All Episodes

July 10, 2024 41 mins

Mike Harmon and Rich Ohrnberger have all the latest on LeBron, Bronny and the Lakers. Arch Manning announced that he will be in EA Sports College Football 25. And Gladiator is a movie that should never have gotten a sequel.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Jason Smith Show with Mike
Harmon podcast. Be sure to catch us live every weeknight
ten pm to two am Eastern seven to eleven pm
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Speaker 2 (00:23):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 3 (00:29):
Greetings and welcome in final hour of the program. For
this a Tuesday night Fox Sports or Radio Jason Smith
Show with Me, Mike Harmon, Now Jason Tonight, Rich Ornberger
in his stead. We're having a blast, fun fast Wherever
you get podcasts, Yeah, it'll be up in a little
over an hour from now. Wherever you get for get it,
look for the Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon, Tuesday edition,

Harmon and Ornberger. Download it and give it five stars,
tell us how much you love us, and then evangelize.
Send it to friends and family. We are a globe
entity and there's always room for more expansion. Last night,
I educated folks on especially our media brethren, Rich on
the term nepotism and what it means, and in all

encompassing kind of standpoint, probably not earning me a lot
of positive reviews from friends and people in the media
because I kind of went after them for some of
the hot takery regarding Lebron and Bronnie James. If people
want to revisit that, go look for the Monday edition
of the show as well. You know, nepotism when you

it's not just about family, it's about using your position
to help folks, you know, get get in the doors
and whatever. There are a lot of that in this business. Yeah,
so you got to figure out where that line is drawn.
Rich Hornberger, Well.

Speaker 4 (01:48):
Well, and you know, here, here's the reality of what
happened with the Lakers.

Speaker 5 (01:54):
Look Lebron James.

Speaker 4 (01:56):
A lot of people were thinking themselves like, how could
Los Angeles select Lebron's son with the fifty fifth overall pick? Like,
how could they do this?

Speaker 5 (02:07):

Speaker 4 (02:08):
How is it conceivable that they will essentially allow a player,
a single player, to take over the franchise's decision making. Well,
first and really foremost, we have to consider how important
that player is to the franchise. And right now, Lebron
is the Lakers. I don't think I need to go

into any further description here, He's won them a championship.
This is the biggest move that the Lakers made in
terms of a player acquisition outside of the draft, potentially
all the way since getting Kareem I would I mean
maybe Shack, maybe Shack, maybe Shack, you know, maybe Pow.

Speaker 5 (02:53):
But he's up there, you know what I mean.

Speaker 4 (02:55):
Like, he arguably the most important acquisition outside of the
draft that the Lakers have ever made. Okay, so he
benefits them greatly. So that's first and foremost. Keeping him
happy very important. But secondarily, and I think this needs
to be talked about more, Genie Buss is the person

who's essentially making the final decisions on what the Lakers do.
Genie Buss. She didn't earn her position as team owner either. Like,
is Genie Buss the most qualified person on the planet
to own the Lakers?

Speaker 5 (03:33):
The answer is absolutely not.

Speaker 4 (03:36):
The reason why Genie Buss owns the Lakers is because
she's doctor Jerry Buss's daughter. Like, there are probably better
business women out there who could run the Lakers better.
There are probably better business men out there who could
run the business better, But the Lakers aren't searching for
a better business owner Through nepotism. Through inheritance, she became

the principal owner of the Lake, which is fine. Everybody
gets it. It happens in the restaurant industry all the time.
You love the Greek diner down the road. The old
man is, you know, starting to fade a little bit,
you know, the young son, he has been working at
the diner for the past fifteen years.

Speaker 5 (04:18):
He's managed it. He's done a nice job.

Speaker 4 (04:21):
When you know, the old man's got to go, and
you know, get you know, he's had a couple of conditions,
a couple of hard things. He's spend some more time
at he's spending more time at the house. All of
a sudden he takes over and and the restaurant's no
worse for wear. Frankly, the Lakers are in decent shape.
Jeenie Buss hasn't ran this organization into the ground. But
it doesn't mean that. You know, the original Greek owner

of the diner gave the business to the best and
most qualified person to run a restaurant.

Speaker 5 (04:48):
He gave it to his son. And the same thing
with Genie Buss.

Speaker 4 (04:52):
So when you have an owner who didn't necessarily earn
what she was essentially given and it's her business to
run and her own way.

Speaker 3 (05:01):
No, but that's that's the bottom line right there, like.

Speaker 5 (05:05):
Her own way.

Speaker 4 (05:06):
Like, so she looks it in she says, well, if
it worked out for me, why can't it work out
for Bronnie Junior?

Speaker 5 (05:11):
Like if it worked out for me.

Speaker 4 (05:13):
Where I was handed a golden opportunity that I may
or may not have deserved, but I was able to
turn myself into a great business woman and arguably a
great a great team owner because in her tenure, and
it's been a short tenure so far, she's won a championship.
Not a lot of team owners can say that period.
But she's already done it in her short time as

the principal owner. Why can't Bronnie James even though it's
a nepotism higher, even though Bronnie didn't earn it, even
though he probably shouldn't have been the fifty fifth overall pick.

Speaker 5 (05:45):
Why why should we look.

Speaker 4 (05:47):
Past Brownie just because he's lebron James's son. How about
we do what my dad did. We'll trust the process.
We'll say we'll give it to the kid, We'll give
him the opportunity. We'll see if it turns into anything.
It's not gonna break our bank. We're giving him what
Bronnie is he gonna get eight million dollars. It's who cares.
It's a drop in the bucket. To Genie Buss, Yeah,

she's comfortable with the idea because she inherited her business
under very similar conditions, the same way Bronnie is earning
his opportunity in the NBA.

Speaker 3 (06:21):
Well, the psychology there, right, go to every business, you know,
go back to Uh, we were talking about, you know,
best TV shows of all time. Arnie Spandard kept bringing
up all the stuff from the seventies, including Sanford and Son. Right,
the Ann's son was on a lot of businesses back
in the day, still is right to your point, diners
and restaurants and hardware stores and whatever else go on

down the line. Uh, and and then obviously businesses of
all sorts and not trying to you know, pigeonhole it
into you know, those type of businesses, but just the
idea of people get opportunities in every walk of life. Uh,
the exact same way you bringing Genie Buss absolutely part
of the process, right, You've earned the money. Some guys

and women buy in otherwise it's passed down, it's legacy,
it's history, the Bears and the Hallis family, all of
those kind of things. In terms of running it and
how they want to run it. You can complain, you
can shout to your blue in the face, but you know,
my charge to it all was, all right, all the
letters of recommendation and using your position, your celebrity or

whatever else to get to help get people afoot in
the door, you need to retract all those in our business.
So no longer you know, hey, my kid has some
interest in journalism, or Johnny down the street wantson Rich Hornberger,
you know, we can't make that call anymore and get
them on the floor. We got to stop that too,

So just you know, don't be hypocritical about it. Was
really my message in our business for those that were
shaking their fists, because as much as folks want to go, well,
he was the fifty fifth pick. I mean, look at
these guys from the fifty to fifth pick or undrafted.
I'm like, yeah, and then there's thousands that washed out
before they ever got there.

Speaker 5 (08:08):

Speaker 3 (08:08):
You know, you could argue about the four years, eight
million dollars guaranteed based on pass. But again that's their decision,
and they realize they're going to make far more than
eight million dollars off Brownie James being part of the process.

Speaker 5 (08:20):
And that's just it.

Speaker 3 (08:21):
Like it's it's a business. It's as much as it
is a competition.

Speaker 5 (08:27):
Let's let's let's face it.

Speaker 4 (08:29):
Could the Chiefs have potentially low balled Travis Kelsey's next
deal maybe maybe he's aging a little bit. Could they
have potentially asked him like, hey, could you take a
more team friendly number?

Speaker 5 (08:44):
You know?

Speaker 4 (08:44):
Could they? Yeah, sure they could have. But is that
what's good for business? Or is having Taylor Swift show
up to thirteen games this season good for business? Like,
sometimes you got to understand the bigger picture. The Lakers
and when I say the Lakers, I hate saying like
the NFL, the NBA, the Lakers, the Patriots, the Dallas Cowboys,

like all of these are organizations run by real people
who are making real decisions, who are operating sometimes emotionally,
sometimes logically, and sometimes they're operating in what's best for
the team on field product or on court product, and
sometimes they're acting from the best business product, the best

business product. In the NBA draft, this year was the
Lakers drafting Bronnie James.

Speaker 5 (09:35):
There is no question about it.

Speaker 3 (09:37):
The NBA added a second night to the draft why
why except for Bronnie James's It was an entire showcase
and tribute to him.

Speaker 5 (09:48):
You hit the nail on the head, my key.

Speaker 4 (09:51):
And that is the third and arguably so I said
the first and foremost. You know, I went through the
list of reasons why Genie Buss may be comfortable with Bronnie.
She's going to make money hand over fist with Lebron
and his son potentially sharing the court for the first
time in NBA history.

Speaker 5 (10:14):
You can't you. I mean, look, you could go.

Speaker 4 (10:17):
Into a public relations house, the top marketing agency in
the country, and you can hand them tens of millions
of dollars and say, please, please get us exposure, and
they would not even be able to come close to
the level of exposure you'll get by spending eight million
dollars over the next four years on Bronnie James or

whatever his contract length is. On Bronnie James in the draft.
Because the articles that will be written about this and
the the interviews that Lebron and his son will go
through on all I mean, whether it's Fox or ESPN
or TNT or NBC, everybody is going to interviewing these two.
They the Lake will be the talk of the NBA

for the next two years at least, and then we'll
see if lebron finally retires. My guess is no, If
he still has some tread on the tires, my guess
is no. I think he'll continue on. But but this
will be the talk of the NBA.

Speaker 3 (11:16):
But that's the larger scale, right Unless you have a
bunch of all stars pop out from the fifty six
pick on out of this draft or undrafted free agents
that's signed on and suddenly become superstars, it's like, why
is everybody so mad and ain't getting in their feels
about all of this?

Speaker 4 (11:36):
But Mikey, even if even if that's the case, say,
you know, let's be honest with each other, like, Okay,
what is there thirty teams in the NBA?

Speaker 5 (11:48):
Is that it ory? Okay? So thirty teams in the NBA.

Speaker 4 (11:51):
So say from pick fifty six through sixty, every last
one of those players over the course of Broni's become
NBA All Stars.

Speaker 5 (12:02):
It won't happen.

Speaker 4 (12:03):
But say they all are phenomenally successful with all of
the teams they play for the reality is the Lakers
will still make more money in terms of that one
business decision off of drafting Brianni James than any of
those teams will benefit from their draft picked.

Speaker 5 (12:24):
And that is the steadfast truth of the situation.

Speaker 3 (12:27):
Well, and we also, you know, as we talk about it, Rich,
I mean, you also were making the decision. You wanted
to run out whatever Lebron James had on the clock, right,
You did it with Kobe Bryant, and I think if
nothing else, you know, as much as we nationally made
deride the Lakers as mom and pop, that's kind of
the thing, the loyalty. We're talking about it with Jerry

Jones a little bit earlier at last hour. And you
may not like the decision making, but what was the alternative?
Right if Lebron opted out and left, what are you
replacing it with? Is it necessarily going to be better
than what you have now? Do Do you bank on
he and Anthony Davis playing seventy games again this year?
Probably not, but we'll see, right, maybe the basketball gods

smile on this move and it works out. Whatever. It's
a loaded Western conference so it's a long arduous journey
into the playoffs anyway, but she decided, hey, he gave
her a title, and so he gets his coach. He
gets Dalton Connect, who is the guy he liked, and
we were playing that audio two months ago about how
much you know that was must see TV for him

back in the NCAA tournament. And then Bronnie James shows up. Yeah,
and you get whatever you do. I mean, lebron signed
a little bit less than what his max could have
been kept them out of that second aprons, so he
gave them a little bit of a favor there. Although
I don't mind if folks want to say, hey, does
Bronnie James thing when we talk about salary caps is

that how do we look at that as a family
as all?

Speaker 5 (14:00):
Yeah, right, yeah, you know, a little bit.

Speaker 3 (14:01):
Of shenanigans and sleight of hand as it were. But
it's fun for business, no question about it. He's rich
Orenberger in for Jason Smith. I'm Mike Harmon The Jason
Smith Show with me Mike Harmon here from the tyrack
dot com Fox Sports Radio Studios tyrac dot Com. We'll
help you get there. Unmatched selection, fast, free shipping, free
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dot com the way tire buying should be. And we
have a reversal. No, not in the Nathan's hot Dog
type of reversal, but no, a decision made by a
college quarterback to opt in. We'll tell you what that's
all about.

Speaker 2 (14:36):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 3 (14:47):
Paully Foods Gohea with Tony Foods Go Yeah.

Speaker 6 (14:50):
As everybody knows, we're the hosts of the award winning
Polly and Tony foodsco Shop.

Speaker 3 (14:54):
Yeah, but instead of us.

Speaker 6 (14:55):
Telling you how great we are, is how Dan Fackrick
described us when he came on our show.

Speaker 7 (15:00):
Quick, knowledgeable and funny, opinionated.

Speaker 5 (15:03):
What are you doing? Were dirupting our promo?

Speaker 3 (15:06):

Speaker 2 (15:06):
You wasn't talking about you. You took those clips totally
out of context.

Speaker 6 (15:10):
Oh yeah, Well after this promo, I'm gonna take you
out and beat you.

Speaker 3 (15:14):
Let me put this into context.

Speaker 5 (15:16):
Shut up.

Speaker 6 (15:17):
Yeah, anyway, just listen to the Paully and Toni Fusco
Show on iHeartRadio, Apple podcasts.

Speaker 5 (15:22):
Ohereva you get your podcasts.

Speaker 3 (15:23):
Yee hey, welcome, Welcome back in It's Fox Sports Radio
Jason Smith Show with Me, Mike Carmon, Rich Hornberger in
for Jason Smith tonight coming up about ten minutes. We'll
steal a phrase from your Sunday partner Steve Hartman. Somebody
a politician was living the dream for a minor league

ball club. We'll talk about that in a few But
Arch Manning reverse course Rich he was not going into
EA Sports College Football twenty five. He decided the six
hundred bucks he was gonna get in the copy of
the game wasn't moving the needle for him because he
wanted to concentrate on on field work. That somehow this

was going to detract from his preparations for the upcoming season. Eventually,
Eli Manning got on socials and he's like, no, no, this
actually helps the process. And we know so many people
that have talked about it as a formative thing, not
just the degenerates in their basements that are doing it
and doing marathons and fighting through seasons time after time,

but actually you know players, coaches, whatever going through the
process and it's you know, part fun, but you can
actually get a little bit of work on in the
play calling and progressions to where we are at this point.
You know, I appeared into one of the early college
video games. I never even got the free copy. I
went and begged for.

Speaker 5 (16:48):
I did not know that.

Speaker 3 (16:49):
Yeah, So once upon a time you'd only had so
many teams that were included, and they finally created a
game called College Football USA, and it includes to Northwestern
and tons of Division one teams, and they ended up
doing the band and crowd shots. So when there was
a big play, you'd either get the band or you'd

get a bunch of fans cheering while me and my
jackass buddies face painted like morons, became the fans. So
depending on what the home team was, we would have
our faces painted for the home team.

Speaker 5 (17:25):
That's awesome. That's awesome.

Speaker 3 (17:27):
And we went and played it. Right, It's like, all right,
let's play with Northwestern. This will be great. And my
brother breaks off a run and the crowd shot comes
up and he goes, what the hell is that, dude
that you and so I was like, all right, so
now we're trying to get another big play, and then
we kept getting the band for like the next five
big plays like Dan Get the Get Away from the Man,
and it finally was up. So it was the Boston

College Band and it was us as the fans.

Speaker 5 (17:50):
That's amazing. Oh wow, yeah, well listen.

Speaker 4 (17:53):
Immortalized forever in college football gaming lore is Mike Harmon
and now also Arch Manning.

Speaker 3 (18:02):
There you go. Yeah, I mean, I had a bobblehead made.
We did a sponsorship deal with Corps Light many years ago.
They made me look as lean as I do now,
which I did not look that lean at the time.
But it's all good. I've got the nice cores Light
logo on a polo shirt or whatever. Those have been
all over the world because we used to give them
out as a mail bag segment, and we actually had

a lot of people serving overseas. We were sending them
to military installations all over and then it became like
the flat Stanley thing of here's a picture of me
in the middle of the desert with a Harmon bobblehead, which.

Speaker 4 (18:38):
Is this is gonna shock you, but and it's a
slight departure from what we were talking about.

Speaker 3 (18:44):
I gotta take it though. I mean, that's what we're
all about.

Speaker 4 (18:46):
Yeah, the Mike Harmon memorabilia making its way around the world.

Speaker 3 (18:49):
I still need a trading card maid, So any of
the companies listening, let's go.

Speaker 5 (18:52):
The Carmen san Diego of Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 3 (18:55):
You realize Carmen san Diego is actually a villain though, right,
But they were trying to catch her.

Speaker 4 (19:00):
Yeah, yeah, now now it's kind of been lost in.

Speaker 5 (19:03):
Yeah, in in the and yeah, in the history.

Speaker 3 (19:06):
I was like, oh, it's kind of cool. She's a
global globe trotting superstar. It's like, no, no, no, they
were actually trying to catch her.

Speaker 5 (19:12):

Speaker 3 (19:12):
Sorry, I didn't mean to divert from you know, your
path there, no.

Speaker 4 (19:16):
No, no, but but but really, staying in the world
of video gaming, the the truth that you just sort
of spouted. I don't think a lot of people caught it.
But the fact of the matter is video games help
players learn, Like there are several players towards the end

of my time playing when the Madden video games really
progressed and started, you know, hiring consultants to go team
to team and really watch the film and and really
install some of the offensive plays that were called during
the course of the season. Because fans became smarter, you know,

whether it be through fantasy football or better you know, analytics,
or you know, more interest, I would say from networks
to having broadcast analysts break down the really you know,
in the weeds football type stuff like where you know
you'll have Troy Aikman sometimes talking about you know, coverages

and pressures and you know, cover two beaters and route
concepts that work against man versus work against zone, you know,
or whether it be Tony Romo, you know, highlighting the
strength of the defense and the fact that the quarterback
sees the box count and there's a lighter number of
players to the left side of the defense, so you

know the offense play call is going to go to
the offensive right. You know, there's all these little nuances
that are starting to be discussed more around the game,
and fans have educated themselves more, and I think a
lot of that is because of Madden Football or now
NCAA Football. And so for arch Manning, if you want
to get a jump on your playbook, if you want
to start seeing defense and taking those quote unquote mental reps, Mikey,

you hit the nail on the head again that that's
exactly what coaches are telling players to do now, like
get in your playbook, yeah, but as kind of and
also play some college football twenty five because it's only
gonna help, it's not gonna hurt.

Speaker 3 (21:25):
Well, the old old joke was right then, the tagline
has been forever. It's in the game, right, right, And
literally you've seen it, the evolution from all right, you've
got six plays or eight plays or whatever the rudimentary was.
You know, it was half back dive left, half back
dive right. Yeah, some short plays and then a couple

of all right, just to hail mary, throw it up
and over time, I mean you watch as you go
through games, and the playbooks are immense, right, formations are immense,
and what you run out of them, like it's all
that quick trigger kind of thing going on in your brain.
That is I'm surprised it hasn't become part of the

process in the evaluation form right, right, How quickly can
you get into and out of stuff? You know when
we simulate.

Speaker 4 (22:19):
This well and also that's that's what you're essentially doing
in a film room. So don't get me wrong, Like
whatever it is, if it's Madden twenty five or it's
college football, twenty five.

Speaker 5 (22:30):
They're not going to have all the nuances of your
playbook out there.

Speaker 4 (22:34):
Uh, they're not going to have necessarily, you know, all
of your audibles or line calls. You know, things will
get generic at a certain point. You know, they're going
to be painting with a broad brush, especially in college football,
because it's such an enormous game.

Speaker 5 (22:50):
There's so much data that has to be stored.

Speaker 4 (22:53):
You know, it's a little bit easier to get more
in the weeds in Maddam because you're talking about only
thirty two teams, but even still, like you're going to
have all.

Speaker 5 (23:00):
The nuances included there.

Speaker 4 (23:02):
But if you can teach your player, like what route
concepts work against, what coverage packages, about what pass protections
work better, you know, against certain pressure packages, like all
of a sudden, you know, some of these more vague
concepts that a lot of college players left college football
without having a full understanding of and really had to

focus in and learn those things at the next level
at the NFL level, which slowed the pace of development
they're now, they're more baked into a lot of these players.
I think two things have really benefited college football players
making the transition to the NFL. I think overall there
is a greater awareness of what needs to be taught

at the college level to make the jump to the NFL.
And you know, there's some of those aids, like you know,
video gaming and things like that. But also what's really
helped is the fact that a lot of NFL coaches
have become way more understanding of the fact that they
need to curtail their offenses or defenses to the skill
set of their player, versus trying to find a player

to mash into their system to make it work for them.
You know, if I remember, the one of the smartest
things anybody's ever said was was from oh gosh, I'm
blanking on his name, but Rex Ryan's brother.

Speaker 3 (24:27):
Wow Dirty Santa Rob Ryan was talking to Rob Ryan
one time former Fox Sports Radio hos.

Speaker 4 (24:35):
Yeah and uh and and I asked him a question
and he had the same answer that actually Wade Phillips
gave about having a good offensive or defensive system. He's like,
if you have a good system and a great player
can't play well in your good system, you have a

crummy system.

Speaker 5 (24:57):
Like that is the facts. I'm sorry, it was just
in playing English.

Speaker 4 (25:02):
So a lot of these NFL coaches now they are
they are making actually accommodations to these to these college
players that they've never made before. And frankly, these college
players are helping themselves by having at least a baseline
knowledge of what's expected from them from the standpoint of,
you know, knowledge of the game heading in. And I

think the video games have helped. I think they really
have helped.

Speaker 3 (25:28):
Should be a symbiotic relationship. The fact that it took
so long, well we can lament it, but like w
NBA viewership and everything else, we came to the party.

Speaker 5 (25:38):
Let us in.

Speaker 3 (25:39):
Yeah, all right, here's a story I wanted to run
by you here, Rich. I don't know the origin of why.
The team in question the Sioux City Explorers, a minor
league baseball team Siue City, Iowa, and that's where we
had here. They didn't have a starting pitcher on Saturday night,
so down the road volunteering at a local music fest

was the Iowa state representative J. D.

Speaker 5 (26:04):

Speaker 3 (26:05):
He gets a call and he goes through the tunnel
and he takes the hill. No, he played for a
Dutch baseball team the year before. He's forty four years old,
and he throws six and two thirds innings, gives up
a pair of runs in an eleven to two win,
and he's becoming the stuff of legend. He's actually going
to start again on Thursday. This is unreal when they

play the Fargo Moorhead RedHawks.

Speaker 5 (26:31):
Well, listen, this.

Speaker 8 (26:33):
Was the dream of our forefathers living the dream. Absolutely yeah,
but but this this was the dream of our forefathers,
the the the writers of our constitution. Their thought process was, Look,

we're gonna put a framework in place.

Speaker 5 (26:56):
We're going to create a government for the people, by
the people.

Speaker 4 (27:00):
And among these elected officials are gonna be working folk.
You know, you're gonna have lawyers and business owners and
you know, farmers and uh, you know whatever, horticultural culturists
or minor league starting baseball pitchers hold office.

Speaker 3 (27:20):
Hey man, that that is a service to the community.

Speaker 5 (27:22):
Absolutely, absolutely.

Speaker 3 (27:25):
City you want to talk about during the day, you're
taking meetings, you're planning road construction and expansion, and that's right.
Maybe getting an extra wing put on the library, like
you're Andy Dufrain and Shawshank and now and now you're
pitching for your Sioux City Explorers.

Speaker 4 (27:44):
I think it's awesome. I I listen. I have no
idea who this person is. I don't know if they're
a Democrat. I don't know if they're an independent. I
don't know if they're Republican. But but this is a
great American story getting called, you know, from wherever he
was down the road to run out of the tunnel,
and he threw some gas for six and two thirds.

Speaker 3 (28:04):
So going into the backstory, right, he pitched for this
Dutch team last year. He was a member of the
Explorers until two thousand and seven. It was with them
for four seasons, long long ago. Now a state representative
obviously decided to make his base in Iowa and take
up a part in the local government, and now he's

dealing heat.

Speaker 5 (28:30):

Speaker 4 (28:31):
I love this story so much that you know, actually,
this reminds me of somebody else who just recently posted
a picture. I don't know if you saw this. I
think it was to his Twitter. So if you want
to search it really quick, go to jj Watt.

Speaker 3 (28:43):
So j how ridiculous is that?

Speaker 5 (28:45):
Did you see the picture?

Speaker 3 (28:46):
My god?

Speaker 5 (28:47):
Oh? Okay, so Joe.

Speaker 3 (28:49):
Is he going into bodybuilding or what?

Speaker 4 (28:50):
I don't know what the deal is, but he is,
as everybody knows, you know, another first ballot Hall of Famer.
He's just he's retired. He's waiting for his name to
be called. He'll go to Camon he'll have a bronze statue.
But in the interim he's he's opine or not opine,
but he's He stated that if the Houston Texans call, yeah,

he's gonna go play some football for the Houston Texans.
He will come out of retirement for the Houston Texans,
where he was drafted, obviously and made his early Defensive
Player of the Year appearances in the NFL. Jj Watt
took a picture of himself finishing up a workout in
one hundred and thirteen degree Arizona heat. I assume in
his garage, and he looks like an action figure.

Speaker 3 (29:36):
He looks he's looks like he goes drap it on.
There you go.

Speaker 5 (29:41):
He's Conan the Barbarian Ohne. It's unbelievable. All right.

Speaker 4 (29:45):
So he's thirty five, bikey, I'm thirty eight. We're both
retired football players.

Speaker 5 (29:51):
We are not the same. We are not the same.
JJ Watt is built of something different. I'm telling you
right now.

Speaker 4 (29:57):
If I took a picture of myself so wetted by
the midday sun with my garage door open, and and
it was even if it was after a tough workout. Boy,
oh boy, that our bodies do not look alike.

Speaker 3 (30:13):
And you know what, that's okay. Six years in the
league and a teammate here and Fox Sports Radio. Yeah,
we at orn Berger, master of the flamethrower.

Speaker 5 (30:24):
That's right. Maybe I'm maybe that's the problem.

Speaker 4 (30:27):
Maybe I'm maybe a couple of more bicep curls and
maybe less ribs, you know, maybe.

Speaker 3 (30:33):
But I mean, if they're bronto Bronosaurus ribs, I mean.

Speaker 4 (30:36):
Maybe maybe a few more squat thrusts and and not
so many cheeseburgers, you.

Speaker 5 (30:41):
Know, like I mean, they're the JJ Watt.

Speaker 4 (30:44):
Maybe he's taught maybe he's taught me a tough lesson
about what this thirty eight year old body is truly
capable of. And maybe I too, will play for the
Houston Texans if they call me out of retirement.

Speaker 3 (30:57):
This upcoming there, you got Rich Ornberger. You heard it
here first the Jason Smith Show with me Mike Harmon
on Fox Sports Radio. Hey, coming up, here's a sequel
that had a trailer today. It did not need to
be made. We'll tell you what that's all about in
a few but first it's our guy, Brian Fenlake, one
last time, Ben ben.

Speaker 7 (31:17):
Wick, World of Sports. Yeah, guys. So we got some
soccer going on. We obviously had the European Championships, the
semifinal and that win Spain's way to one against France.

Speaker 5 (31:27):
So that sets up.

Speaker 7 (31:28):
A Sunday final in the euro Final with the Spaniards
set to take on either England or Netherlands and those
who are going to battle it out on Wednesday, which
for most time zones is already today anyway, Also tonight
we had or depending upon if you're on the West Coast,

it is tonight, but yesterday if you're another time zones
other than the Mountain in Pacific. But we did have
the Copa America semifinal and that was a win for
Oura two nil, and it was Messi scoring his first
goal of the tournament. It was two nil against Canada.
Quickly and to Major League Baseball here and that's where

we frequent. We had a Dodgers lost ten to one
against the Phillies. Straight Turner hit a grand slam in
that one raise over the Yankees.

Speaker 5 (32:18):
Five to three.

Speaker 7 (32:19):
Rockies, they get hamstrung by the Reds twelve to six,
also wins for the Red Sox. The Mets, Astros and Pirates.
Rangers finish off the Angels five to four. The Padres
get stood up by the Mariners at home eight to three,
as Seattle is scoring the first seven runs of this

game and they went on to win that one. Blue
Jays also coming up just short on the road against
the Giants four to three. We had two postponed games
Royals and Cardinals because of rain, and we also had
twins in White Sox that was postponed because of rain.
But you know, Mike, as a White Sox fan, I
think there should be a way to put this tabulated

in the win loss column as they get it back
to you, guys, A postponement is kind of like a win.
I'll take a push, yeah, yeah, like a like a tie,
like a hockey tie where you get like a point now.

Speaker 3 (33:15):
But you know what, at this point, they deserve every
painful memory of the season that they've built.

Speaker 2 (33:20):
So you're not holding any rudges.

Speaker 3 (33:22):
No, let's get that doubleheader going. Yeah, win, loser draw.
You know, they are five and six in their last eleven. Wow,
So there you go.

Speaker 5 (33:29):
It's got to be a team record.

Speaker 3 (33:31):
Hey, good good job by your padres tonight. Yeah at
Brian Finley where you find him on Twitter. Hey, also
down in San Diego, our gut. Rich Hordberger in for
Jason Smith at Ornberger where you find him on Twitter. Yeah,
I mentioned sequels. I watched the trailer today and I
kept saying why why. We'll ask that question to the
nationwide and global audience and Rich.

Speaker 2 (33:51):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific.

Speaker 3 (33:59):
Quads run it up that hill Mike Harmon alongside Rich
Hornberger because Ornberger is back in training now that he's
staring at pictures of JJ Watt gotta listen to the
whole show. Podcast goes up about fifteen minutes from now.
Wherever you get your audio download and give it five stars,
rate it, review it, and then pass it along to
friends and family. We're building empire here The Jason Smith

Show with me, Mike Carmin Fine Rich on Twitter at
Ornberger find me at Swollen Dome. Yeah, the road to
Swolve does not stop. Rich Hornberger. No, it doesn't you
know that you got you got two little boys that
you gotta you know, you gotta torment them through their lives,
Gotta got your teenage daughters that I'm like, I can't
wait to see what the next act brings. So you know,

some of that in between our mass consumption and creation
of gastronomic delights.

Speaker 5 (34:48):
That's right, that's right. Yeah, there's no question, you know.
And that's the thing.

Speaker 4 (34:52):
As you get older, the more you realize, as I'm
approaching forty, that you're no longer you're just getting in
shape to look better in a bathing suit or you know,
in my first career, to be better at a sport.
You're you start thinking in terms of like it's almost

like putting money into a savings account, Like you're thinking, like,
this is the rainy day fund. Like I'm trying to
stick around for a little while here. I'm gonna, you know,
try to lose a couple LB's and make sure that
the ticker stays in good shape and all those things.
This way, you know, I could see some graduations, maybe
see a couple of wedding days, maybe meet some grandchildren.

Speaker 3 (35:32):
Later on, maybe a draft selection.

Speaker 5 (35:35):
Yeah, potentially whether.

Speaker 3 (35:37):
It's in hurling, curling, Gaelic football, the National Football League, lacrosse.
I mean there's lots of avenues.

Speaker 5 (35:44):
That's true. That's true.

Speaker 3 (35:46):
Competitive eating, well absolutely, raft Yeah, well but I mean
you can rise up the rankings and you got to
teach them sleight of hands. So a little bit of
magic training if you're gonna do that plate cheating handle
thing that we talked about a little bit earlier. Slight
of hand, man.

Speaker 5 (36:04):
That's right, that's what.

Speaker 3 (36:06):
Now you're in the books. Now everybody's gonna be watching
every move and they're gonna go back to the Zabruder
film and see if they can't see that slight of hand.

Speaker 5 (36:13):
That's right, that's right.

Speaker 3 (36:15):
Meanwhile, he's training instead of training eating hot dogs, he's
watching can you see me?

Speaker 5 (36:21):

Speaker 3 (36:21):
And two? Hey? How fast are the hands of Jesse Eisenberg?

Speaker 5 (36:24):
What what? Okay?

Speaker 4 (36:26):
So, just to peel back the curtain a little bit,
we had a quick text exchange are you are you
in or out on the new Gladiator trailer?

Speaker 3 (36:36):
Well, yeah, any time you got Denzel in, I mean
I'm gonna watch it. Yeah, but do I need the movie?
I thought the first was a perfect movie.

Speaker 5 (36:44):
It really was.

Speaker 3 (36:45):
I don't really think there's anything I needed there. I
got Sir Richard Harris in his final role. I got
Russell Crowe and Joaquin Phoenix. I mean I got a
cast and a story arc that that didn't need anything.
I don't need to see the next chapter.

Speaker 5 (37:01):
See I you know what.

Speaker 4 (37:02):
I hate this about my personality sometimes because it probably
sets me up for disappointment. But I'm unfortunately I'm a
more is better guy until but I I.

Speaker 5 (37:15):
Can admits the love of competitive eating. Well, yes, of course, I.

Speaker 4 (37:19):
Mean please, and I don't think aboutlone because I guarantee
this is good.

Speaker 5 (37:23):
This is a November, a late November release, November.

Speaker 3 (37:26):
What it will be huge. There's no question it's.

Speaker 5 (37:28):
Gonna be right around the holidays. People are just gonna
be jamming. I I can't wait. I can't wait.

Speaker 4 (37:35):
The they've got the boat scenes in the the Roman
Colisseum where they're they're doing like the clash of the
boats inside of the colset they're having I think it's
Claudius's Sun becomes the next Gladiator.

Speaker 5 (37:50):

Speaker 3 (37:51):
So you've got some of the originals popping back in.
Barry Keegan, the dude that from that that weird movie
where he was dancing around and uh, you know natural uh,
and he played the joker, right, you know in the Batman. Uh,
you've got Connie Nils in his back pedro, Pascal Mandalorian
and and things that he's done. This fantastic Paul Mascal

is the lead. I mean, you've got a great cast.
It's just still the just from the Philosophical I didn't
need this, right because because most no, she is not.

Speaker 5 (38:24):
Oh, I can't believe you the and uh who is
the sister of the of Joaquin Phoenix's.

Speaker 3 (38:31):
Yeah, so it's Connie Nielson.

Speaker 4 (38:32):
Honey, dude, I couldn't believe when when I saw her
in the trailer, I'm like, that's got to be like
artificial intelligence.

Speaker 3 (38:41):
She was in the Wonder Woman movies. Oh my god,
go back to the Devil's Advocate is fine. One of
my one of my favorites. Right, that's that's a guilty pleasure.

Speaker 5 (38:49):
He is a great flick. Wow. Yeah, well I'll tell
you what. How about this.

Speaker 4 (38:54):
We're trying to put together a viewing party in San Diego.

Speaker 5 (38:58):
Okay, if we pull it off and show up, Okay,
all right.

Speaker 4 (39:01):
All right, you're right, and listen I will admit when
I am normally a mores better guy, but I am
willing to admit when I'm wrong. I will admit it
if I think that this is too over the top, unnecessary,
what have you.

Speaker 5 (39:14):
But I have a feeling. Look, I feel it's gonna
be great.

Speaker 3 (39:18):
Well, you got Denzel in and we were going through
you know, sequelization. I referenced Anchorman two earlier. First time
I saw it. Look, it led me, uh taking on
a bigger role here at Fox Sports Radio and a
call that I got as I got into the lobby,
which was great, but in the moment movie didn't work
for me. Over time, it grew on me. So that's

the other part of it, right, the immediacy. I may
reject it, but then it needs revisiting years. Hence right,
we were talking about Terminator and Terminator two. I prefer
the first one, but I but I don't dismiss the second.

Speaker 5 (39:51):
Seem I'm different.

Speaker 4 (39:53):
So and maybe that's the reason why I okay, so
Terminator too. In my eyes, it it dwarfs the original.
And and here's the crazy thing, I actually watched them
out of order. I watched Terminator two first, which a
lot of people say, well, oh, you have to watch
the first one, like no, no, no, it's a standalone flick.

You could watch Terminator two and everything makes perfect sense.
They did just enough, you know, exposition and explanation prior
to getting into the whole Sarah Kana, John Connor, Arnold Schwarzenator,
you know, good guy Terminator thing for you to understand
exactly what happened. And then I went back and I
watched Terminator one, much older flick. Granted it didn't hold

a candle to two. So maybe that's that's the problem.
Maybe I cut my teeth in certain action movies on
the sequel, and that's the reason.

Speaker 3 (40:43):
Have to take it to sports. Right, you got Rocky
and Rocky two, great movies, fine and good, but what
do we remember Rocky three and Rocky four? Watch better villains.
That's right, No disrespect to Apollo Creed, great, great character,
but the others were just over the top.

Speaker 5 (40:57):
They're better anyway.

Speaker 3 (40:59):
He's right, Jordan, He's gonna have some film festivals for
us to attend at Hornburger. Catch him in San Diego
tomorrow morning. I'll be back tomorrow night with Jason Fitz
Ben Maller coming up next.

Speaker 5 (41:09):
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