Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Jason Smith Show with Mike
Harmon podcast. Be sure to catch us live every weeknight
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Speaker 2 (00:22):
Give this you're listening to Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 1 (00:30):
Hello, Welcome in side our three, The Jason Smith Show
with Mike Harmon, Live from the ti rack dot Com studios.
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Speaker 3 (00:50):
Speaker 1 (00:50):
Here we are breaking down rams and the vikings. Also
keeping ar eye on the California wildfires, and new fire
is broken out in the last forty five minutes outside
of Oxnard. They're calling at the car fire. It's burned
about five acres so far. They believe the initial reports
were that it was a car fire that sort, so
that's why they're calling at the car fire. This is
you know, we talked about this beginning of the show,
it's the next thirty six ish hours are the big ones,
with the winds scheduled to be the worst. They are
until six o'clock Wednesday, and it's like that's like the
magic hour that I think we're all sitting here oping, Oh,
we got to get to six o'clock Wednesday. Six o'clock Wednesday.
And I like the fact that the fire department and
everything we've been hearing the last few hours has seemed
filled with a lot of confidence. We have enough water,
we have enough firefighters, we have enough manpower. We just
need the winds to cooperate. And you know, we've talked
this since the beginning, and that with the winds are
unpredictable and sometimes the winds do you a great favor
and blow everything out to see and sometimes they don't.
And certainly that's what we're hoping for, and that's what
we saw a lot from different spokes with the LA
Fire Department earlier today, a lot of investigations.
Speaker 4 (01:58):
Obviously still the hot spots, but for the for a
lot of it, uh, you've been able to see the
extinguishing of the flames and you know, some of the
smoke issues for air quality and lesson you'd seen a
little more blue sky, uh, instead of the ominous clouds
that we have the last few days. But you mentioned
the latest coming out of Oxnard of those nationwide internationally, however,
you're listening to the show on all our affiliates or
on the iHeartRadio app. You know Oxnard as the summer
home of the Dallas Cowboys, because that's how Jerry Jones
says ox Nard, ox Nart and Oxnart that in Strawberry
ox lots Strawberry.
Speaker 1 (02:38):
Yes, so we've you know, my best, my best Oxnart story.
We went there for the Strawberry Festival when Zoe was
really little, and you know who I saw out there?
And I didn't say anything to him because I felt
so odd, Like what am I gonna say? Dude, you're
a legend? Was I saw a viper?
Speaker 3 (02:55):
How how did you saw? I saw?
Speaker 1 (02:57):
I know, I know I should have I should have.
I should but I was like, I'm like, oh my god,
it's viper. What am I gonna.
Speaker 3 (03:04):
Say something about that nasty weezer. There's a million lines
you run with him.
Speaker 1 (03:13):
I mean, I was, I'm just stunned. I'm like, wow,
this this is Mike Metcalf call signed Viper. I'm like, God,
this is this is this is amazing, and I didn't
I didn't say anything.
Speaker 3 (03:22):
So but now I feel bad. I'm like, Tom's scared.
Speaker 1 (03:25):
You know, he has a really good reputation Hollywood, the
guys in his nineties now, And I'm just like, why
didn't I say anything to him?
Speaker 3 (03:31):
Speaker 4 (03:31):
Speaker 3 (03:33):
Number of movies he would have probably done a scene
with you. I could, yeah, I.
Speaker 1 (03:39):
Could all him said, so he did it right? He
would have said, yeah, he did it right. What about
to tell you was classified? It could end my career,
you knows. Just there's just sometimes I'm in a situation
where I'm not really thinking about, oh who I'm gonna
run into, And I.
Speaker 3 (03:56):
Said, oh my god, that's my god, that's Tom scared.
Speaker 4 (04:00):
Tell you what, no, next time though, with if we
have another Charles Woodson encounter, there's a bounty for the ascot.
Speaker 3 (04:07):
Okay, all right, Jackson, what do you mean?
Speaker 5 (04:08):
Speaker 3 (04:08):
Didn't you sit on a bench for Mark Paul Gottler?
Speaker 1 (04:11):
Two hours I saw him at the mall and I
tweeted about seeing him at the mall and then he
tweeted tweeted back them he said, oh, you following me?
Ha ha, And I'm like, no, I just saw he
was only kidding. And then you didn't even invite him
on the show. No, Well, he's friends with Cavino and Rich,
so he goes on their show. The whole Cavino and
Rich promo was a big question on the show today
is do I look like Cavino?
Speaker 3 (04:33):
Did I like Steve or does Steve look like me?
Like we've heard that promo from that but you've actually
met him. That was a I oh that was ai.
Oh I didn't know that.
Speaker 4 (04:40):
Oh okay, I mean we have had Mario Lopez on
the show. We had the shots of boxing and.
Speaker 1 (04:45):
Say, I'm trying to think of everybody we had on
from ESPN Hollywood who was on the that show.
Speaker 4 (04:49):
I mean, you're friends with belvit here I I you know,
I have not Bulding down a nut building, mister Belvidere.
Speaker 3 (04:56):
A different show. Yeah, that guy died a yeah for Hewitt.
Christopher Hewett was mister Belvidere. Bob er Bober right, that
was that show. Dennis Haskins. Dennis Haskins was mister Belding
from sayd by the Belt. Any relation to a son Haskins.
Speaker 1 (05:13):
Probably not, probably, although one day I will tell a
great Dennis Haskins story. I will tell awesome. It's weird
because I feel like I should I should. Well, it
does involve a bar, Yes, I feel like I should
dimples let him it was, which was it.
Speaker 3 (05:32):
Speaker 1 (05:33):
And but I feel like this is one that I
need to clear with him, like, hey, can I tell
this on And it's nothing awful. It's not like it's
just one of those Hey, you know, I'm going to
tell this story once and.
Speaker 3 (05:42):
Then you know, it.
Speaker 4 (05:42):
Feels like there's a podcast that needs to talking direct.
Speaker 1 (05:48):
I feel like this is something you clear later. No, No,
it's one of those I just feel bad. And again,
it's nothing awful. It's just a story that Hey, if
I'm gonna tell this, maybe I just want to make
sure he sing terribly. There was no singing involved as
far as you know, there was no singing involved or
was a candy man? Tell you who, I'll tell you
who was involved. The people involved in this story, the
the the the primary people, the principal's like the story me,
Dennis Haskins, Tony Romo, Romo, Yeah, Jim.
Speaker 4 (06:21):
Jim, Jim, this guy Chase is telling stories about me,
Jim Chip, What do you think, Jim, Oh, that's a
huge story to tell about me, Jim Jim, Jim jif
this is great, Jim Jim Jim Jim. They telling stories
about me, Jim. They say I'm a better analyst than Brady. Now, Jim, Jim,
you think they say I'm a better quarterback to Jim
Jim Jim Jim. What do you think, Jim. Didn't Jim
just do his five hundredth game or something like that,
the Stone hit his five hundred the game with Tony
Romo with Romo might feel like it. But again, continue
to have all our best thoughts hot with the first
responders and the firefighters fighting these wildfires. Keep praying for
us here in Los Angeles, the greater Los Angeles area.
But look our businesses, sports, and you know you listen
to us to take you away from what's going on.
And yes, we mentioned the Dallas Cowboys because well they
kind of let go their head coach today, Yeah I did.
Mike McCarthy is no longer the Cowboys head coach. And
there have been conversations between Jerry Jones and Dion Sanders
about the Cowboys head coaching job.
Speaker 1 (07:19):
Now, I said earlier in the show, I would be
really stunned if Dion is not the Cowboys head coach,
because usually Jerry Jones gets his guy in this situation.
Now we do have an update on this. According to
Adam Schefter, there is a statement from Dion Sanders on
the Cowboys situation.
Speaker 3 (07:36):
Mike, what do you got?
Speaker 4 (07:37):
Oh, this is a great one because listen carefully and
try to determine exactly what Dion says. He to hear
from Jerry Jones is truly delightful, and it's intriguing. I
love Jerry, and I believe in Jerry. After you hang
up and process it and think about it, it's intriguing.
But I love Boulder and everything there is about our team,
the coaches, our student body, and the community.
Speaker 3 (08:07):
End quote. Now according No, wait, he.
Speaker 1 (08:09):
Doesn't say at the end there I'm staying. There's no
I'm staying. There's no thanks, but I'm a buffalo. There's
none of that. No, no, really, But what's next? What's next?
Speaker 3 (08:20):
Speaker 1 (08:20):
Where's where's the picture of where's the But I'm staying
Where's Where's But I'm staying?
Speaker 3 (08:25):
Where is that?
Speaker 4 (08:26):
It's got to be there. He talks like he's staying well.
He just says he loves everything. He's also in line
for a contract extension offer on the table in Boulder.
He does have an eight million dollar buyout. Yeah, I got,
I got. I got that in the socks so I
could just I could just pay that out. Now. I
got those sock supporters and I made sure they're extra
tight so I can carry money around with me.
Speaker 1 (08:51):
And I always, you know what I do, I always
off balance. I put like more millions of dollars on
my left foot than right, so I'm always, you know,
looking like I'm walking like a bad ass, right like
I got some kind of shuffle going on because I think, well,
got to take care of the more millions of dollars
on the left foot then on the right foot. But
then I'll switch it up every now and again, and
I'll go into a restroom and I'll you know, take
off my pants and I'll take off the sock supporters
and I'll switch the money, and then I'm a right
side walker with all the money.
Speaker 3 (09:15):
And then I'm on.
Speaker 1 (09:15):
And then suddenly it's like WHOA, Now I he's walking
like a bad ass a different ways.
Speaker 3 (09:20):
When it comes to the kicking game.
Speaker 4 (09:21):
Exactly exactly and yes, right and uh, but guy, I
got people that fight for me.
Speaker 3 (09:28):
I don't know if you know. I don't throw punches.
When I get angry, someone else gets angry.
Speaker 2 (09:32):
Come on, did you.
Speaker 4 (09:32):
Ever want to see a remake of Roadhouse with Jerry
Jones as the villain?
Speaker 5 (09:37):
Speaker 1 (09:37):
The ben Guzar? I could see that well after this
bit he just had uh in landman, I'm sure I
was pretty good. He's gonna be type cast.
Speaker 4 (09:46):
Now we need the rich, old oil guy, Jerry Jones,
that's what we need. He's in Taylor Sheridan's gonna have
been every single show as a completely different character listed.
Speaker 3 (09:56):
As in the credits Wildcatter anyway.
Speaker 4 (09:59):
So, but Jerry normally fixes the glitch by letting guys
contracts expire. Yeah, which is what he did with McCarthy. Here,
I got another couple of days. Your benefits are good
till the end of the month. Uh, you want to
go talk to hr as your exit interview, And don't
forget some nice things.
Speaker 3 (10:15):
There's a box there. Notice it has no trophies.
Speaker 4 (10:19):
Oh and I take your Super Bowl trophy and I
added to that. Oh oh too soon, too soon might
get see you don't let the door hit you on
the way out, but we're gonna have you escorted out.
And we gave you a couple of extra Jerry Bucks.
Make sure to spend it before the fourteenth.
Speaker 3 (10:33):
Here's a couple of big boxes I got from the Uh.
Speaker 4 (10:35):
I went to the target and went around back where
they throw the stuff out, and got got these boxes
for you here to fill your stuff with apple sauce.
Speaker 3 (10:42):
There you go.
Speaker 4 (10:43):
I was if I didn't know how heavy your stuff was,
if you had a Super Bowl trophy, I would go
to Costco and I would go and get one of
those big like like cauliflower boxes they have and they oh,
I got to carry it.
Speaker 3 (10:52):
But you had no Super Bowl trophies.
Speaker 4 (10:54):
So I figured, you know, the ltter boxes will work
well like the tissue box and stuff.
Speaker 3 (10:58):
So here you go.
Speaker 4 (10:58):
Take this and put your stuff in it. You got
five minutes say goodbye with me. Say goodbye whoever you
gotta say goodbye to. Don't worry about Steven. You don't
need to say goodbye to Steven. Uh and uh and
then uh, we'll we'll see you later, all right, great?
Speaker 1 (11:11):
And oh, drop your park and pass off that's gonna
go to the new coach.
Speaker 3 (11:14):
All right, very good, all right, very good. Thanks for
all you've done. Pretty good.
Speaker 4 (11:19):
He had a good run and he got a broccoli
box on the way out.
Speaker 3 (11:24):
So no, it's good.
Speaker 4 (11:25):
Oh and if you're not validated, since you are fired, uh,
you will have to pay that fine.
Speaker 3 (11:29):
So no, is it?
Speaker 4 (11:30):
Actually McCarthy's car is in a company car that he
has to leave behind.
Speaker 3 (11:34):
Well, he drives around, don't even have an uber X
picking you with a bay.
Speaker 1 (11:38):
With a big star on the side like it looks
like the General Lee has got like a star on
the side and on the.
Speaker 4 (11:42):
Back like he whips out a giant star dcal like
a superhero and wings it and it hits the side
and that's my.
Speaker 3 (11:50):
Car now, and he'd be beeps the horn instead of
a hurt you hear? How about them cowboys? How about
them cowboys? Would Jimmy Johnson get paid every time that
can that hit? Though? I would hope, so I would hope.
Speaker 1 (12:02):
But he's gotta have I You think there's anything with
the cowboys Jerry Jones doesn't own. Come on, man, you
think there's anything.
Speaker 4 (12:09):
That I should have that Dallas Airport a number of
times I wish I had don't don't have that either,
So again it was great, great seeing you and make
sure your right is five stars and yelp, all right,
Dallas Cowboys, what's that Frostburg.
Speaker 3 (12:24):
What do you get?
Speaker 4 (12:25):
Speaker 1 (12:26):
No, he well, he Jerry owns it, but he won't
own it.
Speaker 3 (12:30):
That's it. That's when owns it, but he doesn't own it.
Up quote I would, well, you know, you know we're
on TV. Now we're on YouTube, so I've been throwing
up quotes.
Speaker 1 (12:40):
Just to take a handsome I look here on him.
He owns it, but I wouldn't say he owns it.
Oh side show Bob own it.
Speaker 3 (12:49):
Yeah, no, I mean like that was the other we
talked about the AI Jerry not safe for work.
Speaker 4 (12:54):
The other one was the great split screen of Magic
Johnson uh and owners of the Commanders And then you
play that side and then you scroll over and it's
Jerry talking about well bought it for me.
Speaker 3 (13:10):
So again find it.
Speaker 1 (13:10):
There's gotta be in adendum there with I'm staying I'm
staying it.
Speaker 3 (13:15):
It's not there.
Speaker 4 (13:16):
The only thing I got there and an addendum was
our guy Bill Krackenberger has the line for the Rams
and Eagles. So cut down to kickoff about bat MGM,
I mean Bill had that. It's Eagles six and a half.
That's the latest piece of real news I have. I'll
keep an eye out for anything Dion related if you
miss any of the show. Right after the show is over,
our podcast goes up. Just search Jason Smith and Mike
Harmon wherever you get your podcasts from, and be sure
to follow rate podcast rated five stars. Again, just search
Jason Smith and Mike Harmon wherever you get your podcast from.
You'll find today's show on a best of version posted
right after we get off the air. Coming up next,
we get back into the playoff game of the night.
Do you want another incredible blow you away fact about
how dominant the Rams are tonight? We'll have that for
you more coming up next right here. Jason to Mike,
this is Fox Sports Radio.
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Speaker 2 (14:55):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm i'm Eastern,
seven pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.
Speaker 1 (15:08):
From Mannequin two on the Move, Yes, Grace Slick was
no longer with them, but Mickey Thomas was replacing Marty Ballin.
This is nothing's gonna stop us now, although you no
Grace Slick was here, was just Marty Mickey Thomas from
Marty Ballin.
Speaker 3 (15:24):
Look at that. I got it wrong and I still
hit the post.
Speaker 4 (15:26):
I'm a genius, and genius battle inside your demons in
your own head to try to determine the line up
from Annequin two because I know that then she left
and that's when they did find your way back. But
this is grace slick right here. What do they know, Yeah,
either that it's really good AI gracelike. Uh No, it's
like they did with Journey where random people.
Speaker 1 (15:58):
Uh Jason spent with my harmon life in the IRAQ
dot com studios.
Speaker 3 (16:02):
Uh, we'll have that big you.
Speaker 1 (16:03):
You wanted to see just how good the rams were
and how much they can dominate when they have one
hand tied behind their back. We'll get to that in
a second. But a little bit more on Sam Darnold here,
because now the question turns to the offseason for him. Sure,
it was a great season for the Vikings and for Minnesota.
Not every team ends with a bad you know, the
old billy being if you don't win the last game
of the season, nobody cares. That is not true, because
for a handful of teams in a different season, you
can say this was an unbelievable success even if you
don't win it all. Sometimes you can say it even
if you don't make the playoffs. But there's not every team.
Because a team, you know, a team like the Yankees
make it to the World Series, was it a great season?
But no, they imploded in the fifth inning and Judge
dropped the ball. They didn't cover first base. So yeah,
the Yankees made to the World Series. Had a bad year,
but and NFL wise, right, look at Denver, they got
Denver had a grab, there's the big played in front.
Oh upsets metton No, No, Denver had a great season.
The Chargers had a great season. They did right, And
the Vikings had a great season, even though they lost tonight.
At fourteen and three, you can't say this was anything
more than a success because coming in it was, well,
we're starting over. We drafted a quarterback, we signed Sam Donald.
He's only going to play for a few weeks till
JJ McCarthy gets ready. Then who knows rookie quarterbacks? But
instead all, look at this, we're fourteen and three. So
now you're not nearly as far away as you think
you are. Yes, the loss hurts right now, but you
are much closer than you expect. But as far as
next year with Donald, it's like, I hate to say
it because I feel bad for the guy. I mean, look,
but I know, Look, it just took a few weeks
longer from the turn back into Sam Donald. I said
week four, Then I said week eight, then I said
week ten, it turned out to be sixteen weeks.
Speaker 3 (17:51):
He had well, no, no, you just wouldn't let it.
Speaker 1 (17:53):
He had four months, he had four months of hey,
I'm I'm I'm really Steve Young and and he turned
into Vince Young. No, I feel bad because now he's
gone from because of two bad games. And these are
two awful games, and that's why this wasn't just Hey,
you know, we threw for three hundred three touchdowns, two picks,
and he had a couple of bad throws, but other
than that, he was still moving the football. The Vikings
didn't score, you know, they didn't score Donald's first touchdown again,
you know tonight when that made it twenty seven or
twenty four to nine. I mean, they hadn't scored it.
What was it twenty so much one possession?
Speaker 4 (18:31):
Right, this is as bad an end of the season
as you could have if you're Sam Donald. So for
next season, we talked about the Vikings. Aspect of it
is they're gonna be paralyzed by indecision because they don't
want to let a guy go who could be any good.
Speaker 1 (18:45):
And right now Sam Donald could be really good. He
might turn back into Sam Donald JJ McCarthy could be
really good, but he might not work out. He could
be one of those quarterbacks that washes out. They're gonna
want to protect themselves and bring both of them back
and go through next year like the Falcons went through
this year with Cousins in Penix. So that's what next
year is gonna be.
Speaker 3 (19:06):
Speaker 4 (19:06):
The flip side of it for Donald is that, yeah,
he cost himself a lot. He cast himself a lot
of things because he could have gone into this offseason
with a big muddy like, Hey, you're gonna really franchise
me after I brought us to the divisional playoff round,
or after I brought us to the NFC Championship game
and I had threw forty three touchdowns and we were
able to beat the Lions and then we beat the
Rams and we beat the Eagles, Like, how are you
gonna say no to that guy? How are you gonna
franchise a guy like that?
Speaker 1 (19:32):
So from that perspective, yeah, he cost himself for the Vikings,
but he also cost himself outside of the league in
that who's gonna go crazy to give Sam Darnold a
lot of money? These last two games were so damaging
even if you're a quarterback starve team, are you gonna say, hey, Sam,
here's four years, one hundred and sixty million dollars Because
the comp really is a guy who was sitting as
an emergency quarterback tonight in Daniel Jones, because Daniel Jones
is the guy had nice little run and you know,
after not making it, and the giant said, oh, we
got to keep this guy around, so they gave him
four years, one hundred and sixty million, and they couldn't
get out of the deal fast enough. So you tell
me the NFL team, even though we're in a quarterback
starved league, that is gonna say, yeah, I'm gonna go
long term and four years and what I would give
Sam Donald forty million dollars a year. No one's gonna
do that because it's it's just too much up in
the air, which Sam Donald is real. Sometimes two games
can out do a sixteen weeks of boy, this guy
was really good, especially when those last two games are
the two biggest games of the year. Home field advantage
for the playoffs and you laid an egg playoffs itself,
and it's in a neutral field. You don't have to
worry about going in worrying about the officials in the
home field.
Speaker 4 (20:43):
You're in a neutral field. In fact, there were more
Vikings fans there than Rams. It's like fifty four forty six.
Speaker 1 (20:49):
I think the ticket sold was at and you had
this kind of an outcome and you held on to
the ball way too long, and that's gonna be the
other part of it is people are gonna watch the
tape and go get rid of the football. Throw the football. Well,
if I had a dollar for every time Mike Harmon
yelled out, tonight, throw the football, throw the football, I'd.
Speaker 3 (21:05):
Have like ten dollars. So, I mean, that's it.
Speaker 4 (21:07):
We were only together for the second half and I
didn't have the ball, you know, for a good chunk
of it.
Speaker 1 (21:12):
He cost himself so much with that because now it's
a short term situation where likely he's going to go
back to the Vikings for a year and they're going
to redo this next year with a hopefully healthy JJ McCarthy.
Speaker 5 (21:23):
Speaker 4 (21:24):
I mean, you look at what they came into the
season with, and you love the personnel. They waited on
Howkinson to get ready he was available here. He eventually
scores the touchdown late in this one, but again twenty
one drives some coaching decisions that you'd love to add
back in Detroit in that game against Detroit, right, not
that he had a good game, but putting points on
the board versus let's try to say, hey, we know
eventually the Lions are gonna get going, so we can't
take field goals here, you know in the first quarter
or early second. Nope, we have to go for it now,
dumbass decisions. A lot of lamentation friends of mine back
in Minnesota right now are still asking that question and
are more upset about that loss than the one tonight.
Just still, you know, kicking themselves and hurting over that loss.
And the way Jamir Gibbs in company ran roughshot in
the second half in that offense. Suddenly you had no
he answers Flores in company. But this is about the
Darnold McCarthy situation. You don't know what McCarthy's health status
will be and what he is coming in because remember
going into the draft, they were all very split camps
as to how good McCarthy was going to be at
this next level. Right, you had the Jim Harbaugh owning
and owing up for his man, and every opportunity of Yeah,
that guy's got a winner. That guy's gonna go find
the way. And you obviously had some talent evaluators that said, yeah,
we're gonna go in because Minnesota did take him.
Speaker 3 (22:52):
Where they did. However, you had others.
Speaker 4 (22:54):
Yeah, no, he's not a first day guy, right, A
lot of the anonymous scouting of yeah, I wouldn't had
anywhere near that.
Speaker 3 (23:02):
So what's real, what's imagined? That doesn't matter.
Speaker 4 (23:04):
The Vikings committed to him, and there they are, but
physically you don't know where he is. You don't know
what he's going to be if he's got a guy
like Donald around to compete and the Vikings. You've got
the franchise tag at your disposal and you're paying your
rookie quarterback nothing. Yeah, you do exactly what Atlanta did,
except you do it the smart way because you already
had the kie rookie there and you could say it's
one year versus what you have with Kirk Cousins, because
now you've got to figure out the back half of
that deal and all those extra moneies that were were spent.
You don't have to do that here. But I think
he played well enough that you at least if you're Minnesota,
going all right, well, how do we solve this issue?
And part of it was an offensive line issue, which
I think was the stat you were going to go
down in terms of the pressures.
Speaker 3 (23:53):
For the night and how they got to Sam Darnald.
Speaker 4 (23:57):
Obviously deris not available and you mix match guys through
the year, so you get him back. So okay, there's
an anchor, but yeah, you've got other other questions to
address the way because this failed so spectacularly these final
two games.
Speaker 1 (24:12):
Let's hear from a little bit of Sam Darnald. He
just got finished meeting the media. Here's Sam Donald a
couple minutes of him following the Vikings loss to the Rams.
Speaker 5 (24:20):
We played a really good team, really good team today,
and they were just better than us today. And I
felt like, you know, I left a couple of throws
out there that you know, I could be better on,
especially early in the game, early the first half, third quarter.
That one to speeding in the middle of the field.
I got to hit that, but yeah, just just missed opportunities.
Got to take care of the football camp, the interception camp.
The fumble obviously returned for a touchdown. That's a huge
play in the game. Uh yeah, just just too many
mistakes on my end. But again, just you know, really
proud of the guys in the locker room for the
way they fought all season. We just didn't come out
on top this time around. And yeah, it's pretty much
it probably obviously we're up for you. But how do
you process just I mean, the mistakes that you had
tonight and last week maybe the stable size of all
people also had all your Yeah, you know, I clearly
just didn't play good enough the last couple of weeks.
You know. Uh, just like I said, you know, left
too many throws out there that I would usually make
and got to take better care of the football today. Especially, Yeah,
the same.
Speaker 2 (25:39):
I know, it's a combination of things that happened through
the game. But who they what were they doing?
Speaker 5 (25:44):
Especially, Yeah, you know, they they had a really good plan.
You know, they they brought some good pressures, you know,
played played some good man coverage in those you know,
second and longs, even third downs. But again, you know,
I feel like I can be a lot better in
terms of just moving on with my progression. Is not
trying to force anything, and you know, all the costs
are but yeah, again, I give them a lot of
credit for the way they came out, they played, and
then the plan that they had.
Speaker 3 (26:13):
All right, now here's a hat box ghost in the
back and what will you dude?
Speaker 4 (26:21):
Speaker 1 (26:21):
The big stat and this is this is why the
questions about Sam Donald continue, is that eight of the
nine sacks that the Rams had tonight came off of
four man fronts. So when we talk about just being
able to make to to put Sam Donald under pressure
the entire game, this doesn't mean you always blitz you
what you said, but they were able to. They were
able to make sure that he was under duress the
whole game. And this was knowing our defensive line can
overwhelm their offensive line and whatever protection you try to
put on there. We know that Donald's going to try
to hold onto the football too long, and that is
the longer the play goes on, the worse it is
for Darnald. He's not one of those guys that can
escape by time and see something different downfield. His whole
escape by time has been escape by time. Where's Justin?
Throw it up to Justin Jefferson and once in a
while we'll get a penalty. He'll complete it because look,
Jefferson's the best wide receive no completions to Jefferson in
the second ad right, it was that you know that
if you can do that to Darnald, you get him
off your game because his entire career he has always
struggled with that. He's always struggled in his second third
read missing open receivers. So the fact that this is
you're able to just do this with four guys is
a great game plan by Sean McVeigh. This is the
restraint of no, we don't need to send blitzers. We
don't need to send him, you know.
Speaker 4 (27:38):
And Chris Shule tonight, Look, the guy could get a
he can get a head coaching job off the night tonight,
the Rams defensive coordinator. I mean, this is this is
really a masterclass in knowing what you're facing and being
able to say, we can limit a quarterback who went
for thirty five touchdowns and read roughshot over the league
in the new offense for the better part of sixteen weeks,
and with Darnald saying, yeah, you know, just they were
able to do something. Now, they were able to get
at you with four guys and you weren't able to
buy time, and the longer the play went, the worse
it went. And that's kind of been the book on Donald.
So I completely get why teams are gonna shy away
and go oh, I saw way too much of the
old Donald those last two weeks.
Speaker 3 (28:18):
It was only two weeks.
Speaker 1 (28:19):
It wasn't a month. It wasn't a month and a half.
It wasn't the guy was great for ten games. Guy
was great for the last two games of the season. Boy,
it was just so bad these last it was just
so bad, you can't you.
Speaker 3 (28:30):
It's almost like that that.
Speaker 1 (28:32):
Nearly knocks out the sixteen weeks previously with with what okay, well,
all right, what do we do? He's obviously he's more
valuable to the Vikings than he is anywhere else in
the NFL. Now, because of what happened the last couple
of weeks, it's probably.
Speaker 3 (28:45):
A shorter term deal.
Speaker 1 (28:46):
But man, these two games just absolutely torpedoed his NFL future.
Speaker 3 (28:51):
Speaker 4 (28:51):
The difficulty to it is, you know, trying to put
all stuck in what are essentially playoff games. Right, It
owes to a larger conversation that will drive a lot
of narratives this coming week. Right, the good the bad,
the ugly, something that will will broach as we get
going and start previewing the next rounds. But you can't
take away the thirty five twelve forty three hundred yards.
He had a hell of a season, right and obviously
great weapons there. Hockinson came back into the fold. Aaron
Jones became a bigger part of the passing game, if
only past blocking was his forte at times, because the
Rams did a good job also pinching and staying home
on the edge just knowing that Darnold was going to
do the attempt at escapability. Guess what, there were guys
waiting for him. So while they don't register his sacks,
he wasn't getting pasted a lot of scrimmage too far
before the spy, the knowing his history was going to
catch up to him. But all that said, it goes
into the quarterback star of market. Right, We've got but
he got a.
Speaker 1 (29:59):
Very the top one, a lot of money and teams
are gonna go, We're not gonna give you a lot
of money. Well, then in that case, then I'll roll
the dice with one season at thirty eight million with
the Vikings franchise them.
Speaker 3 (30:09):
They don't even have to do that necessarily. You want
to go to the open market, go to the open market.
Speaker 1 (30:13):
Yeah that's good, but again it's two in a You
don't know about either of these guys, and that's that's
the one downside for the Vikings is that we don't
really know about either of these guys. So let's hold
on to both of them and try to make it
work next year. Then'll make a decision. Let's kick that
can down the road, all the way down the end
of the road.
Speaker 3 (30:30):
Kick that can.
Speaker 4 (30:31):
Just saying the Kings have the franchise tag at their disposal,
they may not have to exercise it. It's all I'm
saying to further your argument, which is another team coming
over the top and wanting to place a giant dollar
tag next to them. But again, reminder of how disparate,
how spread out the quarterback play is, because right now,
if you're really ranking quarterbacks, you got to start looking
at guys like Aaron Rodgers and Russell Wilson, going they
were pretty good?
Speaker 2 (31:01):
How bad were the Grands game?
Speaker 4 (31:04):
Where they I got to take everything that they bring
with them, as opposed to Sam who's just gonna want
to show up for work.
Speaker 3 (31:11):
He's got to get rid of that bad mustard cost
him so much.
Speaker 6 (31:15):
Speaker 1 (31:15):
Now, a guy who's gonna make all the money Sam
Donald costs right now because it's going right to him.
It's Steve de Sager, because he's got what's trending? Really,
do you have a plan for that always delivers in
crunch time.
Speaker 3 (31:25):
I'm standing by. I'll give you a finders fee, give
me your Venmo address and I'll get it to Okay,
that's how people lose money. That conversation right there.
Speaker 1 (31:33):
Just give me your Social Security number that's right, and
your mother's maiden name, and I will get you.
Speaker 2 (31:38):
That monk claimed to be a prince.
Speaker 1 (31:39):
From a foreign territory, exactly glass, Steve, Look, I have
a million dollars for you, but I can't get to it.
Speaker 3 (31:46):
If you could give me five grand, I could unlock.
I could get to give you the key word, exactly unlock.
Speaker 6 (31:53):
With the Rams beating the Vikings twenty seven nine tonight,
Sam Donald in the first half with sex six times.
Next gen stat says every one of those six sacs
in the first half he was holding the ball at
least three and a half seconds four and a half
seconds or so. Eventually another blowout in the wildcard round.
You know, since they expanded the NFL playoffs and made
it seven teams in each conference in recent years, the
average margin of victory is thirteen points in the wildcard
round these five years. That round ended tonight with the
Rams dominant victory. They were up twenty four to three
at the half. Eventually, they sacked Arnold nine times in
the game, tying a playoff record. Matthew Stafford with two
touchdown passes in the first half. He's one of the
guys that's now thrown multiple touchdown passes in six straight
playoff games. The record is Aaron Rodgers doing so in
nine straight, but the Minnesota franchise in the last twenty
years has a playoff record now of three and eight.
The Rams will be advancing to play at Philadelphia Sunday,
three pm Eastern Time in the Visional Round. Coach Mike
McCarthy will not be back with Dallas' contract is expiring.
They did not agree on a new deal. The two
late NBA games are each in La. Those teams resuming
their schedules after the fires that started last week in
Los Angeles. The Lakers tonight retired Michael Cooper's number twenty
one at the half Lakers had blown the lead. It
Spurs one oh six ninety six over the Lakers with
under seven minutes left in the game.
Speaker 3 (33:24):
Anthony Davis la Does have twenty eight.
Speaker 6 (33:26):
Points and the Clippers at home under two minutes ago,
leading the Heat one oh seven to ninety four. Despite
Tyler Heroes thirty two points.
Speaker 3 (33:35):
Detroit got thirty.
Speaker 6 (33:36):
Six from Kay Cunningham and won at New York. Anthony
Edwards forty one points in a Minnesota victory at Washington.
At Houston, Jalen Green forty two points the Rockets edge.
Memphis won twenty to one eighteen. John Morant in the
loss twenty nine points but seven turnovers as well. Auburn
is the new number one in the College Basketball Poll
on men's side, and Tennessee fell to number six. Rutgers
hand did UCLA a fourth straight Laws seventy five sixty eight.
Bucks er Tyson Fury says he's retired at the age
of thirty six.
Speaker 3 (34:07):
Back to you, Thank you, Steve O.
Speaker 1 (34:08):
The Jason Smith Show with my best friend Mike Carmon
live from the Tirack dot Com Studios. Coming up next,
we'll get back into a way we can explain there's
achieving in the face of adversity, and then there's achieving
in the face of adversity. What that's got to do
with Matthew Stafford, straight ahead, Jason and Mike.
Speaker 2 (34:26):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific.
Speaker 1 (34:35):
Fox Sports Radio The Jason Smith Show with My best
friend Mike Harmon, and we're breaking down the Rams win
over the Vikings tonight. Rams now heading to Philadelphia. Good luck, Nick,
sirianni uh does he.
Speaker 3 (34:48):
Get fired if they lose? You mean right after the game?
Wild Cards?
Speaker 2 (34:53):
Right after the game maybe even though.
Speaker 3 (34:55):
We're out of Super wild Card weekend. I think so.
Speaker 4 (35:00):
He was kind of wondering if down in Tampa Super
Bowls might might have been in trouble because once again
he completely botched coaching in the final minutes of a game.
Speaker 3 (35:09):
Well and also Baker Mayfield's fumble. It was a big deal.
Speaker 2 (35:12):
Well that was I don't think that was tough.
Speaker 4 (35:16):
I didn't see Todd Bowles reaching No, but I mean
not a good week for ex Jets now good No.
Twenty eighteen draft man.
Speaker 5 (35:26):
You know.
Speaker 4 (35:28):
Baker Mayfield. You know we didn't I know you think
we we did not have Baker Mayfield. But those two
guys are tied together. I mean because you got the
good side of the draft. Yeah, that we'll get to
see this week because it's Lamar and Allen later those guys.
Speaker 3 (35:42):
These guys all at the front, they're all terrible. Yeah.
Speaker 1 (35:44):
But look, I always you've heard me say Sean McVay
is the best head coach in the NFL. And there's
many reasons why we talked about the the game plan
tonight against the Vikings. I'm always going to take Sean.
I picked the vit the Rams to win this game.
I also picked them to go to the super Bowl
before the game did. Because I know Sean McVay is
gonna out coach Kevin as good as coach as Kevin
O'Connell is. Sean McVay has a huge advantage. And that
you knew a guy named Shula had to be good
for something.
Speaker 3 (36:09):
That's true. If you if your name Shula and you're
not a good coach, I mean, what are you doing?
What are you doing?
Speaker 4 (36:14):
Speaker 1 (36:15):
So that's why I say good luck, Nick Sirianni, good
luck next week, good luck with this Rams defensive line.
Speaker 3 (36:19):
Jason, you do realize Barkley stats the last time he
played the Rams, right, Yeah, No, no, you do realize that.
Speaker 2 (36:25):
Speaker 1 (36:26):
I also realized this is a lot of weeks later
and Squon did like two and fifty eight Touchdownson didn't
have a great game this week. He was guy, he
was He had the one run at the endry slid
and he's getting all kinds of at touched for it.
Speaker 3 (36:38):
But up until then he was just kind of guy. Yeah,
but it's a long time ago. This is into the season.
Now things are different, got older running back, taking a
lot of hits that we know who to blame, but
I know whose faults it's gonna be.
Speaker 1 (36:51):
When a lot of days for say Barkley three hundred
and thirty six yards here in the first quarter alone.
But we talk about being able to overcome adversy, what
separates great coaches, great and great players and great schemes
from other teams. And to think about the night that
Matthew Stafford, right, for all this all, Sam Darnold had
people in his face. He couldn't do this, He couldn't
do X Y and Z he still has, Jefferson still has,
Jordan Addison, still has TJ. Hockinson. Right, Aaron Jones still
a really good running back. He's got the advantage in
the weapons over the Rams. Matthew Stafford tonight two oh
nine two touchdowns quarterback rating of one hundred and seventeen.
This while losing Tyler Higbee before halftime to an injury
and Cooper Cup getting one target tonight. Cooper Cup's near
the end, Like he is completely near the end of
his career. I do even know if he's gonna be
a Ram next year. But right now you're looking at
a team where Stafford two hundred two touchdowns quarterback rating
of a buck seventeen, where he had Pokinakua to throw to,
and that's it, right. He made it work with a
bunch of guys, guys that are just a bunch of guys.
They do a touchdown to the backup tight end was
able to keep the game going. Is spreading it out.
I think you had completions to eight different receivers tonight.
If I'm not maybe not nine different receivers.
Speaker 4 (38:12):
Speaker 1 (38:13):
You had DeMarcus Robinson catch a big pass, right, Davis
Allen's only catch was a touchdown. So you can say, yeah,
you can make excuses for a guy, but then you
can say, wow, Stafford still got it done because Higbee
was the leading receiver on the team and they didn't
have him for the whole second half. One target for
Cooper Cup and Poka Nakua didn't even get to fifty
yards and still the Rams had twenty seven and won
this game. There is something to be said for coaching,
for quarterback leadership, for being clutch, that we make excuses
for a lot of guys that, well, this didn't go
their way there.
Speaker 3 (38:46):
This was everything.
Speaker 1 (38:47):
You don't have the guy who's been the best receiver
on your team, one of the top five receivers in
the NFL for the last three four years, one targets,
he's near the end of his career, the number one guy,
your hot guy. Tonight hurt before halftime, and you still
made it work and they still wound up winning this game.
Speaker 4 (39:02):
Yeah, quick update on higbee chest issue was what forced
him out of game. He's in stable condition at the hospital.
That's how it's turned. I think he's going to be okay,
was what McVeigh said a little over an hour ago
when he met and had an update there, So I'll
keeping an eye on that because big deal, because he
had missed a chunk of time due to injury, which
is where you'd seen Parkinson take up a bigger role.
Only two catches thirteen yards, big difference in this game.
Stafford gets the ball out right. You only got seventy
six yards on the ground from Kyron Williams in this
game did have the touchdown reception. Three catches sixteen yards there.
But Stafford, you know, the veteran savvy to get rid
of the ball, the veteran savvy to have that little
shovel finger which goes down and look, by the by rule,
it's an incomplete pass. Just happened to have everything kind
of messed up around him as he was going down
to the ground, and you had Nikua and Williams where
Nikoua literally runs into Williams, which creates the opportunity of hey,
he didn't run pass, so he's actually an intended target.
So you have those, you know, making plays where it matters.
And look, McVeigh wouldn't have been their coach if it
wasn't for us oh and Eric Dickerson all those years ago,
I just had the anniversary of all of that going down.
But yeah, just getting you rid of the ball quickly,
Cooper cup curiosity of where his career, you know, goes
in terms of history and how he's remembered because he
flashed as big as he did, but in the end
as many thousand yard receiving as as guys often considered busts.
So it's all a matter of perception. But for Matthew Stafford, look,
not a huge year, twenty touchdowns, eight interceptions, But tonight
when you needed him to made plays, made throws, the
tight ends came up and Brian Flores's defense got got
exposed again. Look, and that's you know, there's many differences
between a guy like Stafford and Darlind what he's won,
But just one of those things is what you mentioned,
that he knows when to get rid of the football
and when to live to fight another day. And Darnold
taking those sacks, I mean, you put your offense in
an impossible second and twenty you know second and twenty
three can't do that, and he still does that like
they turned him back into old Sam pretty easy. How
do you keep eating sacks like That's that's the problem.
Your QBR doesn't matter, going home eating sacks.
Speaker 1 (41:35):
Hey, how about a crazy coaching story Come on your
way next in the NFL