh. I
wish that we could and I could understand cricket just
a little bit more, try harder. The Jason Smith No,
I've tried. I've tried The Jason Smith Show with my
best friend Mike Carmen live the Tyreck dot Com Studios. Hey,
coming up, next, we're crossing our t's and dotting our rise.

You know when I say that, it means we have
a massive story on the way, and we have a
massive story out of the NBA coming your way. Next.
Right here, Jason and Mike, this is Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (12:57):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern seven
pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 4 (13:08):
Hey, we're Covino and Rich Fox Sports Radio every day
five to seven pm Eastern. But here's the thing. We
never have enough time to get to everything we want
to get to.

Speaker 6 (13:16):
And that's why we have a brand new podcast called
over Promised. You see, we're having so much fun in
our two hour show. We never get to everything, honestly,
because this guy will be over promised in things we
never have time for.

Speaker 1 (13:29):
Yeah, you blubber list Jam and me.

Speaker 4 (13:31):
Well, you know what it's called over promise. You should
be good at it because you've been over promising women
for years.

Speaker 6 (13:35):
Well, it's a Cavino and Rich after show, and we
want you to be a part of it. We're gonna
be talking sports, of course, but we're also going to
talk life and relationships. And if Rich and I are
arguing about something or we didn't have enough time, it
will continue on our after show called over Promised.

Speaker 4 (13:49):
Well, if you don't get enough Covino and Rich, make
sure you check out over Promised and also Uncensored by
the way, so maybe we'll go at it even a
little harder. It's gonna be the best after show podcast
of all time.

Speaker 1 (13:59):
There you go, over Promising.

Speaker 6 (14:01):
Remember you could see it on YouTube, but definitely join us.
Listen to over Promised with Cadino and Rich on the
iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (14:11):
Shut that off. Fox Sports Radio, The Jason Smith Show
with my best friend Mike Harmon Yah live from the
tirag dot com studios. Hold onto your hats. Do we
have an NBA story for you? It's not the Mavericks winning.
It's not well. The Mavericks win Game four tonight, forcing
Game five in Boston on Monday. And I have my

thoughts as to absolutely why this was announced tonight, But
first you gotta hear it. This just from a few
minutes ago. Here again we said we were crossing our
tees Dot and Rise on this story. This was Charles
Barkley on NBATV about ten minutes ago, making a huge

announcement us.

Speaker 5 (14:57):
I want to say this because you guys in my family.
I really love TNT, all the people who work here
NBA Television. You guys been great to me for twenty
four years, and I just want to say thank you
to my entire NBA family. I love you guys. You
know there's been a lot of noise around our network
the last few months, and I just want to say

I've talked to all the other networks, but I ain't
going nowhere other than TNT. But I have made the
decision myself. No matter what happens, next year is going
to be my last year on television, and I just
want to say thank you to my NBA family. You

guys been great to me. My heart is full with
joy and gratitude. But I'm on past the time. At
the end of next year. I hope the NBA stays
with TNT. But for me personally, I wanted you guys
to hear from me because I'm not doing any more interviews.
Don't y'all be calling me. Nobody calls. I'm not talking
about this again, but I wanted to tell my NBA

and NBA TV and TNT family that I'm not going
to another network, but I'm gonna pass baton to either
Jamal Crawford or Vince Carter or you Steve. But next year,
I'm gonna just retire after twenty five years, and I
just want to say thank you, and I wanted you
all to hear from me first.

Speaker 1 (16:24):
So there was Charles Barkley. What's an example of the phrase.
I didn't have that on my Bengo card. Charles Barkley
retiring at midnight on NBA TV on a Saturday next.
I did not have that. For a guy that's loved
attention his entire career, I did not have that. Now,
first things first, this is a big thing to break

down Charles Barkley a few minutes ago on Technic to this.
Next year is his next year? But is it really
his neck last year? First of all, yeah, he says,
I'm not gonna do any interviews. He'll be on Dan
Patrick on Monday. Yeah, Monday. Dan was off today. Now
he'll be back on Monday making an all right, Now, hey, listen,
I know I know that we said, yeah, but Charles,
you're gonna come on with Dan, right, all right, that

great gregra Sylbia. Look on Fox Sports Radio. He'll he'll
be up. You'll see him on. Trust me, that'll happen.
Why tonight, Why did Charles Barkley do this? Now? This
is something that's a pretty big announcement. And again we'll
get into it a couple minutes. Is this really him retiring?
I am sure he thought or is thinking, okay, I

have to announce this when the NBA Finals were over,
and probably thought NBA Finals could be over on Friday
night and they look, the Mavericks are down three zip.
Likely this is the last night I'll be on the air,
so I need some time. I'm going to announce my retirement.
So a few people probably knew. I don't think that

Barkley surprised everybody with it, So I think people knew
he wanted to say he was going to retire. Now,
the Mavericks win the game, so now it's much could
be the last game, and I would be just knowing
how things go in this business, I'm wondering if, okay,
if Barkley doesn't announce tonight, somehow it gets out on Saturday,

so somebody says something to somebody who says somebody to
the wrong thing, and it's shams or it's woes or anybody. Hey,
Barkley's gonna announce his retirement. He's walking away from from
the NBA on TNT and somehow he wanted to make
the announcement himself and that I don't know that I
can keep that a secret until Monday. So he says
it now, because really, is Barkley retiring it midnight on

on NBA TV. Really is that the really that's the
way interesting, that's the way it happened. Yeah, because the
earlier in my timeline this afternoon, I didn't think much
of it. It's like, okay, cool, we're I got a
number of notifications about Barkley being part of things for
NBA TV tonight, right, which is kind of out a
character like I don't I don't know that I've ever

seen that, right, special guest star kind of thing showing
up as as part of the coverage. And obviously Barkley's
a rock star, and we do pay attention to what
he's got to say, and some of it, like we've
talked about through this whole negotiating process and wondering how
many arms come in right, how many people are sitting
at the table when it's all said and done in

terms of networks with different chunks of an NBA schedule
and rights agreement. But you know, some of it for
our other media brethren has been all right, taking Shack
and Charles and seeing how many mistakes they can make
about their college team or whatever. You don't watch this
team a lot, so you don't know, and that's part

of I think what people have made that show as
big as it is also is when they do goof
on each other, it's like you didn't watch that team,
you know, and having fun with it. But whatever he says,
he gets traction. And even on a Friday at midnight
Eastern time early Saturday morning, I mean, this cuts through everything, right,

This is going to be you know, react videos all
over people taking time out from their their third Scotch
or whatever to be like, wait, Charles is leaving, what
the hell? And yeah, if more than three people knew it,
it was gonna leak somewhere somehow. Yeah, I mean it's
it's too hard to keep it a secret. Somebody would
say something, it's too big a story, especially with and

maybe if this wasn't the this wasn't where the TNT
NBA rights were in such a big conversation, where's the
NBA going? It's a constant thing. If this was just hey,
end of the season and Bart, Hey, I think I'm
gonna hang it up called okay, great, You're gonna make
that announcement at the end. But the fact that so
much is going on, and you know, Barkley has talked
to as he said, I've talked to different networks. I'm

sure he has told them, hey, I'm gonna retire or
I'm not gonna do it after next year. Next would
be my last year. And it's not just the people
in the booth or it's not the people working at Turner,
NB and TNT. It's the other networks that he talked to,
because they go one of them could let it slip
peasy going oh yeah, yeah, we're we're we're still looking
at some guys. But Charles is retired. Wait what Yeah,
he told us he wasn't gonna work. The package is

going to be different because well, part of what makes
it even that much more valuable. Look, the games are
always the king, but that show coming with it in
any capacity has value right on Madison Avenue. We you know,
we we know the way the business works and and
how the sausage gets made. So if he's in meetings
and after the pitch is able to say, hey, you know,

I'm out, well that's gonna leak. Yeah right, I mean,
you know, Okay, So they're not going to have him,
who are they going to replace him with? Which is
why he throws up three potential successors with Steve Smith
sitting right now. I don't know that he's going to
get to successor, but even just the idea of bringing
that up a multiple, you know, passing the torch, whether
it's Jamal Crawford or Vince Carter or do you Steve

or Draymond Green Hey exactly. You know, we'll get to
Draymond in a few minutes. Because that's a really interesting
part of this. But so now we get to the
to the real part of this is Charles Barkley really
retired because and this is not me doubting his sincerity
or doubt and hey, next year's my last year, but
just follow how things have gone the last month. And

now I'm not saying he's not telling the truth, but
what we have seen is a big seismic shift coming
in NBA coverage. Right likely what we have seen the
deal with close and close to happening is that you're
going to see the package that TNT has after next
year go to NBC and then another package will go

to Amazon and ESPN, which would leave TNT out of this. Obviously,
there's been conversation with do we take the NBA on
TNT with it's such an unbelievably popular show, do we
take it with us? And I can see the argument
for both sides for whoever is getting the NBA, who
was getting the NBA, Because I could see NBC or

ESPN or Amazon saying, hey, we'd love to have this
group and let's talk about it. I could also see,
you know what, we want to start with our own guys.
We're gonna hire so and so, and we're gonna bring
so and so and so and so. This is gonna
be our booth, and this is what we're gonna do.
So I could see both sides. I mean, you're seeing
with the NFL, right, and there's a package that got sold.
As of now, they haven't announced any of the broadcast

teams and right for later this season. But you know that,
you know for a fact that there's been conversation about
who are we bringing with us and the fact that
we've not really gotten any answers. And Ernie Johnson says,
I'm gonna stay with TNT. I'm not going anywhere. And
here's Barkley saying next year is my last year. And

I've talked to the networks. It's a long time to say.
Next year is my swan song. It's a if he
was really I'm done. Next year's my last year? Nbon
TNT And yeah, is he gonna get the whole in theory,
the whole year long? Goodbye? Oh hey, you know that
when when Guys do when he does Games of Guys,
will Yanna say goodbye to him on TV? When it's

the last game? The bucks are gonna have Are we
gonna see Clay do it? Whatever it is? Yeah, he
would have that on Twitter, Paul, We'll get to Clay.
We got, we got, we got a big Clay TOMPs
story coming up as well. Hey, happy Friday night. Everybody
lots of stuff. But I don't I don't believe for
a second the door is absolutely closed. Because when you

retire and say in a year, there's a lot that
could happen, right, Ernie Johnson could decide, you know what,
I'm feeling great, I want to keep going. TNT is
not gonna be able to give me this. Oh, Amazon
wants to give us all kinds of money. Because Amazon's
the one group where I could say, hey, they could
keep the team together. And if Ernie says I'm going
and Kenny and they say I'm going, Charles because you know,
Barkley's not gonna Hey, oh I said I was gonna retire. No,

I'm gonna stick around front of the year. It's not like
Charles is gonna go back on his where we've seen
guys retired and retire, and Charles is so bleep and
entertaining he could unretire very easily. So is this something
where definitively I think Barkley's out. No, I think this
could be a case where there's been a lot going
on and nobody knows what's going to happen, or either
there's not enough interest in the show right now. So

if I announce I'm done, this is going to force
the hand of whoever is getting the NBA to say, Okay,
well wait, we want Charles if he's gonna if his
leverage is he's retiring, we got to come up with
more money for him. We got to come up with
money for Kenny. We got to come up with whatever
we want to do. So this is while it's a retirement,
this also could be a little bit of a leverage
thing because it's a long again to retire and say

a year from now is the end. That's a is
going to call into the hotline tell us, you know,
leverage is not part of the equation. But I first,
that was the first thing I thought was Charles in
the very beginning of this, when it started to become
a more publicized thing, of all, right, this institution could

go away and look all like all good things they
do come to an end. But the idea that he
brought up was that it's not just the guys on camera,
that there's that whole team at TNT behind the scenes
that he wanted to make sure he was looking out
for as well. Right, he got a little bit a
little bit sappy and sentimental talking about how many graduation

parties he's been to, how many people have had kids,
all of those things that go through the weddings and life,
you know, a happenstance that for him, it's part of
that that larger thing. So while there might be enough
in the budget for the five guys, it's the well,
what else, what else are you giving us? Are you
gonna let us keep our show? In terms of the

production people, producers, writers, camera operator, whatever the case may be.
However deep he wants, he and his team are looking
to you know, it's it is leverage, right, He's gonna
get paid, like if he wants to keep going. There's
no doubt one of those different networks is gonna want
him involved and is to be involved. And it doesn't

need to be leverage. It could be levy, right. It
could be because obviously he has talked about wanting the
more for his crew and for standing up, and he
knows he's the most powerful guy. And that's why I
say that's to stand up. He's not doing it just
for me saying well, because I'm sure you know I'm
not saying, oh, you're not paying me x amount of dollars.
He has stood up for his crew for a long time,
so this could be a leverage play for everybody. That's

what I mean. For Ernie Nato, get shack for Kenny,
for the crew itself. If you're taking us, you're taking
everybody that's been on the show for the last years.
So that's why I mean it's leverage. This could be
Barkley doing that. This could also be Barkley just saying, Hey,
I don't know what's going on right now, and I'm
sick of this and I'm tired. Yeah, so I'm saying
I'm retired. How many how many there's players do that

all the time. We just watched Tom Brady do it.
But like in the moment, it's like, I'm done, not
feeling it. And then you go away for a month
or two, your body feels better, Maybe he decides you
can't deal with your family anymore. Whatever the case, everybody's
asking you for stuff because now you've got time that
you say, all right, I'm feeling better. What's another training
camp look like? In this case, what's another eighty two

game slate look like? And you feel better about it.
But to this point, yeah, if people are bugging you
everywhere you go about a decision, here's my decision, Like you,
I'm gonna wonder people gonna say, if you want to unretire. Oh,
no one's gonna say, oh great Parkley. I mean, I mean,
whoever wants to take his place on TV may go great.
Barkley's gonna stay. But I mean, no one's gonna get
upset because we've seen people retire and and retire now,

especially when you put so much time in between. I'm
making this decision for a year from guys show up
in the budgets and people get mad everything. What if?
What if? What if? Why if? What? I'm loving to
accent ready because you and I both going to London.
If your times, they're gonna punch on your face if
you walk around doing that. What if TNT keeps the NBA.

It comes down to it and they keep it? Is
he really? Is he gonna say that they can earn
and and and Shack is staying and Kenny is staying.
I can see Charles Barkley saying he's staying. I can
see that happening again. Big news Charles Barkley announcing at
midnight on NBA TV that next year will be his
last year broadcasting on television. Is it a real retirement?

Is it something else? Oh? Boy? The Jason Smith Show
with My Best Friend Mike Carmon live from the tirag
dot com studios. We'll have more in the Charles Barkley
story coming up in a few minutes, but straight ahead,
Oh boy, do we have another bit of big time
NBA drama hitting late on Friday night. How about that?
We had the worst NBA Finals game we've seen in

twenty years, and we get two big stories, Charles Barkley
calling it quits and what we're gonna tell you about
next right here, Jason and Mike Fox.

Speaker 2 (29:40):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific, Fox.

Speaker 1 (29:48):
Sports Radio The Jason Smith Show with my best friend
Mike Harmon Live from the tirag dot com studios, where
we will have more on the retirement of Charles Barkley
coming up in about ten minutes. Charles Barkley going on
NBATV at midnight to say, next year is my last,

whatever happens, whatever happens to the NBA on TNT, whatever happens, Yeah,
next year is my last year. And the entire time
I'm now mocking up a photo of Charles Barkley like
the old uncle Sam posters I want you, because he
is speaking directly to one person, I want you. But

is it really Charles Barkley retiring? But not the only
big NBA story we got tonight to night where look,
the NBA Finals was really not that interesting. We knew
very early on the Celtics were putting it away for
a likely clinching game on Monday in Boston one twenty
two eighty four. The Mavericks win, and we'll have more
on that game coming up in a little bit. But

because social media, you always know there's drama right for
for if you're over forty, your fifty, whatever it is,
and you see something happened on social media with a player,
you go big deal. Now, social media for players in
sports is always a big thing. Whenever someone unfollows someone,
whenever someone says something, it's always a big deal. And

according to many sites tonight, Klay Thompson has unfollowed the
Warriors on Instagram and removed the majority of his Warriors content.
Now on Twitter, he still says Klay Thompson shooting guard
Golden State Warrior is good, but he has decided to
unfollow the Warriors on social media. Now that is a
conscious decision. This is not Oh, I hit the wrong button.

This is uh, yeah, you're paying an intern or someone. Hey,
will you take all that down? I gotta think Klay
Thompson at this point, he's got people that can come.
Mister Thompson, I'm you really want me to take all
this off? You really want me to do that? Yeah?
I want you to do it. Uh. Look, this tells
you that. This tells you that exactly where the relationship

is with Klay Thompson, the war is not where he
wants it to be. This is a difficult year where
he's had to come to grips with the fact that
he's not quite the same player. He lost his starting
position very briefly, then got fired up, got it back.
But the Warriors run with what we've had, and we've
said this, this Warriors run is over. The run with
Steph and Clay and Draymond is done. If you want

to really win and if you want to get another
championship out of this. Steph is still a fantastic player.
Draymond is not the same guy. Clay is not the
same guy. You need money to be able to go
get other players that you can fulfill and put around
Steph because Klay Thompson isn't the guy anymore. He's not
a great splash brother anymore. He's not a guy that
can score twenty in the first quarter. He is a

volume shooter now that is most likely best served with
coming off the bench. Is he gonna do that for
the Warriors?

Speaker 5 (32:49):

Speaker 1 (32:49):
Does this tell you that maybe he's met at the Warriors.
They've had some kind of conversation. There's going to be
teams that are interested in him in this offseason because
they're gonna like his leadership. They're gonna say, we like
you for this role. Maybe if it's a lesser team
you come off, you can still start, But if not,
you're coming off the bench. And it's always easier to
come off the bench when you go to a new team.
Him go to a team that's pretty stacked. I'm okay

with coming off the bench for the Knicks. I'm okay
with coming off the bench for whoever, for the Nuggets,
whatever you want to do, I'm okay with that. But
this is the decision. It's a tough decision because, boy,
you really want these guys to all retire as Warriors.
But when you still have a chance to win because
you can still build on one of the best players
in the NBA. You gotta do it. You got to

try to move on from Clay and Draymond. And if
this is the beginning of moving on from Clay, yeah,
you got to let him go. You got to take
that money. You got to use it elsewhere to bring
in what you need.

Speaker 2 (33:39):

Speaker 1 (33:39):
But that's the hard part of it, right is I'm
sure they went back to Clay saying we'd love to
keep you, not at forty three million dollars or whatever
that next deal is going to be. He made forty
three this last year, forty the year before, thirty seven
the year before that. I mean, that's a lot to
commit to a guy who's main contributions Obviously we know

about the shooting acumen for years, but he was also
a good defender, great defender for a good chunk of
his career. He's not that guy anymore either, right, Sporadic
opportunities and quarters where he puts it all together. That's
not a forty three million dollars a year guy. And
I know that it's funny money at this point to

most people in the NBA, and you say, ah, they're
all making a ton of money, So what the hell's
the difference? Like, no, no, no, that's still in this marketplace.
I'm sure there are plenty of folks looking around going
all right, I've got paid decent amount of money. I'd
love to go play with Steph Curry. I'd love to
go play with what they have there for a year
or two, even if it's a short term deal, because

now you can always go back and play somewhere else
in the aftermath, you know, make one or two last
as best you can run in a huge and stacked
Western conference. But yeah, they I don't dismiss it as
much as I'd like to dismiss the unfollowing. Look, I'm
still a lot of folks who I know are not

the biggest fans of me personally and professionally. And that's
fine me, Frostburg, everybody around here. Yeah, very I mean,
you know, they just keep going that tight shirt. A
lot of folks just keep going down with a lot
of those on Fox Sport. I mean, I go all
the way down people. I worked with other companies long ago.
But the idea being that isn't for all you. They

can still keep tabs and whatever else, and this you're
kind of making that symbolic break and just say, well,
you know, whatever conversation I had with Steve Kerr in
this front office, you know done, Levy Junior and all,
I'm not I'm not here for whatever pay cut and
role reduction you want me to take. You have to
make a choice. If you're the wars you can either

continue to trot these three out and it's a living
knowledge and it's a living museum for the next couple
of years until it's done. Greatest hits package or you're
trying to win and and and trying to win means
you need you need bigger and better players around you.
And there's a lot of free agents this year. Yes
it is, And there's a lot of guys who would
go play with step especially if Draymond's not there, but

especially if they know going in, Okay, I'm not the
outsider coming in. It's the three of them that I'm
the outsider. Wait, if it's me and Steph Okay and Draymond,
maybe who knows. Because Draymond's got value. I try to
move Draymond too. But now if I know coming in,
I'm not the outsider in the group, I am much
more likely to sign with the Golden State Warriors or

find some kind of sign and trade you can to
get a guy in you to do something the idea
of hey, would would Durant be amenable to going Like,
there's a lot of weird stuff being proffered and thrown
through the trade calculator and simulators this time of year,
which is fantastic fodder in what is a lackluster NBA Finals,

unless maybe maybe we flip the script today and it's
all uphill and we're gonna get to seven games. Jason Smith,
it's the end of Clay in the Bay tjdj fe
rhyming feet of Clay now going someplace else DJU coming
up next. Lot more on Clay Thompson, but more on
the big Charles Barkley retirement. If he does call it

quits after next year, there's one choice to replace him,
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